#I order pizza now
the-crimson · 1 year
I am still so incredibly confused by the lore adventure we went on today.
Code Flippa lead bbh, Max, and Aypierre back into the maze to the one blocked off hallway to find it transformed with black concrete that lead to a cucurucho puzzle, Dapper’s hat, and Bbh’s plane ticket.
Parts of it looked Federation built while others certainly were not. Could this have been created/sponsored by the dark cucurucho?
Ok ok. We discovered the maze when an unknown entity delivered the coords to Tubbo, Slime, and Roier via black concrete. The maze is some kind of abandoned federation facility. It seems that light cucurucho can’t go in meanwhile dark cucurucho is living down there somehow. Then the “space ship” appears and all the eggs start leaving messages with black concrete as if their dimension was leaving traces on this world through the contact. Then code Flippa leads the gang into the maze to find it also corrupted. The message they received about protocol AB was glitchy and the books they found were distinctly not the cururuchos we are familiar with. The cucurucho puzzle’s answer was a cheerleader pin up of cucurucho that lead to black, red, and white dice, Bad’s plane ticket and Dapper’s top hat.
Ok. Theory time, I’m gonna grasp at straws and try to piece things together XD
The structure that appeared is a conduit between the dimensions. It allows the other world to affect this one easier. Where ever this world is is the origins of the code entities. Dark cucurucho is connected to this other world somehow kr has some influence there. We know the codes original goal was to make everyone leave the island. What if this other dimension is a prison/garbage disposal of the federation’s failed experiments?
Luzu’s computer was a link in the beginning that allowed first contact to be made and the first code to cross over. Luzu’s computer was eventually destroyed (by the federation?) and the code lost its form/began to decay (i don’t remember the timeline here). The federation claimed to have some kind of power over the codes and promised they wouldn’t be a problem during the election cycle which makes sense if they are failed experiments. They might have partial control, just enough to neuter them temporarily, as it took a while before the codes attacked again - and when they did they took a new approach.
The codes took the form of the eggs and attacked the presidential candidates. If they want to make the islanders leave/resist the federation so they don’t wind up as more failed experiments then it makes sense the codes would try to kill the candidates. They would want to stop the election from happening because that means the islanders will be even more trapped/less likely to leave.
After the election they turned their focus entirely into Etoiles and getting the code sword and shield. Maybe there is something within this dimension that is incredibly powerful - an old experiment that the federation created this dimension to imprison - that is trying to get out. While in the dimension, nothing can die as this dimension is entirely in code. That’s why the eggs are safe there, why they haven’t needed any tasks done, why their life cycle has paused - because they aren’t corporeal, they’ve been reduced to code and are thus untouchable. The binary entities have been in this dimension for so long they no longer remember what they used to look like.
However, have u noticed that once the codes got one sword, they’ve been able to duplicate them infinitely? Maybe that’s why they wanted the shield back from Etoiles. Within this other world, the codes can create more of those items. Maybe they were using Etoiles to train themselves so that when this powerful experiment breaks free they’ll be able to destroy it? Maybe they were training Etoiles so he’d be able to destroy it? Maybe they are duplicating the op sword and shield so the islanders will be able to kill it? Idk
I got a little side tracked so let’s get back to the maze. The codes have a vested interest in the players Lear ing about this entity if it’s going to break free. Whoever is on the other side brought Tubbo and crew to the maze (was it dark cucurucho?) Within the maze they discovered the transmission confirming that the federation knows why the eggs ran away. Dark cucurucho showed them the wheel and the egg items but we still have no clue what that was. Perhaps this is dark cucurucho’s job, to keep the federation’s mistakes forgotten and it is preparing the players for when the fed’s mistake breaks free via its influence in this other dimension.
Then today we have code Flippa bring us to a part of the maze I think was built/hijacked directly by dark cucurucho. It was a distinctly federation structure that had been renovated with darker colors and black concrete and the books were a scary kind of playful. The cururucho maze makes sense because the dark cucurucho is mocking light cucurucho. Maybe this dark cucurucho is tired of cleaning up after the federation or despises the other cucuruchos because it’s forced to live in the sewers cleaning up their shit.
It knows bbh, what he’s capable of, so it brought him here via code assistance to show him a piece of his past he doesn’t remember. It wants to tear down the federation just like the islanders so it is spreading all the federations dirty laundry for the islanders to see. First confirmation that the federation knows why the eggs left and now bbh’s past visit to the island he doesn’t remember. Maybe dark cucurucho is even aiding in bringing the fed’s monster back so it can destroy the fed itself.
I have no clue I feel like I’m still as confused as when I started writing this XD tell me ur thoughts and theories cuz I’m at a loss lol
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ube-bluebay · 3 days
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i have a problem
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really long rambling in tags
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Here's a post on how Leo was able to fully heal for the final movie scene.
Oh YEAH. It is NOT scientifically inaccurate for him to be walking around so shortly after HELL.
("so shortly" standing for 7 to 12 months,, New York had the time to rebuild and they apparently spent this whole time pizzaless until the "grabbing a slice" scene with Casey Jr)
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First of all, the guy has at least one concussion. A bAd one. That's two to four weeks for sure.
Pretty fvcked-up arm (I chose his right one, like Future Leo). That's three months in a cast.
Now, you know how turtles' shells are literally their ribcage? I figured breaking their plastron/shell would be similar to breaking ribs. And just as painful. But that's just a detail.
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I'm not kidding, you ALL saw the Kraang punching his chest repeatedly full force. There's no way his plastron didn't give out, it caved in a bit.
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So I'd say it did some inevitable damage to his lungs and heart. I picked temporary arrhythmia (it happens when there's an issue with the heart's tissue), that's like, really fast heartbeat at random times of the day for no reason. Tachycardia attacks feel like panic attacks, except it comes with chest pains and you can FEEL your heart going haywire.
And his shell didn't survive BREAKING CEMENT AND ROCKS either. It's a little less severe than his plastron, he'd definitely lose one or two scutes (they grow back... kinda. Just pretend he was about to shed anyways).
Turtle plastron and shell fractures might actually take three years to heal, BUT, he's a mutant, and human broken ribs would take about three months.
Let's just round it up to six months.
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That would be at least one month before the ending scene.
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stardestroyer81 · 5 months
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peppinospizza · 2 years
@imdarealpeppino sulwkhh sohdvh ohw xv lqwr brx krph zh zloo qrw elwh ru pdlp ru nloo sohdvh !
...What was that?
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OH SHIT!! @imdarealpeppino
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columboscreens · 9 months
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carlyraejepsans · 1 year
oh my god I'm living on my own
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melontoyo · 6 months
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Hmm 👀🌹💜
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The wibbledy wobbledy
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mildmayfoxe · 7 months
yknow it is crazy to think about how much i have been able to improve my quality of life by selling art as a supplementary form of income. like obviously it's a second job and it's taxing but it's also so rewarding to know how much people enjoy my work and how much good it is doing me to like, feel like i can buy snacks at the store. to be able to get takeout every once in a while. like obviously those are extremely minor changes or things most people take for granted but to me it's huge. having berries in the house when they're out of season and more expensive. buying things for CONVENIENCE??! it feels so crazy to me to have such a sense of luxury which i know says more about the bleak feeling of poverty that's followed me around my entire adult life than anything else but i feel so much gratitude that i am afforded these small luxuries at least in part because of people that like my art. not to mention how nice is is to make things consistently again when, prior to 2020, i hadn't made art regularly in almost a decade. anyway. it's cool!
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wttcsms · 2 months
whats ur favourite meal/dish! send me some yummy foods
bun bo hue is one of my favorite meals of all the time but i could be biased since im vietnamese haha!! banh mi dac biet is another favorite food of mine which is funny bc it’s just a sandwich essentially 😭😭 (when i was 17, i went thru a massive banh mi craving and would consume 2 banh mi’s a day [lunch + dinner] which equated to 2 feet of bread consumed per day for a week straight HAHAHA)
now that i live alone and cook for myself more often, i do very simple meals haha. i love a good steak so sirloin + any form of potato (mashed or baked) with greens (either a salad, steamed green beans, or broccoli) is so chefs kiss to me. i like to do a “healthy” taco salad sometimes too, so it’s basically ground beef (i like really lean meats so i tend to search for 93 lean/7 fat) + your choice of seasonings and i use plain greek yogurt in place of sour cream, iceberg lettuce, tomatoes, and then i usually try to find the best block of cheese available at the store and shred it on top!!! so yummy and simple
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ughhh the one day of the week where everyone was supposed to either be at work or class aka the one day where I could be myself IS THE DAY THAT MY DAD DECIDES TO WORK FROM HOME CAUSE OF COURSE HE WOULD
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 10 months
When I get my double paycheck at once just you wait. My god complex will absolutely come back.
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worstloki · 11 months
Thor: your food tastes horrible, what have you done to your natural produce
Tony: I order in from Iraq to feel something
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trivialbob · 1 year
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My wife is prepping for a scheduled colonoscopy. She's now in the midst of 24 hours of a Gatorade and water diet.
That's too bad for her, because she won't be able to eat any of the pizza I ordered for lunch. It's a big pizza. Don't worry, there will be a piece leftover for her tomorrow.
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gothicprep · 1 year
whenever i tell my mom that i got a certain amount of money back in a tax return and how i'm happy about that, she's always like "that's bad actually, because that means they were taking too much money from you and..." i do not care. i have money. i got my personal little stimulus check. my biden benjis. this information means nothing to me.
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