#I might rewrite it sometime with the same idea hmmmggnnh
pen-observing · 3 years
synopsis: You’ve been hired from Fontaine to close a new deal. It just so happens that the man you are negotiating with looks too much like a soulmate as he sits across from you.
Diluc x reader word count: 570  warning: legit written in 15 minutes and word vomit because im going through it.
Diluc Ragnvidr enters your life in the same way that the sun enters the sky when it dawns; just to claim it’s throne. You suppose it seems rather fitting. Someone of his stature and elegance, someone who would even make the most stubborn stars bow down to them – deserves a throne. Even if he sees the matter of aristocratic families and legacy without honor as a nuisance.  
Are you the stars that bow down before him? Do you bend your knee with grace as he walks past you? Absolutely not.   You have your own pride and mission. You did not come to this town just to bend the knee so weakly. This trip is business. You can leave a starry trail on the roads you pass. You can even leave some stardust on the stairs of his home but you can never leave weakness adjacent to him and his existence. Why? Because finding love in a lover like the sun is not the objective with which you have been sent. You are here to negotiate a new deal for Fontaine.  
Diluc Ragnvidr is surely persistent about not loosening the terms. They told you before you left that it might take a month while you swore that all you need is 3 days at most. How foolish of you.
The simple spec of stardust and a weak gleam will not be enough. So, you are not the stars. The stars would have already been extinguished in his presence. You can’t change fate either. A shame.
In fact, you curse the stars for ever bringing you here. Being so proud of what you managed to accomplish, thinking that nobody could come close to the coercive nature with which you close business deals was not arrogance; it was simply the reputation that followed you. But now, you sit across a man who somehow manages to see through the manipulative attempts with sharp eyes.  
You sit across from the only other person that ever challenged you in such a way. In theory, you should be mad with wounded pride to disguise, but, all you can feel when he crosses his arms and looks your way is admiration.  
If you are not the stars; you are the moon. Him being the sun just means that you’ve finally met an equal. Naturally, you shine in different ways and with varying intensity but nothing else can come close to the two of you.  
It has been a week now and you are sure of it. Diluc Ragnvidr is the closest to a soulmate you’ve ever met. That is the conclusion which forms from the fountain called truth. Yet, it does not feel like the shock of waves hitting you on the shore.   After negotiations are finally over (on which you managed to compromise even if initially you wanted all in your favor) you decide to tell him. You’ve spent a week and a half arguing with this man through fake politeness to uphold expectation and manners. The last you can do right now is be honest with him before departing. If you’ve felt this strongly about someone then surely he must feel the same.
“I think I could fall in love with you.” - is what your voice says.
“Don’t.” - is all that he replies.  
You see, how foolish once again from your side. You two are not soulmates, you are twin flames at most. The stars or the moon do not rival the sun. Even if they did – you are neither. You are just someone who got eclipsed. And it is your fault.
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