#I only feel decently confident with Poe lol
One thing I am curious about is how much Chuuya is important to the central story? Like he just appears when he needs to be here and then just gone
You know, at first my answer would've been just this: "Chuuya is not a main character and is not important to the central story but I am convinced he will be going forward."
But then I paused and thought about it... and realized something.
Chuuya hasn't shown up very much in the main manga, that much is true. However, the timing of his appearances is interesting because he always shows up during or slightly before a turning point in the story. Take a look at this:
Chapters 10 + 11, Port Mafia Arc: We are introduced to his character - he's one of the major character's (Dazai's) old partner. At the same time this is happening, Atsushi and Akutagawa are having their first real fight and shortly after, Chuuya tells Dazai that Akutagawa has the information on who placed the bounty, which brings the Guild into play.
Chapter 16, Guild Arc: Chuuya, along with many other mafia characters, is present when Mori is revealed as the boss, another significant event.
Chapters 21 and 22, Guild Arc: Chuuya is part of Mori's plan to pit the Agency and Guild against each other. Shortly after this, Q is released, marking another turning point.
Chapter 29, Guild Arc: Atsushi sees Chuuya ordering the protection of Yokohama from Q's curse. It is highly likely that his decision to form a temporary truce with the Mafia was a result of seeing Chuuya's actions.
Chapter 31, Guild Arc: The well-known Double Black chapter. Not only is this the first instance of the truce, but it is also the template for Dazai's later plan reveal - that he intends Atsushi and Akutagawa to be another Double Black.
Chapter 47, Cannibalism Arc: It's Chuuya who makes the first move and kickstarts the actual conflict. I believe this is the only time his actions and choices directly affect the main plot (which is... interesting actually...). Unfortunately in chapter 49, he is immediately sucked into Poe's book with little fanfare sidjcn
Chapter 62, Hunting Dogs Arc: Chuuya rescues the Agency members from the Hunting Dogs, which is the first semi-decent turn of events for the Agency in that arc.
Chapters 98 and 101, Vampire Infection Outbreak Arc: Chuuya shows up as a vampire (rip man). I don't know yet what the consequences of this will be but there will absolutely be consequences.
Idk, I do find it interesting that Chuuya appears to show up at transitory spots in the plotline, despite not playing an especially active role. I find it difficult to believe that's not significant in some way; after all, I've already commented on how Chuuya influences changes in Dazai. I'm starting to wonder if Chuuya's role from a meta sense is to induce change in some way - that would be a tad ironic, considering Chuuya... hasn't really changed much, and is still very much stuck in the same place he was, but now without a personal drive.
Whether you agree on the above though, I feel really confident that we're building up to something with him in the main story. What's more, I think this actually was always the plan, and not a decision made because Chuuya became really popular. While I don't think Asagiri is the type to really plan future events in any detail, I do think there is some general sense of where the characters are going. I have a few reasons to believe this.
Chuuya was in the manga before he even made his first appearance. If you check out Dazai's profile, Chuuya is mentioned as... one of his dislikes. Lol.
Chuuya was always going to be Dazai's ex-partner. It was the first thing decided about him, to my knowledge anyways. I've also noticed that Dazai, despite how much he appears, doesn't undergo a lot of development in the series proper (most of it's in the light novels, same as Chuuya). I suspect their development in the main series will once again run parallel as soon as Chuuya winds up with a more major role.
Asagiri and Harukawa spent the longest on Chuuya's design. And Asagiri always felt he was going to end up as a popular character, which is part of the reason why it took so long - he needed to look perfect.
Fifteen's afterword implies Chuuya's backstory was always going to be told eventually. Yes, the story was requested, but the response from Asagiri was "it's finally time to write this" not "oh ok if that's what the fans want".
Chuuya and Atsushi haven't even met yet, which is weird. Remember that Atsushi's decision to suggest a truce was likely influenced by his observation of Chuuya's actions. Also I find it strange that the Atsushi-Akutagawa duo are meant to be a new Dazai-Chuuya but one of each of the pair have... never met each other.
Chuuya's story is tied closely to the concept of singularities, ability user experimentation and the government (as well as the war's aftereffects by proxy). These themes run all throughout the world of bsd but have yet to be truly expanded on in the main manga.
Adam and Shirase are in London where the Order of the Clock Tower is. The Order is highly likely to play a major role going forward.
"His destination is still a secret" and "his will not be a peaceful, easy path" from the Stormbringer afterword. So, he's going to suffer more in the future. Yippee?
Anyways. This was a very long answer to your question anon but yeah. Chuuya will be important to the plot going forward and I believe that this was always the intention. It just doesn't make sense to have all this backstory and then not have any kind of payoff for it.
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tintinwrites · 6 years
fifty ways to kiss someone | Poe Dameron x Reader | Part Twenty-Eight
A/N: And you guys thought I was really apologizing for part twenty-seven lol
Rating: T
Warning: Mentions of execution. Naughty words.
Word count: 1,204??????????
Prompt: 28. A kiss as a lie
Summary:  "I suppose you should know that your pilot is going to be executed in the morning."
"—what?" You were sure your heart fell out and was somewhere on the floor, or at least that's what it felt like. Any false confidence you put on quickly vanished and your fear was evident in your eyes.
Tags: @yourwonderbelle @fireboltrose7559 @lilaqueenquinn
You were taken to what had to be the First Order's new base, which was already perfect and fully stocked with supplies, as if they'd had it for years.
It paid to be rich and to intimidate people to get what you wanted.
Or kill them to get it.
You had been pacing back and forth in your cell since you were locked in it. Barely anyone even passed by and you wondered what they were doing; how much they could have done to Poe in the hours you'd been separated from him.
You didn't even know how many hours. You tried to keep track and lost count after a while, since it was hard to remember with the numbers only in your head.
You were getting kind of tired. You knew that much. It didn't seem like a wise idea to fall asleep, though.
And, anyway, you felt wide awake when you turned and saw General Hux standing outside of your cell, gasping at his sudden presence. "Oh." His tone held mock guilt. "Did I frighten you?"
"—you surprised me. There's a difference." You straightened up, giving him the most level look you could in your state of worry and slight panic. "What have you done with Poe?"
He furrowed his brow. "Poe— ah, your pilot. Our Supreme Leader retrieved some glorious information from him about your little Resistance." There was something interesting in the way he mentioned the 'Supreme Leader', who you assumed to be Kylo Ren now. He said the name with this air of hatred that seemed odd when they were on the same side. "It almost seemed like deja vu, if such a thing existed."
"Why haven't you done anything to me? I know just as much as he does."
"He's been quite sacrificial." He smirked, looking as if he wanted to laugh. If he was capable of such a happy act. "He begged us not to harm you."
"And you listened?" You moved closer to the cell door, eyeing him warily.
"I thought it may be more enjoyable to let him think you're safe and then kill you." He moved closer, too, and lowered his voice to a whisper. "Or, better yet, let him think you're safe and then bring you to our side."
You stared. The bars on the door were just wide enough to allow you to spit right in his face, so you did. "I will never be on your side." You should have been more scared, but you didn't want them to see you whimpering.
He was practically trembling with rage as he reached a gloved hand up to wipe the spit off of his cheek, his usual smirk replaced with a scowl. "All you rebel scum are the same disgusting, loathsome creatures. You are no better than animals!" He took a few heaving breaths as if to calm himself down, then he stretched his muscles and his smirk returned. It was more sinister and less amused now. "I suppose you should know that your pilot is going to be executed in the morning."
"—what?" You were sure your heart fell out and was somewhere on the floor, or at least that's what it felt like. Any false confidence you put on quickly vanished and your fear was evident in your eyes.
"Yes. And the whole galaxy will watch us rid it of the Resistance's poster boy." He turned on his heel smoothly and began to walk away.
"Wait!" You were surprised that he actually turned back around. "Let me see him." You paused, knowing you would have to butter him up if it were possible. "Please?"
"Now you play the role of the compliant prisoner." He walked back, smiling at the way you were gripping the bars on the door. "How will this benefit me?" He lightly touched your knuckles and you quickly yanked your hands away.
He gave you this look that had you reluctantly putting them back. "Why does it have to benefit you?"
There was a long moment where he just stared at you.
"Very well. If only because your anguish will be payment enough." He turned and left without another word.
You leaned heavily against the door, one hand moving to cover your mouth as you let out a sob.
Poe was going to be executed and there was no way the two of you could fight the entire First Order to get out of it. If the Resistance didn't find out you were here — wherever here was — and get to you within whatever hours were left before morning, Poe was going to be killed.
You managed to calm yourself slightly by the time two stormtroopers and General Hux came back, but you completely broke down the moment you saw Poe's face. He frowned, trying to move to you, only to be pulled back as the stormtroopers started to unlock the restraints that kept his hands in front of him.
"Leave them on."
Bastard. You were too busy crying to actually call Hux the name, backing away from the cell door as it was opened. You could have tried running out, but Poe would be taken away at best and you would be killed at worst.
You immediately wrapped your arms around him, not caring that the cuffs dug into you, sobbing against his chest.
"Hey...shh..." He couldn't hold you, so he settled for pressing a kiss to your head. "I'm here now. I'm fine, see?"
You pulled away, shaking your head and gazing up at him. "No, no, you don't understand. He said you were going to be executed in the morning. He told me that you were going to be executed and I don't know how I'm going to stop it—"
"I know!" He reached up to cup your face despite the cuffs. "I know. It's gonna be fine." His eyes searched your face, before he leaned down and kissed you deeply. The kiss lasted for a good while before he pulled himself away. "I'm gonna be fine, baby."
Doubt and fear flashed through his eyes.
It was brief, but it was there, and it told you everything that you didn't want to know.
You nodded. If he was going to be murdered by his enemies for millions to see, you would let him think you believed him.
He looked exhausted, which you supposed was bound to happen when you have someone inside your head, so you helped him over to the cell's bed. It wasn't even close to comfy, but at least he could sit down.
"Come here." He lifted his arms and you moved under them, laying against his chest. "You know, hope is like the sun—"
"Don't. Please don't. Because when the sun comes up, you'll—" You closed your eyes tightly, fighting back tears. "Just hold me."
And he did. You laid there in silence for a while, listening to his heart.
You would remember his heartbeat. You would remember his voice, and his smile, and his laugh, and his hands, and his eyes, and his hair, and his gentleness, and his pride, and his touch, and the way he kissed you.
You just wished they didn't have to be nothing more than memories.
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