#I originally posted this in the discord but decided “why not here too” cuz i want my art to get more recognition
maria-is-stupid · 5 months
Art i made that i forgot to post on here woopsie daisy
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clarktooncrossing · 1 month
The Clarktooniverse is home to many strange characters. A gang of reptiles who encounter the supernatural on a daily basis, people who can transform into dinosaurs, robots, a sentient space anomaly from another dimension, monsters based on food, alien rock stars, at least one super powered cow, and a geeky giraffe who wants to be a cartoonist. Whenever they're not watching B-Movies at Wonder Ziggy's Drive In, facing off against raptors on motorbikes, or simply shopping at the local OK Mart, this wild cast of weirdos are off on amazing adventures around the globe and beyond. For those who've always wondered what the everyday life is for the Clarktoons, you've finally got your chance to ask. Any questions?
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Democrat. Republican. Why split hairs when you can vote on a seemingly ageless ghost?
For that matter, why have a thread on your Discord server labeled #asktheclarktoons if you're never gonna answer any questions. That was once a problem on my original server before some douchebag hacker stole my account. If said hacker is reading this: here's hoping you step on a Lego brick you prat! Putting that aside, my new server brought back the thread with the goal being to actually have my characters answer the questions presented this time around. Now having said that, this inquiry actually comes from Grendel's server and was technically already answered. Still, the idea of my resident floating marshmallow making a speech behind a Presidential podium was too cute to resist. Add in the fact that the United States is in the midst of an election year and I have a recipe for a fun pic. One that was relatively quick to make as hoped. Helping matters was my reuse of assets made from other projects. Specifically I recycled the podium and flags from Panicked Turkey's Guide to Thanksgiving. Well, that was easy!
As fun as this was to create, I did run into one snafu. For those of you who don't know, Adobe Illustrator is what's used to help create my digital images. Yes, that's in spite of their programs now featuring AI, much to my annoyance. They are the EA of the graphic design world. So much so that the government is legit suing the company at the time of my posting this. Hearing this brought me so much joy. Cuz if I could find a cheap alternative to this crap, I'd trade up in a heartbeat. For my original plan was to do all of this in black and white before randomly deciding to switch over to color. The end result looked fantastic! Not so much for the original grayscale edition. Whenever it was exported the shading on the flags would appear through the word bubbles, much to my frustration. It got so bad that I actually broke a ruler. Thankfully the problem has been solved as you can see.
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Please enjoy this comic and remember to vote for Bumper 2024. They Believe in BOO!
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horistans · 4 years
Please explain the detective au to us!!! I can’t read Japanese!!!! Thank you!! :)
Alright!! I'll Do My Best! I’ll be translating all the tweets released so far (from Nov. 20-26), but I’m not that fluent, so please be patient with me >.<;; I’ll also be taking some liberties to make it easier to understand in English so these won’t be direct translations. There may be multiple translations, so I welcome anyone else to also try to translate this! Mikoshiba also tweets in very casual speech, with lots of slang, so it’s possible I don’t properly translate some things.
To start, on Nov. 20, 2020, the Mikoshiba twitter surprised everyone by tweeting the following!
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Nozaki told me to advertise our company on Twitter. I wonder there’ll be any effect from advertising like this is.
Well, I guess I’ll start next week, so look forward to it!
Employee Mikoshiba 
The same day, Mikoshiba tweeted a photo:
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The photo was tweeted with the text:
For today, here’s the doorplate
The Kanji on the door plate read: Nozaki Detective Agency
The twitter then went silent for the next two days to build hype and curiosity to what’s going to come! And on the third day, Tsubaki-sensei finally gave us some context.
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We’ve started preparing for Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun’s 10 year anniversary project for next year but... I was soberly shaken, saying,  “What...? 10 years...?“
What.... Wakamatsu hasn’t figured out the Lorelei mystery even after 10 years...?
That’s why the relationships have been slowly moving forward recently!
I’m realizing this after writing this, but Sensei says, “ ローレライのナゾ ”, literally the “Lorelei Mystery” or “riddle”... Maybe the AU will have something to do with that?
After this tweet, she RT’s the original Mikoshiba tweet for more explanation!!
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Ah! That’s why, after 4 years (4years!?), Mikoshiba’s twitter is being used again.
This time it’s a Detective Parallel universe, So instead of a “Future Timeline” it’s a “Nozaki, somewhere in a parallel universe” story!
The project hasn’t started yet, so I might move some things around. Please take care of me! (or even Please be patient with me/look forward to it!)
(If you look at the time stamps, Tsubaki-sensei’s tweets were actually posted after the following tweet, Mikoshiba’s third update, but just to prevent confusion, I wanted to include the context here!)
This response is exceptionally long, so I’lll put a Read More here.
Since there’s still a year until the 10 year anniversary project, Sensei will probably continue world building through the Mikoshiba twitter... But there isn’t a set schedule or story line yet.
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I was thinking about what to tweet about, but I think first I’ll introduce our employees.
Mikoshiba actually says, “I was thinking about what to advertise”, but I think “promote” or even “tweet” (because that’s more general) makes more sense here.
Either way!! After this, we’re introduced to the Nozaki Detective Agency Employees!! (Which is where that Hori photo came from :D)
First off is Nozaki!!
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Representative Nozaki Umetaro.
23 years old. Manga artist-detective. His manga penname is “Yumeno Sakiko”
... Yeah... “Manga artist” and ”detective”. I don’t know what that means.
After reading a detective novel he thought “Detectives are cool!” or something It seems he started this office but still admires novels.
The last half of that was... really hard to translate (lol)... But hopefully it makes sense!
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“If I solve a case, maybe someone will write a novel about it,“ he said, glimmering (hopefully/excitedly) No one is going to write it! (That’s not how it works!)
So then he said, “Ah, then I’ll draw it myself!” and started drawing manga. In this month’s issue, the heroine and her boyfriend had a date...
Huh? It’s a RomCom...?
So: Nozaki read a detective novel, thought it was cool and started an agency, then decided he also wanted to draw manga! So in this AU, he’s still a shoujo mangaka, but his day job is a detective (I guess LOL)
The next day!!! Is Hori-senpai!!
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Employee 1: Hori Masayuki, age 24
He and Nozaki first met in high school, where he was his senpai. He’s generally really capable so he’s been a huge help after coming to our office!
The last sentence is... too hard for me to translate correctly (primarily cuz of the verb is kinda weird and the sentence subject has kanji I don’t know how to translate aa....) 
But with my shipper heart, I personally read it as:
He often finds himself bickering with the one he likes, one of Nozaki’s guys! Ridiculous!
This may just be my own wishful thinking though, so please don’t take that as accurate lol
**EDIT** I asked someone else, and this is what they said
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So a better, more accurate translation:
In Nozaki’s case, he only gets involved if he’s interested in it! Ridiculous!
In a similar fashion to Nozaki’s, he responds to the original tweet with more dialogue!
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I’ve recently gotten used to talking with him but Why does he compliment my face so much?
He sometimes tells me, “It’s too bad“ What does that mean...!?
Up next is Waka!!! Here we start to deviate from what could be a potential future timeline, to a parallel universe (like Tsubaki explained)
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Part-timer Young Wakamatsu, Age 17
He’s a high schooler living in Nozaki’s neighborhood. It must be fun working part-time at our company.
Seems he recently tried horseback-riding. How bougie! ...I wonder what happened to the flower arranging class I used to attend...
Wakamatsu’s name here is actually written as  “Wakamatsu-shounen” (lit. Wakamatsu-boy) and I just considered removing the last half, but remembered how it’s handled in BNHA lol
Even in this AU, seems like Waka’s a rich boy!!!
also forgive me for translating that as bougie I couldn’t resist
And today’s tweet! Features Mikoshiba!
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Employee 2: Mikoshiba Mikoto, Age 22.
This is me. I met Nozaki in college and somehow... it’s become like this. At the agency, Nozaki, Hori-senapi, and I are in charge of different requests.
Thinking about it, they’re all kinda feminine.
Wait, I still attend group dates! Even last week, I met with 3 women!!
Aaaa, Mikoshiba’s casual speech is hard for me to translate, so I apologize if this is wrong as well.
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Eh...? What...? I got caught....
It was a game!! A depressing game!!
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Employee introductions are now over I’ll tweet if anything else happens!
(Although, if there’s crunch time for Nozaki’s manuscript, I’ll be out of reach)
And so, that’s all the updates we have so far :) I hope it makes enough sense!
for TLDR; In preparation for GSNK’s 10 year anniversary, Tsubaki has started using Mikoshiba’s twitter to run a Detective AU! We haven’t seen any of the girls yet, but so far Nozaki, Mikoshiba, Hori, and Waka have been confirmed as the main characters/the employees at the Nozaki Detective agency.
Given context clues, I’m guessing the “mystery” will be the mystery of Lorelei, but that’s just speculation.
If you want to keep up with the tweets, I recommend following Mikoshiba on twitter (@/mikoshiba0214) and turning on notifications! We’re also talking about it often on the fan discord~ (link in my Updates tab, or you can add me on Discord and I’ll send you the invite directly)
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ruiyuki-archives · 4 years
bnha x psycho pass AU
This is an AU I wrote on the todomomo discord server eons ago. Anything posted to this blog will be transcripts of old original work and not really edited, save for formatting. I have no guarantees if I will ever finish these AUs either so these will only be kept as an archive. 
 Original transcript posted to tdmm discord: Mar 2019
OK @xharu‘s tdmm psycho pass au fanart got me like 💡💡💡 all day at work so like ASHFJGLS JUST TAKE THIS IDEA VOMIT
ok so part of me wants to have Inspector!Momo and Enforcer!Todo but also Inspector!Todo makes so much more sense
esp if All Might and Endeavor are high ranking inspectors in the Public Safety Bureau
So like lets go with Inspector!Todo that needs to live up to his dad's reputation and very-good-at-her-job-but-not-always-confident Inspector!Momo as a team leading Division 1
That consists of Todo, Momo, and KamiJirou as enforcers and two others idk I haven’t decided yet
BUT ANYWAY Inspector!Todo takes his job very seriously like Gino in pp s1 bc not only is there living up to Endeavor's reputation, its also making sure he doesn’t fuck up his psycho pass bc he’s not the first one to walk down the MWPSB path
Bc knowing me, ofc im gonna throw in Dabi there and ofc its going to be Dabi who was the first one to become an inspector for the MWPSB like Endeavor and ofc his story is that his pp falls down into latent criminal status and he’s demoted into Enforcer
And duh Endeavor is disappointed af that his eldest became an Enforcer and thus becomes that trash dad he is putting pressure on Todo to do better than his brother
And this is just more backstory not related to tdmm but y’all need context so.....
Dabi's an Enforcer who somehow manages to run away from house arrest in the MWPSB while on a mission and goes into hiding bc duh Sybil's got eyes everywhere
So on the run Latent Criminal Dabi manages to join up with Shigaraki's gang who are also a bunch of LCs hiding underground, and you can guess the rest but also more on that later
Ok back to tdmm:
Todo always tries to keep his crime coefficient at like 65 bc it really doesn’t go any lower considering he is under stress and he knows and that makes it worse so ya really like s1 Gino
Momo's good with her pp like Akane is so honestly it keeps around 20-30
(And for those that didn’t know, crime coefficients: 0-100 = you’re good, 100-300 = latent criminal, 300+ = Sybil doesn’t like you)
And Jirou probably hang around 110-120... Kaminari probs a little higher 150ish and part of me wants to make him like Kagari whos pp has been above 100 his whole life but nah im not gonna do that bc that’s playing the trope card
Other MWPSB members probably like this:
already mentioned All Might and Endeavor as top inspectors
Nedzu as the chief bc he knows and y k n o w from s1 👀👀👀
Division 2 is probs led by Inspector!Deku and Inspector!Bakugou under the mentorship of All Might
(another part of me wants to put Enforcer!Bakugou on tdmm's team but im really fighting myself over this)
Aizawa is Professor Saiga. thats it there’s nothing else.
Ok i lied maybe something else lmao idk mebbe Aizawa was an inspector during All Might’s and Endeavor’s generation but retired bc his pp was getting cloudy AND he clouds other people
but that doesn’t stop Dhinsou from getting mentored by him and eyyy Shinsou becomes the MWPSB's interrogator like Saiga does in s2
idk whos gonna be the analyst yet bc im learning toward Tsuyu for some reason
wait no scratch that. Eccentric analyst should be HATSUME MEI bc ofc shjfkaoa
Kendou, Tetsutetsu, Monoma and Yui and idk who else from 1-B make up Division 3 bc must have Class B in there and KendouMomo friendship okay
OKAY now then......
AfO is criminally asymptomatic (aka is villain af but Sybil doesn’t recognize his CC as what it really is) bc ofc he is
And guess what, Shig is too
So AfO nurtures Shig into a master manipulator n all that bc ofc he does bc "they’re both special"
And ofc AfO learns the secret of Sybil and becomes part of Sybil too bc y’know that’s how it is
But Shig doesn’t know that and he’s on a mission to find out where adoptive criminally asymptomatic mastermind dad went
But really this story will be Shig v Deku's team cuz gotta keep it organic
And tdmm's team will be v Dabi BC Y’KNOW
Makishima's role from the original pp will prob be divided between Shig and Dabi bc ya, sure, Shig is criminally asymptomatic but Dabi was an Inspector and knows the ins and outs of MWPSB so that’s why he joins Shig so they can play the system
So like, pp s1 there’s a bunch of cases that tdmm team goes thru thus:
1) one of em is Overhaul who runs a drug ring selling drugs that artificially lowers one's psycho pass
2) Gentle whos been quarantined his whole life in rehab bc his pp has been 100+ his whole life but breaks out bc he just really wants to be an Inspector of the MWPSB
And now the meat of tdmm is that they've been partners for a long time on Division 1 but even though they’re the same rank Momo relies on Todo too often for decisions on how to handle a case and Todo's always under pressure from Endeavor, he doesn,t ask for help when really EVERYONE CAN SEE IT. HE NEEDS MOMO AS HIS EMOTIONAL CRUTCH
Okay so idk what he actually did to incite the case (probably tried to bomb smth tbh) but the general idea is after tdmm team runs into Dabi and they confront him like Kogami + Akane did with Makishima at the tower. Basically, Todo loses it with seeing Touya becoming Dabi and tries to lethal eliminate him but ofc Momo knows that’s not the right thing to do since Dabi's coeff isnt 300+ yet and has to stop Todo but also stop Dabi from getting away
And Todo seeing Dabi makes his pp creep up reaaalllly close to 100+ which is Todo's greatest fear
So. Momo in the moment has to like throw the dominators away, tie up Todo or smth and knock out dabi all in a split second
And then finally todo comes to his senses while tied up and collapses on the floor like "im sorry.... thank you Momo. I believed in you"
And she collapses on the floor beside him too and they both kinda just put their heads together to take a moment bc ahsjjdslfs the whole situation was just too much
AT THE VERY END FINALE (assuming Dabi escapes like Makishima did or smth) WHEN TODO FINDS HIM, DABI'S GONNA BE LIKE "Im happy it ends this way and happy you found her bc I didn’t have someone like that to keep me afloat under all of dad's pressure"
(Note: whatever "ends this way" entails has yet to be decided)
(But he’s not gonna die and im not making Todo a killer)
this story could end with him leaving the country like Kogami did
And hey y’know what. lets do that. He escapes. that’s a re-occuring theme here lol
The blossoming romance w Momo is what keeps Todo’s pp down. like it gradually drops from 65 to 40ish and he doesn’t notice it as plot and romance goes on until the very end when, the day after the finale when Dabi escapes, he wakes up, has an Official Date™ w Momo and then checks his pp later which suddenly is at 40
Qjdkkfsk how funny would it be if every time Todo thinks pervy thoughts of Momo his pp tracker spikes up from 40 to 70+ and whoever checks the trackers see it 😂😂😂
Bakugou just happens to check the monitors as Deku walks in like "Kacchan lets go its our shift" and Deku sees it too and he gets worried and consults Iida who talks to Kaminari bc he’s on Todo’s team and it goes around the MWPSB like wildfire among all the guys
So going out for drinks later is like 8 of them sans the Enforcers and really, most of the time Deku and Bakugou have their pp under control but when Todo tells them abt that moment, everyone is too sh00k and then THE WHOLE GROUP'S PP GETS TOO HIGH AND CAUSES AN AREA EFFECT ADKJDFJDAHSFK
the iinspectors themselves instigate a psycho hazard and the enforcers that stayed back, particularly the girls are like what the fuCK Guys
It probably becomes an inside joke among all the guys some ways down the line. they had to do their own damage control and it was A Disaster™ 😂😂😂
Aizawa is still the captain of the ship in this au bc even though he’s basically Saiga and retired, All might & Endeavor tell bkdk and tdmm's team to consult him bc he has really good insight on cases
and when Aizawa meets tdmm when they consult with him over Dabi's case he's so ONBOARD
And mebbe helps out with Todo's pp problem like dropping hints that hey, y’know, mebbe your partner can help - in more ways than one - if you just listen to her instead of tryna bottle it up all yourself
kamijirou has had a bet for how long it'll take them to fuck since they've been assigned under tdmm
Aizawa joins in on the bet
And honestly Bakugou probably does too only bc he gets pissed off looking at the unresolved sexual tension and being the victim so he wants to win
> archives masterpost 
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nagatsukinura119 · 5 years
Japan Expo Malaysia Day 1 (26 July 2019)
Okay, it’s the first day for one of the biggest Japanese events in Malaysia, I originally came here only to attend AKB48’s concert, because my Oshimen, Okada Nana (Naachan) was one of the members who were coming. Since I live in a nearby country, so it was possible for me to come (with my parents) not to mention the ticket prices were considerably cheap. So I was a bit bummed that my mother might not let me go alone to attend the concert, but thankfully from the first day my parents seemed to feel comfortable and confident to let me go to the venue (Kuala Lumpur Pavilion) since it is located near to our hotel (Capitol Hotel). So in the morning I arrived at Pavilion at 11 am and killed some time at Daiso at the top floor and got a sweet black hat with golden Apple logo (if you know me, you’d know why I had a compulsion to buy this hehe). When I came downstairs, they were just opening the expo and the very first performance, a Kyodo (archery) performance was starting and I took the time to rest at the Coffee Bean next to the stage. Afterwards, the first idol group to perform was called KiREI. Now, I’ve never heard of this group before this expo and I didn’t bother checking on them. But we were told that KiREI is a group made up of 3 disbanded idol groups in Tokyo. Their theme is to "Make Everything Beautiful" not just their inner but outer appearances. One of the hosts (Aki) kept telling us audience that they were super cute and I challengingly said, “Sway my heart babe”. So the girls came in; Tanaka Hana, Konatsu Mia and Miyadera Miho. Sure they were cute and beautiful (which idol isn’t, am I right?)
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(From the left; Hanapii, Mianyan and Chori-chan)
Nevertheless, I took the chance to take pictures of them with my Nikon camera. I was standing at one side of the stage and since there were some empty seats it was quite easy access for me to take pictures of them. But what I did NOT expect was when one of the members, Hana (nicknamed Hanapii) actually made an eye contact with me and WINKED. My heart MELTED (jokes on me; my heart wasn’t just swayed lololol). Maybe I’m a sucker because this was my very first time attending an idol concert, but gosh darn it I just fell for her on the spot. Aside from that coincidental moment, I realized her face is totally my type among the 3 of them, not to mention she’s also pretty tall (well I’m super short so for some people she could be a medium height). Side note: during their performance the wotage group was doing the Overture chant and I joined them from far away (lol) and it was actually a bit awkward since it seemed like I was the only female who was chanting passionately. Also, another side note, there was this adorable old man who was a huge fan of Harupiii (another idol that performed after KiREI) but I think he’s a fan of idols in general cuz he was also singing along to KiREI’s songs. Back on track, after getting wink attack-ed by Hanapii I was so moved that I paid 150% attention on them. And while I was snapping pics at every second and taking vids, what do you know? She saw me again and made an eye contact again! I realized that she was THE ONE in this group. She’s my KiREI Oshimen.
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(Yeah baby!)
Time flew really fast and before I knew it, their slot time was over (most of the idol performances had only 30 to 45 minutes time slot) but thankfully they were having another performance outdoor in the afternoon so I was sure I’d attend it. After KiREI was Harupiii (who is an idol who has performed in this event for 3 years).
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Harupiii definitely looked younger than the KiREI members but you know what, that didn’t stop me from staying and watched her performance till the end. What I like about Harupiii is that despite being quite small, looked young, she definitely slayed the performance and I was hooked with her. All the more when she saw me, and finger gunned me (OOF!!) Another hit right on the heart! What’s with these idols making me fall faster than flies lololol!
The wota guys were more hyped this time and so was I and the old man fan ran to the wotage guys and started to enthusiastically chant for her. And you know what, I find it adorable. Especially when one of the guys was carried on other men’s shoulders to the front. I really really like their enthusiasm and I can see why wota life is pretty exciting. I just wished that the awkward atmosphere wasn’t lingering, but YOU KNOW WHAT? SCREW IT, LET’S HAVE FUN!
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After the end of Harupiii’s performance I was exhausted so I went back to my parents at Coffee Bean. They told me to get an autograph and picture from KiREI’s members you gotta buy some merch (I mean, that’s how their business works so I knew the procedure). At first I wasn’t sure to go or not but my mother was being encouraging and persuasive made me go for it, and you know what, GG mum! You made the right decision for me! It was worth spending RM80 ($14) to get 2 Cheki tickets (one for autograph and handshake, and another for polaroid photos). I was legit happy since this was my very first time attending a meet-and-greet event with a Japanese idol, and while I used to do translations and subs for some AKB48 stuff, I’m not that confident with my Japanese speaking skills but Hanapii made it so much easier and fun. Albeit she knew limited English, but we managed to communicate successfully. As for the poses I thought we were gonna do the usual heart poses like the guys in front of me did with other members. Well we did just that, but since I bought two tickets so I got to take two photos, and I did not expect that she hugged me (well more like she reached her arms out towards me and leaned in, but close enough, man!) The conversation continued as she was signing the polaroid frames (side note: she asked for the alphabets for my name which was pretty funny considering how easy the pronunciation is, even in Japanese) but at the same time it’s nice how considerate she was. So she asked me if I was a Malaysian and I told her no, I’m a Bruneian which impressed her and I told her that it’s because of this event that I flew over which impressed her even more (I really like how idols tend to give cute reactions when they’re impressed). Then she complimented me for my Japanese and naturally I was like “No no no~ I need to study more” and she was like “Ganbatte~!”. AH SO CUTE! She then asked if I liked idols. If only she knew. But I just told her, “Yes, I love idols”. As much as I loved talking to her I didn’t want to take too long since there was a long line behind me so I told her I was leaving and she was like “We’re gonna perform again outside!” and I responded with an enthusiastic nod, “I will DEFINITELY come!” I was legit happy to the point of shaky hands and happy tears when I came back to our table (Extra note: mum took some pics and video when I was lining up for the merch).
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(Polaroid photo with Hanapii! I’m too ugly so I blocked my face lololol)
My parents wanted to go elsewhere, but I told them I was gonna stay there for more performances. So I was finally left on my own (WHOOOOO!). While waiting for KiREI’s next performance I decided to take the time to post things in my social media, and also look for KiREI’s and Hanapii’s Twitter accounts. I love that when I shared my experience with my Discord friends, they were so supportive and happy for me (I love y’all!).
So for the afternoon performance at the outdoor stage I was surprised that 15 minutes before it began the space was rather empty except by shoppers and a handful of fans so I was like shimmying my way to the front because once again, I was self-conscious for being like the only enthusiastic female fan (was I already considered a fan?). There were even some guys nearby who I could hear talking about me, saying, “Look, she’s waiting there, how cute”. It wasn’t anything negative per say, but it just made me more self-conscious lol. So about 10 minutes before starting and the girls were seen strutting towards the backstage and I find it funny yet adorable that they didn’t need some security to cover them. I guess this shows how chill the audience here is. I mean, Mianyan jogged past me and brushed my shoulder a bit, but I just acted chill. I know why one can get excited when their favorite celebrity is around, but for goodness sake some crazy fans need to chill.
Since no one was really taking the front row (this time it was an outdoor stage so there were no seats), I just slipped my way to the left side of the stage. A few more minutes till starting and the girls made their way next to the stage and it’s adorable I could see them doing the chanting thing, where they go “Ganbatte, ikuzo! Ohh~” I was already in my wota mode so I managed to take pictures of them doing that.
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Before I attended this concert, I didn’t know why people would kill their money to get front rows, but now I can see why! The reason why I know now is because as I watched their performance right in front, the eye contacts you get from the artists are more direct and you feel like you made more intimate and personal connections with them. I KNOW THIS BECAUSE HANAPII MADE SEVERAL EYE CONTACTS WITH ME THAT I FELT SO OVERWHELMED I HAD TO LOOK AWAY (not all the time). Okay this may sound pretentious, but I honestly think when Hanapii saw me her smile doubled the radiance cuz I could see her smile reaching her eyes during those times. I tried to take pictures and videos of all three girls but you can really tell my bias for Hanapii was evident from the pictures I’m sharing here lololol.
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(KiREI performing)
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(Chori-chan at the back is literally me on the inside lol)
More, more fun things happened when I went to take pictures with Hanapii for the second time. This time it seemed Mianyan and Chori-chan were familiar with me and they kept looking at me as I interacted with Hanapii. She remembered me so she was like “Ahh~ Nura-chan~ welcome back” and I swear my heart was pierced by that and I just covered my face out of embarrassment and said, “I’m back”, then she responded with the heart throbbing line, “Eh~ I’m so happy! I love you!” which naturally made me embarrassed and hid my face again and she was like “Nande, nande?” GURL YOU DON’T KNOW HOW MUCH POWER YOU HAVE OVER ME EVEN THOUGH I’VE ONLY KNOWN ABOUT YOU FOR 3 HOURS! So we did new poses and while she signed the polaroid frames she started chatting with me like “Where are you staying” and so I told her I was staying at a nearby hotel and she was like “Ah me too! I stay in a hotel” Ah of course you do sweetheart, so cute. And I jokingly asked, “Which hotel?” And she responded, “We’re not supposed to say yet.” AHAHAHA SO CUTE. Then she told me she saw me taking so many pictures (well I did stand at the first row so heheh). I complimented everyone and naturally they thanked me (Ahhh Mianyan and Chori-chan were so cute too). After that I made a mistake to look at Hanapii in the eyes and once again hid my face, but to make things worse (or better) they were all like “Kawaii~~~” GAH THESE GIRLS I SWEAR. And she also patted my head while doing so. I. Was. Dead. So after that she apologized for being sweaty and I was like “No, no, you’re still very cute.” And believe me when I said that she gave this blinding smile and I thought, “Welp, she got me in the palm of her hands.” Once again she apologized for sweating so much and started to talk about the heat. Being the concerned fan that I was, I asked her, “Are you okay? Y’know, with this crazy heat?” I could tell she was trying to ease my worries and said “Yeah! I’m okay, I got used to it.” Once again, I didn’t want to take too much time, so I proceeded to leave but before leaving I told her that I was coming again the next day, to which she thanked me for and said she’ll look forward to it. As I was leaving (while clutching on my new polaroid pictures) I looked at all three girls and said “Ganbatte~” and they all cutely waved while saying their thanks.
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(More pics with Hanapi hehehehehe)
Since I was sweating bullets (curse the heat and black clothes lol) so I went back inside for the AC and sat on the stairs leading towards the center stage. What was going on was an AirAsia dance performance by their staff. I gotta say for non-dancers, they did pretty good, especially with the fact they danced in their working uniforms! Then I looked around the shopping mall in search of my parents, only to find out they were elsewhere. So I decided to stay a bit longer. While doing that, a boy band called cosmic!! was performing and for goodness sake were the boys CUTE! Okay, I may be biased, but I really prefer J-pop male idols over K-pop male idols because I can actually distinguish their faces, and not to mention they did not to wear much makeup and to me they still looked handsome and cute. Also based on their facial expressions, they looked they were having so much fun and also interacting with the fans (who were definitely having so much fun too considering how vigorous they were with their glowsticks).
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(cosmic!! having fun performing on stage)
To be continued in Day 2!
Bonus picture
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(Hanapii be like ‘I’m a goddess’ lmaooo)
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for the writer's ask, every question please! ^^
Nkcjnikanidnwienf what the- anon, you’re really sweet, but i wish you’d reveal yourself so that i can answer this privately lol. No one else wants to know this stuff omg. Okay well, here we go! The answers are under the cut.
ink: what do you do to “set the mood” when writing?
If it’s a piece I’m continuing, I’ll reread it from the start and make some changes her and there, and that way I can kind of segue from editing to writing some more. If it’s a piece i’m just starting out, i need to stay really quiet for a while and map it out clearly in my head so i’ll know the general direction of where the story is going.
pen and paper: do you prefer writing by hand or on a device? why?
It really depends for me. I use both my ipad and my notebook interchangeably. I’ve realised that after I’ve used one of them for too long, I’ll tend to write better and longer on the other. 
diary: how many pieces have you written that are just for you or will never see the light of day?
So many. So, so many, ya’ll. 
journal: do you ever write just so you can enjoy something to read?
I enjoy the process of writing but I never enjoy my end product. Idk, it’s a really weird thing. But in the end, my stories are for other people to read.
novella: do you prefer to write short stories, one-shots, or entire novels?
Short stories for sure. 
pulitzer: tell about/link a piece where you felt your writing was the best.
It isn’t posted yet, and I’m still in the process of writing it. It’s a library fixit with thirteen and river, and I think it’s really some of my best writing. I love it, and I’m really proud of it, and I can’t wait to share it once it’s done.
genre: what genre do you prefer to write in?
Uhh I guess romance? Or angst?
narrator: what pov do you like writing in best?
Third person for sure.
backstory: how did you come to love writing?
When i was a kid i read the harry potter books and i remember being absolutely obsessed with them. I would carry those books around with me everywhere, and that fandom was the one that introduced me to fanfiction as a reader. With reading came writing and i discovered that i was a natural talent (my teacher’s words), and it just grew from there. My love of English and language grew even more and i kept reading and writing until I just couldn’t imagine my life without it. 
time-lapse: how long have you been writing (as a hobby or for work)?
I’ve been writing for maybe five to six years? Rough estimate.
characterization: describe your favorite character(s) you’ve written.
I only really write two characters - neither of them are mine, so hehe. 
carnegie: what authors and/or books/stories have inspired you to write or influenced your work?
Harry potter, as mentioned. And i had the lovely pleasure of reading amazing works from my other fandom, NCIS. And then this current fandom i’m in is just blessed with gifted writers everywhere and every single one of their works have influenced my writing in some way, shape or form, even if they don’t know it. I honestly just,,, read really really great fic from really really great writers until i decided i wanted to become one of them, too.
faulkner: what tropes do you LOVE writing? which ones are your guilty pleasure?
Omg. I have wayyy to many guilty pleasures. I love when like, things are going perfectly and it’s all sunshine and balloons until something majorly bad happens and everything starts to fall apart. And there’s angst and hurting and fights and screaming. I love that. I write that a lot. But i love it even more when it comes with a happy ending, just cuz i need that energy in my life. Some other tropes i really really like are: fake dating, arranged marriage, enemies to lovers, they’re both in love with each other but are too afraid to say anything so they pine with doe eyes, and so many more i can’t think of right now but the list is never ending, i assure you. 
o’connor: what tropes/genres do you dislike writing?
dickinson: what insecurities do you have about your own writing? what do you think you should improve on?
playlist: what kind of music/songs help you write? do you have a writing playlist?
I do not. Though when i’m writing doctor/river, i do listen to ‘The Wedding of River Song’, ‘Melody Pond’, ‘The Woman He Loves’ and ‘The Singing Towers’. Just to remind myself how in love they are. 
record: have you written things based off of songs? do you like to?
Omg. I just did a whole thing on discord about ‘How Deep Is Your Love’ by the Bee Gees and how i associated it with doctor/river. I was crying to cassie and bernie all night about it lol. I love write things based off songs, but it’s more likely to be meta than fic. 
nobel: have you published anything you’ve written? online or irl?
If i ever get the chance to publish original works in real life i’ll never shut up about it, trust me. Many moons ago, i used to publish original stuff on wordpress, but then i deleted my account so. Nah. Only on ao3 for now, lads. 
notepad: can you write anywhere or do you have to be in a specific place and mood to write?
I have to be alone. I cannot work with anyone else in the room. I need it to be quiet, so i can hear myself think. 
parchment: how often do you or your personal life influence your writing?
Not that often. My life is boring and all the action seems to come from my stories so.
dedication: if you were to publish a book or multiple, who would you dedicate the book(s) to?
Everyone who has supported me in my writing. So mostly my friends online. 
trope: what’s a pet peeve you have about writing?
When i do this damn annoying thing where i’m so ready, i have my notebook and pen or my ipad or whatever, and then i sit there and i…. dont…. write
input: what’s something you hate that people say to you about writing/your writing?
When they tell me something about my writing that is blatantly false
critic: what’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received about writing?
“you do you, boo.”
mifflin: what do you feel is your strong suit in writing?
A lot of people say i’m good at writing emotions. So i guess that??? 
houghton: what’s something you love that people compliment your pieces on?
When they’ve given thought to my story and they notice something that was actually unintentional and it just feels like they really love my story to give it that much attention, ya know? But i do love every single comment you guys give me, i swear. :)
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for the blog ask game - 1, 4, 10, 12, 13, and 15: do you plan on somehow celebrating the year of bein on tumblr? (also just the upcoming new years :D)
1. Why do you use tumblr?
i had considered making a blog much before last year but never got around to it. one of the reasons i go on tumblr is it’s a social media i can use where i’m a lot less likely to be bombarded with transphobic hate like i was on ig. i don’t use much social media, and other than ig i had mostly used snapchat, but by the time i made this blog there was now trauma associated with it and i’d have an anxiety attack every time i got a notification. i hadn’t heard of discord yet, and tiktok, frankly, scared me. i downloaded the app for a day once and very personally invasive, like my friends talk about it recording their voices when it’s not on or u being on it for 5 minutes and it knows every singe thing about u. also, tiktok crowd is very slightly too young for me. with tumblr, u could make ur own textposts and u could also reblog others’ posts! and it helps their post instead of a repost with credit being the only thing u could do other places. and also, most of the posts i liked on ig were taken from tumblr anyways, so not like i was losing peak comedy from there by coming here
4. What’s your favorite post you’ve made and why?
hmm, i’m gonna answer this in a way that doesn’t conflict with any other questions in the ask game about posts, cuz i have a lot of favorites. i really like mr. frogman a lot. great post by me
10. What’s one lesson you’ve learned while on tumblr?
i think one of the more important ones is watching out for radfem rhetoric, particularly from things that aren’t strictly/obviously terf shit. i see posts sometimes where yeah, looks like they’re uplifting women, but a lot of times it tries to put men down in the process. and im talking about in a “men are inherently evil/bad” type way. also i have tags like terf safe and radfem safe and radfem blocked, so if the original poster put those tags but they weren’t reblogged with the same tags (especially to spread further on tumblr) i can tell
12. How many mutuals do you have?
slightly complicated because here i’m gonna count side-by-side mutuals. these are mutuals where either we follow each other’s side blogs or one of us follows the main and the other follows a side blog. anyways, counting it all up and making sure of no double counts, i’ve currently got 50 mutuals! wow, did not expect that!
13. How did you decide who to follow/what was the first blog you followed?
i think the very first blog i followed on tumblr was gaud, but i don’t necessarily count the popular blogs as first cuz i knew about them before coming to tumblr. the actual first blog i followed was the first one that followed me @/winter-day-in-the-south . They have this cool OC named Wynter to go along with Snow Miser. then i started checking out and following people who liked my posts, first being @/potatolemon (love ya bestie) anyways, pretty early in my time here on tumblr i made a post that has over 1,000 notes, and at some point i could not keep up with it and that was the end of that method. but it also gave me a lot of people to follow, and since it was a post about being ace, i got more cemented into the tumblr ace community
15. [Other questions]
I don’t necessarily plan on celebrating my one year on tumblr outside of tumblr, but i have a post in queue later today for a little celebration (it’s not very exciting or anything tho so don’t put a lot into it lol). for the new year, idk. we’ll probably be at my family’s house, drinking sparkling grape juice, counting down to the new year (as long as i am not in the hospital again. got out just barely before the new year a couple years ago)
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thecrystalauthor · 7 years
For All of Us [Part 1}
Ok, so before i start the actual story I just wanna say I’m kinda nervous to post this cuz y’know I’m an art blog and all, so if you could give this some extra love and notes I’d be really happy.
She muttered as she angrily paced down the city street. The pale faced girl stuck out like a thumb even in the huge city, and her choice of all black clothes and a little kitty headband only emphasized her case.
“I've had enough!” She hissed through clenched teeth. She was nearly at her apartment now. It wouldn't be long until they all paid.
As she lined the geometric figure on the floor with candles, Jane took a moment to think of what reasons she had to go through with this, her coworkers. It's true the girl had never been very popular, her gothic attire had got her mercilessly teased in high school, but she'd expected respect in work. Respect she got, fear included. Not a soul would speak to her, work was left on her desk without Jane even being able to catch who left it. She was never invited out for drinks, or for work barbeques and the seclusion of being a complete pariah drove her insane, not literally though, she thought as she lit the last candle and looked down at an old dusty book of spells.
Translata quid hocTune es qui terebravisse!
Omnia bona fortuna sit penitus ego sumquod aliquid geometriam
It looks like another is summoning
Whose turn is it?
It’sssss yoursssss we think
As Jane finished her ritual the flames brightened to an unbearable white; Jane curled into a ball, shielding her eyes in her lap, bracing for whatever will leave the ring.
This was a bad idea
She can't help but think just a little too late,
And then,
Jane rubbed her head as she stared at what dropped on her from above. She gently picked up the item to examine it, a tiny blue rhombus made of wood. Is this? Jane couldn't help but be reminded of the tangram toys she used to play with as a child.
“Excuse me?”
Jane's head snapped up to look at the voice in the ring, the flames burned duller now, but even still she could only see a silhouette as it stood in the circle. Was it human? No. Although at first glance the figure looked human, She noticed an extra arm tearing through its elbow, and only one eye on the left side of his face. Jane could only stare on in horror at the thing she had summoned, and it got no better as it stepped from the ring. It wasn't even flesh, maybe if it was at least skin and bones Jane could manage, but it's entire body was those little colored blocks, each one twitching as the thing stepped forward. It looked like it's unliving gaze could kill her, but then it did something odd, it laughed.
“Could I have that back?” The thing mused. Jane was finally freed from her paralysis enough to look to the block in her hand and back at the creature. “Yes, that.” It stood there chuckling to itself until Jane shakily handed the block over. “thanks kitten.” It snapped the piece into the end of his hand, creating a sound not unlike bones snapping. Jane shuddered. “Soooo?” The thing took another step forward, the candles going out and the lights coming on; Jane scrambled to her feet and jumped back.
“Stay  BACK!” Jane shouted at the thing, causing it to pause.
“Rude.” It had no concern for her fear, or at least didn't act like it, “after you called me and all.” Jane felt her adrenaline fade slightly, after all it, no he, Jane decided, didn't seem hostile at all. Maybe he did just want to help. That's his purpose, she supposed
“Um, yes,” she paused, “ I uhh need you-”
“Lemme guess, you've got some half baked revenge plot against your peers because they don't understand you because you're goth.”
“That's everyone's plan kitten. Everyone I've met at least.” He rolled his one eye, leaning against the side wall.
“It's Jane.”
He grinned.
“Nice ta’ meet cha’ Jane!” His arm thrusted towards her, the force pulling the pieces of his arm apart slightly before snapping back in their place, “Name’s Chao.”
Jane's brow furrowed.
“Like the dog?”
“No not the dog,” Chao grimaced, “like the Latin word for chaos!” He threw his arms in the air for dramatic effect.
“How original,” she quipped.
“You're right, they created a word based on my name and now it's so overdone,” Chao frowned, deep in thought. Jane paused, considering if it was possible for Chao to be that old.
“So, Chao,” she paused, mulling over her thoughts, “Can you do it?”
“Can I do it?” He seemed insulted, “yes I can do it, I can do anything. I'm a chaos god.”
Jane seemed temporarily stunned.
“You, you're not a demon?” She fumbled through her spell book, “I could've sworn you should've just been a low level demon, something harmless..”
“Well I'm not kitten, sorry,” He obviously didn’t mean it.
“So what do I need to do?” Jane took a step closer, “do you need my blood, my soul?”
“No!” Once again, Jane seemed to offend the thing with her stereo typical knowledge.
“Then what?”
Chao paused.
“What do you mean nothing? You're just going to help me?!”
“Sure, I'm bored; ever since you humans invented the internet you've been doing my job for me, it's total discord,” he crossed its arms in a bizarre formation to account for the extra limb. He even pouted slightly, making Jane wonder if Chao was actually a threat.
“Alright. Well, uh, should we?” Jane had no idea what to do, she’d never summoned anything, and certainly never something like this.
“Do you have a plan?” Chao quizzed, “anything? All of your peers? Dead or just tormented? Anyone have phobias?”
“I don't know!” Jane shouted, shutting Chao up for the time being, “I didn't think about it,” she sighed, “I didn't think at all.”
“Don't worry about it kitten, I'm patient,” he curled an arm around her and she flinched; His body was cold and hard, as you would expect wood to be, not at all comforting to be held by, and certainly not helping Jane be less afraid. She tried to politely step away, and chao didn't seem to be offended by the gesture.
“Why don't you take some time to think it over? I don't know get some food or something, Just calm down,” Chao, finally content with their progress in talking, started looking around the room he'd been summoned in.
“Uh, are you hungry?” Jane examined Chao, “Do you need to eat at all?”
“No,” Chao paused, “or if I do, it's only once every thousand years. However, if you're offering.”
“You can have some pizza,” she offered, slightly wary of accidentally insulting the god again, “I can't eat one in just one sitting anyway.”
The two headed back to the living room, in order to continue planning their evil plot.
Jane knew the pizza delivery girl personally, Sammy, she’d learned over time. Jane ordered pizza at least twice a week, so they spoke often. This meant when the usually dead faced Jane answered the door nervous and full of thought Sally took notice.
“What ‘sa matter J?” Sammy asked through a mouth full of bubble gum.
“Hmm? Nothing.” Jane hurriedly took the food constantly glancing behind her to make sure the monster she'd summoned stayed out of sight.
“You gotta boy over don’cha?” She proceeded to blow and pop another bubble as Jane's face turns bright red.
“No no no Sammy you got it all wrong!”Jane stumbled over her words but Sammy just laughed.
“No I didn’t, I can read you like a book J,” she smirked, “Just stay safe, a'ight?”
Jane was temporarily stunned by the implications of Sammy’s remark. If Sammy only knew what was going on she wouldn't joke about how “safe” Jane should be. Jane stood there long after the delivery girl was gone. Long enough for Chao to slink out of his hiding spot and waltz over.
“that's what food looks like now?” Chao eyed the box.
“Chao when were you last summoned?” Jane was honestly curious. As they waited for food, Chao had explored everything in her house and seemed familiar with very little of it. Chao paused, before counting on his hand.
“1875,” he declared, nodding slightly as he checked the math in his head
“1875? You're kidding!” She looked at him as if he was even more insane than she'd already determined.
“Nope.” Chao snagged the box and pivoted, placing it on the table.
“So you've never seen cars, or cellphones or laptops?” She offered, trying to better understand.
“I've seen cars,” Chao retorted, “I stayed here until 1903, cars were invented in 1885. Plus, I'm not an idiot, I know what cellphones and computers are.” He shifted, his pieces slanting slightly as he leaned. “Just never seen them.” Jane nodded, understanding a little better. As she plated their dinner she dared to ask, “what kind of deal did you make that took almost 30 years to complete?” Chao somehow seemed to go even more rigid.
“The kind that isn't your business.”
Not wanting to aggravate him anymore, Jane handed Chao a plate and a soda.
“Thank you,” Chao sighed, before sitting on the couch.
It's going to be a long night
They both decided.
Morning was never a good time for young adults, and as Jane found out, it wasn't very good for Chao either. As the girl got up and ate leftover pizza for breakfast and clumsily got dressed, the monster she had summoned laid motionless on a recliner.
I hope he's not dead.
Jane thought, then momentarily puzzled if he even could die. Would the pieces just collapse? As she stared and wondered, Chao finally rose, stretching his three arms and groaning like a teenager on the first day of school. They both just watched each other for a moment, but Chao was the first to speak.
“It's rude to stare,” he mustered, throwing his weight off the couch in a movement Jane was sure would make his body collapse. It didn't and he stared at her a moment more before walking over and snagging the last slice of pizza.
“Made up your mind on your revenge?” Chao asked, an impersonation of a stereotypical villain creeping over his words, in an obviously mocking tone. He expected her to chastise him, as most humans thought it would be acceptable to do, but she just stopped chewing and stared at her counter momentarily.
“Can you make me more likable?” She didn't even look up at him as the hushed words left her mouth.
“Whoa, whoa this is a big shift from yesterday,”  Chao looked her over, not expecting her to have changed her mind so quickly.
“ well yeah, but it's only because you said it.”
Chao paused. Humans weren't usually ones to take advice from weirdos. Humans wouldn't even listen to other humans if they were too weird. If Chao had known how easily Jane would listen to him, he would’ve used his words much differently.
“I can't hurt anyone Chao. You're right, I just chose to be mad and didn't think, and now you're here and-”.
“Calm down,” Chao insisted, “This isn't some anime where I'm gonna eat your soul or something because you accidentally summoned me. You're fine.” Despite his annoyed tone, Chao’s words seemed to calm Jane slightly. “Besides,” he continued, “I can't enter this plane of existence without being summoned, so, y'know, you kinda did me a favor anyway.”
“Wait, you were banished from here?”
“Well yes, but-”
Jane suddenly seemed panic stricken. “So are you gonna try and murder us, or destroy the world, or enslave-”
Once again Jane's ramblings were cut short.
“I said CALM DOWN!” Chao’s pieces clicked together, his anger more apparent. “Yes I was banished we ALL were. Just because you humans won't let us on your plane doesn't mean we'll just blindly destroy everything jeez!” Chao huffed and dug his teeth into the remaining pizza crust. Jane nodded.
“Sorry.” She looked away from him again and Chao simply scoffed. “It's just, no one's seen anything like you in hundreds of years, you'll have to forgive me for being a bit…”
“Of an ass?”
“I was going to say presumptuous.”
“I wasn't.” Chao grinned and looked at Jane, who laughed a little at the remark.
“I should get to work, would you be ok staying here until I get back?”
“You still want me here?” Chao looked her over for an explanation, maybe she was just tired.
“Well I'm obviously not just gonna let you leave without helping me with something.”
Maybe we’ll get along alright after all. They both thought.
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Weekly(?) Update #11
Hey, all ye followers!
First up, an apology. Lots seem to be going around here lately.
We haven’t been as punctual with the updates as we wanted. By that, I mean that it’s literally been a month since we’ve posted anything at all.
No, we’re not dead. Rather, we’ve been in a cocoon. A cocoon of foundation-building.
Recently, we decided that it was time to strengthen our foundations. We had been building our game upon an idea; a fantasy, but without knowing what the details of that dream was. “A Homestuck game” does not make the cut when you’re designing a game. For instance: how exactly are we defining classpects? How does your class affect you stats? Should our planet maps be spherical, flat, or even toroidal?
You see what I mean. We hadn’t clearly defined what we were working towards. That’s why we’ve started having meetings.
At this juncture, I wish to warn you that this will be a long post. Hang on tight, buddies, ‘cuz you ain’t gettin’ off Mr. Cursor’s wild ride just yet.
Why meetings? Up till a month ago, we were just logging on and talking about stuff whenever we wanted. That meant that topics were not fully covered, miscommunication was rampant, and people were left out of the loop.
So we decided to change that. We set up a time every week where we could come together and talk at the same time, about the same things.
And so, I present to you as concrete evidence of our progress: the list of topics that we have discussed/are discussing.
Discussed and Done: For Spectators’ Eyes
Now, for progress in other areas:
User Interface Tweaks
We realized that the UI featured in the demo was far too confusing. It wasn’t that people were unfamiliar with Alchemy, it was just that they didn’t know how to conduct it in the demo.
Here’s a shot of what it may look like in the next update:
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Again, it will most likely look different when you next see it. I emphasize that this is a work in progress.
Remember how the demo you played was singleplayer? Yeah, we’re working on that. Now you won’t have to do a Caliborn! (Probably)
No promises that it’ll be present in the next update, but know that we’re working on it.
Here’s a quote from one of our programmers, who goes by the name ‘Someone Somewhere’:
“Working on it. NetworkComms.Net seems to actually work in Unity, unlike Lidgren.”
Someone Somewhere was originally using Lidgren, which was supposed to work in Unity. It didn’t. Fortunately, he’s navigating the problems quite nicely.
Let’s keep our fingers crossed for him.
I’m just gonna leave this screenshot here. Note the more complex structure of the house, as well as the red walls, which represent doors.
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This is where I leave off. We’d like to welcome any questions you have about the project and its details. Note that all answers given may or may not be tentative, due to the phase the project is currently in.
And finally,  
Live well, and may the Spirit of Creation always be with you!
 If you want to join our Discord server, where our team hangs out with you guys (or if you just want to oversee development), just follow this link right here! ==>  https://discord.gg/kfa7UCH
We’re always happy to see new faces!
And if you want to join as a member of our team, just join the Discord server and hop onto the channel labelled #iwannajoincrew! We need all the manpower we can get!
(edit: obligatory) -gC
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