#I might expend
leafy-yezi · 1 year
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Still thinking about them
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vinestaff · 1 month
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sighs. another guy in my brain i guess
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thebramblewood · 5 months
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Y2K Requested by @bloomingkyras, @aheathen-conceivably, @dead-lights, @dreamlandiasims and @gooretrait Starring Helena Zhao as the pop princess, Caleb Vatore as the heartthrob, Morgyn Ember as the sensitive one and Lilith Vatore as the edgy one
Featuring @gunthermunch's stunning new Reshade preset, Artaud!
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wellhellothereem · 2 days
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made some art for some playlists I am making on spotify based off of Pressure so I needed covers :3c I really enjoyed the colors I did on these ones!!!
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screamingfromuz · 10 months
Ok, fine, let's talk about why sometimes I fucking hate identity politics. Your identity, your lived experience, does not make you automatically right about a subject that is not your personal experience.
your identity is important because it gives you a certain perspective that is unique to your lived experience, which can allow a more meaningful examination of subjects, it does not mean you are automatically right about something or have a higher moral standing grounds.
here is a timely example, I have been hearing a lot of "listen to the holocaust survivors! they have a higher moral ground! they know better then everyone what it looks like! their perspective must be better!" as if to say that because they survived the holocaust they must have a higher understanding of horrors. this is bullshit, and my timely example is Henry Kissinger (Oh yeah baby, we are going there). The guy fled the Nazis as a child, does it give him the moral high ground? does it means his understanding of abusive governments is the definitive authority? NO! that fucker was the living embodiment of the end justify the means and he was ready to sacrifice everyone and everything if it meant preserving what he decided is the USian interests. If I would have tried to give him the moral high ground just because he survived the Nazis people will justifiably call foul!
Being a victim or being from a victimized group does not makes you automatically right about everything! Abuse victims can still be toxic and abusive. I will give another example that is gonna piss some people off (GOOD):
being a woman does not give you a monopoly on defining what is and is not abuse and sexual harassment. Yes, women has more experience in the matter but for fuck sake I cannot even count how many times women I know refused to admit blatant abuse and sexual harassment. Or on the flip side, I saw women call innocent things abusive and sexual harassment! their womanhood did not gave them the definitive authority on the matter.
I know rape victims that advocates that all men are monsters and seek to abuse women. Will you say that they are more right than others because they were abused by a man? Does their experience give them the definitive authority on masculinity?
and you know what, in for a penny in for a pound. In Israel the families of the fallen get a kind of saintly position, where their word is given higher regards then other citizens, and let me tell you people, that is fucking bullshit. Having lost a family member in a war or a terrorist attack does not mean that you are automatically know better! I have heard so much bullshit from some of those families, and people don't call it out because it was a Shacol Family!
and this goes to everyone! if you lost a family member to a shitty situation you do not automatically know how to fix the broken system that killed them! Being right about the way to fix the system is what makes you right about it!
Grief does not makes you superior to others, or make you more right, it just makes your a grieving person.
don't get me wrong, your experiences and identity does give you important perspective and it should be taken in account when examining stuff, and can even help you develop a perspective for matters that can offer deeper understandings. you are always right about your own experiences.
still doesn't make you automatically right about all the other stuff, like the experiences of others. or how the world should work.
So the next person that tells me that someone is automatically right about everything based on their identity alone and not facts, can fuck off. Your identity and experiences does not means shit if you are fucking wrong.
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brown-little-robin · 7 months
How self-insert-y do I want to get with this new oc 🤔
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bobcat-pie · 24 days
sci fi story where the last thing someone remembers is getting a full-body scan of their genes and memories. They have woken up 200 years in the future.
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dont-offend-the-bees · 10 months
Shit bro first hormone appointment in two days hold my hand
#am excited and scared#idk how honest i should be really#and idk what the guy's like#and I'm excited from a personal standpoint (holy shit yes hormones finally)#but scared/worried from a yknow. societal standpoint.#doing this in 2023 on terf island probably isn't the best move#and idk it's kinda daunting when i could write a laundry list of cons#and the pros list basically just amounts to 'makes me happy c:'#but like. i guess that's transition in a nutshell right?#we don't do this shit bc it's easy#if i could be content with the easy option (i.e. present as cis)#i would do that#bc i fucking hate expending any effort for anything abjsjdjfjdjjsd#aaaaaaa. two days to go.#might all be moot ig. they might reject me out of hand#and if they don't there's a good chance they'll reject me at the second appointment bc of my health#but yeah excited and scared is how I'd put it#but i simply don't think I'll ever know for certain that this is what i need until i try it#because i can second guess/talk myself out of ANYTHING. no joke.#and I'm soooo fucking. tired of being that bitch who's always waiting for shit to happen.#or waiting for the perfect time or whatever#waiting and thinking and waiting and thinking it's all i dooooooo#i need to get out of my fucking head#and i need to do fucking Something that deters perfect strangers from clocking me as female within seconds of knowing me#despite how fucking bewildering that feels to me as like. a soft masc presenting individual. who really doesn't get where they got that from#anyway its not with the gic but it is on the nhs#it's an appt with a local endocrinologist#so if anyone else has been prescribed hormones that way and has any advice/insight on how this appointment might play out dm me lmao#mr. bees speaks
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qsmprambling · 1 year
I'm curious about Bad's reaction when him and Bagi spoke about her funeral yesterday. Bad was genuinely interested in the fact that she wanted people to be happy and remember her as a happy person even though she is often sad.
Bad: So you want people to be happy at your funeral, even though you're miserable most of the time? Bagi: Yeah, because I want to see people happy. Bad: Why do you want to see people happy? Bagi: Uh... because... I don't know, it's so horrible to be sad. Bad: Hmm Bagi: I'm already sad. I don't want people to be sad too. Bad: Interesting...
He then made a joke about how you can't spell funeral without 'fun' 😆
But there was just something about the way Bad responded, his in-character actions and his tone of voice... you can tell he (qBad the character) was genuinely curious about her views and would nod and look off as he considered what she was saying. It made me think he was drawing parallels and either identified/agreed with her, found her view genuinely unusual, or it was making him consider his own view on some things. It's hard to tell, but it felt like an interesting moment for qBad even if I can't quite understand exactly what it is he is thinking.
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been in a reading slump these past few months & it’s making me soooooo upset because i keep trying to read this book or that book & it’s all just words to me 🥹 poetry is fine, manga is fine, visual novels are fine, but none of the novels i’ve started & abandoned lately have felt like… anything. it’s like i can TELL that there’s a whole world to discover there but i’m seeing it through a thick sheet of frosted glass so it all seems vague and unreal and meaningless to me & i just can’t figure out how to clear or completely get rid of the glass. i’m not sure if if i should give it a rest for a while until something finally clicks or if i should keep at it until novel-reading makes me feel something again
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ef-1 · 3 months
im so sorry in advance 😗✌️
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thefixer · 8 months
fuck it ...      like this for a action based / or angst starter .   
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every time i see a stupid joe alwyn stan calling travis kelce a brainless, freeloading, gold digger jock i feel ready to hit someone with a bat. like. you can’t be for real. you can’t be saying those things in all seriousness. do you know how much of an ignorant, prejudiced snob you are??? and to defend a man with a mediocre at best career acting???? just because you think being “classy” and “intellectual” or whatever the fuck you think that guy is makes him inherently superior to an athlete??? just because you’re prejudiced and ridiculous enough to think that athletes are inferior beings???? like, shut upppppppp. you’re just pretentious and idiotic and a bore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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lesbianlotties · 1 year
so i don't hate Jeff. i'm not invested in him at all. i mean at least he's more entertaining than travis, but i don't hate him. that being said, this guy has to die at some point, hopefully soon
on one hand, because he is, in some way, the last piece of Jackie that Shauna has
as a teen, Shauna slept with Jeff as a messed-up way to be with Jackie. but since the show started, we saw Shauna lose Jackie, break the weird relationship with Jackie's parents, lose Jackie's corpse, burn the diaries, eventually we'll know what happened with the necklace, and when Jeff dies, the last connection with something that used to be Jackie's will be gone. the very last piece of Jackie on the show will be Shauna herself
and! on the other hand, because, on a show that's all about the complex relationships between these unique women and their unusual lives and circumstances, it would be so contradictory and painfully frustrating, regardless of how faked, or specially because of how faked it is, if at the end of the day shauna's attempt at a hetero cis white suburban nuclear family was the center of the show, the last survivors, the heroes of the story
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lususnatura · 2 months
okay, but i can just see that because blamore is canonically still new to gotham's underground, that a fair amount of people might not know what he really looks like. and because of that... some people might go off of the very vague descriptions that have gone around of him, that states it's either SUPER hard to look at with how its ribs stick out of it and its spine can grow in size + blamore can literally strangle someone with it if he's able to get a grip on them. or that it's morbidly kind of beautiful with all of the flora on it,, like, there's no in between LOL. and as a result — i bet y'all can imagine people's shock when they finally see him, only to discover that he has kept his good looks for sure to the point where it's almosttt possible to forget that it's a plant monster.
like, idk about you all, but... i think he can kind of get it y'know LMAO not to brag or anything OFC. i'm just saying that because one of it's powers being bone manipulation; and with that, wearing clothing such as robes that it can easily shrug his arms out of and such is probably a common occurrence for it now that i think about it so that he doesn't rip it + it'd just be graceful as hell to see blamore wearing these billowy robes that trail down behind it in my humble opinion okok
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standfucker · 3 months
depressing personal etc
depression wins this round, I'm afraid
I'll see you guys in a week or so
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