#it wanted bbh to learn about his past visit
the-crimson · 1 year
I am still so incredibly confused by the lore adventure we went on today.
Code Flippa lead bbh, Max, and Aypierre back into the maze to the one blocked off hallway to find it transformed with black concrete that lead to a cucurucho puzzle, Dapper’s hat, and Bbh’s plane ticket.
Parts of it looked Federation built while others certainly were not. Could this have been created/sponsored by the dark cucurucho?
Ok ok. We discovered the maze when an unknown entity delivered the coords to Tubbo, Slime, and Roier via black concrete. The maze is some kind of abandoned federation facility. It seems that light cucurucho can’t go in meanwhile dark cucurucho is living down there somehow. Then the “space ship” appears and all the eggs start leaving messages with black concrete as if their dimension was leaving traces on this world through the contact. Then code Flippa leads the gang into the maze to find it also corrupted. The message they received about protocol AB was glitchy and the books they found were distinctly not the cururuchos we are familiar with. The cucurucho puzzle’s answer was a cheerleader pin up of cucurucho that lead to black, red, and white dice, Bad’s plane ticket and Dapper’s top hat.
Ok. Theory time, I’m gonna grasp at straws and try to piece things together XD
The structure that appeared is a conduit between the dimensions. It allows the other world to affect this one easier. Where ever this world is is the origins of the code entities. Dark cucurucho is connected to this other world somehow kr has some influence there. We know the codes original goal was to make everyone leave the island. What if this other dimension is a prison/garbage disposal of the federation’s failed experiments?
Luzu’s computer was a link in the beginning that allowed first contact to be made and the first code to cross over. Luzu’s computer was eventually destroyed (by the federation?) and the code lost its form/began to decay (i don’t remember the timeline here). The federation claimed to have some kind of power over the codes and promised they wouldn’t be a problem during the election cycle which makes sense if they are failed experiments. They might have partial control, just enough to neuter them temporarily, as it took a while before the codes attacked again - and when they did they took a new approach.
The codes took the form of the eggs and attacked the presidential candidates. If they want to make the islanders leave/resist the federation so they don’t wind up as more failed experiments then it makes sense the codes would try to kill the candidates. They would want to stop the election from happening because that means the islanders will be even more trapped/less likely to leave.
After the election they turned their focus entirely into Etoiles and getting the code sword and shield. Maybe there is something within this dimension that is incredibly powerful - an old experiment that the federation created this dimension to imprison - that is trying to get out. While in the dimension, nothing can die as this dimension is entirely in code. That’s why the eggs are safe there, why they haven’t needed any tasks done, why their life cycle has paused - because they aren’t corporeal, they’ve been reduced to code and are thus untouchable. The binary entities have been in this dimension for so long they no longer remember what they used to look like.
However, have u noticed that once the codes got one sword, they’ve been able to duplicate them infinitely? Maybe that’s why they wanted the shield back from Etoiles. Within this other world, the codes can create more of those items. Maybe they were using Etoiles to train themselves so that when this powerful experiment breaks free they’ll be able to destroy it? Maybe they were training Etoiles so he’d be able to destroy it? Maybe they are duplicating the op sword and shield so the islanders will be able to kill it? Idk
I got a little side tracked so let’s get back to the maze. The codes have a vested interest in the players Lear ing about this entity if it’s going to break free. Whoever is on the other side brought Tubbo and crew to the maze (was it dark cucurucho?) Within the maze they discovered the transmission confirming that the federation knows why the eggs ran away. Dark cucurucho showed them the wheel and the egg items but we still have no clue what that was. Perhaps this is dark cucurucho’s job, to keep the federation’s mistakes forgotten and it is preparing the players for when the fed’s mistake breaks free via its influence in this other dimension.
Then today we have code Flippa bring us to a part of the maze I think was built/hijacked directly by dark cucurucho. It was a distinctly federation structure that had been renovated with darker colors and black concrete and the books were a scary kind of playful. The cururucho maze makes sense because the dark cucurucho is mocking light cucurucho. Maybe this dark cucurucho is tired of cleaning up after the federation or despises the other cucuruchos because it’s forced to live in the sewers cleaning up their shit.
It knows bbh, what he’s capable of, so it brought him here via code assistance to show him a piece of his past he doesn’t remember. It wants to tear down the federation just like the islanders so it is spreading all the federations dirty laundry for the islanders to see. First confirmation that the federation knows why the eggs left and now bbh’s past visit to the island he doesn’t remember. Maybe dark cucurucho is even aiding in bringing the fed’s monster back so it can destroy the fed itself.
I have no clue I feel like I’m still as confused as when I started writing this XD tell me ur thoughts and theories cuz I’m at a loss lol
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mcytscienceside · 9 months
did tubbo and bbh ever spar together before tubbo became king or where they at odds like in canon?
this is a little specific but on day 2 of purgatory etoiles hung out with blue (tubbo, tina, and bbh specifically i think) bc ggn wasn't online till he was driven away by psychological warfare/ran out of time. in your au does he ever get close of the soulfire kingdom?
also how do the egg and flag events work in your au? or is it different to canon in that way because the characters are no longer in a game?
is the watcher/feds a part of your world?
hows pac doing? does he still have a history with cell in your au?
what does mariana think of bolas's angel? is juana still dead/a code? how would that work with slime?
do charlie and bbh still have whatever the fuck it was they had in canon?
sorry for the many many questions i just really enjoy your writing!
Sorry for the late reply!! I finished up an essay so now I can write about cubitos >:) I'll put this behind a read more only because I know it's gonna get away from me- More purgatory royalty content here we gooo!
Tubbo and Bad had a similar relationship to canon, kinda antagonistic, but slowly growing to care. This whole arc of learning to care and become closer happened far sooner than in canon because the two basically lived together. But I do think on most days they would spar! Tubbo is stubborn, he wants to get stronger, and training with the knight of soulfire is one way to get ever stronger. I think Etoiles is very well liked by both kingdoms, despite the constant war, his laidback attitude endeared him quickly when Aypierre was king and later on to most of soulfire's council. He couldn't just up and visit but diplomatic missions where much easier...of course they never expected for Etoiles to...do what he did in order to escape his duties as king... Different in this as the eggs do exist in this au! I'll try and make a post about how they work here hehe! But basically those events would translate more into traditional battles than anything game-like. I have to work on how all the wins will affect the characters and what that specifically means for the egg game with bolas winning against GGN. WATCHER...IS IN PROGRESS I SWEAR- I think he'd be some kinda driving force of nature more than anything. Some myth on why their land is plagued by storms and toxic gas and other ailments. The feds meanwhile I've been starting to see as the, ironic, newcomers to the island. Sailed here on many boats and attempted to settle down not knowing the three kingdoms. Whether they make their own kingdom or split off to join others is still up in the air hehe. PAC MY BELOVEDDD yes he does indeed have history here with Cell. Pac was almost one of the angels sacrifices despite his generally solid past with Cell. He was part of soulfire, he was no better than the blood he could spill, nothing else mattered to Cell. Pac was resourceful enough to escape but has now become sure that his friend Cell is no longer in that monster of a man. Now pac also has his prosthetic leg which actually has different attachments depending on what territory he's going in! I would have to think on this more anon, very good question, mostly I think that Juana indeed has been lost. With the codes maybe being another 'disaster' that specifically attacks children. Kinda like the birthday curse in made in abyss! Mariana views the angel of death with much more neutrality than most, he's worship, that's all angels can hope for in this plane of existence. Mariana wouldn't mind such a devoted cult either but he's not exactly looking for more trouble by stepping on the toes of the angel of death. and of COURSE slime and bbh are still weird, I love writing insane people, They have such a strong pull to each other in the worst way. Bad loves torment people and in turn slime gets better tactics to combat bad. There is a constant arms race of tactics and weapons and magic in order to one up the other. Bad used to try and kill slime but now he seems to let the guy go...just to do it again and again. You know! for fun!! :D This got long and sorry for any answers that weren't very set in stone yet this is just constantly spinning in my brain VGHGKJLHB.
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Dream SMP Recap (February 21/2021) - Tommy’s Visit, Guard Training Day
It’s the day for Tommy’s final prison visit, one last visit to see Dream and gain closure. Things don’t go exactly to plan, though, and the situation takes a turn for the worse...
Jack Manifold and Quackity discuss business plans, Eret returns to start collecting taxes, and Sam decides it’s about time to get some helping hands, getting Bad and Antfrost on the job.
A summary of the week’s total events can be found at the end of the post.
Tommy (Again)
Jack Manifold
Foolish (Again)
- Foolish works on building HBomb a giant mansion in the savannah village.
- HBomb and Niki build a Bellsprout Pokemon head attached to Ponk’s tree in Lemon City.
--- Tommy’s Prison Visit ---
- Tommy comes online to visit Dream one last time in prison, for closure. Even though Dream is locked up and out of sight, he still feels miserable, a little bit empty.
“I think it’s because I haven’t shut the book. He’s still in my life, y’know?”
- He heads over to the prison. He is greeted by photos of BBH and Rat. The pictures George put on the entrance are still there.
- Tommy comes through to the lobby and greets Sam. Sam asks the questions.
“When was the last time you visited the prison?” 
“A bit ago...like a while back. A month. A month ago.”
“Where is your place of residence currently located?”
“My home over there, down yonder. The hotel. The Big Innit Hotel, Sam.”
“Do you believe that the prisoner is deserving of being locked up?”
“Yes, yeah, I absolutely do. I think he’s a wrongen. I don’t think he deserves death, though. I should make that very clear. I don’t think he deserves death.”
“What are your prior relations with the prisoner?” 
“I think he’s a bastard, he’s ugly, and um...I’d say...We manipulated one another. He...he manipulated me, kind of a bit of the villain, kind of an evil guy, kind of the ‘Dr. Octopus’ of the Dream SMP universe.”
- Tommy puts his items in the locker and they go through.
- Tommy comments on how every traumatic place he’s been in has been made of blackstone.
- Tommy doesn’t need to see Dream, “Unless one of my close friends dies...”
- They make it to the lava wall. The lava descends, and Tommy enters the cell.
- They greet each other. Dream’s lost his clock since the last time Tommy visited, and Tommy cracks a joke.
Dream: “That’s the Tommy I know...”
Dream throws Tommy some potatoes to regen health.
- Dream says he’s happy that Tommy came to visit. It’s been a while. Tommy tells him that it’s his last time visiting. Dream asks why, and insists that he’ll get out eventually.
- Tommy asks about the crying obsidian. Dream explains that it’s a security measure, and he likes to watch it drip.
- Tommy says it’s his last visit again, and the conversation grows more tense as they argue about exile, and Tommy says that he can’t even go into plains biomes now without trembling.
- Tommy then asks about the books he asked Dream to write, to which Dream replies that he burned them.
- Tommy opens the chest and sees the thank you letters. Tommy asks if Dream knows anything about the Egg. Dream doesn’t know much about it.
- The subject of it being Tommy’s final visit comes up again, and Tommy tells Dream that he doesn’t want him in his life anymore, that he ruined L’manburg and almost killed Tubbo.
Dream: “I did bad things, but...everybody thinks they’re right from their perspective.”
Tommy: “That’s not true. That’s not true!”
Dream: “I think I’m right. I did bad things but I did them for good reasons, but I’ve learned, I’ve...I did bad things and I’ve learned that I shouldn’t have done them.”
Tommy: “What good reasons? No, please, enlighten us.”
Dream: “I just wanted a...I just wanted to bring the server together, have it be...a happy family, y’know?”
Tommy: “Bring the server t-- you f-- Dream, you blew up L’manburg, Dream. You tried killing me! You tried killing everyone! You tried hurting people’s loved ones, man, it’s like what the fuck! You’re delusional, man, and I’m fucking sick of it. And I...but I don’t need to go through any of this stress anymore, alright? Because this is me doing this to me now, not you. You’re fine now, you’re locked up now, you’re a bitch. I’m the one that’s giving me the stress here now...but I’m better than that! I’m better than you, alright? So I’m done here.”
“You ruined my past, Dream, but you will NOT ruin my future.”
- Dream continues to insist that he’s changing. All of a sudden, Tommy hears TNT explosions.
Dream: “Sounds like a security issue.”
- Sam disappears. Tommy calls to be let out.
Tommy: “Dream, it hasn’t been an honor knowing you, but it will be an honor forgetting you.”
- The explosions continue.
- Dream says he wrote the 7-days waiver and thinks this might be a security issue, but he doesn’t know what’s going on.
- Dream and Tommy continue to argue.
Tommy: “I KNOW YOU. You haven’t changed! You’re the fuckin’ monster of this server, alright!? Not the Egg, not anything like this, YOU ARE!”
- Tommy only has one life left, so if he dies in here, then he dies for good. 
(Dying by the lava wall to get out would be a canon death)
- Tommy panics and starts burning Dream’s books in the lava. And the item frame. Dream takes the rest of the books into his inventory.
- Dream hands him a book and says he could write a story.
- Dream continually insists that he’s changed, and that he didn’t have anything to do with the TNT.
Tommy: “You’ve not changed, you’re the same old...you’re evil. You’re just evil.”
- Sam messages saying the prison is on lockdown, and to hang tight.
- Dream hands Tommy more potatoes, but he doesn’t have many left. They’ll have to wait for the automated refill.
- Tommy asks how long it’ll be. Dream guesses up to a week, like the waiver says.
“Oh no...”
Tommy ends his stream there.
- Jack logs on to check on the hotel and is confused by where Tommy is. He checks Twitter and finds out that Tommy has been locked in prison. He asks Sam to confirm. Sam tells him that there’s been a security issue and no one is to approach the prison.
- At first, Jack is outraged that his plans have been foiled again. But then he realizes that, with Tommy in prison, he’s now gained ownership of the hotel! He rebrands it to the Big Jack Manifold Hotel.
- Jack goes to rebrand and Sam Nook greets him at the hotel. Sam argues with Jack, not wanting Jack to take ownership.
- Jack speaks with Quackity, telling him that Tommy’s in jail. Quackity talks about how there’s soon to be an established currency: the diamond. Jack agrees to pay two diamonds for leather.
- Eret comes over to the hotel and Quackity and Jack speak with them. They tell Eret about Tommy being in jail. Eret calls it a “hostile takeover of Tommy’s hotel,” but Jack tries to convince him that it was bad for branding for Tommy’s name to be on the hotel.
- Quackity tells Eret that he’s setting up a big gathering for the opening of his business soon.
- Jack and Eret argue about hotel pricing.
- Quackity tells Jack to not be intimidated by competition, and also describes a plan to create a network of easily-accessible roads. He doesn’t like the wooden path, and says that Jack’s hotel would be a good destination for business. 
- Quackity questions what Jack will do when Tommy gets out of prison. Jack insists it will be fine.
- Jack works on rebranding.
- He then speaks with Badboyhalo. Bad finds out about Tommy being in jail and is surprised. Jack theorizes that maybe he tried to break Dream out.
- Bad discusses having a room in the hotel. Jack asks for payment.
- Eret comes up with a plan to tax the shit out of everyone.
- Sam starts stream at the prison. He doesn’t know what the explosions were.
- He calls for Bad and Ant, as he’s going to make them guards. They’re part of the Badlands and he trusts them.
- The two arrive. Sam fills them in: Tommy came to visit Dream, as he had already 2 or 3 times, and there was TNT going off near the prison. He needs to figure out what’s happening, but he can’t leave the prison and he can’t be in every place at once, which is where the guards come in.
- He opens Locker 2 since Locker 1 still has Tommy’s stuff in it. Sam then starts filling them in on what each lever does.
- Sam walks them through navigating the prison and then shows them the guard-specific areas like the locker room and stasis chamber.
- Sam then shows them the spawn traps. Ant and Bad set their spawns. Each guard gets three full sets of Netherite, three chances to stop whatever security issue may arise.
- At the end of the next tunnel is something top secret that can’t be showed on-stream. 
- He also shows the chest with the waivers, including Ranboo’s in Enderman.
- Sam declares Ant and Bad officially guards. They are happy to finally be employed. Sam says he’s not paying them anything except the satisfaction of knowing they’ll be helping to keep Dream in there.
- Sam, Bad and Ant find Eret’s tax request.
- Ranboo works on building a farm, starting his farmer arc.
- There’s a secret message spelled out in his inventory that reads: “HE IS IN CON(T)ROL.”
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Upcoming Events:
- Quackity’s business reveal
- Whatever is going to happen in the prison now...
2/15 - Ranboo finds his wall signs changed
2/16 - Tommy’s hotel opening, Karl and Sapnap name Kinoko Kingdom
2/17 - Foolish, Ponk and HBomb’s lore, Bad confronts Puffy about the propaganda
2/18 - Bad and Antfrost confront Puffy about the propaganda
2/19 - George vandalizes the prison, Captain Puffy’s Prank Wars
2/20 - Nothing much happens.
2/21 - Tommy gets trapped in prison, Jack and Quackity speak, Eret returns
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rhubarbplants · 3 years
HAHAHAHAH. cBBH and Cranboo comparison post time!
Lets get started with surface level stuff.
Both Cranboo and cbbh are incredibly kind and empathetic people (as described by others on the server) who we know to have done Terrible things. 
They both have one person they care about more than anyone else (tubbo and skeppy).
Their actions were controlled by a power they could not control, Enderwalk and the Egg. They hurt their friends while they were not able to control their actions through betrayals and causing the events that lead their close friends to die (tommy and foolish were not killed by them but it was because of them that they died)
Also they both show significant distress when they learn what they have done. Bbh takes up drinking and ranboo literally has a breakdown every time he learns his Enderwalk has interacted with dream. All of that brings me to the clip from the recent dream lore.
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here we see cbbh give cranboo some maps. cc!bbh hinted that they might be blue prints. It is theorized that Enderwalk does not wear armor but since its just a theory I will present ideas for both.
Cbbh is under the influence of the egg at this point but the egg was never really concerned with cdream. We do know that Cbbh visited cdream for a while before he was a guard. He may have taken messages to cranboo or even given him those blue prints without knowing. Also it is possible that the egg did want dream out, because they wanted CTommy out of the way. (remember they celebrated when he died, almost like it was a plan that had gone right).
If it is Enderwalk then it makes sense that he would take the blueprints. We do not know EW!boo’s motivations or really what drives him or how much control he has over his own autonomy so its hard to speculate. BUT he has been hinted to help dream in the past or at least have a strong connection with him and had visited the prison multiple times. Basically if EW!boo works with dream its not confusing, it makes sense, straight forward.
If EW!boo really doesn’t wear armor then thats Cranboo. Either the maps aren’t blue prints and are like the message CSapnap delivered to trigger the Enderwalk. If they are blue prints this could probably do pretty much the same thing because having that info when you already can’t trust yourself has to be pretty scary. He would at least be confused as to why he was being given them.
It is so tragic because that one frame shows two puppets being forced to do things that they would not normally do. Two people who were at one point being used as either a failed escape plan or as tools to kill and revive Tommy. Then both of them were involved in CDream’s prison break. They both did not want it to happen but were helpless to stop it. Once they regained autonomy they were still helpless because they were not powerful. Because they could never really stand up for themselves. Even when they were not being literally mind controlled they were still taken advantage of, they were still puppets.
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technospotatoes · 3 years
Howdy, howdy friends! After about 6 hours of pure thinking, I have more Dream SMP brain rot-theory-analysis stuff for you! This week I’m on spring break, so unfortunately I’m not prolonging any assignments haha! Today my focus is FUNDY LORE >:) and I’ve sprinkled in a little IRL factoids for ya to enjoy! 
Please lemme know your thoughts, opinions and theories-- and as always, it’s gonna be a long one! 
Enjoy <3
TW/CW for brief mentions of derealization-- nothing in detail, just thought I’d let y’all know. Please be safe ily.
Fundy’s lore stream took place today, 3/30/2021. It's roughly 45 minutes, so if you have some time to kill, go watch it! It’s really well done, and his acting is incredible. I will give you a warning; it contains derealization. If you choose not to watch it, here’s a summary from Twitter! link
First, let’s talk about what we know of Fundy’s character so far. 
Fundy’s story throughout the events of the SMP are quite tragic. A few key staples are...
1: the death and betrayals of both Wilbur and Schlatt, as well as the absence of Eret-- all of whom he viewed as father figures (Wilbur being his biological father, and Eret his adopted father who failed to show up at his adoption ceremony. Schlatt was a source of validation and approval for Fundy). 
2: Jealousy of Tommy and Tubbo-- These two replaced Fundy’s position as Wilbur’s son during the L’Manburg eras, and Fundy became rightfully jealous towards them. He no longer felt valued by his father, and was only more negatively impacted when Wilbur made an attempt to mend that rift. 
3: witnessing the rise and ultimate fall of L’Manburg-- and even assisting in its destruction with Niki. 
Along with some other rocky encounters with his family members in the timeline, Fundy can be simply boiled down as a character with no stable relationships to his family, or those whom he considers family. However, he does deeply value his friends and the fun that he has with them-- which we can assume is one of his attachments (this will be important later). He takes pride in making mischief and carries a friendly persona… which makes him easily approachable. 
He does carry valid reasons to instigate villainous acts-- but he instead chooses to remain neutral due to his fear of losing something else close to him. 
I have a number of thoughts regarding Fundy’s character and his current lore, so enough stalling from me, and let's get into it!
Analysis of Stream:
The desert
When Fundy leaves his tower for the first time during the dream sequence, the world is no longer the SMP, but is replaced with a barren desert. From the title of the stream, we can infer that this desert represents Fundy’s Mind and contains the majority of what he thinks about. Deserts often symbolize loneliness or emptiness, and can also be synonymized with brutal honesty or survival. Fundy’s character is indeed alone (in terms of family), and has fought for his survival by being sly and mischievous through Schlatt’s reign of Manburg. Sand itself symbolizes the passage of time, or in other words, the inevitability of the future or truth. As we see in each of the 3 dream sequences, the mysterious bunker containing “truth” appears closer and closer to Fundy’s tower and also becomes more withered and worn on the inside, implying that Fundy cannot escape the coming of truth and future as time passes. 
The desert itself contains a replica of the Camarvan from the old L’Manburg days-- likely a representation of Fundy’s childhood that he holds onto dearly, in spite of his past trauma. During the first dream sequence, the van even contains Wilbur-- perhaps to mock Fundy’s pain, or remind him of it. During the second sequence, Wilbur is gone, likely referencing Wilbur’s absence in Fundy’s life, or his death. During the 3rd dream sequence, the Camarvan is replaced with what looks to be a crater, or the aftermath of an explosion. This could possibly reference the ultimate destruction of L’Manburg (and the destruction of the van), or it could be foreshadowing of the destruction in the future… 
Side theory, here! Tubbo just lost a nuke, and multiple people have vendettas against Dream / want him dead. The pit seemed like it was made out of black stone and obsidian, the same materials as the prison, so it is likely that this is an allusion to Dream’s possible escape.
Who is “He”?
On his 3rd visit to the odd bunker in his dream world, Fundy reads the 3rd book in the chest. Towards the end, this book warns him of a vague male character that Fundy should not join, or avoid at all costs. To quote the book…
“Do not join him. Whatever he asks of you. Do NOT join him. His plans aren’t as nice as they sound. His intentions aren’t what you think they are. He will use you. He will destroy you. Everything you ever loved, everyone you ever cared about. Do not join him.” 
I bet a few characters instantly came to your mind as to who this person that Future Fundy is warning us about, and I’m going to list who I first thought it could be below: 
Technoblade and the Syndicate. Now, I disagree with this option, even though Techno has the outright power to destroy anything and everything like he’s done before. However, because of the creation of the Anarchist Syndicate and their accommodating ideals, it would be out of his character or set of ideals to suddenly destroy Fundy’s attachments to purely demonstrate his power. Also, Fundy no longer represents any forms of government, so he does not pose a threat to the Syndicate. 
I did theorize here that Fundy could be Harpocrates, but that would imply that he goes against the warnings of his future self. (Also not to mention the placement of this stream in the timeline would have to be much later in the past.) But the more that I think about it, the more likely it could be. It wouldn’t necessarily be out of character for Fundy to join the Syndicate and side with Techno against the warnings of his inner voice, but he has been a spy before… 
BBH / the Eggpire. This is also not a likely option for our “he” character, because it is more likely that this dangerous person is not associated with a group such as the Syndicate or Eggpire-- in other words, he operates alone. The Eggpire has plenty of members and those who oppose it, even BBH tried to recruit Fundy and failed. Our “he” has not had an interaction with Fundy yet, and I don’t think that the Eggpire would make an effort to reach out to him again. 
My theory is that Quackity is our “he” figure. As I’ve stated before (see my C!Sam post here), Quackity has proven himself to be an effective manipulator, and could easily persuade Fundy to join his side. Quackity has power over Dream at this time in the plot, and is using it to gain knowledge about revival. He could use his acquired learning from Dream to make a deal with Fundy through using Wilbur’s revival to appease his interest (and provide a chance at healing, given his tough past). Not to mention his cameo at the end of Fundy’s lore stream-- There’s plenty more involvement in the lore that we are going to see from Q. 
The Mysterious Figure
During the final dream sequence of Fundy’s lore stream, he opens the door to his tower, only to see a dark figure, staring into the world… or rather, the absence thereof. This Figure has no other significant character details besides the black hood/cloak and no ign, so we have no evidence as to who it is. I’ve seen plenty of people theorize that this person could be BBH (because of the similarities in cloak design) or they could be the “he” Fundy’s logs are warning him about. But I disagree-- I strongly believe that this mysterious figure is neither of those options, rather, The Mysterious Figure is someone completely separate in this story. Here are a few people I think it could be: 
Wilbur/Schlatt-- both of whom are dead, and could manifest inside Fundy’s mind as spirits or ghosts. 
Dream-- he causes paranoia in many of the younger characters of the SMP, so I wouldn’t put it past him to haunt Fundy like he did Ranboo (the voice in his head). 
Fundy-- a form of himself from the future, or a representation of his conscience (wants, desires, etc). 
Or a guide/protector to Fundy’s mind-- we could see more of this figure if episodes like this stream occur in the future. A character similar to that of the Inbetween or Other Side.
It is important to note that at the end of the sequence, the Mysterious Figure chased Fundy up the tower in fear, causing him to sleep and escape the dream world. I think Fundy would only react this way if he felt directly threatened, so this figure is likely someone unknown and intimidating, or familiar and repulsive enough to cause behaviour akin to a sort of PTSD. It is possible that this figure doesn’t have malicious intent, because there was a bed placed on top of Fundy’s tower. The figure was likely supposed to guide Fundy to this bed to escape the dream world, but this encounter probably did not go according to plan, due to Fundy’s reaction. 
His Internal Monologue
Through the presence of fear and doubt we can learn about the deeper parts and truths of a character. This is the case with Fundy: while he is distressed and afraid in his dream world, through the provided angst we learn about what Fundy truly wants. Fundy states that he wants this dream to end, and he wants to go back to his friends and his old life. He longs for the times where he can just have fun again and prank people, when his friends were there for him. Except, sometimes they weren’t. He states he would join parties and join groups only to watch them disappear as he started to get attached to them. Now, whenever the word “attachment” is uttered anywhere I immediately think back to Dream’s speech, perhaps Fundy is becoming more aware of what he could be endangered by.
Deja Reve
There’s no theory attached to this, just some super cool stuff I found. :)
The reveal of Fundy’s powers instantly set off a flag in my mind the second I heard it. His “powerset” or ability is one of foreshadowing, whatever he dreams about, could happen or is linked to the future. Now, the reason I bring this up is partly because I think it is cool, and it is actually a REAL thing. And I’ve experienced it. Let me introduce you to Deja Reve. 
Deja Reve isn’t really a condition or illness, rather it is a “creepier” form of its more popular counterpart, Deja Vu. When translated directly from French, Deja Reve means “already dreamed.” This word is a descriptor for a specific sequence of events: you dream something, and it happens later, in real life. No, I’m not making this up, and yes, it is real. I’ve had this happen to me multiple times. 
Deja Reve isn’t so simple as “i dreamt this so it will happen tomorrow”. In my case, I would have a particular dream, for example, I went to a Subway with my mom and she discussed with the manager about having my sister work at that location. The morning after I would forget the dream like any other, but many weeks later the exact event I dreamt would happen. I can remember it now, right down to the sandwich I ordered and the way my mom moved across the establishment to talk to the manager-- it was word for word, vision for vision. Each time Deja Reve occurs, I freeze, and I think I’m experiencing a second copy of life, or rewatching a movie. It's super weird, but cool. If something like this has ever happened to you, leave a comment below, I’d love to hear your experiences!
Now I bring this up because many people mistake these sorts of things as having foresight or being able to prophesize-- but it's not the same thing. Deja Reve occurs more often in the younger population, and becomes less and less active as one gets older. Because Fundy is still relatively young in the SMP timeline, I think that not only is this a cool ability set for him to have, but it makes sense for him psychologically as well. There is no clear cause or reason behind why individuals experience Deja Reve, but personally, I believe it has to do with the condition of your brain and it’s experiences to past trauma. Kids who experience trauma find elaborate ways to cope, and usually defer to their imagination. Due to the fact that most of Fundy’s trauma occurred while he was very young in the SMP lore, it is definitely plausible that his amplified, or “more woke” application of Deja Reve, is a product of his past. 
Number Symbolism
I’ll keep this section short, because this post is already miles long, but similar to the previous section, this is something SUPER COOL that I noticed :]
Each book that Fundy reads has a specific number of pages… haha big whoop, Biz, that’s not weird. But did you know that some numbers have symbolism? Did you notice that the 3 books in each dream sequence each had 87 pages, which symbolize family, organization, and idealism? That number symbolizes what Fundy WANTS, but also what he’ll never get if he’s not careful. The first two times he read that book he didn’t finish it… He didn’t achieve his goal? 
Did you also notice that the signed book had 22 pages? That number symbolizes redemption, intuition, emotions, duty and diplomacy-- qualities that oddly correlate to warnings. This number represents what Fundy will NEED to be, in order to survive his future. Also, a Catch 22… take that as you will ;) 
Ok this is the last mini section before the end, but another thing that immediately popped into my head during Fundy’s lore was the factor of derealization. Nothing major, but the other times we’ve seen this storytelling or manipulation technique used was during...
Ranboo’s Panic Room / Prison Visit-- believes derealization
Karl and escaping the In Between-- fights against derealization
Fundy’s notebooks-- questions derealization
I have a feeling that whenever derealization is being used, it’s intended to distract the character from the true evil, to prevent them from tracking their own course or fulfilling their own story… So I’ll be excited to see where Fundy takes his. 
GAAAAAAAAAH IT’S DONE, FINALLY. And Congratulations! You made it to the end!! If you have any thoughts or theories, comment below, shoot me an ask or DM, I’d love to discuss with you! Follow me for more in-depth analysis content, I will be doing as many of these as I feel inspired to do in the future. :] 
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pumpkins4all · 3 years
BNHA and dream smp…
That sounds pretty dope actually.
Tubbo has goat-like physical traits. Or Bakugo-esk explosions, that he can place like triggered bombs. Tommy can… talk to animals. And he’s very proud of it. Don’t say it’s lame, he will punch you.
Wilbur can turn intangible and is allergic to rain.
Ranboo can teleport (no duh). Only over short distances tho and the drawback from going over his limit is memory loss.
Philza has a longevity quirk and is from the first generation of quirk users. So he knows about AFO. He even got a wing quirk from AFO back during the Quirk wars, which Phil now uses as his ‘official’ quirk. (or had a wing quirk and got a longevity quirk) In current times he tries to keep away from conflict as best he can.
Techno just. won’t. die. It’s not an immortality quirk or longevity, he’s not that old. No one really knows why Techno is so… Techno. Or what his quirk actually is, but it must be a powerful one. The amount of times Techno has survived when he really shouldn’t is staggering.
Dream has the ability to convert Experience into items. Like doing everyday actions gains him small amounts of EXP that he can trade for just about anything. Swords, wood, TNT, whatever. The more complex an item the more EXP it costs and the bigger ripple effect his action has, the more EXP he gains. So a similar quirk to Momo, but with a gamer athestic. A good way of containing his quirk is by imprisoning him, since there’s little he can do in a cell that’s worth much exp.
George: Sleeping fog. His quirk lets him send out a sleep inducing fog, similar to Midnight, but one that’s thick enough so he can use it for cover. If he concentrates he has the ability to place the location of any people within the fog and focus certain areas to be thicker than others, if he wants to made the fog more potent. He’s strongest in inclosed areas.
Sapnap: Combustible mushrooms. Pretty straighforward, he can send out spores in a certain area around him that grows into mushrooms, which will burst into flames on command.
Karl has the passive ability to visit and learn about events in the past through his dreams. But the visits come at the cost of his present day memory, which sometimes return after a period of no-quirk-use and other times are gone permanently. He also has a small chance of seeing the future.
Sam: Imprison. He can summon small amounts of netherite, which are great for containment or weapon forgery.
Charlie: Is he human? We’re honestly not sure. He might be a weird mutated creature pretending to be a human. But if he was a human, he’s a very dabber and slimey one. He has the ability to reattach any cut off limbs and split into two identical versions of himself for a short period of time.
Niki: Weapon enchantment. She can make any sort of weapon stronger when wielded against someone else. If the person thinks of the object as a weapon it counts as one. In the early days she mainly used her quirk to strengthen her friends, but now she mainly uses it for herself. She only has a certain 'amount' of energy she can enchance weapons with each day.
Fundy is able to silence his footsteps and generally does great at stealth. As a secondary quirk, he has the fox-like traits and appareance (similar to how Ashido has horns)
BBH has the ability to grow several times his base size, taking on a demon-like appearance and gaining slight fire and heat resistance. In his normal form, he has red eyes and small horns that grow much more prominent in his demon form.
Callahan has ability to mimic the voice of others, but only by taking it away from them and using it as his own. (therefore not having his own). He never does and hasn't used his quirk since he was young.
Connor has passive reality bending quirk that makes everything close around him seem comedic, like he is living in a cheesy sitcom. No one inside the radius thinks it's strange until they're out. Connor doesn't know about the quirk and believes himself to be quirkless. The quirk is self protective and hostile towards anyone who tries to tell Connor the truth. One time someone got crushed under an anvil and another got lost inside a strange sudden animal parade.
Skeepy has the ability to cover the surface of his skin with a rough diamond-like material, which gives him protection and higher durability.
Antfrost has cat-like physical traits, which includes a slightly higher flexibility, more sensitive hearing and a better vision at night compared to the average person.
I'm still missing a few, since I don't know every character well enough to make a proper quirk (and this post is getting long)
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saltiitwo · 4 years
New AU that @b0nkcreat​ and I (and a few other anons) came up with! I call it the Demon/Dreamon Rising AU! (A no-longer subtle nod to the Lava rising video) So anyways this first post is to get the basic ideas down! Basically there are a bunch of demons and people possessed by demons and angels and blood gods that are actually probably just more demons. Explaining the characters while also being cryptic (under the read more cause this is long):
Dream: Is a demon. Probably a powerful one, considering his entire face is covered by his mask. Is it a face? No one knows.
BBH: Also powerful demon. Why is the shadow that covers his face so dark? Demon logic, of course.
George: New demon! His goggles cover his demon eyes!
Sapnap: Just your friendly neighborhood arsonist human!
Awesamdude: At least for now he’s fairly normal.
Eret: Herobrine? Demon? No one knows but him. He seems to know a lot of things..
Technoblade: The voices in his head, the ‘blood god’ is really just thousands of smaller demons (based on his viewers and the people in his livestream chats) that all work as one larger entity to get what they want, bloodshed. They make Technoblade powerful, the more blood he spills, the more strength the ‘blood god’ lends him.
Wilbur and Schlatt: One time tried to summon a demon as a joke... It worked. Not they way they wanted it to, but it 100% definitely worked. Also they’re ghosts. They died.
Tommy: Human! He’s learning about the supernatural world from Philza!
Tubbo: At first glance he appears to be human, but he has been rather jumpy these past few weeks. Is he wearing Wilbur’s hat?
Fundy: He’s also a demon! Kitsune Fundy! Kitsune Fundy! Kitsune Fundy!
Philza: He’s an angel! Angel Philza pog :D Quackity: He’s also an angel! He only recently grew his wings! Speaking of, is he alright? No one’s seen him outside of work for a while.. Niki: She’s a human! Tubbo often visits to talk to her about demons/dreamons and such while she bakes. I’ll be adding more as I get more ideas! Feel free to give suggestions in the ask box!
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pianosmp · 3 years
Who was Pandora’s Vault originally for
(Because I have been thinking about this for far too long)
(Sorry if some of these are a little old, I forgot I made this like a month ago so I cleaned it up and here we are)
This list will go from most likely to least likely character.
- Technoblade (arguably the most likely option simply because when you mention “powerful enough to be a problem” the first thing you think of is Techno. He’s notoriously strong and unafraid to oppose Dream. Also seeing as the prison ‘changed purpose’ it implies Dream no longer saw the original intended prisoner as a threat, or at least as much of a threat, as Tommy)
- BBH (Dream’s old friend, implied more powerful then a regular human. Plus by this point the egg plot on the Dream SMP had already started. There may have been ‘good intentions’ originally. As dumb as it sounds, I’d also count putting the egg itself in jail here)
- Wilbur Soot (revived, of course. It’s been established that a revived Wilbur would be more dangerous then ever, and if Dream had any inking of this beforehand the prison would be the best way to fully utilize his power. Those not in the know would be blackmailed to keep him safe, and Wilbur could also provide some added chaos to the SMP as a whole, which may end up working in Dream’s favor. And now that he is revived by Dream, we know he’s a threat in some capacity, though seemingly not to Dream himself. Don’t forget, anyone who tries to break out Dream may be hunted down and placed in the prison themselves (or, as in the contract for visiting, “killed until they’re completely dead”))
- Ranboo (Ranboo is tied to Dream in some significant way, seeing as he was used by Dream in some of his plans in some capacity. While a help, I’m sure it could also have been turned into a threat of the wrong things were to get out. Also for meta gaming purposes that get him higher on this list, Dream and Ranboo have collaborated with lore in the past and clearly trust each other to carry the torch. Furthermore, with current Ranboo Enderwalk lore, we’ve learned that rather then just being a servant for Dream, there’s a chance the Enderwalk state was manipulated by Dream who perhaps claimed he was doing it for the greater good of the server. But more introspection on the Enderwalk state is a post for another day)
- Karl Jacob (time travel implies two things. Power and unpredictable nature. Seeing as Karl keeps most changes to himself though and seems to be self destructing either the prison is no longer needed for him or he was never considered a real threat in the first place)
- Philza Minecraft (Phil is notably dangerous, though less then Technoblade. He’s got big hostage potential due to his one life predicament and big use potential due to his knowledge in Minecraft)
- Foolish__Gamers (a literal god, and has recently shown godly powers. This would either involve pre planning on someone’s part though, which the Dream SMP isn’t particularly known for, or making this the original prisoner in a retcon “we’ll figure it out later” manner. It would be interesting though, as the prison may have been repurposed after Dream realized Foolish was at this point in time a big pacifist)
- Quackity (he’s dangerous with his tongue, but I don’t think his physical strength is enough for there to be a whole prison containing him. Not to say he doesn’t play to his other strengths- I bet he’d have an easier time convincing someone to break him out then most. And if anything else, Dream’s worries about him as a threat are now justified due to the whole ‘torture every day’ thing)
- Shlatt (a similar situation as Wilbur, but at the bottom because he’s useless as a hostage and currently still dead)
- Dream Himself (okay, so his reluctance to be in the prison makes it seem like he wouldn’t want it to be for him, but if he’s playing like the super long con somehow and the Prison is either to keep threats like the egg out or to make it seem like he’s powerless...)
- Dream XD (wild, and like Foolish, Dream XD wasn’t a lore concept until later in the prison’s development, back when Techno and Phil were building their Anarchy Table, but it would be an interesting twist. Especially because we don’t know if the two have any connection beyond their names)
- Jack Manifold (yeah he died and came back, but that doesn’t change the fact that he died in the first place. Plus he just hasn’t really gotten to Dream with any of his antagonistic attempts)
- Captain Puffy (mysterious past pog. But in all seriousness, she’s seen as being likable and just, doing her best to do the right thing even when making the decision to become a Villain later on with the Eggpire arc. And while she started as a ‘janitor’, she did join the server before the prison began its construction)
- Niki (she’s dangerous now but not to Dream whose locked away and gone from her ire. Also again wasn’t a threat before the prison was planned, though who knows how much Dream knew of everyone’s mental states back when he was planning)
- Fundy (also doubtful, but coder man do be coding, especially with mods now allowed on the SMP. And now with the revelation of his prophetic dreams, there’s a chance this may be the power Dream feared, especially if said powers were in the works beforehand)
- Hbomb (idk he’s got good strategy as seen with Vault Hunters and MCC and stuff but he doesn’t really use it on the Dream SMP as he prefers parkour challenges or just chillin. Perhaps would only be locked up because the Maidbomb is too powerful)
- Eret (yeah they are a monarch who doesn’t like Dream but they really do have no control and no one on their side so unless the Herobrine thing comes into play this one doesn’t make much sense either)
- Ponk (like Eret he doesn’t have much influence over others. More importantly though, all the trouble he’s made so far has been just annoying at worst. His biggest strength is probably how stubborn he is, and how long he’s been around. To quote Eret, “He’s like the John Wick of the Dream SMP.”)
- Antfrost (only if the manhunt series is cannon in the Dream SMPand Dream has flashbacks to when cat boy killed him with a potion like a chump. Though I will say there’s a non zero chance Manhunt is cannon from the comments all the hunters have made during lore bits)
- Hannah Rose and Purpled (TBH both of them are grouped here since they’re most notably physically strong due to their Bedwars experience. But Purpled is rarely ever on, and Hannah joined after prison construction had already started)
- Punz (the only reason the prison would be for him when he knew explicitly about it and could have won is Dream was threatened by his speedrun skills)
- Sapnap (objection your honor that’s too sad. For real, this is probably higher on the Mabye list due to being a big threat, as seen by the ‘I’ll hunt you down if you escape’ exchange he had while visiting Dream. Sapnap makes his decisions based of what he feels is fair, rather then loyalty (a majority of the time anyways) and furthermore he’s one of the people that knows the most about Dream. However, it’s this low because if it’s Sapnap I’d simply cry maybe)
- Mexican Dream (Dream did dislike the guy. However, he lost all his canon lives in the span of one afternoon so how much of a threat was he really?)
For sure not
- Tommy (confirmed by Dream it wasn’t originally for him during the final disk confrontation)
- Tubbo (also confirmed by Dream it wasn’t originally for him during the same confrontation)
- Skeppy (why would he have a prison in Dream’s funky dungeon if he had a better prison elsewhere?)
- Conner, Slime, Lazar, Vikk (simply not on enough for an intense prison lore stream)
- George (too pretty)
- Callahan (too cool. Also part-time is the server)
- Awesamdude (he was recruited to build the prison and be its warden when the time came. Literally the worst person to put in the prison)
- Michaelmcchill (bro he was added today)
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oohfluffy · 4 years
Group: EXO
Member: Byun Baekhyun
Theme: Angst | Fluff | Rated M | University!AU | Football!AU
Word Count: 1,750
Tumblr media
chapter 1
"Have you watched the new series on Netflix?"
"Omg! Yes! The one with the hot guy?!"
"I just bought this new phone with three cameras on it, and it's just so cheap."
"Oh! I will buy five later."
"Yes, I'll give them as gifts."
"I'm so gonna break up with this guy. He's so boring!"
"The blondie is hotter than the raven-haired, girl! I told you, you should have slept with him instead!"
You internally groaned as you squint your eyes at your book, totally disturbed by the noise but was keeping it in. You looked up at your so-called new group of friends and sighed.
They were all having their own businesses with each other, buzzing non-stop like bees surrounding their honey.
And you?
Seated at the corner of the rectangular table, where an empty cup of iced mocha sat in front of your unmoving state. You gripped on your book, eyebrows twitching at the high-pitched voices of the girls.
"What the hell are you even wearing, girl? Is that a rag?" Irene squealed, tugging on Yeri's new skirt. She had her beautifully arched eyebrow raised in disgust, her lips in a disappointed straight line.
"Damn you. This is a new trend by my stylist!" The youngest argued as she slapped Irene's hand away, offended by the claim of the oldest.
"Leave our young one alone, Joo. She's growing!" Wendy chuckled as she nudged the sleeping Seulgi on her side. Joy laughed out loud as she watched Seulgi almost rolling down the couch in surprise.
You tsked silently as you closed your book, giving up on trying to read in peace with these girls. You stood up and looked over the noisy group, waiting for the right time to say goodbye.
"You bitch, I'm gonna kill you." Seulgi grunted as she tried to get up from the floor.
"As I was saying, he's not even worth the risk, you know?" Joy continued her story, glancing at Wendy, who listened eagerly. "My dad would have cut me off from the family if he heard I was dating him."
"I seriously don't know why you like these kinds of clothing." Irene shook her head as she looked over Yeri's clothing, who frowned at her.
You sighed in defeat, realizing that saying goodbye or not will only be useless and irrelevant to these people. You could be dead by now and they wouldn't know or care about it.
I mean, you're not even part of this group. You were just tugged in for a while and you thought you were.
"What were you even thinking?" You thought to yourself as you silently closed the door. "I shouldn't have gone here."
You greeted goodbye the househelpers of Irene before you went outside of her house. Thankfully, they were a lot friendlier than their master.
Maybe they were indeed friendly, but only with their group. Not everyone else.
Especially not you.
Why did you even try making friends? Didn't you learn from the past?
You looked around the street and slouched your shoulders in exhaustion.
You're gonna walk for about 3 kilometers to get back to the coffee shop near your apartment. Again. Why? They invite you, but you don't get to ride with them.
"Stupid." You mumbled at yourself, kicking small pebbles as you started walking.
Why do we always try to fit ourselves with people who obviously do not want to welcome us with open arms? Why force ourselves? Why do we become so desperate?
Is it fear that controls us or is it us wanting to control our fear?
You reached out for your best friend with a smile, and she smiled back.
"You know, school was boring. Same things happen everyday, and it's getting tiring." You complained to her, your hand caressing her head. She just stared at you with her twinkling eyes as she leaned on to your touch.
"The same pairs of eyes glaring at me. The same mouths laughing at me. The same hands pushing me down." Your lips trembled as you looked into her eyes. Her sincere eyes. "The same people who I trusted." You let out a humorless laugh as you looked up at the darkening sky.
"I'm getting tired." Your voice cracked as you pulled her closer to you, hugging her small furred body. "Poppy, I'm so tired of it." The 3-month-old golden retriever whined at your cries, as if she felt your pain.
"I'm hurting." You cried. "I'm hurting so so much."
You blinked your tears away as you stared at the old house in front of you. You smiled bitterly as you see the house that you used to love so much. The house that used to be so full of love. The house that watched you grow. The house that gave you warmth whenever you were cold.
Now it's just an old house with brittle wood, waiting to be destroyed.
It's been a two years since you left this house and went to live on the apartment near the university. It's a few blocks far from it, so you get to visit it once and awhile.
"I miss you." You whispered, your eyes drifting to the window where you usually watch the stars. "It's been awhile, huh? How are you guys?" You talked as if you were getting an answer. You must look like crazy, talking by yourself. "I'm good, you don't have to worry."
I've been alone for years, what is there to fear?
"Grandma." You smiled. "I'll get going."
She was your only family, and she was more than enough. She was your home.
Until she was gone.
"Where do you guys want to eat?" Seulgi excitedly asked as she picked her bag up from her table. Then they started chatting loudly as they went out of the room. The class buzzed as the professor went out after a short consultation.
You just continued packing your things, ignoring the noise irritating your ears. It was just the second day of school, but everyone's friends already.
You always wonder if you were the only one who does not manage to make friends in a snap. Or  who is not fond of being plastic in front of other people in order to fit in.
"Hi! Do you want to come with us for lunch?"
You halted zipping your backpack for a second, eyebrows furrowing before realizing that...
that question is certainly not for you.
No one wanted you in their group, even just for lunch.
"Sure! I'm Heize, by the way."
You let out a breath, before wearing your bag and leaving the room.
The hallways were filled with people, conversing with each other. Talking about the upcoming football game of the seniors this Friday, about the newly opened resto across the main university building, and blah blah. You can't keep up with how every person here can talk along with a hundred of students in one enclosed area.
You managed to squeeze yourself into the sea of people, and rushed to the empty elevator. You quickly closed the doors before anyone could even follow. You hated being around with so much people. It wasn't just because you liked being alone, it was suffocating.
It was better when you were free.
You leaned your head on the elevator wall, watching as the red numbers increase as the ride ascends. Fortunately, everyone is having their lunch outside or at the canteen. No one should bother you at this period.  
The ting sound of the elevator indicated that you have arrived at your desired floor, the Composition Studies of Music Department. This building is under the Arts and Theatre department, which has been your safe haven for the past two years in the university. Every floor is aesthetically designed and suited for every course department, it is pleasing to relax in. Not everyone appreciates the look though, so here you are.
You stepped out of the elevator and smiled at the paintings outside of the studios and practice rooms. You haven't sneaked inside of the rooms as you settled for the soft carpeted floor near the staircase on the corner. It wasn't prohibited to be seen outside the corridors, but it was embarrassing. You cannot go inside the rooms without permission or if you don't have classes there, but it is the silence that you wanted here not anything else so it's fine out here.
"Hmm." You hummed as you sat on the carpeted floor, placing your bag on the side. You silently took out your lunch box from your bag as you looked around the empty 4th floor. You've been eating lunch here for numerous times, so no one would catch you, right?
With a short reassurance to yourself, you started eating your stir-fried noodles slowly.
"I think I should have added more soy sauce in this." You mumbled as you chewed on your food. You've been living by yourself for quite a long time, but still haven't grasped the cooking skills. But your food is edible, don't worry. "I should buy some later."
You were half-way finishing your food when you heard something coming from one of the rooms in the hallway. You munched on your lunch quick, almost panicking as you packed your lunch box back to your bag.
"Tonight I look into"
Your hands stopped packing as the first line of a familiar song rang through the hallway. The piano keys were played gently but with certainty, complementing the tone of the voice.
"The moon is so blue"
Your eyes drifted to the last door near the elevator, noticing the light under the door. Your mouth gaped in awe.
"You too lonely like me, living with empty heart"
You admit that you were not a fan of music, and you don't enjoy them that much. But hearing this introduction of a song, with that kind of voice, you were drawn to it. The high-pitch sounded so effortless as if the singer was merely breathing, and the melody of the instrument suited the smoothness of the voice.
"Lay down on empty room"
Instead of leaving, you found yourself sitting back down and leaning against the wall.
"It won't hurt to stay for a while." You bit your lip as you closed your eyes, just letting the voice take you to places.
"By these thoughts, those thoughts"
"Long, long sigh"
"Cigarette smoke"
"One more day has gone again"
It was more peaceful with that voice accompanying your loneliness.
♫ ♡ ♫ ♡ ♫ ♡ ♫ ♡ ♫
ACKKK. I'm back.
I won't count how many months I went on hiatus, I would cry in guilt.
If anyone wants to know the song I used as an inspiration for the piano piece, it's "Moon of Seoul" by Kim Gun-mo. And if you're not informed, Baekhyun even showed off a glimpse in JYP Party People before (I placed the vid on the multimedia, you can check it out) and he even sung a full version in his IG live two years ago. You can search for it in Youtube. :))
I hope you look forward to this new series of mine! 
♫ Ch. 2
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Dream SMP Recap (January 24/2021) - The Eggpire Makes Its Move
Today is the day of the Egg!
Fundy returns and theorizes a possible connection between the Crimson and Dreamons, the Eggpire exposes Tommy to the Crimson for the first time, and Sam runs into a bit of trouble at the end.
Meanwhile, Puffy is caught in the middle of everything, wondering what she’s to do about all of this.
Also, Tales From the SMP continued with a new episode set in the far future!
As usual, a short summary of the week’s total events is at the end of this post.
- HBomb hosts Badboyhalo and Captain Puffy’s episode of L’Cast!
- Fundy comes online after a short break! He is intensely confused by everything, especially the Blood Vines.
- Fundy speaks with Puffy, who starts filling him in on what’s going on with the Egg.
- Fundy goes around graffitiing the Eggpire propaganda like Ranboo did.
- Puffy leads Fundy to Church Prime to get hazmat suits to visit the Egg.
- They go down to the spider spawner. Fundy starts hearing Ranboo screaming. Tubbo has learned how to weaponize Catmaid HBomb against him.
- Puffy shows Fundy the Egg. A new Egg has appeared on top of the first one...
- Fundy realizes that he recognizes the room. Back in the second Dreamon Hunter stream, where they recruited Sapnap, he’d told Badboyhalo to dig out the room for a Dreamon Hunter base.
Tubbo didn’t think Bad should be involved, though, so they ended up leaving him out of it to continue digging the room anyway.
Fundy suspects the Egg...May be connected to a Dreamon taking advantage of Bad.
- Puffy shows him the Eggpire meeting place. Fundy thinks that Bad has gone bad. 
- Ranboo comes by and Fundy and Puffy try to get his attention, but he doesn’t seem to notice them. He just keeps walking, picking up grass blocks and placing them elsewhere. Both of them are surprised.
- Puffy makes eye contact with him and suddenly she can’t move. Ranboo then disappears.
- Fundy starts creating a conspiracy cork board in the museum trying to figure out how everything that’s been going on could connect, from Ranboo to Badboyhalo to Dream in the prison to Glatt, Phil...everything.
- Puffy fills Fundy in on what he missed in the Finale. Fundy is shocked to learn of Schlatt’s book and Dream losing two lives. 
Puffy tells Fundy that Dream’s now stuck in the prison.
- Fundy gives his hypothesis on how everything connects. 
Dream cheating on Fundy is connected to Schlatt is connected to George not logging on which is connected to the nukes which are connected to Charlie which is connected to red which is connected to the Egg and BBH.
Red is the key.
And red + blue = green, which is why Dream is involved!
And Techno?
- Fundy makes a BBH diss track.
- Tommy comes online. For some reason, where are a bunch of random grass blocks clogging up his room.
- Tommy goes to Sam Nook, who informs him about the red Egg and its danger to his construction plans. 
- Fundy confronts Tommy as well and tells him about the red that’s been spreading around.
- Tommy finds Antfrost at the mansion. His eyes have gone pink.
- They speak. Antfrost tells Tommy about the Eggpire and asks if he would like to join.
- Bad comes over without his disguise on. Tommy notices it and he quickly puts on the disguise.
- Tommy asks Bad about the Egg, who also says it’s very great.
- Antfrost repeatedly speaks in Standard Galactic, sending cryptic messages about the Egg and Tommy’s fate being sealed.
- The Eggpire members attempt to bring Tommy under the influence of the Crimson by exposing him to the Egg’s effects in the Egg chamber. Though the Crimson upsets Tubbo greatly, Tommy is left unaffected by it, meaning he is like Punz and Sam and possibly resistant to its effects.
He doesn’t hate it nor love it, but is simply neutral.
- Sam Nook comes to the rescue and Tommy and Tubbo escape the Eggpire before long.
- Sam Nook orders Tommy to destroy the Reverse Coaster before he can continue with the construction of the hotel.
- Ranboo and Techno go exploring together. Ranboo uses his newfound powers to get a spawner and some cake.
It’s time for Tales From the SMP: “The Lost City of Mizu!”
Four average fishermen, hundreds of years in the future, who have heard the events of present-day SMP as folklore, stumble across some evidence that leads them to believe these old stories may be real...
The Cast:
Karl’s character’s name is Isaac.
Dream’s character’s name is Ranbob.
Bad is Benjamin.
Ranboo is Charles.
Quackity is Cletus.
- There’s a book left at their front door, telling them of stories that have been passed down from generation to generation. 
There’s a lost underwater city that could hold information about the history of this world.
- They hop into boats to travel to the coordinates.
- They reach the Lost City. There’s a welcome book there that speaks of the “Great Disc Wars” of the past.
- They find a strange man in the underwater city who comes to greet them.
- Ranbob tells them about how he’s been so lonely down here alone.
- He leads them to the Community Room. There’s a hallway that leads to a locked door, and Ranbob doesn’t know where the key is.
- Ranbob shows them the Cafeteria. He’s been stuck down there so long, his memory isn’t very good.
- There’s a room with a mural full of George portraits. Ranbob tells them the tale of George: greatest king to ever rule during the Disc Wars. The longest-reigning king over the SMP, as proven by the pictures found all over the ancient area.
Eret was the tyrant who tried to take over with an iron fist, killing George.
- There’s another chamber dedicated to a man named Ranboo. Ranbob is a descendant of Ranboo on his mother’s side, and his ancestors were the Book-keepers. The people with the best memories who wrote down the history books to know what happened. Ranboo was the greatest of scholars, a writer who documented everything. His memory was supreme.
- Isaac finds a key to Sapnap’s room, the room of the great warrior.
- Sapnap was a brute with a love of pets who started the great Pet War over his defense of them. There’s a historic axe reminiscent of the ones used to cut down Ponk’s Great Tree. He apparently had many wives.
- They find an abandoned farm. Someone poisoned the soil long ago.
- The people of Mizu held a Council meeting on their decreasing food supply.
- Bob leads them to the power room.
- Next, they enter the room of Fundy. The residents of Mizu were unsure if Fundy was a pet or a person. Perhaps Tommy’s pet? 
- They find a key to the Quackity room.
- Ranbob says his memory has been damaged after years of loneliness and torment. For some reason he’s carrying TNT.
- Quackity was incredibly stupid, but very nice. A nudist bard who pranked other members of the server, who idolized Skeppy. He kept to his optimism despite all the chaos that surrounded him, perhaps because he was too dumb to understand the tragedy of what was happening.
- Next is Skeppy’s room. Skeppy had some type of poisoning that made him bright blue, so rich his skin was diamond-coated. He may have been married to Badboyhalo. He may have turned yellow.
- Badboyhalo’s room looks a little similar to the Crimson...Bad was a powerful magician and prolific swearer. 
- The next room is a bit of a mystery. There’s an ancient cartoon on the TV. This character’s room needs access to the water. One moment he seems important, the next he’s nowhere to be found.
- Next is the Tubbo room, full of beehives and honey, and an ancient picture of a revolution on the wall. Tubbo was one of the great Manburg Warriors, a leader whose greatest follower was Tommy. Directly upstairs from Tubbo’s room is Tommy’s, who was married to his wife, the Queen. 
Tommy liked to collect damaged plates with holes in the middle.
- Ranbob leads them to the Tree Dome Room. In it is a great tree, some swings, and a little wooden bench with a jukebox beside it. Ranbob goes missing.
- Ranbob returns and burns the tree after Cletus climbs it. Cletus burns to death. People don’t live after coming here...Ranbob blows himself up.
- There may be a way to survive, but no one ever returns from the City of Mizu.
- There’s a room full of lava and parkour. Benjamin is chosen to traverse it. Isaac gives “Benji” a kiss first. He doesn’t make it out alive. Isaac attempts it next. He makes it and obtains the final room key.
- Dream’s room.
- Ranbob appears in the doorway.
Ranbob: “Everybody here had an idol that they worshipped...and mine was Dream.”
Isaac: “Was Dream a good man?”
Ranbob: “...Yes...Yes, he was a very good man...depending on what you think ‘good’ is. Nobody...Nobody leaves here.”
- Ranbob kills them both, ending it.
- Karl is in his library, writing the tale...of the Lost City of Mizu. He puts the book and its poster in their place.
- He then writes the first entry of his diary.
Every time he travels, he forgets a little more. Maybe one day he’ll forget who he is entirely. He wonders if he should stop, but decides he must keep going, attempt to right some wrongs and steer the world in the correct path.
Don’t forget who you are.
- Bad comes online, thinking about the events of earlier. He’s surprised that Tommy, while NOT immune to the Egg, is neutral to it.
- Bad plans to carve a tunnel all the way to the Egg so that the Egg’s influence can flow unobstructed, hopefully speeding up the growth of the Vines.
- They planned to feed Tommy to the Egg, but it didn’t seem to be working.
- Bad and Antfrost confront Sam. Sam is fed up with the two of them getting muddled in the Egg business and wants them to put a stop to it. Sam Nook was acting on Sam’s orders.
As an affiliate to both Tommy and Tubbo through their building projectts, Sam has a personal reason to be upset with the Egg. Sam doesn’t want Tommy’s mental state deteriorating because he’s set to get a share of the profits of the hotel.
- Puffy is horrified that Bad would take children down to the Egg without hazmat suits.
- Antfrost’s eyes have gone full red.
- Bad tries to convince Sam that his priorities are backwards.
Bad: “Sometimes, in order to become a hero, you have to start off as a villain.”
- Bad insists that they need the Egg as a uniting force. Something that everyone can agree upon that it’s a bad thing, so that they can all come together to fight it as one.
- Sam is furious at the suggestion that Tommy needs to go. He’s aware of the things that Dream did to Tommy in exile because Dream’s been telling him.
- Finally, Bad gives in and agrees that the Egg has been influencing him too much. He asks Sam to put all his stuff in a chest. Sam refuses, but agrees to give his pickaxes to Antfrost.
- He leads Sam to stand in the middle of the Meeting Room. He gives Sam a hug  and presses a button that opens a door directly beneath him, shooting Sam down into the Egg Room, right on top of it. They lock him in there until he learns to love it and attempt to kill Puffy.
Sam fell right into the obsidian objects that had appeared on top of the Egg, now trapped in it. Bad poked holes in there so that he could be infected through it.
- Puffy is horrified, saying that Bad is starting to sound like Dream. She runs to the Holy Land.
Puffy: “Everyone I care about’s getting locked up somewhere!”
- The two of them lead Puffy to the Egg.
- Puffy tries and fails to convince them that she’s come under the Egg’s control. They don’t fall for it and give her a ten second headstart to start running. Puffy escapes.
- Puffy makes it to the safe room. She needs to speak with Fundy and get things back under control. She digs a tunnel and starts making a new cork board to try and remember all the lines she and Fundy made to connect everything.
- Puffy is horrified at the idea of the Dreamons being involved. Is Dream connected to this too?
- Puffy writes an entry in the Captain’s Log. She’s done being a knight. It means nothing.
Puffy: “It’s time for anarchy. It’s time for the people, not for the factions.”
- She goes to the Crater to think of all the memories that had been wiped away. How did it come to this?
Puffy: “I’d rather have had Dream than this. At least Dream knew his limits sometimes.”
- She plans on trying to set Sam free tomorrow and perhaps seek out Technoblade eventually.
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Upcoming Events:
- Everyone and their mom wants to visit Dream at some point
- Nuclear weapons test (January 26th)
1/18: Founding of the Syndicate, Hannah joins the server, Eggpire propaganda
1/19: HBomb leaves home, Tommy’s last night, Punz’s discovery
1/21: Snowchester declares independence, Tommy’s visit with Dream
1/22: Slimecicle joins the server
1/23: The Fever Dream Episode, start of the capitalism plot
1/24: The Eggpire attacks, Tales From the SMP: “The Lost City of Mizu”
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technospotatoes · 3 years
C!SAM - Redeemable Qualities Analysis (Dream SMP)
Hallo! I’m back with another brain rot post for ya’ll instead of doing my schoolwork :] 
Recently, I’ve been doing some thinking and theorizing with some friends on discord following Quackity’s huge lore stream (if you haven’t seen it, I highly recommend you watch it). I woke up this morning with a head full of many thoughts about C!Awesamdude and where his story could take us. Seeing as how there is going to be lots of change in the future with the server, there must be changes in these characters as well-- evil to good, good to evil, and the like. With these changes comes my thought: “can these characters be redeemed?” Here are my thoughts on how this applies to C!Sam.
Please let me know your thoughts and theories, I’d love to discuss with you! As always, strap in, it’s gonna be a long one :]
I hope you enjoy!
Author’s note: I want to start this off by saying that all of the contents being discussed are fictional, and are from the Dream SMP universe. I do not support the actions of these characters, but merely have interest in analyzing them through a lens of psychology and for entertainment purposes. Content of this post will contain spoilers up to 3/25/21 of the DSMP lore. I will also talk about ATLA a little bit ;)
Content warning: mentions of torture, manipulation, death, possible psychological trauma
(pls be safe ily)
What makes a redeemable character? 
  Redeemable characters are some of the most pleasing and favored characters in modern media. Their stories are rich with emotion, and they can even evoke some form of catharsis within the most skeptic consumers. Redeemable characters are memorable and inspiring, and without one, a story can feel empty. Before we apply this character trope to the Dream SMP and C!Sam, we need to answer a basic question in order to fully understand the complexity of redeemable characters and how they are so universally significant. 
What is a redeemable character?
  Simply put, a redeeming character or characteristic counteracts or corrects something negative. From a storytelling standpoint, a redeemable character is someone who has roots in good qualities, turns bad, and has the ability to revert their wrong choices to become a better person. 
Examples of redeemed characters in popular media include: 
Zuko - Avatar the Last Airbender
Boromir - Lord of the Rings
Kylo Ren - Star Wars
Severus Snape - Harry Potter 
  Zuko, for example, starts his story off as the villain. He tirelessly hunts down the protagonist, and will stop at nothing to achieve his goal to please his father. However, as the show progresses, we learn that Zuko wasn’t always bad. He was only driven to his path of villainy because of his fear of failure, of his father (the firelord and true antagonist of the show), and of a greater punishment than what he had already received. With the help of his uncle, Zuko learned to push through and accept his past, while also making amends with his wrongs and coming to the realization of who the true enemy was; ultimately choosing peace and unity over destruction and fear.    Zuko’s story is so appealing because it was drawn out. It was raw, it was real, and it was a genuine telling of how damaged people can heal, change, and come to accept themselves. Because he went through the process of redemption, he was not only able to be loved by those around him, but also by his audience-- And I believe that this can be the same case with any redeemable character. 
So how does this relate to C!Sam? How could he possibly be redeemable if he is not evil?
  C!Sam has become increasingly interesting to me in the DSMP lore, and he has shown how complex his character is-- in contrast to many first impressions that people have of him. Based upon his actions from the past, and his willingness to remain neutral in times of conflict, we can conclude that he sustains both “neutral good” and “lawful neutral/good” qualities. This means that Sam is a reliable character, driven by his own personal values, and is devoted to helping others (when he sees fit). Evidence of these qualities emerge…
When he sided with Pogtopia during the Manberg War to maintain good relations with Tommy and Tubbo. 
When he saved Hannah from the Egg
Created Sam Nook to assist Tommy in building his hotel
Built Pandora’s Vault for Dream
Showed concern for Ranboo after one of his denied prison visits
  Sam’s moral code is deeply rooted with good intentions; he keeps an eye out for his friends, maintains his relationships, assists in builds/projects, and also serves as a “stable adult figure” for some of the younger members of the server. In contrast to his logical outward appearance, C!Sam lets his emotions drive his decision making-- which can lead to many severe consequences depending on how he acts. However, recently Sam’s actions indicate that he is experiencing a flip in morals. 
Below are incidents that have led to C!Sam’s recent change in moral code. 
Incident 1: Trapped with the Egg
  Many weeks ago, during the height of character involvement with the Egg lore, C!Sam was lured into a trap by BBH and Antfrost. He spent about a day trapped in close contact with the Egg, and after he was saved by Puffy and Tommy, he was clearly changed. It is likely that the Egg is behind these sudden changes in character motivation for Sam… similarly to how it corrupted BBH, Ant, and Punz. Whether this is the case with Sam is unclear. 
Incident 2: Tommy’s death
  C!Sam and C!Tommy’s relationship within the DSMP lore is one of my favorite things to talk about. After his victory over the disk war and finally landing his nemesis in prison, Tommy was left empty, without much to do. He decided to take upon a new project to incite a new era of peace, and was able to enlist the help of Sam with building his hotel. Throughout this process (and under the watchful eye of Sam Nook), Tommy and Sam were able to develop a bond with each other through their work, along with their interactions at the Prison. 
  Sam has made it clear that he intends to defend Tommy no matter what-- but after his untimely death at the hands of C!Dream, Sam was deeply wounded. He felt as if he failed his promise to keep Tommy safe, and he made it clear that the blame for the “security issue” and C!Tommy’s death should be placed fully on him. No matter how selfless and responsible this makes his character appear, this event will only serve as the basis for severe consequences in moral change in the future. 
Incident 3: Confrontation with Quackity
  Following the large emotional impact of Tommy’s death, C!Sam is very vulnerable, because he is still within the stages of grief. C!Quackity came to Sam for a partnership, to take advantage of Sam while he was low to gain the upper hand. It’s no question that Q’s character is a talented manipulator, we can see that clearly in his interaction with Sam. Q restates again and again that Sam failed, further cementing Sam’s existing guilt and desire for revenge for his failure. Sam gives in to the manipulation, and somewhat reluctantly allows Quackity to torture Dream to get information and to get payback for what he did to Tommy... which completely goes against what his responsibility of Warden entails. 
  As Warden, C!Sam is supposed to uphold the law and rules of visitation, but because of his leniency with Quackity (in breaking the rules) and because he is still emotionally raw, he no longer defends good from evil, but is now biased against it. C!Sam probably wants Dream dead, but as Warden, his opinion shouldn’t matter. Because Sam fully blames himself for failing Tommy, he's lost the "lawful good" in his character, meaning Warden Sam (as a set of morals) truly doesn't exist anymore.
Incident 4: Ponk’s mistake
  To recap a stream briefly, Ponk did a prank on Sam a couple days ago, and stole a few of the expired keycards to Pandora’s Vault. Rightfully, Sam was very angry, and not only took back the keycards, but also imprisoned Ponk. However, where this interaction should have ended, C!Sam only took it to the extreme. (TW!!!!) Out of anger and frustration, C!Sam tortured Ponk for his wrongdoing by setting him on fire, and amputating his arm (END TW!!!). 
  This only proves my point from Incident 3. Warden Sam is fading, only bits and pieces of his morally neutral character remain within him for basic tasks. His encounter with Quackity had a huge impact on his psyche, not only is he allowing the torture of the prison occupants, but he is doing it himself as well. C!Sam is now starting to believe that pain and torture are the only solutions for punishment, which is the complete opposite of what he believed before Dream was imprisoned. 
In short...
  C!Sam is losing his grip on moral and mental stability because of his emotional insecurity due to his psychological trauma. Because of this, I believe that it is entirely possible for Sam’s character to explore the route of evil and unlawful values-- which furthers the possibility for a redemption arc. Even currently, Sam is eligible for redemption as well.
  If C!Sam is willing to acknowledge his wrongs from today and improve himself upon them, he will likely become a more memorable, lovable, and even more human character than we’ve seen in the SMP before. 
IRL Sam recently posted in his discord talking about his character. Here are a few key things to keep in mind as the story goes forward: 
“There is a LOT of things in the plan for me as a character and a very big change is coming about for me as the story moves along.”
I believe this change could be a villain arc, or a turn towards evil that incites the possibility for redemption. 
“My character is playing a role that I think is VITAL for the server and a role that I like to think was a good one for me to pick up and accept.”
You can read the reddit post I referenced for this here (ty to my friend on discord for providing me with the link <3)
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