#Hux is a little creepy
klodwig · 9 months
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"Because all of this is bullshit!" Hux said. "All I... believed in is... bullshit."  
He sat on the floor. Silly little Christmas elf. Ginger one. Pretty... cute in Kylo's opinion.
 "What is?" 
" Naughty. Children. Shouldn’t. Get. Gifts."  
"It's obvious," said Kylo carefully. 
He never thought that in one little elf there can be so much anger and wrath.  
"No! Here is... not so little boy, who kil- murdered the cat of one poor old woman who lives nearby. Is he naughty?" 
"But "we cant leave him without gifts, 'cause his father is a merchant and it's gonna be strange if he'll got nothing!" Do you hear that?!"  
Hux smiled, wide and creepy.  
"But you know, who really will have nothing in this year? Grandson of this old woman. He must come home not later than at nine every day, but in that evening he reeled on the streets with lantern till midnight and called for that poor cat. And... voila. He is in naughty list, because he was late home. And I... was demoted for questions. So... if you want to eat me - well. Go ahead."  
He closed his eyes as if he really waited that Kylo will eat him right now, but Krampus only laughed.
"Pf. You think, I'll eat old and bony elf when I can have tasty little murderer? Isn't it stupid?" 
"I took those candies from beneath the Christmas tree. He won’t need them anymore." 
Kylo looked  full and satisfied. Hux was afraid that he will smell blood, but around Kylo there was nothing new - he could only smell coal and maybe a little bit ofsugar. 
"You can give it to another tasteless child, if you want".
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noiriarti · 2 months
Inappropriate: Armitage Hux x Reader - Ch. 4
TW: mentions of Brendol Hux being abusive, nsfw
Summary: Hux has to travel to Starkiller Base to check on construction. His favorite lieutenant comes with him, but these horrible, terribly inappropriate thoughts just won't stop.
Ch. 1, Ch. 2, Ch. 3, [Ch. 4]
The Academy didn't exactly leave its graduates romantically well-adjusted, and Armitage was no exception. As he stormed into his room, his heart pounding, partially with fear for his career and partially with adrenaline from your encounter, he closed his door and immediately felt the guilt wash over him. Saying that to you felt terrible, and the look in your eyes when he pulled away nearly shattered him right there. It took all his resolve to protect your careers.
He wondered if he had made a wrong decision. Cora had married someone as an officer, after all. A small part of him whispered that one of you could just retire, and then it wouldn't be anyone's business what you did--Order or not. And, if something did happen, it wasn't exactly nonconsensual like it was with Kelein. Maybe he could even get away with an honorable discharge.
He had thought about it before, if he could build a life with you. He looked into it, considered all the practicalities. But he never acted on anything, because it would have been ridiculous to think you felt the same way about him. After tonight, though, Armitage thought maybe you felt the same way about him. Just maybe. 
Armitage weighed the probability in his mind as he got out of his uniform, meticulously folding each piece as he took it off. Around the time he had slipped on his sleep shirt and sleep pants, he had decided that there was a greater than 50% chance you liked him, at least a little bit, and that there was some merit in talking to you about it. He brushed through his hair and broke up the gel, leaving his bangs soft over his forehead. Either way, his words to you were far too harsh. You hadn't done anything wrong. You were just sitting there, and it was him that touched you. Fuck, now that he thought about it, he had initiated all the contact, except the leg thing. He was the creepy one leering on your lips and touching them like some pervert.
There was a decanter of whiskey on the desk, just as he had requested, and he poured himself a double with shaking hands. What had he done?
He gulped the whiskey down as fast as he could. The warmth in his throat didn't burn him, though, it just reminded him of your legs touching earlier and the warmth it had filled him with. He leaned over with his head in his hands, panic gripping him. FUCK, what have I done?
Armitage was halfway through pouring himself another drink to build up his courage when he heard a whimper through the wall. Oh fuck, were you crying? He froze. You shared a wall, so he pressed his ear to it. His heart stopped and his throat got tight at the mental image of you sobbing. He had only seen you cry once, when an Academy student died on a mission. You were both so much younger then, but he still felt himself drawn to stand by you and put his arm on your shoulder. He couldn't stand to see you cry again.
A moment later, he heard another small noise. A deep intake of breath. You were definitely crying. Hard, by the sound of it.
He could barely hold himself together as he put on a sweater and slippers, shoving his feet into them hurriedly. He had to fix this. NOW. His hands shook as he set the glass down.
It's all my fault it's all my fault it's all my faultit'sallmyfaultit'sallmyfault, his mind echoed as he slammed his door open and rushed to yours. Your cries were louder now, and his chest was tight with guilt.
Fuck protocol. Fuck rules. Fuck Kelein. Fuck the Order. All that mattered was you feeling better. Him making it right. He wanted to make it right for the rest of his life, if you asked him. He would do fucking anything for you, and he knew that now. He would take the firing squad, if it would stop you from crying because of him.
He reached your door and knocked on it hurriedly, calling your name, propriety be damned. No answer. 
Fuck it. He opened the door.
There, on the bed, he saw you splayed out, fingers buried inside you. Your other hand was gripping your breast, but he barely noticed. His attention was entirely on your face and your moans. You looked positively fucking angelic with your hair splayed messily around you, and the sweat beading on your brow. He heard you make a little *oh!* sound, face scrunched together, as you finally came. Hard.
Your back arched off the bed, pushing your breasts into the air. His eyes were glued to your pussy now, watching it twitch around your fingers. From the moment he saw you, his cock was harder than a fucking diamond, but it started twitching when you came. Stars, he needed you. Needed to be inside you.
It was only a split second, but it was enough for him to memorize everything. And to process that he should probably go. His cheeks and chest grew hot and feverish, blush spreading all over his upper body.
"HolyfuckIamsosorry!" he blurted before he ran out of the room. He closed the door behind him and walked, lightheaded and unsteady, back to his own room. As he closed the door behind him, he realized he had fucked up. Majorly. This was an HR report waiting to happen. But he couldn't stop his cock from twitching, or his mind from seeing that image of you, cumming hard in front of him.
Usually, masturbating was just taking care of a need for him. He would wake up hard, or, worse, come back to his quarters hard after one of your meetings, and take care of himself full of shame. Your sweet voice haunted those moments, saying "Affirmative, sir" or "Good shot, sir" with those perfect lips.
This was different. He was harder than he had been in any of those moments. His cock ached in his pants, begging to be taken out and touched. He rolled his hips subconsciously, feeling his head rub across the material of his pants. He wanted more. He needed more. He palmed his cock as he moved to his bed, falling onto it roughly. The material of his sleep pants was already getting sticky at the point where the tip of his cock leaked precum. For a moment, he was scared he was going to cum as soon as he wrapped a hand around his length. He had to make this last.
He smeared the precum over his hand as he pulled his pants down, setting a slow pace to keep himself going. Fantasies weren't new to him, and it wasn't like he'd never imagined you naked before. But now, he didn't have to imagine. He had your perfect body snapshotted in his mind forever. Would your pussy twitch the same way if he made you cum on his cock? Would you make that noise if he bent you over some stupid machine on the bridge? He'd give anything to make you shake while he buried his face between your legs, making you cum over and over and over until you begged him to stop.
Fuck, it was too much. He sped up, setting a brutal pace, like he imagined he would with you. The head of his cock was a dark red, sensitive and ready to cum. He grunted as his thumb rubbed over his slit, sending the tingling feeling that had started in his legs all over his body. It had never felt like this before, when he was alone in his quarters.
Then a knock came a his door. It was probably the pilot, telling him the updated ETA. He internally cursed fate, timing, and just life in general as he pulled up his sleep pants. A rather obvious tent was still visible, and he tried to shift it to make it smaller as he moved toward the door.
"Yes?" He swung the door open. It was you.
"Gene--Armitage. Can I come in? I'd like to talk to you," you said, wringing your hands like he knew you did when you were uncomfortable. He was still a little pink from his encounter with you, but he definitely flushed a deeper shade when he saw your cheeks still rosy, and your pupils still blown wide.
"Yes, er--sure," he answered. He gestured for you to enter, and, while you passed through the doorframe, pulled his shirt down as far as he could to try and disguise his obvious arousal. You breathed in raggedly and turned to face him once he closed the door behind you. An awkward silence sat between the two of you.
"I-" you both began in sync. You giggled awkwardly, which in turn made him chuckle.
"Please, go ahead," he said.
"No, please, you go first," you responded. He took a deep breath and began. He got the sense that what he said, and the way he said it, was perhaps the most important choice he had ever made.
"Alright. I came to see you because I wanted to apologize. For earlier. I was harsh to you, unnecessarily so. I most likely made you uncomfortable earlier, with the, well, I suppose, advances I made. I am deeply sorry for that. It also wasn't my intent to to walk in on--to see you in such an... intimate moment. I am truly, very sorry," he said. It took you several seconds to respond--4 and a half, not that he was counting--and his heart was in his throat for every single one of them. 
"About you seeing... what you saw. I should be the one who's sorry. I shouldn't have been doing that on a mission, and I didn't want to make you uncomfortable," you said, and then paused before continuing, "But you were making advances?" Your hopeful eyes bored into him, and he took a shaky breath. It was now or never.
"I-yes. I was. I hadn't intended to, but I couldn't stop myself once I started. The truth is that I have... feelings for you--deep feelings--and I have been trying to shake them since the Academy. I have been in love with you for so long that I cannot imagine what my world would be like without you," he paused, "But I was, and am, worried that, given my position of power over you, that I would pressure you into a relationship, or that I would lose my job, or, even worse that you would lose your job over my silly crush." There was a certain vulnerability to being honest that Armitage wasn't used to, and he so rarely felt exposed the way he did now. His heart was in your hands, and, even if you crushed him at this moment, saying that he loved you had lifted a weight he did not even realize he was carrying. Now you knew. Not that the minor relief made the earth-shaking nervousness any better.
A long pause hung in the air between you. His heart pounded in his chest and his ears thrummed with the blood rushing through them. When had he last been this scared? This nervous? He pressed his nails into his palm to distract himself, the bite of the pain taking the edge off. He kept his gaze downward, as if that would help him avoid the inevitable.
Instead, he was met with your hands on his face. Stars, your hands were so soft pressed up against his cheek. His eyes fluttered shut and he leaned into your touch, starved for it. He sighed deeply, hoping against all hope that he could stay here forever, suspended in this moment with you.
Then he felt your lips on his, gentle and warm and perfect. He could have sworn that every single nerve in his body was firing at a million miles an hour and lighting him up like a firework. It was the best feeling Armitage had ever felt. If this is what being kissed felt like, he didn't want to ever stop for the rest of his life. He could die right here and be the happiest man to ever exist. Even when you pulled away, he kept his eyes closed, savoring the moment before it was gone. Your thumb gently stroked his cheek, which made his body scream for more more more, but he ignored it in favor of waiting for you to say something.
"Armitage, I love you too. I've loved you since, well, as long as I can remember," you said. Your confession sat, heavy in the air between you. Now that everything was in the open, the tension that had been suppressed by his fears was suffocatingly strong. His eyes met your lips, again, and he snapped.
He kissed you wildly, grabbing your waist and face with such force that you almost fell over. It was everything he had ever wanted to do to you over all those years--sloppy and messy and so, so intense. Your cheek was just as smooth under his hand as it was earlier, but this time it was *his*. You sniffed in pain when, in his haze, he accidentally bumped your teeth together. Fuck, I hope I'm not bad at this, he thought.
"Sorry," he murmured to you, face only an inch from yours, "I'm not very experienced." He internally hoped you hadn't thought of him as some playboy who would be perfect the first time around.
"Me neither, whatever, just kiss me," you gasped as you pulled his shirt and slammed your lips together again. Your already wet lips slid together and against each other so perfectly, sending jolts to your core. Heat was pooling in his body too, settling to an insistent thrum in his cock, which was already sensitive and twitching like mad. He was leaning down to kiss you, and you occasionally stepped back to catch your balance, until your legs hit the back of his bed, almost knocking you down in the process. He caught you with his arms, which really were stronger than they looked, but what he really wanted was to push you down onto the bed and keep you there for hours. (Would he really be that lucky? Would you even want that, from him? Could he really even make you feel good, let alone make you cum? Would his cock be good enough for you? Big enough? Was he enough? A little voice asked in his mind. He dismissed it.)
"We don't have to, now, I mean," he whispered to you between kisses.
"No, I want to. I want you," you breathed, pulling him down onto you. He was weightless for a moment before catching himself on his arms, his body so close to yours. Here goes nothing, he thought, pressing his clothed erection against you. You moaned in response and he swore it was the sweetest sound he had ever heard. He wanted you to moan for him all night, begging for his cock inside you over and over.
Armitage rocked his hips hesitantly, hoping you wouldn't hold him obviously being aroused beyond belief against him. The friction was absolutely delicious, and he wished there were fewer layers between you as he kept thrusting as he kissed down to your throat, planting wet kisses as he went. You would have a high collar anyway, he figured, so he started sucking and biting a spot that made you whine whenever his tongue ghosted over it.
He pulled off you with a wet pop, and looked in pride at the swollen red mark he left. His. You were his. He beamed with pride. His kisses progressed lower, down to the neckline of your shirt, and you got the hint. When he next pulled off you, you kicked off your slippers and scooched back onto the bed, laying on the pillows. You treated him to quite a show, taking your shirt off slowly and sensually as he sat, practically drooling for you. You were in just your regulation sports bra, not anything special in your mind, but he thought it was the best thing he had ever seen. Your nipples peeked through the garment, and he longed to take them in his mouth.
Fair was fair, so he took off his own shirt, pausing for a moment when he realized this would be the first time anyone saw his bare chest in years. It was, like the rest of him, lean but muscular, and, to him, not particularly sexy. His freckles peppered his shoulders, but his back was covered with small scars from particularly harsh beatings from his father, including several rather prominent cigar burns that he hid at all costs when he was changing in the Academy. It felt shameful, to be so weak. He hoped you wouldn't ask, and that he wouldn't have to explain.
Your eyes scoured his chest, looking like you wanted to pounce on him again, which cast a warm glow in his heart (and crotch, but that mattered less right then). He approached you and lay next to you, on his side, carding his hands through your hair.
"What are these scars from, Armitage?" You asked, tracing a particularly harsh one that cut from his back to his shoulder.
"I-" he felt like his mouth was filled with cotton, dry and heavy. Would you think less of him? "My father. He is... not a kind man," he choked out. You gazed at him with pity, and his heart pattered in his chest. Had he ruined the moment? Did you still want to keep doing... whatever you were doing?
"I'm sorry. He sounds like an asshole," you said. You kissed him tenderly. "But let's not think about him," you continued, kissing him with more heat, more urgency. His arousal came back, insistent. He rolled so he was on top of you, skin against skin, kissing away any memory of his father until his head was filled with nothing but you. His hand came up to your bra strap, and you nodded. He grabbed the bottom, pulling it gently up and over your head. Finally, he was seeing you again. He went back to your jaw, kissing down to your nipple. He took it in his mouth, swirling and sucking until you moaned like you did when you came. He'd pull more noises out of you, he decided. His right hand came up to roll your nipple--almost exactly like you had imagined--grabbing and kneading your breast as he thrust gently against your clothed pussy.
The heat between you was getting unbearable. When he was satisfied with your tits (not that he would ever, really, be done with them), he kissed down to your waistband. Looking up at you for confirmation, he started pulling them down when he saw you nod emphatically. "Yes, yes," you whispered. He practically ripped them off, along with your underwear, finally seeing you naked in front of him again. But what was he supposed to do now? He'd never touched someone like this. He had an idea.
"Show me what you like. How you did it earlier," he commanded, pouring some of his General voice into it. You whimpered, bringing your hand to your clit and rubbing circles. Finally, pleasure. You moaned loudly, and he ripped your hand away. It was his turn.
He dove into your pussy like a man possessed, licking sloppy circles on your clit until he figured out which position made you react the most. Then, he kept on it, speeding up as he went. Words poured out of you, almost surprising you with their filth.
"Fuck yes Armitage please faster please please please that feels so good," you babbled, body twitching. He could feel your abs clenching, and your thighs tensing up as he kept going. With his free hand, he thrust his middle finger into your pussy. You were positively soaked, and he groaned against you at the sensation. He had read somewhere that he was supposed to curl up (in one of his times alone with a datapad after a particularly long study session with you), so he tried it, and you practically screamed. So sensitive for him. He moved a hand to stroke himself through his pants. Fuck, you were perfect.
He set a brutal pace on you, adding another finger, which your pussy instantly gripped around. You were even louder now, so so close to release.
"Please, General, let me cum please please pleasepleaseplease," you gushed, digging your hands into his hair and gripping it. He made a mental note to pull yours later. He could tell you were almost there, and who was he to deny you? He just wanted you to come undone all over him, so he let you.
He could tell you were cumming when you spasmed and clenched *hard* on his fingers, moaning just like you had when he saw you the first time. Only, this time, it was all because of him. He smiled against you at that thought. He gently worked you through your orgasm, slowly lapping at your sensitive clit. You were so perfect for him. When you had caught your breath, he pulled his fingers from you and licked the taste of you off of them as he climbed back up you.
"Darling, I want to fuck you," he said with a newfound confidence from your glazed, doe-like eyes. He had an idea of something you might like. He put his hand on your cheek and toyed with your lower lip like he had earlier.
"Do you want your General to fuck you?" He asked sweetly, pouring just the smallest tinge of command into his tone. He knew you couldn't resist. You whimpered and nodded fervently as your hands tried to tug his pants down. He chuckled darkly and tutted.
"Not yet, darling. Do you have protection?" He asked. He didn't exactly have a need for condoms, so he didn't tend to travel with them. You looked embarrassed as you jumped off the bed and dug one out of your pants pocket, holding it up to him once you returned to the bed. He grinned wildly. You were his favorite strategist, after all. Gods, how he loved you. Armitage ripped open the little foil packet, holding it between his teeth as he pulled his pants down, finally freeing his aching cock. He gave it a pump or two, just to take the edge off, and then he rolled it smoothly onto his cock. Your gaze was fixed on his cock, ravenous. Joy bloomed in his chest, and he lined himself up with you.
"Are you sure, my love?" He just wanted to check. You smiled and tucked a piece of his bangs behind his ear.
"Yes, are you?" He nodded, grinning impishly. He slapped his dick against your oversensitive clit a few times before pressing into you, loving the squeal he elicited. He watched your eyes roll back as he sheathed fully into you, trying in vain to take a mental picture of your face as he first fucked you. The feeling of your sweet, wet, tight pussy gripping his cock was overwhelming and perfect. He was sure life couldn't get any better than being buried in you. He experimentally pulled back and thrust in, shallow, but he groaned with the feeling. So. Fucking. Tight.
"Please, fuck me, sir," you whispered to him, and he immediately started slamming his hips into you. *Stars*, this was worth waiting for. You were worth waiting for. He fucked you with long, deep strokes, rushed and sloppy. His cock was lighting up your pussy, and, whenever you clenched around him, he groaned loudly. Your moans were becoming louder and louder in rhythm to his hips. Your mind was going blank with the feeling of his thick cock bumping against every spot that made your body sing. He could feel his balls tightening, so he pulled out of you quickly, wanting to make this last.
He put his hand under your hip and roughly flipped you over. As he entered you from behind, he grabbed your hair with one hand and smacked your ass with the other. You practically howled, and, before he could push in all the way, started moving your hips on his cock. He tutted at you and grabbed your hip with his free hand, pulling your hair to turn you to face him.
"You want to be fucked? I'll fuck you, angel," he growled, setting a brutal pace. You squealed and bucked when his hand snaked down your stomach and met your clit. The headboard of the bed smashed against the wall, the springs creaking so loudly, it almost sounded like your moans. But you, his love, were drowning them all out with your beautiful moans. Stars, he was close. He wasn't going to cum without you, though, so he put all his energy into speeding up his hand on your clit and fucking you even faster.
Then, it came. He could tell you were close from the way your body tightened and you panted, just like you had before. All at once, you came with a loud yelp, moaning obscenities shortly after. It was too much for him. His legs were tingling from the pleasure, and his head was buzzing, almost distracting him from the hot coil in his stomach. When your pussy clenched from the waves of your orgasm, it was over for him. The feeling exploded all over him, and he fucked you through it, chanting your name like a prayer as he finished.
Tired and spent, he leaned forward and rested on your back. His head was a daze, filled with such much joy that he didn't know it was even possible. He pressed a few lazy kisses to your back as you panted, tipping your head back to look at him with a smile. After a minute, he pulled out of you, tied off the condom, and tossed it somewhere toward the trash. He would get it later. You slipped into his arms, resting your head against his slightly sweaty chest.
"That was perfect," he said, still trying to catch his breath. He played with the hair that fell over your face, pushing it behind your ear.
"I love you, Armitage," you said, and he decided he would never get tired of those words.
"I love you more, darling," he responded.
"Mostest," he chuckled with his face buried in your hair. You settled into contented silence, gazing out the window to space.
"I should really go clean up," you murmured.
"Can I join you? We have 18 hours to kill, after all," he asked, grinning from ear to ear.
AN: thanks so much for reading!! asks are always open for requests or feedback, and i'd love to hear from you!
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gingersnappish · 2 years
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I've got a little something different planned for this year on my Patreon! I work best with a direction/prompt/aesthetic in mind, so I'm taking suggestions from Patrons at the moment for types of kylux they'd like to see me draw!
For example: I've been having a lot of fun designing luscious things for Senator Kylo Amidala to wear while flirting with Hux! (like in the preview above)
But there are a ton of possibilities-alternative SW universes where things went differently (Emperor Hux and his Hound anyone?), modern AU, plus kylux has a pretty great tradition of creepy/horror AUs to draw on...y'all get the idea :)
Sky's the limit really and I am always open to new suggestions, so if you have a universe you'd like to see me draw for this year please consider supporting my Patreon!
(it's set up as a single pay-what-you-want tier so you can set the amount that fits your budget and get full access)
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lemongingerart · 1 year
Chapter 1 - Departure (II)
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Fic summary: The second arc of my Armitage Hux x OC fanfic, “chocolate cookies and tarine tea”, in which both need to deal with the mess they got into (and each other, eh eh eh). Involves cookies that won't be eaten and tea that will get spilled. Same goes for certain feelings... they are going to be hungry ant thirsty 😏
You can find the link to AO3 and other chapters on Tumblr in the pinned message on my dash, both for the first and second arc 😊
Rating: Explicit. This is going to be very NSFW. So, Minors, do NOT read or interact. 18+. Family, friends and colleagues, please don’t read this. :’-)
Tags & warnings: TRoS fix-it (kind of), Hux!lives, Hux doesn’t like Kylo, Not a Redemption Arc, maybe a little bit, shameless fem!OC insert (there are cliches but entertaining ones imo), slow emotional burn, medium sexual burn, Enemies to Enemies With Benefits to Lovers, Hux is still a villain don't forget, Virgin Characters, masturbation against the door, pinv, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Awkward Sexual Situations, Past Child Abuse, dubious first kiss, Dom/sub Undertones, Mental Breakdown, Unprotected Sex, wet Hux, that deserves a tag/warning on its own, Minor Character Death
I will add tags as we proceed in the story, please let me know if I forgot one!
Taglist: @mylifeisactuallyamess, @morby and anyone who’d like to join 🥰
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A/N:    Good day! This time, I have a longer and hopefully more interesting chapter prepared 🙂
I had some quality issues with reviewing this one, so it took me a while to get rid of them, and from all the re-reading I’m not even sure everything makes sense anymore? Their "discussions" are precious to me though, that's why I did not go lightly over them 😇
I hope you enjoy this chapter and I look forward hearing if I’m taking too long for something to happen or not 💁💁💁
Miko’s mind was racing.  The tranquillity and purpose she had found a few minutes ago, had been efficiently eaten away by her unwanted travel companion. That outburst all too vividly reminded her again of how dangerous, maybe violent, he might become. 
When she left the cockpit, she had opted to sit on the bench in the wardroom, her knees pressed up to her chest and her head facing the closed cockpit entrance. That's where she was now, trying to get the time pass more quickly, while making sure Hux couldn't come near her without her noticing. 
One of her datapads lay on the table to her left, the little droid charging right next to it, so she took it, in an attempt to distract herself and clear her head. 
Her fingers started tapping the screen with a seasoned swiftness, accessing PC’S processing unit. Inspiration hit her, driven by what had happened in the cockpit, and she started to program a new procedure into the little droid's core.
She looked at the cockpit’s door for a second, doubt apparent on her features. 
She was currently making sure that PC would record everything that happened around her, just in case. Both on Taris' planetside as around the creepy ex-general. 
The droid could wirelessly connect to her built-in data chip and to her datapad, which could then save the holo onto a remote location, safely tucked away.  It wouldn't protect herself at the moment itself, but at least she would have some evidence, should she ever need it. The last thing she wanted to be, was entirely defenseless. 
She sighed. The trip to Taris was short compared to their first one together, now that their hyperdrive and the nav component was fixed. But, given how quickly the atmosphere had turned as cold as deep space, she already wished it was over. The grumpy ginger's mood was as bad as the Kessel storms and she wondered how she ever saw something in him. Who knew she could've gotten so caught up in physical needs? And why? Stress? Subconscious desires? Whatever she felt back then, she definitely didn't feel it right now. 
Now, she was wondering if she could even bring up the courage to spend the next journey with someone as detestable as him.
“What are you doing?” she suddenly heard from behind her back. 
She jolted up from her crouched position and turned her head. Hux had sneaked up from behind her and had scared her to death. Or maybe she just thought he sneaked up on her, since she missed the sound of the door because she was still in deep thoughts about him and whatever dark plans he might have. 
She let out a breath, trying to calm down, and tried to ban the idea that he was being sneaky on purpose. 
'N-nothing special' she blurted out, aware of the slight tremble in her voice.
'I wanted to check on you to make sure you weren't up to something you might regret' he added, almost whispering. 
O-kay… he is most definitely creepy, she reconsidered, pressing the datapad close to her chest and mentally taking note she shouldn't ban the idea after all. 
The stone cold atmosphere he had just created, made her forget that he was more or less insulting her, again. It only slowly seeped through that, from his point of view, seeing someone so focused on a datapad, when they had agreed that no communication channels should be used, might've looked suspicious. Still, whatever the reason was, there were better ways to relay the message.
Miko didn't immediately know how to respond and sat still, watching him step to the pantry and wondering what his plans were. To her surprise though, he opened a cabinet to take or make something to drink. 
Oddly, he did have the decency to fetch something for her as well. Even more odd, it was the taste she preferred, given the limited choice aboard the shuttle. She stared at the mintea bottle in silence while it travelled her way. Hux sat the bottle in front of her, then turned around. She watched his back when he went to prepare his. It only took him a few seconds, so she had to avert her eyes once he turned towards her direction. 
Miko started to wonder if the rather worrisome comment he had whispered her way was actually meant to be a conversation starter, seeing how he was trying to act casually and looking to sit somewhere on the bench as well.
Intrigued by this opportunity for a talk, she put her datapad sideways. She focused on the bottle in front of her, still having the urge to be cautious around him and avoiding eye contact. 
After a small pause, he placed his cup on the table and took a spot to her right. It was subtle, but she could see him adjust his posture. Probably, he was looking for a more comfortable way to sit, because of the shot wound in his leg, she wondered. 
When he stirred in the cup he had chosen, the smell of caf and another sharp spice filled the room. He slowly took a sip, not looking at Miko’s general direction. 
Miko was utterly confused and - probably for the first time ever - didn't know what to say or do at all. He had the power to swing her mood to every corner of the emotional spectrum in mere seconds. She slowly became aware of that, and she didn’t like it. 
Still unsure about what to do, she mimicked his movements and took a nip from the scented water. She didn’t even register the taste.
After a short but rather uneasy silence, Hux opened his mouth:  
'I might have interpreted your remark about my teeth incorrectly, I was in deep thoughts, reevaluating our options and best strategy. I was reminded about the subsequent incidents on the Steadfast and felt rather… uneasy... I probably have misjudged the purpose of your comment. ' 
Miko blinked her eyes twice before she let out a relieved breath. Was that an apology? That’s…unexpected . 
She dared to look his way. His tone was even and could easily have been mistaken as confident, but the way he applied pressure on the cup told her it took him some effort to admit his error. The hardly noticeable body language made her feel a bit more at ease, it was as seeing him struggle with something made her feel like she wasn't alone in this crazy situation. 
She felt her mood brighten, feeling more on common ground with him, and found her usual wittiness back.
‘Don’t worry about it’, she replied with an overly cheerful tone. Although just a moment ago she was definitely bothered by his demeanour, seeing this new development apparently made her stupidly hopeful. 
‘I shouldn’t have responded so crudely as well. We’re both out of our comfort zones. Seems like we need to find a way to adjust to each other.’ she added, an innocent smile forming on her face. 
She eyed him sideways and he nodded without looking at her. 
He took another sip, so she concluded he decided the conversation was already over. She huffed silently and turned her attention to PC again, to check if the update was successfully implemented.
Her mind started wandering and replaying the conversation. This was probably as good as it was going to get. It's not that she was hoping for a normal conversation, anyway. After everything she saw from him, she was highly doubting that was even possible. 
The little droid bleeped, and the both of them looked up.
 'All fixed', Miko exclaimed, breaking the silence. 
Armitage gave her a quizzical look, which made her realise she didn't answer his initial question.
 'I gave PC a little update on his backup system, nothing special . ' she explained and pulled up her shoulders. 'I don't want to lose him if something bad happens,' she murmured. She wasn’t going to tell him what kind of upgrade it really was.
She saw the ex-general shift his weight uncomfortably, probably as a response to her clarification and the mention of what could happen to them soon.  She paused and tried to gauge his current train of thoughts. Was this about what could happen if they arrive at Taris? Or at the resistance base? 
Curiosity got the upper hand over caution. She at least wanted to know why he was risking his life - and by extension her life - for.
She took a breath and quietly asked: 'Why did you do it  - betray the First Order?' 
He let out an annoyed sigh in response.
'Why would I tell you that?' he answered with a hint of arrogance. 
She closed her eyes and reminded herself that she still shouldn’t expect a normal conversation with this asshole. Oh, he could easily anger her, but not this time. Or at least, that’s what she was hoping for.
'You’re going to have to have a solid story once we arrive at the resistance base. You might as well give it a try with me?' She said, using a different tactic and trying to sound encouraging. She tried to make eye contact, wanting him to open up to her for at least a little bit, for both their sakes. 
He looked her dead in the eye, but remained silent for a few seconds. Kriff , involuntary, his piercing gaze was slowly taking her back two days ago, to the incident and the shower, and making her breathe erratically. She tried to subdue the effect and hoped he didn’t catch the change in her body language.
She was about to give up on their staring contest, to stop the memories and fantasies from pulling her into a state of slight panic, when he finally looked down and hesitantly spoke. 
Miko wasn’t sure if she imagined a slight tremble of his lower lip, right before he started talking: 
"I…I’m not sure where to start." He admitted softly.
"...Start where the first things went wrong?" She quietly enquired. 
He still didn't look up and hesitantly nodded. 
He sighed, obviously trying to think of a good way to begin this conversation. Miko suddenly became aware of the shift in the atmosphere, the air became thick and loaded with suspense. The man before her was digging into his memory and bringing up things he'd rather would like to keep hidden, she could tell from his demeanour alone. She contemplated if asking the question was even a good idea; seeing him become so… unstable… reminded her too much of that time he lunged at her. She subconsciously put some extra distance between both of them.
As if someone opened a water valve, Hux thoughts were formed into words and were spilled out. 
"I was in control, at the top of my game, and seeing a clear future for the galaxy.  Order, peace, prosperity under the First Order 's flag." 
His brows were heavily frowned. 
Miko tried to keep a straight face and not comment on that statement already. It didn't really surprise her that this was his view on the universe. What a whole different perspective than mine , she mused. She tried to ignore the itch she got from his words and reminded herself that he would be out of her life in a few days, worst case. No need to throw another argument, just because of different values and norms. 
He continued: "We had a good strategic plan, both in the short term and long term. I had to endure Ren as a competitor, but that was doable. And, in a way, he was a rather welcome respite. It was easy to make him lose face before Snoke. But I’m getting distracted.  The moment word arrived that that cursed old Jedi was still around, and there was a clue to his location, chaos broke loose. It was as if every single event just was planned against everything the Order stands for." 
He paused and stared at the cockpit's durasteel door.
"The whole Jedi-hunting offensive escalated into an irrational chase, regrettably distracting supreme leader Snoke and driving Ren even more insane and unmanageable. " 
He waved his hand through his hair, freeing the strands from the leftover gel. 
"I don't have proof, but I highly suspect it was Ren and not the jedi girl that killed Snoke. He illegitimately seized power, and by doing so he created a chism in the chain of command." 
Hux absently rubbed his throat, but the gesture didn't go unnoticed by Miko. She could almost feel the mix of spite and ire, but underneath that thin layer she could distinguish that something unsettling happened there, something that ran deeper than the competition he just had described. 
After a pause, Armitage continued: "He started a chain reaction, by following his obsessions he got lost in them and didn't want to hear that his actions were not in the best interest of our powerful Order. Other officers complained to me, but every single time I took action, he slammed the door right in my face. He took my advice as critique, not that that was different than before, but now he was the illegitimate fragging Supreme Leader and he still couldn't distance himself from his ego. I've always been better at making management and strategic decisions. He was supposed to remain the deterrent for any kind of rebellion.  He wasn’t supposed to lead us." 
He was clenching his fists now, and Miko could swear she could hear the heightened pace of his heartbeat. 
She had asked him for some context, and she didn't really know what to expect. But this was certainly more intense than what she could have guessed. 
He didn't look at her through,  and she wondered if he was even still aware of her presence. It was as if he was contemplating his situation and just saying it aloud, as if she wasn’t there.
He swung his head to one side and let out an exasperated sigh, before he continued: "And when that wretched message was broadcasted from the late Emperor, Pryde and his reserve troops appeared from the unknown regions,  much stronger than anticipated.  Their numbers… I am still flabbergasted at how he could manage to gather so many men. I highly doubt they were trained for something more than cannon fodder, they couldn't all have followed basic training,  but I'm getting distracted again. " 
He paused and gave her a sharp look.
"The fact is that right then, Ren saw an opportunity to demote me. Not in rank, but in practice. Putting more responsibilities in Pryde's hands, and eventually in the other generals. He wasn’t even subtle about it.
 And the decisions he made… I couldn't keep supporting them but each time I expressed my concern, it backfired."
He sighed and waved his hand absentmindedly. 
"I guess it was in one of these discussions that I started to realise I didn't recognize the Order and what it stood for anymore. Without Snoke or anyone from the original high command, without me being able to have a steady hand on the decision organ… the Order was drifting apart."
He bowed his head and frantically rubbed his hair a few times before he froze for a minute. He didn’t look up and continued. 
"And… then I made a huge gamble. If I wanted a stable future for the Order, I had to make Ren and his acolytes disappear. The emperor 's message was the obvious choice.  I had to lure Ren and his knights away, or at least let him lose enough face to be able to seize power as supreme leader myself. Putting pressure on him by involving the resistance and that jedi girl was going to drive him even more unreasonable, that's what I anticipated. But… I knew he or someone else might find out. Spreading this information could only come from somewhere high up the ranks, and I already lost favour. I just hoped I had time to frame someone else. Preferably Pryde. " 
His voice turned soft now, almost like a whisper: "But, ironically, he was the one who put the puzzle pieces together. You know what happened after that." 
Miko gulped and nodded. She remembered Pryde and could’ve guessed both generals were a close match when it came to being power hungry backstabbing psychopaths. But hearing him explain what drove him to abandon the Worst Order - well, not the Order, but the command structure - told her he wasn't only a damn well versed manipulative strategist but also genuinely worried about losing his home and ideals. Guessing he was a rather young general, the First Order was most likely where he grew up and grew into. He was losing the only life he'd probably known and the future he'd hoped for. Although her idea about the Worst Order didn't change from this elaboration - on the contrary - she did feel sorry for him. And that should probably unsettle her more than it actually did.
This was one of the hardest conversations Hux had had in a while. For the first time saying out loud that he had betrayed what he once stood for, made it all the more real. Looking for the right words, finding out how to tell her, and himself, was difficult at first.
 But once the sentences had started to form, they just flew from his brain like they were ready to burst. 
He couldn’t remember if he ever had been so earnest with someone. Even with Sloane, he used to be more cautious once he grasped the concepts of lobbying, negotiation and manipulation. This exposition felt like a confession; dangerous and relieving at the same time. Now, though, he realised that he was just staring at her and fiddling his fingers and showing a part of him he’d rather not show to anyone. Or see for himself.
He realised what a pathetic impotent mess he must look like, and wondered why she didn’t comment on that. She could humiliate him, throw in another argument, but she just… listened. Looked his way with an apprehensive gaze. It confused him, why she didn’t make use of this weak moment. Somehow, the fact that she was trying to understand him, was hitting his defences harder than humiliation could.
"I- think you might want to leave out some parts, but you sound pretty convincing", she instead whispered, while she continued looking at him with big eyes. She peered at him, trying to find something he wasn’t sure of, but the intenseness unsettled him. He quickly nodded and looked down, staring into his cup and trying to ignore the cold sweat that appeared out of nowhere. 
Stars , it was as if her gaze had almost trapped him, the way the amber eyes bore through his own retina and looked right into his forsaken soul. 
Humiliation would’ve been so much better.
He at least knew how to handle that.
He tried to focus on the caf in his hands, studying the vibrating ripples in the liquid. Wait…why was he shaking? He didn’t dare to look up again, unsure about what was happening to him. He tried to concentrate on his breathing, in hopes of making the tremble disappear. What was this? Was he angry at her, just for looking at him? No, this wasn’t anger… it was something di-
"When will we arrive at Taris?" Miko suddenly asked him, in a welcome effort to break the awkward silence. Her question brought him back to reality, and the trembling abruptly stopped. He didn’t right his head, though, it was too soon for that.
"ETA is 3 hours, so we should discuss strategy." He softly answered, taking the hint and glad to change the subject. 
She remained silent, so he risked looking up.
Miko looked at him with a smug smile. 
Did I say something crazy? He thought sceptically, but deep down he was also glad to fall into their recently developed routine of not always friendly bantering. 
She took out her datapad, performed some commands and started reading: "apparently, the coordinates lead to a highly populated area. From the available info, the meeting point is situated just next to a marketplace." 
Hux looked at her with a slightly threatening face, mixed with a hunch of panic. Why was I glad again? She's going to be the death of me.  
She caught sight of his distress and immediately responded: "relax, Hux, I retrieved this intell when we were at Utapau Four. I used Tagge's company network, put up a proxy, did a local copy and removed the crumbs afterwards. There's no way they can trace anything back towards us." 
He leaned back into the backrest of the bench, while recuperating from a minor panic attack and trying to maintain a blank face. She was young and maybe a bit naive, but at least she thought things through. The fact that she wanted to go to the meeting spot prepared, was surprising and strangely comforting to him. 
"Taris used to be the centre of the galaxy, thousands of years ago. The population could've been compared with Coruscant this age. Its population has dwindled though, and a lot of the cities were destroyed in several wars. The jedi war, the rebel alliance. The empire had to give up its rule on the planet and since then it's been New Republic territory. I should be wary of thugs and cons and take the necessary precautions,” Hux mentioned matter-of-factly.  
"What do you mean, "I"? I'm going with you, you know!” Miko responded, slightly raising her voice and eyeing him.
She took PC from the bench and placed him on her shoulder with a rather forceful action. After that, she stood straight, turned around and walked to the door with a steady thread.
"What are you doing?" Hux demanded with a hissing tone, before she got out of his sight. 
"Getting ready to gear up, of course. Isn't that obvious?" She huffed in his general direction. 
He stood up, felt his blood pressure rise, and clenched his fists. "You should stay here. These kinds of places can be dangerous. Let me do the transfer." He responded while slowly raising his voice and pointing to the deck. 
Miko turned his direction, crossed her arms and cocked her head. "You? What do you think they'll do if they see your face? Remember how my father reacted. You won't have the chance to do any talking. And… and you'll blow your cover!" She half shouted at him, before she continued her path.
Hux cursed inwardly. She was right. But he didn't want to let her go. She might get caught as well. He wouldn't be too surprised if that bastard Pryde might've sent out a warrant for her. And if they find her, surely he'll be compromised. She lacked experience and from what he'd seen from her, that foul mouth could get her into some real trouble. Including the type of trouble leading back to him.
But on the other hand, she did have a point. Going with her was an invalid option. Even if he had some kind of disguise, to get to the intel they needed, he would have to take serious risks. Much more compared to sending her and her loud mouth out there alone. If he could avoid those risks, he normally would, without thinking twice. But why has he thought of getting himself in the line of fire, before her, now? This didn't make any sense.
Maybe, it was because if something happened to her, he would be stranded here. All chances were on her succeeding. Or that's what he was trying to make himself believe.  Why was he so nervous?
He quickly went after Miko, passed her with large steps and stood still right before her,  blocking her path so she had to halt her movements. She looked upwards to him, an troubled expression on her face. Stars, those eyes again. Nobody has looked at him like that before. Straight eye contact, without disgust or fear. He gulped but quickly found back the words he was going to relay on her.
“Make sure I can trace your location and contact you without it getting noticed. I'm going to follow every step and action you're taking.” he commanded.
“Don't you trust me?” she replied, looking annoyed by his directive tone. 
Only now he realised he might’ve stepped up a bit too close to her; he could feel her angry breath and he wondered why he was staring at her lips right now. 
The droid on her shoulder turned its head,  mimicking her annoyance, but he didn’t register it. He did try to come up with a quick response:
 “I don't trust anyone. And no, I want to make sure you'll be safe. I need you, remember?“ he countered, his tone directive but his eyes still for some reason glued to her lips. They opened up in a small 'o', momentarily making him forget what he just said. Until his own words dawned upon him.
That sounded disturbingly awkward, he realised while slowly raising his gaze to look up into her eyes. And the way she looked back at him right now, confused and wide eyed, her mouth slowly closing, made it very clear that she misunderstood it just the same. He was slightly aware of how his heart was throbbing in his throat, how dry his mouth suddenly felt, and he desperately tried to ignore the confusing feeling. Oh by the stars in the galaxy… He had to break this pause before it got even more awkward.
He averted his head for a split second, looking to the hyperspace stripes through the viewport, trying to kriffing calm down. He then placed his hands behind his back, trying to find back his reasoning and returning his steel focus on her and what he still wanted to relay to her. He needed to focus on the upcoming mission, not on her lips.
“Look, if you see anything suspicious, report it to me. And if you feel unsure, retreat. Don't do anything rash. Playing the hero usually renders those people dead." He said. "Carry a blaster.” he quickly added with a stern voice. Getting back into his directive role helped to subdue the burning he could sense on his cheeks. 
“You know I can't and won't shoot .” she replied, crossing her arms with a bit of effort, since both of them hadn't moved and they were still standing at a few centimetres distance from each other.
Sigh, how can she be so stubborn about not killing anyone? Hux wondered with reluctance.
 “You're going to have to kill someone sooner or later, Miko.” He bluntly stated, looking down on her.  
“Maybe in a world shaped by the First Order, mister ex-general. But that's not the world I prefer to be in. So I'm not planning on carrying a blaster with me.” she boldly replied and looked sideways with her arms still crossed, the swing of her body movement making her left elbow touch his stomach. 
Armitage became acutely aware of how uncommon and awkward and dangerous this conversation was becoming. How both of them refused to yield, both in the conversation and physically, and he hated that he felt so bothered by her close presence. He never was keen on someone entering his personal space, but this was different. Luckily, though, he was annoyed enough to ignore the unsettling effect the lack of distance was having on him.
And annoyed he was: “You don't know what you're walking into, this is no playground! You should at least take something with you! Worst case; set it to stun. For your own sake.” He threw at her, realising how she was getting on his nerves again and wondering if this conversation had any purpose at all.
She was looking pretty worked up as well now, he could notice from this up close; the blush on her cheeks was more pronounced than usual. But when he mentioned the stun function, she paused, took a deep breath and looked to the ground. 
“Okay, I can live with that. I think. Not that I'll be able to kriffing hit someone with it anyway.” she mumbled after a small pause, while she was staring at his boots with a defiant glare.
He held his breath for a split second. “I’ll give you a crash course. Let me fetch some blasters and let's meet up in the cargo bay,” he stated, slightly surprised and relieved with her decision. He hoped he could at least maximise his chances a bit by preparing her for possible conflict.
A/N: I haven’t found any evidence whether Taris is in this timeline under new republic flag or not, so I pretend it to be allied with the new republic but rather neutral.
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tintinwrites · 6 years
fifty ways to kiss someone | Poe Dameron x Reader | Part Twenty-Eight
A/N: And you guys thought I was really apologizing for part twenty-seven lol
Rating: T
Warning: Mentions of execution. Naughty words.
Word count: 1,204??????????
Prompt: 28. A kiss as a lie
Summary:  "I suppose you should know that your pilot is going to be executed in the morning."
"—what?" You were sure your heart fell out and was somewhere on the floor, or at least that's what it felt like. Any false confidence you put on quickly vanished and your fear was evident in your eyes.
Tags: @yourwonderbelle @fireboltrose7559 @lilaqueenquinn
You were taken to what had to be the First Order's new base, which was already perfect and fully stocked with supplies, as if they'd had it for years.
It paid to be rich and to intimidate people to get what you wanted.
Or kill them to get it.
You had been pacing back and forth in your cell since you were locked in it. Barely anyone even passed by and you wondered what they were doing; how much they could have done to Poe in the hours you'd been separated from him.
You didn't even know how many hours. You tried to keep track and lost count after a while, since it was hard to remember with the numbers only in your head.
You were getting kind of tired. You knew that much. It didn't seem like a wise idea to fall asleep, though.
And, anyway, you felt wide awake when you turned and saw General Hux standing outside of your cell, gasping at his sudden presence. "Oh." His tone held mock guilt. "Did I frighten you?"
"—you surprised me. There's a difference." You straightened up, giving him the most level look you could in your state of worry and slight panic. "What have you done with Poe?"
He furrowed his brow. "Poe— ah, your pilot. Our Supreme Leader retrieved some glorious information from him about your little Resistance." There was something interesting in the way he mentioned the 'Supreme Leader', who you assumed to be Kylo Ren now. He said the name with this air of hatred that seemed odd when they were on the same side. "It almost seemed like deja vu, if such a thing existed."
"Why haven't you done anything to me? I know just as much as he does."
"He's been quite sacrificial." He smirked, looking as if he wanted to laugh. If he was capable of such a happy act. "He begged us not to harm you."
"And you listened?" You moved closer to the cell door, eyeing him warily.
"I thought it may be more enjoyable to let him think you're safe and then kill you." He moved closer, too, and lowered his voice to a whisper. "Or, better yet, let him think you're safe and then bring you to our side."
You stared. The bars on the door were just wide enough to allow you to spit right in his face, so you did. "I will never be on your side." You should have been more scared, but you didn't want them to see you whimpering.
He was practically trembling with rage as he reached a gloved hand up to wipe the spit off of his cheek, his usual smirk replaced with a scowl. "All you rebel scum are the same disgusting, loathsome creatures. You are no better than animals!" He took a few heaving breaths as if to calm himself down, then he stretched his muscles and his smirk returned. It was more sinister and less amused now. "I suppose you should know that your pilot is going to be executed in the morning."
"—what?" You were sure your heart fell out and was somewhere on the floor, or at least that's what it felt like. Any false confidence you put on quickly vanished and your fear was evident in your eyes.
"Yes. And the whole galaxy will watch us rid it of the Resistance's poster boy." He turned on his heel smoothly and began to walk away.
"Wait!" You were surprised that he actually turned back around. "Let me see him." You paused, knowing you would have to butter him up if it were possible. "Please?"
"Now you play the role of the compliant prisoner." He walked back, smiling at the way you were gripping the bars on the door. "How will this benefit me?" He lightly touched your knuckles and you quickly yanked your hands away.
He gave you this look that had you reluctantly putting them back. "Why does it have to benefit you?"
There was a long moment where he just stared at you.
"Very well. If only because your anguish will be payment enough." He turned and left without another word.
You leaned heavily against the door, one hand moving to cover your mouth as you let out a sob.
Poe was going to be executed and there was no way the two of you could fight the entire First Order to get out of it. If the Resistance didn't find out you were here — wherever here was — and get to you within whatever hours were left before morning, Poe was going to be killed.
You managed to calm yourself slightly by the time two stormtroopers and General Hux came back, but you completely broke down the moment you saw Poe's face. He frowned, trying to move to you, only to be pulled back as the stormtroopers started to unlock the restraints that kept his hands in front of him.
"Leave them on."
Bastard. You were too busy crying to actually call Hux the name, backing away from the cell door as it was opened. You could have tried running out, but Poe would be taken away at best and you would be killed at worst.
You immediately wrapped your arms around him, not caring that the cuffs dug into you, sobbing against his chest.
"Hey...shh..." He couldn't hold you, so he settled for pressing a kiss to your head. "I'm here now. I'm fine, see?"
You pulled away, shaking your head and gazing up at him. "No, no, you don't understand. He said you were going to be executed in the morning. He told me that you were going to be executed and I don't know how I'm going to stop it—"
"I know!" He reached up to cup your face despite the cuffs. "I know. It's gonna be fine." His eyes searched your face, before he leaned down and kissed you deeply. The kiss lasted for a good while before he pulled himself away. "I'm gonna be fine, baby."
Doubt and fear flashed through his eyes.
It was brief, but it was there, and it told you everything that you didn't want to know.
You nodded. If he was going to be murdered by his enemies for millions to see, you would let him think you believed him.
He looked exhausted, which you supposed was bound to happen when you have someone inside your head, so you helped him over to the cell's bed. It wasn't even close to comfy, but at least he could sit down.
"Come here." He lifted his arms and you moved under them, laying against his chest. "You know, hope is like the sun—"
"Don't. Please don't. Because when the sun comes up, you'll—" You closed your eyes tightly, fighting back tears. "Just hold me."
And he did. You laid there in silence for a while, listening to his heart.
You would remember his heartbeat. You would remember his voice, and his smile, and his laugh, and his hands, and his eyes, and his hair, and his gentleness, and his pride, and his touch, and the way he kissed you.
You just wished they didn't have to be nothing more than memories.
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theodorebasmanov · 2 years
After watching the last episode of Star Wars I was looking through General Hux’s filmography I’ve accidentally realized that he and Po are in one movie together and I have already watched this movie but didn’t remember them there, so, I’ve rewatched “Ex Machina”. Domhnall Gleeson is so pretty. Let’s just face it, okay? What I also want to establish before talking about the film – I’ve read somewhere (most probably just here on Tumblr) that this movie is pretty bad, because it objectifies women and especially Asian women and I have something to say about it, but I don’t want to gaslight, so I won’t. This movie, also, is pretty unusual for me, because it’s a psychological thriller which’s totally not my type of film, but I enjoyed it enough to rewatch it. The plot – a young programmer Caleb (Gleeson) is invited to a house of a genius creator of the most popular search engine - Nathan (Isaac) - to take part in Turing Test – to test AI. In the body of a beautiful young woman (Alicia Vikander), she’s called Ava. (Spoilers!) In the beginning, everything is a little odd, but generally fine. Then Ava and Caleb start developing relationship and Caleb starts to lose trust for Nathan. Then he starts to find out some very dark secrets. The ending is very dramatic. To cut it short, everybody except for Ava is dead. The film isn’t only pretty interesting and tested but also beautiful – the nature around the house, the weird aesthetics of the house, Ava herself. The cinematography is very good too. For example, the scene when Ava puts on clothes and wig feels so intimate. The sound also works with the story very well. P.S. Not that I’m a big specialist, but his coding looks like total horseshit. Spoilers in the Gifs! Also, some of them are pretty creepy.
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nat-seal-well · 2 years
Can you hcs for selkie hux and Freelancer, like how it would be to be dating selkie hux??? Pretty please 🙏
You have no idea how excited I was about getting this request last week. Like... it made my entire day. I’m sorry it took so long!
And, as a warning... it’s kinda long. I’m sorry. I just couldn’t help it. But this was so much fun. Thank you, anon!
(I’m including one of my favorite songs for obvious reasons)
Hux would be a harbor seal, for a couple different reasons.
One: I think they’re cute. (When I was little, I fell in love with seals at an aquarium that has a couple of harbor seals. That aquarium is also where I got my first seal plush—but we’re getting off track.)
Two: They’re one of the most common seal species that can be found in the Pacific Ocean.
And three: I want him to have lil harbor seal spots on his skin when he’s human :)
Freelancer absolutely adores the ocean. It feels like home to them, and it’s their favorite place in the world. They spend hours each week down on the beach, just walking or beachcombing, or sitting on driftwood logs to watch the waves.
Out of all the seasons, though, Freelancer’s favorite time to be on the beach is winter. There’s just something about the rough waves and the gray skies and the cold that’s extremely beautiful. Also, most people avoid the beach when it’s cold.
They’re at the beach on a particularly cold day when they meet him. Freelancer’s exploring the tide pools again when their attention lapses and they step wrong on a patch of algae, and topple right over the edge of the rocks and into the water, where the surf is rough and churning.
Huxley’s been watching the entire time, of course. He’s had an eye on them for a while because, out of all the humans he sees on the beach, they’re the one that visits the most often. They’re his favorite human to watch, and he can’t just let them die!
So, he decides to do the one thing he’s really Not Supposed To Do, and he lets himself be seen by saving them.
Freelancer comes to their senses spread out on the sand. It’s gritty and uncomfortable because they’re soaking wet, and the sand is sticking to them. But then they realize there’s a man kneeling by their feet, and he’s huge and incredibly naked, except for some kind of animal pelt draped around his shoulders like a cloak. They panic, but he waves his hands and frantically assures them he isn’t a threat.
“H-hold on! I’m not going to hurt you! I just… I’ve been watching you. I saw you fall. That coulda ended really badly, you know?”
Freelancer pauses to get a better look at him. He’s tall and broad-shouldered, and his skin is littered with black spots. His fingernails look more like claws and he has sharp teeth. It’s kind of hard not to stare, but then his words register in their head. And the only thing they say is, “What do you mean, you were watching me?”
And then Huxley just kinda chuckles and he rubs the back of his neck with one hand, and he explains things a little awkwardly. How he has been watching them, but in a not-creepy way. He just noticed they come to the beach a lot, and he thought they were interesting, and he’s also really, really glad they’re not dead.
The more he talks, the less scared Freelancer is. Even though he tells them he’s not a human, he’s a selkie. He likes to sunbathe on the rocks out in the water and watch the people and that’s how he started noticing them.
“But the ocean is, like, super dangerous this time of year. You really need to be more careful, ‘cause I’m not always here.”
Freelancer’s just a little overwhelmed. They’re also more than a little disbelieving. But Huxley stays until he’s sure they’re okay, and then he helps them to their feet. They’re on a secret little beach they’ve never been to before, and he helps them across the tide pools to get back home. Huxley tells them they can visit whenever. If they want to. (He really hopes they want to.)
He lets them go once they’re back across the pools, and Freelancer turns around just in time to watch him wrap the seal coat around himself and dive into the water. A gray harbor seal pokes its head out of the waves where he had just been, watches them for a moment, and then is gone.
Naturally—once Freelancer’s home and convinces themself they haven’t completely lost their mind—they go back.
And things progress from there. They become friends almost immediately.
Freelancer and Huxley spend hours on the beach together. He tells them stories about what it’s like to live in the ocean, the place they love the most. And Freelancer tells him about the rest of the world. He’s fascinated by the idea of forests.
“You mean, like, it’s just a bunch of trees? How many? A hundred?”
“A bit more than that, Hux. Like… miles and miles of trees. They cover entire mountains.”
Freelancer promises to show him one day. He’s so excited about it that he kisses their cheek, and Freelancer thinks about it for days after.
Eventually they start bringing each other little gifts. Huxley lives in a cave on the little beach they woke up on, and he keeps a bunch of things stashed away in there, up high where the water can’t take them away when the tide comes back in. Most of it is just stuff he’s found and held onto, but he seems… weirdly insistent on Freelancer taking them home.
There’s sea glass in colors they’ve never been able to find before, striped agates that look like candy, and—at one point—even an entire flounder. He’s almost embarrassed about the fish when he hands it to them.
“I, uh—I just wanted to make sure you’re taking care of yourself, you know?”
Freelancer’s so touched that they ask if he’ll come home with them for the evening. He says yes right away, of course.
Their house is small, but it’s right by the ocean, so they don’t have to worry about him being seen. They go in through the back door and Huxley’s exploring every inch of the place the second he’s inside. Eventually Freelancer digs up a pair of sweatpants that belonged to their brother once, and he fits into them relatively well. They’re his new favorite thing.
Freelancer shows him how kitchens work, and what cooking is, and they end up sharing the fish together. Huxley’s flustered the entire time, but he seems to love it.
They give him a necklace. It’s really just a simple chain with a piece of wire-wrapped serpentine, but Huxley loves it.
At some point during the night, he ends up leaving his seal coat draped across the back of a kitchen chair instead of keeping it on him like he usually does.
After that, Freelancer leaves their back door permanently unlocked. Sometimes they come home and find him there, with more fish he caught for them while he was out or another trinket. At this point, all of his little gifts are sitting in trays and bowls around the house.
Eventually one of the bedrooms becomes officially his, and its closet is stocked with clothing they bought for him. Most of his wardrobe is sweatpants that are actually his size and loose tank tops. He has a little desk littered with the things from his cave. Huxley’s still mostly seen with his coat, even though Freelancer notices he’s been leaving it in the room or just unattended somewhere else in the house more and more.
They don’t know exactly what it means. He never told them how the skin works, but they know it’s the most important thing in his possession. But it doesn’t really make sense for him to suddenly be forgetting it all the time?
Eventually Freelancer gets their answers. It happens while they’re watching the waves alone one night from the back porch. Huxley walks out and sits down beside them on the stairs that lead down to the beach. He has his coat bundled in his hands, and he looks all uncomfortable and nervous.
Then he just… holds it out to them without looking. Freelancer glances down at it but doesn’t take it. They just kinda stare at him until he says something.
“Uh… I want you to take this.”
And then he explains it to them. About how the only way a selkie can return to the ocean is if they have their seal coat. And all the stories about humans falling in love with selkies, only to steal their coats away and hide them to keep them stuck on land forever.
….And he wants them to keep it safe for him. He trusts them with it.
Naturally, Freelancer says no. They’re touched, but there’s just no way they can do that. The power that they would have over him doesn’t sit right with them, even though they know they would never do anything with it. They tell him so. And then they offer an alternative.
“I can’t take this from you. It just… it isn’t right. But, maybe… maybe we can find a place to hide it? Together?”
It’s their own awkward way to confess how they feel. Thankfully, somehow, it gets the point across. Huxley ends up sweeping them up into a hug and tells them he loves them. It’s all very soft and sweet. There are lots of kisses.
They find a place to hide his coat away. The location is a secret, and only the two of them know. After that night, he ends up sleeping in Freelancer’s room with them more often than not.
Dating Huxley isn’t much different than how things already have been. There’s just… more, now. Huxley still likes to take his coat and go out to the water and come back with food. Or pretty things he finds while he’s out. Freelancer has had to find more ways to cook fish than they ever thought existed, but it’s impossible for them to say no when he comes back proud of himself for providing for them.
His favorite thing to do is to take them to the little, secret beach where they met. It’s still important to him. Huxley just has more places to call home, now. They like to pack lunches and spend the day there as long as they can.
The only big difference is that once they’re officially A Thing, Huxley introduces Freelancer to his moms.
One of them was born a selkie, but she fell in love with a human. Apparently it runs in the family.
You know that Maiden and the Selkie song, this one I shared oh-so long ago at the beginning of this post? Their story is like that, but gay. They found another magic seal coat and both of them went to live in the sea together.
They adore Freelancer, by the way.
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Guys, I need more Adam/Kylo stan friends/ mutuals. I'm just a lonely little rat™️ and I wanna talk about all things Star Wars and fic and general thirsting with other like-minded bb's. I promise I simp respectfully (lets avoid the creepy Twitter stan shenanigans).
p.s - bonus points if you're also into Hux/Kylux/Reylux (please i'm lonely lol) 🖤
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solohux · 3 years
I had this idea inspired by time of your fox!Huxs asks, I can only hope I remember the right details for this prompt. Whoops. Hux has a lot of desirable traits, the red colors, the voluminous fur, the lithe body, and of course, a sharp mind. Unmated, there were plenty of suitors but ever since he became tired up with Ren, well, his traits became even more outstanding, even more so when knocked up, unbeknownst to Ren, it's a struggle for Hux to get through a day without being pursued, many thingrhinkg they could claim him despite carrying a litter...just..the drama of it all. Ya know?
It’s 1400 hours on board the impressive Finalizer which means that General Hux is on the bridge with his nose buried in his datapad, reading over the reports that have just arrived from Captain Phasma’s assessment of the newest Stormtrooper regiment. He’s impressed with the figures, pleased with the projections; he can’t help his bright and bushy tail from wagging slightly at his good mood.
With one hand holding his datapad, the other rests on his little baby bump, rubbing over the three-month curve with affection and smiling when he allows his mind to drift to what his newborn twin pups will look like—one brunette like their wolf-sire and one ginger, as similar as chalk and cheese and the most loved babies in the galaxy. Kylo has already said that it’s likely that they’re both Force sensitive since he can sense them reaching out to him with their developing powers and maybe, if he concentrates hard enough, he’s sure that he could try to determine their sex—though Hux had batted Kylo’s hand away from his belly and told him that he doesn’t want to know that until they’re born; it’s bad luck in kitsune culture to talk about the baby’s sex before they’re born.
But a cold and unwanted hand on his tail tears Hux from his daydreams, making him yelp and spin around with bared teeth.
Adrmial Baines—a lion—is stood unnerving close to Hux, still stroking his tail like it’s his own pet and not part of his body. The man is tall—the same height as Kylo but nowhere near as well-built. His once-fit physique has been neglected in recent years, clearly divulging in fine foods and drinks that have settled around his gut and giving him a middle-aged beer belly yet he wears a uniform that is a size too small. Even his lion ears atop his head are tired-looking. His greying-brown hair that was once a proud mane is slicked back with too much product, making his head look greasy and unappealing; Hux is glad that he has stopped wearing gel altogether.
“Admiral,” Hux says, trying to keep his anger and disgust quelled in the face of such an important member of High Command. “Good afternoon.”
“Hux,” Baines says in his clipped, Imperial accent. “Forgive the intrusion on your bridge but I couldn’t pass up an opportunity to see the acclaimed General in his natural habitat.”
“Yes,” Hux says, fox ears flicking in annoyance atop his head. Flattery won’t get this man anywhere. “Well. There’s no better place to think than at the bow of the Order’s flagship.”
“Hm, yes,” Baines muses, finally releasing Hux’s tail from his ministrations. The fox shivers, allowing his tail to plump out into its usual bushy fashion instead of its flattened look when it’s been assaulted by human hands. “And if I may, General, you look particularly appealing today.”
“Sir,” Hux sighs, side-eyeing the lion when he turns away from him. “With all due respect, you may not.”
Hux huffs, flicking out his tail and biting his lip with his sharp canines. He knows that his most attractive features have become either bigger or brighter as a result of his pregnancy—his hair is a radiant shade of copper now, his ass cheeks are plumper, his tail is so vibrant and bushy that it’s as though there’s a third person in the bed between him and Ren—and often, Hux wakes to Kylo cuddling it instead of him.
But it isn’t just Ren; everyone seems to be taking note of the changes in his looks.
“Ren may have filled you with his seed but you aren’t claimed, little fox,” Baines takes a step forward whilst Hux takes a step back, hitting a console behind him and realising that he has nowhere to go. “Do not tell me that you believe that the wolf could provide for your pups and look after you?”
“I do not need looking after.”
“You are a gem, Armitage,” Baines says, taking hold of Hux’s hand. “A precious jewel that only your mate should have the privilege to look at. I would like to keep you behind glass just for my viewing pleasure. You are the most beautiful creature that I have ever seen. Your lithe body, your blazing hair and, oh my, your tail. Goodness. I’ve never seen a fox with a more voluptuous tail.”
Hux can’t stop the flustered blush from creeping up his cheeks despite the compliments being unwanted. The lion is still holding his hand, bringing it up to his lips to kiss though he doesn’t get the chance as Hux whips it away before the contact makes.
“You aren’t the first to attempt to flatter me into your arms, Admiral. Or into your bed.” Hux stands tall in the Admiral’s face, intimidating him to the point where the older man steps back and gives Hux some room to step away. “And I have a feeling that you won’t be the last. But I am no ones. I do not even belong to Ren. I chose to be with him and we chose to have a litter together.”
“I did not mean to cause offence,” Baines splutters, tail between his legs. “But you must see what an excellent mate I would make. I had my own pride back in the day!”
“A fox has no need for a pride, Admiral.”
“You’re making a mistake, Armitage,” Baines says, begging. “I will treat you right, appreciate you for the magnificent beauty that you are. I won’t even ask you to get rid of your little wolf hybrids.”
“How charming,” Hux raises an eyebrow, scoffing, with one defensive hand on his little belly. “I think that brings an end to our delightful conversation, sir. Now if you’ll excuse me, Admiral, I have duties to attend to. Feel free to linger on this magnificent bridge for as long as you please to…enjoy the view.”
And with that, Hux saunters away with his head and his tail held high, knowing that the entire bridge crew are getting a good view of his peachy ass cheeks as he exits. He can smell their attraction in the air, sense it in the way that their hungry eyes look at him.
On more than one occasion, Ren has offered to disembowel anyone who dare lay an unwanted finger on the beautiful fox but Hux had rolled his eyes; he’s more than capable of dismembering creepy suitors. He steps into the turbolift and stands alone, waiting for it to reach the officer’s deck. He flicks his wrist out and summons the hidden blade that rests up his sleeve, twirling it about in his hand.
“What do you think, my darlings?” Hux asks his belly, one hand still caressing it. “Into the lion’s den? Shall we show them what happens when you try to interfere in a fox's buisness?”
Beneath his hand, he feels the first kick.
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galadhir · 3 years
In which Poe continues to visit Hux, who is in jail, and fails to appreciate the important progress he is making at finding a place to fit in.
Chapter 2 below the cut if you want to read it here. I would link the previous episode, but tumblr is currently not letting me into my tags, so if you want to start at part 1, you'll have to do it at Ao3
Next month, when Poe was ushered into the plexiglass room there was a palpable difference in both Hux and his guards. This time, Hux looked healthy, rested. He’d done something to his hair and it flopped engagingly over his forehead as he smiled at Poe as if they were old friends.
Poe would have taken this for good news if he hadn’t remembered that this was how Hux looked at the end, when he was under suspicion for treason, and being ground under the boot-heels of two superior officers at once.
He placed the allowed gifts on the table—cigarras and chocolate—and caught the contemptuous sniff of the guard behind Hux. Both guards seemed oddly relaxed, in comparison to last visit, as though they had forgotten their prisoner had the highest kill-count of any war criminal in history.
“You’re looking better,” Poe observed, all the surplus anxiety on his own part, because a Hux who seemed innocent, his lips pink and his eyes clear and eager to please, was a Hux he trusted even less than normal.
Hux smiled and leaned forward confidingly. “These things take time,” he said, low voiced and a little smug. “The climb from victim to bitch is a useful step.”
This time Poe did rear back, scraping his chair across the floor and feeling the guards’ gazes snap to him like an automated targeting system. He... there had been jokes. Of course there had. There were always prison jokes—dropping soap in the showers, that sort of thing. And Hux was young and slender and pretty. And the galaxy hated him enough to wish for terrible things. But to know? To just come out and say it? Was there something he could do to stop it? A rescue he could make?
“Oh, tell me you’re not shocked!” Hux laughed, and there was nothing in his face or voice that indicated distress.
He’s always been in prison, Poe thought, with a well of horror opening in his chest so far down it reached the underdwellers who lived in Coruscant’s core. He has a different idea of normal from yours.
Which didn’t honestly make it better. “Can I… can I do anything to help you?” he asked. Like reform the entire prison system? Scrap it maybe. Poe didn’t have the power for that. But he thought he would try, if not for this prisoner then for others.
The saccharine smile did not reach the hard calculation in Hux’s eyes, blue as the flame of a laser cutter. “I don’t like to ask, but perhaps your com? So I could call you, in an emergency?”
Poe didn’t see how the wafer of metal and crystals could be used to do harm. He pushed it into the cigarra packet between the cardboard and the silver paper, where he had sometimes hidden messages in his days undercover with the smugglers.
A sliver of genuine vulnerability was visible for a moment amongst Hux’s creepy charm as he tucked the gifts into his shirt. “Thank you. You don’t have to come, you know, if it distresses you. I don’t blame you for a failure that was outside your control. And you saved my life too. We’re even, in that regard.”
Poe had figured he was visiting because he was a good guy, because—having rescued Hux from his broken huddle in the wreck of the Finalizer—he had a responsibility. But the prospect of being dismissed as unnecessary, of being let off, made him realize that he was here because he wanted to be. He wouldn’t have felt hurt at being dismissed, otherwise. “No, it’s not that. I want to help you. You need a—”
“A protector?” Hux’s sneer was bitter as three day caf. “Oh, but I’m on my second already. The first,” he shrugged one shoulder, dismissively, “was… unsatisfactory. Remarkably short lived.”
The double meaning hit Poe in two separate waves. He began to understand what Finn had meant. “What happened?”
“He tripped,” Hux said, with a resurgence of his puppyish innocence. “On the second floor landing. Just where the guard-rail was weak. It was a terrible accident.” A smile. “Fortunately, he was a killer of children, whose faction was ruled merely by fear. Rather a happy day for many people, when his brains splashed the wall.”
“Um,” Poe said, and again found himself scrambling to leave before his hour was up. He couldn’t understand why he wanted to keep coming back. What was he hoping for here? “Why are you telling me these things? Aren’t you afraid that--”
“What are they going to do to me?” Hux laughed again. “Add another life sentence? I am as free here as I have ever been, Poe. And there is still so much to do.”
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gingersnappish · 3 years
KYLUX RECS 2020-2021
My Kylux Recs in the last year (Aug, 20 2020 - Aug 20 2021)
SO. MUCH. GOOD. FIC!!! We are really lucky in this fandom to have so much good stuff to read!
Fic is part of the lifeblood of fandom, in my opinion-it shares new ideas and AUs and fleshes out the characters and most of all it inspires and entertains us all and engenders all sorts of feels for the characters-it’s part of what keeps us shipping! So a big ‘thank you’ to all the fic authors out there who work so hard at their craft and are generous enough to share it with all of us!
The following list is by no means comprehensive-there are LOTS and lots more very good fics that have been published in the last year that I haven’t read. I just wanted to offer up a few recs from what I know I enjoyed so far! (I also have more than fits on one list to rec-I’ll try and do another list soon!) As always, I rec based on personal taste, and I highly encourage reading all the tags/warnings on any given work to make sure it’ll be to your taste! -
The Flirtation Of Flowers 
Words: 5,917
Rating: Teen
Summary:Kylo runs his farm's stall at the Farmer's Market every weekend. He has a new customer, a gorgeous redhead that is curious about the meanings of his bouquets. Kylo doesn't know anything about that, so he makes stuff up to keep the man coming back every week.
My thoughts on the rec: This is the cutest slice of a modern AU kylux-it really nails Kylo’s personality as a (slightly awkward) flirt who is trying his best and just really likes the redhead who keeps coming to buy flowers. Just a sweet little fic all ‘round!
all i have to do is dream
Words: 11,456
Rating: Teen
Summary:Armitage Hux has been going to the same bar every Thursday for the last year, nursing a crush on the gorgeous, unobtainable bartender, Kylo Ren. He finally gets up the courage to ask him out, only to find out he has some unusual competition: the memory of a red-haired boy from Kylo's past, who Kylo swears is the soulmate that got away from him.A fill for this SoftKyluxKinks prompt:Anonymous asked: Benarmie with young Ben (around 11 years old) having a huge crush on Armitage (16). Hux finds it adorable but mostly ignores him because he's a kid. Flash forward a few years when Ben is all grown up and Hux is the one with a huge crush.
My thoughts on the rec: This is another really cute young modern AU! I like the idea that Ren has liked Hux forever, but this deals nicely with the age gap and that Hux really wouldn’t notice Ren back until they are both appropriately older. And they make such a cute couple-it’s a great progression from just ‘he’s hot’-like, there is a lot more to them than that in the end!
(really, read anything by sigo, it’s all my favorite)
Words: 13,450
Rating: Explicit
Summary:“We’re off the next two weeks, you know.”“Yes, I know.” There was emergency construction scheduled to fix cracking asphalt too near a pipe in the center of campus. The buses couldn’t run, and that phenomenon was the only thing that ever cancelled classes. Halloween was dead center in the unplanned time off school, and every bar within a fifteen mile radius would be untenable as the students celebrated. Hux was planning on staying home, catching up on grading. He was rather looking forward to an opportunity to reread his favorite novels. They were already stacked by the couch in preparation.“My family always throws a Halloween party and they got word that I could come this year,” Kylo said, shuffling his feet. He looked almost bashful.“Ren, it’s midnight,” Hux sighed at his infuriating coworker. “Get to it.”“I may have informed my entire family previously that we were dating.”
My thoughts on the rec: One of my all-around fav fics from the last year’s worth of my reading material! It’s got the modern AU vibes down pat without losing their personalities or making them too OOC, it’s got the fake-dating trope done REALLY well, it’s got a wonderful creepy vibe strung delicately throughout for the Halloween haunted setting, it’s got plot and make-outs (and more). Can’t recommend highly enough!
Words: 14,316
Rating: Explicit
Summary:They have managed cooperation - efficient cooperation, even - in these past months, which is more than enough. And already nothing short of a miracle for both of them.Still. Ren was a fool to think he could simply run off and keep Hux in the dark.-----When Ren goes missing on a mysterious planet, Hux sets out to find him. He doesn't yet know that he just might find himself.
My thoughts on the rec: This, like all of violet’s fic, is HOT! Like, scorching vibes between them! It’ll draw you in and not let you go ‘til after the boys are ‘done’! And, like all of violet’s fics, the character voices and personalities are also impeccable!
Rocks Break Gifts
Words: 16,706
Rating: Mature
Summary:The Rebellion has been crushed, a coup affected, and Supreme Leader Ren and his Grand Marshall Hux have settled into a domestic routine as the joint rulers of the Galaxy. Kylo wants nothing more, now, than to make his relationship with Hux official, but he can't seem to rise to Hux's challenge of a satisfactory proposal.Or, the five times Kylo proposes, and the one time Hux says yes.
My thoughts on the rec: Ahhhhh, the premise in this one is great! Like, I don’t wanna spoil the plot reveal at the end, so I can’t say too much, but there is a really good reason throughout the thing that this is a Five Times type fic and it works! It works so well and while we spend the fic ‘with’ Kylo, when we find out what Hux’s deal is, it is so satisfying! I Paint My Dreams
Words: 26,122
Rating: General Audiences
Summary:Kylo Ren is struggling to make a name for himself in the art world but as the grandson of the great Anakin Skywalker, a legendary pop artist of the 1950s and 60s, the weight of his famous family and his own expectations is a lot to bear.After he’s rejected from a prestigious exhibition because his installations “don’t fit the theme”, Kylo heads to the pub to drink away his disappointment. Later that night as he stumbles home, he’s set upon by some would-be thieves but before they can take what’s left of his money, he’s saved by a strange man with unbelievable Medusa-like powers. The ethereally beautiful man, Armitage Hux, is a visitor from Oweynagat and he has a simple proposition for Kylo - room and board in exchange for making all Kylo’s artistic dreams come true.Sounds easy - what could possibly go wrong?
My thoughts on the rec: Oh goodness, where to start? The Irish Mythology and Fae aspect of this fic is superbly woven throughout the whole thing and the author makes it work really well! Like, this is such a unique and original take on the kylux pair, I love them, especially Fae!Hux in this! And the plot is solid and you get invested really heavily in how they are gonna wind up-at least I did! There’s some beautiful language in this-descriptions and dialogue! And I have a soft spot for Artist!Kylo!
Dating a Monster
Words: 30,401
Rating: Explicit
Summary:Ben Solo was raised to be a demon hunter, as everyone in his family has been before him. He wanted nothing more than to prove that he was worthy to his family. He lied to them and went on an unauthorized mission to catch and kill an elusive incubus. His search led him to Arkanis University, one of the most prestigious schools in the country.He was sure the mission was going to be easy, before he met the cute freshman Armitage Hux. This meeting would change the fate of both of them.
My thoughts on the rec: Add another really good one to the slightly-creepy-kylux subgenre filled with demons and dark powers! This is a great depiction of Kylo as a very determined demon hunter and Hux as a very unique quarry! I love the tension in parts of this too-well crafted! The Green Ribbon
xzombiexkittenx, Lilander (art)
Words: 39,679
Rating: Explicit
Summary:When Ben was fifteen he left the Jedi temple and took extreme measures to prevent the shadowy creature that infiltrated his thoughts from dragging him to the dark side. What he did left him with a great deal of chronic pain and removed his most valuable weapon, but Ben got his stubbornness from every side of the family, even the adopted ones, and he was determined to find and kill the creature.Now Senator Amidala of Naboo, Ben uses his position to make the galaxy a less awful place when he can, but being senator also gave him very useful contacts in his search for the creature. When he met Major Hux of the First Order, Ben thought he could get game-changing information out of him, one way or another, but things rarely go Ben's way and it got complicated much faster than Ben had prepared for. It's never a good idea to mix sex and politics, but Ben takes his fun where he can get it.
My thoughts on the rec: I feel like this is a very original take on ‘Senator Amidala’ Ben, at least from the stuff I’ve read-many props to the author for such a fleshed out universe, filled with likeable, believable OCs, a wonderful plot, great character motivations and voices, and a take on our main man Ben that pulled me in from the get-go! He’s sorta magnetic (in universe and to the reader)! And the sexual tension and sexy bits are very well done! I’m rooting for Ben and Hux in this, on opposites sides though they may be! Comfort Zone
Words: 66,766
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Hux is running away. He meets a tall, dark, and somewhat annoying stranger at the airport.
My thoughts on the rec: Travel writing at its best; also kylux fic at it’s best! Young, modern them trying to find their places in the world and finding each other in the process is so cute and almost tenderly done in this! This is a gentle, friendly version of modern Kylo that I fell in love with, right along with Hux! And by the way, I’m not kidding when I say travel writing-the southeast asian setting is vivid and enchanting in it’s rich detail! Outnumbered, Outgunned, Outmanuevered, and Winning
Coriesocks, Ellalba (art)
Words: 80,372
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Hux’s plans for ridding the First Order of Kylo Ren are ruined when Ren discovers his deception. With no choice but to flee, Hux ends up in the hands of the Resistance. It’s not ideal, but at least he gets a break from Ren. Until he doesn’t.When Ren starts appearing in Hux’s dreams, Hux wonders if the stress of being a spy has taken more of a toll on his sanity than he’d previously thought. And if that wasn’t bad enough, he has to deal with constant pestering from Poe and a mildly inconvenient kidnapping. Of course, it’s Ren who saves him in the end. There’s clearly no getting away from him.
My thoughts on the rec: A really interesting take on something that is both a alternate rewrite of what could have happened instead of TROS and a TROS-fix-it of sorts! Hux is stellar in this, we really get a good look in his head and Coriesocks handles it masterfully! I really liked how their relationship develops gradually in this, it’s Enemies To Lovers at its best! Bloodlines and Brandy
Words: 130,785
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Sebastian Hux is a native of the Deep South who loathes his origins, and seeks to pull himself from the stifling quagmire, but his bloodlines call him back to the property that has blessed- and plagued- his family for centuries.Unspoken secrets fill his inheritance, skeletons fill every closet, and a monster lurks in the shadows, tied to two bloodlines joined by fate, greed and hatred that has spanned across generations.As Hux learns about his family’s tainted legacy that has now become his burden, he discovers there is more involved than just having to be the curator of property that the locals shun with hushed whispers, that he has inherited more than an estate- he also has a terrible and loathsome horror tied to his very blood.When curious young locals come calling, and Hux’s past tormentors come out of the woodwork to simper and scrabble for a piece of the newly rich, the body count begins to rise, the smell of blood in the old slaughterhouse is getting harder to hide, and Hux realises that he will need to find a better way to pacify the hulking shadow that perches on his roof every night before his hometown’s tiny population is completely decimated.
My thoughts on the rec: This one is EPIC! Like, in length (which it needs every word of for the story that is going on here) and in the great portrayal of Kylo and Hux and their relationship! It’s super original too-not just the plot but the depiction of Kylo as something ‘other’ and the Southern Gothic vibes, and Hux-this is a wonderful take on Hux! He loses none of his edge, in my opinion and yet the reader is ‘with’ him all the way through, rooting for him! The descriptions are killer too-EmperorsVornskr has a felicity of expression that kept me reading (albeit in more than one sitting). Also worth noting that this is a wonderful and carefully handled depiction of trans!Hux, in my admittedly cis opinion. The theme of finding your tribe/your people/and your special someone in this, albeit in sometimes unexpected places is warming! I enjoyed every moment of this fic! Gravity Well
Words: 176,421
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Snoke is gone, but his death has solved nothing between Hux and Kylo Ren. The First Order's trust in their leaders wanes as they vie for power over one another, and if they cannot learn to work together, they may both lose everything they've worked for.Forging that alliance after years at each other's throats will not be as easy as letting the past die, however—they will face subterfuge, enemies in the shadows, treachery, and being stranded on a hostile planet with creatures out of nightmare, barely escaping constant danger with their lives while having only one another to rely on.And that is just the beginning.
My thoughts on the rec: I realize this one is very well known by now, but I’ll rec it again for good reason! It’s quality long-fic! I love how competent Hux is in this surival-style fic, even without the Force to save him! And Kylo is a badass! kyluxtrashcompactor is a master of the slow burn here and we’re even lucky enough to be getting a sequel (although Gravity Well will also stand perfectly on its own). The writing in this will draw you in and not let you go!
That’s all for now! I hope you enjoy reading these as much as I did!  
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15 March 2021 Additions to Reylo Fluff
These fics have been added to the Fluff lists located in the following lists:
Fluff Part 1 Titles A-G
Fluff Part 2 Titles H-M
Fluff Part 3 Titles N-S
Fluff Part 4 Titlez T-Z
My Heart Like a Kick Drum by Zoa (AO3 2020  Rated T Complete, 8 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: In need of a date to his parents destination vow renewal but not interested in a real relationship, Ben Solo turns to an acting service specializing in fake relationships for a temporary girlfriend. But as he gets to know Rey Niima over the course of the vacation, Ben finds himself reconsidering his outlook on love...) More Than a One-Night Stand by Eskayrobot, Poaxath (AO3 2018  Rated E Complete, 2 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey's having a pretty shitty night, to be honest. From the creep at the bar to the...oh, this rescuer of hers is pretty nice. And very attractive. And maybe he smelled really good, too.) lay all your love on me by akosmia (AO3 2018  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben doesn't really think much of himself, and Rey is determined to change his mind.) Got a Feeling we Should Just Go Home by slugmutt (AO3 2018  Rated M Complete, 13 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Spending the week before Christmas with sullen deputy-CEO Kylo Ren is the last thing on earth Rey wants to do. Going back to his hometown with Christmas-loving Rey in tow is the last thing Kylo wants to do. But with a little help from family, some holiday magic, and a stray blizzard or two, they might start seeing things differently.) Lightning Glass by Weddersins (AO3 2018  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Canon CD, Quick Synopsis: Force-users don't like to consume alcohol because it lowers mental shielding. Too bad the Resistance's entire supply of juice fermented. Better not let it go to waste. Meanwhile, Kylo Ren wakes up with Rey booping his nose and giggling. He is Very Confused.) New Beginnings by reylocalligraphy (AO3 2018  Rated G Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: When Ben comes home for the first time in five years, it happens to be Thanksgiving dinner. He’s surprised to meet a girl who’s working for his father… an odd girl his parents seem strangely fond of.) The Unintended Consequences of Single-Seater Cockpit Designs by ItsALilah (AO3 2018  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Canon CD, Quick Synopsis: After Crait, Rey vowed to never, ever stick her head out for Kylo Ren again. Unfortunately, she's got marching orders from Poe Dameron of all people to save the Resistance's newest ally, who just happens to be Kylo Ren, and of course, those rescue plans predictably go to Hell. Meaning Rey's not just stuck with Kylo Ren, but sharing an uncomfortably confined space with the newly deposed Supreme Leader. A space that was definitely not designed to fit more than one person.) In Full Bloom by deedreamer (AO3 2019  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: When high school teacher Rey Kanata gets flowers with a cryptic message, she freaks out, thinking she's being hit on by one of her students. On a mission to find out who sent the flowers, she meets Ben Solo -- single dad and owner of the little florist down on Main Street. When the flowers turn out to be a delivery error, Rey knows her job's no longer at risk. But what she doesn't know is that she's about to fall head over heels for the man who keeps sending her flowers day after day because he's a goner for her, too...) Degrees and Galaxies by Pawprinter (AO3 2018  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben could think of numerous other things he would rather be doing than spending an afternoon working on a paper. That all changes when he bumps into Rey. Maybe spending the day at the coffee shop isn't the worst way to spend his time.) A Reylo Christmas Carol by Crackedkybercrystal (AO3 2018  Rated M Complete, 4 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: "Before the dawn," Hux intoned, "you will be visited by three spirits. Heed their message Kylo Ren, least you end your days like me." It was only now that Kylo perceived his old partner to be bound with a great chain around his waist, weighed down by heavy blocks.) Of Penmanship and Discourse by INTPSlytherin_reylove97 (AO3 2018  Rated M Complete, 35 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: When Rey Kenobi's professor and advisor, Luke Skywalker, refuses to give constructive criticism or facilitate workshops for his students, she decides to seek help else where. Ben Solo (or if you read his published work, Kylo Ren) is on the brink of insanity. The literary magazine he is editor for is racing off in a new direction-- and is leaving him questioning both its morals and his love for writing. To find his intellectual and creative needs met, he decides to turn to the internet. A PenPals AU no one asked for.) The Set-up by CajunSpice714 (AO3 2018  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben Solo has aways been socially awkward, but when he sets his sights on his brother Poe's fiance Finn's bestfriend Rey during an engagment party Poe decided that he and Finn need to divise a plan to set the two of them up if not for the sake of his and Finn's future wedding then for the sake of their own sanity.) From R to Kylo by SpaceWaffleHouseTM (AO3 2018  Rated E Complete, 4 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben and Rey are archaeologists who absolutely cannot stand each other. They also happen to be pen pals, but they don't know who the other is, until one night they get trapped together at a creepy excavation site, and suddenly their hatred begins to unravel.) How You Turn My World, You Precious Thing by BensLostTookaCat (VillainTheBlank) (AO3 2018  Rated E Complete, 3 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: He's the hotshot asshole who leads The First Order, the legal arm of The Resistance. She's the new company liaison who has been assigned to The First Order to keep them accountable.The annual Resistance Masquerade Ball is about to turn Kylo and Rey's worlds upside down.) If You Change Your Mind (I'm the First in Line) by castles_and_crowns (AO3 2018  Rated T Complete, 6 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben hates watching his best friend/roommate Rey be unlucky in love. Finally, he decides to do something about it.) Take a Chance on Me by castles_and_crowns (AO3 2020  Rated T Complete, 6 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey hates watching her best friend/roommate Ben go on date after date with no success. Eventually, she decides to do something about it. Or, 5 bad dates + 1 good one.) Haunted Corn Maze by OptimisticBeth (AO3 2018  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey bonds with her work buddy, Ben.) Zombie Run by OptimisticBeth (AO3 2018  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: During a charity run, Rey is relentlessly pursued by a zombie.) Eating for Two by Hellyjellybean (AO3 2021  Rated E Complete, 3 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey is pregnant and smells her neighbour Ben's cooking. She goes round to ask if he would be willing to share. But maybe Ben would like to share more than his cooking with Rey.) Go And Catch A Falling Star Chapter 56 by Ayearandaday (AO3 2021  Rated G Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Hungry overworked Ben accidentally ends up in McDonalds. Guess what happens next?) weddings and wingwomen by bigfootsflannel (AO3 2020  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: After hiring Ben Solo as her wedding photographer, Rose discovers her true calling as part-time matchmaker.) when the stars collide by roguewn (AO3 2020  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rose and Rey are debating the latest Space Skirmish movie. Rose insists a kiss was romantic and Rey jokes that it was a thank-you-for-saving-me kiss. Rose dares her to kiss the next guy who holds the door open for her.) Fall Into the Dark Side by CaliforniaQueen (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey is a lonely comic shop owner. Ben is the equally lonely comic book writer Rey has been crushing on for years.) Something About November Chapter 11 by SpaceWaffleHouseTM (AO3 2019  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey is leaving First Order Enterprises for her dream job at Resistance Inc. On her last day, she gets a cake and a card with farewell messages from her department-there's an anonymous message among them, confessing to a secret crush.) Something Missing by Hellyjellybean (AO3 2020  Rated M Complete, 3 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: An angst-free AU where Ben takes his kid to work and loses track of him only to find him eating contraband candy with Rey from IT.) A Doggy Intervention by corpse_wife (AO3 2020  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Interventions come in many different forms. Whether it's time, a place or occasionally, people, it's up to the universe to decide when two soulmates meet. In Ben Solo's case, the universe had a cruel sense of humor. For his intervention comes in the form of a German Shepard and his graceless brunette owner. Two things happened in the short span of a minute: 1.) Ben got tackled to the ground 2.) The dog had just swallowed his wedding rings) baby fever by cursebreakker (AO3 2021  Rated E Complete, 3 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey’s boss kylo basically has a heart of stone, he literally has a reputation in the offices as 'Satan’s right hand'. That is until Rey’s two year old daughter toddles up to him outside of work one day and he just completely melts.) My Roommate's a Virgin Vampire by jeeno2 (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, 8 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey Niima answers an online ad from someone looking for a new roommate. Turns out he's a very weird, incredibly hot vampire with extremely outdated views on sex.) Toy Story XXX: The Legend of the Fainting Goat by andabatae (AO3 2019  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey has been thirsting after her next door neighbor, Ben Solo, for months. In a fit of sexual frustration, she purchases a sex toy with rave reviews—never expecting that when she uses it, Ben will mistake her screams of pleasure for cries of distress and break down her door to save her...) Wild Child by tmwillson3 (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, 4 Chapters, Regency AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey spends her first Season in Bath with her best friend, Rose Tico. When Rose begins a hate-at-first-sight relationship with Sir Armitage Hux, Rey thinks that nothing more exciting could happen.That's when Sir Hux's friend, the Earl of Alderaan, and his dogs come crashing into Rey. Rey has never liked peers, but when she bonds with him on a rainy day, everything changes.) Dump Your Date for Prom by TypeSomeSenseToMe (AO3 2021  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey asks Ben Solo to the Prom.) you're my boo by murakamism (AO3 2018  Rated M Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey's neighbor Ben Solo is the only one who ever shows Halloween spirit around here. When she discovers he's moving out, she's only hurt because that means she won't have anymore competition... right? So she sets out on a plan to make him stay.) permanent calligraphy (your name on me forever) by theresonatinglight (AO3 2021  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: As they continue to work together, two things become clear. One: Ben Solo is an enigma. He’s preppy yet humble, privileged yet introspective. He’s the opposite of lazy; she kicks herself every day for assuming otherwise. And two: Ben Solo will never love her.) Bespoke by L_awlietxoxx (AO3 2018  Rated G Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben Solo is miserable, stumbling through his life in London without seeing much of anything. Then Christmas sneaks up on him, as does a little shop and a woman who makes custom ornaments to meet the needs of any heart. Suddenly, Ben sees everything.) Game Night by Melusine11 (AO3 2019  Rated E Complete, 5 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey goes to live with Finn to help her get on her own feet. She has an immediate connection with his roommate, Ben Solo. It all comes to a head during a rather intense game night.)
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tintinwrites · 4 years
the stars were made for falling | Poe Dameron x Fem!Reader | Part Seventeen
A/N: Enjoy.
Rating: 18+ for dark themes.
Warning: Character death. Naughty words. Mentions of PTSD. Mentions of torture. Hux wants you to marry him. Hux is very creepy. Blaster bolts I guess.
Word count: 4,478, apparently
Summary: You infiltrate the First Order’s new base, but Hux finds you and tells you exactly what he wants.
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GIF credit: ^
Tags: It’s been a bit since I’ve posted a new part so
There wasn’t time to think about whether or not you were less angry at Poe.
Rose and Chewie managed to find you a way into the First Order’s new base, so you packed up your weapons and headed to the building without any mention of all the nice things Poe did for you.
He’d done them all in secret because he didn’t even want credit, and that was what made your heart start to soften to him the most.
He wasn’t trying too hard to make you forgive him, he was just being kind in an attempt to make up for how he’d treated you.
That coupled with the knowledge that he’d really just been acting out in an attempt to hide his trauma, you were less angry with him than you were before.
It terrified you because that meant you might allow him the chance to hurt you, but a small part of you insisted that he would never do something like that to you again.
Not that you were thinking about any of this as you skulked through the base as stealthily as you could, shooting any stormtrooper or officer who came upon you or was standing between you and where you needed to be.
Your mission was to find Hux; if you could kill their leader, then winning this war would be a hell of a lot easier.
And, though you knew that, you didn’t really want to find him. You were scared to see him, to see the man who’d tortured you and stabbed you, to see the look in his eyes when he realized he didn’t kill you, to see what he would do to you and Poe now, to see the man who pushed Poe to the point of cruelty, to see Poe’s reaction when it was obvious he was still not put back together from everything they did to him.
He seemed hesitant too, always rounding a corner with a look of fear in his eyes like Hux was going to be standing right there.
That look would turn to determination when he saw just a stormtrooper and he would shoot them without thought, like killing them could ease the trauma they’d been commanded to dole out.
You were ducked down in an alcove as a group of far too many stormtroopers walked by, trying to blend in so they wouldn’t see you since twelve was perhaps too many trained soldiers for you to shoot, when Poe said your name softly.
“What?” you grunted, keeping your eyes on the hallway in case more stormtroopers walked by.
“You and Finn have been pretty cozy, huh?” His casual words made you tense and forget that you ever considered even slightly forgiving him as you turned to glare at him.
“Do you think right now is the time to talk about this?” You spoke slowly, almost calmly if it weren’t for the trembling rage in your tone.
“I’m not...fuck, I’m not accusing you, I have no right to act all possessive, just...I understand if you want to be with him and I’m totally here for it, I’m not gonna try to stop you.”
You didn’t want to be talking about this when you were pretty much hiding out in the First Order’s base, but the sentiment behind him bringing this up made you pause for a moment and close your eyes in frustration and another emotion you couldn’t place as you said, “Finn and I are just friends, we were there for each other and he was there for me when you hurt me.”
Poe blinked at you for a moment, looking almost embarrassed for assuming you and Finn were romantically linked just because you were friendly. “Oh.”
“Either way, I really don’t think now is the time for us to be talking about relationships when we—”
“I was certain that I killed you.”
That voice, that accent made you immediately tense, terrified to turn around even though you knew exactly what you would see.
Maybe that was why you were scared, because you knew who was standing there and you could pretend he wasn’t if you just didn’t acknowledge him talking to you.
Which would’ve been stupid, so you closed your eyes tightly and opened them back up as you spun around, lifting your blaster to shoot him.
Poe lifted his blaster, too, but Hux was quicker and the weapon he held was to stun you rather than to harm you, and the blaster bolt from it sent both you and Poe flying back, slamming into the back wall of the alcove.
Everything went black before you could even actually lay your eyes on Hux.
If you weren’t knocked unconscious by the blaster, you might’ve pondered whether you would’ve rather seen him or not, like it would make a difference.
You woke up slowly, your brow furrowing at how whatever you were laying on was even harder than the cheap beds that the Resistance managed to find.
Had you fallen asleep on the floor or rolled off your bed in your sleep?
Rolling onto your stomach with a grunt, you put your hands on the floor and pushed up onto your knees, blinking your eyes open with the thought that you would see your bed or the end table in your quarters.
Instead you saw what could only be described as a throne room, everything black or a chromatic silver, and your eyes widened as you remembered Hux’s voice and being slammed into the wall by his blaster.
You jumped back with a gasp and fell onto your ass, looking around the room for him wildly as you scrambled backwards across the smooth floor. Your hands touched something that felt decidedly like fabric and not the floor and you screamed, hurrying to your feet so you could spin around to look at whoever it was.
Just the thought of it being Hux filled you with so much terror, heart pounding as you remembered every little thing he did to you in detail.
When you saw that it was Poe laying on the floor, still unconscious, you calmed down just slightly to see that they hadn’t separated you, that you weren’t going to be alone. “Poe!”
Anger be damned, the two of you were both under Hux’s power and now you were trapped by him again; it wasn’t the time to think about how he hurt you when you needed to work together to escape.
Falling to your knees, you shook his shoulder as quickly as you could, only doing it more when he mumbled in his sleep.
His head turned to each side as he scowled slightly, blinking his eyes open to look at you. Then he shot up so fast that you fell back onto your ass again, watching as he looked around the room with fear in his eyes.
“Poe, it’s okay, I’m here, he’s not in here right now.” You knew being with Hux was going to be terrifying for him and you moved to his side to stroke his arm so he wouldn’t fall into a complete panic.
“—that egotistical dick would have a throne.” The sound of him joking made you smile slightly and press your head against his shoulder, happy you weren’t going to have to be the one to defend you both.
You were scared, too.
It would’ve been so nice to just bring your knees to your chest and sit in the corner, but you needed to either kill Hux or let him kill you and Poe once and for all.
There was a voice in your head that told you that you wouldn’t let him kill Poe, reminding you of when you’d been so desperate to protect him and free him from the First Order.
With how much you wanted to protect him and how much you’d longed for him to be his normal self, how much it broke your heart when he used you, it was almost like…
“I suppose you’ll turn to anyone. I left you two in a lovers quarrel and here you are, practically breeding scum on my floor.” Hux strolled into the room entirely smug the moment he realized his presence made the two of you tense against each other. “Doesn’t this sight bring back memories of how pitiful you both were?”
“Pitiful enough to escape?” You asked with your voice trembling only slightly as your grip tightened on Poe.
“You walked right into our base and we found you arguing. Now you’re on the floor with what I must say is a pleasing look of terror in your eyes.” Hux smiled, walking over to a table that was covered by a cloth.
“We’re gonna be fine, Poe, okay?” Maybe you were trying to reassure yourself more than him, but you could tell that this was making him panic even if he was trying to hide it.
Since Hux’s back was to you, you decided to foolishly reach to your side for your blaster as if it would be there; it wasn’t and you rolled your eyes at yourself for thinking they wouldn’t take it off you.
But you escaped from him without weapons once, didn’t you? You figured out how to trick him and you figured out how to save Finn and worked with him, you weren’t going to let him torture you again just because you didn’t have your blaster.
“I intended to throw this away, but I thought that it would be wise to hold on to it, maybe use it in your torture.” When Hux’s words made Poe move forward a little, you looked up to see he was dangling Shara’s ring off the end of one of his gloved fingers.
Poe was moving like he was going to take the chain from him, but you quickly grabbed onto his arm with a shake of your head.
“What? Worried he’ll be tased if he tries to attack me?” Hux loved the way you both flinched at the mention of the taser staves that were used on you so often. “Come here.”
“Fuck you,” was your quick response before he’d even finished saying the command.
He paused, closing his eyes for a moment like he was trying not to explode, before he looked at you with dark eyes and a smirk on his lips. “Come here, scum, or I could always call in some of my stormtroopers to bring you to me.”
Soldiers in white marching towards you with taser staves crackling was all you could think at the mention of him calling them in, and you looked at Poe nervously before you slowly raised to your feet.
It reminded you of his desperation from before as he grabbed at your arm, your hand, your shirt, anything in an attempt to stop you from walking over to the madman, but you pulled away from him with as much bravery as you could.
You tried not to show any emotion as you still stayed a few steps away from him, your chin lifted slightly, thinking that if you showed your fear then he would use it against you and stormtroopers would walk in with all those weapons you’d seen in that room when you chose the dagger to execute Poe.
“Come closer. What, are you afraid I’m going to stab you?”
“You’ve done it before.”
He looked at you with a smile that turned to a sneer when you stayed where you were, lifting a hand to crook a finger then pointing to the floor right next to him. “Here. Now.”
Hesitating slightly, you looked over your shoulder at Poe who was looking at you with worry and shaking his head slightly, almost begging you not to go near Hux. You just shrugged at him with a sad look because you didn’t know what else to do, turning back to look at the other man as you made your way to his side.
You let out a gasp when he grabbed onto your arm and yanked you to his side, wondering if this was when he was going to whip out a dagger and be certain he did what he intended this time.
Maybe you should’ve forgiven Poe just so you wouldn’t bleed out on the floor, still angry at him and never able to be on that beach with its white sand, never hearing him tell you that he loved you when you trusted him enough to say that you loved him too.
Did you?
Fuck, did everything he’d done to you hurt so much because you loved him too?
You didn’t know, didn’t have time to figure it out because Hux was definitely going to kill you this time and that didn’t leave much of an opportunity to figure out whether or not you loved the man who you were scared to let in.
Just as you pondered what would happen to him without you there, you saw something metal out of the corner of your eye and flinched back; but it was just Poe’s mother’s wedding ring still dangling off Hux’s finger.
“What greater torture than for this ring to be worn by you as you rule the galaxy by my side?”
All you could do for a moment was stare before your gaze moved to Hux, blinking; he tortured you, insulted you, hurt your friends, and stabbed you, and his grand idea rather than to murder you was to marry you?
You heard someone laughing and it took you a moment to realize it was you, your laughter quickly growing louder as Hux’s smirk dropped and his upper lip twitched in either disgust or disdain or both.
He let go of your arm because he didn’t understand what was going on, which allowed you to double over, gripping onto your thighs as you began to tear up from how much you were laughing.
It was a joke, wasn’t it?
The man who tortured you and most of your friends wasn’t actually demanding that you marry him.
Certainly he knew that you would refuse, that you would let him stab you again sooner than you would enter any powerful, meaningless relationship with him as he continued his pursuit of ruling the entire galaxy.
You were laughing so loudly that even Poe and Hux met each other’s gazes with wide eyes, though Poe quickly looked away when he realized just who the hell he was looking at, intimidated by the other man even if he didn’t want to admit it.
You might’ve fallen to your knees as you practically sobbed out laughs were it not for you glancing up at the man next to you and seeing that he wasn’t laughing, that there was no humor whatsoever in his features; not that you thought there would be since all you knew he was capable of was a small smile and a sarcastic joke, but maybe you’d thought he would be smirking to let you know it was just to rile you up.
But he wasn’t smirking.
He was just staring at you with a raised eyebrow like he was wondering what was so funny, holding up the ring.
Did he...really think you were going to agree to marry him?
Even if he didn’t think you would agree to it, did he really mean that you were going to rule by his side regardless of your opinion about it?
Your hysterical laughter quieted down as your amusement turned to disgust and fear, and you stumbled away from him with a shake of your head. “No way.”
He was quick to grab onto your wrist before you could move back to Poe and you didn’t see the way the other man straightened up a bit, keeping your wide eyes on Hux.
“It wasn’t a question. I know there’s darkness in you. What else would you call your willingness to kill an innocent woman just to save yourself and your fellow scum? You will learn to enjoy this, to enjoy me.”
There it was again, the thought in your head that there really was darkness in you with how you’d killed that girl, how you’d looked at her and selfishly just…
“No,” you whimpered, trying to pull from him anyway because you were not on the Dark Side and you would never learn to enjoy him.
“Come now, everything you told me wasn’t all an act, was it?” He yanked you closer and you quickly looked away, seeing Poe out of the corner of your eye, both wanting him to save you and to stay back.
“Every single thing I said to you about hating Poe was a lie, everything I pretended to do was an act so we could be free of you.”
He tightened his grip. “You’re lying...when I let you join me for dinner…”
You remembered how you’d nearly bonded with the man over your thoughts on Kylo Ren, but you knew that a moment of him being normal didn’t mean anything. “Just because I saw your human side doesn’t mean I want anything to do with the heartless monster you really are.”
There was a beat and then he was shoving you so hard that you let out a yelp, stumbling and then falling to the floor right next to Poe.
One of his arms moving around you to grab you broke your fall a bit and you really didn’t care whether or not you were mad at him as you pressed into his side.
“You are going to rule by my side regardless of what you want!” He was practically unhinged now as he ran a hand over his hair, starting to pace. “You will learn to enjoy what we do here and you will know true power. I will make this pitiful pilot watch all of it and then you’re going to be the one to put a blaster bolt into his head.”
You were scared because you and Poe didn’t have weapons, and Hux stared at you both before reaching to the blaster at his hips, pulling it out of the holster.
Why didn’t you grab it when he asked you to come to his side?
“Maybe I will just do it myself if you’re going to be so obstinate.” He aimed the blaster right at Poe’s head.
“No!” You quickly shoved Poe down to the floor with your body on his as you heard the shot go off, closing your eyes tightly as it went into a wall rather than either of you.
Hux was approaching you when you lifted your head to look at him and you tried to scramble back out of his reach, your boots pushing against the floor as quickly as you could so he wouldn’t be able to grab onto you.
Poe had been too afraid to do anything even as he watched Hux insist you were going to be his, but he’d done so much to hurt you that he couldn’t just sit there and let you be forced into something like this; the more he watched, the angrier he became until that anger overpowered his fear.
Just as Hux was about to grab onto your ankle to presumably shove you somewhere out of the way so he could shoot the other man, Poe leapt forward into his legs and knocked him onto his back.
You blinked for a moment as you looked at the scene before you, your eyes widening as you watched the man you possibly loved climb on top of Hux.
He had a weapon.
Poe didn’t.
You moved forward to try and pull them apart in fear that Hux would kill him before you could trust him enough to forgive him, to love him, but you fell back with a gasp when they rolled and Poe was pinned to the ground.
He was grunting as he grabbed onto Hux’s wrist to keep the blaster pointed away from him, managing to kick him so he was back on top, trying to shove the weapon out of his grip.
Even though you tried to follow every single movement as they practically wrestled each other, you couldn’t see where the blaster went after a moment and it made you panic.
Then you heard it go off one, two, three times.
You jumped forward with a gasp, one of your hands stretched out as if you could possibly stop this. “No!”
But rather than Poe collapsing on top of the other man like you thought, you watched with wide eyes as the hand that was tightly gripping one of his shoulders loosened and fell to the floor with a smack.
Poe fell back on his heels as he panted hard from the scuffle, tossing aside the blaster he’d managed to grab from the other man.
He stared down at Hux for a long moment and then he just dropped his head in his hands, sitting there on his knees in silence as all that trauma, all that emotion replaced the adrenaline he’d used to be courageous enough to confront the one who was responsible for his torture.
You understood him perfectly, your own adrenaline now turning back to the fear you’d had to push back in the face of Supreme Leader Hux.
But this was even more for him than it was for you with all they’d put him through with the chain and the tasing, not to mention how you’d tricked him that you’d gone to their side, so you just let him sit there quietly for a moment alone.
There was something shiny that you saw out of the corner of your eye and you turned to see that Hux had dropped the ring during the scuffle, the chain curled almost delicately on the floor.
Slowly making your way towards where it was carelessly dropped, you grabbed the necklace and let the ring spin and twirl for a moment before you pulled it up into your fist, turning to see Poe was still kneeling with his head in his hands.
You couldn’t fix what was done to either of you and neither could Poe, but maybe this cherished possession of his that was taken against his will would help heal something.
“Poe,” you said softly as you moved to his side, and he looked up at you fearfully for a moment before he realized it was you.
“Kid,” he replied, reminding you of the first time you’d ever been together and those first few instances of torture before you found out he loved you.
Looking at him more gently than you had in a long time, you lifted your hand and opened your fist to show him the ring.
He glanced down with several emotions moving through his gaze as he reached up, touching his fingertips to yours then moving to take the chain from your palm. You wrapped your fingers around his before you could think about it, meeting his eyes in a way that told him that even if there was still time and work needed, the two of you would be okay.
You might’ve kissed him if you weren’t worried it would only complicate things more.
He smiled when you grabbed onto his arm and leaned your head against his shoulder, squeezing him tightly. “We did it, Poe.”
Despite all the terror and the scars from how Hux had tortured you, there was a bit of relief because he wasn’t going to be a problem now; all that was left were some stormtroopers with no one to guide them.
You were free of him now.
Poe seemed to think of this too as he let out a shocked laugh and moved to wrap one of his arms around you, the two of you just rocking there together with no regard to fear or anger, just letting yourselves be happy for a moment because you won.
Both of you jumped when you heard the door opening followed by footsteps, looking up with wide eyes to see Finn and Rey stumbling in.
Finn was holding a blaster in his hand and looking around the room with determination. “Come on, Hux, we have a lot to talk about!”
“You’ll have to come through us if you want to hurt our friends!” Rey looked around wildly with her lightsaber held up like she was going to swing it at someone.
“Uh...guys?” You called from where you and Poe were both kneeling by Hux, and Finn and Rey slowly relaxed when they looked at you.
They both looked a bit sheepish before Finn was putting the blaster in a holster, walking over to crouch down by you. “You guys okay? We heard some of the troopers talking about how Hux found you and we had to get rid of them before we could come.”
You let him help you to your feet and kept a hand out when he helped Poe just in case, touching both men on the shoulder. “Poe was very brave, so we’re just fine.”
Finn almost smiled as he looked between the two of you like he knew your emotions towards each other were different, but he just nodded towards Rey rather than commenting on it.
“Let’s get out of here before more stormtroopers figure it out, we can tell Chewie he can set off the blasts.” He walked over to the wall with Rey at his heel, who began using her lightsaber to cut through the wall.
“I need to get me one of those,” Poe said with only half of his usual wit behind the words, smiling at you softly before he walked over to the wall.
You started to follow and then paused, nodding towards the two men as they both looked at you questioningly. “Gimme a second?”
They looked at each other then watched as you proceeded to move back to Hux, and Rey finished cutting a hole in the wall big enough for you all to fit through in time to watch you stomp right between the Supreme Leader’s legs.
“That’s for me.” You then spit right on his unmoving face with a smile. “And that’s for Poe and Finn. We win.”
All your friends were waiting for you by the makeshift door that led to the forest rather than making the four of you traverse through corridors where you might be stopped by stormtroopers, and you stopped to admire the amusement on their beautiful faces before you all walked out.
You were nearly back to where the ships were hidden when a group of stormtroopers marched into the room, pausing where they were when they found it empty and saw Hux’s body laying there on the shiny, black floor.
There was a beat before one asked,
“Does this mean we get the rest of the day off?”
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As a SC fan I am ashamed of some stans who ship M**/K****, post memes about hux***
I tried to point out what they are doing is disturbing and they told me 'It's just a joke', I replied them I don't see that as a joke and it's not funny, it's disgusting and creepy. But they responded by saying 'I am a weirdo and I should go out, touch some grass, should learn how biology works' trust me there are few more SC stans and Katie stans pointed that they should learn to separate fiction from reality. They aren't listening to anyone and only attack, bully who points out their weird behavior. Frankly they are having a blast by shipping them together and celebrate it is such some sort of achievement when your Fandom 'Posts their tweets in Tumblr'
I just want you to know that not all SCs encourage their behavior and some of them are afraid to call out their behavior because they don't want to be bullied. Cause trust me those who ship them together are none but group of bullies.
I mean, I know there are/were scs like you, I know the fandom is not made only by idiots like them. And yes, I know I generalize your fandom and put you all to one box and I'm not objective. It's just hard to see the difference when mostly I interact with the idiots and mostly see the negative stuff created by toxicorps (when I say toxicorps, I mean the idiots, not the whole sc fandom).
You know, I was thnking about it a lot - could we somehow stopped this shit before it escaled so much? That we are now in a fandom that is almost proud of sending death threats to actors and bullying them so much they left the social media?
I think we might have missed opportunity in the beginning, when the shit started to escalate. Maybe too little people called the shit out and were not supported by others? And ended bullied away. I remember some scs who were calling out the cross taggers in s2 - they lasted for a few days, because the idiots were that nasty and their typical method is coming after people as a crowd, to overhelm them. They still do that on twitter. And when you are alone with it, then yes, you end overhelmed by shit.
And then, there is the one important point aka people are in fandoms to enjoy the content. Basically, to ENJOY the good things, not drown in shit, negative posts, nasty stuff and butthurt of the others. Fandoms are and should be our escape. So I get that a lot of normal fans don't want to touch the shit, get bullied and just block and mute the idiots. I seriously fucking get it. After all, the person behind the screen deals with shit, anxiety, mental problems, horrible stuff or simply exhausted from real life problems. And just don't have enough strenght to deal with idiots online too. And I can't judge that.
Just in the ideal world, whole fandom would simply block and ban the so called ugly minorities, not carrying about who ships who. But well, for sure it's not ideal world and we have a fandom ruled by a horde of fucking idiots who don't see the differene between fiction and reality.
Anyway, it's just fucking annoying and sad and I'm glad there are only 12 eps left and we are going to be free from this nightmare.
And the last thing: thank you for sending your message, I really appreciate it and it means a lot. It's good to get a reminder that I don't see the entire picture. I know I may sound like I hate all of you, but it is generalization, I know, as I said it's hard to me to stay objective when mostly I talk to and I'm harassed by the toxicorps. The scs who just enjoy their ship are usually not on my horizon. Maybe because I have a really bad reputation among you xD What is my fault but damn, sometimes I would really want to talk with random sc shipper and just moan about the show.
Anyway, thanks again. Stay safe :)
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mylovelies-docx · 4 years
Kid Krow - The Story
A/N: Well guys, it's been a pleasure creating this story. I can't thank you enough to all those who left likes and comments on every chapter - you have no idea how excited it made me to read your thoughts and feelings on the project I had started on a whim. 
You guys are the best!
But this is officially the end of Poe and reader's story on this one. The only thing left is a little blurb I wrote for General Hux that I just thought could lighten the mood amidst all the angst of chapter 9.
Again, I appreciate you all from the bottom of my heart.
I don't have any ideas for any more stories, but if you guys want to send something in I might try them out! 
Chapter warnings: some very light smut, pure unadulterated fluff.
Listen to the song here!
Read it on AO3 here!
Taglist: @maraudersandco​ @sociallyawkwardcircus-freak-hi​ @hkmultifandom​ @spider-starry​ @ashleykaiba​ @mayangel19​ @plxstic-rose​
Word Count: 1.2k
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Your cheek was pressed against Poe’s bare chest, soaking in the warmth that radiated from him. One of his arms was holding you close, drawing random patterns into the skin of your back. You were perfectly content to stay just as you were for the rest of your life.
You glanced down at your left hand that was resting on Poe’s stomach and a soft smile lit up your face when you saw his mother’s ring on your finger. It had been there for a few months now, but had gained all new meaning within the last few days. You had taken a trip back to Yavin IV with a small group of your closest friends under the guise of a lunch-date for everyone to meet or catch up. 
The conspiratorial air between you and Kes felt similar to the last time you were together, but this little picnic had turned out so much better than the last you two had cooked up -- you would even say this one was perfect.
There weren’t many in attendance, just Zorii, Zalos, and a couple of Poe’s squadron members like Karé Kun, Jessika Pava, and Temmin ‘Snap’ Wexley, so it was easy for everyone to find a seat on the pillows spread out between the Force Tree’s meandering roots. The jungle moon’s weather was perfect for the picnic-turned-wedding that no one knew they were attending. 
You and Poe had decided that only Leia and Kes should be in on your plan, since you needed the help with getting everything together. Kes had been over the moon when he watched the General stand up and explain what was going to happen, grinning from his son and very soon-to-be daughter to the shocked expressions on your friend’s faces. You and Poe had stood in front of everyone you considered family and pledged yourselves to each other for the rest of your lives. And you both intended to keep that promise.
Focusing back on your ring, you couldn’t help but tease Poe just a little.
“You know,” you began mischievously, “it was kind of creepy wakin’ up from a coma to find that I was engaged to someone I hadn’t seen in five years.” You put on a mock-serious face and looked up at Poe, startling him from his own thoughts with your voice. Or you startled him from the beginnings of sleep; you were both exhausted from the day’s activities.
Poe stares down at your face, trying to see if you were serious. He scoffs good naturedly and hugs you tighter into him when he sees the teasing light in your eyes.
“‘Hadn’t seen in five years’. And who’s fault was that?” Poe countered, quirking an eyebrow at you and turning so that you were now lying face to face. His brown eyes were shining with mirth and he couldn’t keep his hands from creeping towards one of your more ticklish spots.
You smirked. “Are you sayin’ it was mine?”
It was nice being able to laugh about how stupid the two of you had been; neither of you felt the sting of pain you used to over the situation. You both had worked everything out those first few days while you were recovering after having many heart-to-hearts and sob fests. You enjoyed the return of your easy friendship with Poe and you especially enjoyed the new facet of your relationship that came along with being together in love. 
“I’m saying we might both be a little responsible,” Poe replied, shrugging the shoulder that he wasn’t lying on. 
He tightened his fingers on your waist and dug in. Your body jerked at the pressure and a laugh escaped your lips. You pretended to glare and brought up a finger to point at him.
“Don’t you dare,” you warned.
“What? I’m not doing anything.” 
It was Poe’s turn to be mischievous now. He poked your sides again and held you when you tried to wiggle away. There was a crooked grin on his face as he watched you. You couldn’t help but cackle as his fingers continued to wiggle against you. 
The sound of your unrestrained laughter and joy caused Poe’s heart to stutter in his chest. He was indescribably happy that you were both on the same page and as in love with each other as two people could be. He stopped his assault on your abdomen and raised a hand to cup your face. Poe brought his mouth down to yours, tasting the laughter on your tongue and grinning against the smile you were still wearing. 
He would never get tired of kissing your lips.
You both melted into the kiss with ease; the months of practice allowing the two of you to push and pull your mouths in a rhythm that only the two of you knew. Your arms slid around Poe’s neck, allowing your fingers to tangle in the short curls at the back of his head. You gave a soft tug and felt the soft groan that escaped from Poe. You grinned and tugged again.
“Princess. I thought you were tired?” Poe questioned, moving from your lips and leaving a trail of warm, languid kisses along your jaw and down your throat. 
You craned your neck to allow Poe better access, relishing in the feel of his soft lips on your delicate skin. “You’re the one that started this, fly boy.” Your voice was raw from your recent laughter, but Poe had never heard anything more beautiful.
He growled into your neck and flipped you onto your back. Poe was on top of you, pressing you firmly into the mattress. No matter how sore they were, you wrapped your legs around Poe’s waist and pulled him into your body. The feeling of Poe nestled between your thighs and pressed against every square inch of your skin sent chills running through you. You whimpered at the feeling.
Poe’s left hand was cradling your cheek, providing himself with a better angle to kiss you. You brought your same hand up to reach across your face and interlace your fingers over top of his. Your wedding bands clinked together with a metallic sound when they met.
You might have been secluded in your shared quarters for nearly an entire standard year already, but neither of you planned on leaving any time soon.
There had been so many things that had tried to keep you separated from each other. The fact that you had grown up together on Yavin was incredible; out of all the planets and moons in the galaxy, Poe had found you lying in the grass not far from his home. And your brush with death while the two of you were separated could have very easily ended the story of your love before its happy conclusion. The universe was a cruel place: it ain’t funny, it ain’t pretty, it ain’t sweet. That’s just the way it works. But sometimes, beautiful things can come from hardship and pain and be all the stronger for it. The universe did not work in anyone’s favor or towards any one goal.
But you think that it could work out for you and Poe.
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thedarklingxalina · 3 years
Frozen, Grishaverse, Harry Potter and Star Wars
Thank u for the ask game 😁 (this is me doing it like a week late cause I got distracted 😅)
Send me a fandom and i’ll tell you game
the character i least understand - Hans. I love my villains but I just... never could like him.
interactions i enjoyed the most - Elsa and Anna. I love seeing siblings interact.
the character who scares me the most - Anna. She becomes Queen yet only a few years prior thought it was okay to leave a prince of a different country, whom she only knew for a few hours, in charge of her kingdom, and not her advisors, councillors etc.
the character who is mostly like me - Elsa.
hottest looks character - Elsa
one thing i dislike about my fave character - Elsa gave up her throne to her sister who I reeeeeaally don't think is suitable for it.
one thing i like about my hated character - his red hair
a quote or scene that haunts me - none I can think of.
a death that left me indifferent - Elsa and Olaf. I knew they were gonna be fine and Elsa's one just didn't make sense, so I was more annoyed than upset 😅
a character i wish died but didn’t - Hans.
my ship that never sailed - Jelsa (I know, he's from a different movie but a lassie can dream)
the character i least understand - Baghra, as she's hypocritical. And sometimes... I don't really get Alina even though I love her.
interactions i enjoyed the most - This will surprise no one when I say all the Darkling x Alina moments, and I mean every moment.
the character who scares me the most - The Darkling, but in the best ways.
the character who is mostly like me - I'm a little like Alina but there are many decisions she made that I wouldn't. For one, I would have helped kill the King.
hottest looks character - Darkling
one thing i dislike about my fave character - Alina being a bit too dependent on others and maybe even a bit naive. She also has a few lines which really bugs me. 'I never needed you' which was a lie as she did need the Darkling and would have been dead several times over without him or saying he betrayed the grisha, which I don't think he did. I feel some of her empowering moments, are a little hollow because of these lines.
one thing i like about my hated character - Nothing. There is nothing I like.
a quote or scene that haunts me - The war room table but it haunts me in the best way 😏
a death that left me indifferent - Not read the books but in the live action I haven't really been that bothered who lives or dies.
a character i wish died but didn’t - Begins with M.
my ship that never sailed - Darklina 😭 I mean, it kinda sailed but it's not canon.
Harry Potter
the character i least understand - Bellatrix. She creepy.
interactions i enjoyed the most - Hermione and Draco's interactions.
the character who scares me the most - Umbridge.
the character who is mostly like me - I don't think any of them are like me.
hottest looks character - Draco.
one thing i dislike about my fave character - Ginny's like of quidditch (the game reminds me to much of football and where I'm from football results in a lot of violence and hatred, to put it lightly. Just yesterday our city centre, during a pandemic, got wrecked by thousands cause of a team victory).
one thing i like about my hated character - His red hair.
a quote or scene that haunts me - The forest spider scene, just no.
a death that left me indifferent - This will sound bad, but all of them pretty much left me indifferent. I wasn't a big fan of most of the characters, only my ships 😅
a character i wish died but didn’t - Starts with an R.
my ship that never sailed - dramione and gin n tonic
Star Wars
the character i least understand - Palpatine. What the hell was that auld yins plan in the final movie? Why make the pickled Snokes? Why want Rey to kill you, not kill you, kill you, not kill you?
interactions i enjoyed the most - Reylo 🥰
the character who scares me the most - Snoke. That golden robe still haunts me.
the character who is mostly like me - Rey in TFA and TLJ but not TROS (I don't think even Rey was like Rey in that movie. What happened to our girl?)
hottest looks character - Kylo Ren
one thing i dislike about my fave character - Everything about Rey in TROS.
one thing i like about my hated character - omg... it's his red hair. There is a pattern here 😅 Their red hair is their only redeeming quality.
a quote or scene that haunts me - "I will earn your brothers lightsaber", "you have his power", "I am all the jedi", "she's not on Jakku", "Rey Skywalker", "Rey Palpatine".
a death that left me indifferent - Hux.
a character i wish died but didn’t - Everyone I wanted to die died. (So did everyone I didn't want to die 😭)
my ship that never sailed - GingerRose
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