#I probably have more 🧍🏼‍♀️
l3viat8an · 1 year
Do you have any favourite quotes from Levi? 👀
I probably have too many- but here are a few of my favorites that I actually have screenshots of right now lolol
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robertsbarbie · 2 months
something about seeing a grown man read a book series you read in middle school
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merthosus · 1 month
Blank minds
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@selfishlittlebeing asked:
Hi! So basically I just read every single one shot on this blog. And I am obsessed with your work. And I gotta admit that, “Wounded nights” did things to me.🧍🏼‍♀️
I’m not sure if I am requesting or smth (if you’d like to write this I wouldn’t protest, but feel free to just ponder on this with me). But like… I can’t get the image of touch starved Five out of my head. Bcs…damn. Him holding the reader in his arms like that (WN)… but can you imagine HIM having a vulnerable moment because of all that stuff with the Commission and apocalypses, just the trauma package yk. And after all those years…just Five being vulnerable with someone and touch starved.🥲 I am making myself feel depressed with all this. Wanna be depressed with me?🎀
Summary: After Luthers wedding, most of the siblings already gone to bed. You didn't feel like drinking, but loved to watch the others drown their sorrows into liquor and just have fun. Just as you were about to fall into a deep sleep, a knock on your door pulls you out of your slumber.
Thank you for your lovely request! Also, here a sexy poster from Five I fell in love with! With every purchase you automatically support me :) https://amzn.to/3yGK6Fm
“Since everything will be dust soon anyway, you won't mind if I just lie down here for a while, will you?”
You're up to your nose under your eiderdown, with only the sound of collapsing buildings coming through your window. It may sound crazy to others, but for you, it's been part of everyday life for a week. Counting every second, spending the last time with your family and savoring it. There is nothing more precious than time. Money has no value anymore, but the ticking hands of the grandfather clock do have.
Your thoughts hover over your head like gray clouds. Since the first day you slept in that hotel bed, falling asleep felt like hell. You tried a lot to finally fall asleep normally again. But every time you closed your eyes, you were met with nightmares, worse than you could ever have imagined. You were sure that this couldn't be the end, it simply couldn't be.
Like every night, you try to push the thoughts aside, to repress them as if they had never been there. But a loud and uneven knocking jolts you out of your sleep like a thunderstorm. You startle awake and clutch at the sheets of your bed. “Yes!” you shout, but it sounded more like a question than an encouragement. You watch every movement, sharper than Diego's blades. As Five stumbles in, you let out a breath you didn't even released you were holding. 
“You scared me,” you mumble. "I scared you, so please, why should anyone be scared of me?" he says to himself. Any blind person would have recognized that Five had probably had a little too much to drink at Luther's wedding. Five doesn't finish the sentence and drops his head down as he continues to mumble to himself. After he fell back against the door, you gave him a worried look. “Thanks for closing the door, but I think you have a concussion now,” I smirk to myself. Five starts to giggle. “The world is coming to an end,” he says, and pushes away from the door again.
You look out of the window that separated you from the crumbling outside world. Instead of bright sunshine, dark red fire dazzles your eyes, bricks fly off buildings and trees uproot themselves. “No, really?” you ask him sarcastically as you turn back to him. You suppress your horror as he suddenly stands right in front of you. He holds on to the edge of your bed. You think about how he managed to approach you so quietly, the alcohol in his blood must be enough to put a chimpanzee down.
“Since everything will be dust soon anyway, you won't mind if I just lie down here for a while, will you?” he asks as he tries to climb onto the bed. “Five, eh?” you ask as you hold him down so he doesn't slide off. He awkwardly pushes himself over your legs, which elicits a small squeak from your mouth. “You're really rough, Five,” you complain, but you just couldn't help the smile on your face.
You had never seen Five so shameless. Five, who is usually so strong and independent, asks you if he can lie down with you for a moment. As you think about it for a moment, you briefly doubt your sanity. Was this a fever dream? But Five's careless hand movement presses your torso so hard into the mattress beneath you that you're sure it would have shaken you awake. “I've never seen you so awkward,” you squeeze your words out of the pain. “I'm sorry, but your bed is sooo soft,” he lulls to himself. You shake your head and stifle the comment that the beds here were all the same.
“Five, why are you really here?” you ask him. He lies down on his stomach and presses his head into your pillow. He mumbles his words into the fabric so that you can only guess what he's saying. “I don't understand a word, you stupid…” you grumble to yourself as you grab a tuft of his hair and push his head to the side. 
Five groans softly as you move his head, his eyes half-lidded and unfocused. You wait for him to speak, but it seems like he’s struggling to find the right words. He’s always been the one with the sharp tongue, the quick wit, and seeing him like this—vulnerable and slightly lost—pulls at something deep inside you.
“I didn’t want to be alone,” he finally mutters, his voice slurred but honest. “I’ve been alone for so long... and I guess I’m tired of it.” His words are a confession, raw and unguarded, much like the state he's in now. You’ve seen Five in many situations—fighting, strategizing, leading—but this is different. This is Five without his armor, without the walls he usually keeps so firmly in place.
You feel a pang in your chest, a mix of sadness and empathy. You’ve always known there was more to him than the ruthless time-traveling assassin he often portrayed himself to be. But hearing him admit his loneliness is something else entirely. "I understand you, Five," you say. He smiles and sightly closes his eyes. "I didn't want to be alone too, so I am happy that you are here now, I would've preferred sober Five, but this is also ok", you smile at him. 
You let your body fall back into your pillows, Five, who was still lying on his stomach, watching you. You put your head to one side and just look at him motionlessly. “Promise you won't tell anyone about the following?” he asks you. You don't understand exactly what he means. “I hardly think I have enough time left to tell anyone anything,” you say, with an unintentional sweep of sadness. “Promise” he whispers to you, while looking at you with begging eyes. Not only the pungent smell of alcohol, but also his seriousness to fly in your face. “I won't tell anyone,” you promise. Without warning, Five starts to move again. He pushed your arm up and curled up on your chest, like a cat looking for warmth.
Seeing five like this was new and made you very afraid to admit it to yourself. He cared so much about maintaining his strong, unbreakable personality that his current behavior frightened you. Despite the unfamiliar feeling of five so close to you, you almost automatically put your arms around his slender torso. His fingers slide onto the sides of your torso, clutching on it as if it was a matter of life or death.
"Five, what's wrong?", you ask him. "I am fucking scared", he lulls. His confession hangs in the air, heavy with the weight of his vulnerability. You can feel your heart rate quicken, the tension in the room shifting as you process his words. It’s a rare glimpse into the inner workings of Five’s mind, and the openness is both unsettling and intimate.
“Scared of what exactly?” you ask gently. “Everything,” he replies, his voice barely above a whisper. “The end of it all… the not knowing". The tremor in his voice sends a shiver down your spine, and you can't help but tighten your hold on him. You want to reassure him, to tell him that everything will be okay, but the truth is you’re scared too. The world outside is crumbling, and the future feels uncertain for both of you. 
He shifts slightly, looking up at you with his tired eyes. “I don’t want to let anyone down. Not you, not the others. I’ve messed up so many times already.” His voice is tinged with a mix of regret and fear, and you can see the conflict waging within him. “If we lose, at least we'll lose together,” you say. It didn't really sound encouraging, but you couldn't think of anything better. “Do you think you'll regret this tomorrow?” you whisper without looking at him. 
Five’s grip on your chest tightens just a little, and you can feel the slight shivering in his body as he processes your words. The silence that follows feels heavy, filled with the weight of the world outside and the vulnerability between you. “No,” he finally murmurs, his voice soft but resolute. “I won’t regret this. I might not remember every detail of tonight, but I’ll remember the way it felt to finally....", you wait for him to end his sentence. 
"feel you", he says, so quietly that you almost missed it.. There is a silence in the room, your body is no longer able to move. Your brain needs some time to process his words. “I went too far, I'm sorry I…” he tries to apologize. He pushes away from your body and leans on his arms. But before he can finish his sentence and move away from you completely, you put your hands around his face and crash your lips into his. 
The moment your lips meet Five’s, time seems to suspend itself. The world outside, with its crumbling chaos, fades into the background, leaving just the two of you in this small, intimate bubble. His initial shock quickly melts away, and he responds with a tentative but heartfelt kiss. His lips are soft and warm, and the urgency in his movements gradually transforms into something more tender and searching.
As you pull away slightly, you can see the surprise in his eyes, mingled with a hint of relief and something deeper that he might not fully understand himself. You’re both breathing heavily, the gravity of the moment settling in. “I didn’t want to...,” Five starts to say, but you place a finger gently over his lips, silencing him. “Don’t,” you whisper, your voice barely more than a breath.
“You don’t have to apologize. Not now. Not ever.” Five’s expression softens, and he looks at you with a mixture of awe and vulnerability. “I’ve been so caught up in trying to control everything, in fighting against the end, that I forgot about what really matters. I didn’t realize... I didn’t realize how much I needed this, how much I needed you.”
Feel free to tell me in the comments, what you think :)
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ilypaigebuckets · 5 months
hi!! can i request an hc of paige with a shy gf <3
Paige Bueckers x Shy Girlfriend HCs!
one thing abt me is i love writing paige hcs 🤗 u guys can send requests for hcs in for cc, kate martin, and paige bueckers those will most likely be done first because they’re quicker for me to write! :)
- paige is definitely the first interested and is the one to make a move on you
- she probably met you somewhere quiet like a library or a coffee shop, and was instantly in love with you at first sight
- she walked right up to you and asked for your number, you were shocked but gave it to her anyways and the rest is history
- you guys definitely were in the talking stage for like a month or two because it takes you a while to open to her and for her to get to see the real you
- but once she gets to know you she falls even more in love
- you are definitely one of those people that are bold over text but then you see her in person and are just like 🧍🏼‍♀️
- paige initiates most of the physical touch at first, she’s constantly holding your hand or pinky, hugging you, kissing your cheek and forehead
- she’s careful not to take it too far too fast because she doesn’t wanna scare you away
- you meet the rest of the wbb team early on because paige talks about you so much to them
- you’re super shy at first and not really talkative with them. paige introduces you and you just smile awkwardly like “hi”
- the team thinks you guys are so cute together and are constantly asking you questions in an attempt to get to know you better
- you have a super low social battery, preferring to stay in rather than go out
- because of this, paige doesn’t go out to bars as much. she doesn’t miss it though, preferring to stay home with her baby. you guys have tons of little date nights at home instead!
- you and p love to stay in and cook dinner together
- you’ll pretty much do anything as long as you’re able to be around her and cuddle up to her
- when she plays fortnite with kk, you’re on the couch with her just straddling her with your head laid on her chest
- “baby, you wanna say hi to them?” “mm shhh i’m not here”
that’s all i could think of for now <3 lmk if you want a part 2!!
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uluvjay · 1 year
#51 from list 2 for ethan edwards 🙏🙏
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51. “I’ve never done this before”
Inexperienced Ethan Edwards! X fem reader
Warnings? SMUT; loss of virginity🧍🏼‍♀️, protected sex, p in v, swearing, pet names, teasing, kissing, I can’t think of any more
I hope you enjoy and I apologize for any errors
The girl sat in confusion as her boyfriend pulled away from her neck where he had previously been laying sloppy kisses.
“Everything okay?” She questioned as she noticed a hesitant look in ethan’s eye
“Yeah uh, there’s just something I have to tell you before we..you know..keep going” he shyly spoke
“Okay..” she answered as she leaned back and watched as he took in a shaky breath
“I’ve never done this before”
“Done what E?” She asked needing more clarification on what exactly the boy meant
“Had sex”
“Wait, your a virgin?” She asked shocked at the boy’s admission
“I know I’m sorry, you probably thought that I was experienced and was going to give you the best night of your life and it’s pretty embarra-“
“Ethan baby it’s okay” she cut of his rambling and ran a hand through his hair
“Are you sure?”
“Yes ethan, I don’t mind that your a virgin. Am I shocked? Yes, I mean your gorgeous ethan I don’t know how girls have turned you down”
A blush took over the boys face as he looked down, he knew he was good looking but every time you brought up his looks he couldn’t help but get butterflies in his stomach.
“Part of it was me, there were a few girlfriends I almost went all the way with but it just never felt right like it does with you” he explained looking in your eyes.
“Wait..you want me to take it?”
“Yeah, I mean as long as your okay with it. Your the only person I can imagine myself with”
“Okay?” He questioned as a smirk pulled over his face
“Yeah baby” she replied with her own smirk as she leaned down to begin to place kisses along the column of his throat.
She left light nips, careful not to leave marks as it was summer and he was constantly shirtless around his family.
“Y/n” he moaned as she sucked on his sweet spot
He felt a smirk form on her lips at the sounds that escaped his throat. While the couple hadn’t gone all the way before they’ve had their fair share of make-outs and she knew exactly what to do to get the reactions she wanted.
“Baby please” he whimpered
“Please what E?”
“Please touch me” he begged his girlfriend
“Where do you want me to touch you at?” She smirked teasing the boy
“Want you to touch my cock” he whimpered fisting the sheets below him
“Like this pretty boy?” She questioned as she ran a hand over the prominent bulge in his pants
She watched in admiration as the boy below her as his eyebrows furrowed and his head dipped back. She wasn’t teasing, she just wanted to make his first time memorable.
“If you keep doing that I’m gonna cum in my pants and I really don’t want to” he complained hoping that the girl above him would allow him some relief.
And that she did, as she backed up on the boy and hastily undid his belt and unzipped his jeans. Standing up herself to take off the remainder of her clothing while ethan removed his jeans as well.
“Do you have condoms?” She asked
“Yeah i bought some a few days ago, in my desk drawer” he pointed to the drawer on the right of his desk.
Grabbing one and quickly returning to her spot above her boyfriend she pulled him into a sweet kiss, “You sure you wanna do this E?” She asked one last time.
“I’m positive” he smiled at her
“Well then take your boxers off” she smirked
The boy felt a bit self-conscious for a moment until he caught the sight of the way the girls eyes locked on his cock and weren’t moving.
“God Ethan” she whimpered, the sight of his hard and swollen cock was something she could stare at for days, not to mention the size of it was just as admirable.
Snapping out of her thoughts she opened the condom wrapper before leaning forward to slide it on his cock, causing the boy to choke out a moan.
Positioning herself above the boys cock she slowly sunk down, cries and whimpers leaving the couples throats until she made it to his base.
His hand flew to her waist keeping her there for a moment as he got used to the feeling of her walls hugging him so tight.
“Fuck Your so big” she cried, she’d had boyfriends in the past she had slept with but Ethan took the cake for being the biggest and best she’d ever had.
Once the couple collected themselves the girl slowly started moving her hips back and forth allowing them both to get used to the new feeling of each other.
But after a moment the boy finally spoke up, allowing his girlfriend to really give him what he needed. “Baby go faster please” he begged the girl.
Not needing to be told twice she quickly picked up her pace and began moving at a faster pace, her own head thrown back while she listened to Ethan’s whimpers in her neck.
The grip he had on her ass got tighter as he felt himself get closer and closer to the edge.
“Fuck Y/n I’m close” he cried into her throat as he began to leave sloppy kisses.
“Me too baby just hang on” she moaned, a hand gripping into his hair to pull him to her lips for a sloppy but much needed kiss.
She could feel her orgasm getting closer as her stomach tightened and she tried her best to keep up her pace. Thankfully noticing his girlfriends struggles ethan began to guid the girls hips, thrusting his own up a little as well.
“So close E” she cried into his ear, grabbing one of his hands and directing it between her legs. Without an issue the boy quickly found her clit and began rubbing circles around the bud.
“I’m cumming!” He cried as he let his hips thrust up into her core helping bring her to her orgasm as well.
“Me to baby!” She moaned as she felt the fire in her lower belly burst and she fell forward into her boyfriends chest, slowly moving her hips to guide them through their highs.
Finally coming down and catching their breath they both smiled at each other, ethan leaning down to place a sweet kiss onto his girlfriends head.
“Everything you ever imagined?” She teased
“Even better, thank you baby” he smiled at her.
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gooeyringtown · 6 months
Can you do a head canon on Barbie/Gloria in the same verse as the movie? Like they are a couple because OBVI, but with your interpretation on...
who wakes up first?
who is most protective?
who is quick to jealousy?
who is the big spoon?
yes absolutely!! i did quite a lot LMAO so i'm gonna put a little cut-off
*slight nsfw warning for some
who wakes up first? : gloria, usually. barbie is a HEAVYY sleeper and snores very softly and gloria thinks it's very cute.
who is most protective? : both. gloria primarily because barbie is new (at first) to the world and she knows how unnecessarily nasty some people can be. barbie is protective in the sense that she carefully watches how everybody speaks to and treats gloria, especially considering the fact that she knows how futile gloria can sometimes feel.
who is quick to jealousy? : both. but more-so barbie. she has big feelings and they're quick to get the best of her (gloria thinks it's hot)
who is the big spoon? : i love this one and i think barbie would be, even though she's the more gentle one. she loves the idea of being big and strong and protective over gloria, and gloria would adore it sm
who is more affectionate: barbie in public. gloria in private. (she's a huge softie for barbie and 100% always seeks her out for cuddles or a kiss on the cheek, or hand-holding, etc. especially after a day at work and EXTRA when barbie is being cute. which is always.)
who's most likely to apologize after an argument: gloria. i think they're both very rational, but barbie is a bit more stubborn and also an overthinker, so it can be tough to gather up her thoughts and feelings. by the time she wants to apologize, gloria already has.
who makes the first move and how?: both. but gloria starts it. she gets home from a really long, tiring day at work, remembering that sasha had mentioned a project she needed help on, and she's just exhausted. she walks into the house, though, to see barbie at the dining table helping sasha with said-project, nearly finished. dinner's also made on the stove. barbie beams at her and welcomes her home, giving her a big hug and gushing excitedly about how she and sasha worked so hard. sasha goes upstairs to put her stuff away, and barbie has pencil stains on her hand and face, her hair a little windswept, and she looks so simple and so perfect, and gloria says "kiss me." so barbie does.
who is the most insecure and what makes them feel better?: gloria. she doesn't mean to be; she just has some of those days once in a while where everything can feel so difficult. she usually feels better with some alone time. barbie is very understanding of that and loves to set up gloria's home studio with some art supplies and candles and books just in case gloria wants to spend some time in there. she'll also make her some tea/coffee if gloria feels like it
who is the most romantic?: barbie. she is very silly at first as she gets the hang of it (she nearly gets arrested again for trespassing on private property to pick some of gloria's favorite flowers from a garden) but that woman is a LOVERBOY
who can’t keep their hands to themselves?: depends which way… if u mean generally touchy, barbie. if u mean in the saucy way, GLORIA.
who says ‘I love you’ first?: barbie. she says it very passively bc she thought it was obvious, and gloria cries. barbie is kind of like 🧍🏼‍♀️
what do they get up to on a night out?: i feel like they'd love to go to a pottery class where they make stuff for each other. or an arcade. but mainly i think they'd LOVE to go to one of those places where they give you a cake that's already made/baked and you just decorate it. they'd have so much fun and afterwards they'd probably stay up late at home, eating it in the kitchen and just talking for hours
who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings?: barbie
who cried the most at graduation?: BARBIE LMAO. SHE WAS SOBBING.
who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law?: barbie bc she's like 'i've been there, girl.'
what do they like in bed?: barbie likes to be rough sometimes. she also has a thing for gloria whimpering/moaning right into her ear. little bit of a thing for size. and riding. gets super turned on when gloria gets off on her stomach. gloria likes a bit of dirty talk. queen of giving head. lovessss whispering against barbie's lips while she fingers her slowly. has a thing for marks/bruises, espeically leaving them. teasing/edging barbie is her favorite thing, to the point where barbie gets insanely frustrated (sometimes it results in her getting extra rough and flipping them over)
did any of their friends or family want them to get together?: yes. pretty much everybody. gloria's family thinks barbie is absolutely adorable and they could see how much happier gloria became with her around. sasha, ofc, is barbiegloria's biggest shipper but has to be cool about it
who felt romantic feelings first?: ok i think the obvious answer would be barbie, but i hc it as both. though gloria's were much more level and she was like "fuck." and internally panicked and tried to approach it reasonably, whereas barbie was like OH MY GODDDD IM IN LOVE 😭🥹🥹💘 SHE'S THE LOVE OF MY LIFEEEEEE
did either of them try to resist their feelings?: yes. gloria mainly because she feared the change would be too drastic for sasha and couldn't help but imagine if things didn't work out, how messy it could become
what would their lives be like if they had never met?: barbie would be that packaged box of perfection, but without substance and completely superficial. she would have never known imperfection and the joys of being human and the immeasurable beauty in all the mundane things like reading a book, trying a new food, hearing a pretty song. gloria would be lost to the feeling of those impossible standards and spend her life never being free. never feeling good enough. they truly do liberate one another
were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?: gloria was barbie's first everything. barbie was gloria's first love, and the only true one. also the one that outlived and outshined all the others
what’s their height difference? age difference?: gloria is 5'1 and barbie is 5'10 idc. barbie is like 34/35 and gloria is 37
who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear?: gloria into barbie's ear, all the time. but once barbie starts doing it, she LOVESSS it. she's so cheeky. and gloria is always death staring her bc she knows damn well they can't do anything
what kind of nicknames do they call each other?: gloria calls barbie honey, mi amor, baby. barbie calls gloria love/my love, babe, and baby also.
who remembers the little things?: barbie mostly.
who’s the stricter parent?: gloria
who worries the most?: gloria. because barbie can be very not careful with some things (like she's still understanding the concept of fire being very hot)
who kills the bugs in the house?: barbie. but she feels bad about it later on and stays up thinking about it sometimes
how do they celebrate holidays?: with gloria's family!
who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?: barbieeeee. gloria can't resist that pout and sleepy face
Who’s the better cook?: gloria. her cooking skills are AMAZINGGGGG
who likes to dance?: gloria!! she loves dancing and is great at it omg. that woman can MOVE. she always makes barbie dance with her at family events or any parties where there's music and a dancefloor
bonus random hcs i have written down:
barbie is very athletic and plays beach volleyball and does karate. she works CRAZY hard to get her purple belt, all so she can let sasha have it because that's sasha's favorite color
barbie grows her own roses to make gloria a bouquet for mother's day
gloria teaches barbie how to swim. (barbie has to wear those little kid floaties)
barbie takes her youtube videos very seriously and will be up at like 1am watching a 45 minute video on some shit like how a gecko hatches or something. she'll bump gloria like 'babe look' even though gloria is asleep
they have a little thing they do where they get those paint-by-number sets and do them together. they're collecting them<33
sasha makes barbie do the fire noodle challenge (barbie is sick for like a day)
when barbie gets her first cut/scab, sasha gets her a band-aid and barbie tears up and is all like 'thank you so much sasha. it's beautiful' while petting the band-aid
sasha is like wtf
barbie learns about mood rings and thinks they're actually magical and is so excited to wear it
sasha is like 'i'm gonna tell her it's all based on temperature.' and gloria is all 'no you're not!!'
sasha is a d&d fiend on the dl and barbie asks her about it one day
they proceed to nerd out together
barbie becomes ENAMORED with dragons
barbie and gloria have a shared journal and they take turns writing in it every night before bed
they also have their own book club where they read a book together (barbie especially loves it bc gloria usually reads a chapter or two for them before bed while barbie lays hugging gloria's stomach and gloria plays with her hair.)
ok that's all for now... if i think of any more hcs, i'll make a separate post/pt.2 ☺️
thank you sm for the ask! i hope you like these!!🩷
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Getting all soft thinking about the rare occasions of Link actually speaking verbally out loud to Zelda.
At one point it did bug her, ate at her, felt that his silence was a way of him mocking her failure to her role while he seemingly had everything figured out and held everyone's praise - including her father's. However, that was way before Link had actually explained his reasoning to her, the weight of the world being on his shoulders and felt it upon himself to commit to a silent vigil not to disappoint the people of the kingdom that he knows is heavily relying on him. That alone changed how the princess viewed the knight.
Now, even moreso after the Calamity, she doesn't mind. Link has ways of communicating outside of verbal speech in ways of nods, points, and his own unique form of sign language she's very much well picked up on understanding! She even likes to think she's the most expert on said sign language, a badge she wears in prideful honor.
Link is a very good listener and it helps he very much enjoys hearing the princess talk, especially about her research, he can listen to her for hours on end about scientific things that he'll admit he's not the most knowledgeable about to where at some points Zelda could be rambling about something he has no clue what even is but he still enjoys listening to her either way because it's her and talking about these things makes her happy! So he'll just nod along and sign very simple questions that relights the princess' excitement even more as she'll go into further detail about whatever and Link is just left like: :)
On the rare occasions Link does actually speak he is very soft spoken, especially pre-Calamity. Honest to Hylia Zelda nearly fainted the first time she actually heard him. One of these instances I like to think was definitely after the spring of Courage, granted it wasn't the first time I think Zelda has heard him but I feel like it was one that was definitely most impactful.
Just Link helping her out of the spring and they sit at the foot of the water for a bit, Zelda probably crying and still cursing at herself saying so much damming things about herself like she's a failure, a burden, and ect and then just out of nowhere:
"You're not a failure." Or something along those lines, just something to try to get through to her that she isn't all those cruel things her father or some gossipers said her out to be. She is so much more than that and he knows it, and he needs her to know it too.
So it's obvious given the fact Tulin seems at least a few years older than he was in breath of the wild and Riju as well seems definitely taller than she was previously shown as well that at least two or so years minimum have passed since that game, so everyone is going to go through some kind of change before the game starts and Zelda's new haircut seems to be one of them. I think it's very unlikely we'll actually see the actual hair getting cut in game and it'll realistically just be left as an unspoken thing but that just leaves room for speculation and headcanon!
That being said... Link vocally telling her point blank after maybe just one day out of the blue coming home from Kakariko Village visit (they lived together in the Hateno house, Nintendo can pry that from my cold dead hands) the moment she walks through the door, now with her hair now considerably shorter;
"You look breathtaking." Then he goes right back to whatever he was doing inside the home before she arrived leaving Zelda speechless at the doorway just: 🧍🏼‍♀️
Zelda's a bit awkward, she doesn't know how to address it but it makes her feel... giddy. Maybe she didn't know how she felt about the haircut at first when Impa presented her the mirror to check it how it turned out, at first it was a complex motion - a symbolic action that she was finally ready to leave the past behind and work towards a brighter future, but even still she had this swirling in her gut on the ride home. But now? She adores it, she's reassured of her choice. She is ready. And she's glad to have her beloved knight at her side to live out that future.
No matter what future hardships that are to come.
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Coming out of writing retirement just to ease my zelink brainrot. Hope you guys are proud 🥲
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Plot: There are certain rules that come with traveling alongside Joel Miller
Warnings: Angst, pining, not fully edited
Hiiiiii, felt the urge to write for Joel and ended up having written so much?? I feel like it gets a little messy but I just want to get it posted because i’m working on smut that comes with it 🧍🏼‍♀️ comments & constructive criticism is always welcome and I thank every one of you who reads this and interacts ❤️❤️ Enjoy!!
Soon after Ellie had invited you to follow her and Joel on their journey, you learned that there were specific rules that went along with traveling with Joel. Ellie was just happy to have more company, especially someone who would indulge her shitty puns and happily answered her questions even if the answers were mostly bullshit. Joel on the other hand had a hardened exterior, you saw glimpses here and there of a softie inside but you knew that you'd have to get extra deep for more than a glimpse and he wasn't anywhere near ready to open up to you, or anyone else for that matter. As soon as you had met him you knew just by his demeanor that he commanded every space he occupied. He meant business, and not many people were stupid enough to fuck around near him long enough to find out what happens when you did.
His presence made it a lot easier to follow the unspoken rules, one glance from him meant you wouldn't step out of line again and he knew it. You'd like to say he appreciated it, that you wouldn't fight back on what he said when that's all Ellie enjoyed doing, but there was no telling when his face stayed stoic at all times. Rule number 1. Contrary to what teachers had told you your whole growing up, there were indeed stupid questions, and with Joel that was 99.9% of them. If you had a question, you kept it to yourself or hoped that it was something Ellie had already asked and knew the answer to. There were a few situations where you felt like you would explode if you didn't ask a question but you always prepared yourself for his annoyed huff and little comment that went along with it.
    You were all in Bill's truck, driving down a random highway on the way to Jackson when you noted something along the side of the road and you couldn't keep the question from bubbling up. "Did you ever go to one of those, Joel? One of those massive superstores they were starting to build before everything happened?" You ask, eyes full of curiosity. Joel glances over at you, raising an eyebrow. He glances at the rear view mirror to the backseat where Ellie was fast asleep amongst all the bags and clears his throat. You realized your mistake then and there, prepping yourself before he spoke up. "Worked on some of 'em, actually." He says with a look on his face that you weren't quite able to read. "I remember taking Sa-um, yeah I went to a few with my brother. Lots of people, lots of shit nobody needed." He says and you nod, hanging onto every word he says like it would be the last time you heard him speak. "I went to one, like once. Feels like they were probably just a hotspot of activity as soon as people became infected and then once the looting started." You say, watching Joel nod. "Yup." And that was it, no need to push anything further, you were just excited to have asked him something that he had responded to well.
    Rule number 2. If Joel told you to do something, you did it. Without question. This one was the easiest to follow, especially for you. You had a natural sense of submission and the air of confidence Joel walked around with made you actively want to listen to what he told you. After just a few weeks with the group you were already following his nonverbal cues. His eyes would darken and he would move his head a specific way and you were grabbing Ellie's hand and pulling her to a place where the two of you would hide. Ellie would stare at you incredulously considering her natural instinct was to fight whatever Joel told her to do. With a knowing look from Ellie, you'd shush her and look around the corner to make sure Joel was safe.
The three of you knew he didn't want anyone to take care of him, but just like your urge to take care of Ellie, it umbrella'd over to Joel as well. You remember the first time Joel accepted your help vividly, considering the fact that when he had accepted both you and Ellie had froze in place and stared at each other in confusion. He huffed and muttered something under his breath about not needing any help or something along those lines before relenting. You shook out of your daze to grab Joel's arm, pulling him into the bathroom of the abandoned gas station you had all stopped at to fill up. You tried to help him up on the counter but relented to just having him lean against it. Standing nearly between his legs, you start to use some of the clean water you had in your canteen to wipe off the wound covering his forearm. You had never noticed the way his veins stuck out prominently on his arm in such a beautiful way before, the almost permanent layer of dirt across his skin accentuating them.
"Joel watch out!" You had shouted, seeing the broken shelf just a little too late to warn Joel in time, seeing it slam down on his arm. A mix of clattering and Joel cursing up a storm was heard for miles you were fairly sure. Ellie helped moved the shelves and that's when you saw the large gash on his arm. "Joel, we have to clean that or it will get infected." You say, care and worry evident in your voice as you waited for the worst. "Yea, okay." He had said, shocking the two girls beyond measure.
    Ellie walked through the doorframe with the whiskey and rags that you had asked her to bring and you thank her quietly, watching Joel's eyes widen as you poured some of the priceless liquor onto one of the towels, about to protest when you placed a hand on his bicep. "We'll find some more. I'm sure Bill & Frank have extra. It's the only thing I can think of that may help if there's any infection.." You trail off, dabbing at the wound. "Smart." He muttered, teeth clenched due to the slight burn of the alcohol on his open skin. You look through your makeshift first aid kit, something that you had been working on since the beginning of the pandemic which meant you had quite a large selection of bandages to use. Both Ellie and Joel knew you were very selective about how much you used, wanting to keep as much as you could for large emergencies that were sure to come up.
    That wasn't the case for this, you used multiple bandages, wrapping almost an entire roll of gauze around his arm before taping it off. You were about to pull away and pack up when you felt his rough hands find their way to your waist, his gaze finding yours. The look in his eyes was something different than you'd ever seen and it took the air right out of your lungs. For what seemed like the first time in ages you were completely speechless, far too aware of how quick your heart was beating against your chest. So sure that even Ellie out in the truck could hear it so it must have seemed extra loud to Joel whose chest was brushing against your own. "Thanks Darlin'." He says, his voice still gruff yet much more breathy than it ever had been. His dark eyes glanced between your own light ones and your parted pink lips. Was he about to kiss you? There was no way, but why else would he be looking at you this way? "N-no problem." You whisper back, a flush coming from your chest up to your cheeks. God you wish you had a cooler response to this but your mind was taken over by Joel, Joel, JOEL.
    As quickly as it had started it was over, Joel was pushing past you and out of the bathroom leaving you to just stand there more confused than you had been. "What the fuck?" You whisper to yourself, taking a few minutes to try to come up with any reason that what just transpired had happened, to rationalize it. With no reason coming to mind you found your way out of the building with your first aid kit and some newfound feelings towards Joel stirring in your chest. He was already in the truck, watching and waiting for you to come out. You notice that Ellie is in the front seat and for the first time since you began traveling with the pair you were not even interested in fighting for the front seat, climbing silently into the backseat and avoiding Joel's eyes in the rearview mirror.
    It had been weeks since your moment with Joel in the bathroom and luckily things had gone back to normal fairly quickly. That was one of the many plus sides of having Ellie there, that girl's knack for breaking any ice that she wasn't even aware was there was one of her many talents. It was a particularly harsh winter and somehow you and Ellie, along with Tommy had convinced Joel to settle down in Jackson for at least a couple weeks. You were given a nice home there considering Joel's status of being Tommy's brother, three bedrooms which was three more than any of you were used to, a happy change. You knew even if it had been one bedroom that both you and Joel were on the same page about letting Ellie have it. The look on her face when she found out she got her own room was the happiest you'd seen her and there was no question between you and Joel. Joel had made sure Ellie had the room furthest from the front door, yours next and then his being the closest. You didn't care to fight with him on this, noting the same worry in his eyes that you always felt for the two.
That's what brought you to this moment, hearing Ellie's window slide open in the middle of the night. Your first reaction was terror, grabbing your gun from your night table and running to her room. The fear quickly dissipating to anger when you see her attempting to climb out. "Joel catches you, you're dead." You spoke up, causing the girl to jump and stare at you in shock. "Shit.." She muttered under her breath, climbing back in quietly. "Listen, please /please/ don't tell him. I was just going to meet some friends who invited me over...." She admits and you sigh, walking over towards her. "Why didn't you just tell me? Much easier for us to convince Joel as a team instead of him waking up to you being gone." You say with a raised eyebrow and she relents. "I know, I just...thought you might say no."
"I'm not Joel, Ellie. But I do agree with him on a lot, so you're taking your knife and a walkie talkie and if you are not back by 4 am you are grounded for like, a million months." You say, going to grab some things for her to take with her. You know Joel wouldn't approve but you also knew that this was Ellie being a normal teenager and you wanted her to have as much normalcy as she was able to get. You make sure the batteries are full in the walkie and watch her leave before stepping out of her room. You were planning on just heading downstairs to read until she came back but you came face to chest with Joel as you stepped into the hallway.
"What were you doing?" He asks suspiciously, going to grab the handle behind you. You grab his forearm, trying to quickly come up with an excuse or someway to avoid the conversation that was about to happen. It was short lived though, the look in his eyes telling you not to even attempt to bullshit him. "Let's go downstairs, and i'll tell you?" You ask, taking his large hand in yours and attempting to pull him towards the kitchen. He huffed, eyeing Ellie's door before giving in and following you down. You put on some water to boil, knowing that after you told him what was happening he wouldn't want to go back to sleep. You're not sure why you expected him to relax, to just sit down and wait patiently for you to explain what was happening. No, he was leaning against the corner right behind you, his arms folded tightly with an intense look on his face as he raised his eyebrows to urge you to speak.
"Okay.." You sigh. "You can't get mad...ok you can't get too mad. and you can't leave, you need to hear me out." He nods slowly, glancing towards the door. "Okay...I caught Ellie trying to sneak out." You say quietly, immediately noticing him tense up and stand straight like he was about to run out of the door. You quickly step forward and let your hands land on his arms again, giving them a quick squeeze. "I heard her window and ran in there immediately. Before you say anything I didn't have time to wake you up...anyways. She just wanted to go hang out with some friends and that's just...she's being a normal teenager! That's what we both want right? Growing up in this world fucking sucks so I thought that any sense of normalcy she can find or we can provide..it wouldn't be too bad." You say softly, watching each word you said sink in deeper behind his eyes. "I sent her with walkie talkies, her knife, and I told her to be back home by 4 or she's grounded for basically ever." You says, a small smile on your face. "Are you never going to talk to me again?"
It was a long pause, and the wheels in Joel's head were working overtime around the situation as you convinced yourself he actually may never talk to you again. "I'm glad you made sure she was safe." Is all he said, setting his hand on your waist lightly before moving to prep his mug for coffee. The touch immediately brought you back to those few months ago in the bathroom and you felt like the wind was knocked out of you once again. "Um...yeah, yeah of course. Her well being is my main priority. Along with yours, of course." You said, noting the sideways glance he gave you when you had said it. You fixed your instant coffee and immediately walked to the front room to sit by the fire and read. Part of you hoped he'd stay away from you, just so your mind could try to work out why the hell this kept happening to you and what you could possibly do to stop it. That hope was short lived when he walked into the living room, settling down on the couch next to you and kicking his feet up on the coffee table.
    A comfortable silence surrounded the two of you, it felt almost...normal. Like you and Joel were parents waiting for their daughter to get home from her first date or something. You knew bits and pieces of Joel's past, that he had a daughter before everything happened but that was the extent. Had he done this before? Waited up all night for her to get home or was this a first for him as well? You had only just graduated high school when the pandemic started and you had given up on any hope you had to have your own family when you lost every single person in yours. Joel and Ellie were the closest you got, so along with this being a first for Ellie, it was a first for you. The nerves and excitement didn't stop your eyelids from getting heavy though, nodding off every few minutes while watching the clock and hoping 4 am would get there quicker. "You can go to sleep, I'll stay up and wait for her." Joel speaks, causing you to jump ever so slightly. You went to fight, words dying in your throat when you saw the look on his face, he was completely serious. You just nod, grabbing a pillow and blanket from the corner of the room. He debated heading up to your room but ultimately ended up laying out on the couch next to Joel, feet tucked up against the side of his thigh closely.
    The next thing you knew you heard the front door click open and Joel's hand reaches to grab your leg protectively. You glanced at his hand before looking up to see an extra smiley Ellie stepping into the living room. "You're late." Joel muttered though it would be clear to absolutely anyone else that he was enjoying seeing his girl so happy. You glance at the clock and chuckle a little bit, sitting up and placing a hand on his bicep. "By 5 minutes, Joel. She's okay.." You smile and look up at the girl who just laughs, calling the two of you dorks for having stayed up for her but saying a sweet goodnight before going upstairs to her room. After a moment you wrapped a blanket around your shoulders and stood up, reaching a hand out to Joel. "We made it. Our little girl is all grown up." You tease, pretending to wipe fake tears off your cheeks with your free hand. It wasn't fully a joke, but it was the only way you knew how to approach the situation. Joel gives you a small chuckle, just shaking his head at you before standing up and following you up the stairs. You each make it to your own rooms and say goodnight, though as you shut your door you find yourself hoping that Joel would have invited you in to his room with him.
    Okay, no. We're not even going to entertain any thoughts like that. For all intents and purposes Joel was basically your business partner, nothing more. There was no reason to want more, him having given you no hints that he would be interested in more either. You heard his snores in the other room and your thoughts were brought back to every moment his hands had touched you, even in the most platonic way, helping you through a small opening or pushing past you in a small room. Your skin suddenly burned, your core aching for any sort of friction to satiate this newfound urge. You cuddled under almost every blanket on the bed and pushed the thoughts deep down, far away from where they were right now before you force yourself to go to sleep.
You were doing well keeping the thoughts deep deep down, getting better and better at it as time went by. If anyone noticed the longing stares you occasionally sent towards Joel they didn't say anything and for that you were grateful. That's why you were surprised when Maria pulled you to the side one day, asking how long you and Joel had been "dating" or whatever the equivalent of dating was in the end of the world. The look on your face was one of pure confusion and she quickly realized her mistake. "Oh, I'm so sorry. The way he looks at you...I guess I misunderstood the situation." She says and you took a moment before shaking your head quickly. "Oh, I'm...no don't apologize. There's nothing going on between Joel and I, but I appreciate you even caring enough to pull me to the side." You smiled, removing yourself from the situation as quickly as you could.
    What did she mean the way Joel looked at you? Nothing seemed different, you would feel his eyes on you but his face would be empty, stoic. No evidence of any sort of feelings. Maria's question had been a catalyst though, and if you found yourself in a room with Joel alone your thoughts were completely overwhelmed by him. The strong scent of dust, leather, and musk taking over your senses and the urge to be close to him taking over. You found yourself leaning into his side when you were standing side by side, if it was your turn to do laundry you took extra time to wash his flannels, it was like a magnetic pull from your very core to anything that had to do with Joel. It became a lot more obvious to everyone around you as well. Ellie teased you constantly about your "crush" on Joel, wiggling her eyebrows when Joel turned away and she caught you staring. You knew the day was coming that either Joel would catch you staring or overhear Ellie teasing you but you couldn't help it at this point.
    It was movie night and normally Joel wouldn't show but Ellie had begged him to come because 'the movie is basically about your life,' meaning it was about a grumpy cowboy and Ellie thought it'd be funny to see Joel's reaction when he realized. You weren't planning on going, especially because Joel was going and you felt like you needed a moment to breathe without him in your space. All that flew out the window when he entered your room the afternoon before. His hair was combed back and still wet from his shower and he had a fresh flannel on with his normal jeans and boots. You noticed that his mouth was moving but for a solid minute you were so focused on the facial hair along his jaw you were not paying attention to his words in the slightest. "Are you listening? You coming tonight or not?" He asks, patience running a little thin. "Huh? Oh yeah I'll be there. Sorry, got a little distracted." You smile, watching him just stare at you oddly before nodding and walking out of the room. Fuck. Me.
It's official, you were going absolutely crazy. There was no other reason to explain the way you were acting. You walk over to Maria and Tommy's, asking Maria if you could borrow a dress for movie night. She gave you a knowing smile and let you pick one out of her closet. You thanked her over and over before heading back home to start getting ready. You told Joel & Ellie to head to the movie without you and you'd just meet up with them a little bit later. Your heart had skipped a beat when Joel double checked that you were okay to head over yourself but you assured him quickly and then locked yourself in the bathroom. Joel would have scolded you if he knew how much hot water you used for your shower but that's why you made him go ahead of you. You tried on the dress, staring at yourself in the mirror in shock. You hadn't had the opportunity to dress up this way since you were 18, almost 10 years ago and you had completely forgotten how it felt. The silhouette of the dress was absolutely beautiful and you racked your brain thinking of something to trade with Maria just to be able to wear this dress more than once. You dug through the drawers and cabinets in the bathroom, finding some beyond expired makeup to use. You put a little blush on your cheeks and used an old lipstick you had found and cleaned off. That's as far as you were comfortable with going with old makeup but you thought you looked pretty.
    You pull on your winter coat and boots, chuckling at the look of your beautiful dress drowned out by a whole bunch of brown. You lock up the house and trudged through the snow on the way to the "theater". Walking in, you spot Ellie with her friend's and you give her a wave, noticing her do a double take at you and raise an eyebrow. You look away quickly and search for Joel, spotting him in the back on a bench looking miserable. You walk towards him, catching his eye and you don't miss the way his mouth falls open and his eyes widen slightly. You give him a small smile, taking a deep breath before shrugging off your coat to reveal your dress.
    You were fairly sure you could hear Ellie from across the auditorium say 'holy shit' and that made you laugh a little bit. You glance back over at Joel and he was practically gawking at you now. You had never seen him look the way he did, especially at you, and the butterflies fluttering in your stomach were doing fucking gymnastics. You lay your coat on the bench and sit down next to him. Normally you wouldn't wait for him to speak but at the moment you were a big bundle of nerves and knew you'd for sure stumble on your words. Unbeknownst to you, Joel was dealing with the same feeling. He was never a man of many words but the moment he saw the makeup that lightly dusted your face his mind was simultaneously running a million miles a minute while also completely blank.
    "You-uh." He muttered, clearing his throat. "Where'd ya find that dress?" He asks, mentally face palming. You bit down on your lip and played with the hem of it, unsure of how he really felt about it. "Oh, I looked through Maria's closet...I don't know why I just felt like getting a little dressed up." You explain quietly, glancing up at him through your lashes. He nods, clearing his throat "Well, you look nice." He says, avoiding eye contact and he seemed to become over interested in the movie. You smile a little bit, thanking him in a small voice before turning to focus on the screen. You catch Maria's eyes and she gives you two thumbs up, wiggling her eyebrows in a similar fashion to the way Ellie did. You blush a little and give her a small smile in response.
    From the side of your vision you could see that Joel's head kept glancing over towards you every few moments. Every time he did, your cheeks flushed and you became even more self aware of how you looked in the dress. You were more than sure that if you had gone out in this dress before everything happened that you would 100% be hit on, not even in a full of yourself way, just simply the cut of the dress. Your chest was accentuated nicely and it fit your waist like you had specifically bought it in your size. In a wave of feeling overwhelmed you lay your head on Joel's shoulder, feeling him tense against your touch but soon after relax. You might have been imagining it but you almost felt him lean into your touch, his head laying against your own for just a moment. That was until Tommy walks over, causing Joel to stiffen up his back and away from you.
    You felt your cheeks heat up, this time with embarrassment though at the move that felt like pure rejection. You pull your coat from underneath you and wrap it around yourself as he approaches the both of you. Tommy gives you a small smile, glancing between you and Joel. "Maria told me you were looking for a dress, you look real nice." He says kindly and you blush a little. "Oh, thank you so much, Tommy. Yeah, I was so excited that Maria had any! I have to find something to trade so I can keep this one." You joke and Joel clears his throat "We need to keep everything we have." He mumbles and you're sure you physically deflate. "Oh...yeah. No, I was just only joking.." You say, clearing your throat awkwardly.
    Tommy watches the situation, raising an eyebrow before calling Maria over with his hand. He leans into her ear and whispers something before Maria speaks up. "Oh! Sweetie, the dress is all yours. No need to trade or anything. If you feel pretty, it's all worth it. I told Tommy when you walked in that I am pretty sure it was made exactly for you." She smiles and you are overwhelmed with the kindness both her and Tommy were showing you. You stood up and pulled her into a big hug, leaning over and giving Tommy a small hug as well. "Thank you guys, really. We're all so grateful that you're even letting us stay here, it's been truly lovely." Tommy shakes his head quickly, his arm finding itself around Maria's waist where you quickly imagined feeling Joel's arm on your own waist. "The three of you are family, you will always have a place to stay."
    "Obviously you won't see me in a dress like...ever but you make me want to play dress up." Ellie jokes, leading the group of you into the house before grabbing your hand and spinning you around while the two of you laugh loudly. You catch a glimpse of Joel watching you two with the softest look you had ever seen on his face. Your heart swelled and you reached your hand out to pull him in to spin with you and Ellie. He does for a moment until you accidentally tripped on the rug and fell into his chest, his hands holding you up by your waist. "I think that's my cue to leave." Ellie says, her footsteps fading upstairs and to her room. The situation you were in had your heart racing and you could feel Joel's own thumping to the same rhythm.
    You stare up at him, letting yourself gain hope that this was finally the time something would happen between the two of you. For a moment it seemed like he was leaning in but something switched in his eyes and you felt his hands fall from your waist. "You can find a place to keep that dress, it won't fit with our stuff when we leave." He said, pulling away before walking into the kitchen. You were shocked, feeling your eyes tear up as you felt the heartache take over once again. Before you had realized your feelings for Joel it was confusing when he did this but now it hurt. You sniffle, taking a deep breath before going to the doorway of the kitchen. "How many times are we going to do this?"
    "Do what?" He grumbles, already nursing a glass of whiskey that Tommy had gifted the two of you. You furrowed your eyebrows while shaking your head "This! You give me signals that something may happen but then as soon as we're close to something you pull away. Do you want me Joel? Or not." Your whole body froze, tense as you awaited his answer. You felt like this could change everything, regardless of his answer. "No." Was all he said, and the heartache grew tenfold as you let his answer sink in. You nod, avoiding his gaze "Okay, have a good night." You whisper, going up to your room and locking the door behind you.
    You fall down the door, tears spilling down your cheeks as you wrapped your arms around your legs and let all the emotions out. Of the few moments he had shown you that he might be interested there were so many more that had shown you he didn't but you still got your hopes up that maybe, just maybe he shared the same feelings you did. You hear a knock on your door, much too gentle to be Joel so you stood up to open it, being greeted with Ellie who walked in and locked the door behind her. "So...I heard what happened. I am just shocked because I really thought that there was something there? Are you okay?" She asks and you sit down on the bed, wiping your tears away with a nod. "I'll be okay, a little tears can be good for the soul. I don't want you to worry about any of this, I'll be fine. You worry about your friends, girls, things that teenagers are supposed to worry about."
    "Hey, I know what its like to be heartbroken and...you're like a...well a mom to me honestly." She admits quietly, fiddling with her fingers. "I don't want you to be upset." She sighs and you stand up, pulling her into a big hug. "Your heart is too big, I swear." You smile, processing the confession she had just made to you. It helped put everything in perspective, yeah you were surviving but this had always been about Ellie and her future, simple as that. "I love you, and Joel like family and this is just a little hiccup. Things will go on like normal, I shouldn't have even let myself have a silly little crush anyways." You smile sadly, walking her to her room. "How about you and I go see the horses tomorrow? We can go visit Shimmer." You offer, and she nods excitedly. "Yes, please! Let's go." She says and you say your good nights, shutting her door before turning around to go back to your room. You see Joel at the top of the stairs and know that it was fully apparent that you had been crying. "Goodnight, Joel."
     It felt trivial, crying yourself to sleep over a man while just outside the walls of the commune you were staying in life had almost completely ceased to exist. You felt selfish, like you had been able to endure and survive for the last 12 years yet here you were feeling like your prom date had stood you up and when you found him at the dance he was in the arms of someone else. You didn't think Joel would be interested in anyone else either so that was a small comfort that you wouldn't just see him with some random woman from the commune. At least you hoped that you wouldn't.
    You got a few hours of sleep but you were up at 5 am, unable to rest any longer. You hung up the dress, hiding it in the back of the closet so it would be harder to see it and be reminded of what happened. You didn't have any group chores today but you needed something to do to keep yourself busy. You deep cleaned your bathroom and bedroom, going downstairs afterwards to do the same to the kitchen and living room. After about an hour you heard a door click from upstairs and hear heavy footsteps coming down the stairs. You took a deep breath, preparing yourself to put on a happy face and fake it till you make it. You look up when he steps into the kitchen and bit down on your lip. Of course he was freshly showered and looked extremely handsome. Fucker, he was too handsome.
    "Good morning! I got some more instant coffee from Maria this morning and the water should still be hot on the stove." You said, going back to sweeping the floor. The memories of last night were hanging in the air, like a thick cloud of smoke threatening to fill the room at any moment. "Thank you." He says, trying his hardest to keep his voice soft. "Ellie and I are going to the stables today, I figured we should go check up on Shimmer and we could use some bonding time today." You say quietly, smiling at the memory of what Ellie had told you the previous night. You wanted so badly to tell Joel but things still felt weird and you didn't want any reason for things to get worse.
    "Good idea, Tommy and I are going on a run." He comments and your head snaps up quickly. You hadn't been aware that they were planning a run and your stomach filled with dread. You opened your mouth to tell him that you could join them but you stopped yourself, know that wouldn't be the smartest idea. "Oh..how long will you be gone?" You kept your voice steady, proud of yourself for how normal you sounded. "Couple days. Shouldn't take too long, heading up North for a lead on some weapons and medicine." He explains and you nod slowly. "Well, um. Make sure you say goodbye to Ellie before you go, and you guys be safe. We need you coming back in one piece." You sigh, glancing up at him. There was another soft look on his face, but it felt almost pitiful and you couldn't stand the idea that he pitied you. He was about to speak when Ellie walked into the kitchen. "Woahhhh, what happened in here? Talk about tension!" She laughs, play punching Joel's arm. You smile a bit, not wanting to seem off for her sake. "Good luck, Joel. Ellie, I'm going to get ready to go." You said, leaning the broom against the wall and leaving the kitchen for Joel to say his quick goodbyes.
    It was day 5 of Joel and Tommy being gone, already too long in your opinion and you were anxious every moment that they weren't walking through those gates safe and sound. Both Maria and Ellie tried to calm you down, explaining that the men had been on runs that were much longer than this but this just felt different. You knew every one of the people on the run were more than capable of keeping themselves alive and safe but Joel was out there. Your Joel. You spend your days helping out at the shops near the gate so you'd be the first one to see when they came back, and your nights were full of a few too many drinks in the kitchen so you'd actually be able to sleep. The pitied look in Ellie's face when she had come into your bedroom and saw you curled up in one of Joel's flannels that he had left was embarrassing but the only thing you could do was shrug, hiding your face.    
    For the first time in years you felt absolutely helpless. You had done just fine keeping yourself safe and sane before you met Joel but now it felt like he was just a part of you, the same way Ellie was. Ellie had come into the room at about 6 am on the next day, shaking your shoulder to tell you that Joel and Tommy had just arrived home. You jumped up, staying in your pajamas and Joel's flannel before pulling on some boots and immediately leaving the house to go see them. You didn't even question why Ellie had been up so early, focused on seeing Joel safe with your own eyes. The moment you saw him you yelled his name, his eyes had been searching and when they landed on you he visibly relaxed.
    Despite the anxiety and the way things had been left 6 days prior you followed the urge to run towards him, wrapping your hands around his neck and pulling him close to you as if he'd disappear if you let go. "Don't leave for so long again." You whispered and you felt his arms snake around your waist, his breath fanning over your neck and you could feel him nod. After a long moment, you pulled away with your cheeks tinted pink as you looked around at many of the people you knew just watching the two of you. You clear your throat and take a solid look at Joel now, eyes widening when you saw quite a large blood stain on the side of his shirt. You were right by his side again, lifting up his shirt despite him trying to tell you over and over that he was fine and it had just been a cut. It was a solid gash on his side and you just pull him to follow you to the house.
    Once inside, you help him lay on the couch and kneel on the side after grabbing your first aid kit. You were reminded of the first time you had done this, reminiscing the good bits before things went weird. "You're wearing my shirt." Joel comments and you blush, glancing down at the flannel and then back to Joel. "Oh, I just..I had just grabbed something. I'm sorry." You say, and he shakes his head. "It looks better on you than me, don't apologize." He says and you just nod slowly, focusing back on disinfecting his wound. Things were quiet for a while after that, besides some small winces and groans from Joel as you worked on his side. "You really scared me, being gone for so long." You said quietly, almost more so to yourself than you did to him. You felt his hand wrap around your forearm gently and your eyes found his. "I can't do this without you."
    You watched as his hand moved from your arm and up to push some hair out of your face. You let your eyelids flutter close and you exhale softly, skin burning everywhere that he touched. You feel his thumb brush across your bottom lip and your heart races as you wait to see what would happen next. "I missed you out there, almost cut the trip short a few times just to come back to my girls." He says and your heart ached. This was what you had been hoping for for so long, his hands on you and his words so soft and sweet your brain felt foggy. You watch him sit up as best as he could, leaning forward and the moment his lips brush against yours the front the door slams open and you both jump away from each other. Ellie had helped put the horses away and in true child fashion, she had come in at the worst possible time. You let out the breath that you had been holding and quickly finished bandaging Joel's wound before you stood up and let Ellie come over. "Dude am I happy to see you, This one over here barely left her bed unless she absolutely had to." She teases, even though it was far from just a joke. You felt guilty for leaving Ellie to fend for herself the past few days, even if you know she would happily tell you that she could do more things on her own. You roll your eyes playfully and shake your head "You keep telling Joel all about my few days in bed, I'm going to go make us breakfast."
    You felt Joel's eyes on you as you walked into the kitchen, stepping out of the way of the doorway before leaning against the wall. You couldn't believe what had just happened? You weren't sure what changed while he was gone but the way your skin still burned from where he had touched you and the fact that you could still feel his breath against your lips, you couldn't believe the way it was finally so close yet still so far. You compose yourself the best you can, going to get out some of the bacon and eggs Maria had gifted you three a few days prior and decided to wing a recipe for some sort of quiche thing. When you were used to 12 year old canned food, this was going to be nice and refreshing compared to what you were all used to.
    You made Joel some coffee, setting up the table for the three of you before heading back into the living room to admire Ellie and Joe curled up and joking back and forth. You smiled to yourself as you watch them, seeing Joel's eyes wander to you. He attempts sitting up and you walk over, both you and Ellie helping him up. "Come on, old man. Let's get you up." Ellie teases and Joel muttered something back to her before getting up. "Breakfast will be ready in 10, Ellie go clean up before we eat." You say and she goes to fight before Joel shoots her a look that has her marching up the stairs to her room. You help Joel the rest of the way to the dining table and letting him sit down, putting down his coffee in front of him.
    "I didn't get to tell you before you left, but the other night Ellie told me she sees me as her mom.." You smile, eyes watering slightly at the memory. "I swear I nearly cried when she said it, I thought about it all night." You say, leaving out the fact that you were mostly up because of Joel, but that wasn't important now. You sit on the chair across from him while you wait for the food to bake. Joel had a small smile on his face, sipping his coffee as he watched you. "You're a great mother to her. We're both very lucky to have you with us." You were speechless, your heart so full in that moment. Joel had never expressed anything near this and you were sure you'd be replaying this moment over and over forever. You lean over and plant a kiss on his cheek, smiling wider at the way his eyes crinkled at the corners. You hear Ellie jog downstairs, randomly stopping by you to give both you and Joel a hug before sitting in the chair next to him. "What was that for?"
"You guys just mean a lot to me."
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coindraws · 1 year
Life Update
I just saw the new tumblr layout on desktop for the first time and wtf ↙️ put it back
Thank you so much for 3,400 Followers?? 😭idk what y'all are doing here but have fun
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3. I handed in my bachelor's thesis a few days ago and I hope that I'll pass 😳 I'll probably receive the result sometime in September and then I need to do some more organizational stuff until I receive my bachelor's degree
4. I'm gonna move to France (again) next week and start my master's degree in September. My courses don't start until the 18th, so I still have some free time left
Otherwise I hope y'all are doing well!! I remember the days when I first started studying seriously which was almost 4 years ago🧍🏼‍♀️
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evaajacksxo · 11 months
[ACFTL SPOILERS AHEAD, read at ur own risk]
basically, acftl was a disappointment, i feel like most people feel that way right now 😭
the first 60% of the book was perfect, but something bad happened in that last part idk what stephanie did there 😭 i understand she decided to change the end at the last minute, but honestly i would have waited longer if it meant we got a less rushed and more developed conclusion to the trilogy. (like stephanie baby if u were struggling you should have just pushed it back more, it would have been worth it i swear)
the whole thing about eva’s love being the cure to jacks’s curse was a huge cop out, and the plot surrounding the two trees was just weird and unnecessary. when we all saw that map with the tree of souls i feel like we all had the same idea that the tree would be the explanation for how jacks became a fate in the first place. and yet 🧍🏼‍♀️
the book focused far too much on apollo and his weird, rushed attempt at a corruption arc. the end was super anticlimactic, and after reading the waterstones epilogue, i really hope stephanie isn’t gonna give us an apollo book bc his character is so flat and BOOOOORING!!!!! his chapters added nothing to the story for me, and in fact it made the book feel totally different from the other two. not enough focus was placed on eva and jacks, and instead we had to hear waaaay too much about apollo and his daddy issues and his attempt at being an ass kisser to the valours. the book as a whole just didn’t serve as a conclusion for me and left me with more questions.
also the lack of a big love confession from jacks just had my enjoyment of the book dead in the water by that point 💔 this is a character who has spent many years having his heart broken repeatedly, being unable to feel love or receive love without killing people, and watching the girl he finally fell for die in his arms, and you’re telling me all he had to say was “i love you,”…..like cmon!!! he said more to tella than he did to evangeline and he apparently doesn’t even remember what tella looks like!
plus….what happened to the whole deal about how fates became human once they fell in love? why was this left as a gaping plot hole? i was very frustrated when the “epilogue” (if you wanna call whatever that was an epilogue) called jacks “not-so-human”……so like…..is eva gonna eventually die and jacks just ends up alone again? like where was the closure?
the last 40% was such a clusterfuck and it is really glaringly obvious that stephanie was either rushing to meet the deadline, or more focused on her new project to focus on finishing the finale of ouabh. it’s really sad to see, especially after waiting so long to read it! it’s wild that most of the fan theories i’ve been seeing the past nine months have wound up being more fitting than the actual ending 😭
(also, where the fuck was LUC??)
but yeah, the first 60% was enjoyable enough for me that i ended up giving it 4 stars. if i really let my head rate it i’d probably give it 3 or maybe 2.5 🤔 it really disappointed me.
idk if anyone else agrees or cares abt my ramblings but i just had to put smth out after seeing others get angry at people who didn’t enjoy the book 🤷🏼‍♀️
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tiredmamaissy · 1 year
Alright alright I have more coffee in my system now
Second option for the would you rather
BU THERES SO MANY VARIABLES??? He’s making you breakfast so is Jake human or na’vi atp? I’m going with na’vi cause clearly I have a type
The smell alone would probably wake you up. Once he’d notice you were awake he’d grab the fresh cooked eggs he was preparing for you off the hot stone, transferring them into a make shift plate as he made his way over to you. Jake would help you sit up and would feed you breakfast in bed….
And maybe a bit of runny yolk would drip down your chin, to which he would sweep up with his index finger. You stop him as he’s about to discard the substance off on his thigh, bringing the food covered finger to your lips, licking off the egg yolk making sure to hold his gaze as you did.
Jake would suddenly put the plate off to the side before lowering himself down between your legs, hooking your legs over his shoulders, fingers nimbly moving your loincloth to the side, “Don’t you think I deserve to eat too?”
I-🧍🏼‍♀️… is this too much? Idk I need more coffee it’s too early for this(to be this horned up)👁️‍🗨️👄👁️‍🗨️
LOL (clearly i have a type) THANK YOU FOR BLESSING US WITH THIS BABE now im horned up too :') cus fuck, yes you do jake. yes you do.
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vampirecorset · 8 months
🕸️⋆˖⁺‧₊☽𝕵𝖚𝖘𝖙 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖋𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖓𝖉𝖑𝖞 𝖓𝖊𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖇𝖔𝖗𝖍𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝖙𝖎𝖈𝖐𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖍 𝖛𝖆𝖒𝖕𝖎𝖗𝖊☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ 🕸️
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So I guess I should probably do an intro- (read this then scroll for my t-word info)
Im Not new here… like at all
Been on tumblr for a couple of years now
Butttt I dooo need to explain what I’m about on this blog, and why not with an intro post!!
So hi my name is Chloe, not bedda that’s just the word for pretty in Sicilian
I’m mostly Sicilian and native but I’m also Irish and German so ye
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Tickling for this blog is completely… erhh drum roll please-
And please understand by that I just don’t allow nudity or sexual content, like I’m perfectly fine with t-word torture and intensity but if it’s pörn then nah no thanks.
Also another big bullet point, uh guys-
*surprised picachu face*
I’m a 16 year old, and I have my birthday in said bio.
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Fun facts about me, let’s goooo!
I’m a Roman Catholic! Please don’t worry, I really do keep in mind to respect others no matter who they are or believe in so don’t be worried hun I won’t harass you lmao
Mm I’d say my style is more vampire romantic goth, kinda 90s goth if you will
I speak a Little German and I’m learning Sicilian and Cherokee as of rn!! So if I say any of those languages on there and I say some thing wrong please inform me :)
My favorite animal is a Siberian tiger 🐅
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Those are the genocides I worry about the most, however I will reblog what information I find about others
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I’m 10000000% lee, I’m not gonna be your ler so sorry pfft
I’m don’t mind teases dm to me or in asks, in fact please please PLEASE send me asks and fic recommendations!!
I’ve never been tickled in real life sooo I have no idea where I’m the most ticklish at 🧍🏼‍♀️
I think my fav tool with have to be a good old fashioned feather
And honestly if I had to guess I feel like I’m the type of person to have a ticklish belly button so…
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But I’m always gonna be the lee cause your girl is a horrible ler
Btw when it comes to messages, I’m very  inconsistent with responding cause I’m a busy Highschooler in all honors classes
So please don’t take offense if I don’t answer, sometimes I’m not ready to reply and sometimes I get nervous so please be patient
Id consider myself a shy person too so don’t be surprised when you gotta tease first or make the first move cause Yeahh 😭
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My fandoms‼️‼️
•Heathers (the movie and musical)
•Fire Emblem
•Fairy Tail
•Seraph of the End
•Vampire Knight
•The Case study of Vanitas
•Monster High
•Avril Lavigne
•Welcome Home
•Demon Slayer
•Obey Me!
•Ouran High School Host Club
•SpongeBob Musical
•Legally Blonde
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January, 26th, 2024
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dreamtydraw · 1 year
hi!! <3
I just saw you made touchstarved stickers and I'm literally vibrating out of happiness!!
as soon as my other stickers arrive I'll order them immediately!! <3
(if they're still there by then :<)
PLANT ANON ! Hello again, your ask is perfect for me to talk about my stickers.
To keep price that low i have the chance of making my own stickers from an access of free printing on sticker paper. Sadly i will soon leave the place where i am allowed to freely print them so i will not restock after mid may. Worry not i will make a big restock before it and add at least 2 new sets + Additonal stikers of already existing character such as Adult Cove and Step 3 Baxter( the new sets will be Obey Obey me chibi head set and one still not selected ).
I will open poll for possible stickers
After that if a sticker is not available on my kofi it's done for good. As i know i will still have some stocks i'll probably host free giveaway and i'll be done with selling stickers.
I had a lot of fun and won a bit of spare money that i was more than grateful to receive. My first intention was to make stickers of fandom that don't have merch to share it with friends and other fans. Making the prices affordable was also something i intended because i know what it feels like to be broke ok 🧍🏼‍♀️
Anywhoozie this was a great adventure on my behalf and if i ever get to re do it i'll do ! I love packing letters and knowing that somwhere in the world, someone has a little bit of art i made that makes them happy.
Lot of love plant anon and everyone who read !
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creepweirdo · 1 year
9 people you'd like to get to know better
tagged by @currentlyonstandbi ❤️❤️❤️ thank you so much !! ahahah loved reading your answers
last song: (💀🤚) omg HAHAHA it's boys light up by chillinit HDKDJDJJD ive been in my aussie rap era 😭😭😭
favourite colour: ahahahah yesss have to say black, but if people are being pedantic then sage green
currently watching: nothing really at the moment 😪 i don't have time for shows !!
last movie: talk to me 🧍🏼‍♀️🧍🏼‍♀️ AND IT TRAUMATISED ME !!!! i wake up in the middle of the night and im scared to look at the corner of my bedroom 🤚
currently reading: (also a star wars book) brotherhood by mike chen !! ahahahha it's been kind of a slow "read" bc i listen to the audiobook while i walk my dog ahahah. but im really loving it so far ❤️
sweet, savoury, or spicy: hmmmmm probably savoury bc that includes salty and im obsessed with salt sjkdksk
relationship status: 😪😪😪😪🤚 singleeeee
currently obsessions: HSJDJJDJD my family would probably say cricket 💀🤚 but me my dad and brother have all been watching it together so it's a collective obsession 🙄
last thing i googled: "australia v netherlands" and "thiruvananthapuram rain radar" ,,,, no cricket for me to watch tonight 💔 it's getting rained outttttt (WAIT OMG IN THE TIME IT TOOK ME TO EDIT THIS I THINK ITS ON !!!! YIPPIE !!!)
currently working on: myself 🤓☝️ ahahah ive been trying to eat better and exercise more ahahaha
im gonna tag some recent mutuals! don't feel like you have toooo ❤️ @snoopypilled @invisiblemonsters @kenromshiv @softhoursactivated @filmforwomen @asleepawake @milksoplivefeed
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surrealsunday · 2 years
SO I FINALLY CAUGHT UP THR LAST THREE CHAPTERS AND WOW- so much to say ngl and kinda glad you split chap6-7 in two, very grateful for that :))). okay so little rambling time ahah
• chapter 5: what a rollercoaster on its own holy shit! it went from weird vibe, flirting to quickly escalate to an argument and then to sth very intense with the last scene 😏 but as always i really loved it! the first scene with basile and eliott’s interaction made me smile ngl, like i said earlier their dynamic would have been so worth showing in the show 👌🏻 also the flirting part when eliott is just staring at lucas’ face and blushing when he notices 🥺 my baby 🥺and that line im so obsessed and soft pls “no need when Lucas is sitting in the sun looking like that - like a fallen angel. Fallen perhaps because no one who looks that sinfully good could ever remain untouched in heaven.”
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oh yeah also idriss with manon…seriously one of my fav thing💗 elu’s hug at the end with the “it can wait” warmed my heart, i smiled like an idiot sjsbsb
• chapter 6: probably one of my fav chapter! i love how they’re already so gone for eo (literally), their teasing is exquisite every time omg i love them sm 🤌🏻 also the moment when lucas explained the thing with ch*rles…i never wanted to punch someone that hard in the face, seriously sbsjdbd i kept repeating “wanna slap him omg i so wanna slap him”, and then eliott saying “i will kill him”, like same bestie!! 😭 also idk if it’s just me but you can already see that kind of domesticity between them, like it’s as if they’ve been tgt for years dbdjdb
• chapter 7: again. the rollercoaster that chapter was! eliott wanting to look nice for lucas 🥺 lucas taking the initiative to hold hands with eliott and saying “i feel safe with you” I DIED OF CUTENESS PLS. also basike drunk is so fucking funny LMAOO, he’s such a mood here 🤣
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plus, that moment where eliott learns lucas wants to move out from his fam house and he already can see them living their little cosy life tgt doing domestic stuff, my heart just explode he loves him so much 🥺 they’re gonna be the death of me, in every universe istg 😭
the fact i already knew what was coming but still- it was hard, very hard 🥲 like i couldn’t stop nervously laugh knowing what’s gonna happen. but then even that “sack of shit” said those words omg 😭 i imagined the look of lucas’ face, how he was feeling,…i felt so fucking bad and wanted to hug him forever🤧 i literally screamed and insult him even more, then queen daphy bite the crap out of him 😌 and then again, u broke me with “i hate u more”
little summary of my mood throughout this chapter:
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they better figure everything out quick or imma jump into this story and lock them in a room to have a proper talk lmaoo. no but seriously i know they’re gonna be okay but still this moment is tough, but worth it 😌
anyways, i hope you’ll have a nice nye’s celebration and wish you the best for this new year! (also never more looked forward to get the new update than now ngl, i kinda feel hollow now 🧍🏼‍♀️🤣)
Omg adlkfjasdlkfj your reactions and memes are just the actual best and I'm dying 😂😂😂❤️️❤️️❤️️.
The line you pulled out of chapter 5 (Lucas as a fallen angel), literally how accurate tho? Eliott was so right for that.
I love how much so many people loved chapter 6 ☺️! I didn't really have a fave chapter in this fic but peoples reactions to that one made me appreciate it so much more. And wanting to punch Charles... very much a mood. I was forever grateful that him getting punched was something that actually happens in the movie. I was happy to stay true to that. I also agree that they settle very quickly into comfortable domestic vibes. That's definitely the point. That instant comfort that comes from being around the right person. It's the same vibe in the next chapter when Eliott is immediately imagining them living together. He's right that it's a little ridiculous to be thinking about something like that when he and Lucas are still so new, but when it's the right person, it's the right person. And there's really no timeline when that's the case.
Lucas deserves all the hugs though, it is true. Poor bub is definitely going through it 🥺. Let himself fall for the 'cool hot guy' again and got so much more badly hurt. Lucas's last line though... ngl... I love it 😌. Truly a fave for me.
Your moodboard throughout the chapter tho 😂😂😂. Yeah that seems about right. Exactly what I was looking to evoke too. The 'laughing nervously' one makes me seriously lol.
Thank you so much for sending your thoughts! I love love love reading what you were thinking!!!
I hope you have a lovely New Year's as well! I will be doing nothing (which is how I like it) aside from maybe a fun makeup look for nobody but my cat. I really do need to work on the next chapter tho so that is the goal for the next couple days!
Happy New Year to you too! 🥳💗💗💗💗
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baekhvuns · 2 years
Rip Baek, they wanna make you an American football stan 🤡 I never understood Super Bowl tbh, some performances aren't even good anyway
Lol you're saying the Mbappe x RM saga will finally end? If he plays and behaves well be my guest, but it's on sight Kylian!!!
It's always sad seeing top players struggle in the NTs, because they're doing all the work. The disproportion is really big. I can't blame other players since a lot of them don't play in CL clubs, but it's so embarrassing sometimes 😭
So brother Baek could've been a cricket star?! Omg damn that injury sounds nasty though. I don't know shit about cricket actually. Tbf my wrist was already twisted because of another evil team ball sport called HANDBALL. My spaghetti arms couldn't take it lolol, I'm decent at basketball though! I did break two of my fingers while playing, but 😅
Pique thinks he's a spy or a detective trying to "expose" RM every 4 months, let it go... I can't believe Shakira got with him, girl??? I had to show some of the best football moments to my ignorant USA friend and I ofc sent her the Zidane headbutt and Suarez biting, culture <3
It happens every year so I don't think Salah cares? Good for him, but on the other hand I'd just stop posting at this point, cause the comments are getting worse and worse
Harry Kane being a disappointment isn't anything new lmao. Believe it or not, but I unfortunately have some Spurs fans among my friends and they're often mad at him
Omg, yeah see suddenly everyone knows everyone. Bestie I don't go to weddings, but I probably heard the songs you've mentioned, got me all curious 👀 Riverdale was filmed near you?! I'm so sorry, that's so bad 😩
Is the Yunho fic hot & cold too then? How's it going?
Hwa is a mystery, because no way he wouldn't be able to take Hongjoong down. Sometimes he does this though, soooo 🤔 runner Hwa AU... I'm manifesting
I hope Hwa will be able to attend EXO's concert 🤞🏻 I wouldn't mind a free ticket either, heh. Uhmmm wow, Neymar Jeongin stan... I better not see him at EXO World though
That radio clip of Seonghwa, I'm starting at nose ☺
Seonghwa stans Taemin and Taemin is Jesus, Taemin has passed his role to Seonghwa! But why did Woo say the choreography is tough, but Hwa said otherwise lmao. Maybe Seonghwa isn't doing anything 😭
Btw this person spoke the truth a fear, but they're booing them ausyshshjsjsjsbababsb. If they saw our opinions ☠ can't say shit on that app, because everything is anti behaviour
Halazia on the other hand seems nice, at least in contrast to Paradgim, idk if I'll be obsessed cause I'm used to them spoiling half the song so I'm not sure how I feel yet ajuduwuwsjjsjssjs, but everyone's already calling it SOTY ofc 😭 the performance spoilers what's going oooooon, feathers?! My issue is the cb is at 6am my time AGAIN???!!!! What happened to later comebacks, fuck America I know it's all for Billboard!!! 😭
LMAO gitl, so someone asked if the person on my lockscreen was my girlfriend??? And it's Christmas kitty Hwa I almost died
Oh he... yeah so anyway 🧍🏼‍♀️🧎🏼‍♀️
Wait what's the god save the queen option about 😭 anyways I'm a communist, honestly I got called one more times that I can count so 🤷🏼‍♀️
hi helloo!!
Rip Baek, they wanna make you an American football stan 🤡 I never understood Super Bowl tbh, some performances aren't even good anyway //// Lol you're saying the Mbappe x RM saga will finally end? If he plays and behaves well be my guest, but it's on sight Kylian!!!
LMFAOOOO 😭😭😭 u will never catch me being one <3 id probably get whooped if i ever put on the american football in this ethnic household fbwndbej,,,, i AM SAYING PERHAPS partially bc at psg he gets the recognition and if he were to move it,,, he’d have to share it the spotlight but since he gets his fair share of it psg iM HYPOTHESIZING that he will not leave unless ronaldo pulls up that is dbd  
and also pelé??? 😭😭🤚🏻 vivienne westwood???
It's always sad seeing top players struggle in the NTs, because they're doing all the work. The disproportion is really big. I can't blame other players since a lot of them don't play in CL clubs, but it's so embarrassing sometimes 😭
yEAAAH! it’s cringe to even watch, i skipped so many of porto’s matches bc of it inconsistency in the plays and the ups and downs,,, if i compare them to argentina u could tell they all worked in a TEAM even if they got messi in, for porto it was like ronaldo was the only one being the definition of TEAM but when he’s benched it just crumbled,,, but i guess a lot of them have an experience now and hopefully put up a great fight next wc!
So brother Baek could've been a cricket star?! Omg damn that injury sounds nasty though. I don't know shit about cricket actually. Tbf my wrist was already twisted because of another evil team ball sport called HANDBALL. My spaghetti arms couldn't take it lolol, I'm decent at basketball though! I did break two of my fingers while playing, but 😅
fhandhwk nO bc we were REALLY onto him being one but then everyone kept pressuring him saying you’d be on tv and then the ball hit his nose and made a bump on it and it was determined he would never <3 dbwnbdsn no its ok cricket’s like football, if u watch it u can tell exactly what’s going on! LMFAOOOO GTFO HANDBALLS SO MUCH FUN HOW THE FUCK DO U FUCK UR WRIST UP PLAYING THAT ANON U MUST BE TWISTING IT AND HITTING ALL THE SCORES 😭😭😭 ronaldo + lewa possessed u i tell u, STOPPP??? ANON??? I WISH U SAW MY FACE WHEN I READ THAT 😭😭😭 anon hOW stop did the ball jam really hard and ur body just gave up 😭😭
Pique thinks he's a spy or a detective trying to "expose" RM every 4 months, let it go… I can't believe Shakira got with him, girl??? I had to show some of the best football moments to my ignorant USA friend and I ofc sent her the Zidane headbutt and Suarez biting, culture <3
NO SRS I WONT BE SURPRISED IF HES SOME TABLOID SOLELY MADE TO EXPOSE RM 😭😭😭 no bc theres like compilations of shakira destroying pique’s emotions and its so funny to watch after the shit he’s done, deserved 🤩 RBQMDBWMCKCK STOP U SHOWED THE BEST THINGS STOP IT FNFNJCKC CULTURE !!!!! CORRECT !!!! literally no one remembers the winners it’s just the headbutt, he def cursed italy ever since dbdb did u show the pep ramos duo 🔫
It happens every year so I don't think Salah cares? Good for him, but on the other hand I'd just stop posting at this point, cause the comments are getting worse and worse
yeah!! like i get religion but ppl also celebrate christmas,,, AND halloween?? it’s not like he’s disrespecting his own religion?? bro just wants to have a good time 😭😭😭 he's having a great season so far too now!
Harry Kane being a disappointment isn't anything new lmao. Believe it or not, but I unfortunately have some Spurs fans among my friends and they're often mad at him Omg, yeah see suddenly everyone knows everyone. Bestie I don't go to weddings, but I probably heard the songs you've mentioned, got me all curious 👀 Riverdale was filmed near you?! I'm so sorry, that's so bad 😩
LMFAOOOO i believe it 100% bc my english cousins were like “disappointed but not surprised actually” 😭😭 omg u must’ve heard his songs! if u didnt go to a hindu wedding bdbd if u watched the movie happy new year? with srk, there’s a track called lovely i think he produced it, he’s worked w/ mr snoop before! tho is songs are primarily from early 20’s! YEAH TRAGIC !!!! ABSOLUTELY TRAGIC I TELL U, constant memories of im a weirdo 🔫🔫
Is the Yunho fic hot & cold too then? How's it going? /// Hwa is a mystery, because no way he wouldn't be able to take Hongjoong down. Sometimes he does this though, soooo 🤔 runner Hwa AU… I'm manifesting
it is hot & cold! banter and silly arguments and a reincarnation of betty white as yunho’s grandmother like the proposal <3 yEAH LIKE NO WAY??? is he just masking his strongness under the humble, nice, oldest persona,,, need him to throw hands,,, runner hwa au,, where he asks the ostracized, once track prodigy for help who shuns him away <3 readers older too!
I hope Hwa will be able to attend EXO's concert 🤞🏻 I wouldn't mind a free ticket either, heh. Uhmmm wow, Neymar Jeongin stan… I better not see him at EXO World though
I HOPE HE DO BC IM EXPECTING HIM TO BE THERE 🔫🔫🔫 BFMWBDKSBDKCKC free ticket is what im hoping for atm bc ik im not getting the tickets 😭😭 they do a raffle thing too all my hope is for that,,, FBWMBDWKKCKC  neymar a kai stan?? 😵‍💫😵‍💫
That radio clip of Seonghwa, I'm starting at nose ☺ //// Seonghwa stans Taemin and Taemin is Jesus, Taemin has passed his role to Seonghwa! But why did Woo say the choreography is tough, but Hwa said otherwise lmao. Maybe Seonghwa isn't doing anything 😭
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taemin is the son of jesus, need to witness him live so bad ill make him my religion on spot fbfb SEONGHWA BECAME JESUS
i am gonna stop
i logged into twt and i
what THE fUCK
Btw this person spoke the truth a fear, but they're booing them ausyshshjsjsjsbababsb. If they saw our opinions ☠ can't say shit on that app, because everything is anti behaviour
they so brave for this bc its no one would wanna admit,, UTOPIA SUPREMACY!!!! LMFAOOOO the comment just under the post 😭😭😭😭
Halazia on the other hand seems nice, at least in contrast to Paradgim, idk if I'll be obsessed cause I'm used to them spoiling half the song so I'm not sure how I feel yet ajuduwuwsjjsjssjs, but everyone's already calling it SOTY ofc 😭 the performance spoilers what's going oooooon, feathers?! My issue is the cb is at 6am my time AGAIN???!!!! What happened to later comebacks, fuck America I know it's all for Billboard!!! 😭
sEEE NOW its def better than paradigm, i do dislike the “hala hala hala halzia” i prefer just the “halaziA” they do with their voices and it’s oomph 🤌🏻 the beat at hongjoong’s rap was sICK,, for a moment the beat drop was like the same type of music as dazzling light bUTTT it was good!! jongho’s vocals great i do think mayhaps there couldve been a chorus where they all sing together and it would be chills w the drop,, it was an almost anti drop in the first half,, ur opinions on it??
LMAO gitl, so someone asked if the person on my lockscreen was my girlfriend??? And it's Christmas kitty Hwa I almost died //// Oh he…  yeah so anyway 🧍🏼‍♀️🧎🏼‍♀️ALSO MINGI'S HAIR IS YELLOW AND RED AGAIN AAAAAAAA
Wait what's the god save the queen option about 😭 anyways I'm a communist, honestly I got called one more times that I can count so 🤷🏼‍♀️
A COMMUNIST 😭😭😭😭 i am a christmas enthusiast <3 heres another!
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NO CAUSE???? WHAT THE HELL???? 😭😭😭😭😭  
bro’s acting
is this not ceo hwa
and im afraid that arrange marriage fic is topping the tier atm…
ikon freedom era and bp going black label?? what IS GOING ON BFFB
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