#I need to stop letting twitter users bait me
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Yes. Hope this helps🩷
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ruby3818 · 4 years
I have something I really need to get off my chest that I’ve put off for years now but can’t ignore anymore. Under a read more so you can skip it and tagged #negative so you can block it. Maybe this might clear some things up or at least get my side of the story out there. Please read this before making any decision about me from what you’ve heard from someone else.
I am aware that Cap, who I used to be friends with but had to leave the friendship because of their controllive obsession with me is still saying lies about how I “abandoned them” in public forums. Even going as far as to ask my franticshipping mutuals to block me (how she knows who my mutuals are is anyone's guess since I’ve had her blocked for over three years now??). If you see her do this please stop enabling them!! Over the years people have made her feel ok to get aggressive about my very existence and tell her that they are “valid” for feeling jealousy. All it does is reassure her that it is ok to behave like that and not be held accountable for their actions. Cap does not need validation, she needs help.
I have begged her multiple times over the past few years to leave me alone and stop saying stuff about me on public forums but every time she promises to stop I hear from someone else that they're still doing it. Things like; making up stuff that I apparently said in a dream treated as fact, telling my mutuals to block me, saying that I’ve apparently replaced her, telling everyone that I abandoned her, etc.
Because of her I not only lost them as a friend but every single other friend I had because they either believe the lies or they're scared of upsetting Cap who flies into a rage at the very mention of me.
I really tried to help her and then when the jealousy, gas lighting, violent mood swings and controlling behavior got too much for me and everyone else who tried to help I had to do what was best for both of us and leave the friendship.
I've tried for three years now to be the better person and not talk about what should be our personal problems but it's just blown up in my face with no one believing me or wanting to get involved and everyone enabling them (which is triggering to irl experiences but that's another story).
And I do understand that maybe a lot of this frustration I feel is because of the pattern of people abusing me and then everyone around me forcing me to forgive them and be around them for the sake of their feelings leading to the same damn cycle of me being helpless and feeling like a burden for not putting up with it.. It just sucks that even online I have to deal with it when this should be a safe place away from all that. But I also know what emotional abuse looks like due to irl experiences and I know that this is not acceptable behavior. This is abuse. And the only way to stop an abuser is to get their behavior out in the open and have other people know what they’ve been doing.
It also really sucks that the whole reason I couldn’t stand being friends with her was because I wasn’t allowed to talk to anyone else and if I did they would blow into a rage and yet 3 whole years later I still am not allowed to talk to anyone otherwise I’m “replacing them” leading her to tell any potential new friends to block me (Somehow she is finding out who my new mutuals are on Tumblr, Twitter and Discord and dm’ing them to block me which is what some of these mutuals have come forward to tell me). She still has that control over me and I’m sick of it. I just want to move on.
I hate having to tip toe around the fandom not knowing what they’ve said about me to mutuals. I just want to be able to talk to people and have them know the full story and not some fabricated story of abandonment or random crap I apparently said in a dream of theirs.
As for what they did in the past, here’s my side of the story and why I had to leave the friendship;
They would always get jealous when I talked to other people and threaten to kill them self because "I'm just going to replace them". It became such a constant thing that I couldn’t even talk at all in a public server without there being a big drama about it. They even ended up being banned from Specord for their constant harassment of me.
Whenever I would bring this up and ask her (or beg) to not get upset and let me talk to people they would act like they had no idea what I was talking about and say that my depression is making me think crazy things. Even though other people saw it and I also had screenshots I still believed them because (being mentally ill) I really can't trust myself. I've been gas-lighted by people in my family my whole life so this was too triggering to handle on a daily basis so I needed out of the friendship.
She constantly suicide-baited me into taking her back and then made every conversation we had about suicide and self harm. Whenever she felt bad about something I said to her in a dream or if I talked to someone else she would tell me happily how she cut herself “for me” because it was supposed to show me that she loved me and that she somehow deserved it. The constant talk of suicide became too triggering to my own mental health and struggle with suicidal thought that I had to get out of the relationship.
For so long they would make up lies about how I abandoned them leading me to receive death threats from strangers telling me to kill myself, people blocking me and all my friends no longer talking to me so it doesn't upset them. So in the end they still had that control over me.
They even told me in our last conversation (over two years ago) that they were right for overreacting over me talking to anyone else besides them because I "shouldn't be talking to other people anyway". They even went as far to tell me that they hated how I was "popular" and basically wanted to be like me whilst also destroying me.
I know that I could of been a better friend but with my c-ptsd and her own mental health problems it just became a toxic mix. The very mention of my name or seeing my posts or comments at all just sends her into violent mood-swings. I couldn’t handle being emotionally abused on a daily basis and I needed out of the relationship. And I get that they still have friends that care about them, that’s good! They’re going to need the support if they’re ever going to improve as a person and move on from this.
So what is the point of this post? Well mostly just to get this pent up helplessness out into the open so maybe someone might understand. The other reason is that I am sick to death of having to be known as the bad guy just because I tried to do what I thought was the right thing by walking away. I want to be able to makes friends and not have to worry about Cap finding out and sabotaging it for me. I want the hate asks to stop. I want people who I thought were my friends to stop blocking me because of something they heard.
This is a selfish request but I also want people to stand up to her for once and stop her from spreading lies about me in public and feeding her delusions. I want her to know that she can’t bully, manipulate and emotionally abuse people in to a friendship and that she doesn’t get to decide who I can interact with. But mostly I hope that by getting this out in the open maybe this might finally come to an end and we can both move on.
Naturally she’s gone and deleted all of her dm’s with me but I do still have some screen shots that might help people understand. I won’t include any dm’s with other users but my DM’s are open if you need more clarification.
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First off her finally agreeing to tell the truth (which she never ended up doing evidentely)
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She always worshiped me as someone I wasn’t and thought that she had to be like me to be a successful person but it ended up blowing up into a full blown obsession around being me.
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She always said she acknowledged that how she treated me was wrong but she still kept doing it like she couldn’t control herself... I kept thinking that maybe her therapy would help her and we could go back to how it was before but she just kept getting worse with her obsession.
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This was the other Cap.. the one that wouldn’t acknowledge what she was doing at all and would tell me I was making it up out of paranoia
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These are some screenshots that were sent to me of some of the stuff she was saying about me on other servers?? She would always treat the stuff that I did in her dreams as stuff I actually said but, idk how to control what I say in her dreams?? I would never in my life say this kind of stuff about anyone??
Due to the pic limit I will include other screenshots in a reblog.
If you need any more clarification or just want to talk don’t be afraid to ask. Hopefully this can be cleared up finally and I can be free from her control. She needs to be held accountable for her actions and she needs to move on for the sake of her own mental health as well as for mine.
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ponett · 5 years
i was finally able to see the bad star war that everyone said was bad. as it turns out, it was bad. here’s a read more post with my thoughts on it so that i don’t spam my twitter with spoiler tweets
for a baseline: i like the original trilogy, but i don’t think any of those movies are perfect. i think the prequels had some good ideas but i were mostly terrible. i love the clone wars (both versions) and rebels. while i admit that tfa was extremely similar to a new hope, i thought it was executed great and had a wonderful new cast that showed a ton of promise. i liked rogue one, although i found its first act really sloppy. and i have some quibbles about tlj, but it had an incredibly strong vision and actual themes, and i’d consider it my favorite in the series
i’m exactly the kind of person who was always going to hate the rise of skywalker, because it’s basically a bad fanfic written by someone who didn’t like tlj and wanted to “fix” the story. like that bizarre story treatment jenny nicholson read for this movie. the bad one. it was like that
it wasn’t all bad i guess. here are the small things i liked:
some of the new environments were cool. there was cool imagery and practical effects work
i appreciated that the moon of endor where the death star wreckage was wasn’t just the one with the ewoks, and thought the vibe there was cool
zorii bliss’s armor was really cool
the image of the fleet of star destroyers all lined up was striking
i liked that the ghost showed up for the final battle
i liked that ahsoka was one of the jedi voices rey heard, even though that kind of implies that ahsoka is, uh... dead?
while extremely fucking trite and dumb, i’ll admit the closing scene on tatooine got me. yeah, rey has no real connection to this place and it’s just a nostalgic throwback, but i’m a sucker for full circle endings like that
uh. that’s about it
this movie kicks off in the middle of an action scene and just kind of keeps jumping to new setpieces nonstop until it’s over. new characters and locations get introduced and then moved past in the blink of an eye. there’s no time to let any of it sink in. it feels like abrams crammed two movies worth of shit into this one to make up for the the fact that some people didn’t like tlj, and as a result none of it resonates. i just felt so empty throughout most of the film. events were happening on screen and none of it mattered
thoughts about individual elements:
putting the scenes with the recycled footage of carrie fisher at the beginning of the film completely took me out of it. it was so obvious that she wasn’t really responding to what was being said, and the conversations had just been built around the limited leia lines they could use
the dialogue scenes with leia felt like a space ghost interview
was in this movie a lot for some reason? i guess abrams wanted to make up for how little c-3po there was in the last two movies. they tried to have that emotional moment where his memory is wiped, but then they just turned his memory loss into a big joke?? and then he got most of his memories back anyway
in general, the movie is afraid to let the audience be uncomfortable for long. 3po’s memory loss. the supposed deaths of chewbacca and babu frik, that sort of thing. you’re not allowed to be sad. after tlj so effectively built tension throughout the film and really pushed the heroes to the brink, this is a disappointment
is here because he needed to show up, and because it’s a throwback to have him pilot the falcon again. he’s just kind of there with little to do and no arc
before the movie came out, i had low expectations. all i really wanted was to get one last fun adventure with the new characters. when i started to hear about the spoilers, my expectations sank even lower. but maybe i would still get this
nah! rose gets like two minutes of screentime because redditors hated her, and finn and poe are barely even characters. they don’t have arcs in this film, they’re just sidekicks on rey’s journey
finn really hurts. prior to tfa’s release, finn was framed as the new star. this was, of course, a bait and switch, as rey was really the new jedi. (finn apparently IS force sensitive according to this one, but hey! we can only have one big jedi hero, so like leia before him, i guess we’ve gotta wait for some EU novel to give finn a lightsaber)
but finn was still a central character in the last two films, and he had so much potential. he was a stormtrooper who defected! that’s something new! that’s interesting! it complicates the black and white morality of the series. but no. that’s been all but abandoned at this point
many have complained about how tfa establishes that basically all the stormtroopers are people who were kidnapped as children and brainwashed by the first order... but then they still have no qualms about gleefully killing them. in the first two movies i was like “yeah, it sucks that they have to kill those guys, but if it’s to prevent genocide, it’s understandable. that’s just war. maybe they’ll touch on it in the last movie.” so in this one, they kept reminding the audience that the stormtroopers were enslaved as children. jannah is even introduced as another stormtrooper who defected like finn. but then... it goes nowhere. finn doesn’t get any first order troops to defect. they don’t care about the other stormtroopers. how many hundreds of thousands of enslaved soldiers did they kill when they blew up those star destroyers
it was nice to see finn and poe take the charge as leaders in the end, but it also feels like they didn’t take the lessons from tlj to heart. the whole point of that story was that one-in-a-million shot heroic suicide missions aren’t worth it, and that they’re more useful to the resistance alive than they are as martyrs. but then in the climax of this film they take like 30 ships to go fight a fleet of a hundred fucking star destroyers
on the subject of that final battle: i thought that the ending of tlj was so powerful. the resistance was decimated, but they still had hope, because they knew there were others out there who could help. people like rey, or the broom boy, who came from nothing but had good hearts. in this one, though, they say that apparently nobody responded to the leia’s call for help in the entire year since the last film. everyone only shows up during the climax after lando’s like “no, but for real guys, we need help”
and i did think that that sequence was cool. and i did like seeing the ghost among the ships. it was fun. the message that fascists like the first order rule by making people feel isolated, and that they’re defeated by realizing that good people are never alone? that was good. i thought that was a strong message. but it’s such a minor footnote on a movie that’s so bad in so many other ways
oh and they made the latino dude a drug dealer. okay. thanks for that
i hate that they redeemed kylo and i hate the way they did it
yes, him being coerced to turn to the dark side by snoke (who was apparently just a puppet controlled by palpatine all along (UGH)) as a kid was tragic. but that doesn’t excuse his actions. kylo was given infinite second chances throughout the trilogy, and every time he responded with violence. he killed so many people himself, and willingly took part in a fascist regime that killed billions. yes, his story is sad, but he’s not some poor little boy, he’s thirty fucking years old and he vents his trauma by slaughtering innocent people
literally the entire main trio of the original trilogy died because of this asshole. han tried to talk to him in the first movie, and got stabbed and dropped into a pit. luke died astral projecting to face him in tlj. and now leia just kind of arbitrarily died to flip the switch in his brain from bad to good from across the galaxy. it’s literally as simple as that. he doesn’t have a personal journey here. he just stops being evil because his mom made him through the force
like, again. all those enslaved stormtrooper grunts who had been brainwashed since they were kids? gunned down. but giving kylo endless second chances is the most important thing in the world
and then they end the movie by having this creepy abusive stalker genocidal asshole sadboy kiss rey, retroactively framing their dynamic as a romantic one. just, gross as hell. even in this one, for most of the film, all he does is threaten rey and boss her around
i dunno. i thought the first order were interesting as antagonists. yeah, they were just the empire 2.0. but i thought it was appropriate! the idea was that just because palpatine was dead and gone didn’t mean that fascism was gone. there were still hateful people who wanted to rule the galaxy via genocide. like how we still have nazis in the 21st century. except, oops! palpatine was actually alive and pulling the strings the entire time, so now that theme’s out the window. we just have to kill him again FOR REAL this time and now the galaxy will actually be safe
people wondered where the first order would go after snoke died in tlj. but it was so obvious to me? kylo was in charge. kylo was always the most interesting bad guy. just let him call the shots and be the final adversary. but no. that wasn’t good enough. we had to bring back palpatine as the jrpg final boss to have an epic conclusion
oh, poor rey. youtube critics got mad that a girl could be a strong jedi without being related to some other powerful force user from the old movies, so now she’s stuck being a palpatine forever
i will admit, the protagonist of the new movies being related to palpatine but still being a good person in spite of her heritage... that could have been something. but it’s so clearly not what they had in mind from the start, and it spits in the face of the last movie’s themes. it turns out greatness CAN’T come from anywhere. it has to come from one of these select few Special Bloodlines
oh! and this ALSO reframes rey’s parents abandoning her and selling her into slavery as an act of kindness, because they had to hide her from her spooky evil grandpa. so THAT’S fun. (edit: OH! and luke and leia knew about rey the whole time!!! and didn’t go out and look for her!!!!)
it’s just. it’s so bad what they did to rey. i don’t know if i even have much to elaborate on there, everyone’s already said how stupid it is
overall, i still wouldn’t say it’s the WORST star wars movie. it’s more watchable than the phantom menace, that’s for damn sure. the actors put in effort. the sets and practical effects are nice. it’s just so... empty
tros possibly feels the closest to how i imagined the new trilogy would be when it was first announced, but in a bad way. a movie built entirely on established ideas of What Star Wars Is with nothing new to bring to the table. it’s like a bad eu novel. just recycled imagery, cameos from characters we already know, palpatine coming back from the dead, that sort of thing. it’s a movie made by committee to appease reddit. it’s nothing
now i gotta use that free trial of disney plus to watch the mandalorian and wash the taste out of my mouth i guess
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jenovahh · 4 years
Comm 08 - Grand - NSFW
Rating: NC-17/Explicit Tags: Fem!WoL x Elidibus, Enemies to Lovers, Smut, Penis in Vagina Sex, Fingering Commission from twitter from a user who wanted to remain anonymous! ===========================================================
“It’s a bit late to be coming one’s room this late, is it not?”
Your eyes have yet to open as you hear the telltale sound of the rift yawning wide. Unbothered, you lie relaxed on your bed in the Pendants, dressed in a silk nightgown that seemed incredibly luxurious for someone as hardy as the Warrior of Light. And usually you would wear more practical sleep wear…
But he didn’t have to know that.
“Would you prefer I whisk you away before your companions in broad daylight?” The voice is masculine, the baritone of his voice rich like brandy and soothing like menthol. “If you have grown so bold…”
You hold up a hand to stop his speech, finally turning to face him on your side, not bothering to retain your modesty as the silk glides on your skin, riding up your legs. The nightgown usually reaches your calves (and it wasn’t like you didn’t have shorter ones), but even you can hear the slight hitch of your intruder’s breath.
Would that you could see the expression to go along with his gasp. Unfortunately, that insufferable, red mask is in place. Robes of white trimmed with gold shimmer in the low light of your room, clawed hands resting casually at their sides. Your eyes focus on rosy lips, watching how a pink tongue swipes over them quickly before a clawed hand reaches up to cover it as he clears his throat.
“Elidibus.” You acknowledge, choosing to not answer his question. You never liked thinking hard on what your friends would do should they find out you flirted (which, at this point was putting it lightly) with the enemy. They could never understand, you had convinced yourself in your deepest nightmares, plagued by visions of a past you could not fathom. Visions you were not sure if they were your own, or perhaps--
“I admit, I was expecting you to arrive earlier.” You sigh, moving to sit up. You can feel his eyes on you beneath that mask; feel how his gaze trails across the bared skin on your shoulders, the hair thin straps of your gown the only thing protecting your modesty. “Had you not come when you did, I would’ve closed my eyes to rest for tonight.”
“Then pray forgive my tardiness,” Elidibus breathes, extending a clawed hand. “I would make it up to you, should you still give me the chance.”
You stare at the offered hand warily, feeling an abrupt surge of hesitation roll through you. All at once does the weight of all the teasing, the sly looks and wayward glances feel like they’ve caught up with you. He could easily spirit you away, never to return, having played the long con to earn your trust and have you play right into his hands. The Warrior of Light disappearing in the middle of the night in what was supposed to be the relative safety of her room…
“Having second thoughts?”
His voice is teasing, taunting. Bait, and a knock at your pride. Your thoughts must be written on your face, your inner turmoil an open book. He knows as well as you do that he is powerful; an ancient. Magic that mortal eyes have not seen in millenia, powers that your mind could not possibly comprehend.
But he is taking the same risk, is he not?
You have struck down two of the three, unsundered Ascians, leaving only the one in white, The Emissary as the sole survivor. You've rolled it around in your mind how he could possibly bear to be here given that fact, knowing full well you have slain his brethren and could do the same to him.
"Do you think me afraid?" You huff, standing to your bare feet and closing the distance between you. Placing your hand in his, the cool metal of his claws nearly stings against your warmth. You do not flinch, giving nothing away.
"Warrior of Light? Eikon Slayer?" He scoffs, somehow knowing the adverse effect your titles have on you. "I do not offer fear. Merely...understanding."
You nod, running your fingers along his leathery gloves, tracing nonsensical patterns. You gaze at him from beneath your lashes, feeling how he tenses. "What shall we be understanding tonight then?"
Even beneath his cowl you can see his throat bob as he swallows. Being able to have him on edge in this way is far more of a power trip than dangling white auracite in his face could ever be. "You and yours seem to think us some unfeeling harbingers of doom," he starts, finally encircling your hand with his own. His claws bite into your skin just enough to be painful, but not enough to draw blood. "I thought I might follow in Emet-Selch's example, and show you what you fight against."
Before you can ask any further the void opens wide, and so do your eyes as your stare back into its inky depths. He gives you no warning and pulls you forward, your instinct making you dig your feet into the tile of your room, but his grip is too strong and you are pulled inside. Strangely, the darkness feels like a caress, its magic whispering across your skin like how the smoke of burning incense crawls along the floor. It feels like an eternity until you are pulled through to the city of Amaurot, still as pristine as Emet-Selch had left it. A chill washes over you, your body releasing a light shudder that does not escape your...companion's notice.
"Would you like a cloak, perhaps?" He offers, his hands already weaving dark fabric into existence. You stare at it warily, pouting as you do.
"Had I known where you would take me for our outing, I would've dressed more appropriately," you snark, taking the cloak from him. The material is softer than silk, so thin that it almost feels like water in your hands. With a smirk, you give him a sly look. "Would you assist me in putting it on?"
"Are you shards so incapable of the simplest of tasks?" He questions, and you swear you can hear an upraised eyebrow. Clearly you needed to be a little more...forward.
"Hardly." You snort, moving to put it on yourself but just as you move it lifts from your hand and drapes itself around you. Despite how sheer it is the warmth it provides feels akin to the pelt of a mammoth. "Thank you." You murmur shyly, pulling it closer to yourself.
Tucking his hands behind his back, Elidibus begins to walk. "This way, Warrior of Light." It is only due to your many encounters with him that you can hear the resentment which taints your title. "I doubt Emet-Selch spared the time to explain the structure of the true world."
"He did not explain much at all," You murmur softly, giving him a weak glare. Despite yourself, you follow behind him, gazing up at the tall towers that somehow reach further below past your sight.
As the two of you walk, he explains multiple functions of buildings, drawing you further into his world. Even though the recreation was of Emet-Selch's making, leaving it subject to misremembrance, it was so accurate that even Elidibus could traverse it easily. Listening unlocked a deep sorrow within you, a hole you could not quite place.
"Where did you frequent," you ask, cutting him off mid-explanation, "in your spare time?"
He pauses to look at you, studying you from behind the safety of his mask. "What makes you think I had such time available?"
"From our encounters I have gleaned you are a man devoted to duty," Almost bordering on obsession, you add mentally, "But I would be a fool to think that in a world where you were nigh immortal, that you didn't have something as mundane as a hobby."
He allows himself a brief chuckle at that, his hand raising slowly. "You are more perceptive than most," he compliments, dark magic swirling around you, transporting you once more. As it fades you find yourself in a grandiose auditorium, curtains made of the finest velvet lining its walls, seats trimmed with gold. You spin in small circles as you take in its splendor, in how elegant it looks. It is a wonder how it manages to flaunt such wealth yet does not look gaudy or tacky in any way.
"Before I had assumed the mantle of Emissary," Elidibus begins, causing you to face him. His voice carries through the space easily, his dulcet tones practically surrounding you. "I would oft hold concerts."
Your eyebrows raise in surprise. "You were a musician?"
"Am, Warrior." he tuts, waggling a finger. Just as he finishes the motion with a wave of his hand does he create a grand piano from thin air. Its glossy wood shines in the stage lighting, the black lacquer so polished you'd think you were looking in some twisted mirror. "Are you familiar with the arts?"
Biting your lip, you circle the piano, wishing to touch it but afraid of getting even one smudge on its surface. "I do not have time for such things," you admit, well aware of the irony.
He's aware of it too, an infuriating smirk gracing his pouty lips. "Then allow me this lesson," he makes a grand sweeping gesture with his arm as a piano bench weaves itself into existence, taking a seat with all the poise of a professional. "Let us see what untapped talent lies within you."
Feeling too much like you've lost the high ground, as you move to sit you take care to allow the robe to part, reminding him of what lies beneath. You cross one leg over the other, the silk riding up your thigh and you can hear a claw scrape against an ivory key. "By all means," you purr, daring to even scoot closer to him, leaving barely an ilm from his shoulder to yours.
"There seven notes, and therefore one key for each note, and they are the white ones," he explains. "They repeat themselves, from A, to G."
You lose yourself in his lesson, watching with mild fascination at his careful instruction. If he had other plans by bringing you here, he has surely lost them for he is so caught up in teaching you properly. You find yourself wishing you could see the skin of his hands beneath those gloves, and you catch your eyes drifting to the movement of his lips more often than they should. Unfortunately, it seems that your advances thus far have gone undetected, so you decide to turn on the charm.
Closing that small gap between you, you gaze at him from beneath your lashes, lips parted in a pout. "Would you play something for me?"
If your question is not enough to stop his lecture, the warmth of your body against his own is. His hood casts just enough of a shadow that you cannot see his eyes still, but you can feel the deep intake of breath. "I have nothing to play that you could possibly recall." He defends, tongue darting out to swipe at his lips.
"Does one attend a concert solely to hear things they have heard before?" you counter easily, going as far as to lay your hand atop his own that still rests on the keys. "Show me this skill you claimed to have."
However, Elidibus is not as prideful as Emet-Selch or even Lahabrea, and your barb bounces off. "I have nothing to prove to you, Warrior." His voice is firm, but non-threatening.
"Then why did you bring me here?" you question, pressing even closer to him. Your cloak has slipped from your shoulders, revealing your supple skin to glow under the stage lights. "We are enemies before we are companions. What brought you to the Warrior of Light's rooms to steal her away,"
Before you can finish the sentence he's pressed his lips to yours as best he can with his damned mask in the way. It takes you by surprise, but his sudden confidence gives way to hesitation, and you easily take control of the kiss. "Zodiark help me," he breathes, even though between the two of you, you're the only one who needs the air.
You reach to try and peel back his hood but his hands are like stone as they catch your wrists in their grip, the points of his claws pricking your skin. "That is an intimacy you've not yet earned." Despite the underlying threat in his voice, you can hear the hunger, the unabashed desire suffusing his words.
"How does one go about it then?" You rasp, pressing your chest against him. "How might I see the man beneath the mask?"
"I am no man," he rumbles, guiding your arms to link around his shoulders. "But I am not immune to...worldly pleasures. Even if it has been some time."
"It sounds like you've devoted yourself to duty too much," You comment, instead choosing to place kisses along his jawline, feeling how smooth his skin is. "Perhaps I may provide a distraction?"
"A distraction," he echoes, his hands trailing down your sides, feeling the curvature your nightgown refused to hide. "Very well."
Hands at your hips, he urges you to leave your spot on the piano bench to straddle his lap, the skirt of your gown riding even higher. His hands are gentle, but greedy, a shuddering sigh passing his lips as he gives the meat of your thighs a testing squeeze. "Has it been long for you?" you ask out of curiosity.
He huffs a bitter laugh. "Even in days of eld have I ever focused on my duty." Through with words, he brings your lips down to his own, slightly hesitant until past experience catches up with him, as if relearning how to nock a bow. He tastes divine, all dark, forbidden magic, cool under the heat of the lamps in the rafters. He wrenches control of the kiss suddenly, nipping at your lip, coaxing your tongue to twine with his as his hands push your gown up higher.
While most would fear his claws, the feel of them dragging up your skin only serves to make you quiver under his touch. Your hips roll against him, both from your own need driving your actions and to regain the upper hand. You succeed in pulling a gasp from his throat as his hands grip painfully tight, hard enough to elicit a whimper of pain that has the claws vanishing before you can speak against it.
“I liked those,” you comment, allowing him to tilt your head back to taste the skin on your neck, his tongue a mix of ice and fire as he licks a slow line along your collarbones. Unsure what to do with your hands, you give a desperate tug to his robes. “This is rather one-sided, don’t you think?” You give another roll of your hips, feeling the imprint of his length between your thighs.
“The privilege,”
“Is not yet earned, yes, I too, have ears,” you sass, grinding down harder, moaning as you feel just how rigid he is, feel how hot and hard he is beneath his robes. “I have bared my soul to you, Elidibus. There are a precious few who have known me this way.” With cautious fingers, your play with the hem of his hood. “Just for tonight.” You whisper, slowly pushing it back.
He lets you, lets the hood rest against his back to reveal long hair that you aren’t quite sure if it purple or silver or perhaps even both. You waste no time taking the strands between your fingers, feeling their softness, their silkyness, this move somehow igniting your passion even more as you press into him for a deep kiss. He groans deeply into your mouth, his hands in a rush to divest you of your robe. You won’t move your hands from his hair in favor of him pulling the gown off, so he simply turns it to mist, baring your nude body to his hungry eyes.
As his mouth trails lower, so do your hands, surprised to see his robes melt away with each thread you touch. Ilm by ilm, milky, unmarred skin is bared to your curious eyes, finding him lean and fit beneath his clothing. His skin is smooth, inhumanly perfect, silken to the touch as you run your hands across his torso as if you had never felt up a man in your life. Just as his mouth reaches a breast, your fingers graze across his pants, the threads evaporating and revealing his length, your hands immediately seeking out the prize you sought.
He seems to be painfully hard in your hand, a small glance between the two of you shows that the head of him is red to the point of nearly being purple, and you tut to yourself. “This won’t do,” lowering your hips, you slick him with your wetness, his arms clutching you to him as he gives a full body shudder.
“By Zodiark,” he rasps, totally breathless. You hum, pleased, glad he doesn’t notice how much your own sex quivers with how much you need him.
“Your piano playing is very well its own brand of foreplay,” you admit, gliding yourself along his length. There’s no way he wouldn’t slip on in, but still you raise yourself just enough to slip a finger inside, pausing your grinding.
“Have you always talked so much,” He growls, pressing a finger of his own inside you, making it your turn to gasp. His finger is longer, thicker, just the right amount to spread you for him in what must be his haste to get inside you.
“You don’t talk enough,” You laugh, arching your back as your walls flutter around his finger. You give him control, allowing him to slip a second finger inside. “Twelve above,”
“Silence,” he grunts, curling his fingers just so inside you. He give you little time to catch your breath as your toes curl from the sheer pleasure, leaning you back against the ivory keys, uncaring of the dissonance that rings throughout the auditorium. With hurried, yet careful movements, he lifts you high enough to sit atop them, placing himself between your thighs. There are no words as he guides himself into your wet heat, the groan torn from his throat nearly enough to send you over the edge.
“Elidibus,” you gasp, back arching off the glossy wood. Your arms clutch him by the shoulders, looping around to bring him down for a needy kiss as he slowly begins to stroke, pumping harder and harder until he loses himself in chasing his end. Your lewd sounds echo in the auditorium, your gasps and sighs making a lovely duet next to his grunts and groans. You take in everything; the way his lips are parted, how fiercely he grips your hips to bring you down on his cock.
His mask.
Reaching up, your finger tips brush his mask just barely before a hand grabs your wrist in a death grip, his lips pulled into a frown. “Don’t,” There is almost a desperation to his voice, a plea.
“Elidibus,” you whimper, reaching up with your other hand, lifting the mask ever so slowly. “Let me see you.”
He doesn’t stop you, the mask scattering into the air like petals, revealing the sharp features that most Ascians seemed to share. His eyes are similar to his hair, silvery and purple and so godsdamned beautiful that an inner part of you weeps. “Elidibus,” you choke out, pressing close to press your lips to his, moaning into his mouth at his renewed vigor. “Oh gods,”
He presses you down against the piano, eyes focused on your face as you come apart. He doesn’t stop his assault, his eyebrows furrowing as he comes near his end. He begins to lean forward, but you stop him, cradling his face in your hands so that you may watch him fall apart. Rapture overtakes him, your title a broken cry on his perfect lips, the feel of him coming deep inside paling in comparison to seeing his face as he is dragged under by the waves of ecstasy.
It is quiet in the afterglow, your hands caressing his face, allowing him to finally rest his head on your shoulder. Your fingers, light as a feather trail up and down his back, your lips press soft kisses to his skin. “Well?”
He is silent still, almost uncharacteristically so. You wait however, giving him all the time he needs. “It has...been some time.” He admits, caressing your hips just as tenderly.
“A good distraction then?” You ask, nuzzling your head into his neck.
He nods, choosing not to speak still. You do not mind it, deciding to not let words cloud this moment, especially when you know that when it is all said and done, only one of you may live.
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secret-engima · 5 years
It's gonna be interesting to see Lucis's reaction to the existence of the second Prince.
-Meltdown just about covers it, but not quite. Like- not only is this a second prince, but he’s OLDER than Noctis by a good seven years. Ignoring the media for just a sec (though OH BOY THE MEDIA) the MOOGLENET (or whatever the FFXV version of the internet is) is gonna have a collective heart attack. Some people are gonna be joining on the media boat of questioning Regis for having a son out of wedlock (and if he still has Nox’s mother in hiding somewhere as a mistress) but others are going to be harping on Nox himself. Like- the theories get WILD. How did Regis’s agents not find him until he was 15+? How strong is his magic? Why does he wear long sleeves in every (rare) photo or video and why are his photos and videos so rare? Where was his mother from? Was she even Lucian?
-Top theories on those are that either his mother/mother’s family HID him from Regis’s agents or he was living in another country until recently (considering the only other “countries” right now are all under Niflheim’s thumb, this immediately spawns the theories that he’s a double agent for the Empire or he was tortured by them and escaped, which would explain the long sleeves). Other theories for the long sleeves is he’s hiding tattoos that would shame the royal family (he already has long hair and strange taste in earrings after all). Maybe Regis is hiding him from the public eye because he’s ashamed of his illegitimate child, or maybe there’s something wrong with him (people who go with the “tortured and escaped the Empire theory assume he has mental issues on top of scars). A really popular theory for his mother was that she was from Niflheim, possibly a Nif agent there to get the royal bloodline in Nif hands, until someone dug up a picture of him hanging out with the glaives and someone else (probably a Galahdian tbh) did a breakdown on how the single braid visible in all of Nox’s photos is a Galahdian braid, which immediately makes the theory that his mom was Galadhian way more popular (there’s also a niche theory that he’s the kid of Queen Sylva and Regis and that Slyva had been hiding him in Tenebrae until recently, but few people subscribe to that one).
-And let’s not forget the DRAMA the mooglenet is waiting breathlessly for the moment his existence is known. I mean- think about it. Much older illegitimate prince with possible scars, mental issues or enemy agent mom suddenly gets found and taken into the Citadel and named the second prince? A lessor inheritor even though he’s older than the Crown Prince by seven-ish years? If this was a drama show, then Regis would end up assassinated by the long-lost son he foolishly took in and Noctis would either die or disappear mysteriously and Nox would suddenly be the only LC left to take up the throne (and possibly turn it over to the Empire if you’re one of the theorists on the “was born and raised in Niflheim and is their double agent” boat). Like- you KNOW that is how the plot would go, and so does all of the mooglenet, who await the descent of their kingdom into Game of Thrones intrigue and murder with baited breath and much frantic typing.
-But those are mostly Insomnian mooglenet users. No, the ones who live out in the wilder areas, the small towns and the outposts where Hunters often come through have a different kind of meltdown that mostly comprises of “hgdgfd that guy who saved me from monsters/daemons/nifs was WHO????” or “That’s my regular non-regular. He and his weirdo Uncle stop by my ramen stand whenever they’re in and bicker over the best toppings. ACTUAL ROYALTY likes my ramen WHAT IN THE WORLD-” or, arguably the funniest one, “HGFGFHGFD THE DRIFTER I REGULARLY HIRE TO DO RANDOM CHORES IS THE PRINCE. OF. LUCIS?? THE KIDDO WHO DRESSES LIKE A HOBO AND TAGS ALONG WITH AN EVEN MORE HOBO UNCLE IS ROYALTY???? I SENT ROYALTY TO COLLECT MY BEAN CROPS??????”
-Basically while all of Insomnia is wary and confused by Nox’s existence, the rest of Lucis is collectively losing their minds because, you know, Nox has helped out his people where he can, which means he has ABSOLUTELY done all those random side-quests where you harvest somebody’s crop or look for a lost shipment or go out and fight HORRIBLE MONSTERS so bring back some of their parts that you need for your dinky little weapon’s shop. Like- everybody thought they were the only ones who got helped out by this random drifter kid, but then THIS happens and the mooglenet explodes with stories from ALL OVER FLIPPING LUCIS of this kid dropping everything to like- help a researching find certain colored frogs or something in exchange for trinkets and petty gil and shop discounts and the occasional potion.
-While Insomnia is busy prepping their Game of Thrones style fanfic and the tabloids are speculating on the mental (in)stability and bloodline of the “brooding illegitimate prince, no doubt embittered over his early life and eyeing the little brother keeping him from the throne”, the rest of Lucis are basically melting into puddles of shock, confusion, and adoration for the royalty that would drop everything to help out random citizens. Care packages start showing up from all corners of Lucis to thank their prince, and after they’re cleared by security, Nox opens them all. And writes thank you cards. Personalized thank you cards that often reference some individual event or factoid of the person/people it comes from (thing’s like, “I hope your ankle is doing better”, or “tell your wife thank you for the knitted socks, they’re very warm and she didn’t have to make them for me, I know wool is expensive in your area”, or “sorry I won’t be around to deliver your next batch of spiracorn tails, my father doesn’t want me going on Hunts right now for whatever reason”) and this proof that he REMEMBERS and STILL CARES just makes them love him more.
-Also there’s this music-based drabble thing I’m working on that happens JUST as the mooglenet/media is starting to calm down and THAT sets everything off again with even more screaming and confusion and Insomnians going “I’M SORRY WHAT????” while the rural Lucians just go “ahh. Ah yes that explains it. That’s our little Drifter.”
-Regis is torn between being Responsible About Security and wanting the Hilarity Factor of letting Nox have a social media account. Like- his son hates public appearances of any kind and he respects that (barring the few mandatory noble balls), but Regis can just imagine the utter chaos Nox would unleash if anyone ever let him have a Twitter account and it’s .... tempting. The nobles haven’t been this off balance in years and for all some (a lot) of the tabloids and media commentators are annoying in their harping and gossip, the collective brain-melt Nox keeps triggering in the collective public/nobles/Council/media is HYSTERICAL.
-Nyx, snickering, announces one day that Nox has fanfiction about him. Like- A LOT of it. He is reigns over a thriving chunk of the Real Person fandom, almost all of which is massively OOC and either filled with political intrigue and assassinations (and sordid badly written romance) or just straight up AUs (vampire/werewolf/supernatural Nox is a stunningly popular AU as is the Usuper Dystopia AU). Nox is morbidly curious but refuses to actually read any of it for fear of losing his mind (she doesn’t tell him about the very fierce Shipping Wars that have broken out, or the fact that most of those Shipping Wars are over various popular celebrities Nox has never met, Noble Daughters he’s met and despised, and Aranea Highwind, who is on the list solely because she’s a famous female Nif officer and the Nif!Nox theory is very popular).
-There would be a segment of that fandom dedicated to works from the common folk who’ve actually met him, but for that part of the population it’s more popular to share various stories about how they met the then-unknown prince for real and how he either helped them or was adorably awkward over something (there is a magazine anthology of those stories, released monthly and very popular out in Lucis proper, Cindy has a subscription that Cid refuses to admit he reads).
-The fandom/theorists even stretch into Altissia and Niflheim. If ANYONE asked, Loqi would refuse to admit, on pain of DEATH, that he is the author of That One Fic everyone knows about/favs/follows/fanarts that features a Nox/Aranea ship, the now ex-Chancellor as Nox’s maternal uncle, and a SCARY in-depth knowledge/breakdown of both Niflheim and Lucian politics (in the context of Nox and Aranea navigating them, surprisingly this is the one Super Popular Nox-Nea fic that DOES NOT feature a Double Agent!Nox).
-The only reason Ardyn does not contribute to the rumors/fanfics/theories is because he doesn’t Understand How the Mooglenet Works™. He has, however, gleefully listened to some of the glaives read Loqi’s That One Super Popular Nif-Written Fic and smirked to himself over how it is so OBVIOUS who the author is, and pleased that Loqi the author is actually tasteful in his courtship subplot and shipping habits.
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shircganes-a · 4 years
i don’t feel good at all and you know what that means: TIME TO RAMBLE ABOUT NAOTO’S SHADOW SCENE IN THE ANIME BABEYYYYYYYYYY
FIRST OFF. let’s talk about when naoto’s shadow first appears on the midnight channel. unlike the other ones, theirs is noticeably darker. why? because you barely know anything about naoto. a good chunk of their character is about them being an enigma, because they don’t talk to others. shadow naoto mentions that nobody cares about naoto; which could also tie in as to why it’s so dark when their shadow is first seen on the midnight channel.
then again, it could be because those strobe lights aren’t on. who knows.
SECOND OFF....... this isnt in chronological order BUT. ‘i want a reason to stay alive’--which technically replaces the line ‘i want a reason for me to stay’ that is in the game, but they both have similar connotations. this line pisses me off because NONE OF THE OTHER CHARACTERS CARE WHEN IT’S SAID. what the actual fuck. the team only cares about the basic shit with naoto’s character: ‘wants to be an adult’, ‘is lonely’ (though they don’t exactly Care Too Much for that one), and ‘oh haha i’m a girl’ (the MAIN THING THAT THE IT WON’T STOP TALKING ABOUT LIKE WE GET IT THEY HAVE OVARIES). i’ll ramble on about the twist later but. god DAMN it pisses me off that no one seemed to give a shit about the implications of suicidal thoughts. yosuke nor rise, the ones who are the most likely prone to those alongside kanji, didn’t even say a word about this. like i understand that naoto ‘comes to terms with themselves’ but those thoughts don’t just GO AWAY. it takes TIME, especially for someone like naoto.
naoto hasn’t--and still completely refuses to for quite some time--relied on anyone for help. as stated multiple times, they suck at socializing. asking for help is the last thing you want to do when you’re not good at socializing; not to mention, naoto had built up an ego and personality to those like dojima and adachi. they want to be seen as the hero who doesn’t need help from anybody; the person who just shrugs away emotional problems and locks them in a safe.
THIRD. the lack of naoto’s shadow ranting about their parents. as we all know, naoto’s parents died in a car accident when they were young. YET WE DON’T HEAR ANYTHING ELSE BESIDES THAT. naoto’s shadow is completely based off of the most ‘major twist’ with their character--that they are biologically female. the sub-plot of their shadow is that they want to be a hard boiled detective. that’s it. that’s most of their character. it’s implied that naoto’s parents dying is the stem of their loneliness, but that’s about it. atlus could have done so much with that information, but they didn’t. i’d get it if naoto doesn’t remember much about their parents; however, that isn’t outright stated, nor is there any ramblings on them that say such a thing.
tl;dr let naoto grieve for their fucking parents atlus
FOURTH. the strobe lights and cameras in the dungeon. i have a feeling the lights are there to make it seem more like an operation is going on, but with the cameras, i feel like there’s also an underlying factor.
naoto is deemed the ‘detective prince’ due to their skill in solving crimes. this is heavily mentioned when they take part in the interview on the news. therefore, the lights and the cameras that allow the team to SEE what was going on could show that naoto was always being watched--the critics, the police, fangirls, the news, etc. of course, this could also be ironic; naoto doesn’t want the spotlight. they never wanted anything of the sort--hell, they didn’t even want to do the interview, they only did it to become bait. naoto only cares about solving crimes, they don’t care about fame.
which leads me toooooooooooooooo
FIFTH. the critics. naoto’s shadow continues to repeat what the critics have complained about naoto: that they’re a kid, not an adult, which is why they are thrown to the side more often. this leads to where naoto starts to break down, and i believe that it’s because that is all they ever hear. especially from those like dojima, because he’s livid that naoto is working with them on the inaba case.
because of this, i believe that naoto is genuinely afraid of critics. HOWEVER. YET AGAIN. THIS ISN’T GONE INTO DETAIL BECAUSE. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
like seriously they’ve apparently fucking SOBBED OVER THIS and NO ONE CARES???? bonks the investigation team on the head bonks the investigation team on the head bonks the investigation team on the h
SIXTH. the big one. the whopper. the discourse having motherfucker. the one that has fucking RUINED THE TAG ON BOTH TUMBLR AND TWITTER LIKE COME ON YOU GUYS THIS IS A FICTIONAL HIGH SCHOOL CHARACTER THAT WAS MADE IN ~2008.
two posts have fueled me on this, one being from y///osukesheadphones about naoto’s english va, and the other being from a user i don’t remember.
it’s not portrayed well.
i fully believe that they completely switched naoto’s ‘big twist’ mid-game plotting/development, which is why them being a child is so heavily made a point during their shadow’s reveal alongside the grand gender debate. because, apparently, naoto was supposed to be a boy in the first place, when they had this beta design.
Tumblr media
besides being called a child, naoto is pointed out to be female, which is why they cross dress. which is fine! once again, this game was made over twelve years ago. things in japan have definitely changed since then, as they have in the US.
although, there’s just one thing that was pointed out by the currently unknown user: naoto still wasn’t ridiculed after that reveal by the police. yeah, it’s pointed out by STUDENTS, but the police don’t care. the whole ‘midnight channel’ has many plot holes, and this is one of them. naoto is still treated the same; however, by this point, they were taken off of the case. that is the only reason why i could see the police not giving a flying fuck after the reveal.
otherwise, naoto’s fear of being looked down on for being a girl isn’t valid, unless it was, yet again, the critic’s fault. because chie easily declared that she wanted to be a cop; though, i do acknowledge that they are two different branches, they still work closely together.
SEVENTH. naoto’s shadow acted like they genuinely wanted to help naoto because that’s all they know. they only know how to help themselves.
anyway to make a long fuckin story short i need a therapy thread for this bitch
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el-dritchknight · 6 years
all i want for christmas is you (passing all your fucking exams) [grecinto secret santa gift fic]
Title: all i want for christmas is you (passing all your fucking exams)
Summary: Law student Ilyong Jacinto is facing his toughest challenge yet: finals week at the University of Santo Tomas. Luckily, his boyfriend, Goyo, is there to support him no matter what.
Characters | Ships: Ilyong Jacinto/Goyo del Pilar | Grecinto
Notes: Dates are based off the 2018 UST Academic calendar HAHA. For PCHU Secret Santa twitter user @SilverCai16!! Pasensya na na super clutch itey ^^; regardless, I hope you like it uwu 
Dec 14 - End of Classes
Books, check. Pens, check. Highlighters, notebooks, and emergency coffee: check, check, and triple check.
Ilyong stretches his fingers above his head then rolls his shoulders back. Classes may have ended, but the real battle — the preparation for finals week — begins now.
He picks up Pointers in Criminal Review and turns to the first page .
“I don’t want a lot for Christmas~”
He blinks at the sound, checks to see if he accidentally played music on his phone. Waley. He shrugs. Baka kapit-bahay lang yun.  “There is just one thing I need!”
...Isang maingay na kapitbahay. Ilyong huffs out an annoyed sigh and brings his attention back to the book. ‘Criminal law is a branch or division of public law that’ —
Puta naman o!
Ilyong tromps out of his room and out of the house before he goes out of his mind.
“Gago, alas tres pa lang ng hapon, bakit may mga nag-cacaroling—!” He stops short at the sight of his boyfriend, Goyo del Pilar, donning a santa hat and a shit-eating grin. For reasons unknown, a guitar is strapped to his shirtless chest.
Ilyong knows he should probably tell Goyo off for disrupting the peace (Ilyong’s peace, if no one else’s), but he can only stop and stare. Damn, those pandesal abs.
“I just want you for my own,” Goyo continues to croon, voice at a reasonable volume now that he isn’t vying for Ilyong’s attention, “more than you could ever know…”  Tearing his gaze away from Goyo’s chest took effort, but the anxious, niggling thought of gago, may finals ka pa! gives Ilyong the mental strength he needs. He walks closer to Goyo, shaking his head bemusedly. “Gagoyo, anong ginagawa mo?”
In response, Goyo puts a finger against Ilyong’s lips.
“Make my wish come trueee!” Ilyong roll his eyes at the exaggerated vowels, but Goyo is undeterred. “All I want for Christmas is… you~!”
He starts to dance a little to the upbeat bells, hips moving from side to side. A smile cracks Ilyong’s facade, a surge of fondness going through his chest amidst all the confusion. Goyo continues to kembot, until the music is sharply cut off by an obnoxiously loud air horn and a man’s voice yelling about subscriptions to Spotify Premium.
Goyo curses. “I hate these ads so much.”  “Mag-premium ka na kasi, may student discount ka naman ah,” Ilyong says through a bout of snickering. He points to the guitar. “Or try mo kaya tugtugin ‘yan next time.”
“Sige, sabi mo ah! Next time, I will play the guitar sa susunod kong harana sa ‘yo.” Goyo’s grin is brighter than a ray of sun, and warmer still, than the heat of sun bearing down on them.
Ilyong’s face seems to burn hotter than said sun. He crosses his arms, looking away. “Basta’t siguraduhin mo na wala nang ads.”
“Oo na! Anyway, Mali-Goyong pasko, babe!” Goyo pushes his guitar behind him and wraps his arms around Ilyong, who most definitely doesn’t squawk as his face comes in contact with Goyo’s pecs.
“M-Maligayang Pasko, mahal,” Ilyong returns, his reply somewhat muffled in Goyo’s bare chest. He talks a moment to breathe, to compose himself, before pulling away slightly to look his boyfriend in the eye. “Not that I’m not happy to see you, but what are you doing here? Akala ko nasa Katipunan ka pa.”
Goyo lets him go to pose with a flourish. “I’m here to support you, of course! Alam ko mag-fi-finals na kayo, and need mo ng emotional support at taga-remind ng pagkain, so here I am!”  A snort escapes Ilyong. The edges of his mouth curls in amusement. “Aww, sweet mo naman... Pero di ba finals week niyo ngayon?”
“Kakatapos lang, actually,” Goyo answers with a relieved grin. “Thank god for early scheduling. Though dapat meron akong Philo orals ngayon, e my classmate switched with me kasi gusto niya mag-Bora.” “Swerte naman ng mga Atenista.”  “Swerte nanam ang isang Atenista,” Goyo corrects,” at ako iyon dahil swerte ako sa ‘yo.”  “Corny mo.” Ilyong snorts, but ends up averting his eyes in embarrassment. What did he do to deserve such an adorkable boyfriend? “Pero, uy. Sigurado ka ba talaga? Medyo… single-minded daw ako kapag nag-aaral, especially sa finals.”  Goyo smiles and puts his hands on Ilyong’s shoulders, giving them a comforting squeeze. “Sure na sure ako, mahal! Like I said, I really just want to support you. Plus, I kind of need a break from Katipunan, anyway.”  “Kahit mainit ulo ko sa ‘yo?”  “Kailan ba naman hindi? Aray!” Goyo laughs and rubs the spot on his arm that Ilyong had playfully punched. “Oo, G ako sa kahit ano, basta’t kasama kita.”
Ilyong’s blush strikes back with a vengeance. A shy smile blossoms on his lips. “Well, thank you, mahal. Pero alam mo na hindi mo ‘to kailangan gawin, right?”
“Alam ko,” Goyo answers easily. “Pero gusto ko.”  “Goyo, I —”  “Para naman maharana kita ng maayos next time. Mahirap pag naging cockblock ang acads, noh?” This time, Goyo manages to dodge Ilyong’s incoming punch to his shoulder. “Joke, joke lang! ‘Kaw naman, ‘di mabiro o.”
Ilyong rolls his eyes and grabs Goyo’s bicep. “Gago ka talaga kahit kailan. O siya! Tara na nga sa loob. Magkape ka muna para matauhan ka sa mga kalokohan mo.”
Dec 17 - Study day
Ilyong is sitting on the floor. Flashcards surround him from every angle. He is trapped, and victory can only come at the cost of memorizing all the provisions on these fucking 3x5 index cards.
He flops down on his back, heedless of all the flashcards he’s crushing under the weight of his fatigue.
“Okay ka lang, babe?” Goyo calls from his place on Ilyong’s bed, looking up from his Nintendo Switch.
“Yeah, nagpapahinga lang,” Ilyong responds listlessly, staring up at the ceiling. It’s such a pretty white color, Ilyong notices. He’s never had a chance to ponder about the ceiling before, but now seems to be a good time to fully appreciate how white it is. Parang kulay ng mga ulap o kaya ng mga sinusuot sa lamay… o ng scantron sheet na binibigay tuwing exams.
...Putangina, bukas na ang finals. Ilyong groans. He wishes he can just disappear into the pile of flash cards, but Bathala was not known to be that merciful.
Goyo’s pretty face suddenly looms over him, blocking his view of the fascinating ceiling. “Hi.”  “Hi.”  “You need help getting up?”  “Please.”  Goyo takes ahold of Ilyong’s arm and lifts him up with an ease Ilyong envies. Goyo runs his hand up Ilyong’s arm to his shoulder, rubbing it soothingly. “Wanna talk about it?”  “Eh, wala namang isyu. Stressed lang ako. Feeling ko e-explode yung utak ko kapag nagbasa ako ng isa pang flashcard.”  “Same,” Goyo says sympathetically.
Ilyong snorts and lightly swats his arm. “Gago, anong same? Naglalaro ka lang diyan, e.” “I mean, di naman literally, but I get the feeling, you know? Exams were early, yeah, but they were still hell. Traumatised pa nga ako, babe.” “Aww, kawawa ka naman.”
“Yeah, gumagaling lang ako sa kiss mo, eh.” Ilyong hates how easily he turns red at Goyo’s words. “Landi mo, gago.”
“‘Kaw kasi, ang cute mo kapag nagblublush ka.”  “Stooop,” Ilyong says, covering his face with his hands. He cannot take much more of this.
“Okay, pero seryoso, Ilyong.” Goyo gives him a second before gently taking Ilyong’s hands into his own. He stares into Ilyong’s eyes with a serious gentleness that Ilyong only ever sees directed at him. “Just breathe and rest your head for a bit. You’ve been studying non-stop since you woke up three hours ago.”
“Kailangan ko pa i-memorise yung mga provision —”  “Makakahintay yung provision na yan. Kailangan mo mag-rest. You’ve been studying for the past three days also. You deserve a break.”  “I don’t—”  “Sige ka, you’ll get sick if you don’t rest. Si Enteng, yun yung ginawa - he worked and studied so hard that he got sick on the first day of exams.”  A horrified gasp escapes Ilyong’s throat. “What happened?”  “Wala, nag make-up exams si gago… and the make-ups are harder than the original tests.”
“Oof.”  “Oof is right, babe. So, ano? Are you convinced? Matutulog ka na ba?”  Ilyong rolls his eyes but nods in grudging defeat. “Opo, matutulog na po ako.”
Goyo is lucky that Ilyong doesn’t have the energy to wipe that smug smile off his face. “Yehey! Kasi ang bait mo, I’ll make timpla coffee when you wake up.”  Placated by the promise of caffeine, Ilyong settles down on his bed while Goyo sits next to him, presumably back to playing on his Switch. A few peaceful seconds pass.
“…Uy, Goyo?”  “Mm?”  “Salamat.”  “No problem, babe. Anything for my favorite future lawyer.”
Despite the massive headache threatening to split his head open, Ilyong smiles. He feels like he could take on the entire world.
 Dec 18 - Armageddon Final Exams begin
Ilyong feels like he could tear the entire world apart. He glares daggers at the google document that is supposed to contain their interpretation of certain provisions for a final paper. Instead, all Ilyong sees are lines and lines of Sergio Osmeña and Manuel L. Quezon… flirting.
Nonong, we should really get to examining the sample case facts.
how about you examine my ‘witness’ instead ;)
the ‘witness’ is my dick btw
YUUUCK! Ilyong physically recoils from his laptop. Lord, bakit ako pinagpala ng ganitong groupmates?!
Semi-colon open parenthesis is right. Osmeña and Quezon may be brilliant students, the top two of the class to boot, but Ilyong had had it with them. Flirting openly with one’s boyfriend is alright, great even! Ilyong admires the brazenness in this very Catholic, very traditionalist university.
Pero puta naman o, google docs is not the time and place for this kind of landian! Hoy, Ilyong types below the sad face, fingers shaking with the attempt to stay calm. Pwede bang mamaya na iyan? Tapusin muna natin ang trabaho natin, please.
It’s a testament to Ilyong’s self-control that he hadn’t sworn at them - okay, well, that he deleted the curse words that peppered his comment. God, he misses being groupmates with Feli and Remi. While the two of them were constantly sweet and flirty, they didn’t let it interfere with their work.
Sorry about that, Jacinto.
yeah, sorry :( we’ll be good
You better.
Ilyong heaves out a sigh. He had finished his parts for the paper, but more than half had yet to be written. Combined with the other papers he still had to write and the other exams he had to study for, Ilyong wanted to rip something apart. Annoying group mates, while certainly rippable, were not helping.
“Babe, you okay?”  Annoying boyfriend, while sweet and adorable, is also of no help at the moment.
“No,” Ilyong flatly says after a beat.
“Is there anything I can do? Anything I can get you?”  “I’m fine, I —” He takes a deep breath. Aggravated as Ilyong is, the gesture is still appreciated. “I think I just need to be alone right now.”  Goyo nods, understanding. It had taken a while for him to know when Ilyong needed him close and when Ilyong needed a moment to himself. While it still isn’t an easy feat, as they both still needed to work on mindfulness and communication, it’s a task that they’re determined to work through together.
“A’ight, I’ll head out and visit some friends muna, but promise me you’ll take care, okay? Gamitin mo yung poporo timer.”  Ilyong raises an eyebrow. “...You mean pomodoro timer?”  “Same thing,” Goyo calls out as he gathers up his things and walks out of the room. “Sige, love you, babe! I’ll be back later.”
Ilyong merely hums, his attention already back to his laptop.
Hours later, it is in the midst of writing papers and cramming tomes worth of information in his head that Ilyong realises that Goyo has returned. The boy is slumped over, asleep in the chair beside him. Not only that, but Goyo had apparently brought food; the take-out tocilog sits next to Goyo's elbow, cold and untouched.
A soft smile steals across Ilyong’s lips. He reaches out and places a blanket over Goyo’s shoulders.
Dec 21 - Final exams end
The sound of a door sharply being slammed open heralds llyong’s return. Goyo rushes towards him but stops short at the sight of Ilyong’s downcast gaze, and the way he drops his bag on the floor of his room.
Goyo slowly approaches him with all the caution of a man facing an animal in the wild. “Ilyong, mahal…?”
“Goyo…” Ilyong looks up, revealing the horrendously dark circles under his eyes and tired smile on his lips. “Goyo, tapos na. Tapos na exams! TAPOS NA EXAMS!”
Before he’s even finished speaking, Goyo takes Ilyong in his arms. He lifts him up effortlessly and twirls his love in a gleeful circle. “Babe, that’s great! Ang galing mo talaga! Celebrate ta — mmph!”
The sudden warmth of Ilyong’s mouth against his catches him by surprise. Goyo’s quick to react, however, already cupping the back of Ilyong’s head with one hand as he deepens the kiss. It’s sloppy compared to their usual momols, but Goyo doesn’t care. He can feel the relief and joy radiating off Ilyong with each press of their smiling lips. It’s a kiss that communicates Ilyong’s gratitude and his love—a kiss to which Goyo eagerly responds, conveying his own love and willingness to do anything for the other boy.
“Saan mo gusto mag-cecelebrate mamaya? Libre ko,” Ilyong says breathlessly after pulling away.
Goyo laughs, touched. “‘Di mo yan kailangan gawin, babe.”
“Gusto ko.” Ilyong’s grin is radiant, near blinding.  Matching his boyfriend’s smile, Goyo leans in once again. He’ll think of where he wants to eat later. Right now, all he wants is to do is reward his cute, smart, hard-working boyfriend.
3 notes · View notes
stone-man-warrior · 4 years
February 15, 2021: 10:51 am:
“Lumbard Street”
This one of the reasons why Bill Cosby, a very funny fellow, was taken down by SAG. This bit, and many of his other performances were about real terrorism, so, they gave him the same kind of treatment that they did to Ozzy Osbourne, a little more harshly ... but do we really know that Bill Cosby is alive? Do we really know that he went to jail? Do we really know that Ozzy Osbourne is alive? Did SAG beat the living daylight out of Bill Cosby the same way they did to Ozzy Osbourne? Or, did they do it differently when the (they) beat up Bill Cosby?
What about OJ Simpson? Did they get a bigger, badder, whiter, more righteous holier-than-thou terror bastard from the football game to beat him up?
Listen to the comedy, see the truth. That stop sign at the top of the hill is no joke ,,, “Hey look Martha, we caught somebody” is as real as it gets, is a trap waiting to happen, and is one example of places you already know about. The terror calls it “Dead Man‘s Curve”, there is at least one in every town, a dangerous place where with just a little added distraction or obstacle, turns a dangerous condition into a death trap, one that can get cleared away in a few moments, as if it was never there.
Here, basically what is being said is: “Hey Martha, let’s get somebody at Dead Man‘s Curve”.
Boris is expecting some traffic, particular specific people, who are scheduled and en-route to be passing through a Dead Man‘s Curve sort of Stop Sign at the top of a hill, a place where a Clutch, becomes the Cargo in the Oxcart.
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This is by far the very best version of Bydio, the Oxcart, by Modest Mussorgsky, a Russian Composer of Classical Music.
But there is no place called Russia, so, what is this really?
11:24 pm:
If it’s presented on Twitter, it’s a terror command, update, informational bit, could be a detour, distraction, bait, or just plain old fashioned murder hit order, so, let’s talk about this particular terror mass murder where the murder turns into bait later on, like a hot chick turns into a ham sandwich at midnight.
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nursing home terror:
This knowledge I have comes from experience of having been engaged to a nurse who worked at such nursing homes in around 2002 in Oregon. It includes that the nurse I was engaged to, later married a FBI officer by the name of Rabner, who was stationed at the Veterans Administration Domiciliary on Hwy 62 in Medford at the time she met him.
So with those things in mind, I witnessed these kinds of events take place at a Grants Pass Oregon area nursing home, where elderly people are cared for, have a room to stay in, have nurses for their health care, and people who cook their meals for them.
The nursing homes have built in pharmacies.
Those pharmacies turned the nursing homes into mass murder centers, where SAG Musicians showed up, killed all of the old people, raided the pharmacies, then handed the keys to the nursing homes over to the Canadian terror army, so that the grand parents of the terror army could come from Canada, to live in the nursing homes, and use the names of the murdered US Citizens that were killed by the Rock Stars from SAG.
The old people are voters.
The new replacement ones vote the way the (they) are told to vote by SAG Leadership at Nancy Sinatra HQ.
When the killing happened at the place on Evelyn Ave. and 7th St in Grants Pass, I happened to be there, my girlfriend had called, asked me to go there, she was a nurse there. When I got there, all of the nurses had been told to go to a different building on 6th St for some kind of OSHA Safety Meeting or some other bullshit. While the nurses were out of the rest home main living area, that is when the SAG Rock Stars came in, went into each room, one by one, and killed the old people in their beds, most were smothered with a pillow.
I tried to help them, I did not understand that all of the people were being killed, I only thought this one old guy was being killed, so, I killed the one that was killing the old guy in the bed, he was suffocating the old guy in the bed, holding him down with a pillow over his head. I took the pillow and told the old guy I was there to help, he was scared, I pretended to continue to smother him with the pillow, and another Rock Star came in to see where his dead friend had gone to, so I killed that asshole too.
I left that room to see that a bunch of Rock Stars were all in the pharmacy area, and the pill bottles were being stolen, stuff  being tossed all around, they were huddled in the main hallway reading the labels on the pill bottles, and that is when I left the building to find my girlfriend at the place on 6th St., but I could not find her, so I went home. She came home later, and did not seem to know what had happened. It was so long ago that I don’t recall what we talked about after that, but she continued to work as a nurse at that place on Evelyn Ave.
Later, someone asked me to go to another rest home nursing facility on Highland I think, nearby north Middle School in Grants Pass.
I went there, it was night time, in the lobby was a heap of dead people. About fifteen people in a big pile. Some were not quite dead yet. I could not do anything to help, I talked to someone there long enough to see that I needed to get out of there. I remember calling 911 from the parking lot.
So, the conclusion to that is not a conclusion, but is a perpetuation, where once all of the nursing home residents were killed, then replaced with family of the Canadian terror army, those places serve as take-out murder centers where visitors and professionals who went there, were killed and replaced with more Canadian terror soldiers.
The terror army began to grow in size exponentially at that time, in around 2001 - 2004 and by 2006, pretty much all of the US Citizens in Oregon were all killed and replaced with terror soldiers, all arranged to happen by leadership at SAG.
The story about the care homes is the same story of what happened at the elementary, middle, and high schools, where all of the students were brutally murdered, then replaced with the children of the Canadian terror army. Fourth graders were pushed off of the cliff at Table Rock in Eagle Point Oregon on a field trip when men carrying sheets of plywood went to the top where the children were, and used the plywood like a bulldozer to push all of the fourth graders over the cliff.
There were three bus loads of fourth graders that day, only two students on the return trip to school. I am pretty sure that one of those survivors is a gal by the name of Bailey, who works at Fred Meyer Pharmacy now, is about 30 years old, and was the daughter of one of the men who pushed all of those kids over the cliff.
Bailey is white, female, is very big girl, about 280 pounds, about 5′ 4″, has dark hair, is very unpleasant to deal with at the Fred Meyer pharmacy counter, and she has worked there for a long time. Could be Bailey Gasper, of 325 Jackpine, but I am not very confidant of that. She knows Gasper’s though for sure, and Dewey Gasper was one of the meanest, most aggressive people I have ever known of.
So, no conclusion. The terror army is still killing the babies. I suspect the conditions in new york are the same as the ones in Oregon... dead babies over the cliff, and heaps of old people dying in the lobby at the nursing homes.
Important: You cannot simply go stumbling into the Fred Meyer store asking questions and expect to come out of there alive, it won‘t work. There are fifty thousand terror soldiers on call, all connected with blu-tooth tech on iPhones, who’s primary function is to protect the terror stronghold in Grants Pass. They can swarm, make road blocks with a traffic “Cluster Fuck” and make people disappear in the day time without anyone seeing what happened.
12:13 pm:
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This asshole above, Blinken at State Department, says:
“I have orders from Trudeau. California Highway Patrol (chips) are to protect Canadian interests where a multi-state raid is happening against SDA terror soldiers.”
Translate terror-speak to English:
“The arrest of people for diplomatic gain must stop now”
After translation:
“The rest of our terror army is called to perform underhanded assistance to aid CHP in stopping the raid.”
It’s a loose translation, is like Mandarin Chinese to English, it does not happen exactly the way it was said in the original language, but you can get the gist of what was said.
12:50 pm:
This comes up at Twitter, as an advertisement in association to a Twitter Trend of Olivia Wild.
Ok, I am sure that most Twitter users are familiar with the Okta family of brands and services, and are a staple in every household in USA.
What can be said about Okta?
They advise riskless activity is the main message there.
There seems to be a Twitter base of a remote workforce who benefits most from the Okta family of brands, I know my Okta is very important to me, and yours should be important to you too, so I implore all Remote Twitter Workforce Members to heed the call to assess risk, be less risky in every way, use caution, wear yellow in remembrance of Presidents Day to celebrate the achievements of Okta member George W. Bush who gave us the Traffic Lights of Terror, and today, with COVID being what it is, everyday is code Yellow, for Caution!
Today, Okta recommends those who have alternate identifications, to use those, and switch houses, and cars with your fellow Remote Workforce Members, go outside, water your gardens, do light maintenance in the neighborhood, while enjoying the hospitality provided by your fellow Twitter Remote Workforce Households, look around, see who comes and goes in the neighborhood, then, share what you learn, here on Twitter, wherever you see the familiar Okta Logo, where safety and comfort is at your neighbors house, for low risk exposure.
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It means the Twitter leadership at Google/Vatican Choir High Command says to switch houses, to use a different fellow terror cell members home, and car. That way it makes a lot of confusion, while not doing anything illegal. The terror army assumes possession of a different soldiers home, stays there for awhile. Doing so makes a situation where identifying reports made at an earlier time, about who lives at a particular place, or works at a particular place, or drives a particular car, are all discounted as not accurate, false, otherwise wrong.
Someone reports a lot of terrorism, when the investigative people show up, none of the report is the way it was written, the wrong descriptions of people, wrong cars, wrong everything. because the terror army is all an army, there homes are barracks, one barrack is the same as the other one, all of the household items are the same in each house, and are stored in the same places in the house, or nearly the same, enough sameness that any terror soldier can occupy any residence, and look as though they have been there for many years, because they know where everything is at, as they trained to do in event or investigations.
Okta, means “Perpetuation of Status Quo With a Difference”, it’s a number 8, but is an infinity sign turned sideways, Okta.
1:35 pm:
This from the office of the President:
He wants you to remember Presidents today, so, you might think about W. Bush, the ultimate terror hero of all time.
The Tweet is in support of the Okta message.
Translate Presidential terror speak to English:
“... the work ahead of us ...”
“The work (ahead o) fus”
“The workforce” however... “A head between the workforce”
Between = Betwixt
In the next little while, I expect some kind of “Bugs Bunny meats Tabatha” or “Esmerelda Meets Dr. Bombay” terror comm from White House.
There is established SAG Emergency terror code: “Dr. Bombay, Dr. Bombay, Emergency, come right away”
For real. It gets turned into some other statement that can be translated out, to that statement, to say an emergency threatens SAG Leadership.
Biden says there is something between the twitter terror “workforce”. That means “division“, and they are not accustomed to being divided, they are usually the divisors, not the divided.
We’ll have to wait and see where this goes later on.
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1:59 pm:
This came out of the blue just now:
I don‘t recall having seen any set up introductory work that led to that presidential terror comm below:
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What is really going on, Joe?
We need to know.
It’s important, so, fess up.
I say that website is a place where terror operatives can be issued a new ID based on the name of a murdered US Citizen, taken from the archives at Social Security Administration.
Reminder: The entire reason that the democrats invented Part-D Medicare, was as a means to aid the murder of US Citizen Medicare beneficiaries. It’s  composed of highly complex arrangements, includes all of the participating insurers, the Part-D Medicare arrangement was also used as a means by and through which the insurance companies were hijacked and taken control of by the terror army, Hollywood specific terror cells, and now all of the insurers are extensions of The Hartford, AARP insurance brands, and AARP is another way of saying Democrat Political Party.
Anyone who has survived as a beneficiary, since the time that Part-D has existed, can say many details about terror, and they have information that they don‘t know they have. There are many small details beneficiaries have been subject to, ones that are simply part of Part-D, but are details of a terrorist system of mass murder.
One interesting feature of Part-D terror, is that there are no choices. If you are a Medicare recipient, then, you are bound to Part-D insurance from a third party insurer of a Medicare insurance arrangement.
Think about that.
Those who do not pay the Part-D premium, are subject to substantial monetary  penalty when they become hospitalized. Once in a hospital, if a Medicare beneficiary has failed to sign up to a Part-D insurance plan, one will be selected for the hospitalized patient, and a penalty that is based on the number of months that a person did not sign up to a Part-D plan. For Medicare patients who do not require regular monthly prescriptions, they still must pay the monthly premium after selecting a Part-D plan. That means every single Medicare Beneficiary is subject to the kill & replace terror that comes with signing up to a Part-D plan.
Joe Biden might be saying a warning to Hollywood about potential problems they could face at SAG Sinatra HQ due to Part-D wardrobe malfunction.
Other details about Part-D include that all of the beneficiaries of Part-D medicare were granted free “deductible” amount during the Trump years. What I mean to say here, is that although the beneficiaries were supposed to pay a deductible amount, typically about $400, that amount was covered by the White House with some kind of high tech money moving magic. I was supposed to pay deductible amounts during those years, I expected to pay a deductible amount, however, at the pharmacy, the deductible amount was paid by others, and did not show up in any of the record keeping done by the insurance company, or at the pharmacy, so, money moving magic on a grand scale was used for assisting many millions of terror soldiers with obtaining medications. Those medications were mostly transferred to SAGClubMed, a system where Actors, Musicians, Clowns, and Magicians have a vast “pool” of medications to choose from for getting high with the prescriptions that belong to the elderly and disabled people they all killed.
SAG: “We take pills from old folks we kill“
SAG: “We get high while the old people die”
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2:51 pm:
I am tired of doing all of the hard work without any help. So, just the result of the read is all I am going to do.
Everyone at US national security thinks they know everything there is to know about terrorism in USA, they know so much that we are in the state we are in because of them.
Fucking amateurs, every one of them.
This below says that CVS Pharmacy at Safeway stores has been killing and replacing US Citizens in Oregon for decades.
It goes on to say that there is “High Gain on the Clean Channel, where the headroom caved in on itself on Marshall Plexi”
Amp Guru at Kauai Ranch HQ, Ann Wilson and Roger Waters are in some trouble, is a deduction that can be made from Twitter news story, where the Twitter news is used to get a head start over US national security who are doing the investigations, and can’t figure out why so many of their people get killed.
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3:13 pm:
Follow where this bullshit story about Land Rover and Jaguar going electric, and follow the other branches of the same bullshit, where the Jaguar/Land Rover electric motors morph into Honda motors on F-1 Race Cars. The twitter feed is filling up with this line of bullshit as a shell language about British Petroleum (BP), Guantanamo Bay BRITISH SECRET SUBMARINE BASE, and assisted attempts by US government in league with Britain to take over Exxon/Mobil.
It’s about that oil leak that happened in the Gulf of Mexico, when a secret British submarine deployed from a fake US navy base on Cuba, was used to undermine Exxon/Mobil, in favor of HMS Oil at BP and Aramco.
The Aramco Oil, is British, not Saudi.
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Think about convenience for a moment. You are big British Oil, HMS BP. You are bent and determined to take over the world, and everyone, and everything on it. You need big ammunition, and you need the very best, most convincing bullshit stories to tell. You need to look innocent all of the time, you need to play victim while you kill everyone, and take everything there is to take, so, Aramco is the ticket you need. You build out Aramco, so that when you sabotage Exxon you also sabotage your own Aramco, everyone thinks it’s Saudi, they see that Saudi and Exxon oil is both being targeted, and Iran is blamed. The Aramco is sabotaged in a controlled environment, a handy arrangement prepared with some affordably calculated sacrificial structures. That lures investigative professionals of the oil industry there, to Aramco, to make assessments of damage at a giant size fire, where those oil industry engineers are taken captive, so that the fake ones can say the Iran did the sabotage at the Aramco fire, and in secretly a HMS Battleship disguised as a oil company. All of that takes attention away from Exxon/Mobil, and focus of all of the oil industry shifts to Aramco, where a set of bullshit events took place as bait, all set up by number I O Downing Street and SIS MI-6 GCHQ and SAG Writers Guild, to help to take over all of the oil production all over the planet.
There is more complication to consider. You have to consider that blaming Iran is another controlled environment where victims are lured to when they investigate Iran involvement in anything they are said to have done, same goes for Syria, it’s a controlled environment where US State Department runs the show at those places. They do Iran terror rental service there, under State Department guidance where you go talk to Mike Pompeo, tell him what you need done, arrangements are made so that everyone involved in the rental of terror services around Iran all make a lot of money, gain power is mostly what they want, and any kind of resistance to real terror is drawn into the mix for take out and replacement. So, when Iran becomes the offensive, that means US State is the offender.
We have to take Twitter offline right now.
We have to remove number l O from Downing Street.
We have to do major remodel at Vauxhall Bridge, and we have to take Google into custody to make it work correctly and safely.
We have to remove the Vatican from Italy.
We have to round up all of the SAG Card holders, and take them to Easter Island, and drop them off there.
That will be a good start to restoring freedom all over the world.
none of that can happen without first making a safe perimeter around Portugal and Spain, all of the shore line there needs to be controlled by Global security forces who are opposed to captivity and slavery.
4:11 pm:
I am trying to figure out the logic used to argue that Twitter stays active during global crisis of warfare commanded from within Twitter, and have been trying to figure that out for many years.
Is Twitter so powerful that their servers cannot be destroyed, or at least turned off? Power cut? I’ll pay for the wire cutters.
I don‘t think that is the problem.
I think the problem is about failure to see the size and scope of the threat to the people of the world that is presented on Twitter.
If there is logic to allowing Twitter to keep on Tweeting, by now, it has to be one of a sting sort of approach, one that can never work, because the Pope has 18 million followers is the reason it won‘t ever work to do sting from within Twitter. The terror army knows who everyone is, they can smell if an account is a bot, is a one of their own, or is a public safety person stumbling around in dark places that are all lit up with pretty colors for them to see with.
The terror on twitter can and does call to service many thousands of theme park employees from Universal Studios Tour and Disney, all of theme park employees are SAG members, those are the rules to work there, and the unwritten rules are that all SAG members are terror leadership, who command the millions of Canadian SDA, and in Asia, the whole city of Hong Kong is the equivelent of the Canadian terror army in USA. People that blend in, and look the same as the people where a British commanded take over is happening.
SAG gets their orders from Britain, Joe Biden gets his orders from Reuters UK. He is a puppet same as Trump, just a different faction of British puppet.
There are two kinds of British Puppet masters, as is explained on this account. The two kinds are basically Christian terror pirates who have been killing people all around the world for 2000 years, then, there are the ones who tried to take over those guys, that is SAG, amateurs, they did not realize that the Christian HQ they took over, were pirates, just thought they were religious people. So the SAG verity at Joe Biden HQ are basically a bunch of clowns who don‘t know WTF they did. And the others are the hardest of the hard core mass murderers who have 2000 years of warfare experience, and old proven deception tactics all worked out, and, those guys invented the Russian Mother of all Hoaxes, so, they are also masters of the Mother Hoax,which is unbelievably enormous.
Both of those groups are in control of Twitter, a sting from in there to catch a few bad guys is a losing proposition, won‘t work, cannot work, is a place where bait is used to catch other bait. One captured bait, is used to capture more bait, to use for capturing yet more bait. The investigative people are turned into “Fish eat fish” for ever inside of Twitter, meanwhile, it’s a machine that is always commanding the Pope’s 18 Million followers. no one is helped, and the march toward global domination keeps on marching as the internal sting is trying to catch a few bad guys who are put there for them to find.
Twitter has to come down permanently.
4:50 pm:
Other logic about why Twitter is still Tweeting, still advancing a fake virus that is effectively destroying the whole world and everyone on it.
I once had a conversation with people who held my family in a different kind of captivity then what am confined in now, back then, the captors were inside my house, now, they are outside my house, but I am still held captive.
They were the same group of people who hijacked Boeing, they were from Canada, and from Hollywood, and from Grants Pass. They were Eastwood Guitars, Dean Zelinsky Guitars, Grants Pass Daily Courier newspaper, they were the same people who exploded the WTC in 2001, they were Ron Howard, David Letterman, Ann Wilson, Roger Waters, David Gilmour, and Pacific Power Lineman were there with machine guns to make sure I did not escape, and there were many more who came and went from time to time while forcing me to make designs of all kinds of things they needed.
The conversation that I want to say was about “The Cloud”. I remember talking about the idea that a Macintosh SE30 can run a internet service if set up to run it. That idea was taken further into the realm of wireless technology, which did not exist at the time in the capacity we talked about, but the idea was that “The Cloud” could be an array of servers all remotely placed, in various places rather than in one central building, the wireless tech makes that possible, so the idea was to “Take an SE30 and set it up so that it can operate remote servers somehow, such that the RAM and Disc Space of every computer connected to the internet, supplies a small piece to a bigger picture, and does so without the user knowing their computer is contributing to the bigger picture”
So, take “The Cloud”, and some of that explanation and expand on that, with a Macintosh SE30 at the helm, putting the pieces together, routing the traffic, and building Twitter from a computer disc array that does not exist, an array that is composed of all computers everywhere, giving and taking from “The Cloud” to create the pre-packaged Twitter Time line that makes up the “Time Warp Terror” that we are experiencing.
This is beyond my expertise, but maybe Twitter still tweets because no one can find the nest it comes from. If so, the nest is everywhere, is “In The Cloud”.
One place to look for solid tangible stuff associated with the possibility of such a “Cloud” is a company called “Clearwire”. The company had acquired more cellular bandwidth when Television went digital in 2008 than all of the other providers combined is the way I remember that. Then, they were devoured by Sprint. All of the outbuilding of new, different technology they were building for wireless phone service went somewhere, but where did it go? I had invested a lot of money in Clearwire and wanted them to succeed, to provide different wireless phone platform technology than the kind we are using now. I lost all my invest, and the whole company and all of their assets were completely ripped off, all stolen, and the contracts were changed in the midst of the subject of the contracted work being done. The place was hijacked, along with that new wiz bang technology they had already installed and tested in some trial markets.
So, find all of that Clearwire spectrum, software and hardware and maybe that is the nest where Twitter Time Warp is coming from.
Twitter could be floating around in endlessly bouncing radio waves in the sky above our heads all the time, and never land on a hard drive until it is read by the individual user at Twitter. Something like that could explain why we are still slaves to the fake Corona Virus that is destroying the world. Still, no one has figured out that a small flame will kill the germs of a virus, it’s ludicrous to know that tens of millions of people can be so stupid not to know that.
The same small flame ignites the nitrous oxide carried by the terror army and that is why “The Science” can‘t figure it out.
5:56 pm:
Local Conditions:
About 40 degrees F, overcast, absence of wind.
I went out for a walk in day time for the first time in a long time.
Maybe two weeks, maybe three weeks since I have gone outdoors in the day time.
So, at Monroe’s terror cell, there were the sounds that are consistent with a terror soldier exploding, the call it “Burst” and past tense is “Bursted”, so, I think a female was ignited when I used my Bic Lighter on my walk, and a few ducks at Monroe ran away from the area where the Bursting seems to have occurred near the road, in Monroe’s front yard. There is too much brush to see that far from my driveway.
(This part of this tumblr entry of eye-witness of terror attack is deleted, as ordered by the Josephine county courts Honorable Judge Brendon Thueson on 3-15-2021. It’s notable that two terror soldiers died in the courtroom that day, I am bound by the courts not to explain further. There is no investigation happening of any of the reported eye-witness of terrorism that I report here on tumblr in absence of conventional means to make reports of terror activities, murders, or knowledge of coup details. The terror is wide open, wide spread, unchallenged, ongoing, and has absolutely no resistance to it other that me. I am the only person fighting on behalf of USA as the citizens are lined up to be slaughtered by their captors.)
As I stepped over by my gate, and the female at Monroe’s seems to have bursted, that is when someone from Dietricks at 601 Jackpine did the Shark Maneuver, had been waiting all day, maybe all week for me to go outside, and was signaled to do the Shark Maneuver by terror soldiers with access to listening devices that are all around and inside of my house. Dietrick’s white Ford pick-up with a flat bed car hauling trailer went passed, as he is supposed to do when I go outside, that is done to scare me back into the house .... (Censored by the courts)
My guess is that the national security people have been told that I am at (Censored) Jackpine, but I am not there, I am at my own house where I have lived for the past twenty-four years, (censored by the courts) from the pansy that is fucking with me through some kind of internet hacking that he is doing right now and I am not going to hesitate when I (censored by the courts)
6:53 pm:
Assholes (censored by the courts) Jackpine were in my yard today, they were messing with a couple of car batteries I have outside, one is Orbital Brand, one is other brand of Dry Cell battery. They already know where those at at in my yard, that same terror cell has been at the same address before at a time before Stephen and Lindsey Bell moved in about nine years ago, ...
... (Censored by the courts) when the entire Social Security Administration has been hijacked for the past twenty years.
(The Josephine County Courts are made aware of this account from time to time in public settings, and behind the scenes the courts do everything they can do to prevent the information presented on this [email protected] account from being seen, read, responded to for stopping the terror take over of USA that is reported here. The means, language, weapons, goals, leadership, and other details of a global attack on citizens world wide is contained in this tumblr account, but the courts and others suppress the information, and prevent me from reaching US national security personnel by other means, the courts find ways to censor the reported terror take over of USA.)
(Please send help)
(edits in bold were done on 3-20-2021 at 3:49 pm)
7:27 pm:
Looks like the local SDA Church members on from GPCC (sounds like Jeepy see see when spoken) on Russell are all working some kind of bullshit terror scenario to fool someone. Someone came out of Phillips 507 Jackpine (Global British terror leadership) where I have not seen any one for about six months, and that vehicle, a van with bright light on a trailer hitch, went to 600 Jackpine where Taylors used to live, have not been seen around for more than one year, and that property is a alternate use secret entrance and exit into the Jackpine neighborhood through that GPCC church and to and from Russell road. Others at Strongs and at Sunflower are also involved in trying to fool someone, it’s obvious. That 507 activity was in tandem with someone going to Freeberg’s at 535 Jackpine, in Jay Freeberg’s car. That car came from Sunflower terror cell on Russell as I stepped outside, so that they could begin running their game to fool someone else, those national security people who have been convinced this account is a cover for an occasional drug deal of a few pills.
It happens all the time, the national security people always wind up in a snare at Monroe’s cut in half with a sword mounted to a skeet shooter, with a motion detector, and it resets itself... There are many witnessed explanations of that on this account.
The people who are fooling the national security, are illiterate, they don‘t read English, that might explain some of the weirdness they are experiencing, because all of them try to read what I write online, but only know how to read a few of the words.
8:16 pm:
I’ve been outside a number of times tonight, there is some kind of psychotic terror scenario going on, many terror soldiers involved, they seem to be upset about that female that burst at Monroe’s earlier. Strong’s terror cell at 3747 Russell Road are making a lot of signaling to someone, so far, the signaling seems to say that the Safari African Lion(s) are outside, on the loose, and that means the Lion Handler is having some kind of problem, it also explains some of the noises I have been hearing tonight in the neighborhood.
One or more of these:
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This is not some kind of secret code. It’s wild animal, has big teeth, sharp claws, can run real fast if it wants to, they don‘t usually want or need to run. The Safari Lions can easily jump over a six foot tall fence, and have no problems with leaping onto a roof of most houses. On a communication device, screaming you may hear when your foolish national security people are caught by a Safari terror cell African Lion, may be followed with a sound like a loud “Pop” sort of noise, as if a hollow block of wood is struck with a drum stick sort of sound, that is the sound that is made when the Lion “Pops” the victims head, as they are trained to do.
To make it more challenging, the Safari terror cell has the Lions fitted with Pixel Suit electronic camouflage, as I have explained over, and over again while trying to get some help to arrive, but only assassins and fools show up.
One more time: The Lion wearing the Pixel Suit is very dangerous to encounter in Oregon while walking to the mailboxes. The only thing visible is the Lions tail and only the front part of their faces. and their paws. But the paws are also made not to show very easily somehow, I don’t know, maybe they are painted dark color.
Don‘t run from an African Lion. Stand your ground, and don‘t move.
I suspect the Safari Lions are being kept inside of the houses on Jackpine and are moved from one place to another regularly. The Lions are treated poorly, are tools, kept inside of small places until they are needed.
February 16, 2021: 3:23 pm: Extra:
For investigation and follow up paper trail of murder associated to medical service providers since 2005 to my knowledge, probably longer:
Gabapentin is marketed as a pain reliever, one the works at the nervous system.
It does not work, is fake, a placebo, or some other bullshit.
When a patient goes to a doctor, or has a surgical procedure, there are digital record keeping that follows everyone who has ever gone to see a doctor. The information on the mandated digital record keeping goes way beyond health related matters, and the persons social security number is what drives the digital record keeping that was mandated by SAG leaders at the US congress many years ago, the days of a personal “Chart“ ended, and a new digital system was mandated, every medical provider was forced to comply with the mandate to go digital with patient records.
So, the record keeping is connected digitally to many places. The service provider, the Social Security Administration, and the insurance company are a few of the places that are updated with each doctor visit, and, those places are digitally informed in real-time when a patient goes to see a health service provider.
With that in mind, and add that the doctors are all fake now, the real ones are held captive or have been killed, and, the Social Security Administration is occupied and under control of SAG terror cell leadership. With that knowledge, now consider particular medication prescriptions, one’s like Gabapentin.
Gabapentin is prescribed by a SAG terror doctor to a patient who is said to have been marked for take out for having “talked or gabbed” about terrorism in the medical fields. The doctor looks at the medical digital chart, sees that “On-High” leadership at Sinatra SAG HQ, has marked that person for take-out, the hit order is done with coding in the digital charts, so, the doctor uses the patient to spread the word of the hit order by prescribing Gabapentin to the patient. When the patient goes to fill a prescription for Gabapentin, that is the same as hand carrying their own hit contract from the doctor to the terror cell at the pharmacies, who are also part of the patient’s digital chart. When the pharmacy see’s the Gabapentin, they know that the patient was marked, and the hit order is fresh, and active. The pharmacies make arrangements to SDA terror cells to study the victim, then make the hit, which includes the the victims are captured and tortured before they are killed in order for the terror army to gain access to assets, and contact information of extended family members, who are also tracked down and killed the same way.
The doctors are fake, are actors, but are VIP’s in the terrorism. They are protected with much cover by the terror army in many ways.
So, to find dead US citizens, follow the Gabapentin.
Same is true with Metaxalone muscle relaxer prescriptions.
0 notes
marylincountrym · 4 years
How To Build An Opt-In List - Right Here Are Some Tips
Strictly an offline activity, postcards are nonetheless an inexpensive way to advertise, and individuals read postcards. There are solutions that provide a databases of postcards to select from and for a top quality, they can also print, package and mail them to your list or an inner list. This is, in my opinion, the best way to generate quality back againlinks. Write quality, distinctive, compelling content material that makes people want to link to your site. Give weblog posts and other content material a push by distributing it to social sharing websites such as Digg, reddit, and other people. Make certain to push your content out to any social networking presences you have. If your content material is really interesting, you will be shocked at how rapidly you will acquire numerous backlinks. Once you decide to become an eBay seller, select the user ID you will have to use, cautiously. Select a User ID that GSA SER Link list represents your company or the items you promote. Your Consumer ID automatically gets to be your online identification to possible purchasers. 11. Deliver e-mails to present or previous clients to enhance relationship, loyalty and repeat business. E-mails can also assist acquire new customers or convince current customers to purchase some thing GSA SER Link list instantly. You can add your ads to e-mails despatched by other businesses to their clients. Just about all web sites have a "Contact Us" GSA SER Link list region. This get in touch with area generally has one or more e-mail addresses for website guests or customers to use for contacting the website proprietor. These e-mail addresses are easily harvested by software that scans the internet for emails. Most web sites have email addresses like "admin" @website. or "webmaster" or "sales" or "admin", "support", etc. Spammers have software that provides these sorts of names to the "www" domain name, and often these are valid guesses. Put an offer on the back of your business card to get people to signal up for your newsletter. For instance, "visit my web site com to obtain 20 Top Suggestions for Outsourcing to a Digital Assistant". When they land on your page, ask for their email address in order to receive the totally free report. Link bait is distinctive and interesting content that other websites will naturally want to link to. The great reward is that you do not have to ask or beg for the GSA SER Link list but just established the bait and let it do its function. How do you make the source box work for you? This is the reader's link via to your website. You only have around 450 characters to entice them through so create your best reason for them to click on the link. That link will take them to your website and land them on a web page that gives them more information about the topic reinforcing the feeling of value. The web page will also have a direct 'call to motion', that's a type for the visitor to be a part of your email list. Are you a home user or small business looking for a backup solution? Do you have a laptop computer with you all over the place you go? Is the information that you carry important to you? You ought to think about a backup answer that fits your needs. I want to consider you via a short list of items that you might want to appear for in a backup solution. Your requirements might vary and I just want to inform you of what attributes are out there. 28. A Poor GSA SER Link list site overall performance can significantly influence your revenues. Maintain a monitor of slow webpages and unplanned outages. Capture the true customer experience and beware of the false sense of security artificial methods offer. Although it may appear like a great deal of function, promoting on eBay is worth it for most people. The charges are there, but are usually not enough to make selling a poor offer. When sellers obtain good feedback they will improve their odds for buys in the long term! Anybody can make money selling on eBay if they are dedicated. If you're a chiropractor like me then you know that chiropractic web marketing can be a real problem. You have to take treatment of all of your individuals, and then by some means find time to discover all the steps of the on-line game. There's so much to discover that the majority of chiropractors just throw up their fingers and stop. I wrote this post to help deliver some sanity to the insanity. The information right here can assist you take your website to the leading of Google's list, and that indicates more potential individuals will be in a position to discover you. Consider time to work on every part of this list and I assure that you will see incredible achievement. Social media advertising has turn out to be the new buzzword in chiropractic web advertising. There are a quantity of great salesmen out there telling chiropractors that social media advertising will bring them droves of new patients, but is this truly accurate? Can Fb, Google +, YouTube, and Twitter truly bring you huge figures of new patients? In my encounter I would say no. Don't get me incorrect, I believe that each of those sites have great benefit, but I know that they are not the finish all be all. In my work they are a part of the general strategy. Every of the social media sites plays a role in the larger complicated, but none of them are strong sufficient to stand on your own.
0 notes
mamboloa-blog · 7 years
Look I just wanted a cool place to share screenshots and find CC and talk about a fucking video game. I didn’t know I was getting into one of those horror stories you hear about tumblr dogpiles and suicide baiting but here I am.
I thought a discord server sounded cool so I joined. Less than an hour later I was contacted by an admin who at first came off as extremely passive aggressive about me not filling out some form, who must have then misinterpreted my response because they immediately got aggressive and pushy about the fucking form and started making veiled threats. I argued back, realized that the server wasn’t the kind of place I wanted to be with people like that running it and told them no thanks. They banned me less than an hour after I had joined, before I had gotten the chance to post anything, cutting off any further contact with them or the other mod who had contacted me for the same information, in a much more reasonable tone.
I do not regret that callout post. Everything in it was true and I provided receipts. The response was, at first, gaslighting. Trying to convince me that the word “chill” is somehow aggressive and that thinly veiled threats, aren’t.
Then the admin I disagreed with contacted me here with the same old shit. That I was being rude, and that it was a unanimous decision to ban me among all the admins because I was obviously a horrible person who shouldn’t be there.
The thing about it being a unanimous decision seemed to be a lie because another admin who contacted me (and many did, apparently the callout post triggered some kind of panic) seemed not to know that I had been banned and asked me why I didn’t continue talked to the admins and sorting things out. Which I could not. As I no longer shared a common discord server with them.
Another admin who contacted told me the reason for the weird spreadsheet. That another admin had had a panic attack about strangers entering the (open, public) discord server and the rule was put in place, poorly enforced. A better way to do this would be what many discord servers do and restrict viewing and posting rights to only people who had done whatever signup process was required, which would have forced people to fill out the form if they wanted to do anything but read the channel where the form and instructions were posted. This also wouldn’t put the pressure on new users to fill out the form as soon as possible and the admins to herang them until they did.
And through all of this, I have received many non-apologies (”I’m sorry you were offended”) from quite a few of the server’s admins. All laced with yet more passive-agression. All “sweetie” and smiley faces. The one I got from the server’s owner offered to let me back into the server if I wanted, and also offered a “polite” suggestion that, while I had every right to post whatever I liked on my blog, I also had the choice to take the callout post down. If I wanted, that is. The implication of this message that I saw, was that the offer to rejoin the server hinged on my deleting the post. I told them where they could shove their discord server and threatened that if they ever tried to pull that manipulative shit with me again, I would make sure that callout post ended up on more trafficked places than my tumblr. And by then I had a couple of things to add to it.
After that, the owner made a final reply to my callout post, telling me that I was never welcome in their server (more gaslighting) because I was a mean and horrible person blah blah blah and that the request to delete my post wasn’t a request but just a “suggesting” (even more gaslighting).
And you know what the worst thing all of these people could even accuse me of was? That I called them names. Which I did. And because of that, I am the type of toxic person who the spreadsheet was designed to keep out and was always designed to keep out DESPITE THE FACT that I was offered to be let back into the server MINUTES earlier. And when I called you out on the bullying and the manipulation, all you did was turn it around back on me. Because I called you names. I even had one poorly spelled message in my ask box threatening to get the tumblr staff involved because I was apparently the one doing the bullying and harassment.
And I don’t know who has been sending me “anonymous” messages over tumblr’s IM or my site’s contact email using what I guess are dummy(?) accounts because I had my ask box turned off until just recently. I don’t even know if it’s one or more than one person. I don’t care. In less than twelve hours I’ve been suicide baited 7 times. My phone hasn’t stopped buzzing with new and interesting suggestions on how to end my life. I don’t even know if they’re any of the people involved in this whole mess or just some sycophantic hangers on. But enough is fucking enough. Since when trying was to get someone to commit suicide an okay thing to do? What kind of fucked up ass moral compass do you have to have to do something like that? Who the fuck hurt you?
And for what? An argument I had with a friend of yours? A discord server? A discord server dedicated to a dollhouse game for children? What is wrong with you people?
That being said, I have gotten quite a few lovely messages over IM and from people who I shared this experience with on Twitter. And I’d like to thank everyone who sent them for at least trying to keep me sane and reassure me.
But, in all of this, I never received an apology from the admin who aggressively insisted that I drop everything I was doing in real life and then acted threateningly when I needed time. And that’s the kicker. None of you were ever fucking sorry. No one ever admitted fault. At least not to myself. The original admin admitted on their blog “that they handled the situation poorly” but never actually apologized to me. You wanted the receipts taken down silently because they made you and your friends look bad.
And you know what, I’m done. It’s been a great night and I learned a lot about what kind of community this is. And it is absolutely not one that I want to be a part of. From wanting to share screenshots to this abortion of a nightmare. I’m out. A lot of the people behind this harassment were people I followed and really liked up until today, even if I’d never interacted with them. But under all the pretty screenshots and recolors you are all fucking jokes of human beings.
And to anyone who sent out the kind of threats, suicide and hate mail that I got tonight, - and not just to myself, as I know the admin who started all of this has apparently been getting some shit too - y’all are fucking monsters at best. At worst, attempted murderers. I hope we all live in a just world because cunts like you need to get what’s coming to you.
Good fucking bye, simblr. May you all continue tearing each other to shreds over a children’s game.
And fuck you, too.
17 notes · View notes
topscammers-blog · 6 years
Dean Graziosi – The Real Estate Con Man
Scams aren’t a new thing. But I didn’t think they can seem so real. I used to be one of the firm believers in Dean Graziosi but this guy has lost all my confidence and made me realize that one should always think twice before trusting someone. He is a criminal who is targeting the middle class of America and if possible, other countries through his useless courses and schemes. He promises to make you rich but in reality, he’s only filling his pockets. His courses are nothing but a bunch of lame tips and his seminars, oh don’t get me started. He has a company, sure, but it’s full of rascals who have no idea on how to treat their customers or handle complaints.  
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  I’ve fallen prey to Dean’s schemes already and I wanted to spread awareness about him. He has successfully created a fake persona and with its help, he is getting thousands of people to buy his low-quality courses. If you remember the old scams of ‘get rich schemes’ and ‘Nigerian princes’, think of Dean Graziosi as an advanced form of the same. I hope you’ll heed my advice and stay away from this sleaze. If anything, he’s a high-level criminal who has the money and the resources to run such a huge scam. He is fooling everyone. That’s why you should read this article further; it will open your eyes and reveal some of his darkest secrets.
Who is Dean Graziosi?
Before I start telling about Dean’s company and his schemes, let’s first discuss his life story. His bio, which is present on his website, says that he was born and raised in Marlboro, New York. He has an older sister and was raised mostly by his grandmother and mother. Now, to seem like a good guy and a hero of some sort, his bio adds, ‘his growing was no easy’ and ‘his family faced many financial problems’. Who are you trying to fool this way, Dean? Are we supposed to believe you came from rags to riches just like that, with a click? His story doesn’t end here, it states he had already moved 20 times before reaching the age of 19 and he never went to college. He’s trying to imply that going to college isn’t worth it. When everyone is scared of getting laid off and planning on upgrading one’s skills, this guy is implying that education isn’t necessary. But that’s not the red flag. The red flag is his entrepreneurial story, according to which, he bought his first real estate property before the age of 20. He got the deal through his clever mind and not with money. Yes, he says that he made the deal with no money down. That’s his personal story. His professional story is more attractive. Professionally, he has written multiple best-sellers including ‘Totally Fulfilled’ and ‘Be a Real Estate Millionaire: Secret Strategies for Lifetime Wealth Today.” This fact was the main reason why I got fooled. If your pockets are full of stolen money, you will not find it hard to sell many books. It’s all about marketing and Dean knows that. He is a shrewd criminal and that’s why he doesn’t get caught so easily. He claims that he is a real estate mogul but he doesn’t share much information about his real estate holdings company in his bio. However, he discusses his content production company in much detail. Why is that? Because that’s what gets him the money. There’s no proof of how many real estate deals he does in a year. Anyone can claim to do a lot of deals but if you can’t share any numbers or details, it raises some red flags. He simply mentions the name of his real estate management company, JBB Enterprises LLC. He doesn’t hesitate to flaunt his charity work. What I’m trying to say is, Dean Graziosi’s story has a lot of plot holes. He has created a fabricated story to lure people and trick them into believing that Dean is a genius. If you remove all the pomp and show, there’s no logical reason to trust Dean. The guy doesn’t have an education, there’s no proof of his professional experience and his sources of income (apart from his courses) are quite shady. I wish I had thought of these earlier but like any problem-ridden person, I was too distracted by his pomp and show.  
Dean Graziosi stole my $2000!!!
Dean conducts seminars and events for real estate enthusiasts. His most popular even is the 3-day workshop or the Real Estate Investment Class. He charges $1997 for attending this event. Unfortunately, I fell for this scam. This erratic piece of crap is nothing but a bunch of useless advice and promos of his other courses and materials. This is how he’s earning all these big bucks. How do you think he’s able to run all these TV commercials and host these events? He’s stealing the money from normal people like you and me. The only difference between Dean and a low-level thug is the former is doing the crimes in a more sophisticated way and at a large scale. Initially, I didn’t consider going to his 3-day workshop. It happened when I thought of getting one of his courses. He has many attractive Real Estate courses up for sale and some books available for free. To get those courses, you first have to enter your credit card information. That alone was a big red flag but I didn’t think much of the same. After all, I was supposed to develop the habits of millionaires. Why would I care about such a little detail? This is where I went wrong. I got the FREE book from them. I read it, and it gave some general advice like work hard and stay motivated, just generic material. In the end, it was recommended to go to one of the seminars for a better learning experience. I thought the book was offered free so there must have not been much available. I chose to get a ticket for the 3-day workshop of Dean. When I went to the event I realized how pathetic it was. It cost me $2000 and what I got in return was promotions of more of his products. He gave some advice on real estate, I won’t lie but it’s all present on the internet. Go to a website or start reading a blog, and you will get more information spending your $2000 and 3 days for some useless lecture. Most of the time, the event was about all the other products you can purchase from this thief and get some more knowledge. I think for Dean, knowledge is knowing about his products. Buy this course, buy that book, that’s all you will get to hear in one of his events. I lost my $2000 and 3 days but I learned a valuable lesson: Never get anything without cross-checking.
Trashy Customer Support:
My problems did not end with his seminar alone. After a week of going to his seminar, I received a message that $300 were deducted from my account for purchasing the book from Dean. Yes, the free book they gave me cost me $300. I contacted the customer support of Dean’s website and asked for a refund. I hadn’t made any purchase but they still deducted the sum from my account. The customer support started giving me vague answers like ‘We aren’t aware of any purchase’ and ‘We’ll get back to you sir’. Those morons thought I was a fool. I was already frustrated with the $2000 workshop which just games a load of crappy and useless advice. I had to call the customer support multiple times and I can’t recall how many times I was ignored. Whenever I would ask to connect with a superior, they would just put me on hold and make me wait. I rarely got to talk to a senior executive. And when I got the chance, they said they will look into the matter. But I never received my refund. They wrongfully took money from my account and didn’t give me the money back. Dean Graziosi’s whole company is based on scams and lies. I’m not the only customer who has faced this issue. Many others have faced this problem as well. Some wanted to cancel their purchase of the event ticket while some hadn’t even bought anything. But they all had to pay Dean’s website for the fake purchase. I found a complaint where the customer wanted to cancel the ticket for an event right after purchase due to an emergency. Can you guess what they did? They never gave him a refund. Dean’s website is a FRAUD. And he isn’t stopping. In fact, he is continuously working towards building his fake personality and fooling more people into buying his useless crappy tools. Instead of attending any one of his seminars or getting his worthless courses, you should buy a real book from someone who is qualified enough and knows what real estate really is.
Using Social Media to hide his crimes
I have already mentioned that Dean is a shrewd criminal. He knows how to trick people into believing his fake stories and false claims. But to do that, he needs to attract them first and he does so through this social media presence. He has a strong following on social media platforms. He posts rarely on twitter but without any effort, he has over 10,000 followers on this platform. A similar situation is present on most of his social media accounts. That begs the question, “How is it possible?” My guess is, he is using bots and fake accounts for showing a good following. Everyone believes the guy who has over 10,000 followers. He has published many fake reviews for his products and seminars too. There is no clear way to verify the reviews present on his website. But as you drift away from his site and platforms and go to other places, you will begin to multiple other users who are sick of this guy. He has stolen money from rich and poor alike.  People who didn’t even have $50 in their accounts were charged $100 and more only for enrolling on his website. I’m not the only victim of Dean and his vicious schemes. But through his fake persona and social media presence, he is still able to convince other people that he is a reliable expert. Instagram
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He has over 350,000 followers on Instagram because he is very active there. Dean doesn’t hesitate in spending some bucks for social media promotion and his Instagram profile is a fine example of the same. He has a link in his Instagram for free training.  That’s his first bait to get people trapped in his scam.  He posts content on Instagram regularly for the sake of his reputation. He knows that if he doesn’t spend enough money for his fake persona, he would get destroyed within a few weeks. Twitter
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Have you ever seen how a bot-operated twitter page looks like? If you want to then take a look at Dean Graziosi’s page. His Twitter profile has over 10,000 followers and more than 5000 posted tweets. But none of them provides any value. They all are promotions of his books and courses. That’s it. If you want to fill your Twitter feed with photos of Dean and his books, then be my guest. You will keep seeing the links to his low-quality BS-filled YouTube videos and updates on his latest books and courses. If you think his Twitter page will help you get any real estate advice, you’re wrong. Facebook
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  Facebook is notorious for its fake accounts and Dean’s Facebook is a live example of the same. Here, he has over 1.5 million followers. With that many followers, he can be considered a strong social media influencer. The reality is, they all are fake.  This scumbag has been using fake accounts to show that he has millions of followers. What does he get from faking his followers? More money. When you see a guy with over a million followers, you don’t think twice in paying him money for anything. The person seems trustworthy and Dean takes advantage of this fact. Take a look at his Facebook page and it’s full of crap. You will not find anything of value except some shitty nonsense about motivation. YouTube
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  YouTube is a little more strict than Facebook in terms of removing bots. So the guy who has over a million followers on Facebook only has 30k subscribers on YouTube. That too, when he has over 500 videos present on his channel. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Dean puts a lot of effort to seem like a real expert. He doesn’t want anybody to even get a hint that he is a fraud and a cheat. And for this purpose, he is spending money generously because he gets to steal from everyone who gets allured by these fake numbers. Some chumps might think that Dean Graziosi is a trustworthy guy because of these numbers alone. I was one of those chumps and I still regret my decision of buying those useless tickets. His social media presence is his main tool for tricking people into thinking that he is a trustworthy guy. If you will take a minute and check the kind of content he posts first, you will realize that it’s not worth spending your cash on. You will see that he posts spammy, useless and shitty content on all of his social media pages. And even after publishing such low-quality content, he is able to generate these many followers. Some might say being on TV helped him but still, his content quality is so bad that if you ask a social media expert, you will see that Dean is a FRAUD and his followers are false.
 Reviews of his courses, books and seminars:
His website can fool anyone. It fooled me so you can understand how annoying it is for me to know that his website is still up and cheating many other innocent people. You will find the links to all of his social media accounts on his website, which I told you about and how they show that he is a sham. You will also find his courses and books which you can purchase. I had downloaded his Millionaire Success Habits ebook which was available for free from his website. I hate to admit it but I was also cheated by the glitz and glamour of Dean’s website. On the home page, you can clearly see many books available for free but to get them, you will need to provide these thieves with your credit card info. They won’t you charge you immediately for the books, they are smart. They will charge you later and deduct the amount directly from your credit card. This is how they took $300 from me and similar amounts from many other people. I am discussing some complaints from other customers to show you that Dean is running is a scam on a large scale. No Refunds:
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  One of his customers had posted a review stating that he never received a refund for a bought course. Dean’s company had promised him the refund but even after waiting for 3 weeks he did not get a penny back. Dean’s company is fast in taking money from your pockets but it returns the same to you. Not only that, they did not respond to any of his queries after the request for a refund. You can see how pathetic these guys are and why you should stay away from them. Automatic Deduction:
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  Another customer lost around $40 due to the same reason I lost my $300. She wanted to check the website and get the free book. But for the book, she had to enter her credit card info. They charged her $40 and that caused her an NSF fee. She did not receive a refund from Dean’s company as well. Lying:
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      Another customer had posted that he attended the ‘Millionaire Success Habits Seminar’ in 2018 to listen to Dean. But Dean was absent. He did not speak at the seminar. Instead, there was someone else. He was promised on the site that Dean will be speaking in the event. They had charged him $997 for the event and they did not give him any refunds. One customer was disappointed with the quality of content he received in the courses. The material wasn’t updated and most it was just a compilation of his old YouTube videos. You can see that Dean’s scam has affected many people. This is the situation when he keeps posting fake positive reviews for his products and service. It’s clear now how low Dean can go. Because he steals money in terms of $40 or $300 so no one suspects him. His credit card fraud must be put to a stop because if he isn’t stopped now, I don’t know how many lives he will ruin the future.  
Dean Graziosi is a criminal who is doing scams on a large scale. He is lying to thousands of people internationally and tricking them into buying his useless courses. All of his seminars give the same old rubbish advice and provide no value to the visitors. His fake positive persona and social media presence help him in luring people and cheating them. I have already lost over $2000 to Dean’s company. His customer support is pathetic and doesn’t process any refunds. Numerous people have voiced their concerns over the presence of this criminal and he should be put behind the bars. Dean constantly lies about everything and it won’t be new if he keeps lying in the future. Both he and his company should be banned from operating in our country. He is a vicious criminal and such a step will do a lot of good to society. If that can’t happen, then the least you can do is stay away from this guy and save yourself. Should he be allowed to ruin lives like this? Why isn’t anyone taking action against him? Share your experience here if you have been a victim of Dean’s greed and selfishness. Read the full article
0 notes
unhappyclient-blog · 6 years
Dean Graziosi – The Real Estate Con Man
Scams aren’t a new thing. But I didn’t think they can seem so real. I used to be one of the firm believers in Dean Graziosi but this guy has lost all my confidence and made me realize that one should always think twice before trusting someone. He is a criminal who is targeting the middle class of America and if possible, other countries through his useless courses and schemes. He promises to make you rich but in reality, he’s only filling his pockets. His courses are nothing but a bunch of lame tips and his seminars, oh don’t get me started. He has a company, sure, but it’s full of rascals who have no idea on how to treat their customers or handle complaints.  
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  I’ve fallen prey to Dean’s schemes already and I wanted to spread awareness about him. He has successfully created a fake persona and with its help, he is getting thousands of people to buy his low-quality courses. If you remember the old scams of ‘get rich schemes’ and ‘Nigerian princes’, think of Dean Graziosi as an advanced form of the same. I hope you’ll heed my advice and stay away from this sleaze. If anything, he’s a high-level criminal who has the money and the resources to run such a huge scam. He is fooling everyone. That’s why you should read this article further; it will open your eyes and reveal some of his darkest secrets.
Who is Dean Graziosi?
Before I start telling about Dean’s company and his schemes, let’s first discuss his life story. His bio, which is present on his website, says that he was born and raised in Marlboro, New York. He has an older sister and was raised mostly by his grandmother and mother. Now, to seem like a good guy and a hero of some sort, his bio adds, ‘his growing was no easy’ and ‘his family faced many financial problems’. Who are you trying to fool this way, Dean? Are we supposed to believe you came from rags to riches just like that, with a click? His story doesn’t end here, it states he had already moved 20 times before reaching the age of 19 and he never went to college. He’s trying to imply that going to college isn’t worth it. When everyone is scared of getting laid off and planning on upgrading one’s skills, this guy is implying that education isn’t necessary. But that’s not the red flag. The red flag is his entrepreneurial story, according to which, he bought his first real estate property before the age of 20. He got the deal through his clever mind and not with money. Yes, he says that he made the deal with no money down. That’s his personal story. His professional story is more attractive. Professionally, he has written multiple best-sellers including ‘Totally Fulfilled’ and ‘Be a Real Estate Millionaire: Secret Strategies for Lifetime Wealth Today.” This fact was the main reason why I got fooled. If your pockets are full of stolen money, you will not find it hard to sell many books. It’s all about marketing and Dean knows that. He is a shrewd criminal and that’s why he doesn’t get caught so easily. He claims that he is a real estate mogul but he doesn’t share much information about his real estate holdings company in his bio. However, he discusses his content production company in much detail. Why is that? Because that’s what gets him the money. There’s no proof of how many real estate deals he does in a year. Anyone can claim to do a lot of deals but if you can’t share any numbers or details, it raises some red flags. He simply mentions the name of his real estate management company, JBB Enterprises LLC. He doesn’t hesitate to flaunt his charity work. What I’m trying to say is, Dean Graziosi’s story has a lot of plot holes. He has created a fabricated story to lure people and trick them into believing that Dean is a genius. If you remove all the pomp and show, there’s no logical reason to trust Dean. The guy doesn’t have an education, there’s no proof of his professional experience and his sources of income (apart from his courses) are quite shady. I wish I had thought of these earlier but like any problem-ridden person, I was too distracted by his pomp and show.  
Dean Graziosi stole my $2000!!!
Dean conducts seminars and events for real estate enthusiasts. His most popular even is the 3-day workshop or the Real Estate Investment Class. He charges $1997 for attending this event. Unfortunately, I fell for this scam. This erratic piece of crap is nothing but a bunch of useless advice and promos of his other courses and materials. This is how he’s earning all these big bucks. How do you think he’s able to run all these TV commercials and host these events? He’s stealing the money from normal people like you and me. The only difference between Dean and a low-level thug is the former is doing the crimes in a more sophisticated way and at a large scale. Initially, I didn’t consider going to his 3-day workshop. It happened when I thought of getting one of his courses. He has many attractive Real Estate courses up for sale and some books available for free. To get those courses, you first have to enter your credit card information. That alone was a big red flag but I didn’t think much of the same. After all, I was supposed to develop the habits of millionaires. Why would I care about such a little detail? This is where I went wrong. I got the FREE book from them. I read it, and it gave some general advice like work hard and stay motivated, just generic material. In the end, it was recommended to go to one of the seminars for a better learning experience. I thought the book was offered free so there must have not been much available. I chose to get a ticket for the 3-day workshop of Dean. When I went to the event I realized how pathetic it was. It cost me $2000 and what I got in return was promotions of more of his products. He gave some advice on real estate, I won’t lie but it’s all present on the internet. Go to a website or start reading a blog, and you will get more information spending your $2000 and 3 days for some useless lecture. Most of the time, the event was about all the other products you can purchase from this thief and get some more knowledge. I think for Dean, knowledge is knowing about his products. Buy this course, buy that book, that’s all you will get to hear in one of his events. I lost my $2000 and 3 days but I learned a valuable lesson: Never get anything without cross-checking.
Trashy Customer Support:
My problems did not end with his seminar alone. After a week of going to his seminar, I received a message that $300 were deducted from my account for purchasing the book from Dean. Yes, the free book they gave me cost me $300. I contacted the customer support of Dean’s website and asked for a refund. I hadn’t made any purchase but they still deducted the sum from my account. The customer support started giving me vague answers like ‘We aren’t aware of any purchase’ and ‘We’ll get back to you sir’. Those morons thought I was a fool. I was already frustrated with the $2000 workshop which just games a load of crappy and useless advice. I had to call the customer support multiple times and I can’t recall how many times I was ignored. Whenever I would ask to connect with a superior, they would just put me on hold and make me wait. I rarely got to talk to a senior executive. And when I got the chance, they said they will look into the matter. But I never received my refund. They wrongfully took money from my account and didn’t give me the money back. Dean Graziosi’s whole company is based on scams and lies. I’m not the only customer who has faced this issue. Many others have faced this problem as well. Some wanted to cancel their purchase of the event ticket while some hadn’t even bought anything. But they all had to pay Dean’s website for the fake purchase. I found a complaint where the customer wanted to cancel the ticket for an event right after purchase due to an emergency. Can you guess what they did? They never gave him a refund. Dean’s website is a FRAUD. And he isn’t stopping. In fact, he is continuously working towards building his fake personality and fooling more people into buying his useless crappy tools. Instead of attending any one of his seminars or getting his worthless courses, you should buy a real book from someone who is qualified enough and knows what real estate really is.
Using Social Media to hide his crimes
I have already mentioned that Dean is a shrewd criminal. He knows how to trick people into believing his fake stories and false claims. But to do that, he needs to attract them first and he does so through this social media presence. He has a strong following on social media platforms. He posts rarely on twitter but without any effort, he has over 10,000 followers on this platform. A similar situation is present on most of his social media accounts. That begs the question, “How is it possible?” My guess is, he is using bots and fake accounts for showing a good following. Everyone believes the guy who has over 10,000 followers. He has published many fake reviews for his products and seminars too. There is no clear way to verify the reviews present on his website. But as you drift away from his site and platforms and go to other places, you will begin to multiple other users who are sick of this guy. He has stolen money from rich and poor alike.  People who didn’t even have $50 in their accounts were charged $100 and more only for enrolling on his website. I’m not the only victim of Dean and his vicious schemes. But through his fake persona and social media presence, he is still able to convince other people that he is a reliable expert. Instagram
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He has over 350,000 followers on Instagram because he is very active there. Dean doesn’t hesitate in spending some bucks for social media promotion and his Instagram profile is a fine example of the same. He has a link in his Instagram for free training.  That’s his first bait to get people trapped in his scam.  He posts content on Instagram regularly for the sake of his reputation. He knows that if he doesn’t spend enough money for his fake persona, he would get destroyed within a few weeks. Twitter
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Have you ever seen how a bot-operated twitter page looks like? If you want to then take a look at Dean Graziosi’s page. His Twitter profile has over 10,000 followers and more than 5000 posted tweets. But none of them provides any value. They all are promotions of his books and courses. That’s it. If you want to fill your Twitter feed with photos of Dean and his books, then be my guest. You will keep seeing the links to his low-quality BS-filled YouTube videos and updates on his latest books and courses. If you think his Twitter page will help you get any real estate advice, you’re wrong. Facebook
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  Facebook is notorious for its fake accounts and Dean’s Facebook is a live example of the same. Here, he has over 1.5 million followers. With that many followers, he can be considered a strong social media influencer. The reality is, they all are fake.  This scumbag has been using fake accounts to show that he has millions of followers. What does he get from faking his followers? More money. When you see a guy with over a million followers, you don’t think twice in paying him money for anything. The person seems trustworthy and Dean takes advantage of this fact. Take a look at his Facebook page and it’s full of crap. You will not find anything of value except some shitty nonsense about motivation. YouTube
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  YouTube is a little more strict than Facebook in terms of removing bots. So the guy who has over a million followers on Facebook only has 30k subscribers on YouTube. That too, when he has over 500 videos present on his channel. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Dean puts a lot of effort to seem like a real expert. He doesn’t want anybody to even get a hint that he is a fraud and a cheat. And for this purpose, he is spending money generously because he gets to steal from everyone who gets allured by these fake numbers. Some chumps might think that Dean Graziosi is a trustworthy guy because of these numbers alone. I was one of those chumps and I still regret my decision of buying those useless tickets. His social media presence is his main tool for tricking people into thinking that he is a trustworthy guy. If you will take a minute and check the kind of content he posts first, you will realize that it’s not worth spending your cash on. You will see that he posts spammy, useless and shitty content on all of his social media pages. And even after publishing such low-quality content, he is able to generate these many followers. Some might say being on TV helped him but still, his content quality is so bad that if you ask a social media expert, you will see that Dean is a FRAUD and his followers are false.
 Reviews of his courses, books and seminars:
His website can fool anyone. It fooled me so you can understand how annoying it is for me to know that his website is still up and cheating many other innocent people. You will find the links to all of his social media accounts on his website, which I told you about and how they show that he is a sham. You will also find his courses and books which you can purchase. I had downloaded his Millionaire Success Habits ebook which was available for free from his website. I hate to admit it but I was also cheated by the glitz and glamour of Dean’s website. On the home page, you can clearly see many books available for free but to get them, you will need to provide these thieves with your credit card info. They won’t you charge you immediately for the books, they are smart. They will charge you later and deduct the amount directly from your credit card. This is how they took $300 from me and similar amounts from many other people. I am discussing some complaints from other customers to show you that Dean is running is a scam on a large scale. No Refunds:
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  One of his customers had posted a review stating that he never received a refund for a bought course. Dean’s company had promised him the refund but even after waiting for 3 weeks he did not get a penny back. Dean’s company is fast in taking money from your pockets but it returns the same to you. Not only that, they did not respond to any of his queries after the request for a refund. You can see how pathetic these guys are and why you should stay away from them. Automatic Deduction:
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  Another customer lost around $40 due to the same reason I lost my $300. She wanted to check the website and get the free book. But for the book, she had to enter her credit card info. They charged her $40 and that caused her an NSF fee. She did not receive a refund from Dean’s company as well. Lying:
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      Another customer had posted that he attended the ‘Millionaire Success Habits Seminar’ in 2018 to listen to Dean. But Dean was absent. He did not speak at the seminar. Instead, there was someone else. He was promised on the site that Dean will be speaking in the event. They had charged him $997 for the event and they did not give him any refunds. One customer was disappointed with the quality of content he received in the courses. The material wasn’t updated and most it was just a compilation of his old YouTube videos. You can see that Dean’s scam has affected many people. This is the situation when he keeps posting fake positive reviews for his products and service. It’s clear now how low Dean can go. Because he steals money in terms of $40 or $300 so no one suspects him. His credit card fraud must be put to a stop because if he isn’t stopped now, I don’t know how many lives he will ruin the future.  
Dean Graziosi is a criminal who is doing scams on a large scale. He is lying to thousands of people internationally and tricking them into buying his useless courses. All of his seminars give the same old rubbish advice and provide no value to the visitors. His fake positive persona and social media presence help him in luring people and cheating them. I have already lost over $2000 to Dean’s company. His customer support is pathetic and doesn’t process any refunds. Numerous people have voiced their concerns over the presence of this criminal and he should be put behind the bars. Dean constantly lies about everything and it won’t be new if he keeps lying in the future. Both he and his company should be banned from operating in our country. He is a vicious criminal and such a step will do a lot of good to society. If that can’t happen, then the least you can do is stay away from this guy and save yourself. Should he be allowed to ruin lives like this? Why isn’t anyone taking action against him? Share your experience here if you have been a victim of Dean’s greed and selfishness. Read the full article
0 notes
Dean Graziosi – The Real Estate Con Man
Scams aren’t a new thing. But I didn’t think they can seem so real. I used to be one of the firm believers in Dean Graziosi but this guy has lost all my confidence and made me realize that one should always think twice before trusting someone. He is a criminal who is targeting the middle class of America and if possible, other countries through his useless courses and schemes. He promises to make you rich but in reality, he’s only filling his pockets. His courses are nothing but a bunch of lame tips and his seminars, oh don’t get me started. He has a company, sure, but it’s full of rascals who have no idea on how to treat their customers or handle complaints.  
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  I’ve fallen prey to Dean’s schemes already and I wanted to spread awareness about him. He has successfully created a fake persona and with its help, he is getting thousands of people to buy his low-quality courses. If you remember the old scams of ‘get rich schemes’ and ‘Nigerian princes’, think of Dean Graziosi as an advanced form of the same. I hope you’ll heed my advice and stay away from this sleaze. If anything, he’s a high-level criminal who has the money and the resources to run such a huge scam. He is fooling everyone. That’s why you should read this article further; it will open your eyes and reveal some of his darkest secrets.
Who is Dean Graziosi?
Before I start telling about Dean’s company and his schemes, let’s first discuss his life story. His bio, which is present on his website, says that he was born and raised in Marlboro, New York. He has an older sister and was raised mostly by his grandmother and mother. Now, to seem like a good guy and a hero of some sort, his bio adds, ‘his growing was no easy’ and ‘his family faced many financial problems’. Who are you trying to fool this way, Dean? Are we supposed to believe you came from rags to riches just like that, with a click? His story doesn’t end here, it states he had already moved 20 times before reaching the age of 19 and he never went to college. He’s trying to imply that going to college isn’t worth it. When everyone is scared of getting laid off and planning on upgrading one’s skills, this guy is implying that education isn’t necessary. But that’s not the red flag. The red flag is his entrepreneurial story, according to which, he bought his first real estate property before the age of 20. He got the deal through his clever mind and not with money. Yes, he says that he made the deal with no money down. That’s his personal story. His professional story is more attractive. Professionally, he has written multiple best-sellers including ‘Totally Fulfilled’ and ‘Be a Real Estate Millionaire: Secret Strategies for Lifetime Wealth Today.” This fact was the main reason why I got fooled. If your pockets are full of stolen money, you will not find it hard to sell many books. It’s all about marketing and Dean knows that. He is a shrewd criminal and that’s why he doesn’t get caught so easily. He claims that he is a real estate mogul but he doesn’t share much information about his real estate holdings company in his bio. However, he discusses his content production company in much detail. Why is that? Because that’s what gets him the money. There’s no proof of how many real estate deals he does in a year. Anyone can claim to do a lot of deals but if you can’t share any numbers or details, it raises some red flags. He simply mentions the name of his real estate management company, JBB Enterprises LLC. He doesn’t hesitate to flaunt his charity work. What I’m trying to say is, Dean Graziosi’s story has a lot of plot holes. He has created a fabricated story to lure people and trick them into believing that Dean is a genius. If you remove all the pomp and show, there’s no logical reason to trust Dean. The guy doesn’t have an education, there’s no proof of his professional experience and his sources of income (apart from his courses) are quite shady. I wish I had thought of these earlier but like any problem-ridden person, I was too distracted by his pomp and show.  
Dean Graziosi stole my $2000!!!
Dean conducts seminars and events for real estate enthusiasts. His most popular even is the 3-day workshop or the Real Estate Investment Class. He charges $1997 for attending this event. Unfortunately, I fell for this scam. This erratic piece of crap is nothing but a bunch of useless advice and promos of his other courses and materials. This is how he’s earning all these big bucks. How do you think he’s able to run all these TV commercials and host these events? He’s stealing the money from normal people like you and me. The only difference between Dean and a low-level thug is the former is doing the crimes in a more sophisticated way and at a large scale. Initially, I didn’t consider going to his 3-day workshop. It happened when I thought of getting one of his courses. He has many attractive Real Estate courses up for sale and some books available for free. To get those courses, you first have to enter your credit card information. That alone was a big red flag but I didn’t think much of the same. After all, I was supposed to develop the habits of millionaires. Why would I care about such a little detail? This is where I went wrong. I got the FREE book from them. I read it, and it gave some general advice like work hard and stay motivated, just generic material. In the end, it was recommended to go to one of the seminars for a better learning experience. I thought the book was offered free so there must have not been much available. I chose to get a ticket for the 3-day workshop of Dean. When I went to the event I realized how pathetic it was. It cost me $2000 and what I got in return was promotions of more of his products. He gave some advice on real estate, I won’t lie but it’s all present on the internet. Go to a website or start reading a blog, and you will get more information spending your $2000 and 3 days for some useless lecture. Most of the time, the event was about all the other products you can purchase from this thief and get some more knowledge. I think for Dean, knowledge is knowing about his products. Buy this course, buy that book, that’s all you will get to hear in one of his events. I lost my $2000 and 3 days but I learned a valuable lesson: Never get anything without cross-checking.
Trashy Customer Support:
My problems did not end with his seminar alone. After a week of going to his seminar, I received a message that $300 were deducted from my account for purchasing the book from Dean. Yes, the free book they gave me cost me $300. I contacted the customer support of Dean’s website and asked for a refund. I hadn’t made any purchase but they still deducted the sum from my account. The customer support started giving me vague answers like ‘We aren’t aware of any purchase’ and ‘We’ll get back to you sir’. Those morons thought I was a fool. I was already frustrated with the $2000 workshop which just games a load of crappy and useless advice. I had to call the customer support multiple times and I can’t recall how many times I was ignored. Whenever I would ask to connect with a superior, they would just put me on hold and make me wait. I rarely got to talk to a senior executive. And when I got the chance, they said they will look into the matter. But I never received my refund. They wrongfully took money from my account and didn’t give me the money back. Dean Graziosi’s whole company is based on scams and lies. I’m not the only customer who has faced this issue. Many others have faced this problem as well. Some wanted to cancel their purchase of the event ticket while some hadn’t even bought anything. But they all had to pay Dean’s website for the fake purchase. I found a complaint where the customer wanted to cancel the ticket for an event right after purchase due to an emergency. Can you guess what they did? They never gave him a refund. Dean’s website is a FRAUD. And he isn’t stopping. In fact, he is continuously working towards building his fake personality and fooling more people into buying his useless crappy tools. Instead of attending any one of his seminars or getting his worthless courses, you should buy a real book from someone who is qualified enough and knows what real estate really is.
Using Social Media to hide his crimes
I have already mentioned that Dean is a shrewd criminal. He knows how to trick people into believing his fake stories and false claims. But to do that, he needs to attract them first and he does so through this social media presence. He has a strong following on social media platforms. He posts rarely on twitter but without any effort, he has over 10,000 followers on this platform. A similar situation is present on most of his social media accounts. That begs the question, “How is it possible?” My guess is, he is using bots and fake accounts for showing a good following. Everyone believes the guy who has over 10,000 followers. He has published many fake reviews for his products and seminars too. There is no clear way to verify the reviews present on his website. But as you drift away from his site and platforms and go to other places, you will begin to multiple other users who are sick of this guy. He has stolen money from rich and poor alike.  People who didn’t even have $50 in their accounts were charged $100 and more only for enrolling on his website. I’m not the only victim of Dean and his vicious schemes. But through his fake persona and social media presence, he is still able to convince other people that he is a reliable expert. Instagram
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He has over 350,000 followers on Instagram because he is very active there. Dean doesn’t hesitate in spending some bucks for social media promotion and his Instagram profile is a fine example of the same. He has a link in his Instagram for free training.  That’s his first bait to get people trapped in his scam.  He posts content on Instagram regularly for the sake of his reputation. He knows that if he doesn’t spend enough money for his fake persona, he would get destroyed within a few weeks. Twitter
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Have you ever seen how a bot-operated twitter page looks like? If you want to then take a look at Dean Graziosi’s page. His Twitter profile has over 10,000 followers and more than 5000 posted tweets. But none of them provides any value. They all are promotions of his books and courses. That’s it. If you want to fill your Twitter feed with photos of Dean and his books, then be my guest. You will keep seeing the links to his low-quality BS-filled YouTube videos and updates on his latest books and courses. If you think his Twitter page will help you get any real estate advice, you’re wrong. Facebook
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  Facebook is notorious for its fake accounts and Dean’s Facebook is a live example of the same. Here, he has over 1.5 million followers. With that many followers, he can be considered a strong social media influencer. The reality is, they all are fake.  This scumbag has been using fake accounts to show that he has millions of followers. What does he get from faking his followers? More money. When you see a guy with over a million followers, you don’t think twice in paying him money for anything. The person seems trustworthy and Dean takes advantage of this fact. Take a look at his Facebook page and it’s full of crap. You will not find anything of value except some shitty nonsense about motivation. YouTube
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  YouTube is a little more strict than Facebook in terms of removing bots. So the guy who has over a million followers on Facebook only has 30k subscribers on YouTube. That too, when he has over 500 videos present on his channel. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Dean puts a lot of effort to seem like a real expert. He doesn’t want anybody to even get a hint that he is a fraud and a cheat. And for this purpose, he is spending money generously because he gets to steal from everyone who gets allured by these fake numbers. Some chumps might think that Dean Graziosi is a trustworthy guy because of these numbers alone. I was one of those chumps and I still regret my decision of buying those useless tickets. His social media presence is his main tool for tricking people into thinking that he is a trustworthy guy. If you will take a minute and check the kind of content he posts first, you will realize that it’s not worth spending your cash on. You will see that he posts spammy, useless and shitty content on all of his social media pages. And even after publishing such low-quality content, he is able to generate these many followers. Some might say being on TV helped him but still, his content quality is so bad that if you ask a social media expert, you will see that Dean is a FRAUD and his followers are false.
 Reviews of his courses, books and seminars:
His website can fool anyone. It fooled me so you can understand how annoying it is for me to know that his website is still up and cheating many other innocent people. You will find the links to all of his social media accounts on his website, which I told you about and how they show that he is a sham. You will also find his courses and books which you can purchase. I had downloaded his Millionaire Success Habits ebook which was available for free from his website. I hate to admit it but I was also cheated by the glitz and glamour of Dean’s website. On the home page, you can clearly see many books available for free but to get them, you will need to provide these thieves with your credit card info. They won’t you charge you immediately for the books, they are smart. They will charge you later and deduct the amount directly from your credit card. This is how they took $300 from me and similar amounts from many other people. I am discussing some complaints from other customers to show you that Dean is running is a scam on a large scale. No Refunds:
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  One of his customers had posted a review stating that he never received a refund for a bought course. Dean’s company had promised him the refund but even after waiting for 3 weeks he did not get a penny back. Dean’s company is fast in taking money from your pockets but it returns the same to you. Not only that, they did not respond to any of his queries after the request for a refund. You can see how pathetic these guys are and why you should stay away from them. Automatic Deduction:
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  Another customer lost around $40 due to the same reason I lost my $300. She wanted to check the website and get the free book. But for the book, she had to enter her credit card info. They charged her $40 and that caused her an NSF fee. She did not receive a refund from Dean’s company as well. Lying:
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      Another customer had posted that he attended the ‘Millionaire Success Habits Seminar’ in 2018 to listen to Dean. But Dean was absent. He did not speak at the seminar. Instead, there was someone else. He was promised on the site that Dean will be speaking in the event. They had charged him $997 for the event and they did not give him any refunds. One customer was disappointed with the quality of content he received in the courses. The material wasn’t updated and most it was just a compilation of his old YouTube videos. You can see that Dean’s scam has affected many people. This is the situation when he keeps posting fake positive reviews for his products and service. It’s clear now how low Dean can go. Because he steals money in terms of $40 or $300 so no one suspects him. His credit card fraud must be put to a stop because if he isn’t stopped now, I don’t know how many lives he will ruin the future.  
Dean Graziosi is a criminal who is doing scams on a large scale. He is lying to thousands of people internationally and tricking them into buying his useless courses. All of his seminars give the same old rubbish advice and provide no value to the visitors. His fake positive persona and social media presence help him in luring people and cheating them. I have already lost over $2000 to Dean’s company. His customer support is pathetic and doesn’t process any refunds. Numerous people have voiced their concerns over the presence of this criminal and he should be put behind the bars. Dean constantly lies about everything and it won’t be new if he keeps lying in the future. Both he and his company should be banned from operating in our country. He is a vicious criminal and such a step will do a lot of good to society. If that can’t happen, then the least you can do is stay away from this guy and save yourself. Should he be allowed to ruin lives like this? Why isn’t anyone taking action against him? Share your experience here if you have been a victim of Dean’s greed and selfishness. Read the full article
0 notes
liarscheatersrus · 6 years
Dean Graziosi – The Real Estate Con Man
Scams aren’t a new thing. But I didn’t think they can seem so real. I used to be one of the firm believers in Dean Graziosi but this guy has lost all my confidence and made me realize that one should always think twice before trusting someone. He is a criminal who is targeting the middle class of America and if possible, other countries through his useless courses and schemes. He promises to make you rich but in reality, he’s only filling his pockets. His courses are nothing but a bunch of lame tips and his seminars, oh don’t get me started. He has a company, sure, but it’s full of rascals who have no idea on how to treat their customers or handle complaints.  
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  I’ve fallen prey to Dean’s schemes already and I wanted to spread awareness about him. He has successfully created a fake persona and with its help, he is getting thousands of people to buy his low-quality courses. If you remember the old scams of ‘get rich schemes’ and ‘Nigerian princes’, think of Dean Graziosi as an advanced form of the same. I hope you’ll heed my advice and stay away from this sleaze. If anything, he’s a high-level criminal who has the money and the resources to run such a huge scam. He is fooling everyone. That’s why you should read this article further; it will open your eyes and reveal some of his darkest secrets.
Who is Dean Graziosi?
Before I start telling about Dean’s company and his schemes, let’s first discuss his life story. His bio, which is present on his website, says that he was born and raised in Marlboro, New York. He has an older sister and was raised mostly by his grandmother and mother. Now, to seem like a good guy and a hero of some sort, his bio adds, ‘his growing was no easy’ and ‘his family faced many financial problems’. Who are you trying to fool this way, Dean? Are we supposed to believe you came from rags to riches just like that, with a click? His story doesn’t end here, it states he had already moved 20 times before reaching the age of 19 and he never went to college. He’s trying to imply that going to college isn’t worth it. When everyone is scared of getting laid off and planning on upgrading one’s skills, this guy is implying that education isn’t necessary. But that’s not the red flag. The red flag is his entrepreneurial story, according to which, he bought his first real estate property before the age of 20. He got the deal through his clever mind and not with money. Yes, he says that he made the deal with no money down. That’s his personal story. His professional story is more attractive. Professionally, he has written multiple best-sellers including ‘Totally Fulfilled’ and ‘Be a Real Estate Millionaire: Secret Strategies for Lifetime Wealth Today.” This fact was the main reason why I got fooled. If your pockets are full of stolen money, you will not find it hard to sell many books. It’s all about marketing and Dean knows that. He is a shrewd criminal and that’s why he doesn’t get caught so easily. He claims that he is a real estate mogul but he doesn’t share much information about his real estate holdings company in his bio. However, he discusses his content production company in much detail. Why is that? Because that’s what gets him the money. There’s no proof of how many real estate deals he does in a year. Anyone can claim to do a lot of deals but if you can’t share any numbers or details, it raises some red flags. He simply mentions the name of his real estate management company, JBB Enterprises LLC. He doesn’t hesitate to flaunt his charity work. What I’m trying to say is, Dean Graziosi’s story has a lot of plot holes. He has created a fabricated story to lure people and trick them into believing that Dean is a genius. If you remove all the pomp and show, there’s no logical reason to trust Dean. The guy doesn’t have an education, there’s no proof of his professional experience and his sources of income (apart from his courses) are quite shady. I wish I had thought of these earlier but like any problem-ridden person, I was too distracted by his pomp and show.  
Dean Graziosi stole my $2000!!!
Dean conducts seminars and events for real estate enthusiasts. His most popular even is the 3-day workshop or the Real Estate Investment Class. He charges $1997 for attending this event. Unfortunately, I fell for this scam. This erratic piece of crap is nothing but a bunch of useless advice and promos of his other courses and materials. This is how he’s earning all these big bucks. How do you think he’s able to run all these TV commercials and host these events? He’s stealing the money from normal people like you and me. The only difference between Dean and a low-level thug is the former is doing the crimes in a more sophisticated way and at a large scale. Initially, I didn’t consider going to his 3-day workshop. It happened when I thought of getting one of his courses. He has many attractive Real Estate courses up for sale and some books available for free. To get those courses, you first have to enter your credit card information. That alone was a big red flag but I didn’t think much of the same. After all, I was supposed to develop the habits of millionaires. Why would I care about such a little detail? This is where I went wrong. I got the FREE book from them. I read it, and it gave some general advice like work hard and stay motivated, just generic material. In the end, it was recommended to go to one of the seminars for a better learning experience. I thought the book was offered free so there must have not been much available. I chose to get a ticket for the 3-day workshop of Dean. When I went to the event I realized how pathetic it was. It cost me $2000 and what I got in return was promotions of more of his products. He gave some advice on real estate, I won’t lie but it’s all present on the internet. Go to a website or start reading a blog, and you will get more information spending your $2000 and 3 days for some useless lecture. Most of the time, the event was about all the other products you can purchase from this thief and get some more knowledge. I think for Dean, knowledge is knowing about his products. Buy this course, buy that book, that’s all you will get to hear in one of his events. I lost my $2000 and 3 days but I learned a valuable lesson: Never get anything without cross-checking.
Trashy Customer Support:
My problems did not end with his seminar alone. After a week of going to his seminar, I received a message that $300 were deducted from my account for purchasing the book from Dean. Yes, the free book they gave me cost me $300. I contacted the customer support of Dean’s website and asked for a refund. I hadn’t made any purchase but they still deducted the sum from my account. The customer support started giving me vague answers like ‘We aren’t aware of any purchase’ and ‘We’ll get back to you sir’. Those morons thought I was a fool. I was already frustrated with the $2000 workshop which just games a load of crappy and useless advice. I had to call the customer support multiple times and I can’t recall how many times I was ignored. Whenever I would ask to connect with a superior, they would just put me on hold and make me wait. I rarely got to talk to a senior executive. And when I got the chance, they said they will look into the matter. But I never received my refund. They wrongfully took money from my account and didn’t give me the money back. Dean Graziosi’s whole company is based on scams and lies. I’m not the only customer who has faced this issue. Many others have faced this problem as well. Some wanted to cancel their purchase of the event ticket while some hadn’t even bought anything. But they all had to pay Dean’s website for the fake purchase. I found a complaint where the customer wanted to cancel the ticket for an event right after purchase due to an emergency. Can you guess what they did? They never gave him a refund. Dean’s website is a FRAUD. And he isn’t stopping. In fact, he is continuously working towards building his fake personality and fooling more people into buying his useless crappy tools. Instead of attending any one of his seminars or getting his worthless courses, you should buy a real book from someone who is qualified enough and knows what real estate really is.
Using Social Media to hide his crimes
I have already mentioned that Dean is a shrewd criminal. He knows how to trick people into believing his fake stories and false claims. But to do that, he needs to attract them first and he does so through this social media presence. He has a strong following on social media platforms. He posts rarely on twitter but without any effort, he has over 10,000 followers on this platform. A similar situation is present on most of his social media accounts. That begs the question, “How is it possible?” My guess is, he is using bots and fake accounts for showing a good following. Everyone believes the guy who has over 10,000 followers. He has published many fake reviews for his products and seminars too. There is no clear way to verify the reviews present on his website. But as you drift away from his site and platforms and go to other places, you will begin to multiple other users who are sick of this guy. He has stolen money from rich and poor alike.  People who didn’t even have $50 in their accounts were charged $100 and more only for enrolling on his website. I’m not the only victim of Dean and his vicious schemes. But through his fake persona and social media presence, he is still able to convince other people that he is a reliable expert. Instagram
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He has over 350,000 followers on Instagram because he is very active there. Dean doesn’t hesitate in spending some bucks for social media promotion and his Instagram profile is a fine example of the same. He has a link in his Instagram for free training.  That’s his first bait to get people trapped in his scam.  He posts content on Instagram regularly for the sake of his reputation. He knows that if he doesn’t spend enough money for his fake persona, he would get destroyed within a few weeks. Twitter
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Have you ever seen how a bot-operated twitter page looks like? If you want to then take a look at Dean Graziosi’s page. His Twitter profile has over 10,000 followers and more than 5000 posted tweets. But none of them provides any value. They all are promotions of his books and courses. That’s it. If you want to fill your Twitter feed with photos of Dean and his books, then be my guest. You will keep seeing the links to his low-quality BS-filled YouTube videos and updates on his latest books and courses. If you think his Twitter page will help you get any real estate advice, you’re wrong. Facebook
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  Facebook is notorious for its fake accounts and Dean’s Facebook is a live example of the same. Here, he has over 1.5 million followers. With that many followers, he can be considered a strong social media influencer. The reality is, they all are fake.  This scumbag has been using fake accounts to show that he has millions of followers. What does he get from faking his followers? More money. When you see a guy with over a million followers, you don’t think twice in paying him money for anything. The person seems trustworthy and Dean takes advantage of this fact. Take a look at his Facebook page and it’s full of crap. You will not find anything of value except some shitty nonsense about motivation. YouTube
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  YouTube is a little more strict than Facebook in terms of removing bots. So the guy who has over a million followers on Facebook only has 30k subscribers on YouTube. That too, when he has over 500 videos present on his channel. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Dean puts a lot of effort to seem like a real expert. He doesn’t want anybody to even get a hint that he is a fraud and a cheat. And for this purpose, he is spending money generously because he gets to steal from everyone who gets allured by these fake numbers. Some chumps might think that Dean Graziosi is a trustworthy guy because of these numbers alone. I was one of those chumps and I still regret my decision of buying those useless tickets. His social media presence is his main tool for tricking people into thinking that he is a trustworthy guy. If you will take a minute and check the kind of content he posts first, you will realize that it’s not worth spending your cash on. You will see that he posts spammy, useless and shitty content on all of his social media pages. And even after publishing such low-quality content, he is able to generate these many followers. Some might say being on TV helped him but still, his content quality is so bad that if you ask a social media expert, you will see that Dean is a FRAUD and his followers are false.
 Reviews of his courses, books and seminars:
His website can fool anyone. It fooled me so you can understand how annoying it is for me to know that his website is still up and cheating many other innocent people. You will find the links to all of his social media accounts on his website, which I told you about and how they show that he is a sham. You will also find his courses and books which you can purchase. I had downloaded his Millionaire Success Habits ebook which was available for free from his website. I hate to admit it but I was also cheated by the glitz and glamour of Dean’s website. On the home page, you can clearly see many books available for free but to get them, you will need to provide these thieves with your credit card info. They won’t you charge you immediately for the books, they are smart. They will charge you later and deduct the amount directly from your credit card. This is how they took $300 from me and similar amounts from many other people. I am discussing some complaints from other customers to show you that Dean is running is a scam on a large scale. No Refunds:
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  One of his customers had posted a review stating that he never received a refund for a bought course. Dean’s company had promised him the refund but even after waiting for 3 weeks he did not get a penny back. Dean’s company is fast in taking money from your pockets but it returns the same to you. Not only that, they did not respond to any of his queries after the request for a refund. You can see how pathetic these guys are and why you should stay away from them. Automatic Deduction:
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  Another customer lost around $40 due to the same reason I lost my $300. She wanted to check the website and get the free book. But for the book, she had to enter her credit card info. They charged her $40 and that caused her an NSF fee. She did not receive a refund from Dean’s company as well. Lying:
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      Another customer had posted that he attended the ‘Millionaire Success Habits Seminar’ in 2018 to listen to Dean. But Dean was absent. He did not speak at the seminar. Instead, there was someone else. He was promised on the site that Dean will be speaking in the event. They had charged him $997 for the event and they did not give him any refunds. One customer was disappointed with the quality of content he received in the courses. The material wasn’t updated and most it was just a compilation of his old YouTube videos. You can see that Dean’s scam has affected many people. This is the situation when he keeps posting fake positive reviews for his products and service. It’s clear now how low Dean can go. Because he steals money in terms of $40 or $300 so no one suspects him. His credit card fraud must be put to a stop because if he isn’t stopped now, I don’t know how many lives he will ruin the future.  
Dean Graziosi is a criminal who is doing scams on a large scale. He is lying to thousands of people internationally and tricking them into buying his useless courses. All of his seminars give the same old rubbish advice and provide no value to the visitors. His fake positive persona and social media presence help him in luring people and cheating them. I have already lost over $2000 to Dean’s company. His customer support is pathetic and doesn’t process any refunds. Numerous people have voiced their concerns over the presence of this criminal and he should be put behind the bars. Dean constantly lies about everything and it won’t be new if he keeps lying in the future. Both he and his company should be banned from operating in our country. He is a vicious criminal and such a step will do a lot of good to society. If that can’t happen, then the least you can do is stay away from this guy and save yourself. Should he be allowed to ruin lives like this? Why isn’t anyone taking action against him? Share your experience here if you have been a victim of Dean’s greed and selfishness. Read the full article
0 notes
bewarereport-blog · 6 years
Dean Graziosi – The Real Estate Con Man
Scams aren’t a new thing. But I didn’t think they can seem so real. I used to be one of the firm believers in Dean Graziosi but this guy has lost all my confidence and made me realize that one should always think twice before trusting someone. He is a criminal who is targeting the middle class of America and if possible, other countries through his useless courses and schemes. He promises to make you rich but in reality, he’s only filling his pockets. His courses are nothing but a bunch of lame tips and his seminars, oh don’t get me started. He has a company, sure, but it’s full of rascals who have no idea on how to treat their customers or handle complaints.  
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  I’ve fallen prey to Dean’s schemes already and I wanted to spread awareness about him. He has successfully created a fake persona and with its help, he is getting thousands of people to buy his low-quality courses. If you remember the old scams of ‘get rich schemes’ and ‘Nigerian princes’, think of Dean Graziosi as an advanced form of the same. I hope you’ll heed my advice and stay away from this sleaze. If anything, he’s a high-level criminal who has the money and the resources to run such a huge scam. He is fooling everyone. That’s why you should read this article further; it will open your eyes and reveal some of his darkest secrets.
Who is Dean Graziosi?
Before I start telling about Dean’s company and his schemes, let’s first discuss his life story. His bio, which is present on his website, says that he was born and raised in Marlboro, New York. He has an older sister and was raised mostly by his grandmother and mother. Now, to seem like a good guy and a hero of some sort, his bio adds, ‘his growing was no easy’ and ‘his family faced many financial problems’. Who are you trying to fool this way, Dean? Are we supposed to believe you came from rags to riches just like that, with a click? His story doesn’t end here, it states he had already moved 20 times before reaching the age of 19 and he never went to college. He’s trying to imply that going to college isn’t worth it. When everyone is scared of getting laid off and planning on upgrading one’s skills, this guy is implying that education isn’t necessary. But that’s not the red flag. The red flag is his entrepreneurial story, according to which, he bought his first real estate property before the age of 20. He got the deal through his clever mind and not with money. Yes, he says that he made the deal with no money down. That’s his personal story. His professional story is more attractive. Professionally, he has written multiple best-sellers including ‘Totally Fulfilled’ and ‘Be a Real Estate Millionaire: Secret Strategies for Lifetime Wealth Today.” This fact was the main reason why I got fooled. If your pockets are full of stolen money, you will not find it hard to sell many books. It’s all about marketing and Dean knows that. He is a shrewd criminal and that’s why he doesn’t get caught so easily. He claims that he is a real estate mogul but he doesn’t share much information about his real estate holdings company in his bio. However, he discusses his content production company in much detail. Why is that? Because that’s what gets him the money. There’s no proof of how many real estate deals he does in a year. Anyone can claim to do a lot of deals but if you can’t share any numbers or details, it raises some red flags. He simply mentions the name of his real estate management company, JBB Enterprises LLC. He doesn’t hesitate to flaunt his charity work. What I’m trying to say is, Dean Graziosi’s story has a lot of plot holes. He has created a fabricated story to lure people and trick them into believing that Dean is a genius. If you remove all the pomp and show, there’s no logical reason to trust Dean. The guy doesn’t have an education, there’s no proof of his professional experience and his sources of income (apart from his courses) are quite shady. I wish I had thought of these earlier but like any problem-ridden person, I was too distracted by his pomp and show.  
Dean Graziosi stole my $2000!!!
Dean conducts seminars and events for real estate enthusiasts. His most popular even is the 3-day workshop or the Real Estate Investment Class. He charges $1997 for attending this event. Unfortunately, I fell for this scam. This erratic piece of crap is nothing but a bunch of useless advice and promos of his other courses and materials. This is how he’s earning all these big bucks. How do you think he’s able to run all these TV commercials and host these events? He’s stealing the money from normal people like you and me. The only difference between Dean and a low-level thug is the former is doing the crimes in a more sophisticated way and at a large scale. Initially, I didn’t consider going to his 3-day workshop. It happened when I thought of getting one of his courses. He has many attractive Real Estate courses up for sale and some books available for free. To get those courses, you first have to enter your credit card information. That alone was a big red flag but I didn’t think much of the same. After all, I was supposed to develop the habits of millionaires. Why would I care about such a little detail? This is where I went wrong. I got the FREE book from them. I read it, and it gave some general advice like work hard and stay motivated, just generic material. In the end, it was recommended to go to one of the seminars for a better learning experience. I thought the book was offered free so there must have not been much available. I chose to get a ticket for the 3-day workshop of Dean. When I went to the event I realized how pathetic it was. It cost me $2000 and what I got in return was promotions of more of his products. He gave some advice on real estate, I won’t lie but it’s all present on the internet. Go to a website or start reading a blog, and you will get more information spending your $2000 and 3 days for some useless lecture. Most of the time, the event was about all the other products you can purchase from this thief and get some more knowledge. I think for Dean, knowledge is knowing about his products. Buy this course, buy that book, that’s all you will get to hear in one of his events. I lost my $2000 and 3 days but I learned a valuable lesson: Never get anything without cross-checking.
Trashy Customer Support:
My problems did not end with his seminar alone. After a week of going to his seminar, I received a message that $300 were deducted from my account for purchasing the book from Dean. Yes, the free book they gave me cost me $300. I contacted the customer support of Dean’s website and asked for a refund. I hadn’t made any purchase but they still deducted the sum from my account. The customer support started giving me vague answers like ‘We aren’t aware of any purchase’ and ‘We’ll get back to you sir’. Those morons thought I was a fool. I was already frustrated with the $2000 workshop which just games a load of crappy and useless advice. I had to call the customer support multiple times and I can’t recall how many times I was ignored. Whenever I would ask to connect with a superior, they would just put me on hold and make me wait. I rarely got to talk to a senior executive. And when I got the chance, they said they will look into the matter. But I never received my refund. They wrongfully took money from my account and didn’t give me the money back. Dean Graziosi’s whole company is based on scams and lies. I’m not the only customer who has faced this issue. Many others have faced this problem as well. Some wanted to cancel their purchase of the event ticket while some hadn’t even bought anything. But they all had to pay Dean’s website for the fake purchase. I found a complaint where the customer wanted to cancel the ticket for an event right after purchase due to an emergency. Can you guess what they did? They never gave him a refund. Dean’s website is a FRAUD. And he isn’t stopping. In fact, he is continuously working towards building his fake personality and fooling more people into buying his useless crappy tools. Instead of attending any one of his seminars or getting his worthless courses, you should buy a real book from someone who is qualified enough and knows what real estate really is.
Using Social Media to hide his crimes
I have already mentioned that Dean is a shrewd criminal. He knows how to trick people into believing his fake stories and false claims. But to do that, he needs to attract them first and he does so through this social media presence. He has a strong following on social media platforms. He posts rarely on twitter but without any effort, he has over 10,000 followers on this platform. A similar situation is present on most of his social media accounts. That begs the question, “How is it possible?” My guess is, he is using bots and fake accounts for showing a good following. Everyone believes the guy who has over 10,000 followers. He has published many fake reviews for his products and seminars too. There is no clear way to verify the reviews present on his website. But as you drift away from his site and platforms and go to other places, you will begin to multiple other users who are sick of this guy. He has stolen money from rich and poor alike.  People who didn’t even have $50 in their accounts were charged $100 and more only for enrolling on his website. I’m not the only victim of Dean and his vicious schemes. But through his fake persona and social media presence, he is still able to convince other people that he is a reliable expert. Instagram
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He has over 350,000 followers on Instagram because he is very active there. Dean doesn’t hesitate in spending some bucks for social media promotion and his Instagram profile is a fine example of the same. He has a link in his Instagram for free training.  That’s his first bait to get people trapped in his scam.  He posts content on Instagram regularly for the sake of his reputation. He knows that if he doesn’t spend enough money for his fake persona, he would get destroyed within a few weeks. Twitter
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Have you ever seen how a bot-operated twitter page looks like? If you want to then take a look at Dean Graziosi’s page. His Twitter profile has over 10,000 followers and more than 5000 posted tweets. But none of them provides any value. They all are promotions of his books and courses. That’s it. If you want to fill your Twitter feed with photos of Dean and his books, then be my guest. You will keep seeing the links to his low-quality BS-filled YouTube videos and updates on his latest books and courses. If you think his Twitter page will help you get any real estate advice, you’re wrong. Facebook
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  Facebook is notorious for its fake accounts and Dean’s Facebook is a live example of the same. Here, he has over 1.5 million followers. With that many followers, he can be considered a strong social media influencer. The reality is, they all are fake.  This scumbag has been using fake accounts to show that he has millions of followers. What does he get from faking his followers? More money. When you see a guy with over a million followers, you don’t think twice in paying him money for anything. The person seems trustworthy and Dean takes advantage of this fact. Take a look at his Facebook page and it’s full of crap. You will not find anything of value except some shitty nonsense about motivation. YouTube
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  YouTube is a little more strict than Facebook in terms of removing bots. So the guy who has over a million followers on Facebook only has 30k subscribers on YouTube. That too, when he has over 500 videos present on his channel. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Dean puts a lot of effort to seem like a real expert. He doesn’t want anybody to even get a hint that he is a fraud and a cheat. And for this purpose, he is spending money generously because he gets to steal from everyone who gets allured by these fake numbers. Some chumps might think that Dean Graziosi is a trustworthy guy because of these numbers alone. I was one of those chumps and I still regret my decision of buying those useless tickets. His social media presence is his main tool for tricking people into thinking that he is a trustworthy guy. If you will take a minute and check the kind of content he posts first, you will realize that it’s not worth spending your cash on. You will see that he posts spammy, useless and shitty content on all of his social media pages. And even after publishing such low-quality content, he is able to generate these many followers. Some might say being on TV helped him but still, his content quality is so bad that if you ask a social media expert, you will see that Dean is a FRAUD and his followers are false.
 Reviews of his courses, books and seminars:
His website can fool anyone. It fooled me so you can understand how annoying it is for me to know that his website is still up and cheating many other innocent people. You will find the links to all of his social media accounts on his website, which I told you about and how they show that he is a sham. You will also find his courses and books which you can purchase. I had downloaded his Millionaire Success Habits ebook which was available for free from his website. I hate to admit it but I was also cheated by the glitz and glamour of Dean’s website. On the home page, you can clearly see many books available for free but to get them, you will need to provide these thieves with your credit card info. They won’t you charge you immediately for the books, they are smart. They will charge you later and deduct the amount directly from your credit card. This is how they took $300 from me and similar amounts from many other people. I am discussing some complaints from other customers to show you that Dean is running is a scam on a large scale. No Refunds:
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  One of his customers had posted a review stating that he never received a refund for a bought course. Dean’s company had promised him the refund but even after waiting for 3 weeks he did not get a penny back. Dean’s company is fast in taking money from your pockets but it returns the same to you. Not only that, they did not respond to any of his queries after the request for a refund. You can see how pathetic these guys are and why you should stay away from them. Automatic Deduction:
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  Another customer lost around $40 due to the same reason I lost my $300. She wanted to check the website and get the free book. But for the book, she had to enter her credit card info. They charged her $40 and that caused her an NSF fee. She did not receive a refund from Dean’s company as well. Lying:
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      Another customer had posted that he attended the ‘Millionaire Success Habits Seminar’ in 2018 to listen to Dean. But Dean was absent. He did not speak at the seminar. Instead, there was someone else. He was promised on the site that Dean will be speaking in the event. They had charged him $997 for the event and they did not give him any refunds. One customer was disappointed with the quality of content he received in the courses. The material wasn’t updated and most it was just a compilation of his old YouTube videos. You can see that Dean’s scam has affected many people. This is the situation when he keeps posting fake positive reviews for his products and service. It’s clear now how low Dean can go. Because he steals money in terms of $40 or $300 so no one suspects him. His credit card fraud must be put to a stop because if he isn’t stopped now, I don’t know how many lives he will ruin the future.  
Dean Graziosi is a criminal who is doing scams on a large scale. He is lying to thousands of people internationally and tricking them into buying his useless courses. All of his seminars give the same old rubbish advice and provide no value to the visitors. His fake positive persona and social media presence help him in luring people and cheating them. I have already lost over $2000 to Dean’s company. His customer support is pathetic and doesn’t process any refunds. Numerous people have voiced their concerns over the presence of this criminal and he should be put behind the bars. Dean constantly lies about everything and it won’t be new if he keeps lying in the future. Both he and his company should be banned from operating in our country. He is a vicious criminal and such a step will do a lot of good to society. If that can’t happen, then the least you can do is stay away from this guy and save yourself. Should he be allowed to ruin lives like this? Why isn’t anyone taking action against him? Share your experience here if you have been a victim of Dean’s greed and selfishness. Read the full article
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adorkablephil · 8 years
Fic: The Trouble with Labels
Summary: It's 2009, and AmazingPhil notices he's getting a lot of YouTube and Twitter comments from some obsessed kid calling himself "danisnotonfire." (A prequel to “Creeper” which is an independent one-shot that can be read with absolutely no knowledge of the rest of the series.) Word Count: 2,286 Rating: Teen Tags: Crushes, Fans, YouTube, Twitter, Dailybooth, Skype, Masturbation Author’s Note: I'm not being too careful about making the timeline completely accurate, but it should be close enough.
[Chronological list of all fic posts in the Creeper series]
The Trouble with Labels
If the username hadn’t been so simultaneously catchy and stupid, Phil wouldn’t even have noticed right away. But it was memorable enough for him to notice that the same person had started commenting on all of his videos, sometimes even commenting more than once on the same video. And they’d been going back and commenting on all his old ones, too. All of them.
He was no stranger to obsessive fans. Weird as it seemed to him, some people just apparently had nothing better to do with their lives than fixate on nerdy weirdos who put videos up on the internet. He knew it was just part of putting himself out in public like that, but he would never understand why some people got so obsessed with him, of all people! With someone like PJ, it made sense—half his subscribers probably watched his videos with the sound off, just to get to see someone so beautiful. But Phil wasn’t anything special, and he knew he was weird, but he was completely 100% comfortable with that about himself. It just surprised him that so many people apparently found it obsession-worthy.
So when this name “danisnotonfire” started popping up in all his comment notifications, he just shrugged to himself. It was actually pretty flattering when somebody went back to watch and comment on old videos when they first discovered his channel, so he didn’t mind that, but … leaving multiple comments on a single video was edging a bit into creeper territory.
And then the same username showed up on Twitter, commenting on his tweets. As in, all of his tweets. Every single one. And, again, sometimes more than one comment on a single tweet.
Definite creeper, he thought to himself. Probably one of those people who send me hair through the post.
But then some of the comments were actually kind of clever, kind of funny, and he found himself sort of watching for them. And when he actually responded to one of danisnotonfire’s responses to one of his tweets, it started a sort of conversation that he hadn’t intended, a conversation that extended across multiple tweets, and he started to actually kind of like this guy. Because it was apparently a guy, if the user icon was anything to go by. A fairly cute guy, actually. And Phil didn’t even try to lie to himself about the role that fact played in his increasing encouragement of their interaction.
The day he decided to actually look at danisnotonfire’s Twitter page, he was a bit horrified to discover that he’d apparently been lightly flirting, and if he was honest with himself becoming a bit infatuated, with a 17-year-old kid. Now he was the one who felt like a creeper, chatting up innocent children on the internet, taking advantage of a young person’s obsession with him to reel them into a closer relationship.
He resolved to cool off his interactions with Dan, because that was apparently the kid’s real name. But that lasted about a day. Then Dan tweeted something interesting, and Phil hadn’t stopped following him, so he saw it, and he wanted to comment. He held off for about an hour, then decided that there was nothing wrong with tweeting. He could be friendly with this Dan kid on Twitter and it didn’t have to be anything more sinister than that. He enjoyed being friends with him. Where was the harm?
Then Dan got a Dailybooth account and started posting photos.
Well, hell.
The kid was gorgeous. And now when Phil saw his tweets, he couldn’t help attaching an angelic face to the words he was reading. And though Phil had resolved to stop flirting, it was obvious that he had created a monster with his earlier encouragement, because Dan baited him constantly. And Phil couldn’t help taking the bait. So they flirted. A lot.
That wasn’t so bad, right? It was just Twitter. It didn’t mean anything. He wasn’t corrupting the innocent youth of England. He wasn’t that type of person.
But Dan was just so … interesting! And smart! And funny!
And those Dailybooth photos…
When he hit 100 followers on Dailybooth, Dan posted two photos of himself apparently naked, surrounded by several stuffed animals, some of which were strategically placed to preserve his modesty.
Phil looked at those photos a lot. And not just for the obvious reason. Sure, Dan was beautiful, and he was showing a lot of skin, and his facial expression said he was just begging to be ravished. But what really made Phil fall hopelessly in love with this adorable kid was the fact that he apparently owned that many stuffed animals.
Maybe that should have made him see Dan as more childish, but instead it made him feel like they had even more in common than he’d realized before, because the way Dan was using the stuffed animals showed a combination of innocence and cheeky sense of humor that Phil couldn’t help but love.
The day Dan sent him a DM asking if he wanted to Skype sometime, Phil hesitated. Was this edging into creeper territory? Skyping with a teenage kid? At least Dan had turned 18 by now, so it didn’t seem quite as bad, but Phil still wasn’t sure if he should be encouraging this relationship to become even more intimate.
Who was he kidding? He was lost.
The first time they Skyped to each other, Phil was struck by how mature Dan was for his age. He didn’t just talk about school and video games and his friends and his girlfriend. (Phil was shocked by that last one, but figured that it was even better evidence that this wasn’t creepy—Dan couldn’t be interested in Phil like that if he had a girlfriend, right? He told himself he wasn’t disappointed, but knew it was a total lie.) Dan also talked about creative ideas he’d been contemplating, and they were good ideas. Phil told him he should definitely pursue them. Dan wanted to make videos, but didn’t think he was talented enough; Phil told him his ideas were worth working on, and that he’d help if Dan had any questions.
And Dan talked about deeper issues, too … about questioning his place in the world and what he wanted for the future, not just for himself but for society. He talked about important issues, the kind of philosophical things Phil didn’t tend to think about much but which kept him listening raptly to every word that came out of Dan’s incredibly kissable mouth.
He did not think that. Dan’s mouth wasn’t kissable. Well, yes, of course it was kissable. He had a girlfriend, and she probably kissed it all the time. And why did that thought put a knot in his stomach?
Dan was flirty on Skype, too, and Phil let himself flirt back because it was obviously completely innocent if Dan had a girlfriend. They were just joking around. They weren’t doing anything wrong. Phil wasn’t doing anything wrong. Right?
They started Skyping frequently, and Phil looked forward to it more than he should. It seemed ironic now that he’d started out feeling like a creeper taking advantage of a young fan who had obsessively misplaced feelings for him, because now he was pretty sure he was the one with the unrequited feelings. Dan must flirt like this with everyone, right? It didn’t mean anything to him, not when he was already in a relationship. And was possibly straight, since his only real relationship had been with a girl.
Dan’s Dailybooth photos became increasingly provocative as he became more confident. He posed and preened and lowered his eyelids to half-mast, obviously relishing the enthusiastic response he got to these kinds of pics.
Surely Dan knew … everybody knew … Dailybooth wasn’t used purely for innocent purposes. Especially when Dan had posted some pictures of himself fully naked with only one particularly intriguing body part actually hidden.
So since Dan obviously knew that … there wasn’t anything wrong with what Phil did, right? He knew that he and Dan were just friends, that their flirting was completely innocent and all in jest. There wasn’t anything wrong with … well … masturbating … to pictures of your friend … right? If your friend happened to be phenomenally hot and had a girlfriend and you weren’t going to actually try to have sex with him or anything. Just … there’s nothing wrong with fantasies, right? And using publicly posted photos to aid in those fantasies?
Yeah, Phil couldn’t really convince himself, either.
And so he felt guilty every time he did it. He was definitely the creeper now, and it started to make him feel gross and perverted every time he talked with Dan. He’d look at that beautiful, innocent, smiling face, with those almond-shaped eyes and those adorable dimples and those soft lips, and he’d remember what he’d done and feel ashamed. But it never stopped him from doing it again. He couldn’t help it.
To be honest, he didn’t want to stop. It was too good.
He just hoped Dan never found out. Of course, there was no way he ever could find out. What Phil did in the privacy of his own bedroom in front of his own computer was no one else’s business. And no one else needed to know about it. Ever. But he harbored an intense, irrational fear that someday Dan would find out. And then their friendship, with all its joking flirtatious banter, would be over.
And then came the night Dan DM’d him with a desperate request to Skype. And the minute Phil saw his face on the screen he knew something terrible had happened, because he’d never seen Dan cry before, but he was seeing it now, and he wished he wasn’t. It broke his heart.
“Dan! What’s wrong?” he asked immediately, pressing a hand to his laptop screen as if he could somehow reach out to Dan physically despite the hundreds of miles between them.
Dan wiped at his eyes and tried to smile, but it looked sickly. “We broke up,” he said.
And that’s when Phil hit his all-time low as a person, that’s when he really showed his true colors, because he was happy. Dan was crying and heartbroken, and Phil was selfishly happy that his girlfriend had broken up with him. It was unimaginable how anyone could break up with Dan, but the unimaginable had apparently happened. It didn’t mean Dan would ever be interested in Phil, in anything more than their casually amusing online flirtation, but it still made Phil happy. And that made him disgusted with himself. The combination of emotions made him a little queasy.
“What happened?” he asked, trying to be a good friend, trying to hide his own roiling emotions and just be supportive when someone he cared about was suffering. Now was not the time to be thinking about himself.
Dan looked at him with those dark, limpid eyes, and said simply, “I couldn’t keep dating her when I’m more interested in someone else.”
Phil froze. What were they talking about here? He’d accepted a long time ago that Dan wasn’t honestly interested in him. Maybe Dan was talking about someone else? Someone IRL? Another girl?
Phil cleared his throat. Then he nervously adjusted his fringe. Then he asked, “Who are you interested in?”
Dan laughed through his tears. “Seriously?”
Phil nodded, shrugging awkwardly, but couldn’t make any more words come out of his mouth. He felt scared suddenly. This couldn’t be what it sounded like. He didn’t want to make a fool of himself and maybe destroy a friendship that had become pretty important to him.
Dan rubbed at his eyes, then stared hard at Phil from the computer screen. “You, Phil. I’m interested in you.” He looked away from the computer and said in a quiet voice, “I thought you were interested in me, too.” And now the boy on the screen looked small and hurt and lost, and Phil hated himself even more.
Phil just gaped for a moment, then caught sight of himself in the corner of the screen and realized he looked utterly ridiculous, like a gasping fish or something, and closed his mouth with a snap. “I … I thought you were just … joking,” he stammered.
Dan’s eyes filled with tears again. “So you aren’t actually interested in me that way?”
“No!” Phil exclaimed, and Dan obviously misunderstood, because he started nodding dejectedly. “I mean yes!” Phil shouted. His parents were going to complain about him making so much noise in the middle of the night, but he didn’t care right now. “Yes,” he said more quietly, but his voice was firm and he tried to keep it steady. “I am! Interested. In you. That way.”
“Really?” Dan asked, a tentative smile starting to curve his lips, very much at odds with his red and swollen eyes.
“Really,” Phil affirmed, and he could feel a smile starting to spread on his own face as well.
“Oh,” Dan said, and ducked his head shyly. It was the cutest thing Phil had ever seen.
“Yeah,” Phil said, trying to contain the shock and joy and confusion that were spreading through him like wildfire. Trying to sound like a sane person who was maybe on the verge of starting a new relationship with somebody he really really liked.
“What do we do now?” Dan asked, and he sounded vulnerable, and all Phil wanted to do was hold him and protect him and take care of him forever.
“Be happy?” Phil suggested, and it made them both laugh. But Phil thought it sounded like the best plan ever.
Continue on to “Creeper” (the next fic in this series)
Author’s Note: I’m going to make a post tonight that lists all the fic posts in this series in chronological order. In the meantime, Like, Reblog, or Comment if you liked it, because I’m a total slut for feedback!
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