#I really like Xenoverse Fu
mysticmistral · 6 months
Got possessed at 2am after spending my free time doing the Xenoverse 2 Fu Raid. I have no idea why, but I decided to get past art block and draw the silly scientist himself, based on one of his wallpapers. (Which is why Vegeta and his sword isn’t there. Or the rest of his body.)
Dragon Ball Male eyes are so damn hard to draw since their eyebrows are always glued to the top of their eyelids. And the muscles but I honestly think Fu wouldn’t be so bulky since he’s a scientist. As for the hair, it didn’t look right with such a clean V shape so I made it messy. I’ve scribbled him with one bang poking out like Heroes Fu which I barely acknowledge since he seems evil and not just chaotic neutral.
This is for the other like, four Fu fans on Tumblr.
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duhragonball · 1 year
Super Dragon Ball Heroes 1-6
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We’ve reached the final (planned) stop on the 2023 Dragon Ball Apocrypha Liveblog, and it’s the most apocryphal series of all, the Super Dragon Ball Heroes web anime!
Here’s the deal.  In 2010, Bandai Namco published a trading card arcade game called Dragon Ball Heroes.  Then in 2016 they updated it to improve the user experience, and renamed it Super Dragon Ball Heroes.   A manga adaptation of the game began in 2017, and then in 2018 Toei began this “original net animation” to promote the game. 
My engagement with the DBH franchise has been superficial at best.  Mostly, I just rock out to the theme songs when I find them on YouTube.  I’ve never played the games because I have no idea where and how to play them, and the gameplay doesn’t look all that compelling to me.  I think some of this stuff is only available in Japan?  I’ve never bothered to find out, and I don’t see that changing any time soon.
And yet, I’m somewhat familiar with the story mode from the games, as they involve the Time Patrol, which I wanted to research for the fanfic I’m writing, part of which serves as a prose adaptation of Xenoverse 1.  I even wrote a guest appearance with several characters from DBH, and I might use them again down the line.  Also, the manga contains some backstory involving Towa and Demigra, who also appear in Xenoverse 1, and feature heavily in my fic.  So I’ve read some of the manga, and I watched some of the web anime, but mostly for the purpose of scraping them for useful lore. 
From what I can tell, the entire thing is a mess from a story perspective.  The game has been around for 13 years, so it’s clearly a success, but the manga feels completely removed from the story the game tries to tell, and the web anime seems to go off in a completely different direction from that.  At its core, Dragon Ball Heroes is mainly about answering the question “Wouldn’t it be cool if you teamed up with Super Saiyan 3 Vegito to fight Dark Demon Baby Majin Hatchiyack?”  The answer is obviously “hell yeah”, so I don’t understand why we need a manga and anime version to tell stories that don’t really touch on what makes the game fun. 
Mostly, I wanted to run through this web anime for the sake of completion.  The whole thing is up on YouTube, ripe for the viewing, but I keep losing track of which episodes I’ve already seen, and I can never remember what the hell happened.  So this is where we put the “log” in “liveblog”.
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We’re starting today with the first six episodes, which make up the Prison Planet arc of the show.  That may sound like a lot of ground to cover, but these episodes are short, so we’re only talking about 40-45 minutes of footage.
The story begins with Goku and Vegeta training with Whis on Beerus’ planet.  Also, the Supreme Kai is here serving tea, and then Future Mai runs over, so she’s here too, apparently.  According to Shin, they came to Beerus’ planet so Trunks could train, but this scene make it look like Mai came here alone, which I’m pretty sure is impossible.  Maybe Whis or Shin brought her, except she was supposed to be with Trunks, so why is everyone just now finding out he didn’t make it?
To be clear, this is the Blue-haired Trunks and Future Mai from the Zamasu arc.  When we last saw them, Whis had arranged for them to take refuge in an alternate timeline where Zamasu hadn’t killed everyone yet.  It was also made clear that they would never return from that world, but SDBH just has them dropping in like it’s Sunday brunch.  Now, you might be asking “Didn’t you just say Xeno Trunks was a character in Heroes?  Why isn’t that version of Trunks in this show?”  And to that I say: Don’t worry, he’s in this too, just not as much.
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Then this shady-looking dude named Fu shows up and tells everyone that Trunks is trapped on “The Prison Planet”.  Vegeta asks how he could possibly know that, and Fu explains that he’s a friend of Trunks and he investigated his disappearance.  I like how skeptical Vegeta is of this story.  “My son doesn’t have friends, get the fuck outta here.”
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So Goku, Vegeta, and Mai travel to the Prison Planet, which is just a bunch of clip art of planets from our solar system clustered together and surrounded by cartoon chains.  It looks stupid as hell, like they told the art department “We need a prison planet design, and make it as literal as possible.”
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There, the gang meets a second Goku, who can turn Super Saiyan 4. This is not the same Goku from Dragon Ball GT, and official sources refer to him as “Xeno Goku”.  He’s an agent of the Time Patrol, and when he encounters the other Goku, they get into a classic superhero misunderstanding and fight.  Then Fu shows up and it quickly becomes clear that he’s the one behind all of this.   Xeno Goku is on a mission to apprehend Fu, and Fu brags that he uses the Prison Planet to trap powerful warriors for his experiments.  Fu tricked Trunks into coming here, then used him as bait to lure Goku and Vegeta.  Xeno Goku pretended to get caught in order to infiltrate this place, but that suits Fu’s purposes, since he’s trapped here now. 
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He tells them to find Trunks themselves, and says something about how they’ll have to gather the Dragon Balls on the Prison Planet.  Xeno Goku has one, but the other six are in the hands of the other prisoners.  This sounds like a pretty decent gauntlet for the good guys to go through, but this whole idea gets abandoned by Episode 2.
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Meanwhile, Trunks wakes up in a cell with a prison uniform and some sort of tracking bracelet on his arm.   Then the wall opens up and he runs out into a city.  Then Cooler attacks him, seeking the Dragon Balls.  This seems like a pretty cool premise, more authentic to the “Prison Planet” title, but this is all dropped immediately.
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From his lab, Fu watches everyone and seems extremely pleased with what’s going on, although he never explains why, or what his plan is.  Get used to this, because this is pretty much all he ever does.
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Meanwhile, he’s got this other guy locked away.  His name is Cumber, the Masked Evil Saiyan, and he has a Dragon Ball too.  At the end of episode 1, Fu says it’s not quite time for him to get involved yet.  In Episode 2, Cumber breaks free and heads straight for the good guys to attack them.
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Goku tries to punch Cumber, but Cumber has this weird power where if you touch his ki, it makes you go berserk.  That sounds pretty awesome, except it only happens to Goku here, just once, and then it never gets brought up again.  I notice I’m saying that a lot here. 
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Also, berserk Goku’s skin is darker for some reason, which I like better, actually, except this is supposed to signify Cumber’s dark energy corrupting him or something, so that seems kind of problematic. 
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Fortunately for Vegeta, Trunks and Cooler show up to help.  Yeah, Cooler’s on our side for this.  Apparently he and Trunks came to some sort of understanding between Episodes 1 and 2.  The prison clothes were pointless, since Mai brought along Trunks’ own clothing, so he changes out of them to join the fight. 
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During his captiviy, Cooler heard from Fu about Golden Frieza, so he decides to try that for himself and succeeds immediately.  This is treated like some big game-changing moment, as if fans haven’t been photo-shopping Cooler since 2015.  Cooler than goes “I think I shall call this form.................... Golden Cooler!” like there was any possible other name he would have used.
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Goku finally comes to his senses, but then Cumber breaks free of his restraints. Trunks goes in to distract him while Goku and Vegeta use Potara earrings which the Supreme Kai gave to Mai before they set off on this trip. 
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So it’s Vegito Blue vs. Cumber, and things get so rough that Vegito has to do a Kai-o-ken on top of Blue.  Here’s a picture of Golden Cooler just standing there like an asshole watching. 
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Vegito seems to gain the upper hand, but then Cumber reveals he knows the fake moon technique, and he turns into a giant ape.  I’m not sure why he’s this orange color, unless this is meant to be like Golden Oozaru tainted with evil ki or whatever.  The thing is, they keep calling Cumber an “Evil Saiyan”, but he hasn’t actually done anything that evil.  I mean, he choked out Trunks, but there’s plenty of regular Saiyans who would do the same thing if they could.  “Evil Saiyan” implies that he’s some kind of next-level evil, like hanging goat entrails over his altar to Moloch or something.
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His first ki blast causes Vegito’s fusion to dissolve, but perhaps more importantly, Cumber’s fighting at such an intensity that it’s damaging the giant chains that seal the Prison Planet off from the rest of the universe.
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Goku and Vegeta decide their only chance now is to cut off Cumber’s tail, and Trunks flies in to back them up.  Mai watches from the sidelines, and she’s got two more Potara earrings.  Wait, how many of these things did Shin give her, anyway?
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At this point, Fu finally notices the cracks in the seal on the Prison Planet and goes to the battlefield to scold Cumber in person.  He takes out his sword and does some sort of technique to dispel the fake moon and reverse Cumber’s Oozaru transformation without cutting his tail. 
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Fu withdraws, apparently satisfied that he’s brought the fight down to a more acceptable level.  This pretty much puts us back where we started, except Goku’s now using Super Saiyan God to fight Cumber, even though we just saw Cumber give Vegito a hard time at Super Saiyan Blue.  Cumber seems to recognize the God form somehow, but he never explains his reaction to it, and this never gets brought up again.
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Despite Fu’s intervention, the chains break away completely.  You’d think this would upset Fu, and he is upset, but not because of this...
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No, he’s upset because, while he was away, someone found his lab and wrecked it.  Now he can’t monitor the battle, which disrupts his experiment. 
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Cumber wrecks Goku’s shit, which knocks him out for a while, but fortunately Xeno Goku and Xeno Vegeta show up to defend him. Seems that they were the ones who wrecked Fu’s lab, and I guess that explains where Xeno Vegeta was until this moment.  He was scouting out the lab, waiting for an opening. 
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I don’t know why the other Vegeta isn’t getting involved in this fight.  I think he’s okay, but he just stands with Trunks and Mai watching the battle. I mean, Golden Cooler is doing the same thing, but I think we’ve already established that Golden Cooler is just an asshole.
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Xeno Vegeta suggests that they fuse, since Cumber’s one tough bastard.  He hates fusion, but he’s willing to make an exception.  So for those of you keeping score, this is the second fusion in less than six episodes.
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So now it’s Super Saiyan 4 Vegito vs. Cumber, who decides to bust out Super Saiyan 3.  You can tell because his eyebrows are gone.  This seems weird, because base Cumber was giving Vegito Blue a hard time, so the only conclusion I can make here is that SSJ4 is stronger than Blue, or Cumber’s transformations don’t mean much.
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Vegito 4 seems to beat Cumber, but then Fu shows up again to confront the jerks who broke his lab. 
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Then Cumber rejoins the battle, and Fu observes that the seal on the Prison Planet has been broken. And he seems... happy about this?  If this was what he wanted all along, why did he cancel Cumber’s Oozaru form?  He says that “they will revive soon”, and leaves.
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I like how he uses his sword (swords?) to cut an X-shaped portal for himself.  That’s a nice touch. 
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Xeno Goku wants to chase after Fu, but they have to rescue the others from Cumber, who’s fired a giant ki blast at them.  Regular Vegeta complains about Regular Goku just lying there passed out, when...
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Goku suddenly wakes up and goes Ultra Instinct.  While he fights Cumber alone, the rest of them teleport back to Beerus’ planet.  Xeno Goku and Xeno Vegeta say their farewells and head off to continue the hunt for Fu, and I guess everyone just assumes that Regular Goku can save himself when he’s ready.
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Just as Goku beats Cumber, another portal opens up, and out comes... Zamasu?  And he’s got a posse.  They grab Cumber and leave.
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This leaves Goku alone on the Prison Planet as it explodes.  Nice callback to the destruction of Namek, except Goku can use Instant Transmission, so why isn’t he?
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Back on Beerus’ planet, the Supreme Kai of Universe 6 suddenly shows up, and he breathlessly informs Vegeta and the rest about an invasion in his home universe.  Dammit, now I have to look up his name.  Fuwa.  The Supreme Kai of U6 is named Fuwa.  Glad we settled that.
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Vegeta’s like “I’m a bad enough dude to save Universe 6.  Let’s rock.”
So yeah, this is a bunch of nonsense.  There is a plotline running through all of this, but Toei presented the first six episodes like it’s a single story arc, and it’s more like the first leg of a larger story arc.  There’s hints of something more ambitious here.  Trunks’ prison uniform and the Dragon Balls suggest that they might have been planning to spend more time in this setting, but instead the whole thing explodes in less time than it takes to get a pizza delivered. 
This probably goes without saying, but there’s too many characters in this thing.  We have two Gokus and two Vegetas, and both pairs fuse to make two Vegitos.  It’s fanservice, I get it, but it’s over before we can really get into it.  Golden Cooler literally doesn’t do anything.  I mean Mai doesn’t do much either, but that’s because she doesn’t have any powers.  I don’t know which one irritates me more. 
I like the idea of Cumber, but they never fleshed him out.  Fu keeps teasing details about the guy, but we never find out where he found Cumber or how he got him here, or why he wears that mask.  At least Cumber is still alive so he can return in future episodes and hopefully give us the scoop, but I’m not optimistic that we’ll get much. 
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peridoxikal-redux · 3 months
What do you hope to see in the upcoming dlc's in xenoverse 2? Me personally I want to see our CaC to come into conflict with Trunks and Chronoa.
That'd be cool! I'd like a good ol fashioned "torn between work and own ideas" sorta thing.
I hope we can get the ability to choose paths again like we did with the Tokipedia DLC. It was such a good step in the right direction.
I REALLY want Heroes content to be added (like characters and certain transformations), especially since Heroes is ending this year, but I think that might be a dead dream. Let alone if they adapted Hearts and Cumber they might not adjust their backstories to be in tune with Fu's less antagonistic xv2 portrayal. OTL a real shame because I REALLY want those two in a game.
Hell, since this is a saga focused on the future now, why not tap hard into Dragon Ball Online? Xv2 is already derived from it, and DBO takes place 200 or so years after the current year Xv2 takes place in. Just say fuck it and throw Cell X in or some shit. I just really wanna see more assets from Online used.
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rakumel · 6 months
Today in more Xenoverse 2 news no one asked for:
I finally, FINALLY got an Ultimate Finish on PQ 122. By myself. As in, not co-op. Been struggling with that one for weeks, if not months.
I won't bore everyone with what a parallel quest in this game is, a search engine can take care of that. But after that, if you're curious, type in "XV2 PQ 122" and you'll get things like "PQ 122 is impossible", "PQ 122 is absolutely crazy" - and they're right. (Though I was glad to see I wasn't the only one having trouble with it - automatically felt better.)
That's it, really. Though if you're curious, I do go into a little more detail under yon cut:
So this was one of the parallel quests that came with some other DLC I bought some time ago. But even the quests that come with the vanilla game get pretty brutal by this point. (At least they do for an amateur like yours truly.) Not only do they become more of a test on how well you know the controls, but also how long you can endure against multiple opponents, and how well you can keep you and your partners up and running.
If you can meet certain conditions - usually like finishing quickly, or defeating opponents in a particular order - the quest goes into a sort of bonus overtime, and you get a chance to take down a much stronger opponent (or sometimes more than one). If you can defeat these opponents, that's considered an Ultimate Finish.
It's actually not too hard to beat PQ 122 normally, once you know what to expect. What makes it hard to Ultimate Finish is both the number and difficulty of the bonus opponents. That, and it pulls a really nasty trick on you the first time you get to this point.
I can't tell you the feeling that came over me when I thought I'd finally beat PQ 122, only for Fu to waltz in with Jiren and Ultra Instinct Goku. Poor Aloe and her partners were more than half dead by this point, I'd used up all my healing items, and I made the stupid mistake of trying to fight UI Goku at close range. Never do this. He will tear. your. shit. UP. I don't know about other languages, but Fu's appropriately named in English, because I was thinking those letters the entire time I was fighting him.
Side note: I want to like Fu, I really do. He's a demon scientist who acts like a massive fanboy, which in theory sounds fucking amazing. And he does have his moments, to be fair. But some of the shit he pulls in game just makes me want to slap him even harder than that Batman and Robin meme.
Anyway, once I knew that lovely little surprise was coming, it was a matter of stretching out all the healing I could - I had to keep telling myself this quest was a marathon, not a sprint - focusing on one enemy at a time, taking advantage of every spare moment to charge up ki or heal my guys, spamming my favorite Supers (Bending Kamehameha, my beloved), some well-timed Super Ki Explosions, and honestly - probably some luck.
Even then, it still took many tries due to the massive health bars on each of them, and the longer the fight drags on, the worse it is for your side.
I don't expect anyone to ask me exactly how I beat PQ 122, like a game plan or anything. But on the off chance someone does, I don't mind sharing. Mostly though, I just wanted to brag a bit, haha. Because I finally beat the thing! Although I'm going to have to do it again someday, since the RNG completely stiffed me. Didn't get either of the new special moves that you can win from this.
But hey, at least I know now it can be done. And yeah, I guess I could give in and try completing the quest online in co-op, but...eh...I don't want to, really. It's a broad generalization, I admit it, and so it's not going to be accurate, but...fighting games tend to attract certain types of gamers. The type who would probably rather be set on fire than play alongside someone who sucks at the game. I'd rather have fun than worry about how I look to a couple of randos, thanks!
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kaioshin-kai · 1 year
On DB Daima
IDK how I'm gonna feel about this... ??? I'll remain positive.
But on the other hand; A lot of folks forget that Dragon Ball is a shounen anime so it's good refreshener to remind people that DB isn't as edgy as some they want it to be IMO.
Though, I do fear that fandom people are gonna be weird & fetishize this. :( Though not being on X really helps/prevent me from seeing the crazy amount of l.olicon/s.hotacon...
. . . On Xenoverse 2
Hooo boy... I care so little about it lately. Like I LOVE Fu and I genuinely ENJOYED playing it. I think they should move on to XV3 or make a new continuation or move on to a DBO spinoff.
The graphics are so UGLY and outdated. Sorry. I can't even play it without mods so I'm like really indifferent on DBXV2.
I want a new game with CaC that is just... not so outddated with graphics (and weird sexism... Maybe I want my women to be fucking GIGANTIC and buff or fat... or maybe I want my men to be smol and skinny and not muscular... really lame and outdated. But that's just IMO.)
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kasarawolf · 1 year
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9. Chapter 1 has quite a bit of info dumping. This is because the story takes place 20 years after Future Trunks defeated the androids, so it’s been awhile since the end of that storyline in Z~!
10. Bulma is in her early 70’s in the story! Trunks would be around 40, but due to being in Conton City for various amounts of time, he has aged much slower.
11. Much larger species, like Dragons and Dinosaurs, are extinct in Future Trunks/Kota’s timeline. This is because when the Androids were ravaging the Earth, the planet couldn’t sustain such massive creatures and they eventually all died out. RIP.
12. Conton City is “the Future,” timeline, Future Trunks Timeline is “Present” and the Original Timeline (Where Goku and co reside) is the “Past.” These 3 branches make up “The Main Timeline.” More info about this will be added to my Guide Book once I draw up all the necessary pics!
13. History is not recorded in the Crack of Time. So anything that happens in there is permanent. This is due to Time not existing there. So no redo's or changing history in there!
14. Conton’s history is one long big scroll with no breaks in it, due to it being “the Future” so the Future is always being written upon!
15. Kota is Demisexual. (Even though it’s never said openly in story) I never saw him as someone that would actively date/chase/crush on someone right from the get go in his creation 14 years ago. It wasn’t until Xenoverse 2’s release is when I realllyyy started to think about a potential partner for him. His 3 possible love interests, were my oc's, Gigen, Tomata and an un-named girl (who is STILL in the story, just not named yet lol) However, right from the start, they never really meshed well with him and were quickly dropped. But he could not be forever single, because parts of his character wanted that connection with someone. And thennnn Fu was introduced in 2018 and his personality meshed well with Kota’s, and I was like “oh yup. There he is! Freakin finally the quest for your Significant other is over,” and the rest is history~ and who doesn’t love a “Hero” and “Villain” characters, secretly dating on the side. Just me? Oh. Alrighty then ^_^;
16. There are real world references in the story! Mostly to make it easier to write. Though some things, have off brands/non copyrighted stuff for them made up. Other World references mostly come from Kota, Sakana or TWIG. This is because Sakana, the previous Hero, is from “Other World.” And since Sakana is Kota’s mom, well, no need to explain that xD
17. How the story is written info! A lot of the characters can be unreliable narrators when telling the story. Since the story is told mostly in Kota’s POV and his POV is just all over the place (and then by arc two, Fu’s is incorporated in as well) Sooo yeaahh, good luck with figuring what’s true and what’s not xD (Unless another character confirms the other characters beliefs, which does happen lol) The whole story however, is written in 3rd person.
18. More writing facts. I intentionally gave some lines in the story double meanings. 2 examples (Spoilers removed from both)
EX. 1 Who's thoughts are they? Kota's? Fu's?? BOTH???
Though some thoughts may seem like they are written to be attached to a certain character (very intentional) It never specifies who's thought's we are seeing, (With saying Kota thinks or Fu thinks) during this set scene. Mostly all up to your interpretation as the reader.
EX.2 Is he talking about someone else being alright? Or himself?
This one is one of those "double meanings" segments. Again, mostly up to the interpretation of the reader!
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carnal-lnstinct · 2 years
Me again... Haha XD... As you love Goku 4... In Xenoverse2, in a mission you (reader) and your teacher/master/sensei Goku travel in time/dimensions and found Goku (and Vegeta) training whit Fu (who usurped Whiss) and force the saiyans to get rhe ssj4...
How about if the 2 gokus (ssjblue and ssj4) come home whit reader >w> heheh let your imagination fly bwahahaha <3
This... This what dreams are made of.
Imagine if you will, loving a man, with all his faults and doubts, but also his charm and adorable quirks. But most importantly the way he loves you in return. Now take that man and duplicate him with all those bits you love about him and his love for you, only the double is physically bigger and more brazen.
They throwing hands on sight for you, that's the rest of your life now what did you expect-
Pairing: SSB!Goku & SS4!Goku x Female Reader (Time Patroller) (Requested by @enayru) Rating: Mature / 18+. Minors DNI Warning: ( xenoverse 2 shenanigans, mfm / ot3, explicit language, implied jealousy, competitive & possessive behavior, voyeuristic gokus ) A/N: the spicy bit is actually pretty tamed, I contained my feral ♥
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1st rule of Time Patrol: Don't change history!
However, there is nothing you can really do about a certain fired-up super saiyan 4 locking onto your ki signature for an Instant Transmission and winding up caught in your transportation back to the Time Nest along with your partner.
The Super Saiyan 4 Goku and your partner, the training instructor and Super Saiyan Blue Goku picked right back up where they left off on their "friendly" competition and were sparked to face each other right here in the Time Nest. While you try to stop them, Fu is able to complete his experiment and absorb the energy from the change in history, erasing the portal altogether.
It seemed logical the change in history being removed by his absorption should have fixed this out-of-place Goku's presence altogether. Yet, he remains. Left with you and Instructor Goku (who will be referred to as "Xenoku" to avoid confusion) by Fu who fled at a last minute's notice after leaving an awkward impression.
This super saiyan 4 exposed to god ki couldn't very well fit back into the moment he was removed from his history. It was gone, and his presence would further change the timeline to follow if placed back in any point now. It was a large loose end you were all stuck with. But for the most part, everything else seemed to be restored to normal.
None of the Head of the Time Patrol were too keen on the idea of two Gokus being in Conton City (let alone in the Time Nest with their recent behavior), but what choice left was there? At least until Fu's intentions could be figured out, it was better to keep him close than to allow another change around him. His power could be invaluable in helping the Time Patrol if nothing else.
The Supreme Kai of Time placed you in charge of getting "4!Goku" up to speed on the Time Patrol and further clearing up the illusion of the man he knew as "Whis" was in fact not the real Whis and is causing all the trouble with the timeline. With a means of testing out his new power, of course he's willing to help out the Time Patrol.
Following their clash over who was the strongest, Xenoku and 4!Goku have an open competitive streak between them worse than the like of Vegeta and Goku that can be sparked by anything, really. But for the most part, they get along well enough.
They've lived the same life up until reaching their current peak forms thanks to Fu's meddling, but this is also where deviations in their personalities start to show between them. Overall, they are as energetic and lighthearted as one could expect from a pair of Gokus until they reach the training grounds.
You're often left as the third wheel at your own training sessions due to Xenoku because he chooses to spar with 4!Goku.
"What better way to push your limits than to battle yourself?" "Okaaay, but you're supposed to be training me!" "You seem pretty tough already. Hey, how about you train with me instead?" "!!! Hey, (Y/N) is already my student, you can't steal her!"
Of course as a Time Patroller you have had a multitude of fighting masters up until this point, but consider Xenoku's buttons pressed whenever 4!Goku tries to take over your fighting lessons, or even if he is sent out on missions with you instead of him. If they're not fighting to outmatch each other, they're fighting over you.
It puts more work on your shoulders to keep them from testing each other's might. As if you're job wasn't hard enough. It would be easier to let them burn themselves out from training, but good luck waiting on that. Food is your best bet to pull them back in.
Vegeta: Immediately no, because how dare a second oaf show up with a whole new transformation and pretend to keep the know-how to himself?! He'll figure it out and be back to kick both their asses as a Super Saiyan God..4...Great Ape God- He'll figure the name out later.
Piccolo: He's already picking up on the trouble the two would cause and wishes you better strength with dealing with the hassle of two Gokus. He says it with a joking smile, but he's dead serious.
Raditz: He's chewing you out first because you should have told him about this and allowed him to prepare before showing up with double his sibling troubles! One who tried to act stronger than him was definitely enough, two was an absolute nightmare. Doesn't appreciate appearing as the weaker brother, especially when he's the big brother!
Beerus: Not too surprised by the sight of the two Gokus in Conton City, he's seen enough imposters in Goku's get-up. He's impressed by 4!Goku's form but it's still not much compared to his strength.
Whis: 4!Goku is happy enough to meet the real Whis. The Angel is overall fascinated by the form and even offers to train with 4!Goku to test the full potential. It was a good idea until Xenoku brought up being able to train alone with you again.
Gotenks: Genuinely curious about what would happen if they performed the fusion dance, which both Gokus are eager to try.
Bardock: The last time he saw his son he was a baby with a power level barely worth anything, and there certainly weren't two of him. His gift of divination certainly didn't see that one coming, but even as a duo he's pretty satisfied to know his son(s) grew to get so powerful.
Broly(Z): It didn't end well for him. He finally found Kakarot but at what cost?
Krillin: Nope. Two Gokus? He's seen all that he's needed to see, he's going home for the day. Gettin' too old for this.
Gohan & Videl: Gohan is amazed by the super saiyan 4 transformation while Videl finds it a bit scary-looking. Goku's strong enough on his own, this form makes him look a little like a villain. Xenoku agrees he does look villainous. Cue the Great Saiyaman to challenge 4!Goku
Be honest with yourself, you've had a crush on your current instructor for a while. It's not enough that you helped him out through history against his toughest opponents, The Supreme Kai of Time personally asked him to train you.
Now the fact that you were surrounded by two of him was overwhelming on your pining heart. One's your instructor and the other's your personal rookie time patroller, you're stuck interacting with your crush almost every day. You're basically your own team of elite Time Patrollers when Fu's involved.
But does it help your poor feelings at all when 4!Goku flaunts his tail and blatantly uses it to snatch you away from the other when you're all alone? Perhaps. His sharper senses tell him a lot more about you than you think. Is it made better when Xenoku happens to eliminate all space between you when he helps you pose properly for your fighting stances? Knowing his counterpart is watching him train you as your designated fighting master? It's favorable, with such a bond, he does have the benefit of knowing your heart. You're a great warrior, but you're terrible at hiding your feelings. They do chat behind your back about it but if you're not going to make a move, then they will. Two sneaky Goku heads work better than one.
It's a team effort against you, teasing you until you're flush in the face and weak in the legs. That is until 4!Goku acts on impulse and steals a hungry kiss from you, already not playing fair. So Xenoku steals one from you, too. Just as hot and greedy.
You can expect the same energy as when they're trying to train you when temperatures start to boil over and the tension runs high.
4!Goku becomes enamored with the taste of your skin on his tongue. The way he kisses you was like sinking into a hot bath. He's the one who holds you close in such a way, you'd have to be wrapped around him even if you give some affection to the other.
Xenoku is just thrilled to kiss you. His tingles down your spine and makes your foot pop! He takes advantage of how you reciprocate his kissing and enjoys the softness of your exposed skin as well as the way you pull at him to be closer to him.
It's not the strangest thing to become more aroused than you already were having your lust coddled by one while the other eagerly watched your reaction to being nipped and caressed, vying for your focus to come to him instead until you're practically being tugged and tossed and overwhelmed in the best way between them. The thought of sharing you sounded easier to them than actually doing it, it seemed. But they made do. ♥
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🔥 🔥
I have no idea if this would count as an unpopular opinion but it's also something that's not talked about often since like... it's such a small and trivial thing that feels more personal to me if anything so I'm gonna talk about it!
There's a really small thing in Xenoverse two that really grinds my gears every time I notice it. like... its such a stupid thing but I can't help noticing it and just getting a Lil salty. I remember in one of the DLC we find out by Debura that Fu Is made from the cells of Towa and Mira. so like... that makes him his uncle right? there's at least a Lil bit of interaction between him and Fu but I don't fully remember if the two of them have a special quote if you put them on a team or in a battle against each other.
I notice Fu has special quotes with a lot of the characters, Vegeta, Trunks, maybe even Goku?? I can't quite remember how many. He has special interactions with almost everyone but Towa and Mira. his freaken parents. when i learned this i was maybe just a little disappointed at the time, but as time went by it became something that really annoyed me. because how? you allowed interaction between one family member; why not the others?? his parents for that matter! you'd think that was something they would include but they didn't, and it sucks. and they do nothing with it after the fact is revealed. nothing from Towa nothing from Mira, nothing from Fu. It was a small piece of lore that was just there, and it's so disappointing. I wish they did something with it; a parallel quest, a special interaction, Something man.
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kinogane · 3 years
Meditations on Playing as Earthlings in Dragon Ball Xenoverse, Part 1
As a battle shounen series especially amenable to fans making their own original characters, I found it a bit surprising that, best I can tell, the first Dragon Ball game that let you create your own character was the Asia-only MMO Dragon Ball Online launched in 2010. Besides being the precursor to the Xenoverse games in some ways - it introduced female Majin, Mira, Towa, and Fu - it’s also the first game that has to deal with a fairly minor Dragon Ball-specific issue: do you let people play as Earthlings?
Broadly speaking, a significant portion of MMO players are largely content to play as human or human-like characters. A 2019 analysis of World of Warcraft character data found that humans were the second-most common race, and only narrowly less common than the most common race. Humans are over two times more common than the other races in Guild Wars 2. And while I don’t think there’s any comparable data for the Xenoverse games (or Dragon Ball Online, for that matter), this is what I saw not long after I joined a multiplayer lobby:
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If we accept the framing of “video games as escapism”, this isn’t that surprising. Sure, for some people the whole point is to do fantastical shit and be fantastical beings that you can’t be in real life for any number of reasons, but for others, the whole point of “escaping” into another world is to still be yourself and see a facsimile of yourself exist in that world. Through your avatar, you may adopt certain facets of the world, but core to the draw is that, at least in some identifiable way, the person running around and doing all the neat shit is you.
So naturally, you’d think, people will want to play as themselves, Earthlings are a thing in Dragon Ball, so a Dragon Ball game is going to let you play as Earthlings, right? Well, yeah, but also, no, absolutely not, do you know anything about Dragon Ball?
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There’s two wrinkles to this line of thinking that are relevant to Dragon Ball in particular. First, there’s the fact that Earthlings in the Dragon Ball series proper are almost universally punch lines. The most prominent Earthling heroes, specifically Krillin, Tien, and Yamcha, more or less exist as holdovers from previous eras, because given the worldbuilding and narrative trajectory of Dragon Ball, they are effectively incapable of staying relevant as action protagonists. If they manage to be in the spotlight for any amount of time without getting punted back into irrelevancy, it borders on being anomalous.
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The only notable exception is Bulma, since she’s always served an entirely different narrative function, and even then, it’s a narrative function that is usually only relevant for the introduction and conclusion of an arc at most. It would probably be interesting to see what kind of dumb bullshit Bulma runs into and has to deal with given her station in life, but you’re basically never going to see that significantly explored in Dragon Ball media, let alone in a Dragon Ball video game where action, especially direct combat, is everything.
(Everything I just wrote also makes pre-crisis Videl all the more fascinating of a presence, but I’ll get back to that.)
Second, and very related, Saiyans exist.
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If you knew or were a kid (especially a boy) who was really into Dragon Ball, there was a good chance they wanted to be a Saiyan, because going Super Saiyan and having spiky hair and power literally glowing around you and yelling really loud and being super strong and throwing big ol’ freaking energy blasts was, like, the coolest thing ever. It is the quintessential Dragon Ball power fantasy, for a series that for a while (and arguably still is) centrally obsessed with power. For a lot of people, that is Dragon Ball. Saiyans and everything surrounding them are Dragon Ball.
Combine that with the fact that Saiyans are almost visually indistinguishable from Earthlings (as a holdover from Goku being retroactively made a Saiyan) and the primary visual difference (a tail) being completely optional and at this point completely irrelevant, and really, why would anyone make their character an Earthling? There’s effectively no downside to making a Saiyan instead: you still look like an Earthling, you get access to the Saiyan set of powers, and you don’t lose access to anything even remotely comparable.
Dragon Ball Online’s answer to this issue was to not allow players to create Saiyan characters. You can only pick between human, Namekian, and Majin races. However, as a human, after reaching a high enough level and wishing on the Dragon Balls, you can actually gain the ability to turn Super Saiyan, because hey, as it turns out, you’re a direct descendent of both Goku and Vegeta so you totally had Saiyan blood in you all this time, you just couldn’t tap into it until now, WHADDYA KNOW.
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In Dragon Ball Heroes, your avatar can be a Saiyan (and is a Saiyan by default), but cannot be an Earthling - the only thing even slightly comparable is being an android a la 17, 18, and Cell, and they’re only comparable if you accept describing Android 18 and Krillin as both Earthlings. It’s technically true, but in the context of power as defined in Dragon Ball, it doesn’t particularly feel accurate.
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You can create a character in Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi, but they must be a male Saiyan. That’s the start and end of it. You can change their abilities and design, but they must be a male Saiyan.
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Dragon Ball Fusions lets you create an Earthling, and in fact, the default stand-in, Tekka, is an Earthling himself. Additionally, given that different races have access to different abilities, there are actual reasons you would want to play as an Earthling rather than a Saiyan. But this is at least slightly undercut by the game’s primary power-up mechanic, Fusion, being race-agnostic, which flattens the gameplay experience from race to race, and the ability for Saiyan avatars to access Super Saiyan at Level 88, the level at which Earthling counterparts instead learn... a stronger Kamehameha.
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To summarize, when it comes to Dragon Ball games with character creation, one game doesn’t really offer anything all that comparable in exchange for playing as an Earthling and giving up the ability to go Super Saiyan, one game makes all Earthlings effectively sleeper Saiyans, and two games don’t even let you play as Earthlings at all. So what do we make of the Xenoverse games?
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tigirl-and-co · 4 years
This is just gonna be my F/O masterlist lmao have fun figuring out how I got into ANY of these fandoms cuz idk
Also I’m mostly cool with sharing, although I might Get Weird about Starscream just because he’s p much my emotional crutch at this point, and I’m not comfortable sharing Black Jack. If you have an F/O from any of these sources I am BEGGING you to interact!!! We can have Fun Dynamics!!!
If you add unhelpful negativity to something I post or reblog, you get blocked. No matter who you are.
Fu - Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 (he’s actually why I bought the game haha)
Gavrill Madaraki - Franken Fran
Pirata - Dragon Heroes (not the tactics version)
G1 Starscream - Transformers G1
The Psionic - Homestuck
Johnny Blair - Night of the Living Dead (1968)
Dante/Dino & Kat - DmC Devil May Cry (it’s a polyship)
Octavo - Cadence of Hyrule
Dr. Black Jack/ Kuroo Hazama - Black Jack manga
Dian - Atom The Beginning (aka Black Jack again)
Zero & X - Mega Man X series (polyship)
Stygian - My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (and associated comics)
Sable Able - Animal Crossing
Bardock's Squad (polyship) - DBZ
G1 Soundwave (my DAD YO) - Transformers G1 (and yes this does mean I am sibs with the cassettes, I get along better with some of them than others)
Pops and Olive (parental) - Weapon Brown
Sesshomaru (???? idk maybe like big brother but not. Cousin. idk but I have VERY BIG NON ROMANTIC FEELINGS) - InuYasha 
Astro Boy, Uran, and Cobalt (younger siblings) -Astro Boy 1963
Pinoko (younger sister) - Black Jack manga
Shinji Ikari (my wonderful son) - Neon Genesis Evangelion
SweetieBot (my beloved daughter) - Friendship is Witchcraft 
Wally (my other excellent son) - Pokemon Gen 3
Dororo (also my son whom I love) - Dororo 1967 manga
Hyakkimaru (baby boy. baby) - Dororo 1967 manga
Tahomaru (my stinky but wonderful boy) - Dororo 1967 manga
Butch Gilzean - Gotham
Androids 16, 17, & 18 - DBZ (although we treat each other like siblings, picking on each other included haha)
Future Trunks Briefs - DBZ
Harley Quinn - DC 
Captain Ginyu -DBZ
N Harmonia - Pokemon
Chuck ‘Weapon’ Brown - Weapon Brown
Popeye - Popeye
Gesicht - Pluto
Krillin - DBZ
Every classic robot master. Just all of them, but like 5 in specific - MegaMan
The N Team (all of them) - Captain N
Maxie (sort of a mentor figure) - Pokemon gen 3
B.J. Blazcowicz - Wolfenstein
There’s a TON of other characters I have wicked crushes on, but wouldn’t consider F/Os
Anywho feel free to ask about any of them, or even ask them questions, if you want??? I know some of them are from REALLY obscure places
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eirian · 4 years
What do you like about Fu?
you really want to unleash this beast.  i’ll try to keep it short
fu (at least in xenoverse 2) is a great character to me because he’s not a str8 up villain like all the other demons in db.  he’s more of a good-leaning morally-gray character judging by the story, which i ADORE because thats such a good break in the chain (i kinda compare him to zamasu in that way; good character type turns evil, the opposite of fu which is evil character type turns out to be good).  this is especially significant to me b/c hes the son of literally the main two antags of xenoverse LOL.  and hes related to a big dbz bad guy too (dabura).  but he BETRAYS HIM and says he doesnt give a shit about his parents’ plot or revenge or demon realms or anything like that god i love him.  plus he’s goofy and energetic and just so fun ??? and cute ???  and his design SLAPS god i love his ponytail and gamer glasses and fingerless gloves like i could not have designed a better character than fu his design is top tier
i also love how gay coded he is like are u kidding me
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colormeamazed · 4 years
oh and a bonus for funsies if ya'd like! 21 OTP/Pairing questions: 2, 4, 5, 14, and 20 for our purple bois fu x trunks if you'd like to please?
2.What song fits your pairing the most?
Tbh I don’t really have a song that screams those two to me YET. So Ig on the subject of music I’ll just drop a little heacanon that they both LOVE a lot of the same bands. They both share a lil mp3 player that they lounge around and listen to together for hours. 
4.Do you prefer canon ideas or do you have your own headcanons for them?
afdsrdetw I rarely ever accept canon so not really? The two haven’t interacted much in xenoverse. The most I accept from it and Fu being such a happy person and Trunks being hella annoyed with his shenanigans. That’s about it, canonically Trunks would hate him but, my soft little baby heart can’t stand that. So I'm definitely a headcanons kind of person. 
4.Favorite canon moment of them?
Again they haven’t actually really interacted yet from what I’ve seen sooo I don’t exactly have one. The only thing I can really do is pretend their first interaction was awkward and filled with gay tension. 
Is there a pairing that you think rivals them?
Ummmm tbh I’ve never really shipped Future/Conton Trunks with anyone. Mai and Trunks is a very weird pairing to me because of the fact they aged her down for shipping purposes in canon, that one feels icky. I’ve also seen him paired with Future/current Gohan and that is another yuck for me. Fu is the only one who belongs with Trunks for me. Fu is honestly opposite of Trunks. I got pulled onto the band wagon of shipping him with Cumber. And then I discovered Hearts and thought they would be interesting together too. And then there was Zamasu because a god and a demon dating would also be interesting. 
But rivaling them? Naaah I 100% have a preference for Trunks and Fu. They have that angry dad solidarity. 
20.What made you decide to ship them?
That pixiv post I showed you actually! It was just so cute. At first I didn't think much of it but then I found it slowly creeping  into my head and suddenly I just couldn’t stop thinking about it. I started thinking about cute scenarios of the two doing dumb things and it kind of just stuck.  I honestly want to start writing fics for them, which is something I rarely do. That’s how excited they have me. 
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duhragonball · 4 years
Yamcha if you're still doing the character meme?
I am still doing these, and I’m enjoying it, so keep ‘em coming.   Before I start, let me promote the original post, in case anyone else wants to start their own thing.  I’d link to the OP, but I guess they deleted this from their blog, probably because their notifications went nuts.
Give me a character and I will answer:
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Why I like them: Let’s be honest, Yamcha doesn’t get a lot of big “hero moments” in Dragon Ball.   Or Dragon Ball Z, or Dragon Ball GT, or Dragon Ball Su-- Look, you get the idea.   In most arcs, he’s the first one to get benched.   In tournaments, he always loses in the first round.   He spent the King Piccolo Saga recovering from a broken leg.    Against the Saiyans, he was the first one to die.  Against the Androids, he was nearly killed and had to sit out the rest of that arc.   In the Buu Sagas he was retired.    In a number of major storylines, he just isn’t there, because no one called him.
But he remains a fixture in the franchise anyway, because he’s always showing up for more.  Let’s take the Buu Saga as an example.   It didn’t surprise me to find out he had retired, mainly from a dramatic standpoint.    There’s a lot of new characters in the Buu arc, and it made sense for some of the older characters to step aside and make room for them.   But he’s still there, because he wants to see Goku one last time, and he wants to hang out with his friends and watch some of them kick the crap out of each other.   It was kind of sad to see him stay behind while the others rushed off to follow the Supreme Kai, but he’s retired, after all.    Also, they didn’t stop to fill him in on what was happening.    I suspect he might have tagged along if they asked.  
As it was, he still ended up getting involved, and he was with the Dragon Team right up until Super Buu cornered them on the Lookout.     And the next time we see him, he’s on the Grand Kai Planet with Krillin, and King Kai seriously considers sending them in to take on Buu in case Goku and Vegeta can’t get the job done.   
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And that’s a big deal, because it even comes up in the anime.   King Kai tells them that he arranged for them to keep their bodies as a precaution, but he’s totally in favor of letting them remain on the Grand Kai Planet with all of the other honored warriors, like Goku.  So you start with this desert bandit, a highwayman without a highway, probably because he’s afraid of all the women that use the interstate.   But he gradually overcomes his fears and insecurities, never completely, but just enough to put one foot in front of the other and become a better man.    And finally he ends up receiving a place among the great heroes of old.  
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So why doesn’t that get more attention?   You could make a whole epic story out of that, except it’s not Yamcha’s story.  He’s a supporting character.   So the franchise itself tends to play it down.    Even Yamcha doesn’t really take it all that seriously.   I don’t know if that’s modesty or cluelessness or Big Himbo Energy or what, but that’s why it’s so easy for everyone to write him off as a loser or a failure.   They’re overlooking the bigger picture.
The best way to illustrate this is with this TFS short that serves as an epilogue to their DBZ Abridged series.   Yamcha goes back to playing baseball for the Taitans, only to get fired, because he’s so talented that he’s literally broken the game, and no one buys tickets anymore.    But he gets a gigantic severance package, and he still goes down in history as the greatest ballplayer in history.  What always gets to me is that they have to explain to him that this is actually a win.  As his coach puts it, “you do nothing but win.”   
Like Yamcha himself, we often see him from the lens of these insane Dragon Ball adventures, where you have to have glowy hair and a hot cyborg wife to be considered a success.   But to the rest of the world, he’s a jacked up millionaire with fantastic hair, and he’s a real sweetheart.   Who couldn’t like this dude?
Why I don’t: As you may have noticed, I tend to only use this section to talk about why I disliked the characters initially.   I have to think back to 1999 when I was still having trouble keeping track of who’s who.   In particular, I found Yamcha’s presence frustrating because he looked and dressed almost exactly like Goku, but not quite, which seemed bizarre.    Later, I picked up on the context, and it didn’t bother me as much.  
Yamcha does have a bit of an overconfident streak in some situations, which might look like unfounded arrogance, but I think it’s really just his carefree nature and enthusiastic can-do spirit.   He was confident about their chances against the Saiyans, but I don’t think that was him being cocky.   He just knew they had all trained hard and he was stronger than he’d ever been.    But that’s easy for people to jump on as a reason to hate the guy.  
Future Trunks claimed that he fooled around while he was involved with Bulma, but come on.    Does anyone really buy that?    Besides, at best, that would only apply to Future Yamcha, the one who died in the other timeline.   Once Trunks changed the past, all bets were off.
Favorite episode (scene if movie): I’m gonna get a little nuts here and go with TFS’s playthrough of Legacy of Goku I, where they decided to level up Yamcha and have him solo Broly.
Basically, in an RPG game like this, Wolf Fang Fist can do monster damage, so they maxed out Yamcha’s stats to wreck the game’s hidden superboss.  You have to skip to 1:40:00 or so to see the successful attempt, but I loved this video.   This is where I learned to respect the utterance of “Roga... fufuken!”  Broly probably would have respected it, too, except he died from all those hits he took.
Favorite season/movie: You know, that fight with Tien was a classic.   Not sure it’s in my top ten, but it’s on a lot of people’s lists, and I absolutely get that.
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Dumb as it may sound, I enjoyed seeing Yamcha in the hospital, wrestling with his own despair as he recuperated from his broken leg.   And when he shows up at the end to congratulate Tien and accepts Tien’s apology, well, like I said, Yamcha has this great character arc, but it’s easy to overlook with everything else that goes on.
Favorite line: I forget which game it was in, maybe Budokai 3, but one of his pre-fight taunts is “Watch this, Puar!  I’m gonna win!”, which always makes me think of Puar sitting just off-camera, watching the action from a little lawn chair.  
Favorite outfit:
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I may take some heat for this, but I like the Androids/Cell Saga version of Yamcha, with the short, spiky hair.  This dude’s long, luxurious rockstar ‘do is a national treasure, sure, but I dig this look more.  
Also, I consider Yamcha to be the only guy from the Turtle School who pulls off the slippers and no-blue-undershirt look.   It looks off when I see it on Krillin and Goku, but with Yamcha it just feels right. 
OTP: This guy gets shipped with a lot of people, probably because he’s one of the major characters without an established love interest.   Folks still carry a torch for Bulma, some people ship him with Tien, Frieza hit on him in FighterZ, and I’m still trying to make sense of that.   He flirts with your character in the Xenoverse games.    Years ago, I considered doing something with that, but I’ve fleshed out my OC enough to where I don’t think that fits. 
At the end of the day, I can only see Yamcha getting together with @cozymochi ‘s OC, Marzi.  
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Brotp: Tien, Krillin, Goku.  Hell, I always figured Yamcha was one of the few people Vegeta could get along with to some extent.  
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I mean, Tien couldn’t stand to be one the same planet as Vegeta, but Yamcha keeps coming over to have hot dogs at Bulma’s place, long after the Namekians have left.  
Head Canon: He’s Luffa’s type, don’t get me wrong.    I just don’t see any room in my fic for a whirlwind courtship.    The stars just don’t align.
Unpopular opinion: I’m not really behind this notion that they should give the humans more stuff to do in future series.   When it comes to supporting characters, sometimes they get phased out, and there’s no point in phasing them back in unless there’s a compelling story idea for them.   
I think it’s dumb how they teased Yamcha in the Tournament of Power prelude, only to leave him out of the tournament itself.    On the other hand, they put Tien on the team and barely used him, which tells me that even if they’d put Yamcha on the team, it wouldn’t have amounted to anything.   
I get it, people love these characters and want to see them used more, but I’d rather have one strong Yamcha story than a hundred non-starters.  And at this point, I think the only thing anyone can do is rely on fan-created content.    Be the change you want to see in the world.
A wish: Crap, it’s after ten pm.    I dunno, I wish Marzi was canon.  
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: I feel like the character’s already been through worse than I could come up with for him.   
5 words to best describe them: Cat loves food, yeah yeah yeah.   That’s six, but who cares?
My nickname for them: Yeah, I don’t have one.
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peridoxikal-redux · 3 months
Thoughts on Fu in the new dlc of xenoverse 2 recently?
Im so sorry its taken me so long to get to this 😭😭
I really love the direction they're taking with his character in Future Saga! It actually majorly lessens my fears of xv2 making him more like his Heroes counterpart.
It also gives way more credence to a sort of (headcanon? thought?) I had that he just really wants a friend and sort of believes the CAC to be the closest match to that. I imagine he was kind of isolated while in Dabura's care. Sure, he says "just kidding" but I don't think he's kidding at all.
Also that scene with him and Goku Black was really nice. It enhances the difference between Fu's portrayals since the xv2 one doesn't really humor his schemes. He stops him from killing Goten and thwarts his overall scheme!
Also I just thought him fanboying over getting to talk to Bulma was really cute
Overall, I'm loving it!! I can't wait for the next chapter!
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nuciferaneophyte · 5 years
SHIPPING INFO // Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
REPOST. Don’t reblog.
What’s your OTP for your Muse?
Ina/Kibitoshin’s a favorite, definitely.
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
Mostly fluff and drama; emotional more than physical. I honestly have very little experience in the romance field, so it’s not really my style to RP the physical stuff.
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
They have to be at least 18 to be shipped with Ina, and probably even older for any of my angel muses (21+). I don’t like shipping where there’s a noteworthy generational difference in the characters (like, a 40yo with a 20yo is kinda icky for me, personally). Of course, all my characters are way older than they look, but age equivalents are taken into account here. Ina’s rough age equivalence is 20, and the angels are all in their species’ equivalent of 27-37 though they all look younger than 30.
Are you selective when shipping?
Kind of but not really; I only ship if either someone else instigates it or I see the potential for it. Ina, despite being a very conventionally pretty character, is very difficult to place in a romantic setting due to her personality; she’s kind of hard to get along with even on a friendly level, especially for more traditional Kais or mortals. If a muse can get through her sort of trial by fire personality, however, it’s a match for life.
Similarly, the angels are also kind of hard to ship because of their nature as ages old beings. Probably the easiest to ship would be Makkora (she’s the most “human” out of the lot of them), Jiumi (she doesn’t mind laying with mortals for fun but can be surprised by how much she grows to care), and Kabod (he’s gay, fyi).
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
As soon as it becomes clear that this is going to lead to more than just a hug and kiss, or as soon as sexual topics are mentioned.
Who are other muses you ship your muse with?
At the moment just Kibitoshin and Ina. I think Ina might be capable of pairing with more, but as it stands she’s not at a point where she’d get along all too well with any mortals to expand her horizons, and I haven’t tried shipping with my angel muses yet.
Does one have to ask to ship with you?
It’d probably be a good idea to ask, but it happens naturally I’m probably not going to stop it. If the muse isn’t feeling it, the replies will tell that it’s not going to work (instead, making it an unrequited crush situation).
How often do you like to ship?
I enjoy it from time to time, but mostly in my head. Unfortunately, a lot of the characters I’ve considered shipping with Ina turned out to have incompatible sexualities, so that kind of threw a wrench into my previous shipping plans. Of course, I’m always up for a crack ship (my current fave is Zamasu and Ina because they fucking hate each other but Zamasu keeps making it weird).
Are you multiship?
Yes, I’d love to ship more if I could.
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
I think I’m more platonic ship obsessed when it comes to my muses.
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
Um... I do have a few but they’re a bit... weird? Mostly because I can insert my own characters into it: Trunks/Ace (Xenoverse) and 2nd Future Warrior/Fu (with how he acts? He’d be adorable). Additionally, I’m partial to Vegeta/Bulma and Goten/Trunks (when they’re older).
Finally, how does one ship with you?
Frankly, your character’s got to get through to mine on a more personal level, and then they can put on the moves. I don’t require asking so much as an indication that they might work together; I don’t jump into this head first without getting a feel for how they’d work together. 
Tagged by Stolen From: @time-cxtter
Tagging: Everyone who hasn’t done this.
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endri17-blog · 6 years
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Yes , dragon ball heroes ...my review!!
How the hell do I get 500 words out of this one. A good chunk of previous posts regarding Super Dragon Ball Heroes I’ve written have talked about the amazing concepts that could come from a series like this. It already exists in the form of the ads. Yet, once again, this show fails to impress.
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With such a brief run time, you’d expect the show to be a series of quick-fire punches, throwing entirely different concepts at you, then quickly dropping them and moving to something new. This is the third (of the four) episodes to focus on the fight with “Cumber”. And it’s so boring. I’m starting to feel like I had the wrong idea about this show was before I started watching it. I was expecting more of the things like Golden Cooler, Vegeks and Super Saiyan 4. But in this episode, we got to see the Deviant Art insert character show up and Gary Stu the situation.
I didn’t have anything against Fu when he first showed up in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, but his appearance in this episode felt a little self indulgent. As far as this episode goes; a kaioken blue Vegito was still not enough to combat Cumber, let alone him in great ape form. Vegito is forcibly defused, Goku and Vegeta try to fight him off along with Cooler, but to no avail. Because Cumber is so powerful, he is destroying the barriers that are keeping everyone trapped on the Prison Planet, much to his own frustration, Fu decides to intiervene.
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This is where the Gary Stu aspect of the character becomes really apparent. Never mind that he is already some bespectacled elf/demon dude with carries a katana and has time travel powers. Now he apparently has his own Super Saiyan looking transformation, as well as the power to quickly destroy Cumber’s energy moon and revert him back to his base form with an ease and swagger that not even Kaioken Blue Vegito could manage. For a while, I felt Fu was an ironically inspired character, made to embody and ridicule the fan base’s tendency to create overpowered insert characters. It would be a pretty Toriyama thing to do. I failed to detect any irony in this episode. Yes; it’s only a few minutes long, yes; it’s only there to promote a game, and yes; I’ll continue watching it. But it doesn’t mean this is worth watching. The series would have been better served as an anthology, taking the created forms, fusions and other “what ifs” from the game ads and just fleshing them out into a brief story.So what I’m really saying is that it’s not what I and all of you really expected ,this dragon ball heroes is a bad one.
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