#I needed a reference sheet for him
certified3nakin · 4 months
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Meet the Disassemblers! (Aka, I wanted to share my design for Serial Designation K [blue], and doodled something up to show off the other two.)
In order:
Blue - Serial Designation K
Red - Serial Designation Y
Pink - Serial Designation S
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puppyeared · 5 months
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updated xin ref
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catocappuccino · 10 months
He got a sweater WITH A DOG ON IT?! So happy and joyous
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definitely-jax · 5 months
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blobitech · 3 months
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Good morning blosc fans please let me i
Okay sooo I’ve had this guy for over a year but i finally updated him (this ref is from March but i had the urge to post it now 😭😭
To put it short Lux is an energy vampire but is super different than Nos (xd sibling angst but it’s one sided cuz Lux is all who tf is you if bro is ever rebuilt)
His scythe is disguised as a parasol and since he looks nothing like his brother he p much gets away with existing in public the first few times cuz he just looks like a doll if anything
Lux also doesn’t speak or emote like ever. He’ll just stare and shit but he’s very gestural and expressive in body language (i think it’s kinda awesome to think that Lux was made as a second attempt and therefore with more “killer instinct” and “resistance to disobey” I’m yapping lol)
He was originally known as the “robot reaper” or smth other cuz instead of biting, he’d slice mfs up and take their energy and drink it as tea (he doesn’t like to show his teeth) and wore a cape to conceal his identity and it’s kinda like an alter ego kinda thing the first few times since yeah . Also a bit of a teehee silly little romance going on with XR cuz they met when Lux was his silly little self trying to get on his “good side” or smth to eventually attack but the tin can went AWOOGA and Lux didn’t do anything at first but he doesn’t hurt him in the end and tho he has an identity crisis he still wouldn’t let anyone hurt him xd (I can’t live without oc x canon help 💙
Uh yeah BUTT cuz the ref is old i do make my art of him kinda inconsistent but ill also show a recent piece + mood board cuz yeah
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ethanharmonia · 10 months
FINALLY MADE HIS REFERENCE SHEET BECAUSE MY BRAIN WOULDNT STOP MAKING FAKE SCENARIOS ABOUT HIM BEING EPIC RRRAHHHHH LEAVE ME ALONEEEE (giving info later cuz its late at night and im so tired, tumblr do not explode me again pls spare me)
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Some other versions cuz i felt like it huehueh
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And some doodlers of him (the one on the top were supposed to be the first thing i made before making the references hhhhhh
(hold up i needa do smth imma give explanation later wait)
(listening to Fantasize by ariana grande made me extra gay for this man help me)
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ndostairlyrium · 6 months
WIP Wednesday ✨
IN TIME, this time. About time! Tags at the bottom
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some cass <3 lav sketches, I'm currently painting the outfit on the right with poor chances of succeding (purples and cool greys are involved) u-u
hopefully I'll end up being historically coherent this time lmao (I'm eyeing Cosmé Tura because there are some interesting things in his pieces but I'm trying my best to stay in Venice for Josie *sprays water @ Estensi*). Also I'm tempted to change the pose and Leli may be seen from behind because, um, archer back? Archer back. I mostly see pics in which she's thin and dainty but like Give this girl those luscious back muscles she deserves pls
More outfits for the troubled child. So far these are my least favorite but! We keep going until I can replace the other document in full since it needs an update
Luckily, I have time to finish something this weekend ;u;
Tagging (w no obligation): @greypetrel @shivunin @melisusthewee @underneathestars @daggerbean @layalu @herearedragons
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thatonecrookedsmile · 4 months
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From the depths of the studio - where darkness prevails and the voices of the puddles grow louder - a message is echoed to the rest of the world. A promise filled with hatred and,at the same time,with conviction. Words coming from someone who was more than confident that their blasphemy would come true.
A message that is directed to one creature,and one creature only...
"I will become the very being You never could be"
----- "A Promise Sent from Below" - Return to the Studio AU.
Oh hey, I have an AU, I forgot about that (lie)
I've had a similar idea in my head for a month now. It wasn't possible to do it last month, but no problem. May would make more sense. I did something with this little guy for 414 last year, and I wanted to do something with him again. April 14th of this year would not be possible, but May 14th or 15th? Oh yes. These dates are better because it was between these two (actually it was the 14th I think, but I consider both dates) days that I created this guy above! Consider this drawing a celebration made for…well, me. Of course, he wasn't created with the design above in mind. His original, main design is quite different from this alternative (and less original) iteration. The drawing above shows his current situation in the "current" moments of the RTTS AU.
His creation, which dates back to 2020, was the result of some Bendy-related thoughts of mine intersecting on the day. These being about new things in canon lore that came out at the time (plus speculation about this new information), a theory that at the time I started to understand better (which maybe based on the drawing, you probably know which theory I'm talking about ) and a funny bug found in one of the games (do you remember Ghost Bendy by any chance?) And then,boom. I created Atlas. I remember at the time I was thinking of other names for him because Atlas was just a codename that I had in mind to refer to him while I thought of a definitive name for the guy. But the codename ended up sticking. Plus, Atlas is a cool name and I wanted to give an OC that name.
Even though some details changed over time, I think I eventually managed to solidify his place in the AU. Not that his story is 100% thought out and completed. Hell, my AUs that I have are still not 100% thought out either, so what to expect from their characters. But I think that, currently, I have at least decided on the general idea of his place and purpose in RTTS, and I am happy with what I have come up with.
I don't know when the next time will be that I will show him again. In general, showing things from my AUs is not and probably will never be my strong point lol. But I'd like to draw him again eventually. So uhhhhhhhhhhh, one day. When that "one day" will be, it's up to you to decide
Happy Birthday Atlas. You and your other 2 alternative versions are cool to think about. Here's to another 4 years of chaos for you. 🙌
I can't believe it's been 4 years now, damn.
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skiesartsanddoom · 3 months
Finished concept of my interpretation of Febe.
I really wish I could see him in the game now.
I low key want to hug him.
Also, feel free to use this as a reference for art of him if you like :3 I want to see Febe art lol.
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heatherchasesyou · 1 year
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Nobody asked but here's Axel he's my OC hope ya love him as much as i do 🥺💕
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yellowvixen · 1 year
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i meant to properly line these aaages ago but i'm never getting round to it. so! updated ref for this guy! i have a lot of info piling up that i just. don't post about fhfkghjgf feel free to ask me stuff :]
also! changing the name of the au from eggson to botnikson to make it more apparent this is movie!verse (and to make it different from other similar aus)
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jsabaddict · 1 year
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Hey guys do you like my dog
He don't bite. I promise
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tmnt-obsessed-ace · 8 months
We know about how Ghost would react to your SSDF au but what about your original iteration tmnt: solar flare?
Idk if I should answer this since I have barely even TALKED about tmnt: solar glare on this blog. Let alone actually get the turtles ref sheets made. But on the other hand making Ghost suffer is very fun...
So Im doing it anyways
@bluepeachstudios Im borrowing the sad old man again (he's too much fun not too)
Putting it all under a read more because spoilers for a lot of major plot points in solar flare. If you dont wanna be spoiled dont look
You have been warned :)
The first thing Ghost would think is "How the shell are these kids not dead?" Because the turtles are absolute DANGER MAGNETS
These absolute idiots, on their first night being on the surface:
Got sent to the Spirit Realm
Got attacked by angry spirits
Accidentally CURSED themselves by messing with something they were absolutely not supposed to mess with
Barely escaped the Spirit Realm, now fully cursed
Accidently UNLEASHED dozens of angry spirits into New York
And to make matters worse they got discovered followed back home by a HUMAN (April)
That was NIGHT ONE
Ghost and his brothers were lucky, they only fought Mousers and the Purple Dragons on their first night
And it only gets worse
That curse I mentioned, it has pros and cons. The pros being that it can turn the boys into literal shadows, enhance their strength and speed, make them near completely invulnerable to attack, actually let them attack the previously untouchable spirits, (let then turn into giant shadow monsters), etc. The CONS on the other hand is that the curse is slowly KILLING THEM. Draining more and more of their energy, breaking their bodies a little more each time. And the more that the cool shadow abilities are used the faster the effects are, the worse they'll get and the longer they'll last. Yeah. Ghost would absolutely not have a good time with that. (And would most definitely devote as much time as he could to trying to create a cure or at least find a way to lessen the side effects)
Anyways then theres the matter of the Spirits running loose, very strong, very angry vengeful spirits. That cant be knocked out or killed, they have to be banished back to the Spirit Realm. Which is not at all an easy task. (And considering that the boys will at one point spend an entire WEEK fighting those ghostly fucks practically nonstop to the point that they dont even go back to the lair until they are literally about to pass out from sheer exhaustion...yeah not fun. Ghost might have to carry them all back home) And there's also the Shredder and his growing army of goons causing trouble. Point is Ghost is gonna have a REALLY hard time keeping the kids from constantly fighting for their lives against incredibly strong enemies instead of actually being kids. Poor Ghost
The constant stress and fear along is definitely straining the boys' relationships with each other.
Especially between Leo and Raph. The two closest siblings of the family. The ones that said they were twins and stood by that for their entire lives.
And now they're arguing practically all the time. Cant even go one mission without at least one argument. Leo making reckless plans thinking they'll work perfectly fine then panicking when things inevitably go south and Raph getting angry at him for "screwing up" only because Raph is absolutely TERRIFIED. And Ghost trying to be the mediator, but its hard when you have two incredibly stubborn sixteen year old boys at each other's throats. (Ghost is reminded of the many many Raph-Leo fights that his own Raphael and Leonardo used to have. Only somehow, these are worse.) It just escalates and escalates further and further until one night.
When Raph and Leo actually FIGHT each other.
And it ends when Raph full on quits the team and leaves. Leaves Leo alone on that rooftop, in the pouring rain. (Ghost will never forget that shocked, borderline horrified look on Leo's face as the reality and the guilt over what just happened sets in)
Raph doesnt come home.
Ghost thought he just needed time to cool off but he still doesnt come home. It gets to the point that he tracks the red clad turtle down.
Only to find him in the Footclan headquarters.
Raph had joined the Footclan because he was so tired of the fighting, the arguing.
(Obviously Ghost would go over there to try and break Raph out by any means necessary, even when Raph refuses to leave. He didnt want to join his family's biggest enemies but he was angry when he said yes and now he thinks he's in too deep to leave, even despite Ghost's attempts to reason with him)
Which leads to Leo to do something really, really, really stupid. Not saying what because major spoilers but it ends with him willingly offering himself up to be taken to another dimension in exchange for his family being spared the same fate.
What would happen to him there? Ghost doesnt know.
But that swirling white portal, his child being handcuffed and pushed through despite how hard everyone, Ghost included, is begging for this not to happen, no matter how hard he fights against his own restraints he cant free himself, it breaks something inside him.
All he can do is watch helplessly as Leo disappears into a portal, just like he did when he was sixteen himself, presumably to never be seen again.
Leo is gone for an entire month.
An entire of Ghost obsessively working on the portal with Donnie, trying so so hard to get it to work so they can find him. A month of trying to keep the family together and comfort his poor children who are falling apart at the seams. (Donnie doesnt sleep much anymore, trying so incredibly hard to get the portal working, even moreso than Ghost. Mikey teetering on the verge of a breakdown, going out with April and Casey to search for any signs of Leo every single night. Raph is consumed with guilt, it had been HIS fault that this whole mess happened, and now the poor boy is trying desperately to help his family while also trying to defect from the Footclan, which isnt easy.) A month of searching for the people that took Leo away, a month of hoping and praying that Leo was alright.
And then Leo comes home, with a white samurai rabbit in tow (Despite everything, Ghost finds it a little amusing that some things never change, even across dimensions)
He's different now. Quieter, not nearly as excited as he used to be. His arms and legs are completely wrapped up in black wrappings, up to the shoulder and upper thighs respectively. And he refuses to take the wrappings off. (He now has a slight limp on his right side, his brothers dont notice it but Ghost absolutely does.) And most importantly he refuses to talk about what happened when they were separated. Always saying "Its nothing." "I dont wanna talk about it." "There's nothing to talk about." "I'm fine."
Ghost is worried about him, obviously something happened. Something bad enough to turn the silly, dorky, hero-wannabe kid into this quiet, reclusive, guarded boy. Usagi knows as well but just says its not his story to tell.
Ghost tries to talk to him but every time he gets brushed off. (He did manage to figure out it somehow involved the Battle Nexus, from the tiny bits of information Leo shared. Though he highly doubts it was the same Battle Nexus he used to know) All he can do is provide comfort whenever Leo seeks him out, usually late at night and usually the result of a nightmare. (Which have become much much more frequent, only adding to Ghost's worry)
And unfortunately Leo is not the only one going through hell.
Because not long after Leo's return and Raph finally leaving the Footclan, Mikey gets captured. It would be bad enough if it was Shredder or the Krang. But it is so much worse and makes Ghost's blood run cold.
Mikey was captured by the EPF.
Ghost vividly remembers how a similar situation happened to him and his own Michelangelo. (How Mikey was almost dissected in front of him, how his own mid was torn apart for all the world to see. Bishop...)
The family hurriedly breaking into the EPF lab, hoping that they'll find Mikey in time.
They didnt.
Mikey wasnt as lucky as Ghost's Michelangelo.
Bishop, that sick twisted bitch, actually cut Mikey open.
Ghost's worst fear had been realized.
(Ghost never wants to see Mikey's bloody plastron and exposed ribcage ever again for as long as he lives. Watching his frantic heart gradually slow the more blood gushed out.)
And it only gets worse
Because Mikey, in a desperate last ditch effort to try and escape, he somehow activated a part of the curse that no one knew they had.
The ability to transform.
He had turned into a massive DRAGON made entirely of shadows (the only reason they knew it was him was because of the bright orange markings on the shadow dragon's body.)
And the dragon went on a rampage, obliterating the EPF lab including majority of the staff. (Unfortunately Bishop survived, which was a shame) and once the lab was destroyed it attacked New York, trying to tear everything apart in blind fear and panic. (Those terrified screeches will haunt Ghost for the rest of his life.)
It nearly killed them all trying to calm Mikey back down enough to get him home and stitched up. (And then clinging to Ghost like a scared koala for a very long time, not like Ghost can blame him.) And the worst part of this whole Dragon affair? Mikey cant CONTROL IT.
So that means the second his emotions get out of control, here comes the terrified dragon that will lash out at anyone perceived as a threat. (Which is anything that moves.)
And each time Mikey is beating himself up with immense guilt and fear that he will hurt the people he loves.
This is only the tip of the Solar Flare trauma train.
There will be more. (Raph and Donnie are gonna get their's too. So will April, Casey, and Splinter)
Other traumatic/weird events include:
Donnie getting kidnapped by Karai, which leads to April and their parents getting kidnapped. Which leads to April getting thrown off a building and Karai losing her entire arm. April is only 13 in this au btw so oh boy Karai better fucking run because once GHOST hears about that she might lose more than an arm.
Leo gets turned into a cat
Raph and Mikey get kidnapped by clowns
The boys get captured by an alien bounty hunter and taken to a completely different galaxy. Poor Ghost is gonna have an absolute heart attack.
The boys bring home a giant sea monster and keep it as a pet in the sewers. (They name it Jeffrey. Ghost left them alone for five minutes HOW DID THEY DO THIS?!?!)
Both RAPH AND LEO get thrown through the window in the Krang invasion. And Raph ends up in a coma (Leo already had his turn in a coma) Ghost having an absolute heart attack reliving this awful moment TWICE.
April's parents find out about the turtles (and later their paternal grandparents find out when the fam go to stay at their farmhouse)
The turtles are gonna be stuck in a timeloop for an entire month. (The entire month leading up to the Krang Invasion. They went from having a month to prevent it to only having a day and a half. Which is why the invasion happens.) Ghost will never forget that look of pure dread on his kids's faces when they looked up at the blood red sky filled with krangships. This is exactly what he didnt want to happen, his kids having to grow up too fast and get into problems far too big for them.
Also bonus: the turtles first meet Casey by literally RUNNING HIM OVER. The kids call Ghost frantically saying that they "accidently murdered someone what do we do?"
Poor Ghost, poor traumatized turtles
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arintheman · 5 months
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New OC alert? (click for better quality)
You bet I'm on a WOF kick >:)
This is Thunder! He is a nightwing and icewing hybrid!
His hybridization comes from being a result of a secret nightwing breeding program with intentions to improve nightwing genes. Unfortunately, he is unable to breathe fire or ice, so he relies on his own strength and claws. Most of his characteristics are that of a nightwing, except for his ruff of spines, tail spines, longer claws, and bluish coloration. The top of his head is also flat like an icewing's. He has one earring in his left ear along with a scar on the left side of his neck (he won't share how he got it [I don't know why he has it yet]). His horns and ruff of spines are a gradient of the secondary tone and his spine tone. They also seem to pale with age.
He is best friends with a sea wing, Gourami (who is coming later), whom he travels with. He occasionally experiences hot flashes and chills for short periods. His ability to have visions is somewhat unclear, as they seem cloudy and unreadable and are often hard to tell apart from dreams.
Art fight link
(Please send me questions about him I have so many tiny bits of lore)
Also, I have never read past the first five books and Darkstalker so :/
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ibijau · 10 months
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Good boy Medka in winter clothes bc I love him
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nitas-art · 11 months
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Holoctober + StarlightScribbletober
Day 18: Party/Formal + Meme
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