#I queued these Pokémon months ago
pkmn-smashorpass · 7 months
The funny thing is that with almost any other pokemon we probably wouldn't have noticed, but starters are sacred and they must! be! in order. Lmao
I know 😭 how tf did I forget an entire starter line 😭😭😭😭
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#this is one of my favorite pokémon of ALL time. this is one of those pokémon that#when it first came out‚ i had such a Visceral reaction to. i couldn't get over this fucking dog. and i still can't#THEY CAN'T FUCKING SEE!!!!!! AHJGSAKDGASJGDSKCGAJVCKABCKB#i love it SO much it's so fucking. cute. it's so fucking cute. so happy to see that blue haired bitch in the sv dlc having one#DAS IST MEIN BABY. I LOVE IT. lord this is the best. gushing over this dog#while also listening to discO-zone for the first time in a Long time#which is one of my favorite albums of all time. right next to probably vylet pony's cutiemarks and the things that bind us#and burn pygmalion from the scary jokes#there you go. there's my music taste lain out flat. kinda all over the place but discO-zone is one of those that i've loved since i was#a real youngin. and i just rediscovered it last night and UUUUUUUGGHHHH IT'S SO GOOD#MUSIC!!!! AND DOGS. feeling GOOD this morning#by the time this posts‚ it'll be like. two weeks later. but past me was feeling great when she posted this#about to start shiny hunting pawniard for a friend's birthday. technically getting eggs as i write this#wish me luuuuck..! it'll probably be his birthday by the time this posts. lemme check#oh yeah this is gonna post two days After his birthday. hopefully by the time this goes up i've already got the pawniard#HI FORGOT TO TAG THIS ONE#hisuian growlithe#hi from the future again lol his birthday was like a month ago by this point because i ended up queueing up this guy before all the gmax#forms. i totally forgot them. and this whole time i've been queuing them up and shoving them Above this guy. so it was even longer ago#that i queued this guy up at this point. teehee!
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savebatsfromscratch · 7 months
According this this post from 2013, it's DPA month! (Actually ten years ago...?) So I answered the questions! (Also this has been queued since December 2022 lol.)
I know this was supposed to be day by day, but I don't feel like it.
1. How did you start reading DPA?
This is gonna sound really dumb, but I found book six at my local library and started reading because I thought Koya had a cool outfit.
2. Who is your favorite hero?
It was Koya for a long long time, but as I'm writing this it's either Jun or Hareta. :) Not sure.
3. Who's your favorite villain?
This is gonna sound dumb, but I really do actually LOVE B-2. He's got some actually very good writing, and along with that he has a character arch! He's my little guy, but if I talk about him it comes out like a joke. qwq (Besides him though, really like Mars, she's just so cute.)
4. Favorite chapter?
Not sure if it's *actually* my favorite, but the battle between Mitsumi and Hareta when Mitsumi was in Team Galactic was one of the high points in the series.
5. What's something you wanted to see happen that didn't?
I wanted Jun and Hareta to battle! They're rivals and (unless I'm forgetting something stupid) they have never had a proper battle! It makes me sad. qwq
6. Favorite pokémon?
Hareta's Misdreavus! (Or Koya's Absol.) Such a little guy.
7. If DPA had a voice cast, who would you want to hear in the roles?
I don't know any voice actors besides Eric Vale (who I know from Hetalia), so, uh, he can be Jun I guess. XD
8. Favorite B-2 butt abuse moment?
I like the one where he gets bit from the first time because he imedietly shoots Hareta afterwards.
9. What's your favorite Hareta scene?
I like all the ones where he gets beat up and/or acts serious. XD (So, once again, the Mitsumi and Hareta battle is a favorite.
10. Did you have any predictions about DPA that came true?
I really wasn't thinking when I read it, so I didn't really have any predictions to make. (Also I read it in this order, "six, two, seven, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, *wait three years*, eight. My library didn't have the last book so I had to buy it.)
11. Did you have any predictions about DPA that didn't come true?
Again, I didn't try to think lol.
12. (November 12th is Cyrus Appreciation Day) What's your favorite Cyrus scene?
The one where Mitsumi, Jun, and Hareta are jokingly guessing what he was doing when he was missing. (Maybe this is more of a Jupiter scene but still.)
13. Do you have any headcanons for DPA?
I lot! I guess the biggest one is that Hareta is (ethicly) Yupik! Or, the Pokemon world equivilent of it. (Link to article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yupik_peoples ) I also have some sexuality headcannons, such as Hareta being Pansexual, Koya being a man enjoyer but also a bit aspec, etc.
14. Favorite single panel?
OOH HOW DO I CHOOSE... I probably can't pick an actual favorite, because I have so many, but I know that page 13 in book 4 is always a win. (And the "I'm okay with being stupid!" panel is still awesome.)
15. What's your favorite Mitsumi scene?
I like the one where she almost gets exploded in the building. :D
16. What's your favorite Jun scene?
The one where he gets choked by the Tangrowth lol.
17. Favorite pokémon battle?
I already said it like eight times, but the Hareta and Mitsumi one is REALLY good. I also quite like the Koya and Hareta one. :)
18. Favorite Gym Leader/League battle?
I really really like Volker, but he was hardly in this manga so I guess Roarke?
19. Not including Charon, what's your favorite Galactic Commander scene?
Hmm. I like Hareta's dad's interaction with Cyrus that one time. (Honestly I don't pay much attention to the Galactic characters, lol.)
20. What're some alternate outfits you want to see the characters in?
I want to see Hareta wearing a big coat. :) I also want Koya to wear am emo outfit, Mitsumi in a period costume (any era is fine), and Jun in, uh, full plate armor, sure.
21. Favorite shipping? (feel free to divide this into categories if need be!)
I can't pick a favorite! Uh, Jun x Hareta??? I guess??
22. What's your favorite Koya scene?
The one where he gets beat up in the volcano in book six. 🙃 (I'm, um, into pain I guess.)
23. Who's a game character you wanted to see appear that didn't?
I've never played the game, so I don't know.
24. Who do you think won the last battle, Hareta or Koya?
It makes sense for Hareta to win, I think. (Koya's great too, but he was totally gonna get beat up in their unprompted battle, so why not carry it over?)
25. What's your favorite Charon scene?
LEAST favorite? Uh, I dunno, I can't think of any.
26. Who do you think won between Mitsumi and Cynthia?
Mitsumi. :)
27. What's your favorite Piplup/Empoleon scene?
The one where Hareta is doing the contest and he gets all sad and stuff.
28. What are some pokémon you would want to see the characters with?
I dunno. I guess I want Koya's Growlithe and Hareta's Misdreavus to evolve? Other than that I can't really think of anything.
29. Where do you think Hareta went after the epilogue?
I think he just kinda chilled honestly.
30. Given about three years since the series ended, what do you think the characters are doing now?
I think Mistumi is the Champion in contests, Koya is in the police still, Jun is doing his very best, and Hareta is back in the woods.
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harmoniouspixels · 5 years
Semester’s Over Text Post!
I tend to make these a lot, don’t I? Well, the reason I’ve had little content this month was primarily due to school. I had a lot to do (projects, papers, exams) that I wanted to focus on first and foremost. I took my last quiz this morning, I returned the books that needed to go back, and I’m officially done with classes until the end of August!
The other reason I haven’t posted: I haven’t been motivated? I played the LEPacy a week or so ago and I got some screenshots, which I finally edited yesterday or today (honestly I can’t remember, but I know they got done). Only two are queued up on one post, which is where I’m at with that right now. I haven’t felt the LEPacy or NSB for this whole month, hence no posts. Sapphire Springs in TS2 has been fun, but not quite holding my attention, and the Monster Mash is stuck in limbo for now. What I have been playing is Pokémon Black where I’m five gym badges in (the furthest I’ve gotten in it!) and Kingdom Hearts 2 (where I am now finally in the second half of the game). Plus Joker came out in Smash so I’ve been playing that too. I’m hoping to make a return to these saves during my month off before work picks up again, perhaps as filler on the downtime between MMBC queues.
So long story short: School’s out, content will be incoming once more, and I’ve been having fun with some non-sims games this past month.
Edited to add: I have been backing up Francis MMBC on my Dreamwidth! So I haven’t been completely content dry, it’s just not new content.
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pkmnjesus · 6 years
P J’s 3rd(ish) run...let’s try this again!
After a trip across the globe, and dealing with family matters along the way, I’m finally back home, relaxed and everything is sorted out (eh sort of...PATIENCE!) 
But it was nice to take a month’s break from tumblr. It can be distracting at times....and no, my account isn't hacked! Sorry if any of you found the cryptic coding a bit odd, but I just wanted to have a bit of fun with it(; ̄︶ ̄)Like what I said before, I’m like no other blog, and my tumblr page just keeps getting weirder and unorthodox everyday...and I’ll keep it that way :p
Anyway, made the proper adjustments to my blog with a new theme layout (props to Heat for the killer Pikachu HD background), updated texts, and added A LOT of songs to my personal playlist on my webpage (check it out! I’m pretty sure you’ll see hear familiar tunes over there)...but the big changes I’m planning will be a bit fun, and a nice way to write away my reflections on certain stuff, since I kinda miss doing these things now that I’ve graduated from college almost half a year ago...so yeah I guess I miss being in school (only A LITTLE) 
Weekly posts:
[NEW] PokéAni Trivia Tuesdays, Monday Madness Media with rotating posts about other TV shows, film, video games or even music every other week, and [as usual] Thursday night PokéAni LIVE! Trivia Tuesdays will begin on January 16th, and Monday Madness Media will begin starting February 5th [DELAYED by a week].
Special posts:
✅01.29.18: Ranking all 20 Pokémon movies so far
✅02.13.18: Opinions on a couple of my favorite shippings (P J’s ship-a-thon)
✅03.03.18-03.24.18: {experimenting} All-month long Smash Saturdays
+ ✅03.25.18-03.31.18: Countdown to #PokeAni21: P J’s picks
✅04.01.18: #TDJTakeover
05.__.18: BREAK *supposed to travel but didn’t push through with plans*
✅06.01.18-06.29.18: {experimenting} month long Puroresu pick of the week
07.20.18: BREAK *originally for YGO season 0 posts but halted due to injury*
✅08.31.18: [MOVED] Yu-Gi-Oh! Season 0 spotlight, Top 5 Shadow Games
*originally August 2018* [DELAYED to 2019 sched.] Digimon series appreciation
✅09.26.18: 5 years of being in the PokéAni fandom as “PokémonJesus”
✅10.04.18-10.25.18: Pink Pokémon picks (Breast Cancer Awareness month)
✳️11.05.17: *originally for the big Mario Kart post, but had to focus on finishing up my watch of Appmon. Made into an MMM instead for that day.
[POSTPONED] Mario Kart frustration/memories + ranking all the games
✅12.30.18: PokéAni Rewind 2018
Occasional posts (whenever basically):
Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS LIVE posts/blogging, Open forum ask session, Follower appreciation spotlight, P J’s real talk/story time, and meh whatever.....these will be rare posts when I actually have the time to do so lol
Also, long 24-hour queued post days (usually when I’m not on the computer, or if I’m out all-day) will now by tagged under #TPJ Takeover
With all that being said, the code has been answered/broken, and we now return to your regularly (re)blogging idiot...,who will probably mess up this organized schedule along the way (hopefully not xD)
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thedragonsteaparty · 5 years
I swear since I’ve been writing these monthly round-ups the time has gone by twice as fast.
What I’ve Been Playing
Downloaded as part of the free PS+ games last month (just as I was about to unsubscribe and save a bit of cash as well, they know how to keep me hooked), I’ve been playing this with my boyfriend who warned me beforehand how angry everyone gets when they play so we’d see a new side of each other. We’re a pretty new couple so when I went from intense, silent concentration to screaming “GET OUT OF MY WAY YOU STUPID PEDESTRIAN! CAN’T YOU SEE I’M CARRYING FOOD?! YOU INCONSIDERATE PRICK!!!” back to intense silence in the space of about 5 seconds, with no warning, the look on his face was priceless. He, on the other hand, is not very shouty when playing games and just concentrates intensely (so far). Hopefully I’ve not put him off playing more games with me.
First time playing went well…
Knowledge is Power
I’ve spoken about this before somewhat but I’d only every played it with three people (myself included). A couple of weeks ago there was 5 of us playing and it was intense. People were actually forming alliances to take down the top player and then back-stabbed their partners when they became top. It was brutal. I won the second round with the final question being about Britney Spears which stomped everyone else but I had been training for that moment my whole life. Did I celebrate by yelling “SUCK IT!!!”, putting on some Britney and doing a victory dance? That would have been incredibly obnoxious… But I did.
Wizards Unite
I have a lot of feelings about this. I won’t reveal too much as I have a post queued up and ready to go (stay tuned!) but overall… It’s not quite what I’d hoped it would be…
Sorry Harry… Not really my level you’ll have to wait for someone else to stop by
Still on that Spiderman. Having a very good time, I’m trying to finish it reasonably quickly but all the little side things and collectibles are making that pretty tricky. I’m also terrible at the actual fighting part if there’s more than three bad guys. It’s always just about achievable eventually though which makes it a nice challenge.
Pokémon Sun
Sometimes I’ll go a week without playing this, then play it religiously for a week straight. I’m really enjoying it though, it’s been a long time since I played a ‘new’ Pokémon game so I’m having a great time discovering Pokémon I don’t know about. Also thinking about potential challenges coming up. How interesting do you think a dog-type only one would be? There seems to be enough of them to be able to make it…
I’m going on holiday in July so this will definitely be coming with me on the plane and will give me a good chance to get properly into it as usually I can’t play for more than about 45 minutes at a time.
I seem to have managed to get incredibly leggy, sassy Pokémon so far. Legs is a big thing now apparently?
What have you been playing in June? Have you been playing Wizards Unite? I’ve not seen much about it yet in the blogosphere. What are you playing in July?
      The Dragon’s Horde: June Edition I swear since I've been writing these monthly round-ups the time has gone by twice as fast.
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#shedinja#now THIS is what i'm talkin' about! i love shedinja. i think it's a very unique pokémon and wonder guard is very *cool* if only it were ever#y'know. relevant. this thing is weak to way too many types for it to be relevant but like it's still cool in concept i think#you kinda can't tell what it is from this angle but that's why you have me here to tag it so you do know what it is#so. bit of a life update for you all. i accidentally deleted some semi-important files i needed for work. like two weeks ago#and i didn't realize i did‚ bc they were inside a folder that i deleted. but i didn't need the files at the time and i hadn't for months#i hadn't used those files since like last year. but now i need them again and i just realized that i deleted them two weeks ago#by accident? and now i need them again. to be able to do my work. so i'm actually queueing this guy and the next guy up#while i'm supposed to be working. as i've just sent an email to my boss being like Haha Hey. Do you Have a Backup of tHese Files……… PLease#and i'm hoping DESPERATELY that she does. if she doesn't i'll have to fucking reverse engineer them which i am not excited for#if it comes to fruition. so i'm just hoping she has a copy of them. feelin like shedinja against a fire-type rn fr i swear#i'll let you all know what she says when i get her response. if i get it before i'm done queuing up shedinja and whismur#spoilers. whismur is next but you could just look up the natdex numbers. and know that whismur is next#also don't tell me to look in the trash. on my computer. i know they're not there. for one i checked and for two they couldn't be there#because i rm -r'd the folder. i didn't just right-click delete that shit. i killed that shit. it's GONE#you might be asking me… why would you do that! and i would say? i did not know these files were in there#you didn't ask for all this information so i'm cutting it off here
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