#I really want to know more about this version of Fodlan
fantasyinvader · 2 months
You know, it makes sense that people don't trust Rhea or the Church… at first. The game does make them seem shady as hell at the beginning, and we're even told to be wary of Rhea. But when you take into consideration Verdant Wind, how Claude says that it's important to get to know people rather than cling to faulty first impressions, it really should be telling the player something there. That despite those initial impressions, you're the one leading the Church right now trying to save Rhea from a tyrant. Claude is realizing the Church and Rhea don't have to be his enemies, and when you look at Seteth's solo ending (minus the translation making him sound intolerant before) he works towards Claude's ideal regardless of route. Meanwhile, Claude is also figuring out how the Agarthans tried to feed him information to turn him against Rhea.
His power of friendship speech, him being willing to reach out to the Church in friendship, is the climax of his character growth. Rather than trying to use people like pieces on a chess board, he's willing to work legitimately with others. He finds out the truth about Rhea, and in his S support reveals that he views people relying on her (as they will with Byleth) as a good thing whereas before he believed that people could only rely on themselves. He learns that Rhea was one of the few survivors of her people being wiped out, having to hide the truth and even glorify the allies of the one who did it. He saw her as an outsider herself. Claude is also the one to point out that Rhea had people from not just from the countries at Fodlan but people from other countries, including having a woman from Dagda as one of her knights, at Garreg Mach as well as how the Church doesn't actually preach isolationism.
Claude's arc realizes he was wrong. That as an outsider, he came in and started making assumptions based on a lack of knowledge or being fed misleading information by the bad guys. Just like the player can be if they pick the Black Eagles class. It's why Byleth's flag, a symbol linking the route to Buddhism, is also present in Verdant Wind as it's the only route where Claude ultimately realized people were trying to manipulate him, so he didn't allow their narrative to guide his actions. It's CLAUDE'S enlightenment, as he wasn't tempted from the proper course of action. If he believes so strongly that people of other faiths should be accepted, he should be trying to help the Church against those attempting to wipe them out. And this path results in Claude not just fighting the person that the Agarthans used to commit genocide. Can't be any more "fuck racism" than that.
But instead of accepting all that, we have people who want Claude to kill Rhea, still believing that she's the cause of racism in Fodlan despite how Claude realizes that isn't the case. They want Claude to side with the person who flat out told him she can't leave Fodlan in his hands because he's not from Fodlan despite the translation making it sound like they hold the same beliefs (at least, until Claude grows out of them as part of his character arc). They like the version of Claude that says he could never be friends with Dimitri, despite Dimitri working to help the people of Duscur, and pisses off Sylvain when Sylvain would otherwise have worked to fix the issues with Streng. Instead of the Claude who knew the Empire wouldn't accept taking an L against the Alliance and returned with Almyran forces to stop another attempt by the Agarthans to take over, they want the Claude who seems confused people would be upset at him invading their countries and killing their families.
Verdant Wind, really, puts the Church into it's proper context. It looks suspect, it acts shady, but if you actually take the time and pay attention to the world… they're not the bad guys you were expecting them to be. No, they're the group the actual bad guys, the ones behind Fodlan's problems, wants to take out.
But instead, people don't want that story and insist Claude's delusional idiot self from Hopes is who he really is. Really, it's kinda telling how people reject his story because they don't want to change their mind in the face of the game's reveals. They can't accept the message of a game written for middle-schoolers.
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randomnameless · 11 months
Do you think that it's out-of-character/a retcon for Edelgard to know from the start that Alear's a dragon but not take any issue with that because she sees them as a benelovent and kind person?
It seems like a pretty blatant attempt on IS' part to whitewash Edelgard's speciesism away by rewriting it so that she doesn't have any issues with dragons and only hated Rhea because she thought she was a bad leader imo; it's at least consistent with her Hopes characterization, where that aspect of her personality also got scrubbed away, but i still really dislike just how hard IS has been working to remove her biggest character flaws in every game she's been in post-3H.
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You are a child of the goddess. You must not be allowed power over the people!
Benevolent or not (I mean, she says this to Flayn, a cleric!), children of the goddess should not rule over the people because they are children of the goddess ; aka, regardless of their actions, pointy ears cannot have power over round ears, period.
And bear in mind, this quote isn't from CF, but from either SS or VW, aka routes not centered on her (and supposed to be more neutral than AM where she is the final boss).
Supreme Leader doesn't like pointy ears, period. In CF, she develops a bit more (especially in the non Pat'd version), but she thinks they have no human understanding/feelings, and refuses to even consider the idea of "coexistence", the "masquerading as humans" part comes to mind, and ultimately her question being roughly should humans be led by inhumans or not? And if you exclude inhumans because they are, non humans, rather than excluding them based on their actions, well, the issue is not their actions (or lack of), but their nature.
So yes, our Supreme Leader would have had qualms about Alear and the existence of a Divine Dragon, while she knows how to not spout her racist/specist theory at the wrong time, it generally makes no sense for her to be chummy with Alear.
(bear in mind Supreme Leader is the only Lord who has no support with a Nabatean!)
FWIW, Heroes doubled down on her specism while mumbling something about "Gods" (but then, F!Edel talks to Mila the lizard lady, and not to Ashera or Yune!) but yes, if Supreme Leader has to be an emblem and exist alongside Corn, Miccy, Ike, Leif, Celica, - well, any of the FE Lords, she had to be heavily retconned because her views can't match at all with theirs.
The Fodlan Emblem though was pretty much decried everywhere for this, and also the fake "uwu we're all fwends" when Supreme Leader tried to ice the two others in FE16, and shits on their countries or their characters at any given occasion.
Nopes scrubbed off the specism, but only because Nopes doesn't fully explore her reasoning like Tru Piss does, there's no occasion to rant about evil pointy ears and explain why they suck to a party who... follows her because they want to be paid (Barney).
However, given how in Golden Shower, she outed Nabateans as "not being what they seem" to convince Clout - I'd say it still exists and is still one of her reasons to want to get rid of the CoS and Rhea : her ears are pointy.
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yusuke-of-valla · 1 year
I'm actually curious what did Rhea do (asking in rssponse to the tag about Rhea on giving people faults on what they arent guilty for)? What I remember she did was:
Finish a war someone else started
Made a central church in the name of her mother and herself
Go into hiding
Stopped some of the advancements of mankind
Give some people her blood
Made a caste system (that also was supported and endorsed by the people it benefited)
Make multiple versions of Byleth's mom in an attempt to bring back her dead mom
Lie? to Jeralt about what happened the night Byleth's mom died
Whatever she did in the routes
A lot of people take Edelgard’s word and viewpoint for everything and take Rhea’s actions as a direct attempt to control humanity and view it for through that lens
So like people will act like she made the crest system just to oppress humans, when really she made it because “yes these people have super powers because of divine gifts from the goddess” is less likely to get some enterprising human to go around trying to kill her few remaining family members than “oh yeah you can get these super cool powers and weapons by draining the blood out of myself and people like me and mutilating our corpses got busted ass weapons.”
Like I cannot stress this enough: Rhea would prefer it if no one had crests
We don’t know enough about what Sothis and humans under her rule were like to say if that would be good per se but that’s a whole speculation. I think Rhea would love it if she could go back in time and prevent her people from being massacred and humans ever discovering crests.
Like Rhea’s problem is she’s stuck in the past, paranoid, and defensive. She doesn’t open Fodlan’s borders because she doesn’t want herself and her family to be hurt again. She supports the church of Seiros and the idea that crests are gifts from Sothis because she doesn’t want to be herself and her family to be hurt again. She instantly murders people at the slightest Whif of rebellion because she doesn’t want to be hurt again. She acts exceptionally crazy in Crimson Flower because you’ve betrayed her and she cared about you, and Edelgard is directly working with and openly threatening to kill everyone in her family.
None of that excuses her actions (as noted by the fact that no ending let’s her. Stay in charge) and she is definitely, shady, fucked up, and keeps secrets beyond reason but when you know WHY, it makes it easier to tell when people are making her the bad guy to make someone else look better.
She doesn’t want things to change because she doesn’t want to take the chance that the rest of the people would be genocided. Which means she lets a lot of shit slide, like Sylvain’s entire deal and people in general being obsessed with crests and the hard class system (though I think if she knew what had happened to Edelgard she would have stepped in? She seems to have a soft spot for the Hresvelgs. I do think she has less power than people think and this leads to her being more defensive. It’s not like she can clap her hands and everyone will do what she says even in White Clouds.) She doesn’t hate humans, she doesn’t want the crest system to oppress them, she is just INSANELY DEFENSIVE and it takes someone she trusts (Byleth) stepping up to get her to loosen her grip.
Also for some reason people keep needing to make the church homophobic? Despite Rhea being bi and Catherine not like. Bringing it up when Shamir proposes
TL;DR people write Rhea as an asshole just to be an asshole when actually there’s a lot more to it than that, and it’s probably not the end of the world but it irks me and is why I don’t read a lot of three houses fic.
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raxistaicho · 2 years
All flags look the same!
Back to more Analyzer ;D
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This is a claim he and Edelgard Critical in general makes pretty often. I searched through interviews myself (I had to because Analyzer never posts his sources for anything...) and the closest I found was:
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And this doesn’t really mean what the Analyzer seems to think it means. Silver Snow was written first as the primary means to explore the world, but to say that just because one of the routes where you fight Edelgard was made before the others that it then means that’s the story the developers intended to represent the entire story is fallacious thinking.
The story buildup throughout White Clouds spends nearly all its time expressing why Fodlan is in a pretty shitty state and it all comes down to the Church of Seiros’s failures and Rhea’s lies. Fodlan being reunified and Rhea losing power, no matter which route she does it in, is always treated as a good thing.
Even Rhea agrees at the end of SS!
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The worst Three Houses ever says of Edelgard in the routes where you fight her is that she had the right of it that Fodlan needs to change, but that her methods were too extreme. Claude and Dimitri only ever criticize her methods, not her intentions. The game never calls her a stupid little ignorant warmonger as the Analyzer does.
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Yup, we all knew it was coming! LoStNiRvAnA!!! The very definition of somebody who knows nothing about Buddhism trying to analyze Buddhist symbolism. That line of argument was debunked years ago but EdelCrit isn’t exactly known for updating their talking points.
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Now there’s a pretty meme, exquisite!
I assume the Analyzer is referring to this:
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But as usual he never explains what he’s talking about. There’s various other designs, but they all seem to follow the same pattern.
And obviously the Silver Snow flag is:
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I... don’t need to explain how the two flags look almost nothing alike, I hope?
Now if you want actual symbolism, the ending mural for Silver Snow is pretty clearly based off a painting of Pope Gregory returning the seat of the papacy from Versailles to Rome:
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But obviously the Church of Seiros has nothing to do with Catholicism because not many Japanese people follow Catholicism today :)
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Oh, shoot. Yeah, that’s a good one, can’t really argue with -
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Sothis! Get off the throne, you gremlin, you’re ruining the symbolism!
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As I said above, the lost Nirvana claim is outright nonsense, especially considering Sothis is still with Byleth, as revealed in their S support in Crimson Flower:
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It’s only in Crimson Flower that Sothis is attached not to a crude object snaring Byleth’s heart, but to Byleth’s very soul. If anything, Byleth’s continued attachment to Sothis - the source of their supposed enlightenment - is only reinforced in Crimson Flower.
The point about Byleth getting called out comes from the Japanese version of Dimitri’s battle quote with Byleth at Tailltean;
Dimitri: Teacher. Why Edelgard…? You chose the path of the beast 
“Path of the beast” being a Buddhist term meaning Byleth is on the path to a lesser level in the cycle of reincarnation. So what is this? It’s the desperate ramblings of Byleth’s enemy, swearing that Byleth is damned and walking the road to hell. No different from Rhea’s constant shrieking of religion-laden threats at both Byleth and Edelgard.
And we already know from the scene in which he’s executed that, although Dimitri mostly speaks well and has both eyes, in reality he’s got more than one foot on the path to devolving into the boar at the end of Crimson Flower:
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So he’s not exactly a great source from which to draw arguments.
The Analyzer then goes on to say that the devs called Edelgard a villain in one of the interviews, and I’ve hit that particular point more than enough times by now, I feel.
So what’d we learn today?
Uhh, the Analyzer is shit at analyzing Buddhist symbolism.
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Happy New Years, folks!
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butwhatifidothis · 2 years
Seeing as he's mentioned in your blog title, have you ever posted your thoughts about Holst, now that we have Hopes giving us a version of him? (Searching his name on your blog only gave me pre-Hopes posts, so if you have talked about him before, I haven't found it, sorry!)
No need to apologize! I haven't talked about him much lmao, mostly because he's... in a bit of a weird spot? In that he's about everything that I expected - and wanted! - him to be in most areas, but he still ends up being kind of a let down just because of how GW is structured.
He's pretty battle-focused, he's smart and intuitive in some areas while not-the-brightest in others, he lends his experience in leading and fighting while still giving respect to those he feels has earned it, he can be pretty damn funny at times, his care for Hilda is evident and sweet - I like him! Like him a good bit. I just wish more was done with him in regards to Almyra.
Like, GW taking the hardest swerve away from Almyra and back onto Fodlan is easily one of the worst decisions in all of Hopes' writing. Even ignoring the obvious disservice it does to Claude by depriving him of a personal narrative focus, it also ignores how Holst can contribute to the narrative of Fodlan and Almyra's feud given his and his family's ties with it. I had really, really hoped (lol) that GW was going to make mention of the whole "yeah House Goneril has Almyran slaves lol" thing that 3H mentioned and then bizarrely did nothing about.
Is Holst responsible for taking any of the soldiers and forcing them into servitude? If so, is it out of a misguided belief they'd be better treated as "servants" of Goneril rather than disgraced soldiers in Almyra? If not, does he have any say in taking them, or is this all Duke Goneril's doing and Holst feels he has to keep his head down? And if that's the case, then would Duke Goneril be more than the daughter-spoiler he's ever really said to be in 3H? Does Holst have a tumultuous relationship with his father in this hypothetical? Does Holst know that the slaves are treated so terribly, like Cyril was, or is he ignorant on how bad the problem is? Would he try to do anything for them after bonding with Nader? Would he be partially motivated to do so in order to be a sort of role model for Hilda? Hell, does Holst even know about how Hilda feels towards Almyrans by this point in time? And once the slaves are freed, would they even like that the man mostly responsible for them getting enslaved (whether through directly doing so himself or by defeating them in combat and setting them up to be enslaved either way) helped free them, or would they understandably want nothing to do with him or Fodlan afterwards? Are there any more like Cyril who, once freed, prefer to stay in Fodlan over Almyra? And if so, what would they do once they were freed? And would Holst help them, and would they accept it?
There's a lot of interesting things that could have been done with Holst, with just this scenario alone. But like most things in Hopes, and especially GW, it's a completely missed opportunity. It's not even mentioned once! Like, dude! And then Claude apologizes to the Gonerils for making them defend the border by themselves, and it's like, yeah, sure, but hey maybe can literally anyone mention the slaves??? PLEASE??
That and just the miscellaneous ways GW ruins characters by making them all dumb as rocks and violent as agitated hornets just to make A Certain Character look better kinda makes me more sad thinking about Holst than anything if that makes sense lol. He had the setup for some really interesting (and lowkey necessary ngl) routes for his character and story to go down, but the very nature of GW holds him back from being anything other than a neat character that I like. He could've easily been more than that imo! But it just wasn't meant to be sadly
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renisfan · 1 year
Since I just mentioned DW, let's also take a look at how it handled the theme of Oudou vs Hadou! As I recognize it had been a topic of discourse before and people had different opinions on what they wanted to express with this concept. I find it may be valuable to see what KT themselves had said in their other game (since their writers did the most writings).
From DW7's Shu story:
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Now this English sub isn't very clear about the concept of Oudou and Hadou, so I'll show you the jp subs too:
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It literally says Cao Cao = Hadou while Liu Bei = Oudou.
DW8 explained a bit more into their respective thoughts, in the ending of Shu's hypothesis story:
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There's one more line which I think isn't very well translated, in which Liu Bei asks for people to talk, trust and support each other (while in en he says "what we need are allies who we can trust and friends who'll support us!")
And this ending features Liu Bei reaching out his hand to a dying Cao Cao and Cao Cao challenging Liu Bei to realize his ideal if he can. Sounds similar to a certain moon route right?
And it showing a person from the Oudou fraction, a person from the neutral fraction and a person from the minor race fraction adjacent to the Oudou fraction being friends together has absolutely nothing to do with a certain gleam route.
Anyway, the general concept is rather clear:
Hadou = ruling through force, people need to be shown what's "correct"
Oudou = ruling with benevolence, believing in people's hearts
However, I don't think KT is treating Hadou as an inherently bad thing. Maybe because they really love Cao Cao and Nobunaga to death. They're somewhat treating it as an equally valid way to end conflicts. Even if you may have enemies or NPCs talk about how their path is brutal every once in a while, it's not taken that seriously because it's based on "reason" and to end things quickly and "dream of benevolence is too unrealistic" bla bla bla. It's only when getting explicitly compared with Oudou that it'll be shown in a more obviously "bad" light.
And that is probably why - as you may have noticed - both above comparisons are from Shu's story. In Wei's story, while they will still talk about their Hadou, they barely touch about Liu Bei's Oudou. Even if their conflict remains the main focus of the story, they just don't make the comparison. Just like their 3H counterparts.
(But, while AM have a lot in common with Shu's story, CF is way less similar to Wei's story. For one, while Cao Cao doesn't like Liu Bei running around "prolonging the war", he's always treated him and his ideal with respect, which Edel-chan certainly doesn't.
CF is more like... DW8's Jin story where the mitri is Jiang Wei. Feel free to find out what that means if you're interested... just know that I absolutely despised that story 🙃)
Well got a bit carried away but to conclude, in KT's eyes:
Hadou bad compared to Oudou
Except that Hadou good aksually, if you yeet the concept of Oudou away from the story
And Oudou just like chivalry is too good to be true, so Hadou good
Supreme Leader uwu
...or at least that's how I perceived their opinions.
Btw, do you know that DW had the OG gatekeeper-kun?
I'm specifically referring to the one assigned to Shu (featured from 10:28) because his lines are the closest to gatekeeper's and iirc he was in DW7 too while the rest were added in DW8 as his other fraction variations. Sorry I couldn't find a video of the DW7 version nor did I find a English one, so this is the best I can get :( Actually found a video that has the DW7 part, but it's jp voice with Chinese subs, so still no English :(
People liked him in DW, so they made a Fodlan version of him too!
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dmclemblems · 2 years
Another thing worth mentioning about Claude's relationship with his parents: despite his feelings of admiration for his mother and despite remembering the bedtime stories his father told him, he still never writes to them. He can contact Nader no problemo (can even have him IN FODLAN, and for extended periods of time!), but his supports with Hilda also show off that he's so disconnected from his parents he's actually not even sure they're still alive.
Claude: Well, that's a fine thing to do, regardless of your reasons. As for me, it's been far too long since I've written to my parents...
Hilda: Oh? I thought your father had died.
Claude: Not quite. He's still alive and kicking...as far as I know. 
So on top of the Horse Incident... the "deal with the assassins yourself tiny child" thing... the fact that Claude ran away without telling his dad (if we go by Hopes) and without his mom seeming to give a shit that he's leaving all by himself... the act that going by Hopes Daddy-o is doing Literally Nothing about his children trying to violently invade his lover's homeland, and nothing about his children trying to murder each other for his throne... yeah these two are incredibly shitty parents, Gilbert could never dream of being this bad lmao.
But like, I also kinda like how... real? I guess? Claude's reaction to this is. He loves his parents, and he'll have open admiration for at least his mother, but then he starts talking about the other stuff and it's like "oh, that sounds like an abuse victim." Hearing him talk about how he "deserved" to either be dragged around by a horse or helplessly tied to its saddle as it runs around (depending on which version) shocked me when I first heard it, because "I was being bad I deserved to get hit by my parents" is such a huge red flag hearing someone say.
Plus how fondly he looks back on that memory - like you said, he was probably so elated to have his parents pay attention to him that the means in what they did so literally meant nothing to him (and could also tie into why he remembered those bedtime stories so well; another rare moment of his parent's attention being given to him) And him making the active effort to not talk to his parents once he ran away makes it so much worse, and hearing him still hold such fondness for them anyway in his A support with Byleth is almost more sad than it is endearing.
I'm honestly also surprised that the fandom just never acknowledges this? They act like Claude's parents are so cool for the most part, when his are legit some of the worst 3H has to offer and he's such a clear case of an abused child it's not even funny.
For real lol. People bash Gilbert for leaving his family while completely ignoring all the context about why. Meanwhile they celebrate badass Almyran king and queen despite that they’re horrible to Claude and probably all of their children as far as the king goes.
I also appreciate how Claude’s situation is complicated regarding his parents. Even abused children can still love their parents and it’s a very difficult situation. It’s a cycle of being abused then the parents will do something nice for the child, and that child believes they love them now and will be nice to them going forward. When that doesn’t happen, they remember the good things and try to tell themselves that their parents aren’t all bad and that there’s good in there. They love them for the nice things they do and tend to want more of it, so they stick around hoping to see that more.
Once Claude got old enough I’d imagine he probably realized it wasn’t normal and decided enough was enough. Even if he just wanted attention from his parents, I’m sure he could only take so much of what he went through between the assassinations and nobody really caring about him. Hilda was right to be shocked and horrified at what Claude went through, because that’s just... not normal. Also, if a child comes to believe they deserved the treatment, it’s because the parents made them think they deserved it and the child starts to accept it even if the punishment is reprehensible.
Even though Claude tends to brush this stuff off like it’s all in the past, it’s clearly affected him and his ability to trust people and form emotional connections. Like I said above, he remembers the good things fondly because it was the only positive attention he could get. He doesn’t fondly remember being punished and just speaks casually of it, but he shows no happiness for it. I’m sure Tiana does love him, but it also sounds like she either is afraid to go against her husband’s ways or just changed for the worse. Maybe the king does also love Claude, but it doesn’t excuse how terribly he treated him. Fact is, you’re only a child once and once you’re scarred from your childhood, you can’t just fix that.
Him not talking to his parents after leaving is a good step forward for him tbh. Cutting off contact regardless of how “sad” they might be is what you have to do in that situation. It’s like when toxic parents want their children to live with them to use them for selfish reasons, and they gaslight their kids so they can get what they want and be controlling. In that situation all you can really do is cut them out of your life. Of course, there’s always the whole giving them another chance in the future kind of thing, but if they continue acting like that then you cut them out permanently.
In Claude’s case I think he did the right thing to leave his father hanging like that, because boo hoo the king is so sad he can’t rule properly, but how do we not know that wasn’t intentional acting so that hopefully the information would reach Claude that he was acting like that? Maybe he could make Claude feel bad and come home... and the cycle would just continue. When parents act sad like that and “miss” their child despite having previously abused them in any form, it’s usually meant to manipulate the child’s emotions and make them come back. If your kids are trying to kill each other for whatever reason, how does that not make you more depressed than your most abused and bullied child running away from home and getting away from all that?
Personally I never found his stories about his life to be endearing. I found all of it to be depressing and upsetting. He may be older in the time of the game and know how to better manage that stuff, but it’s always worth noting that he was just a little boy when all this happened to him. Kids can get scared so easily and yet he acts like none of it actually really affected him, despite that any child being put through all that would traumatize them. All of that shows in his personality through his relationships and his inability to notice he’s pressing too hard on someone’s emotions until after it’s already done. He’s literally still in the learning process of how to understand other people’s emotions at the age of 18.
Having any fond memories of his abusers is exactly what a lot of abuse victims go through. I’m honestly shocked most of the fandom doesn’t look at his experiences as being legitimately terrible. His parents aren’t cool or badass. They’re terrible parents and not people who even deserve to call him their child. They certainly didn’t treat him like parents should treat their children. No child should be growing up in those circumstances.
The funny thing about the whole “bad parent” thing with Fodlan’s parents is that with Faerghus, they’re not only pretty decent parents, but then you get Matthias, who, well, more or less neglected his children (rather than abused them). Difference being, in Hopes he actually admits to knowing he was a bad father to Sylvain (and presumably Miklan who is still alive and well in that timeline as it’s GW he says this to Sylvain in). Then you have Lambert, who Rodrigue believes Dimitri losing would be horrible for Dimitri. Lambert decides that if he does die, he can safely leave Dimitri to Rodrigue. He had an idea, some sort of plan, if he were to die where his child would be safely in the care of someone who loved him. Rodrigue loved Glenn so much that he never stopped looking for answers about Duscur, coming across all kinds of valuable information about things that didn’t concern Glenn simply because he was distraught and had to know why his son had to die that day (and no, it wasn’t because he was a true knight. That was Rodrigue’s distressed way of coping. When he was in a better state of mind, he investigated the situation to get real answers. That’s the proof he wasn’t satisfied with the idea of leaving it at “Glenn was just doing his job”). Regarding Felix, Felix was the one who didn’t want to talk to Rodrigue, so Rodrigue backed off and let his son have space, but always looked out for him and tried to get closer to him. There was only so much he could do, but he did what little he could because he cared about Felix, even if Felix would walk away mad. Rodrigue just wanted his son in good hands.
That’s a pretty massive contrast to leaving your child vulnerable to assassins who are also partially your other children by not protecting him. Faerghus’ fathers would 110% absolutely have someone’s head for trying to harm their child, much less kill their child. No child deserves to have to fight their own battles, and no child deserves to have to rely on themselves to survive. Even with animals, you see the mother raise her young until they’re old enough to leave their home. Birds, cats, rabbits, you name it. They take care of their babies and keep them safe at home until they’re old enough to wander and get their own food and live outside of a confined area for their safety. It’s pretty much instinctual.
If Claude were real, all the stuff he went through would be such a big deal. I wish more people saw that because it’s good writing as far as Claude is concerned, but it also means his parents weren’t as amazing as other people say they are. Notice how it’s always other characters talking about how great they are, but Claude never has very good things to say about them that extend beyond basically “look they gave me attention once or twice every half a year”.
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windupaidoneus · 6 months
WAITTT i wanna hear abt the 3h or engage s/is if ud be willing to talk abt them !! - @dmclr
omg HI! !!! ! ! !! ! ! ! my sillies! okay i will put words under the cut teehee (trying to not pass out while typing)
unfortunate news this is gonna be a huge ramble that makes very little sense i'm a few paragraphs in & it's so... um.
so ! korn is. kornseide elfenbein eryn. note the last name. i like the multidimensional fuckery fire emblem likes to do here & there so this one's essentially a chrobin fankid that's been sent to the three houses universe as a child lmao. & he's a cat beast unit! which do not exist in three houses much to my chagrin, but this is my way of changing the facts. & no one can stop me. also yes this does imply in my version of events robin is a catboy. he's also transgender. but that's a whole other story for another time
korn was found & taken in by seteth upon landing in fodlan, like... very dramatic scenario of the terrified child running for his life from an unspecified threat & running into this guy who instantly becomes a father figure. not intentionally. seteth just suffers it bc this kid has Latched onto him hard & he has a good heart
he gets to travel a fair bit for enrichment as he grows & ends up meeting a fair few members of the cast during said travels, notably raphael (the #bestie!!!!), dorothea, ashe, & of course lorenz & claude. back at garreg mach he doesn't really get to associate with seteth too much publicly not bc seteth doesn't want people to know he adopted this kid but bc this kid did a 180° & now finds his dad whom he chose himself deeply embarrassing so he pretends he's just like... a kid who works there. hangs with the ashen wolves. finds deep kinship w constance. thinks hapi's the coolest fucking person to walk the planet. so on so forth.
back to the main topic. um! when we get to the point of the game he kind of. he doesn't enroll! he uh, can't really. seteth won't let flayn in & he certainly won't let him in either. it's fine though. he sneaks into classes constantly or pretexts really urgently needing to clean the classroom so he can listen in on what's going on & learn more about the history of the world, as well as like. combat theory. he can't really get into practice so he practices by begging raphael to fight him every so often & yes he gets his shit rocked everytime
basically he's a silly guy who makes friends pretty easily. he doesn't really think. he has no clue he's from another world. hapi gave him a beaststone once & neither of them realise that's what's making him transform into a big fuckoff kitty creature she just gave him an item that made her think of him. he also lies a lot & he does it horribly bc he's not good at lying & he doesn't like lying but he feels like he'll get in trouble if he doesn't so he does. one thing that's i have failed to mention thus far though is that he has a strong sense of right & wrong so he kinda gets harsher during the timeskip? he can still be silly & jokies & whatnot but he's also like... a lot less lenient & forgiving. very one track mind. needless to say there's a point in time where he can't help but be heavily upset with seteth
now delfin... beast unit 2! !!! admittedly i do not have a lot for him in the way of backstory aside from "yea he worked at firene castle most of his time alive" but he is so personality... something about my s/is is that they tend to be guyfailures which says a lot about Me. & yeah he is no exception. clumsy bastard man who hides a lot. he can be found cowering in horse stalls whenever he messes something up. saddest soggiest cat around
he's pretty good at handling manual labour all things considered & gets along great with the horses. he's generally pretty good with animals but horses just Get Him man. he definitely bonds with amber over their connection to animals, & thinks zelkov caring for children as much as he does is "way too cute". he wanted to be upset with hortensia for a bit when she joined the party but. he could not. lmao. yunaka & alear are such #thebestie characters for him, but louis is like. THE childhood friend. louis will peoplewatch while he's just sitting there loafing next to him glaring at everyone but actually he's zoned the hell out. chloe is like a little sister to him
he doesn't, really have much stakes in the plot aside from like, "oh this is bad we should stop it"? he's here to hang out & do his job & also yearn horribly. yunaka & louis have found him hiding in a barrel after he interacted with boucheron once.....
oh also do NOT give him an emblem ring he will treat it the way cats treat laser pointers & probably land himself in the pool with a miserable yowl
i . .. realise i have nearly entirely avoided elaborating on the selfship dynamics specifically . um . i know why (worried what i will come off as if i do that) & it's a shame but i am not fixing that .. yet
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Do you like Edelgard from Three Houses or the Edelgard from Three Hopes more? I haven't finished Three Hopes yet, but I like Edelgard in that version more personally so far
Hopes just isn't it in terms of what made me like the characters in the first place TBH. Especially since in 3 hopes Scarlet Blaze is essentially fanfic about what might happen if she'd been able to get rid of TWSITD earlier, which removes the source of a lot of her personal conflict with the war in 3 houses (Like Hubert in CF telling Byleth that Edelgard really hates using them at all but he keeps insisting to her that it's necessary and she's been reluctantly agreeing with him). Like, 3 hopes Edelgard is just Edelgard getting to do some of the things 3 houses Edelgard wishes she could have done like get rid of her Uncle's influence sooner and in Azure Gleam when she wants to talk to Dimitri (she wants to talk to him in AM too but she knows he's to stuck in upholding the status quo to actually listen to her at that point).
In terms of writing I think 3 houses is much more interesting with Edelgard being the force behind the whole story by being the only one willing to actually take action to change things in Fodlan even if it means making hard choices that make her seem the villain to those she ends up against because she's willing to face those consequences whether she wins or loses because she knew if she got the ball rolling it wouldn't stop with her even if she died.
In 3 hopes though, she didn't have to do a lot of that. She was able to prepare for war for an extra two years without TWSITD, she got an Alliance with Claude instead of having to completely subjugate the Alliance, she got Shez AND Byleth (eventually) both with extremely strong powers. It's a fun game but being as it's more hopeful fanfic it just doesn't hit the same chords for me that made me love Edelgard in the first place though her character certainly isn't BAD in Hopes or anything like that.
But part of the reason she's such a strong presence in 3 houses is her willingness to be morally gray if she believes it will help the long term goal, which doesn't come across a lot to me in 3 hopes. I love her regardless but 3 houses Edelgard will always have the best writing of the two imo
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 2 years
It's the underdog/victim complex. They think they're being oppressed/harassed/attacked by everyone else for liking their fave when no one really cares. Plus purity culture sorta screwed the fandom perceptions where now you apparently can't like a character or be a fan of them if they do bad/problematic things. This isn't just a FE thing either, there was an article that basically said that people can enjoy villains for being villains and requested everyone to not woobify or justify their actions. Guess what happened? People got salty over it and started attacking the article. And yeah it's not just a bunch of teenagers sadly, there are people in their 30s doing this kind of nonsense behavior and it's really sad and pathetic. And fwiw I'm not implying nor intending that people 30 or above can't be in fandoms or anything like that, it's just..you expect them to know or be better than to act like they're half their age with this nonsense.
Yeah, that's so wild to me when they do exactly that - attack others for their faves (especially Dimitri). Like yeah, I hate their fave but I don't go out of my way to attack them for liking her.
Purity culture really, REALLY pisses me off. Not only do people who like EdeIgard erase her wrongdoings, but they only like the version of her they created and not her canon self (i.e. the self that did wrong, but they can't handle the concept of that and their waifu has to be perfect and have her hands clean). Following that, they get aggressive toward Dimitri and his fans for liking him because uwu he did so many bad things. Like, yes, we are aware of that and he actively addresses that fact on a regular basis. He doesn't hide behind "uwu I did it for Fodlan", he doesn't make excuses, and his fans accept his faults for what they are. For some reason the stans seem to think we're just like them and that we erase any faults of our fave and pretend he's a perfect, clean handed individual.
I remember hearing or seeing once in this old Tumblr RP group that they banned Miklan from even being selected as a written character. Like bruh, if you're gonna write roleplays, don't you... want conflict? When I write I find it boring when there's no conflict whatsoever. Even in my dmcl writing, there's still a sort of internal conflict, like Dimitri having doubts about himself and thinking he's not worth being with someone he loves. No matter what I write, I prefer to have some sort of conflict because it helps to strengthen the positive result.
It's funny, too, because these are always the same people who like Hopes Claude more but yet don't think doing anything wrong is okay. They defend his actions instead like with their waifu because it's okay to invade a country and murder its people!
Reminds me of the stan that showed up in my inbox once trying to defend Claude, saying "what innocents did Claude even kill, he only killed soldiers" as if to say soldiers automatically lose all their innocence and rights as human beings for signing up to defend their country. That anon should probably stop and think about what they said and how that applies to real life, because they basically told me my sister deserves to die because she used to serve in the military. Oh no, how dare she be a soldier! She's no longer innocent and it's okay if she dies! Forget the fact that she has three children at home who are very young and need their mother! Forget that her parents and sisters are still alive and would grieve for her! She's a soldier, so it's fine if she dies!
That anon needs a real good look in the mirror and a smack in the face by reality. These people say a whole lot of shit to defend their fictional pixelated waifu without considering how that reflects on them in real life and the fact that what they say does have a reflection on their real life values. Anyone who tells me it would've been okay if my sister died simply because she was in the military is trash and I wish on them what they would wish on her.
I heard about that article! It's pathetic. There is literally nothing wrong with enjoying media and concepts. I have a section I decided to put at the end of this ask explaining how I feel about particular antagonists (Ashnard, Zelgius, Sephiran and Miklan), but since it's a biiiit off course here I wanted to avoid it splitting up my more direct reply to this ask.
Yeah, I know it's not only teenagers and that's also pathetic. While I wouldn't say I just forgive teenagers for being like that (they're old enough and there's no excuse imo, as I mentioned before), it's a lot more understandable that they might be like that and just eventually grow out of it. The fact there are people my age or older acting like angry babies who had their binky taken away is honestly so ridiculous that the term "pathetic" is not even strong enough to explain how ridiculous it is. They act like they're a little kid who had their favorite sticker stolen by some random kid in their class. These are people who should be looking for or having a job, being at least somewhat damn mature online and being a reasonable, mature person.
I was hoping "karens" would die out with the older generations (let's face it, a good chunk of today's karens are bored, angry old/older people with nothing to do and are just miserable people), but evidently we're never getting rid of that lot! It's okay to invade a country and murder its people, just like it's okay to harass and bully people off of social media, didn't you know?! 🙄🙄🙄 Really, how did some of these people get like this? And no, I'm not asking for their uwu backstories to redeem them LOL.
Some of these people are so insufferable that it's disgusting.
Regarding the villain discussion:
It's like I always say and you're about to hear it again: I love Ashnard as a villain because he's a villain, and he's a villain who fully embraces his actions and behavior. He doesn't think he's morally just. He's fighting for the world he believes in. He believes the strong should be on top and should rule the weak. However, he's extremely fair about that viewpoint and if he's defeated by someone because they were stronger than him, that is fair to him and he accepts his defeat. Since he believes the strong should be on top, he believes he should be on top... until someone comes along who can slay him, in which he believes they do deserve to be on top. If he's bested, he no longer deserves to be on top. He's a fantastic villain who never makes excuses and doesn't go back on what he says he believes. There's no "the strong should be on top but only as long as I'm the strongest and will be ruling". Plain and simple, the strongest should be on top whether it's him or not, and he's not, I guess you could say, "fake" about it.
Then you have Hopes Miklan who turns out to be a better person than people gave him credit for. He's someone I always had headcanons about based on Dimitri's take on him being disowned. I felt that he could've been a better person if pointed in the right direction and being told and shown that he was capable as a person even without a crest and that having a crest doesn't dictate whether he's useful or not. Dimitri put him in charge of a massively important, and arguably the most important, area of defense in the entire country. He proved he believed that Miklan had the strength to handle that and proved that he believed if Miklan had a better life and situation in front of him that he wouldn't resort to banditry. The thing is, he was right. Miklan not only started becoming a better person, but he even gets a line where he basically says he liked helping the people in a place that got destroyed in the war. He liked helping them rebuild.
Both of those are fantastic stories and characters. One of them had a redemption arc while nobody ever let any bullshit slide. He wasn't allowed to slip up or get away with any tiny "mistakes". It was literally do or die, but being forced into that situation did genuinely make him a better person. Even if he had to be forced to help them, it's not like he didn't come out on the other side and be better for it. Being forced to do those things didn't mean it just stayed that way and that he was hateful and angry that entire time.
Then one of them is just... a villain. A perfectly written villain who lived and died as a villain. Nobody made excuses for him and he didn't make excuses for himself. There's a reason I don't like Zelgius, and it's not that I think his character itself is terribly written, but it's the forced redemption that he didn't earn that makes me not enjoy his final arc. In contrast, what does Sephiran get? No redemption allowed from Ike until he gets up and proves he's willing to redeem himself. Zelgius could've easily been a character made to earn his redemption, such as being a playable character and having supports to flesh out his new arc, or even just being a story only character who protects and saves the main characters (besides Just Micaiah tee em) and maybe even guides them safely to the Tower of Guidance (no pun intended). Instead he just gets to say he admired his teacher and had a sad backstory so suddenly... nobody is mad anymore. Certainly not Tibarn, who had like 50+ percent of his nation wiped out, that being any able bodied man who could fight besides the ones who were lucky enough to be with Tibarn's fighting force at the time all that happened. 🙄
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loregoddess · 11 months
6,11,12,26 and 35? :D
6. Who's your favorite lord/protagonist? Hnngh, technically Alear bc I think they were handled really well as a protagonist character and I adore their characterization and personality, and also as an "avatar-esque" character they fix a lot of issues I personally have with "avatar" and "avatar-esque" characters and also offer the solution to a very specific bone I have to pick w/ an entirely unrelated series that I won't get into bc it's not FE. But mostly I just, adore Alear, what a kind and sweet character, despite all the horrors.
Also I don't talk about it ever, but I really like Ike as a protagonist bc he's. Just some guy. Not royalty, not nobility, not secretly anyone special or of some sort of crazy bloodline (and we all know Tellius has some weird stuff going on with bloodlines), he's just a guy who gets caught up in things, and does his damned best to keep his friends alive through it all.
11. A character that deserved better? Answered here!
But for some more characters, I've got so many thoughts about Subaki (there are a lot of interesting implications about his past, but lack of any proper characterization beyond his joke trait of being a snooty perfectionist means I am literally grasping at straws; fandom likewise ignores him which is wild bc he's our first canonical male pegasus knight, but I mean, large cast so I get it), and Izana having a paired ending with Corrin for Revelations (in both the Japanese and localized versions) despite dying will haunt me forever (also rip that localization, I swear my love for this character isn't as random as it seems, I just happened to follow all the Japanese-release stuff before the localization dropped a year later, and have a really confusing impression of all the Fates characters as a result).
For Echoes, despite my ignoring him every run bc Sonya pretty, I think Deen should have had more...just more everything, I guess. In the actual game, since all his backstory is hidden in the artbook/records book project. He's actually a really cool character overall, but Sonya feels like she has so much more narrative relevance bc of Jedah and Marla and Hestia.
For 3H bc I have a whole lot of thoughts about all sorts of characters, I actually really wanted Sothis to get more...I dunno, narrative relevance as well. I wanna know what her regained memories were, her thoughts about Fodlan as it is. About Rhea and Seteth and Flayn. Three Hopes doesn't count bc the writers kinda butchered Sothis's characterization to the point of hardly being recognizable, and she deserved better than that.
12. A game that deserved better? Hmmmmmmmm, Engage and Fates for sure, at least as far as fan reception goes. Engage's was at least a bit better, but I still see people recycling the old arguments over Fates even all these years later and it's like, listen it was Fine, it was a good game, leave it be. (Also wildly unpopular opinion, but I think 3H--both Houses and Hopes--deserved better writing. What we got was okay, but it could have been so much better. For all the complaints it gets, at least Fates has consistent and completed worldbuilding with little to no questions about lore things at the end of all the routes and DLC. Like I love 3H, I really do, which is why I wish I got More and also Higher Quality writing and worldbuilding and lore and everything).
26. Come up with a pitch for a new FE title, no matter how silly it is! Let's blend fantasy with horror bc it's spooky season. Two nations are fighting each other over [insert some stupid excuse for a war to get people to enlist, but it's actually a scheme to get the people in power more power], and each nation has access to various weapons and things that seem normal at first, but slowly become more sinister and horrific the more the protagonist learns about them (i.e. maybe one of the armies has access to seemingly humane homunculi soldiers as an alternate to sending citizens to war, but it's later revealed that they can only be manufactured with parts of the dead, and the nation using them harvested their own population to make the homunculi army).
I dunno who this protagonist is, but I want them to be just some random person who gets caught up in things bc I love random people who get caught up in things. Anyhow, eventually the protagonist and friends figure out that both nations are harvesting their "technologies" from some sort of eldritch horror buried deep beneath the earth (which is NOT an evil entity, I feel this is important to note, but like I think it should be how the nations are using the being that's malicious, and the being is just a thing that exists), and I dunno, instead of fighting god or the being (which can be a dragon of sorts for the purposes of this being FE, and also be we don't have enough weird dragons in fiction), the protagonist and friends have to find a way to root out the corruption in both nations' rulers or something, although how balancing taking out two different final bosses would work who are also very much trying to kill each other, without doing split routes (which I'd like to avoid if possible) would be a task. (Maybe have the protagonist start off as part of an uprising/rebellion in one nation and then after throwing out the corrupt rulers, have to turn around and somehow fend off invasion from the other nation? I dunno, I'd have to think on this plot point a bit).
Oh but, hm...I've written all this, and now I kinda like the idea. Might let it stew in the back of my head for an original project later on.........
35. What's something you wish IntSys would just stop doing? I will sound like a broken record, but I think gender-locked classes are stupid, I want them vanished. Fates had it right (although I think I should have been allowed to stick men in maid dresses and women in butler suits. As a treat). If I can have nothing else, I want the gender-locked classes removed forever.
I'm also not a fan of split-routes (although again, Fates handled them better than 3H, in my opinion, but they're still a lot of work to get through). I was so relieved Engage was just one route. It's not like they're bad per se, it's just that FE has been kinda messy with the narrative trying to span that many routes. I'd rather have solid, consistent characterization and worldbuilding in a single route, than a flimsy attempt to explore various "what ifs".
EXCEPT for whatever the fresh hell FE Heroes is doing--the multiverse can continue to exist in that with all its weird "characters from this alternate universe you didn't even know existed now exist and can be summoned to fight alongside you in this incomprehensible Norse-themed story". Whatever FEH is doing is hilarious, I will never play it ever in my life, but I love seeing all the character art and pretty animated cutscenes. (And sometimes we get tidbits of interesting characterization for wildly underdeveloped characters. Sometimes).
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fantasyinvader · 5 months
I've been thinking about Edelgard's vulnerability is depicted.
The game initially depicts her as a cute girl who reveals vulnerabilities to the player. However, she is also a manipulative character and those vulnerabilities are supposed to make her moe. It's supposed to make the player want to protect her when she's revealed to be the villain, and if the player does so they end up leading Fodlan to tyranny while the ensuing route spells out how she's playing everyone. And, on top of that, the more players get to know her the more they see this hidden nature to her.
But by the same token, when the game wants the player to sympathize with her it makes her vulnerable. Said vulnerability is also, in part, because Rhea has been treated badly for the last five years due to protecting Byleth. At the same time, when she opens up while vulnerable what she reveals is supposed to be the truth according to the devs. Meanwhile, there's a lot of scenes that poke holes in the narrative gives: she knows it's the Agarthans who killed her siblings with Thales himself telling her what their goal was, she also supposedly knows her father was their puppet but will continue to spread the version of history he gave her even after the game revealed that fact, we also have Aegir being a scapegoat for Thales with there being no evidence he was involved with the experiments, she's ignoring how much influence the Agarthans had on the Imperial nobility while at the same time also ignoring how little the Church had.
There seems to be a difference here. That when Rhea opens up to Byleth, she's being truthful whereas when Edelgard does it, she's doing it with the ulterior motive of swaying Byleth to her side. It's that difference that makes what Edelgard does different from the rest of the cast, what makes it unacceptable.
And this makes my mind go to the idol industry, and how they sell people on the illusion of the girls. Japanese idols aren't at the same level of performance as Korean idols, and they use that unrefined image as part of the appeal. That they are just like your typical, normal girl and sell people on the dream of interacting with them through stuff like hand-holding events. But it's not a real relationship, as the girls are adopting a more cutesy persona and at the end of the day it's all about making money off their fans. And this is just an accepted part of living in Japan.
It feels like there's something there to me. That this game tells us in VW to get to know others by spending time with them (and clearing up misconceptions and assumptions by doing so), to form relationships in this manner. But at the same time, it also wants us to see people for who they really are and, owing to the Buddhist symbolism, not letting our attachment to them cloud our judgement when they do bad things. And at the same time, the game is also saying that this trust you put into other people can be abused and exploited by them for their own gain. And Houses is full of parasocial relationships for the player to form, but at times we need to know that sometimes, no matter how painful it may be, we need to put aside relationships in order to do the right thing otherwise you end up promoting a moral that negatively impacts society.
I guess you can say the ultimate moral with Edelgard is that you shouldn't take people solely at face value because the image they put out might not match who they really are inside. It's just the persona they project to the world, but by getting to know people you make them open up. They reveal their vulnerabilities, and at the same time it's good to help people with their problems. We all have to support each other. But at the same time, people may reveal themselves to be toxic individuals who use their personas to assert dominance over others and when that happens it's better to distance yourself from them. Not hate them, but to just take a step back and see them for who they really are.
Treat people like people, not cardboard cut-outs. Sometimes they need your support, other times they need a hard lesson and for you to call them out on their bullshit.
But this kinda message is always going to be undermined by the dating sim aspects of Houses, as well as IS milking the parasocial relationships people form with characters in this franchise. And these characters, themselves, aren't real people. They can only show us what the staff decides to show us.
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randomnameless · 2 years
I believe Ionius lied to Supreme Leader a lot. The goddess tower story just doesn't make any sense with the 100-year distancing between the empire and church, and the npc clerics saying SL is the first adrestian heir to attend garreg mach in decades. It is also very weird she doesn't seem to care about her mother's fate whatsoever and kinda idolizes her womanizing dad (and people say she's a feminist lol). iirc there's a few scenes where she's talking to herself about "not failing" her father??
Ionius being a liar is iirc one of the earliest fanons (with the fanon theory that Ionius is the one who offered his kids to Thales to get a super strong Emperor, after the experiments failed on him and left him, well, look like what he looks like + having an anime cough of doom)
He's also the guy who, in the jp version, leaves "Adrestia- no Fodlan" to his daughter, showing that yep, Ionius really believes Fodlan = Adrestia or at least Adrestian Emperors have a greater duty to Fodlan, even if since the end of the WoH and Willy's time, Fodlan became 3 states and not, just, Adrestia.
Still, given how Supreme Leader dgaf both in Nopes and FE16 working with people who defanged her dad, I don't know what are her feelings about him. Like, good plan, but bad execution? He was a loser since he didn't manage to conquer the world and was stopped by a bunch of randos?
And yet, as you said, there are the weird scenes where she doesn't want to fail him, apologises on his behalf or even in that scene displays genuine care for him! So... it's kind of a mixed bag, maybe she likes him as an individual, but strives to do "better" than him (something he also wants!), and yet come the post TS and she forget him?
TBH, I'd have wanted to see more of Ionius, and see if Supreme Leader really bought his lies, or wants to buy them - it could have been another nod to previous games, where children born to womanising dads suffer from it, maybe explaining somehow that Supreme Leader's messiah complex is also born of feeling inadequate, because she knew she was but a spare (not to say anything else) to her dad, never to inherit the throne and was never meant to be someone important.
As for Anselma...
It's funnier how Dimitri is the one who is most concerned with her - but maybe Supreme Leader just embraced Adrestian views about women - especially mothers...
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violasgamingpalace · 1 year
Been theory crafting a version of Three Houses where Byleth makes the route choice at Chapter 12 instead of the prologue, and as part of that imagining the students picking their professor instead of the professor picking the house they want to teach. This is my attempt at figuring out your starting class. Wanted to keep characters similar to their canon personalities. (not the biggest three houses nerd so let me know if you disagree on placements)
Hanneman's Class
Linhardt- Crest research
Edelgard- crests research
Hubert- follows edelgard, but hanneman also knows reason magic.
Claude- Hanneman because he figures he'll learn the most secrets that way? (I'm sorry but no way he picks Byleth, merc knows NOTHING)
Hilda- follows Claude
Annette-Has a support with Hanneman?
Mercedes - Wants to go Hanneman to be with Annette
Ignatz-is here to be a Knight and Hanneman could help with that???
Manuela's Class
Ferdinand- looks up to Manuela
Dorothea- looks up to Manuela even more, obvious choice.
Lythesia- no to hanneman for crests, She likes Faith, so Manuela.
Lorenz- Noble man wants to go Hanneman, but does have support with Manuela? And means he can be with Ferdinand.
Dimitri-goes Manuela to follow Ingrid/Sylvain
Ingrid-manuela, I guess? No knight professor
Sylvain- Manuela? I guess? He has a support and does auto-join F/Byleth. Sylvain wanting to see boobs brings the Blue Lion friend group along
Caspar-Manuela, but just to have a place to be
Byleth's Class
Petra- Sword connection, and dont think petra REALLY would learn much from other profs?
Bernie- too anxious to sign up, so ends up with Byleth
Raphael- forgets to go to signups, Byleth it is!
Leonie- Byleth for sure. Jeralt connection and she wants to be a Merc.
Dedue-Wants to go Manuela to Follow Dimitri but the school said the class was full (Feels vaguely racially motivated)
Felix-Byleth no question
Ashe-no Knight professor, but Ashe is just happy to be here, doesnt really care about professor.
Marianne- Horse girl wants to go with Hannerman but crests are to blame for going Byleth
Things I like- Wanted the Byleth class to feel like the weirdo group with very little going for them, and thats def this class. Everyone is either anti-social, a commoner with low expectations, or racially marked as other. Now white clouds focuses on you replacing them by recuiting the elite of fodlan society teaching to your student's strengths and making them capable.
Three black Eagles in class ensues that Byleth will have to fight their old students if they go on most routes, and if they go Black Eagles they'll still fight old students they taught
Ashe in class for Lonato Chapter
Things i dont like- skill proficiency wasnt set up with this in mind. While we have 1 tank and 1 mage, no one else can REALLY be trained as a reason mage, we have fourish archers, twoish lance users, two speedy sword users (three if ashe goes thief!), and a lot of units that want to go riding.
Its really hard to imagine Dimitri being so casually cruel to Dedue. Maybe we get a scene where Dimitri heroically sacrficies hanging out with Sylbain and Ingrid so Dedue can be with Manuela for a bit?
Edelgard and claude in the same class despite their total lack of connection. But! Edelgard and Hilda in the same class? Let us see how much Hilda HATES edelgard. It would be funny.
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roleplayfinder · 2 years
✨Good Timezone friends!✨
I’m Zephyr, I’m 18, and I’ve been having the urge to rp my Fire emblem 3 houses oc! Please be 18+!
I’m looking for characters, obviously (canon or oc, it doesn’t really matter to me!)
✍️ Content! ✍️
While you're here, I will let you know that I'm open for Doubles! I do quite a few canons and am always willing to try something new. Just ask if you have someone in mind!
I have an idea that I’ve wanted to try for a long time that i'd try to throw here.
Arranged marriage is so common these days.
*Especially* if you're from a struggling family.
Ambriels father is getting significantly more worried as the days go on about the poachers approaching their territory. Of course, the only way he could think to fix this is to marry his child off to one of the many noble families of Fodlan in exchange for protection.
Now, there were many problems with this. one was that Ambriel was incredibly independent and *despised* the idea of having decisions about their life made for them. So obviously they were *pissed* when they heard about what their father had done.
They were set to travel to their betrotheds territory within the next week... But that was fine, whatever.
The worst part was...
**They had no clue who they would be marrying**
(**TLDR**: This one looks into the idea of marrying for protection and how that could possibly effect both parties view of the other through their time with eachother)
👾**Character info!**👾
This character has two versions to them! One (the shifter one and the one id prefer to use for this for story purposes) is a little canon-bending but incredibly fun if this is your thing! If you’d prefer them to be human, I can offer that too! Just ask in the dms :))
Ambriel (they/them) is the child of the leader in a shifter pack that lives quite far into the Faerghus mountains.
They're a generally good spirited and fun person to be around. Bubbly but a little dense on some topics, they’re a must if you need a good tank and an even better friend.
They’re stubborn to a fault and jumpy at most things. They will not ask for help by any circumstances, they’d rather fail a class than ask for someone to help them.
They’re notoriously clumsy and a surprisingly picky eater. They thoroughly enjoy soft fabrics and colourful flowers. If there’s something they’re interested in, Ambriel will sink all their time into it if they can.
They have waist-length ginger hair that's shaved along the sides and back and kept long on the top. Their eyes are a bright, lively green and they can be either masc or fem presenting based on the day.
They have Bear ears sticking out of the side of their head and a tail sitting above the base of their spine, along with their shifter markings covering their body.
Reach out to me on discord! Zephyr!!#6459
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blaiddydbrokeit · 2 years
mahonia, sage , edelweiss , aloe vera  and papyrus for the get to know asks!
Mahonia: What place, thing or activity inspires you most and how do you express yourself when it does?
Hm... I suppose perusing works, analyses and ideas of others' would be the activity that inspires me most. I usually wind up either drawing, writing or making costume pieces to manifest that inspiration into a form of creation.
Sage: What medium of art is the most touching to you? Why?
Poetry, I think. There's just something about the way one weaves ideas into words independent of chronology and puts those words in an arrangement that uniquely encompasses its spirit. With every formatting choice, every specific phrasing, it feels like a tapestry to admire rather than a text. Even when you look back on poetry you read once upon a time, the way you grow as a person also leads you to see that tapestry differently, and you notice things you didn't see before. That's what I think is most special about poetry.
Edelweiss: How did you think of your URL? What's it associated with to you?
Well... I wanted my URL to relate to House Blaiddyd in some way. And since they tend to have superhuman strength that causes them to break things more than usual... I just imagined someone pointing fingers at a massively damaged object and saying "It was him. That Blaiddyd broke it."
It ties into how House Blaiddyd has some of the characters I am most fond of in Fodlan, as well as how my main 3H OC Allan is also a Blaiddyd. Plus... well, it's quite funny, but I also run the Holy Kingdom discord server, so in a way, I'm also fufilling a similar role on top of... being a kinnie.
Aloe Vera: What's something mundane you really want to experience in life?
I want to try Sylvain's cooking. He keeps tempting me with cheesecake. One of these days I'm going to lose my self control and buy a plane ticket on impulse to Australia for cheesecake and whatever else he cooks up.
Papyrus: If you put your 'on repeat' playlist on shuffle, what's the first song that comes up? What do you like about it/associate it with?
Spotify pulled up the Project SEKAI version of Ifuudoudou (威風堂々), or Pomp and Circumstance. Do not look this song up, it's relatively... er. Explicit. It's a song I enjoy because of the dance choreography and the music arrangement, but the in-game chart is also quite fun and intuitive.
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