#I promise I won't delete this particular blog this time
metalgearstranding · 1 year
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Troy Baker in Guild Wars 2: Behind the Voices
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kisakis-boyfriend · 11 months
Hi, I'm a new follower! I've been looking for your account for like, a month or two? But it doesn't really matter now that I found your blog. I rarely see you in my dashboard, and I was so happy when I found that one particular kinktober fic that I recently reblogged. I rarely see works about Albedo and it makes my heart ache. I'm still new to Genshin Impact, and he's the one that I liked the most among all of the characters. Just imagine him writhing under you while you're having your way with him, ignoring his pleads at first because he did something you didn't like? (You can simply delete or disregard this thirst if it's not your cup of tea, but if you liked it, thank you! And don't feel pressured with responding to asks and uploading works. We all have our own personal lives, and we'll be willing to wait until your next update!)
Hehe, you're too sweet 🩷 And hey, Albedo is one of my favorites too! He was the first banner that I ever pulled from when I began playing genshin!! :D
Perhaps Albedo didn't listen to you when you warned him about taking care of himself during his long stays on Dragonspine? When you journeyed up the mountain for a visit it was evident that he wasn't eating or getting enough sleep, so you give him a little punishment until he promises to do better?
Sliding into his tight ass with one hand clamped over his mouth because the alchemist won't stop apologizing and begging for you to be gentle. You wouldn't hurt him, of course, but how will he ever get the message into that little head of his unless you fuck him stupid? Unless you use his body to get off as many times as you need to so that you aren't as stressed about his well-being?
If he insists on neglecting his health then you'll simply pound his little holes until the only words he can remember are your instructions to treat himself more kindly and ‘thank you’
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kulemiwrites · 7 days
Hi Kulemi! I'm not sure if it's ok for us to ask, if not I understand and u can delete this. But I checked ur agenda to see if u updated it and I saw that ur working on something called Nishiki’s woman? Can u give any details on what it is? (If we are allowed to ask, can u answer the following?) Is it about Nishiki's type of woman? Is it a fic or headcannons? More Nishiki smut? (*¬*) THANK U!!! I'm new to ur blog but I LOVE ur Nishiki stuff!! So when I saw u were working on another Nishiki thing I got excited ( ̄▼ ̄)
hello, anon 😊 im gonna be completely honest with you, i had no clue people even paid any attention to my agenda. especially since i don't have any set schedule for posting. i have been trying to keep it up to date since the summer began tho.
and yes!! i am working on a little something, something. it's an old wip i dusted off and am trying my hand at again. Nishikiyama's Woman is a fic. now, i usually don't go into too much detail about the stuff i'm working on til it's ready to go up but idk this ask excited the hell outta me. so, imma blab a bit!
it's definitely coming out longer than i originally planned for it to be. so it'll probably be a multi-parter. and unfortunately, no. it's not about his type, i try to veer away from specifying any of the characters' types unless it's specifically for the version of reader that's in that particular story. i do that so that people have an easier time inserting themselves or their ocs or what have you. (and let's face it those fucked up men would be lucky to have any one of us)
i cannot promise that there will be smut in this one but i also i can't promise that it won't be. smut's not in my current outline (but sometimes it sneaks up on me like it did in KURO lol). what i can tell you is that it's going to be dark, angsty and dramatic af. if you've ever read KURO and you liked nishikiyama there, then you may enjoy this one. though, he'll be more uh.. unhinged.
it will be kiwami indeed lol.
edit: (i wanted to at least show the fic's tagline)
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thepromptfoundry · 9 months
The Prompt Foundry FAQ
To head off some potential confusions and concerns.
Q: Hey, who's running this thing? I'm Eiiri. I'm a writer and a nerd and I like lists. I also wrote an Ao3 metatext guide one time.
Q: What if I missed a day, or filled a prompt late? A: No problem at all! The only timeline here is for when prompt lists are posted. You create and post on your own schedule, I'll reblog as I see prompt fills pop up!
Q: What if I don't want my art reblogged here? A: If you don't tag me in the post or use my tag for the prompt theme, I probably won't even see it to reblog it. I will also endeaver to heed notes either in the body of posts or in tags to not reblog it, or you can turn off reblogs in general. If I have already reblogged your work and you'd like me to delete it, please message or reply to me.
Q: If I use prompts from the Foundry, do I have to give credit? A: Yes please.
Q: Can I share the prompt lists outside of tumblr? A: Sure! Just give attribution pointing back to this blog.
Q: Are there any formatting limitations or guidelines for prompt fills? A: Most any way you can format a tumblr post is going to be okay. I recommend using a readmore on long posts—such as writing longer than a few paragraphs or comics longer than a couple pages—just for ease of scrolling for everyone. Best practice is to make each prompt fil its own original post. If you do them as a reblog chain—especially if you start that chain from the prompt list post itself—you can expect that your prompt fills will not be reblogged to the Foundry until the end of the month. If you prefer, you can send in your prompt fill as a submitted post so that the post and all its notes track to Foundry rather than to you.
Q: Do I have to tag my prompt fills a certain way? A: Not really. I recommend using the theme tag for whichever prompt list you're working from (which you can find on the original post of the list), and tagging fannish work with what fandom it pertains to. Beyond that, it's up to you what tags you feel like adding.
Q: Hey, Eiiri, can you tag for ___? A: All prompt lists are tagged with "prompt list" and whatever theme tag I'm using for that month. Prompt fills get "prompt fill" and the theme tag. Original posts from the Foundry get "the prompt foundry." I cannot promise anything else will be tagged for consistently. I may add warning tags to reblogged prompt fills based on my own judgement, and particular tags may be added to specific posts upon request. Such requests should be made by DM or Ask, do not do so in replies on the post itself unless you are intending to ask the creator of the art rather than me, the curator of the Foundry. Either way, be polite about it.
Q: For fannish work, are there any fandoms that are off limits? A: Not really. There is no such thing as an umproblematic fandom, and I'm not interested in telling people what stories and media they are or are not allowed to engage with in a transformative manner, even if I personally find it distasteful. As long as the piece of fannish art is not, in and of itself, perpetuating or advocating harm, I will reblog it to the Foundry. If it is perpetuating or advocating harm, I will report it and block the creator.
Q: Is NSFW allowed? A: Yup! Please use tumblr community labels for mature content as appropriate and consider using a readmore to keep anything particularly racy or scary out of immediate view—that goes for both visuals and words. I may choose to not reblog NSFW work that I deem insufficiently guarded.
Q: Is machine-generated "AI" content allowed? A: No. We are here for the joy of artistic creation and the prompts are meant as inspiration for real, human artists. Anyone found to be using machine-generation in filling these prompts will be blocked.
Q: Is there any other content that's not allowed? A: Content that is itself harassing, racist, queerphobic or exclusionist, or that otherwise perpetuates or advocates harm to real people. Any such will not be reblogged, and the creator will be blocked. I am willing to hear concerns that work I've reblogged here is harmful in ways that I may have missed—such as using dogwhistles I'm unfamiliar with or just didn't catch—but anti-ship arguments will get the complainer blocked.
Q: Are minors allowed to interact with the Foundry? A: I'm not blocking anyone based only on their age. I expect everyone engaging with the Foundry to curate their own experience. Block tags, block people, use community labels. Kicking up a stink about the presence of kids, or of non-kid-friendly art, will get you blocked.
Q: Is there anybody who isn't allowed to interact with the Foundry? A: Yeah, people I have blocked. That's mostly TERFs, suicide-baiters, and other such assholes. And porn bots, though if a porn bot actually filled a prompt I would be rather impressed. Anybody harassing me or other creators within the scope of the Foundry will be blocked.
In general, be kind, be respectful of differences in this shared space, support your fellow creatives, and have fun!
If you have any other questions, comments, confusions or concerns, or if you just want to say hello, my ask box is open!
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drpeppertummy · 1 year
mobile-friendly request info:
My inbox is always open to requests and suggestions. They can be specific scenarios or just loose ideas. I don’t promise that I’ll draw them! If I like them, I’ll draw them. Might not be right away. Might save it for when the mood is right. Might take a long time. If you want me to ping you if/when I draw it, let me know. If you’re not sure what kinds of kink things I’m interested in drawing, [check here.]
I am not currently taking commissions or doing trades. If that changes, I will make a post for it.
I’m not fucking drawing kids! All characters I draw are in their 20s at youngest and fully adult-bodied (no ancient vampires stuck as kids, etc). No aged up characters either
Scenarios between relatives. By scenarios I mean like one feeding the other, eating the other, rubbing the other’s belly, etc
Non-furry animals. I think they call that feral?
Anything explicitly sexual, nudity, etc.
Any characters from media. OCs only. Nothing fandom-related, nothing from games, tv, etc. Don’t ask for it, it’ll only be deleted
Please don’t include searchable names or titles in a request even if you aren’t asking for art of that particular thing. That’s exactly what got me into trouble on my old blog
Your or another person’s oc. This is something I’d rather do as a commission.
Anything from the “not at all” list on my interests page (linked above)
Please don't ask for specific physical features. I usually use either my own ocs or whatever generic little guy comes to mind. You won't trick me into drawing your oc
NOTE: the more complicated a request is (sequence of multiple panels, lots of characters involved, etc) the more likely I am to either put it off for ages or just not draw it
WHAT I WILL (potentially!!!) DRAW:
My own ocs as well as generic nonspecific characters (ex. featureless cartoon guys, random nameless dragons, generic catpeople, etc)
Anything from the “yes” and “sometimes” lists on my interest page
Same boundaries as drawing. No kids, no incest, no sex, etc
Like drawing: I’m always open to ideas, but I promise nothing, & it can take god knows how long
Only writing my own OCs. There are a handful I use regularly but I’m not opposed to branching out. [Toyhouse] for some kink-related oc info
Pretty much only writing stuffing and/or tummyache scenarios. Preg only for a chosen few. Inflation unlikely. No vore
If I draw/write your request, a reblog is appreciated! But I won’t whine if you don’t. I understand that we don’t all have kink blogs, or the drawing may not fit in on your blog, or you just might not like how it came out, etc.
I tag requests as #suggestion and asks as #message.
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0aurelion-sol0 · 2 years
So, a bit of an update:
- I've promised a lot of posts (mainly ST posts I'm talking about here, the reviews of various things, for now, are completely abandoned) over the course of this blog yet I have never posted them after that. As you may know or may not know, I have lots of thoughts but so little time and energy to get into it given what happens in my IRL life all the time. I have tried to finish those before certain things started going and certain points of time before but I just never could finish them in time or get myself to do it. So I decided to regroup into one big post everything that I am not going to say and wants to say. I am not going to tell you when it'll drop because, again, I likely won't drop in time. Just know, I'm still working on it but between not liking what I write, the way I write it & not having enough time and energy, it is taking longer than it should be...
*(There will however be a four-part theory posts that I needed to, to develop better what I had in mind. Again not telling when I'll post it but I'm still working on it.)
- Also the fact I disliked a huge part of the story as of late and what this side of the fandom has become, it's hard being 100% invested in what I do for this particular series but it has been the meat of this blog, for almost 3 years now, and I have met lots of wondeful people here that I still love talking to everyday when we can so I'm in a way still compelled with it for the moment as you see. Especially since there's only one season left that could change everything I think about it, make it go back to what I thought it was or stick to what I'm thinking it is now.
- Anyway, I still intend to take a break from social media including Tumblr, (to a lesser degree since I still want to reblog and post stuff I find interesting from time to time & share some thoughts), which started with me deleting various social medias I had over the few months I was less things & do other things than ST plus IRL. I need it for myself, especially to grow, mature and learn.
- I also intended for this blog to be more organized but as you see, I haven't been able to make it work the way I wanted it to. Again, it's still something I want to do so as of now, less batshit, reblog stuff all the time or post stupid stuff just to fill some tags on Tumblr (which I also hope I'll get better at it). It's like a new year resolution that's a little late with many others I need to follow but I really need to follow them and make some efforts myself or it won't work.
- And to finish, let's change the way this blog look since it's been a long time and keep it this way for also a long time. X) I hope you'll like it! Hoping it works and stay that way because Tumblr just always finds a way to f*ck it up somehow...
We will see after that what I'll try to do and what I want to do but until then, this is what we are aiming for; which is already a lot for me. XD
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fiddlepot · 1 year
. you can call me Eev, Eve, or Fern. I'm 19 and go by any pronouns with a particular preference for they/them.
. Welcome to my blog. It's a pretty scattered bag of different things. I write fanfiction as well as original content, I dabble in games, I have a cat and three dogs, I cook, and I do art. But a lot of this has everything to do with writing and art.
. I am a relatively busy person, so I may not get to writing requests instantly (also factoring in my level of motivation). However, feel free to send them! It brings me a lot of joy to interact with an audience. Asks, appreciation, and other things can go in my inbox as well. I promise, I don't bite!
. Before anyone asks, commissions are closed and so are free requests unless you're a moot I'm familiar with. @tobytoon @krikidilly @kkarmatic hmu... heart eyes emoticon (please go follow these people if you're not here because of them, they're all lovely)
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Before you interact...
My blog is for everyone to follow. However, please be advised that I do write NSFW at times, and even more so to steer clear of it if you're under 18.
This extends to asks. I trust you all to have integrity, so I won't go crazy over ageless blogs because I understand that internet safety is a thing. All I ask is that if you're requesting nsfw, be 18+ and please do not do so anonymously. anonymous asks and asks from minors requesting nsfw or bringing up nsfw topics will be deleted and/or ignored. If I find out you are a minor, I will block and report you.
I will write and draw for the following fandoms: (Majorly) KNY, Tears of the Kingdom, and even Needy Streamer Overload once I've played the game!
Once again, I write original content. lore drop tba. I will link it here when I organize it and eventually share it.
roleplay/ask blogs: @ask-kokushibo1, @basilleaves-rp, solon[OC](to be created) , venus[OC](TBA)
please be advised that I don't write x self insert!reader content that often. I prefer to write drabbles at most—but the majority of my content centers around oc!reader, and multiships (especially with douma)
I write what I write because of the silly dynamics constantly bouncing around in my head, and I hope you come to enjoy them as much as I do!
Characters/ships I would write and draw for if asked; Sanemi Shinazugawa, Akaza, Kokushibo (of course), Tomioka Giyuu, Obanai Iguro, Mitsuri Kanroji, Kocho Shinobu, pretty much every upper moon aside from gyokko, Douma, Enmu, endouma, kokudouma, Zelda and Link, Rauru and Sonia, Ame-chan/K-angel and p-chan!reader, and more
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Tag Masterlist
my ao3 is here. i have yet to post anything on it, but it's primarily for original content and kny x oc works.
Virtue teasers
Virtue notices
Virtue (chapters) RELEASED!
Upper moon HCS (Kokushibo, Douma, Akaza + more)
Kokudouma content [includes His Affection](discontinued)
Hantengu clones
Aizetsu drabbles
My art
OCs/OC works and drabbles more tba!
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foxymoxynoona · 2 years
Questions I get a lot!
When will you update? Do you have a set update schedule? I don’t. I used to but it became unrealistic once chapters started being 10k+ words. Now I try to update 2 things a week. You can see what the status is on any of my writing on my trello.
Can I request a story? Sorry, I don't write requests except I do occasionally write drabbles as requested. I also sometimes solicit guidance from my patreon on which longer stories I start next so if you want in on that process feel free to join my patreon!
Are you still taking drabble requests? For now, yes! Feel free to send me your drabble request (whether it's related to one of my stories or a totally new idea, either is welcome!) but please understand that I just jump around and get to them when the fancy strikes me, so I won't be able to tell you when it'll actually get written. You'll see them on my trello once I start working on it. Please understand too I write as my discretion and there may be times I choose not to fulfill a drabble request if I'm uncomfortable with the topic or feel like it's not within my wheelhouse to write, but so far it hasn't come up.
How do you write so much? A mixture of committment, practice, priority, and the inability to stop thinking about my stories haha. I have a couple posts on here that talk about my process and style. You can find them with the tag mywritingadvice or writing tips. 
Can I be an emoji anon? Yes! I’ll keep a list below of the ones already claimed. If you don’t interact with me for a few months, the emoji might get freed up if it’s one in high demand. 
Claimed (deleted ones I haven’t heard from in forever 6-12)
Have you ever considered writing _____? The answer is probably yes, haha, but there just aren’t enough hours in the day for me to write all that I want to write, and I make no promises about what comes next after my current stories. I just go where inspiration takes me! There aren't many things I wouldn't try to write, because I like exploring genre, character, odd situations, morality, etc. Just depends on my motivation and comfort at that particular time.
Can you recommend other stories to read? You can check out my fic rec blog here
I don’t like reader insert, will you add an OC to this story? OR I don’t like OCs, will you rewrite this as a reader insert? Probably not! Usually I have a reason I chose to write the story in that particular style. It’s often significant work to change and I’d rather spend writing something new! I understand if this means you don’t read all of my works, that’s ok! I never expected all of my stories to appeal to everyone because this is my opportunity to explore different genres, styles, etc.
Will you ever write a character like _______? Maybe yes! I am thoughtful about every aspect of a characters’ background in each story and what life experiences have shaped them to be who they are in that place and time, and what I feel like suits that particular story, and what I felt comfortable writing about. I hope to continue expanding my character roster in every direction –race, weight, height, culture, sexuality, interests, etc.– beyond my own personal lived experiences.
You write a lot about children and parenthood. Can you write something else? Not every story I write includes these themes but many do because it's what I feel like writing. I am writing during a time in my life in which I have felt very lonely and isolated as a parent of young children and because one of my goals for writing was to explore and better represent the experiences of motherhood. I almost always have tags identifying these stories from the very beginning so they should be easy to avoid if you are uninterested in those plots and themes.
Why do you only write about Jungkook? This is becoming less true over time. I find Jungkook the easiest to write and often ideas for him come to me more easily, but I’m excited to be writing more stories for the other members
Have you considered publishing a book? I am highly flattered this has been asked enough to put on this list. Yes, I have thought about this many times in the past. I had a brief and unpleasant experience with self publishing many years ago, as well as with trying to get some short works published. Someday I will want to give it another go! But for right now, my writing is a protected space of joy and exploration for me. I love writing whatever I want, however I want, sharing it with others and getting to talk about it as I go. Right now I don’t want to do anything that interferes with this really wonderful part of my life. At the point I do decide to write an original work or attempt to de-fanfic any of my works for publication, I will for sure let you all know. 😉 
***** STORY SPECIFIC *****
Will you include (unofficial, rumored, or private information) in your Secret Song Series? No, I won’t. I don’t follow anything unofficial from BTS. I’m not on Twitter. Every character (other than BTS, and I take a lot of creative license even with them), storyline, private event, scandal, etc. in that story comes from my own brain and any similarity to anything in real life is pure coincidence. The "true" things I use are many public performances, awards, and official BTS content but even there I take creative license to use, create new, or cut as I see fit. This is as much a work of fiction as any of my other fanfiction. Please do not send me private photos or personal info about the guys, I don’t want to see it. 😄
Will you write a Secret Song Series book about the other members? Probably not an entire book, but I have started one shots/drabbles/short stories for the other members. I hope to have a collection of these for each member.
How many books will the Secret Song Series be? I don't know for sure. I'd written about 2million words of the story before I started posting, and the timeline of that stretches across about 5 books, but I hadn't written an ending or final chapter yet, so it kind of depends how we're feeling once we get there.
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doctorprofessorsong · 2 years
Hey. Just wanted to tell you that the Sam and Rowena fanart you retweeted is by Quickreaver, one of the most vile Misha- and Destiel-haters. She's been with Kelios and the others for over 10 years. While I'm not a fan of Misha, it should be noted she and her friends called him predatory and whatnot. Also, she hates on a healthy queer ship while writing und*er*ge parent/child in*est
I'm going to be honest, I thought about just deleting this because I feel like I have already made it clear that I am a huge supporter of creators and that means I frequently reblog art, amvs, fics, meta and posts that come across my dash without doing a deep dive into their creator's entire life story. I don't have it in me to do a background check and ask for references every time I see a pretty Samweena drawing.
So, it’s fine to be like: Hey, River, I know you aren't a TERF and that person you reblogged has said some hateful things so you may want to block them. Or yo, River, you reblogged something offensive wtf did you not see the part about x, y, z (because that would be on me).
As for this particular person, I have zero familiarity with her. I don't follow her. As far as I know, this was our sole interaction. And a glance at her blog tells me nothing about whether what you said is accurate. But I am not the fan police so I will say it again: me reblogging something is not an endorsement of the person posting it unless I say so. I won't follow her and may block her, but I can't promise not to reblog someone else objectionable in the future.
What I do find interesting is that you send me something anonymous about how you aren't a big fan of Misha. Might I gently recommend this may not be the blog to follow for you (and no hard feelings if that's the case). I AM a big fan of Misha. I have paid hard earned dollars for meet and greets, pictures and cons to see him. He has been supportive of me when we have interacted and I admire his many good works, his outspoken advocacy and his kindness.
When I was newly out to more than my inner circle, I got a video meet and greet with him talking about how Cas had been part of the sequence of events leading to me coming out at work and getting to do advocacy work. His support meant the world to me and I can still barely watch the video without crying.
So I reblog a lot of Misha and even more Cas (thee blorbo to end all blorbos for me). If that's not your jam, I truly won't hold it against you if you unfollow me. You can and should cultivate your tumblr experience for your own happiness.
To summarize: 1. I don't endorse a creator simply because I like a piece of their work, 2. I don't have the spoons to 20/20 investigative journalist everyone on tumblr. 3. I am probably not your best bet if you don't like Misha
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waxandroses · 4 years
It was a quiet night, and you appreciated the peace, inhaling softly as you closed your eyes. It was calm, it was warm, and you soak it all in, letting yourself have this small moment of reprieve.
Your eyes snap open at the sound of rustling.
Instantly you jump up from your seat, alarmed that you didn't notice the weak fog that filled Ramshackle.
The feminine voice sends a nasty shiver down your spine, and all too suddenly the comfort is gone, replaced by alarms ringing off in your head.
“Hello there~!” you blink, taking in the sight of the girl suddenly before you. There was a sweet scent in the air, mixed with the smell of roses in full bloom.
Candles of different shapes and sizes float all over the place, and in the girl's hands is a basket of white roses.
“I'm Ellie, and I've been dying to meet you!” she greets cheerfully, taking a step closer and urging you to pick a rose. “Pick one from these, won't you?”
“Now, what color shall you be…?”
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➵ I'd like to make it clear that I am a busy student, and thus won't always have the time to write and answer asks, so please be patient with me. I can't promise I'll be able to post something everyday.
➵ I only allow 2 characters per scenario/drabble/headcanons and 1 character for one-shot requests. (Note that this is subject to change!)
➵ If, say, something that makes me uncomfortable is included in an ask or request, I will delete it immediately. Please be mindful of your choice of words and be respectful.
➵ I do not accept NSFW requests, nor will I plan on writing some any time soon. Works with suggestive content, however, will be posted from time to time.
➵ I only write x reader fics. To clarify, no character x character, oc x character, and crossover fics.
➵ I will not write romantic content for Ortho and/or Cheka. (Works for the staff members are currently not up for requests.)
➵ If I deem that a request contains a possible trigger (rape/pedophilia/incest, etc.), I will immediately delete it.
➵ Unless requested otherwise, all works will be gender neutral (though I will try to write masc readers, it's likely that I won't write for them much since I barely have confidence in this particular thing). Please also specify if you are requesting for scenarios, one-shots, etc.
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lighting the candle – misc (eg. answered asks).
scattering the petals – unprompted works (can be one-shots or scenarios).
cutting the thorns – requests.
the scent of candles – spicy content (unprompted).
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Ellie's smile widens at your choice, turning around and waving in flowy gestures as the candles start moving, collecting in the middle and forming a single candle. The shape, the scent, the way it glowed, it lured you in.
What a curious one… Fufu, I wonder, how will things go from here?
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Requests are currently closed!
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Posted: 10/28/20
Edited: 09/16/21
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amythystraine · 2 years
Six Things Wrong With Social Sites
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1.  You find a site that looks promising and interesting, something maybe right down your alley.  You go through the sign up form carefully filling in all the blanks. You pick out a profile photo.  You run a typing marathon figuring out answers to questions like..."What's the basic premise of your spirituality?"...or "Tell us in detail All About You!"...or "Fill in the details of this very important box, or you won't get your foot through the frickin' door."...etc.  You get all primed and ready to set up your own page after spending 20 minutes to a half hour filling things out (not too mention maybe an hour of time it took just to find this particular site, or the extra half hour that went into dealing with technical glitches), and then, once you click the "Join" button, a page pops up that says something to the effect, "Sorry chump, you have to be approved before you can join this site, so sit back and get comfortable, this may take a while, or you might never hear from us again."
2.  There's a big warning sign posted on the home page:  You must participate if you want to be a member of this site.  Anyone who doesn't add something during a specific time span (every two weeks, or every week, or once a month, or once every five days, etc. etc.) will be deleted.
Okay, okay, okay.  If people don't add content and interact, it won't be a social site.  I get that.  But this is not realistic for me, my work-weary brain says.  Are they frickin' kidding me??  I just want to read blogs, or I want to post some of my stuff (very) occasionally, or I want to see what other people are into, or what someone else thinks about this or that.  And I love it when they actually have a box on the fill-out form where you have to "click HERE as a promise you will post on a regular basis". 
This seems like too much commitment and too much work to me.  I'm sorry, but the microscopic particle of internet space you have created is not the center of my universe.  I don't promise anything, not even to people in real life, in the real world.  Get real.
3.  Social Sites, just like the real world, are full of Creepers.  Sad but true, but on the internet social site, Creepers can hide the fact that they're creepers for a longer period of time than they might be able to in the real world.  And Creepers hate being called out when you spot them and aim a finger at them and call 'em as you see 'em.  "What, what are you talking about?" they stutter. 
4.  You join a site, decide for whatever reason that you don't like it, or it's just not for you, and then discover that deleting your page and information is not an option, or is such a twisted garbled (maybe deliberately confusing) process, that your page is left tacked to a weary crappy site like an old sticky note on the bathroom mirror.
5.  Everyone ignores you, or they communicate only by leaving images in your comment box.  Um, this is a Social Site.  We're suppose to T-A-L-K to each other.  And for me, this does not mean that you leave an occasional meme in the comment box.  I think people resort to leaving images just so they don't have to actually COMMUNICATE with each other.  I would rather see a single sentence, even something like, "My cat died today, and I got a parking ticket.  It was a rough day.", rather than one of a gazillion generic images found on the internet.  At least this single sentence TELLS me something about this person!
I don't leave comments.  It is a huge waste of time.  If I have something to actually SAY to you, I'll do that, but life is too short to spend it leaving multiple images on multiple pages of multiple strangers.
6.  A site won't let you see what it's like, or browse it's content, before you join.  How in the hell are you suppose to know if you even want to be a member if you can't see anything first??  Give me a break.
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