#these 150 books and I are on bad terms right now
waugh-bao · 4 months
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onlycosmere · 3 months
Questioner: Do you have plans to self-produce your books into movies or TV shows? If Taylor Swift can do it, you can.
Questioner: Oh right, yeah, Taylor Swift. Let's point out, there's a little bit of a difference between a 45 million dollar Kickstarter and a 1.6 billion dollar tour. So, we've talked about this, and I've come to the conclusion that for right now I don't want to try it. There are a couple of reasons for this.
Reason number one is that I like my Kickstarters to have a ton of value in them, right? I always tell my team, I'm like, we have to be giving a lot of value to people on the stuff that they do with our crowdfunding or our Kickstarters. And that means that, of that 45 million dollars, we don't make a lot of that. We're putting most of that into the product, and into the shipping, and into the team, and into the company. And so, if we were to do a crowdfunded movie, we need like a 200 million dollar budget, 150 at the lowest, to do a film. And if I'm going to do that, I would want to be giving people a ton of value which means we'd probably have to raise 450 million, which is just a ridiculous amount to do on a crowdfunding, right? So that's number one.
Number two is, a lot of times, these sort of outsider projects don't work as well in Hollywood as you would hope they would. Taylor Swift was able to do a thing and put it directly in the theaters and whatnot, but what we want is a partner over a long period of time. I want someone like Universal, or Disney, or Warner Brothers, who has a long established reputation to buy in on the cosmere, and make things with me for twenty years, right? I don't want to just do one off, I want to build something over time and I feel like I need a really good partner in the industry to do that.
And you know, reason number three is, a fool and their money is soon parted. I've known too many people who think, yeah I can make a movie. And let's just say that there's a reason why The Room isn't that great, and it's because being good in one area doesn't mean you're good in another. I am really good at narrative. I'm getting good at screenplays, right? I'm getting to the point where I feel confident I could do the screenplays myself. But I can't direct, I can't cinematographize, I don't even know how to make that a verb, right? I can't do casting, I can't do all of these things that experts in their field, and yes, I could start hiring them, but I feel like, never having run a movie before, it would just be a disaster. So you would donate all this money, I would waste it all, because I wouldn't know what I'm doing, and this is how Kickstarters go bad real fast, right? I've only done these things when I know I can deliver, and I do not know I can deliver this for you.
So, for the mean time, I'm going to keep trying to use the standard mechanisms. I feel like, you know like, this year we got frighteningly close. Well, frightening is the wrong term. The frightening part is it didn't work out. But we got really, really close. I saw people on stage, in mistcloaks, acting and reading my lines, okay? Yeah. And then it all fell apart, and it's all dead, right? We got really close, but we're getting closer and closer. And Hollywood is really interested in the Cosmere. They recognize the value of my stories. They've been, for years, saying, we know this is going to come, break out, and it's going to be big someday. But it's all about figuring out how to make it work, and beyond that, Hollywood is kind of on fire right now. And so we're waiting for it to, for someone to put it out. So, regardless, the answer is, I've considered it, and I've discarded it for those reasons, but it's still possibly on the table. It is something that, you know, the awareness of the possibility is in the back of my mind, okay?
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bloopitynoot · 19 days
Reading SVSSS: Chapter 3
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For those who don't know, I am reading SVSSS for the first time and sharing my thoughts!
If you have not read it, there will be spoilers! Consider this a warning.
Also- if you want to follow along, I am aiming to post updates daily. You can find all the posts in the tag bloopitynoot reads SVSSS. You can also check out the intro post for context on my read.
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oh, that's good, he's (Shen Qingqiu/Shen Yuan) not dead p135
also not related to my read, but this time I am actually writing at my table (instead of cocooned in a blanket on my couch) so hopefully these note are easier to read (Read: I am trying to have neater handwriting for ✨aesthetic✨). All I need with my notes, book, and tea is a candle and i'd be living my ancient academic fantasy.
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If anyone wants to know this chapter is accompanied by a white tea that tastes like loquats. It's my favourite nostalgic tea. My family used to travel south when I was small and my grandparent's house there had a loquat tree. I haven't had loquats in over a decade (canada lol) but this tea tastes jut like them.
Anyways! Back to SVSSS!
Give me patience: the amount of dislike I have anytime Ming Fan is present p135
oh dang, this boy can cook! p138
Re: this boy can cook- Bye LOL "Luo Binghe's excellent cooking skills were his foremost lady-killing technique." p138
boo, I am upset that the Abyss scenario still needs to happen (But I get it, of course it can't be that easy- we do need plot for this book) p139
I can't XD he really is falling into the plot/character of Protagonists Love Interest. First the congee cooking and no the "Poison cure" p142
RE: WAIT: I am crying LOL
But like could he 👀 "Like, he knew that the going at it with the protagonist could have cured the poison, but like he could do that! Could he? Ha ha ha ha..." p145
Not Liu Qingge over here thinking Shen Qingqiu is possessed (not really wrong though) p147
once again we have Ming Fan -> honestly I would not be surprised if he ended up the new villain/scum character role p148 there is nothing likeable about him
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this line is killing me "Shen Qingqiu was astoundingly oblivious to the fact that, thanks to the divine wingman abilities of his useless teammate, Ming Fan, Luo BInghe's favor has again risen to a new high" p.150
Oh god, he's in Luo Binghe's dream world. I am so nervous for this. p. 152
Dang. Why so many deductions for failure -1000 is a LOT for him p154
okay but this dream subplot is feeding my theory that Shen Qingqiu is switching character roles from villain to Love Interest p155
Oh no :( not his childhood bullies p160
omg and now his mom's death p161
Shen Qingqiu has been taking a constant beating for 164 pages- how is he not dead p164
LOL Shen Qingqiu really said "i'm not paid enough for this emotional labour" p167
Also Shen Qingqiu "I finished my friendship performance; I can finally leave work now" p169 what a vibe
Even the Dream Demon Lord is over how much Luo Binghe talks about Shen Qingqiu (p172)
uuuugh the foreshadowing RE: if you don't learn the demon path and the seal breaks you are basically fucked p.173
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You tell that demon, Luo Binghe! RE: "right now, you are discussing terms with me, and you are free to say anything...but if you harm Shizun, any agreement is void!" p177
LOL "Aura of Badassery" p177
Shen Qingqiu after a very bad no good series of days "pls I dont want to see you omg leave me alone I am v tired" p179 this guy can't catch a break
The dichotomy of Shen Yuan acting in this though. Outward: I definitely can handle this. Inward: I'm so fucking scared, I do not got this. Is so real p180
Shen Qingqiu "I want this kid to remain optimistic and feel positive with his heritage (so he does not turn evil and mass murder me and everyone else)"Luo Binghe "I am going to be the strongest of strong possible so that I can protect Shen Qingqiu" p182
Oh gods, not him asking him to move in with him (to basically have a servant but like Luo Binghe has just had his entire life changed) p185
okay so age check- suddenly he's 15??? I thought this kid was 14 like 3 days ago?? p186
Points to Shen Yuan though for noting that how Luo Binghe was being treated was child abuse. p188
YAY! He's going to train with Meng Mo (also it made me laugh at how pissed Meng Mo is about not having the teacher title) p190
That's all for this chapter!
next one aiming for tomorrow :D
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anteroom-of-death · 8 months
Teacher's Pet part 2
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Synopsis: its the Monday after, what will the meeting involve for the Doctor and y/n?
a/n: uhm idk how sustainable my current writing rampage is. But tadah. We're writing to make ourselves happy. Set in the pov of the reader. Thank you to all who reads.
The Thursday after your meeting with Professor Smith, you felt like you didn’t even want to work. You could have sat on that bench until the evening chill came and claimed you.
Much more agreeable than one of your appointments canceling on you. You really needed the extra 150 quid.
Friday came and went. Nothing but dead air on the phones. The bookings girl was apologetic and let you have half a puff off her joint.
Such was life.
You were itching to get the weekend over. There was a footie match on, so you expected the bare minimum and weren’t let down.
Guess you were shopping at Aldi again, and figuring out how much of your savings you could really chip away at.
Monday was cold and dreary, it slapped you awake with your alarm. Your financial worries were keeping your sleep restless.
Not that you already wouldn’t have been kept up.
Your first class of the morning was somber. It wasn’t as dazzling at Professor Smith’s. The lecturer lacked chutzpah. Showmanship. Just droned on about hum-drum statistics and their relationships on graphs. You felt yourself slipping into a stupor.
By the time the class ended, you had lost most of your fingernails and had bitten a sizable swell on your tongue.
You dragged yourself into the toilets and started fixing yourself up. You were so nervous and every time you saw that man you fought the urge to drown yourself in the Avon. The man was beyond entrancing. Everything he said drew you in. And his flourishes?
You fixed your make up, glitter you had from your usual rota had built itself up in the corner of your eyes , no matter how much hard scrubbing you’d do, it would be there until it was time to get back to work on Thursday evening. You only had one class on Fridays so you could easily take two shifts.
You applied some chap stick to soothe a newly-chewed hole in your lip.
You muffled a scream into the sleeves of your jumper. You really didn’t know what was getting into you. It felt like your entire brain was sliding both downwards and to the left out of your skull. Through your ear. You were beyond close to failing this term. The term had barely started, but you knew it wasn’t going well!
And right now, you couldn’t afford to mess up.
You cursed yourself for following his order of “So long as it’s your last.” With your cigarettes. You threw away the entire, barely depleted pack into the trash can near the bus stop immediately after your meeting.
That entire ten minutes left you giddy and thrown off.
You sprayed some perfume on you and took a deep breath before trudging your way down to his office.
You knocked tentatively.
“Ah, come in (y/n)!” He announced.
His office was warm. Dynamic. He had an electric guitar perched on the wall. Overcrowded. There was so much to take it
When so much of the university was drafty and got worse on days with bad weather. His office felt safe. Like somewhere there was an invisible fireplace roaring. It was more than comfortable. It was cozy.
You plunked your bag across the shoulder of the chair that faced the desk and started trying to drag out your notebook for his class.
He waved you down.
“No need for that, just yet.” He smiled easy. His holey sweater layered with a tee-shirt and hoodie matched it. The usual blazer he donned for lecture slung across his chair.
“How was your weekend?”
“I just worked. It was so slow.” You confessed.
“What about those appointments?”
You let out a nervous, yet angry laugh. “Oh, one canceled on me.” You tugged on your jumper. It was warm in here and you got nervous when anyone asked anything regarding work. You didn’t want anyone to know. Especially a professor at your school! What would the consequences be? The two worlds of you and your work never should meet. You tapped on your thigh.
“And yours?”
“Not much to report, just also work.”
“Ahh.” You replied. You felt awkward.
“Uhhmm, I have accommodations put in by the university for my stuff. But right now, I don’t think they’re working? And the office who deals with that is totally backed up and can’t see me right now.” You drummed on your thigh a bit more and pleaded with your eyes. You were way out of your depth. You were just hoping maybe he’d have some pity. Some empathy. His class was engaging. He talked so well about everything. It was labeled as a philosophy class, but it felt more like some advanced physics class at time. He was poetical and waned on about too many a topic.
It challenged you, and you did like that.
You went back to trying to claw your notebook out. He tenderly grabbed it out and placed it on the desk.
“Thanks!” You replied to the gesture…
He produced a plate of chocolate chip cookies out of seemingly nowhere. They seemed freshly baked.
“Since I’ll be keeping you from lunch…” He shrugged. “Hope you don’t mind. We have to go over everything.”
You took one, it was big and gooey. Delicious. Had a hint of something else in it that you couldn’t place.
“Now, love, what are we looking at?” He muttered rifling through the pages.
“Fuck if I know.” You blurted out. “Sorry for my language.” You slapped your hand across your mouth, as if to stop anymore profanity from escaping your lips.
“It’s fine, heard worse. You should hear my wife. Mouth like a sailor! She once went in for twenty minutes at some dignitaries that wouldn’t let her scarper off with an artifact!” He laughed.
The minute he mentioned a wife, something in your chest fell down deep inside your gut.
Of course he’s married! He fit the entire profile. You should have known that from a mere glance. His age, married. White collar job. This place was probably his passion. The one good outlet that stopped him from visiting other places…
You stopped yourself from putting him in a neat little box. That was for work. Not for school. You mentally shook yourself.
“She sounds a riot! What does she do?”
“Oh, she was an archeologist! And a professor! Total bad girl.” He reminisced.
The ‘was’ put that sunken feeling back in your chest.
“Your notes are amazing. Very detailed. Really appreciate the scribbles and the note of ‘if you can’t focus today-> you’re wasting £76.21 today’”. He pointed out your mathematical equation you did breaking down the cost of tuition, the fees and the exact price each class cost per day.
“Am I wrong though?” You grimaced.
“You’ve got the wrong perspective, but I can see where you’d go with that. Capitalism has ruined what should be a shaping experience for you!”
You scratched your neck and shook your head.
You both poured yourselves over the topics covered and the remarks you made about it in your ongoing scribbled in reminders to yourself about class.
You felt him leave his seat and move over to the one beside you, probably meant for another student. The way his hands (large, sinuous, seemingly decently manicured, thin and well-jointed, you noticed appreciatively.) Combed the paper and tapped on words was enthralling.
The conversation expanded. He was letting you go off and follow your own conclusions about the subjects at hand. He commented and helped you link one thought to the other. Like a well-oiled duo. The office lights warmly reflected off the steely blue eyes that seemed to glow and shimmer when you made your own conclusions that fell in line with the lesson he was trying to give one so and so day in so and so page of note. You felt yourself relax and curl into the chair, sat cross-legged.
“So that means that time isn’t effectively real It’s a construct as much as a hobby?” You reported your findings from the deep trudged corners of your mind.
“Fuck yeah!” He shouted. Echoing your sudden use of profanity earlier…
It was oddly endearing.
He caught your gaze and you saw yourself in those haunting blue eyes. There were things brewing in those eyes. His mind was working faster and more erratically than yours was. And you were the expert on racing thoughts and flying minds.
Or so you thought…
You quickly dropped your gaze.
A red, hot flush ripped through your body. It was like he stripped you bare. And not in the way so many others have seen you bare. It was like he was inside your head. He was inside you, your very soul.
You became all to aware of your body again, the sudden ricochet into personhood was oddly violating. You uncrossed your legs and tore at what remained of your one middle finger’s nail. Really gouging into the skin around it. Doing the ultimate amount of damage. The casual, open phase of this meeting had ended.
He noticed your change and smoothed himself out.
You hated that you were the catalyst for this tone shift.
“I’ve kept you too long, (y/n). Why don’t you go. I’ll email you if I can see you next Monday.”
The thing in your chest from earlier sunk deep again. Further than the last time.
You gathered your things and made your apologies with your eyes. Walking out, you noticed your middle finger was bleeding. Profusely.
The campus felt colder than ever.
You could have shot yourself.
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manogirl · 9 months
My Year in Reading, 2023
For the first time since 2012, I didn't do a GR reading challenge. In every year between 2012 and 2021, I read over 150 books. Some years it was closer to 150, some years closer to 200. In 2022, I read 83 books. In 2023, 79 books.
See, in 2022, my world broke. My brain broke. The big bad burnout turned my brain inside-out and upside-down and I lost reading. In that same long first half of 2022, I realized I had to leave librarianship. Not just my job, but my fucking career. See, I was a fiction librarian. I had this ultra-rare position that was my dream job, and reading was a part of my job. When people tell you not to make the thing you love your job, I know. I know what they're saying.
I spent the second half of 2022 living in a state of nearly constant joy. And I wasn't reading for a lot of it. If you asked me three years ago, I couldn't possibly have foreseen this turn of events. And for some of 2022, I was stressed about how much I WASN'T reading. I am trying to figure out how to express this, because it didn't feel BAD to not be reading. It felt right and it felt like I didn't want to be reading. But it also felt wrong because reading was a huge part of my life, and then....it wasn't.
I decided 2023 had to be different, in terms of how I related to reading, so I jettisoned the reading challenge and just let myself...be. Here's what I found out:
I read a lot of BL manga. I'm not a huge graphic novel OR manga fan, so this was a new and unexpected joy. This probably isn't surprising to you if you know me on tumblr through BL, but it was surprising to me. I figured I would dip into queer romance novels, but nope, it was the manga that I loved.
Danmei isn't for me. No idea why, because it seems like it'd be just my cup of tea, but it isn't. I like it, I just don't LOVE it, and right now I want to love the books I'm reading, especially if it's fiction because...
I read SO MUCH NONFICTION IN 2023. It's what my brain asked for, so that's what I fed it. It also probably contributed to my lower numbers; dense nonfiction takes a LOT longer to read than fiction/manga. I think...I'm a person who feels passionate about learning; I love it so so so much. And when my consumption habits switched to mainly frothy TV shows about men falling in love with each other, my brain was like, uh, you better feed us some facts, lady. So I did.
I...like?...memoirs? In my book club, I'm the person who hates memoirs. Memoirs that everyone loved I scoffed at. Memoirs, yuck. Except...apparently no. Apparently I like a memoir now. I guess this is maybe an offshoot of the nonfic bias but nonetheless, my brain continues to shock me and the people who know me best.
Anyway, here is a short, lightly annotated (not in order at all) list of my fave reads this year:
Tom Lake by Ann Patchett. Fuck yeah she doesn't miss.
Doppelganger by Naomi Klein. Oh this is the real shit, and she also doesn't miss.
Carrie Soto is Back by Taylor Jenkins Reid. Okay, a fiction book that I devoured. Sports + love + grief = a meditation on life.
Monsters: A Fan's Dilemma by Claire Dederer. I sometimes go back and read my highlights from this, because it was so fucking powerful and spoke to me so powerfully.
You Could Make This Place Beautiful by Maggie Smith. I loved this in a way I don't think I can explain. Simply stunning in all the right ways.
Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin. Video games + love + grief = a meditation on life. Fucking amazing.
Stay True by Hua Hsu. Oh jesus fuck this is sad but it is so so so so good.
Bookshops & Bonedust by Travis Baldree. Cozy fantasy that isn't romance is something I need more of in my life. Yes to orcs opening bookstores and coffee shops and very little fighting.
Witch Hat Atelier, all existing volumes, by Kamome Shirohama. I've been sharing these with my 8 year-old niece and it's just the nicest little happy thing.
Vagina Obscura by Rachel Gross. Yes, please explain my fucked up innards to me. Endometriosis ftw!
Fat Talk by Virginia Sole-Smith. Real, solid advice and real, solid evidence, and real, solid writing. Two thumbs up.
Maybe someday I'll do a post about how I've been tracking my reading since November 11, 2004. I guess we're hitting the 20th anniversary this coming year, after all.
I guess I do know one thing: I'm never NOT going to read at times. I still do love it, even if my needs and wants around it have changed. Happy New Year, all!
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livia-dovehallow · 2 years
Hii! Can I ask what is your opinion of Grace right now?
Hi! Of course you can! (And as a forewarning, my use of "you" throughout this answer is in the general sense and not at all directed to you specifically, anon!)
I'll try to keep this spoiler-free, as this is an overall opinion throughout all the books.
At the start, I was generally indifferent to her, as she was really only around to further James's plot and I am not a fan of James (or the main love triangle at all. I despise love triangles).
But, once we started getting more of her separate from that toward the end of Chog and throughout ChoI, I think she's a seriously misunderstood character and people are quick to hate and spewing their hate all across the fandom and in the Grace Blackthorn tag.
No, Grace is not meant to be a perfect character. She is not even meant to be a good character (in terms of good v evil). She is purposely meant to parallel Estella from Great Expectations but offer her side of the story in addition to the other (which we don't get of Estella in Great Expectations. This isn't a spoiler for Great Expectations considering this book is literally almost 150+ years old.)
We're meant to see an admittedly toned-down depiction of a girl who has been seriously emotionally abused and neglected, had her beloved brother die horribly in her arms, and has no memory of her birth family--only of her sick, twisted adoptive mother. We're meant to see how she has felt she needed to do these things to survive. She's a sixteen/seventeen year old girl; we seriously cannot expect her to have the most seamless, foolproof decision making skills. We obviously know Tatiana does not have a seamless, foolproof decision making ability. You really expect me to think she taught Grace any?
Grace made bad choices. Grace hurt people. Are we meant to sympathize with her? Well, that's where it's reader's interpretation. But I certainly think she's not meant to be villainized. More of a morally gray character, who did both good and bad things to survive because she felt she had to.
Do we see her come to recognize the difference between those good and bad things at the end of Chain of Iron? Sure, we see the start of it. But we can't honestly expect her to make up for everything she did in a one week time span that is the break between Chain of Iron and Chain of Thorns.
Nor, do I think, are we meant to forgive her either. That's also reader's interpretation/choice. I'll leave that to you all to decide for yourselves once you read Chain of Thorns. Whether you think she got what she deserved or didn't is literally entirely reader's choice.
But I do get pretty annoyed when I see people use certain words, phrases, and descriptions of Grace. I think calling Grace a r*pist is beyond inappropriate. That's a serious thing to call someone. What she did to Matthew is definitely assault. But I think the fandom often forgets that r*pe is a serious, serious thing and is not something to be thrown around lightly or just because you hate a character. This is a terrible thing that happens to too many people and just throwing it around all the time like that isn't doing any favors to fellow fans who have experiences or triggers of it.
I certainly can tell you that there are many fans who feel as though they can identify with Grace because they, too, grew up with an abusive parent or felt pressured into doing things they didn't necessarily want to do because it was the only way they could see to survive. Not all victims of abuse are perfectly docile and innocent like I think many people like to believe. No two victims are the same. Some may grow up able to cope well. Others do not. Many, I'm sure, what stood exactly where Grace has--at a crossroads of survival instinct and recovery. Some have made bad choices themselves just as much as they've made good choices. Some more than others.
You all remember that I went to the Chain of Thorns tour. There was one fan who described this exact feeling of identifying with Grace because her own mother was abusive and neglectful. She said she never expected to see a character like Grace in a YA novel because of the dark undertones of that kind of experience. Like I mentioned earlier, it is an admittedly toned-down description since it is a YA book, but there is always someone out there who can identify with that character in one way or another.
Also, Grace is a fictional character. I have seen many of you who have said terrible things about Grace turn around and love the villains of other books who do terrible things, too. Is it because Grace is a girl? Is it because you may have found yourself a bit too in love with the fictional James Herondale? Whatever the reason, take a minute to reflect on why it is you feel the need to spew hate about a fictional character and threaten people whose opinions differ from yours.
I have had several people come to me on here, both in asks and in chats, telling me that for the longest time, they did not feel safe talking about Grace at all on any platform because they would be attacked in all directions for it. That is not how a fandom should be. That is not a fandom at all. That is a terribly isolating experience that someone who has sought comfort in these books or just simply enjoys a character should not have to be subjected to because you think your opinion is morally superior.
Sometimes I wonder if I am just sounding too much like a grandma when I say things like this because I know I'm of the older crowd of TSC fans but you're not cool just because you attack people online. Having a moral superiority complex does not make you cool. The world is not black and white. Things are not as simple and good and bad. And you certainly do not have a right to spew hateful, rude, abhorrent things to people who may think differently than you do.
An anon said this in a previous ask about Grace, and I fully agree: liking Grace doesn't mean you condone everything she did or approve of anything she did. It just means you like a fictional character, for whatever reasons.
I've fully moved off my indifferent opinion of Grace and have moved toward finding that I think her character is incredibly more complex than I ever really gave thought to before and I think she's terribly mistreated by fans. Whether I think she's mistreated by the narrative, too, well, you'll have to read my spoiler-filled answers to previous asks to find out.
But that is my extremely long, elaborative answer on my opinion of Grace, and I hope that answers your question, anon (or at least addresses what you wanted me to talk about)!
This is also a reminder to any new followers of mine (welcome!) that I am a legal adult. I am 23 years old, almost 24. If there are topics I discuss or write about that make you uncomfortable, you do not have to read them. You don't have to interact or engage with any of it at all. You're free to unfollow me if you ever feel uncomfortable. I will answer all kind/polite asks, whether they contain adult content or not, though I will always tag accordingly.
Anything I write that contains even a hint of adult content will always be tagged as such and I will not write any explicit content of under-age characters. (Since I mostly write about Gabrily, I tend to focus on their early years of marriage if a piece references adult concepts at all).
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istherewifiinhell · 2 years
reading progress: chapter 157
highlights (this book is my coworker now at least its pulling its weight edition)
144 all the drama about whose the strongest & hankim just owt what a laff. well about time to kill ya i think
yjh conflicted feelings abt kdj every time hes in strife ouagh
I do love the body swap take a load off buddy times
'but i wasnt the normal yjh' -> yjh cant come to the phone right now why cause hes dead consciousness isnt in control right now
dunno how to describe kdj attitude with nirvana other than 'dick swangin'
145 the fourth wall can eat now... (coping with frankly the most horrific scene this book has had for me)
146 unfortunately meta part of being on ch 146 of 550 is kdj is 'dead' and im just like omg ppl are telling this story are they <.<
god everyone is so sad about it tho. kdj what a shit
GOD why does yjh look upset!?! its a fucking mystery dokja
DEAD KDJ: The Hottest Commodity on the star stream
147 yeah yeah weve all seen the greek god family tree
goddesses who rip up homosexuals? Uriel SAYS WHAT??? JESUS CHRIST BOOK (cultist of Dionysus usually ripped up animals, i think goats, maybe pigs?, if you even care)
god your so bad at reading yjh. why hes so upset WHO KNOWS (im not starting a counter for having that exactly note but u get it)
150 your just moving into a nebula together huh... uhauling...
eheh they are holding hands tho
152 wait is min jiwon dead -> terrified of the first significant and lasting character but given the genre idk if thats even a thing
record scratch... is kdj ugly cause his face has a perception filter
153 shin yoosung is his fucking daughter T_T
HSY + YJH epic sharing a boyfriend moments
155 blegh trans misogyny time i see
lhs: im just gonna keep grabbing you so i know ur still alive okay -> T_T
157 giving the demon earl yjh name is such a bitchy move. also. weird gay thing
rotating: trying to do anything other than the christian yaoi.... okay like the kdj schemes that leave everyone really grieving him for a week. thats hey dude. also his new "big constellation energy" he was already cocky... but okay lemme try and open the gate at least a little on nirvana. no i dunno just jesus fucking shit. the immortal versus mortal angst. in the philosophical sense. is always a pretty strong theme. definitely curious if this is just a domino for a further. something. also why didnt i note this.. but line smth like "no human can maintain philosophical outlook when facing death" pretty raw line and definitely an interesting position to take.
also in term of real rpm factor. like. as the notation frequency shows. yhj.... oh this man. far be it from me to be 1/4th thru a book and be like. oh im gonna have my own little interpretation of him. but i will be sitting in my little corner with my very specific reading on his behaviour thus far and ill just live like that. ill gladly wait for the irony to smack me in the face if im proven wrong. anyway this man is swooning and being romanced (unintentionally) by an idiot and i feel for him.
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miraculouscontent · 3 years
A full summary of “Furious Fu” for my followers who can’t find subs or who would rather look at a summary first to figure out if the episode is okay for them to watch:
- The kwami are arguing with Marinette because they want to go see Fu. Marinette argues against this by saying that his memory was erased. They ask why Tikki can go and Tikki explains that Marinette might need to transform. They offer to hide, still wanting to see him because he took care of them for 100+ years, but Marinette says that they need to let him restart his life with his soulmate, so it's her turn to take care of them.
- Wayzz points out that he understands, but Fu was his friend and he misses him. Marinette relents and allows Wayzz to go, which makes the other kwami upset. Marinette tries to get out of the situation by saying that someone needs to protect the box, and Trixx responds, "Well then only one of us needs to stay, right??"
- Sass suggests letting "destiny" decide (I have no idea what that means), then Mullo suggests Kwami-Kwa-Who, which seems like Eeny Meeny Minny Moe. Mullo lands on Marinette and says that Marinette will have to stay. The kwami go to fly away and Marinette blocks them off, stating that it was cheating and she's the guardian, so she decides what happens.
- The kwami give her puppy dog eyes and Marinette relents, asking which kwami will stay. Barkk calls Marinette "little one" and agrees to stay behind to watch for villains because they have a bad feeling (also being in the middle of watching a knight movie on Marinette's monitor).
- At the train station, the kwami start making noises. Marinette panics and claims it was her phone to any onlookers and that she'll "throw it in the trash" if it keeps talking. An old man is watching her from a garbage can in the distance.
- Fu and Marianne arrive and Marinette greets Marianne with a hug. Marianne asks Fu if he remembers Marinette, stating that "she found you after your boat accident; the one that erased your memory."
- Marinette hugs Mast--she catches herself and calls him "Mister/Sir Fu," and he thanks her for reuniting him with his beloved Marianne.
- Cut to the Seine where Marinette, Fu, and Marianne are sitting on a park bench and having snacks together. Fu explains that he's found that he has a passion for painting and pulls out a piece of art to show Marinette (it looks like splotches of paint in red, black, white, pink, and blue). Fu continues talking and Marinette notices that Wayzz has gotten out of the bag and is slowly crawling his way across the ground to make his way to see Master Fu (Wayzz keeps having eyelashes in some shots and it's really distracting). Marinette tries to be subtle in grabbing Wayzz, but Fu notices and picks him up, asking Marinette if it's one of her toys. She insists that it is and puts Wayzz back in her bag, leading to Wayzz squealing happily, "He touched me! He touched me!" Marinette panics and tries to claim that the toy talks, pulling him back out and trying to talk like a ventriloquist to make it seem like he talked.
- The old man from before is hiding in a box on a bicycle and spying on them.
- Fu wants to paint and goes to get set up, telling Marinette and Marianne to act like he's not there. The scene cuts to a painting Fu did of the two of them.
- Marinette comes home to find that an old man is suddenly in her room. Barkk re-states that they had a bad feeling and the man notes that Marinette had the Miracle Box (which is now in his possession). Marinette glances over to her hiding spot for it, seeing that it's indeed been opened, then asks who the man is. Tikki confirms that this is the previous owner of the Miracle Box before Fu, Su-Han.
- Marinette is skeptical and asks how he found her. He explains that his Guardian staff leads him directly to her Miracle Box. Marinette asks why she doesn't have one and he explains that she's not a real guardian. Marinette argues that Fu handed it to her, leading Su-Han to go off, calling Fu "chicken legs" and mocking the fact that Fu couldn't even do the fasting and that didn't meet the expectations he had for him.
- Marinette, annoyed, says that Fu has protected the box all this time and sacrificed himself to save Paris, and he even became a great painter. Su-Han starts to argue, then looks around and notices that there are missing kwami. Marinette explains that Fu had lost the butterfly and peacock, which leads Su-han to ask where Plagg is and Marinette answers that he's which Chat Noir, who she doesn't know the identity of because their identities are meant to stay secret. Su-Han notices her earrings (somehow? I guess guardians can sense miraculouses?) and starts to go on about how "OH I GUESS THIS IS THE MODERN WORLD" and continues on about how Plagg is "flying free" (he's not but go off I guess) which led to the end of dinosaurs and dragons and such, and that guardians aren't meant to hold miraculouses.
- Su-Han pulls out the Miracle Box and demands that the kwami return to it. The kwami sigh and pout, but ultimately go back into the box. Su-Han then takes a book out and starts reading off all the rules Marinette broke: Kwami aren't allowed out of the box, guardians mustn't hold miraculouses, and you mustn't lose a miraculous (Marinette technically lost the Bee but he'd have no way of knowing that; either the writers didn't realize this or Su-Han is blaming Marinette for Fu's mistake). Marinette argues that Fu used a miraculous and he explains that this is the exact problem; they keep making their own rules and children shouldn't be allowed miraculouses anyway.
- While he's talking, the knight movie Barkk was watching is still playing, and Su-Han thinks the knight is a person trapped in Marinette's monitor, nearly attacking it (presumably, no knowledge of technology since the order has been away for 150+ years). Marinette explains that it's a movie and Su-Han clearly doesn't get it, but cuts to the chase and asks her to lead him to Chat Noir so they can hand over their miraculouses. Marinette asks Tikki if it's a good idea and Tikki is unsure but states that he is the celestial guardian and whatnot, so maybe she should listen to him. Marinette sighs and transforms. They leave together.
- Su-Han and Ladybug meet up with Chat Noir. Su-Han demands that they hand over their miraculouses, to which Chat says that it's not a funny joke and he’d know because "he knows them all." Ladybug questions how he plans to defeat Shadow Moth and Su-Han explains that he'll hand the miraculouses over to adult holders who are fit for the job.
- Chat Noir is skeptical of Su-Han at first, but Ladybug insists that the kwami confirmed him as a previous guardian, even suggesting that this might be the right thing to do because maybe this is why they haven't been able to defeat Shadow Moth yet. Chat Noir tells Ladybug to trust herself like he trusts her, and agrees to hand over his miraculous, but only if she says so because she's the real guardian to him.
- Su-Han accepts these terms and demands that Ladybug order him to take off his miraculous (they're on a roof so I don't know how they plan to get down from there afterwards?), then she'll relinquish her guardian status to him. Ladybug asks if this means that she'll get her memory erased like Fu, which prompts Chat to suddenly pause in shock and ask specifically if she'll forget him. Ladybug doesn't answer and Chat Noir suddenly changes his tune, demanding that Su-Han come and get him if he wants his miraculous. Su-Han agrees and Ladybug panics, trying to get Chat Noir to calm down.
- Su-Han readies himself and explains that guardians are specifically trained to fight against miraculous holders, then takes Chat Noir down (Chat Noir makes a side comment about how "Master Fu was nicer"). Just before he swipes Chat Noir's miraculous, Ladybug throws Su-Han with her yoyo and is now on Chat Noir's side, insisting that she's guardian and that neither of them will be giving up their miraculouses. They fight, with Ladybug and Chat Noir managing to get enough of an upper hand (Ladybug puts the knight movie on her phone to distract him) to swipe both the box and staff, getting away.
- Shadow Moth senses Su-Han's negative emotions and sends a butterfly.
- Su-Han leaps after Ladybug and Chat Noir, muttering that this would be a simple task if he had his staff. Coincidentally, he spots Fu (who Marinette had to confirm the identity of, so I imagine that Fu never went to the temple like he said he would in "Feast"; "that old man was Fu/chicken legs?") and Marianne over by a fountain, Fu painting with one hand and his cane in the other.
- Su-Han descends and grabs Fu's cane, starting to tug-of-war with him over it. Marianne comes by and starts whacking him with her cane, telling her to leave her beloved alone. Su-Han then spots the akuma and quickly backs away, performing some sort of technique that causes him to be surrounded by a blue aura, repeating a phrase akin to "my anger is mine but my anger is not me." The butterfly is repelled, but Su-Han goes after Fu's cane again, opening the top to reveal some sort of orb inside, confirming that this is a proper guardian staff.
- Fu asks Marianne if she's okay, then glares at Su-Han and walks after him, demanding that he apologize to her and return his cane. Shadow Moth senses a new negative emotion and the butterfly goes after Fu instead. Su-Han quickly flees as he realizes that Fu is being akumatized(akumokized?).
- Shadow Moth gives ye ol' generic speech (plus a "we meet again" which obviously Fu doesn't get) to Fu about revenge and blah blah blah miraculouses, but Fu is confused and asks Shadow Moth to repeat himself. Shadow Moth sighs and simply asks if Fu wants revenge, which Fu answers affirmatively.
- Marianne sees Furious Fu and approaches, insisting that this isn't worth it. Fu spouts some Chinese saying (there's a LOT of that in this episode from both he and Su-Han), then pulls out some paper and starts writing on it in Chinese with his akumatized object (his ink brush). It says "Find" and Fu shouts as much, throwing the paper away and then leaping after it as it pursues Su-Han.
- Ladybug and Chat Noir are hiding in the football (soccer; sorry, I’m a filthy American :P) stadium, talking about what to do about the situation, when Su-Han shows up and demands their miraculouses. Ladybug notes that the cane he's carrying belongs to Fu and then Furious Fu shows up. Furious Fu writes "Thunder" and sends it into the sky, leading the sky to fill with dark clouds and start blasting everyone.
- They dodge while Su-Han and Ladybug fighting over the Miracle Box, leading them to send it flying a small distance away. Shadow Moth notices this and tells Furious Fu to retrieve the box, so Furious Fu gives chase. Ladybug drops the box and kicks it to Chat Noir as if they're playing soccer, so Chat Noir starts running away and keeping the Miracle Box at his feet. Chat Noir sees Furious Fu and Su-Han at both sides of him and panics, kicking the Miracle Box at the goal. Chat Noir stops to cheer that he achieved a goal, then Ladybug runs past him and he realizes oh, and chases after them.
- Furious Fu writers "Teleport" and attaches it to his head, which teleports him to the box's location. Furious Fu latches the box to himself and readies himself to fight, leaving Ladybug and Chat Noir standing there while Su-Han suddenly cowers and sneaks away. Ladybug and Chat Noir fight Furious Fu, but are clearly outmatched as he blocks their attacks and sends Chat Noir flying. Su-Han makes judgmental comments about their fighting from the sidelines, leading Chat Noir to point out that he's not doing anything. Su-Han explains that guardians are trained to fight holders, not the magic that a holder might make. Ladybug asks if they have to fix his mistake then (calling him out for causing Furious Fu in the first place) and Su-Han is unable to argue. Furious Fu then sends Ladybug and Chat Noir flying away.
- Furious Fu then challenges Su-Han directly and Su-Han has no choice but to fight back. They fight and Furious Fu writes, "Statue," sticking it to Su-Han and freezing him in place.
- Furious Fu retrieves his cane and Shadow Moth reminds him of the miraculouses. Furious Fu doesn't understand and even calls Chat "a bat without wings."
- Meanwhile, Ladybug explains to Chat that it's not important to defeat him, but to make sure he doesn't defeat them. Chat Noir doesn't understand and Ladybug tells him to keep Furious Fu busy while she makes a call. Chat can do that much so he leaves to fight.
- Ladybug uses Lucky Charm, changing her suit to its "upgraded" state and giving her a pair of pliers. She notes Chat Noir's ring, then a bin of soccer balls, then her yoyo, then the pliers. She rushes to enact her plan and Furious Fu notices her. He kicks Chat Noir away, sets his cane down, then writes "Vision" and sticks it on his head, making him see what Ladybug noticed earlier. He says that he sees what she's planning and pursues her, but Chat Noir knocks him down. They fight and Chat Noir calls for Cataclysm, but Ladybug screams for him to stop, running at them both with a soccer ball. Su-Han grabs Chat Noir's wrist, then puts Chat Noir in a hold, Chat held to his chest with one hand on Chat Noir's arm and the other hand on Chat Noir's wrist, trying to get him Cataclysm'd (which is a little strange since he seemed confused about the whole concept of fighting him earlier and doesn’t even know Chat Noir but I digress).
- Ladybug throws her yoyo, which Furious Fu catches in his mouth. Ladybug pulls herself to him, but he grabs her wrist with his hand (the one that wasn't holding Chat Noir's wrist), leaving her dangling. Ladybug smirks, catches the soccer ball with her feet, and shoves it against Chat Noir's elbow, preventing Chat Noir from using Cataclysm on himself as there's now too much space between his hand and chest. Furious Fu comments that neither of them can defeat him in this state, to which Ladybug replies that they're not going to.
- Marianne pops up, taking the brush from Furious Fu (it was tucked behind his ear) and snapping it in half, talking about the call she got from Ladybug. Ladybug smiles and thanks her, assuring that she did perfectly.
- Ladybug opens her yoyo to purify the akuma (as I notice that SHE HAS ACTUAL SOLES NOW IN HER UPGRADED FORM!!!), then uses Miraculous Ladybug, which throws her object in the air and her upgraded outfit goes with it, changing her back to normal. Su-han returns to normal and Ladybug, Chat Noir, and Marianne go to "pound it" before Chat Noir realizes that he's still got Cataclysm active. He Cataclysms the soccer ball from earlier and they do a proper fist bump now.
- Ladybug opens her yoyo and pulls out a Fu-colored amulet She gives it to Fu and assures him that it'll protect him. Fu says that he'll use it to remember her by (just a line to rub salt in the wound I guess) and thanks her along with "Mister Bat." Su-Han then shows up and apologizes to Fu for taking his cane, almost calling him "crybaby" before he corrects himself, claiming that he "mistook" Fu for "someone he knew long ago. Fu forgives him and they do the Chinese bowing thing with the fist against the palm.
- Back at the train station, Fu comments on the "adventure" of sorts and Marinette praises Marianne, having "heard that she was the real hero of the day." They both smile at her and the scene cuts away to Marinette in her bedroom with the kwami and Su-Han.
- Su-Han has two things to tell her and begins with the first thing, going on about her relying on a human with no powers, which is a huge no-no, and how she has the gall to invent her own rules... but that they strangely seem to work. That gets Marinette's attention and Su-Han goes on to talk about the second thing: that she has amazing natural instincts which is an essential quality for a guardian, so the "crybaby--er, Master Fu" may not have made such a bad choice after all. He talks about how this Miracle Box is the most powerful and the first, and that he can't imagine what would happen if they fell into the wrong hands.
- Su-Han tells Marinette that she can keep the box, but if she makes one mistake, he'll come back and take it again. She smiles and goes to put the box away, then Su-Han talks about how he'll be staying in Paris for a while; he needs to get used to the modern world as a guardian, after all. Marinette tells him that he'll "need these" for that and offers him a pair of shoes. Su-Han looks down at his current shoes, which are currently torn open at the fronts (they've been like that for the whole episode). They laugh and the episode ends.
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kpopmultifan127 · 4 years
UserName: HaechanTheSun02
*DISCLAIMER: unprotected sex (be responsible), dirty talk, a tiny bit of fluff, camgirl*
Characters: Haechan/Donghyuck x female reader
Word count: 3,088
[7:00 AM] her alarm goes off to wake herself up for another day of school. College was so hectic for y/n. She really had no support what so ever or anyone around to help her with her studies. Y/n was kind of just to herself most of the time. 
As she sat up on her bed to check her phone, she had a few notifications from her mom asking how’s school and if she needed any money. y/n hated asking her parents for money, she wanted to be independent. It was pretty bad too she thought of so many ways to make the money. But she couldn’t get a job because that would conflict with her studies and didn’t want to bring all of her school stuff to work.
That’s when y/n were reading that CamGirls were quite popular. Men and women watching other women play with themselves for money. She’s started doing it not too long, and she was making some decent money to help with paying off her school tuition.
y/n checked the rest of her notifications which most of them were from the site she uses to go for her CamLive.
{From: HaechanTheSun02} Are you going to go live tonight SunGoddess? I just got paid and I’m ready to blow it all on you babe.
HaechanTheSun02 whoever that person can be was her frequent viewer and the stuff he’d send as she was live always turned her on and even mentioned to him that she hope to meet him someday. Maybe he can say those things to her face. y/n thought to herself....”I could use more money...yeah I guess I’ll go live tonight” y/n then posted a status Be ready for tonight because it’s going to be fun! seconds after posting it she’s gotten many likes.
sometimes y/n was still at little awkward and shy at what she does on the side, but at least she doesn’t really have to worry about it. She doesn’t have a lot of friends or people coming over so she just lived her days as if nothing happens.
y/n got ready for school and headed out. her first class of the day she always dreaded. It was Chemisty, she was horrible at it and never really talked to anyone in her class except her desk mate pretty much her only friend Mina. Mina was also the only person that knows of her “side job”, it never bothered her that y/n did these kinds of things. She’d always tell her “hey as long as you’re not doing drugs, do whatever floats your boat”
As class was about to start y/n and Mina began taking out their books. y/n got distracted as she looked up to see the man of her dreams. His name was Donghyuck, one of the most popular guys in school he was gorgeous, athletic, never judges anyone and one of the smartest guys in this class. Y/n never dared to talk to him as she wouldn’t know what to say to do around him. Mina noticed y/n face started to become a light shade of pink and her ears turn red.
Mina: you’ve been gawking about Hyuck for so long...why don’t you just talk to him?!
y/n: are you crazy?!
Mina: why?! what’s so crazy about talking to him?
y/n: I wouldn’t know what to do or say.
Mina let out a soft scoff.
Mina: oh please we both know you always think about him during your damn camlive’s!
y/n: OH MY GOD SHHH! Before someone hears you!
Mina just rolled her eyes, and then their teacher comes walking into their class. Their teacher didn’t look to happy when she walked into class, as she slammed her book on the desk.
Teacher: you guys I’m so disappointed in most of you...I can tell most of you guys didn’t study for this simple test. We’ve gone over these things over and over. 
She continued to lecture the class about getting work done and doing good on tests. 
Teacher: I’m doing something different now. Everyone grab your stuff and get off your seats. I’m moving everyone around!
The entire class sighed in disbelief because now Mina and y/n knew they weren’t going to be able to sit next to each other the rest of the year.
Teacher: I’m pairing everyone off with someone that is able to help one and another. 
In y/n mind she was getting nervous, she knew she was one of the few who did horrible on the test because she HATED Chemistry. She could care less who she sat next to other than Hyuck. Y/n wouldn’t do well sitting next to him.
Teacher: Mina and Johnny. you guys are together.
Mina made eye contact with y/n mouthing “I’m sorry” although they know it’s neither of their faults they can’t sit next to each other.
Teacher: y/n?
y/n: yes?....
Teacher: you are going to be with....
y/n thinks to herself “please not Hyuck, please not Hyuck”
Teacher: you and Donghyuck.
y/n frozen at her steps as she heard the one person she wish not to sit with, but now has no choice. Y/n set her things at her new desk along with Hyuck. He looked at her with a soft smile.
Hyuck: Hey new deskmate. y/n right?
Hyuck: what’s wrong?
y/n:...we both know why I’m sitting next to you....obviously I’m not the smartest.
Hyuck: it’s ok we can help each other out isn’t this the whole point of the new seating arrangements?
y/n thought to herself...maybe this isn’t bad after all. He never made her feel like she was dumb or that he was bigger than her. y/n looked at her books with a smile as she glanced over to Mina where she’s making kissy faces to her. Mina mouthing to her “TALK TO HIM IDIOT” 
School went by smoothly and y/n was so happy her day was done and she can just go home. She did all her homework, showered, ate and did a little bit of more studying before she jumped on her live feed.
[11:30 pm] y/n turns on her cam and sits there waiting for others to join..
So far 30 people signed on...more than she imagined...this was a big crowd this time around, she usually only has 10-20 people watching her. y/n looked to see who was in the room.
y/n: hey bigdaddy23....I’m going to start here in a bit. I’m just going to go get ready.
y/n walked off camera changing into only her silk robe that HaechanTheSun02 sent to you through the site. y/n never showed her face just up to her nose, never showing her entire face so she can keep her identity safe. When she came back she noticed HaechanTheSun02 signed on and commented “I’m ready for you baby”
y/n: hey Haechan....I’m ready for you. and all of you.
{HaechanTheSun02} I’m loving that robe on you...I’m sure it’ll look better off of you....
y/n began to tease her views by slipping off her robe.
{HaechanTheSun02 donated $150}
y/n: wow thank you Haechan....want more?
y/n began to play with herself as comments and donations kept rolling in.
{HaechanTheSun02} man the things I’d do to that lil pussy...
y/n: oh yeah what would you do to it?
y/n letting out soft moans as she continued to play with every part of her body.
{HaechanTheSun02} I’d fuck it like there was no tomorrow. Let you ride me until you I fill you up.
Shivers went down y/n body as she was close to her high. Wishing whoever he was watching could just be there doing it all for her. y/n hit her high as she moaned on camera until she finished coming all over her fingers. Pulling them out showing the camera.
y/n: look Haechan...look what you did do me...Well that’s it for tonight, thank you all for watching.
y/n blew a soft kiss to the camera and turned it off. After cleaning herself off she laid in bed still coming back down from her high earlier, all she could think about is Donghyuck. Being a camgirl is another reason why she didn’t want to talk to him and he end finding out what she does. 
A few days has passed and you’ve gotten a little closer to Hyuck. The teacher announced that they had a project due for the mid terms and it was a partner project with your deskmate.
Hyuck: I’d invite you to my house to work on the project but my roommate Jeno is back from his trip and the place is kinda small.
y/n: It’s ok. I live by myself, we can work on it at my house.
y/n thought to herself...”oh wait, what if he finds out about what I do?...nah no way he’d no. He’s not into that kind of stuff”
Hyuck: oh good...we can work on it tonight? I can take us to your house?
y/n: yeah sure...
Hyuck: I just need to run to my house to grab a few things and we can go.
After school Hyuck drove back to his place to grab a few things to work with on the project.
y/n: you weren’t kidding when you said your place was small...
Hyuck: haha yeah, I use to live with my parents but they moved back to Seoul and I just stayed back with Jeno.
y/n looked around while he grabbed some things. She saw a baby picture of Hyuck on the beach with his little sister. It brought a smile to her face.
y/n: is this you?
Hyuck: haha yeah, and my little sister...
y/n: you’re so cute...I mean you’re still cute now...no well I mean...
y/n became red and looked away. Leaving Hyuck with a smile on his face.
Hyuck: Ok I got what I needed are you ready?
They left his house and arrived at y/n’s apartment. 
y/n: sorry it’s a little messy in the living room, I’m repainting the walls. We can work in my room.
They walked over to her room. Hyuck standing in the doorway looking around her room, as it was really familar to him.
y/n: are you ok?
Hyuck:...oh- yeah..I’m fine.
He noticed the silk robe hanging on the back of your chair.
Hyuck: nice robe..
y/n:...oh haha thanks. Someone gave it to me as uhh---
y/n began to stutter to think “Who and what do I say as what it was given to me for?”
y/n:....as a thank you gift...
Hyuck:..ah ok.
In his mind he’s seen this before....he knew for a fact this is the same robe he gave the camgirl he watches every night.
y/n: ready?
Hyuck: oh--yeah.
Hyuck couldn’t concentrate on the project knowing that y/n was the one he’s been watching while jerking himself off wishing she could do it for him. He kept glancing over to her as she was doing her part of the project. y/n needed something on the side of the desk Hyuck was on. Y/n stood up and leaned over him to grab whatever she needed. Hyuck could feel himself become hard as she was leaning over him.
y/n: you ok Hyuck?
Hyuck: oh yeah...I’m fine.
As he sat up in his chair trying to adjust himself without being obvious his dick was hard as a rock.
Hyuck: is it ok if I used your bathroom?
y/n: yeah sure it’s the door right across.
He stood up and walked straight to the door while y/n continued to finish her work.
Whispering to himself...
Hyuck: no that can’t be her..there’s no way. damn she’s hot....no. I can’t...she’s my desk mate. She won’t do shit with me.
Hyuck threw some water on his face and walked back into the room where he saw y/n bent over picking up the pencils she dropped. He felt himself become even more hard looking at her behind right in front of him. Hyuck walked closer to y/n as she stood up and turned to face him where they were inches away from each other’s lips.
y/n:...wh--what’s wrong Hyuck.
y/n glancing down to see what was rubbing against her body as she saw how hard Hyuck was. Giving her chills down her back and felt herself become wet as she was being touched by the man of her dreams.
Hyuck: I know you see it...what are you going to do now?
y/n: wh-what do you mean?
Hyuck: you did this to me....
y/n: ..d--do what?
He then grabbed her hand and placed it on his hard member that she caused. y/n became more and more wet with feel of him.
Hyuck: you did this to me...I want you to fix it.
y/n: what do you want me to do?
Hyuck: I want you to ride it so I can fill you up like there’s no tomorrow.
y/n heard those words before...those words that made her feel good. More chills came down her spine....she thought for a moment...is this Haechan? nah that can’t be him.
Hyuck: Wear that pretty robe I gave you.
y/n: huh?
Hyuck glanced over to the robe that draped over her chair...that’s when she knew he was Haechan..
y/n: you’re HaechanTheSun?
Hyuck: why are you so surprised and shy now? so you’re the one I’ve been jerking off to every night...man the things I’d do to that pretty lil pussy of yours.
y/n: I just never thought of you be one of those guys to watch these things.
Hyuck: well now you know...
your body became weak as you fell onto the bed, he could see what it was doing to you and felt the wetness of our core on his thigh as he came closer to you on your bed.
Hyuck: you can tell me to stop if you want...
y/n bit the bottom of her lip and she nodded “no” and pulled him closer to her feeling his hard member against her hot core. Hyuck placing soft kisses on her neck and y/n arched her back at how good everything feels. She can now feel his touch on her and not through a computer screen. Hyuck feeling how wet she was made him harder than he can handle. y/n whispers in his ear...
y/n: I want you inside me Hyuck.
Hyuck:...you don’t have to ask me twice baby...seems like you’re ready for me too. I get to fuck this pretty cunt, be ready because I’m not taking it slow.
As he said that, he slid into her and began to thrust in and out feeling her constricting on his cock.
Hyuck: damn y/n you feel fucken amazing...
y/n: ....don’t stop Hyuck. You feel so fucken good....
He never held back and went in hard making y/n moan turning him on more and more. 
Hyuck: damn baby I finally get to fuck this tight pussy instead of watching you...
y/n: Hyuck I’m almost there---don’t stop
Hyuck: nope not yet baby...
He then pulled out making y/n whimper as he flipped onto his back placing y/n back on his dick...
Hyuck: I want you to ride me until you cum baby..
y/n began grinding on him faster and faster...she could feel her high coming real quick...
y/n:...oh my god I’m gonna....I’m cumming Hyuck.
Hyuck: grind on my dick harder babe....
Seconds after reaching her high and grinding on his dick he came filling her up with his cum. y/n became wobbly and laid on top of Hyuck placing her head on the crook of his neck. Hyuck ran his fingers up and down her back as he became soft in her. Letting her rest on top of him...
Hyuck: damn y/n that was hot...
y/n got off both of them cleaning themselves off. y/n sat on the edge of her bed  with her hands covering her face as she was wearing the robe Hyuck gave her.
Hyuck: what’s wrong?
y/n: ....you know what I do now..
Hyuck: and?
y/n looked up from her hands looking towards Hyuck as she watched him put his clothes back on.
y/n: it doesn’t bother you?
Hyuck: maybe...
y/n: really?
Hyuck: yeah...
y/n had gotten sad because all she could think of is that he hated every bit of it and now that he knows who she was he wanted nothing to do with her.
y/n:...oh ok.
Hyuck:...I don’t want to share you now.
y/n frozen at the edge of her bed by the words he just said. Hyuck walked over to where she was as he stood in front of her. Pulling her chin up for her to look at him. 
Hyuck: I like you y/n
y/n:...you wh--
Hyuck: yeah I like you a lot. After becoming your desk mate and getting to know you, I have a lot of fun with you. But it’s ok if you don’t like me back I still want to hangout with you....
y/n: would you believe me if I told you I liked you before you liked me?
Hyuck: really?
y/n:...yeah. I just never said anything well because you’re Donghyuck the most popular guy in school.
He leaned in to give y/n a kiss on the lips and parted with a smile right after.
Hyuck: so does that mean we are an item now?
y/n shyly nodded yes but then y/n looked down at her lap.
Hyuck: what’s wrong baby?
y/n: I should tell you something too...
Hyuck: what’s up?
y/n: the times I was on live and you were sending those comments to me all I could think about was you. I’d never think HaechanTheSun would be you.
Hyuck: wanna know something?
y/n: yeah?
Hyuck: actually after getting to know you and I’d watch the lives I would think about you all the time. so finally knowing it was you behind that camera was a huge bonus.
y/n giggled...
Hyuck: but I do want to ask...why did you do it? is it because of the money?
y/n scratched the back of her neck...
y/n: well yeah...it’s hard for me to get a job..I mean it’s not I just don’t want my studies to come with me to work.
Hyuck: well I can help you study, but I can’t make promises that I won’t touch you...
Hyuck leaned in and gave y/n another kiss.
Hyuck: well now I can take care of you. and you don’t have to do those cams anymore...b/c that’s only my pussy now and no one elses...
y/n: thank you Haechannie...
Hyuck:...hmm Haechannie...I like that.
After saying that pet name Hyuck pushed y/n back on to the bed ripping the robe off of her once again....
I might do a part 2 to this story but the fluff side of their relationship....
178 notes · View notes
seiin-translations · 3 years
2.43 S1 Chapter 5.4 - Stand By Me
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It kind of sucks that the anime cut out a lot of the cringe comedy in the books
Translation Notes
1. Three-stage attack refers to the offense where the ball is received, set, and then the attacker spikes it over the net
2. De Cecco refers Luciano De Cecco, an Argentine volleyball player known as one of the most talented setters in the sport
3. Abe refers to Yuta Abe, a setter who’s 191cm tall
4. A deuce is a term that refers to a tie score where a player needs to score twice consecutively to win
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Starting with his right thumb, taping was applied to his index finger, middle finger, and then his left thumb, index finger, and middle finger, in that order. He covered the nails and left the second joint open. He could already measure the exact length he needed by eye.
Normally, every time he finished taping a finger, he felt a switch turning on inside him, but today, he hadn’t felt that once. He wanted to feel a definite response, so he found himself taping harder than usual. The tightening sensation in his fingers told him that blood was flowing to and nerves were stretching to every corner of his body.
He had brought his bag for club activities, so he had all his familiar gear, including shoes and supporters. He changed in a corner of the gym, having said that he didn’t need a changing room. Finally, he tied the laces of his shoes tightly, stretched lightly, and then stood up.
He kicked his left and right foot backwards in order to check the slippage of the floor, and heard some nice squeaky sounds. It was indeed a nice gym. It was quite a difference from the Seiin gym, where the wax had peeled off the floor and made it slippery. He was so used to practicing in a gym that was as hot as a steam bath that the air conditioning made him feel cold. His body felt like it was stiffening up, so he stretched with great care.
He turned his eyes to Kuroba. Kuroba was bouncing up and down on the sideline. “You have nice shoes,” he said, admiring his borrowed shoes. His jumping power was the same as ever, able to hug both his knees lightly just from jumping a little. Kuroba didn’t have his practice gear with him, so he was only wearing his T-shirt that he wore underneath his shirt and his uniform pants rolled up to his knees.
Meisei High School had two gymnasiums, the larger but older first gym and the slightly smaller but newer second gym. The boys’ volleyball team practiced in the second gym. It wasn’t like in Seiin, where six clubs divided up the days each of them could use the gym, and they could only envy the environment of being able to practice in the gym every day.
On the other side of the court, a dozen or so Meisei team members were gathered, chatting among themselves and sneaking peeks at them. The Seiin team had team jerseys for game days, but their regular practice clothes were all different. Meisei had practice uniforms with their team logo on them. It was intimidating to see a wall of matching practice uniforms lined up in a row.
The only people present were the first- and second-year members of the club. The third years, the coach, and the advisor were having a meeting in the coach’s office with the members of the opposing school for a friendly match. Using that timing, the second years took the initiative to accept the “challenge.”
“Didn’t Haijima get into the best six?”
“He’s gotten big…Having that height with that volleyball sense, how much does he have…?”
He frequently heard his name mentioned in the gaps between conversations. He didn’t know what Komukai and the other first-years thought, but he got the feeling that the second-years were generally interested in finding it out—if the “genius setter” who dropped out of a powerhouse private school had lost his edge.
On the other hand, they seemed to take no notice Kuroba for the present. It couldn’t be helped, as an ace attacker from a no-name school in a prefecture they didn’t even know wouldn’t ring any bells for them. Even though Komukai had talked down on it, best 16 in the Kanto Tournament was a considerably good level. Before entering the Kanto Tournament, there were more than 150 schools that participated in the Tokyo preliminaries alone. They were in the best 16 in the tournament, on top of winning the block against a number of schools that was incomparable to the scale that Kuroba had experienced at Monshiro and Seiin.
The rules were two against two. Since beach volleyball was played with a two-person team, there was no reason they couldn’t play. Since they didn’t know when the third-years would come back after their meeting, they decided to keep it short and play only one set with whoever getting twenty-five points first winning. At the turnaround point of thirteen points, they would change courts. There were only two people on the court, so there was no rotation. Naturally, each person would have a wide range of roles, and both people must play receiver, setter and attacker.
For the Seiin team, it went without saying that the two players on the team were Kuroba and Haijima. In contrast, the first player for the Meisei team was the second-year, Tatsumi. Tatsumi was only about 180cm tall, but he remembered him to be a good blocker in middle school, making use of his long arms. To be honest, he was surprised to see Ikawa, a fellow first-year, was put on the team. Ikawa himself seemed puzzled by his selection, fidgeting unsurely.
Kuroba shouted after finishing his relatively proper warm up. “Oi,” Haijima called out to his back, grabbed his waist belt and pulled him close.
“Whoa, hey, stop that. My underwear would be showing if I was wearing track pants.”
Kuroba, who had turned around to complain, blinked. “Nnn?”
“You’re playing with your glasses? What about your contacts?”
“I didn’t bring them today.”
Isn’t that your fault in the first place…? He glared at Kuroba, who feigned ignorance, and clicked his tongue. He hadn’t practiced properly in a while, so he didn’t carry his contacts with him. Since he started play volleyball, he had been wearing contacts out of necessity, but he avoided using them as much as possible because they didn’t suit his constitution and were too much trouble. This was the only thing Haijima was “lazy” about when it came to volleyball.
“You get it, don’t you? Two against two, we’re at a disadvantage.”
He thrust his face forward and made his voice stern. “You’re talking about that now? You’re a guy who keeps changing your own subject.” Kuroba shrugged and said indifferently.
“They have the same conditions, don’t they? How are we at a disadvantage?”
“You should be aware of your own weaknesses. You were the one who came up with the idea to challenge them. Who’s going to receive the ball?”
Kuroba was worse at reception (serve receives) than digs (spike receives). It was probably because he was strangely under pressure while waiting in the stance. His digs were not so bad, because he didn’t have time to think. Though he had strengthened his reception skills during the intensive practice at summer camp, he had finally become average at it. The dilemma arose when Haijima had to cover Kuroba’s defensive range, but Haijima couldn’t set the ball if he did the first contact.
“You say that, but we can’t back down now. It’s gonna be okay. Let’s go.”
With a strange confidence of unknown basis, Kuroba escaped from reality and stepped onto the court while spinning his arms. It looked like there was a flaming aura rising from his shoulders, and Haijima stared at his back in slight astonishment before hurriedly following him to the court.
He had never seen Kuroba showing so much fighting spirit. The usual Kuroba had the disposition of a spoiled only child, and winning or losing a competition wasn’t fundamentally his purpose of action. Usually, he was the one who was frustrated by his laxness, but…
Komukai and the other freshmen, who were responsible for keeping score and line judging, ran from courtside to take their positions.
The second-year team members watching from the walls, the first-year team members scattered around the court’s perimeter—all eyes were on them from all sides, as though to see what they got.
“You mean, a performance?”
…That was what was said.
He recalled Komukai’s confession again.
So they all conspired to see how I’d react to a teammate’s suicide attempt. So, what did you think when you saw my reaction, where I endured a lot, as planned? Did you enjoy it…?
Before he knew it, the contours of the people disappeared, and many eyes floating in the air surrounded him on all sides and stared at him. …What is this. For the first time, he cared about the stares pouring in from outside the court. I wonder how I’m being looked at.
He said, and then he was suddenly grabbed by his chin and made to look at the court. He blinked in slight surprise and saw Kuroba peering into him with a severe look on his face.
“I didn’t tell you to not care about your surroundings. It’s natural to care about it. I’d rather show them what I can do. Let them know how big of a loss it was to banish Haijima Kimichika from Meisei. I hope your former teammates’ senpais chew them out hard because of that. We’ll make them say, ‘If he had been here, we wouldn’t have just finished in the best 16.’ We’re gonna show off, and then I’m gonna carry you off back to Seiin while laughing. That’s the outline of it. In the first place, if we ran back shamelessly while our crucial setter disgraced, Oda-senpai would yell at us.”
With his both his cheeks squeezed, Haijima blankly looked up at Kuroba. “Still not enough?” Kuroba sniffed in dissatisfaction, then looked like he suddenly thought of something and then whispered to him with his hand over his mouth, as though telling him a secret. “Hey, before we go home, I’d like to go sightseeing just once in Tokyo…like going to Harajuku or something. Those girls from earlier looked like they wanted to talk to us, right? What if we accidentally get scouted…”
“…Don’t get carried away.”
When Haijima gathered his eyebrows and said that in a low voice, “I-I was joking.” Kuroba said and let go of him in fear. “I was just trying to ease your nerves, you know? There’s no way I’d be saying that seriously.” He said, but he probably wasn’t all that opposed to the idea.
“You look happier than before, don’t you? You’ve got a shameless look on your face.”
He said with a grin. Haijima adjusted his glasses with a sour expression on his face. Do I always have a shameless look? It’s not like I’m consciously making faces.
…I can talk now…huh. That reminds me…
He put his fingers to his throat and breathed in and out gently. Somehow, as he followed his usual procedure to prepare, he felt relieved, and the foreign object feeling that had been pressing against his vocal cords disappeared.
He gently manipulated the three taped fingers of his left hand one by one with his right hand. He then did the same with the opposite hand. They didn’t feel cold. His body temperature went through to them. He could handle the ball as usual. I’m fine. My fingers…are still attached.
Alright…maybe this can work?
“Nnn? …You’re kinda…”
Kuroba blinked and looked at his own palms suspiciously.
“He’s kind of like you, isn’t he? No, you’re much more developed, but the things he’s trying to do are…”
Kuroba was also surprised and let leak such an impression.
The Ikawa that Haijima knew until his second year of middle school was a reserve setter with no special characteristics. He had a quiet personality and always waited for others to make a move before making a move himself, which was a flaw of his. But today, his impression of him was very different from how it was in middle school. It didn’t seem that the Meisei side sent Ikawa into the court because they looked down on the match.
Tatsumi was an all-rounder with a good balance of defensive and offensive skills, and it was unpleasant how his long reach, especially when it came to blocking and spiking, caused his movements to be a little unpredictable for Haijima. In addition, while he was stuck in the six-person system, Tatsumi on the other hand didn’t stick to the three-stage attack (1) and lightly went back and forth between the first and second stages. There were only two defenders, so even a weak ball would score unexpectedly if it was dropped right at the edge of the court. If you became vigilant about that and stepped back, he would then do the third stage properly and spike. Though they were definitely not losing in terms of technique, it was absurdly frustrating to be reminded of the difference of one school year with such deftness.
He had noticed that he was getting more impatient than ever. If it were a full game, he could spend the first half of the first set observing, and then build up a game to crush them from the second half onwards to crush them in the second set, but this game only had one set. We have to catch them early——.
From Ikawa’s hands came a set that dived straight for the attacker’s hitting point. Now a hard hit came. It was right in front of Kuroba’s block, but Tatsumi skillfully used his long reach to catch his spike on the tips of Kuroba’s fingers and blow it all the way back to the end line. Haijima, who was defending deep, chased the ball, but couldn’t catch up and ended up only used his stamina for unnecessary sliding.
He should have run. He got up on his arms and pulled up his T-shirt to wipe the sweat from my face. It wasn’t usual for him to be this breathless at this point in the game, but he was more exhausted than usual. “Sorry, Haijima,” Kuroba, who seemed to still have plenty of energy, ran all the way outside the court. He lent him his hand and Haijima let him pull him up to his feet.
“Your hand when you block should be more…” He wanted to give him instructions to fix it there, but he didn’t want to use his energy to even teach him with specific hand gestures, so he just said, “Never mind…court change” and turned around. “Oh, right,” Kuroba was puzzled for a moment before following him. Currently, they were at 10-13. At the turnaround point of thirteen points, Meisei took a three-point lead and they changed courts. The two teams moved counter-clockwise around the sides of the net to the opposite court.
He heard the second-year assistant referee chatting with another second-year by the pole.
“Ikawa’s pretty good. Was Haijima always like that? I had the impression he stuck out more in middle school.”
“No way, he can hit and he’s a good defender? He really can do it all.”
“Yeah, but not as good as I expected.”
“Anyways, the teachers will be coming back soon. We’ll be in big trouble. Should we stop?”
They were beginning to worry about the time. That meant the Meisei side’s concentration on the game was diminishing. The game was not being played in a way that made the gallery lean forward eagerly.
I’ll show you how big of a loss it had been to let Haijima Kimichika go—he didn’t feel like he had shown much to make them think that. Haijima bore much of the defense, so he couldn’t show off his set work. Of course, it wasn’t as though setting was the only thing he was good at. He couldn’t have peace of mind unless he was the best at serving, blocking, digging, and spiking, so he did them all. But more than anything, he wanted to build his offense the way he wanted it to be. He had his hands full with returning the ball in the flow of the game, and he wasn’t able to control the flow himself. Frustration was building up within him because he knew very well that he was playing a mediocre game.
“That set he made just now was a perfect copy of yours.”
Kuroba came up next to him and said. They were looking at the two members of the opposing team, who were moving around the court, talking with relatively cheerful faces.
“Kou is Chika’s fan.”
A voice cut in from the side. It belonged to Komukai, who was keeping score. He leaned languidly against the score board’s frame and looked at Ikawa with a look of displeasure on his face.
“Apparently, he’s been studying Chika’s game videos from middle school, watching them hundreds of times. He said there’s a lot of cool plays he wants to copy. But with how he is today, it looks like he already caught up to you. I think Kou must be disappointed that his idol turned out to be not that great after all.”
When Komukai boasted that, purposely stirring him up, Kuroba said, “Shut your trap. You guys only knew him until second year of middle school. You don’t know high school Haijima at all, do you?” He stepped in between them like a shield and pushed Haijima to the court.
“Good grief, standard Japanese is so creepy. So it wasn’t just you that’s creepy.”
Haijima asked Kuroba, whose anger still hadn’t subsided when he entered the court.
“Am I having a bad day today?”
“Huh? No, not really. In fact, I’ve never seen you have a bad day.”
“If you have the time to see my games a hundred times, you should watch the video of the Argentina game and see De Cecco’s (2) set work a hundred times. You’ll never get bored and it’s way more interesting. I’m still not even ten centimeters away from Abe (3) yet…”
When he muttered that to the floor, Kuroba tilted his head to the side and peered at him.
“You’re…not used to being praised much, are you?”
He sullenly shut his mouth and looked away.
He saw Ikawa on the opposing court looking at him over the net. The gallery seemed to be getting bored, but Ikawa seemed to be enjoying the game and his eyes were shining in his flushed face. No matter what he did, he was more often shunned or envied than praised, so he just couldn’t get used to being looked at in such a purely admiring way.
He remembered the first time Ikawa replaced Haijima as the setter in the Fall Tournament in his second year of high school, when he would come to the warm-up zone repeatedly while wiping sweat off his face and looking like he was about to cry for help. But now, there was confidence in his face. As Komukai said, he might be beginning to believe that he was more equal to his opponent than he thought.
“…Crush Ikawa.”
He declared, narrowing his eyes and glaring at beyond the net.
“Huh? What did you say? He’s your fan, you know.”
“That’s why it’s good manners to not hold back. I’m going to crush him with all my might and push him away. I’ll make him regret ever hoping to catch up with me. I haven’t done anything to make it easy to catch up to me.”
He hadn’t found much motivation to play this game, but his fighting spirit was finally ignited and his heart began to boil.
Kuroba sighed in disgust. “…You’re a guy who’s never satisfied with anything. There’s not much people out there who can keep up with you.”
He rolled his shoulder blades and relaxed his shoulders. Before he knew it, he was straining in a bad direction.
He wasn’t aware of strange things like showing off his setting to Komukai and the second-years who were watching from around him. It would be enough to remind Ikawa, who was fighting on this court right now. You watched videos of me from up to second year of middle school hundreds of times? Then, don’t you want to feel it for yourself now——?
In that instant, the view outside the court disappeared. He was no longer conscious of the gazes from the gallery that often glanced over at him. He didn’t care what the people outside the court thought of him. He was in absolute control of the court, both enemies and allies. He connected his nerves to the court and made the world move on that board. Because this intoxicating feeling was addicting, he didn’t want to give up this position to anyone.
“Kuroba, starting now, you’re doing all the receives.”
“Huh, all by myself?”
“If I’m on defense, I can’t play setter. I want to play in the middle.”
I’ve said something like this a long time ago…when I was in Meisei. At that time, his statement had caused a wave of disquiet. However, then and now, he had felt that he was being selfish, but he didn’t think he was wrong either.
“You don’t have to return the A-pass. It doesn’t matter where you are, as long as you get the ball up somewhere. You have to do the second contact. As soon as you get the ball, you have to run and hit it.”
“You’re being unreasonable…there’s only the two of us.”
Although he looked fed up, Kuroba opened his legs on the stop without much hesitation, twisted his body left and right, then let out a shout. “So, I should take them all myself. It’ll be easier if it’s that simple. I’ll do my best to keep you from running as much as possible. It’s more something to aim for, though.”
After changing the strategy, Kuroba’s movements improved dramatically. It seemed that he had been confused by the unfamiliar two-person team, unable to grasp the scope of his jobs. When Haijima affirmed that he wouldn’t be getting involved with the reception, he seemed to have a clearer idea of what he needed to do and moved on.
Although he called it an unreasonable request, if his partner wasn’t Kuroba, Haijima wouldn’t have said anything at all. Even if he just expanded his defense area, if it was just a matter of catching up, Kuroba could do that. His eyes, reflexes, and physically ability were a cut above everyone else’s. If I tell you that’s your prey, you will react and definitely catch up to it.
“You’re like a border collie.”
When he told him that half in admiration and half in exasperation, Kuroba, looking amazed, said, “That’s rare, you used a non-volleyball related simile.” A border collie chasing a frisbee had come to his mind, but he himself wondered how did he know anything about dogs. That’s right…that was Yoshino’s dog. They lived in a detached house.
He could catch up to it and hit it with his hand, but most of the time it wasn’t even a B-pass, much less an A-pass. However, Haijima predicted where the receive would go based on the angle and rotation of the serve the moment it arrived and Kuroba’s reaction, and got under the ball ahead of time. That was what he meant when he said it didn’t matter where it went as long as it went up. He demanded it because he was willing to do whatever it takes to follow through, as long as he got his teeth into it one way or another. There was no reason to be told that if he was going to tell people to do something, he should do it himself first.
With only two team members, there was no way to make full use of their attackers and show off their combination attacks, but as long as the second touch was given to him, there were plenty of ways to show off his skills as a setter. After letting Kuroba hit the ball from the left or middle as usual, he signalled for him to run to the right. He set the ball to as far as the antenna at the edge of the net and tear off the block. Kuroba alone left the block behind and mutter “This asshole” through gritted teeth as he caught up with the set and drive the ball in straight from the right side.
If he judged that the ball could be stopped even if he set it to Kuroba, he would instantly switch to hitting it himself. The effectiveness of his greatest weapon, the dump, could be demonstrated more powerfully in a two-player system. Fundamentally, the setter set the ball with the right side of his body facing the net, but for a dump, the setter himself threw the ball into the opponent’s court with his left hand from that stance. This was why left-handed or ambidextrous setters were able to perform a powerful dump.
Of course, Haijima’s former Meisei teammates knew the terror of his setter dumps. Ikawa, anticipating that he would do a dump, marked him. He turned his left hand from the jump set stance to do the dump—right before that, he turned his hand over again over the net. Right in front of Ikawa, who had been caught off guard and unable to move, he made a left-handed backhanded set to the right. Even without looking back, he could see Kuroba jumping there. The sound of a crisp impact sounded behind him.
While the two of them were getting into the swing of it, it was Ikawa who had suddenly gotten worse. His face began to show signs of impatience, and he was frequently seen wiping off sweat with his hands on knees. He had been running a lot in the first half of the game, and his legs seemed to be hurting. The two-person team was three times as tiring as the six-person team, so to speak.
However, it was the same for them, as they were approaching the limit of their stamina. Every time the rally was interrupted, he felt so tired that he wanted to sit down.
The bottom of his shoes slipped on his sweat and he fell to his knees. He was also quite exhausted. While feeling glad that he wasn’t in the middle of a rally, he knelt down and took out the towel at his belt. There was no mopper standing by to wipe the court like there were in big tournaments, so he did it himself. Even though the air conditioning was working in the gym, a drop of sweat ran along his chin and dripped onto the floor where he was wiping it. He pulled on his T-shirt and wiped his face again, but the T-shirt itself was already soaked, so it was useless.
“Stand up.”
Kuroba held out his hand, but he couldn’t raise his arm. He was squatting down, his shoulders heaving before Kuroba took his arms and made him stand up. “You’re already at your limit…” “What are you talking about?” He spat out those words as he took a breath and interrupted Kuroba. If he could stand up, he could still look up. He wasn’t doing the easy-to-understand actions of looking down and putting his hands on his knees. His experience and force of will was different from Ikawa’s.
Kuroba already knows, doesn’t he… I get that from the way he spoke. But.
“We’re almost there, so don’t say a word. All you, have to do, is give it your all.”
He said choppily while breathing shallowly. His voice had the slight hint of a plea in it.
Kuroba looked like he wanted to say something, but gave up in the end and said, “Okay.”
Just a little more. Just a little… I haven’t been able to show them what I wanted to show them yet.
A feverish membrane enveloped his head, and his consciousness became hazy. Hah… Hah… His rough breathing filled the inside of the membrane and he could hear it reverberating only around him.
But when he heard the in-play whistle, the membrane was cleared away and he could firmly concentrate. It was a conditioned reflex that his mind and body learned.
The ball that Kuroba slid to pick up drew a low trajectory and flicked to outside the sideline. Haijima was already dashing towards it. He braced himself on his outside leg, twisted his body, and dove right under the ball with an overhead stance. Right after he pushed the ball back into the court, he stepped on his sweat again and his heel slipped. He fell backward, unable to keep his footing, but his eyes never left the set he had made.
The set released from his fingers with all his strength tore through the empty space and headed for the net. Kuroba rolled around on the floor, got up, immediately broke into a run and took off. The ball was far away. But Kuroba could hit it. No one except Kuroba could hit it.
He brought his entire body to the front of the net at once with his inherently dynamic jumping distance. Even so, the hitting point was high. Tatsumi jumped to block him, but he didn’t even allow a single touch, as though it was payback for earlier, and went over the block. “Go!” Haijima spontaneously shouted. He could confidently say that there were no high school-class players who could stop Kuroba one-on-one at the net when he was on the top of his game.
He saw with his own eyes Kuroba knocking down the ball with a powerful swing, and then in the next instant,
The outside voices that had completely disappeared suddenly flew in from nearby. Komukai?——The moment he turned his head in the direction of the voice, he was hit by something from the side. A violent metallic sound penetrated his head all the way to the other side.
There was a stir around him. All the noise in the gym suddenly came back to his eardrums, and he was temporarily lost in the torrent of disorganized sounds.
“Chika! Oi, Chika!” He heard Komukai’s voice near him, but it was kept away and replaced by another voice saying, “Haijima!”
“Haijima! Are you okay, Haijima!?” “Ugh…” He could still feel the metallic sound reverberating in his head. It feels like I got slapped…he was conscious enough to have that thought in his mind. He could guess from the direction he slid in that it was the metal panel of the score board.
Am I okay…? He checked himself and got the response that he was fine. He sat up on the fallen panel while pressing his face.
“Haijima, oi!”
“Yeah…I hear you. I probably didn’t hurt any…”
The person hanging over him and peering into him was probably Kuroba, but he couldn’t get a clear image of him even if he strained his eyes.
“My glasses…”
“Glasses? Oh, this…mmh? Ah.”
“…What is it.”
“No, this…are you fine with it like this…?”
While Kuroba spoke unfocusedly, he ran his hand over the thing he had given him and checked the shape of the familiar frames. He tried to open the earpieces, but something felt off.
The frames were warped. Well, it’s an emergency measure, but if I forcibly bent it to the other side, I’ll be able to put them on more or less…as long as they aren’t broken… Nope.
He held up the glasses by the earpieces. Grimacing with all his might, he stared at the fuzzy figure eight outline in front of his eyes.
One of the lenses was gone.
“Oh, here it is, here it is. It looks like it’s not broken.”
Kuroba found the missing lens, but it wasn’t like he could fit it in right here.
“What are you going to do? Quit? We don’t mind if you quit.”
The Meisei second-year who was acting as the referee said. When he used the received lens like a magnifying glass and glared at the referee, he could see the referee flinch a little in the slightly distorted oval.
He pointed the lens at the scoreboard under his butt. The numbers were flipped up and the scores for both sides were unclear, but they were recorded in the scorebook inside his head. Haijima didn’t doubt that Kuroba’s spike right before had went in, so he added that.
“…23-23, huh.”
They were always behind by two or three points, but they gradually closed the gap in the second half and caught up at the end. Now all they had to do was to score two times in a row without giving up a single point. Meisei seemed to be worried that the higher-ups would be coming back soon, but it would be irritating to have the game end with no definite results.
“It’s no problem. I’ll play like this.”
Is he serious? The gallery buzzed. He stood up with his glasses, which couldn’t be used due to the warping of the frames. Kuroba tried to support him, but he pushed his hand away with an “I’m fine” and turned to Tatsumi.
“Tatsumi-san, you’re going to play until the end, right?”
“Yeah, if you’re fine with it. It’s getting interesting, after all.”
Tatsumi said with a wry smile, his voice coming from a completely different direction from where Haijima was facing.
Now we’re talking… His heart boiled up lightly, and he pushed aside his fatigue for the moment. He was glad he was able to play this game. Ikawa was able to rouse him, and there were many things he could learn from an experienced player like Tatsumi.
Absorb it all, push it away, and go up.
“It’s my serve, after all.”
“If you can’t do it, you can rotate the serve order around, okay?” He couldn’t make out the face at all, but a long and thin object that seemed like Tatsumi said.
The serve was Seiin’s. The server was Haijima.
“Kuroba. Put this near my bag.”
He thrust his glasses to Kuroba while glaring at the court. Kuroba let out a shrill “Uweh?”, and he sensed that it was no good. Even though he had been on the top of his game, the current commotion had broken his concentration.
Well, we were able to unveil our ace, anyways.
If Kuroba said he wanted to show off their setter, then Haijima also wanted to show off the fact that there was such an attacker at a no-name public school. He had already accomplished that goal with that shot earlier, and he didn’t need to show their hand any more than that today.
He started walking along the line. His feet were a bit unsteady, but he had no hesitations about the direction he was walking in. Kuroba put his glasses near his bag by the wall and then hurriedly caught up to him.
“Can you see?”
“I can’t. I have 0-0.1 vision without my glasses.”
He stood in the service zone to receive the ball. He tried to catch the ball with one hand and ended up receiving it with his face.
The gallery buzzed for a moment and then fell into complete silence. “…Is this guy going to be okay?”
He once lightly nudged the ball in the service zone. Everything around him looked blurry, like it had rained, but only the white lines, a rectangle of nine by eighteen meters, stood out clearly. Like guide lights illuminating a runway at night, they shone white in his vision. He had only moved away to a place where he couldn’t see the outside of the court. His connection with the court wasn’t broken.
The soles of his shoes squeaked as he checked the feeling of the well waxed floor. He rolled the still relatively new Molten practice ball in his hands.
Haijima liked the feel of a volleyball. Not a soccer ball, not a baseball, not a basketball, but a volleyball. The surface was slightly cushioned, and it fit into his fingers as though wrapping around them. For him, a volleyball was “warm.”
The whistle sounded to resume play.
If the other side scored even one point and it became a deuce (4), then they probably won’t win. They had to score twice consecutively to reach twenty-five points. Of course, they couldn’t miss any of their serves. But there was no option to include a float serve. A lukewarm serve would be easily counterattacked in any case.
To be honest, he couldn’t tell where Kuroba was standing, so he couldn’t tell what defense Tatsumi and Ikawa were taking on the other side of the net. However, the tension given off by those breathing on the court created a slight airflow. He used the feeling on his skin, sense of hearing, and sense of smell to grasp the changes in the air. Even if he couldn’t see it, there was a court in his mind that he could recreate in vivid detail from corner to corner. The bright coat on the wooden floor at his feet radiated out from beneath his feet as though to stretch out the roots of his nerves all around.
He put the ball in his left hand and held it up to his eyes. He could only vaguely recognize the three colors of white, red, and green at the end of his arm, and he couldn’t even recognize the colors of anything further away than the ball.
But…so what?
How many tens of thousands of times do you think I’ve stood in this place and hit the ball from here?
With a snap of his left hand, he threw the ball high in front of him. While looking up at the ball he had just released, he ran forward, sank his knees in the same manner as a spike jump, and jumped. The blurry white, red, and green disappeared completely, blending in with the lights on the ceiling. However, he believed in his set and swung his arm out without hesitation. He felt the sensation of his left hand securely grabbing the center of the ball.
There was a stir at the same time he landed on his toes, and the whistle blew.
Haijima didn’t know what the whistle was for, but it seemed that he had scored as Kuroba cheered and flung his arms around him.
“…Can I hit another one?”
“Of course. You’re our service ace.”
Service ace…it went in, huh… The strength slipped out of him for an instant, and he rested his chin on Kuroba’s shoulder and took a breath. Well, he was confident, but even so, he was surprised with himself.
“Where did that one go?”
“Straight into the right corner…wait, you really can’t see!?”
“That’s what I’ve been saying all along.”
“That’s scary, you’re strong even in this condition…”
He reproduced every serve he hit on the court in his head while digesting the sensations so as to not forget the sensation of every move that remained in his body. He could clearly imagine the white, red, and green ball that drew a slightly distorted trajectory to the left and sucked into the opponent’s court and stab into the right corner, as clearly as if he were seeing it with his own eyes.
One more…I can do one more.
“The ball…”
He muttered heatedly while staring into space. “Huh? O-Okay,” Kuroba caught the ball that had been released and passed it to him.
He didn’t have to think about the whole court anymore today. He didn’t need to think about game-making for ahead. He only had to think about making this serve——
Kuroba’s voice disappeared from his eardrums. The court he had been drawing in his head with himself as the starting point disappeared as though a dark curtain had been pulled down in all directions. The place he was standing in and the white lines at a ninety-degree angle that indicated the right corner of the opponent’s court. The world was condensed into a single sharp, thin line—the shortest path that connected those two points and grazed the top of the net. A ray of light in the darkness, only for the No.5 ball with a diameter of 20cm to penetrate.
If he had only the nerves to make this one serve, then the circuits in his brain might as well be burned out for the rest of the day.
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prorevenge · 4 years
Won’t pick up your dog’s shit and then steal from me? Move out then.
So this happened at the last apartment complex I lived in. Sorry it’s so long.
My SO and I were renting a ground floor unit at a really nice apartment complex. I wouldn’t say it was a luxury apartment or anything but our ground floor unit had a little patio off the back that led out into a really nice court yard area with hammocks, a walking path, outdoor fireplace/seating area, etc. A lot of people walk their dogs out there or let their kids play out in the grass, including us.
We have a 1 year old cane corso, we got her when we’d been living in the unit for about 2.5 months and she was only 8 weeks at the time. She’s a really good dog and we trained her well. We could let her out to go potty and she’d come right back even if there were distractions/people/dogs out (we always stood on the patio and watched her anyways because our pet agreement said we couldn’t leave our dog unattended). Then we’d go pick up her poop right away if she pooped (also part of the pet agreement as I’m sure is standard at most apartment complexes). We kept a small step trash can outside specifically for her poop bags because we didn’t want to throw them away inside and the only outside trash cans were on the other side of the building (which i agree is super dumb). It really was a small trash can, like the kind you’d tuck into the bathroom between the toilet and the wall. We also had her poop bags hanging on our patio door handle for easy access so we didn’t have to hunt for them every time we needed them.
This lady and her kid moved in on the ground floor in our building, two units down from us. No biggie. We ran into her one day carrying in groceries and my SO held open the door for her. She seemed kind of Karen-ish but was polite and her kid (probably 10-11 years old) didn’t look up from his phone. Whatever that’s pretty typical of kids these days. They also had a dog, a little black and white fluffy thing super cute but not trained very well. Don’t know what kind of dog but it was much smaller than our already giant puppy.
After about two weeks or so, we realized that there were dog turds in the grass right off our patio. We found out the hard way because my boyfriend stepped in it the first time. Luckily he wasn’t barefoot. They were clearly not our dog’s turds as 1.) we always picked up her poop right after she went and 2.) they were very obviously from a small dog, not our 70 pound puppy. We’d been in the apartment about 7-8 months at that point and had never had an issue with this so we figured it was EM’s little dog. I wrote her a polite note that basically was like “Hey neighbor! We noticed that some of your dog’s poops aren’t being picked up and are right off our patio. Per the pet agreement we all have to sign, we all need to be picking up our own dog’s poop each time they go. I’m sure it was an accident and you just didn’t notice, so if you could make sure to do that going forward we’d appreciate it! -Your neighbors in (unit#)”
She wasn’t home so I slipped it under the door and went back to my apartment. A couple hours later this lady is banging on my door and gets really angry with me, insists that it couldn’t have been her dog and how dare I assume. I felt really bad and I apologized immediately, said I didn’t mean to offend her and it must have been someone else. She told me never to bother her with “crap like this again” and stormed off. I was like okaaaaayyyyy.
Not three days later, I was sitting on my patio with a book enjoying the cool weather when I see their little dog run out of their back door - no one with it - and it comes over to me. I said hello to the pup (bcuz I love pups) and then it took a shit right off patio, ran back home and scratched the door to be let in. I saw her kid slide the door open enough to let the dog in and then closed it again without coming outside to pick up the poop. I was annoyed because here I saw it with my own eyes that it WAS their dog and no one was even watching it when it was outside.
So I grabbed a poop bag, picked up the poop, wrote another less polite note about her kid neglecting to watch the dog or come to check if it had pooped/pick up after it, and dropped the poop bag and the note on their patio right by the door, then went back to my reading. EM was quicker to come by this time and stomped right up to me, waving the note around. Then stated that her kid was just a kid and probably just forgot to check. I said I didn’t care, her kid was old enough to stand outside for 3 minutes and come pick up the dog’s poop. She said well there’s no poop bags/trashcans on this side of the building and she didn’t feel comfortable making her kid walk all the way around the building for that. The next part is my own fault, in hindsight. I suggested she put a trash can like mine on her patio and leave their own poop bags handy like we do for our dog. She eyed our stuff, huffed some more, rolled her eyes, refused to do anything about the poop and walked off. At this point I was super annoyed.
I stalked my patio door for the next couple days as much as I could, just waiting. And sure enough on day 2 in the evening when I was about to give up, I see the puppy run outside towards my patio. I whipped out my phone, took some pictures of the dog outside alone (not allowed) and the dog pooping and then took another phone an hour later of the poop still there and time stamped all of them. Then I sent an email to the apartment office people who were always pretty nice and they responded quickly they would give her a warning about it.
And sure enough this lady comes back AGAIN, to get mad and yell at me about how petty I was to report them to the office and now they had a $150 fine for not picking up their dog poop. (It’s worth noting that these fines were rare. PooPrints were not used at this complex. In order for the office to fine someone for dog poop they had to have proof it was that specific tenants dog’s poop and that it wasn’t picked up. Hence the photos I’d taken and timestamped.) I told her that I had tried to be nice about it with her TWICE before and it was her own fault at that point for not abiding by the terms of the pet agreement we ALL had to sign (everyone who had a dog at least).
She went off about how she’s a single mom and she works during the day and her precious baby can’t be expected to pick up after their dog. I told her that a 10/11 year old was plenty old enough to pick up after a dog and that if they weren’t responsible enough then maybe the kid shouldn’t be letting the dog out at all and she should be the one to do it or maybe whoever is home with him should be looking after it. She got angry, told me I had no idea how to be a single mom, that her mom stays with him during the day and shouldn’t be expected to look after her kid and her dog and she stomped off again. I expected to hear more about it but I didn’t. (The ironic part is I AM a single mom; my kid isn’t my SO’s and I raised him alone for 2.5 years before I met my SO, so yes I do know how hard it is and I live 1000 miles from my closest family so I never even had the luxury of being able to have my mom watch my kid.)
Over the next couple of weeks we didn’t find anymore dog turds off our patio. But we did notice our poop bags were depleting and our trash can filling up way more quickly than usual. I had my suspicions and wanted to test it. We had recently bought some small security cameras for inside of our apartment for different reasons and I had my boyfriend set one up outside on the patio. We faced it where it could see our door and trash can but didn’t point to the rest of the court yard or other people’s units (we respect privacy around here).
Sure enough the same evening my boyfriend set it up, I see the kid walk onto our patio, take a poop bag, walk out of frame, and then come back to throw it in our trash can. Okay. Now I’m PISSED but also not trying to fight this lady or her kid. So I moved the poop bags to the inside door handle. It’s a glass door so you can still see them but we always lock our sliding door.
Next morning, I hear someone knocking on the back patio door and I go to see her kid standing there looking annoyed. I didn’t open the door I just spoke loudly enough to ask what did he need. He demanded a poop bag for his dog’s poop. I said I’m sorry but these are our poop bags for our dog and they weren’t free for anyone else to use. The apartment provides poop bags in a dispenser near the trash can on the other side of the building. Kid started demanding a poop bag, saying his mom told him he could use ours, slapping his hands on the glass a few times (trying to scare me? yes I’m so terrified of a ten year old boy...), and finally screaming at me that he’s telling his mother on me. I said fine go ahead I’ll tell her the same thing. Sure enough, a few minutes later his mom is standing on my patio also demanding a poop bag for her dog’s poop. I denied her a bag and asked her to please step off of my patio as she was making me feel unsafe and uncomfortable (my SO wasn’t home). She told me I was a bratty child (I’m 24...) and she demanded I let her use my poop bags as I had already told her she could before. I said no, I told you to get some yourself and do what I do - keep them close by and put your own trash can on your own patio - not use the bags I buy with my own money for my own dog and then fill up my tiny trash can with your dog’s poop. I pointed out she could use a plastic shopping bag if she didn’t want to buy her own poop bags or she could use the bags the complex provided on the other side of the building. She kept going off on me and I finally told her if she didn’t leave my patio I’d call the police as she was harassing me (the apartment office was closed on Sundays and of course it was Sunday). She acted like she was going to call my bluff but then my boyfriend got home and walked up behind me to ask what was going on and she ended up dragging her kid away - again, leaving the poop in the grass off my patio.
So once she was gone, I took ANOTHER timestamped picture of the dog poop, downloaded the footage from my security camera of her kid stealing my poop bags and throwing them in my trash can and the footage from them that morning yelling at me and demanding my bags and my denying them and emailed all of it to the apartment management. I told them that she made me feel unsafe and uncomfortable in my own home, that she and her child felt entitled to come onto my patio and take my belongings. I also went outside, picked up her dog’s poop, looked in the trash can on my patio and pulled out the bags with her dog’s poop (they were significantly smaller than my dog’s poops as I’m sure any dog owners could tell the difference in poops of a 12lb dog vs a 70lb dog). I went and opened all the bags and dumped the poops straight on her patio right outside the door.
On Monday, I heard back from the office lady who said she would take care of it. By Friday, there was a moving truck and the lady and her kid were moving out. Pretty sure they were evicted or at the very least urged to move before a formal eviction process was initiated. After talking to some of our other, much friendlier neighbors, it turns out we weren’t the only ones who had been complaining about her. They’d only lived in the complex for like 2-3 months before they made so many enemies they were kicked out.
Sometimes I think I should feel bad for playing a part in them getting evicted but honestly I can’t bring myself to feel guilty about it. Not my fault she was a lazy entitled bitch who couldn’t even be assed to get a shopping bag to pick up her dog’s shit. I never heard from her about the turds I dropped on her patio but I like to think she stepped in them without looking and knew better than to come bitch to me about it.
(Also, I’m sure they were given more than a week to vacate as those are the tenancy laws here but she packed up and left like a bat out of hell. Guess she didn’t want to stay somewhere she was clearly seen as an enemy... I don’t know for sure that she was evicted or if she was just asked to leave or abide by the lease or what. Office can’t give out that type of info and she and I weren’t exactly on speaking terms for her to give me the scoop about it.)
TLDR; Entitled mom lets her dog shit wherever it wants without cleaning it, I tell her to pick up her dog’s shits or make her kid do it, she refuses, gets a fine from the apartment complex after I send them pics of her dog unattended and the poop not being picked up. She starts letting her kid steal my supplies from my patio, I send video footage and photos to the management and they end up being kicked out of the complex.
(source) story by (/u/MotherhoodEst2017)
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momowho34 · 4 years
Ever wondered whats actually in the Old Testament? Well that’s the only testament my religion has! Heres a summary of the Tanakh (old testament) from a jewish lens. I’ve read a lot of these books because I have nothing better to do so I mostly know what I’m talking about. Come on down to Judiasm, we have
The Big Five
The Book of Bereshit (Genesis): the world gets made then flooded and uh oh family drama fuck don’t get more then one wife these people need family therapy oh god oh no
The Book of Sh’mot (Exodus): pssst hey kid, want some freedom??? Wanna fucking starve and die in the desert??? Hey kid, wanna be free to suffer and die???? Or stay where you are as a slave and die a little more every day???? Also leprosy bad don’t do it be nice and have more babies lots of babies the population is at like 17 people right now-
The Book of Vayikrah (Leviticus) we’re going to the promised land I swear, part 1, also learning how to have your own agency as a human being and how to live as a good person now that you’re free. Also hygiene. Remember to bathe you fucks. Basically, the people ask god for laws, and oh boy, does he deliver.
The Book of Bamidbar (Numbers): we’re going to the promised land I swear, part 2, with more rules this time! Soooo many rules. Like too many. Like so many, mostly of the “don’t steal Sherman’s cow even if you really really want it because god keeps a tally of that shit and it’s really not good for your long term health”
The Book of Shevarim (Deuteronomy): more rules, repeat of everything god said, it’s a little doom and gloom, but hey, we finally made it to the fucking promised land! It should be a peice of cake from here on out!
The Interesting But Far Less Impactful Ones
The Book of Yoshua (Joshua): well... we finally made it. Things have gone... alright.... so far, I bet things are gonna be just fine.
The Book of Shoftim (Judges): things get legendarily worse. There are dismembered limbs everywhere. Ain’t pretty. Israel change leaders like a girl changes clothes, and these leaders are (including but not limited to): stabby-stabby left handed guy, a Woman [gasp], whatever the fuck Gideon was supposed to be, basically a pirate whose mom is a prostitute, and mr. strong man don’t cut his hair. Seriously.
The Book of Shmuel 1 and 2 (Samuel I-II): look just... shit goes down. Saul is a shit king so the random ass peasant child David becomes the king of Israel and is a hilarious disaster of a man. A lot of civil wars. A lot of David being a dramatic bitch. These are my favorite books I kind of cried in the beginning when Jonathan died. Hijinks ensue. Things go... okay for a while.
The Book of Malachim 1 and 2 (Kings I and II): Oho boy. David’s son Solomon becomes king, he builds the temple, he’s a fine king until he’s not, Judah splits off from the other tribes and becomes their own kingdom, Elijah gets really tired of babysitting all of these kings all the time, it’s a nebulous time period.
The Books of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Hosea, Ezekiel, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habbakuk, Zephaniah, Zachariah and Malachi: okay, this is... a lot. Most of these books are various essays made by prophets trying to convince people to stop doing whatever sin was prevalent at their time. A lot of it’s boring and not really relevant anymore. Except for Habbakuk, Habbakuk tries to have a fist fight with god, god answers his questions, he leaves satisfied. I think the temple gets ganked at some point and the Israelites get massacred so hard only Judah’s tribe, Benjamin’s tribe, and bits of Levi survive and everyone else faces exile. Anyway that’s booooring let’s move on
End of the Story (Last Section Part 1)
[imma start with some of the later books because they’re relevant to the earlier books and closure is important]
The Book of Daniel: Local Man is almost killed in every way you can think of but god protects him and he pursues his dream... of becoming a Persian bureaucrat. Not kidding.
The Book of Ezra: they return to the land! They rebuild the temple!! The Jews are sort of kind of a thing again!!!
The Book of Nehemiah: except Jerusalem is a wasteland and a perfect target for bandits so Nehemiah has the genius idea of building a wall around the city so awesome and cool that no one will ever mess with them again. Nehemiah is really good because it’s about healing and connection and redemption and all that good shit. Broken people trying to put their lives back together by connecting to their past. Makes me fucking cry damn it-
Miscellaneous (Last Section Part 2)
Lamentations: Jerusalem is fucked. It’s bad. Everything is bad. Again. Oh well. Better luck next time.
Esther: the Jewish queen of Persia manages to outsmart an evil guy who wants to kill her people yayyyyy
Ecclesiastes: its just a philosophy book with a disembodied narrator who was probably Solomon.
Psalms: David is extra and he wants you to know it so he wrote 150 verses of praise to god cause he felt like it
Proverbs: Solomon wants everyone to be good people, the usual.
Song of Songs: okay listen, this is basically a love poem supposedly written by Solomon, and it is like... really horny and genuinely kinda sweet at times. Weird book, don’t know why it’s here
Ruth: a converted immigrant widow follows her mother in law into Israel and marries a pretty cool guy named Boaz. That’s it.
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marewriteblr · 5 years
Traits And Quirks For Characters In Fantasy (list)
idk if I’m the only one, but when creating characters for my wips, I like to google lists of traits and quirks to give a bit more depth to them. and since I mostly write fantasy, I thought my characters deserved some more fantasy-related traits and quirks, so here’s a list of 150+ traits and quirks for characters in a fantasy setting!! hope it helps some of you too
has tattoos that keep changing
bad vision—takes magical potion to see clearly
addicted to magical food or drink
weird things happen when they laugh, sneeze, cough…
sees things that aren‘t there—or are they?
speaks in rhymes
has a wandering scar
has a wound that never stops bleeding
shows symptoms of a curse but pretends to not know how they got it
physical signs when lying, eg hair growing unnaturally fast
can summon any mythical creature easily
has a mythical creature for a pet
brings a slight breeze with them whenever they enter a room
was dead once
refuses to eat certain type of food for no specific reason as though it were amoral or inethical
obsession with a particular period in history
obsession with a magical creature/species
doesn‘t dance or make music because weird things happen
haunted by a ghost, their best companion
always has a candle lit (eg for their ghost companion)
can speak a mystery language only very few people understand
can turn the light of single stars on and off as they please
used to be part of a secret society
wears shoes with wings, no one knows if they actually work
can predict the future correctly for a ridiculous/bizarre reason
lives at court, no one knows why or where they came from but they let them stay
can only talk in questions or riddles
always seen reading spell books though they can‘t do magic
always seen reading books though they can‘t read. bonus if the reason for this is magical
tells everyone about the time they did something they‘ve certainly never done
tells everyone they used to be a dragon, is obviously lying
is actually blind, no one has noticed
never speaks, only talks to people telepathically, they’re used to it by now
has blood of unnatural colour, tells the weirdest stories of why that is—story changes every time
sacrificed 7 years of their life to magical creature who might claim them any minute
sacrificed a body part, determined to get it back
sacrificed their good looks
always learning spells by heart and seen using them the next day as though they’d prepared it for the occasion
has a secret identity, eg can do a certain type of magic and sneaks out to commit crimes/perform on stage/meet their companions…
keeps getting into trouble because people are convinced they have magic, but they don’t
belongs to a human/non-magical species but was kidnapped years ago and never went back
is actually a ghost
is immortal but doesn‘t know anything about history—can tell you all about the migration of dwarf antelopes on their continent throughout the centuries though
always corrects people on history/mythology facts with things they can‘t possibly know if they weren‘t there themselves
allergic to magic. bonus if they‘re a powerful wizard or deity
obsessed with knives and swords. you can fight them but they‘re more interested in the crafting of your blade
allergic to a certain spell and only that spell for no apparent reason
always has a certain item or food in their pocket in case they need to bribe a magical creature today
miscorrects others‘ pronunciation of spells and pronounces them wrong themselves (eg emphasis on wrong syllable)
talks in a fake elf accent to piss off elves
pretends to be a species they clearly aren’t judging by their appearance, and gets defensive when told so, calling people racist
gets themselves into trouble by trying to seduce nymphs when drunk. also an alcoholic
is cursed to never remember any names—has forgotten their real name a long time ago so no one can ever have that power over them
introduces themselves with a different name every time they meet someone
heavily worships an evil trickster god
ominously refers to themselves in third person
doesn‘t walk but jumps from roof to roof instead
predicts the future but is always horribly wrong
challenges people to a quest all the time
seems to know every person in the entire kingdom
seems to be enemies with every person in the entire kingdom
spends a lot of time in dimly-lit taverns seeking opponents for a strange board game
likes to look for bizarre monsters deep in the forest
talks to their dagger
talks too much during sword fights
gets involved in sword fights but only ever carries a paper sword with them
makes up crazy and hardly believable stories when asked about their past to hide their guilt
collects a particular type of item that can only be found on adventurous quests to dangerous places
has large horns on their head despite their species having no such thing, refuses to tell anyone why
never seen eating
never seen sleeping
takes every time anyone mentions something being hard or dangerous to do as a challenge to try it
wears an eyepatch solely for the looks of it
collects dangerous enchanted jewellery
random hissing
an excellent storyteller, like unnaturally excellent
politically involved and fights for giants‘ rights
has a finger that‘s mysteriously shorter than the others
is best friends with a demon
is nocturnal but loves sunlight
pretends to be completely resistant to pain
always sneaking around
has a tattoo that keeps dis- and reappearing
enchants people with their acting
has a wooden prosthesis
doesn‘t wear shoes
changes eye colour every day
wears gloves all the time and tells people it‘s for their safety
hears the trees talk to them
believes the apocalypse is near
pretends to be immortal
breaks into people‘s homes to steal food. no jewellery. only food
pins pressed flowers to their walls
believes that flowers grant wishes
has random visions of other people‘s pasts that aren‘t necessarily true but always get them into trouble
strongly believes in reincarnation
talks in a different accent every day
is convinced they are cursed
sees every minor conflict as a challenge to a sword fight
fights their battles using nothing but darts
is an archer and also blind or missing an arm
accidentally stabs themselves. a lot.
always carrying poison around „just in case“
is at fault for the fall of a mighty god
knows all about mythology
always up to date regarding drama and gossip between the gods
immediately scared they’re about to be cursed whenever someone raises their voice
still mourns over the death of a friend
whatever they touch breaks instantly
chews on their wand (definitely not a good idea)
always wears their hair tied up into a bun, is longer than rapunzel‘s when worn loose
brags they were good at picking locks but actually just hit it really hard until it breaks
accidental shapeshifting
still waiting for an ominous prophecy to foretell their destiny
makes weird/seemingly unnecessary bargains with strangers
has something slightly off about their appearance that makes people stop in their tracks to watch them
unhealthy obsession with cloaks
is a great fan of wizards. collects wands and hats like action figures
horses don‘t like them, they ride a wolf instead
sings the spells they use
constantly mumbling to themselves or someone others can‘t see
can duplicate themselves but can‘t do math so they‘re always a bit confused
has a leaf sticking to the back of their hand. don‘t ask them why
is a painter, travels very far to obtain a particular kind of paint
sketches their dreams in a book after they come to them at night
always seems to be charged with electricity
freckles on their cheeks dance when laughing or when light hits them
makes up prophecies and tells strangers about them
grows wings when high up due to fear of falling
gets arrested regularly for pranking nature spirits and deities
sneezes when using magic
insomniac, needs a particular spell or magical food/herb to fall asleep
magic makes them fall asleep (when they use it or when others use it nearby)
mixes the weirdest potions all day
can‘t eat spicy food, literally breathes fire
necromancy but only to revive their dead cat
turns the same colour of any food they eat
dreams of becoming a knight
horrible short term memory but can easily recite anything they read two centuries ago
makes their eye colour look white just to mess with people
can‘t remember spells for shit. says them incorrectly which always goes horribly wrong
terrible handwriting. bonus if they’re a messenger who has to send important letters on a daily, causing things to go very wrong
can correctly guess anyone‘s magical power on a scale from 1-10. is stupid enough to point it out aloud, too
wears cloaks that are way too long
carries a fake sword on their hip
carries way more weapons on them than necessary
uses their dagger as a toothpick
plays with dagger when thinking
supernaturally heavy sleeper
gets the different species mixed up a lot
tells everyone how many people they‘ve killed in their life
a die hard fan of a well-known assassin
a die hard fan of shakespeare‘s puck
desperately wants to be abducted by the fae
heavily affected by the phase of the moon
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catsnuggler · 3 years
What didn't help my whole subconsciously-missionary-minded, silent-echoes-of-Mormonism socialism illusion, which made me think it would be selfish and wrong to demand my own liberation, was the misapplication of standpoint epistemology - put simply, when "identity politics" goes bad.
Putting the rest under a cut, because this is a long post.
While it's crude and ultimately incorrect to only say, for example, "Listen to Black voices", without emphasizing the critical thinking skills and empathy necessary to listen to Cornel West, and dismiss Candace Owens for the right-wing corporate hack that she is, what is for certain is that someone like me, a 100% white American settler of Mormon pioneer stock (on one side of my family, anyway), and with no formal education on the subject matter, doesn't have authority to speak on the experience of Black people in America. I have no argument against that, because it's true.
Continuing further, just because, in spite of the fact neither racism nor colonialism oppresses me, capitalism still does, this doesn't mean I have as much authority to speak on it as a Black member of the working class does, as anti-Black racism and capitalism compound on and depend on each other, making the lives of Black working class people more difficult than the lives of white working class people. Doesn't mean I can't speak on capitalism, just means I'm not the leading voice.
That being said - I'm going to talk as if I'm still a believing Mormon, let alone Christian, in this and the next paragraph, to better explain the subconscious workings of my mind, due to their brainwashing - the difference in our positions can be wrongly perceived, especially by someone raised in the illusory colonial missionary mindset, similar to the position of those with "the gospel" and those "of the world", where those with "the truth" have more, but are, like all, oppressed by "sin", yet at least believe themselves to have the knowledge and wherewithal to resist, while those "worldly" people aren't blessed with the wealth of God's Word, nor the solidarity of the church, and are thus further deprived of the perfection God desires for his children than those of His Flock already are, and must be ministered to, brought into the Fold, and Saved from On High.
Yet there must ever be a humility to such actions, there must ever be self-denial, for all are imperfect, even those in the church, as, just as Christ shed His blood, and allowed His flesh to be pierced, even to His death, in limitless sacrifice for the sins of all of the Children of Men, that they may be redeemed, so have countless socialist, communist, and anarchist revolutionaries died for the cause, and yet all who live, who do not seclude themselves from the world and its markets, facilitate the continued exploitation and robbery of each other by the capitalist class. All are imperfect, and all would deserve bondage and bloodshed, were it not for the bleeding hearts of the martyrs.
So, you see, even someone who consciously attempts to reject Christianity can still fall victim to its logic, even after abandoning the official doctrine of it, if proper safeguards against the general thought processes of it are not taken. Returning to the original point I've tried to raise, I've fallen for a long time to a Christian-esque stance of personal martyrdom for the sake of "saving others" to the point I believed pursuing my own liberation would be selfish.
I'm mentally ill and neurodivergent to the point that getting myself to even get into the habit of seeking jobs is difficult, much more so landing myself an interview; and getting an offer of employment? Only happened once, at the end of my first interview. As you predicted, the job sucked, they were desperate to hire me because it sucks, and it wasn't 3 months before I quit. I quit in late September of 2018. It's been almost 3 years of me not having a job.
I got my driver's license in mid 2019, but got into a minor parking accident that only broke a headlight on the car I drove, and didn't damage the other car, in September of that year. It was over a year before I drove again, because of the depth of my depression and anxiety over one accident, which cost about $150. Since January of this year, I've driven somewhat regularly, and have some measure of confidence, but am still anxious every time I'm behind the wheel. I could drive to and from a job, if needed, but it would be a while before that would be comfortable.
I still live with my dad, at the age of 23, and barely have any friends where I live anymore; those local friends I still have, I haven't seen face-to-face for a long time. My dad... my dad could die any day, and I would be royally fucked. Something happened earlier this month, and he wasn't healthy before, but this was really serious. He amazingly got away with few symptoms, and can make a full recovery with the right effort, except... it could still happen again, it would just be less likely. If it does, he could die. Again, I would be royally fucked. I don't know how much his treatment cost, but I know it must be a pretty penny. There's only so long I can continue like this.
Due to my dependence and general impotent state, I can't do a goddamn thing for what I believe in right now. I have to fight self-hatred with the argument that if I die, I'll have died useless and unhelpful, when I could potentially have kept living til I got my act together and finally done something helpful before passing.
I have a college degree. Not a "real" degree, in the sense of it mattering, but I have an Associate degree, DTA. No major; I never could figure out what I wanted to do. It would have been a close call between anything in political science, which would have led toward a government job, which would be unacceptable as an anarchist, or perhaps a professorial job, teaching would-be politicians and bureaucrats, hardly educating anyone of revolutionary intent; or something in chemistry, perhaps biochemistry, leading to some kind of colonial agrichem shit, or making expensive medicines nobody would be able to afford for private entities' profits, possibly having research appropriated by Uncle Sam for weapons purposes - I don't know, but none of that was appealing. I graduated community college with Honors, as a member of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. I could have had promise as some or other kind of technocrat or bureaucrat - but I wouldn't be able to live with myself. It seems the less one is exploited, the more they exploit others. I don't know what job I can take that would exploit me enough that I wouldn't hurt others so much, while leaving me alone enough that I wouldn't kill myself, which... which has been a temptation, at times. Not too strong, but it is fucking there. I have promise; at short-term memorization and obedience, at least, like a mongrel dog who can read; but no conviction, no confidence, and a surplus of fear.
There are more woes I can recollect, I can continue this pity party in a book, but enough of that. Suffice it to say, all this time, I should have wanted my own liberation. Colonized people (in an American context, Turtle Island Indigenous and Black) have it worse, LGBT* people have it worse, women have it worse, physically disabled people have it worse, people with greater mental disabilities than my own have it worse, and I can't lead any of their struggles. But I do have the right to demand my own liberation, and I shouldn't convince myself otherwise.
*I don't oppose the use of the other word, except people of my demographic have abused that word so goddamn much, I don't want to type it, myself, let alone say it. It's always tainted when it comes from those who aren't of that community. Please don't think I'm either a radfem or a libfem just because I didn't use that word. I support people identifying with that label in using it.
This post became increasingly personal toward the end. However, I hope my flawed perspective, perhaps unique (read: unrelatable) in some aspects, perhaps explaining, at least in part, some of the fucked-up mental hurdles of white socialist "allies" that we need to get our asses over yesterday, might help - whatever I might have illuminated, and whatever I surely missed. I can understand why someone might want to share and add, share and criticize, or leave this alone with a like, nothing at all, or an unfollow.
Not that I can prevent this from being shared in any way, except by not posting in the first place, but I'm okay with it being shared by other socialists, for whatever it's worth... although I understand the more traction it gets, the more likely I'll get anon hate about being full of myself (deserved, to an extent at least), for being some dumb socialist cuck (not exactly wrong, but rude, and likely from a Nazi, so fuck you), or perhaps from non-Mormon Christians accusing me, someone they'd call a Mormon (which is arguably almost a new ethnicity (not race though) as much as it is a religion) of daring to throw the Christian god and Christianity, in general, under the bus, accusing me of being in league with the devil. So be it.
If you're not a reactionary, nor a liberal, nor somewhere in-between, and you want to share this for some reason or another, you may do so.
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Tuesday 10 April 1838: SH:7/ML/E/21/0074
7 25
12 10
finish morning – high wind – F41° at 8 40 – somehow I think more of A- than she deserves I wish I was well rid of her – Looking into Backwell and De la Beche (Geology) till 9 – then breakfast and sat downstairs talking till 10 – soon afterwards sat down at my desk and wrote 3pp. and under seal (of ½ sheet) to Lady S. de R- and wrote over again (to date my letter today) what I wrote to Lady S- on Sunday writing it now in 4pp. of ½ sheet and 1 p. of envelope – then wrote 4pp. (letter paper) to Lady V.C- chitchat to Lady S- and thanks for her letter and congratulations on the birth of the little Sibbella – delighted and exulting to have waited till practice has made perfect that my Sibbella may not be behindhand with the little people her predecessors – Lady S- writes ‘tho a daughter she is the finest child she has’ – offer to put myself at Lady S-‘s disposal for 2 or 3 weeks anytime after the end of this month – shall want only my maid – will send my carriage to the coach maker to have what done may be necessary for a longer journey and will send my manservant home – wrote the substance of all this to Lady S. de R- adding that a very unexpected circumstance but not  a windfall had upset my plans and that I now thought I should not be able to get quite off before near or after Xmas – wrote congratulations to Lady V.C- hope she did not feel the effects of her fall (just before her confinement) beyond the moment – mention having purchased the 2 books she recommended (Combe and Dr. Birgham) ‘much for us all to profit by, especially your mothers, whose olive-branches spring up, and thrive so pleasurably’ – ‘Surely you will condole with me on my being still here – I had arranged a plan of northern tour, and fixed the day for being in London; but a very unexpected circumstance upset my schemes once more; and I am waiting as patiently as I can – But I shall never go far without telling you – at this moment, I fear I cannot be absent for long together of some months to come – nous verrons – but I think I could manage a short while, and have just written to dear Lady Stuart, and offered to put myself at her disposal for 2 or 3 weeks’ then mention Breadalbanes’ asking my subscription to Mr. Robertsons’ work of travels and her ‘alluding with regret to his having published some foolish history of the Mclean family – of this I, of course, took no notice, as I really knew nothing about it – but considered Breadalbane’s request a sufficient reason for my taking two copies – she told me, too, of York being thought of as a place of residence for the Hugh Macleans, and that she herself, and the premier-lit girls were to spend the summer at her cottage, and talked of living together – why York for the Hugh Macleans? Is any part of England particularly cheap? Give a kiss for me to my little Sibbella, and to little Louisa, too, who behaved so beautifully at Leamington, and believe me always affectionately yours A. Lister’ – at 1 40 had just written so far of today and copied my letter to Lady S. de R- - then A- came to me all in the dolefuls about a handkerchief frill tried to get her right she had been very hardly used twice by me and now by her aunt  never thought of going to Cliff hill as she had done   could not bear    when she came here thought of going abroad and when I said I had offered her to go away to any friends or do anything I could she said she did not like to go with my servants  I said she had the whole management    I said I had nobody to advise with might I write to her sister  no it would be very hard  well said if I could but have my own way I should not fear  indeed but she did not like to be an automation I was very calm and quiet and said by and by she must forgive me if I did not forget the word automation I would not break her heart nor use her hardly nor make her an automaton  these things could be easily settled but every sensible kept up appearances as well as they could – she sat all the while on my knee  I begrudged the time and said I must seal my letters and go out she had before declined reading them she now said as she had waited so long she might as well read them her curiosity got the bette[r]  she made no remark nor did I – I hope I shall be rid of her by and by had I not be better remain a little with Lady Stuart if I can with any comfort? – at least I had best not return to A- sealed my letters (A- with me till 2 40) and wrote the last 17 lines till 3 – then in about ¾ hour wrote 3 pp. and ends to M- ‘Shibden hall. Tuesday 10  April 1838. It pothers me, my dearest Mary, to see amid my
heap of unanswered letters one from you received Tuesday 27 February’ six weeks ago – not long compared with the term of my delinquencies to many other people, but longer than my custom is to youwards [towards you]– I let you take your own time, of late generally eked out to many weeks; but it is never my intention to let my pen be dilatorily to you, and I think it seldom is so, in fact – one reason of my waiting, I meant my date to have been from elsewhere – all was arranged and the day fixed for our begin off, when a very unexpected circumstance upset all; and here we are, and are likely to be off, at this moment, I cannot guess how much longer – I do not pretend to enter into any sort of explanation on paper – it would be too tiresome to say, or, rather to write, more than that poor Mrs. Walker imagines herself within some short while of that bourne from which no traveller returns; and we are lookers on – if you chance to come this way, you will, of course, come and see us – if not, you will take it for granted, as I do, that ‘all things work together for good’ ..... glad to hear so good an account of her mother no wonder at M-‘s bad cold..... ‘when is Lawton to be finished? your comfort is at stake; and therefore I am anxious for the completion – as far as Shibden is concerned, I have got over all impatience – my care about the finishing is reduced is reduced to very comfortable dimensions – I am so engrossed with other things, I have little time for musing about my house – but, I do assure you, I seriously meditate making my escape by and by – your account of Mr. Lawton is so excellent, it seems as if he, like many others who have been ailing for many years, may survive many of the stronger and junior ones of our day – what you allude to, may, with his own common care, be of little nuisance or danger – I cannot help hoping you might slip away for 5 or 6 weeks well enough, if such should be recommended by your own inclination, and more especially by your medical advisers – I have not time to run into the minutiae of Rhine expense – my rough calculation was 25fr. ie. one pound English sterling per day – taking very little luggage – no servant (you and Mrs. M- would not want one) and travelling by steam – the fares are very moderate – I dare not say I myself ever travelled exactly at this rate; but I know that it has been done – there is no difficulty or disparagement in dining for 3fr. having breakfast and supper for 3fr. and bed for 2fr. = 8fr. and one fr. for the servants will suffice, leaving 16fr. out of the 25fr. for steaming and etc. quite enough si les voyageurs le veulent – It is travelling en milord that is expensive – 4 horses and 2 postboys not only entail your own expense but double everything else’ – as M- regrets gently leaving Leamington ‘I abate my own sorrow – I still however wish you well backed out of all your scholastic troubles’ – conclude she is still at Moreton – no doubt I should much approve all your alterations – your description vivâ voce would be more agreeable than any other means of bringing them before me, except in situ – I hope the prince with a long name has along enough purse’........who has just married Mr. W. Crewes’ cousin – ‘Perhaps  you are busier than I – it may be so – but it does not take long to write me enough to inform me how you are, and where you are – However, I am always satisfied – come what may, there ought to be a never failing spring of happiness within us all – as touching those I am interested about, I always believe all right, till I am credibly informed to the contrary – I anticipate no [disagrees] – I dream but little – yet the little is carefully selected from what is pleasantest – I never saw any good in moody musings – God bless you Mary! you or your letters will find me here, and always faithfully and affectionately yours AL’ – at 4 10 had just written the last line of p. 137, the whole of the last p. and so far of this – then sealed my letter to ‘Mrs. Lawton hall, Lawton, Cheshire’ and left also ready for the bad tonight my letter to ‘the honourable Lady Stuart Whitehall’ and to ‘The Lady Stuart de Rothesay undercover to ‘Lord Stuart de Rothesay, Carlton terrace, London’ and my letter to ‘The Lady Vere Cameron Achnacarry Fort William Invernesshire’ went out at 4 20 – a few minutes with Robert Mann + 5 levelling at the meer in the morning and in the afternoon in the garden George Naylors’ horses carting clay from the flower garden to the great sycamore, and my own cart bringing clay from the Laundry road side to cover over the turret passage – the 2 teams carts in the morning bringing necessary stuff from Hx- on to the land – then to Listerwick pit walked there with Joseph Mann – told him the engine would be a £700 business – I had no choice – I must either let the colliery or settle about it someway – then to John Oates – laid up with an inflammation in his right hand and about the wrist – Mr. Swallow came and I went out while he was there – then returned and was an hour at John’s told him about the engine – he still inclines to an endless chain – and thinks the engine will cost little more working their ginning with horses would have done for 2 horses could hardly have done the work – said what I had said to Holt about knowing what the coal would make me clean per acre – said I only wanted £150 per acre for the coal (very fair said John) and 10pc. on outlay – but this would be near £6000 – say £5500 at the least – say 3 acres per annum £450 + £550 = £1000 – John thought it could not clean so much – but said he thought it really would clear me £300 per acre - .:. if 4 acres – could be sold per annum it would pay – there will be a deal of straight work but this will leave something – In fact, John says, I must go on now – and only wait a little and the Dove house coal will be bought reasonably and then I can go on without incurring any more expense in looses as long as I live – John says he thinks we can sell 3 acres if the coal is as good as that got at [Ship] Inn pit, the quality will sell – none like it hereabouts – well! I must go on, and if I can weather out [of] the storm a little longer perhaps I shall do pretty well at last – I think I can manage – at all rates, I will not despair – came in at 6 ¾ - gave A- my letter to M- to read – went into the cellar – 1 port 1 marsala – dinner at 7 10 – A- poorly – could not see Joseph Mann who came at 8 about Landymere – went to bed at 8 ½ - I made my own coffee and sat reading
the h-x Guardian till 10 ½ - then 5 minutes in the west tower – the cupboard above the stairs ceiling put up – then wrote the last 25 lines till now 10 55 pm at which hour F50° finish afternoon and evening dampish in the morning with highish wind – and whistling wind tonight – I looked very grave at dinner A- had a headache temper-sick so I let her go off to bed and have taken no notice  I must be rid of her be it as it may hear bad temper vulgar pride and littleness of mind   would be an insupportable drag upon me for the rest of my life – surely I shall get some way I dread the loneliness most but heaven will provide me even against this in some way  had A- been barely tolerable I could have go ton perhaps I am obliged to her aunt for making me this opportunity of getting off does A- suspect my thought of not returning to her?  cunning and suspicious as she is does she think that I hope not to trouble her long? – had Booth tonight till near 7 – told him JO. was still for the endless chair – that Garforth was to send plans of with and without; and we would all meet at John Oates’s at 3pm on Friday instead of here – has A- thought much of losing the forget-me-not ring I gave her? then read Bakewells’ geology for 10 minutes till 11 35
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camdennightingale · 4 years
My good friend @uwujustsoftthings tagged me to do this QnA thing, so let's go!
1. Do you prefer writing with a black pen or blue pen? Black pen, just looks cleaner and nicer to me.
2. Would you prefer to live in the country or city? The country. It's where I live currently and I wouldn't change it for the world. Cities make me extremely anxious, I don't think I could bare living in one.
3. If you could learn a new skill what would it be? I'd like to improve my bass playing skills and get back into art, but as for a new skill? I want to learn to sword fight. Not fence, sword fight.
4. Do you drink your tea/coffee with sugar? I don't like tea or coffee especially, I prefer hot chocolate and that doesn't really need sugar.
5. What was your favourite book as a child? Wolf Brother by Michelle Paver. Also The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien.
6. Do you prefer baths or showers? Bath, good and relaxing.
7. If you could be a mythical creature, which one would it be? Yikes... Either a witch, because I honestly look like one, or a dragon because awesome.
8. Paper or electronic books? Paper books, electronic fanfiction, audiobooks day to day.
9. What is your favourite item of clothing? My witchy coat. It's got the ideal of making little kids look at you with wonder and old people with extreme disapproval.
10. Do you like your name or would you like to change it? I'm perfectly happy with my name.
11. Who is a mentor to you? J.R.R. Tolkien. That man gave 150 percent to everything he did except his actual job. I respect that. Also, he all but invented the modern fantasy genre and I owe him damn near everything for that.
12. Would you like to be famous and if so, what for? Pfft! I'd like to be famous the way Daft Punk and TWRP are, there's a persona that people know and then there's the actual me who's got plenty of anonymity.
13. Are you a restless sleeper? Unfortunately...
14. Do you consider yourself a romantic person? No, I'm quite possibly the most UN-romantic potato there is, I've just never got it.
15. Which element best represents you? Not sure, probably water.
16. Who do you want to be closer to? My new online friends. You know who you are, you're awesome, and I'd love to get to know you better!
17. Do you miss someone at the moment? My irl friends. It's been a year since I've been in a room with them all and it makes me very sad.
18. Tell us about an early childhood memory. Uhhh, I've got a really bad memory... I remember meeting a very large praying mantis while on holiday in Minorca, I was pretty young at the time, but I can't remember how old exactly.
19. What is the strangest thing you have eaten? Chicken rice on toast. I refuse to elaborate.
20. What are you most thankful for? My friends, that I still have my ability to create, good music.
21. Do you like spicy food? Yes. The spicier the better.
22. Have you ever met someone famous? Technically yes, kinda depends on your definition of famous.
23. Do you do you keep a diary or journal? I used to.
24. Do you prefer to use a pen or a pencil? Both, depends on the situation.
25. What is your star sign? Aries.
26. Do you like your cereal soggy or crunchy? Depends on the cereal.
27. What would you want your legacy to be? That's the business of the future, not my concern. All that matters is that I lived.
28. Do you like reading, what was the last book you read? I love reading! The last book I read was A Steanger In A Strange Land and I loathed it. The last thing I read was a gift fanfic from Uwu and I adored it.
29. How do you show someone you love them? Always be there for them, for whatever they need, include them in things.
30. Do you like ice in your drinks? Not usually.
31. What are you afraid of? Wasps... Myfriendsnotwantingtobefriendsanymore and being completely alone.
32. What is your favourite scent? Sea spray, woodsmoke, old books.
33. Do you address older people by their name or surname? Name. Are you supposed to do differently?
34. If money was not a factor, how would you live your life? Probably exactly the same as I do now, I'm content. That being said, there would be so many concerts to attend...
35. Do you prefer swimming in pools or the ocean? Pools, they're warmer.
36. What would you do if you found £50 on the ground? Pocket it and add to my collection of semiprecious stones. Finders keepers.
37. Have you ever seen a shooting star? I have and it delighted me!
38. What is the one thing you would want to teach your children? My gay ass is not having kids anytime soon.
39. If you had to have a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it? Time Spiral on my right shoulder, my personal sigil on my inner left wrist.
40. What can you hear now? Twilight of the Thunder God, Sabaton.
41. Where do you feel the safest? My room.
42. What is the one thing you want to overcome/conquer? My long-term illnesses would be nice...
43. If you could travel back to any era, what would it be? Rome, 2007. I've got a concert to go to!
44. What is your most used emoji? 💜
45. Describe yourself using one word. Nerd.
46. What do you regret the most? I had a very close friendship with the two most toxic people on the planet.
47. Last movie you saw? Monty Python and The Holy Grail.
48. Last tv show you watched? Star Trek: Deep Space 9.
49. Invent a word and it’s meaning- Thura. A word to call someone who you love very much (definition of love is up to the user.).
I'm actually tagging someone for once! @cardinalxsin as I don't believe they've been tagged yet. Absolutely no pressure to do this, just if you feel like it!
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