#japan shenanigans
Lord Death Man:
Lord Death Man: Hi.
Red Hood: Hello... who are you again?
Lord Death Man: I am Batman's nemesis, Lord Death Man and you-
Red Hood (sighing annoyed): I remembered your voice. The voice is back in my brain.
Orphan: Hi, Death man, good to see you again. All in one piece this time.
Lord Death Man: Good to see you as well. Thanks for sewing me back up after you tricked me into stepping on the land mine.
Orphan: It's the least I can do... even though you're incredibly annoying.
LDM: You are such a kidder. Now where is Batman! I am ready to fight him for he is my-
Red Hood: I fucking can't with this voice!
Red Hood shoots LDM in the chest and walks off. Orphan follows behind him.
Orphan: What do you think he wants?
Red Hood: Don't care, let's hurry before he revives himself.
Lord Death Man standing a few seconds later.
LDM: Hey, hey get back here and take me to Batman!
Red Hood: Run!
Orphan: On it!
The two run away as LDM chases them.
Orphan: Wait, can I borrow your gun?
Red Hood: Uh, sure.
Orphan takes the gun and shoots Lord Death Man in different fatal (but can't kill him) spots while counting: Un, deux, trois, quatre et cinq.
Lord Death Man drops to the ground, twitching.
Orphan: We have five minutes because I shot him in the throat and crotch, which takes longer to bounce back from. You have to shoot him more than once and I used all your bullets.
Orphan tosses Jason his gun back and walks off, humming. Red Hood looks at his gun and then Orphan. He follows behind her half impressed, but confused.
Jason: How did you figure out the crotch thing? Orphan, I need an answer to this.
Hours later
Beast Boy: Don't freak out, but there is a man with a skull watching us from a distance.
Dick Grayson sighs and continues drinking his coffee.
Dick: Not even turning around.
Beast Boy: Hey.. Hey buddy? Grayson pinches the bridge of nose. Dick: Don't wave at him. Beast Boy: Shush, skull guy, who are you?
LDM: Um... Larry.
Beast Boy: Larry?
Dick Grayson's eye twitches and he crushes his coffee cup in his hand.
Beast Boy: Okay your reaction makes me want to ask him more. Hey, Larry... why the heck you spying on us?
Larry: Not you, the other one. He knows Batman and I am his nemsis!
Beast Boy: He's not in disguise, how do you know it's Nightwing?
Larry: ... Cause I have eyes. The eye mask doesn't hide much.
Dick lifts his head, enraged. Larry said his trigger word.
Dick: You're about to find out why he's called Lord Death Man. Larry, let's talk!
He stands and walks over to Lord Death Man and pummels him in the thankfully empty diner.
Beast Boy: Yeah, he doesn't like people insulting the eye mask.
Lord Death Man (barely) remains hidden behind a tree. Stephanie (in Spoiler disguise) spots him while apprehending Kite- Man.
LDM: 'Scuse me, have either of you seen Batman!
Spoiler: Oh Christ not you again.
Kite-Man: Who is he and why does he sound like skeletor? Great show, btw. You should check it out.
LDM: I am LORD DEATH MAN and I am Batman's nemesis!
Kite-Man: Nemesis?
Spoiler: Rival, he means rival.
Kite-Man: Oh like us?
Spoiler: Everyday I know you I regret my life choices. Lord- I can not call you that name, I'll just say Skeletor. Skeletor, Batman is not around... he fell into a portal and won't be around for a while. Long while. Leave Gotham while. The guy you've seen isn't the Batman... he's uh...
Kite-Man: A man bat! Who has no idea who you are. The real Batman won't be back for a week or so. Right, rival?
Kite-Man elbows Spoiler with a smile. She sighs then nods.
Spoiler: Yup, man bat and he doesn't know you. I can call Red Hood, Orphan or Nightwing instead. Nightwing especially wants to deal with you again.
LDM backed away terrified, running off at such a speed it leaves a dust cloud.
Spoiler (regret in her voice): Thank... you.
Kite-Man: No prob, rival. Thanks for saying Skeletor. Does he talk like that all the time?
Spoiler (nodding): His voice is stuck in my head like a mind numbingly catchy song. The skull is his head too. Kite-Man: If his head is nothing by a skull how does he speak clearly? Spoiler: Nobody has figured it out yet. He makes me appreciate the villains I have. Kite-Man (happy): I needed that compliment, Spoiler. Thank you.
Spoiler: The moment I said that I regretted it. Let's get you to jail so I can go home.
Spoiler finishes locking the cuffs and turns Kite-Man around to walk him to a precinct.
Spoiler: You got a venue you for the wedding yet? Kite-Man: Yes, the church we attend. Well she goes there more than me, but it's a nice set up. You want me to send you the invitation or hand it to you when we meet up again? Spoiler (sarcastically): Oh hand it to me when we meet up I totally won't use it to have Batman track and arrest you.
Kite-Man (missing her tone): Good looking out. Glider says 'hi'.
Spoiler: Fan-tastic.
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jesncin · 8 months
Jesncin, I have a very important question:
What does Mal think of Bio Armor Jade Warrior?
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Ma'al is coming around to seeing the appeal of Bio Armor Jade Warrior. Thank you for the very important question!
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hayaku14 · 4 hours
Sonoko and Shinichi are forced to attend high society parties together, mockumentary style
Interviewer: What do you do during these parties?
Shinichi: Sonoko and I people-watch. It's a great way to hone your observational skills and kill time. Sonoko is actually surprisingly good at it. Maybe the Queen of Deduction isn't too far off a nickname. (He says snickering)
*shot of Shinichi leaning into Sonoko and whispering something. Sonoko giggles and whispers back*
Sonoko: People-watch? *scoffs* Oh no, we gossip.
*shot of Sonoko whispering something to Shinichi as they both turn their heads slowly towards a man with messy hair straightening his tie. Shinichi whispers something back and they snicker for a second before swiftly turning their heads away when the man looks at them*
Sonoko: We gossip the entire time. (She says with the biggest shit-eating grin)
*the man leaves and Shinichi and Sonoko slowly look at each other and burst into giggles*
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myfeelisfunny · 6 months
okay racing is fun, but can I just say that I am obsessed with the japanese fans?? every time they cut to the grandstands someone is either wearing or holding some (prob homemade?) merch thing that I just NEED!!!
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Me, pre-TPN: idk if I could ever get attached to a character named Norman. It’s such an old-fashioned, stuffy, normal name.
Shirai and Demizu:
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boss-the-goofball · 5 months
So I officially have the perfect reason for why Izuku would willingly travel through time if he ever got the opportunity to do so and if it was ever possible.
All Might merchandise he missed out on because he was either too young or not even born yet
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redwiddershins · 10 months
I know that the events of “First Contact” actually having had happened is like dubiously factual at best, but in my heart, I absolutely believe that Zenigata changed the trajectory of his career to go chase Lupin across the world.
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ghost-town-story · 11 months
Things I have discovered on this journey of hella worldbuilding I've been doing the past few months:
Fandom.com is hell due to ads. Especially on mobile
Fandom.com has very good lists of magic abilities/superpowers
I've been staring at it so much that magic will probably not feel like a real word by the end of the night lol
The biggest difference between what we call "magic" and what we call "superpowers" is the genre.
But! Progress is being made in some regards so yay for that
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diedraechin · 2 years
Just a little, what's up:
Io wants to be finished editing chapter 45 in the next couple of days so that I can post it Friday or Saturday... so you know, things are moving along.
As for the chapter after that... it's pretty much done... we'll see though, I'm still in final stage tweaks for it.
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I don’t know much about rottmnt but origami ghost au? Do tell!
(for context: this ask is referring to this post.)
this was actually an idea recommended to me by (i think) @noodlenoodlenoodlenoodle, so credit where credit is due.
the basic premise is pretty angsty (paraphrasing what i remember):
one of the (rise) characters gets hospitalized, and all the others make little origami animals (one per day) out of little notes they write for when said character wakes up. (they don't wake up.)
now, i do like me some good ol' angst every once in a while, but i could not help myself with this idea. hurt/comfort is my specialty.
so, if i ever do write this, i think I'm gonna twist it around a little to be something more... convoluted.
one of the characters gets sleeping-beautified (ie put in a coma by magic means) and it is assumed they will never wake up again. meanwhile, said sleeping-beautified character wakes up in what appears to be... 16th century japan?? with a limited vocabulary, they must fend for themselves while figuring out wtaf is going on and how to get home. cue shenanigans as our real-world companions start to get "signs" that something is amiss. in order to not cause false hope, they keep it to themselves but begin their own, separate investigations. they learn that, through vague notes folded into terrible approximations of origami art (in their defense, origami is a bit harder with three fingers), they're able to communicate. but they have to hurry-- time is running out, and if they don't figure it out fast, our cursed character might actually never wake up again.
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dnofsunshine · 2 years
You Have (1) New Message || Ch 02: Older Kids p1 (Digimon Chatfic)
fandom: Digimon Adventure/02 fic summary:
Yamato is online. Yamato: What the hell is this tachikawaii mimi: as the title says, a group chat for bad bitches only (〃^▽^〃) Yamato: But Taichi is here tachikawaii mimi: created by the baddest b tachikawaii mimi: LOL SAVAGE Taichi: excuse me
Or: The Digimon chatfic everyone has been waiting for, finally posted as a Christmas gift to my Nee-san, Green Spaghetti.
Also available on ao3!
Mimi is online.
Mimi added Sora, Jou, Koushiro, Yamato, and Taichi to the chat.
Mimi named the chat bad bitches only xoxo.
Mimi changed their name to tachikawaii mimi.
tachikawaii mimi changed edit settings to Admin Only.
tachikawaii mimi: school has left me bored af and i’m making it ur guys problem tachikawaii mimi: i mean i don’t expect jou to get online but
Jou is online.
tachikawaii mimi: oh i sit corrected
Jou muted the chat for 1 hour.
tachikawaii mimi: rude
Taichi is online.
Taichi: lmao Taichi: he prbly doesnt want the notifs during school hours
Yamato is online.
Yamato: What the hell is this tachikawaii mimi: as the title says, a group chat for bad bitches only (〃^▽^〃) Yamato: But Taichi is here tachikawaii mimi: created by the baddest b tachikawaii mimi: LOL SAVAGE Taichi: excuse me
tachikawaii mimi renamed the chat to bad bitches only (+ taichi). 
Taichi: le gASP Taichi: mimi change it back :( tachikawaii mimi: nah tachikawaii mimi: i asked for entertainment and i got it tachikawaii mimi: i mean the younger kids are cool too ofc <333 tachikawaii mimi: they’re just little darlings ;_; i feel like i shouldn’t curse a bunch in front of them Taichi: have u met yamato Yamato: I don’t curse that much in front of Takeru. And sometimes Hikari Taichi: everyone else tho? Yamato: …stuff may have slipped out  tachikawaii mimi: lol i mean they’re not little children Yamato: Excuse you Taichi: yeah hikari is 4ever my baby sister thank u tachikawaii mimi: but they’re still young!!!  tachikawaii mimi: and i feel like i should be a responsible friend-sister figure Taichi: . Taichi: sora talked to u abt it didnt she tachikawaii mimi: what ofc not tachikawaii mimi: …how did u know Taichi: just sounds like something sora would do lol Taichi: she’s the real mom friend here Yamato: Speaking of Sora she’s
Sora is online.
Yamato: Uh Sora: Been giving both you and Taichi dirty looks for the past five minutes? Sora: Yes Sora: Yes I have Yamato: …yeahhh Sora: Mimi we’re in school :(  tachikawaii mimi: sora that’s the point :(  Sora: You shouldn’t be on your phone in class :(  tachikawaii mimi: okay mom
tachikawaii mimi changed Sora’s name to Mom.
Mom: :)  Yamato: Uh oh. Taichi: mimi what have u done Taichi: u can’t see her face rn omg Yamato: ✌️ Taichi: good luck soldier
Yamato is offline.
Taichi is offline.
tachikawaii mimi: um???  Mom: Do you want me to start counting? tachikawaii mimi: jeez sora what am i five lol Mom: 3 tachikawaii mimi: holy shit ur actually doing it  Mom: 2 tachikawaii mimi: i lied sora’s the baddest bitch of all i’m sorry sora
tachikawaii mimi is offline.
Mom: :) 
Mom is offline.
Jou is online.
Jou: Sorry to disappear but we were in school and I was trying to pay attention in class.
tachikawaii mimi is online.
tachikawaii mimi: no its fine i expected u to be absent lmao tachikawaii mimi: sora was mad anyway Jou: Yeah, I saw. Scary. Jou:  (・ω・;) tachikawaii mimi: GASPPPPP Jou: ??
Yamato is online.
tachikawaii mimi: u use emojis :’) tachikawaii mimi: last time we texted you were all like I Type Normal Without Emotion But Punctuation. tachikawaii mimi: what caused the change good sir?? Jou: A friend of mine uses them and I found them fun. Is that bad? tachikawaii mimi: no!!!
Taichi is online.
tachikawaii mimi: it’s cute (≧_≦) Jou: :)  Taichi: i didnt know u had friends outside of us jou lol Taichi: /jkjk Yamato: Funny, I thought the same thing abt you @Taichi   tachikawaii mimi: pffttt twice in one day Taichi: WHAT Taichi: I HAVE FRIENDS Taichi: ASK THE ENTIRE SOCCER TEAM Yamato: You don’t have to get defensive lol Taichi: ur the 1 who doesnt have friends like ur always lookin so mad all the time
tachikawaii mimi changed Yamato’s name to yamadto.
yamadto: Wtf tachikawaii mimi: u do have the best resting bitch face out of all of us tbh Jou: …I’m sorry Yamato, but you do always look grumpy. Taichi: unless he’s around takeru Taichi: takeru’s existence proves that yamato is just a big Softie underneath all those thorns :)  tachikawaii mimi: truth tachikawaii mimi: teddy bear yamato (⇀̥ ‸ ↼̥) yamadto: Shut up tachikawaii mimi: :)  Taichi: :))  Jou: :)))  yamadto: Stop yamadto: Smilies with extra ))) look weird Taichi: takeru uses them yamadto: They’re adorable Taichi: i rest my case
Mom is online.
Mom: Hi everyone :)  Jou: Hey Sora. Taichi: hi tachikawaii mimi: the baddest bitch returns!! <333 tachikawaii mimi: hiiii Mom: What’re you all up to? :)  Taichi: headin home from soccer practice  Jou: Studying for my exam tomorrow, wbu? tachikawaii mimi: ew tachikawaii mimi: but school is over jou tachikawaii mimi: trying to decide what color to paint my nails~ Jou: But it’s March?? The school year is wrapping up??  Mom: We just wrapped up tennis practice :)  tachikawaii mimi: oooo tachikawaii mimi: did u captain all ur girls Mom: I tried lol Mom: I hope the first-years will be okay when we go to high school Taichi: i feel that Taichi: feels like i was just elected captain and now i’m passing it down to someone else Taichi: gonna miss these guys Jou: Your coaches still let you play this late in the year as third-years? Taichi: by choice yeah Taichi: i got a sports scholarship for my high school and entrance exams are over anyway Jou: Oh right Sora: As long as my grades are fine I can play :) I passed the entrance exams back in February tachikawaii mimi: aww cmon guys ur graduating junior high not dying tachikawaii mimi: i didn’t come back to japan from america for a funeral :/  yamadto: I’m surprised you didn’t wait till the next school year tachikawaii mimi: well american school years are different from japanese school years lol tachikawaii mimi: it was easier to come back before the second semester of american school than wait til june and miss most of the first term of a new japanese school year Jou: That’s true yamadto: Fair enough Jou: But a lot of schools have transfer students! tachikawaii mimi: yeah but after everything that happened in december i just wanna be home <3  Mom: Understandable <3 tachikawaii mimi: i’m visiting america in the summer tho lol tachikawaii mimi: america in the summer is just ヾ(♥∇♥)ゞ yamadto: Lol tachikawaii mimi: the hawaiian beach is beautiful Mom: I remember you sent pictures and postcards when you went! Taichi: i remember too Taichi: koushiro n yamato n takeru n i were busy, yk, saving the internet Taichi: n you were enjoying the beach tachikawaii mimi: bitterness doesn’t suit u honey yamadto: Lol Taichi: where is koushiro anyway tachikawaii mimi: good question Jou: Probably busy. tachikawaii mimi: not anymoreeeee tachikawaii mimi: @Koushiro  Taichi: @Koushiro  Mom: He’s probably not available to chat at the moment, leave him be tachikawaii mimi: @Koushiro  Taichi: @Koushiro  Mom: Guys tachikawaii mimi: @Koushiro  Taichi: @Koushiro  Mom: :)  yamadto: That’s the most passive-aggressive smile I’ve seen tachikawaii mimi: Uh oh tachikawaii mimi: sorry mom we’ll stop Taichi: r u sure it’s passive aggrressive yamadto: My parents are divorced yamadto: I’m sure yamadto: Plus do you remember Sora’s expression from earlier? Taichi: … Taichi: sorry mom we’ll stop tachikawaii mimi: u know what we can do tho tachikawaii mimi: change the remaining names Taichi: idk why u said we since u changed the settings to where only u have accss to that shit tachikawaii mimi: yeah lmao ur right i just like being in control of everything here haha Taichi: at least make mine cool pls
tachikawaii mimi changed Taichi’s name to noob.
noob: this is a hate crime yamadto: Lol
tachikawaii mimi changed Jou’s name to Dad.
tachikawaii mimi changed Koushiro’s name to criminal monstermind.
Dad: Um?? tachikawaii mimi: u do give off dad energy jou <33 noob: how come u gave me this name noob: but koushiro gets a badass name??? tachikawaii mimi: cos he’s our very own digital world tech master ofc tachikawaii mimi: the true mpv tachikawaii mimi: ur just reckless and a himbo yamadto: Ha tachikawaii mimi: oh hush u  tachikawaii mimi: u know how often u contribute to his dumbassery tachikawaii mimi: takeru & hikari r like the only reason ur not dead tachikawaii mimi: and don’t get me started on often sora & jou had to pull u out of some stupid situation Mom: She’s not wrong Mom: Aww Jou we match <3  Dad: I’m too young and too anxious for kids. Dad: How did this happen? Dad: Yesterday I was just a regular teen with a regular life. Dad: Now I’m a father. Dad: (|||❛︵❛) yamadto: Face it Jou you’ve never had a regular life noob: ur best friend is a talking seal Dad: Fair. Mom: Jou it’s okay it’s just all good and fun <3 tachikawaii mimi: be like sora and accept ur fate jou Dad: Next thing you know, I’ll be making terrible jokes and drinking three beers to sleep. tachikawaii mimi: jou srsly it’s ok to do u want me to change it back yamadto: Just stay away from the cigarettes and you’ll be fine Dad: Ugh. Okay. tachikawaii mimi: ok u accepted ur fate or ok u want me to change it Dad: It’s fine. Leave it. tachikawaii mimi: (♡⺣◡⺣)♡* Dad: But I really do have to study, so I may disappear. yamadto: It’s all good Jou Mom: Okay! Good luck <3  noob: later jou tachikawaii mimi: byeeeee~ Dad: Bye, guys. Take care.  tachikawaii mimi: <3333
Dad is offline.
noob: hey how come u offered to change jou’s name back noob: but im stuc k like this?? tachikawaii mimi: oh well would u look at the time tachikawaii mimi: i have to go walk my plant noob: wait mimi tachikawaii mimi: xoxoxo 
tachikawaii mimi is offline.
noob: MIMI Mom: Awww sorry Taichi Mom: I’m sure she’ll change it to something else eventually noob: (´-﹏-`) noob: if u say so… Mom: :)  Mom: I have to go too tho Mom: Kaa-san’s needing me in her shop yamadto: OK yamadto: Later Sora Mom: Later!! Don’t forget to eat something tonight <333
Mom is offline.
yamadto: Got it noob: ok noob: just u n me now ig??
yamadto is offline.
noob: :/
criminal monstermind is online.
criminal monstermind: Sorry, just got to my computer. Why is my name like this? What is the purpose of this chat?
noob is online.
noob: nw noob: hey koushiro criminal monstermind: Hey, Taichi. noob: ????  criminal monstermind: Are you… not Taichi? noob: … noob: no its me noob: how did u know tho criminal monstermind: Lucky guess? noob: :/
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ikiyou · 9 months
Tumblr Year in Review
Taking a leaf from @originalartblog​
I posted 79 times in 2023
That's 42 more posts than 2022!
My Top Posts in 2023:
#5. 25 notes - Dec 22 2023
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#4. 25 notes - Dec 24 2023
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#3. 30 notes - Apr 4 2023
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#2. 42 notes - Dec 22 2023
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My #1 post of 2023: 50 notes - Feb 21 2023
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top posts found through jetblackcode
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dizzyhslightlyvoided · 6 months
Someday there's gonna be a gender-bender manga where a character, like, turns to the proverbial camera and says something like "Did you know that even with a pill that magically transforms your body (or whatever), Japanese law requires that you be surgically altered so that you don't have functioning gonads before you're allowed to change your gender in the family register? I thought that was interesting" and just that alone will make it 9006% more transgender than whatever "but I'm a guy"-internal-monologue-every-five-minutes nonsense is popular this week.
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fishnets-fingers · 1 year
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On todays episode of Japan planning…
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igumie · 1 year
Mom just told me that I’m not allowed to be tickets a txt concert because I wore a fucking bodysuit that slightly showed off my fucking hips
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haleviyah · 2 years
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Sight Seeing
Beautiful commission for "M.W" of he and his friend's characters checking out the spirit world city and it's friendly occupants.
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