#I see them
euko-going-insane · 4 months
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This is Renaissance
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dallasgallant · 2 months
At the beach currently and found some personalized ??? I think they’re Swiss Army knives which is all the more fitting, here’s the ones I found:
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I wasn’t surprised not finding Dallas but no Keith?? It’s not that out of style is it?
Ponyboy gets one that says “beach boy” and soda gets the ever famous “they didn’t have my name.”
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sleepless-crows · 1 year
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steelthroat · 1 month
I only have 1 very controversial opinion:
You should have a license for kids and pets.
Long rant incoming:
Like... yeah, I know it's bad, it can be strumentalized politically etc etc. I know I know- controlling natality like that is dangerous and stuff. Fine, I get it, I swear I do.
But seriously after all the [INCREDIBLY BAD] parenting I witness (especially now that I am staying at the theme park) and the straight up animal abuse (because otherwise I don't know how to label that shit) I see from certain dog owners...
GEE I GET IT PARENTING/TAKING CARE OF AN ANIMAL IT'S HARD BLA BLA BLA. Don't have them. Please I swear to God Don't make what are supposed to be good memories fucking miserable to your kids.
Just be humble and seek some help or informations on how to take care of something/someone else.
Look. I've seen poor dogs laying on the floor under the few shadows that are here and there tired, absolutely devastated. And I know for a fact the ground ain't cool, those dipshits that own them walk with fucking shoes on and forget the main reason they do huhhh???
DO NOT BRING DOGS WITH YOU AT THE THEME PARK. JFC IT'S NOT THAT HARD OF A CONCEPT. Your dog will be tired, the floor is literally lava, you CANNOT bring them on the roller coasters and you cannot leave them to the staff. It will be stressing for you and miserable for them, do not fucking do it.
And please parents don't be assholes for a day? Jfc it's the first time your 5yrs old kid has experience something like that, be patient???? My god, they're excited, YOU brought them here, match even a half of their enthusiasm.
I know your kid has asked you to look at [insert thing] 30 times and you've already seen it 3000 times before. THEY HAVEN'T. THEY ARE FIVE FFS. LOOK AT THEM SHOWING YOU THE COOL THING. It takes five seconds, even less and they’ll be satisfied.
And the ones who snap at their kids after they ask them something twice.
I hate you. You should have never reproduced. You made life miserable for both you and your poor kid that DOESN'T DESERVE YOU.
Like I don't get it, kids ARE hard and can be pretty annoying, 100% no doubt in my mind. But also if you listen to them, if you [EDUCATE] them and understand how they think... it does get easier. You're the parent. If you don't know how your kids "work" you're doing a bad job.
And maybe you are gonna think "hey Zero, you don't have kids you don't understand, also there is a difference between a parent ignoring a tantrum and what you're saying maybe they are..."
NO. Nuh uh! I've been around children all my life, I've had to help some parents, spend a lot of time being the babysitter of the friend group to the younger siblings.
And guess what? I was their favorite person, why? I matched their energy, I LISTENED to them and I was KIND to them when they asked something. If I had to stop a tantrum I didn't turn it into a screaming match.
Guess I was doing SOMETHING right if ALL those kids from different backgrounds and contexts decided *I* was someone worth listening to.
On a more serious note, I know a license for kids is not a good thing because 100% this would be strumentalized against natives, people of color, poor people, etcetera. Yes, yes, I know. It should never become a reality. I am just venting about the bad parents I see, and I wish nothing for them to see the error in their ways and to not further traumatize or make their kids' lives miserable and start over. I believe in rehabilitation and redemption.
I am just angry and tired mate.
A license for animals, however, is something I am starting to believe in after some shit I've witnessed. These owners are dangerous.
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phykoha · 11 months
henlo i give small preview for you ovo
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it'll be done soon
-rolls away-
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julie-loves-cake · 1 year
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I want to give her a hug
+ bonus Pomnatha
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I see the potential now
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thefabulousfab-3 · 1 year
How come Ben is only in that little scene whilst everyone else appears multiple times?
To throw us off. They basically did the same thing in the season 3 trailer where they gave us like no Ben x Devi content and made us believe the whole season was Paxton/ Des centered. They like to do this to give us as little spoiler info as possible. Having Ben appear so few times in the trailer actually solidified their (Ben and Devi’s) endgame.
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theghostlyunknown · 9 months
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Life series moment
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acourtofkindness · 10 months
I just want you to know I appreciate you and what you are doing so much! You are a bright spot in the fandom and bringing us joy and positivity! You have put so much work into this and it shows. Thank you for all you are doing!
thank you soooo much🤍🤍🤍
I am sooooo sooooo happy that all the work wasn't for nothing (for a moment I was truly worried about that).
thank you, for being such a bright spot and for all your support - I see you a lot in my notifications and I could cry because it makes me so happy, thank you sooo much🤍🤍
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so nice of amazon to make another ineffable husbands playlist
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pempempemto · 1 year
hello youre art makes my brain go oogely boogily and i love it
have a good day :]
UrgrhGRHGRH thank you so much WAA this means the world to me . mein got. throws a pillow in your general vicinity.
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ohnoitsjetster · 6 months
Happy trans visibility day
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justcallme-ange · 1 year
I am burdened by having too many ideas and only two hands.
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smh all Trent needed to say was “look at my shoes gayboy” and Colin would’ve seen his leopard print pumps
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trashmouth-richie · 1 year
gotten a few asks lately and I just wanted to point out I will write them— just focusing on the next volume of Honey I’m Home 🏡 before I start another new something that will spiral into a series because I can’t be stopped 😫
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daughter-of-war · 7 months
I hope that the other skirt-wearers remember me like I remember them every time we cross paths in public
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