#I originally was gonna paint autumn and then decided for snow
runefactorynonsense · 2 years
HELLO to Gilgameshians over on Discord, I was your @runefactorysecretsanta this year~ I saw you liked Raven/Micah, so hopefully you can enjoy two of our favorite shifters having a nice afternoon by the water~♥
[ If you see a friend request from someone with a cat avatar, that's me, sending you this thing's full resolution♥ ]
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A Regular Keats and A Regular Mozart
Pairing: Jess Mariano x Original Character (Ella Stevens)
Warnings: plentiful pop culture references, teasing fluff, a slow burn at its core
Word Count: 3K
Summary: Jess and Ella bask in boredom and argue over various authors.
Evening light waned in the Connecticut sky. Ella watched the stars appear slowly, in her usual corner table near the windowed wall at Luke’s. She’d tried to get through her calculus homework three times, but eventually her brain would start frying and she would have to take a break. Lane would have been with her, but she was grounded yet again. So, Ella was flying solo. It didn’t bother her. Most days she wasn’t on shift, she ended up at the small corner table anyway, pouring over her textbooks with occasional interludes for tea and a burger around dinnertime. Luke had long since cleared away her dishes and left her by her lonesome.
After a few unproductive minutes, watching the townspeople walk by, she glanced at her watch and found it was nearly half past eight. The twinkling string lights illuminated the main streets and the town’s gazebo. It was beautiful. No matter how many times she sat and watched the cozy yellowish glow envelope Stars Hollow night, she never got tired of it. She had a decent view of the sky from her bedroom window at home, but Luke’s view of town was far better. It was one of the many reasons she preferred to spend her nights away from the little blue house near the edge of town.
She had just gone back to the nearly illegible problem below her when Jess’s knuckles rapped on her table. A nervous blush crept up on her freckled cheeks though she hadn’t visibly startled. Her heart had still skipped a beat at the noise. He sat down across from her without being invited, a smirk on his face and an apron around his hips.
“What are you doing here? You’re not on shift today,” he asked. The sarcastic twinkle had never left his eyes the entirety of the time they had been working together thus far.
“I like to study here on my days off,” she told him, her pencil still in her head. She debated ignoring him and going back to her notes, but decided to humor him for at least a few minutes. Apparently, it was the first time he hadn’t been out raising hell on an evening shift she wasn’t working. It had been a part of her routine for so long, she found it odd anyone would be surprised to find her there on a free weeknight. “What are you doing sitting down here when you’re supposed to be working?”
Jess chuckled a little. “Thursday nights apparently aren’t too big around here. Luke’s already closing it up. I just clocked out.” He paused to untie his apron and throw it over his shoulder, as if to prove his point. “I knew this town was boring, but damn. Do you really not hang out anywhere else on your days off besides the place you already work?” he asked.
Ella shrugged, looking down at her work again. Just the sight of it made her insides squirm in frustration. “There’s places to go.”
“Well, could you let me in on them?”
Pursing her lips, she narrowed her eyes at him. “Hm?”
“Show me around. Apparently you know of some interesting spots, and I haven’t found any yet.”
She scoffed. “You’ve been here almost a month and no place in Stars Hollow has piqued your interest at all?”
“No,” he told her nonchalantly. Though he didn’t continue, she only stared at him suspiciously. Sighing through his nose, he produced a deck of cards from the pocket of his jeans. He fanned them out in front of her, the deck with wrinkles and scuffed spots on the royal blue designs. “Pick a card.”
Instead of going along with his trick, she rolled her eyes dramatically and shut the textbook in front of her. “Why don’t I just cut this magic show short and give you the world’s fastest tour?”
“Oooo, so impatient.” Jess pretended to be offended. “Homework makes you cruel.”
.   .   .
Arms crossed over her chest, Ella strolled down the dimly lit Stars Hollow sidewalk with her boots tapping pleasantly on the slightly damp cement, Jess alongside her. A November breeze blew past them, cooling her flushed cheeks. For the life of her, she could not figure out why he had asked her to show him around, she hated to admit to herself how antsy she was feeling. She would have regretted it more than she already did if she didn’t trust Luke so much. There was no fear in her heart, only anxiety and confusion. She could smell the autumn in the air. The wind swirled around them, forming a tiny tornado of dead leaves in the center of the street. A frosty bite, a crispness, had arrived about a week before. The snow would follow soon enough.
“That’s the bookstore,” she said, nodding over to Stars Hollow Books on the left as they neared it. “I’m gonna assume you’ve been there.”
Jess smiled proudly. “She’s a regular Sherlock Holmes.”
A little smirk crossed her face, brightening up her hazel eyes. In the light of the streetlamps, Jess could see the golden specks swirled in the pools of her greenish irises. The red glints in her loose blonde braid shone, too. A faded green messenger bag weighed down her right shoulder and an old peacoat was draped around her small frame. She wasn’t the shortest girl, but she was still nearly a head below him. After a moment, he broke his concentration from her form as she pointed out a large, barn-like building on the right.
“That’s Miss Patty’s. I’m sure you’ve done your best to disorder the peace in there, too. Steal a bunch of tutus of something,” she said, though her tone wasn’t angry, just knowing, verging on  a joke.
“I have not,” he assured her dramatically. “I am a stranger to that realm.”
She put her hands up in surrender. “Well, if you decide on the studio as your next target, you leave the piano alone, alright?”
“What’s so special about the piano?” he asked, his hands stuffed deeply into his pockets as the wind whistled once again.
“Nothing in particular. I play it for rehearsals sometimes when Mrs. Rothschild, the regular pianist, is out. The first two weeks you were here, she had a knee replacement and there was a recital, so I had to sub in. I had no time left to work at all. But Miss Patty gave me volunteer hours for school, so it was okay,” she explained. The rogue strands of hair blew away from her face, and Jess could see the frosted roses blooming on her freckled cheeks. Autumn had come with a particularly harsh chill.
“Huh,” he said, looking at her quizzically.
“Just spit it out, Mariano,” she pressed, her voice light.
“I just didn’t see you as a piano player,” he told her.
“Well, what’d you see me as? If you say tambourine, we’re never speaking again,” she warned, giggling slightly as she spoke.
Jess chuckled breathily in response. “I don’t know. Guitar, maybe.”
She hummed thoughtfully, nodding as though the assessment meant anything specific. “I’ll take it as a compliment.”
“You should.”
“Well, I’m glad.”
There was a beat of comfortable silence between them, and she let her eyes longer on his shoes. His jeans were frayed at the ends, just a bit too long for him. It made her feel like smiling, though she didn’t quite know why.
“What’s New York like?” she asked out of the blue, passing by a few strangers as they walked. Soon, they would turn right, away from the edge of town and into the outskirts. Jess didn’t know it yet, but he was walking her home. She had a date with her dishwasher set for half past nine.
He tilted a sideways look at her. “You’ve never been?”
She shook her head. “I’ve never really been anywhere.”
The sentence struck a chord within him, deep in his gut. She didn’t look sad, and she didn’t sound it either, but something about the phrase she had uttered felt so devastated. Maybe even hopeless, but he didn’t let it shake his exterior. “Well, it’s loud. It’s flashy. You can buy sex for five dollars on every single street corner.”
Ella snorted a laugh. “Oh, then I’ll definitely have to make it there sometime.”
He smiled; her joviality was growing since she’d gotten her nose out of the calculus textbook. Clearing his throat, he took another shot, his tone more serious. “No, but, it’s really...it’s very alive. There’s always movement.”
“So, it’s the opposite of here?” she asked.
“Pretty much,” he agreed.
“You like it better there, I take it?”
“The understatement of the century.”
“Sorry to hear that,” she said. In the back of her mind, she remembered she was supposed to be giving him a tour, but he didn’t seem to care that the conversation had veered from its original purpose.
Jess shrugged, cavalier. “It’s what it is.”
“How poetic of you,” she mocked. “You’re a regular Keats.”
He groaned, shaking his head. “Don’t tell me you like Keats.”
“You’re on dangerous ground,” she told him gravely. They had turned down a gravel road, lined with quaint houses, which seemed to decrease in quality the farther down one walked.
“I just wish he would make his points a little faster. Time is money, and poets almost never take that universal law into consideration,” he argued, a crooked smirk ever-present.
Sighing in disappointment, Ella began to speak with her hands. “It’s about taking the moment, taking the artwork, for the simple beauty of it. Just letting it wash over you, letting the words radiate out. Haven’t you ever read Portrait of the Artist?”
“I tried. Modernism is just poetry masquerading as fiction.”
Ella gasped dramatically, bringing her hands to her heart as though she were wounded. He could see her feigned grief in the light of the many street lamps which buzzed beside them. Apparently even far-off residential areas were alight in Stars Hollow. “Blasphemy!”
For perhaps the first time since they’d met, Jess laughed. A true, genuine laugh, free from his usual sardonic layering. It made a grin appear on Ella’s face, and she almost felt sorry when they reached the decrepit mailbox which read Stevens in faded black paint.
“I’m afraid we’ll have to take a raincheck on this tour,” she said, opening the box and checking for mail. There were a couple bills, and advertisements from various colleges she knew she wouldn’t be able to afford.
Jess sighed in defeat. “I have to say, you did a subpar job. You didn’t even point out the sock hop where the young men and women fraternize on Friday nights!”
She nodded, accepting his criticism. “Well, next time I’ll show you where to buy a malt for the girl you’re courting.”
“As you should,” he concluded.
Dropping the act, she furrowed her brows. “Can you make it back? Or have I led you too far down the road less traveled by?”
“I think I can manage,” he said.
“So, I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“It appears that way.”
“I’ll have a Keats for you. Maybe a Dickinson, too,” she said, visions of her crowded bookshelf filling her head. “Though, you might not be ready for her yet.”
“Alright, but in exchange you’ll be receiving a Hemingway,” he warned, preparing to turn on his heel and begin the walk back to Luke’s.
“Hardly an even trade, but I’ll accept the terms.”
.   .   .
Jess sat behind the counter with a Kerouac held open in his right hand, the business rushing around him. The clock ticked rhythmically above the door, and when he looked up he saw it was a quarter to five already. He thought it odd Ella hadn’t arrived yet, but he shrugged it off. Why should he care where she was? Coffee steamed from the pot behind him, and the evening chatter was beginning to rise in volume. Over the past few weeks of living in the diner, he had learned not to make eye contact with any customer whatsoever, and he could usually get through a chapter or two in peace. About ten pages later, the door opened and Ella’s footfalls snapped heavily around, as she hung her coat and bag, then grabbed her apron from the back. He smirked as he watched her bustling around. She always seemed to be in a hurry, with her hair falling from whatever updo she pulled it back into before work. There were holes and runs in her stockings, but it matched the vibe of her plaid dress and combat boots well enough.
Clearing her throat, she took a moment to catch her breath when she reemerged and surveyed the busy diner. She grabbed her pad of paper from the pocket of her white apron, but found she could see no one in need of her assistance at the current moment.
“Something wrong, honey?” Jess piped up, teasing, though he didn’t take his eyes from the words before him.
She raised an eyebrow at him and scoffed. “Don’t call me that. And yes, I’m a very busy woman.”
“Well, color me impressed,” he drawled flatly. Then, after a moment, he put down his reading. He reached in his back pocket and pulled out a thin, weathered book and held it out to her wordlessly.
A tired smile crossed her lips, taking her book back and running her thumbs over the familiar cover art. “Ah, my favorite. The formidable Miss Dickinson.”
“That she is,” he agreed, nodding as he cast his Kerouac off to the cabinet beside him. It had only taken him about two days to get through it, though he’d kept forgetting to return it to her. A wide grin blossomed on her face.
“You liked her?” she asked expectantly.
Nodding, Jess began refilling two or three of the customers’ coffee cups on the counter in front of them. “She certainly gets the message across much quicker than some others.”
“Well, at least you have some taste,” she said. “I’ve still got about fifty pages of the Hemingway. Not entirely unreadable, but I can definitely tell he was drunk for eighty percent of his life.”
“But that’s the beauty of it!” Jess urged.
“Man, and you were just starting to acquire an air of refinement. We’ll continue this again when you finish Keats and agree that I’m right,” she quipped, turning her view back to the customers.
“Well, get ready for the disappointment of a lifetime.” Jess could see her getting lost in her own, frazzled head and let his eyes longer on her, biting his lip and hiding a smirk.
Tucking her hair behind her ear, Ella found a blue pen. On the other side, she found a pencil. Eventually, she discovered three more in her messy bun and shoved them in the pocket of her apron. She groaned softly at herself, pinching the bridge of her nose.
Jess chuckled. “What could possibly be giving you a headache on this lovely Friday afternoon in the utopia that is Stars Hollow, Connecticut?”
“Nothing,” she told him evasively, hands on her hips. Luke was chatting up the early birds. No one had come through the front door since she’d arrived, but she kept a trained eye in that direction. Either Babette or Miss Patty would show up soon enough. Likely Miss Patty, to grab some food before the seven o’clock meditation class, which mostly involved the students lying on the floor asleep.
“Oh, so nothing’s what made you forget about your five new pencil accessories?” he asked.
Rolling her eyes at his insistence, she finally turned back to him. “I had to go to New Britain to visit my aunt. She’s getting married and she’s making me play piano for it, for some ungodly reason.”
“Are you any good?”
She scoffed. “Oh, yeah, I’m a regular Mozart. No, I’m terrible.”
“Now, I’m sure that’s an exaggeration.”
“Trust me,” she told him. “When my mom taught me, I think she thought with enough time and energy I’d at least get halfway to her level. But, sadly, no dice.”
Jess was about to continue the conversation, the gears turning in his head for the next giggle-worthy quip, when Luke finally returned from arguing (shouting) with Taylor about Christmas decorations. It was still a whole week until December. And no one in the town save for Taylor was holding out any hope Luke would decorate at all the entire holiday season.
“Hey, Ella, how ya doin’?” Luke greeted her offhandedly, tearing a few tickets and giving them to Caesar in the back.
“She has a headache and is single-handedly ruining the piano as an instrument, apparently,” Jess informed his uncle on her behalf.
She nodded, then her eyes brightened when she saw Patty walk in, right on schedule. “Just this once, your nephew is correct. Now, if you’ll excuse me, gentlemen.”
With a sardonic tilt of the head, she left the two of them behind. She pulled out one utensil from her wide writing arsenal and went over to greet Miss Patty, who made her lean down for a kiss on the cheek. Ella obliged, though red as a tomato. It shocked Jess how sweet she could be with the customers. Most of the time all he got was a razor-sharp tongue. She had a goodness within her he already knew he could never live up to. It made his heart do a little twist, though he would never in a million years let her know.
“Jess?” Luke asked, breaking his nephew out of his daze.
“Yes, Uncle Luke?” Jess replied, his usual sarcastic mask back on.
Luke sighed, but ignored Jess’s attempts to irritate him with the formal address. “Less staring, more working, alright?”
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wexlerkimberly · 5 years
2019 wrap-up i guessssssss
where do i even begin with a year like this?! lmao! truly, a horrible disgusting year that everyone i know will be glad to see the back of. personal problems, family problems, health problems, money problems, the general geopolitical mess we all currently live in, etc, blahblahblah. just a bad fucking year.
i feel like - in comparison to usual - this list of ‘good’ aspects will be unusually short for me because i just haven’t had the money or emotional energy to do much. but the few things i have done this year have been really lovely and it’s always important to find the good in the bad or whatever. so. here’s some highlights!!!
february - saw white lies with my mom, sister & friend. went for food before and it was just a super nice night out.
february - saw some leonardo da vinci works at the local museum & art gallery with my grandparents. it was a collection of various sketches of anatomy, clothes, landscapes, maps, etc and was really interesting. went for lunch after and then walked back via a smaller art gallery which had a small collection of some of bob dylan’s art, which made my granddad very happy because he loves bob dylan. a really nice day.
march - bought myself tickets to see nish kumar, who was supported by rosie jones. they were both excellent and i’m really pleased i made that last minute ticket purchase.
may - saw my friend’s production of spring awakening at her uni!!! she was the director and she did a fantastic job!!! i’m very proud of her and i had great night seeing the show.
july - semi-spontaneous trip to london with my sister. we were originally gonna go for specific reason but plans fell through (entire year in a nutshell :/) but whatever! we managed to make a nice weekend of it! ate our lunch on a bench by the thames before walking to the tate britain to see their extensive collection of turner paintings (my sister’s fave artist). afterwards we went to the national portrait gallery. then we got some dinner at honest burgers (one of my fave burger places in london! defo go if you’re around!) then headed to our hotel for the night. went to the british museum in the morning, before having brunch at a pub and getting the train home. glad the weather was so nice because we walked absolutely everywhere that weekend. 
august/september - various circumstances meant we were nearly gonna cancel our holiday to france but last minute we decided to go, minus the dogs and some family members. we camped at a nice little site right opposite utah beach on the normandy coast. the area is good if you like ww2 military history, which my dad does, so we went to loads of museums like that including the utah beach museum which was literally a 5 minute walk from our tent and was really interesting. played lots of table tennis, tennis and mini-golf and swam in both the pool and the ocean and had lots of seaside walks late at night. the highlight for me was visiting bayeux for the day and seeing the tapestry. despite everything, we had a very lovely, stress free holiday and i’m very glad we decided to go in the end.
september - had a really lovely day in oxford with my friend. got there and immediately stumbled upon a market. she bought some vintage clothes, i bought a second-hand copy of non-stop erotic cabaret. afterwards, we visited a board game cafe and played some games and ate some good food. then we went to see war horse, which was amazing and really cleverly executed.
like i say, this was a pretty bad year for lots of reasons. but there’s still lots to be happy about and thankful for. for instance, this year me & my friends started playing badminton weekly which i love so much. it’s always the highlight of my week. i love our little tradition of getting fish and chips and playing board games at the “end of term” as well. 
i love walking my dogs in the countryside, either round by me or near my grandmas. i love when the weather is nice and i spend all day in the garden reading and don’t come inside until well gone 9pm. i love when the there was the tiniest bit of snow on the ground and i made the smallest snowball ever and threw it for my dogs. i love when we played tennis during the summer and on the hottest day of the year because we’re stupid. i love seeing friends. i love being in charge of cooking pizzas in the pizza oven and serving delicious homemade pizza to my family. i love going out for meals with my family when it’s someone’s birthday. i love when celebrated my grandma’s 80th birthday with her on the train. i love picking fruit in autumn and making cheesecakes and crumbles and pies. i love discovering new podcasts, tv shows, films, comedy, music, etc. 
i think sometimes you just have to romanticse the most basic and boring aspects of life because everything else surrounding it is so depressing and bleak. it’s the only way to get through it all. 
sorry if this is so cheesy but there’s very little to be proud of this year and i’m just very proud of myself for surviving. 
thanks to everyone who’s tried to make this year special and has supported me and my family, no matter what. here’s to a new year and a new decade. <3
[see also: 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012 and 2011] !!! 
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simblrinterests · 5 years
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Gen 1 Retrospective (The lost generation)
So back when I started this challenge, I was on a different computer, I didn’t have reshade, I had no idea how to pose sims, and the entire concept of taking photos alongside playing baffled me. But then I got reshade...and then I figured out how to pose.  So by the time gen 1 was just about to move onto gen 2, I was dipping my toe in the storytelling thing.  Also the difference is wild.
This is probably the first photo from this legacy (no editing)
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This is a photo I took last week (no editing)
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I consider this to be my first real BPR post.  I did put up a few photos from the tail end of gen 1, but this was the first pose that turned out the way I wanted.
I completed a NSB last year and it was the most fun I’d ever had with my game because of all the colours involved, so that was my berry gateway drug.  That and some really good BPR stories made me want to try the challenge for myself.  
But basically the whole thing should have been completely different.  First of all, Morning Star was my third attempt at a BPR founder.  I previously had a played through gen 1 arc, and then Neige was gonna be my founder with the whole Snow family as a backdrop, but I got bored of both those saves.   
I originally didn’t make Morning’s parents.  I figured I kept getting bored trying to play through the traditional rebellious teenager runs away from home thing, so I just decided to skip it.  The parents you see in the story I went back and created from her genetics...but she did always have a sister.  
I played through as Morning for a while, mostly just focusing on the goals of the challenge.  I dropped Rhubarb in and made him a cop.  They actually did meet when he wandered past her house one day.  So the thing about Rhubarb is that he was hot-headed.  He yelled a lot - but never at Morning.  So she was always completely smitten with him and I felt extremely guilty about breaking up their marriage.  The original plan was going to be that they married too young, had too many kids too fast and then got divorced when Morning met someone who she had more in common with.  But they were always just so devoted to each other I couldn’t break them up, plus Rhubarb was a shockingly good dad despite his inability to keep a dollhouse in one piece.  
I used to make Morning work on her creativity skill at the art centre so she wouldn’t be trying to keep up with her toddlers’ needs.  By this point she had three kids, and then Orion appeared and started randomly talking to her while she painted, and I just kinda...deleted the door.  I sort of made them keep talking until they fell in love.  Then Morning and Rhubarb went out to a dance party, Rhubarb just flipped out at the bartender out of nowhere, which did piss Morning off.  So I had her go over to Orion’s place to give me that purple baby.  
Aurora and Autumn were my two picks for heir this generation, and they both originally had different names.  
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Yeah.  Autumn was originally going to be Winter but then pulled the red hair and I ended up not liking the name for her.  Aurora was going to be Venus but when she aged up to a kid I decided it didn’t fit her.  I do this kinda a lot where I try out names and then change them if I feel they don’t fit.  But Rory was seriously this close to being Venus.  I don’t think Autumn was Winter for more than like, a day.  
Autumn was also originally going to be the heir, but then Rory just kept getting more interesting to me.  She picked up Rosebud and Posey as friends all on her own, she independently started practicing the writing skill, she and Autumn started getting into fights.  Plus there was the matter of Autumn looking like Morning’s clone.  So I let Autumn keep her original traits which I felt were intrinsically hers at this point (she’d been a vegetarian since she was a child and was always a jerk about it).  
This generation was more about gameplay and each subsequent generation has become more and more storytelling and pose focused.  I really enjoyed playing this gen and I’m planning on doing more gameplay in the upcoming generations.  I took this opportunity to go back and give some small makeovers to the original family, which was super fun.  I’m going to be posting some of the missing scenes I shot with them later today or later this week.
I hope you enjoyed this gen 1 retrospective!  Gen 2 is up next, where I finally get to talk about Chant 😭
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mauridianhallow · 7 years
Good shit good shit this took me ages holy hell enjoy you meme loving fucks Q's for you to A Do you have a favourite sweater? I actually do, it's that kinda folded over stretchy grey one I always wear, y'know? I wore it to The 1975 and, from what I hear, it was awesome. (Although I can't remember bc I was Gin Drunk) What’s your middle name? Lawrence...no judgement...Do you still talk to the first person you kissed? I don't, I wonder how's she's doing. Heard she was studying History from her friend I met in a bar one time. Glad to hear, she was nice. Do you get on with your grandparents? I did! Sadly it's been a few years since they passed but I very much did. What was your favourite cartoon as a kid? Hmm, it's a tough one, between the 90's X-Men TV show they played on repeat on Fox Kids or Ben 10 when it wasn't absolute shit like the remake. Yeah I'm bitter. What’s your favourite cartoon now? Archer lol Do you read the news paper? Yeah pretty much every day...I swear I'm not an old man. Who was the last text you sent to? My friend Laura, asking if they'll still be at the park when I finish work. What does the last text you sent say? "Y'all still gonna be there when I get away?" If you could have any hair colour what would it be? Idk I like the one I have. Do you like nature documentaries? Not really my cup of tea to be perfectly honest. What is your aesthetic? Climbing a mountain at a 90° angle in Skyrim on a horse. When did you last pet a dog? ''Twas yesterday. Whose friend’s parents do you like the most? The twins'! They employ me! I literally get paid to hang out with friends some days that's the good shit! Have you ever been on a road trip? I've been on a couple, longest was a drive to Southern Spain from Scotland! Was awesome! Tell me about someone you know called Emma? Went to school with her, cool gal, she saw HP in London and I'm jealous, shoutout to @weewildelassAre you reading a book in english class, what is it? Oh god I'm old. I haven't had or attended an English class in over 2 years. Do you have a favourite Aunt? Well considering she also employs me...hell yeah, shoutout to my Aunt K you legend! Baths or showers? Baths for comfort and treating yo self, or sharing...😏...Showers for quickness and weird snapchats at 3am...😂 Skiing or sun bathing? Sun bathing my dude. Do you kill spiders? Sometimes, sometimes not. Have you ever made an ice pop? I have not. Are you wearing shoes right now? I'm not wearing anything rn. Tell me about you favourite primary school/elementary school teacher? Let me tell you about Mrs. Mary "The Bonecrusher" Highland, and how she was such an iconic, legendary, influential and inspiring woman that she was the person you sent into the bad fucked up schools in movies and have them all pass with straight A's, she ran a tough ship and was slow to praise but when she did, she went all out, and made you feel like what you had achieved was truly a feat. Oh and she encouraged children to learn and think for themselves, genuinely encouraged you when you said you were interested in something even when it went above and beyond the curriculum. She was charitable, friendly, and spoke to you like you were an equal, and a worthy one at that. Mrs. Highland was literally so influential in so many people in my class being successful, free minded, hard working adults that she deserves a goddamn award. And let me tell you another thing, at the end of my First Year in College, I went back to my old Primary School for a teaching assistant internship because I knew the school was becoming a bit run-down and out of control and I wanted to help the way that Mrs. Highland had, and who had they just asked to come out of retirement, come back for TWO WEEKS, sort shit out and then walk away into the sunset like some goddamn Old Lady Teaching Avenger who appears when needs were greatest? MARY FUCKING HIGHLAND, I GOT TO HELP ONE OF MY CHILDHOOD HEROES BE AN ABSOLUTE TEACHING LEGEND AND REALLY INFLUENCE SOME GOOD IN A KIDS LIFE, THAT IS THE SHIT! Seriously though, she truly is one of the good ones, they don't make em like Her anymore. Who was the last person you hugged? I think that would be my mother actually hahah. Do you wear glasses? Occasionally. Do you have a cat? I sadly do not. Do you have a favourite pair of underwear? Not a favourite pair exactly more like a favourite kind?? Next All-Black, that's the good shit, makes my ass look great among other things. What was your last tweet? "How the fuck do you work twitter" about 5 years ago and I haven't used it since. Do you still use Facebook? I do, rarely. Do you like birds? Aye pal birds, blokes, the lot. Who was the last person you called cute? That genuinely would be my niece, or you lol Who was the last person that called you cute? This is a strange answer but a regular in my work. Long story. How did you meet your best friend? I literally turned a corner and ran into a group of emo's in like Fourth Year at High School and I haven't looked back since. Escalators or elevators? Nah m8, trick question, I'd rather take the stairs. Does wonders for the thighs. Are you named after anyone, who? Ahaha yeah my dad, both my granddads, and Saint. Christoper (Catholic mum yo) What was your first url? I have no idea. Autumn or Winter? Winter I can't lie. Do you win at scrabble? I do not lol Put your ipod on shuffle , who is the first song that comes up by? "American Idiot", Green Day. Classic. Have you ever drunk from a mason jar? I have not. Can you draw? Barely even write m8 let alone draw. What was your first profile picture? I think it was Kenny from South Park. Favourite t-shirt? God I have no idea. Best tumblr friend? Shoutout to @bepizzazzed and @double-dorks-beanie and @hesitant-butthole When did you last run? Tonight when as a joke my friends took my jacket and tried to get it on top of a climbing frame? lol I had it back in seconds and decided to get some payback ahah Do you like to paint your nails? Not particularly fussed, not a look I could pull off. Did you ever do something as a kid that got you into loads of trouble? I did more things to get me into trouble as a kid that anyone should ever do. And I still did it. Who is your favourite dog that isn’t yours? Trick question, all of them. Have you ever been drunk? Literally so many times. So many. Have you ever done something you regret while drunk? Some-thing? Some-one? Getting into a slutty dance off with a professional dancer? Stealing a mannequin? The exact words "I can easily make this jump..."? The exact words "Watch this lads"? The exact words "Shots won't do me any harm"? The exact words "Another Venom? Aye no bother!" The exact words "You can crash at mine if you like...?" You get the picture...I do messed up shit I'm drunk, and yet, I continue to do so. Do you want to kiss anyone right now? Ronald McDonald ngl for the sweet sweet invention of double cheeseburgers. Do/did you like you math teacher? I had a crush on both of my maths teachers, Mr. Kelly and Mrs. Hendry, both of which contributed to me turning up to class, but also contributed to me failing said classes bc I was too busy looking at them and being a hormone ridden, horny 16 year old boy, than I was doing maths. Do you often ride the bus? I do, everyday I'm in College. Do you have a fireplace in your house? We do actually it's getting renovated right now. Are you violent when you’re angry? God no! Do you cry when you’re angry? No, I rarely get angry and when I do it can only be described as dry anger. Favourite Harry Potter book? It has to be OotP, fight me. Can you remember your last dream? I can, and let me just say, Chris Pratt, thank you. Do you go to bed early or late? "Do I go to bed?" would be a better question. Do you speak a second language? I speak various levels of different languages. Some if you dropped me in their respective countries I could find my way about, albeit difficultly, and others I can ask for the bar and the bill and that's about it. Who was your first ever best friend? A boy called Dean. Have you ever had an operation? I've had a couple yeah. Tell me about your favourite cousin? His name is Reece and he's a meme loving shit and I love him the whacky bastard. Do you have a piece of clothing that doesn’t even fit you anymore but you can’t bare to throw away? During what can only be described as the Greatest Summer of My Teenage Years; the Legendary Summer of 2014, I wore on my feet almost EVERY DAY a pair of Classic Chuck's, they cost my poor wee mum like £60 the Christmas before but they were too big and when it finally hit summer they fit perfectly. I wore them every time. If you've ever read the book Me Before You or watched the film you'll know what I mean when I say they were my bumblebee tights. Have you ever been in a musical? I played the Cowardly Lion in my school play as a kid. Do you have a porch? I do not. How many times have you watched your favourite movie? At least 100 no joke it has to be. Empire Strikes Back. What do you order at McDonalds? Plain double cheese , small fries, Oasis Summer Fruits and maybe a coffee. Do you get on with old people? Worryingly well. Science Fiction or Romance? Sci-Fi m8. Do you take naps? Anytime I can. How many classes do you/did you take in High School? In my final year I took 3 classes. At its height I think I was doing 9 classes. When did it last snow where you live? A few months back. Does it ever snow where you live? It's Scotland...hahah it very much does. How many months until your birthday? 12 m8. How much charge does your computer have right now? 42%What is your favourite Disney Channel Original Movie? I don't actually think I had one. Sorry. the City or the Sea Side? Jokes on you fool, you can have both. What is your least favourite colour? Beige. Who tf likes being beige. Do you have homework to do? Nah. Are you still friends with your first best friend? I am not. Do you have/are you the gay cousin? I have an asexual cousin, bug more often than not I'm the gay cousin. Do you own dungarees? They can look cute on peeps. Do you like to play sport? I do, not to the extent I used to but yeah. What was your favourite ever Christmas present? My baby nephew. How old are you? Ugh I'm 20. Do you ever use Internet Explorer? Not for s long time. Have you ever had blonde hair? I haven't no. I wanted to but sadly I was a kid. When did you last see the person you have a crush on? Well considering I fall deeply in love with strangers who are nice to me on the train, that question is crazy. Who did you last talk to on the phone? Laura. Pants or Dresses? This question is a lot funnier in the UK and even funnier in Scotland where a man can wear one, but to do so, he's not supposed to wear the other 😉 Do you read fan fiction? Not anymore y'know. What is you’re favourite blog? @mauridianhallow is a pretty cool blog you should check that shit out Do you write poetry? I HAVE written poetry before. Drama or Comedy? How dare you insult The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt by suggesting you can't be both. Have you ever had a hickey? Perhaps...perhaps I have. Perhaps I cannot remember how I got some of them. Perhaps I should stop buying the ENTIRE bar a round of shots knowing all too well that almost every one of these people will offer to buy me drinks all night and then I won't pay shit for another drink until the night is over. Perhaps I should...I won't but I fucking should. And perhaps this has on certain occasions resulted in hickeys I don't know.
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