#I project a lot bc I have a problem w nightmares and such
honeydew-sillies · 1 year
Everything you write about Omori is just so wholesome and cute, I love it so much! I’d love to see a Post-Good ending hc of Kel comforting a depressed Basil with Tickles, hugging, and cuddles, if that’s alright of course? I hope you have a wonderful night!
You're so sweet thank you so much!! And I am SO sorry this took forever I have a hard time maintaining writing motivation for long periods of time
But this is TOTALLY alright, these two are my second favorite duo after Suntan :D Also! I hc Basil as using he/they pronouns, so I switch between those when referring to him.
-Also RW Basil and Kel's dynamic <33
-I imagine that after being isolated for so long, ofc Basil is touch starved but he's also very jumpy and anxious about it, and we all know Kel is probably all over every1 all the time so! It's a slow process 
-Kel is actually surprisingly gentle (he's not as dumb as he acts), and he's the main one who slowly gets Basil more accustomed to positive physical touch
-(Also AU where everything is okay after good ending bc I SAID so !!!!)
-It mainly starts as like an arm around the shoulder, bumping shoulders or legs, ruffling hair, etc.
-As Basil gets more comfortable and confident they start initiating as well (which makes Kel so happy bc Basil has made sm progress and he's so proud of him wtf) 
-Bc Basil also has a really hard time asking for it 
-Slowly Kel kinda re-introduces tickling as a form of affection bc they all used to do it a lot when they were younger just as a form of play and whatnot and Basil was especially fond of it (mainly being on the receiving end) 
-And Basil sort of picks up on the fact that that's still one of Kel's love languages (platonic and not, they mainly see him and Hero engage in tickle fights and it makes them feel very warm bc. they really are the same kids :( ) 
-The tickling thing takes even longer but Kel notices that when Basil initiates/is more clingy he never tries to get away from Kel's mindless fidgeting with his clothes and what not (<- ADHD haver) even tho Kel notices their quiet exhales and smiles 
-Anyway they spend quite a lot of time together after Sunny moves, and naturally Basil takes a bit longer to get accustomed to Aubrey's company (but he does eventually dw)
-So Kel is his main support a lot of the time, and Polly LOVES Kel so it's never a problem when he comes over often (he gets into the habit of helping her w dinner whenever he stays late bc he is silly)
-And ofc Basil is very welcome in Kel's house, he's a bit more hesitant at first bc Kel's parents can be a lot but he loves playing w Hector and he's surprisingly good w babies 
-Ofc Basil still struggles w their mental health a LOT but they see a therapist once a week, and they're on medication that helps stabilize his moods well and let the hallucinations subside and whatnot 
-But he really isn't a fan of the dark
-Whenever the two have sleepovers they fall into the habit of falling asleep holding hands or touching somehow as a form of comfort, and Kel always tries to make sure a closet light or small lamp is on
-Nightmares also aren't rare for Basil unfortunately
-So. one of the first times comfort tickles happen is during a sleepover; they try to have them at least biweekly, switching off houses and sometimes Aubrey tags along too when she can
-The two are just relaxing together on Kel's bed, w the lights off but his bedside lamp on
-He scrolls through his phone w his arm around Basil, who has their arms wrapped around his waist and is laying their head on his chest
-Kel is just rambling about whatever, laughing at the videos and stupid memes coming up on his feed and just filling the silence in a way he knows comforts Basil
-(Forgive me but I am going to project bc I am writing most of this based off experience NNJSCS)
-Except Basil is having one of those moments where he begins to space out, dissociating somewhat but not quite
-At first Kel doesn't notice because he's used to Basil going quiet and just sort of listening
-But when he goes to glance at Basil while showing him a goofy ass photo he found, he notices their eyes have kinda glazed over and they're just staring at nothing while still laying on his chest/side 
-So he gently goes "Basil?" and they blink really fast and come back for a moment, going "O-oh, sorry."
-Kel is like "It's okay! Is... something wrong?" 
-Basil goes quiet for a moment, letting out a hum to let Kel know he heard him, and then he quietly responds "I'm... not sure. I just feel... weird."
-Kel nods and responds again with "That's okay." A tad calmer than he normally would because he knows he needs to be a bit more gentle now, "Is it bad brain stuff again?" 
-Basil nods and their eyes are still partially unfocused due to the disassociating
-He just sort of tucks his face into the crook of Kel's neck and his voice is muffled as he says "Sorry..."
-Kel sets his phone down and hugs Basil back, squeezing him for comfort
-He goes "You don't have to be sorry, Bas. Is there, uhm, anything I can do to help?"
-Basil goes quiet for a moment again, before slightly untucking his face to respond "The hugging helps…"
-So Kel just nods and keeps Basil close 
-Their positions shift a tiny bit as Kel moves from having his back to the wall to facing sideways so him and Basil are facing each other 
-He's got his arms around their waist and their arms are bent so they're pressed into his chest along w their head
-Kel has a hard time just sitting still so at first he sorta rubs comforting circles into Basil's back, but once he stops that his hands drop down and he just kinda fiddles w the edge of their pajama shirt around their lower back
-(Y'all can see where this is going)
-Everyone and their mom knows Basil is the most ticklish of the group by far like. Come on
-So he sort of starts squirming a bit and lets out a huff and at first Kel doesn't notice bc he's sorta daydreaming
-But Basil squeaks a little when Kel's fingers brush underneath his t-shirt around the sides of his back and Kel sorta snaps out of it
-Basil lets out a quiet whine bc. He's comfy and he's trying not to squirm but the feather light touches are SO bad for them
-Kel quietly (as quiet as he can be, being Kel) goes "Oh! My bad, hehe..." and stills his hands again bc he doesn't know if Basil is in the right headspace (ba dum tss) for tickling 
-But Basil buries their face even deeper into his neck (if that's even possible, and Kel can even feel how hot his face is from the blush) and mumbles out "Can you... keep, uhm- y'know..."
-Kel smiles softly and goes "Tickling you?" like as a genuine question but Basil squeaks a bit at the word bc he's a DORK. And he's feeling really soft, and wants a distraction from the nasty brain moment
-Plus the sensations are honestly kinda grounding like it sorta brings their attention back to his body 
-Anyway they nod slightly and Kel goes "Liiiike... this?" in a slightly teasy voice and lightly drags the tips of his fingers up the sides of Basil's back, making them yelp and fall into bubbly giggles 
-He lets out an embarrassed "Kel!" bc of the teasing and Kel just can't help his fond smile
-"Mmhm?" He hums softly but still teasingly, not actually expecting a response
-Basil just keeps softly tittering in response, clinging to the front of Kel’s shirt to have something to hold on to
-While they aren’t a huge squirmer (unlike Kel, who will flail and kick very hard), Basil is definitely very jumpy, and that got a lot worse after everything that happened; so try as he might, his body still isn't great at handling the sensations
-This is why they’re grateful Kel is pretty strong because he makes sure Basil doesn't accidentally leap out of his lap LMAO
-Kel just can't keep the huge dorky smile off his face bc like I mentioned before tickling is like a big love language for him he LOVES physical touch, plus being able to make the ppl he cares abt smile/laugh means so much to him 
-He tries to keep the tickling relatively tame since this is meant to help ground and relax Basil, and they've never really been a fan of rough tickles anyway (their tolerance for it is very low if at all) 
-So Kel just continues to trace random shapes and lines around Basil's lower back, sometimes straying to his sides and upper ribs which makes his giggling much louder (I'm telling you this kid is TICKLISH like all caps) 
-They don't talk much aside from Kel's occasional compliments/comments, like "Heh, I forgot how ticklish you are here!" or "Are you alright? You look like a strawberry!' 
-Which of course Basil can only respond to with either higher pitched giggles, "Nohoho!"s, or a squeaky "Kel!" 
-After a little bit (they don't know how long they aren't paying attention), Basil's giggles start to taper off and Kel feels them relaxing more and more 
-So in turn he tapers off the tickling, just resting his hands on Basil's back to make sure he's okay 
-Kel goes "...Bas?" in a soft but loud enough voice, and all he gets is some sort of "Mhhh…" noise in response, so he grins, because that means Basil is like falling asleep 
-Kel removes his hands from under Basil's pajama shirt, rubbing it firmly over the fabric to make sure the tingly sensations have subsided before adjusting himself to move Basil's face off of his chest
-He feels all fuzzy when he sees Basil's super drowsy expression; they still have a small smile as they look up at him half asleep and their features aren't nearly as darkened and tense as they were before 
-Kel goes "Ready to sleep?" And Basil just responds with another sleepy noise and a nod, letting his head fall back onto Kel's chest 
-Kel adjust both of then so that they're laying down properly, making sure to bring the blanket up over them both before squeezing Basil slightly while they're cuddled together 
-He nuzzles his face in to the top of Basil's head and it doesn't take long for him to conk out 
-Basil takes a tad longer to fully fall asleep, but he listens to the sound of Kel's slowed breathing and thinks about how they can't wait to wake up tomorrow next to one of their best friends 
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thecultofcupid · 9 months
ROTTMNT Headcanons:
i decided that i wanted to infodump about my headcanons for the turtles specifically :> due to the fact that I am a fictive, this is influenced a little bit by our fictives/exomemories. but YEAH i just wanted to ramble a lot and you should go stream rottmnt and support the team bcuz it deserves all the love in the world yeah ok lets go
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extremely transmasc. like this guy is so transmasc
uses he/him pronouns exclusively but would probably accept being misgendered purely for comedic effect (only by his family or friends tho)
says he's bisexual but he prefers to call himself queer
tell me this man does not have ADHD you can't
acts superior to hide his debilitating inferiority complex
struggles with insomnia. has developed ways of managing his sleeping problems, but they still win out every now and then
deals with PTSD-related dissociation. it's pretty damn bad
the WORST internalized ableism you've ever seen
loses the arm anyway. my headcanon is that krang prime got ahold of it as his siblings were pulling him out of the portal
the worst patient you've ever seen. he is constantly plotting escape
almost constantly wearing a knee brace. he's supposed to use crutches but often tries to get away with not doing so. has a wheelchair for bad pain days but he refuses to use it most of the time bc he's stubborn
insomnia gets way worse, partly due to night terrors and partly due to chronic pain. sleep does not come easy to this guy
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bigender; she/him pronouns with a preference for fem terms
likes who she likes; doesn't feel the need to put a label to his sexuality
she is autistic bc I said so
PLURAL!! she has OSDD-1a and has a system of 3 or 4 other alters not including herself (Mind Raph is kind of up in the air for me, but the others are Little Red, Angel, and Savage)
dislikes swearing, in part because Little Red picks up on it and will not stop once he starts /hj
blind in right eye bc of the krang
most of his complications are PTSD related; nightmares, dissociation, etc
was always a bit mindful of his size compared to his surroundings/family, but after the movie, it becomes a lot more prevalent. she is terrified of hurting her loved ones again
nerve damage in one arm from opening the portal; causes pain/numbness/tingling and minor muscle spasms. Donnie made compression gloves to help with this
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genderfluid; shifts between she/he/they pronouns
LOVES body art. will always have something new painted onto his arms or plastron
since he can't really reach his carapace to paint on it, he convinces his siblings to let him paint on theirs. will often be found in Donnie's lab painting their carapace while they work
loves hanging out in Donnie's lab while they work
suffered the worst in terms of damage to his arms
deals w chronic fatigue and brain fog after opening the portal
wears compression gloves from Donnie almost 24/7. has to be reminded to take them off
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nonbinary/autigender. uses they/them pronouns primarily, but also uses he/him and it/its on occasion. loves telling people that they "identify as a threat"
THE disaster bisexual
doesn't get enough sleep not because they're an insomniac, but because they hyperfixate on projects for days at a time and will not sleep until either a) they're done working, b) one of their siblings forces them to go to bed, or c) they simply crash on their desk out of exhaustion
for a self-proclaimed genius, they're not very good at taking care of themselves
has nonverbal episodes and uses sign language to communicate during them. however, he and Leo both learned morse code as well so they could have their own "secret language" that only they understood
the worst eyesight. like it's god awful. they wear custom-made contacts when they're outside the lair, but they also have glasses for days when they can't be bothered
has bitten every member of his family at least once
has eaten the family goldfish before (not Piebald)
has claw-like scars across their carapace from the shredder. change my mind
scarring on carapace from Technodrome and being ripped from the control panel. it looks worse than it is
has trouble eating due to sensory issues
suffers from tactile hallucinations. has to have something on their shell at all times
has seizures resulting from the Technodrome connecting with his central nervous system
that's all i have rn. there's so many headcanons that I didn't include here just cus it'd be a mess but pls ask me questions cus I love talking about these guys. and ofc ask questions about other characters as well, not just the turtles!! i wanna do more art featuring some of our headcanons as well so look forward to that >:))
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neon-moon-night · 1 year
I know it was posted a while ago, but I saw the swap au and found it really interesting. I’m curious about how events took place in the AU specifically why the sealing happened and also how the three of them came to be and becoming the way they are?
oh no i love getting questions about it!!
so this is me and @murderbot's AU and it has a LOOOOOT of headcanons behind it, so much of the swap is based on our interpretation of canon events. these are all also his ideas as we worked on it together!
i'll also give the disclaimer that some parts are better defined than others
gonna get super long (hence why this took so long to answer AAA) so a read more:
SO just gonna give an overview of the swaps:
loosely, the mosskin<-->the weavers
notably, the pale king and the white lady are NOT swapped, they remain in their canon roles. this was mostly because we didn't feel like we had any interest in swapping them with anyone but each other, but at the same time didn't think a swap between them would be very interesting. however we actually do have a 2nd swap AU where they ARE swapped, and the three siblings are swapped in ghost->hollow->hornet->ghost order instead, but that's neither here nor there...
there's a few more swaps but these are the ones relevant to your questions
re:your first question about the reason for the sealing...
so a very long time ago, grimm was the sedentary god of butterflies while the radiance was the migratory god of moths. one day the pale king showed up in hallownest, as in canon, and shed his form to live in what is now the city of tears
the way we see his initial settlement is that, the rainy caverns that became the city of tears were naturally rainy from being kept under blue lake. they didn't necessarily have a lot of people living there, bc it's bordered on one side by the mantises, on the other by the bees, and above by the moths (or butterflies, in swap) - all of which have wings for at least one part of their lifecycle. making somewhere with rain not very ideal!
so the pale king setting up shop there wasn't a problem yet. however, he was not a very good neighbor? as we see from the game, he isn't really the type to be satisfied with ruling as one among many...he wants to be without "blazing kin", "only one light shall shine against the dark", etc. and there's also a dev note talking about how the radiance was sealed once because the pale king did not want to rule with any equal, and then the seal with hollow was his second attempt when the first didn't work
anyway...so he has a plan to stop the rain in the city, bc we know it hadn't been raining during its peak. it was basically a dam project for the blue lake...which he did NOT talk to grimm or the butterflies about beforehand. the result was quite a lot of flooding in the lower section of the resting grounds - you know how it has a large gate separating it from the upper section? i figured that whole bit was almost completely submerged.
obviously no one is happy about this. grimm is irritated, goes to "negotiate" with the understanding that the new guy will be an untrustworthy weasel, but gets killed instead! his body is tossed away to rot, and the pale beings have one less obstacle to expanding their kingdom.
all of that so far is basically also my hc for what happened w the radiance in canon with no major changes so far in the broad strokes. NOW is where things diverge
when the radiance died, there wasn't very much she could do about it. when grimm died...he was able to make a deal.
that deal was w the nightmare heart, which we see as something of a separate entity? anyway he was actively dying, was given a deal to get both his physical body back as well as revenge on the kingdom, and well what do you know...
SO YEAH...instead of the infection (there was no external force there, it was more the radiance rotting) there's a parasitic plague instead, hence the infestation from the big doodle sheet i made. something burrows in people's hearts and they get these weird fleshy growths over their bodies...
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NOW: the pale king is like ohhh that's kind of bad actually. and for similar reasons concocts the vessel plan...
some context from my interpretation of canon events: i always thought the reason pk needed herrah when there's a plethora of people loyal enough to become dreamers for free, is because the weavers' role was not limited TO herrah. in the hidden station, we see spools of silk that were presumably transferred from the deepnest station (because that would've had to have been built with their approval, when it's so much closer than the tram station they destroyed). there's also incomplete versions of seals in the weaver's den. basically it seems to me like the weavers were involved in weaving dream seals - both moths and spiders make silk, so that could be the connection? so he needed her because the seals could not have been made without her cooperation
anyway...i mentioned that the mosskin and weavers are very loosely swapped. i say "very loosely' because basically the main difference is now greenpath is a place where hallownest has little to no influence while deepnest is more thoroughly conquered. so...the deal is far more lopsided. hallownest could come in strength with demands, possibly in exchange for deepnest's continued independence, a la the deal with the mantis tribe. (in the wanderer's journal it says they made their treaty so their village could retain independent rule)
so the pale king has an extra demand: he wants to imbue some of the eggs with spider silk to produce ones that will be able to weave themselves, w the thought that a vessel that weaves its own bonds might be more effective...? but not all of them were made like that in case it altered the formula in some undesirable way.
thus: we get hornet and hollow
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[picture to break this rant up a little]
hornet isn't really herrah's biological child here, but she's one of the vessels whose egg was imbued with silk. hollow was one that was not. she reaches the top first and walks off with the pale king without looking back. hollow falls.
so, hornet is raised as the sealed vessel...to me, duty is always a large part of her character, and that remains the case here too. in my own read of canon hollow, i would not describe them as "dutiful", per se...they are obedient and do what they are told, but the kingdom at large is abstract enough to them that it's not quite a motivating factor for them the way more direct approval from their father is
this is less true for hornet...she is aware she's a being made for a purpose, and in this world, she knows exactly what that purpose is. it is then a purpose she follows with all her heart...she is less self aware than hollow in canon, who knows they are not empty and vehemently denies it. i think hornet is a little better at lying to herself
i said she's no longer herrah's biological child, and that's still true, but it isn't that she had no interaction with herrah. here, herrah is the one who teaches her weaving, and so paradoxically this hornet has more interaction with herrah and more knowledge of weaving than my understanding of canon. herrah didn't have liberty to give her much affection, and hornet doesn't remember her well. but it is a connection that existed and that, to some extent, mattered
beyond this she was generally isolated in the palace and had little contact with anyone who was not a great knight or the king himself.
basically to summarize all this, swap hornet came to be the way she was as a combination of how i see ordinary hornet and how she might react if her life had been a bit more like hollow's. it's never been my preference for swap AUs to completely change a character's personality, but personality is shaped by environment too, so it's important to strike a balance there...
now for someone i haven't talked about much yet: little ghost
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[another image to break this up...]
so, ghost...
i preserved herrah's connection to hornet, and just because ghost is in hornet's place doesn't make them a spider. they're instead the full, non-void child of the white lady and the pale king - my idea for why they were born is basically that, after the sacrifice of thousands of eggs and one empty child as their return for that, they decided to have a normal child as well
i think the best way i can sum up swap ghost is "people who willingly kill their own children will not be good parents under any circumstances"
to contrast with canon a bit, i'll talk abt my headcanons there - i see the white lady as having been the one who raised hornet, but she was also a very distant guardian to her. she never considered hornet her daughter, and while she never held a grudge for hornet's birth - i kinda think that, to her, herrah as a mortal is so beneath her it doesn't matter - the white lady was generally neglectful. like, to her hornet was a side project and an amusement, not a daughter.
by contrast, swap ghost is her full child and therefore she takes her parenting duties far more seriously in that regard. the issue is, she still isn't a very good parent! in canon she saw ghost as nothing more than a thing; she ordered them to take hollow's place and suffer eternally "for the good of the kingdom", and even saw hollow as having failed in their cruel duty.
here there's obviously no attempted infanticide against ghost, but she still sees them as someone who should be molded into what she wants out of them and not someone who is their own person. so even small things like ghost's personal preferences are not something they were really allowed to have.
but ghost is not really the type to accept that, so it didn't work out. they were rowdy and rebellious and ran away often, and as a result i feel like they were an embarrassment to the white lady and pale king, such that they weren't brought in public. so they're not as recognizable as you might expect a legitimate princet of the kingdom to be
to explain this doodle...
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BASICALLY so. ghost and hornet did not interact with each other. the white lady had her own wing of the white palace when she was there, and hornet was kept in a secluded place as well such that the pure vessel not be "tainted". as a result, ghost saw her from a distance at her public appearances but otherwise did not interact with her
i said ghost was rowdy...they were not permitted in hornet's areas, but that didn't stop them from sneaking in and trying to meet the older sister they never knew. they found her going through nail drills alone in a room and hid to watch, not wanting to be caught. she completed her drills and then looked right at their hiding spot, and said, thoughtfully, "like a little ghost..." and left.
that's the in-universe explanation for ghost's name being ghost - they were given some other name by the white lady, but ghost is what they go by, because they're the first words they ever heard their sister say
to explain their estrangement...
i said they ran away often...they usually got brought back eventually by a royal guard, but this time was different. they went back and found the pale king had escaped into the dream realm without his problem child, and the white lady had left in kind.
they were still a teenager when this happened, and well: it felt very bad. but they also decided that this was for the best, and they had never liked them anyway, and they never liked this kingdom, and so they would just leave - and leave they did. they went to the howling cliffs and decided to find whatever awaited them in the wastes
mato found them before they could do that, and seeing that they were very young, very upset, and very likely to not make it, took them in as his pupil/child. so they're his dad now =) and they learned nail arts
swap ghost actually also knows some spells - they were taught by the white lady themself. but they don't like owing her anything and thus avoid magic as much as possible
and now, finally: hollow
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hollow is the abandoned child...hornet did not look back for them, not out of malice, but because she only looked forward and only moved forward. she didn't stop and look back. so hollow fell.
like ghost in canon, they eventually made their way out of abyss, and left hallownest entirely before finally returning, for reasons they themself don't fully understand. they lost their arm out there, which is also why their cloak is ripped on that side; not much opportunity to change it
they're very lonely and, for lack of a better word, much "sweeter" than canon ghost is. canon ghost, much like a child, sometimes kills out of curiosity - they are the type of hunter to use a deadly spell if they cannot catch up with something (maskflies, menderbug), if only so they can learn from the remains. swap hollow is not like that, and actually my friend and i nicknamed them "swallow" - a portmanteau of swap hollow, and also a type of bird, because they like the little bird bugs.
they're also much more open and expressive than canon hollow is, as they've never had their emotions suppressed. they've never been nurtured either, but at the least, they don't possess the blank mask they do in another world. this is also in contrast to both canon & swap ghost, whose flat affect i see as more natural to them.
their journey is also much easier than ghost's because they run into, well, ghost. unlike canon hornet, swap ghost doesn't challenge hollow to a fight. canon hornet spent years and years alone stewing, but swap ghost is far better adjusted than her; an actual parental figure in mato helped with that
swap ghost instead told hollow they were their sibling, and offered for them to travel together
i tend to think of AUs for video games as alternate "games" themselves. a hypothetical game of this swap AU would not play much like hollow knight; it would be more comparable to an RPG with a party, consisting of hollow, ghost, and for a short period of time, grimmchild. (i haven't really said anything about them but. this is so long. so i'll leave them out)
anyway...hollow is overjoyed to have a sibling to interact with. to have a relatively easy time traveling hallownest, with an experienced fighter to essentially take care of them. for the first time in their life, they have company! and ghost is a kind older sibling to them
but...but...ghost isn't traveling with them for no reason
so i said they're estranged from their parents and any bond with them was severed when the pale king and white lady left. that doesn't mean they never spoke to the white lady again...
they eventually found her in her garden. and she, presumptuous as ever, did not say a word about how she had abandoned them; she simply gave her next command.
they were to take the king's brand and take responsibility for the kingdom, as its heir. then, they would find a vessel and they would escort it to the black egg temple, where they would cut the failure down and replace her.
(that's what this is, incidentally)
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ghost...did not take kindly to this. insult upon insult, for her to ask something of them like this...they took the piece of shell engraved with the king's mark and tossed it into the sewers
but like. they don't have a better idea. they have no intention of doing this to hollow, so they're traveling with them trying to think of something else. and they do care about hollow, really, especially when they get to know them, and they get the experience of being a big sibling for the first time. but, well...i said they're more well-adjusted than canon hornet, but they're also less honest.
hollow absolutely does learn of this, and to say they're unhappy is an understatement. the two part ways for a time...
this is so long so i'll skip over the interim + how exactly they found out...suffice to say hollow cried a lot when they learned about it, as if happy times with their sibling had all been a lie. well, the two of them eventually reunite and ghost explains that they would never, ever do that. and then...
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ghost tells hollow that they should just...leave
this is not hollow's responsibility and not something they deserve to give up their life and their freedom for. and ghost has been waffling, because they didn't know what to do, and they had no plan of their own, but that doesn't matter. they've made up their mind. they would leave everyone - even hornet - to rot before they ask hollow to die for them
the thing about ghost is that duty does not matter to them nearly as much as it does hornet. their family is far more important to them. perhaps this choice is them lapsing in their duty, but - that is a sacrifice they'll make.
i said before i see the AU as a game almost. this is where you could get one ending, where ghost and hollow (and grimmchild) all leave together and wander the world. hallownest is not the only kingdom out there - they will find others. and hallownest will rot and rot and rot, and hornet will not be free
but of course...i think hollow wouldn't want that. and they say no. and they find another way to free their sister, and right their father's wrongs.
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thursdaysrain · 4 months
my experience with blender and unity, together, has been a bit of a nightmare, but separately they haven't been bad. unity i've had issues with but they always felt surmountable, like, no matter what i can work around this problem.
blender i just enjoy, it has this reputation as like a weird badly designed software but maybe that's gone away w/ recent (recent as in.. years ago) ui changes. new features have been great and there isn't much for me to complain about here, but idk what a new user's experience is like. it's hard to tell people who ask me how to get started what to work with, bc everything i learned from is out of date.
the real headache comes from the transition between the two, which has been a real nightmare for me. once i'm all done working on wormgrubber 2.0, i need to put together workflow document to reference whenever i'm working on new 3d assets for unity in the future. it's a big list and it's been a real pain to discover each problem one at a time.
first and foremost it is obvious to me now that blender is not gamedev software. when i started gamedev, i split my time between learning shaders and learning 3d, not touching animation and mostly focusing on making little model display art pieces. i did this for a couple years. rigging was always a huge pain in the ass, weight painting moreso, so i just avoided it for a while. when i brought my first fully rigged piece into unity it was a nightmare, nothing looked right at all. this kind of thing honestly traumatized me, lol. i spent so much time trying to obsessively make perfect rigs bc i was terrified by shapekeys and drivers, horrified to spend hours setting something up only for it to be useless. this was wrongheaded for multiple reasons... there are so many features in blender that are just not relevant to unity and/or don't export through the only 3d format unity uses, fbx. this makes sense if you think about it for a bit, blender has a lot of features for rendering 3d animation and art but a lot of this wouldn't work in a realtime game, it's just too intensive. but! if you spend all your time learning 3D instead of specifically learning "3d for game animation" you come to lean on things like corrective smoothing or other modifiers.
3d is a weird mix of like, destructive and nondestructive workflows. blender will often let you work your way into positions you cant easily recover from without a lot of extra work or discarding work, setups that work fine within blender but absolutely will not export to unity. things like being unable to apply modifiers to models with shapekeys, but needing to apply all shapekeys to properly export a model, etc.
unity does this thing where it has very specific ideas about how things should work and it only tells you what it's doing maybe like 20% of the time. everything else is up to you to figure out the hard way. im not sure yet if this is an fbx problem or not but interpolation settings in blender aren't exported to unity, so it just comes up with its own. unity doesn't play the last frame of an animation. this makes sense for some contexts, because an animation is an interpolation between a start point and an end point, but like, nothing in unity tells you this the case. whenever i search for these things i always find forum posts, not unity documents. and you cant really change it without clumsy code slapped on top bc so much of this is below the closed off part of unity's code.
make games this way, not that way. i used to always think that when i was struggling against unity it was a sign i was designing something poorly, but now i know enough to know it's often because unity is itself struggling under the weight of choices made years ago, or half finished projects with poor documentation. arcane rules and practices i don't know bc i didn't go to college and because the knowledge is typically split across like several different jobs in a normal large studio.
i don't know how you learn this stuff other than trial and error. maybe in a college?? i dont know how other self taught indies deal with it. tutorials on youtube/etc seem to be split between like teaching you isolated tricks or teaching you very specific workflows without telling you exactly why you can't do this or that. blender tutorials are often for non-gamedevs, and unity tutorials are about following unity's design decisions without explaining them.
i know creating tutorials is a lot of effort and it's impossible to be fully comprehensive, but for something as common as 'take blender thing and put it in unity' should be for indie gamedev, i dont get why i havent seen more grumbling about this. i feel like every major snag i've come across (ones mentioned here are only a few of them) i was completely clueless about until i started doing some digging and the only thing to save me is some post from like 2016 on the unity forums.
its been a struggle!!!! i know i'm getting closer to the end of the tunnel but like every time i think it's a straight shot some new pit opens up. still, i'm getting there. my short advice to anyone is to always iterate, if you are trying to make art for games, make some art and put it in gamdev software. see what you like about it, how your desired workflow works with the software, etc. these skills arent separate, they have to be tied together.
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besidesitstoowarm · 2 years
"Dalek" thoughts
this episode is quintessential who. i doubt i can say anything about it that hasn't been said sooner and better, but i love the sound of my own voice even in text so,
my notes for this episode turned mostly into a list of quotes. i wish shearman had done more for the show, honestly. i have a pretty low opinion of the audio dramas in general (sorry) but he's been responsible for the most famous and best, hands down. "chimes of midnight" is iconic, just wouldn't be christmas without it
"the stuff of nightmares, reduced to an exhibit" about the cybermen. it's kind of fun to see the head of a cyberman (one of the most recognizable recurring villains of the entire show) next to the claw of a slitheen (the joke of rude). no offense to the doctor's assessment here but i think most cybermen episodes suck. "world enough and time" is the only one that's actually the stuff of nightmares
it's very telling that the doctor's terror at being trapped with a dalek turns immediately on a dime into RAGE the second he realizes it can't shoot. oh, he is angry, and he's projecting hardcore about it being a failure, worthless now that it can't kill. "the coward survived" it says. "not by choice" he says. not by choice, i think that's so telling
it's not by accident that this episode is set in america. i'm impressed at how well they predicted the rise of elon musk, van statten is exactly the type and i wish the dalek had exploded the stupid dr phil looking bitch. "why sell one cure when i can sell a thousand palliatives" kill yourself dude.
obviously there have been essays on essays written about "you would make a good dalek" so i won't go on about it too much. it still hits, but the part that i find interesting is that the episode draws this little triangle between doctor-dalek (survivors of the time war, murderers, cowards), doctor-rose ("the woman you love"), and rose-dalek (gives her dna, mutates it). we see a lot of companion-as-doctor-parallels in new who (rose in s4, doctor-donna, martha IS a doctor, amy's daughter is the doctor's wife, clara's whole thing) and so i think a natural extrapolation from this episode can be "rose would make a good dalek" like i think that could be an interesting thing to pick at. she has a really dark streak that fascinates me
got a little twinge of annoyance at the whole "you're the one pointing a gun at me" bit like i'm sorry. but it's a DALEK??? you can play that game w ANY other antagonist but i'm not going to disagree with the doctor's assessment that this thing needs to be blown to hell. i don't have an inherent problem w violence. eleven's little speech in "town called mercy" comes to mind, that's my own dark streak i guess. shoot the fucker. "oh it's changing" it is about to change into goo, when i shoot it, with my gun. bye
but i like the dalek trying to comprehend what it is now. i like that the doctor says he's sorry, bc he knows how deeply that change goes against dalek beliefs and values. it wants to feel the sun, but it's hurting. it's kind of lovecraftian but from the other side; this creature, bred selectively for violence, has had the sudden glimpse of a world with mercy, love, fear, kindness, tenderness, and it has no structural framework or capability to process what that might mean. you see this in feral animals sometimes, they snap and cringe even from gentle touch bc they do not have the part of their brain that tells them what "gentle" even is. they can't comprehend it. but the dalek can, for just a moment, and it begs to die, bc it's too much. i do feel for it here
oh also adam was here. that's all i have to say about him bye
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hajihiko · 2 years
This is pure curiosity and not a complaint, just stating this before hand before I have ASD and have no clue how to phrase this without it sounding like a complaint
Is there anyone in your post Dr2 fanon that doesn't have trouble sleeping? This includes everyone btw, not just the survivors.
I reckon nagito might and maybe mikan
Sleep headcanons:
Akane, Nekomaru, Teru, Sonia, Chiaki and Impostor are all pretty good about managing their sleep
Kazuichi and Ibuki both just have a different rhythm than the rest so they both stay up late a lot, sometimes together!
Hiyoko is probably scared of the dark or sth so sometimes she shows up at Mahirus door at like 1 AM. Sleeps mostly soundly but has to get up like 5 times a night for a class of water or the bathroom
Peko, Mikan, Nagito, Fuyuhiko and Mahiru are like 50/50, not necessarily sleep Problems but they have their moments (Nagito tries to mind his schedule but also has A Lot Going On so sometimes can't sleep, sometimes passes out at like 6PM)
Gundham just straight up doesnt sleep a lot. Goes to bed late but doesnt sleep in. He doesnt consider it a problem tho and refutes the word insomnia
Biggest Sleep Problem Contenders are Hajime and Ryota
Team More Frequent Nightmares than Most: Hajime, Akane, maybe Gundham but he does not comment on it, Kazuichi (but it's mostly silly)
Team Weird Sleep Hallucinations (hypnagogia): Nagito, Ibuki, Mikan
Team Sleep-Walkers: Ibuki, Akane on occasion, Chiaki
Team Sleep-Talkers: Fuyuhiko, Teru, Hiyoko, Nagito
Team Sleeps So Calmly It's Creepy: Peko, Gundham
Team Snore: (loud) Ibuki, Akane, Impostor, Sonia, Nekomaru (quiet) Chiaki, Fuyuhiko, Hiyoko
Team Sleep-Cuddler: Mikan, Fuyuhiko, Ibuki (full octopus mode), Kazuichi (for the first 5 minutes before he spreads like a starfish), Gundham (adorable), Akane
However after their Very Traumatic Events, everyone has a messy relationship with rest. It's not necessarily natural to them, just a thing of circumstance
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cvastals · 3 years
look i kno i said i wasnt gna bring a 6th until i was caught up w replies bt i kno gunner well n therefore felt like he deserved his time to shine in the rp so i beg of u pls plot w him looks at u all like :B
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* axel auriant, cis man + he/him | you know gunner paxton, right? they’re twenty-two, and they’ve lived in irving for, like, four years? well, their spotify wrapped says they listened to bizarre love triangle by new order like, a million times this year, which makes sense ‘cause they’ve got that whole curling up for days in bed wearing a hello kitty comfort shirt, stuttering in the face of affection, and hand me downs two sizes too big thing going on. i just checked and their birthday is july 31st, so they’re a leo, which is unsurprising, all things considered. ( bri, 23, est, they/them )
middle child of the paxton family, cliff being the eldest and wyatt being the youngest :D
they lived at the top of a hill in a trailer in a trailer park neighbourhood in laramie, wyoming so to say the least that fucking sucked for everyone involved
the trailer was so small that all 3 boys ended up sharing a room, gunner and wyatt sharing a bunk bed bc they cldnt fit 3 beds into one room it really was every childs nightmare bt they quickly grew used to it tbh
gunner was always more of an artsy child than invested in sports - though he does enjoy baseball and continued even to this day after their dad made him join SOMETHING in middle school - so he never rly earned their father’s respect, but he was always close with his mom since they had the same calm temperament
(depression/anxiety tw) he also gained a list of mental health issues that their mom had as well, including social anxiety and major depressive disorder
(violence/abuse tw) their father always encouraged pretty volatile behaviour and it caused a lot of physical fights and arguments between the brothers when their dad told them the best way to get over it was to start hurting until someone tapped out, it was just a chaotic and pretty abusive household but no one knew and their mom definitely wasn’t going to say anything about it to their dad
(missing child/kidnapping/anxiety/depression tw)  wyatt went missing on a weekend that their parents were gone because of a trip they won, and things just got worse from there, high school was really rough for gunner, his anxiety grew worse as time went on that no one found wyatt, their dad grew more hostile towards them, cliff left home in the middle of the night never to be seen again (merely leaving a note so that the family didn’t think they had a case of two kidnapped children), and their mom just grew sicker, it was rare that she would ever leave her room and if she did it was in fits of random energy where she would do something spontaneous and completely unnecessary to their house as a way of coping
the two years that gunner was at home after cliff left were pretty brutal and as soon as he could, he was fleeing wyoming and going to school in irving
(internalized homophobia tw)  things are far better now that he’s out of his home situation, but ofc he still has a few personal things he’s working thru; the paxton’s were raised in an incredibly religious household, and he’s got some classic Catholic Guilt going on upon realizing that he’s not jst attracted to women n he avoided talking abt it forever/stayed in the closet fr far too long bt he’s sort of come out now in his own way even tho he does still get a bit nervous talking abt it rly
he’s also ‘dealing’ rn (just pharmaceuticals) which is frankly funny to think abt bc this man is abt as threatening as a care bear bt money is tight all things considering and a librarian job doesn’t rly cover it, and with the amount of meds he’s on, plus incredibly frequent doctor’s visits, needing to pay for extra epi-pens, inhalers, etcs. bills add up so he’s cutting back his meds n selling wht he can spare which is . so unhealthy bt thts life in corporate america baybee!
is literally allergic to everything. grass, cats, most fruits, milk, most nuts, bees, latex, probably more i cnt even keep up w them its pathetic
u can catch him strutting around town w his blinged out epipen holder (aka blinged out w pins of his fav horrors movies) LKSHDGKLHSKLDG
if things cldnt get worse he also has quite intense asthma so he carries an inhaler with him at all times
n to make matters even WORSE he frequently has dizzy spells n bad memory problems bc of all the concussions he’s suffered from (about 8-9 at this point) as well as consistent migraines that can b literally debilitating sometimes
awkward n jst a bit of a Weirdo to b frank like he barely knows how to converse with ppl
didnt have any friends in high school so took the time to teach himself rly weird things, knows a fuck ton of magic tricks, can yodel, juggle, solve a rubix cube with his eyes closed in under 30 seconds, just extremely weird and specific things
can honestly b a bit mean/barbaric to ppl he’s not close w/doesn’t kno - has told ppl to their face before he doesn’t enjoy talking to them bc he has no concept of social constructs/norms
loves 2 film random things at parties, makes him feel more comfortable at them n he makes short films of them all after
going off that fact he did a film internship in nyc during the summer and is trying to find a job in that field
doesn’t realize demisexuality is a thing so he’s never been that fond of sex but has this stigma in his mind that that makes him Broken so he still Tries n it jst doesnt go well tugs my shirt collar
ppl who r more into under the counter meds than Hard Drugs n buy off him?? probs wld have to kno him some way hes too scared to sell to Random randoms
ppl he went to school w? :D
some friends………. hes awkward bt he means well…………
ppl he has a crush on/unrequited crushes either way wtvr floats ur boat he crushes quite easily but never does anything abt it fr the most part
a mans he wld Risk It All fr (aka a guy tht he actually has a crush on n is Extra Awkward probs a lil mean to bc hes still New to That)
some enemies tbh, he has a temper n he tends to blow up rarely bt it happens n when it does it actually can b quite scary JKSHDGLHSDG
a muse….. mayhaps?? someone he always wants in his film projects
awkward past hook ups/one night stands where one of them cut ties off cuz every time they got together gunner acted like he was embalming a body for a funeral
current hook ups/fwb’s w ppl he’s actually close w/is comfortable w so its nowhere near as bad SDKHSLDGHKLSDGH
Anything u Desire
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diaryofageekgirl · 4 years
Mostly for myself b/c I want to make sure I don’t lose this somehow, but here’s the literal two hour conversation that @i-miss-balthazar and I spent talking about Benny/Balthazar:
i-miss-balthazar You were the Kat from my quiz??? I had no idea you shipped those pairings! And also Madison helping Sam in purgatory would’ve been way more fitting!
diaryofageekgirl Yeah I do! I have plans to do a rewrite of seasons 8 & 9, but it'll be forever before I get to them -_- And I love Madison a whole lot and would have loved to see her in Purgatory!
^What I meant by the season rewrites is I would include those ships in them lol
i-miss-balthazar You would :0
I need to read it
Please tag me, I’m BEGGING
diaryofageekgirl When I get to writing it I will!
i-miss-balthazar Do you have any Benny/Balthazar head canons???
diaryofageekgirl I could also write you a Benny/Balthazar one shot.......on a completely unrelated note, when's your birthday? 👀
i-miss-balthazar April 28th and that would make my entire year oh my goodness there isn’t enough Benny/Balthazar content out there
diaryofageekgirl 👌
i-miss-balthazar I didn’t mean to ship them so much it kinda just happened
Maybe I just want them to feel loved 😂
diaryofageekgirl I see Benny as someone who's very openly affectionate, and Balthazar as being someone who craves affection but sort of hides behind a sarcastic front? So Benny just s l o w l y wears him down into accepting all this love and adoration and Bal pretending to hate it but is secretly melting
oh mood
i-miss-balthazar Oh my goodness my HEART 🥺 that’s the sweetest headcanon ever and I totally see it. Benny would give the best hugs, I think.Balthazar’s 100% a little spoon xD
diaryofageekgirl He's got big strong arms - great for hugging & being the big spoon 😉
i-miss-balthazar For some reason I feel like Benny is taller than he actually is? Like I looked it up and Ty Olsson is only 5’10, but I always thought he was like 6’3 😂
Have you ever written about them before that I could read???
diaryofageekgirl WAit, he's 5'10???????
i-miss-balthazar Almost 5’11 I forgot about the decimal
diaryofageekgirl No, I haven't written anything for them yet. I'm working on my finale fix-it right now, then depending on how long that takes I might be going straight into femslash february after that. But after that I will at some point
aaaaaaand I just came up with another timestamp for the mer!verse
selkie!benny & merrow!balthazar
i-miss-balthazar Y e s
I had to look up what those are but wow am I glad I did
It’s perfect
i-miss-balthazar I like the idea of Balthazar playing cool in public but when it’s just the two of them he’s an absolute suck for attention, like a cat 😂
In public: sarcasm is my main form of communication In private: please hold me 🥺
diaryofageekgirl Oh for sure, just like, flat up against Benny's back, arms over his shoulders like "pay attention to me" 😩
i-miss-balthazar What about pet names for each other???
diaryofageekgirl I mean, just imagine Benny's deep Cajun voice calling Bal "mon amour". OR "MON ANGE"
and bal would call him something totally sappy in enochian but then tell him it means "pain in the ass" or smth
i-miss-balthazar Balthazar stealing Benny’s tee shirts even though they’re way to big for him because they remind him of Benny
diaryofageekgirl yessssssss
i-miss-balthazar Benny has nightmares about pirating/purgatory so Balthazar visits his dreams to calm him down and make him happy again because he can’t stand seeing Benny upset
diaryofageekgirl They're a nightmare in the kitchen bc Benny worked as a chef for years and is very particular about how certain dishes are made but Bal just keeps Adding More Alcohol
i-miss-balthazar Benny: no, you need to boil the alcohol out to use this Balthazar: that takes away all the fun!
diaryofageekgirl Benny: If you put too much alcohol in it won't set properly! Balthazar: That sounds like a You problem
i-miss-balthazar An iss-YOU not an iss-ME!! *pours more in*
diaryofageekgirl 🤣🤣🤣
i-miss-balthazar Benny’s not a morning person, and because Balthazar doesn’t need sleep he’s a morning person by default. So Benny’s always tired and grumbly in the mornings while Balthazar’s carrying on as usual so Benny will just catch him by the waist as he’s walking by to pull him into a hug and rest his chin on his angel’s shoulder because he’s still tired and just wants snuggles
diaryofageekgirl And Bal tries to keep doing whatever he was doing before and Benny just reaches out behind him and forces him to set whatever it is down and physically puts Bal's arms around him 🥰
i-miss-balthazar Midnight sailing date 🥰
diaryofageekgirl Midnight sailing date out over bioluminescent algae bloom: https://www.australiangeographic.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/11.jpg
i-miss-balthazar It kinda looks like angel grace if you squint
diaryofageekgirl That's exactly what I thought! (Benny def brings them there bc it makes him think of Balthazar's grace)
i-miss-balthazar Since Balthazar’s an angel and doesn’t technically need his blood do you think Benny could use him as a food source so he wouldn’t have to worry about robbing blood banks/eating people
diaryofageekgirl yessssssss that's exactly what I think!!! And Benny's unsure about it at first, kinda scared to bite him bc he's so used to his bite killing or turning people but Bal convinces him and it's so much better than blood bags
i-miss-balthazar Plot twist Balthazar’s blood alcohol content gets Benny drunk😂
diaryofageekgirl there's a blood of Christ joke in there somewhere but I can't think of it 🤔
i-miss-balthazar And the wine is my blood -last supper or something I haven’t been to church in awhile 😂
diaryofageekgirl Do you think he'd ever get a bit of grace along with the blood?
i-miss-balthazar In theory, I could see it happening. what would that taste/feel like I wonder
diaryofageekgirl I imagine it would be a moment of absolute euphoria
i-miss-balthazar Benny’s grip on Balthazar would tighten sharply, and Balthazar would let out a soft gasp of surprise and delight at the sudden possessiveness because secretly he loves it when Benny gets like that
diaryofageekgirl 😍😍😍 And Benny gets all blushy and apologetic about it later and Balthazar is just like "Don't you dare apologize for that. In fact, do it more often."
i-miss-balthazar My goodness I need more Benny/Balthazar content they’re just so perfect and I love them
diaryofageekgirl You could always write some 👀👀👀 Be the change you want to see in the world 👀👀👀
i-miss-balthazar Mmm soft movie nights where they’re bundled in a soft blanket and Balthazar’s in Benny’s lap so Benny can idly play with his hair while they watch the show. Neither of them particularly care about the movies they just like the cuddles
diaryofageekgirl (If you did I would be so down to read it)
i-miss-balthazar I might have to. However I promised myself I’d finish writing the next chapter in my main wip before I started another project so I may need some time.
diaryofageekgirl that's fair. Let me know if you do end up writing something for them
i-miss-balthazar Absolutely!!!!
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gcnnerpaxton · 4 years
bri again making a terrible decision. do i need a fourth? no.......... bt here we are anyway. after this i promise im done fr a while bt :/ i lov this lil bitch so here we are........ give this a like if u wld b Down to Clown w him aka plot!
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「axel auriant & cismale」⇾ paxton , gunner, the senior radcliffe student’s records show that he is a leo and 22 years old. he is studying film, living off campus and can be loyal, resilient, anxious & indifferent. when i see him i am reminded of curling up in bed for days in a hello kitty comfort shirt, the click of a camera shutter & hand-me-down’s two sizes too big.
pinterest is HERE.
name: gunner brick paxton.
age: twenty-two.
gender identity: cis-male.
pronouns: he/him.
sexuality: demisexual.
birthday: july 31, 1998.
star sign: leo.
myers-briggs: istj.
year of study: senior.
major: film.
occupation: librarian.
place of birth: laramie, wyoming.
religion: catholic (non-practicing).
neen jst brought in gunner’s older brother so fr those who read elias’ bio u kno tht gunner is the middle paxton child w eli being the oldest n then they have wyatt who is the youngest!!
they lived at the top of a hill in a trailer in a trailer park neighbourhood in laramie, wyoming so to say the least that fucking sucked for everyone involved
the trailer was so small that all 3 boys ended up sharing a room, gunner and wyatt sharing a bunk bed bc they cldnt fit 3 beds into one room it really was every childs nightmare bt they quickly grew used to it tbh
gunner was always more of an artsy child than invested in sports - though he does enjoy baseball and continued even to this day after their dad made him join SOMETHING in middle school - so he never rly earned their father’s respect, but he was always close with his mom since they had the same calm temperament
DEPRESSION/ANXIETY TW - he also gained a list of mental health issues that their mom had as well, including social anxiety and major depressive disorder - DEPRESSION/ANXIETY TW END
VIOLENCE/ABUSE TW - their father always encouraged pretty volatile behaviour and it caused a lot of physical fights and arguments between the brothers when their dad told them the best way to get over it was to start hurting until someone tapped out, it was just a chaotic and pretty abusive household but no one knew and their mom definitely wasn’t going to say anything about it to their dad - VIOLENCE/ABUSE TW END
MISSING CHILD/KIDNAPPING TW - wyatt went missing on a weekend that their parents were gone because of a trip they won, and things just got worse from there
ANXIETY/DEPRESSION TW - high school was really rough for gunner, his anxiety grew worse as time went on that no one found wyatt, their dad grew more hostile towards them, and their mom just grew sicker, it was rare that she would ever leave her room and if she did it was in fits of random energy where she would do something spontaneous and completely unnecessary to their house as a way of coping - MISSING CHILD/KIDNAPPING/ANXIETY/DEPRESSION TW END
the two years that gunner was at home after elias finally left for school were basically torture and as soon as he could, he was falling his brother’s footsteps in getting out of wyoming to go to school at radcliffe
INTERNALIZED HOMOPHOBIA TW -  things are far better now that they’re out of their home situation, but gunner’s going through some more things personally now; the paxton’s were raised in an incredibly religious household, and he’s got some classic Catholic Guilt going on upon realizing that he’s not jst attracted to women n he avoided talking abt it forever/stayed in the closet fr far too long bt he’s sort of come out now in his own way even tho he does still get a bit nervous talking abt it rly - INTERNALIZED HOMOPHOBIA TW END
he’s also ‘dealing’ rn which is frankly funny to think abt bc this man is abt as threatening as a care bear bt money is tight between him and eli all things considering, and with the amount of meds he’s on, plus incredibly frequent doctor’s visits, needing to pay for extra epi-pens, inhalers, etcs. bills add up so he’s cutting back his meds n selling wht he can spare which is . so unhealthy bt thts life in corporate america baybee!
is literally allergic to everything. grass, cats, most fruits, milk, most nuts, bees, latex, probably more i cnt even keep up w them its pathetic
u can catch him n eli strutting around campus w matching epipen holders tht he got them fr eli’s 16th bday JKSDNGKLHSDGLK
if things cldnt get worse he also has quite intense asthma so he carries an inhaler with him at all times
n to make matters even WORSE he frequently has dizzy spells n bad memory problems bc of all the concussions he’s suffered from (about 8-9 at this point) as well as consistent migraines that can b literally debilitating sometimes
awkward n jst a bit of a Weirdo to b frank like if it weren’t fr eli he wld probably have one (1) friend he jst cnt converse w ppl
didnt have any friends in high school so took the time to teach himself rly weird things, knows a fuck ton of magic tricks, can yodel, juggle, solve a rubix cube with his eyes closed in under 2 minutes, just extremely weird and specific things
can honestly b a bit mean/barbaric to ppl he’s not close w/doesn’t kno has told ppl to their face before he doesn’t enjoy talking to them bc he has no concept of social constructs/norms
loves 2 film random things at parties, makes him feel more comfortable at them n he makes short films of them all after
update about his summer away: ended up heading to nyc fr a film internship n actually had a rly good time??? fr once?? jst had a rly nice summer fling after being a bit heartbroken throughout the school year it was jst a rly necessary n fulfilling summer fr him king of getting wht he finally deserves
this also led him to b like . oh maybe i’m Not broken bc he doesn’t realize........... demisexuality is a thing n wld get rly awkward during hookups a lot if hes jst not 100% comfortable w the person so now he thinks hes like a one man machine who actually has some Self Esteem n thinks he can have Sexual Relations all day every day (he cannot)
ppl who buy off him?? probs wld have to kno him some way hes too scared to sell to Random randoms KJSHDGKLHSDLG
other film majors :-)
some friends………. hes awkward bt he means well…………
a mans he wld Risk It All fr (aka a guy tht gunner actually has a crush on n is Extra Awkward probs a lil mean to bc hes still New to That)
ppl he has a crush on/unrequited crushes either way wtvr floats ur boat
some enemies tbh much like elias he has a temper n he tends to blow up rarely bt it happens n when it does it actually can b quite scary JKSHDGLHSDG
a muse….. mayhaps?? someone he always wants in his film projects
awkward past hook ups maybe some current ones teehee
anything Ur Heart Desires
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gojuo · 5 years
tagged by cutie @ohyoungjae thank u bby ♥
The rules are:
Tag the person who tagged you.
Answer the questions.
Tag 10 people
How tall are you?
155cm / 5′1 ....... im gonna cry i want to be tall SOOOO BADDDDD
What colour and style is your hair?
brown blackish + that middle eastern wavy hair. its up till my shoulders.... omg who remembers back when i was 15 and crying my eyes out on here bc i literally lost all my hair (i swear to god someone gave me nazar i just know someone did......) AND NOW MY HAIR IS FINALLY GROWING BACK LIKE.... GIMME A SECOND IM GONNA CRY!!!!!!!
What colour are your eyes?
Do you wear glasses?
used to... i only wear contacts now
Do you wear braces?
no but i used back when i was like 12
What is your fashion style?
casual chic? like skinny jeans w blouses and long coats plus sneakers
Full name?
am i supposed to put my last name here lmfao........... my full first name is melda i dont have a middle name
When were you born?
january 29th ! mark it down hoes!!! AQUARIUS RIGHTS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Where are you from and where do you live now?
im turkish but i was born n raised in the netherlands (pray for me that i can find my way in life and leave this country PLEASE)
What school do you go to?
i go to uni first year
What kind of student are you?
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh in hs? procrastinated a lot was a bit of a problem kid but at least unlike a girl in my year i never sat in class while being high..... i was smart tho i did what i had to do... in uni im still a procrastinator leaving my hw for the night before but i still get my shit done when it needs to be done
Do you like school?
ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i hated hs for the reasons i think almost everyone on here did (all the cool kids r on insta lmao and us losers are here ....) i like uni.. life is different im a lot more grown and more at peace w my life but i also barely have time to breathe since im busy w school like 24/7 :///////
Favourite subject?
in hs i think it was art... everyone that did art always had to finish projects after school so all different classes would come together in the art rooms to finish the projects and my crush from a different class would sometimes be busy w his works when i was too and it was fun working w him n talking n stuff ... lol..................................................................................................
Favourite TV show?
avatar the last airbender................. god there really will never be anything better than atla huh ????
Favourite movie?
sword of the stranger !!!
Favourite books?
THE WITCHER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WILL NEVER SHUT UP ABT THE WITCHER 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣
Favourite pastime?
bro im so busy w school i literally dont even have time to breathe....... i like reading and making gifs and going out w friends to shop and eat u know
Do you have any regrets?
lmao youre asking me this ? ......... shoulda seen me in my teen years on here lmao
Dream job?
ha........ that dreams dead
Would you like to get married?
as much as i hate love ....... yeah ://////
Would you like to have kids?
god i literally hate being the turkish stereotype but.... YEAH BITCH!!!!!!!!! GOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How many?
two.. one boy one girl and preferably them being twins so i dont have to get pregnant again lmfao that shits scary as hell
Do you like shopping?
What countries have you visited?
belgium germany france turkey and then bc we go to turkey by car sometimes ive driven through many european countries but never really “visited” so ://///
Scariest nightmare you have ever had?
i dont remember any of the dreams ive ever had lol
Any enemies?
yeah that bitch yg and his shitty management
Any significant others?
mark tuan ... if ur out there
Do you believe in miracles?
i believe in god
How are you?
going thru the motions as always !
can yall believe i tag ppl ??? i never do that lmao but anyways which ones r my friends i literally cant keep track:
@wishingformemoria @bleshilegend @sophrosynes @yeabeom @jacksonurs @kangdonghos @girllgroup @huiracha @jacksonurs @poc7
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theajaheira · 6 years
2018 fic writing roundup
tagged by @catty-words​ !! thank u darling
i have this lingering suspicion that the 92k mess that is imperfections has a tendency of bumping up my word count, but also i’ve been writing particularly A Lot this year. so. yikes. this’ll be a mess
Total 2018 Word Count: 465,233 (so uh. yikes squared?) Total 2018 Hits: 16,798 Other 2018 AO3 Stats: Kudos: 1,592; Comment threads: 457; Bookmarks: 186; Subscriptions: 121.
Total 2017 Word Count: 171,640   Total 2017 Hits: 9,156 Other 2017 AO3 Stats: Kudos: 841; Comment threads: 172; Bookmarks: 126; Subscriptions: 40.
Links and Titles to 2018 Works (buckle up kids)
ten questions for new year’s eve (6,669 words) lonely s4 giles meets jenny on new year’s eve. basically fluff laced with some light angst, which i think set the tone for most of my writing this year
forever (4,738 words) some assorted femslash ficlets from tumblr that i immediately forgot about after february. it of course got buried under a deluge of jenny fic but there’s still some cute stuff there! i had a lot of fun in particular writing about bb willow and the beginnings of her attraction to girls
she’s your destiny (9,560 words) AHHHHHH I FORGOT I WROTE THIS. blessings of writing This Much. soulmate au with buffy/willow and giles/jenny where like. none of them are soulmates but they fall crazy in love anyway.
the happy-ending bouquet (3,851 words) set in 2018. giles and jenny have been married for something like 15 years and are still very happy and in love. basically just an endless deluge of fluff
personas (2,729 words) hhhhh i hesitate to count this as a 2018 fic, because i technically posted it in summer 2017 and then deleted it for reasons unknown (even to me). but there aren’t enough fics that explore jenny’s fractured sense of identity and her broken heart and i love my girl so much. so. wrote that.
something real (2,173 words) my valentine’s day fic!! a friend and i share the headcanon that jenny would have finally shoved her way back into giles’s heart if not for the love spell throwing her off, so. wrote a fic where that happened, albeit somewhat angstily.
direct, but not unwelcome (4,478 words) this fic always makes me cringe, a little; the office verse was written largely for faith and tara, and writing giles and jenny in it was a decision i don’t entirely like (mostly bc there really is no narrative place for either of them). but it has a few good lines ig?
putting a ring on it (2,370 words) giles and jenny proposal fic!! a little wobbly in places imo but still so fun to write. those two deserve all the fluff
the second choice soulmates (6,942 words) the inevitable faith/tara sequel to the soulmate au!! i had it planned from the second i started writing the first fic in that series, and i had a lot of fun with it. in which faith and tara have to deal with their soulmates being in love with each other, and end up falling in love themselves.
nightmares and the aftermath (1,205 words) the first fic i wrote in the ripper au! ripper has a nightmare; jenny talks him through it.
the inherent complexity of falling in love (3,519 words) more soulmate au nonsense!! this time with solely giles and jenny!! 
let’s stay together (857 words) i say that this is “a series of vignettes in which ben, ann, and leslie are dating” but really it’s just one. i’ve kept it in bc i really wanna write more than one. ben/leslie/ann is such a blessed ship and there are no fics for it! which is ridiculous! because they really should all be dating!! leslie has two hands y’all
moments of connection in an uncertain world (3,351 words) the olivia/jenny fic that set that amazing ship on its course. set in asoue; jenny’s identity in the narrative is ambiguous bc jenny’s identity in every narrative is ambiguous. mystery bicon
amends (remixed) (2,988 words) i’m like 99 percent sure i spite-wrote this fic after watching amends bc that really seems like something i would do. in which ghost jenny makes sure buffy, angel, and giles all know that she doesn’t blame them for a single thing.
it’s a family affair (11 chapters) jenny, married to giles and mom to two daughters, loses her memory. i meant for this to be an exploration of jenny and giles’s relationship + jenny as a character, but with hindsight i feel like i kinda rushed it. maybe someday i’ll come back and expand this a little?
maybe i’m in love (24 chapters) CRIES. this fic was posted all in one day and got buried under the deluge of fic i wrote this year and i am still so sad that it remains forgotten. even by me. like i forgot it existed till now. but it is the treasure of my heart and i am still not sure what i can possibly do for calendiles day 2019 that will even come close to “slow burn giles/jenny series rewrite in script format.”
dragonslayers (8,048 words) i go back and forth between whether adding a sequel to a sappy-happy-ending fic was actually needed, but i had a lot of fun writing jenny and anya and tara being friends and adopting a dog. those girls deserve so much better.
tech support (1,315 words) jenny works at angel investigations, and giles meets her when he and buffy drive up to la to get a book. unabashed fluff.
family ties (2,294 words) giles introduces jenny to his dad and the aunts. i had giles call himself “rupert” for the entire fic and forgot to explain why i made the choice to do so (and there was a damn good reason!!!) so every time i see this fic....Regret™
i like you (992 words) the product of me realizing “wait, i never wrote a fic about my Very Specific Headcanon that giles and jenny had sex after school hard!!!” and then going ahead and writing that fic. not explicit; lots of giles and jenny being dumb and in love
take me now! (3,460 words) the sister fic to my other jenny/olivia fic! in this one, jenny’s a watcher and olivia’s the sweet librarian who has her all blushy.
the grieving process (9,771 words) this fic! was! such a trip to write! i wanted to write something where giles’s s6 issues were confronted. originally i wrote a jenny’s-alive fic where he goes to her place in la after leaving buffy in tabula rasa, but the mood of that fic was miserable and hostile, so i changed things ever so slightly. and then it became “giles goes to jenny after buffy dies,” and that transitioned into “giles actually finally gets to have an outlet for his emotions,” and then it became a very soft fic that i love very much.
unsolved mysteries (1,704 words) a modern jackaby au! where jenny cavanaugh has trauma-related anxiety and eats pretzels w jackaby in a hall closet! surprisingly soft.
the cleanup crew (2,968 words) post-ted; buffy calls jenny and giles in to help her with ted’s robot body. because that ep was a hot mess and too many things were tied up too fast.
princess charming (2,754 words) written thanks to a throwaway line from the grieving process! about jenny saving fred in pylea! @theforestlesbian​ mentioned in a review that this fic came off as “the adventures of jenny” and that was the best compliment ever.
untraditional, unconditional (4,223 words) ripper au! ripper and jenny get married! i don’t think i will ever write a better calendiles wedding than this one.
gettin’ bi (1,215 words) jenny and giles come out to each other. that’s really it.
intimacy (1,058 words) some root/shaw fluff. g o sh at some point i really should finish poi huh
the battle’s done (and we kind of won) (5,026 words) post-chosen; jenny inexplicably comes back from the dead, and giles works thru the messy aftermath of s7.
chaos, vengeance, love (1,412 words) giles’s exes talk over his grave. (and yes, i do mean jenny and ethan.)
buffy summers, muggle-born (6,075 words) buffy goes to hogwarts! this was meant to set the scene for a loosely connected string of fics, but i could never decide whether i wanted them to be chaptered fics or oneshots. i do have like 3 large chapters saved to my computer, tho :/
a eulogy (920 words) jenny calendar, as told by how she’s remembered.
survivors’ guilt (4,690 words) in which giles dies instead of jenny, and jenny and buffy deal with it poorly. my only problem w this fic is that i really wish i’d explored the messy aftermath of what might have happened if jenny had brought giles back. 2019 project y/y?
regarding honor and honesty in the workplace (43 chapters) CRIES IN JENNY/LILAH. given that i did not shut up about this fucking fic for a good 3 months, i don’t think it needs a summary.
maybe we could have a thing (3,184 words) giles and jenny’s first date!! canon told us they went out beforehand and it really did need to be ficced.
the most important words (2,753 words) passion fix-it! how many of these have i written dfshlsdhdf. anyway, by some lucky stroke, jenny doesn’t die, but she’s understandably kind of a mess. giles tries to help.
that brown-eyed technopagan (2,821 words) ripper au! willow has a HUGE crush on jenny calendar, who in this ‘verse is in her senior year at sunnydale high. lots of high school shenanigans.
seven new and very bad songs about jenny (8,597 words) another ripper au fic, this one about what it takes for ripper to finally give in and kiss the girl.
love of mine (282 words) one of the two fics i have written that involves giles grieving jenny. angst abounds.
the adjustment period (4024 words) i wanted to write about how weak vamp jenny is for her gf, so i returned to the grand romantic gestures ‘verse and explored that. femslash calendiles!!
love, scotch, and late-night parties (2,539 words) the aftermath of eyghon in the ripper au. jenny wants to be smothered in attention from ripper; ripper wants to give jenny the space he thinks she needs. basically the exact opposite of canon with the exact same inability to communicate.
father and son (3,761 words) in which ripper examines his relationship to his dad, and worries about treating his new son the same way. (spoiler alert: he obviously does not.)
imperfections (46 chapters) TECHNICALLY i added a few new chapters in 2018. i stg i’ll at least get closer to finishing it this year.
happily ever after (2,005 words) set after the dire king! jenny and jackaby being dumb and in love and experimenting with “the mechanics of ghost-human relations.”
cardboard robot (2,097 words) ripper au: halloween edition! ripper gets a pumpkin stuck on his head and sings about jenny, who Definitely Doesn’t Like Him What Are You Talking About Shut Up.
tea, with honey (3,295 words) a modern jackaby au, where jenny’s trauma really is trauma with no ghost metaphor. jackaby, darling of my heart, is still just as sympathetic.
very really married (6 chapters) THIS I WILL FINISH IN 2019. FOR REALS. i have too many unpublished chapters on my laptop to NOT finish it. set in s1; giles and jenny get drunk married in las vegas pre-canon. which, of course, adds a whole new level of complexity to both of giles’s new jobs.
coping (2,611 words) i really wanted to write about jenny and eyghon, bc there are like 0 fics that address the absolute mess that canon throws at that woman. so i did. very angsty with no clear happy ending, bc that’s what happens when you write canon compliant fic about jenny calendar.
yours (2,747 words) my first foray into writing phryne and jack! and, if the 4k-and-counting wip is anything to go by, definitely not my last. 2018 brought me a lot of things, but watching mfmm all the way through was definitely one of the best.
family ties (2,640 words) catch me crying about river and the ponds for the rest of my life, probably. centered around river’s graduation from luna university and her relationship with her parents.
decently clothed (1,516 words) lots of dumb calendiles fluff!! based on a paragraph from a btvs novel; jenny and giles go clothes shopping. it’s exactly as cute as it sounds.
making things right (1,060 words) passion fix-it that came to me when i thought “what if jenny survived, but didn’t even care that she’d almost died, bc what really mattered was that she’d fixed things with giles and buffy?? lmao how badly would that fuck giles up, knowing that she placed earning his trust over her own life???” and then i wrote it bc i love pain
bless her soul (6,294 words) s3. jenny comes back wrong. lots of explorations of the guilt that buffy, giles, and angel harbored for jenny’s death, with none of the pain of using jenny solely as a mouthpiece for evil. so like. amends done right.
dear friend (1 chapter, so far) a you’ve got mail calendiles au that i really do intend to work on some more in 2019.
haunted (15,622 words) WHAT a note to end 2018 on. a (mostly) non-supernatural au in which jenny, after an intense & awful trauma, leaves sunnydale and buys a ridiculously inexpensive mansion in england. why was it so cheap? because giles, the ghost who lives there, has been scaring off buyers. naturally, jenny is not easily rattled.
Favorite Fic: it’s hard to choose bc i wrote so many but for now i’ll pick bless her soul. writing the-first-as-jenny and playing up scooby guilt while still getting to bring jenny back for a happy ending??? that was just so much fun.
Hardest Fic: very really married. absolutely. i was in a v weird place while writing that fic, so that certainly didn’t help, but that fic has been giving me Trouble since i started writing it.
Do You Plan to Take Prompts in 2019? always!!
What was the best thing about 2018? friendsssss!!! i’m entering 2019 with a lot of solid friendships, which really wasn’t the case in 2018. 
What was the worst thing about 2018? tbh the answer will always and forever be “my mom” until i am out of this house
Any last thoughts for 2018? how the FUCK did i WRITE more than half of the fics i have posted on ao3 in THIS YEAR ALONE. 55 FICS. i’m REELING.
Goals for 2019
finish the cheesy au g/j multichapters i started
maybe start work on a detective au sequel? i miss that ‘verse
more ripper au fic!!!!!
more jenny/olivia!!!
more jenny centric fic in general like It’s What She Deserves
SOMETHING about jenny and angel. i talk big talk about how much that dynamic fascinates me but i only ever touch on it in fic. it’s never the central focus.
finish the phryne/jack fic i’m working on, and maybe...tentatively...write more?
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astereaholloway · 6 years
- ̗̀ * ( sophie turner + cisfemale + she/her ) have you seen ( aster holloway ) walking around campus ? they are a ( twenty-one ) year old, studying ( botany + entomology ). we hear they are in ( theta sigma eta ), and can be ( opinionated & daunting ), maybe it’s because they are an ( aries ). they sort of remind us of ( abandoned greenhouses, spinning bike wheels , iridescent pocket knives ), maybe we can find out more ! *  ̖́-  + habitat
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i yeet’d holliday for this child o’ mine pls love her bc i love her sm i’ll prolly change her fc to sophie turner as soon as i get tired of cropping gifs of saoirse but enjoy her face for now sksksk. like this n i’ll come to u!!
tw: fire, death, cancer, etc. etc.
gen. info
full name: aster holloway
nickname(s): n/a, give her one n she’ll cut you probably
b.o.d. - april 1st.
label(s): the hellcat, the minefield, the connard, etc. etc.
height: probably like 5′7″ or 5′8″ tbh
hometown: inglewood, california
sexuality: chaotic. lesbian.
bio. info
hasn’t had the most......stable, life
born to dahlia verbeck, a botanist, wildlife conservationist, and volunteer firefighter whose presence was very well known in south california’s environmental scene
to keep a long story short, she married maverick holloway; a sleazy low-rank cop with a smoking problem and an obnoxious personality when she was 19. he was nearly twice her age. nobody knows why she married him, or why she tolerated him
the relationship was by no means abusive, but it was lackluster
this led to dahlia having a one night stand, and baba boom baba bing, aster was conceived
 the only one who knew that the child wasn’t maverick’s was dahlia’s twin brother, donovan, whose career was p much the exact same as dahlia’s
they were basically both mad scientists; when dahlia started slacking because of her pregnancy, donovan would kick it up
like ykno the twin scientists in bioshock infinite ?? that them like they were eerily alike, always finishing each other’s sentences. nightmare fuel.
the only difference was that donovan was considerably less intense than dahlia b/c dahlia was the kinda lass who would set fire to your car
anywAYs so aster was born and everything was fine n dandy until she got a lil older and it suddenly became clear that this child was absolutely not maverick’s at all because they looked. nothing alike. like u know when u can just tell ?? yeah. yeah u could tell
maverick left dahlia afterwards and it was essentially up to her to raise aster alone. donovan had his own wife and kid to take care of and sort of backed down from his career to do so. house dads ftw
aster grew up knowing her dad as some ‘deadbeat no good’ simply bc dahlia was bitter
also grew up as the kid who would hold worms over another kid’s face and taunt them w/ it. so like, playground bully. that was aster. she’s not ashamed of it
she was often left on her own to do her own kinda shit b/c her mom was always busy out in nature n’ shit but aster never minded; loved her mom a Lot
aster’s life changed when she was nine
her mother had been doing research out in the ~wilderness~ with donovan, after months of convincing him of doing this one last project with her~ when the wildfires started
it spread so fast, and they were already too far away from the road
it took them two months to confirm that the twins were dead
rather than leave aster to maverick, elaine--donovan’s wife--took her under her wing and moved across the country to boston alongside myra, her daughter
elaine always held a resentment towards aster because of her mother, but never did anything about it--it was just always, sorta, implied ?
but myra and aster got along swimmingly despite being polar opposites
aster was p much a feral child, and myra had been receiving etiquette lessons since birth, practically--like, literally
elaine put them in the same hobbies but aster always found ways to be wildly different from the ~standard~
myra learned cello and flute, aster started up on bass and drums (breaking both instruments, repeatedly, for many years)
elaine forced dance onto the both of them, and whilst they both excelled at ballet--aster switched over to a more free-flowing dance as soon as she was able to
(that and when elaine tried to put aster in sports instead of dance--figuring her fiery nature would be put to good use--aster managed to get kicked off of every single team of every single sport she tried b/c of her aggression. theyve had to fight a few lawsuits after aster’s broken a number of noses and sporting equipments)
myra was learning two languages, aster? dyslexic and could barely read english as it was; science made sense to her, however. plants? especially.
people confused myra and aster for twins nearly all the damn time, despite only being cousins, they were so alike and yet so opposite
that was, of course, until they got into a nasty spat when they were seventeen
it was something about dead parents and resentments and yadda yadda; it didn’t end well
aster wound up running away......all the way back to los angeles.
n i mean like......homegirl literally managed to run away across the gd country w/o getting caught or murdered
by the time she arrived in los angeles her aunt was sort of like ‘fuck it ur almost 18′ b/c....aster was nearly 18 by the time she arrived in the city, and elaine contacted maverick who in which found aster
aster did not want to go with him, after hearing stories about him just being no-good
but at that point, maverick was one of los angeles’ head detectives with a beautiful apartment and a beautiful wife and a beautiful dog and just kind of living his best life ?? after dahlia’s death he had really cleaned himself up y’kno
aster still kind of resented him but that was more of an inner thing
anyways she started attending ucla b/c her mother attended ucla, but her mother wasn’t a part of a sorority
it was one of those spur of the moment decisions and like nobody knows how aster ended up in theta sigma eta b/c she’s like a grumpy grandmother
but like she dun’ did that
we stan
a year ago maverick was diagnosed w cancer and has been in the hospital battling it ever since, aster is admittedly effected by it but like would never tell anybody ever
she doesn’t really tell anybody anything about her life, like, it’s a gd mystery
uuuuuuuuh aster works in a floral shop as a florist and grows her own shit ranging from fruits, vegetables, weed, shrooms, uh opium poppies yeah she Does that
it’s organic n fresh n shit like the devil works hard but aster works harder
she doesn’t really ~sell~ too often b/c she’s kinda selfish w her stash but it’s some top notch shit when she does 
no she doesn’t grow in the floral shop she’s not Stupid
aster inherited some of her mother’s properties Out There so she drives up almost everyday to take care of her plants
uuuhh fun fact, aster’s part of a dance like...company, kind of? but not really ? outside of ucla b/c she hates being involved in school shit besides habitat for humanity
v v v harsh tbh
she won’t beat around the bush, usually...brutally honest, tbh?
like lbr she’s kind of a bitch too
just v offputting at first b/c she tells it like how it is n doesn’t rly care abt ur problems
doesn’t go around lookin’ for new friends but if you’re tight w her then she’ll probably die for u like she’s v loyal
but if u wrong her like even once she’ll drop u and treat u like right shit
she either feels intensely or nothing at all n that’s like. smth u have to deal w/
she’s v v v chaotic neutral, bordering evil--really works in her own favors
became a botanist after her mother bc she admired her mother more than anybody else
not saying that being vegan is a personality trait
aster’s a vegan
n just super hardcore into saving the earth n shit?
litter and she’ll break ur nose, basically
v into sustainable living n shit. rides her bicycle everywhere if she can, rly rarely drives, doesn’t do fast fashion at ALL
v v passionate, will argue w/ u until u admit she’s right even if she’s painfully wrong
like super stubborn, v opinionated, assumes the worst of u immediately
a lil cynical, but is more realist than pessimist
like so gay
she’s not Out-Out but she definitely doesn’t hide it, just doesn’t think it’s necessary to be like ‘im gay’ every 5 minutes n doesn’t think it’s necessary to let ppl kno she’s gay b/c shes just like....its my business
kinda bitch to flirt w dudes for fun in order to lead them on, get them to do things for her, etc. etc. just to disappoint in the end
this is big dumbass energy b/c that’s how u get stabbed
unless aster stabs u first
kinda gal who’ll key ur car if u piss her off during a class debate, but will also stick thumb tacks into ur wheels n shit too
like.....i said she’s spiteful, right? b/c she can b so spiteful
really, genuinely, has no regard for other ppl’s feelings
her music taste is either heavy rock or straight up like grimes/die antwoord there is no in between (prolly listens to billie eilish tho)
owns a pet tarantula n yes she has it in her dorm n Yes she brings it out n plays w it n shit her name is stevie nicks n u better respect her
big slut
would never cheat on u but also probably wouldn’t date u in the first place bc she’s scared of like....being in a relationship b/c all of hers are p much on the rocks
probably carries around a pocket knife at all times
probably bought said pocket knife from a dude in an alleyway for like $5 
myra also goes to ucla and theyre 100% still not speaking but that’s bc they’re both too stubborn to go to each other but like lbr aster misses her cousin
v unruly, nvr brushes her hair, usually got dirt on her clothes bc she’s prolly been digging in gardens or stealing flowers or some shit
bright side is tht she always smells like flowers
theta sigma eta is lucky b/c she cooks her own meals w her own fresh veggies n shit n she always makes too much food n like ? so good
but anyways she’s also got like no manners okay she’s so impolite
uuuuuuh god i dunno what else
wanted connections
ride or die
other friends of varying closeness
ex-friends ???
...like somebody she’s into but also...not into? v conflicted feelings
on-and-off-agains bc their relationship is awful n probably toxic but it just. hurt so good
boys she’s led on
boys she’s currently leading on
flirtatious encounter gone wrong [not clickbait] ??
enemies but gone sexual [not clickbait]
buyers of her products - either weed, shrooms, or opium teehee
give her somebody she was a uwu soft crush on but would nvr do anything abt bc gross romance !!
alternately, unrequited crushes of any sorts
fellow gays b/c gays always end up knowing each other
party pals
frenemies ??
sdfgh give me her dad’s trophy wife pleathe....it’d be so funny
childhood friends tht knew her b4 she moved to boston so like...ages 0-9
childhood friends tht knew her after she moved to boston so like...ages 9-17
or acquaintances bc she was....a mean one
A TUTOR just b/c she can rly struggle w her dyslexia
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buzzmemes · 5 years
I hate this
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I hate this : Memes
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your passport photo and copy of passport At my school, the homework was to color the picture. So very true... In my school it’s so bad, the teacher projects it on the whiteboard ah, nightmares Soo true XD They say that because you cropped it out. And that is a fact They use plotters I get it! Lol that’s good shit Im sory Toad The homework that steals your time and your lunch money 99% of sane teachers shows u the color image on smart board No teachers want to show u crappy print Just understand it. Color printer is expensive. You’re telling me that teachers give out free black children? Bet, already got three in the basement itsa me, Noir-io Facts tho It'sa me, a-Copyo! We all make mistakes in the heat of passion, Jimbo. Come back in ten years And they pop in a “do you see the ... in the picture” question Why mario on the right looks like he's about to wake me up at 3 am saying with deep demonic voice It's time for me to turn you into my spaghetti Is this the new "We have ____ at home" ? Since im in school this is to relatable The math graphs were the worst though 30 years of saving princesses, 30 years of smashing brown mushrooms. And for what? Cake? Mario!? Why does this remind me of the fearsome Llapp Goch Master. There's a good chance this is unique! I checked 103,921,185 image posts and didn't find a close match Whenever I got bad copies I'd always split the best copies around the room so every student was at least near a good copy and keep a bad one for myself... Remember when you were the chosen one to go out of class and get em papers wonderful If Mario was in Papers, Please AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA printer companies: see you little shits? this is why your printer needs colored cartridges! My name is paublo Yes Is that pablo It's supposed to be not centered Based on a true story Itsa me, Marijuanio! he looks so sad:( NVM took a secound look he looks like he bout to ask me if i wanna buy WEEEEEEEEEEEEEDDD Kinda looks like Hitler though Noah get the Death Star. My kindergarten teacher wife has to print shit at home for this reason. Effectively costs $300/year in paper/ink and another $100 to replace whatever broken down color ink printer we have in a given year. I want her to transition to laser, but haven't been able to convince her. More like the board of Education, principal and superintendents wanting another raise so the kids get B&W copies. At our large school we have 1 color copier, the rest are black and white. More often than not, kids are not getting color copies. Budget. Why is this too true Don't you be knocking LaserJet. Those things were a tank whose toner lasted a long time. DeskJet is what you are looking for. Made with HP LaserJet 100 color MFP Same Mario on the right side looks like sleep paralysis demon, ngl. Mario and Noireio. Top 10 hollywood stars ruined by drug addiction. It looks like if he ran into me he'd try to stuff me into an animatronic suit where I belong Mario looks like he's going to go on a mugging spree Too true Me looking at my paper: HERE WE GOOOO One more gram common u can do it is fentanyl the new drug to go? i only appy the fentanyl patches on them cancer patients at work, so they don't suffer 24/7. a couple of months ago there was a problem at our elderly home, bc some crazies tried to dig them used patches out of our trash..have fun with patches which are covered in shit and piss You should have done 64 or 69 Bro youd die before you even got through half a gram of fentanyl wtf do you even know what fentanyl is lmao A true epic gamer moment God I wish I had some pure fent Issa me, Black tar heroin Mario! Come with me and meet my gang of druga dealers! I really Was expecting a rickroll lmao And this is probably what he's listening to on his alone time https://youtu.be/ijBrulQXE2U It me mrio I jst snrted one mre grm and I jst deid DO IT FOR THE GRAM Go ahead and do another gram just one more gram Legendary The homework that steals your time and your lunch money............... Luigi says: do the coke to get the smoke Betta tell your moms your dads your ministers... WOOOMP WOOOMP WOOOMP!!!! Justa what me the Doctor Mario prescribed Mama mia I a need a more of that a shit YAHOOOOOO!!!! And remember kids - when you do drugs, you go to hell before you die! It’s a me druggooo Mario! I have snorted 68 grams of pure fentanyl and I am going to die. Itsame itsame I’m literally studying for an exam right now and my professor put that on his own notes... like bro nobody gives a shit about your stats notes I had a professor just say “don’t waste your money on the book. Just google book name pdf and it should be the first link.” Then he did in in class go show us And then you have the ones that sell their own 40 page notes in 2 sections for €20 each at the college book store. Or the ones that make class notes and give them out in the first class. Even better are the ones that accidentally send a pdf of their own book that they make no money on due to a shitty publisher to one or two people in the class. my favorite kinds of professors A full commitment is what I'm thinking of A lot of emulators come with a warning like "Use a bios file from your own console. Do not download one for free from the Internet!" I saw something on TIL a while back, during the prohibition era of the United States, some companies sold grape concentrate. They had a warning on them that said something to the effect of "after adding the concentrate to water, do not let it sit for two weeks as it will ferment into wine." As if...they wanted you to do it! That's a pretty calculated statement for them to make. *mobile errors I had calculus profs who would tell us 'I legally cannot advise you to steal copywrited material so under no circumstances should you go to this website and torrent the textbook for free instead of buying it from the overpriced book store and wasting your money' I always love those blank pages that just have in like size i font "Do not write here" for no fucking reason. Then the teacher tells you that they didn't see it I like when it’s in huge, WHITE print in the middle of the fucking page so half the assignment is cut off I like when it says on the side of the paper COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL DO NOT PHOTOCOPY OR DISTRIBUTE BY ANY MEANS Or the "here's a form that was made in Excel, if you could fill it out so that we can input the information back in Excel that would be great." "yeah..." "But the image gets worse!" Work in Japan. Teachers give me a copied paper. "just copy it. They have the file on their damn computer. Which is where we are sitting. -20 points. I can’t even read the damn question At my school, we get lectured for printing a class set rather than just a master. They say it’s about toner being cheaper and the copier cartridges are much much bigger. There are also a lot of places where teachers don't have access to a shared laser printer like that and don't have any option but to make photocopies, so stuff like the OP can be unavoidable sometimes. Genuinely not a problem in my school - we have a fleet of MFDs for bulk printing. We have an admin assistant in charge of the reprographics room who can interrupt jobs if needed as well. It's just an old mindset that they can't get out of. Yeah but then you have to be the asshole that released a print job with 200+ pages while others are waiting to use the copier since this is the only one you can print to. What is full sending? huzzah, a man of quality Have you tried full sending it? From an IT perspective, usually it's not that they want you to know what triggered the problem, they want you to provide concise information on what exactly you were doing up until the issue occurred. Though I do understand that IT technicians are notoriously unsociable lol I'm sure thats a great suggestion but that's the thing is that IT acts like its up to the enduser to already know whats causing the issues and what needs to be done to fix it. Also this doesn't solve his/her issue of getting staples on the copies. Have your IT reinstall your driver and you can select the options that your printer has. likely you are on a global driver, or it wasn't installed correctly! Or if I want staples. We can only select staples on our copier itself. It would be easier if the print queue thing was reliable. But I can't keep running back to my room if it didn't send it, so I make extra copies from my first one. Or if I need front/back from different originals I work in IT support for a school - teachers, for some fucking reason beyond my understanding, seem to print one copy of something, then photocopy it for their classes. Telling them that just printing it for everyone keeps the quality better doesn't sink in. It costs the same, comes out of the same device, and it's less work, but I'm the insane one. Th s rin er se ms o æ run ing lo n ink To the knee And my axe! And my sword! Take mine too! Fuck off take a useless arrow Actually it seems this printer is low on incas. Damn u incas "I'm so sorry kids, our ancient printer is not working properly again" Read the full article
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Okay but...
Think of this, Lance having to put up so many masks that he loses sight of who he is.
I might be self projecting but coming from a really fuckin big family I have to throw up acts to suit certain family members or else I’d have to face them complaining to my parents (and thus getting the ruler/cane/umbrella/sometimes pens of dEATH) and/or just having to deal with their disappointment.
So since lance comes from a big family that’s what he does? And he does it so often that by the time he reaches the Garrison and later on joins Voltron everything is just a mask bc he doesn’t know what to think and doesn’t know who he is. But the team doesn’t know? Bc this is all they’ve known about lance and by now he’s so good at masking himself it’s almost like a second skin.
Ok then cue them going to an alien planet who’s been able to resist the Galra’s for sometime and they wanna make an alliance with the alien planet bc they could use the allies. But the aliens are really strict and they don’t take no funny business like flirting or whatever. So when they get to the planet they decide Lance might need to stay behind bc he’s an impulsive guy and might fuck things up. But it’d be weird if only one paladin was missing right? So it’s just Allura and Coran that go down to greet the alien race.
But the alien leader is unimpressed and is like “where is voltron how do we know you’re legit?” (More serious like but meh I’m too lazy fuck it). So they have no choice but to let Lance and the rest of voltron out of the castle. Everyone’s keeping an eye on Lance (and Keith kinda but moreso lance) but they’re so surprised when his entire attitude changes? He’s serious, answers questions eloquently and is standing like he’s some army soldier or something like that.
They’re all so surprised bc wtf Lance how are you so good at acting? But they have to put it out of their mind bc hello alliance and fighting Zarkon. The alliance is made successfully and they leave to which Lance just reverts back to his normal self but only after an hour after leaving the planet (bc from experience it takes time to dismantle one mask and then put on another)
Then during one of their calmer weeks where there isn’t much news or fighting, someone (pidge maybe?) offhandedly mentions how Lance acted during their stay on that planet. (And Lance isn’t there he’s doing his beauty guru stuff) And everyone is like “oh yeah wtf was up with that” and someone else just jokingly says “Lmao what if Lance is acting with us too?” And everyone’s laughing bc this is Lance and no way this is Lance we’re talking about.
Lance enters the room when someone makes that joke and he’s like “yeah I am” and everyone nervously laughs bc “haha yeah really funny Lance you’re just joking right?” And he just is so serious for once and “no I’m not”. Cue Long conversation on why he’d feel the need to put on a mask around them bc they’re family and Lance talking about his insecurities with the team and there’s crying and cuddles and everyone is talking about their internal problems bc “we need to get these off our chests anyways.”. Shiro is afraid that he won’t be a good leader and will one day lead them to disaster. Pidge is afraid she’ll never find her family and that she’ll one day lose them as well. Keith is afraid of his heritage and one day just bringing the whole team down bc of that. Hunk is afraid of not being able to protect the team properly. Allura is afraid that they’ll never defeat Zarkon and that she might lose the team too. Coran is afraid of losing the team, Allura everything. (And if you want for comedic effect Slav just appears and is like “I’m afraid of dying but this conversation has increased our chances of living by 67%! And there’s watery laughter as they pull Slav in for a hug too)
There’s more cuddles and the team wakes up the next day with disgusting crusty eyes and pillows that still have tear streaks on them. Everyone is grossed out bc someone (Hunk maybe lmao) drooled and there’s calls of "EWWW” mixed in with laughter and everyone feels lighter and mildly happier. And if for a moment just a small one, Lance feels a flicker of who he really is of the him without all the masks.
Of course not everything is fixed right away, when is it anyways? There’s still relapses where Lance pretends to be something he isn’t in reaction to a situation that he doesn’t know how to react to, and then there’s more cuddles and the team taking care of him. Sometimes Shiro dissolves into panic attacks, sometimes Keith just starts shouting for no reason, sometimes Pidge just starts sobbing when something reminds her of her family, sometimes Hunk’s screams can be heard throughout the castle as he has nightmares of his team dying bc he wasn’t able to save them, sometimes Allura overworks herself into exhaustion, sometimes Coran has to just constantly check on each member of the team every 5 minutes and he’s always nervous and scared when he does so. But the team is always there to help each other out, there’s bonding nights with huge cuddle piles, forts made from huge pillows and blankets, sad movies that end with sniffles or sobs, funny movies that end with people crying from laughter. They’re all a little broken but it’s okay bc the team will always be there.
And bc I’m a cruel bitch, imagine the teams reactions when Shiro disappears after all this happens :) and then when Lance is captured by Prince Lotor :)))))))
I love y'all don’t forget :)
(Reasoning why Lance would just admit he was acting: I’m probably self projecting again but tbh when I’m caught out and someone asks me if I’m just acting I don’t mind admitting it. Maybe subconsciously I know I’ve really lost myself and I might need the help so that’s why I admitted it. But also bc I don’t see the point in doing the whole cliche “w-what? No I’m not this is the real me” bullshit bc 100% of the time no one who actually cares about you will believe that, and Lance RECOGNISES that the team DOES care about him even though his lack of self esteem and overwhelming self doubt often makes him doubt that fact.)
(Also I’m really new to the Voltron fandom so I’m sorry if my writing is crappy and the characters are a little ooc pls forgive this child I’m trying my best)
(New edit: I also have a lot of really cool ideas on how to continue on from Shiro being missing so if y'all want me to continue just ask-)
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vampire-core · 7 years
kennith for the headcanon thing (i wanna know what you think about him too!)
since u didnt specify im gonna do both >:3c
also ty pal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
under the cut bc….. Logn,
1: Let’s do a weird headcanon thing
What they smell like
he prob smells like a mix of pot/cigarettes and perfume tbh??
How they sleep (sleeping position, schedule, etc)
he moves around a Lot and prob has occasional nightmares, +normally curls on his side or Sprawls the fuck out. has knocked steph off her bed in a few sleepovers. he goes to bed waaay too late and wakes up rlly late, or he just pulls allnighters
What music they enjoy
he DEF likes 60s/70s rock, and def psychadelic rock. +hed prob like marina and the diamonds and the mountain goats??? a mix of rock and weird indie shit
How much time they spend getting ready every morning
tbh i see him as either spendin a fair amount of time doin shit, like makin his hair look nice puttin on makeup etc, or running a hand through his hair, brushing his teeth, and Goin bc No Energy. gotta love mental illness! +he obv takes the time to put on his binder but
Their favorite thing to collect
tbh i can see him as collecting mechanical pencils??? like a SHITTON of different lead thicknesses (he prefers 0.5 prob), designs etc
Left or right-handed
ambidextrous, but leaning towards right-handed more
Religion (if any)
atheist!!! :00
Favorite sport
kennith fucken Hates sports but like. hockey isnt too bad in his opinion prob??? and plus hot dudes
Favorite touristy thing to do when traveling (museums, local food, sightseeing, etc)
i wanna say his fav thing to do is prob acting like an obnoxious tourist if that fits. his dream job is asshole and also he loves the glares he gets its fucken Hilarious. he prob would love checkin out cool buildings tho :00
Favorite kind of weather
he prob fucken LOVES rain like. its so peaceful and nice and he would die for puddle-jumping so
A weird/obscure fear they have
USING THE STOVE its prob an Anxiety thing and smth IM tryin 2 get over but like. kennith is a bad cook. the last time he tried anything he prov burned himself and the kitchen. he is fucken terrified bc he does NOT want to get scalded thanks
The carnival/arcade game they always win without fail
those fucken racing games prob bc kennith is RUTHLESS. hes horrible at things that involve aiming tho pls dont ask him to throw anything accurately.
2: send me a character and i’ll tell you
sexual orientation headcanon
GAY gay as hell. also hella grey-aro
gender headcanon
TRANS BOY well transmasc genderfluid. mainly between guy/demiguy/agender im guessin?? and he uses he/they but not she use she and he’ll deck you or cry
mental illness / neurodivergent headcanon
>:3c who said projecting furiously onto ones kintype? me
ok obv obv hes a depressed bpd socially anxious mess, but also i def see him w dpd/avpd and not just bc of me and my canon and i see him as hella adhd too???? and pprob an ed, +a dissociation thing?? and hes. def got some drug/alcohol abuse problems, tho if they could count as alcoholism/addiction is. questionable
most of this is furioius projecting and shit from my kin canon but
3 random headcanons
1: hes SUPER flexible, like foot-to-head flexible, and ALWAYS wins twister bc of this (dont play twister with him)
2: has a sister whos MUCH older and gave him his first cigarette. shes not a good influence but shes nice enough
3: Not Good parents. this is also projecting from my canon but??? he just. does not seem like the type of kid to come from a happy family
4: one more bc i like this one but e has a cat whos name is dick
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gcnnerpaxton · 5 years
ok this is bri w muse number two strikes a pose n trots off to Write
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『AXEL AURIANT ❙ CISMALE』 ⟿ looks like GUNNER PAXTON is here for HIS JUNIOR year as a FILM student. HE is 21 years old & known to be LOYAL, RESILIENT, ANXIOUS & COWARDLY. They’re living in MORIS, so if you’re there, watch out for them. ⬳ BRI. 22. EST. SHE/THEY.
pinterest is HERE.
name: gunner brick paxton.
age: twenty-one.
gender identity: cis-male.
pronouns: he/him.
sexuality: bicurious (in denial/closeted).
birthday: july 31, 1998.
star sign: leo.
myers-briggs: intj.
year of study: junior.
major: film.
occupation: librarian.
place of birth: laramie, wyoming.
religion: catholic (non-practicing).
fr those who read elias’ bio u kno tht gunner is the middle paxton child w eli being his older brother n wyatt being the youngest!!
they lived at the top of a hill in a trailer in a trailer park neighbourhood in laramie, wyoming so to say the least that fucking sucked for everyone involved
the trailer was so small that all 3 boys ended up sharing a room, gunner and wyatt sharing a bunk bed bc they cldnt fit 3 beds into one room it really was every childs nightmare bt they quickly grew used to it tbh
gunner was always more of an artsy child than invested in sports - though he does enjoy baseball and continued even to this day after their day made him join SOMETHING in middle school - so he never rly earned their father’s respect, but he was always close with his mom since they had the same calm temperament
he also gained a list of mental health issues that their mom had as well, including social anxiety and major depressive disorder
their father always encouraged pretty volatile behaviour and it caused a lot of physical fights and arguments between the brothers when their dad told them the best way to get over it was to start hurting until someone tapped out, it was just a chaotic and pretty abusive household but no one knew and their mom definitely wasn’t going to say anything about it to their dad
wyatt went missing on a weekend that their parents were gone because of a trip they won, and things just got worse from there
high school was really rough for gunner, his anxiety grew worse as time went on that no one found wyatt, their dad grew more hostile towards them, and their mom just grew sicker, it was rare that she would ever leave her room and if she did it was in fits of random energy where she would do something spontaneous and completely unnecessary to their house as a way of coping
the two years that gunner was at home after elias finally left for school were basically torture and as soon as he could, he was falling his brother’s footsteps in getting out of wyoming to go to school at radcliffe
things are far better now that they’re out of their home situation, but gunner’s going through some more things personally now; the paxton’s were raised in an incredibly religious household, and he’s got some classic Catholic Guilt going on upon realizing that mayhaps he’s not just attracted to women and just frankly refuses to touch on it rly its a whole ass mess
he’s also ‘dealing’ rn which is frankly funny to think abt bc this man is abt as threatening as a care bear bt money is tight between him and eli all things considering, and with the amount of meds he’s on, plus incredibly frequent doctor’s visits, needing to pay for extra epi-pens, inhalers, etcs. bills add up so he’s cutting back his meds n selling wht he can spare which is . so unhealthy bt thts life in corporate america baybee!
is literally allergic to everything. grass, cats, most fruits, milk, most nuts, bees, latex, probably more i cnt even keep up w them its pathetic
u can catch him n eli strutting around campus w matching epipen holders tht he got them fr eli’s 16th bday JKSDNGKLHSDGLK
if things cldnt get worse he also has quite intense asthma so he carries an inhaler with him at all times
n to make matters even WORSE he frequently has dizzy spells n bad memory problems bc of all the concussions he’s suffered from (about 5) as well as consistent migraines that can b literally debilitating sometimes
awkward n jst a bit of a Weirdo to b frank like if it weren’t fr eli he wld probably have one (1) friend he jst cnt converse w ppl
didnt have any friends in high school so took the time to teach himself rly weird things, knows a fuck ton of magic tricks, can yodel, juggle, solve a rubix cube with his eyes closed in under 2 minutes, just extremely weird and specific things
loves 2 film random things at parties, makes him feel more comfortable at them n he makes short films of them all after
ppl who buy off him?? probs wld have to kno him some way hes too scared to sell to Random randoms KJSHDGKLHSDLG
other film majors :-)
some friends.......... hes awkward bt he means well............
a mans he wld Risk It All fr (aka a guy tht gunner probs acts like a dick towards to cover up Homosexual Feelings)
ppl he has a crush on/unrequited crushes either way wtvr floats ur boat
some enemies tbh much like elias he has a temper n he tends to blow up rarely bt it happens n when it does it actually can b quite scary JKSHDGLHSDG
a muse..... mayhaps?? someone he always wants in his film projects
an awkward hook up i beg of u
anything Ur Heart Desires
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