#I should write ninjago
the-golden-weapons · 4 months
I’d like to think Jay and Nya are very funny because they are both mechanics, but in entirely opposite ways:
Nya has all her tools in proper order. In her workshop, there is never any scrap part going unused. Any notes and blueprints since the ripe age of 12 have been carefully stored and saved, no matter how much she cringes when looking back on them. The Samurai X designs and revisions have their own file cabinet as well as digital backups. Her measurements are double and triple checked, even though she probably had it right the first time. Every choice she makes is calculated and buffed out, from the interlocking gears to the paint job. She prides on her work on being practical and aesthetic, thank you very much.
Jay, meanwhile, is the definition of fuck around and find out. Blueprints? Who needs em, anyways? The only thing vaguely resembling “notes” in his work area are scrap pieces of paper with the most round-about mathematics ever (complete with indecipherable short-hand and a stick figure drawing of Jay holding a blowtorch, naturally.) He will change up plans on the fly and casually stick his hands in very sharp moving parts like there is no tomorrow. Safety equipment? He grew up in a junkyard. He had a wrench in his hand before he could walk. Yeah, no, he’s pretty sure he’s fine, thanks.
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taddymason · 1 month
all I'm saying is that Show Jay would be a terrible influence on Movie Jay. Can you imagine that shy and introverted kid meeting an older and chaotic version of himself who says everything he thinks, is extremely loud and impulsive? Show Jay would probably suggest the worst possible solution to a problem like stealing/lying, and Movie Jay would only agree because he can't bring himself to tell him he's crazy.
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writer-room · 8 months
I hope wherever Pixal is she's absolutely fine, not because I don't want to see my blorbos hurt, in fact I love when they get fucked up, but specifically for the comedy potential. Because knowing Pixal, there's a high chance she's already completely accepted that Zane has died for the 10th time somewhere and is probably in the midst of trying to find and revive him along with the other ninja. She's entered full "guess Zane's dead again time to cope by not coping at all" mode. She abandoned the grieving stage once she realized this was a common occurrence. The grind never stops, she hasn't seen sunlight in six months, and probably didn't even realize the realms Merged.
Zane, however, is very much not used to being on the other side of "this person I love might be dead or is otherwise missing somewhere". He's moping on the floor. Staring out the window like a victorian maiden. Longing for when his beloved will return from the war. The saddest, soaking wet kitten you ever did see. About to recite poetry at a moments notice. He's given sympathies as well as being mocked endlessly by his annoyed friends because yeah, how does it feel NOW, Zane? FEELS BAD DOESN'T IT
And then they just find each other at a store somewhere in the Crossroads like it's an average Tuesday afternoon. Do you see the vision
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destinysbounty · 2 months
I know I have wayyy too many fan projects on my to-do list to warrant adding another one onto the pile (cough cough the 30-minute love triangle video essay), but for years now I've been wanting to do a rewrite/novelization of the Shadow of Ronin video game. Because like, the lore of this game has so many fucked up implications that never get acknowledged - but unlike with most fucked up Ninjago lore, the game is just obscure enough that not as many people are familiar with it enough to facilitate a broader discussion about this stuff. And dammit, I need at least one fic talking about how messed up SoR actually was and if I cannot find it I guess I'll just have to create it.
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kiynania · 9 months
So I was watching a Zane hc vid earlier today and there was this one hc that said that Zane canonically forgot abt Dareth after the whole Never Realm shit and after they told me the ep I went back and saw this scene
OK no let me refresh it for a sec
When Zane and Pixal are in the bar, the mood changes after they run into Dareth
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And then Dareth talks to them and just.
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"You know him?"
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Why wasn't this ever addressed.
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seashoes · 8 months
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finished season 2 you know what that means. Sadness.
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rainofthetwilight · 2 months
not me writing an essay of why dragons rising is good in arabic rn
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spicyicymeloncat · 8 months
Um so. Idk how to format this overlord/time twins theory/rewrite at all so I’m just gonna paste my brain into tumblr
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The overlord is the embodiment of evil and all things bad.
He is the series finale villain back when it was just two seasons and it makes sense that he is because he’s the evil counterpart to ninjago’s god, the fsm.
The time twins are the series finale villains when Ninjago was just gonna be 7 seasons. And it makes no sense at all other than the vague symbolism around the concept of time. But they aren’t connected to any previously established lore. They’re just guys.
But what if they were… connected?
After all the overlord has a big clock and time can certainly be a gimmick of his.
And there’s no explanation of how the overlord always comes back.
What if… time is on his side. The time twins have an infinite control of time and destiny connecting them to the overlord who represents an inevitable doom, a cycle of violence doomed to repeat itself.
More on the time twins, what if they were always present in the series, due to their ability to time travel they are always setting up some key plot point, like they may have spread tales of the golden master to the serpentine, created the celestial clock, nudged Chen in the right direction, lead Nadakhan to the realm crystal.
What if they were there, always in the background? They are after all, currently lost in time. It might not even be the versions of them we know, placing the pieces. It could be them from a far distant and desolate future, having seen a world under the overlord’s rule, where they reign, and as the hands of time, the hands of the overlord itself, it’s their duty to see that destiny take place.
It also links to my favourite rewrite idea for season 7, where a lot more time travel takes place and the ninja travel to all sorts of different time zones, and Lloyd ends up at the day of the great devourer’s attack on Ninjago city. A child meets him only to watch him disappear through a time portal, abandoning her as her family is killed in the attack.
This child is Harumi and this is why she hates the green ninja specifically. She goes on to resurrect Garmadon, only to die and fall victim to the manipulation of the overlord. And the portal that was opened was of course the work of the time twins, using Harumi as merely a cog in their grand design to bring the overlord back.
I don’t know what the hands of time are to the overlord, maybe they’re just guys who decided they want to work for the overlord and the overlord gave them powers, or maybe the overlord created them as an extension of himself. Maybe they were the ones to give time it’s name.
The overlord is a looming presence of darkness upon Ninjago but he does not have much presence from beyond the grave, and instead relies on the slow dread of the passage of time to sprinkle seeds of doubt.
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the-ninjago-historian · 3 months
I'm feeling sad today, so FLUFFY COLE X VANIA HEADCANONS TIME!
FEAST YOUR EYES UPON MY HALFBAKED SHIPPING IDEAS!!!🤣🤣🤣 Lol. I need something to cheer me up. These or Pixane usually does the trick. Also, I wrote most of these well past my bedtime. So you KNOW it's gonna be fun! Lol! And I have a little post-series stuff thrown in too. So these headcanons aren't canon to Dragons Rising. Just wanted to make that clear. Anyhoo, let's go!
1: Vania fell first. Cole fell harder.
2: They like to go hiking and spelunking ALL the time. They're the cutest little adventure duo ever! They've discovered all sorts of secret places in Shintaro's mountains. And even some ancient artifacts and cave paintings from Shintaro's past!
3: Whenever Cole visits Shintaro, Vania just lights up. She's happiest when she has her bestie with her.❤️
4: Vania once tried to teach Cole how to use the Shintarians Flight Packs. He was absolutely terrified at first. (Falling off of stuff trauma.😭) But Vania told him to focus on something nice so he wouldn't look down too much. He ended up looking at her. Cue mutual blushing and shy downward glances.🤣
5: Cole taught her some new dance moves. (She had been brought up on more refined forms of dance. Like waltz and such.) She wanted to try something different.
6: At first, they are both quite shy around each other. Not quite sure how close to get. But eventually once they got comfortable around each other, they became very snuggly and affectionate. Especially Cole.😊🧡🧡🧡
7: Everyone in the Ninja fam were super happy when Cole finally admitted to liking Vania. He'd always been so supportive of their own relationships. So they were happy he'd finally have a partner of his own to love.
8: Vise versa, the Geckle and Munce were very excited that the Skyfolk Queen was interested in the Son of Gilly/Milly.
9: Vania loves to chatter about her interests and Cole is always happy to listen. (Chatty Extrovert x Good Listener!😁) Vania sometimes secretly worries she's talking his ear off. She doesn't know that Cole loves just hearing her voice.🥹❤️
10: Vania is very protective of Cole. She loves him dearly. Even before they started their relationship. She wasn't kidding when she said she would bring her entire army to his aid. (As seen in Crystalized.) That being said, I think she would do anything in her power to help keep him safe.
Okay, post series ones now!
11: Cole had this perfect plan for proposing to her. Except he wasn't expecting one thing. When it finally came time to propose, Vania proposed at the same time. 🤣 They laughed about it more a good ten minutes before exchanging rings.
12: Cole ends up becoming King Consort of Shintaro. At first, the Shintarian people are a bit apprehensive to the idea of having some who isn't a Shintarian on the throne. But this changes quickly after seeing what a good ruler he is. And he quickly becomes popular with the people.
13: They have three kids. Their names are Valkyrie, Zephyr, and Collette. AKA Cole Jr.✨ More on that later.
14: Val and Zephie here are twins. But, they're aren't identical twins. Val looks more human and is the spitting image of Lilly. Except with streaks of gold in her black hair. Meanwhile, Zephyr looks more like a Shintarian. And he has the opposite. Gold hair with black streaks.
15: Cole was unbelievably excited about finally becoming a father. He'd always wanted kids of his own. When Val and Zephyr were born, he actually cried when he got to hold them. He couldn't believe him and Vania could make something so beautiful.
16: Collette is the baby of the family. She's adorable and definitely a daddy's girl. Also, this happened;👉
Jay: Hey Cole! I guess you missed out on naming one of your kids Cole Jr again, huh?
Cole: *smirks* Oh? Meet your niece, Collette.
Jay: A- *Jay EXE. has stopped*
Cole: *Dabs in victory*
Kai: Son of a gun. He did it.
And FINALLY, this funky quick doodle I did of them. It's kinda "Meh" but I tried.😅 (Vania is a nightmare for me to draw. Lol.)
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On a side note, I'll probably do something like this for each of my favorite Ninjago ships. That should be fun!
(Tagging @only-lonely-stars because I know she like these two. Hope you don't mind!)
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mx-julien · 3 months
we should meet the village that raised Kai and Nya. how else did they learn to take care of themselves? we know they were left alone right around the ages of 8-10, and when we see them in the pilot they're self-sufficient and run a successful business
culture-wise, we're clued in that Ray and Maya are vaguely East Asian, so the reference I'll be using is the traditionally Japanese method of teaching kids independence. here's an overgeneralization:
that kids are taught to clean up after themselves from an early age and by the time their directional skills are OK they are sent on their first errand to (usually) a nearby store or shrine
you may be familiar with the idea from the series Old Enough! filmed in 1991 that showed Japanese kids on their first errands (currently it's on netflix)
brainstorming thread for this post on bluesky
even if we assume they were taught independence from an early age, they can't've known how to proficiently smith weapons or tools. they also have basic education in addition to Nya's knowledge of electrical engineering and welding. they must've had to apprentice under other blacksmiths in addition to going to school.
this would also explain why Kai is so fiercely, often illogically independent in the pilot and first season. he's spent the past decade of his life being helped by others, and he doesn't want to rely on anyone else if he can avoid it. in this new life as a ninja, he thinks, I can be completely independent. I won't have to rely on anyone! and thus begins his character development
let's explore "it takes a village"
farmers always give them their less attractive produce but refuse to take payment, telling the Smith kids that they're doing them a favor by taking the ugly ones. the local schoolhouse never approaches them about tuition.
neighbors by while their kid's taking a nap. they bring lunch or dinner, teach the two how to clean the house, and show them how to make the food they brought. caretakers at the village shrine ask them to help sweep away the leaves on the anniversary of their parent's disappearance. a few friends come by with flowers- it's a coincidence, they say: these wildflowers are just taking over my garden bed- it's no big deal.
electricians and welders in the area always seem to need an extra hand when Nya gets out of school. Kai cleans the blacksmith shop a few towns over and gets paid in an apprenticeship and a permanent stock of firewood and coal during the winter. the ice house happens to have unsellable, broken ice blocks when Nya pops by in the summer.
the two of them know. the village is part of a careful dance, respecting Kai and Nya's independence while acknowledging their need for support. everyone plays a part. yes, toes get stepped on and feelings get hurt, but time rolls on regardless. another person comes in from the sidelines when someone else takes a break.
it is not easy for the Smith kids, not by a long shot, but the people surrounding them make it bearable
as time marches on, their village sees the children they raised save the world dozens of times. occasionally, the Smith kids come back to take care of the shop and check in with everyone after avoiding the latest apocalypse.
without thinking, neighbors hand them a basket of misshapen apples, half a sack of broken rice, and trimmings from the butcher's. by the time each of them make it home, they've noticed their pockets jingling. the dance continues and now they've switched places
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writing-hat · 5 months
hi I need help which fic and idea would you prefer for valentine's day? order is by what I have started and with the most length
The first one voted will be for (hopefully) valentine's day! then I will publish by order of most to least voted.
Ight. Thanks folks.
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sexiestwerewolf · 2 months
suddenly coming up with an au idea where Lloyd and Harumi are twins and they get split up at birth where Harumi ends up in the foster system and Lloyd ends up in Darkley's and Harumi had no idea of her heritage until after her adoptive parents got killed and she did some research and came across the fact that Lord Garmadon had, in fact, two kids which were her and Lloyd
also she finds out it was Lloyd who released the serpentine and she gets really bitter and angry because why did she have to suffer losing her parents while Lloyd went on to be the green ninja after his actions and even built a relationship with their father and then she gets even angrier when she finds out he was sacrificed in the battle against Chen and his anacondrai army so she finds a way to resurrect him
I also like to imagine that with the royal family they put a lot of pressure on her and so she felt that she was unfairly treated and set up to high expectations while Lloyd got to have fame and fun and adoring fans (miscommunication jealousy trope yay) but also Lloyd would think the same of her he'd wonder why she did all this when her time with the royal family seemed so "perfect" until eventually they actually talk to eachother
there wouldn't be any romantic subplot in this one nty (especially with tomorrows tea Lloyd would be a lot older than her here) but Harumi hides that she's Lloyd's sister until the Oni temple and she basically tells Lloyd only those of Oni blood can get the mask and then immediately reaches in and grabs it and reveals who she is. idk I just really like this idea imagine the ANGST potential
and also there would be a ton of parallels between Wu and Garmadon especially with fate/destiny and all that and the knowledge that your own sibling is/has the potential to be the greatest evil. and when Garmadon is resurrected and chooses Harumi over Lloyd she thinks she's finally won and gotten everything she ever wanted
after the whole Oni trilogy is over Lloyd asks Garmadon why he never mentioned he had a sister and Garmadon states that he didn't know what he could've even done with that information because Harumi was long gone by now and had a completely different name and had no record of her birth (same with Lloyd he technically doesn't exist lol) and he wouldn't know where to find her, he just didnt expect that she would've found out about her heritage before any of them were able to find her
Sensei Garmadon definitely felt remorse over never being able to find his daughter, but I think Emperor Garmadon would be conflicted about it and when he did learn how he cared for things (I don't think he had to learn how to care, he just had to learn how to process caring for other people and his more positive emotions because the only things he understood were anger and hatred)
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sun-six · 9 months
okay listen, office worker amnesiac Jay but…
After attempting and failing to break Jay out of the Administration (cough* kidnap), the ninja try a new tactic. All the ninja apply to work at the Administration under secret identities but only one gets in (personally I like Cole being the one) or all of them.
Cole shows up overly excited about a boring 9-5 job and Jay thinks he’s crazy. This new guy keeps trying to befriend him- desperately almost.
For example, Cole bringing him coffee every day and saying, “You’ll really like this one.” (He knows it’s Jay’s favourite even if Jay doesn’t remember it.)
Or, “Have you read this comic book? It’s really great, you should try it.” (Cole has never been a fan of comic books but Jay never shut up about it.)
Once Cole is sure Jay trusts him, he tries to get him out. Of course being told your new best friend has always been your best friend and is a ninja master of earth is pretty groundbreaking and Jay runs for the hills. Cue Kai chasing him down, both of them yelling at each other while Cole contemplates life.
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aroninshonour · 2 months
Just thought of a scene for Amnesia!Jay and I'm so gonna plug it in right here :)
(Think of this as a scene for a random ah fanfic or as a minific or something)
His computer screen glows brightly in the dimly lit office. A man sat slouched, his face resting on his hand as he scrolled through the Ninjago News of the past. He has no clue how long or how far down he's gotten. Just that he knew he was searching for something.
Who was he? Before....all this?
He scrolled, looking like he hadn't been looking for anything at all. He'd been used to doing that by now, knowing the trouble he'd get in if he ever got caught searching for things outside the administration's approval.
His finger stopped scrolling.
Thats him. He sat up a bit, staring intensely at the screen infront of him.
He studied the picture he was looking at.
Him. Wearing what looked like a party hat. It had blue and orange stripes on it. There was another blue and orange striped hat, this one however, sat atop a metal...no, titanium...person? Robot? Droid? Their outfit was white and gray.
Then there was another hat type, this one green with red dots around it. Someone with brown, spiked hair and a red outfit wore it. So did another person with black, long-ish hair and a black and orange outfit. And another...a woman. Her black hair tied up in a pony tail, her outfit gray with bits of blue.
She smiled at him.
Jay stared at her picture, her smile, she was so...perfect.
But...who, are these people? Who was the little toddler who danced infront of them as they sung into a microphone?
He read the caption. The Ninja having saved ninjago once again, dance and sing to their victory!
The word rung in his head. Was that who he was? Who he used to be?
The word sounded so familiar. The picture replayed in his mind. The scene felt so familiar in on it's own. She felt so damn familiar, they felt so familiar but who are they?!
Why were they so close yet so far? Why couldn't he just remember? They felt so familiar yet so strange to him.
He scrolled a touch farther down the article. There was a video. Reluctantly, he clicked it.
He stared at it as it played, sounds of singing and toddler babbling played, music in the background.
Then it stopped, it was over. Jay sat in silence for a moment.
His face scrunched up, his eyes seeming to gloss over as he clicked it again, and again, and again.
He was so frustrated! Why couldn't he remember?! Why was his mind so...so, insistent on forgetting?!
He wanted so badly to remember who he was, Where he came from, who his friends and family were.
He couldn't. He couldn't remember.
As his frustration lingered, his gut churned, he lay his head in his arms on the desk and cried. Quietly, but he cried. He was so tired. Exhausted. He just wanted to know who he was...who he used to be.
Calm once again he sat back up and studied the faces in the picture intently. He knew them at one point, and now he was going to find them.
The administration isn't going to stop him anymore. Not if he makes it out at least. If he knew these people, maybe they're important. Maybe they know his family, maybe they were his friends. Maybe the toddler in the picture is grown up a bit now. It couldn't have been that long right? He still looked almost exactly the same as he did in the picture.
He packed up a few things in a small backpack, food, water, money that he got from the administration. (Hopefully it worked outside the administration...)
He left. Didn't even turn back. Snuck through the doors and left.
He was going to find these people. Or at least...he hoped too. If they weren't gone or too far lost.
He shook his head at the thought. No time for that he thought as he ran as far as he could from the place he'd lived for...well, as long as he could remember.
He made it (Undetected, as far as he was aware) to a place people called 'The Cross Roads'. Maybe he'd find them here.
He took a look around, unsure where to go. (He did think he seemed a bit out of place though...still wearing his formal attire) His look of confusion shifted a bit to suspicion as he noticed a boy pointing at him as he talked to the girl next to him. The boy wore an orange hoodie with blue jeans. The hoodie had a dragon imprinted on it. His hair was black and curly. The girl wore her hair in a ponytail, it was pink with cat-ear headphones on her head. Her left arm looked to be prosthetic. Her white outfit held pink and golds and dark blues. A cat key-chain as well.
It reminded him of the white gi he saw on the titanium droid in the picture. The two stared at him a bit wide eyed. It...kinda freaked him out a bit.
The boy began to run towards him. He froze unsure what to do.
"HEY!" The boy shouted as he ran up. Jay smiled awkwardly, as he stood perfectly still, as if it'd make him invisible.
As the boy made his way up, he slowed to a stop and bent over to catch his breath a bit. The girl now appeared behind the other.
"Uhm...Hi?..." Jay paused for a moment. "Do I...know, you?" He awkwardly smiled again.
The curly haired guy stood up again, (He was a lot taller than Jay expected) his hands curled into fists infront of his chest. His eyes seemed to *literally* shine like stars as he smiled breathlessly.
"Are you Jay Walker?!"
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jamjuice04 · 3 months
I saw ur tk hc's on Sensei Garmadon
now we just need somethin' on him and Wu literally just wrecking Lloyd.
Can do!
It had been a very quiet day at Garmadon’s monastery. With the all current threats taken care of, there wasn’t much for Garmadon to do aside from teach classes, keep his monastery in order, and keep his mind clear. And all of those things had been done.
Peace could be boring, Garmadon reflected, from where he was on his third walk around his grounds today. And while he would never forget how treasured peace was, boredom was a foe of its own. Luckily, he had a son to spend time with.
It wasn’t hard to find Lloyd. He didn’t leave the monastery very often after what had happened to Zane. He was taking the loss the best out of all his brothers, but it was still a marked difference from when he had been traveling all over Ninjago just a few months ago. His son was in the training room, running through exercises that he had learned yesterday.
“Good morning, son. Care for a sparring match?” Garmadon asked, setting his staff and shoes to the side.
“Sure,” Lloyd said. He rolled his shoulders. “No powers, right?”
“Take mercy on your old father,” Garmadon chuckled. “Give me a fair chance.”
Lloyd grinned back. “Sure. Try not to throw out your back.”
“Oho, so that’s how it’s going to be?” Garmadon circled his son, settling into a loose fighting stance.
“You said it first,” Lloyd said with a shrug. He lunged, sending a flurry of punches at his father’s face and ribs, and then dropped low to try and sweep his feet out from underneath him.
Garmadon blocked every blow, hopped over his leg, and sent him sprawling with a gentle cuff on the head. “Too slow.”
Lloyd sprang back to his feet, pressing another attack. This time it was a series of kicks, but he stayed in constant motion, spinning and dodging and ducking to avoid any retaliation from Garmadon. Again, his father blocked every one, but this time, Lloyd was able to block Garmadon’s blows as well. They began to go back and forth, chasing each other across the mat.
“I see you’ve been working on your footwork,” Garmadon said, blocking an elbow from Lloyd and driving him back with a knee.
Lloyd batted his leg away, trying to get him off balance. “Along with everything else. That all you got?” When his father grinned sharply, he knew he’d made a mistake. Garmadon caught his next punch and slung him to the ground, pouncing on him before he could recover.
“Dad?” Lloyd giggled nervously, trying to wriggle away. He was pretty sure he already knew what this was about. “I thought we were sparring.”
“Sparring, training; it’s basically the same thing,” Garmadon said, cracking his knuckles.
“I don’t think this is training,” Lloyd said, catching his hands when he began to lower them.
“On the contrary, my dear boy,” Garmadon said. “Think of it as endurance training. This is a terrible weakness of yours. If a villain were to ever exploit it, you would be done for. I cannot in good conscience, as both a father and a teacher, allow you to go out into the world unprepared.”
“Dad, noHOHO!” Lloyd’s words were abruptly cut off by a loud squeak as his father batted his hands to the side and began to squeeze his sides.
“See? Weakening already,” Garmadon said, clicking his tongue. His fingers were working their way up Lloyd’s ribs, digging gently into his skin.“That’s no good. I think we should play an endurance game.”
“Nohoho!” Lloyd squealed, pulling his arms in and trying to turn over onto his side.
Garmadon merely extracted a hand to spider along the back of his ribs. “But you’re having fun!” He stopped abruptly, catching Lloyd’s wrists and hauling them away from his sides. “Here’s the challenge. I’m going to let your arms go - stop laughing - and if you keep them up for thirty seconds, you may go. If not, we start over.”
“Are you sure you’re not still evil?” Lloyd giggled, wrapping his arms around himself. He made no real effort to escape.
“Forty seconds, just for that comment.”
Garmadon leaned over him, grinning. “Arms up, son.” Lloyd considered his options for a few seconds, and then slowly folded his arms behind his head. His father struck quickly and without warning, tickling his sides. The Green Ninja’s arms crashed down immediately.
“I wahasn’t reheheady! Not fahahair!”
“Fair? Your enemies won’t be fair,” Garmadon chuckled, focusing his attack on Lloyd’s belly. His son curled in, laughter pitching up. “Your enemies will be ruthless and cruel.”
“Dahahad!” Lloyd tried to turn onto his side, grabbing at his hands. His laughter got significantly louder when Garmadon clawed gently at his stomach, pulling him closer so he couldn’t escape.
“What is going on in here?”
Garmadon looked back, noticing his brother standing in the doorway. “Good morning, brother!” He dragged Lloyd into his lap, walking his fingers up his son’s ribs.
“Good morning,” Wu said, raising an eyebrow. “Training?”
“Hehehehelp!” Lloyd cried, drowning out any response Garmadon could have given. He was grinning widely, pressing back against his father’s chest to try and escape his hands. “He’s killing mehehehe!”
Wu set his staff to the side and approached. “Don’t do anything rash, brother,” Garmadon said, grinning slightly. He stopped tickling Lloyd, but his hands didn’t move from his son’s ribs. Lloyd made no attempt to escape either. Wu sat down next to them, eyeing Garmadon warily.
“So what exactly is going on here?”
“Endurance training,” Garmadon said, settling his chin on Lloyd’s head. “If I had remembered to use this technique, I probably could have beaten your students.”
“You have a point,” Wu said, nodding.
“What?” Lloyd said, eyes widening.
“However, I think I should even the odds a bit.”
“Try me,” Garmadon challenged, straightening up slightly.
Wu merely smiled and waved a hand. “Relax, brother. That’s not what I meant.” He reached out, poking Lloyd in the side. “Are you paying attention, nephew? This is important information.”
“Yes! I’m listening!” Lloyd yelped, batting at his hand.
“If you want to know how to beat my brother in a fight, you must first learn where his weaknesses are.” Without warning, Wu began squeezing Lloyd’s sides. The Green Ninja squeaked, immediately bursting into laughter and trying to wriggle away. “His sides are his worst spot,” Wu explained. His fingers darted to Lloyd’s stomach, causing him to squeal. “His stomach is also quite bad.”
“You’re on thin ice, brother,” Garmadon threatened playfully, spidering his fingers over Lloyd’s neck and ears.
“I am merely contributing to your lesson,” Wu said almost innocently. His fingers climbed Lloyd’s ribs, digging gently into the bone. “His ribs are also quite ticklish. From there his sensitivity usually drops. Seeing as you are no match for either of us, I would recommend attacking him with strength in numbers, and to go for his worst spots first. Understand?”
Lloyd’s only response was near hysterical laughter. He couldn’t curl up to push away his uncle’s hands without exposing his neck and ears to his father. “You’re going to have to speak up, son,” Garmadon chuckled.
“Understood!” Lloyd yelped, trying in vain to roll onto his stomach. “Uncle Wu, plehehehease!”
“His tolerance really is low,” Wu said, tapping his fingers on Lloyd’s stomach. Garmadon nodded, doing his best to look genuinely concerned. It was hard to do when he couldn’t stop grinning.
“Whahaha- what about the others,” Lloyd giggled, trying to grab Wu’s hand.
His uncle paused to let him breathe, tilting his head. “Are they as bad as you?”
“For sure,” Lloyd said nervously, giggles increasing as Garmadon slowly walked his fingers down his arms toward his sides.
“They shouldn’t miss out on this learning opportunity,” Garmadon said. His fingers stopped next to Lloyd’s sides. “But you won’t tell them, will you? After all, they need to be prepared for a surprise attack.”
“My lips as sealed,” Lloyd said, nervous laughter becoming near frantic.
Garmadon hummed, thinking and looked at his brother. Wu nodded after a few seconds, and patted Lloyd’s stomach. “Thank you for the recommendation, nephew. But understand that your tolerance needs to be brought up.”
“Yep, completely understand,” Lloyd said, slowly turning onto his side and away from their hands. “Later though, right?”
“Later,” Garmadon agreed. “But this is only the beginning.” He grinned mischievously at Wu. “Tell me when you’re ready to start.”
“I will,” Wu said. “You should finish training normally so they don’t suspect anything. I’ll be back after breakfast.”
After Wu left the room, Garmadon rolled Lloyd back onto his back, leaning down to examine him. “Still alive?”
“Yep,” Lloyd said. He was still smiling.
Garmadon ruffled his hair. “Good. Do you want to go get breakfast?”
“Absolutely,” Lloyd said. Garmadon offered him a hand, and they headed for the kitchen.
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localguy2 · 1 year
Okay so... Imagine Zane, but no memory switch.
Like Julien didn't even build one.
And in Zane's attempt to move on from his life in Birchwood, he begins seeking out a certain old man who visited him a few years ago.
A certain, Son of the First Spinjitzu Master.
And when he finds that man, Wu takes Zane under his wing, and he begins training him.
Eventually, Wu gets attached to his new student, the same way he got attached to Morro.
And so, Wu is now absolutely terrified of sharing anything about the prophecy of the Green ninja, because he's scared that Zane would leave just like Morro.
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