#I need to catch up to my gameplay so full steam ahead!!
castawavy · 8 months
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third trimester now
before / next
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itsbenedict · 4 years
recently bought and beat the new Pokemon, finally. i’d been holding off because i’d heard about things being rushed (the dex stuff being just a symptom of that), but i was actually pretty impressed with this one. there’s a lot of great quality of life stuff like immediate access to Fly and on-field PC access, and my worries about the Wild Area siphoning personality from the routes were ill-founded. the massive variety of wild pokemon to catch and build a team from early on was also something i’d criticized other entries in the series (sinnoh through kalos especially) for lacking. the basic catch-’em-all experience is better than ever, save the dex issues.
of course, i’ve still got a bunch of niggles:
the draw distance issues in the Wild Area were really noticeable, to the point where it interfered with gameplay sometimes when a pokemon i had my eye on would cross an invisible zone boundary and vanish. there’s a logic to how it works that you can get used to, but it’s definitely a logic that exists to paper over technical shortcomings
whose dumbass idea was it to include extensive player customization, and then force you to wear the exact same dweebus football uniform in all gym battles? those are the moments where you’re supposed to look the coolest, and they take that all away? they even sell, at exorbitant prices, different uniforms in different styles, except you’re not allowed to use those in gyms either! so what the fuck!! i had to fight the champion while wearing the color red on my body and i’m fuckin STEAMED about it
the plot on this one is as bare-bones as it’s ever been- which is a mixed bag, IMO. the “evil team does evil thing” sideplot in every game has never been, like, remotely good at all, and on a level i appreciate that they crammed the entire apocalypse plot into one sequence between the elite four and champion fights. but... man did it not make a whole lot of sense. who the big bad was is obvious, but even in the scene where he explains his evil plans after bringing them to fruition, he doesn’t actually explain his evil plans at all. something something energy the future????? apparently he fucked up but they really have no interest in explaining what he was even trying to do. the whole thing really felt like an afterthought.
the mechanics of Max Raid Battles are severely underexplained, and it’s really hard to tell what kind of force you should be bringing to these things ahead of time- they don’t list level numbers or anything, just a star rating that doesn’t tell you anything about how strong you actually need to be.
dynamax is pretty cool actually (it’s less of a buff than it looks, so it needs to be used strategically), but- hey, wait, what? you need to catch special unique capable-of-gigantimaxing versions of pokemon that can gigantimax from raid battles, and can’t use, like, the ones you’ve actually been raising? that is some prime bullshit right there.
aaaaaagh bike handling bad. i just want to pick up the dang pokeball right in front of me i don’t want to do donuts around it over and over! (plus bikes *also* force you into a dweeby sport outfit, which isn’t any different from SuMo’s ride pokemon but this time the color coordination is even more godawful.)
i have very little idea what the point of Watts is supposed to be. there’s not much worthwhile you can buy with it, and the stuff that is worthwhile (TRs mainly) costs so much you’d need to grind for ages to get enough. it’s like tickets at a shitty kids’ arcade place. either this is a system they wanted to build out more but didn’t have time to, or it becomes more relevant in post-game content i don’t have time to bother with. Just Use Money Yo
camping is also underexplained- i’m not sure what’s going on with the friendship mechanic this time around, or how much petting and playing affects it. without clear mechanical incentive, i pretty much didn’t bother unless i wanted a full party heal from curry (whose minigame is, you guessed it, underexplained and kinda bullshit).
the same issues that plague every single pokemon game are still here- most egregiously the glacial progression of battle notifications. i don’t need you to take up ten full seconds at the beginning of every battle to have Corviknight shiver a little bit and then tell me that it’s hailing and then also tell me that Pressure is active! i don’t need a three-second text notification every time Fury Attack gets another one of its 2-5 hits! i don’t need you to give me separate “you took a teeny tiny amount of damage from sandstorm” and “the enemy took a teeny tiny amount of damage from sandstorm” messages! i can tell that my health went down from spending four seconds watching the bar tick down! jesus FUCKING christ, streamline your UX fucking AT ALL from the way it was in 1996!!! how is your battle conveyance STILL this archaic despite all the other QoL stuff you’re apparently not afraid to include?!?!! I’LL KICK YOUR ASS THROUGH YOUR GODDAMN TEETH BECAUSE WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!
but yeah other than that it’s pretty good
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qm-vox · 4 years
So You Want To Play Hades
I spent six hours coming up with that title because I have problems in my mind which I refuse to either examine or resolve.
So, Hades! The latest work from Supergiant Games, who brought you the interactive soundtracks to Bastion, Transistor, and Pyre, all superb games in their own rights known for their intuitive gameplay, build-your-own-hard-mode difficulty style, incredible atmosphere and characterization, thought-provoking stories, and that sexy, sexy fuckin’ music.
Like, listen to this sometime it’s amazing (all of their soundtracks are available from them on Youtube, by the by, though if you like ‘em you can support the creators by buying the music from them directly too):
You’re likely asking, quite reasonably, why in the infinite and undying fuck I’m writing this post right now, and the long and short of it is I want more people to talk Hades with so now y’all are gonna get hit with the sales pitch and what I hope will be a helpful beginner’s guide if you decide to get into the game. Let’s get into that first part, shall we?
Thou Shalt Subject Your Gods To Market Forces
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(Image sourced from Supergiant’s website)
Hades is an action-roguelike/lite that places you in the role of Prince Zagreus, secret son of Hades. Zag is trying to move out of his father’s house and live somewhere else for awhile and, well, Dad’s just being an entire dick about the whole thing. Hades challenges you to face down the endless ranks of the dead one chamber at a time, gathering the resources you need to breach upward through the Greek underworld and open the mighty gates into the living world. You can acquire it on Steam or on the Epic Store.
How do you know if Hades is or isn’t for you? If you like action games with tight controls and widely varied playstyles, we’ve got you covered here (if you’re thinking in terms of previous Supergiant offerings, Bastion has the most bones in). Hades also offers a great character-focused narrative, centering around the relationships Zagreus has and develops with the people around him - from legendary shades like Achilles and Sisyphus, to the gods of Olympus, to the cthonic gods of the underworld like Charon, Nyx, and the Furies - which fully incorporates the conceits of the genre. Unlike many roguelikes which sorta quietly elide failed runs or deaths, Zag’s defeats are part of his journey. After all, he’s already in the underworld. Where the fuck else is he going to go when he dies? Connecticut?
Though I can gush about the characters and narrative all day (and I’ll do it a bit more later), don’t get me wrong: Hades expects you to perform some pretty tight mechanics. Since dying is just the end of this run and not the game, the game feels pretty free to take brutal measures; the environments you move in are full of deadly traps, the seething ranks of the dead outnumber you to vast degrees, and you’ll fight a dizzying mix of opponents who do not hesitate to catch you in cross-fires, push you into lava, or drop bombs when you kill them because fuck you for succeeding you weird godling bastard. If you get easily frustrated or flustered, Hades may be quite stressful for you; before it’s anything else, it’s an action game with a heavy focus on combat, and if you decide to ride this train that’s the price of the ticket. If you relish the challenge and especially if you like the satisfaction of watching your play improve, though, it’s one hell of a ride.
In terms of accessibility features, Hades is a mixed bag. It has subtitles and aim assistance available, as well as a variety of supported languages and control adjustments which can alter how you do things like dash or attack, but it’s missing, for instance, a colorblind mode (and that’s gonna be important here in a minute), and many enemy behaviors & traps have audio cues which are not part of the current subtitle support. A rumble feature for controllers that have it is supported; Hades strongly suggests the use of a controller, but I know several players who choose to use a mouse & keyboard and seem to prefer it. Semi-recently, a God Mode option was added which empowers you when it’s turned on and does so further every time you die; it’s the closest Hades comes to an ‘easy’ mode, and while reception of it from my fellow players has been highly positive I’ve not tried it for myself.
If you’ve liked action games in the past, I’d highly endorse giving Hades a try as long as it’s accessible for you. The current build of the game (just before formal release) is selling at $24.99 USD on Steam right now, and like...I am not a highly skilled Gaming Individual(tm). I lose at games a lot. I play most of my games on Easy or maybe Normal if I’m really feeling like my dick is big - and with that in mind, I loved this one enough to buy it twice. I love the tight feeling of the combat, the way the mechanics feel, its gorgeous environments and its captivating characters. Hell, that’s why I’m out here writing a whole-ass article.
Stealth, Guile, Subtlety, And Other Things You Will Not Need - Getting Started In Hades
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(Artwork sourced from the Hades wiki)
So you’ve decided to acquire Hades, you already own it, or the first part of this article was intriguing enough for you to look at the advice portion and see what sort of game you could be dealing with. Hades can be intimidating at first; it throws a lot of stuff at you, very quickly, and while it gives you some strong guidance on what to do with many of the resources you’ll acquire not all of those uses are immediately intuitive. The following is a guide to help your first few runs go a bit more smoothly and work on the fundamentals that will help you through your entire experience.
Let’s start with some General Tips that will help you out with every run and every weapon:
- Relax. No, seriously: relax. You haven’t ‘failed’ a run if you don’t beat the final boss. Hell, you probably haven’t even ‘failed’ a run if you die in Tartarus. If you learned something or got any permanent resource - gemstones, darkness, nectar, keys, blood, diamonds, ambrosia - then that run was a success. Even if the game wasn’t currently early access and thus without a proper ‘end’ at the moment, it’s supposed to be fun. Don’t castigate yourself for dying, just dive screaming back in and rip your vengeance from the spectral chest of your slayer.
- Always Be Moving. You only have so many hit points (you start a save file with a max of 50 and the most you can start a given run with is 200) and healing is limited over the course of a run. If you’re standing still, you’re getting hit. Zag’s quick on his feet - keep him moving and use your dash liberally. Once you’ve dealt some damage, leave and let your enemies swing at empty air, then dash back in and bully them back into their graves. When you start a dash you’re invulnerable until the dash finishes, which can make for some real cheeky dodges once you’ve had time to learn enemy timing.
- Watch And Learn. Early on in the game you’ll be learning about new enemies every chamber, especially when you start transferring to new zones and all of the enemies you’ve been facing just stop being a thing. Take the chance to know your foe! You’re not on a clock: don’t leap into the fight immediately. Dash around and watch how your enemies move and attack. What’s the limitations of their tactics? The reach on their attacks? How fast do they swing and move? If you’d like to watch some of that stuff ahead of time, I’d like to suggest amber_cxc’s Twitch channel: she’s been doing a lot of runs and speedruns of Hades of late, among the other games she plays.
- Manipulate Your Rewards. Certain things in Hades can only be offered a limited number of times per run, and once you’ve hit your quota they stop appearing. You can take advantage of this to get more Boons, Centaur Hearts, and Poms of Power. Specifically, you can only have up to two Daedelus Hammers and up to three Hermes Boons. If you can knock these out early I highly endorse doing so; they’re never bad to have, and even if somehow you want none of what they have to offer getting them off the RNG will help you later. Additionally, you can use Keepsakes (more on these in a minute) to manipulate who you get Boons from, when, by changing in and out of them at each biome. In this way you can control the shape of your build for the run.
- Accept That Your Dick Energy Is Fucking Huge. A lot of games try to keep you humble. Dark Souls is infamous for it, of course, and others in this genre such as Crypt of the Necrodancer and Enter the Gungeon do not reward haste at all. That is not this game. Walk into Hades like you’re the lord god of the Big Dick Dimension even if you know you’re not; take risks and learn from experience how you can mitigate, manipulate, or cancel out those risks. That unearned confidence won’t just help you with tip one (Relax), it’ll help you practice in those high-pressure situations which will occur more and more as your Heat rises.
- A Brief Note On Projectiles. This game has a few kinds of projectiles that you’ll need to learn to identify. Balls and Arrows can be broken - hit them with an Attack and they pop and won’t hurt you. Waves cannot be broken; they travel fast along the ground and have to be dodged or deflected. Lasers can neither be broken nor deflected. Traps can’t be broken, and deflecting them doesn’t always make them safe for you; these include the lava balls in Asphodel, Inferno Bombs, and the shit spit out by Bothers and Pests. Know your foe and always be moving.
In terms of the resources you’re offered, there are broadly two kinds: in-run resources, and out-of-run resources. Let’s talk briefly about in-run ones.
- Boons: Boons are the powerful gifts of your Olympian relatives. They change how you play during your run by augmenting your abilities (like your Attack, Special, or Dash) or by offering passive benefits. In general, look at Aphrodite, Athena, or Dionysus if you want powerful defenses, Ares, Artemis, or Zeus for powerful attacks, and Poseidon and Demeter for a combination of damage and utility. Different gods will be good with different weapons, and we’ll get into that later. Boons have a Rarity and a Level; Rarity determines their starting power and how well they scale if they do scale, and Level is that scaling.
- Centaur Hearts: +25 max and current HP for this run. Do you like not dying?
- Poms of Power: Poms increase the Level of a Boon by 1, which generally makes it better at doing whatever it does. Not all Boons will level up, but the ones that you can attach to your Attack, Special, Cast, Dash, or Call always do. You do eventually hit diminishing returns with these, so you’ll generally want to spread the love around if you keep picking up Poms.
- Obols: DOLLAH DOLLAH BILLS Y’ALL. Obols are the coins preferred by Charon, the Ferryman, who will take them from you for goods and services. Obols can be turned into all other resources - even out-of-run resources. They’re almost always a great choice of investment.
These in-run resources are presented as potential rewards when you’re selecting chambers. I tend to run heavy on Boons and Obols myself, but your own play style is likely to differ! Experiment with the feel of acquiring various rewards and see what you like to invest in. After all, they’re only for the run you’re on; you literally can’t take it with you.
Out-of-run resources are used to permanently advance Zagreus’s power, his relationships, or both. They are as follows:
- Cthonic Keys: Used to unlock new weapons and new parts of the Mirror of Night. Once your weapons and Mirror are wholly unlocked these keys stop being useful more or less instantly, and can be safely traded at the Wretched Broker between runs to acquire Nectar (but see Gemstones, below).
- Gemstones: Early in the game, Gemstones can be traded in at the House Contractor between runs in order to enhance the underworld; in particular, they can be used to install fountain rooms, to open up access to Chaos and Erebus, to give you access to Infernal Troves (and upgrade said troves), and to add in-run resources to Keys, Nectar, and Gemstones. These services are in the first tab of the House Contractor and you should buy them out as soon as possible so that your runs can springboard off of these powerful additions. Once that’s taken care of, Gemstones can be used to renovate the House of Hades, including Zag’s bedroom and the lounge, again at the House Contractor.
- Nectar: The nectar of the gods is in short supply in the underworld, and is a treasured gift that Zagreus can offer to his friends. In most cases, the first time you give a character Nectar they will trade you a powerful Keepsake in return; these are run-altering tools you select at the start of each run and change how you play. Early on, spread the love, but once you’re full up on Keepsakes you can feel free to develop relationships through gift-giving however you see fit.
- Darkness: The power of Night is used to give permanent, powerful passive benefits to Zagreus via the Mirror of Night in his bedroom. I would suggest using Darkness to get your extra Dash and extra hit points before anything else, but once you’ve got those tools kinda fuck around and find out. Eventually a dialogue option with Nyx will unlock the flip side of the Mirror’s talents, which must be developed separately and cost even more Darkness; you’ll want lots of this and you’ll want it for a very long time. Oh, and try to save aside 8,888 Darkness for a rainy day. You’ll need it.
- Titan Blood: Offered by the first and last bosses at each level of Heat (more on Heat later). Titan Blood is used to upgrade your weapons, making them better at doing all of the things they do, as well as to unlock Aspects of those weapons. We’re still shy one Aspect as of the latest patch, so ah, don’t stop collecting this. You’ll always have a use for it.
- Diamonds: Offered by the second boss at each level of Heat. Diamonds are used to buy plot-relevant renovations to the House of Hades, to advance certain relationships, and to acquire the fishing minigame and in-game access to the soundtrack within the House. Like Blood, you’ll have a use for these for a long, long time.
- Ambrosia: Offered by the third boss at each level of Heat. When you reach the point at which you can no longer offer people Nectar, genuine Ambrosia from Olympus becomes the princely gesture by which you can show your gratitude. You may be tempted to trade this for Blood early on. Don’t.
When you’re starting out, Darkness and Gemstones will be the gods of your new world, followed closely by Cthonic Keys You’ll run out of immediate need for Gemstones faster than you will for Darkness, but by that time you’ll either be comfortable with Hades or you’ll have determined it’s not for you. Focus on unlocking access to your new weapons, upgrading the underworld itself, and paying off your talents; at this stage, escaping the underworld isn’t really a priority so much as setting up for your eventual triumph is.
And When You Can No Longer Lay Waste - Infernal Arms And Heat
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(Artwork sourced from the Hades Wiki)
The assault rifle with under-slung mortar launcher is definitely my favorite ancient Greek weapon.
So I’ve mentioned unlocking weapons, and I’ve mentioned that Hades offers varied play styles, so I suppose I ought to talk about them. Zagreus’s weapons - his Infernal Arms - form the first layer of your play style choices, which will be augmented by your in-run choices, and the second layer comes in the form of the Pact of Punishment and its Heat. Each weapon has differing values for its attacks and behaves very differently. I’m not gonna give you the specific numbers here - we have a wiki for that - and will instead make some general statements on how they play and what might pair well with them.
- Stygius, the Blade of the Underworld: You start each save file with this bad boy. Stygius is a generalist weapon that leans somewhat towards speed; its Attack is a three-hit combo that ends in a Thrust with knockback, while its Dash Attack (note: these are not the same with ANY weapon) is solely the Thrust, still with knockback. Its Special, slower than the Attack, is a high-damage shockwave that breaks enemy projectiles and knocks them back. You might be asking yourself, Vox, why would I Special when it makes people leave sword range, at which point I will direct you back to Always Be Moving; your Special makes your enemies Go Away, which saves you hit points. Stygius can build into almost anything, though its Attack benefits the least from Zeus and Poseidon, and is notable for having the most wild fucking Hammer options. Some of them do little things like make your Special bigger, but then you get stuff like Hoarding Slash (deal extra damage equal to 5% of your Obols), World Splitter (you do one big swing with a base damage of 80) and motherfucking CURSED SLASH, which is where Stygius rips a line of cocaine off of a mirror, cuts your health by 60%, and then heals you for 2 every time you hit something. My advice for this is whatever you start down, commit. Stygius might build into anything, but it can’t build into everything: once you choose a boon path, pick things to compliment that and go fucking ham.
- Varatha, the Eternal Spear: The forgotten child of Hades’ weapons, Varatha is a versatile weapon that, like Stygius, does a bit of everything - and unlike Stygius, does it all at the same time. Varatha’s base attack is a series of three long-range thrusts with low damage, and its Special throws the spear in a straight line, at which point it hovers in the air until you Special again; it follows a straight line from its position to your current one, damaging anything in that line. Last, but not least, you can perform a powerful Spin Attack by holding down the Attack button and charging up. Spin is one of the strongest single hits in the game, but you do have to stop moving to charge it up. However, you can dash out of the charge - even better, dashing releases the Spin at the end of your dash. This means that once you learn the timings of your charges, you can use Spin to attack and dodge at the same time, in a wide circle around yourself. Unlike Stygius, Varatha benefits to an extent from splitting your build up; its Attack wants big hitters like Aphrodite, Artemis, or Poseidon, whose high multipliers pair amazingly with the spin, while its Special can mount debuffs or stranger forms of damage like those offered by Dionysus and Ares. If you start building into one thing, but then Hammer into an alternate focus, the end result is still going to be pretty cohesive. Like Generic Goodstuff, or want a weapon to use while building up many divine relationships? Varatha does it all.
- Aegis, the Shield of Chaos: Just because this thing has the only block function in the game doesn’t mean it’s a defensive weapon. Aegis is a fast-moving melee weapon whose hits cause native knockback, slamming foes into walls, up against cliffs, and through traps & magma. Since Aegis throws people around it’s great for a highly aggressive style; dash in, hit them, and watch them slide away before they can do damage back to you. Its Special throws the shield Captain America style, where it ricochets off of opponents and obstacles before eventually returning. Use this with care; you can’t attack or block while your Special is out. Holding down the Attack button begins to charge a Bull Rush; while you’re charging, you’re immune to damage in the direction the shield is facing, and then when you release you dash to the end of the indicated line, damaging anything you hit. Despite how sexy that sounds, Bull Rush is honestly kinda slow and can be hard to build for specifically; instead, Bull Rush is best used to get out of bad situations, or to outlast big long boss combos, especially those used by the first and second bosses who are known to spit out absolute STREAMS of projectiles. Aegis hits fast and gets lots of bonus damage against normal enemies by bullying them against walls for that sweet, sweet Wall Slam damage, but it craves big damage multipliers less than some other weapons; consider using Zeus, Dionysus, or Demeter for your Attack, saving big damage choices for if you can get a Dash Attack build going. Special is great for mounting utility like Aphrodite or Poseidon that let you control the engagement further, just remember to think before you hit the yeet button.
- Coronacht, the Heart-Seeking Bow: Meet your first ranged weapon! Coronacht deals damage in a straight line by charging up a shot; when your line flashes, release the shot for a Power Shot that deals extra damage. Its Special is...bad, I’m gonna be real; it’s a wide-sweeping volley of arrows that deal individually low damage and will rarely, if ever, hit the same target. Still, it has its uses. Coronacht benefits from either high damage or battlefield control on its Attack; look into Artemis, Aphrodite, Demeter, and Poseidon. Its Special is harder to build for, but Ares and Zeus both do well on it since they can cause damage out of proportion with the range and/or area of your volley. Play keep-away and use distance to get off those charge shots, and remember that you can break projectiles and hit multiple enemies with each attack. Avoid mounting odd damage (Ares or Dionysus) or utility (Athena) on your Attack; it’s not going to come out fast enough to take meaningful advantage of those tools.
- Malphon, the Twin Fists: Easily the angriest weapon in all of Hades, Malphon is a pair of massive fuck-off gauntlets that are used for fast-moving combos at extremely short range. It is unique in that its Attack has a Dash Attack, and its Special - a massive uppercut - has a dash upper, letting you sweep in and deal big damage in a tight area immediately. Though each of Malphon’s hits are individually small, it throws out so fucking many of them that you can put almost anything on your Attack and it’ll work out. Athena Attack? Why not, you’ll be swinging when the enemy is. Dionysus Attack? Poison stacking has never been easier! Artemis Attack? Sure, you don’t do a lot of base damage, but you swing so often that you’ll crit constantly and take advantage of passives like Support Fire. Your Special has much higher base damage and can easily become the focus of your build, and because it moves slower it wants bigger damage multipliers like Artemis or Aphrodite if it’s your focus. If it’s not your focus, consider Poseidon in its slot (to get enemies to Go Away) or a god that will combo with your Attack (for instance, if you’re doing Demeter Attack, consider Zeus Special so you can potentially pick up the Cold Fusion boon and get 10 seconds of free damage every time you tap the Special button). You pay a price for this ease of use: Malphon’s range is directly inside the enemy’s ass, which means you need to have razor-thin timing to dash out of the way of attacks and keep your combos going, especially if you get swarmed. Since Malphon can mount and build literally fucking anything, it’s the ideal weapon to use if you want to power-level Keepsakes; slap something on at the start of a run and then just never take it off. Sure, you’re letting the Three Fates decide your build, but fuck it, it all just works!
- The Adamant Rail: What if you invaded the underworld with a fucking machine gun. The Adamant Rail has an ammo counter; each Attack takes 1 bullet (and Dash Attack takes and fires 2), and you reload by pressing the right-hand stick in. Its Special is a slow-moving mortar that hits in a wide area. The Rail is a powerful and versatile weapon capable of engaging at great range, which tends to build either Attack or Special. If you’re building Special, look for big hits like Aphrodite, Artemis, or even Poseidon, and any Special upgrade at all from the Hammers. Attack usually wants utility or stacks - stuff like Poseidon, Demeter, Dionysus, or Zeus - but certain Hammer upgrades like Spread Shot might make it more worthwhile to invest in big hits for it if you get them early. However! Just because you’ve decided on a focus doesn’t mean you should neglect the other half of your weapon. For instance, an Attack-focused build might still entertain the Targeting System upgrade so that you can more easily land your hits and avoid the enemy, while a Special-focused one benefits from mounting debuffs like Weak or Chill on its Attack.
For any weapon, once you settle into a play style you enjoy, find ways to be rewarded for what you’re already going to do. If you enjoy, say, the Chiron Aspect for the bow which makes it into a Special-focused weapon, mount benefits like Doom or Weak on its Attack since you still have to use that to make your shit go-go. This applies more broadly too; if you’re saving up Gemstones for something, for instance, use the extra money you get during your run to visit the shops earlier and more often. Let Hades reward you for doing the things you already want to do.
To close this guide out I’m going to briefly touch on Heat, which is how Supergiant Games has manifested their signature build-your-own-hard-mode approach. After you clear the game with any weapon for the first time, you acquire access to the Pact of Punishment. This Pact lets you turn on hostile modifiers to your run, which each have a Heat value; once you clear the game with a weapon at any given level of Heat (0, 1, 2, etc) you can only get Titan’s Blood, Diamonds, and Ambrosia with that weapon by advancing to the next level of Heat. In this way the game gradually gets harder on a weapon-by-weapon basis.
So, what modifiers to turn on? Depends on what you’re good at and bad at, but I would highly, highly suggest that you get used to Extreme Measures, Middle Management, and Benefits Package as soon as possible. Not only are they sources of big Heat by themselves that don’t change too much of the run by themselves, but their primary difficulty is knowledge-based; once you know them, they’re practically free real estate. Since Heat is tracked per-weapon and not in total, you can also always go back to weapons you’re not as good with and use practice with them as an excuse to get more permanent resources that you can pour into the ones you prefer.
Obviously this guide is not comprehensive! I’ve left out a lot of things you might want to know, like boss patterns, enemy types, and a whole lot of stuff about characters. Some of these things I’ve not talked about because I don’t want to give spoilers; others I haven’t talked about because I’m, again, actually pretty bad at games and the Hades community has talented folks whose guides on Steam, on the Reddit, and on the wiki can provide you with thorough breakdowns of the math that makes the game work. Still, it’s my hope that this can ease your entry into the world of Hades and help guide you in those early runs when it can feel like you’re spinning your wheels. I look forward to hearing from you; reblogs and commentary are welcome!
See you all in Hell.
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Canucks Twitter has never been more passionate, divisive and heavily opinionated; let’s go with an all-encompassing—vibrant. Any fan base is a community of people with thoughts to share, and luckily for others, content to create for a wider audience. I have to admit, I’ve been largely on the outside of Canucks Twitter, merely because I tend to direct my opinions to a TV screen rather than on social media. That being said, lately my sister, Pass it to Bulis contributor and Botchford Project recipient, Natalie Hoy, has been encouraging me to listen to more Canucks-centric podcasts. It’s been a fun time.
2010s: Does Vancouver really need two all-sports radio stations? 2020s: Does Vancouver really need 741 Canucks podcasts?
— Jyrki21 (@Jyrki21)
June 9, 2020
The world of ‘audio blogging’ has only grown over the past few years. Listeners are able to multi-task - exercising, cooking, cleaning, driving or on public transit - while plugged in to a new episode on practically any personal device. It’s a form of entertainment, often interactive, and a perfect creative outlet for amateur (and experienced) broadcasters looking for a new project. There is no shortage of podcasts courtesy of Canucks Twitter, a testament to the commitment and drive of fans, and the accessibility of the art form. With the Qualifying Round of the Stanley Cup Playoffs just about underway, there is much to be talked about. Let’s take a look at what’s out there.1
C4 Podcast
Founded: July 2013
Players: Chris Golden (@lyteforce), Anna Forsyth (@aforsyth03),Matt Lee (@mattlee_61)
Premise: The longest-running, active Canucks podcast (birthed from Canucks Hockey Blog) has been on-air for 7 years! Originally co-hosted by Chris and parody song creator Clay Imoo (@CanuckClay), the podcast offers commentary about current Canucks and NHL affairs, prospects, expectations, reminiscing on the team’s past (memories of the retired taco lover Eddie Lack and past playoff runs), and features interviews with guests. This past season, they’ve had Patrick Johnston (The Province), Satiar Shah (Sportsnet 650), Cam Robinson (Elite Prospects, Dobber Prospects) and Dan Murphy (Sportsnet) in the hot seat.
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In the "longest-running" #Canucks #PodcastLikeThat, @risingaction joins @aforsyth03 @lyteforce & @mattlee_61 to talk about the summer training camp so far, how the Canucks match against the Wild, Rathbone, Tryamkin and so much more! https://t.co/ACreWPcPWC
— #PodcastLikeThat (@TheC4Podcast)
July 21, 2020
Area 51
Founded: December 2019 (relaunch)
Players: Sean Warren (@SeanyeWest234), Samantha (@samanthacp_), Malcolm Ert (@malcolmert), Bradley Thomas (@bradthomas_96), Eric (@breakawayeric), Bailey Broadbent (@baileybroadcast)
Premise: Area 51 celebrated a relaunch last December since their inception in July 2019, and in May welcomed a team to join host Sean Warren. Aside from their cool, alien conspiracy branding, at the mic they cover a broad range of hockey talk with notable guests (writers and broadcasters in the media, content creators, musicians, WHL players, fellow blog/podcast owners, Canucks Autism Network). I love that they’ve started to cover important topics beyond the gameplay, like anti-racism, inclusivity, and diversity in sports, and have actively sought out the guests to do so.
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HERE WE GO! @CanuckClay enters A51 in GLCPC to discuss: -Sports debates -Being a hockey media creator -Plan a Vegas trip -Drinking and Parenting tips And complete the famous Guest Shootout! Find out whether Clay is responsible for the Luongo trade!https://t.co/Zg629tWvLG
— Area 51 Hockey Podcast (@Area51Hockey)
July 24, 2020
Cap Space Wins Cups
Founded: February 2020
Players: Hassan Ahmed (@_hassanahmed9), Ahsan Ahmed (@ace103196), Hussain Ahmed (@hussain11ahmed)
Premise: The newly formed podcast has a light, humorous tone - evident by their inaugural episode introduction about their lack of social media followers. They cover quick hits of the Canucks week, roster situations, hockey culture, and of course, cap space. They’ve hosted fellow podcast hosts and media (Satiar Shah, J.D. Burke, Matthew Sekeres, Jeff Paterson), and even a fellow Burnaby kid, Massimo Rizzo. Rizzo was a 2019 Carolina Hurricanes draft pick. It’s clear they have a lot more to share, including takes in on their corresponding blog – see: How the Canucks Can Acquire Dougie Hamilton & Build a Cup Contender. I’ll read anything related to Dougie Hamilton.
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🚨🚨Another HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT the boys have their own website 🚨🚨https://t.co/JfQXqiXcz2, the site has all the podcast epidoes and links to all their social media. The boys have also started blogging and have 2 big article out already! It’s 100% free sign up on the site to L&C!
— Cap Space Wins Cups Podcast (@capspacecups)
June 21, 2020
The Broadscast
Founded: July 2020
Players: Vanessa Jang (@vanessajang), Georgia Twiss (@georgiatwiss), Samantha (@samanthacp_), Mallory (@sports_lesbian), Danielle Huntley (@danihuntley)
Premise: Your ‘local hockey girl gang’ talks Canucks, sports culture, and soap operas. All 5 hosts have a significant following on Twitter and are bold and uncompromising, which makes for great statements and table chatter. This was written with only their Teaser episode released, but you can expect no shortage of pop culture references, fashion discussion, NHL wives and girlfriends (WAG) and pet content, along with team analysis. It’s trailblazing for a group of females in Vancouver to start their own podcast that’s hockey-focused, meant to be a casual chat amongst friends. They know the team, know their media, can gossip, and are having fun with it.
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The Broadscast is officially LIVE!! 🎙 Just 5 girls and some light-hearted hockey talk with a soap opera twist. Catch our teaser episode NOW on your podcast medium of choice!https://t.co/91KE8LnOJE pic.twitter.com/XH0fIfhmHy
— The Broadscast (@BroadscastPod)
July 27, 2020
Founded: September 2013
Players: Ryan Schaap (@schaaptop), Geeta Reddy (@geetanjalireddy), Paul McLellan (@McLellanPaul), Dave McPhail (@PucksOnDave)
Premise: The group of 4 has created a casual, honest atmosphere with their roundtable conversation. They’re good friends, which equates to great camaraderie. They run a ‘contradictory’ fantasy hockey league and don’t talk ‘fancy stats’ (while still being very knowledgeable). I think they’re engaged with their listeners, and relatable as human beings amongst their talk of Tim Hortons NHL trading cards, player safety, current signings and acquisitions, and Green Day at the All-Star Game. Reaching 7 years of consistent hockey talk and recapping the team’s evolution is a feat in its own.
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And on Sunday, Ryan sat down with his old man for Father's Day to talk about growing up playing minor hockey in Calgary, bonding over the Vancouver #Canucks and even his words of wisdom when it comes to talking to your kids about drugs.https://t.co/BaQFM53Yws
— PUCKS ON NET (@Pucksonnetca)
June 24, 2020
The Canucks Conversation
Founded: November 2018
Players: Chris Faber (@ChrisFaber39), David Quadrelli (@Quadrelli)
Premise: Faber was joined by Quads in 2020, and the pair has perhaps the most praised local podcast so far. They’re both BCIT Radio Arts and Entertainment students (and writers for CanucksArmy), and their dedication, preparedness, branding and reporting level are top notch. They break down topics with great chemistry and perception - roster moves, Nikita Tryamkin, Olli Juolevi, and the Judd Brackett situation. Some of their notable guests include Utica Comets Kole Lind and Brogan Rafferty, and ‘bionic’ Finn Sami Salo.
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🎉SURPRISE! 🎉 Episode 91: “Jake Jets out of the lineup” ft.@CraigJButton We dropped our episode early! Craig Button stops by to chat about the NHL and #Canucks prospects. We breakdown the exhibition game against the Jets & some exciting news at the end!https://t.co/NMWBVOU7ko
— Canucks Conversation Podcast (@CanucksConvo)
July 30, 2020
Canucks & Pucks
Founded: April 2019
Players: Matthew Zator (@MatthewZatorSC)
Premise: Matthew Zator, writer for The Hockey Writers and Hockey Ops Director at Overtime Heroics, made a return to the airwaves this past July (after a lengthy regular season hiatus). Since getting back up and running, it’s full steam ahead – Zator has been joined by contributors from The Hockey Writers, The Canuck Way, college hockey newsletter Fresh Ice, and fellow podcast hosts. He has good insight and as a writer who goes into depth about NHL draft picks, the Vancouver Giants, and both the Nucks’ positives and negatives in his work, it gets noticeably transferred to the on-air conversation.
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🚨 NEW EPISODE 🚨 Episode 7 ft @CanuckClay, @JDsays2much, and @BaileyAJohnson_! - #Canucks & #mnwild with Jack & Clay - Will Lockwood and Quinn Hughes with Bailey - The Mailbag segment debuts and of course news from the #NHL and @TheHockeyWriter! #THW https://t.co/lW9FQms35P
— Canucks & Pucks Podcast 🏒🎙️ (@CanucksPucks)
July 28, 2020
Canucks Speakeasy
Founded: August 2019
Players: Pete Edwards (@pete_gas), Doug (@dougvenn)
Premise: Pete and Doug are 2 “mildly educated Canucks die-hards” who chat about current team news and trending topics. They’ve covered trade talk, the Collective Bargaining Agreement, prospects at the World Juniors, scouting, and the BLM movement. They’re occasionally joined by guests including podcast friends, and fellow fans/Tweeters Chris Conte, Jenna Fabulous and Ray Hatt.
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We're back with Episode 37: Powderkeg. Playoffs, play-ins, Judd and BLM are all discussed. Give'r a listen!https://t.co/dwoEQVNudThttps://t.co/7ZSogAjWsuhttps://t.co/r5HqX26czU pic.twitter.com/QKScnR9Q6G
— Canucks Speakeasy (@CanucksSpeak)
June 4, 2020
The LarschCast
Founded: June 2019
Players: Tej Dhaliwal (@DrTejDhaliwal), Sat Oberoi (@SatOberoi), Nav Dosanjh (@NavDosanjh1983), Ryan Cassels (@cassels_music)
Premise: The Larschcasters are known for their entertaining banter and debates, mostly on hockey and a little NFL. They’ve picked the minds of seasoned media (Scott Oake, James Duthie, Joey Kenward), legendary broadcaster Jim Robson, and former Canucks Kirk McLean, Chris Higgins and Shane O’Brien. They’ve been generating healthy content during the pandemic, including a spirited debate with Minnesota Wild podcast hosts, discussing media personnel moves, prospects, NHL Award contenders, and the toxicity in the Vancouver Canucks market. In June, they released a special with hockey coach/trainer Jennifer Chefero, sharing her story facing sexual abuse and harassment in her career, while candidly discussing women’s rights and sports culture.
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Episode 61 ft. @hustlerama!#NHLJets centric epi, with an outlook of the Jets vs #flames. Not a lot of love for Calgary in this one😬. Also insights into the #nhlbubble, before ending with #Canucks talk & Rapid Larsch! 🍎:https://t.co/vZ2lyQ9zoO Spotify: https://t.co/XdV1y3ls7V
— The LarschCast (@larschcast)
July 29, 2020
The PP1 Podcast
Founded: October 2019
Players: Brayden Ursel (@bkursel23), Ted (@tee3ree), Ryan Hank (@always90four)
Premise: A tagline like “three guys from Kelowna bringing the heat and spitting the takes” doesn’t need further explanation. Appearing at the beginning of this season, the podcast (which features writers from The Canuck Way and CanucksArmy) has had some nice guests like the Canucks inaugural captain Orland Kurtenbach, retired centre and current Kelowna Rockets Assistant Coach Vern Fiddler, and Paul “Biznasty” Bissonnette. They’ve been nominated for Kelowna Now’s Best Local Podcast, and have a ‘Dudes and Guys’ segment where they pit 2 players against one another and talk it out (criteria is debatable).
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Episode 46: Bouncy Castles, Boeser Bombshells, & Backchecking w/ @mattsekeres. We chat Boeser rumours, cap crunch, Rathbone, Tryamkin, Markstrom, Sundin vs. Vanek, the best cold-open since Nikolay Goldobin, and how you can win a #Canucks jersey. https://t.co/KouGJr6GKH
— The PP1 PODCAST (@ThePP1Podcast)
July 15, 2020
The SCT Show
Founded: September 2018
Players: Nam Mann (@CanuckAgent007), Tanbir Rana (@TRana87)
Premise: SCT is Strictly Canucks Talk. Aside from reminiscing about ‘where were you when’ pivotal moments in franchise history occurred and the regular shop talk of performance and #NamStats, they draw in guests to talk about trade value (The Athletic’s Harman Dayal) and stickhandling (specialist/trainer Pavel Barber). They’ve also hosted local defenceman and last year’s 4th overall draft pick Bowen Byram, and hockey analyst/retired winger Anson Carter for a chat about the pressure of the market in Vancouver and the Sedins. Like any good heated debate, there are also trade and Team Tank vs Playoffs scenarios.
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.@CanuckAgent007 has a proposal to get Loui Eriksson off the #Canucks books 🤔 EP 14 - Links below ⬇️ 🍎 https://t.co/Z9snNdSuI1 📱 https://t.co/AJILh0IaWJ pic.twitter.com/LZblDE8GLW
— The SCT Show (@SCTShow)
July 17, 2020
Johnny Canuck Talk
Founded: August 2019
Players: Adrian J. Haug (@adrianjhaug), Roy Styles (@roy_styles)
Premise: Takes from 2 arm chair GM’s, the pair discuss a wide variety of topics like losing streaks, hockey safety, report cards, line-ups, and trade deadline. They’ve also shared an insightful chat with Harman Dayal (The Athletic) about his career and the late and great Jason Botchford. It’s laid-back and conversational, with mentions of farmers’ tans, celebrating birthdays during quarantine, and the school system strung across introductions. What’s cool is they record the podcast from near and far away places – Kamloops, BC and Germany (!).
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(1) Episode 37 is uploading now! @roy_styles and I talk #Canucks #hockey and @Canucks topics, issues, news, etc. We also talk about the incredible impact our Jim Carey impressions have had on our wives. Yikes. Featuring tweets from: @Canuckgirl20 @TSN1040 @DanRiccio650 pic.twitter.com/6oA7mZh6jb
— Johnny Canuck Talk (@JohnnyCanuckPod)
June 28, 2020
1 This list is not exhaustive, but there is something for everyone and I hope you find your Canucks fix. There can be an argument made that the podcast market is oversaturated, but I like to see it as an opportunity for any fan or audio bird to let their voice be heard! So, don’t be negative about it.
Posted by: Chloe Hoy
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entergamingxp · 5 years
Iceborne (PC) — Glorious PC Master Rank Hunts
January 7, 2020 11:00 AM EST
Just one more hunt, and then I’ll write the Iceborne article… Okay, just one more hunt…
As a game series, Monster Hunter is about as straightforward a concept as you can get. Everything you need to know is right there in the title. What do you do in Monster Hunter? You hunt monsters. Makes sense. What about any extraneous stuff? Nope, everything in it is killing monsters, or else giving you the means and resources to hunt monsters more efficiently. There’s something really pure about it. Monster Hunter World brought the predominantly handheld series to consoles and PC in a big way, shaving off some of the rough edges to make things a little more approachable. In return, the game exploded in popularity and success, selling more copies than any other Capcom title by a sizeable margin.
That sort of success was basically guaranteed to see the game produce DLC, if not a sequel. And so that brings us to the release of Monster Hunter World: Iceborne. But is it a DLC or sequel? Well, this expansion pack is practically hefty enough to be both!
While console players have had their hands on this for a few months — you can read our review for the PS4 release here — PC players are now finally able to catch up once more. So let’s don the winter armor and unpack what’s here.
“If you’re wary of the price tag, I assure you that there’s more than enough here to justify it.”
Iceborne is an expansion pack in the 90s PC game sense of the word. There’s enough video game here to justify its own disc, and the new content approaches the level of what was included in the base game. If you’re wary of the price tag, I assure you that there’s more than enough here to justify it.
There’s a new tundra region to explore and hunt in. We’ve got new moves and adjustments to the weapons. There’s the addition of the Clutch Claw to your moveset, which lets you grapple to monsters and soften up their body parts or force them to go careening into walls. The slinger is now usable with your weapons unsheathed, combining nicely with the Claw to give you more options and flexibility in combat.
Most importantly, there’s the addition of Master Rank hunts, building on from the High Rank of the base game. Every monster already in World (barring a couple of exceptions like Xeno’jiiva) has a Master Rank fight, and all the new inclusions are Master Rank exclusives. These higher rank monsters drop different materials needed for the upgraded weapons and armour sets, and the base stats on all these newer models instantly obsolete the older ones. If you’ve not kept up with the base game so far or are just jumping on now, you won’t be held back in terms of power for long. If you have kept up with the Monster Hunter World meta, that will only make the adjustment phase a little smoother.
Ultimately though, this is all window dressing to Iceborne’s main selling point. You’re here for the new monsters. So what do we get? Well, you’re looking at about two dozen new encounters — almost as many as the base game. Half of these are unique to either the series or World, and the other half are variants or subspecies of existing monsters.
It might sound like a cop-out to lump these different varieties as new monsters if you read it like that. The vast majority of these subspecies have substantial alterations, moves, and gimmicks from their original versions though. I was genuinely taken aback by how different some of them were, and I was caught off guard by this on at least one occasion. Coral Pukei-Pukei, Fulgur Anjanath, and Seething Bazelgeuse, in particular, varied from their initial encounters in surprising ways, enough to keep them feeling fresh.
That said, the real stars are the creatures wholly new to World. There’s a good selection of iconic designs from older games that series veterans should be pleased (or are dreading) to see again. Monsters like Nargacuga and Tigrex make their triumphant return in high fidelity, and they easily stand out as some of the better fights available. Newcomers like Namielle and Velkhana can stand alongside these fan favorites proudly, featuring great designs and fun encounters. There’s a good mix of creatures on offer.
The pacing between new and variant monsters is reasonably balanced in the story, rarely dwelling on familiar faces for too long before thrusting you into a fight with something original to test your mettle. Some of the usual monsters are still going to be effortless punching bags in Master Rank — a Great Jagras is still a Great Jagras — but the newer fights don’t pull their punches. It might not reach the sometimes esoteric levels of earlier Monster Hunter games with what preparation is required, but you certainly will be punished if you come in expecting a steamroll.
What would a new set of monsters be without new sets of weapons and armor crafted in their likeness, though?  It’s present, naturally, and Capcom has done a really great job in making the gear look fantastic. There are practically no sets that I found completely unappealing, and there was always something creative or outright badass about what I was forging. The drive to assemble a great set was definitely stoked both by their skills and looks, so Fashion Hunter World players can rejoice. The gameplay loop of “hunt monsters to get parts to hunt monsters better” remains as compelling as ever.
All of this is without going into the inclusions of more layered armor, house customization, and the Guiding Lands endgame area. Even after playing through the main story and dabbling in the side content, I still feel like I’ve barely scratched the surface. That’s not even mentioning playing with weapon types I’ve not become thoroughly acquainted with yet.
Being an expansion pack, most of the Iceborne changes are available only after you’ve beaten the base story of Monster Hunter World. Upon doing so, there’s a new set of story missions on offer that will take you through Iceborne’s plot, gradually unfurling the new fights and features. The story is still paper-thin and mostly just padding, but it is charming nonetheless and knows not to take itself too seriously.
Capcom has taken steps to make it easier to clear the base game content in the meantime. Defender armor and weapons have been added to the game already, and they’re strong enough to get you through the bulk of challenges leading to the new content. That said, you won’t be accessing many of the features until you’ve finished the World storyline, so do keep that in mind before you commit to the purchase!
“The gameplay loop of ‘hunt monsters to get parts to hunt monsters better’ remains as compelling as ever.”
Regardless of how far along you are, all Iceborne players will gain access to the new movesets and Clutch Claw right off the bat. Having now played with the Claw, it’s hard to imagine going back to the game without it. As such, it’s not for absolutely nothing if you end up buying ahead of time–just be mindful. Despite that warning, there’s a large amount of content for those who have exhausted Monster Hunter World’s offerings and just want more. Iceborne absolutely delivers that in spades.
For those who’ve patiently waited for the update to come on PC, how does the port hold up? Reasonably strong, really. I experienced almost no issues in my full playthrough on a review copy, with only the occasional brief pause that I attribute more to my own PC struggling to keep up. Despite the high demands and imperfect optimization, Capcom has made improvements on Iceborne compared to World’s original PC release. What remaining issues I experienced are very minor and should be fixed up by release, if not soon after.
The Steam release rolls out with all the bells and whistles for PC players to tinker with. Higher resolutions and 4K support, ultra-wide support, DirectX 12, uncapped frame rates… it’s all here to tinker with to get your hunts looking utterly stunning. If you don’t have an elder dragon of a rig needed to run everything cranked to the max, have no fear. Even on lower settings and lesser hardware, the game’s performance remains relatively stable.
“If you don’t have an elder dragon of a rig needed to run everything cranked to the max, have no fear. Even on lower settings and lesser hardware, the game’s performance remains relatively stable.”
If you’re not sure that you can handle the full graphical displays on offer, your gameplay shouldn’t be affected too much at all. Load times are still incredibly streamlined compared to console releases. Mouse and keyboard controls were already strong in the base release. Still, there have been numerous tweaks and improvements to better suit the Claw’s inclusion, with plenty of control customizations available to adjust as needed.
Unfortunately for PC players, this release still won’t quite put us at parity with the console release. Some of the balance adjustments and bug fixes have already been incorporated, such as tweaks to the Guiding Lands endgame, but event rollouts and free content updates are still to come. We should be seeing the addition of the imposing Rajang in early February. Keep an eye on the official Iceborne website for their roadmap. Hopefully, we’ll achieve parity with the console releases before long and can tackle each new hunt without having to wait enviously.
All things considered, Iceborne is an excellent expansion to the already great Monster Hunter World. It’s been an impatient wait for those of us playing on PC, but having played on both versions, this is a solid port that will see me sticking to this over consoles. At long last, we can get back into the hunt. There’s not likely to be anything in Iceborne that will change your mind if you didn’t care for World, but I know that there’s plenty — myself included — who are happy with the formula and will gladly leap at the chance for more. And that’s what Iceborne is: a quality expansion containing more of everything present in the awesome base game.
If you’ve been looking to get into Monster Hunter for a while, Monster Hunter World is still the most approachable game in the series by far. If you’ve been holding off on World up to this point, it’s a fantastic game that is worth playing. And if you’re already a fan of World, Iceborne is new content with that same great taste. See you in the New World.
January 7, 2020 11:00 AM EST
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2020/01/iceborne-pc-glorious-pc-master-rank-hunts/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=iceborne-pc-glorious-pc-master-rank-hunts
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