#I only have 25 pages and it’s not connected or fluid and there’s some things that don’t quite make sense
unboundbnha · 4 months
I’ve started *gags, chokes* writing….again….*spits out blood, gasps and gurgles as I fall to the ground*
#AUGUUGHDHDHDHDG HHHHGNBDHBGHB#it feels like pulling teeth ngl#I’ve had this fic idea in my head for over a year now and I only ever poked at it#never really like. got deep into it#just wrote the fun stuff#but I didn’t have a timeline or even a true PLOT it was just kind of my brainchild#so tonight I buckled down and wrote out the timeline. like 90% of it at least#I cleaned up my old document and took out the bits that didn’t work#reordered it into something resembling chronological#and YES it hurts but it also feels AMAZING#because. okay. I have a complicated relationship with writing#I used to love it. a lot. it was my favorite pastime#but then I started hating my writing voice because it was (is) *weird*#I like to write horror and I have a writing voice somewhat similar to Douglas Adams#and when I was younger I tried really hard to change my writing voice because again. I hated it. I thought it was weird and silly#and trying to write in a voice that wasn’t mine made me HATE writing#so I literally put down fic for 10yrs and didn’t write a damn word#until January of 2023 when I finally started poking away at this document#I only have 25 pages and it’s not connected or fluid and there’s some things that don’t quite make sense#but I have my timeline now! and I know where all the pieces go#I know how to get from point A to B to C#and. WHEW. it feels GREAT.#again it was like pulling teeth but also so fucking awesome#I’m nervous but excited. excited but nervous#and I hope — with enough time and polishing — I will feel confident enough to publish it :’)#Zilla’s things
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25/10/22 (357 words)
89.469 words, 288 pages
The math-physics teacher brought us to the astronomical observatory to see the partial sun eclipse. First we had some time to wander around the museum on our own, to see the experiments and cool stuff it had. I stayed with the two all the time and there was another girl of their group, we tried some of the stuff. Fluid iron, gravity experiments, the cosmic shower (he muttered "golden shower" at half voice and behind him I chuckled like an idiot) and overall it was fun, along with weird and funny things happening to us. There was a small tunnel in the room, with screens instead of the floor that would show the universe under our feet. Fascinating, but the movement of it gave me vertigo and slight nausea and I wasn't the only one.
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And again, I sat with the two during the first conference, literally only the three of us in the lowest row. He and I muttered jokes and comments to each other all the time. I didn't think he would have been this """interested"" in telling so many of them to me, considering he had his mate on his other side.
Then we went on the roof of the building to see the eclipse with special glasses we were given. Very interesting. Not that stunning, but certainly shocking. Lot of photos sent in the class groupchat, some of single classmates and in one there is me, looking at the sky with a surprised smile and my eyes covered by the glasses. I think it's the best photo I have of myself, because I look happy and I look like... I see myself. There. I also didn't think the side and back of my hairs were this good.
There was... a moment, seeing the conference. He'd often turn to me to either just shortly meet my gaze or telling me things, or probably just look around. I'd always be looking some other way the second he'd turn (because I didn't want to make him think I was taking at him all the time) and only meet his gaze when he'd spoke. But in that moment he turned, didn't say anything, just smiling amused from the show projected on the roof of the room, and waited. For some seconds. Until I... understood, or just thought, supposed. He only turned away after I purposefully met his gaze. I waited on purpose, at first I thought... but he too waited until I did. He didn't say anything. Just smiling, turning, waited to connect our eyes, and turned away. I seriously have no idea why he did that. I don't really care about any meaning, it almost surely doesn't have one, I'm just confused and don't think anything. It just felt good.
We've gotten closer in these two months. Thanks to casualties, events and actions of my purpose, but also theirs. And I am living this time so much. I'm living. I wish so much I could tell them what they mean for me.
And then there's House Of The Dragon's last episode that broke my heart with the ending. Almost reducing me to tears. There was one thing, one thing the writers shouldn't have done. Touch the dragons. And they SLAUGHTERED one in that horrible way. It was the cutest, pink little flying creature, shred in pieces like an origami. Not to talk about the boy... oh hell. It broke me.
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Is it possible to be nonbinary and a woman? Like I'm afab and have been totally fine with being cis until I learned about being nonbinary and since then I felt like nonbinary felt right and I kind of lost my connection to being a woman, but the past few days have been like a mix of the two? Like I'm comfy and feel a connection to both? Bro I turn 25 in 2 weeks and I'm so confused as to why I'm just figuring this out now. Like?? I was the president and cofounder of a queer club in college and there were enby people in it! And I never questioned shit! Until now? I don't know what's going on. Some days I want to be nonbinary so bad and some days I'm like "yeah female is good", I'm so confused bro
Read this and this.
And yes!! Yes yes YES you can ABSOLUTELY be a nonbinary woman!!
Nonbinary doesn’t mean you’re never a binary gender, it just means you’re not 100, always, only a binary gender—you can be nonbinary and still have a connection to a binary gender!!
Here’s a post on gender dysphoria you might wanna read, it might help you out and I recommend you read it!
Yknow if you wanna be nonbinary you can just, like, be nonbinary. Read this. And also, wanting to be nonbinary is like, a sign of being nonbinary so yeah ajdfhg
Also like, you don’t have to choose between nonbinary and woman. You can be both. Aligned nonbinary identities are real, genderfluid identities are real, multigender identities are real, your gender is valid!!
Hmm, you might wanna check out the term genderfae!
Genderfae (click for link to wiki page)
Genderfae is a form of genderfluidity that never encompasses male or masculine genders.
Genderfae individuals can be fluid between any range of feminine, unaligned, and neutral genders, or genderlessness, but they never experience masculine genders. Genderfae is sometimes considered a non-masculine subset of fluidflux.
Just because you’re okay with being female doesn’t mean you’re not nonbinary. Being trans/nby isn’t about hating your AGAB but instead being happier as another gender.
Does being nonbinary make you happy? Congrats, you can be nonbinary!!
Now, anon, what I want you to do is take a deep breath, and disregard everything you’ve ever thought about your gender. All of it. Doesn’t matter. What terminology you use, dysphoria, pronouns, everything. And I’m going to ask you one question.
What makes you feel happy?
You don’t need to obsess over your gender. Stop asking yourself “what gender am I?” and ask yourself, “what makes me feel happiest and truest to myself?”
Does being trans make you feel happy? Be trans! Does being nonbinary make you feel true to yourself? Be nonbinary. Does using they/them make you happy? Use they/them! Chase the happy feelings and things will fall into place. Happiness first, labels second.
My advice, try on the label. Say “I’m nonbinary,” see how it feels! Either it’ll fit, which is awesome, I’m so happy for you!! Or it won’t fit, which is cool too!! You’re one step closer to finding a label that does!!
See, there’s this thing called gender euphoria! Basically, it’s the happiness you feel, or euphoria, when you’re called the right name/pronouns, or perceived as the right gender! As I was saying earlier, it’s about what makes you happy.
Be happy. Ily.
And remember the entire trans community is here for you and we love and support you, kay?
I hope I could help you out, and I wish you luck with your gender journey! Lmk if you have any more questions, and I hope you have a great day! Sending lots of love <33
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averycanadianfilm · 3 years
READING GUIDE TO : Bourdieu, P. and Passeron, J.C. (1979) The Inheritors: French students and their relation to culture, Chicago: University of Chicago Press. - Dave Harris
Chapter one
Class chance data is presented for France, covering access to university and also choice of subjects.  Generally, Arts and Sciences are preferred for lower class applicants, while the other professions attract upper class students.  Gender is magnified by class in terms of access, especially for lower class students, and a strong influence on subject choice throughout.  However, some Arts students are also relegated from the upper class: for them, arts subjects are a refuge.
There are therefore economic and cultural obstacles to success at the university.  These include religion and age [in France, the older students are often those who have had to repeat grades].
Social origins produce different rates of financial provision, affect where people live, and affect the sort of work they do.  For example, they influence the amount of parental subsidy.
As a result, students do not really have a common situation or experience.  They come from very different cultural backgrounds, and quite different experiences from being at home or feeling out of place (13).  They experience differential success according to their 'previously acquired intellectual tools, cultural habits' (14).  Particularly important is their ability to manipulate 'the abstract language of ideas', which is much easier if you have done Greek or Latin.  Cultural heritage is also amplified by various scholastic streams and channels, which produce 'sanctions which consecrate social inequalities' (14).  For some, their educational past is a definite handicap, including the absence of classical languages or adequate advice on careers.
These inequalities are concealed by their belief that some students possess 'gifts', producing a disdain for practical techniques of study noted below.  University life tends to be eclectic and dilettante, mostly because bourgeois students are 'more assured of their vocations or their abilities' (15).  Those from other origins are far more dependent on the university.  For the bourgeois, a liking for 'intellectual exoticism and formalistic purity' helps 'liquidate a bourgeois experience while expressing it' (15).  Detachment and a willingness to take risks 'presupposes a greater security’ (15).  Self assurance pays off in exams, especially in orals [presentations?].  This stance is helped by universities themselves who value 'remaining aloof from "academic" values and disciplines' (17).
Bourgeois students inherit 'habits, skills and attitudes…  knowledge and know how, tastes and a "good taste"'(17), which do pay off even if indirectly.  A suitable extracurricular culture is the 'implicit condition for academic success in certain disciplines'(17), for example coming from a family with experiences in the theatre, art galleries, concerts, knowledge of modern works even jazz or the cinema.  These experiences display a combination of cultural and economic factors here [and strongly prefigures the work in Distinction, even with some initial survey data].  The absence of explicit instruction in universities makes this cultural influence more important.  Influences are often subtle, for example in the displaying of knowledge of the past in the effortless reproduction of academic argument.  Interests are often combined, enabling those from suitable backgrounds to distinguish themselves from those possessing purely scholastic knowledge.  There is a  whole constellation of knowledge to draw upon.  There also important personal qualities such as 'ironic casualness, mannered elegance, or…  assurance which lends ease or the affectation of ease' (20).  [So common among the English upper classes as well].
This sort of cultural background works indirectly, casually and informally, it seems effortless, acquired by osmosis [some nice examples on page 20—like the casual disclosure of cultural interests, 'acquired without intention or effort'].  Those from lower and middle class backgrounds try to catch up at university, for examples by going to film clubs.  Schools could compensate, but they also tend to ignore social inequalities and devalue 'the vulgar mark of effort' (21). Thus universities offer only a misleading formal equality, and ignore marked social differences, whole areas which are clearly related to success.  Teaching presupposes a level of knowledge, skills and culture which are the 'heritage of the cultivated classes' (21).  
Secondary school uses a number of secondary significations which take for granted 'the whole treasury of first degree experiences’—books, entertainment, holidays as 'cultural pilgrimages', and 'allusive conversations' (22).  The universal nature of education simply means all must enter.  Working-class children can only imitate, and the whole experience for them is unreal.
Access needs to be not just a matter of economic background.  'Ability' should not be seen as a matter of a gift but the result of 'affinities between class cultural habits and the demands of the education system' (22).  Knowledge and techniques are inseparable from social values.  Some working-class students are willing to undertake university experience because they see academic knowledge as high status, and it 'symbolises entry into the elite' (22).  However, social mobility via education is 'a fantasy, and abstraction for [most] manual workers' (23).  Their ambitions are lower: they make an objective adjustment.  The petty bourgeoisie are the most keen on education, and they openly support elite culture even though they find it just as difficult to acquire: they think they can make up the deficit with hard work.
Teacher judgments are ultimately based on the closeness to elite culture.  Teachers classically devalue other approaches such as seriousness and hard work.  Social advantages and disadvantages are cumulative as a result.  Even geographical location is important because living in a city means greater access to cultural facilities.
There is no mechanical determinism here, though, since inheritance is not always successful.  Upper class culture can merely lead to the  'superficial pastime of elegant parlor games' (25), but usually it is exploited to find a comfortable way through an education system.  It is true that working-class entrants to university can gain in ambition and determination.  However, those who succeed nearly always have some kind of unusual family background like a successful relative, who will raise their ambitions and reject fatalism. [In conventional research as well as in policy and common sense] isolated factors are seen as important [instead of seeing qualifying factors as well].
It is more common to persuade the underprivileged to drop out rather than to exert a direct influence on them, or to reveal open determinism.  It would be wrong to attribute all the blame to economic or political factors, but social mechanisms work well despite minor adjustments such as scholarships.  Indeed, these minor reforms can help to justify the system by locating 'giftedness’ as the issue.  The same goes for moves to equalise the economic circumstances of students  [grants?]—they would only legitimise a system which itself legitimises privilege.
Chapter two
There is no unified student world or culture, but a constant flux with only periodic routine.  There are cycles of study leading to exams, but it is a unique time of life where normal oppositions do not apply,  including the opposition between work and leisure [lots of quotes on page 30 from students saying that they regard their work as a form of leisure:
'It's the only time in life when you can put off what you've got to do, work when it suits you, be unemployed if you feel like it…  (Senior executive' son, Paris, aged 26)…  There's no such thing as leisure: I refuse to draw a line between work and leisure, I don't accept that dichotomy…  (Junior executive son, Paris)…  My work isn't unpleasant; it's not something I'm forced to do.  I could almost say all my work is in leisure…  (A junior executive son, Paris)…  I don't separate work and leisure.  If there's a decent movie on I go and see it, whether it's a weekday or a Sunday.  The question really doesn't arise.  There is no particular pattern to my leisure activities; I choose what I'm going to do but I don't organise it…  There's nothing fixed (senior executives daughter, Paris)' (30).
'Yes I waste a terrible amount of time; I don't know how to organize my work properly, and, since workhouse to come by for leisure…  I have no time left for leisure (senior executives some, Paris).  The fact is I don't seem able to discipline myself, it's always the same story (senior executive's son, Paris)'.  NB Bourdieu and Passeron see this as an aristocratic form of lifestyle.
There is a characteristic student lifestyle with a lack of discipline and a ‘libertarian use of “free time”’ (31).  Students are individualised, despite occasional ‘islands of integration’ (32).  Integration has no institutional basis.  It is therefore not easy to organise collective work, or cooperation, or small workgroups.  Individualistic competition persists instead.  The old traditions like student festivals and songs are in decline, and there are not even initiation rituals, except possibly in Law and Medicine.  There are no real social divisions or any bases for solidarity—for example the rivalry between different disciplines or other signs of the persistence of sub cultures, including argot. Students are not even well connected through friendship groups, except where these depend on earlier shared schooling or regional identity.  Upper class students are the most integrated socially.  Friends’ advice is not sought in the choice of a subject or career, rumours spread but not information.  
The student milieu is therefore not autonomised, but consists of a ‘fluid aggregate [rather] than an occupational group’ (36).There is a nostalgia for integration, but actual organisation fails. Girls are the keenest to initiate collective activity, following the ‘characteristics of the woman’s traditional role’ (36).  Staff participation helps.  The most common result of this lack of organisation is resignation or utopianism, especially in Paris students’ activism, which includes ‘conceptual terrorism of verbal demands’ (37).  A belief in cooperative work, small groups and so on persists, but as the projection of an ideal.
Yet such projections reveal an underlying objective reality [by contrast].  Students want to identify individually with this mythical unity.  Characteristic student behaviours are ‘symbolic’ indicators of this project.  'Student' is therefore a chosen identity, the rejection of past identities, including those associated with the occupation of one’s parents, part of a general denial of class determinism [but not gender?].  It is important to not conform, to distinguish oneself while labelling others.  This is another example of the transformation of necessity into freedom (39) [so it is not just the working classes who have to do this?] Student identity means the rejection of any actual bonding.  For example cafes are frequented because there, one encounters the ‘archetypal student’ [rather as students went to the library in Lille to conform to the archetypal student, in Academic Discourse].
Students live out their relations to their class of origin according to ‘the models of the intellectual class reinterpreted’ (40).  They display a reaction to the discipline of the secondary school.  By comparison, student identity is a sign of ‘cultural free will’ (40).  Guidance from older students is important here, and prestigious examples can include university teachers.  Everyone knows a high prestige professor who is far from being a mere pedagogue.  This only disguises power relations.
The university is still a very important influence, though.  Students still do well if they are ‘adapted to the university and can transpose its scholastic techniques and interests’ (41).  So called alternative cultural worlds,  based around jazz or cinema actually complement the university world [is this still the same with contemporary universities and contemporary commercial popular culture?].  [There is a hint of the cultural omnivore thesis here, 41].  Students’ public denial of the importance of university culture and teaching disguises the real influence at work through the ‘cultural goods market’ (42).  
An important role in actually orienting the tastes of students is played by ‘Professorial charisma…  The display of virtuosity, the play of laudatory allusions or depreciatory silences’ (42).  Students are passive and willing to be taught, or to let teachers guide them.  So close is the connection that ‘the study of consumption can be collapsed into a study of production’ (42).  University culture includes ‘the scholastic consecration of novelties’ (43).  As a result, university culture is more homogenous than it looks [in support, student prize winners are given as examples, revealing their conformist tastes, even if those cover the avant garde].  The ideal student is still a homo academicus, often the son and grandson of teachers, often wanting to be a philosophy lecturer, often showing some precocious talents.  The university therefore ‘always preaches to the converted’ (43).
However, some students are only playing at having intellectual tastes, displaying  ‘collective bad faith’, or deploying the  ‘ruse of reason’ (44).  An illusory intellectual life is possible.  It usually involves ignoring social origins and destinations, and ‘autonomising the present of studenthood’ (44).  It involves games and tricks, and is assisted by the ‘unreality of university practice’ (44), where there are no real sanctions, and even examinations are playful rather than work-like.  Students do feel insecure, and lecturers do judge their work, but there is a constant ambivalence—for example students and lecturers commonly joke about examinations and yet still see them as a matter of ‘personal salvation’ (45) especially the dissertation.  It is a very involving game.  Even the student challenges are within the rules of the intellectual game of contestation: thus ‘Revolts against the system…  achieve…  the ultimate ends pursued by the university’ (45) [reads pretty much like Willis on working class lads rebelling but then ending up in manual work].  Even student rebels worship culture if not the university.  Bohemian behaviour still equates to obedience to traditional models.  Any escape into popular culture is still characterised as a form of literary discussion.
This is especially marked in the Paris Arts Faculty.  Students are mostly bourgeois, but commonly deny their background and espouse left wing causes, but without adopting any particular orthodoxy or party membership.  Instead, they adopt new labels.  They have a mostly aesthetic commitment to an avant garde, which leads to a ‘conformism of anti conformism’ (46).  Rebellion is little more than the ‘symbolic breaks of adolescence’ seen as an ‘intellectual self realisation’ (46).  Any sexual liberation pursued by women can be seen simply as a formal reversal of the value of virginity.  Extreme political views are best read as a symbolic break with the family.  Symbolic differences are more important than the real differences provided by social origin.  Student radical life features endless argument to establish differentiations within the general consensus of the avant garde.  Concrete commitments tend to be applauded.  Political debate is seen as a kind of play, and is work.  Politics becomes a pastime.  In reality, it is wealth and privilege that enables intellectual detachment, intellectual mastery, and political audacity.  Privileged students are also better able to accumulate a ‘capital of information’, based on their membership of literary and philosophical political coteries, and the ability to attend lots of outside lectures and assemblies [in Paris] (49).  Any diversity in the academic world produces the relativisation of professorial privilege [not enough to lead to serious criticism?] , and the opportunity for more intellectual adventure.
University life becomes an excellent preparation for the later literary games played among the Parisian bourgeoisie, and wider philosophical discussion, for example of the crisis in education, shows the ‘beginners’ illusion [masquerading as a] basis for a universal reflection’ (15).  There is still a lot of studentanxiety however, and here, ideological debates offer assurance.  A liking for student [revolutionary?] festivity is really a form of symbolic integration.
The ideal type Parisian Arts student draws from a literary education and from the cultural opportunities offered by Paris, and the ‘risk free freedom that a well to do social origin makes possible’ (51).  Bourgeois students see university life as intellectual adventure, not as ‘an apprenticeship subject to the test of occupational success’ (51).
There are more working-class students now, but bourgeois values persist: those values ‘will not cease to be regarded as inseparable from the [student] milieu’ (51).  Nevertheless, modern students can perceive university teaching as somehow unreal, possibly because they have experience of real occupations. Thus actual students will vary according to their commitment to the ideal type, and this will vary according to their social origins.  ‘Serious’ students can be both critics of this unreality, and still prepared to consider only university problems as serious.
[What a condemnation of student activists!  I do recognise the posturing bourgeois type from my own experiences during the student revolt at LSE, and, later at Essex, and I know exactly what they mean by the insistence on preserving literary forms of argument while discussing radical overhauls.  During one sit in at LSE, friends made it their business to guard the library!  Proles werestill mocked for their vulgarity. Several dreadful poseurs made fiery speeches proposing solidarity with the north Vietnamese army, and then fled at the prospect of being arrested by the metropolitan police!  However, I think they do underestimate the impact on some working class lads such as myself, who did gain an insight into professorial incompetence that led to a lifetime’s scepticism.  Nevertheless, I think they are broadly right.  Interestingly, the ideal type bourgeois radical manifests itself best in education departments of respectable UK universities, where students are still harangued with idealist and utopian visions, and words like ‘oppression’ or ‘struggle’ are used both to describe third world radical movements and the need to cope with an inconvenient timetable].
Chapter three
[This chapter starts with an astonishing criticism of child centred and play-centred education—by Hegel!  Such an education preserves immaturity, it is indifferent to the intellectual world, and it shows contempt for elders!  (54)]
It is possible to construct an ideal type of rational conduct for student,  based on the claims that characterise university life.  However, the real issue is self-creation, and to be a participant in academic culture.  The rational type will argue that university culture is to be mastered, yet this is denied in practice, and instead there is a goal of independence, the abolition of the distinction between the student and the teacher.  However, this distinction is abolished only in the imagination, without going through the painful process of subjection first [very familiar terminology here!].  Indeed, there is often a straightforward denial of student passivity. This imaginary resolution is satisfactory to students and professors, although denied by both conservatives and revolutionary utopians.  Rational conduct, however would involve seeing passivity as a means to an occupational end.  The denials involve a view that the present should dominate the future, and that the status of student should become more autonomous.
Students occupy pre- constructed roles, like the 'exam hound' or the dilettante.  Life goes on in a magical mode [compare with the notion of magical resolution in gramscian work].  Options can coexist in that world.  The magical world is supported by professors, 'the students'opponents and accomplices' (57).  Professors do not want to appear as having a rational role, as a mere 'teaching auxiliary' (58). The whole experience is therefore mystified or enchanted, and this mystical relation rather than the technical function of education affects the teaching experience.  Professors claim they have some gift in transmitting culture, and this notion of gift is reciprocated by students [very similar arguments are made in Academic Discourse].
Students do vary, however.  The awareness of an occupational destinations seems particularly vague for Arts students, and uncertain for sociologists: these views actually mimic the real possibilities!  There is no occupational point to study for the students, so it is justified instead as an intellectual adventure.  Their values ‘depend on mystified experience' (59).  [There is a hint here that the enchantment of rationalised study is deliberate].  
Women students have more reason to mystify, although for them reality dawns earlier.  They often describe the substantial freedoms involved in using academic work to escape [rather like the stuff I have been quoting from Quinn!].  However, intellectual escape is still associated with the traditional female values, including their desired destinations as teachers, and their lower confidence in their intellectual capacities.  They're still more likely to be instrumental, and to use their 'scholastic zeal and docility as a way of avoiding the question of the future' (61).  Another option is female student apathy.  [Or] female students report high levels of commitment to university life, again echoing traditional female values such as exalting sacrifice, and using words like relationship or enrichment, or talking about the development of personality [lots of examples PP. 61,62].  This can be an alternative to the magical concealment preferred by men.  Female options echo the sexism of the university.
Social origin has effects as well.  There are parallels between working class origins and being female.  Neither are likely to get an intellectual occupation and so they are less likely to invest in the intellectual game approach.  They need to bow to necessity and acknowledge the importance of an occupation.  Upper class students are happier with vague projects, but working-class students are more focused, because they are more aware that they need not have been students at university at all.  Upper class students are more distant, more prone to mystification, more contemptuous of pedagogy and methods, and of scholarly discipline.  They, and many professors, would find any kind of practical instruction about coping with university life—like using a card index for drawing up a bibliography—as demeaning, the act of a 'vulgar schoolmaster' (63).  The same goes for any kind of intellectual training—instead, upper class students and professors prefer the romantic image of free. inspired creation.
Magical perceptions are common.  Professors collude  by denying clear information, such as their criteria, and the techniques necessary to succeed.  Students deny the importance of hard work and routine, and see success arising from a gift or by magic.  This explains their following examination rituals, whether it be feverish last minute revision, or obsessive note taking—'a technique for spiritual consolation' (64) [modern students attend lectures and seminars obsessively, and even complain if they are cancelled—but never take notes!].  There are superstitions, guessing rituals, amulets and fetishes, and the repetition of successful conduct.  Success is seen as a reward for having a gift, including the gift of successful guessing (65).  There is 'overt contempt’ for any rational approach (65).  Professors collude in this too: it is reciprocal—for example the lecture style means that students can enjoy anonymity [and ritual attendance]—and both professors and students oppose rational approaches.
These findings show the ultimate goal of the university system [social reproduction].  The rational approach contradicts these ultimate goals.  Cultural transmission could be rationalised, and it would benefit the most disadvantaged students [more on rational teaching later].
Because real educational inequalities are never discussed, differences are seen as a result of ‘giftedness’ (67).  Differences are tolerated only if they are seen as differences in gifts, or as the occasional social handicap faced by a gifted student.  The lack of talent or enthusiasm in students is never explained.  Formal examinations express a purely formal equality: as they are anonymous it is impossible to see how they reflect cultural inequalities.  The formal policy of equal opportunity only ‘transforms privilege into merit’ (68).  It is impossible to have any other outcome unless serious weight is given to the social origins of students [or value added?].  However, we would then expect unequal terminal performances.  This could lead to a hierarchy of institutions, and the degree overall could be devalued.  Experience in some communist countries might be cited, but even there there is often a tension [between rewarding 'redness' and expertise].  Overall, the roles of the game have to remain unquestioned.  The lack of questioning is shown in the continuing attraction of the grandest institutions and most prestigious disciplines in French universities to all recruits.  The credibility of the system requires that inequalities affecting students from outside the university are ignored.  Insisting on the role of social differences is therefore a challenge to the whole system.
Giftedness is like charisma.  It benefits the privileged and legitimates their contempt for the less privileged.  Working-class students accept this as a kind of essentialism (70), and personalise their disadvantage.  Indeed, working-class students are among those who believe most strongly in the idea of a charismatic gift.  The tendency to reduce to essentialism is common among students because they are already prone to see who they are as what they do.
Teachers also assume their success arises from some personal gift, another essentialism.  Often, the education system has been their only route to success, confirming this essentialism.  It is often linked with the denigration of vulgar effort.
Students are only too willing to accept their status as victims rather than blame ‘clumsy teachers’ (71).  Often their parents are over impressed by teachers' opinions or by the simple scores in educational tests, and are liable to say things like ‘He’s no good at French’, which naturalises inequality.  Student objections to the system are often still couched in [victim vocabulary], and they expect solutions to be provided only by the generosity of teachers.  Populist demands [such as that working-class culture has to be valued alongside elite culture] are also limited, since the dominant system is not just a simple class culture.  Furthermore, academic skills and aptitudes can be learned.
The first requirement is to aim to affect the home environment.  Teachers need to be fully explicit about what is required.  The usual formulae are not enough [superstitions, but also  including routine study skills advice?].  Teachers need to avoid any claims to have professorial charisma, and to develop a rational pedagogy, although this is ‘still to be invented’ (73).  Scientific pedagogy is no good because it ignores social conditions [so a real difference between Bourdieu and the educational technologists here].  We need to evaluate different methods of teaching, modes and actual procedures—for example, should we give general technical advice or close direction of student work?  Efficiency should be seen as related to students' social origins.  We might need constant exercises to build up the skills needed.  At the moment, this is denied by the myth of student autonomy and independent learning (74) which only help legitimates the charismatic teacher myth and see alternatives as pedantry.
Students vacillate between the perceived need for discipline and the myth of the aristocratic stance.  Teachers also vacillate, taking an aristocratic stance until they have to do assessment (75).  Professional judgments in reality are 'based on personal criteria, variable from teacher to teacher and…  tied to the particular case' (75).  Students need to decipher these criteria and try to rationalise them.
Students from upper class origins can adapt to these diffuse requirements, because of a 'clear affinity between school culture and the culture of the cultivated class' (75).  When asked to undertake oral exams, upper class students just demonstrate the skills which are already unconsciously valued [in presentations too?]. Any open recognition of the effects of social origin 'would be regarded as scandalous' (75).
In a rational approach, there would be clarity about the 'reciprocal requirements of teachers and taught…  the organisation of study…  to enable students from the disadvantaged classes to overcome their disadvantages' (75).  [Then a strangely utilitarian remark]: we should permit the 'greatest possible number of individuals to appropriate in the shortest possible time, as completely and perfectly as possible, the greatest number of the abilities which constitute school culture at a given moment' (76).  This approach will be neither traditional nor technical/specialist.  Until we develop it, education cannot overcome inequality.  At the same time, a rational pedagogy is in its turn impossible unless recruitment of teachers and students is democratised.
The middle class demand for university expansion arises from the need to secure their social places [credentialist closure].  The response to the development of a modern economy has been to demand more kinds of education.  Diplomas themselves have probably been devalued in terms of their role in regulating access to jobs.  The rapid growth of more functional [vocational?] education and more functional jobs have devalued traditional diplomas, and excluded non holders of diplomas altogether.  Academic qualifications have also helped to unify the whole system of qualifications [compare with the British government's model of 8 different levels].
As well as obtaining a diploma, it is important to exploit its value, and this requires further investments of educational and social capital. Those stopping at the lower levels, and new arrivals at the higher ones, are likely to suffer most from devaluation.  They can fight back, for themselves and for their children, by demanding even more better qualifications [as in the credentialist spiral].
Educational qualifications can be converted to economic capital in several ways.  Graduates might be able to demand higher wages: those holding diplomas have overtaken small independent businessmen in terms of income [almost a counterbalance argument here, based on some statistical evidence, the authors claim].  Alternatively, graduates might be able to shift into new businesses.  This can be seen in the changes around craft work, for example, which now feature luxury and leisure goods.  These require a more cultural capital (80).  For such goods, value lies in the 'casual distinction of the vendor [as much] as on the nature and quality of the wares' (81), and it is important to demonstrate a mastery of taste rather than technical skills.  These sorts of new cultural industries seem ideal for those with cultural capital rather than high levels of educational capital [as an example, the denser members of the UK royal family seem to be able to make a good living making very posh furniture].
Holders of devalued qualifications can try to retain their value [an interesting possibility relating to the recent work on knowledge economy in the UK, which also predicts falling returns to university degrees].  For example, the diploma can become a licence to gain privilege rather than an actual job, and to increase self esteem.  Again more objective mechanisms are required, including a need to invest in valuable educational capital, perhaps by pulling out of unfashionable subjects [or unis].  It is possible to cling on to the old values to some extent, if you can persuade colleagues and the family of the value of your diploma, this can sometimes mask a real devaluation.  In some circumstances, it might lead to actual revaluation [if particular degree subjects become fashionable, or if you can persuade employers that the prestige of the qualification is the most important thing].  Those who supply jobs however are likely to reward their real value of diplomas, especially if they are pursuing deskilling strategies as well.  [I can still see a place for well educated but non technical people as decorative members of boards of directors].  In the worst case, diploma holders can be unemployed, and can see themselves as refusing to play the game [hence the moral drop out, who gains an engineering degree, finds it overtaken by technical developments, and gives it all up to run a smallholding in Devon].
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Random tips for new drivers???
Keep an eye on the engine temp (the gauge is on your dash but you already knew that and the indicator should be just below center at the warmest. If it overheats, probably check the coolant levels first.
Get your check engine light looked at ASAP!!! What could turn out to be an easy fix now may get worse with time, and if it is serious you need to know sooner rather than later. O’Reilly’s and usually AutoZone offer to assess check engine lights free
Keep coolant, windshield washer fluid, (and I keep transmission fluid), in the back of your car. A long funnel may also be good, but as far as I’m aware you should only need it for the transmission fluid.
Try not to let your fuel get below half in the winter??? If you live somewhere cold you don’t want to find yourself stuck in a snowbank and out of gas.
Keep at least a blanket in the back. I’ve got two blankets and a sleeping bag, but you judge based on how much space you have and how cold it usually gets/how far you usually drive
Keep a raincoat and/ umbrella. You don’t know when you’re gonna need it. In the winter, switch the rain coat for something warmer.
If you’re driving an older vehicle or one with a lot of miles on it (I’m up around 280,000 on a 20yo Subaru) as a general rule get your oil changed every 3000 miles. Price averages between $25 and $50, I get mine done for $35.
Keep things like chapstick, phone charger, pack of gum, flashlight, pocket knife, tissues, aspirin, hand sanitizer in the center console/easy to get to.
If you’re driving a vehicle that doesn’t have a fancy radio that connects to your phone, you can get a Bluetooth adapter on Amazon for like $15
If your car only has one cigarette lighter electrical port, they make adaptors that plug into that and give you two ports. Mine also has two USB ports
Ac doesn’t work? Yeah you can roll down your windows but they also make dash fans that will circulate air through a little better. Definitely makes a difference
Ladies? Uterus owners? Your preferred pads/tampons/etc? Keep some in your car.
Sunglasses? You’re going to want them
Like listening to cds? You can get a cd holder for your visor
Learn your way around your car!! Know where the wipers are, how the cruise control works, know how it likes to accelerate!
When driving someone else’s vehicle I like to ask them if there’s anything specific I need to know about their car. Usually they tell me how to turn on cruise control or where the wipers are
If it’s snowed since you last drove somewhere and there’s snow on your windows? Wipe them off now, if you let it sit there and freeze over night you will have a good thick layer of ice on your windows in the morning
Do not!! Let other drivers!!! Pressure you into driving faster than you are comfortable with!!!
Wiper blades aren’t too hard to replace. And trust me, you don’t want to have it start pouring rain in the middle of the night and realize your wipers don’t work for shit
AT Oil Temp light blinking suddenly? Most likely means the transmission fluid is overheating. Pull over, allow the engine to cool completely, take out your manual and find the page on Automatic Transmission, locate the transmission fluid under the hood, check to see if it’s low. If it is, this is where the funnel and transmission fluid come in, add more in small amounts, careful not to overfill. Use the dipstick to check the fluid level again, make sure you didn’t spill any anywhere, closer her up and you should be good to go. But definitely take the time to actually do this instead of pushing your car too far with that light blinking at you. If the transmission goes out, no more driving, and/or you’re about to dish out a lot of money on repairs.
Know a place that will install customer parts? Have a friend-mechanic who is willing to help you out? Replacing a part you can install yourself with help from YouTube? Rock Auto is your friend; they sell good parts for better prices than most places, you just have to wait for them to show up in the mail instead of getting your piece in town same day.
I don’t think I have anything else? If you have a tip I didn’t think of, go ahead and add it to the list
Stay safe on those roads kids!!
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ordercrowd65 · 4 years
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This bond is formed as a result of a chemical reaction in between the carbonyl team of a carbohydrate molecule and also amino team (- NH2) of a non-carbohydrate particle. These are the covalent bonds developed as an outcome of electron sharing among 2 or even more atoms. They are developed as a result of a chemical reaction that might be relatively easy to fix or irreparable. Main bonds are the permanent attractions that are developed among the atoms by the sharing of electrons. The development of a key bond either consumes or releases energy and also the same power is required to damage the key bond. Chemical bonds are the affiliations or organizations in between 2 or more atoms that with each other develop particles of compounds.
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It is one of the most crucial second bond in organic molecules. Hydrogen bond is the greatest additional bond having toughness practically equal to that of covalent bonds.
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Some of the vital additional bonds in biological particles are the following. Both these enzymes are made use of in the living cells throughout the typical turn-over of nucleic acids. Phosphodiester bonds are utilized to affix nucleotides in DNA as well as RNA. Polynucleotide that don't drop in the category of nucleic acids likewise have phosphodiester bond linking the individual nucleotides. It is the key covalent bond that signs up with various nucleotides in a polynucleotide or nucleic acids.
Nate Diaz tested positive for trace amounts of a SARM, tells Dana White to ‘clear my name’ ahead of UFC 244 - MMA Mania
Nate Diaz tested positive for trace amounts of a SARM, tells Dana White to ‘clear my name’ ahead of UFC 244.
Posted: Fri, 25 Oct 2019 07:00:00 GMT [source]
Endocrine hormones control a vast variety of bodily functions consisting of metabolic rate, development as well as advancement, cells function, sex-related feature, reproduction, rest, and mood. This consistently up-dated web page gives a run-through of the artificial processes associated with production of intestinal peptides, and also law of these procedures. Pharmaceutical items which mimic the impacts of endogenous peptide ligands are call peptidomimetics. Some examples of peptidomimetics as well as their equivalent endogenous ligand consist of desmopressin-- vasopressin, octreotide-- somatostatin, and also insulin glargine-- insulin. Medicines which block the receptors for endogenous peptide ligands can be peptide or non-peptide particles.
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cycle support supplements can, consequently, be really helpful to choose one of the most encouraging stress, healthy protein resources, as well as even anticipate the activities of the generated peptides. Following incubation of the picked protein with various CEP-harboring Lactobacillus pressures, the released peptides can be identified making use of mass spectrometry. Therefore, peptidomics will certainly be able to develop connections in between the CEP genotype of the stress as well as the profile of peptides they create. Schematic representation of the proposed approach of Lactobacillus strains choice to create bioactive peptides. Cell envelope proteinase genotyping is carried out, complied with by the assessment of the heterogeneity of the produced peptides. One of the most appealing hydrolysate is selected relying on the targeted application.
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Depending upon the types, CEPs are either secured to the cell wall or released in the media. zeae are secreted in the extracellular media, while several pressures of Pound. plantarum appear to possess cell wall-bound CEPs (Vukotić, 2016). This function figures out which extraction strategy have to be adhered to. Microbial culture conditions can be enhanced to increase CEP production and extraction yields; this was done for Lactobacillus species such as Lb.
Approaches For Baps Manufacturing By Lactobacillus Species.
The techniques for BAP production using Lactobacillus types are presented, including fermentation and also functionalization of dietary products, removal as well as filtration of hydrolysates or BAPs, and also use purified CEPs. Finally, the current restrictions and also future difficulties for BAP manufacturing by lactobacilli are reviewed. Fermented dairy items declaring useful health and wellness residential properties related to BAPs currently exist. Overall, AMPs use promising choices to common treatments as anti-infectives and immunomodulatory agents with devices of activity which are much less prone to resistance induction contrasted to standard prescription antibiotics.
The glycosidic bonds amongst the sugar residues in cellulose are beta-glycosidic. In an alpha-glycosidic bond, the atoms creating the bond are routed in the very same plane i.e. they equal in stereochemistry. The glycosidic bonds amongst the glucose molecules in starch are instances of the alpha-glycosidic bonds. This kind of link is seen in amino sugars and also glucosyl amines. An instance of glucosyl amines is the nucleoside molecule in which the ribose sugar is affixed to a nitrogenous base through an N-glycosidic bond. leading sarms stackss are the glycosidic bonds in which a sugar moiety is connected to nitrogen of the non-carbohydrate compound.
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HydroPeptide skin care offers numerous type of these peptides such as Syn-Ake, which is known as a Botox ®- type peptide due to its crease relaxing buildings. Syn-Ake blocks uptake of Na+ hence loosening up muscle contractions by 82% after two hrs and also lowering creases by 52% after 28 days.
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Previous studies in humans demonstrated that daily oral administration of MK-677 in healthy older adults,8 GH-deficient adults9 for 4 weeks, and GH-deficient children10 for 7 days increased serum GH, IGF-I, and IGF binding protein (IGFBP)-3 concentrations.
Significantly, lots of AMPs are created as non-active forerunners requiring proteolytic bosom to come to be energetic. Their regulation is therefore not only based on their own expression yet likewise on the wealth of suitable proteases. Antimicrobial peptides, also known as host defense peptides, are brief as well as usually favorably charged peptides found in a wide variety of life forms from bacteria to people. A lot of AMPs have the capacity to kill microbial virus straight, whereas others act indirectly by regulating the host defense systems. Against a background of rapidly enhancing resistance advancement to standard prescription antibiotics around the globe, initiatives to bring AMPs into professional usage are increasing.
It is likewise a type of ester bond however involves two ester linkages. The bonds between the glycerol and also the fats in a triglyceride are the examples of ester bonds. In the process of making a peptide bond, the carboxylic group sheds hydrogen as well as oxygen atoms while the amino team only loses its hydrogen. It is a covalent bond formed as an outcome of a chain reaction in between the amino team of one amino acid and also the carboxylic team of one more amino acid. In beta-glycosidic bonds, the two bond-forming atoms are routed in opposite airplane having different stereochemistry.
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The presence of several CEP paralogs, displaying different uniqueness, make Lb. This review explains the proteolytic system of Lactobacillus species, concentrating on the ability of these microorganisms to hydrolyze nutritional healthy proteins in order to produce novel BAPs. An approach for selection of BAP-producing Lactobacillus pressures is proposed, based on a combination of traditional and also in silico techniques.
Lastly, the chosen pressures are examined for technique validation. Different in silico tools can be made use of during the methodology. 4 different CEPs from Lactobacillus varieties have actually thus far been characterized. While many Lactobacillus varieties possess just one CEP, the existence of 4 different paralogs of PrtH has been observed in Lb.
Myoxinol prevents contraction (pre-synapse) for approximately 254 hours and also decreased wrinkles by 25% after 3 weeks. Endocrine peptides are the proteinaceous subset of the hormones created by the glands of the endocrine system. The significant endocrine glands include the pineal gland, pituitary gland, pancreas, ovaries, testes, thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, hypothalamus, gastrointestinal tract and also adrenal glands.
As an example, in a water particle, 2 bonds link the two hydrogen atoms to one oxygen atom, resulting in the formation of a water molecule. Repeating-- A high focus of a variety of peptides applied on a regular basis will certainly remain to feed, nourish and also renew the skin. It resembles eating; you must eat frequent little meals throughout the day in order to execute ideally. Second, third and even 4th generation peptides are now astounding the sector.
Congress Wants to Add a Popular Fitness Drug to the List of Controlled Substances - Reason
Congress Wants to Add a Popular Fitness Drug to the List of Controlled Substances.
Posted: Mon, 30 Apr 2018 07:00:00 GMT [source]
In animals, AMPs are located largely within granules of neutrophils and also in secretions from epithelial cells covering skin and mucosal surface areas (Boman, 1995; Hancock as well as Chapple, 1999). In most cases, AMPs are inscribed in clusters in the genome as well as co-expressed, leading to several AMPs gathering at a solitary website.
Several AMPs are presently being reviewed in scientific trials as novel anti-infectives, yet likewise as brand-new medicinal agents to modulate the immune response, promote wound recovery, and stop post-surgical bonds. The overall evidence-base connected with collagen supplements is limited. The best evidence is related to skin wellness and reductions in joint pain from workout or osteo arthritis. Although specific kinds of collagen are located in our muscles, there isn't much proof as to whether supplementing with collagen enhances muscular tissue strength or growth. Chemical bonds are pressures of attraction that keep together various atoms to create molecules. This bond is associated with maintaining the tertiary structure of healthy proteins as well as assisting the protein folding. Although it is a covalent bond, it is gone over under the heading of secondary bonds since it is involved in maintaining the greater frameworks of organic molecules.
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abitoflit · 4 years
Riot Baby
“Ella has a Thing. She sees a classmate grow up to become a caring nurse. A neighbor's son murdered in a drive-by shooting. Things that haven't happened yet. Kev, born while Los Angeles burned around them, wants to protect his sister from a power that could destroy her. But when Kev is incarcerated, Ella must decide what it means to watch her brother suffer while holding the ability to wreck cities in her hands. Rooted in the hope that can live in anger, Riot Baby is as much an intimate family story as a global dystopian narrative. It burns fearlessly toward revolution and has quietly devastating things to say about love, fury, and the black American experience. Ella and Kev are both shockingly human and immeasurably powerful. Their childhoods are defined and destroyed by racism. Their futures might alter the world,” (Tochi Onyebuchi).
I appreciated the fact that Onyebuchi’s novel was fast-paced and that he was able to express himself without causing his story to drag on and on and on as some other novelists do. However, the time jumps were a bit disorienting at times—I wasn’t always sure how much time had passed or what was going on and felt as though I had to play catch-up at times.
I also felt as though the novel’s grammar and sentence structure left something to be desired. I am certain, however, that this was the novelist’s stylistic choice—he wanted to adopt speech patterns and use terms and phrases that both youth and adults coming from environments overwhelmed by slang and devoid of strong educational systems would use in their daily lives. In other words, a language often adopted by those with a poor educational background because of their limited or lack of access to “better” schools, tutors, and knowledgeable teachers. I believe this was done to immerse the reader in the world Onyebuchi was describing, but I found that it occasionally had the opposite effect—it was too “heavy,” for a lack of a better word, and disoriented me at times, keeping me from fully immersing myself in his story.
Sometimes, the story also felt more like a collection of nightmares and memories than a fluid story. I don’t believe this is necessarily a bad thing, but I do wonder how the story would have been altered had the narrations been more “fluid.” If the connective tissue between each section and break within the chapter had been both strong and clear throughout. Perhaps this too, was reflective of the narrators’ experiences, meant to help immerse you in the text since their lives were often disjointed and fraught with anger and violence, the text itself should be disjointed and jumpy in some ways.
I also felt like there were some minor continuity errors in Riot Baby. On the tenth page of the novella, Jamila is introduced as a young boy, but on page 25, she’s introduced as a girl working in a shop. I’m assuming they’re the same person and wonder what happened. This is also one of the earliest scenes from the novel where I began to wonder how much time passed between sections/scenes because if Jamila was old enough to work in a store than she must be at least a teenager. Kevin, now capable of speech, must be getting up there as well.
I also found the narrational shifts between first and third person to be a bit jarring. Especially when they happened within the same section of a particular chapter. I think it may have been best if Onyebuchi picked one perspective and stuck to it.
With that being said, I felt like the novel was well-done overall. I think it honestly and genuinely portrayed the hardships that cultural minorities, (such as Blacks), from less-affluent communities endure on a day-to-day basis. I think that it fully encompassed their thoughts and fears, the ideas that regularly run through their minds. I wish the character’s motivations had been a little clearer, but overall, I don’t have many complaints with the author’s ability to express what he wanted to express. I think he shed some light on what it’s like living with institutionalized racism, in areas dominated by gangs and poverty, about the hardships of everyday life when you’re “dealt a bad hand.” And although the novel was often violent and angry and unsettling, it was a novel that needed to be written and a story that needed to be told because the things that Onyebuchi described happen.
Every day.
To lots of different people. And it is only through story, through word of mouth and paper, that we can both begin to understand and overcome.
And finally grow beyond.
Books like this which legitimize people’s experiences are one of the ways that we can all grow as a society and I am happy to have taken the time to read it.
Rating: 3.2/5 stars
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HEWWO!!! Folk call me Chicky or Bean! Sometimes Carm- it depends! But I’m in search of an rp partner! I’ve looked through tumblr a lot when it came to rp ads and through this hellsite I’ve found a lot of genuine partners that I now view as some of my closest friends. BUT LIFE HAPPENS!! So now I’m back and looking for another partner and maybe if I’m lucky a friend!
So I’ve never? Written an? Ad? Before??? Usually I just reply to them- So if I miss something you’re interested in feel free to DM me here later and I’ll answer!
Okay A little Abt Me so you know what you’re getting into:
I am currently 19, and doing school full time. I’m a Theatre Major and identify with she/her pronouns (if? Thats important? To some people it is- to me personally I am accepting of the entire gender spectrum.) Being as I’m currently in school please be understanding if I’m not online 24/7- I promise I’m usually pretty present and I’ll let you know if something comes up. In other news- I am filled to the brim with chaotic bisexual energy (yes we stan bisexual awareness and acceptance in this HOUSEHOLD. P L S.) UhhhhHHhhh I’m not sure what else to put here. If you have any other like questions? Lmk? HOPEFULLY we’ll get to know eachother if I catch ya fancy!!!
Now for the fun BITS( WHAT I’M LOOKIN FOR):
-I write in and prefer third person rps! Honestly with length PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don’t leave me with like a two sentence reply if I write a page. That’s all I ask. Most of my replies tend to be 3/4 sizable paragraphs give or take!
-I’ll rp with anyone as young as 17 and as old as 25. If you’re older than my step-brother I’m sorry I dont think I’d be very comfortable rping with you.
-Because I know that everyone has a life outside of RPs and things I dont expect a reply every day. I do full time school- I GET IT. But I do like to hear from my partners at least a few times a week. If not only for the memes bc I DO send cat pictures and Pinterest chaos that I find.
-I cannot express HOW MUCH I LOVE HEAD-CANONING. Even if it doesnt pertain exactly to the rp? I ADORE IT. I love useless facts about your characters- or dumb ideas in passing. Cute scenarios or things that have aBSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH WHATS HAPPENING IN THE MAIN PLOT. I’m a sap for character connections and I will send stuff about the potential there.
- As far as pairings go? I do it all! I have SO many ocs with so many gender identities and sexual orientations that as long as you’re open minded then we can rock and roll! I’m open to m//, f//, m/f, nb pairings, gender fluid(i have a few fluid babes myself), etc etc! Lmk whats up!
-I ONLY do Oc rps- So sorry to canon/oc or canon/canon. I thoroughly enjoy the worlds and the AU opportunities, but I don’t think I would feel comfortable there. THAT BEING SAID I have several fandoms that would make for FANTASTIC AUS.—
-Here are a few groups with AU POTENTIAL THAT I THRIVE FOR:
+ Haikyuu!! (If you’re a hq fan I will die. I lO VE THIS SHOW)
+ Pirates of the Caribbean (pirates!au got me like oooOooooOOo)
+ Tonari no kaibutsu-ken (My Little Monster) <- (another all time fave. Its so cute and good. Nothin like a babey asf slice of life to make my big stoopid heart soff)
+ Harry Potter (yes I’m a hoe for hogwarts au. The p o T e n t i a l.)
+(There’s probably more, but I’m blanking rn big oof. DM ME IF YOU’RE CURIOUS ABOUT A FANDOM AND WHERE I STAND WITH IT AS FAR AS AUS GO. B c there’s a solid chance I have heard of it and I a m 100% willing to build an au with you around it!)
ANYWAY abt Ocs- I LOVE MY KIDS. And I’ll love YOUR KIDS. I LOVE OCS IN GENERAL. I draw art of my dumbasses all the time and if we hit it off real good and I feel mega inspired I’ll draw art of our kids interacting. (No promises but like y e e t)
I say this bc I do have an art blog that I’ll link at the very end of this mess so you can see and meet them. If you have an art blog too? I would LOVE TO SEE IT. AND FOLLOW YOU!! I wanna explore potential together!
Okay okay so I think? At the end of these people usually put like the potential rp ideas they have and I got a couple, but honestly if you have something you’re curious about exploring tell me about it!! I’m eager to see what ideas you have and we can build something together!!
— (royal/servant)
— (royal/bodyguard)
—I have some original worlds when it comes to vampires that have exploring potential!
—I think the world is sUPER CUTE. I know a lot of it is smut (nothin wrong with that ig) but like the fluffy bits are quality and here we stan some f l UFF.
— Captain/First Mate
— Pirate/Siren
— I know this lowkey loops up to Pirates of the Caribbean!au, but we dont have to follow the movies lore which is sorta why i put it like? Separate?
— Detective/Thief
—Retired!Criminal/ Detective (working on Criminal’s case)
Okay! So this is sorta the end of my ad I think! If you made it this far and you’re interested Uh TEA! I am SO EXCITEDDDDD! If you’re genuinely interested, follow, and like this post and acct, then send me a message here!
I only rp through Discord, but I won’t leave my discord info here. After we talk a little in the tumblr dms and you tell me a little bit about yourself and what you like then I’ll hand it over and we can GET TO BRAINSTORMING!!! YAYYY!!!
August 31, 2019!
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dllparts-blog · 6 years
yes hi ! im rhu, from the gmt+1 timezone and im bringing here a muse i had long time ago and who clearly deserves better sjkdnsf you’re totally free to either like this post or dm me for plotting, or ask for my discord handle if that’s easier on you ! things under the cut will be kept short and sweet as i’d rather have you read my pages, i worked hard for them so i’m sure you can understand ♥
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min yoongi + cismale + he/him + umbrakinesis.┊ ❛ ━ hey, is it just me or do you hear  forever rain by rm playing in the distance ? oh, that’s just  lim hoseok, a twenty-six year old  underground rapper & producer. according to my sources, i heard he can be  lawful neutral  and is  assertive, but also  fatalistic. that’s probably why they remind everyone of  cigarette break at 3am, reel-to-reels, a lone microphone under the spotlight  so much ! anyway, whether or not they’re  in favor of the supers, crystalline city is keeping a close eye on them !  rhu, 25, gmt+1, she/her
trigger warnings for: implied abuse from parents, depression, homophobia & xenophobia, suicide attempt, suicidal ideation.
hasn’t had the easiest life as a child, and doesn’t talk about it, probably never will. his story starts directly when he was an underground rapper and already with a very good grasp onto his ability, and he got scouted by a small but wealthy entertainment company to debut in 3 member kpop group called stigma.
the group had a good success but at when their second trilogy was released in the years 2015-16, all hell broke loose. the group was already known for treating sensitive themes in their songs, but this time according to knetizens things got too far and rumors about two of the members being gay & one of them being a super started appearing alongside some really nasty commenrary. this hateful pressure, summed up to his own relationship with the group leader falling apart and his mental health following suit, brought hoseok to try killing himself and failing, and consequently ending up hospitalized. the company declared the group disbanded for damage control, and burying anything about hoseok who soon was ‘forced’ to flee the country.
in crystalline city he started working as a producer under a very known record label, writing songs ( from head to toe ) for others mainly, and only in the last year he had his own songs released mainly on spotify as he resumed his underground rapper activities. he is surviving, not living. 
local edgy shadow guy with maybe a heart of gold ; has issues, lots of them ; probably laughs at dumb jokes and his laugh sounds like a small windowshield ; has a lisp ; totally had someone believe in slenderman thanks to some cool shadow tricks ; very talented !! can play piano and violin, can write songs about anywhere, he’s very expressive and fast in his raps, very intelligence, pls give him one ( 1 ) fluid ounce of praise he deserves it.
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briankoning · 6 years
Don’t Waste YOUR Time with Social Media
7 Reasons Businesses Should Hire a Social Media Guru
– Unless you’ve been living on a deserted island for the past decade, you are acutely aware that almost everyone in developed countries is posting, texting, tweeting, pinning and doing whatever else it is they do on social media.
It’s estimated that approximately 90% of all purchases now start with some type of online search. It might be a search for a product or service. But many times, purchases happen because of the carefully crafted ads and posts on social media. A well-crafted ad with a strong headline, compelling copy and an eye-catching graphic hooks us like largemouth bass slamming a top-water lure in a quiet cove on Kentucky Lake early in the morning. 
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Okay, so my mind drifted to bass fishing for a second. But you get the point.
The point is, social media is everywhere and, whether you like it or not, it influences our purchasing decisions and often results in impulse purchases. I’ve purchased shoes, music equipment, gifts, and more just because of an ad that popped up on Facebook. Just last week, I instantly clicked on a Facebook ad and purchased a flexible iPhone charger thingy that will allow me to stop having to prop my phone against something when I’m recording video. Now, I have to wait for about three months for it to arrive on a slow boat from China!
As a business owner and entrepreneur who has an excellent grasp of social media and digital marketing, I can tell you that social media is exhausting. It’s also very time-consuming. I’ve invested tens of thousands of dollars in workshops, conferences and mastermind groups over the last six years to learn everything I can about social media and digital marketing. And, as soon as I feel I’ve mastered something, it changes. Digital marketing and social media are fluid and literally change hourly. It’s complicated.
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For the average business owner, unless you’ve been riding the social media wave and thoroughly understand Facebook/Instagram advertising, Google AdWords, Twitter, LeadPages, landing pages, Click Funnels, and all the analytic tools to measure the results of your digital marketing, it will take you years and a lot of training and money to catch up. Sure, you can do it, but at the risk of your business failing because your time will be spent learning rather than selling. Six or seven years ago, it took me the better part of a day to launch a Facebook ad. Today, it only takes me about 30 minutes. For someone who knows nothing about creating a targeted Facebook ad and is not tech savvy, it would take a couple of days to launch even a basic ad that “might” generate a few leads.
So, what is the solution?
Hire a social media (or digital marketing) guru.  Here’s why…
You Can’t Maintain It
Social media for businesses is practically a 24/7 job. Sure, you start out with great intentions but you’ll get sidetracked by the things you should be doing… like managing the leads and closing sales. Before you know it, days and weeks have passed since you’ve posted anything or even checked for the leads that came in.
You’re Not Technical Enough
You can’t just send out a Tweet, post a photo on Instagram or boost a Facebook post that says, “Here’s my widget, buy it!” and yet that’s what a lot of business do. I see businesses all the time that have great products and services but their social media sucks. It’s killing them. Then, there are businesses that suck but are tech savvy and they are getting all the business. Those businesses know how to connect the dots using technology. They know how to find the most popular search terms. They know how to use Google Analytics or Facebook analytic tools. They know what hashtags to use. They know how to get thousands of likes, followers, and fans. They direct prospects to “landing pages” and they use “trip wires” to get people to opt-in, get put into a “drip email campaign” or “auto responder’ and become invested in the sales process. Social media is very technical and is an intricate, tangled web that requires a individual who understands how everything works together.
You’re Too Invested In Traditional Marketing
Hiring a social media expert takes a leap of faith. It’s an investment. Do you need to hire a full-time social media person? Not necessarily. You can contract a social media expert. We’re out here! I suggest re-allocating some of your budget from traditional marketing/advertising channels that are now obsolete and ineffective and actually use it to bring your digital marketing up to speed. Do you know how inexpensive Facebook advertising is? For the price of a print ad in a glossy neighborhood magazine that maybe reaches a couple hundred people one time, you can run a Facebook ad and reach tens of thousands of target people multiple times over the course of weeks or months?
You Don’t Really Know the Market
You may think you know who your ideal customer is. But, there’s nothing like a reality check when you run the social media analytics tools available and see who is responding to your posts and ads. For example, a client who runs an athletic training program for youth sports was convinced that they needed to target “dads”. However, the analytics report showed that it was actually “moms” and most were “single moms” who were looking for a program for their kid(s). I talked to an owner of a lawn care company who was running Facebook ads to every single homeowner within a 25-mile radius of the business. The analytics showed him that the ideal client was “male”, “40-65”, “homeowner”, “employed”, “household income>$80,000”, “married”, “college degree”, “Home value $200K+” and lived within a “7-mile” radius of his business. These are all some of the demographics and attributes you can select when running an ad, thus filling your pipeline with more qualified prospects. Don’t assume!
You Don’t Have a Plan
Social media experts thrive on the hunt and flushing out qualified leads. But they have a plan. They create “roadmaps” that carefully time the ads, posts, tweets, etc… They know from analytics what time of day most people will be on social media. They use tools to schedule posts, time emails, and create drip campaigns. Just randomly posting a photo on Instagram or sending out a tweet of you having coffee at your desk does absolutely nothing. Remember that ol’ saying, “Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail!”
You’re Too Close to Your Business
As a business owner, you’re not always objective. It’s like a mom who believes she has given birth to the most beautiful baby in the world. In her eyes, it is. But to the outside world, it may not be. A good social media expert will help keep you “on brand” and help you see your business from the consumer’s perspective. And then there’s the whole reputation thing. Social media opens you up to criticism and negative reviews by dissatisfied customers and disgruntled employees, potentially damaging your reputation. As a business owner, it’s easy to take that personally and even respond in a negative way. A social media expert can (and should) help control that and respond appropriately. I always tell business owners about the 3/30 rule… if you do something good, a customer might tell three people; if the customer has a “perceived” bad experience, they tell 30 people. Unfortunately, that “30 people” can grow exponentially if a negative review goes viral on social media.
You Don’t Have the Right Person On Your Team
The biggest mistake any business owner can make is to hand over the social media or digital marketing function to an admin, family member, or do it on their own. It’s time consuming. It is very technical. It requires someone who knows how the machine needs to be assembled to work efficiently. And just because you have a teenager or young adult that “thinks” they know what they are doing, they more than likely don’t. You need an expert that knows MARKETING and ADVERTISING and PUBLIC RELATIONS and SALES and so much more.
A social media guru (full-time or contracted) can bring the benefit of professional expertise to your social media campaign, but is it the best option for you? By exploring your own time constraints and being honest with your level of expertise, you can determine whether a social media manager is the best option for your business or whether you risk doing it on your own.
I’d be happy to talk with you about how I can help you create an effective social media and digital marketing plan to help you grow our business giving you more time to do the things you need to manage your business and enjoy more personal time.
Let’s talk!
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blogrivendell · 3 years
#25 Escaping the Snare.
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“Set a guard over my mouth, O Lord, keep watch over the door of my lips. Let not my heart be drawn to what is evil, to take part in wicked deeds with men who are evildoers; let me not eat of their delicacies...... But my eyes are fixed on you, O sovereign Lord; in you I take refuge- do not give me over to death. Keep me from the snares they have laid for me, from the traps set by evildoers. Let the wicked fall into their own nets, while I pass by in safety.  Psalm 141: 3,4, 8-10.
The photo is our possum friend who was snared by her curiosity and greed and found herself caught in the trap we had set for feral cats, (the  local “evildoers”) After a miserable night repenting of her foolishness, we rescued her safely the following morning.
Last blog I commented on how powerful  a force is the digital Babylon in which we now inhabit. Escaping its snare is  probably the biggest challenge facing followers of Jesus in this period in our society. To be ensnared ourselves not only means we lose our way again spiritually, we lose our distinctive lifestyle as exiled followers of Jesus and we are unable to liberate others from the same trap. As part of the older generation, it may be easier for me to see some things that we are losing in this present culture, like quality of relationships, because I am  not a “digital native”. I had a life before the digital era to which I can make comparisons. But the older ones are not the ones to lead the way forward into navigating the complexities  of our online world.   The task of those younger than us will be to figure out how to  maintain a Biblical worldview and  a lifestyle of successful family and community relationships through which  Jesus is operating and the power of the Holy Spirit is working to rescue others. A society dominated by the internet is new territory, and the internet is now regarded by us all as an indispensable asset at the same time as it can be the fastest route to self destruction and the multiplying of human evil.  But the good aspects makes it so easy to ignore the bad, so we tolerate its destructiveness because we  feel  we are no  longer able to live without it. We need leaders who are alert to what is going on, who  will seriously grapple with the issues and forge these understandings into more effective discipleship. 
 This challenge was highlighted in the past few days in  several instances:  Firstly, reading the sobering details of what Jaron Lanier, one of the pioneers of Virtual Reality, had to say about all the negative effects of social media.  In  commenting on how social media  technology operates, he says  “ .. the algorithms have to maximize value from all the data that’s coming in. So they test use that data . it just turns out as a matter of course, that the same data that is a positive, constructive process for the people who generated it...can be used to irritate other groups. And unfortunately there’s this asymmetry in human emotions where the negative emotions of fear and hatred and paranoia and resentment come up faster, more cheaply, and they’re harder to dispel than the positive emotions. ..” 
 Secondly, I read an ABC  news article of what has happened in a small rural town in Victoria  to a community Facebook page that was meant to bring the town together. It did successfully do that  until the covid controversies about vaccines etc  surfaced in it. Then angry, aggressive and abusive posts came to dominate and the divisive conversations online were affecting the town’s otherwise treasured sense of community. The online divisions  spilled over into everyday life making  face to face contacts  toxic, and the ability to have amicable differences stopped, because of a few intolerant but very  vocal people. Those who had the difficult task of administrating the Facebook page, got accused of suppressing freedom of speech if they tried to keep out the kind of material that is inflammatory and divisive and they are left feeling that what had been a good attempt at community connections has now become  negative and unmanageable.  
Thirdly,  I had a conversation with someone about their adult daughter, who has a history of emotional maladjustment. The daughter has spent a lot of time in lockdown immersed in the gaming world, and has now decided to take on the name and identity of her avatar in the gaming world and now declares herself to be “gender fluid” in the process. Her mother is clearly concerned that she has become immersed in unreality, and has  created  for herself  an artificial “self” that will not be a successful way to relate in real life.
To return to my initial point, we as Christians should be guardians of healthy relationships, peace-makers in a polarised and divided community, and have enough grip on truth and reality ourselves to be able to recognise the snares of online world and the dangers for children of  seeking identity away from the identity we are given  in Christ. The amount of untruth, and  unreality in the online world is frightening and overwhelming  and already so many Christians  have  fallen into deception. None of us are immune.  But the prayer of the Psalm 141 is of  timeless value. God is the only one who has a complete grip on truth and reality, and He is bigger than the internet and all the complexities of modern life.  Our only protection from being ensnared is taking refuge in God, immersing ourselves in His presence and who He reveals Himself to be in the Bible. This is  how  we grow in wisdom, discernment and   the truth that comes from seeing things from God’s perspective. Humanity has  always arrogantly assumed that we can work things out by ourselves, without our minds being illuminated by  the mind of God. God knows  this is the first and greatest self- deception.  More than ever we must carve out time and cultivate a relationship  with Him of sufficient depth  to receive truth from the Holy Spirit. 
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leyahroehl · 4 years
is medical marijuana covered by insurance
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare quotes from different companies :coverage-finder.net
is medical marijuana covered by insurance
is medical marijuana covered by insurance in the event of a serious accident, even when that state’s insurance requires that all drivers participate in that law. California is one of only 21 states that doesn’t require insurance, while the (the state’s program) offers coverage to those aged 65 years or older. It’s unclear whether this insurance is available in the state where they are registered and for what reasons.  But if it is, how does it fit in for drivers who don’t drive themselves? What it covers is a mix of the five legalities commonly available to adults under the age of 21: If you are in the market for car insurance, you need to know who to contact. If you’re looking for a car insurance company and you just don’t have an Internet connection, you’ve come to the right place. The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) tells drivers to check in with a representative before signing up to make changes. is medical marijuana covered by insurance? Compare plans side-by-side and read reviews of each as you shop around for insurance. It’s important to know insurance costs vary considerably between plans and plan providers. When looking at car insurance, many people assume that all drivers and cars are looking at the same exact same things. Car insurance has different components such as collision, comprehensive, and comprehensive coverage. However, it’s worth knowing that all car insurance providers in the United States have different coverage levels for different situations. Each provider will offer different types of insurance for different situations. In the case of car insurance, most car insurance providers have a broad range of benefits, features, and premium rates. In most cases, however, it’s always a matter of comparing coverages and values that you’ll have to choose over what your current is. This can be challenging to some, however, and you can work with a few different car insurance providers to find. is medical marijuana covered by insurance, and the company has a broad background in the medical cannabis industry. If you’re like most people who use medical marijuana, its products are similar to the cannabis used in drug rehabilitation and marijuana use. In the US, cannabis is legally treated as a marijuana that’s derived from cannabis, and it is covered under your insurance policy in some states. Your medical insurance company also benefits from some exceptions. For instance, your medical insurance could extend coverage, however the exception varies by state. You might also choose to take out a policy or two of the cannabis industry as well. If you’re looking for a safer or more pleasant ride, you may be tempted to purchase a policy on your new cannabis and marijuana use. In the United States, cannabis is legally required to be used in a medical, psychiatric, and residential treatment program, including: If you get too excited in the age of the cannabis oil, you may not recognize the product in question. You’re paying.
Insurance Coverage and the Courts
Insurance Coverage and the Courts. California has created a new state accountability law with: ‘The purpose of this law is to ensure everyone has access to the insurance and the law has been developed to protect consumers regardless of their driving habits’. The law also includes the establishment of a bureau to track insurance practices within the State of California, which is dedicated to protecting drivers. It remains in effect to take steps to reduce fraud among drivers, and the law includes a provision that ensures that if a driver does not take proper precautions and not drive responsibly, he or she should not be penalized by a driver’s insurance bill based on their financial responsibility to the driver. The California Vehicle Code provides for the imposition of insurance rules governing the operation of motor vehicles and the protection of consumers, but the car insurance industry is not permitted to do that. In addition, California has legislation that limits the scope of insurance coverage to vehicles operated on any roadways or highways. These requirements can include coverage for bodily injury.
Does Insurance Cover Medical Marijuana?
Does Insurance Cover Medical Marijuana? Medical marijuana is actually a form of marijuana not controlled substance, but a substance that is chemically active against other opioids. A metabolite of cocaine or heroin. It is still highly sedative and can cause addiction and death. What is the best health insurance for medical marijuana? Are there any health insurance plans that cover cannabis? Can you find cheap health insurance with medical marijuana? This AMA is a good answer, and will give you a better idea of what you can expect from health insurance. I had no health insurance for years and knew I wanted to get coverage for years now. I had multiple medical conditions so I had found an insurance plan through Health Net for me and my wife. My question is, do they have a medical marijuana plan? When you use medical marijuana, you get regular oral health insurance. If not, then it might be wise to take a policy from a reputable company as well. As a general rule, if you do not have insurance, and the policy is not affordable.
Medical Cannabis and Insurance
Medical Cannabis and Insurance Coverage Cannabis Prescription Fee $14-22-$50 per month $1-4-$50 per month Marijuana Prescription Fee $10$22-$50 per month $1-40 per month Medical Cannabis Prescription Fee $9$14-$14 per year Medical Marijuana Prescription Fee $6$5-$13 per year LTC Prescription Fee $25 $0-$5,000 Cannabidobine Prescription Fee $30-$60 per month Marijuana Prescription Fee $20-$40 per month Cannabinoid Deficiency Medication $5-$25/$50/$100 Insulin Deficiency Medication $15-$60-$125 Cannabinoid Inducible $5-$15 per day [1] Please select Nebraska Nebraska.
Medical Marijuana and Insurance Rates
Medical Marijuana and Insurance Rates- The only exception is which is considered underwriting the marijuana with THC in many states. All that is required in states where it s only . The most common reason I see patients that need to get insurance is to get more medical marijuana in case they are being denied by a company that would allow they, and this can help to save their lives. If the applicant is denied, usually this is a small price to be charged. Most medical cannabis companies won t go to an applicant that has low blood THC levels. This could be a red flag the insurance companies are trying to sell you for a higher price. This is where the insurance companies know exactly what is in the policy. They know exactly what will happen and can lower the cost of your premium. The cannabis company will likely use a different policy because the medical marijuana can get in the way. Not every insurance company will require the applicant to get medical marijuana coverage with THC. The insurance company could ask the applicant if the condition might affect their.
Dispensaries and Medical Insurance
Dispensaries and Medical Insurance Benefits Medical insurance helps to pay for medical treatments and injuries for you and your family at a time when illness or injury could negatively affect your well being. For example, a typical health insurance policy would leave a $25,000, 10% deductible to you and your insurance company until you were able to return home to begin the treatment protocol. This would include an initial stay in a hospital. In the absence of this initial stay, your insurance can use your health insurance benefits, which could become available. A health insurance policy that has higher annual mileage and longer waiting periods could be less expensive than the health insurance plan that is intended to maintain a relatively long treatment schedule. You can get a quote on a in the free comparison tool above to get started. Health insurance is provided by a private entity, such as a state or federal government employee or a voluntary employee of a small employer.  It covers the health of anyone who receives a state-mand.
Medical Marijuana and Health Insurance
Medical Marijuana and Health Insurance. There is a separate page to find more information about medical marijuana coverage. Medical Marijuana for Children is available. Although this policy is not legal, this is a good policy for medical marijuana and health insurance so long as you are covered. This policy is recommended to have health insurance policies for medical marijuana and medical cannabis insurance because the coverage includes some form of medical care, which is considered medically necessary. Medical Marijuana for Children is available in 3 different states: Alaska, Colorado, Virginia, and Hawaii. As a general rule, medical marijuana for Children does not require medical exams. Yes, depending on insurance coverage (or other forms of medical coverage) in each state, insurers may require that you demonstrate that you are otherwise responsible for the medical care you and your family receive. This can include giving your name, insurance company name and contact information; signing a form (or documents or transcripts) in order to demonstrate that this is for the medical treatment you receive in the form of medication, fluids or anesthesia. If.
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punk-rock-pixie · 6 years
1. Are looks important in a relationship?
I mean, I won’t lie and say it gives some personal points, but like I won’t date you if you’re a douche, no matter if you look good or not. 
2. Are relationships ever worth it?
I mean, you don’t NEED to be in one, but it is nice to have someone care for you
3. Are you a virgin?
4. Are you in a relationship?
I am yes
5. Are you in love?
I think?
6. Are you single this year?
Well for like the first month I was
7. Can you commit to one person?
Yeah. Even if I’m polyamorous, I won’t act on it if they’re not cool with it
8. Describe your crush
They love birds and also is a witch. We love a lotta the same stuff.
9. Describe your perfect mate
A storyteller, share at least a few interests. Someone I could talk non-stop to or just become a total tree stump. They understand to a good extent how I work and put the same effort in that I do. On the superficial side, I’m partial to the more butch/masc presenting people and possibly taller. 
That being said the person I am dating is actually a few inches shorter than me lmao
10. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Not really, but I feel like there can be a connection, but love takes time.
11. Do you ever want to get married?
I dunno. I haven’t given it much thought.
12. Do you forgive betrayal?
Depends on the extent????
13. Do you get jealous easily?
I’m kinda jealous, but idk
14. Do you have a crush on anyone?
I mean,,,,, yeah???
15. Do you have any piercings?
Just my ears
16. Do you have any tattoos?
17. Do you like kissing in public?
Only like small pecks. I’m not much on PDA more than like hugging or hand-holding
20. Do you shower every day?
every other day
21. Do you think someone has feelings for you?
I should hope they do????
22. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
23. Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months and not cheat?
I mean, duh?
24. Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years?
25. Do you want to be in a relationship this year?
I’m happy with it yeah.
26. Has anyone told you they don’t want to ever lose you?
27. Has someone ever written a song or poem for you?
Not that I know of???
28. Have you ever been cheated on?
29. Have you ever cheated on someone?
30. Have you ever considered plastic surgery? If so, what would you change about your body?
I wanna make myself look more masc
31. Have you ever cried over a guy/girl?
Oh yeah. I’m not someone to cry a lot but like?? I’ve had my days
32. Have you ever experienced unrequited love?
33. Have you ever had sex with a man?
34. Have you ever had sex with a woman?
35. Have you ever kissed someone older than you?
Most people I’ve kissed are older than me
36. Have you ever liked one of your best friends?
Yup. Ended poorly
37. Have you ever liked someone who your friends hated?
38. Have you ever liked someone you didn’t expect to?
39. Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have?
40. Have you ever written a song or poem for someone?
41. Have you had sex so far this year?
Didn’t I say I was a virgin literally in the first few questions
42. How long can you just kiss until your hands start to wander?
Depends on the mood I guess
43. How long was your longest relationship?
6 months and they left me for someone else
44. How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had?
45. How many people did you kiss in 2012/2013?
I didn’t have my first kiss until 2014
46. How many times did you have sex last year?
47. How old are you?
Old enough to have chronic back pain and complain about technology apparently.
48. If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say?
I mean I’m sad, but like…. I’m not gonna try to manipulate them?
49. If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, what is your favorite thing about him/her?
They understand my emotions and are wildly compassionate. NOT TO MENTION HOW TALENTED THEY ARE AT MAKEUP AND UKULELE?
50. If your first true love knocked on your door with apology and presents, would you accept?
Maybe, but I wouldn’t really let them back into my life?
51. Is there a boy/girl who you would do absolutely everything for?
I don’t think I’d do EVERYTHING for someone, but there is someone I’d do a lot for. 
52. Is there anyone you’ve given up on? Why?
Some friends I dropped recently. We brought out the worst in one another, and I felt like it was time to leave and try to put more energy into other people. I don’t think the friendship was a waste of time at all. We just grew into very different people and did more fighting than being friends, and I wasn’t gonna stay in a friendship like that. 
53. Is there someone mad because you’re dating/talking to the person you are?
So far they haven’t voiced it so??? I don’t think so?
54. Is there someone you will never forget?
55. Share a relationship story.
We were in a long distance thing a few years back. We started off as friends and I realized I had feelings, but we waited until the con we met at to make things official. As I was leaving he asked if he could write something about me and he wrote a full 8 pages. Additionally, at our next con, I was super sick (we didn’t know until later I had mono) and almost fainted. He stayed with me the whole time, and, even though I told him it was possible I had mono, he risked it and still kissed me. 
I don’t blame him for not having feelings for me after that. I think we rushed in and were caught up in the obsession, which lasts about 4 months. I was sure of my emotions, and he wasn’t. It’s ok. We knew what we were getting ourselves into to an extent. We’re still distant friends, I think? No hard feelings.
56. State 8 facts about your body
1. I hate it
2. It manages to put away food like it is no one’s business
3. I can wiggle my ears
4. I am very lactose intolerant and get bad stomach aches, but don’t care
5. I can crack my wrist on command
6. Somehow I can get 3 hours of sleep and still function
7. He a tired man
8. My hair and nails grow fucking fast
57. Things you want to say to an ex
Wherever you are, hope you’re doin okay. Sorry things didn’t work out
58. What are five ways to win your heart?
1. Common grounds of interests/morals
2. Be ok with my mood swings and fickleness when it comes to affection
3. Being a storyteller. I love creativity so much?
4. Passion. Someone who is passionate about something (IE hobbies, special interests, etc) is just??? really attractive????
5. I have a thing for people taller than me? Idk
59. What do you look like? (Post a picture!)
Check my “pixie pics” tag (and maybe like or reblog lmaooo)
60. What is the biggest age difference between you and any of your partners?
a year and a half???
61. What is the first thing you notice in someone?
Usually eyes and their hair
62. What is the sexiest thing someone could ever do for/to you?
Being creative and make a project like inspired by me I guess? Idk. Do something unusual. Of course, I am all for cliche, but like being unusual is really cool.
63. What is your definition of “having sex”?
Consensual stimulation of sex organs? Idk
64. What is your definition of cheating?
Being with someone without you’re partner’s/partners’ knowledge and consent
65. What is your favourite foreplay routine?
66. What is your favourite roleplay?
Fuckin long-ass paragraphs STORYTELLING
67. What is your idea of the perfect date?
Like I said, I love the cliche. Take me to a museum or the park, but even like staying home (If we’ve been seeing one another for a while) and hanging out is cool too. If it’s a first date, something where we can get to talk and know one another
68. What is your sexual orientation?
Probably on the ace spectrum. As for romantic pref?? FLUID AS FUUUUCK
69. What turns you off?
Being rude???
70. What turns you on?
71. What was your kinkiest wet dream?
Fuckin???? I don’t remember my dreams sometimes. Most of them are pretty tame
72. What words do you like to hear during sex?
73. What’s something sweet you’d like someone to do for you?
Writing a poem or song is super cute??? Or like when I’m feeling as depressed as I am now, just showing up to my house and kidnapping me for a bit for like a trip to the beach? (Shoutout to my friend Cici who has been a big help all weekend and did just that today??)
74. What’s the most superficial characteristic you look for?
Being taller than me and also eye color/hair idk. 
75. What’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for you?
Refer to 73 where my friend Cici came to my house today WITH ROSES AND FOOD and drove me to the beach and treated me to a few hours of escapism and dinner. She’s a real one. She as well as my sister and my s/o have been helping me through this terrible month. 
76. What’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever done for someone?
I stayed up all night with someone to help them through a tough time
77. What’s your opinion on age differences in relationships?
If you’re under 18 be careful. If you’re over 18 as two consenting adults, you’re pretty much fine. If you’re a pedophile, fuck right off, mate.
78. What’s your dirtiest secret?
I think I literally ate dirt as a child???
79. When was the last time you felt jealous? Why?
A lotta my friends are getting signed on for top surgery and possible HRT, and like, I am very happy for them, and also I feel like garbage because this is something I’ve wanted for YEARS
80. When was the last time you told someone you loved them?
I told my sister today
81. Who are five people you find attractive?
Pj Liguori, Ethan Nestor, Chris Evans, Hugh Jackman, and Amy Nelson
82. Who is the last person you hugged?
My sister
83. Who was your first kiss with?
Someone I was friends with a while ago at my first Fanime. My first real kiss was with my ex girlfriend
84. Why did your last relationship fail?
He sexually harassed his other boyfriend (I was friends with this other guy and we almost saw one another after we broke up with our ex fun fact)
85. Would you ever date someone off of the Internet?
Yeah probably
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mint-kook · 7 years
I tagged along (wherever you are)
Hey! So I am a very new writer who decided to create a sideblog (elsearwrites) for writing. I really enjoy your fics so I would appreciate it and be honored if you took the time to read something I’ve been writing for Hoseok x Reader! It’s called I tagged along (wherever you are), and is a social media and college au where Hoseok is an instagram famous dancer and the reader is a famous youtuber. The first part is a prologue of how the reader actually became to be a youtuber, and features best friend! and frat boy!Jungkook who broke her heart. It does mention sex and alcohol, but just once and is not explicit. Word count for pt.1 is 2.4k, at least for now because it is unedited and very rough. I just wanted to show a person before I upload it to my own blog. Sorry if it’s long, you don’t have to read it all lol.
So here’s part 1/prologue: A Role Model
You ran.
All you could think about doing is running.
You didn’t really know where you were going, because your visions were blurred by your tears and your brain blurred by shattered pieces of your heart. But whatever your legs remember, took you back to your room.
And you enclosed your whole world in the bleak dark room you returned to.
Just 25 minutes ago you walked into your best friend Jungkook and a girl he was chasing after for some time having sex.
You have been hopelessly in love with him for a good decade, ever since you met each other on a playground, but knew he didn’t feel the same way about you when you watched him fall for someone else all those years. Because you were too scared to break what you already had, the strong friendship that protected you from bullies and protected him from giving up on his dreams. That tight bond you had made you hope. Hope that somewhere along those years, maybe he felt at least a possibility that something more could develop between you two. So you tried hard to be the ideal person Jungkook dreamed about. You were even a model because Jungkook half-heartedly stated that he wanted to date a model once. But when you saw his eyes soften at someone that wasn’t you, your heart betrayed you.
“Y/N! Look, you know Somin right? She’s the one in your Chem class. I think she’s cute and I used the time I waited for you to talk to her.”
“Y/N, Y/N…She’s different from all the other girls I dated. Something about her…is special. I feel like she may be the one…Pfft I sound so cheesy, this isn’t me.”
And so, you got desperate. Before he made things official, maybe you can change something. And even if chances were bleak, you couldn’t take the bottled up feelings inside you anymore. Or, that was what you thought.
He panicked to cover both him and the girl, both confused and shocked at your presence, clearly someone that did not belong in the almost perfect picture.
“Uh…I-I’m so sorry.”
Ah. So they did make it official. Was in the middle of making it official.
And so you ran.
You only convinced yourself you would be okay if you were rejected.
But when you were rejected without you even saying anything, every resolve and every cell you managed to convinced screamed otherwise.
You weren’t okay.
For a couple of days, you were holed up in your room. You had no midterms, and you were that honor student that passed all her classes, and no class you had this semester were attendance mandatory. You managed to avoid the hell out of Jungkook somehow thanks to your roommate’s extremely kind cooperation (Raeun was now your new best friend, screw ex-best friend). You turned off notifications from Jungkook, effectively ignoring every message and call from him. But honestly, you couldn’t turn off your phone. It was the one thing you couldn’t do, because while you were holed up in your room, Raeun and your phone were the only things that connected you to the outside world.
And before you were to head bang on the wall regretting to even think about trying to confess to him, you decide that you need time to yourself. Time to think about you. Distract yourself from whatever may happen to something you tried hopelessly to protect.
And you find yourself in more deeper than ever in the world of social media.
Unhealthy? A little, yes. Successful in distracting you? Also, a little, yes.
That “little” comes from the frequent posts Jungkook updates on his Instagram and Snapchat and sometimes on Twitter, where he seemingly has a blast at parties his frat hosts. You had to admit, even if you told yourself you didn’t care, you were a little, well maybe a lot angry that nothing seemed to change in his carefree alcohol induced world. Were all the messages and missed calls a lie? Even if they stopped all together after a long while, you still had hoped he cared. It wasn’t until Raeun told you that he posts a severely lessened amount ever since that day, and that it’s most likely people of his fraternity controlling what he posts, that your anger subsided.
Even if you told her and yourself that you didn’t care.
“Y/N? There is some food in the fridge for you. Just in case, I’m leaving the door locked. Don’t open the door for anyone just in case, unless it’s the RA, kay?” Raeun said before leaving to take her Calculus exam.
God, why was your roommate and now-best friend such an angel? The mom friend? She even cared for you while she had a very important exam the next day. She was the guard that made sure Jungkook wasn’t going to be near you, hiding you in the closet or threatening to call the RA back when he knocked on your door and called for you for what seemed like an endless period of time.
You didn’t know how you were going to thank her for her hospitality, her generosity, and her existence. But knowing how vulnerable you feel, she just smiles and pats your back.
“Girl, I know how you feel. One thing you shouldn’t do is apologize. Thank me later but there’s absolutely nothing you should apologize for.” She gives you a wink.
Now alone, you felt your nerves kick in as you try to register that Raeun cannot protect you when she’s gone for classes. You hated feeling dependent on her and you hated feeling weak, but you know what?
You felt like you deserved a break. You studied so hard, you tried so hard to grab Jungkook’s attention, and you tried so hard dealing with emotions strong enough to break you down and you were just done. You were tired. So what if you rest for a couple of days? No one will be mad. Raeun was right. You can thank her later, but surely you don’t have to apologize for feeling this way.
So you kicked yourself onto your bed, and dived straight to watch some funny videos. And as you scrolled through your Instagram feed, something happened.
Yes, something magical happened.
It wasn’t Jungkook acting all stupid at a party again, hell no.
It was something entirely different.
You saw the swift arm movements, the smooth lines and fluid form, the music created using the human body. Was that even possible?
You saw sunshine.
That was his name. J-Hope. The boy who shone his sunny yet fierce facial expression dancing a routine to 24K Magic.
And that was your entrance to something new. You became a fan of him in a split second. One moment you are replaying the video for about 25 times and the next moment you are exploring his page. The next moment you are following him. And the next moment and for the next few following moments you were drowning yourself in this newfound excitement.
Raeun came back to you giggling and sighing happily.
She frowned for a few seconds, wondering if she should take you to the school psychiatrist, but she later understood when you told her that you recently found out about J-Hope.
“Oh, Yeah. He’s like…super popular lately. It’s said that he’s one of the best young dancers and he’s getting a lot of media attention lately. Well, he is hot after all, he has sooo many followers.”
“…He’s…he’s soooo talented. Like, really talented. Not just because he is hot though. His dancing is just so passionate.”
Raeun smiled a little, glad at least something simple like this (to her) was able to get you to laugh a little.
But to you, it wasn’t something simple. For the next few days, all you did was stalk his Instagram, liked all of his oh-so-aesthetic pictures, watch literally all of his videos, and as if that wasn’t enough, rewatched them all over again. You learned a lot about him. About how his real name was Jung Hoseok. How he is currently a street dancer who slowly gained exponential fame through social media and went viral. How even if he danced so passionately he always found time to appreciate his other hobbies such as photography and singing. How he dreamed of becoming a professional dancer and opening his own dance school one day. How for now, he loved to meet new dancers, collaborate with them, and show them off to the world like the world doesn’t have enough sunshine. How even if he seemed all badass, there were cute things about him too, like being afraid of snakes and rollercoasters. Your world shined through this man who didn’t even know you.
And Raeun may not understand you. I mean, all you have been doing was either catching up on notes you missed or watch J-Hope. But soon, she started to leave you be, and started to even watch him with you. It was crazy to think that something like this served as distraction away from Jungkook, but you surprised Raeun by entertaining a crazier idea.
“Hey. Y’know what? How bout, I try this?”
Raeun turned away from the phone screen a little belatedly.
“Try what.”
You pointed to the screen.
“What, dancing?”
“Well, not exactly. But you know how I modelled a little before? And how I sing sometimes?”
Raeun rolled her eyes and chuckled.
“You make it sound like you just touched both hobbies. Your mom and I both know how prolific you are, with both singing and modelling.”
It was true. Even if you became a model for the sake of catching Jungkook’s attention, you were naturally talented at it. And singing was something you were so often praised for, even by Jungkook. But you had no confidence in both, and that was ultimately something that made you quit modelling or drop out of your high school honors choir. Perhaps your confidence was dropped to an infinitesimal level due to failing to be with Jungkook, but during the past few days, that confidence level surged to the northern skies. And who made that confidence soar? J-Hope. Someone who doesn’t even know you. And because of this certain Jung Hoseok, you were willing to do something that always lingered your mind. Jung Hoseok inspired you.
And so you made up your mind. You didn’t care if no one will notice you at first. You were finally breaking out of your shell into becoming someone you should have become so long ago.
But you were never too late.
You weren’t going to let one guy ruin your life like that.
You were going to be someone like J-Hope.
After a little while, you picked yourself up your feet. You weren’t holed up in your room, and you learned to be a little bit more independent. More confident. More you. Yes, you still made efforts to avoid Jungkook, but still. An improvement.
And now, you were about to make more.
“Kay, Y/N, let’s try this one more time.” Raeun called out to you behind the camera amidst your trance.
“Oh god, I’m so sorry. It’s just…I haven’t done this in a long time, y’know?”
“Of course I know. Take your time, okay? Remember. Just be you. Don’t worry about what other people have to say. You are freakishly talented enough.”
You and Raeun smiled at each other and as you shut your eyes you took another deep breath. Your hands were sweaty, both your feet and voice were shaking, but after a while, you envisioned the sun. You had the same anxiety during the first modelling job where your parents, Jungkook, and Jungkook’s parents were watching, but now, you had that same adrenaline-fused feeling of excitement that you discovered with J-Hope. You. You were going to do this.
And you open your eyes, and sing.
And as you thought, it was difficult.
Your first video was a self introduction.
“Hi, I’m Y/N. And I have a story to tell. But y’know, it’d be a little boring to suddenly open myself up like a book, so I wanna take my time. So please, listen to me.”
You utilize whatever you learned in modelling to keep a straight face, strict but fluid posture, and beauty tips. You recalled the times where you enjoyed singing, back when your parents would attend your childhood talent shows and you personified a loud, clear voice.
Since when was all of that convoluted? When did you start being so shy with your own voice? Was it when little boy Jungkook bragged to his friends on the playground that you were the best singer he knew? Was it the pressure? But at that moment, you didn’t blame anyone. No, not Jeon Jungkook. When you sang, you just remembered how happy you were, singing. You lost that joy but you found it back. That’s all that it mattered.
You try a number of different songs, from Boa’s Every Heart to Audrey Hepburn’s Moon River, and though Raeun praised you with hugs and tears you were never sure enough that you were good.
But, it happened.
At first, responses toward your uploads were slow. You thought you were fine with that, because even letting out what you wanted to let out was cathartic to you. But during the first few months, you became more and more dejected over low views and lack of response. However, Raeun’s networking connections and incredible signal boosting as well as your busking and frequent gigs at school events or small coffee shops, your name spread like wildfire through the entire school. And although it was a little towards the future, you went viral on YouTube.
  Somewhere in between though, you think you see Jungkook across campus. He was with the girl he was with that one time-Somin, you think her name was. You would be lying if you said you were completely over him. But with Raeun’s now utter determination to get you “out there” and your busy schedules balancing school work, recording, and finding times to at least breathe, you become more invested in yourself than thinking about him. And so, you smile. You don’t say “Hi” or anything awkward. Maybe one day you’ll have the courage to talk to him, or, well, stop avoiding him first. After all, you completely shut him out without his say in anything. But for now, you think that him being out of your life was not something that was losing light. If Jeon Jungkook was someone you wanted to please, then J-Hope, Jung Hoseok was your role model. You don’t have to please someone in order to admire them. That was it.
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theseadagiodays · 4 years
May 25, 2020
Orchestrators of Attention
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Hayati Evreni’s Persistence of Covid
I typically have a very vivid dream life.  Whole evenings of movies with characters I’ve never met and settings I’ve never seen.  It’s one of the reasons I so love to sleep.  Every night, I have an imagined altered reality to look forward to.  And most mornings, to keep the stimuli of these vistiations fresh, I regale Geoff with a detailed recollection of these colorful fictions.  But last night my reverie was disturbingly similar to my waking life.  Zoom calls with real music students that I’ve been teaching.  The delivery of our commissioned fence mural, which is actually scheduled for this Wednesday.  It’s like so much else during this period, where everything seems to be bleeding into each other.  Days to Weeks.  Work to Home.  And now, even the treasured boundary between my subconscious and conscious life has been compromised.
The fluid nature of perceived time in our current reality is problematic in so many ways.  We are animals who’ve found real comfort from the compartmentilization of our lives.  Separate spaces for every endeavor, from offices to gyms to libraries.  We mark time in dozens of essential ways, with calendars, outfit changes, meal routines, holiday celebrations, happy hours - most all of which have dramatically changed during Covid.  This weekend, I read the best explanation for why we find the circular time that has been foisted on us so difficult.  Man Booker International Winner, Olga Tokarczuk’s Flights is part travel-fiction, part-memoir.  Each vignette is a musing about the human propensity to wander.   Here, she explains why perhaps only those of us truly tied to natural cycles, like growing seasons, can thrive in circumstances like we face today.
Sedentary people prefer the pleasure of circular time, in which every object and event must return to its own beginning, curl back up into an embryo and repeat the process of maturation and death.  But nomads and merchants, as they set off on journeys, had to think up a different type of time for themselves, one that would better respond to the needs of their travels.  That time is linear time, more practical because it was able to measure progress towards a goal or destination, rise in percentages.  Every moment is unique; no moment can ever be repeated.  This idea favors risk-taking, living life to the fullest, seizing the day.  And yet the innovation is a profoundly bitter one: when change over time is irreversible, loss and mourning become daily things.  
So, given that most people in modern society are far more aligned with the nomad/merchant class, it makes sense that we are sentenced to this inevitable grief once our “Just Do It”, “Follow Your Bliss” plans get derailed off-course.   This analysis does not provide any solutions. However, I do think it absolves us of a certain culpability, so that we can stop blaming ourselves for feeling bad or for not handling the new norm as well as we should.  Meanwhile, I think it can still be helpful to look for coping mechanisms, and I’ve found some from Jenny Odell, the unintended Queen of Quarantine who I crowned such after the cogent messages from her 2019 book,  How To Do Nothing, came to be the perfect precepts for our time.
An avid bird-watcher, walker and observer, Odell is a proponent of slowing down to make space to notice.  She calls her book a “field guide to doing nothing as an act of political resistance to the attention economy.”  Her suggestions serve as antidotes to the distracting and fractured nature of attention that the limitless connectivity of our plugged-in lives demands.  So, while most of us are still highly connected online, there are so many other ways in which we’ve become uplugged from life as we knew it.  And I think she is suggesting that, perhaps, instead of seeing this as disconnection, or as an untethering, we can appreciate the space that this is creating for us to develop subtler forms of attention.
Odell describes herself, and all artists, as “orchestrators of attention”.  She sees artists as curators of objects and ideas, re-imagined in ways that allow us to see things differently.  I certainly turn to artists and writers to help me do this.  And ironically, it is a circular journey of a different sort that brought me to her wisdom in the first place.  Lately, I’ve found myself in a strange intellectual fractal.  A quest for philosophical nuggets that has me spinning inside a loop of similar thinkers.
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I regulary subscribe to BrainPickings, the source of many such nuggets.  And that’s where I found Victor Frankl’s Yes to Life quote (from March 28 in this blog) about “the power to choose our response”. That newsletter also quoted Rebecca Solnit (Hope in the Dark), who I checked out further on Krista Tippet’s podcast, On Being.  Looking at older episodes of this show, I found an interview with Ezra Klein (Why We’re Polarized), whose podcast just featured Jenny Odell on May 8th: On Nature, Art, and Burnout in Quarantine. https://www.vox.com/podcasts/2020/5/8/21252074/jenny-odell-the-ezra-klein-show-how-to-do-nothing-coronavirus-covid-19  This inspired me to purchase her new book, with its page 9 quote of none-other-than Solnit, again, this time from her book, Paradise Built in Hell. Back down the Solnit rabbit hole, I found another Frankl reference in this book, now from Man’s Search for Meaning.  And so, the perfect circle was complete.  
May 26, 2020
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Labyrinth project by Emily Carr university mentor, Kitty Bland, and student, Mary Rusk - https://www.ecuad.ca/news/2020/kitty-blandy-and-mary-rusak-find-focus-during-pandemic-with-meditation-pathway
Circular time makes me think of labyrinths.  Mandalas of pathways that lead to nowhere, whose hypnotic ellipses draw our single-pointed focus towards the simple act of walking.   I have always loved these places of reflection.  And I find it erroneous that the term labyrinthian has come to refer to complicated places where we get lost. Because I feel that I actually find myself in such places. The only thing lost is a false sense of destination as the purpose in life.  
Odell subscribes to a similar viewpoint in How to Do Nothing.  Rather than a plea to escape reality, quit our jobs, or shrug our responsibilities, her book is an invitation to question what we perceive as productive. I think our current reality has many of us doing this.  My morning walk has me literally “stopping and smelling the roses” each day, as I’ve seen so many others do during this altered time.  
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So, while it has encouraged me to see normally overprogrammed-teens watching sunsets and families chilling for endless hours on front lawns, I have also observed a pattern of apology amongst my peers, when they acknowledge having been “less-productive than usual”, during this period.  So, I’ve taken to meet this only with permission.  This is something I’ve increasingly given myself ever since my excessive drive, as a flutist, left me with a chronic overuse injury that was a wake-up call I’ve only recently been able to truly appreciate.
After this major uninvited “halting” of my career, I became acutely aware of how often people answer “How are you?” with “Busy.”  Particularly artists, who have perhaps been undercompensated, underemployed and underappreciated for so long, it feels like being “busy” is a badge of honor that implies their work is in-demand.  So, I get it.  But still, I have made a point, since this realization, never to answer that question as such.  Busy is not an emotion.  The truth behind the word - feelings of anxiety, overwhelm and fear - are perhaps too telling to reveal.  Because admitting them might mean we have to shift something.  They might force us to slow down and stop busying ourselves, which is maybe the scariest thing of all.  Because then, we have to face who we truly are when we are not “doing”.
To track my own “doing” during quarantine, I’ve been particularly careful about limiting my screen time.  So, I check it weekly.  But it was only this week that I finally went to the second page of the iPhone screen time data, where I found a strange categorization of time.  It breaks it down into Productive, Creative, Social, Entertainment, Reading and Educational use.  However, what they place in each category runs quite counter to what happens to be true for me now.  Photos are listed as a Creative pursuit, however many of my hours have been frittered away deleting unnecessary shots (attempts to capture moments that might have been more mindfully spent camera-free).  So, this endeavor doesn’t feel that creative to me.  Whats App is marked as Social but, of course, it’s now become the arena for some of my most my productive work, since I’m using it as a teaching tool.  And Notes is in the Productive category, even though, as a self-admitted list-addict, my worst time-waster is making and remaking these itemized scrolls intended to render me more efficient, when I can’t even imagine how much “productive” time I must have lost just writing them.
So, we all have something to learn from this clever street artist, whose balloon art gives us an important reminder.
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May 27, 2020
Covid Art Museum
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So far my “efforts” to do nothing more (as ironic as that sounds) have gone swimmingly.  I deliberately cancelled one of my Zoom calls this week, two other meetings conveniently got cancelled for me, and I was left with many more hours to spend spontaneously. Some of these involved lying in the grass eating gelato.  Others watching passerbys from my front stoop.  And one I spent biking the new “slow street” circuit in Vancouver, which has been designated a car-free zone to create more safe, physically-distant space for cyclists and pedestrains to roam.   That even our roadways are now on a diet from their usual busyness, seems to me a beautiful metaphor.
Of course, some of this time also involved digital daydreaming, as I prefer to romantically call surfing the web.  But using the intentional lens of seeking artistic responses to share on this blog makes even this indulgence feel more guilt-free.  So, this week, it landed me on a very cool Instagram page, full of visual reflections about this time (digital illustrations, photographs, sketches, watercolors and more).  In fact, it’s where I stumbled upon the balloon art, above, which evolved into my entire week of blog entries.  Quite a few pieces reference circular time in some way (above).  And a remarkable number of them depict doing nothing (below).  Jenny Odell is clearly on to something...
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May 28, 2020
Hidden Symphonies
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Udo Noll, a Berlin-based media artist and founder of Radio Aporee, a digital global sound map, documented before and during the pandemic
The music of my environment has always captivated me. In fact, I dedicate almost an entire chapter of my novel to birdsong.  I love the voice memo feature on my phone, which I use like an auditory camera, as I travel.   I’ve learned that this is not a habit many people share.  Until recently, that is.  Because it seems that suddenly, we are all beginning to listen more.   Now, with less traffic, quieter commercial corridors, and other colluding factors, there is left an amazing amplification of the soundscapes which always existed behind the din.    
Before Covid, a long tradition of deep listening has been cultivated by various sound artists.  American composer, Pauline Oliveros founded the Deep Listening Institute in 1985 (originally called the Pauline Olveros Foundation).  Here, she invited musicians to improvise and record, in particularly resonant and reverberant spaces like caves, to inspire extra-sensitive responsiveness.  
In the 70’s, Canadian composers, Hildegard Westercamp and Murray Shafer, started the World Soundscape Project (https://www.sfu.ca/~truax/wsp.html), which recorded Vancouver’s sonic landscape to illustrate the negative effects of noise pollution, ultimately resulting in more positive guidelines for urban acoustical design.
Acoustic ecologist, Gordon Hempton says that silence is not the absence of sound, but rather the presence of everything. In the short documentary, Sanctuaries of Silence, he offers tools for seeking silence amidst noisy urban life.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUxMdYhipvQ
But his suggestions probably never could have predicted Covid, which has achieved this result with alarming swiftness.   British sound artist and field recordist, Stuart Fowkes has been tracking the soundscapes of this disquieting time on his website, Cities and Memory.  https://citiesandmemory.com/covid19-sounds/
Here, you can click on one of 3,000+ global coordinates and listen to everything from empty flagpoles, and ticking radiators, to kites flying.  Anyone is welcome to contribute, using #stayhomesounds.  And this is my own addition to the catalogue:
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Bullfrogs mating: https://youtu.be/ZoKT-RlDfs8
The New York Times, has tracked the music of the pandemic in another interesting way.  Measuring by decibels (below), they compare the soundscape of a normally busy Manhattan street, before and during quarantine. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/05/22/upshot/coronavirus-quiet-city-noise.html
Pre-covid nights sound more like quarantine days, averaging around 64 decibels.
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Another bi-product of the pandemic is a trend towards birdwatching.  The world’s attention was brought to birding this week, due to an unfortunate racist incident that occurred in New York’s Central Park.  Christian Cooper was drawn to the park because of the orioles and yellow warblers he could find there.  While birding, he politely asked a woman if she would kindly put her dog on a leash. When she refused, he insited and she proceeded to call the cops.  Cooper was armed with little more than binoculars and a camera.  But apparently, his crime was being black.  The woman was white.  Luckily, he caught her ridiculous cry for help (“I’m being threatened by an African-American man.”) on camera.  The video immediately went viral and resulted in her being fired from her job. Graciously, he remarked today in the Times, that this punishment did not fit her crime, and while he wants to hold her to account for her racist behavior, he doesn’t believe that “her life needs to be torn apart.”
Whatever her fate, if this time inspires deeper listening for you, let’s hope your soundscape walks are far less eventful than his was.
May 29, 2020
Covid Shuffle
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Brooklyn’s usually bustling Fort Greene Park, during the pandemic
From the beginning of social distancing, I have been quite fascinated by the complicated choreography we are collectively participating in.  I would give anything to be an eagle, looking down from above, just to witness the maze of interwoven patterns that our sidewalk dances create.   And I am not the only person interested in this do-si-do.  
If you search “six feet apart” on YouTube, you can’t imagine how many musicians, famous or otherwise, have composed new songs with this exact title (IE. country singer, Luke Combs, teen pop star, Alec Benjamin).  It’s just one of many things that illustrate the uncanny global resonance that is happening right now, even while there are still vast differences between the ways people experience this pandemic.
Personally, I’m partial to this rap, written as a PSA for UNC Health, by The Holderness Family, a modern-day Al Yankovich-style parody band comprised of former FOX sportscaster, Penn Holderness with his wife and kids. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XjfCeY4D2QI
Deeper into this search, I found another music video, by a different family band in LA, called Haim.  These three Grammy-nominated sisters have written the song, I Know Alone to express how quarantine living has felt for them.  Meanwhile, they appropriately dance to their lyrics six feet apart.
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In the dance world, old colleagues of mine, from Flagstaff, Arizona, will host a virtual Festival that starts this Friday, May 29th, featuring original socially-distant choreography from movers all over the Southwest.  Fittingly, it’s called the Six Feet Apart Dance Festival.
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Documenting the Covid shuffle in a very different way, Toronto geographer, Daniel Rotszdain created a “social distancing machine” to demonstrate just how difficult a genuine 6-foot radius is to maintain in public space.
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And finally, this hip hop dance compilation, made in 2019, could be the anthem for our times.
MC Hammer’s Can’t Touch This - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJskIJGEsd8
0 notes
itbeatsbookmarks · 5 years
(Via: Hacker News)
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It can be hard to see the gradual improvement of most goods over time, but I think one way to get a handle on them is to look at their downstream effects: all the small ordinary everyday things which nevertheless depend on obscure innovations and improving cost-performance ratios and gradually dropping costs and new material and… etc. All of these gradually drop the cost, drop the price, improve the quality at the same price, remove irritations or limits not explicitly noticed, or so on.
It all adds up.
So here is a personal list of small ways in which my ordinary everyday daily life has been getting better since the late ’80s/early ’90s (as far back as I can clearly remember these things—I am sure the list of someone growing up in the 1940s would include many hassles I’ve never known at all).
When I think back, so many hassles have simply disappeared. I remember my desk used to be crowded with things like dictionaries and pencil sharpener, but between smartphones & computers, most of my desk space is now dedicated to cats. Ordinary life had a lot of hassles too, I remembered once I started thinking about it. These things rarely come up because so many of them are about removing irritations or creating new possibilities—dogs that do not bark, and ‘the seen and the unseen’—and how quickly we forget that the status quo was not always so. Limiting myself to my earliest relatively clear memories of everyday life in the 1990s, I still wound up making a decent-sized list. Now, imagine if I could have extended this back another decade. Then another decade. Then another few decades…
(For broader metrics of increase in well-being such as life expectancy, income, pollution, slavery, poverty etc, see Our World in Data, the Performance Curve Database, the work of Hans Rosling like Gapminder, Human Progress.org etc.)
Roughly divided by topic:
the Internet/human genetics/AI/VR are now actually things
electric cars will be ordinary things in 5–10 years; self-driving cars not long after that
not rewinding VHS tapes
not watching crummy VHS tapes, period
not making a dozen phone calls playing phone tag, to set up something as simple as a play date
hotels and restaurants provide public Internet access by default, without nickel-and-diming customers or travelers; this access is usually via WiFi
satellite Internet & TV are affordable & common for rural people
not worrying about running out of AOL hours
not being yelled at for tying up the phone line
USB cables mean that for connecting or recharging, we now only need to figure out ~10 different plugs instead of 1000+ (one for every pairwise device combo)
programmers able to assume users have 4GB RAM rather than 4MB RAM
not needing to know the difference between PLIP, SLIP, IRQ, TCP/IP, or PPP to get online
Linux X, WiFi, and laptops usually work
no longer needing to clean computer mice weekly thanks to laser mice
electronics prices keep falling to the point where people whine endlessly online if a top-end VR headset or smartphone costs less in real terms than a Nintendo NES did in 1983 ($1003071983) or a Sony Walkman cassette player in 1979 ($1504831979), and kids couldn’t even imagine having to pay $501131990 for a new copy of Super Mario Bros. 31—a far cry from paying $5 these days for a great PC game during a Steam sale.
hearing aids are a small fraction the size, have gone digital with multiple directional microphones (higher-quality, customizable, noise-reduction), halved or more in price, become water-resistant, and even do tricks like Bluetooth
wheeled luggage no longer expensive or rare, but cheap & ubiquitous
not getting lost while frantically driving down a freeway; or anywhere else, for that matter
most books and scientific papers can be downloaded conveniently and for free
search engines typically turn up the desired result in the first page, even if it’s a book or scientific paper; one doesn’t need to resort to ‘meta-search engines’ or enormous 20-clause Boolean queries
smartphones: far too much to list… (eg careless smartphone photographs are higher-quality than most film cameras from a few decades ago, particularly in niches like dark scenes)
spaced repetition has escaped the cognitive psychology labs
nuisance software patents have been expiring (eg GIF, arithmetic encoding, MP3)
catching the tail end of a cartoon on TV and being able to look it up instead of wondering for the rest of one’s life what it was about
having fansubs available for all anime (no longer do anime clubs watch raw anime and have to debate afterwards what the plot was! Yes, that’s actually how they’d watch anime back in the 1970s–1990s when fansubs were often unavailable)
everything is available subtitled, not just TV
most programs have a usable FLOSS equivalent and in some areas FLOSS is taken so for granted that new programmers are unaware they used to have to pay for even text editors/compilers or that Linux is Communism
we no longer need to strategize which emails to delete to save space
not worrying about Blockbuster or library fines
houses which are insulated and uniformly comfortably warm, rather than leaky and using heaters running constantly creating drafts and hot/cold spots
hot water heaters increasingly heat water on demand, and do not run out while shocking the bather
stoves which are increasingly induction-based and safe rather than fire hazards burners/gas
riding lawn mowers are affordable & common for rural people
power tools (such as drills, leaf blowers, or lawn mowers) are increasingly battery-powered, making them more reliable & quieter & less air-polluting
speaking of batteries: batteries are built-in—remember how advertisements always had to say “no batteries included”?—so no more mad scrambles at Christmas for AA or AAA batteries to power all the presents (which could easily add $5111990–$10231990 to the total cost!)
cars last longer and get better mileage
airplane flights no longer cost an appreciable fraction of your annual income2, and people can afford multiple trips a year.
coats are thinner, more comfortable, and warmer thanks to better forms of synthetic fiber and insulation
laser pointers are no longer exotic executive toys or for planetariums, they’re things you buy off eBay for $1 for your cat
LED lights are more energy-efficient, heat rooms less & are safer, smaller, turn on faster, and are brighter than incandescents or fluorescents
movie theater seats have become far more comfortable as movie theaters competed with DVDs/home-theaters & Internet & video games (and concession prices seem like they’ve increased less than inflation)
the European Union & single Euro currency make the EU easier to understand & travel in it much less tricky and expensive
we no longer have to worry about our car windows being smashed to steal our radios, or our GPSes
car security alarms no longer go off endlessly in parking lots
all cars have electrified power windows; I don’t remember the last time I had to physically crank down a car window
radio stations have minimal static
TVs no longer have rabbit ears that require regular adjustment
LASIK surgery has gone from an expensive questionable novelty to a cheap, routine, safe cosmetic surgery
teddy bears & other toys are much more cuddly and silky
clothing has become almost “too cheap to meter”; the idea of, say, darning socks is completely alien3, clothing companies routinely burn millions of pounds of clothes because it’s cheaper than the cost of selling them, and Africa is flooded by discards.
materials science has produced constant visible-yet-invisible improvements in textiles yielding, among other things, far better insulated (and cheaper) winter jackets: instead of choosing between winter coats which make you look like the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man or freezing (and if you get wet, freezing anyway) or exotic ultra-expensive garments aimed at mountain climbers, you can now buy ordinary (and much cheaper) winter coats which are amazingly thin and work even better to keep you warm—so much so that you have to be careful to not buy too well-insulated a coat, lest you swelter at the slightest exertion and be placed between the Scylla of overheating & the Charybdis of opening your coat to the freezing air to cool.
it is now reasonably safe and feasible to live in a big city like NYC, Chicago, or DC
crime, violence, teen pregnancy, and abuse drug use in general kept falling, benefiting everyone (even those not prone to such things) through externalities
Nicotine gum & patches no longer require a doctor’s prescription to buy (although moral panics have produced retrogression on nicotine vaping fluid)
marijuana has been medicalized or legalized in many states
air quality in most places has continued to improve, forest cover has increased, and more rivers are safe to fish in
copyright terms have not been indefinitely extended again
board games have been revolutionized by the influx of German/European-style games, liberating us from the monopoly of Monopoly
shipping/logistics has become cheaper, faster, more reliable, and more convenient in every way:
USPS introduced self-adhesive stamps in the early 1990s, and by 2010, licking stamps was almost nonexistent
most people recognize rebates/coupons are scams, and the rise of discounters/warehouse stores/Internet shopping has largely obviated them
you can avoid ripoff mattress stores by ordering online, thanks to compact vacuum-compressed foam mattresses which can be shipped easily
the cost of shipping goods has plummeted
shipping speeds have dramatically improved for lower-cost tiers: consider Christmas shopping from a mail-order company or website in 1999 vs 2019—you used to have to order in early December to hope to get something by Christmas (25 December) without spending $30511999 extra on fast shipping, but now you can get free shipping as late as 19 December!
decent loose-leaf tea widely available
microbrews/craft beers have revolutionized beer varieties & availability (similar things could be said of wine, cider, and mead)
McDonald’s coffee which doesn’t explode in one’s lap while trapped in a car and causing disfiguring third-degree burns
McDonald’s and Dunkin Donuts coffee, and mass market coffee in general, no longer taste like ‘instant char-fee’
Keurig & other coffee machines which heat the water separately from the coffee-making are increasingly common, especially in hotels; this means that tea drinkers (like myself) can make tea which doesn’t taste hopelessly like coffee due to ineradicable coffee contamination
fast food in general has gotten much better: much tastier, and we don’t worry about getting salmonella or E. coli from our burgers
even mass-market grocery stories like Walmart increasingly routinely stock an enormous variety of exotic foods, from sushi to goat cheese to kefir
‘meat’ is an accepted fad diet
sous vide cooker have gone from devices bought only by professional European chefs for thousands of dollars to a popular $70 kitchen gadget
restaurants have gone from smoking, to smoking sections, to non-smoking entirely; and smoking in public has become rare
fresh guacamole can be easily bought due to pressure pasteurization (“Pascalization”), avoiding the inexorable spoilage of regular guacamole and buying fresh guacamole from the supermarket only to forget about it for a day and discovering it’s ruined
tasteless mealy bitter-skinned “Red Delicious” apples are still dismayingly common, but now one can buy (in most supermarkets) far superior varieties of apples, such as Honeycrisp apples (beginning 1991) or SweeTango apples (beginning 2009)
you no longer need to cook sausages to death because trichinosis is now rare.
Brussels sprouts no longer taste quite so bad
Part of why I never got an SNES or Super Mario Bros 3, despite enjoying it a lot whenever I could play it with my friends.↩︎
Where do you think all the money came from for those pretty stewardesses & elaborate meals in those glamorous Pan Am flights? Even much more recently, that $2896561990 average airfare in 1990 is not quite so amusing when you inflation-adjust it to today.↩︎
Have you ever noticed how much time even ‘middle class’ mothers used to spend sewing up pants or darning socks or organizing family clothes banks even as recently as the 1970s or 1980s? Somewhere around then, mothers stopped teaching their daughters how to sew or make clothes—I think less because of any feminism and more because it no longer seems like a particularly worthwhile skill to learn, especially given pressure from other uses of time like sports or homework. My grandmother in the 1950s routinely made whole outfits—dresses and pants and socks—for her family, while my mother only sewed under considerable duress, and my sisters couldn’t use a sewing machine at all (until one of them took up jewelry as a hobby as an adult). When I’ve asked about other families, this has been a common pattern.↩︎
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