#I read them in September (iirc) and have not stopped thinking about them since
tbookblurbs · 9 months
Jade City - Fonda Lee
5/5 - Irresistible world-building, politics (national and gang), intrigue, family tension, everything you could want out of an urban fantasy. MAJOR spoilers below!
Jade City is the first novel in the Green Bone saga and it is deliciously well-written. Character voices are distinct, the mistakes they make are realistic, and even when I didn't like some of the main characters or the actions they were taking, I wanted them to succeed. I was emotionally invested in the outcome of every character's fate, from the secondary characters to the Pillar of the clan, Kaul Lan. Sometimes this did mean I was invested in watching them fail (Bero) but I was invested nevertheless!
The world-building within the novel was incredibly rich. The "magic" system of jade is a very hard magic system but I really enjoyed how effortlessly it was woven into everyday life. Lee takes the time to mention, in an offhand fashion, details about Kekon and the greater world that make it that much easier to fully sink into the world she's built. I read this entire book in one long sitting.
Kekon itself really reminded me of the Philippines. The Kekonese war for independence was with Espenia (Spain) and overall the positioning of Kekon on the global stage is really reminiscent of how formerly colonized nations have to act in our global geopolitics. That said, my interpretation did mean that I don't really jive with a lot of the fanart of Lan, Hilo, and Shae. In my mind, they all have darker skin and a lot of the fanart has them pretty pale (like k-pop idol pale).
I also loved that this book took place over a realistic timeline. Weeks would go by in a few sentences before we'd get a fleshed out scene because Lee understands we don't need to see the minutia of day-to-day life. It also means that the characters were aging, falling in love, graduating school, etc. at a normal rate. There was no instantaneous love, no "I'm better than everyone else and do this without schooling" and this was, for me, really refreshing (especially after reading the All Souls Trilogy, which suffers from this).
The twist with the death of Lan was truly something I never saw coming. Up until, and even after, the point where he falls into the harbor, I was convinced that he would make it. He was so confident, so level-headed, and everyone relied on him so much that, in my head, his death never entered the realm of possibility. And thus I fell into the same trap as the other characters. Scrumptious writing here.
By far my favorite characters are Shae and Anden. They both have internal struggles with their heritage that are realistic and heartbreaking at times. Even when they make mistakes and are rightfully called out for it in other perspectives, I still have such a soft spot for the position they're both put in. It makes sense that they're also close in the book. Plus, seeing Anden struggle with wanting to come out as gay but being nervous about it and ultimately being accepted without conditions, hesitations, or reservations was really heartwarming.
Overall, this book is the combination of urban fantasy, the Godfather, and the Shanghai/Hong Kong gangster movies from the 80s. I would recommend those who love fantasy and thrillers alike, it's a amazing entry into the trilogy.
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kangals · 5 months
way back in 2014, probably a few weeks or months after you posted that picture of boone with the stick on his head, i checked your blog out and so dearly enjoyed all the dogposting that i followed. i think you were the first dogblr blog i actually followed at the time, but it's been ages and my memory is bad, so i'm not fully sure. it wasn't long before then--2012 i think?--that i had gotten a new dog of my own, a border collie. iirc he and boone were just about the same age.
in 2018 i lost that blog i'd followed you with, and a lot of connections with it. i didn't return until 2021, and when i did, i didn't refollow most of the old blogs; i don't think i even really went looking for them. it took me a while to get back into the swing of using tumblr.
last september, my border collie had a sharp health decline, and i had to say goodbye. it's not the first time i've had to put a pet down, but i think it was the hardest. i'm still not over it. even just typing this now, i feel raw.
then in march or so, i made a new fandom friend who knows you, and i enthusiastically recalled following you before and how much i enjoyed it. i didn't even know about stellina, and now there's kep too! but... i also didn't know you'd lost boone. i followed because i still really enjoy your blog, and i love your collies too. and butters!!! so glad she's still here!
idk what made me look tonight... maybe because i talked about my old border collie with someone today. i went looking for the posts immediately around when you lost boone, because i guess some part of me wanted to know what happened. i spent the better part of an hour (maybe longer?) reading posts from the weeks before the decline, and then the loss, and then the deluge of old boone pictures after, and i've been crying pretty much the whole time just reading your posts and tags about him.
and this is a long and windy way to get to saying thank you. i'm glad you shared your grief, though that seems like a weird thing to say. there's something cathartic about crying over someone else's dog when you still hurt about your own, and knowing you're not alone in that kind of sorrow. boone was such a beautiful boy. i'll never forget that silly post that made me check your blog out in the first place, or the years of posts i stuck around for after. i wish i'd remembered to follow sooner, but the archive is still there, and it's so fun looking through all those old posts about him and his quirks and antics. he was amazing.
sorry for the length of this, i just... really wanted you to know that he touched yet another life, i guess. and i've been so deeply enjoying your posts about stellina and kep. i know it'll be a year soon... i hope there's some peace in how things have gone since he passed, and i hope the anniversary isn't too hard on you. thank you for sharing him with us.
i've been on tumblr for 14 years and this is, genuinely, the nicest ask i think i've ever been sent.
thank you - sincerely. there's been a lot of times over the course of this blog that i've felt like i was oversharing, or talking about pointless things only i cared about. i still so frequently start typing out a post only to stop mid-sentence and delete it because i can't help but think "no one cares about this." possibly it's why i like to talk about my pets so much - they're not me, but i'm the one who knows them best, so i get to say "hey look at this" and ramble and have people say "i'm looking" back. when boone passed, i lost that filter and i poured my grief out into this blog because it was the closest outlet i had. and to have hundreds of people not only acknowledge this but to commiserate, to reassure, to share their own stories - that helped healed me more than i can put into words. it's exactly as you said: there's a catharsis in grieving together.
i am sorry you also had to say goodbye. i wish i could say it gets easier, but i think that would be defeating the point of grief. your grief is your love and damn it if there isn't any act more loving in the world than choosing to say goodbye to an old, loyal dog. you think of how dogs were domesticated tens of thousands of years ago, of how human society and dogs have developed intertwined, of how we have records of ancient greeks and romans carving loving epitaths on their dog's graves, of how a prehistoric dog's skull was found with a bone placed in it's mouth after death, and you wonder if grieving a dog isn't one of the most consistent experiences in the whole of human history that there is.
i'm glad to know that this could bring you some comfort, in some way. it's incredibly touching to know that you kept me and boone in your thoughts for all this time. i am doing ok - i've been reflecting a lot as we approach the one-year mark. i'm not sure if i'll be able to condense those thoughts down into coherent words, but i'll do my best. i hope that my silly little pets continue to bring you some happiness, and that you've found peace with your own grief.
thank you, again - this is extremely touching and means a hell of a lot to me.
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tuiyla · 2 years
oh no, I didn't watch Legend of Korra while it aired! I binge watched the four seasons in 2018 or 2019 (and yeah I did start watching the show because of Korrasami in particular), but I did watch most of Glee (from season three onwards) and Adventure Time (I remember Olivia Olson confirming that Marcy and PB used to date was what made me want to watch all of the episodes and be a lurker in the AT fandom way back in 2014 lol) while they aired. So my experience with Bubbline kind of resembles yours with Korrasami, especially the excitement over them becoming canon (I read many of your Bubbline analyses around the same time you posted them, for instance, and happened to find your blog again bc I'm currently rewatching Glee and was looking for Brittana and Faberry content). I also wish Bubbline was more often praised by media outlets too; Rebecca Sugar planted the seeds for it way back in 2011 with "What Was Missing", after all, before either LoK or SU began. I think they probably aren't given enough credit bc of (as you pointed out) timing (Bubbline only became canon at the very end of the show in 2018, while LoK made Korrasami canon in 2014 and SU had canonically queer characters ever since the s1 finale iirc) and bc neither PB nor Marcy were the show's leads and also who knows if the AT writers would've made their romantic relationship canon if SU and LoK hadn't happened (they certainly wouldn't have back in 2012, as the Mathematical controversy shows). And yeah, you're right that having expectations about Korrasami vs. interacting with the fandom and dissecting each of their scenes weekly really is a world of difference. That said, I'm still curious as to why you thought Korrasami were more well-developed than Bubbline? I mean, Bubbline received so many episodes solely about their relationship spanning over multiple seasons (and I know you know this ofc, you're a Bubbline expert), it's hard for me to see how Korrasami could compare (I remember I thought Korrasami was underdeveloped because Asami herself didn't get a lot of screentime, so idk if her being with Korra for 90% of her scenes in Book 3 would mean all that much (sorry!!), especially bc it felt to me that they really dropped the ball with them afterwards in Book 4. However, I only watched that show once; your review was interesting and made me want to rewatch it). So yeah, I'm asking why you thought Korrasami were more well-developed than Bubbline bc iirc you said you have a media studies degree at some point, so I think you have an interesting perspective that goes beyond personal preference.
Oh happy days, turns out you and I go way back Anon haha. That’s kind of a nice full circle then. Before Glee took over this blog Bubbline was the most I was ever asked about. I wonder if you remember that I declared them canon post-Stakes in 2015? Obviously no worries if not it’s just a fun thing for me to remember because I was the most fucking vindicated person ever in September of 2018 for that very reason.
I do indeed have a media studies degree (Media, Culture and Journalism uwu), something I often forget about lol and though I appreciate the credence you put in that I’m not sure that makes my perspective any more valuable, to be honest. If anything, I’d use that degree to further argue that it does come down to personal preference. I’ll always place Korrasami just a little bit higher and I have no intention of stopping you from placing Bubbline higher. I will get into some, let’s say, more media studies perspectives here but ultimately, like I said in the prev post even picking a more well-developed relationship is subjective. Do I have reasons informed by my £8,000 student loan, sure, but it’s also the emotional bias of Avatar meaning what it does to me and Korrasami meaning what they do me. Fun little side note before jumping in, but literally days before Adventure Time’s finale aired I actually wrote an article for a series talking first queer TV experiences. In that piece, I hailed both Bubbline and Korrasami as the two first instances of real, meaningful queer rep I saw on TV. I credited Bubbline as something that kickstarted not only this golden TV trend but my own journey, and Korrasami as something that gave me, personally, that final push towards coming out. Okay, side quest over.
So first off I need to acknowledge that this: “Asami herself didn't get a lot of screentime, so idk if her being with Korra for 90% of her scenes in Book 3 would mean all that much“ is kind of misconstruing what I said or at least taking only half of it. Asami’s character is admittedly one of the less developed aspects of all of LoK, but reading my original point I’ve also said that Korra, the main character who spends time with everyone and is focused on for the majority of the show, also spends more than half her screentime with Asami in Book 3. And that’s not insignificant. Again, don’t remember the exact numbers and fuck if I can find that post 8 and a half years later (😱) but the sheer volume of it. That screentime isn’t for nothing, either, as the two go from tentatively discussing past relationships with Mako to Asami symbolically taking a similar place next to Korra that Katara did to Aang. Or, in the same series and season, P’Li to Zaheer. Here is where I would advise watching the series again because holy shit how can you only watch LoK once?? Sorry that’s not a serious note I’m just incapable of not living in a world where I’ve seen ATLA ~15 times and LoK... ~7? Eight. Maybe nine or ten honestly who knows oh what’s that time for another rewatch?
Another imperfection of LoK I have to admit is the time jump’s effect on events. No one was more wary of a time jump happening in-between seasons than me and overall, I think it was not only the right shout executed well. That said, the comics canonize that this largely off-screen period was when both Korra and Asami realized they had feelings for each other and so the transition from Book 3′s best gal pals hastag friends forever to Book 4′s romantic undertones isn’t the smoothest. I think the signs are there, particularly in Reunion, but this is an area where Korrasami could have done better. Additionally, as mentioned the show does not give Asami her dues and her moments tend to be understated, her development very internal, a lowkey journey in a world full of exploding spirit beams and mountains literally moved. There’s a beauty in that but an understated beauty where the audience is required to put in the work. Contrasted with Korra, the actual centre of her show and when put together to form a joint development, it doesn’t do the most it could, had Asami been a bigger presence throughout the show. Love my girl, I continue putting her in my top 5, but her overall lack of focus in the show was to Korrasami’s detriment. That said, I’d still push back against what you said because Asami spending the majority of her screentime with Korra does mean much, even if she doesn’t have all that much screentime to begin with. We’re still talking about a major character whose character arc in the entire second half of the show is intertwined with that of Korra’s. Again, not insignificant.
The reason I started off with where LoK is lacking in this regard is to point out that Bubbline is plagued by the same curse of relying on off-screen development. As you yourself stated, Marcy and Bonnie weren’t the leads in their show, unlike Korra being the eponymous character and Asami growing form tertiary character to deuteragonist-adjacent levels. Their disadvantage comes from a combination of this overall placement in the series’ character hierarchy, Adventure Time’s general structure and, I’d argue, the timeline of their relationship. Which is where I promise what I just said about off-screen development will become relevant. First the two points about character hierarchy and series structure because they’re intertwined. Bubbline did have episodes focused entirely or almost entirely on their relationship as a perk of the AT structure but the downside of that is that these were 10 minute chunks every three years or so. AT is mostly Finn and Jake running around and having fun and whole the show does get deep as early as season 2 and evolves beyond its two main characters, Marceline in particular was in very few episodes compared to the overall scope of literally hundreds of episodes. This means that when she does appear, when they do have substantial roles with PB it is significant, yes, but that time in-between passes in-universe as much as it does in the real world. This is most notable after their reconciliation. I think the arc from What Was Missing through Sky Witch and into Varmints is done well and we can see how they gradually rebuilt... whatever it was they had. (Distant Lands makes their past relationship and breakup explicit, but we’re not considering that retroactive confirmation for the purposes of this.)
It just feels strange to compare that, essentially a three-episode arc told over the course of, jesus, 4 years(!) to how Korrasami had Books 3 and 4 to develop. It’s just so apples and oranges. Jfc, thinking about it the three episodes I mentioned are essentially a trilogy but it took AT four years?? Insanity. Anyway, like LoK had its challenges I think AT did too in its structure. Even if we overlook that, to see this Bubbline trilogy for what it was in terms of their reconciliation the audience had to a) remember and b) infer a lot, post-Stakes PB and Marcy fulfill different roles in the story. Used to be, in Marceline’s case, that she appeared rarely but when she did she was the focus. After season 4 or so, PB’s appearances were also less frequent compared to her earlier run but more significant. After Stakes I feel like there’s a shift where they hang around more but are often designated to the background even Marceline. And save for Broke His Crown, the “meet the surrogate dad” episode, which came very shortly after Stakes, there are no more Bubbline Episodes™ until Distant Lands watered my crops with Obsidian (which I’m not over, btw). Meaning, Bubbline-centric episodes are all about the reconciliation and even though I declared that they became canon in Stakes, there’s little actual focus on and therefore development for them later on. And again, apples and oranges, hard to compare to Korrasami’s gradual but more constant-feeling development over two seasons compared to a bazillion but it just doesn’t feel more substantial.
And, the off-screenness of it all. The fact that Bubbline were implied, subtextually, to have been an item before (subtext no more obvious than Korrasami’s) so their story is fundamentally different. We don’t see them meet and develop feelings for the first time, we essentially see the get back together. That’s an entirely different dynamic where so much of their story happened hundreds of years before Finn was even born. Again, Distant Lands shows some of that but at that point they’re already a couple again and we’re not looking for further development of the past. (It’s welcome, I eat it up, if just doesn’t contribute to development re: becoming a couple.) There’s so much unsaid and people like me did infer it but there were those gaps occasional episodes every third season maybe filled out. It’s so different from following the journey of the main character and another major one from her established group of friends. And even after Stakes, which is what I consider them getting back together but is never explicitly confirmed, things happen off-screen. Case in point, who’s to say Stakes is actually when they restart a romantic relationship! Literally just me, internet rando. These more focused episodes we get before Stakes are great, but they carry a lot and imply gradual development in-between. Meaning things had to happen off-screen and we have to try and imagine certain dots to connect, so not too dissimilar from what Korrasami requires to truly buy their story.
I don’t think this is necessarily a bad thing, though I would have wanted much more Bubbline post-Stakes. I just think we see what we want to see, and I wanted to see both Bubbline and Korrasami. I inferred and connected those dots for both as I followed the two series as they aired, and I don’t think watching LoK years later, knowing the finale, people do that. Or watching AT years later, even just the Bubbline eps, knowing the finale, people do that. It’s just in the nature we consume media and why binging is... an interesting topic. Off-screen events implicitly require for you to take that time away from the text, consider what might be happening in the meantime, and get back into the flow willing to accept that some time has passed. And with LoK’s structure, even with the time jump, I think this is easier to accept them with AT’s. And with Korrasami’s arc happening almost entirely on-screen and getting to follow from the very beginning, as opposed to Bubbline having these long-ass lives and tumutous past that’s mainly only hinted at. It still works, obviously, I still love it, but LoK feels more like tangible development to me. On the note of AT’s difference in structure, there’s a lot AT implies and leaves up for interpretation, that’s just the kind of show it is. But in terms of developing a Sapphic relationship in Western animation at a time where that was Super not allowed (as opposed to now, when it Kinda is), it’s just not the best combo.
The emotional investment I gave Korrasami was there with Bubbline as well, of course, and I was more than willing to connect those dots and imagine them and just do everything. As you know, seeing as you read those posts back then. And this is still subjective, but if we’re talking actual on-screen development than Korrasami’s reading between the lines as opposed to Bubbline’s annual breadcrumbs just felt better handled and certainly better paced. It’s a difference between the series themselves but a difference nonetheless. And yeah, having so much of their story happen off-screen just didn’t do Bubbline many favours in this regard. LoK’s approach feels more hands on, more continuous, more tangibly traceable whereas with AT and Bubbline we were dropped down in the middle of the rode, at the lowest point at that, were told to guess what the history was and then hopscotched our way to the conclusion. It worked, I loved every second of it, I went feral with every single Bubbline moment, but they were few and far between comparatively.
Again, as a final note: I’m not going to convince you nor do I want to. I hope you’re not looking to be convinced about Korrasami here because I can’t transfer my own emotional bias. Sounds like you’ve read a lot of what I’ve written on this blog so I hope you know I mean this in the nicest way, but I frankly don’t have the bandwidth to be debating Korrasami’s development. Obviously you’re not questioning their validity but in the aftermath of LoK ending I had to fight for that validity a lot and it was of my own free will but it took a lot out of me. Arguing for Korrasami well-written-ness is just not something I really, truly want to put my media studies degree behind because I had to fight those fights before I had that degree and in such hostile environments and I’m just tired. Been in the trenches, one might say. I just wanna enjoy my favourite ship of all time without justifying it, you know? And again, I mean this in the nicest way possible and I wouldn’t have engaged with either of your asks if I had thought they were mal-intentioned in any way whatsoever. I appreciate you asking these questions and engaging in a convo and it’s really good to hear that you’ve come full circle with my blog, from Bubbline to Brittana. I’d be happy to talk more about any of these couples with you, including Korrasami, I just had to make this disclaimer that I can’t argue more than I did in this post for their development. In particular, not against Bubbline of all ships haha, I inadvertently feel like I’m putting down something I also deeply, deeply love when viewed in contrast with Korrasami.
Did I just rank Bubbline below Korrasami again today, yeah. And I would say that, in whatever almighty metric “development” is, Bubbline has less just by virtue of not being the main focus of their show and much of their relationship happening off-screen. But I really feel like these distinctions are meaningless when both ships mean the world to me, and I wouldn’t normally be thinking about which one I value more if not for rankings on tumblr dot com. Even with everything I said “against” Bubbline when stating my case, I still go batshit insane for them because they’re a ridiculously good duo of two characters who are already well-rounded with deep lores individually. And together? My gosh. Empires have fallen for less.
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dejinyucu · 7 years
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2017 summary!
Hi, I’ve been busy :’) Here’s the 2017 compilation with my fav personal art I did each month :) ...which is mostly just a bunch of Tales of Zestiria and NieR:Automata stuff xD I’m happy I managed to have personal stuff each month this year! 2016 was mostly work and more work until I said screw it and ... stopped working “Orz. I’m tempted to do my fav work or project piece of every month, but I already spent enough time on this one x’D
Art goals for 2018:
FINISH MY PROJECTS, DAMMIT. Do more traditional art on my free time. >> 2016 compilation <<
Month-to-month insight and personal life musings about the year under the cut. Warning: It’s long, and everything is pretty much a bummer, so if you’re feeling bummed yourself, it’s be a better idea to go watch puppy videos than to read this xD
I did count the number of files from procrastidoodles, finished pieces, project stuff and paid work/commissions I had for each month saved on my computer and excluded the duplicates. They painted a pretty good picture of my mood and my mental state along the year, I think. I drew 240+ procrastidoodles this year! (again mostly Zesty and NieR lol) Most of them were done while burned out, during months after I tried to get a lot of work done :’) I spam most of them on my twitter nowadays. I keep forgetting to upload stuff over here and for that I apologize “Orz. January was a very productive month for me in general, while February was a burned out month (lots of procrastidoodling, very little of anything else... including work.) I was still obsessed with Zesty during Jan/Feb.The anime iirc was still airing back then and I was still trying to be sociable in the fandom. March started my descent into NieR:Automata hell xD It was also another “try to get a ton of shit done!” month, because NaNoRenO; I had a death wish and decided I could handle paid work and THREE personal projects at the same time. Ha. Hahahaha. =_= (spoiler: that didn’t work.)
April was the heavy burnout month after that. Actually I didn’t do that much procrastidoodling this month and I was in general pretty dead... idk how I managed to get 2 finished pieces done at all O_o; Maybe my procrastidoodling energy was channeled into them somehow...? May was when I threw the towel, decided to take a full break from work and projects, opened commissions and just did whatever I wanted. The Soremiku piece I picked for May was a collab with @alassetasartir​, she did the lines and I did the coloring ^^ June was apparently watercolor month! Also very procrastidoodling-intensive. July and August where... bad. I did pretty much nothing and barely got out of bed to exist (I did 7 things in August. 7. In total. Across all my categories. “Orz). I did work on the Amusement park piece in July-August and that’s my favorite thing I did in 2017, though! And by the end of August, I moved to a new apartment! Where I FINALLY GOT A 2ND ROOM AND COULD HAVE A DESK ALL FOR MYSELF AND MY STUFF WITHOUT HAVING TO SHARE IT WITH THE BF!! ;O; I wanted that for 5 years, 5 YEARS!!! *wipes a happy tear*
September and October were “catching up with the work I’ve neglected this year” months. I didn’t get much done in terms of personal things, though, because... work.
November was WORK OR DIE. I did *a lot* of stuff. A lot. I churned out stuff for projects and work like woah. And personal stuff was close to 0. I have only 4 doodles saved from November on my folders, though I may have a couple more on twitter? I tend to screenshot my doodles, post them and not save them ^^; And December has been a summer-hot, slow, short mess of a month; I suspect burnout, bc I can barely draw shit right now... or do anything else, for that matter “Orz. I seriously need to buy an industrial fan for that awfully hot computer room or I won’t survive January =_=; (in case you don;t know, I live on the southern hemisphere, it’s summer here and it’s awful)   As for art, I feel like I improved this year. I’m happy with with what I’ve been able to do and with what I’m able to do when I work hard! I managed to do personal stuff each month, even if it was mostly procrastidoodling, but still! :D I even did finished pieces almost once a month :) And I keep repeating it, but I’m extremely proud of my amusement park piece <3 <3 <3 ...But I’m also upset with how inconsistent I’ve been and still am when it comes to balancing all the shit I have to do and want to do ): Being productive, then burned out, then productive then burned out again has been my jam this year and it hasn’t been healthy at all “Orz.
As for life, it was... bleh. While 2016 was like a rollercoaster, with a lot of high-highs and crashing down lows, 2017 was just a looooong low ride. I went from the social online person I had become in previous years to slowly being a hermit again because I managed to screw things up with some people while I was also, once again, pretty overwhelmed with everything I had on my plate. The depression and debt I was dragging from 2016 plus the burnout cycle kept doing their thing on my mental health, and losing friends and getting dumped didn’t really help; yay bad timing :/ (I deserved being dumped, though; I was neglectful af and bad at communicating, so even if it was understandable bc my mental health was pretty crappy during late 2016-early 2017, it’s not an excuse.) I ended up with a lot of “what’s the point of getting out of bed today” days by the middle of the year. Moving to a new apartment with the BF helped improve a lot of things, though, and for that I’m very grateful! Also having a dog helps a lot, I may feel like a waste of space that can barely exist, but my dog needs to go outside for potty at least twice a day :’D Since then, I’ve been working towards a more balanced life, with more successes than failures, but still not quite there yet. I still have a few days peppered here and there where I feel heavy and sad and unable to get out of bed and I barely eat... but I try to not dwell on them for too long (speaking of which, I should shower and attempt to exist today... “Orz). When I look back and think of the highlights of this year, it’s all stuff that happened to other people around me.  I just... kept struggling with my bad choices and poor mental health to pay the bills, pay my debts and don’t disappoint ppl. But such is life for a lot of folks, isn’t it? So let’s say... the positive highlights of this year were the new apartment and NieR:Automata xD Also @yunalescasakura​ , she’s been a sweetheart this year to me and I don’t deserve her. I believe everything will be better once I manage to finish my project stuff (450+ unpaid hours to go... :’DDD) and I can’t wait for the day that I’m finally free from that to start a new chapter. By this time next year I should be done with projects and will be able to get a better balance!! I JUST HAVE TO ENDURE ONE MORE YEAR!! >_</ What I’m looking forward in 2018, besides finishing all my shit, is to buy a pen display! I’ve been saving slowly for one! I can’t afford a Cintiq, but I’m eyeing an xp-pen 15.6 *v* I also want to try to do traditional art once a week, probably during the weekend... I seriously need a break from drawing on the computer all day, and watercolors and colored pencils relax me so much... I want to buy a good webcam eventually to livestream/record speedpaint videos of it, because I love watching videos of people doing traditional art, haha ^^; Hopefully, in 2018 there will be a couple of Visual Novels released with my art, not counting my own stuff. I’ll also be resuming work on CDC: SideB as a hired artist this time around, since I can’t find the time at all to work on it otherwise. I sincerely hope I’ll be able to find mental space to be sociable in 2018 again, I hate being a hermit “Orz. That’s my goal for 2018: Find balance, kill the burnout cycle and be sociable again!
If you managed to read all of this, thank you. Thanks for being around, thanks for the nice messages that some of you somehow still send me even when I’m barely around anymore. I hope in 2018 I can give back to you all a lot more than I was able to this year. May the new year in ahead of us be full of nice things for everyone!
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dimensionslip · 7 years
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Tales of the Stage -Last Score- Event Report [September 5, 2017]
Went to yesterday’s show at Nakano Sun Plaza! The whole event ran for approximately two hours and was very much enjoyable! My friends and I were seated pretty close to the stage and that definitely added to my enjoyment factor, I would say. More details under the cut!
For the most part, the stage play's contents up to the Absorption Gate were more or less the same as whatever it is was performed during Day 1 of TOF2017. I wrote about that one sometime back. Some differences I remember from the TOF2017 airing would be the Van hypnotizing Luke dance number getting cut short, the Sync and Legretta battle getting shortened. Also, no more Jade vs Van dance battle. At least Jade still got to do his acrobatics, and man, did Van have a lot of dance numbers. I counted three, possibly more. He also gets his human chairs during the Absorption Gate scene.
As for more specific differences between the game and the stage play, they definitely cut a lot of the scenes and edited some bits to make it flow better in a 2-hour adaptation. They also limited the number of cast members, like, only Legretta, Sync, and Asch were around in terms of the Six-God Generals, so Arietta, Largo, and Dist's parts had to be either cut out or relegated--but mostly cut out.
Differences that I can recall off the top of my head are as follows:
Luke and Tear land in Cheagle Woods instead of Tataroo Valley
Instead of Largo, Legretta is the one that uses the fonslot seal on Jade, not that it stops him much because for some reason Jade spends a lot more time doing hand-to-hand combat over here compared to using his spear or artes
The "bring along Natalia or not" scene pre-Akzeriuth goes down slightly differently, with a lot more friction between the girls. Anise was especially extra, it's pretty great ahaha. Poor Guy also got terrorized by the ladies after he made an untimely side comment about them being scary (iirc).
Since the Tartarus isn't really introduced here and there's no core shenanigans, Sync doesn't do the falling into the core thing and commits suicide with what I think to be Guy's sword after it's revealed he's a replica of the original Ion. He doesn't come back after that.
Tear and Ion are the ones that do something about the Sephiroth instead of Luke and his hyperresonance.
Ion and Asch are the ones that realize something is off when Van falls during the Absorption Gate scene
The party is split up during the post-Absorption Gate scene. Luke, Tear, Anise are the ones present for Ion's death, which is super dramatic and a huge tear-jearker. The Anise stage actor was sooooo good in this. Also Mohs goes crazy after the score reading instead (when he learns of the destruction of Auldrant) and seems to explode (and die?) offscreen, because we don't see him again after that. In the meantime though, Jade, Guy, Natalia get a scene discussing stuff regarding the Malkuth soldiers that got attacked, etc. (since the Frings stage actor wasnt here, he got replaced by a generic soldier)
There was no Tower of Rem scene at all and they skipped to Eldrant pretty quickly. They stuck the whole "Luke getting sentenced to death" part before Eldrant, and also stuck Jade's backstory around that part. There's no Nephry to info-dump Luke though, so it's Jade of his own volition that gave it. Just to Luke.
 Also there's this new (?) scene and/or maybe Jade was given the lines of someone else, but yeah as I recall, Luke asks Jade a question after he reveals his connection to replicas, and he replies with something like "Anata wa anata desu" (you're you), and Luke thanks him.
Stuff at Eldrant were spiced up a bit, i.e. the party did get split before fighting Van. We got to see them use their mystic artes at various points, it's pretty great. Jade's Indignation chant was very awesome.
While Asch was getting stabbed like, multiple times by the Oracle Knight soldiers, he got the opportunity to pull off a Rending Saber before dying. It was a sad kind of awesome. ALSO they had Natalia find Asch's body, and boy, was that an interesting and dramatic twist. My heart ached at that part.
Luke actually got to fight Van first one-on-one before getting owned by a Mystic Arte, and that's when the rest of the party comes along and tries to defeat Van. But of course it's all up to the shounen protag to do it so yeah Luke eventually gets to do the honors after he rises up.
Even if there was no Tower of Rem though, they really did the "please come back" post-Van defeat scenes really well. As far as I remember it's faithful to how I remember the lines to be, and heck, even Jade's handshake with Luke was kept. Though speaking of things that weren't kept, I don't think I heard Tear's "I love you" as they were leaving. I COULD BE WRONG THOUGH.
They kept Mr. Ending in the dark a lot, but Luke's armband's pretty noticeable under the coat as with bits of Luke's costume and what not so. Yeah, it’s the Luke stage actor under the coat.
Impressions and some thoughts:
This play is a love letter to fans of the game, I would say. In the sense that it's so worth it to watch for the nostalgia trip over getting a coherent story, I feel. I mean, the story does work, but at the same time they don't really do a good job of making you feel connected to the characters and their plight, so you're gonna need some sort of background like having played the game or watched the anime in order to be able to appreciate the stage play and feel invested in the dramatic scenes, etc.
As for the actors, I'd say people are on point! Anise among the ladies really stole the show though, I feel. I already touched in my old post regarding my impressions of the cast and it more or less stands.
I'm personally a little sad they cut out half the Six-God Generals since that also means cutting plot material and backstory shit in half, but I do understand it's something that can't be helped given their time frame and budget constraints, I'd say. But they made it work, and what they had out there was great and I'm really entertained by it.
And if I were to compare this to the one they performed last TalesFes, I'd say I actually enjoyed the one they did last TalesFes more than the one I watched today. But I think that's mostly due to the surprise factor since I wasn't expecting stuff like dancing Van and acrobatic Jade. In terms of completeness, this one's definitely a lot more "complete" than the one they did last TalesFes.
Still, despite my gripes about the stage play, overall I really did enjoy it! It's something I definitely don't mind seeing a second or even a third or fourth time around. I could only hope that we eventually get this on DVD or BluRay--it's a treat for any Tales of the Abyss fan and I feel really blessed for the opportunity to see this live and up close.
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kalosstarters · 7 years
Hmmm. EdWin, Pearlshipping? :D
OK my answers became so long that I’m gonna save people’s eyes and post pearlshipping separately. EdWin here! (I think you can see from my answers that I was a tiny bit excited to answer this)
This post is 1800+ words long so do whatever you want with that knowledge (I put a lot of thought into my answers and spend like 3-4 hours on this so I’d be happy to know that someone read it)
Who gets excited about Halloween in July:
(We know Ed and Winry do not live in a world with such holidays butlet’s pretend they do in these answers!) Hmm. I drew a conclusion that Ed isprobably someone who doesn’t really appreciate the holidays, no matter what theyare (particularly Christmas and Valentine’s day are totally overhyped in hisopinion) so he would /not/ jump of joy from the thought that they would becelebrating Halloween several months early. Also, having to see all thosepeople he dislikes secretly likes even more? No thanks. But since he can’t getout of that situation, he will try to make the best of it and dress up as Royto annoy him. Winry is a bit more excited, but since she’s a practical person, she’d worry about baking all the goodies and finding an amazing costume etc. so shemight find it a bit stressful. (@fairy-amy said she thinks Ed might enjoy the holidaysonce he has kids and I have to agree with that, he’s happy when his family ishappy :’) So he’d certainly be ready to organize Halloween in July if his kidsso insisted. The poor boy didn’t get to experience these holidays as a kid, his children have to have it better.)
Who starts wearing sweaters and scarves on the first day of September and completely overheats:
Ed is already wearing a /leather jacket/ and a warm looking coat on it soI hope for his sake he won’t wear any more clothes than that, Amestris doesn’tseem like a particularly cold place (minus Briggs perhaps). As for my answer,Ed might honestly be the one who’d go over the top with the clothes.
Who thrives in Fall/Who prefers Summer and warm weather:
OK this is hard. I haven’t really “locked” my headcanons about this topicbut I do think Ed would hate the hottest summer or the coldest winter (becauseof his automail), which would leave spring and fall for him. Thinking about hisdesign and his personality would make me lean more towards the fall, but it’salso a fact that it often rains a lot during falls (which is not enjoyable inhis situation) and he did canonically burn his house in October, so. Maybe hisfavorite time of the year would be the late spring when it’s not too hot yetetc. (He would be relieved when the summer changes to fall though so in thatsense he’s more of a fall person). As for Winry, it’s harder to say but I’mgonna lean towards summer.
Who thinks the other looks so cute when they’re cold and trying to fight it with 50 sweaters:
Winrythinks Ed is cute when he’s trying to fight the coldness with 50 sweaters (orleather jackets). He’s so extra, I swear.
Who offers the other their jacket:
Ed would (after saying something snarky to make sure that he doesn’t comeoff as /too/ sweet. It would be more natural for him after he finally acceptshis feelings) :’)
Who doesn’t want to get out of bed in the morning because it’s too cold and has to run from the warm covers to the shower:
Honestly iirc wehave no canon proof of either of them being particularly sensitive to thecoldness (if you don’t count Ed’s automail) but I feel my answers so far have made itsound like Ed is the more sensitive one so let me answer him.
Who touches the other with their freezing cold feet at night:
Now /this/was the question I was looking forward to answering and there’s 0 doubt aboutthis in my mind: Ed. The dude has a steel leg, which must be cold. as. f.Although, it might happen just once: Ed, that loser, thinks it’s a good idea to tease Winrya little bit (bc come on getting into each other’s nerves is their fave pasttime) but when she feels the cold leg/foot touching her skin, she is very fastto find the closest wrench and you betcha after that Ed doesn’t want to do itagain.
Who makes the hot cider to snuggle under a blanket and drink:
I mean,while Ed (secretly or not so secretly) /enjoys/ snuggling under a blanket withWinry, he would not be the one to suggest such a thing (“too mushy,” he says) soWinry would be the one to make the first move. Her granny has made some niceapple cider that reminds Ed of Winry’s apple pie and he quite enjoys it aswell.
Who loves carving pumpkins and buys about 300:
(also look at the answer below) Ed is so extra that when Winry says she’dlike some pumpkins for Halloween, he’d get /a lot/ of them. However, carvingthem is a very different story. If he had his alchemy, he would just transmutethem to look as edgy as possible, but because he doesn’t have it anymore, hemanages to carve a couple of pumpkins (just eyes and mouth, not well shaped atall) and loses his patience. Winry asks: “why did you get so many then? I’dhave been fine with just a few” and Ed mumbles something incoherent in response(Winry figures out it’s something like “Well… I just wanted to make you happy”)
Who is terrible at carving pumpkins:  
Circles are the only things Ed is good at drawing, and carving requires abit of artistic eye/hands as well so it’s safe to say that after he loses hisalchemy, no one could figure out what he’s trying to do with his pumpkins. Whenhe /can/ still use alchemy, they would naturally be the edgiest pumpkins you’veever seen. (Winry is actually pretty good at the carving, in her work shenaturally has to do a precise job with her hands and she also has to drawthe automail blueprints all the time so she’d be at home with the pumpkins)
Who thinks pulling the pumpkin guts out with their hands is icky:
Probably neither because these guys are in contact with blood and othereven ickier stuff on regular basis. (Ed literally boiled his bloody, dirty shoe and made it edible)
What is their favourite Fall activity:
After Al hasgotten his body back, they all like to rake the leaves in one big pile and thenwatch as Al (who just really loves to feel and see and smell everything in thefall) plays in that pile with Den and throws the colorful leaves all around.His happiness is what makes them so happy. Later on, they love to watch their own kidsdo that same thing :*) (Also, that drinking a hot drink under a blanket soundslike something they love to do, but again, it might be hard to make Ed admitthat)
Who gets scared when they watch Horror movies:
Neither, their lives have been almost like horror movies so fictional horrordoesn’t feel anywhere. However, the fact that their lives had been like that might also affect them in the way that they prefer watching other genres (evenEd).
Who hands out candy to trick-or-treaters:
Winry, gotta make sure that Ed doesn’t scare the kids with his costumes(when Ed does something, he does it 150%. Even when it comes to Halloweencostumes). Though, Ed might make a plan so /he/ can hand out that candy, forexample claim that his automail needs instant fixing and detach it so Winry cango to her workshop to take a closer look… Only to notice that the leg issurprisingly fine. Meanwhile, there are a couple of very scared little girls bytheir door, looking at the one legged… Jigglypuff (THIS WAS AMY’S IDEA BLAMEHER) who is trying to give them their sweets and secretly laughing a bit in his costume.
Who accidentally scares the kids:
^Ed. I probably don’t have to add much here after my previous answer. Edgoes full on with his costumes.
Who suggested the couples costume:
When they go out together on Halloween for the first time, it is Winry(because Ed is a bit slow at warming up to this kind of things) BUT soon Ednotices that he (secretly?) enjoys matching with Winry, and their outfits also stoppeople from hitting on her because she so clearly came with Ed, and that’s mostcertainly a plus in Ed’s eyes :’)
What is their couples costume:
OK I just can’t get over It’s Not a Big Deal (i.e. the best fanfic ever) and Ed and Winry’s matchingHan Solo and Princess Leia outfits (even though they weren’t technically eventogether back then iirc. And wahh the snapchat pics in that chapter were socute. As was the “prank” Ed&co planned. OK now I started fangirling over afanfic instead of answering. But seriously. So good) so I want to stick withthat. It’s totally adorable. And I feel Leia and Han Solo’s personalities kindaremind me of Ed and Winry so that’s why it’s great as well.
What is the best Halloween they ever had:
I feel that these two would like it simple (despite Edgoing a bit over the top with the costume and the pumpkins) and they’d be themost content simply hanging out at home with those whom they care about the most(Al, Mei, their kids for example). Seeing the smiles on their kids’ faces is bothEd and Winry’s favorite thing in the world.
(The nextpart is again Amy’s idea, thanks for helping me!) One of those times when theyare spending Halloween just with their family, Al and Mei go out to look at thestars for a bit (Al still likes the stars even after all those years of staringat them at nights) and when they come back, Mei has a ring on her ring fingerand everyone is so happy they are finally getting married. Later that evening,Winry throws up without any clear explanation (she hasn’t drunk or eatenanything suspicious) and she then remembers she hasn’t had her period in a goodwhile.. Winry doesn’t tell about it to Al and Mei (it was their day, afterall), but when she is alone with Ed, she tells him and Ed will always rememberit as his favorite Halloween ever :’)
What is the worst Halloween they ever had:
I couldtake this to a fun road or an angsty road. The fun road is that one time, Winryconvinces Ed to drink milk, claiming that the drink she’s holding is just coloredto look “as scary as possible” (because milk /is/ scary, says Ed) but actuallytastes very good. At first Ed thinks nothing of it, but when he realizes hereally drank milk, he mopes for the rest of the day and that isn’t particularlyfun for any of them (or maybe it is. Who knows. But for Ed it’s the WorstHalloween Ever.)
The angstyroad is that one time a trick-or-treater, a little girl with two braids, isdressed as a dog-like chimera, and that wakes really bad memories in Ed. He hasto withdraw into their bedroom after that and Winry soon follows, soothing Eduntil he finally calms down.
Who eats too much candy and ends up sick the next day:
Ahahah most likely Ed. He likes eating but does. not. know his limits!(He’s also that person who might sneak some goodies from the bag where they arekeeping candies for the trick-and-treaters)
adsfg I love those nerds so much. Thank you Aleira, you know what I like 8)
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yourfuckingmajesty · 7 years
I’m going to do this in a post instead of a video because I don’t like my voice. 
Fiancee tag: @finecallmejane
1. Describe how you met each other.
Well, writing is a thing we both love to do. We both had blogs where we did the writing thing, and we both knew the incomparable @rawwrchie and had written with her. One day, with a newer blog, I followed Care’s blog, we started talking via tags and then via skype on and off. Rach suggested a threeway skype call and we all got closer and had a blast and bing bang boom, here we are.
2. What did you first notice about each other?
I think I first noticed how kind she is. She’s always talking to new people and being so nice to them and asking them about themselves and genuinely caring about the answers. The people around her know how lovely she is and while she has gotten hurt for her kindness, it hasn’t stopped her.
3. Who first asked the other out?
Well.........we kinda started dating before we started dating. Before we admitted our romantic feelings for one another, we were “platonic girlfriends” and I honestly don’t remember who was like “hey this isn’t platonic.” 
4. Where was your first date?
On skype? But our first in-person date was at Circa 22 in Wilmington. We went back there this year too to celebrate our engagement.
5. Who was first to verbally say “I love you”?
Pffff probably Care. 
6. How did your first kiss happen? Who initiated it?
Iirc, it was Care? Oh man my memory stinks. I think she asked for a kiss while we were in Wilmington. 
7. When is your anniversary? 
August 5, 2013.
8. How long have you been together?
Four years and almost two months.
9. What made you realize you were in love with her?
It was never one moment. It was a lot of little moments where she was just unabashedly herself. When she talks about fall, when she embraces the silly things that she loves, when she gets excited about a book she’s reading, when she’s trying to scold our cat and stinks at it. It’s just a collection of things that make a voice go in the back of my head, “Gosh I love her.”
10. Where you friends before you became lovers?
Yup. We were friends while we were really dating, frankly. We chose the date for our anniversary after the fact, because we didn’t have a set date where we started dating. And our friendship is the biggest part of our relationship. We’re best friends first and foremost, fiancees second.
11. Were either of you out before getting with your girlfriend?
I was out, but given that she lived in NC, not so much. Her husband knew (we’re polyam, worry not, he knew), but he didn’t.... know know, you know? Like, he knew in a hypothetical sense. I’d been out since middle school, though.
12. Have either of you dated a girl before getting with your girlfriend or is she your first?
I’d dated several women before, but I was kinda her first (and then....turned out not to be a woman lol)
13. When is your girlfriend’s birthday? Who is older?
September 22nd. Tomorrow! And she’s older by a little under five years.
14. Do you live together?
Give it a few weeks and we will be.
15. Have you met your girlfriend’s parents? If so, what was that like?
I have, twice. She hasn’t met mine yet. I love her mom. She made me cry, but in a good way. Her dad’s nice when he’s on his best behavior. 
16. How many people are in your girlfriend’s family?
Immediate family, three and a half? Mom, Dad, Pants, Pants’ fiancee. 
17. Whose family do you hang out with more?
Well, she hasn’t met mine, so technically hers, but we’ll be across the country from hers in a few weeks, so then it’ll be mine. But we’re gonna call hers all the time!
18. What is a typical date night like for you and your girlfriend?
Netflix and chill. Except chill actually means snuggling and someone falling asleep. #asexualthings
19. How do you usually spend your time together?
Snuggling, watching things together, reading.
20. Have you ever been mistaken for sisters?
Given how far I tower over her and how strikingly different our hair and facial features are? I very highly doubt that (though probably when walking hand-in-hand in Wilmington someone thought it just to avoid the queer thing)
21. Have you ever shared your clothes?
Actually yes! I stole her shorts and she’s worn my shirt.
22. Have you ever experienced any discrimination or prejudice becasue you are a same sex couple?
Not yet, luckily. We surround ourselves with caring friends, and our families are totally cool with it. My mom would certainly rather I hadn’t been guided down a difficult path, but that’s more her anger at society than any real concern towards me. I think most parents want the path of least resistance for their child for many reasons, but she knows how incredibly happy Care (and Sport and Emil) make(s) me, so she’d never choose anything else for me.
23. Does anyone you know disapprove of your relationship?
A friend’s parents would, but no one that actually knows about it. 
24. How much PDA do you do?
A decent amount. We love to hold hands and when sitting together will often snuggle up together, but we don’t kiss a whole lot in public or anything. 
25. Have you ever been on your periods together?
Sometimes! But that’s rare since both of us can be finnicky. 
26. What is your girlfriend’s number labeled as in your cell phone?
The Wife  ♥
28. Do you have any pet names for each other?
She calls me her bee and I use all numbers of pet names: honey, dear, babe, etc. I’ve gotten much better at using pet names during our relationship~
29. Does your girlfriend have any pets?
Well, we share our pets, but hers is Aspen Copper (ginger kitty with a zombie patch)
30. Who is more likely to cook a meal?
Probably me. I love to cook and while she’ll do it, if given the opportunity she’ll usually just eat sandwiches.
31. What is your girlfriend’s favorite food? Least favorite food?
Applesauce probably. And um. Probably anything that gives her heartburn.
32. Who is more likely to cry for no reason?
Care. Though usually that reason is “THAT CAT LOOKS SO HAPPY” 
33. Can your girlfriend play any musical instruments?
I don’t think so? 
34. Who is your girlfriend’s favorite musical artist?
Florence and the Machine.
35. What is your girlfriend’s current favorite song?
She doesn’t really have one? Just a bunch of playlists. (#same)
36. Do you have a couple song?
Kinda sorta? I wanna walk down the aisle to Ruelle’s I Get To Love You
37. Do you have a couple name?
Kat & Care, mostly. If you combined our names it’d sound the same. Kare or Cat.
38. Who is more likely to forget where they put things?
39. Which side of the bed do you each sleep on?
I sleep on the right facing the bed, Care sleeps on the left.
40. Who hogs the sheets more when sleeping together?
41. What do you argue/fight about the most?
Someone not taking care of themselves.
42. How do you usually get over a argument/fight?
I don’t say a thing that’s bothering me and then Care asks a few times and then blurting happens.
43. Who is more likely to refuse sex?
#asexual so yeah we don’t really do that
44. What nationality is your girlfriend?
If you hear her talk, she’s Scottish. Otherwise, American.
45. Does your girlfriend play any sports?
She tries to play soccer with the corners of things but just ends up getting bruises.
46. Does your girlfriend root for any sports teams?
Not really, but she’ll be a lowkey Broncos gal soon enough ;)
47. Does your girlfriend have any quirky habits?
Do you HAVE like ten hours to listen?
48. Who takes longer getting ready to go somewhere?
Me, probably, since I wear makeup.
49. Who is more likely to remember an important day (i.e. birthday, anniversary, etc.)?
Both of us, but she’ll remember faster.
50. What is your girlfriend’s eye color?
Brown with pretty speckles.
51. What is your girlfriend’s shoe size?
52. What is your girlfriend’s dress size?
53. What is your girlfriend’s favorite TV show?
Currently Wynonna Earp probs.
54. What is your girlfriend’s favorite movie?
Uhhhhh. (Care says: “I probably have one but can’t remember?”)
55. What is one item on your girlfriend’s bucket list?
Visit all her friends around the world.
56. Is your girlfriend more likely to save or spend money?
Save, unless there are books.
57. Who squashes the bugs?
58. Who is your girlfriend’s #1 celebrity crush?
Hozier probs.
59. What is your girlfriend’s favorite color?
Autumn just......all of autumn colors.
60. What is your girlfriend’s middle name?
61. Who is more likely to randomly burst out into a song?
Care, but I’ll quickly join in.
62. Who is more likely to randomly start dancing?
Probably me, but that’s just because I stim constantly.
63. Who usually pays when you go out to eat?
It’s been about 50/50 so far.
64. Have you ever taken a vacation together? If so, where to?
Yup. Our first date was technically a vacation together. We went to Wilmington and stayed in a B&B together. The second one was there too, and we stayed in someone’s house.
65. How tall is your girlfriend?
The smolest. 4′11 -ish
66. Is your girlfriend religious at all?
Kinda sorta? Like, she’s agnostic-christian-leaning?
67. Who is more likely to spontaneously be romantic?
68. Whose laugh is cuter?
Absolutely Care’s~
69. Who is the better driver?
Me, but come back to me in a few years when she actually has a license.
70. Who is the better singer?
Me maybe? I dunno. I like listening to her sing along with the radio, but I was in choir?
71. Who is the better dancer?
We’re both white and you can tell. ‘Nuff said.
72. Who is better at math?
We’re both pretty awful at it tbh.
73. Whose handwriting is better?
Hers, hands-down.
74. Who is more likely to sign a card or a note from the both of you?
I’ll get back to you in December when we sign stuff for gifts.
75. Have you ever discussed marriage?
Shit, I’d hope so since we’re getting married next fall.
76. Have you ever discussed having children?
Many many many many times. We’re not sure on numbers yet, but yes, we’re going to start trying after we get married.
77. What is one thing your girlfriend does that you don’t like?
Also all those SANDWICHES. 
78. Is there anything about your girlfriend you think most people don’t know?
She can be hella vindictive. She seems super sweet and kind and lovely - and she IS - but sometimes, she just gets crossed too far and gets really angry.
79. Choose one word to describe your girlfriend. Why that word?
Kind. She goes out of her way to be really sweet to just about everyone - even if she doesn’t really like a person. And she always thinks of others.
80. Pass on one piece of relationship advice.
Communication, communication, communication. Those fights we mentioned? Yeah, they’re always caused by a lack of communication. Every. Single. Time. Please, for all that is holy and good, communicate with your partner if there’s something wrong or if something you’re gonna do is going to affect them in any way. 
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