#idgaf anymore so sharing again
metalgearstranding · 1 year
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Troy Baker in Guild Wars 2: Behind the Voices
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snowyborzoi · 7 months
What species are the airys (im a professional)
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ok it's important to note that no matter what species an object is it doesn't mean they follow the exact behavior of said animal. Objects in one still live in a society like humans and can function as one
Ex : Objects can have a different diet then their species and live in another habit
The original Airy is commonly believed to be a seal although there's no exact type of seal for him it's still a common theory
First off there's many physical similarities
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as well as characteristics
seal have been seen getting knocked over by crashing waves and are shown to be clumsy which is pretty fitting
both sunbathe confirmed by Q (airy- mod)
similar walk / run
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same stupid FUCKING expression
similar build
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Speculated for Airy to have a diet of fish
both squishy (confirmed by me)
Sounds similar
Ok now to address the cat comparisons
A second theory on what species airy could be Is a cat more specifically a Manul / pallas
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Physical appearances is obvious as well as traits
spends time in caves, rock crevices, marmot Burrows
Can survive in cold & dry winters, moderate/low rainfall, warm summers
Overall the Pallas cat is a responsible species for airy considering they both live in similar habits
However it's argued that the using the universe airy was at is unfair for this theory considering it wasn't exactly by choice
A counter-argument is that the Pallas cat would obviously survive better than a seal would in that world and since airy was able to live there for about a decade a Pallas would be a better fit
But it was address earlier that objects live differently than their animal and can survive in their own ways as well as airy being a lantern commonly used for camping/outdoors so it possible regardless of what species he is he can survive on his own
Something about seals and cats
Something interesting about the two is how often their seen together, compared, or just associated with one another
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it pretty common for objects to be compared to cats since most animals share similar traits but cats are most known so it often thought of cat traits
However seals and cats have shown to have more in common than any other animal
similar body types
Similar pupils
These are only a bit of the similarities because of this it commonly theorized that seals and cats could be possibly related or somewhat part of the same family but it's yet to be confirmed or denied
Airy has had things in common with cats such as getting scruffed
Nothing is right or wrong it basically what theory you personally believe in
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Evil airy
its possible for him and original airy to be the same species since they have the same appearance with a tail being the only serious difference (the bow and leaves are not apart of him)
This time I do have a specific type of seal he could be
Leopards seal
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Similarities on appearance
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Both also have similar behavior
Aggressive (a BITCH)
Similar teeth
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eyes dilate
leopard seals are the only ones who hunt warm blooded animals and it's known for evil airy to be a serial killer
Evil airy has also mentioned possibly of liking drinking blood
Fanon Airy
Fanon airy is more complicated since it was said how he currently looks isn't what he used to look like so using his appearance may not be as accurate
And he already seems to have animal features like claws and hooves
But IDGAF!!!!
I imagine fanon airy to be a sea lion
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Sea lion's are bigger than seals
Ear flaps can translate to horns
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Friendly (compared to the others)
Social (compared to others)
Another species that fanon airy can be (for the airy cat believers)
A lynx
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ears translate to horns
Sharper shapes
teeth again
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More golden color
Lynx are associated with eyesight and we've seen fanon airy eyes
There's a lynx god
ok that all I was able to put together if anymore information that comes out that can change or debunk anything I'll do my best to update this :b
@airy-mod @thefanonairy @evil-airy @ask-hfjone-airy @moldydominos109
It is important you now join this discussion @askalampanything
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celestie0 · 4 months
🪷 girl fuck these people I'm really sorry you're getting so many messages bitching about no smut in ch10. Like who even cares? Does a story or chapter have no value if the characters aren't going at it like rabbits and fucking and sucking on each other?
At this point if you're so disappointed about no hanky panky just go read one of those pornhwas where the characters start screwing at the drop of a hat.
I would've loved that chapter with smut or without smut idgaf it doesn't even matter to me (and the same is for most of your readers too, I'm sure of it). We've all stuck around with your work for so long, and we have faith in your direction as well as your decisions regarding the pace of the plot. It's never that serious, especially not to the stage that bozos feel the need to weep in a writer's asks and swamp them with negative messages. Go jack off or play dj with your hello kitty and go to sleep like the rest of us.
Again, no matter what you do with your work it's entirely your choice. Ofc we as readers can have our own takes and how or why we interact with the work can vary, but it shouldn't reach this stage. I've seen this same story of bullying and pestering authors on tumblr too many times with other authors whose work I enjoy, and many have left their blogs because the harassment made them lose interest in writing and sharing their pieces. It's fucking heartbreaking. Pornhub dot com is right there for y'all to be doing entirely too much in the asks of these writers who are already overwhelmed and write and share all this FOR FREE. If you have so many qualms about it pick up that bic and get to writing bitch!
I'm sorry babe take care! We love you🫂
AHHH LILYPAD ANON I APPRECIATE U SM THIS MEANS THE WORLD TO ME 😭😭 you’re always so kind to me i sobs
yeahh sigh :( i was just a bit upset that ppl were already finding fault w a chapter i haven’t even released yet just bc it doesn’t have smut in it 😭😭 like i obviously know by now that i can’t make everyone happy, but it’s not right to subtly pressure me into a certain direction for my story (ik this is a normal thing authors/writers have to deal with, i am just a weakling unfortunately 💀💀 my therapist wld agree)
i know it’s not most of my readers though :”) everyone is so sweet n kind n patient, i just don’t understand the some few that think that just bc they tell me they’re disappointed there’s no smut, that i’m somehow gonna go back to my 80pg dissertation of a chapter n make it 100pgs just to add some for them 😅…like no. what it DOES make me feel is icky n sad
frankly it’s really uncomfortable to make an author feel bad that there’s no explicit sexual content in a story 😅 your horny brainrot is showing. like, i AM def planning to write smut in kickoff, there will be multiple smut scenes to come. but even if i suddenly chose not to include them anymore, that’s my right to do so.
and yes, if they want smut, they can write it themselves. why do i need to be the one to write it for you? i don’t owe anyone anything.
i totally agree w you. honestly, i feel bad sometimes setting these boundaries, but you’re SO RIGHT in that SO many authors leave their platforms bc of hateful asks/pressuring comments etc, i’ve seen it time n time again. bc it’s true that it DOES get to people, especially when creating art is already a very stressful thing. i don’t have to passively tolerate rude strangers on the internet just because i’m trying to protect n pursue my passion
thanks sm for trusting my direction :”) and YES absolutely!! i love it when my readers disagree w character actions or emotions, bc characters have flaws n i’m intentional about those flaws, so it’s exciting to see opinions my readers have, even if they’re in disagreement, because it’s interactive w my work. not that i expect anyone to interact ever. i understand that i post on my own accord, so readers can choose whether to interact on their accord as well.
but something about pressuring me into writing explicit sexual content into a story that i’d like to think is a lot more than just smut, is really disheartening.
- ellie 🐸
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craske · 5 months
I don't want to sound pretentious when i say all this (and this ended up being really long??), but i really do think you don't need to uphold your online presence so consciously, or even at all. There's nothing wrong with being "inactive" because trying to show up for everything is some sick standard social media made up. Maybe it might be difficult to uphold an idgaf personality, but i can say from my experience it could be better to try a little bit at a time. I can say that they really do mean it when you can have quiet admirers, from my experience all the more. Maybe they're too shy to put silly tags when they reblog or just put a like on your post. And I don't think you have to worry too much about sticking to one piece of media and be afraid the people following you won't like you anymore for posting different content. At most, I just believe they won't really care enough to unfollow you or stop engaging entirely. The most important thing to me is that you stick around doing the things you actually want to do, even if you're just showing up every month or so, or black out for a year or more. Because the people who do care will be overjoyed to see you whatever you post or share, especially when you come back after a long time. It really is discouraging when you don't see that actively, maybe because we're so used to seeing numbers that relate to our worth. But i like to imagine we're waving at each other from a distance or smiling through a window, as horrid as online landscapes can be nowadays. I know i'm running my mouth here but i just wanted to share my experience because i um. 🙋 also think youre really cool and awesome and i love whatever work you do and the fact you share it is an amazing thing enough i feel privelaged and youre humor is funny and whatever new stuff you post is just introducing me to things i'll also think is cool down the line and i really do wish i can share my appericiation more and evolve from being a quiet admirer /inhales/ 👍 i would say this is a sort of love letter from the gas station but i also mean it as kai 👋 i hope you're doing well in uni or that it gets better soon or in whatever it is youre doing now. and whether or not youre online, i hope youre doing the things you enjoy 🫶
okay i needed some time to figure out how to respond to this ask because theres a lot (in a /pos way dont worry) so ill start off with saying that i really really and i do mean it Really appreciate what you said here. Especially lately, ive been struggling with being active online outside of small spaces where there are just me and a few other people. might be me feeling overwhelmed when i say something into the void with a high chance of no response, though i wont fault anyone for that. i myself know interaction is scary so i do get it. ever since i started using the internet ive stuck to my small online bubbles so yeah interaction kind of intimidating online
and though i agree it does feel discouraging to sometimes see no feedback or much of a reaction, i try not to be bummed out about it myself because im also a silent admirer of many artists online. so like ive said before i do understand that sometimes people are shy and dont interact directly and theres no pressure really to change that. just the idea that there are people that like what i make is really nice, even though i suffer from the same issue that maaany other artists have and i need to actively remind myself of that.
about sticking to one fandom its a very recent but big issue to me because ive been DEEP in the persona pit for like 4 years, and i certainly built an audience around that. i know there will always be people that stick around no matter what but despite that theres always that nagging feeling that maaybe things will crumble. obviously thats not true but human mind fucking SUCKS
as the final note ill say it again that your message means a lot to me and i thank you a lot for it <333 im soo flattered by your words and they made my past two days, thank you soo much
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staggersz · 11 months
What are your headcanons for the girls? Gwen, Amy, and Donna. What's their sexualities? Crushes? Attitudes? Reactions to life post the basement? Anything else you can think of that you wanna share?
i’ve been WAITINGGGGG for this question YIPPEE
I feel like she’s only like. Almost a year and a half younger than Finney so she’d be in the grade below him. She’d be one of Griffin’s best friends. She protects him (Amy does also) when it’s just them in 8th grade.
I headcanon her as a lesbian, because she seems like the type to be in a tiny bit of denial, even though she makes her girl dolls kiss. She has a crush on Amy but she isn’t really willing to admit that. (GUYS DONT WORRY. WLW GET A HAPPY ENDING IN THIS AU I PROMISE)
Gwen is really sassy and sarcastic and she’s just winning tbh she seems like the type that would just get up and leave the room if a teacher denied her asking to use the bathroom. Gwen is winning the IDGAF war yall!
When Finney escaped the basement, Gwen was REALLY worried about him and like refused to let him walk alone anywhere like she wants to go with him every time. If Robin can’t walk home with Finney on Fridays then Gwen will walk Finney home first. Gwen is like bffs with Griffin so she learns sign language for him pretty quickly and is always making sure he and Billy are okay at school.
Amy is around the same age as Gwen, so she’s a bit younger than Bruce. She likes being the instigating younger sister. She’s also best friends with Griffin, but she’s also really good friends with Billy. When Billy admitted to his crush on Griff, Amy was the one who basically told Billy how to impress Griffin and win him over.
Amy is Bi (With male preference) She had a crush on a guy for a bit, but when she got to high school she started having HEAVY feelings for Gwen like she is WHIPPED folks.
Amy is ALSO incredibly sassy like atp her and Gwen are like “they asked for no pickles” and with Billy and Griffin behind them like they’re Amy and Gwen are the two doing the talking. Amy also doesn’t care if she gets in trouble but she still has good grades and stuff. She’s competitive like Bruce but is less cocky. And if she has funny blackmail about the others, she gets them to buy her silence with barbie dolls and/or candy. (Vance and Bruce fall victim to this the most)
When Bruce escaped the basement, Amy was literally overjoyed and so emotional. She was literally so happy that she could see Bruce again. When she was visiting in the hospital it was literally just all tears. She didn’t have to feel like she was grieving a brother anymore. She has her brother. If Bruce has a baseball game, Amy makes sure he has someone with him on the way home. She helps him put concealer over his scar if he wants to cover it. She helps him feel more secure. Amy also got closer to Billy, because they also bonded over a lot of things. (Silly bi4bi bffs!!)
Donna is Billy’s twin i’m not taking feedback on this they would be fraternal twins. Donna got more of her mom’s traits while Billy got more of his dad’s traits. I feel like her best friend would be Robin (fuck all of the people that say they would hate each other) and she’ll hang out with him sometimes.
I feel like she’d be bi with no preference but she didn’t really know until high school; she was kinda confused when she started having a crush on a girl in her class. In my opinion I think she didn’t have that much of a thing for Finney. (but again thats just my opinion) She told only Billy for a while about her crush since she knew Billy was with Griffin.
Donna is probably way less sassy than the former two! She’s super nice and I will literally hunt down anyone who says she would be mean she wouldn’t have a single mean bone in her body. She’s always doing nice things for the others and she doesn’t judge any of them. I feel like she’d be honest but not in a blunt way, she just is nice about what she thinks.
When Billy escaped the basement and Donna reunited with him in the hospital, she didn’t even try to stop herself from crying. So much had happened since Billy went missing and she felt horrible that Billy had to deal with it also. Their parents had divorced while Billy was still missing, so Donna was upset seeing his reaction to that. It felt odd when Billy was back home for the first few days though; she felt like her brother was frozen in time and just came out with scars. It’s odd standing next to him now when he’s noticeably shorter from malnourishment. She feels like she has a little brother from how childish Billy acts now. But she loves him all the same.
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erectedingold · 10 days
Life Update
Writing this on my phone, think i might rn getting a little sick 😓
but lots going on rn, started school & tbh as i get older i realize school ain’t that bad bro! im so thankful for my classes & i dropped a science class cause fuck science i hate that shit SO MUCH. but when i was doing that i mentioned in my email to my guidance counselor the college im wanting to go to & she says to me “you probably won’t get in your gpa isn’t there & your SAT scores aren’t there as well, maybe check out *college*”
first of don’t talk to me like that. i know academically i am far from great but my talent & ambition outweighs ALL of that. never tell an artist they can’t go to an art school they deadass don’t even have math classes there dude like who tf do you think you are? i know my talent & what i can & cannot do so don’t doubt me ever again bitch LMAO. second don’t tell me where YOU think i should go. like please. i am being so fr don’t ever tell me where i belong because ill go where i want. so watch yourself the next time you talk to me.
that whole interaction ruined my day. my whole life i’ve been doubted but i know who i am & what i can do.
but i wrote my essay & it’s amazing, & now im gonna get 2 letters of recommendation from my teachers. one from my english teacher & the other from my business teacher. then i got 2 open responses i need to write for & then i can send my applications. if i don’t get into this school im applying for in boston idk what ima do tbh, im applying to one in NY & one in NYC but like fuck bro i’d rather one here in boston especially when i have friends here. also applying to one in california 😴
but back to school, i think the older i get the more i realize how EASY shit is, my math is easy, my english is easy, intro to psychology easy, history is a joke, & my related class is easy. it’s just managing time in the class room like damn it makes me annoyed that my senior year of high school i don’t have anxiety with school anymore 😭 is what it is though that just makes this year easier for me 🙏
my new film is dropping tomorrow i’m really nervous for it i’ll be honest idk why, im afraid of it getting NO views but also it doesn’t matter it’s my art & im proud of it 😴 it don’t matter what anyone thinks because i do it for me 🤷 i make art because creating makes me feel alive. that’s what i do it for, i make because its second nature to me, it’s like breathing i don’t think about to at all it comes so naturally to me & im truly blessed to have my brain this way.
i hope everyone who views it can feel the passion though 🙏
I’m also not taking any disrespect anymore, i’ve been on my journaling shit & some more self development. i’m going to start reading more because i want to be a better writer & also expose myself to more challenging material. i’ve been watching more international films which has been on my list for a while, subtitles aren’t that scary guys! enjoy the art made around the world never let a language barrier stop you from that.
but also finally just more self discovery on my end & solidifying my boundaries whether people like it or not because i will NOT allow myself to be disrespected in my one life. idgaf if it’s just “jokes” because my perception is my reality & if your joke is disrespectful then shut the fuck up 🤷 i also won’t be giving my energy to people who don’t match or or appreciate me. you don’t deserve me. there some people who i show nothing but kindness & give the biggest helping hand to when needed & i don’t get that energy back so guess what im not trying anymore because you’re not worth my time. simple as that.
i’m not going to give pieces of myself to people who no longer deserve it. i know that i always have good intentions & share my kindness always & i will no longer allow myself to be a doormat. people have mistaken my kindness for weakness & i won’t let them mistake it anymore.
i don’t have to have everyone like me or respect me so boom if you don’t get out of my life i don’t need you because when i look in the mirror i love myself & respect myself & that’s all i need. as long as you have yourself you have somebody.
i’m also cutting out some bad habits that i started that have been damaging to myself. i deserve better because i love me.
i am proud of me & who i’m becoming. ive been making big changes this year & im telling you 2025 will be the year of diego. im manifesting it.
but yeah i’ve been getting closer with my dawg nathan much respect & love to him always. amazing & talented filmmaker who is my best friend dude & im happy me & him have gotten closer recently. we both got broken up with around the same time & we’ve talked like everyday since dude, the universe has plans for us. we’re gonna be great i can feel it.
&& speaking of universe that’s another thing. the universe has a plan for everyone including you reading 🙏 if you feel lost something will happen to bring you onto the right track of self discovery & self love. keep going even when it’s hard because the reward will be great. i have full trust that everything i manifest will come to life & i’ll reach all my goals.
thank you for reading this blog post, lots of changes in my life & i am human & experiencing & living & breathing & feeling emotions. thankful for my mind.
- Diego Muñoz
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ratwars · 5 months
4, 5, 11, 18, 20, 23, 26, 30 and 34 for the questions i think would be fun to be asked(sorry i picked so many im just. curious.)
Dear lord. I have attempted this but will have to go back and link the ones I answered already.
4.what’s an inside joke you have with your family or friends?
"Like a mirror image?"
Am I supposed to explain it even though it won't be funny idk here you go.
I don't talk to this person anymore but it was the first thing that came to mind. We were hanging out at my friends apartment and his neighbor knocked on the door pretty sure to get pissed at us for being too loud but when she saw us she decided to be friendly instead and also claimed to know my other friend ans use that for justification to come inside but she did not remember her at all so not sure about that one.
Well we didn't want her to complain or call anyone on us (illicit things) so we tried to entertain her a bit and give her a drink since she more or less invited herself in rudely. She ended up talking about the building and room layout with my friend (guy whose apt it was) and they got into an argument because she claimed the unit was not a mirror image of hers and proceeded to describe...a mirror image of the apt.
She would not let it go and neither would he and he was just getting more and more genuinely pissed off (and also wanted her to leave) and she was very giggly and teasing but at one point he is just slapping the back of his hand on his palm yelling "LIKE A MIRROR IMAGE! LIKE A MIRROR FUCKING IMAGE?! YEAH?!" while we are like wheezing at them. After she finally left we goaded him like hey hey, what was that again? Was it like...a mirror image? And he was losing it. You could bring it up to him anytime years later for a laugh. Hold something up to him flipped , hey? Is this...a mirror image? Or if someone described something in such a way just say, oh? Like a mirror image, maybe? And it would immediately set him off but I think he liked being pissed off sometimes so it was all in good fun. We would do it to each other as well but without the strong emotional response just to laugh about.
5.what made you start your blog?
11.what do you consider to be romance?
Idk whatever ppl define for themselves. Like I think spending casual time together, or going someplace together even on a routine errand can be romantic. Walking while holding hands is romantic. Small gestures that let someone know you think about them or care about their comfort can be romantic. But then some things I would say are romantic other ppl might balk at and think aren't or "aren't enough". So idk "it depends".
If I am forcing myself to just answer for myself I would take the above and also say that someone choosing to be present for me intentionally is romantic. Like, basically to be dedicated and loyal.
18.do you believe in ghosts and/or aliens?
20.favourite things about the night?
Falling asleep. Or like, I like when I am camping (it has been so long) or in a more rural area at night and I can sit and see the stars. I feel like when it is very clear and I look at something like that I feel like I can sink into the sky.
23.say 3 things about someone you hate.
Whatever, don't care, bye.
26.fave colour and why?
Black, because it is.
30. what's one thing that never fails to make you happy/happier?
34.any pet peeves?
Yes. I will share a couple I guess. When ppl try to be competitive with me. My reaction ranges from losing all interest in whatever it was (like there is no competition, the other person can have whatever feeling of superiority they want idgaf) to active disgust with them if they continue to try to rope me into some kind of competition or oneupsmanship. I might know they are wrong, or I might be able to out do them, but I will just shut my mouth or let people misinterpret things rather than fuck with that.
When people I don't like invade my personal space or touch me. If I like someone I am usually totally unbothered by close proximity or being casually touched or prefer it. But for people I either don't like or don't know I hate it. I will not react to it but I very much am thinking "ew. How dare you" in my head.
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ramblingsfromthemoss · 6 months
i feel like im gonna pop like a grape
as always check tags if you're gonna read, idgaf i just need this out of my brain and i won't see my therapist for a lil bit
its been a hard few months
I wont lie im super thankful that its finally spring and things are getting easier, im finally going back to school and life is looking up but shit man. my dog who ive had since i was four had to be put down this morning, i found my aunts' cat dead under the porch earlier this week, my grandfather called me ugly and ripped my appearance to shreds when i was calling him to share good news, and so much other shit. my horrible fucking ex is finally getting called out for all the gross behaviors he's displayed around minors but he keeps popping up in my feeds online bc of it and he's one of the top search results for a definition of therianthropy and i feel fucking sick knowing theres a chance i'll bump into him again. *fuck* dude i found out one of my closest friends is still close friends with him to the point of being upper staff in both his discord servers! that shit shattered me! they went through all that bullshit with me and now im scared i made everything up! i dont feel safe in a community that made me so happy, hell i dont feel safe in so many communities because of him. on top of all of this a friend i don't speak to anymore is still following me, and its freaking me the fuck out bc that friend had feelings for me and i know i flipped my shit and didnt handle it right and things ended badly all because of me lashing out like an idiot. i felt unsafe bc of my own trauma that i didnt address in time and it lead ot me getting super paranoid and feeling unsafe to try and get into a relationship after being taken advantage of by a guy i really wanted to date, which i dont want to blame them for but im also still super fucking angry and feel really scared that anyone felt entitled to my feelings so closely to what happened to me with the other guy. i cant stop myself from checking their blog and scrolling through, its like a form of catharsis or really effective emotional self harm. i feel so numbed out i just want ot cry but nothing's working, even though it all hurts like a motherfucker. im so scared and annoyed and just want my ex or my friend to rip the bandaid off and finally turn back up and get it over with and let this be over but im never going to get that. my guts hurt, if eel like a trapped animal. everything i say feels wrong and it feels like my head is being split into a million slices. i want to be free of all of this bullshit, i want to live happily again. i want to not feel tied down by all this fucking grief and loss. i dont want to live in fear of being hurt again and i want to be able to process the losses ive endured. i really hope i get to move forward as i get back into college and continue therapy. im exhausted and hurting and scared and i just want to be heard and validated.
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unhinged404 · 2 years
anyways hi again rant blog today’s topic: the cruelty to dream after his face reveal because my babygirl is supposedly getting slaughtered on the internet though idgaf and he doesn’t either because he’s currently having the best week of his life 🫶🫶🌟🌟🌟
anyways. I’ve managed to curate a great social media experience bc the only hate I’ve seen at all was when I actively went out searching for it—aka browsing dwt2 and seeing what their thoughts on threads and shit were—or seeing people discourse post about what was happening.
What I HAVE seen is a lot of shit going around about how people's bodyshaming and bullying is rooted in the fact that he’s a bad person but it’s really telling that most of what they’ve heard is from a game of horrendously broken telephone: he’s racist, ableist, homophobic, a master manipulator, etcetera, and their proof is either an outdated and addressed google doc callout or a twitter thread that is half made up.
I'll be the first to admit Dream's past and his first year and a half or so of content creation weren't handled the best—I joined up probably halfway through that time period, I was here for the war cry situation, I was here for the speedrunning, I was here for the ableist stuff that he did, and for the supposed d0xxing of the black lesbian during june 2021. So with such a long (and by no means exhaustive) laundry list of supposed bad things he's done, how could anyone continue to support him???
Well, the answer is simple—I watched him change. He WAS someone who grew up in a toxic gaming environment that I also grew up tangential to. I knew how bad it got because I had friends in the exact same circles. Same paths of right-leaning home values bleeding into right-leaning online gaming circles causing kids that I knew were good people when I met them falling down deeper and deeper into that same pipeline. I don't keep in contact with most of them anymore, but I more than anything hope that they gained the same wisdom Dream did and changed for the better. Because they are intrinsically good people.
Over the past 2 years, I've watched Dream unlearn a lot of the shit that he thought he knew, seen him take the time to talk with people who want to see him change for the better. He's a smart cookie and someone fundamentally good, and he's really learned a lot since I started watching him. If you read his most recent pastebin, it's plain as day that he understands the weight of his past actions and that he regrets it. I've read a lot of his apologies, and that one took the cake for sincerity and regard for the impacts of his history. The temperamental, stubborn asshole that I first followed on Twitter doesn't exist anymore. He's mellowed out a lot, he's learned a lot from his mistakes, and the biggest thing is that there's nowhere in his content where the supposed homophobia or racism or whatnot even have a CHANCE to bleed into his content.
That leads me into what I think is one of my biggest gripes with Dream controversies: they're based off of things that came from borderline, if not fully, illegal sources or just generally stalker-ish behavior. Like the Reddit account that supposedly was shared with a co-worker? People had to find deleted accounts, use waves and waves of the wayback machine and when that failed, used other methods to try and dig up something that was obviously never meant to be found and had no parallels in the present. Don't even fucking get me started on the fact that his personal information became a trend to post on social media?? Like how fucking horrible does the internet have to be to understand that there is no reason why a Minecraft YouTuber deserves to see information that could endanger him and his family on the trending page of multiple social media sites. Even shit that didn't really escape the fandom but turned a lot of people away came straight from KF and the worst depths of the internet. If that doesn't tell you that stuff like that shouldn't be touted regardless of the target, idk what will.
He's a 23 year old guy. He's made many many bad decisions and done a lot of stupid shit as a kid and as a growing creator. But the level of cruelty that has come from people about his face because they think he's a bad person is complete bullshit. Regardless of the person, if they're truly horrible, there are a billion ways to criticize them without bringing looks into it. Yet Dream isn't that horrible person. Nearly every controversy he's been in has been addressed and he's certainly the punching bag for a larger trend in the gaming community because the things that I've seen from him are the exact same things I've seen a million times from others at the same time. He provides love and support to people regardless of their background, seems to regularly give back to people, and strives to be a source of comfort to the massively diverse audience that I've met in my time as a Dream stan.
But yeah, there really isn't any reason to complain, I haven't actually seen much hate despite there supposedly being an ample amount, and I'm going to keep it that way! We finally are getting tons of content from the guys and they're happier than ever meeting each other, fans, and friends. :]
p.s. he's definitely not an ugly guy! genuinely I think he's on the attractive side of 'normal guy' and he's cute and pretty. he also acts so babygirl I love him even though he's truthfully not my type. he's perfect anyways bc my 'type' and measure of attractiveness is subjective and he has a golden personality
0 notes
nhasablogg · 2 years
Lying to Robin isn’t Good for One’s Health
Author: Kourtni
Fandom: Stranger Things (volume 2 spoilers)
Characters: Dustin, Steve, Eddie, Robin
Summary: All Dustin wants to do is work on his D&D character, but then Steve has to turn himself into a tickle fight target which will then turn him into one. Who knew Eddie and Robin were so cruel.
N: You all know Kourtni! One of the original members of the community has blessed us with a fic and I had the honor of posting it! I won’t be accepting other people’s submissions, but seeing as Kourtni doesn’t have a blog anymore and reached out to me, of course I’ll help share this with the world!
Kourtni: I couldn’t help myself. Obviously, I’m taking major creative liberties in this, but in my head, everyone lives happily-ever-after, idgaf. Three years of not writing though, so don’t judge me too harshly. I miss everyone and love all y’all.
Words: 2.5k
Two weeks.
That’s how long it’d been since Hawkins had been saved and Eddie’s name had been cleared. El was still recovering from the fight with Vecna; they all were recovering honestly, and while her friends had certainly helped, El was the one who did the majority of the fighting. Hopper was finally allowing her visitors, but she wasn’t allowed to leave the house until she could stay awake for at least an hour straight. Max was similarly resting. El was able to reach Max and bring her back. Life was slowly getting back on track after months of Vecna shit. Summer break was coming to an end, the older teens were preparing for college/the “real” world, the younger teens were preparing for sophomore year, everyone who hadn’t left Hawkins during the spring were preparing for Hopper’s and Joyce’s wedding…it was normal. 
Well, as normal as Hawkins could be.
Dustin wasn’t sure what brought on this wistful reminiscing of his, but he couldn’t help it. Life had been unceremoniously crazy for months and then BOOM. Normal. Dustin rubbed his neck, feeling like he had whiplash. He was currently working on his D&D character, trying to change the look up, while Steve, Eddie, and Robin were arguing about some movie that just came out. They were hanging out at Skull Rock, a pastime of theirs’ recently. 
“Look, Bowie is awesome, always has been, always will be, but Labyrinth is shit.” Steve said. 
“You can shut the fuck up right now about Labyrinth; it was a masterpiece.” Eddie retorted. 
Steve scoffed. 
“Robin, back me up here!” Eddie demanded.
“Apologies my heterosexual lifemate, but Locks is right. You can shut the fuck up about that cinematic beauty.” Robin told Steve. 
Eddie rolled his eyes. “What have I said about calling me ‘Locks’?”
“Get a haircut and you’ll get a new nickname.” 
“Dustin will back me up,” Steve assured himself. Dustin could feel Steve’s eyes boring into him. “Henderson, tell them the movie is shit.”
Dustin simply rolled his eyes and continued his sketching. 
“Henderson!” Steve shouted. 
“I’m working.” Dustin replied, not even looking up. 
“You can work and tell them the movie sucked at the same time.” 
“Yes, I can. However, I won’t because I don’t care.” 
“What have I told you about that tone of yours?” Steve grumped. Dustin didn’t have to look at the older boy to know that his hands were on his hips. 
“You do have a shitty tone, Henderson.” Eddie agreed. 
“I thought it would’ve gotten better, but I honestly think it’s worse.” 
“That’s something we can agree on, Harrington.” 
Dustin rolled his eyes once more, erasing the coat of arms on his shield and starting again. 
“I think he gets his ego from you,” Robin interjected, pointing at Steve. “And he gets his sass from you.” She pointed at Eddie. 
“Me? I don’t have an ego!” 
“And I’m sarcastic, not sassy.” 
Robin laughed. “You both have ego and sass in spades. It’s bound to rub off on your spawn.” 
“I was not spawned by either of them.” Dustin retorted, finally looking up from his character work. 
“He’d have better hair.” Eddie commented. 
“My hair is just fine, thank you,” Dustin ran a hand over his curls. “I’ve been using your-”
“Hey!” Steve shouted, stopping Dustin in his tracks. He motioned a cut across his neck, clueing Dustin in on how he almost broke his promise from two years ago. 
“Shit! Sorry, uh…I’ve been using Your Mama’s hair care products!” Dustin lied. “Yeah, it’s a uh, a new brand.” 
Robin and Eddie were not convinced in the slightest. 
“‘Your Mama’ hair care products?” Robin asked incredulously. 
“That’s the best you could come up with? I’m not only embarrassed for you, I’m also disappointed.” Eddie responded. 
“It’s totally real!” Steve supplied. “I’ve seen them when shopping with my parents.” 
Dustin grinned triumphantly. Steve would always have his back. 
Robin stood up and walked towards Steve, who took a reflexive step backward, trying to make the back of his head out of reach for the impending slap he was sure was coming. 
“I think what Dustin was going to say was that he was using your hair care products, Stevie.” Robin said sweetly, wiggling her eyebrows at Steve. “What do you think, Locks?” 
Eddie grinned, chuckling out, “Definitely.” 
Steve scoffed, but it was a little higher pitched than what he’d wanted. 
“You know I hate it when you lie. We’ve talked about it before.” Robin said, taking a predatory step towards Steve. 
Steve held his hands up in surrender. “Hey now, I-I’m not lying! My mom uses the products all the time!” 
Robin darted out her hands, poking all along Steve’s torso, making him swear and twist about with every poke. 
“R-Robin! Stohop!” Steve was trying his hardest to keep the laughter at bay, making Dustin’s grin from earlier widen. Steve was seriously one of the most ticklish people he’d ever met. 
Eddie’s grin was widening too, except his was more mischievous than Dustins’. 
“Oh man…Steve Harrington is ticklish?!” Eddie practically yelled. 
“Steve Harrington is ticklish as all get out!” Robin replied. “Isn’t that right Stevie?” She punctuated the last statement with a quick rake of her fingers down both sides of Steve’s ribs. Steve yelped before dissolving into true laughter. He was backing away from Robin and tripped over a tree root, hitting his head on the forest floor. 
“If you think your lack of grace was going to save you, you’re wrong!” Robin crowed before jumping on Steve and vibrating her hands on both sides of his ribs. 
“Noho! Robin!” Steve shrieked. He was trying to grab her wrists to stop the torment.  
“Help me out here Locks!”
“My pleasure!” 
“S-Stay bahahack E-Eddie!” Steve demanded. Or well, Dustin assumed it was a demand, but it kinda lost its power with all the giggling. 
Eddie didn’t listen to it either way, he sat by Steve’s head and grabbed his wrists, freeing Robin’s hands to continue their torture of his ribs. 
“Oh you shouldn’t have called me that Big Boy. Let’s see where else you’re ticklish.” Eddie grinned evilly and used his free hand to tickle under Steve’s arms. Steve threw his head back and shrieked with laughter, twisting his torso from left to right as if trying to dislodge the hands that were torturing him. Dustin couldn’t help but laugh himself as he watched his friend get tickled to pieces. 
“Stohop! Pleeehehease!” Steve begged, heels drumming on the forest floor as he struggled. Eddie and Robin continued their assault, moving their hands to new places like his neck and hips. Steve tried to protect his neck from Eddie’s blunt fingernails, but he couldn’t move well enough with Eddie’s hold on his arms. 
“Your giggles are adorable Steve.” Robin laughed as she spidered her fingers behind her on Steve’s knees. 
“I-I’m sorry I lied!” Steve managed to get out. 
“I’m sure you are,” Robin grinned. “But this is punishment now!” 
“You’re a walking tickle spot, Steve. Where aren’t you ticklish?” Eddie asked, laughing. Eddie was spidering his own fingers along Steve’s shoulders and triceps, making Steve shake with the strength of him trying to free his arms from Eddie’s grips. 
Dustin laughed aloud when Robin found that sweet spot behind Steve’s knees that made Steve belly laugh. The sound of Dustin’s laughter had Steve turning his head towards his younger friend, as if just remembering he was there. 
“Duhuhustin lied firhirhirist! Get hihihim!” 
So much for Steve always having his back. 
“Henderson’s ticklish?” Eddie asked with absolute glee in his voice. 
“Yehehes!” Steve cackled as Robin went back to tickling his ribs. She was absolutely ruthless, not giving Steve a second of a break. She was vibrating her hands against his ribs, which were easily his second most ticklish spot--first being behind his knees. 
“Dude!” Dustin cried, hardly able to believe that Steve betrayed him like that, especially after he covered Steve’s ass not five minutes ago!
Eddie gave Dustin his most charming smile and raised his arms up in a hugging gesture. “Bring it in buddy.” 
“Fuck that!” Dustin responded as he took a few steps backwards. 
“This is gonna happen.” Eddie told him, a grin growing. “I am going to tickle the absolute shit outta you, Henderson.”
Dustin’s stomach flip-flopped at the thought. Eddie was easily one of the nicest guys Dustin has ever met. He truly cares about people and always puts others before himself. But Eddie also can do anything he puts his mind to, and not only complete his objective, but blow it out of the water. So, when Eddie says he’s going to tickle the shit outta someone, he’s going to do it. 
“E-Eddie…hey, remember that I saved your ass in the Upside Down!” Dustin pointed an accusatory finger at his friend. Steve’s laughter was still ringing around them and Dustin knew his own would soon be joining the older teen. 
“You did! And I’m oh so thankful for that,” Eddie replied, taking measured steps toward Dustin. “Let me repay you by making you happy.” 
“Ti--That isn’t going to make me happy!”
“Hehehe’s lying! He lohohoves ihihit--ROBIN PLEEHEEHEEASE!” Robin’s back was facing Steve now and she was clawing at the back of both of Steve’s knees now. 
“STEVE!” Dustin shouted at his friend. Eddie’s smile grew wider hearing Steve’s words. Dustin felt his face heat up immediately. Steve wasn’t exactly wrong, but still! He had pride, damnit!
“Dustin.” Eddie called. 
Eddie grinned. “Run.” 
Dustin didn’t get two feet before tripping. 
“Eddie please! Don’t do this, don’t! DohohoHOHON’T!” Dustin was in ticklish hell. Eddie’s hands seemed to be everywhere at once. 
“Gotta find out your worst spot Henderson! C’mon, is it here?” Eddie clawed at his stomach, which made Dustin giggle like mad. 
“Oh, that’s a sweet little laugh ya got there Henderson. But I’m looking for that sweet spot. Is it here?” Eddie moved to Dustin’s ribs, which weren’t a hundred percent the most ticklish spot on his body, but it still tickled like hell, which made Dustin let out a deeper laugh. 
“Hmm, nope. Not the spot, but I feel like we’re gettin’ closer. What do you think, Dustin?” 
“I thihink you should stohop!” Dustin managed to reply. 
“Steve said you liked it.” Eddie replied with a shrug. “And Steve wouldn’t lie to me, would you Big Boy?” Eddie turned and gave Steve a lascivious wink. 
Robin had finally stopped tickling Steve, who was curled in a ball still giggling. Steve shakily raised his hand and flipped Steve off. 
“Not nice, Steve.” Robin said, tweaking Steve’s side. 
“Nohoho more…” Steve panted tiredly, pawing at Robin’s hands. 
“Okay, stomach and ribs are ticklish. What about under your arms?” Eddie asked. 
“NO!” Dustin shouted at the same time Steve shouted, “It’s his worst spot!” 
“Oh ho! Worst spot, huh?” 
Dustin slammed his arms down to his sides, twisting as Eddie continued tickling his stomach and ribs. Eddie was trying to get Dustin to move his arms, but Dustin was determined to protect his most ticklish spot. 
“Wanna help me?” Eddie asked Robin and Steve. 
“Sure!” Robin replied brightly, skipping towards Dustin. 
“Oh hell yes, I need some revenge.” Steve followed Robin. 
“Plehehease! Nohoho!” Dustin was really struggling now, but soon Robin had one arm and Steve grabbed his other, and Dustin’s arms were pulled above his head, leaving himself completely vulnerable. Eddie slowly moved his fingers up Dustin’s torso. 
“Any last words?” Eddie grinned. 
“You all suhuhuck!” Dustin whined. 
Steve barked a laugh out at that. “You’re doomed Henderson. What have we said about your tone?” 
Dustin couldn’t reply because at that moment, Eddie’s hands arrived at their destination and Dustin was lost to laughter. To make things worse, Robin and Steve were spidering their fingers around his neck and the tops of his ribs. Dustin laughed hard, loving the tickling and hating it at the same time. Loving it because…well, he just liked it; it made him feel happy and loved. Hating it though because it was just so much! He’d never been tickled like this before. Sure, he and the gang had tickle fights before. He and Will had been the targets more often than not, but it never lasted for more than like, 30 seconds for Dustin because Will had the shrillest laugh and ended up the main target. 
“Man this must tickle a lot.” Steve said, grinning down at Dustin. Dustin wanted to flip him off, but he couldn’t do anything more than laugh. Eddie was making circles under his arms, Robin was raking her hand up and down the left side of his ribs, and Steve was scrabbling fingers all over his neck and shoulders. 
“Told ya it was gonna happen Dustin.” 
“He’s pretty cute, all giggly like this. Makes me wish I had a younger brother or something instead of being an only child.” Robin replied. 
“Pleeheeheease!” Dustin begged. 
The three older teens stayed like that for close to five minutes straight, simply tickling Dustin nonstop. Eddie was still going to town under his arms and found a particularly ticklish spot right where his underarm met his sides on each side of his torso. Steve had managed to start tickling the top portion of his back, making Dustin squeal childishly. And Robin continued tickling his ribs, vibrating her hands every so often to get the giggles going. 
“I gihihive!” Dustin pleaded. Because it was a plea, it was a surrender. “I GIHIHIVE!” 
Steve, Eddie, and Robin finally slowed to a stop. Eddie and Steve ruffled Dustin’s curly mop before standing and grinning down at the mess that was Dustin Henderson. 
“You really are cute, Dustin,” Robin said, offering him a hand up. “We’ll have to do this again.” 
Dustin accepted the hand, but kept his other arm around his middle. “Please…don’t.” 
Dustin was grabbed in a headlock by Steve and given a noogie.
Dustin squawked. “Off the hair man! And what happened to having my back?”
Steve grinned and shrugged. “Sorry man, all's fair in war and tickle fights.” 
Eddie snorted. “That was a tickle takedown Harrington, you got wrecked.” 
Steve blushed furiously and pushed at Eddie’s shoulder. Robin giggled. 
“My sides hurt.” Dustin whined. 
“Don’t worry Henderson, we’ll get our revenge.” 
Robin looked scared, while Eddie snorted once more, turning to walk away. “Good luck assholes, I’m not tickl-ISH!” 
Eddie turned furiously around and looked at Steve, who had just stuck her fingers into Eddie’s sides. 
“Sure you’re not, pretty boy.” Steve smirked. “C’mon, let’s book it outta here and see a REAL movie, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off!”
Eddie blushed from his neck to his hairline. 
Dustin gave him the ‘I’m watching you’ signal. 
Robin nodded enthusiastically and her and Steve walked to his car with Eddie and Dustin following. 
“I’m a goner, aren’t I?” Eddie asked casually. 
“Totally gonna die, dude.” Dustin agreed. “Sorry.” 
And after the movie, when they were hanging out at Steve’s house and Steve got his hands on Eddie’s ticklish thighs, Eddie was indeed a goner. 
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astrojoy · 3 years
Astrovations #4
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● Please remember that everything matters. Thus, planets aspecting definetly play a role on how certain things may play out in life
● Debilitations upon planets happen! (Definitely know this upon personal experience and my mothers chart)
Thank you, now enjoy you beautiful strangers 💖👼
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- Gemini I play too much 💀
Scorpio in the big 3/dominants love halloween unless other placements prove otherwise 🎃
Scorpio risings are hellllaaaa loyal and protective, it's been known, let's say it again. Everyone knows this by now however it is like surprisingly protective. So you bullied their sibling? Prepare to get bullied with their fists 💀
Ive seen 3 gemini risings before and they all looked pretty young honestly, I speculate stereotypically it's their planet mercury, HOWEVER SHARE SOME FOR THE REST OF US- 😡
Fun fact, speaking of looks and youth, if your rising sign is conjunct saturn or in capricorn, it could possibly ruin the effects of looking youthful but rather looking more of like a mother figure or father figure in a way, understand? No?.. ok- 🏃‍♀️
12th house Mars hold back their anger or just don't show it until they're by themeselves, when they grow up it tends to fade more and more as they get better at expressing it
Libra risings from what I've seen, commonly have lean facial structure or bodies, could possibly be average to tall height. My brother def fits the stereotypical libra rising- lucky him 💀😂
Sure, libra's are known to have bad decision skills, but have you seen cancer placements at times? 🤨 Idk why but I've noticed sometimes they also can be indecisive. Idk if it's because the tides of the water under the moon are inconsistent or what, but whAT SNACK DO YALL WANT WE'VE BEEN IN THIS STORE FOR A DECADE 🥱🍟
Saggitarius risings can be so goofy and silly honestly 🤣
Aries placements aren't always mad and furious or raging beans 😐 they can be so sweet, but unlike the other signs when it comes to being mad, they can get a little more defensive or stubborn about certain things, its just because mars is a passionate planet, so don't bring these people into debates plz 👁👁
2 or more fire signs in the big 3/fire dominants give me bad bitch or idgaf deal with it vibes
Cancer dominants/cancer 3 house probably had higher pitched voices when young, I've seen this especially in guys
Gemini/saggitarius/scorpio dominants can totally ignore you if they get angry and it can last for days.... weeks.... as a matter of fact, when did they last talk to you? 👀
Cancer/Taurus 4th house/big 3 can definitely enjoy the idea of sitting infront of a fire, curled up in fluffy blankets, christmas music playing in the background with rain or snow outside during the holidays
I've seen capricorns enjoy eating snacks while watching shows or playing video games, can y'all share? I'm hungry 😩
If you have cancer rising/Cancer moon/Moon 1st house then you probably got soft skin or rounded/curved bodies honestly
I've seen 9th house stelliums/lots of planets sometimes don't care to travel or even want to pursue education? I would have thought the total opposite but sometimes I think this effect can cause so much to happen in one house to the point they don't even care anymore. If sun is in with these other planets then I can see the sun burning the proximity of the other planets or something.
Basically, I dont know, this is just coming from what I've seen, take it how it resonates 🤷‍♀️
Ive seen scorpio risings probably got narrow feet or some lean body parts. Their eyebrows are nice though
Cancer risings/dominants can have more fat on their face, thighes or arms
Taurus risings have pretty eyes and hair ❤
Libra big 3/dominants most likely enjoy getting their nails done
Aquarius in Uranus/Uranus aspect venus/Uranus aspect ascendant stereotypically enjoy unique styles of clothing and hair. This generation is definetly showing it too if you haven't noticed 😂 I love it 👑
Saturn and Uranus harsh aspects can make someone either not enjoy unique styles for themeselves or their dad (saturn) doesn't like their kids (uranus) unique thinking and may show the kid more traditional ways of doing things
Uranus in the 12th might approach philospohy/religion differently, they make their own ideas about religion
A person with Aries sun and libra moon, it's either their way or the highway. On some occasions they might think about your opinion for a bit and fairly express their thoughts, coming to an agreement, however these people can be stubborn as f- 😐
Libra dominants/big 3 might get sudden spurts of confidence then loose it, only to gain it again and so on
Scorpio risings might have an easier time getting freckles
Leo moons, y'all are interesting 😭 it's cute when you guys let your emotions spill out on your hobby or something you enjoy
I've seen virgo in the 10th switch jobs just as much as people sterotype gemini switching careers in the 10th often 😂
Neptune/pisces people remind me of the colors blue and purple in a galaxy setting
Aries in the 6th get fevers/headaches easier. They can either easily take spicy food or the total opposite and they can't hardly deal with mild hot sauce 😭
Aquarius is known as a more uncommon sun sign according to statistics and what I've read up on. Fun fact, I don't have any aquarius friends but I want one 😧
I always picture mars dominants as smol passionate beans 🥺
Venus in the 3rd/1st can give a lovely voice or lovely way of communicating with people. These people got charisma and charm to the way they communicate.
Sun conjunct any planet can make the effects of the other planet a bit less than their normal amount. The sun burns/brightens wherever it is at but doesn't totally swallow them up of course. Some people see a placement like this as malefic, however I see it as an ok placement depending on the circumstances, this is because I believe the sun beside/conjunct a planet probably means that planet could be important. After all, that planet sits beside the charts king, it obviously has something to say, right? 👑
Water risings give me mermaid/Cleopatra/unicorn vibes
Air risings give me medieval/dandelion/walking on the beach with wind vibes
Earth risings give me fairy garden/dog in the park/reading a book in a forest vibes
Fire risings give me roses in the morning/fancy cars riding through the city/rollercoaster vibes
I'm personally in love with all you aquarius people. I'm so drawn to you guys, the personality, aura- it's so just.. yes. Lmao I also recently found out the person I had a crush on was an Aquarius sun and I was just like "oh well now that makes sense" they also gave me pluto vibes too so idk- 👀
I've seen fire in the big 3 are the type of kid to wear shorts when they go to school. How? Just how? Ive seen it be in the sun, moon, and rising and these people get hot easily. Whereas someone with water and air in the big 3 probably get cold easier
Am I going crazy? Ive seen this with some of my friends too. 😩 "their fire signs, their hot" yes you're hot- 👀😘- on a serious note, I didn't know it could play a role like this situation tho 😤 Check the surrounding elements in the big 3 though. Im not sure but this could probably have an effect on the situation honestly
Geminis, I'm sorry but y'all are decent in my opinion 😶 it's a 50% chance I either totally vibe with you or not. I have a Gemini best friend but Gemini acquaintances who I just don't really fit correctly with.
I'ma end it here. I've been busy and I'm about to take a summer job so I'ma bout to be beat up with 4 summer online classes as well 💀🏃‍♀️ it eez what it eez ~ ☆
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Have an amazing day! 💖
Now 😡
Or I will take away your birthchart 😃
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gloryofluv · 3 years
Random Headcanons Part II
This is Part II to the Random Headcanons. This one has a bit of fluff but also a bit of sad items too. I promise it's worth it!
All beings MC is exposed to is Pansexual. When you live for thousands of years, it's genuinely not about the parts anymore, but the connection.
Solomon accidentally created several of his own stories in history by getting drunk with Asmo in the human realm and telling a historian about his life.
Diavolo knows Solomon might be strong, but the sorcerer pledged that so long that he was in the Devildom, he wouldn't trick any demons into pacts, which is why he teasingly asks. No hurt in asking, right???
Lucifer secretly slips Grimm under Mammon's door when he's feeling down.
Asmo has offered to help Satan with his attire several times, but Satan declines on account that it pisses Lucifer off to be so uncoordinated. Fashion statement: IDGAF. It works on most beings that swoon after him.
Mammon steals from Leviathan the most because it's the only time his little brother will give him attention. He misses their time in the celestial realm and doesn't know how to reach him.
Simeon teases Lucifer so much because Lucifer actually taught Simeon to lighten up in the celestial realm. It was a lesson he knew would come in handy when seeing his demon brother again.
Luke was traumatized by demons when he was created. It was during the celestial war. His distrust and hate for demons were based solely on his first experiences, which is why Simeon is escorting him through the program.
Leviathan has a little PTSD from the dispute before his fall. Barbatos was the one to introduce him to video games and anime as a way for him to cope with the changes. He was also the demon that spoke to Simeon about it later when talks of the exchange became solidified. Simeon wrote TSL so that Levi could find solace in the future.
Simeon and Barbatos understand the need for understanding of time. They share similar views on opposite ends of the realms. Each in a position to guard the realms with future insight. Which is why they are friends.
Diavolo spends plenty of time on events just for the brothers. It's his way of distracting them from monotony and stress for them to grow on an emotional level. Demons with emotional growth don't go on rampages and create Armageddon.
Lucifer's work was actually a distraction when he first fell. Diavolo wanted to keep him feeling vital, so he would hand him stacks of pages and create deadlines. After it became routine, Diavolo continued to stroke his pride by asking how he ever did this without him.
Asmodeus's view on humans changed with MC. His superiority, even over Solomon, who has a pact with him, dimmed and turned a bit more emotional. He doesn't just need to be worshiped by humans; he needs their love too.
Beelzebub often sits in the garden around the flowers and tells them about his life. It used to be about Lilith and how much he missed her. Now it was about how happy his brothers are that MC came into their lives. It healed his family.
Belphegor will often sing in his sleep. Songs that he heard down in the human realm with Lilith. It started happening again after he was freed from the attic and found a human that healed his wounds.
Satan's love for cats came from Diavolo. As odd as that seems. Diavolo was concerned with how wrathful Satan was and began collecting cat familiars from witches that died. He released them in the Devildom with the encouragement to seek out affection… oh and kill the rats for Barbatos.
To this day, Asmodeus has no idea how Goetia has everything he loves stocked all the time. Lucifer writes to the demon owner of the shop monthly and prepares them for Asmo's needs.
Mammon was destroyed when falling and losing Lilith (they all were), so Lucifer asked Diavolo what to do about his brother, who wouldn't leave his room. Barbatos handed him a line of credit for Mammon. His first credit card, Goldie.
Leviathan writes fanfiction for TSL. He has done a gender-bending one, one-shots, and an AU of an entire series of a human world. That one, in particular, was about going to human school and all the very anime-type chaos that comes with it. It's his most viewed to date. Simeon once told him his fanfics were his favorite to read. Levi nearly died from the compliment.
Luke secretly leaves Beelzebub cupcakes on his desk. He doesn't want to admit that he enjoys watching the demon beam and coddling the cupcake before eating it. He still doesn't know where they come from, but Luke blushes a tad when he says it was better than the last. Every time.
Simeon wished he would have left with his brothers but knew duty outweighed his wants. Every once and a while, he wonders what it would have been like to fall for love. The idea is pushed from his mind when he knows that the celestial realm wouldn't be balanced without him.
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thisissirius · 3 years
this is for my babe @buttercupbuck <3 i know i know, it’s not pride month anymore! idgaf, i wrote it lmao
pride goeth before a fall [ao3] 911 firefam, pride month!
“It’s pride month,” Eddie blurts out.
“Eddie,” Bobby says, exasperated, “is there a reason you abandoned inventory to play video games?”
Eddie freezes. It’s not that he meant to shirk his duties, but then Buck was screaming over the balcony how he beat Eddie’s score and that Hen was next—so Eddie needed to retain his title. “Uh,” he starts, and looks at Buck, panicked. Buck is unhelpful, lips ticked up into a smirk and Eddie hates him from his handsome face to the stupid pansexual flag pinned to his uniform shirt. Which—  
“It’s pride month,” Eddie blurts out.
Bobby opens his mouth, closes it. “What?”
It’s obvious that Buck’s trying not to laugh, face turned away. Hen and Chim look delighted and Eddie wants the floor to swallow him up any time now. Time to double-down or run away screaming. Never let it be said that Eddie Diaz is a coward; “It’s pride month.”
“I don’t see—”
“Blatant homophobia,” Buck agrees, then snorts and bursts into laughter.
“Definitely homophobic,” Hen agrees.
Bobby pauses, rolls his eyes heavenward. “Inventory. Someone. Please ,” he adds eventually, striding down the stairs and out of sight.
Everyone looks at Chim, who holds his hands up. “Don’t look at me. I’m not straight.”
It’s a thing and once it starts, Eddie can’t seem to stop. None of them can.
They’re thirty hours into a forty-eight hour shift and Eddie stumbles towards the bunk room. Their calls have been almost back to back and he’s desperate to catch some shut eye. Buck’s already unconscious on one of the beds, arm trailing the floor. Chim’s propped up on a hundred pillows, and some of C shift are scattered around the room. Bobby’s leaning against the doorway, making sure they all get some shut eye.
There’s one bed left, and Eddie heads towards it, relieved.
“I’m first,” Hen says, shoving him out of the way.
A rebuke is at the end of Eddie’s tongue.
Hen looks back over her shoulder, as if she can read his mind. “Lesbians don’t sleep on couches.”
“Rude,” Eddie points out.
“It’s pride month ,” Hen mocks, keeping her voice low as she sits on the edge of the bunk.
Eddie snorts before he can stop himself and turns to head up to the loft. Bobby’s walking away from the bunk room, pinching the bridge of his nose and muttering something under his breath.
Eddie freezes, halfway down the stairs.
“You’re on cooking duty,” Bobby says, raising an eyebrow.
“Demisexuals can’t cook,” Eddie says.
Bobby stares at him.
Buck throws his head back and cackles.
Eddie darts down the stairs before Bobby can reprimand him.
They never do it on a call, of course, until;
“Chim, you’re on the winch.”
Chim looks like he’s about to complain until he looks between Hen, Eddie, and Buck. “Bisexuals can’t work winches.”
Bobby opens his mouth, closes it.
Buck laughs out loud and rushes to take the winch, sharing a grin with Eddie. Hen continues to make sure Eddie’s harness is secure.
“Cap?” Buck asks, breaking Bobby’s staring match with Chim, who looks unrepentant. “We’re ready.”
“Right,” Bobby says, finding his feet again, but he gives them all a quick, narrow-eyed look. “Let’s get on with it.”
“I think Bobby’s crying in his office,” Buck says cheerfully, swiping a celery stick. “We broke him.”
Hen rolls her eyes as Eddie holds his hand up for a hi-five.
“Okay,” Bobby says, striding into the loft. He’s carrying a cake box and he presents it on the table with a flourish. Eddie raises an eyebrow. Bobby puts his hands on his hips. “Come on, then.”
The four of them stand, tentatively surrounding the table, sharing looks of confusion. At Hen’s inquisitive look, Eddie shrugs, but leans against one of the chairs.
Bobby rests his hand on the lid of the box. “Never let it be said I’m not inclusive.”
“Cap,” Buck starts, and yeah, Eddie gets it. It’s not as if any of them believed Bobby was—
Eddie’s train of thought is broken when Bobby reveals the cake. Cakes . There are four neat, square cakes. Hen starts laughing, hand to her mouth, and Eddie can’t help but do the same, delight bubbling up through his chest. Each of the cakes has a delicately painted flag on top; lesbian, pansexual, bisexual, and demisexual.
Bobby is smirking. “Still homophobia?”
“As far from as it’s possible to get, Cap,” Buck says, swiping the pansexual cupcake and beaming. “You’re the best.”
“Good,” Bobby says, clapping his hands together, “because this is the last time you’re all using that as an excuse to shirk duties.”
“Bisexual rights,” Bobby says with a huge grin.
There’s a lull.
Eddie starts laughing first, then the loft is awash with the sound, and Bobby looks ridiculously pleased with himself. Fair, Eddie thinks.    
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whentheynameyoujoy · 4 years
Yup, Sure Was a Finale
I had an epiphany. The reason why I never re-watched the final two parts of Sozin’s Comet even though I’ve popped in episodes at random many times over the years isn’t that I can’t bear the sadness of seeing one of the best, most engaging narratives out there come to an end.
It’s simply that the finale isn’t all that good.
Some honorable mentions of what was enjoyable.
(+) This
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Just this.
(+) The Church of Zutara has another convert
“Are you sure they don’t get together?” Hubster, 2020
(+) The tragedy of Azula
And the fact that it’s acknowledged as such. I hope Zuko will do his best to get her help and have a relationship with her…
(+) Sokka being a big bro
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And the whole airship sequence in general. It’s wonderfully paced and plotted, with moments of humor, real stakes, Toph being both badass and a scared crying kid, Sokka strategizing and protecting, Suki saving the day, and non-benders being instrumental in thwarting the bad guy firebender’s plans. Would be shame if Bryke never portrayed them this capable ever again…
And now for the main course.
(-) Blink and its over
The wrap-up feels too quick (hashtag Needs More ROtK-style False Endings). A part of this is due to how fast the story goes from the thick of the action to hastily tying up a bunch of loose ends, but the larger issue is how Book 3’s uneven pacing comes home to roost. After spending half a season on filler episodes that at best subtly flesh out established characters while dancing around a huge lionturtle-shaped hole, and at worst contradict the theme of “no one is born bad” with “you’re a hot mess because your great-grandfathers didn’t get along too well”, the frantic “go go go” rush of the second half screeches to a halt with “they won and everyone was happy because now the right people have power and it will be all good from now on yup nothing more to deal with baiiiii”.
Yes, I know, it’s a kids’ show. But goddamn, this particular kids’ show has proven so many times it can do better than the expected tropiness. Showing the characters in their roles as builders of a new world was the least that could have been done.
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Oh well!
(-) Ursa
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We’ll never know. There will never be a story that delves into this. Yup. Shall forever remain but an intriguing mystery. Is good, though. Mystery is better than a story where Ursa shares her son’s penchant for forgetfulness. Imagine how embarrassing that would be. Speaking of which…
(-) What does Mai see in this jerkbender?
Look, I like to harp a lot on the mess of inconsistent writing that’s Mai but let’s unpack this scene from her perspective, shall we?
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Zuko forgot about her! It totally slipped his mind that the one person who prioritized the safety of his dumb ass was rotting in the worst prison in the Fire Nation—because of him! And she was rotting there long enough after the final Agni Kai for the news of Zuko’s upcoming coronation to spread and her uncle to feel sufficiently secure to release her. But then the coronation scene is attended by every single member of Gaang & Friends that was imprisoned?
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So what this tells me is that either a) the invasion force had the ability to break themselves out the whole time and for some reason decided not to exercise it until after the war was over, b) Zuko forgot about them as well and no one thought to remind him there were prisons full of POWs until Mai arrived, or, and that’s even better, c) Zuko took care to free every single resistance fighter while making sure Mai would be the one to stay behind bars.
Never thought I’d say this but Mai? Honey? You deserve so much better.
(-) “What does Katara want?”
Asked no one in the writers’ room ever, apparently.
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This is not so much anti Cataang as anti romance stories that pay attention to the needs, opinions, and wants of only one partner in general. Over the previous 60 episodes, Katara actively expressed romantic interest in Aang exactly, wait for it,
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And it got retconned out of relevance by the following two interactions where the possibility of a romantic relationship came up, making the Headband dance pretty easy to reclassify as just one of those examples where Aang “teaches” Katara to have fun (as if one of the main obstacles to her having fun wasn’t him constantly fooling around and offloading his duties). And because the writers not only didn’t succeed in portraying Katara’s internal state of mind, but also failed to root her reluctance to pursue a relationship in outside circumstances that could change, her sudden state of unconfused once Aang steps into the spotlight has a single canonical explanation that as much as approaches coherency.
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The fact is, though, that trying to interpret canon Cataang from a Watsonian perspective is an exercise in foolishness. Because there is no Watsonian justification for the ship and never has been. Bryke simply conceived of Katara as nothing but a tropey prize for Aang, never saw her as anything beyond that, and were perfectly happy to go on and immortalize her as a passive broodmare for the rest of her life.
And I fully intend to die mad about it.
(-) Iroh dips
OK, it’s been long apparent that the show doesn’t intend to do anything about Iroh’s complicity in AzulOzai’s regime in any meaningful way, and that his sole motivation for doing anything whatsoever is Zuko whom he views as a replacement son which is supposed to be good for some reason. But the finale has him abandon even that, and instead turns him full-on YOLO, idgaf anymore. It really throws Iroh’s supposed love for Zuko into doubt when his last act in the entire show is to take a half-educated 16-year old with no political savvy or an heir to secure a dynastic continuity and plomp him on the throne of a war-mongering imperialist regime where the entirety of the militarist and ruling class is guaranteed to fight him tooth and nail for power.
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(I sure hope Mai’s ready to start popping out babies by tea-time otherwise the whole country is fukd in about a week)
Christ, how hard would it be to have Iroh keep the throne warm for a few years while Zuko is getting ready to succeed him? Not only would it make the whole FN reformation bit quite likelier to occur, it would require Iroh’s hedonistic ass to actually sacrifice something for once. And not having Zuko ascend to power, instead spending some time bettering and educating himself first, would be a wonderful message that no matter what you endured and overcame, you never stop growing. A kids’ show, remember?
(-) The conquering of Ba Sing Se
Gee, I feel so blessed to have my attention diverted from battlefields which actually matter to an old dude vanity project I would have been perfectly happy to assume resolved itself off-screen.
The White Lotus in general just bugs me. I was fine with the individual characters and their overall passivity when they were portrayed as lone dissenters living under circumstances where it wasn’t really possible for any single person to mount a meaningful resistance. But as members of a far-reaching shadowy organization that’s left the real fight to a bunch of kids for 59 episodes straight and didn’t turn up until a perfect opportunity presented itself to take control of the largest city in the world and bask in the spotlight?
Yeah, no.
Similarly to the lionturtle-ex-machina, the White Lotus represents a huge missed opportunity for a season-long storytelling. Here’s just a brief list of what they could have been doing throughout Book 3:
orchestrating a Fire Nation uprising;
gathering those directly persecuted by AzulOzai’s regime to help Zuko keep his hold on power once he’s crowned;
establishing themselves as a viable alternative to Ozai;
sabotaging Fire Nation’s war efforts from the inside;
countering Fire Nation propaganda (Asha Greyjoy’s pinecones, anyone?);
running a supply network to alleviate the suffering of Earth Kingdom citizens.
Instead, they sit on their asses until the time comes to claim personal glory.
You know what, good on Bryke for making me conclude that in comparison, the Freedom Fighters were perfectly unproblematic, actually.
(-) Fire Lord Dead-by-Dawn
Yes, a kids’ show, I know! But ffs, this is the same kids’ show that came up with Long Feng and portrayed courtly intrigue, kingly puppets, secret police, spy networks, and information wars. Was it really too much of me to expect something other than “enlightened despot solves everything”? Especially if said enlightened despot has persisting anger issues, no personal support system, no base of followers, and no political experience whatsoever?
If Zuko’s actually serious about regaining the Fire Nation’s honor (i.e. by dismantling the country’s military machine, decolonizing the Earth Kingdom, paying reparations to everyone and their lemur, and funding any and all cultural restoration projects Aang and the SWT come up with), then there is no way, no way in the universe that he doesn’t face a civil war, deposing, and execution within a month.
One reason why his future as a Fire Lord seems rather bleak is that little’s been shown about the actual subjects of AzulOzai’s regime. While we get a vague reassurance that “no Toph, they’re not born bad” (le shockings), they largely remain a voiceless uniform mass of brainwashed clapping seals. What is their view on the Fire Nation’s crimes? Do they associate their condition with their country’s war-mongering? How will they react when Zuko starts dismantling the country piece by piece to rebuild it, bringing it to economic ruin? What will they do when noble Ozai loyalists come out of the woodwork and begin rounding them up under the banner of “Make the Fire Nation Great Again?”
I have no idea, and Zuko doesn’t either because he’s unironically more qualified to rule the Earth Kingdom than his own people.
You know what would have been better? Fire Lord Iroh, White Lotus pulling the strings to maintain the regime, and Crown Prince/People’s Champion Zuko travelling the Fire Nation with Aang and an army of tutors to promote the new boss, only to realize that absolute monarchy is kinda crap for the people he’s one day supposed to rule and gaining their support by ceding some power to them.
I’d laser holes into my TV due to how much I’d enjoy watching that.
(-) All hail Avatar Rock
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Literally and metaphorically. Aang doesn’t sacrifice anything, gets everything, and the clever solution of going about getting said everything is handed to him on a silver platter, requiring no active participation on his part whatsoever.
He doesn’t work to unblock his chakras, spiritually or physically.
He only speaks to his past lives to get a pat on the back and a bow-tied solution he could mindlessly follow.
Energy-bending doesn’t require any sacrifice from him, leaves no lasting marks, and only serves for the narrative to praise him as the rare individual that’s unbendable and thus so very very special.
The most infuriating thing is, however, that Aang is clearly shown as being able to beat Ozai without either the Avatar state, or energy-bending.
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And he chooses not to. From this moment on, Aang no longer fights to save the world. He fights to preserve his beliefs, going directly against the instructions of his past lives and effectively reneging on his duties as the Avatar.
It’s not like you can’t portray Aang’s faithfulness to his spiritual beliefs as the key to beating Ozai and saving the world. But that’s not what the show did. There is no link between Aang sparing Ozai and securing a better future, quite to the contrary—Ozai’s survival ends up being a massive problem for the continuation of Zuko’s rule, and consequently a threat to the world at large. His survival benefits Aang and no one else.
Aang’s spiritual purity and his status as a savior of the world are allowed to coexist only due to a deliberate stroke of a writer’s pen.
And I hate it.
Welp, nothing to do about it now except to bury myself up to my tits in fix-it fics I guess.
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sugargliderowl · 4 years
Thoughts About Remus' Playlist
So as usual, this is my first reaction/rant/analysis about the playlist! This time, it’s Remus’ Playlist. I think it’s going to be cursed. But a... good cursed, if that’s a thing. As usual, feel free to add on to this! It’s good to share thoughts and talk about meanings, even making predictions about the future! 
General Overview Before Listening: I love Yugen_sama ‘s artwork; her style makes me happy! Also, Remus doing that? TOTALLY HIM. Just looking at the choice of songs does mirror Roman’s playlist in a way with their own anthems, Tenacious D, maybe an etc. We’ll have to see on that. His explanation with all the emojis is definitely him, and I think that’s all I can say. Just look at it.
Reminder: Before we go on, a little reminder for your safety. The songs can be quite... a handful. If you know about Remus’ personality and interests but still wanna read the overall analysis, go to the TL:DR at the way bottom without reading the specific song analysis. If you remember the TW from the video, that really applies here. Stay safe. 
Song Analysis:
This Devil’s Workday: Genius told me that this is about a criminal going mad. Yeah. The blazing trumpets and the really radio-like voice in the song is kinda creepy, but that goes with Remus as intrusive thoughts! He’s very obtrusive, and he’s everywhere without any filter. It’s a good intro to his character. The poor sack of puppies in this song goes back to his theme’s lyric, “your pet dog stuffed into a sausage” Also, the repetition of “All the people that you know / Floating on the river are logs” is like what he does to Thomas (repetitively reminding him about the bad things). The  “Oh I am my own da[ng] God” goes along with all the biblical references he makes in his theme (and just the dark sides in general). All in all, this song/introduction just is him screeching, “HI, I’M YOUR INTRUSIVE THOUGHT WITHOUT THE UGH.” 
Forbidden Fruit (the Duke’s Theme): If you are a Fander, you definitely are singing/screaming this on top of your lungs as you listen to this. I did that, and I love that. This song itself has a lot of good analysis online, so check them out! It was the intro song of the Duke with all his motives, thoughts, and everything beyond that, so it’s definitely on here. Also, it mirrors A Gay Disney Prince from Roman’s playlist by both being their own “I want” songs as well as their character role songs. The Creativitwins strike here once.
Double Team: Tenacious D! The Creativitwins strike here again! Wonderboy was on Roman’s playlist, which is also a Tenacious D song, so you can definitely say there are some mirroring going on here (also! YES the artist choice seems like a definite factor in choosing these songs). So this song is about having sex. Okay. And having a threesome. Okay, Remus. This song, even though it’s from the same artist as Roman, has a really different theme. If the Tenacious D selection is about the twins, would this mean that Roman wants them to be a really good team who, even though are opposites, can get along, while Remus wants them both to lose the filter and have fun? Overall, it could mean that the twins both want to get along, just in different ways which contradict one another. I’m not going into the lyric details because oof.
Man: I just noticed that Yeah Yeah Yeahs was on Patton’s and Virgil’s playlists. On Remus? I didn’t really expect that, but that’s a pleasant surprise. This song is really interesting because it’s not like the other two. This song, for me, is about someone who is obsessed with a man who would make her do anything, and she’s just hooking up with him or something. Also, the whole, “You're all gonna burn in hell / I said we're all gonna burn in hell” goes back to the biblical references that the Dark Sides make as well as the lyric of “Cause your head's not in the gutter, pal / It's in Hell.” Who is the man? Thomas, probably. This probably directs back to Remus convincing Thomas to drop the filter.
Freeee: “When man becomes possessor of the knowledge of himself, he becomes the master of his environment“ in the beginning of the song is Remus telling Thomas to learn about himself by possibly accepting Remus. The lyrics “One day they hate you / Next day they love you / I'm still yellin' "F[*]ck 'em" / I could never trust—” show how Remus doesn’t trust the society like Janus, and that’s just one of the main core of the dark sides. They don’t trust people that much. This does include Virgil since he is anxiety, so he can’t trust everything immediately. They all have different ways of showing the distrust. For Remus, it’s the layback, “frick it” attitude. “I don’t feel pain anymore” and “nothin’ hurts me anymore” seems to be a potential for Remus angst of being rejected from all the sides and being the “Evil Twin”. Does he care or not care? No one knows yet.
In The Room Where You Sleep: Sleep from the shorts and Virgil will both react really strongly to this song. Why? “There's something in the shadows / In the corner of your room / A dark heart is beating / And waiting for you” (Telltale Heart reference-). Yeah. Remus listening to this would go back to that end card of Remus being creepy (and eating deodorant). Also, it possibly demonstrates Virgil and Remus’ relationship; Remus scared Virgil because of his thoughts and conjectures. The repetition of “You better run / You better hide” would also contribute to this thought, definitely. But then again, that melancholy keyboard... Why that montage at the end?
No Reason Boner: The song is very catchy and funny. But ASDKLFAJSD. This is definitely Remus’ type of song. That means that the sexual information is given control to Remus, and he probably uses the information for his jokes and intrusive thoughts. This song is what Remus' personality is: goofy yet NSFW. This intrusive thought without the ugh is probably lovable in this fandom because of that. Also, I don’t know why, but he can have that naivete even though he’s the one in charge of stuff like that. A nice juxtaposition right there.
I Told You I Was Freaky: This playlist is a RIDE. VERY MUCH A RIDE. Just all the sexual references in this song are just 1000% Remus. The song itself is quite whispery, and I guess that goes with Remus because he whispers the dirty stuff into Thomas’ ears. Well, whisper is very much an understatement. But I have to admit, if you listen to the lyrics, there are some very creative ways that people don’t think of. It’s usually a bed, a car, or in a club or party, but the lyrics are more than that. Then, we can assume how capable and skilled Remus is as the Dark Creativity; he’s as good as Roman, just in a different category. 
Queef: If you don’t know what a queef is, I didn’t too. I just looked it up while I was typing this. Wait, isn’t Awkwafina in like a movie? This, like that last song, is basically him going off on his creativity and wordplay. In future episodes, I would love to see how Remus can go off with his wordplay because if Roman’s good at all the nicknames, and if Remus is basically him but darker, that means he’s good. Like really good. This song is also very, very catchy, and I kinda jammed through it because of the beat.
Manners: According to genius, this song is a "sexually-charged bad b[*]tch anthem on which Ashnikko displays her “IDGAF”-attitude.” Basically, the vine, “I’M A BAD B*TCH YOU CAN’T KILL ME” would equate to Remus as well as the meme, “Aren’t you tired of being nice? Don’t you want to go APESH*T-.” This might connect with his facade in a way because he seems to be naive and goofy at times (although NSFW), but when he drops it, he drops it fast, and he drops it hard. For example, his facade drops when he threatened Logan in DWIT, and his facade can be picked back up quickly, too. This song also has the element of “Frick this world” attitude, which Remus showed in the previous songs, and I stan him. As the fandom did an edit once, he would definitely wear acrylic nails if he wants to. A thing that I did notice though is the lyric “Fight or flight, I’m fighting for my life.” HI VIRGIL!
Ben Bernanke: I don’t know who Spencer is, but a big OOF for him. This song’s structure is really unique because I have no clue where it’s going, and it’s going with Remus’ personality of just randomness and intrusivity (is that a word?). ALSO, the continuing snakes in these songs. So is Spencer Janus in our context? If so, Remus is quite mad at Janus. I do see why though, after that last video implying that he’s the Evil Twin. “Do you think you can mock me, Spencer? / Do you think you can capture my essence / And throw it back at me with / Humor and rhetorical devices?” Gosh, Janus and Remus could have beef with one another. Also, that “Avada Kedavra” and “I’m... a furious magician” could definitely foreshadow something in the future. Additionally, “You're the architect of my dreams, Spencer / You plan them, and build them on blue paper / And hand them to me / And then I dream them, Spencer.” 
Worldwide Torture: “I never come second place / Always been a big disgrace Smell the fear, I know you see / High achiever (Yeah, that's me!)” Welcome to Remus’ angst that we do not know much about yet. It’s great. It’s just like Roman, but in a more “I’m a disappointment” way! However, what’s quite different is that Remus is pissed. Beyond pissed about it, so he acts up unlike Roman who tries to mask it. Because he knows that he’s not regarded nicely with any of the sides, he wants to molest them and destroy the world, shown by the lyrics “A pure violation of God's great creation / It’s an infestation, it’s world domination.” I think this issue might pop up more frequently as more episodes come out, but for now, this is my assumption. Out of context, “The highest score” goes with that last episode, since Remus was present as the 80085. 
Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na): I DIDN’T EXPECT THIS TO BE HERE, BUT I LOVE IT. THANK YOU. WOOOOOO YASSSS. This is actually one of the “pump me up” songs. First, “Eight legs to the wall, hit the gas, kill them all” is, obviously, a spider in the song, but in our context, we can also call it an octopus because Remus’ animal is an octopus, which has 8 tentacles (6 legs and 2 arms). Second, Remus is PISSED. He definitely has a punk aesthetic, shown by all the songs about flipping the world. The lyrics “I’d rather to to Hell / Than be in purgatory” definitely shows his determination of doing so since he’s saying that he won’t sit back. Somehow, for me it’s a growth from the beginning of “I don’t care” to “I actually care, and I’m fighting for that sh*t”. Pissed off Remus is scary Remus.
Trash People: Trash rat boiiiii. But this song is more than that. It’s showing that trash people aren’t really... trash people. “ Art is love and love is sloppy / Nothing is all pure / Nothing is all dirty” really shows the whole duality aspect in the entire series. Everything is gray. And that’s what Roman and Remus need to work on since they were divided by the black and white mentality. If Remus is okay with the gray morality, then who would be the one that he’s directing this song to? Roman. “Wearing a smile and a heart on my sleeve” though. I don’t get this lyric, but then again, tell me what you guys think! Does this mean that Remus is actually trying to be like this, or is he mocking Roman... The “no time to start over” also sounds really ominous.
Tranz: Gorillaz! Same album as Roma-OKAY THIS IS GETTING REAL. The last one with this artist had the lyrics, “I’m the lonely twin, the left hand... I don’t want this isolation.” People were screaming about this because, of course, this refers to Remus, but who knew that this was going to pop up again! That’s why I loved the artist connections during these analysis. Anyways, this goes back to the twin duality, but more of an angry tune. Take a look at this: “Do you look like me? Do you feel like me? / Do you turn into your effigy? / Do you dance like this forever?” Remember Roman’s whole monologue about Remus as someone he sees in the mirror with all the things he doesn’t want to be? This song is Remus asking Roman about that statement. Keep in mind that effigy is a sculpture that is usually used to mock or burn and is used as a negative connotation (thank you my English teacher). Remus doesn’t like that comparison at all, and I’m more concerned for him now than I was ever before after Janus saying that too. 
Death as a Fetish: Wow, this is sad. “And I will never be good enough, quietly / And you will never be good enough, just like me.” If the twins have the time to reconcile, this is probably the first thing they need to help out on each other. Remus knows more about his twin than we all thought, and he knows that both of them have problems about that. On the other hand, this song, when I looked at some of the annotations on genius, has a sad connotation. Life is so short, and it ends, and you know for sure that death is there at all times with that repetition of “death as a fetish” after everything we find positive. For Remus, I guess he knows about this. He’s a deeper character than we credit him as.
Don’t Stop Me Now: TONIIIIGHT IM GONNA HAVE MYSEEEELF A GOOD TIIME- okay. This song is something I scream my lyrics to. I also didn’t expect this, but in a calmer manner (because I wasn’t calm when this was on), yes please. Basically, DON’T STOP ME NOWWW! I don’t know how to explain this in a deeper way. Yeah. I LOVE THIS SONG THOUGH!
Things I Don’t Remember: “Things I don't remember / How the hell'd we get here? / How the hell did we get here?” This can be interpreted in a lot of ways. It could either be how all the sides came to be, how Roman and Remus came to be by both having the role of creativity, or just where Thomas is mentally since they are all Thomas. I think that’s depending on how you want to go about it. The last point is the strongest for me because of this one phrase of  “There were endless conversations / No one's mouths were really moving” maybe referring to the sides’ conversations around Thomas’ dilemmas. They sometimes only make it worse until someone has to kick in to change the viewpoint around, and that’s the reason why it feels like nobody’s mouths were really moving. Also, dressed up alligators? Okay, Remus.
F*ck It!: (Censored by yours truly with her notecard of “note your language”) The album name of taxidermy... fitting. Back to the song. “Why abstain? Why jump in line?” and “They say don't take the risk you're sure to fail... But what's the worst that could happen, end up in a coffin? / Isn't that where we're all headed anyway?” really highlights Remus’ spontaneity, which is a big factor in intrusive thoughts. This is back to the “frick this”, but more a “frick it I’m doing that sh*t, and I don’t care about the consequences” (going back to Na Na Na on that). Also, “'Cause it's easier to lie to yourself than to face reality” reminded me of Janus, but does this also apply to Remus in a way? Or does this apply to all the sides who are lying to themselves, especially Roman? Anyways, Remus’ spontaneity is something to kinda look up to at times. Not... not all the time. 
fReAkY 4 Life: Dorian Electra... the one behind Flamboyant from ROMAN’S PLAYLIST! The Creativitwins music solidarity number I-forgot-to-count. To the lyrics! “They just don't understand me / I'm not like them, I'm freaky” does go to all the other sides and Thomas because Remus really stands out from all the other sides. Silly yet NSFW, weird, and very new. Also, he seems to want some attention from all the sides with “ I like to be in the spotlight / Step on the scene ’cause it feels right / I freakin' scream, baby, all night / I do it, I do it, do it all the time,” but is it a distraction or legitimate attention? I love how this song is the finale because this song is the fireworks that says Remus. All the lyrics really match him, and especially with the “I hear what they call me / I hear what they say / I'm not very cool, yeah / But I'll never change,” it cements how Remus thinks. 
Remus is a character deeper than we already know him as. There are a lot of him that hasn’t been introduced to us since he’s pretty new. He has been on for about 2-3 episodes (only 1 with his full participation), and he never really interacted with Roman nor Janus, both who has a history with our little gremlin. Yes, Remus is the Duke of Dark Creativity and intrusive thoughts; there are so many references that are R-rated in this playlist, but in the end, he is another side. He more than the trash boi who gleefully talks about sensitive topics. 
He still has a connection with Roman with all the overlaps in their insecurities and artists, and he’s probably the one who’s more knowledgeable about their relationship as a twin. He could even want to reconcile with his twin, but in a way that Roman would not approve. That doesn’t mean that Remus is kinda mad at Roman. A fun house mirror.
Next, He doesn’t want to change himself in the sake of others although he knows that the others hate him for being him, and he’s actively going against it, not caring about the consequences. That’s what drives him to be really good at his job. He’s as good as Roman on doing his job. Along with that, he wants Thomas to embrace him as one of the sides and come over to the dark side of creativity. It’s one of Remus’ biggest dreams: acceptance. I want to see how this plays out with him and especially him.
Finally, he’s pissed. Very pissed. After all the berating at his back from all the other sides, including Janus, he’s PISSED. He’s ready to throw hands and wreck the world. I’m starting to be worried for how his character would develop. If he goes apesh*t, I’m getting popcorn and coke. Maybe drink every time we see him go feral. Eat a popcorn every time someone is disgusted by Remus. 
Overall, I love him more than I ever did because of this playlist since music is the window to the soul. It’s like knowing a person and learning about them. Also, by doing this, it really develops the character and lets the people look inside the character’s deepest thoughts and desires. I don’t know if there will be any additions to these, but if not, I really want to thank the entire group who made this happen! I found some songs that I really love now, and it’s such a good way for the fanders to have fun! (also, the content inspired from this is going to be very interesting)(the ANGST) 
Thanks for reading if you came til here, and feel free to add on to this! I would love to see how you guys think about this playlist!
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iggyalfi2319 · 4 years
Hoodie and rag doll
Warning: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, mention of self-harm, mention of dead characters, mention of dysphoria and misuse of pronouns. Small deaging.
If I forget to mention anything else that makes you uncomfortable, please tell me.
Janus waited for the others to leave.
Again, they hadn't been invited for the video.
At this point they were getting used to it, so that wasn't the main reason of why they were holding back their tears and trying very hard to quiet their sobs.
Hearing the others trash talking about them didn't trigger it either but it made it worse.
How the Hell Remus took all the insults and simply brush them off when he first time showed up?
"Take it easy guys, girls and non-binary pals. PEACE OUT!"
Thomas's catchphrase pulled Janus out of their thoughts.
"Another video who went wonderfully well!" Roman said proudly. "And no one to bother us!"
At that Virgil snorted in satisfaction while Patton nodded happily.
Logan remained stoic as usual, but Janus picked up the slight frown on his face.
The snake Side quickly ducked in the corner when the bespectacled man looked in their direction.
*oh no... He saw me....he saw me... He-*
"Now this is over, I suggest we go ingest necessary nutrients." Logan said, adjusting his glasses.
"Let's make a famILY lunch together!" Patton said happily.
Everyone went to the kitchen.
Janus sighed in relief.
When Logan came out.
Again the deceitful Side stiffened.
The Logic Side placed a plate with a couple of apples on the coffee table before leaving again.
Janus blinked.
Apple was their favorite treat, but why Logan would -
The kitchen's door locked with an audible click.
Janus came out of their hiding spot and went to the plate of apples.
Pink ladies, Golden, Granny Smith...
They smiled softly and picked up the plate, before going to the sunny spot offered by the big window.
They quietly sat down on the floor, enjoying the sunlight, thinking about what happened earlier.
Despite Remus's pleas to stop, Janus went into Virgil's old room. Again.
They put on his old hoodie, feeling the weight of nostalgia and regret crushing them even more everytime they did.
They lingered in the room, the heavy afterglow of Anxiety still affecting them.
"Please, Janus. Stop punishing yourself like that. It won't make him come back and you know that more than anyone else." Remus sighed. "He made his choice. This isn't your fault in any way."
Janus hissed at him, curling up inside the hoodie.
Whoever Virgil liked it or not, he and Janus were sharing similarities.
That included the hissing, stubbornness and short temper, despite Janus denying it.
"Leave me alone..." The snake Side muttered, not bothering to lie.
"You're only hurting yourself... I'm really worried about you..." Remus said with genuine concern.
"I miss the old times..." Janus hugged themself
"So do I." The Duke rubbed their back. "But you need to move on..."
Janus curled more, the hoodie practically swallowing them.
After a few minutes,
"I need some sun..." They mumbled.
"indeed you do." Remus stood up. "But you know how it will end up if the others catch you, especially Virgil..."
Janus sulked.
Remus sighed.
"I... I have something for you..."
Heterochromatic eyes looked at him.
Before widening at the sight of said "thing".
"you..." Janus' breath itched. "You had it all this time..."
"well, it was very hard to find substitute for the missing pieces..." Remus looked away for a second before handing it with a sad smile. "I fixed it the best I could."
The snake Side snatched it and hugged it tightly, their body shaken by their loud sobs.
"I miss him! I miss them! I miss everyone!"
"I know you do, Jay-Jay." Remus hugged them. "I know..."
He let them cry for a while.
Before gently pulling away.
"geez, thanks to you I'm all snotty covered. Mind doing the same on my back?"
Janus hissed at him, really embarrassed.
Remus wiped their face with his sleeve.
"Careful, you don't wanna stain his hoodie, do you?"
"thanks..." Janus hiccuped softly.
"Don't mention it." Remus grinned.
He looked at the clock.
"now now, it's almost lunch. Maybe you'll have a few minutes of sunlight if you're careful."
Janus nodded before hastily leaving.
*a lot happened since you left, Emo...* Remus thought sadly. *And some things remain unchanged...*
Janus finished the last apple from the plate, before yawning.
When was the last time they did that?
That silly habit of always eating an apple before napping.
The others used to tease them about it.
N-apple-ing Remus dubbed it.
The sunlight was nice.
And the hoodie so warm.
A small nap wouldn't hurt... Right?
Janus lied on the floor and curled up, making themself smaller than they already were.
Soon lunch time was over.
"thanks for the meal, Padre!" Roman exclaimed. "Now, who's up for a Disney marathon?"
With the lack of negative answers, he headed to the living room, followed by the others.
Then, Virgil stopped short.
Roman looked in the same direction.
"isn't that your old hoodie?" Patton said, after looking too.
"I was sure I got rid of it..." Virgil growled.
Roman slowly approached it, about to unsheathe his sword.
Before he could make his next move, octopus tentacles suddenly wrapped around him and his mouth, as well as around Virgil and Patton.
Logan remained unphased, as if he knew it would happen.
"I'm sorry but I cannot let you disturb Jay Jay." Remus said, lifting up the struggling Sides as he snatched his brother's sword.
Logan approached the "hoodie".
"May I?" He asked the Duke.
"as long as you don't wake them up." Remus said. "Thanks for the apples by the way. Looks like Janus appreciated them."
Patton shot a look of betrayal at Logan while Roman and Virgil glared at him.
Said logic Side ignored them and picked up the plate.
He pulled out a tissue and gently wiped Janus' mouth.
"They'll never change." Remus said nostalgically yet with his usual IDGAF tone.
"how did you called that again?" Logan asked.
"Apple napping. N-apple-ing." The green Side grinned.
The other three stopped struggling at that. Especially Virgil.
Wearing his hoodie? Eating apples before a nap?
If Janus is sound asleep right now, that would mean...
"Yes, they still have "it"." Remus said, uncharacteristically sad.
He slowly put them down.
"you wake them, I'll kill you." He warned.
He let them go before going to Logan.
"I don't see anything new." The logic Side said, checking Janus' arms and extra arms, who were hugging themself.
Roman, Virgil and Patton were confused.
"well, for one, they wear their gloves all the time after I threatened to tape them permanently, and for two, they will do nothing while wearing the Emo's hoodie." Remus said.
"why is that?" Logan asked. "I thought it was hurting them more than anything else?"
"mentally and emotionally, it's wearing them out." Remus sighed. "But that's the only way to keep them from clawing themselves. Because they didn't want to stain it with blood and washing it would meant washing Virge's smell away."
Virgil had a double take.
Not only he just learned that Janus self harmed, but they were also holding onto his... Smell?
He looked at the sleeping Side.
They looked so sad and yet so peaceful.
He shook his head, blocking the flow of memories.
"What is that thing?" Roman asked, pointing at the said thing that Janus had been hugging tightly.
"isn't he so cute all sleepy like that?" Patton cooed.
"Shhhh!" Remus shushed. "And it's they/them!"
"Thomas use he/him as well as everyone one else here, so I don't see why it would be different for him." Virgil huffed, pointing at Janus.
Remus gritted his teeth, seething.
The reason behind Janus' self harm wasn't only blaming themself for making Virgil leave.
They actually hated themself.
Their appearance, their gender, who they were.
They didn't know who they are supposed to be.
They wanted to help Thomas but being labelled as the bad guy made them feel really conflicted.
Remus immediately supported them when they said they were looking for the person they would like to be and use they/them in the meantime.
Logan pretty much respected their choice.
He had quickly learned to tolerate Janus as a fellow Side.
That Light and Dark labelling was irrelevant as they were all part of Thomas. And so, Logan should care about their well-being as much as the others.
Sadly, when it came to the others, it was easier said than done. Roman's sorting out everything in "Good" or "Evil". Patton wasn't really different. And Virgil being extremely vigilant of not too much.
The arguing went on.
When everyone covered their mouths.
Janus slowly sat up, rubbing their eyes with a sleeve too big for them.
Patton wanted to gush at how adorable they looked, Roman and Virgil trying to resist, the later wondering if his old hoodie was that oversized or if Janus...had shrank down...
"Wemus, I'm sweepy..." They whined softly, hugging the "thing".
"is that...a rag doll?" Patton asked, once the silent spell was gone.
"not any rag doll..." Virgil muttered. "It's Chimera..."
"Chimera ?" Roman and Patton asked.
Janus hugged it more tightly, as they kept looking smaller...and younger.
"I do believe that doll is a collection of pieces of fabric from every Sides?" Logan theorized.
"Ding ding!" Remus said. "Even though some pieces aren't the original anymore. I had to find substitute to fix the missing pieces."
Virgil froze at that.
Missing pieces? Janus was too careful to damage Chimera, and there was no way Remus would rough play with it. Meaning...
"a lot happened since you left."
They were all shocked to see Janus, looking like around 10-12 yo. Minus Remus.
"Jay Jay, you did it again. I think you should stop wearing the hoodie..."
"no!" Janus pouted.
"what happened to the others?..." Virge dared to ask.
The snake Side held up the doll.
With a swift move, it had vanished to thin air.
"Just like that. The ones after the others." Janus said monotonously.
they slowly stood up.
"I suppose you want your hoodie back?" They asked, while shifting back to normal.
Virgil didn't answer.
"hum... Janus ?" Patton asked slowly. "What's up with the ... age thing?"
They really didn't want to tell him but it was better to rip off the band-aid anyway.
"happens when I reminisce about the good times." Janus hissed. "I guess I really haven't moved on..."
They sank down.
"So much for a sun nap." Remus shook his head.
"keep me informed of their situation." Logan ordered.
"Will do, nerdy wolverine." Remus rolled his eyes and sank down.
"what the hell was all of this..." Roman groaned
"oh, I forgot!" Remus popped back, making the others jump out of their skins (a little jolt from Logan)
"what is it this time?" Roman sighed sharply.
"you'll thank me later ~" Remus threw a picture at Patton like a shuriken.
Said fatherly Side yelped and struggled to catch it.
Remus was gone before Roman could even deal with him.
They looked at the picture.
It's was child Janus sleeping peacefully, curled up inside the hoodie while hugging the rag doll.
Patton couldn't stop squealing and awwwing
Roman was raging because he couldn't find a nickname for someone supposed evil, looking this adorable.
Virgil was absolutely distraught.
He thought leaving the "Dark Sides" would be for the best.
He had just swept the eggshells under his bed.
He hated that feeling.
Just because of his old hoodie and that stupid rag doll.
♥️ 🔄 💬
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