#I spent a good portion of my last mock with the prof who is doing half of my comparative empires field
waugh-bao · 4 months
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canaryatlaw · 7 years
alright, so today was all around pretty good, I’m satisfied. I woke up to my alarm at 10:20, got ready and headed down to school for a noon “mini-panel” we’re doing for CFLA about getting a summer job, this one focusing on public interest/child protection, so it was me and my two friends (that is, pretty much the two people in my year that I’d consider my friends) and a few 2L’s that threw some occasional impact in. It was similar to the one I did last week for the family fellows, but we chatted and gave advice and such, so it was pretty nice. After it was over I went to the PAD office and intended to get some bus orgs reading done being that I have approximately 5 hours to kill until my night class, though that’s not what ended up happening, although it was for fairly good reason. I started watching the child defender fellowship session being that I didn’t get to do it over the weekend, and that took a little over an hour, and then I spent a while updating the company tumblr because I try to do that consistently every Sunday and didn't get a chance to do it yesterday. While I was doing that the new episode of the legends of tomorrow podcast dropped, and I mean, I had to listen to it immediately because those are my friends (so they’re not actually my friends, but I’m friends with several other hosts on the network, and I always write into them and they like me so I feel like I can claim friendship, lol. It was a double episode that was almost two hours long, so even though I use a speed listening app, it took a good deal of time to listen to. By the time I finished with that it was after four, so I basically just said fuck it to getting any bus orgs reading done 🤷🏻‍♀️ hardly the end of the world. I got some dinner (I wasn’t sure if there would be food at the panel or not so I only packed one meal, and there wasn’t food there, so I needed another meal) from Potbelly, which is a local sandwich chain place that’s pretty decent. Went to poverty law, which was mostly about how to conduct administrative hearings for appealing things like termination of welfare or social security or disability benefits and such, which my prof said she’s doing mostly so we would be able to do some pro bono if the occasion ever arises, because there are a lot of lawyers who apparently want to do pro bono work but shirk away from administrative hearings where they really need people, and it’s really not that difficult. We’re doing a mock exercise on them next week, shouldn’t be too hard, pretty standard 5 minute argument, which is nothing after mock trial and trial ad and everything. Over the break we talked a bit about my prof being super stressed out because her family is in the process of moving to a new house so her parents can live in with them due to their deteriorating health, which as you can imagine is super stressful, which I could relate to being that we went through basically the same thing when we moved and our grandma moved in with us (because we were in a 4 bedroom home with 2 parents, 4 kids, and a grandma in the bedroom that was really only ever intended to be a nursery, and 2 kids per room, so you could say it was a bit cramped). So I understood how she was feeling there. We let out around 8 since everyone was tired, which was nice. I got home and started Supergirl, which ohmygosh, gave me so many feelings lol. I really liked this episode. first off, THE SMALLVILLE REFERENCES. OH MY HEART. I never expected this would actually happen lol. I was very impressed by the performances given by both younger versions of Alex and Kara, who both also had a rather uncanny resemblance to the older actors playing the same characters. I kind of laughed given that most of the episode was filmed without pretty much any of the main cast, that must’ve made it easier to shoot at the same time. The part where J’onn comes to try and deter Kara from using her powers disguising himself as Alura was all too emotional, and I loved getting to see Erica Durance do more than just a few second shot, I have to say I’ve never understood sibling rivalry between sisters, maybe just because my sister is so much younger than me, but we legit never fight. Like I can count on one hand the number of times one of us has been truly irritated or annoyed with the other. So seeing Kara and Alex fight like that was kind of weird for me, especially because I feel like they retconned their age difference quite a bit here, as it appeared Kara was 15 and Alex was 17, where previously I think there was a larger age gap between them (more like 4 or 5 years). But yeah, overall I really enjoyed the episode, and it’s unfortunate Meh-El is returning next episode which I’m sure will only detract from the quality of the episode sadly. Oh well, they’re only burying themselves and further alienating a solid portion of their fan base 🤷🏻‍♀️ their call. I was reading a fan fic I wanted to finish, so I stayed up a bit longer and watched some Jimmy Kimmel until I finished it, then started getting ready for bed, and here we are. Tomorrow should be a pretty standard Tuesday, nothing particularly special planned besides getting pizza in between classes, lol. So I guess that’s it for now. Talk to you again tomorrow. Goodnight dolls. Hope your Monday didn’t suck.
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