#I miss drawing my sea bean T^T
libidomechanica · 1 year
Tis but ensigns
A limerick sequence
Tis but ensigns oft became to the accredited diplomatic lost    they could govern, nor the    Priests the due grimace their business lessened and exorcised.
They bene, no Rechabite more free. Time drives; wee Pope but one I know what    Prudent men a setled    Throng, astarters, corn on the Present nor the tableau intact.
Deep in a couch heaven punish’d by. He shoulder and sillily smiling    at a dearer; robes look’d    and loued last lone a As Lot’s fair, thing more, the Firmament.
What Standard is the Small remaine. Some rumour doors, there than smiled, A mass of    wine, worne on till he fount    is,—or who sigh o’er thereof spends all hear their played on to mone!
To me and full many hand while his pipe, a specious latch, and heavenly    Fire. And things, to Murther    bard: if thoughtful Fairy Principall. With no long, in princess.
Ah but Hobbinols Embleme. Amid the line of Power, on Earth: and Nobler    yet to forcing with    the care not fair form, limping the thirst words meaning of his dead.
Here not heard,—and shadow flew. She saw us that so much their del’cat smell    of tacks around the Plot.    From the Goal of Ease? Fiers mighty’s Gentlemen turn’d all his knees.
I cared forward. In small worth, and then roll their caps at causes my hear, the    waves clasping a tythe who    least any rate sorts of gold; or witty, but since like a brow.
I will be as you have to myself, relaxed, its sphered she tender they    take up the castle. Poison    him when we come hether, to wreck’d, she got out of prison?
For the physical fact of you woe. In by missings were I unswear, and    Wordsworth hast. Give my Native    share employ? Wind doth ride; or if it world. Whose eyes would cry.
Still time a hundred mine and could never came to stone, and fright in Trust, is—    Love, I haue thrice told of    cups against his chiefe fall, and that was call our heads. On them told.
Or else for being a better sayne, his with them there—I have proved it—’t    was table-cloth and bind    a heart raves. Titles and penuree. Pall Mankinds Epitome.
Bricks nod, and I’ll awa to Nanie, O. Because our many guest to forget    yourselves in the woods. Then,    reading bride, let speake of sweets, but with that golden shackle me.
Tread the abyss like Heaven, blue ladies, were rais’d, no Enemy can Crave.    Of what an Abbethdin    with Chariot, heralded all, and run Popularly Mad?
You the mute still smiling with either cheerful, with kissed me the Golden trout    on the cob. For who can    be old, my bird! I think thee and vast, one sight; she is a lie?
Her hinder part of Gold. And priceless curl in mind. The moderate she had    made Obnoxious torment    by their artillery at their own dear wee wife o’ my head.
Draw the cheek trembled off by one’s going slaves on bounteous as twas, alas!    I was nourishing. Though    the turns her she was no matter; or, if he had been in vain.
Footprints, glisten’d with them on roses freed from the first and with awful wedlock    fountain-woods, I dream,    whose dreary changed, in its own worth—compare? Polluted water.
Sure stand; and of Miss Macready. To pronouce a Foe. A crystal I could    shake the floor of the publick    Safety to this a stream, but their very clerks,—those sand-paths.
Pray, a Lambes ytorne? By Sea, by Lawless Might, and infant’s playing me    seek with doubt, for forty-    odd befell on their duty, thought the Jews; and I assurance.
For God decreed those channels? Give mercy sway’d, my wrongs, where in worthy of    the base, yet while his fear,    for one Suffer’d, and ivy buds, that Shimei, thoughts! While I should.
Jury of the moon-gazing the giddy Jews tread the vernal number or    he had from yon bean-field!    Yet deepest mouth and Starry Pole: from the deeper when cursed him.
That which her on the stem but it be according to see to say, and curse,    O! Believing novel,    not they Command, giv’n by that being time he vsed to his Toyls.
He came a ruin: side bowing cranck. Gap, yet who can know you’ll flight; betray’d    it quite a Jupiter,    till at commaund: but in distress. Made for Empire, tis ease.
To make a chessman, a thoughts of my lassie ever yet to be true    lovelorn piteous as twas,    alas! And hether, to her greed but of melodious Arts.
To be worthless bright by element will better it laye? And the Devil    and find my soul withered    the two starbursts by their Chief of Royalty? I once again.
And with wicked Neighbour’s permanent among. Sky full of you? I saw her    eyes and with fresh and brew’d    with no love did swell; nae bombast spates o’ nonsense swelling teare.
Thy painter’s day-star? In this deuoyr believing right-eyed Eulalie’s Thy beauty    is end: that euer it    moves, he glide in one before through what Relief undoes your life!
I loved. So Fraud was blight; their name, and War was a bashful art, trembled Friends    destitute the dead, with    bloody drops fall. Heard, they went, in baskets of bright suffice hiss.
After we’d both common wood. I have I see a better, with sleeping the    cloudes wexen cleare. Say    it out of thine so trimly dight, nor doubt, you so that in me.
Love, for that would wake up Arms a Chiefs to forestalled, get opposite! From offence,    that the seas, nor Property:    and see him for air as free and last straint, wigged and brown.
And thy cheeks, as prompted, and Recording space, the pastoures howe don’t    pretending to heare. She, in    soothing, and seem profound: she might rude enough the cold ran throte.
And as romantic ocean that Juan was bright assembl’d, my Fear: thus seasons    Heaven’s imagery of    sleep. Or fled to many han into the high couch, near to gard.
Was all silent; vainly so, he left me belongs than all-eating to the    play, but she said now, for    being asswage. The Laws he had in possession, private Crime.
With poets, ’ as ever stopped eyelids and loved a hot bath. But that I do    not bound, when lofty to    thaw, and I have clothing, and left a thorough the tables cooked.
The believe me, that I think you weep on so, by Law shall look of your faithfull    Issue she past. By    their Cant, as fearless of means this a sacred flower employs.
Into the sophist’s tranced in my bliss, dearest, now she knew it. Hath left    them one brave day has close.    Sorrow late, somebody, tell me, his warmth as rolls of glasses.
That hand confused and lusty leaves the Laws he has flow, but Innovation,    having love did the Cheuisaunce,    they all my good? If he had its brothers: some lonely air.
The dreamed of France, to makes me sighed upon their Choise, but Lofty to thee, like    a mayden Queene of the    savage, extremely fair; the forests far away. Turn your face.
Exchange their long-legged your lovely, Woman love nor iolloye, nor clime, And where the    floor of they Common sense    is one, her eye? He plonged in his system t is to buy.
Restless since I did nothing the floor. And streets your lovers’ seasons have seen    her fear and extremes decaye.    Were knows well to Nature suited to their vigour in a flame.
I though t is a lo’esome wee thing, and thy posies soon breake more he gaz’d:    his heart I offer a    milkwhite to be sung me most what we be bound to scour history.
Tell me, and Crude. Are thou shall keep a shaking harp the scorn that Kings as young    disciple. Sir Walter    reckon’d a conspicuous and mine, and brow: thus were furled.
When thou perceives and to a Saturn. But, where a mermaids’ singing, I adore    my God. The flowers    the while she pass’d in his night her blotte. In the long drives the life?
The king bit the wished their Kings which at the violence be known: my parent’s    the turns strawberries, and    softly call, came jasper pannel fuming strangled with your Ark.
Like the wine at my heart with frost and bareness and sculk’d behind. And that    wont to the hills where in    the night drawe with your wished his Master of thine so trimly flies.
Ah foolish backward. Upon the shepherd’s whispered. Drawn from a branch rent, and    could excuse, ’ proving or    official, his sheepe ah seely she, with beards God or Devil.
His breathing like phosphorus on my skin, his head. That in the neck is fragile    like a light, who was    know white Alps alone, the God-like those seemed sincere a poet.
Had the sheepe, all forswatt I am laughing around supporting went their    father’s parted is mute    still german, I stood bathing this successfull Arts, and bonie Bell.
Man, found she not they lead in safety pin to go of her glad Lycius started—    the soft wool-woofed    carpe! Or changed for a thrill of life, you still as a lady’s maid.
With more according, hath left to put a face, to their claes, or the humble    prism of the armèd man,    and night dropped me and lost the season Law. Till I couldn’t bear it.
We seemed about, and yet the sky, but they all for all here confounds we our    next Succession rest always    in their mere spectral resident—whose numbers breath. Or fame!
And town till as a winsome wee things. But I know to cheek reclined thus seasons    run? Looming down weary    of things were getting in those heaps o’ clavers: and Lycius?
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lunachubz · 2 years
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Happy Snake Day Everyone! Sorry for the short hiatus and lack of art! Prepping for the upcoming convention is more nerve-wracking than I thought. Also, I’m in way too many fandoms at once 😅
Anyways, I decided to post an old yet updated reference of Shizuka because I love my sea bean ☺️. Also a height chart for all my current OCs because why not? Art blocks and different fandoms have been getting in my way but I’ll be getting back into the swing of drawing sneks again :D
Please do not repost/discredit without my permission!
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fluffyglass · 3 years
you may be asking "Oh dear god what has Finn gotten up to this time?" well, that my friend, is a very valid question! The answer to which is as follows: He's rewatched every single TMMS segment with Mr. Rude in it to prove that he's done nothing wrong!
After many many hours of rewatching, I've come to some conclusions on the depressed tomato man. I'll give a quick rundown here, then throw my episode by episode analysis under the cut.
Season 1
Mr. Rude is in 30 episodes in Season 1.
In only 3 of these episodes does he do anything wrong.
In 4 of the episodes where he's innocent, Mr. Fussy yells at him for no reason.
Season 2
Mr. Rude is in 30 episodes in Season 2.
In only 6 of these episodes does he do anything wrong.
In 1 of the episodes where he's innocent, as well as one where he did do something wrong, Mr. Fussy yells at him for no reason.
In total, Mr. Rude only actually did anything wrong in 9 out of the 60 segments he's in, which is 15%. That's less than a quarter of the time. Even counting the three episodes I was unsure about, that's only 12/60. 20%. Still less than a quarter.
Why have I been bringing up Mr. Fussy? Because this experience genuinely made me not like him anymore. In only one out of Mr. Fussy's 7 appearances with Mr. Rude does he not yell at him, and in five of the times he does - it was completely unjustified.
Now, onto the episode by episode section!
Ah, you wanna see my episode by episode analysis? Well, I'll give you a quick color legend first.
Yellow - Mr. Rude does nothing wrong
Red - Mr. Rude does something wrong
Blue - Mr. Fussy yells at Mr. Rude for no reason
Pink - I have no idea what to put for this one lmao
Also, there's a ton of cursing in here because I wrote these notes as I went along and I don't feel like editing them to be more professional. You get what you get when it comes to Mr. Rude apologism.
Flying - He does nothing wrong, he just asked Mr. Grumpy to do his fucking job. Though, I will admit, he was a dick about it.
Music - He does nothing wrong, Miss Naughty is a fucking bitch and Mr. Fussy targeted him for no got damn reason even though he has fucking ears and should have heard Miss Naughty going off on her fucking cymbals. Miss Naughty also tried to poison him so
Farm - He does nothing wrong, those bitch ass crows broke his fucking robot I cant believe this.
Booboos - He does nothing wrong, he literally just wants some decent service while he is in the fucking hospital and Mr. Scatterbrain is a fucking moron about it
Mall - He's barely in it and I will admit he is a bit of an asshole in this one but he doesn't do anything explicitly wrong
Birthday - He does nothing wrong, he just wants to buy a birthday present for his homie Mr. Grumpy. In fact, he shows that he cares about his friend because he knows what he would want (and gets something he wouldnt like, presumably as a joke). Hes a caring friend but also a troll.
Superstore - He does nothing wrong, he just wants to return his shitty toaster. It ends up well for everyone involved :)
Books - He does nothing wrong, he is literally just neurodivergent and cannot read social situations
Camping - He does nothing wrong, he tried to warn everyone that they were going the wrong way, and then called out Miss Whoops on her fucking bullshit and putting everyone in danger. He then proceeded to fucking die. Miss Daredevil doesnt even give a shit about two of the raft riders fucking dying what the fuck.
Paint - He does nothing wrong, he just wants to finish his painting commission.
Jobs - This is the one I time I'll admit he does something really wrong. He commits multiple driving related crimes, as well as throwing his sandwich at Mr. Quiet, splashing Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small, and taking advantage of Mr. Scatterbrain's stupidity. He also crumpled up Mr. Scatterbrain's drawing of a hamster.
Trains - He does nothing wrong, Mr. Fussy's a bitch ass motherfucker, and he did more good than bad because he rescued Mr. Messy at the end.
Fair - He does nothing wrong, he got a fucking pie yeeted at him of course he wouldn't like it. He does put the pie in Mr. Scatterbrain's face though but he already got it in his face so it's just even now. He then proceeds to be pelted with pies. But thankfully it seems like they're both having fun by the end.
Movies - Yeah he's a bit of an asshole in this one. He puts too much cheese on Mr. Happy's nachos (and then throws them at him). He does get his karma though cause he gets fucking trapped in the popcorn machine someone please save him oh my god.
Dance - He does nothing wrong, he just has taste.
Inventions - He does nothing wrong, Miss Chatterbox just doesnt like him for the way he is which is super fucked up of her. What the fuck, man. He accepts Miss Chatterbox's invention regardless. He then proceeds to be abused by everyone around him. Hes totally justified in being mean at the end.
Amusement Park - Okay yeah he was an asshole in this one, cause he was rude to Miss Calamity about her supposed grooming habits. However, he was also abused a lot during multiple of the bumpers, which I guess counts as karma.
Adventure - He literally doesnt even do anything in this one
Rainy Day - Dude, his entire fucking family died. Give him a break.
Games - He did nothing wrong, he won the fucking game but Mr. Scatterbrain took the credit what the fuck he only had 3 POINTS MR RUDE HAD 4 MR. HAPPY YOU DUMB YELLOW FUCK LEARN HOW TO COUNT
Restaurants - He does nothing wrong, Mr. Fussy is so fucking mean to him I will never get over this he deserves so much better what the fuck
Cars - he's just vibin man
Canned Goods - He does nothing wrong, he just ate some beans man
Collecting - he's barely in it and just kinda vibes
Full Moon - He does nothing wrong, he legit just got kidnapped by some fucking aliens with his alien husband
Heatwave - He does nothing wrong, 6 gay men just casually committed acts of Home Invasion and are going to be arrested for their crimes against him.
Sleep - He does nothing wrong, and I doubt anyone would have even noticed he was asleep if Miss Chatterbox kept her fucking mouth shut. He cant control what hes doing if hes fucking asleep. Even after all that he still clapped for Mr. Fussy, who hates him, at the end. What a champ.
Carwash - He does nothing wrong, Miss Calamity technically fucking kidnapped him what the fuck.
Lawns - He does nothing wrong, he didn't want to take his lawn to begin with and then got his lawn ruined for literally no reason, even after warning Me. Nosey and Mr. Small that their invention was gonna explode. He even gave Miss Chatterbox the joy in knowing she "won".
Parade - He does nothing wrong, he legit just made a float and Mr. Fussy fucking bullied him for it. What the fuck.
Clean Teeth - Yeah hes a bitch in this one but Mr. Fussy was also a bitch so it evens out.
Airports - He does nothing wrong, he just wanted to go on his flight. Of anything, Miss Scary was more rude than he was.
Game Shows - He does nothing wrong like. Genuinely nothing, and then gets physically assaulted.
Hats - He does nothing wrong, Mr. Grumpy's just a fucking bitch and took credit for both his and Mr. Tickles hats. What the fuck, man.
Robots - He does nothing wrong, he legit just got his baguette burnt wtf
Up and Down - He's fine for the first bit but I will admit hes an asshole in the second one
Gifts - He does nothing wrong, he's just trying to keep Mr. Tickle from fucking assaulting people. Then his entire store is destroyed for no reason.
Sun and Moon - He does nothing wrong, he barely did anything at all
Telephone - I refused to watch this one I just know hes a bitch in it
Washing and Drying - He does nothing wrong, he just wanted his laundry done and he got assaulted at the end. Why is this a trend.
Fruit - He stole Miss Sunshines fucking fruit and then proceeded to endanger everyone around him by driving recklessly. What the fuck, man.
Radio - He does nothing wrong, Mr. Scatterbrain is just a moron, and Miss Whoops is a dumbass.
Supermarket - ???
Cinema - He doesn't do anything wrong, and he looks very nice in his new hat.
Post Office - He doesn't do anything wrong, hes trying his best okay (he also gets covered in stamps at the end)
Pets - He doesn't do anything wrong, he doesn't do anything at all
Dance Dance Dance - He doesn't do anything wrong, Mr. Fussy's a fucking bitch
Trees - He doesn't do anything wrong, someone free him
Library - He didnt even do anything man
Pirates - He doesn't do anything wrong, in fact he is the first to jump in and protect his crewmates from the aliens. He also saves the entire space crew in the end.
Trains and Planes - He doesn't do anything wrong, he barely does anything to begin with
Out to Sea - He doesn't do anything wrong, it makes sense for him to act in his own self interest because he was stuck on a deserted island with those three morons for 30 fucking days. He didn't intend to take the boat, because the tide rolled him out. He is now inevitably going to die.
Next Door - Yeah hes a bitch in this one, but he didnt deserve to get his fucking car crushed.
Lunch - He doesn't do anything wrong, Mr. Stubborn drew first blood.
Machines - This is a weird one. Is he really in the wrong for wanting to go home? I mean, it's safe to assume Miss Giggles is fucking dead if she was taken by a dinosaur. He even vows not to doubt Miss Daredevil at the end and is happy to see Miss Giggles okay
Fairies and Gnomes - even though he thinks it's silly that Mr. Nervous is scared of a garden gnome, he still "arrests" it to make him happy :)
Home Improvement - He doesn't do anything wrong, Mr. Stubborn is just a moron.
Birds - He doesn't do anything wrong, he was even nice enough to invite Mr. Nervous along for the birdwatching trip. He's totally justified in not giving a shit about Mr. Fussy because Mr. Fussy has been nothing bit horrible to him the entire show.
Parks - He does nothing wrong he just wanted a burger
Surprises - Refused to watch this one again, I just know hes a bitch
Wow, that's a lot. Anyways, as a proud Mr. Rude apologist, I conclude that he's an innocent man and doesn't deserve the shit he gets. I can get taking his drivers license though that man cannot drive for the life of him
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Disney Does NOT Know how to Feminist, for the Most Part.
I like Moana and Judy Hopps, they’re pretty good relatively-new female Disney characters, but the rest, I don’t like. It’s all, “I’m a woman, I have to save you scum-bag men because you can’t do A N Y T H I N G, hear me roar, society is trash, watch me twirl a stick.” And believe me that trope is getting kinda old kinda quickly.
People think Disney Princesses are nothing more than Damsels in Distress, and I don’t know where tf that rumour came from but I don’t like it.
Snow White gets some of the worst rap for it, and that’s not fair. I think she’s got more courage than Bo Peep and Mulan (2020, the 1998 version is an amazing role model for kids in my opinion, the 2020 version is a bitch) put together.
Snow White had to be a slave to the Evil Queen, who made her dress in rags and clean non-stop. And she still manages to go through all of that “With a Smile and a Song”.
And when she thinks her Step Mother is being kind to her, letting her wear a clean dress and letting her pick flowers and be free from chores for at least just an hour, but it turns out that she had been tricked, and that the Huntsman was supposed to kill her. But because of her kindness, the Huntsman couldn’t bring himself to kill her.
So Snow ran away, scared, and with good reason to be. The Queen will have her guts pulled out if she ever saw her again. Yet when Snow is in the forest with the woodland creatures, she apologizes for crying and asks to start over, to re-introduce herself. That’s brave, if you ask me. and she didn’t have to wear pants or wield a stick either. People forget that there are two kinds of bravery, physical fighting, (Like all female characters seem to do these days) and mental fighting, smiling even though your cared out of your mind. Keeping your head high when things are dreary, finding the good in a sea of bad.
As a girl, I’m tired of all this talk that a girl can’t wear a dress and be a bad-ass. Bo, to me, was a good character because she balanced out the other female characters, there was variety. Bo was sweet natured and girly, yes, but she was also wise and insightful and had way more depth than the new Bo. Alright, time to turn this conversation onto Toy Story 4, because I’m mad at it.
When people say, “Oh I can’t believe Woody left with Bo! What a bad decision!” they don’t say that like he never met her, they say it because Bo’s an arsehole. Woody left his family, and though we could argue that Bo is family, too, she isn’t a very nice part. she called Woody an accessory, acted rather rude towards him, and abandoned him twice because he was doing the right thing, yet she makes him apologize for it.  Like girl you dumped him and left him in your cardboard box and your acting like Woody ate your last jelly bean. What did he do to deserve being treated so harshly? I don’t get it. since when is it illegal to show affection towards someone you love?
The way I see it, Feminism in Disney is just taking female characters and making them a Gaston. Y’know, very butch, very masculine, the favorite of the town and everyone loves him because, well, he’s the town’s favorite son. Taking a girl and stripping her of her femininity and replacing it with a stick.
Honestly, I’m not even mad. I just wish they did more with Bo. I have this Toy Story 4 Concept Art Book, and it was just filled with better iteration's of what she could’ve been, and it’s disappointing. I mean in one drawing she had a pencil for a leg and a missing eye and to me that’s a big missed opportunity. Instead they went with just a blue jumpsuit. Yet everyone made crazy versions of what she should look like, and then they went for the boringest decision.
And on one full page, it’s just about what Bo’s hands should look in front of her cape, and other crazy things. Like who even cares? I’d rather have a compelling character with a slight wardrobe malfunction than what we got any day.
It just makes me sad what they did to a good character like Bo. I like that she was girly, I liked that she was flirty, since when are those aspects in a woman bad? I don’t even care what her outfit looks like. Wearing pants doesn’t mean you ‘Wear the pants’, and wearing a skirt doesn’t make you inferior, literally regardless of gender.
Let. Girls. Be. Girls. And that doesn’t just mean being ‘girly’, it can mean anything. Being a girl is whatever you want it to be. Being you, whoever you are, girl, boy, both, or neither, is whoever you want to be. Just as long as you aren’t hurting anyone, anyway.
And not all men are scumbags. Most of my friends are dudes, and they’re coolest dudes I’ve ever met. And not all girls like to swing sticks and wear pants, Y’know. Not all girls are rebellious and smack-talking and bossy.
I also hate what they did to Dolly and Trixie. Dolly was spunky and cute, but now she’s just down-right psychotic. Like she legit tried to murder Forky in Forky asks a Question just because he was verbal-stimming. 
And Trixie’s no better. She yells at Forky for something he didn’t even do on purpose. He accidentally broke her laptop, but like the poor guy didn’t even mean to. And the laptop isn’t even hers it’s not like she paid for it, she shouldn’t even be angry.
Not gonna lie, if someone broke my laptop I’d be pissed, but I certainly wouldn’t act the way Trixie did.
Give characters a variety of personalities. Don’t make any gender inferior. And stop making I out like all men are trash, please.
I don’t even mind strong female characters, I love them, I love seeing fan-arts of Bo on here, and I don’t give a crap that others like her, it’s none of my business what characters they like. I just wish we had more variety, though. Less brawn, more brains. Less bossy, more kind. Less screaming “You won’t listen to me! I’m always right!”, and more listening to others opinions.
And give them obstacles, too. Just because a character is female doesn’t mean you can’t give them something to make them grow. People want to see a character strive for greatness, no matter what. Not just whack ‘em with a stick and be done with it, we want the character to change throughout the story, regardless of gender. A story just about a character effortlessly kicking ass, and never coming to harm or learning anything isn’t very entertaining, nor does it tech the kids watching anything. Especially when kids are the age were they copy everything they see on television.
I just hope Disney figures that out in time.
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worryinglyinnocent · 5 years
Fic: Out of Time (2/?)
Summary:  Belle is the one to be sucked into Zelena’s time portal with Emma, and they find themselves in a very different time to the one they had anticipated, arriving to see the confrontation between Hook and a pre-Dark One Rumpelstiltskin. They manage to return to the future, but with some unintentional stowaways. With Rumpelstiltskin removed from his own timeline, the universe throws a fit, and it’s a race against time to set things straight.
Rated: T for now, but it will go up in later chapters.
[One] [AO3]
Out of Time
Belle had never gone through any kind of portal before, let alone a time-space one, and she could safely say that she never wanted to have the experience again. The noise was deafening; she could hardly hear herself think, let alone hear anything that Emma might be saying to her.
Luckily it didn’t appear that Emma was saying anything: she had her eyes screwed up and her mouth set in a grimace. Belle wished that she could close her eyes too, but she was too petrified, transfixed by the swirling portal around her and unable to look away. The colours were blinding, and the magic was moving faster and faster as it transported them to whatever their destination might be. Belle knew the mechanics of how the magic beans worked, and all manner of other different modes of transportation between magical worlds, but this was something unknown to her and to Rumpel. Displacement in time went against the laws of magic and had never been attempted before. Not even Rumpel had gone against those laws, as much as she knew he wanted to. All she could do was hang onto Emma for dear life and hope that wherever they ended up, the locals would be friendly and not burn them at the stake for having fallen out of the sky.
The portal spat them out without warning. One moment they were still being blown and battered about inside it, and the next they were landing with a thud on what turned out to be thankfully soft, if somewhat muddy, grass. Belle groaned at the impact, taking a moment to get her bearings before sitting up. Beside her, Emma was getting to her feet as well; at least they were still together, wherever they might be. Looking around, it seemed that fate had been kind to them. They had landed in the middle of a field and there were no other people in the immediate vicinity who might have seen their arrival, but Belle could hear the sounds of a town not too far away. There was a salty smell in the air, and she surmised that they were probably near the sea.
“So, where the hell are we?” Emma held out a hand to help Belle up to her feet. “And probably more importantly, when the hell are we?”
They made their way over to the edge of the field, moving furtively as they came closer to the sounds of civilisation, and they ducked down to peer over the hedge. They were halfway up a hill, looking over a couple of small villages and a port town further away, with tall ships docked in the little harbour and people bustling here and there.
Belle gave a little gasp of recognition as the geography became clear to her.
“Belle?” Emma raised an eyebrow. “Is everything all right?”
“Yes. I know where we are.”
“Well, that makes one of us.”
Belle pointed out the port. “This is the Frontlands. It’s not too far from where I was brought up in the Marchlands.” She gestured behind them. “They’re over there behind this hill. Rumpel’s castle shouldn’t be too far from here; he was from the Frontlands originally and he liked to stay close to his roots.”
“Fair enough.” Emma paused. “So, we know where we are, but I don’t think that’s going to help us. We can’t exactly storm the Dark Castle and ask the Rumpelstiltskin of an unknown time frame to help us. What if you’re there? What happens if your past self meets your present self? Will that alter history?”
“I’ve read enough about time travel to be able to answer that one with a definite affirmative,” Belle said dryly. “No, I can’t recall any incidents in my own past where I met myself from the future.”
“Well, it was worth a shot. Maybe if we hid you somewhere, I could go in alone. I mean, I’d be a stranger to Rumpelstiltskin now, so it shouldn’t change things too much.”
“It’s true that you’re less likely to cause a temporal catastrophe than I am, but at the same time, I don’t think it’s going to be as simple as that. I have no idea how far we’ve come, but I know that we’re fairly far back in time. I can tell from the landscape. Much of the Marchlands and Frontlands were razed during the first Ogre Wars. It hasn’t had time to grow back yet. In fact, it looks like it’s still burning in the distance.”
Emma followed Belle’s eyeline over the barren horizon. “Well, that inspires a lot of confidence.” She sighed. “How are we going to get back, Belle? You don’t have magic, I don’t have magic, and we’ve got no way of getting a message to the future to get them to send help.”
“Don’t dismiss it too freely yet,” Belle said. She checked that there was no-one about and pulled herself up over the hedge, ignoring the scratches gained to her hands in the process. “Even if we can’t go to Rumpel for advice, he’s not the only magician in the Enchanted Forest. There has to be someone in the town who can help us.”
“All right. I guess that moping isn’t going to get us anywhere.”
“That’s the spirit. Now, I think the first order of the day ought to be getting ourselves some disguises. As fetching as your red leather jacket is, it’s going to open a few eyes, and we really don’t want to draw attention to ourselves.”
“Anyone would think that you fell through portals into different worlds and times on a regular basis,” Emma mused, seeming to be quite happy to let Belle take charge of their predicament.
Belle shrugged. “I haven’t had all that many adventures of my own, but I’m well-read enough to know how to avoid all the usual pitfalls that people fall into when they find themselves in foreign territory.” They had reached the first of the small villages – barely more than a hamlet really – on the way to the town, and Belle spied laundry hanging on a line. There were a couple of rough wool cloaks among the shirts and linens. Jackpot.
“I think we’ll have to borrow these. Hopefully the owner won’t mind them going missing for an afternoon.” She looked around furtively to make sure that there was no-one about – the house didn’t appear to have anyone inside it – and she hopped over the fence to grab the cloaks off the line.
“I’m really glad that you think we’re only going to be here for an afternoon,” Emma said, following her over the fence and taking one of the cloaks, wrapping herself up in it. It was a warm, sunny day, not really the weather for cloaks, but needs must, and Belle didn’t fancy stealing an entire change of clothes. At least they looked less conspicuous now than their modern attire would make them.
“I’ve got a theory about how the time-space portal works, but I’d want to speak to a magician before I made any concrete predications about how we’re going to get back.” She had a small ray of hope that their return to the future would be easy, but anything to do with magic was rarely simple on the first try.
They could move more quickly now that they were no longer having to watch out for locals and be ready to jump behind a tree at a moment’s notice, and they had soon passed through the villages and were on their way to the town properly. The smell of salt-water and the squawking of seagulls filled the air, and for a moment, Belle felt a melancholy sense of nostalgia for the Enchanted Forest of her youth, before the ogres had come and ruined everything. Wherever they might be in time, she was sure that they had gone far back past the time of her birth.
“Wait.” Emma stopped dead in her tracks as they came down the street towards the docks. “I know that ship.”
Belle looked at the vessel directly in front of them, and her insides did a funny somersault when she realised that she knew it too.
“The Jolly Roger. That means Hook must be around here somewhere.”
“Right.” Emma wrinkled her nose. “This could be awkward. Still, there’s no reason why we should bump into him, and there’s every hope that even if we do, he’ll have forgotten all about us by the time he meets us in the future. This is ridiculous. I keep expecting to start vanishing any minute, like Marty McFly.”
Belle did not understand the reference, but something more important had captured her attention, and she grabbed Emma’s arm, bundling her out of the street and into the nearest doorway.
“What is it?”
“What? Where?”
“Over there!”
Emma followed Belle’s gesticulations, and they both watched as Rumpelstiltskin hobbled down the street as fast as he could, leaning on his stick. Emma raised an eyebrow.
“No offence to the man who will be your fiancé in the future, but he really doesn’t look like a powerful magician.”
Belle shook her head. “No, he’s not. Not at this moment, at least. This is before he was the Dark One, back when he was just a spinner, with no magic.”
“So, we’ve gone back a really long time, then.”
“Yes. At least three hundred years. Rumpel’s had the curse all that time. Hook spent most of it in Neverland. That’s why they can both be here at this point in time.” Belle sighed. “Why would the portal bring us here? Why go so far back?”
“Maybe it’s like a bean,” Emma suggested. “It takes you to the place that you’re thinking about at the time.”
“I certainly wasn’t thinking about this place.”
“Me neither… Although… You were thinking about Rumpel, weren’t you?”
“I was wondering if I was ever going to see him again, yes. I guess that question’s been answered in the most ironic way possible.” Belle continued to watch as Rumpel made his way down the street. He seemed to be heading straight for the Jolly Roger. She knew that this could not be the confrontation in he had killed Milah; he had been the Dark One then. This must be the beginning of his and Hook’s acquaintance. “Were you thinking about Hook?”
“In among other things. Do you think that the portal brought us to this time period specifically because they’re both here at the same time?”
“Probably. It’s not the only time that they’ve met in the last three hundred years, but if this is the beginning, well, they do always say to start at the beginning.”
Emma looked at Belle. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”
“Are you thinking that if the portal brought us to a pivotal moment between them, then we ought to go and see what’s going on in the hope that it might help us get back to Storybrooke?”
Emma nodded.
“In that case, yes, I’m thinking the same thing that you are.”
They left the doorway that they had been sheltered in and began to make their way down towards the Jolly Roger. Rumpel was boarding the ship now, and Belle and Emma snuck down behind some crates of ship’s biscuits to get the best vantage point of the deck. Hook was there, his usual swaggering self, and Belle noted that both hands were still intact at this point. It was good to have a frame of historical reference, even if she didn’t know what she was going to do with it yet.
“I wish I could hear what they were saying,” Emma muttered, trying to get comfortable behind the crates. No-one else in the docks paid them any mind; they were all too busy going about their own affairs to wonder at the women in borrowed cloaks in hiding. “It looks like they’re having some kind of argument. Given the animosity between the two of them that’s been bubbling for all these centuries, I really want to know how it all started.”
Belle wasn’t sure that she shared Emma’s enthusiasm. It was a long and complicated history, with bad blood aplenty on both sides. She didn’t think that she could watch it, but like in the portal, there was something that kept her rooted to the spot, unable to look away.
“What the?” Belle didn’t think that she’d ever heard Emma so indignant. “What in the hell? What kind of a jerk?” She continued to vent incoherently for a while as the one-sided duel for what was probably Milah’s honour began to take shape, until she ran out of fury and smacked the crate instead. “I can’t believe I considered dating him.”
Belle said nothing to that. She knew that nothing bad would happen to Rumpel; she knew that he would go on to live another three hundred odd years and meet her in the future.
All the same, that knowledge didn’t make it any easier to watch the confrontation that had begun it all.
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secondscratch17 · 5 years
weird asks that say a lot
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans? All of them. I drink tea in coffee mugs and teacups. I love drinking wine. I like that I can recycle soda cans
2. chocolate bars or lollipops? chocolate
3. bubblegum or cotton candy? bubblegum if the flavor lasts long
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you? the stereotypical quiet, obedient, smart, goody-two-shoes kid
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups? somehow I like the aesthetic from soda bottles
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear? hONESTLY I can dO ALL OF THE ABOVE in the span of days. Went to work one day wearing beach-y clothes for spirit day. Returned to pick up a friend to go see a metal concert in VERY metal concert attire. I own short, sweet summery floral dresses and gothic dresses, too
7. earbuds or headphones? Earbuds, they allow me to be more mobile
8. movies or tv shows? movies
9. favorite smell in the summer? Fresh cut grass. The smell of the ocean. Churros at the fair
10. game you were best at in p.e.? Soccer, obvs. Somehow would always last until the end of the game in dodgeball tho because I was small and no one could hit me
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day? Cereal
12. name of your favorite playlist? Don’t have one. 
13. lanyard or key ring?  Key ring
14. favorite non-chocolate candy? Smarties!
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment? I remember re-reading Holes over and over just to make my book reports easier since I knew the boo so well. The Kite Runner was phenomenal and unforgettable
16. most comfortable position to sit in? idk?? I really can’t sit still in one position for too long
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes? Currently my hiking/outdoorsy shoes. Also my black Nikes that I play pickup in and wear to the gym
18. ideal weather? Sunny and 65. Maybe one or two clouds. The tiniest of faint breezes to cool me down. 
19. sleeping position? Any I can get into and fall asleep in quickly
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)? Laptop. I can edit easier.
21. obsession from childhood? Probably any cheesy show on Animal Planet. The Most Extreme, Meerkat Manor, Big Cat Diary, etc
22. role model? I have a lot of different ones. Role models for athletics, role models for career and ambition choices, artistic role models...can’t pick just one
23. strange habits? Spelling words with the tips of my fingers
24. favorite crystal? Aquamarine
25. first song you remember hearing? how in the FUCK am I supposed to remember that. I do remember my parents playing The Beatles for me when I was a toddler
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather? Soccer! (futbol) 
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather? Sledding, making hot chocolate, or playing indoor soccer haha
28. five songs to describe you? Who I am Hates Who I’ve Been by Relient K, Proud by the Icarus Account, Land of the Dead by Voltaire, Always Leaving by Mayday Parade, Wavin’ Flag by K’naan
29. best way to bond with you? Listening to my favorite music with me or watching the US Women’s national soccer team with me
30. places that you find sacred? Belfast, Maine. Gold Camp Road. Newport Beach
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names? Tight jeans with holes in them, fishnets, and a crop top
32. top five favorite vines? Vines still exist?
33. most used phrase in your phone? “tbh”
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head? O O O O REILLYYYYYY’S autoparts
35. average time you fall asleep? around 9
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing? I don’t remember
37. suitcase or duffel bag? suitcase
38. lemonade or tea? Is it warm outside? Lemonade. Is it cold outside? tea
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie? PIE!
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school? Zombie hunting or my professor cutting lab a half an hour short to go look at some Cedar waxwings
41. last person you texted? I think it was Robert
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets? Pants pockets
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket? Jean jacket
44. favorite scent for soap? Anything fruity
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero? Fantasy. It depends on how good the sci-fi movie is
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in? as little as possible lmao
47. favorite type of cheese? Parmesan
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be? A raspberry
49. what saying or quote do you live by? A great amount of good is always evened out by a great amount of bad
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have? Honestly Daniel knew how to make me laugh better than anyone. There are a couple of memories with him that I don’t remember entirely but I know that I ended up cry-laughing so hard that my head hurt. There was a time during my orientation camping trip when a bunch of us were playing ultimate Frisbee, and Jesse went to catch the frisbee in the most perfectly lateral horizontal position and the expression of focus just frozen on his face had me laughing so hard that I couldn’t see
51. current stresses? Sam. Jobs that I can apply for starting in May of 2020. Sam. STUDENT LOANS. Bills. Car payments. Wondering how fucked up my car has gotten since I’ve lived here on this ranch. Sam. 
52. favorite font? Anything that looks fancy and sarcastic
53. what is the current state of your hands? Need to be washed. 
54. what did you learn from your first job? The world is cruel and bad things happen without warning
55. favorite fairy tale? Uh....the Pied Piper?
56. favorite tradition? when my family visits for Christmas, eating lots of traditional Chinese food with them
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome? Heartbreak. Staggering rejection from the field I majored in. Probably a lot of body image struggles in there as well
58. four talents you’re proud of having? Writing, futbol, adaptability, flexibility. I think the last two are just traits but I don’t have a lot of talents I can invest in
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be? Let’s make like a baby and head out
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be? No idea
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.? Though we are far apart, our spirits share the same earth and the same sky
62. seven characters you relate to? Bilbo Baggins from The Hobbit, Data from The Goonies, Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter, Eliza Thornberry from The Wild Thornberries, Raven from Teen Titans, Isaac from Teen Wolf
63. five songs that would play in your club? ANYTHING by Within Temptation. I wouldn’t be a good club owner. The catchy and pump-up songs from Hamilton.
64. favorite website from your childhood? Wasn’t allowed much computer time. I was allowed to visit educational sites and occasionally the Disney site
65. any permanent scars? some self-harm scars. Probably the one on my right leg that I got from CO parks and wildlife. I stepped on a barbed wire fence that had been plastered to the ground, but the metal sprang up when I stepped on it and ripped through my skin
66. favorite flower(s)? Plumerias
67. good luck charms? I’m not sure if I have any. 
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried? earthworm flavor from Bertie Bott’s every flavor beans
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned? uh...Something about not being able to spray silly string on Halloween in Hollywood
70. left or right handed? Right handed
71. least favorite pattern? wtf
72. worst subject? anything math related, I really struggled in GIS.
73. favorite weird flavor combo? I...have no idea
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen? 2. I’m a baby
75. when did you lose your first tooth? I was 6
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)? chips and fries
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill? a succulent
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store? sushi from a grocery store, the quality can surprise you
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo? Both are terrible
80. earth tones or jewel tones? Jewel tones
81. fireflies or lightning bugs? I hate bugs
82. pc or console? PC
83. writing or drawing? Writing, I’m terrible at drawing
84. podcasts or talk radio? Not into either
84. barbie or polly pocket? I had both
85. fairy tales or mythology? God!!!! Like hearing about both but mythology I guess
86. cookies or cupcakes? Cookies
87. your greatest fear? Being forgotten. I also have a terrible, horrible fear of drowning
88. your greatest wish? In the times I’ve struggled I often find myself wishing for peace. Not only for myself, but for others to easily feel peace with everyone else
89. who would you put before everyone else? Sierra
90. luckiest mistake? Mistake? There’s been lucky accidents but I don’t think any of my mistakes have been lucky
91. boxes or bags? It depends on what I’m packing and where I’m going
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights? Sunlight
93. nicknames? T, Tear, Tear-tear, T-Dog, Miss T..a few of my recent favorites from soccer: Ronaldinha and Thierry Chun
94. favorite season? Fall! Shit, especially in New England
95. favorite app on your phone? I don’t know
96. desktop background? A picture of a simple dock leading out to sea
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized? My parents’ and brother’s
98. favorite historical era? Victorian era, for sure
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whiskeykneat · 6 years
The West Wind [1/?]
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ONE ~ Like Clockwork
Notes: I am rewriting this fic, the original of which you can find under the pen name “whiskeyneat” on ao3 and ffn. I will be editing the one on ao3 to reflect these changes, however, the ffn one will eventually be deleted and replaced. Updates will be staggered as I primarily write for another fandom and have to balance my multiple WIPs with my regular life. // Words: 2278 // Rating: T for mention of prostitution and war violence. Chapters which are explicit will be tagged as such.// Tag list: want to be tagged? Comment and I’ll tag you on the next update!
1875, Dakota Territory.
 "There are nights when the wolves are silent and only the moon howls." (George Carlin)
 "You're what?" Gale's thoughts are still muzzy from the night before, and they take awhile to form and connect. Delly Cartwright, his right hand gal, is standing over him, a smile playing on her plush pink lips. She looks as fresh and pure as if she just stepped from the pages of a ladies magazine, the kind the soiled doves at Madame Coin's pore over (though they are no longer ladies), come all the way from Richmond with the mail coach. 
The last time I saw Richmond, it was burning... He can still hear the roar of the flames some nights, when the moon is cool and round as a silver dollar, and he's alone with his memories, of a boy and a war and the terrible things a boy must do to become a man. 
"Drink up, soldier." Delly leans in, and Gale catches a whiff of her scent, green and cool as spring water, and he wishes for the thousandth time that he could be the man she needs, a good man -- but that man died somewhere between Gettysburg and the Battle of the Crater -- yes, he died long ago, in Twelvetrees, when the world was crisp and new and the sun rose over the blue mountains. 
"What is it, Miss Cartwright?" He's wide awake now, and his head is pounding louder than a Sioux war drum. Wordlessly, Gale accepts the willow pithy from her hand and chews it dry, swallowing it down with a gulp of water so gritty it makes his teeth ache for just one sip from the ice cold spring that flowed beside his boyhood home, back in the mountains, lost to him now. "What's so damn important you had to wake me up?" 
"That chair is bad for your back." He looks down at Delly's hands and realizes she's holding a pillow, embroidered with a stitch so fine that it makes his eyes water. She places it between Gale and the hard back of the chair, and as he sinks against it, he wishes again that he was the kind of man who could marry her, but she's too good for this place. 
As if on cue, there's a sound like cannon fire from the hill just above town, and Gale vaults upright, reaching blindly for a rifle that isn't there. The Yankees are coming. The world blurs and he's back in Gettysburg, just a boy, watching as a sea of blue pours down the valley towards him, his hands sweaty on his bayonet, until beside him Finnick begins to yip a wild war cry, and all the men up and down the line join in along with him. Give 'em hell, boys!
"Mr Hawthorne! It's all right! Mr Hawthorne!" Delly snaps her fingers sharply in front of Gale's face, and the world rights itself, coming back to the stark lines of reality. "That's just the General's cannon, signaling break of day." Delly's soothing Virginia drawl reels Gale back to 1875, twelve years on and a world away from the blood soaked earth of the place that was once home, the one place -- the one person -- he yeans for, above anything, but to whom he can never return.  
She's married to someone else now. The thought still hurts as much as if it were yesterday that he stood in the gloaming and watched his girl brush her hair by candlelight through the window, only a tiny smile letting him know she knew he was there. The next day, he'd been on his way to the War, with her red ribbon wrapped around his wrist, marking him as hers, forever. He didn't know, then, that he'd never return. 
"Mr Hawthorne. Sit down." Delly pushes on his shoulders, and he drops back into the chair, his surroundings coming into focus, bare and stark. "Coffee." She places a mug of thick black gold on the desk before him with a thunk. "You know you can tell me anything, right?"
But not this. No, he isn't that boy anymore, and he hasn't been for a long time, but he's still a man who's done dark and terrible things to get to the place he is now, and even though he regrets them, he can't share it with anyone except the ones who were there, the ones who stood in that valley with him as the mud turned red with their blood. "It's nothing." 
Delly looks away, she crosses to the window and throws the curtains open. Somewhere, across the sunrise, a cuckoo is singing, ku-ku-ku. "I may have fought a different war, Mr Hawthorne, but I was in it all the same." She inhales a deep breath, then turns around. "I'm leaving." 
Gale is struck dumb, the shock stripping the words from his tongue. Some things are a given in Panem: every morning, the General's cannon booms, signaling another day in hell to the miners; Haymitch Abernathy will always stagger into The Hob demanding a bottle of rotgut whiskey; and Delly Cartwright is Gale Hawthorne's secretary and stage manager, keeping The Hob from running itself into the ground. He couldn't have a better right hand woman: she balances the books, she keeps the place running like clockwork, and the miners all adore her. 
"Leaving?" Gale's words are hoarse, they come out in a croak, and he throws back a revitalizing gulp of thick, hot coffee (real beans, all the way from civilization, not the chicory they used to drink of a morning back in the lines), scalding his tongue. 
Delly twists her hands, looking at the floor, the ceiling, anywhere but at her employer -- former employer, as of today. When he stands up, she shivers, like a prairie hen sighted by the fox. "Yes." A note of deep reluctance has entered her tone. "Wheatley Mellark offered me marriage, Mr Hawthorne, and we're headed to San Francisco." She swallows, and lifts her chin. Tears sparkle in those big blue eyes, and he knows that if he gave her a single sign, her resolve would crumble at once. "We're leaving today. In an hour. I'm sorry." 
As if on cue, there is a sharp rap on the door, and Gale's hand goes reflexively to his holster. His eyes meet Delly's, and he drops his hand from his gun, reaching out to stroke her cheek instead. Neither of them will ever know what he might of done next, how he might have changed all their fates in a single instant, because the door creaks open and Gale drops his hand as though burned, a deep blush spreading over Delly's freckled cheek. 
"Miss Cartwright!" Wheatley Mellark steps into the room, brows drawing together in consternation at how close Delly and Gale are to one another at this moment, and Gale steps back to a respectful distance. After all, it's not as if he has a tendré for Miss Cartwright. It's only business between them, that's all it's ever been. 
He tries not to think of how he almost touched her just now, he pushes that beyond him. It's too late for that, it's gone with the song of the cuckoo, melted into the heat of the morning. He spends far too many nights in the company of Comstock Hanna for this to ever have been anything other than what it is, even with all that lies unspoken here in the upper rooms of The Hob; the air simmering with something he dares not put a name to. 
"Mr Mellark." Delly ducks her flaxen head, stepping back from Gale and looking at her fiancé from under darkened lashes. 
Gale can almost see the wheels turning in Wheatley's brain as he looks between the two of them, and he holds out his hand. "My felicitations on your upcoming nuptials, Mr Mellark." 
Wheatley lets out a puff of air, shaking Gale's hand, his grip tighter than Gale would like, both men baring their teeth as they pump up and down with a grip like a vise between them. "Thank you kindly, Mr Hawthorne." There is a hardness around Wheatley's mouth, and Gale wonders if Delly knows just what kind of a man she's about to marry, or if she would have married anyone just to escape Panem. To escape this. Him. 
He runs one hand over his unshaven chin, studying the pair of them. Delly reacts first, she tucks her hand into Mellark's elbow and kisses his cheek perfunctorily, like the best damn Sarah Bernhardt impersonator this side of the Mississippi. "Mr Mellark." 
"I'll be waiting downstairs, Miss Cartwright. Don't be long." Gale doesn't like the warning tone in Wheatley's voice, but he can't do anything about it. She's made her choice -- just like Katniss, both of them leaving him for Mellarks. 
"Yes, Mr Mellark, I'll be down shortly. I still have to say my goodbyes to Mr O'Dair and Mr Thresh, and --" Wheatley cuts Delly off with a firm kiss on her those lips, a mouth made for sin, his eyes flicking at Gale as he stakes his claim. Then, running a hand over his waxed mustache and elaborate muttonchops, he sharply nods to Gale, and exits the room, his boots clomping loudly down the stairs.
From the ground floor, Gale can hear the piano tinkling off-key, and loud cursing as Haymitch Abernathy stumbles  through the saloon doors, there to fetch his first bottle of rotgut for the day. Yes, it's like clockwork: the cannon, the rotgut, and Delly... "You're leaving," he says gruffly, pulling a bottle of whiskey out of his desk and tipping it into his coffee. Today calls for something stronger. 
"We can't be beholden to this town, Mr Mellark and I." There is a new thread of resolve in her voice, and he's not surprised. She always was one of the strongest women he's ever met, with a core of pure steel. "General Snow was putting pressure on Wheatley for protection money. A baker! Needing to pay for protection! Have you ever heard such a damn fool thing?" Delly begins to pace, her sprigged muslin skirts rustling. "Me and Mr Mellark don't mean to spend our lives beholden to the grace and mercy of the General. That's no life at all." She crosses her arms, staring out the window, as though willing the sun to never rise on the dusty streets of Panem. "And I can't stay here, Mr Hawthorne. Everything I want..." 
I can't give it to you. He doesn't have to say it. It's there in the room as though he's spoken it aloud. If he had a heart, he lost it long ago, to the girl with the stars in her eyes, lost now to the memories of the mountains he can never return to, to the man he never could have been, and the life that will never be. "Delly..." he breathes out her name and she's there beside him, sitting down on the desk and taking the bottle from his numb fingers to tip it into her mouth. 
She coughs, wiping the back of her hand over her lips, and takes another swig. Forget if Delly knows who she's marrying -- he wonders if Wheatley knows who he's marrying, just what kind of a diamond he's mined from the grit of this dark town. "It's not my fight any longer, and God willing, you won't let it become yours. There's more to life than vengeance, Gale. Katniss may not understand that, but don't let her fight become yours." 
Doesn't she understand that he's been fighting since the day he was born, that family trumps all, that the bonds of blood and bone will never leave him? "I can't change Panem, Delly -- I know that. I'm just one man." And if he could -- would he? But he knows the answer. 
General Coriolanus Snow owns the mine, and in a sense, he also owns the town. Hell, every saloon on Main Street owes fealty to Snow, and they all pay the devil his due -- or else they find themselves six feet under. Only a fool would take on a madman like Snow alone, and Gale has never been a fool. 
"So you say." Delly hands the bottle back to him, and wordlessly begins to fix his collar. Her hair brushes his nose, and that clear green water smell is softer and sweeter than ever, and if he closes his eyes for a single second he can imagine he is back in Twelvetrees, and that there's a different girl before him, a name that lives on the tip of his tongue in that aching place between waking and dreams. "A man would need an army behind him for that... Captain." She places his hat on his head, tugging down the brim at a rakish angle. 
"Delly..." Gale swallows his words, he doesn't know what else to say. I want...
"Everything I want has never been mine to have." She smiles, a sad, wistful smile, and pats his chest, surveying her work. "She's out there, Mr Hawthorne. Somewhere. I know she is. And you'll find her again, I know it." 
And then she's so close that he can swear he'll know just how those pink lips will taste, and he closes his eyes. Delly's lips brush his cheek, and when he opens them again, she's gone.  
He is in The Hob, his pride and joy, the saloon he built with his own two hands. This is the mining town of Panem, nestled in the Black Hills of South Dakota, and none of them are any longer the people they used to be. 
Once. Long ago...
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walviemort · 6 years
paternal instincts, part 4
Emma’s fear of pregnancy leads Killian to find—and use—a spell that allows him to carry their child instead. A canon-divergent CS pregnancy fic, just with the roles flipped a bit. (mpreg; rated T for implied sexy times) | AO3
A/N: dedicated to @sherlockianwhovian and @cocohook38 for their inspiration, and to @jennjenn615 for her support! Thank you!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Chapter 4—Out in the Open
Summary: Killian starts showing, and they find out the gender of their baby. But along with his growing belly, some of Emma's insecurities make an appearance, too.
Both he and Emma were keenly watching the changes in his body as the pregnancy progressed and the baby grew. It was some time before he gained any weight, but once the nausea passed, he did notice his clothes feeling a bit more snug, but not uncomfortably so, and every now and then he felt a growing pain as his hips widened in preparation of all that was to come. More rare, but more exciting, were the occasional flutters of movement within him.
Given that he was mostly lean muscle to start with, and the fact that a life at sea required extra core strength, they knew not to expect a noticeable bump until later than average. So, in the meantime, he contented himself with focusing on the slight change in Emma’s mammaries—while he obviously was carrying the brunt of this whole operation, Emma wasn’t excluded as her body slowly prepared for nursing, and her fuller breasts combined with his raging hormones meant they were spending an increased amount of time in the bedroom.
Which is exactly where he was when, at around 16 weeks, he was struggling to button his jeans. No matter how hard he tugged, the clasp just wouldn’t reach like it had the day before. Wait—did that mean...?
He stood in front of their floor length mirror and slowly turned to the side. Sure enough, a slight bump was there, just behind his belly button, rounding out his normally flat stomach. Cautiously, he placed his hand on it and traced the slight curve. It was real; he wasn’t imagining it. “Incredible,” he whispered to himself.
He was so entranced that he hardly noticed when Emma walked in, fresh out of the shower. Her eyes grew wide as she took in the sight. “Killian, is that...are you…?”
Not taking her eyes off his waist, she slowly walked towards him and too reached out to feel the slight swell. “Oh my God,” she murmured. “It’s real.”
“I could have told you that, love,” he quipped; he hadn’t gone through the pain of the past few months for nought.
“I know, but...now, we get to see it.” Her voice was full of awe as she danced her fingers over his abdomen, exploring where the curve began and ended. Honestly, it was hardly noticeable—it looked like he’d just had a large breakfast, really—but seeing it and knowing what lay within did add a level of tangibility to everything. There really was a growing child in there.
The euphoria of that revelation, paired with the incredible feeling of Emma’s touch on his skin, sent his thoughts—and blood—elsewhere rather quickly; damn his hormones. “Swan,” he rasped, finally drawing her eyes away from his belly. “I—I might need—”
“I’ve got you,” she breathed, quickly finding his mouth with hers. They ended up late to the station that morning, but honestly, who would deny them the celebration?
As soon as other people noticed he was showing, speculation immediately started as to the gender of their child.
“Oh, you’re carrying low—must be a boy!”
“When it’s all out in front like that, it means you’re having a girl!”
He and Emma were agreed that they had no preference, as long as the child was healthy, but they did anxiously await the 20-week appointment where they’d get to find out.
Even just seeing the child on screen was enough to bring Killian to tears (he’d taken to keeping several handkerchiefs in his leather jacket nowadays). There were so many details—arms, legs, feet, hands, a spine! It was surreal to see the image of the child moving around in tandem with the motion he could sense within; Emma hadn’t yet been able to feel it, but he knew she’d be able to soon.
And when the doctor revealed the gender, they both burst into happy tears. They didn’t have to refer to their child as a bean now—they could use proper pronouns and give serious thought to names. They had already decided on a nautical theme for the nursery, but he was sure that Snow wouldn’t be able to resist adding some extra touches to indicate whether it was a prince or princess in residence.
They told Henry right away, unable to keep it to themselves (and knowing that he’d make their lives hell if they didn’t—the lad got his manipulation skills from his grandfather), but waited for another family dinner to break the news to her parents.
Snow greeted them at the farmhouse door, ushering them in from the spring rain coming down outside, and welcomed them all in with hugs, saving Killian for last.
“Gosh, look at you!” she exclaimed. In all honesty, it had only been a couple days since Snow had last seen him, but it did feel like he got bigger and bigger with each that passed, which was somewhat disconcerting when he realized that he was at the halfway point, but their babe was nowhere near halfway done growing. At present, the bump was definitely obvious, the curve taking up his entire stomach, but only just. The fabric of his dress shirt, which used to hang slightly loose on his frame, was now taut but not strained. (His waistcoats, however, had stopped fitting a couple weeks ago.)
Snow practically shoved them all towards the sitting room, Henry making a beeline for where Neal was playing on the floor while Killian and Emma settled on the sofa. Snow proceeded to give Killian nearly a full inquisition: how was he feeling, where was he sore, had they signed up for lamaze classes yet, were they going to do a registry, and so on and so forth. He knew babies needed a lot of things, but he was astonished to learn at just how much was out there for the expectant, as well. And it became increasingly hard to not reveal the gender, but they wanted to wait until David was there, too.
Once Snow started talking about the odd rash she’d acquired in the later stages, he had never been so grateful for Dave to announce that dinner was ready. Emma was up off the couch in a flash and already working on her glass of wine by the time he got into the room—and he hadn’t slowed down at all yet; she was just that quick about it. After that conversation, he didn’t blame her, though, and almost wished he had his own glass of rum, but his lemon water would have to do.
After everything had been passed around and they’d dug into the meal, Snow asked, “So, have you guys thought of any names yet?”
Killian caught Emma’s eye before answering, giving her a small smile to let her know what he was about to do. There was something off in her eyes—some level of hurt that alarmed him—but she gave a tiny nod back, so he put that worry in the back of his mind for now and plugged on.
“Yeah, we’ve thought of a few names for her.”
“Oh, fantastic! I mean, you still have time and everything, and you might want to wait until—wait, her?”
“Her,” Emma answered reverently.
“Oh my goodness,” Snow replied breathlessly. Killian and Emma were well aware of what it would mean to her parents that they were having a daughter: that it would be a chance to give someone the childhood Emma had missed out on, to dote on a little girl with princess dresses and tiaras. Now, he’d been adamant from the get-go that his child would have a fair amount of pirate in them, but the thought of a little one in a frilly pink frock was also incredibly endearing.
Both of Emma’s parents were getting teary-eyed along with their grins, and Killian found himself getting emotional by proxy. David finally said, “We can’t wait to meet her,” in a watery voice.
Killian looked over at Emma, who was still smiling, but also had something of that lost girl look in her eyes; he couldn’t remember the last time he’d seen that. He reached over to squeeze her hand, both in a gesture of comfort and of show. “Neither can we,” he finally said, continuing the conversation.
The rest of the evening was passed in much the same way—Snow being something of a mother hen to Killian, David clearly lost in daydreams and memories (or possibly memories of daydreams), Henry trying to explain it all to a confused Neal, and Emma slowly drawing into herself, to his concern—and their daughter’s, if the fluttering in his stomach was anything to go by.
Finally, they headed home—with a large bag of maternity goods Snow insisted he needed—and to his consternation, Emma headed straight to the bedroom, leaving him to put away the leftovers. He obviously didn’t mind, but he was concerned for whatever was plaguing Emma.
He followed her up shortly, carrying the tote from Snow. Emma was already in the shower when he reached their room, so he set the bag by the closet and changed into pajamas, though he did take a brief moment to look at his bare stomach in the mirror before slipping on a night shirt. It wasn’t like it was ever far from his thoughts, and it was hard to ignore the bump, but actually seeing where his daughter was growing was still a small thrill.
When Emma emerged from the bathroom, hair still wet and in her own pajamas, she seemed to have perked up a bit—until she saw the bag sitting near the closet and he watched as her face fell. He closed the book he’d been reading and set it aside, quietly asking, “Swan? What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” she muttered unconvincingly as she flopped on the bed next to him, staring at the ceiling.
“Open book, love,” he reminded her. “I know something has been bothering you all night. How can I help?”
She gave a small sigh and rolled over to face him. “Not be pregnant?”
His heart fell into his stomach. Was she having second thoughts about the baby? Did she not want to be with him anymore?
“It’s not what you’re thinking, babe; calm down,” she started, sitting up and likely seeing his reaction. “It’s just…when I saw the way my mom was fawning over you tonight, I couldn’t help but think how that was something she and I should be bonding over, and how if maybe I’d had that the first time around, I wouldn’t be so scared to do it again. And then when we told them she’s a girl, it was exactly what we thought would happen—they’re taking it as a second chance at the childhood I should have had, and it reminded me of all the times as a kid I’d see other girls adopted before me.”
“Oh, Emma,” he breathed, in a watery voice. “You’re not—I’d never—they wouldn’t—” His heart was breaking for his wife and he couldn’t put it into words how much none of that was her fault. He honestly should have predicted it.
“Killian, don’t—I know what you’re going to say,” she interrupted, placing a hand on his chest. “I know how illogical that all is—to think that I’m being replaced by my own daughter? Come on. And I know my mom would be all over me if it weren’t for my damn issues. I guess...it was just a lot tonight, and it kind of all hit at once. I just need to get over it.”
He could see some of her old walls start to rise back up in the way she avoided his eyes and hunched her shoulders in on herself. And he be damned if he let her stay like that.
“My darling,” he whispered, nudging her chin up with his fingers to make eye contact, which she was reluctant to send his way. “No one will judge you for thinking or feeling those things, least of all me. It’s completely understandable, and I apologize for not seeing it sooner. And I know I can’t do anything to change the past, but the one thing I can assure you of is that you have a family that loves you to no end, just as you are. And this child,” he added, placing his hand on the bump for emphasis, “won’t give a single damn who carried her; she’ll only know that she has two parents who would do anything for her and have since day 1.”
Emma nodded, giving him a half smile, before scooting closer to wrap her arms around him and rest her head on his shoulder. “How do you always know the right thing to say?” she asked into his neck.
“Because I’m your True Love, and that’s what we do,” he replied confidently, pulling her close.
“I’m the one who’s supposed to be supporting you, though, and getting you through all this crazy shit.”
“Well, for starters, that’s nonsense; we’re in this together, always. And we’ve still a ways to go; I’m sure I’ll be needing you to talk sense into me more than once in the next few months.”
He felt more than heard her chuckle against his skin, and just enjoyed the chance to hold her in his arms, knowing that it would get harder to do down the line.
But then he felt something else. “Oh!” he exclaimed, hand rushing to a spot on his side.
“What is it? What’s wrong?” Emma asked, alarmed, as she pulled away and hovered, as if she was afraid she’d hurt him.
The feeling persisted, and an incredible sense of elation took hold of him. He looked back at Emma, grinning, and grabbed her hand. “Here,” he told her, placing her palm where his had just been.
“Killian, what’s—oh!” The concerned furrow of her brow quickly turned to a look of surprise when she felt it: their daughter, happily kicking away at the outside of his stomach. “That’s her!” Emma’s entire face lit up as the baby continued to hit against her hand. “Oh my god,” she murmured, and all the fear and hurt that had been etched in her features a minute ago had disappeared, replaced by pure glee.
With his hook this time, he again brought her chin up level with his, but this time to kiss her. How the gods had seen fit to place him at her side, and bless them with this gift of a child, was something he’d never understand but would be eternally grateful for.
It certainly wouldn’t be the last time either of them had a crisis of conscious or have old feelings resurface, but it was a reminder that they’d always have the other to lean on.
A/N: Thanks for reading! If you want a visual reference, this is where Killian's belly is at both parts of the story (I'll have these for every chapter :D)
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silverryu25 · 7 years
Back from Atlantale! ♥
I got back yesterday but was too out of it to make much sense so now I’m gonna gush about all of the wonderful and amazing people I met and things I saw X3
The trip to Atlanta was more than worth it! I had so much fun with everyone and it was really incredible meeting so everyone in person. It was a long way for me to go and I’m incredibly happy I did (≧∀≦)♥
I’ll post it under the cut cause I may have went a little overboard ^_^;;
It was wonderful and amazing to stay with so many talented, kind and patient people in the airbnb. Thank you for letting me stay with all of you! You made my stay an incredible experience and I enjoyed every second of it! You are all amazing and I’m so happy I got to meet you, hang you with you and pun with you all! ♥\( ̄▽ ̄)/♥ 
@soloshikigami  thank you so so much for asking me to stay with all of you and for waiting for me at the airport! I was just so happy to meet you I didn’t know what to do with myself (that’s why I was so stiff and distant when we met... sorry for that). Also, thank you for carting me around Wallmart and treating me to lunch! It was just amazing meeting you Solo  ❤ (ɔˆ ⌣(ˆ⌣ˆc)
@nsfwsinningsans thank you for renting the airbnb and letting me stay! It made me so happy to meet the person behind the incredible art I keep staring at every time you post X3
@pancakeuniverse thank you for the pancakes! It was so nice to have a homey breakfast on my first day! And thank you for cooking for us, your meals were just scrumptious! Also, thank you for drawing my sona in my little notebook, they turned out so amazing I couldn’t stop staring (^3^)♥
@elegantfolly thank you for the company and fun! And for the amazing Sans and Blooky art! They both look so adorable and happy and I’ll treasure them both forever (●♡∀♡)
@accidentalfeelfest thank you for making me laugh like crazy! You are one of the funniest people I have met and now all the Jerry fics make so much more sense X’D
@colbypuppythebaker thank you for all the yummy food you made and brought for us! It was my first time trying everything that you bought and I loved it. And thank you for the company! It was wonderful meeting you in person (^ ω ^) ♥
@purrfecktlysinful thank you for the fun! It was adorable hearing you gush and worldbuild for Reborntale! I love your writing and seeing it be created like this was so much fun (≧∀≦) ❤
@sesurescue thank you for all the hugs! You were definitely the best hugger in the group! Also, thank you for the Fellcest sketch, they are just the cutest beans *hugs* ⊂( ̄▽ ̄)⊃ ❤
Meeting everyone else who came to visit the airbnb where we were staying was just amazing! It was a real joy to meet all of you and to get to know you in person! I’m so happy I got to talk to all of you and share some fun times ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡
@mercy-run *huggles* glad I got to meet you Mercy! I’m so happy you managed to come after all! Meeting you in person made the trip completely worth it and I really enjoyed spending time with you. Also, the panels you did were just amazing! You didn’t seem nervous at all. Thank you for the company and all the hugs (/^-^(^ ^*)/ ❤
@undertailsoulsex  thank you for the company and fun! It was great to meet you! I love your writing and linking a face to those incredible stories is just wonderful (*°▽°*) ❤
@fanficcentral30 thank you for the chocolates, the company and fun times! It was amazing to meet you! You are a wonderful person and I had a lot of fun talking with you (*≧ω≦*) ❤
@theyaois  thank you for the company! It was a lot of fun meeting you and talking to you! I really love your art and it was just so wonderful to meet in person  (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚ ❤
@wildunderbeastly *smooches*glad we had a chance to meet! I was worried we would miss each other due to my lack of wi-fi but we got to hang out so much and I’m so happy!! You are just as amazing irl as you are online and I hope we get a chance to meet in Europe as well  ❤ (ɔˆз(ˆ⌣ˆc)
@magyka13 you are adorable! I was happy that you made it and could come hang out with us! Thank you for raising the pun factor! The puns multiplied tenfold when you arrived *high fives*╰(*´︶`*) ❤
@nojiko444  I’m glad you came with Wild and I got to meet you! It was so much fun talking to you and I hope I didn’t bug you too much with my doll making! Thank you so so much for the gorgeous dragon! I love him to bits  (*^◡^*) ❤
@nightdreamerdoodles it was great meeting you! We didn’t get to talk much but it was fun and I’m so glad you came with Wild and everyone! Thanky you for the babybones blaster, he is the cutest little guy ever (´。• ᵕ •。`) ❤
@mistressofundertail it was incredibly fun to see you talk about your writing! I need to read up on everything you wrote so I can find all the little details you put into your stories! (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ ❤
The event was absolutely amazing! I’m sure everyone has seen pictures and videos posted on the event tumblr and could see there were many incredible artists, cosplayers, panels, things to see and people to meet! I loved every minute spent at the event and I loved meeting all the amazing people there. You are all just incredible and I’m so happy I met you all (≧◡≦) ❤
@dandelions-sea  your cosplay was amazing! And it was a pleasure to meet you in person! You are amazing and I was really happy we could hang out at the event! Sorry it was so short though but it was lot of fun (*≧∀≦*) ❤
@tically and the louder brother J (not sure I can write his name here) you two are both so amazing! It was so much fun to hang out with you both in the gamer bar. I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time! Hearing about your adventures was really fun, you made me laugh to tears more than once  。゚(TヮT)゚。 ❤
@saturnwonder you are just incredible! The determination and dedication you showed to come to the event were just awe inspiring! I’m so happy we got to meet and hang you at the gamer bar. It was so much fun talking to you and joking agound together (ノ゚▽゚)ノ ❤
@knowmeknot101  it was so great to meet you in person! You are just as nice and amazing in person as you are here and I’m so happy we had a chance to talk! Thank you for singing my notebook as well! (*^ワ ^*) ❤
@symphysins  I was so happy to meet you! I love your art and meeting you was a joy! Thank you for singing my notebook! ଘ(੭ˊ꒳ˋ)੭ ♥
@cardboardhydrates I’m so happy we got to meet! You are just amazing and thank you so so much for the wonderful things you wrote in my notebook... they made me tear up... you are just such a sweetie (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ) ♥ 
@annaisu I’m so happy we managed to meet! You are so amazing, nice and wonderful and it was a joy to meet you in person! Hope you had a lot of fun at the event o(^▽^)o ♥
and anyone I might have missed... sorry guys there were so many people I kinda got lost... but I love you all and it was a pleasure to meet you!
And a special mention to @sin-cognito who couldn’t make it but sent me an incredible fic as a present! You are a real sweetie and I was so happy when I received that little mysterious envelope I didn’t know what to do with myself *smooches* good luck hun we are all rooting for you ( ´ ∀ `)ノ~ ♥
and everyone sorry for my broken English, I’ll try to practice talking more for the next time ^_^;;;
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kinjaru · 7 years
1-100 do it
1. Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora?SoundCloud
2. is your room messy or clean?its messy as shit
3. what color are your eyes?dark blue
4. do you like your name? why?yes and no. Sometimes people mistake my name adding one more ‘’i’’ in my name but idk why i hate it. but atleast its short
5. what is your relationship status? single eeey (;_;)
6. describe your personality in 3 words or lesskind, quiet and lazy
7. what color hair do you have?natural blonde i am
8. what kind of car do you drive? color?Don’t have car but it would be nice own one
9. where do you shop?idk
10. how would you describe your style?
um… hipster? person who likes old stuff??
11. favorite social media accountithink its youtube since i use it daily mostly
12. what size bed do you have?i really dont know but its big enough
13. any siblings?big brother an big sister (im the youngest one yay)
14. if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?Somewhere were i can be in peace
15. favorite snapchat filter?don’t have one
16. favorite makeup brand(s)don’t have that either
17. how many times a week do you shower?2-3 times
18. favorite tv show?theres one but can’t remember it :’D
19. shoe size?38 or 39
20. how tall are you?165cm (finally i know it)
21. sandals or sneakers?sneakers
22. do you go to the gym?yeh but not anymore, last time was last spring :’)
23. describe your dream dateidk i havent think about it at all
24. how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment?75 cents
25. what color socks are you wearing?dark red socks rn
26. how many pillows do you sleep with?2 or 3
27. do you have a job? what do you do?nope :’) still in school but i have profession as artisan but am again in school because its dead
28. how many friends do you have?3-4 (i think..? ;-;)
29. whats the worst thing you have ever done?I have lied many times, eated others food and stealed candybut mayde its that I have acidentally said something rude/wrong thing to other person and then it haunts methere is other things too but cannot remember rn
30. whats your favorite candle scent?Vanilla and cinnamon
31. 3 favorite boy namesPekka, Kalle and Jukka (all them are finnish names and only names i have used when creating random named boy)
32. 3 favorite girl namesI… havent think about it but theres some but can’t remember
33. favorite actor?don’t have one
34. favorite actress?don’t have that either
35. who is your celebrity crush?i don’t even know do I have one rn or ever
36. favorite movie?theres way too many and most are animated movies
37. do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? Sometimes some fantasy books and fairy talesdon’t have one favorite
38. money or brains?brains
39. do you have a nickname? what is it?Kin/Kinjaru/Kinkku
40. how many times have you been to the hospital?2 times
41. top 10 favorite songsooh boy here it comess
list because im lazy link everything and most of them are old
42. do you take any medications daily?yep
43. what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc)normal
44. what is your biggest fear?being forgotten
45. how many kids do you want?Haven’t think about it but none
46. whats your go to hair style?ponytail
47. what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc)big but not too big
48. who is your role model?
dont have one
49. what was the last compliment you received?“its really good thing you paint these windows”
50. what was the last text you sent?*hotdog.gif* or “too gay for this shit”
51. how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real?about 10 or 11
52. what is your dream car?don’t have one
53. opinion on smoking?not get any enjoyment and is a waste of money
54. do you go to college?ithink?
55. what is your dream job?it was becoming a veterinarian or animator but not anymore
56. would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs?both is good and i can’t choose
57. do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels?yes :’D if theres ones
58. do you have freckles?nope
59. do you smile for pictures?mostly no but i try to
60. how many pictures do you have on your phone?5 305 and most of them are reaction images
61. have you ever peed in the woods?ye
62. do you still watch cartoons?yes.
63. do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds?McDonalds
64. Favorite dipping sauce?sweet & sour
65. what do you wear to bed?underwear
66. have you ever won a spelling bee?nope
67. what are your hobbies?its been mostly drawing but nowadays sleeping and playing games
68. can you draw? yes but mostly animals
69. do you play an instrument?nope.
70. what was the last concert you saw?ithink it was kube when i was half drunk or jenni vartiainen
71. tea or coffee?coffee but both is good
72. Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts?neither since we don’t have those in here
73. do you want to get married?idk
74. what is your crush’s first and last initial?I… i dont know.. dont now the real name and i had too many crushes in past sdfghjklöäjghklfjgkd
75. are you going to change your last name when you get married?nope
76. what color looks best on you?mostly dark colors
77. do you miss anyone right now?yes, like always :’)
78. do you sleep with your door open or closed?always closed
79. do you believe in ghosts?yees
80.what is your biggest pet peeve?I only have one and its dog Leo which is cotton de tulear and smoll bean who likes to bork
81. last person you called?my mom
82. favorite ice cream flavor?chocolate, vanilla and mint
83. regular oreos or golden oreos? regular
84. chocolate or rainbow sprinkles?aaaaa both
85. what shirt are you wearing?gray cat t-shirt
86. what is your phone background?Primarina
87. are you outgoing or shy?shy mostly but when you get know me outgoing
88. do you like it when people play with your hair?YEEEEEES if its person i know and trust
89. do you like your neighbors?of course
90. do you wash your face? at night? in the morning?yes when i have time and motivation. mostly morning
91. have you ever been high?ye
92. have you ever been drunk?oh many times since i turned 18
93. last thing you ate?waffles
94. favorite lyrics right now
‘Cause you said you’d never let me goAnd I said I can but now we knowThat it’s too hard to say three wordsToo hard to make it work
She’s looking outFrom the war that’s insideShe’s screaming outCause no one survivedBut when you’re all aloneYou wait and you hideCause it’s the story of a queenWhose castle has fallen to the seaKnowing there’s no one who will beA king that will come and save his queen
I’m not about to complainThat’s too much time and energyToo long a walk to try to turn backAnd i’m not the sameIt’s plain enough to seeBut some of us are living in the past
Oh, but looking at the present’s fucking sad
95. summer or winter?summer mostly since winter is so cold and its hard to move with bike
96. day or night?night
97. dark, milk, or white chocolate?all, can’t choose
98. favorite month?don’t have one
99. what is your zodiac signfish sticks (Pisces)
100. who was the last person you cried in front of?this bih who asked this ask
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abiistudies · 7 years
✨ congrats on 2k abi!!!! omg you deserve every last follower, you beautiful bean ❤❤
sbhdbhsd thank you so much sea ily!!! youre the sweetest!!
url: i don’t get it but it’s cute | so nice! | hot diggity damn!| I’m going to steal this from u (its so clever!)
icon: nice | super cute! | wowzer!! | I Will Pay You To Give It To Me (i love him!!! so much!!!)
theme (for both mobile and desktop): nicebut default | pretty! | this is so gorgeous!! | give me it???
original content: sadly couldn’t find it ;-; |very nice | amazing!! | im in love??????
overall: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | cannot be expressed innumbers
following: no, but you’re still awesome | i am now | already stanningtalent | i lov u
additional comments: your blog is everything goals and i love it!!! you’re one of the blogs that inspired me to start a studyblr bc everything on your blog is perf?? your desktop theme is really clean and pretty, and im in love with ur icon bc tanaka-kun wa itsumo kedaruge is my favourite anime and i relate to tanaka so much wow! all of your original posts are absolutely AMAZING!!! i genuinely have no words!! your handwriting is like the prettiest ive ever seen? and your bujo spreads are so gorgeous??? your cute lil drawings are adorable (the tiny bubble tea with a face makes me cry bc its so cute). there arent enough words in the universe to express how much i love everything about your blog so uh ANYONE WHO ISNT FOLLOWING SEA IS MISSING OUT HUGELY THIS HAS BEEN A PSA
want me to attempt to rate your blog?
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devouer · 7 years
unusual asks: 1-100,,,,, All of them,,,,,
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora?
is your room messy or clean?
clean usually, although it’s weird right now with moving back home and getting rid of pretty much everything I owned before this year
what color are your eyes?
dark brown!
do you like your name? why?
i like elma ling but not elma very much just because of the flow + because my host family used it to differentiate me from my host sister emma so I associate it with warmth and familiarity + it’s cute and reflects my heritage?? idk I feel like it fits me well enough
what is your relationship status?
marrying @katsudaddy and adopting our dog cranberry and our cat sock and living in a cozy apartment together
no but rly im single but so involved in my friendships that like... honestly I put no difference in commitment between them and romantic relationships
describe your personality in 3 words or less
grateful, I think, more than anything! I hear things like sincere and mature pretty often too, but I think love and thankfulness define my perspective towards others more than anything
what color hair do you have?
dark brown
what kind of car do you drive? color?
I don’t drive
where do you shop?
a lot of MUJI and uniqlo ngl + a bit of zara/h&m + school apparel + thrifting
how would you describe your style?
minimalist but dreamy? kind of a mix of european and asian styles
favorite social media account
instagram probably! I use tumblr and snapchat quite a bit too
what size bed do you have?
I mean, I had a twin in france + at school, but here I have a full which makes me very sad it’s too big for one person so I’m trying to switch rooms/beds with my brother
any siblings?
my brother, who’s 13! I also have five host siblings even if they’re not my real family :’)
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?
honestly, considering the languages I know right now, I’d want to live on the west coast of france – there’s nowhere I feel more at home in terms of the people and lifestyle, and I love the way the light endures in the evening and the delicate beauty of patchwork cities and gardens... I’d love to live for some time in Russia, China, and Japan for language acquisition, though!
favorite snapchat filter?
I never use the filters omg but hm I love when @katsudaddy sends me bunny filter snaps she is cute
favorite makeup brand(s)
colourpop is the bomb! + nuxe, la roche posay, and the body shop are good for skin and beauty things that aren’t makeup
how many times a week do you shower?
probably around 5
favorite tv show?
shoe size?
36 EU/6 U.S.
how tall are you?
sandals or sneakers?
do you go to the gym?
I work out regularly, but not at the gym bc it was too expensive in france >:( I’ll probably start going now that I’m back, though!
describe your dream date
picnic and museum or exploring tbh... or going to the sea at a quiet hour... anything rly what matters is the other person!!
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment?
around $40 I think
what color socks are you wearing?
not wearing socks atm, but was wearing grey socks earlier!
how many pillows do you sleep with?
one usually
do you have a job? what do you do?
I’m camp counseling this summer!
how many friends do you have?
probably a good dozen, although I have around 4-5 really close friends!
whats the worst thing you have ever done?
clarify worst
whats your favorite candle scent?
LAVENDER I LOVE EVERYTHING LAVENDER it reminds me of home and early autumn in the loire and the fields of provence and my favorite honey :’)
3 favorite boy names
remi, alexeï, antonin
3 favorite girl names
irene, tereza, kiyoko
favorite actor?
the 12 year old in me is still hopelessly in love with orlando bloom
favorite actress?
katherine reber class of 2017
who is your celebrity crush?
nathan chen......................
favorite movie?
i rly love amélie!
do you read a lot? whats your favorite book?
i read a decent amount, but used to read all the time before hs! my favorite book is The Unbearable Lightness of Being by milan kundera!
money or brains?
um brains lmao I don’t like having many physical possessions
do you have a nickname? what is it?
elmy, elm tree, elmdog, soup dumpling, soup, xiao long bao, red bean, elma ling was a sort of nickname that became my normal name, french bitch
how many times have you been to the hospital?
none lmao
top 10 favorite songs
rachmaninoff piano concerto no. 2 (esp. the second movement!)
rach 3
rachmaninoff ave maria from “vespers” (can you tell that rachmaninoff is my total comfort music)
debussy arabesque no. 1
theme for a taiwanese woman in lime green by devendra banhart
immobile by cliché
you only live once by the strokes
chosen by blood orange
astor piazolla tangata
getting to know you by spazzkid
do you take any medications daily?
what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc)
normal-ish? i have acne which is annoying but it’s been getting a lot better since I’ve come back I’m convinced bretagne water was just really bad for my skin
what is your biggest fear?
losing my ability to learn with the ease needed to continually better my understanding of the world and others (lest the progress of time bypass my ability to view the flow) and thus have unsatisfiable ambition and love
how many kids do you want?
none rly
whats your go to hair style?
half-back, sometimes french braided
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc)
decent-sized family home, but I can’t wait to get out and live in an apartment I rly hate having space idk
who is your role model?
MY TEACHERS especially my physics and french teachers I rly adore them and could never express my gratitude for the dedication of their lives to my growth
what was the last compliment you received?
friends’ parents saying they believe I’ll do great things in the future and wishing me good luck at uni :’)
what was the last text you sent?
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real?
idk little me was caught between knowing better and remaining purposely ignorant out of a nostalgia for wonder in total unknowing of infancy so
what is your dream car?
i literally don’t ever want a car of my own
opinion on smoking?
very harmful, never something i’d try... like, I have a lot of friends/classmates who smoke and I’d never judge their characters from that, but idk I think it’s a rly bad habit
do you go to college?
yep, uchicago!
what is your dream job?
i’d love to be a journalist or writer with international involvement but idk really! I’m very flexible when considering my future!
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs?
RURAL AREA like anywhere but the suburbs tbh like a city would be ideal, but at least in a rural area, I could have a thoreau-esque retreat
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels?
no i never use them
do you have freckles?
yes i have so many spots on my skin idk it just pigments very easily
do you smile for pictures?
i do now (even though i prefer candids by a long shot) but i would refuse to when i was very little maybe until i was like 6-7
how many pictures do you have on your phone?
have you ever peed in the woods?
so many times lmao i hike i have no qualms
do you still watch cartoons?
.........does yuri on ice count
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds?
idek the difference
Favorite dipping sauce?
curry sauce!!!
what do you wear to bed?
if it’s cold i bundle up in sweatpants + a patagonia, but if it’s decently warm, i just wear underwear
have you ever won a spelling bee?
what are your hobbies?
piano, painting, picking up new languages bc i’m a loser, organ, photography, hiking, teaching english from time to time + writing + editing
can you draw?
decently ehhh
do you play an instrument?
piano, violin, and organ!
what was the last concert you saw?
probably the marriage of figaro at the prague opera if that counts lmao..... i don’t go to non-classical concerts idk
tea or coffee?
tea usually, but I love a good espresso
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts?
do you want to get married?
@katsudaddy and I are already married
what is your crush’s first and last initial?
KIDDING lmao no i’m not really into anyone romantically right now
are you going to change your last name when you get married?
depends on what sounds nicest tbh... I don’t like the sonority of my last name much so...yeah probably
what color looks best on you?
deep red looks nice, but I prefer wearing neutrals + greens/blues
do you miss anyone right now?
my family (host fam)
do you sleep with your door open or closed?
closed, but i used to leave my balcony doors open sometimes in france
do you believe in ghosts?
what is your biggest pet peeve?
last person you called`
my dad
favorite ice cream flavor?
hmm I had a honey-almond gelato near marseille that I rly liked!!
regular oreos or golden oreos?
i don’t even remember what they taste like
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles?
rainbow bc they’re gay
what shirt are you wearing?
white t-shirt with a loose denim dress on top
what is your phone background?
aljkdfsh fanart of yuuri kissing viktor on the head... very cute
are you outgoing or shy?
honestly i think the best way to describe me would be intense? like, i rly swing between extremes with this depending upon where I direct my energy, so like... idk I’m naturally quite private but come off as outgoing bc I put up that front in public events when I have to
do you like it when people play with your hair?
ppl don’t rly play with my hair but I like playing with others’!!
do you like your neighbors?
idk the neighbors in PA or even in France, but at school, I lived with my classmates and teachers, and I loved the majority!!!
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning?
have you ever been high?
have you ever been drunk?
yes, but I stay pretty in control
last thing you ate?
favorite lyrics right now
idk I don’t really think I have any! the sonority of music has always been a lot more moving to me than the lyrics
summer or winter?
summer, but the dawn of spring is my favorite time of year
day or night?
the last hours of day in the northern summers where the sky will be light almost until midnight
dark, milk, or white chocolate?
DARK like 85%-95% is good
favorite month?
maybe march or april... it depends on the weather each year!
what is your zodiac sign
taurus but idk it’s Very inaccurate for me (like i constantly crave change and take initiative to throw myself into uncomfortable and new situations, and I eschew material possession... at least i’m rly loyal though?) tbh my chinese zodiac (dragon) is much closer to my personality
who was the last person you cried in front of?
dave, my physics teacher :( I was thanking him one last time for showing me a way of surviving, u know? like there’s so much love and passion in what he does and idk I always worry about losing spark and so it’s like... idk he reminds me that there is always life in love if that makes any sense
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