#I still routinely go back to your Jack/John/Daniel fic
chaos-monkeyy · 2 years
very always interested in your stargate wips 👀💜
sooo I talked about the SG1 team fuck wip here 😁
the "sheppard discovers his piss kink part 3" is another sequel in that ShepDex series that I've been meaning to actually write for ages, and finally got a start on recently! basically another excuse to have Ronon being a bad influence and John getting all flustered and horny about it 😆😏
The premise in a nutshell:
Colonel John Sheppard, military head of the top-secret expedition to the ancient and highly advanced city of Atlantis in another galaxy, fidgeted in his conference room chair and thought about pissing himself. 
In a roomful of people. 
…On purpose. 
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foxmuld3r · 3 years
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I posted 2,660 times in 2021
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I added 2,393 tags in 2021
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#x files - 336 posts
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#john sheppard - 254 posts
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#stargate sg1 - 182 posts
#dana scully - 179 posts
#fox mulder - 169 posts
#rodney mckay - 163 posts
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Longest Tag: 139 characters
#mulder literally quotes scully’s thesis at her the first time they meet because he thinks it’s so cool she wrote it and he wants to impress
My Top Posts in 2021
To celebrate #StargateDay2021 I wrote two sparky fics that our very own @stargatelov3r gave to me! They also created a collection for people to post their fics to celebrate today!
Check out all of the awesome fics our great fandom have written!!
9 notes • Posted 2021-10-28 17:16:51 GMT
‘A family trip that goes wrong’
(Mcshep and Carter/O’Neill fic, not sure if to post on AO3 and it’s not amazing but hope you enjoy!)
“John! Make sure you pack the sun cream, you know I have very pale skin, yes yes I know you know but I was just checking!” He had to be prepared for all climates, he sorted through his backpack yet again as a nervous tic. They were going on a recon mission with some natives that Teyla said were friendly, but instead of going with the team it was going to be him, John, Jack and Sam- aka the ‘family’ as John liked to refer to them as sometimes. It’d been nearly a year since they became a couple and John had found out Jack is his dad, while they got on it didn’t mean Rodney himself wasn’t still nervous of Jack slightly.
“Rodney, buddy, you don’t need that much suncream. Teyla said it wouldn’t even be that sunny there. You know you don’t have to come along, it’s just routine.” John looked up from his own lightly packed bag, mild concern filling his features as he looked at his Scientist’s face. He was apprehensive, himself, about spending a mission with his dad and Sam, where he would effectively be giving them orders, but he liked the idea of spending a mission with his sort of parents. 
“No no I want to come, someone has to make sure no alien women snatch you. Just knowing you are a magnet for trouble and so is O’Neill, combining the two of you is like asking for the wraith to show up.” He pointed out the history of beautiful alien women always wanting to get with John, he couldn’t help but feel a little possessive seeing as it was only rational considering the evidence. Rodney was also sure that O’Neill still had some sort of dislike towards him, even though he was clearly over Sam. He accepted the short kiss from John, running his fingers over the elf ears he loved so much, he felt comforted by John’s physical assurance- hoping this feeling of dread wouldn’t manifest into something real.
Jack looked in the mirror as he pulled on the tac vest over the standard Atlantis uniform. He looked at the Atlantis patches on his sleeves, it felt strange pulling on this uniform again after time away from being off world. He felt transported back to 1997, pulling on the uniform of his SG1 team for the first time and walking through the wormhole with them. Sam came up behind her husband, her hair neatly tied back in a ponytail and looking every inch of the perfect leader in his eyes. Her hands slid down his arms,
“I never thought I would be doing this again, let alone with you. It feels different, ya know? I feel like I should be telling Danny to stop touching stuff or keeping an eye on you and your doohickeys with T. But, that’s the kid’s job now.” He felt old but more comfortable back in tactical gear, it was a second skin to him after all these years wearing some sort of military uniform. 
“You still look handsome in the uniform, Jack. Just promise you’ll let John lead the mission, you don’t need to be the leader. Come on, otherwise we’ll be late for our own mission.” Squeezing his hand affectionately before making her way out of their shared quarters, the thrill that always accompanied going off world returned. 
As they walked through the field, the LSD clutched in Rodney’s hand as they searched for the community that Teyla mentioned. 
“I’m reading multiple life signs up ahead, but no sort of energy signs, just another primitive society.” Causing Jack to hold in a laugh at the long suffering look on McKay’s face as he spoke. John’s face crinkled in confusion as he asked Rodney to check again, he could swear he could hear something calling to him,
“This way. There’s something here, I’m not sure what.” Sam shared a worried look with Jack, in their history of off worldly dealings, a heightened sense of ‘something’ being there was not a good sign. They let Sam do the introductions with the Elder of the village while John silently reminded Rodney of the rules Teyla gives them any time they meet with someone off-world. Meaning Rodney stays silent and John tries to look friendly, although he couldn’t help but attempt to interject when he heard something about a God, but Jack spoke before he could,
“You think we could meet this, uh God of yours, ya know so we can ask if they could help us?” Waving his hand in the general direction of the village as more people came out of their homes to stare at the 4 of them. Sam gave him a discreet elbow to his arm for his slight accusatory tone, reminding him that don’t have Daniel to smooth things over. John caught the action and gave his dad an amused smile, his eyes clearly saying what he couldn’t at the moment- ‘whipped’, causing Rodney to snort which he tried to cover with a cough. 
“Your leader may meet with our oracle, but we do not allow weapons in the presence of our hall of sanctuary. Please remove your weapons and leave them here, then I will take you there.” Of course, they didn’t allow weapons there, John didn’t like the idea of not having any weapons on him but if they were going to stand a chance of seeing this ‘God’ then he’ll have to make do. 
“Are you serious, Sheppard? May I remind you of the many times you went alone to greet someone without weapons?” Rodney exclaimed, masking the worry as John gave him his gun and pistol. John gave him a stare while shrugging off his tac vest, just in case they were going to search it for hidden knives, he handed it to Jack who was eyeing the Elder suspiciously. 
“I’ll have my comm still, Carter you and Rodney search for any sort of energy readings, if this is anything like when we met Chaya or Otho then we should be on our guard. Jack, can you talk to some of the villagers and radio back to Elizabeth?” His tone left no room for arguments that even stopped Rodney of all people. Jack admired the type of leader that his son continued to be, he had to admit he would do something exactly the same thing in this situation- he had done multiple times- but it didn’t mean he felt comfortable with watching his son do it. He watched as John handed something to Rodney and spoke lowly to him before leaving to follow the Elder, hands in his pockets to give off a casual air of indifference.
For once Rodney was not babbling away as they trudged around the boundary of the village, it allowed Sam to observe Rodney. He was far from the extremely arrogant scientist she met who continually tried to hit on her, didn’t even know how to handle a gun and isolated everyone away from him. Now here he was, comfortable with a gun and had a partner that loved him. 
“Rodney, he’ll be fine. Even without a gun he can fight his way out. I’m picking up some energy readings over here.” That got Rodney’s attention as he strides over to where she was standing, already getting the necessary systems up on his tablet as they tried to work out what could generate this amount of energy. They were interrupted by a static voice coming over the comm unit and Rodney was hopeful for a second it was John, then recognised Jack’s distinct drawl,
“Carter, McKay, come in. Talked to some of the local folks, they said there’s one god they worship, names Bacchae. No clue who he is, doesn’t sound real.” 
“He’s a Greek God, am I the only one who listens to Daniel?” John’s voice chimed in distantly, somehow remembering the name of the different Gods Daniel had told him about, at least it was coming in handy now.
“Yes you are, because Jackson’s idea of science is digging around in the dirt for very old things, no math needed at all.” Rodney shot back without any bite to it, everyone knew that Daniel and Rodney did actually get along; even though Rodney liked to pretend they didn’t. Jack rolled his eyes at the back and forth, starting to understand what Hammond felt like dealing with him and Daniel,
“Alright kids, focus back on the task. Locals said they haven’t seen him, just that they worship him and give him offerings. The oracle is how they contact this God.” Relaying all of the information he had gathered while talking to some of the locals, keeping an eye on the coming and goings of the people- trying to find anything suspicious. 
—————————Scene Change——————-
John waited in the empty hall, hands in his pockets as he examined the architecture; it wasn’t quite Lantean in style but he could see the similarities. His attention was pulled back to the present when the oracle returned,
“Bacchae wishes to meet with you, come this way.” John raised an eyebrow but didn’t say anything, this wasn’t the time to offend someone if there truly was a God here- not that he believed it for a second after seeing what this galaxy continually threw at them. He walked silently behind the Elder, his eyes continually darting around for any possible locations of information he could relay back to Rodney. They came to a stop by a small platform and he was told to wait there alone for Bacchae to appear. John hated that he didn't have the comfort of a weapon while he was vulnerable to attack. A light flickered in front of him and a skinny man with a long beard holding a cup of wine appeared. 
“Make your request, young one and it shall be granted.” John frowned, he reached out a hand to test a theory. His hand went right through the hologram, confirming his suspicions and he stepped up the platform, instinctively touching the small panel in front of him. The image changed to the same man wearing an Atlantean uniform and a pre-recorded message talking about his role and what happened to him when Atlantis was submerged. The message ended and the hologram appeared again. John’s mind made the connections as he remembered what the Elder said and what Jack learnt from the local village; these people were being manipulated to provide items they barely had to this ‘oracle’.
“Hey Oracle! When are you going to tell your people that your ‘God’ is fake and you’re exploiting them for your own gain?” Striding angrily back to the Oracle, his control over his words breaking as he thought about how little the people in the village have. 
“Colonel Sheppard, surely you can understand the need for them to believe there is a God. It helps keep the system in place, make sure they know who gives them safety and a home. All we ask in return are offerings of food and their best items, no harm no foul, as a leader you understand.” The oracle’s voice was smooth, uncaring as if he was sure that John would agree with him. John’s anger rose, but he breathed in deeply to keep his voice calm, but his eyes were cold,
“You are lying to these people and using them, this is not what leadership is. Myself, Sam and Elizabeth would never do this, leadership is about making difficult decisions and keeping your people safe. You listen to your people, take into account what they are saying and you do your damn best to keep them alive everyday. If you are not going to step up and let go of your power, then I will tell them myself.” His voice deadly calm as he made sure the Oracle knew his threat was serious, anger like an angry storm was swirling and crashing in his eyes. All he had was a knife hidden in his boot, but he was prepared to fight if the man tried to stop him, what he didn’t expect was pain to explode in the back of his head and darkness to descend over his eyes. 
The sound of more people arriving drew Jack’s attention, the elder he was talking to looked frightened and it didn’t help ease Jack’s anxiety about his people being out there alone. His hand instinctively went to tap his comm,
“Sam, McKay, John? Something is happening in the village, folks look concerned, get back here as soon as you can.” His anxiety rose as he received no response from John, but he tried to reassure himself that he may just be out of range. He slowly followed the mass of people that were moving towards the men dressed in military uniform carrying batons. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Sam and McKay coming to join him, Sam’s arm brushing against his. He gestured for them to be silent and to watch as a man wearing a type of religious garb stepped up on a wooden box,
“Brothers and sisters I stand before you today because this man has dared to question our glorious god, Bacchae. He dares to say He is not real and your offerings are false! Under the laws of this village, those who question the God are publicly punished.” The oracle stepped aside and gestured to the military men to reveal the heretic. 
Rodney was the first to recognise the so called heretic, he could never misplace the messy, spikey black hair. John’s hands were raised above him and tied tightly with rope to a tall wooden pole, he had been stripped of his t-shirt and the chain of his dog tags were glinting in the little light there was. The scientist tried to surge forward to stop what was going to happen but a hand stopped him and he saw Sam gripping the back of his tac vest, 
“Sam, you know what they are about to do to him, you think I can stand here while these idiots hurt him? Let me go.” Rodney whispered angrily, his voice nearly rising enough to get the attention of the military, he felt like he was back watching the wraith drain the life out of John again. He tried to detach Sam’s grip but she was stronger than him, he looked over at Jack, whose hands were balled into fists in an attempt of self control. 
“If we make a commotion now, it’ll be worse for John and you know that. Keep silent and then we’ll take them out when we can, we cannot risk the civilians here.” Sam said lowly, pulling Rodney further into the crowd so they wouldn’t stand out. She felt sick as the saw what they were using to ‘punish’ John, a leather whip. 
“Colonel Sheppard shall receive 20 strokes and he will be left here under guard as an example to all of you. You may proceed.” Giving the brute standing over John permission. The crack of the whip against John’s back was loud enough to make everyone flinch. John remained silent. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. 4 more strokes were landed on John’s back and blood was already beginning to appear from the welts. Time seemed to slow and all eyes were on John, the brute wore a sinister smile, trying to draw as much pain out as he could. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. 5 more strokes. John’s back was covered in welts and blood was seeping out, but still he was silent. Rodney was rooted to the spot, his face was pale and his mouth was set in a thin line. Sam’s face was neutral but her eyes were filled with burning anger, she hated how silent John was, the only small reactions were the tensing of muscles and minuscule flinches. A single tear had fallen down Jack’s face as he watched his son in pain and he felt the urge to kill every single one of them. He was poised for attack, wanting to rip the whip out of the man’s hand. 5 more strokes then it was over. They needed to wait until the opportune moment, even if it meant they had to watch John suffer. 
It was dark when the opportunity came. Sam crept up behind the single guard left there, her arm coming up to his windpipe and knocking him unconscious as silently as she could. 
“Rodney, you’re going to need to be careful when you cut through the rope, the blood is going to flow back painfully so be ready to catch his arms.” Jack instructed firmly, trying to desperately ignore the blood covered back as he placed his hand on his son’s shoulder. In a way he was glad John was passed out for this as it was going to hurt like a son of a bitch. He gently caught John as his arms were released and he felt his son’s body spasm in shock, his eyes fluttered open just a little, clouded in pain,
“Dad? Bacchae is dead, was an Ancient, but was a hologram.” His voice slurred with pain, wincing as he tried to move his hand towards Rodney. The scientist stared incredulously at John before taking the hand gently, 
“John, I told you that you would attract trouble.” Trying to make light of seeing his boyfriend hurt and in pain, he didn’t want to freak out like he usually did. He stroked John’s hair, his hand stilling when he felt blood at the back of John’s head. He raised his hand slightly to show Sam and Jack, his hand shaking ever so slightly as he tried not to freak out, they needed to get John back to Atlantis. 
“I’m sorry, kid, this is going to hurt but we’re going to get you back home. Frazier or Beckett will patch you up.” He slipped one of John’s arms around his shoulder, signalling Sam to do the same as they carefully pulled John into an upright position. Rodney picked up John’s tac vest and gun, trying to push back the rising anxiety over his partner.
Everyone in the gate room stared in shock when they returned with John half conscious,
“Stop staring and get Carson here, now!” Rodney snapped, glaring at everyone until they went back to what they were doing, wishing someone from their family was here. Less than 5 minutes Carson had arrived with Janet in tow, 
“Okay, carefully lay him on here, any head wounds or worrying symptoms we should know about?” 
“Head injury, he threw up a few times on the way back, he’s been in and out of consciousness and he was whipped 20 times while his hands were tied by rope.” Sam summarised to Janet as they followed them to the infirmary, 
“I’m sorry, but you’re going to have to wait out here.” She told them gently, glancing worriedly at Rodney who was staring quietly at his hand that had John’s blood on it. Jack did something uncharacteristic and put a hand on Rodney’s shoulder, squeezing it lightly, 
“John’s tough and Beckett’s a good doctor. What did he give you before he left?” Jack asked quietly, being the most patient he had ever been with Rodney, the man in question dug through his pockets and took out a pair of dog tags and handed them to the older soldier. The tags read ‘John Sheppard-McKay’ and ‘Rodney Sheppard-McKay’ with a smaller third one reading ‘O’Neill-Carter’. They were new tags, Sam noticed, having seen John’s dog tags a few times and the added ‘tags’ that represented Ronon and Teyla. She looked at Jack, holding her breath at the implication of them officially being counted as family and she took his hand in silent happiness. No words were needed as they waited for news on the man that binds them together. 
14 notes • Posted 2021-11-18 18:22:34 GMT
Prompt: ‘Make sure you come back to me, okay?’ For @just-a-donut-who-reads
(Set in my AU universe where msr got together early on + skinner adopted mulder)
He should’ve known that Scully would’ve worked out that he wasn’t betraying the FBI, instead he was undercover. He had wanted to tell her so she wouldn’t worry, but for once he played by the rules to ensure the safety of her, his dad and Maggie- he wasn’t going to take the risk. He tried to relax on Scully’s sofa as she gathered her medical supplies while he applied ice to his broken fingers.
“Mulder, no one followed us here, they will probably be outside your apartment.” She tried to assure him as she gently lifted his head to apply ice to his swollen eye. She was angry at Skinner for allowing Mulder- his own son- to be put on this assignment and she wanted nothing more than to help him and get him out of that situation but she reminded herself that he was one of the best FBI agents and Skinner wouldn’t let anything worse happen. She saw him trying to hold back a wince as she took the ice off his fingers and began to tape them up,“Mulder, it’s alright to show you’re in pain. I can get you some painkillers.” She said softly, trying to be as gentle as she could as she expertly taped the cast in place, she took his hand in hers, covering his larger hand in her two smaller ones. She studied his face, the slight stubble on his face, the tiredness and pain swirling in those eyes that usually held a spark of mischief that was now accompanied with a slight frown instead of his cheeky smile. She slipped her arm around his waist and slowly maneuvered him to lie down with her on her couch, his head resting on her chest and his good hand tangled with hers on his stomach. At this point nothing else mattered as Mulder drew comfort from Scully, relaxing as he listened to her even breathing while it tickled his neck, closing his eyes as she carded her other hand through his hair- occasionally stopping to leave longing kisses on his head.
“Mulder, make sure you come back to me okay? No matter what happens tomorrow, please come back to me.” She pleaded into the quiet surroundings of her apartment, vulnerability bleeding into her voice as cold fright gripped her at the thought of losing him.
“Scully… Dana, I will always come back to you. Wild aliens couldn’t keep me away from you. You are my constant, I love you.” He leant up slightly to kiss her, reassuring both himself and her, his love increasing as she tightened her arm protectively over him.
21 notes • Posted 2021-09-03 13:32:07 GMT
Prompts 2 and 40 for MSR💙?
Yes!! I will try to get these done ASAP!! 💖
22 notes • Posted 2021-08-29 17:44:08 GMT
So I’m rewatching the Stargate SG1 series 3 episode 23 ‘Nemesis’ and when Teal’c is in the space suit, Jack tells him to say something and he says ‘One small step for Jaffa’ which implies that Teal’c at some point watched the moon landing. What I want to know is did someone show it to him and then try to explain it or did he watch it himself? My bet is Daniel showed him tbh
58 notes • Posted 2021-07-16 15:01:47 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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topherfoxtrot · 3 years
One day in the simple life of Jack Daniels.
This is the next installment in what I'm calling the Springville AU. You can read the first part here but basically John and Olivia move to the countryside with new identities post tfatws. This was written before the finale so nothing that happens there affect this fic. As always like comment and share if you want more people to read it. Hope you enjoy :)
John and Olivia woke up with the alarm clock at 7am. Olivia was the one to turn it off because it was at her side of the room. She sat in the bed and stretched without opening her eyes entirely quite yet. John's big hands crossed her back and neck swiftly. Olivia has no choice besides falling back into bed.
"Good morning." John whispered right next to her ear.
"Waking up in a good mood?"
"It's been a while huh?"
They both laughed.
"Stay here." John pleaded.
Olivia smiled and pressed herself against John before letting go and getting up for once.
"You know I can't. Otherwise how are the kids going to understand Romeo and Juliet?"
"That's the play of the week?"
"Of the month!" Olivia laughed "There's no way they could read all those pages in seven days."
"If they attended to school on our days they would be obliterated."
"Okay boomer." Olivia shrugged.
"The kids taught me that."
"What does it mean?" John was embarrassed but curious.
"Well, I guess you'll have to Google it to find out."
Olivia left the room with a proud smile on her face before John could say anything else. He laid his head again and took a deep breath. I love this woman, he muttered to himself before getting up.
Their house was small. Without the veteran benefits and Olivia's paycheck there wasn't anything fancy they could afford. Still, the house was cozy enough. And the thermoregulator worked out just fine, most of the time.
While Olivia was taking a shower John started preparing breakfast like the usually did. That way Olivia could get at school on time. He put the bread in the toaster and broke four eggs, two for each of them. They used to have bacon as well, but not on those trying times. Thinking about it made John angry. He was the only person to receive three medals of honor for his services in all american history. Yet there he was not having bacon for breakfast because it was too damn expansive.
The toaster sound interrupted his thoughts before they could get any worse, but the handle of the pan still got a little crooked because of the strength John applied on it unconsciously. It has been a couple months since he got the serum but sometimes it was still hard to control his own strength.
At least it was just a pan this time. Couples weeks prior he grabbed Olivia way too hard during sex. She warned him before any damage could be done but since then John has been extra cautious around her. Every little thing in his routine was a reminder he took the serum. A reminder he couldn't save Lemar. A reminder he was not the hero they wanted him to be. It's all so unfair, he said out loud without realizing it.
"What is unfair Johnny?" Olivia came from their room all dressed up already. Her shirt was red and her scarf was brown. The overall was by the door, near the photographs they kept from their previous lives.
"What? Oh nothing! I was just... thinking out loud."
While Olivia was distracted getting the breads, John untwisted the handle of the fan. He then served her the eggs.
"Those look good! But what were you thinking about?"
"About how pretty my wife is!" John sat by the small table.
Olivia's smile was short. She quickly shifted to a serious and worried face.
"You can talk to me John. In fact, you have to." She was kind but firm.
John took a deep breath, "I know, I'm sorry. it's unfair how it all turned out. I did my best, you know I did-"
"I know that!" Olivia reassured.
"...and still it wasn't enough for them. They don't know what it takes to be a hero, Olivia."
"That's all in the past. We are different people now. Okay, Jack?" She winked at him.
"Oh yeah! That's right Maria!"
They both laughed.
"You're the real hero here." John said, "Thank you for staying on my side."
Olivia smiled from ear to ear and they both finished their breakfast in a good tone. When Olivia got up John walked with her. She entered their car and John stayed at the door while she drove away. The air was cold and the snow was still shy, but not for long.
There was nothing on their front yard except grass. There was a rod on the wall near the door but there was not flag on it. When they moved in John tored the flag to shreds. Afterwards they made a fire with it. It was really cathartic.
John breathed the cold air one last time before getting in and closing the door. He took a cold shower (the only one he knew how to take) and did the dishes from last night. With Olivia working at the school he was responsable for most house chores. He didn't like the idea of being alone the whole day at the beginning, but he had to get used to it eventually. Someone had to work and John's set of military skills proved to be quite useless in the countryside small town they scaped to.
He tried construction for a while but he would twist metals and break woods with his bare hands more often then he would like to admit. Besides even though he had a thick beard now he was still scared someone would recognize him. Recognize Captain America.
He left the job, he and Olivia had a big fight that night. In the midst of his own shame and self loathe though John figured there was indeed something he was good at: welding. And with his super strength it was even easier to handle the right tools. John worked the whole night and by the morning when Olivia woke up she met John sleeping in the spare room (the one for the kid they never had) with a heart shaped welding sculpture on his arms. Since that night John has found a new passion and income. The word spread fast that Jack Daniels, the newcomer, was a really skilled artist. He started doing pieces by demand.
After the shower John dressed casual clothes and went to his work room. There were still some leftovers from last night so he could work a little more instead of cooking lunch. The heart sculpture was on the wall right next to the clock. John worked until 1 pm. After lunch he did some laundry before someone knocked at the door.
"Are you Mr Daniels?" The old man asked.
"Just call me Jack, please. How can I help you sir?"
"Oh nothing special!" he made effort to talk "My boy is coming back from his first tour and I wanted to give him something y'know 'to thank him for his service', as they say."
John's face went completely blank while the man got a cellphone from his pocket to show a reference photo of what he wanted: a worm carrying a bazooka.
"First tour, you say..?" John's voice cracked.
"Yes, he went to Afghanistan!"
John swallowed and blinked more times then he should. The cold breeze from outside made his bones shiver but he stayed still as if he was actually frozen. Not by the cold though but by his own memories. After what seemed like an eternity's the old man spoke again.
"Are you okay Mr Daniels?"
"Jack!" John blinked, "Call me Jack. And please get in it's super cold outside! What's your name again?"
"It's David!"
John offered a cup of coffee to the old man and took him to his work room. David looked at all of John's previous works fascinated.
"You really know your way around welding. When did you start with it?"
"My father taught me. It was the last thing he taught me in fact."
"Oh I'm sorry."
"Don't be." John smiled politely "That was a lifetime ago."
Speaking about his life before Springville was starting to feel weird. John Walker was starting to feel like a whole different person. And Captain America was somehow an even older memory. John used to spend his days surrounded by men and women in unforms. They spoke loud and smiled bright. Jack on the other hand spends his days welting metal around and taking care of the house.
The change was abrupt but John was getting used to it. Now he wonders if forgetting his old life isn't actually a good thing. Maybe that was the problem in the first place. In Springville John gets to spend time home with his wife. John gets to wake up late if so he pleases. John gets to breath for once.
David and John talked for a while to set prices and sizes and deadlines. Once they were finished John walked David out. When the old man finally left John sighed really loud and pressed his head softly against the door. He had being holding that breath even since David entered the house.
John was done with the military (or rather the military were done with him) and even though he had some peace at his new home the world outside was still spinning. And young boys with no perspective were still being sent to fight someone else's wars. John used to take such proud of his service. How could he?
When Olivia got home from work John was at his room. The work was a good distraction.
"A lot of work?" Olivia leaned at the door.
"Hi, babe. Yeah an old man came here earlier. Requested a piece for his son."
"That's great! What did he order?"
"A video game thing. His son.... He's coming back, y'know.. from his first tour. They sent him to Afghanistan."
"Oh my gosh John." She got closer to him, "How are you feeling?"
John just shrugged, "Do you mind making dinner tonight? I'm kind of busy here." That was code for 'I don't wanna talk right now'.
"Yeah, of course. I'll let you work."
Olivia kissed her husband and left to take a shower. Dinner was served at seven. They both sat at the small table while the television showed the news. When Captain America Sam Wilson showed up Olivia quickly grabbed the remote to change channels, but John slightly hold her hand.
"Leave it." He said. And she did.
Sam was visiting a highschool. The kids were all really excited to meet him personally. There were lots of selfies and lots of laughter. Sam was simply the life of any party he was in.
"He's a hero." John said.
"He really is." Olivia agreed, carefully studying John's face.
He looked at the television for a while before getting back to his dinner. A good hero, he repeated to himself as an effort to let that sink. Olivia touched his hand kind of worried.
"Are you okay?"
"Yes, yes I'm alright, Olivia." He smiled to make her feel better, "I've been thinking. Sam is with them, but he's them. He can inspire kids without making them do the same mistakes I did."
"It's a good way of looking at it, John."
"Thanks. I was the hero they asked for but maybe wasn't the hero they-" he pointed at the kids on the TV, "...the hero they need."
Olivia smiled and grabbed John's hand. "I'm really proud of you."
"I'm proud of us!" John replied, their fingers intertwined.
They finished dinner and went to sleep. Tomorrow would be another day in simple life of Jack and Maria Daniels. And they were both really greatful for it.
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lavender-lotion · 7 years
Top Five Fav Fics of 2017
These are my top five favourite fics that I have personally written in 2017.
5. Come See Me
“John.” Stiles said on a sob, his hiccuping getting worse. “Stiles? Baby? What is it?” John demanded, switching to his serious Sheriff voice. Normally it would take Stiles laugh, but it just made him cry harder. “C-can you co-come up-p?” Stiles said through hiccups. He can hear John already moving around on the other end of the phone, probably already packing a bag, “I just wanna spend the week-we-end-d with yo-ou.” “Oh course baby, I’ll be there in about three hours okay?” This one is a little bit older, back from July! I just - ah, I love these two boys. I don’t have a particular reason as to why, exactly I adore this fic, I just do! Mostly, I just love writing Stilinskicest, and I love this pairing with all my heart, and it was the first one I had put considerable thought into! I think it really drew me further into this pairing, and I have yet to be able to find my way out!
4. We Match! It’s not as though Stiles actually told anyone. Because he didn’t. Well, he told his dad, but he’s pretty sure his dad didn’t sell him out to some skeevy news outlet. Yeah, not his dad. I could arguably be said that his dad liked his boyfriend more than him, in fact. or; stiles is dating thor. that's it. this fic has NO plot This one is here because it was incredibly fun to write! I loved working on it, and although the idea came out of nowhere I really enjoyed running with it! I would have never thought about these two as a couple (like really, it is so, so random) but I just - gah, love it. I really, really want to write more for this series as well, give it substance and backbone and evolve it into something more! Just everytime I see this one I smile!
3. A Few Times Stiles Is Kidnapped and The One Time The Pack Finds Out Stiles gets kidnapped a lot. Really, it's not a big deal. He always calls Peter after, usually has Peter pick him up and generally they have sex the next morning. It's a system. or: three times stiles is kidnapped and the one time the pack notices! I have a lot I can say about this story. I wrote it ages ago, all the way back in May and it is my most popular one-shot. Around 800 kudos, this thing has gotten more response than nearly any of my other fics. I loved it, I loved writing it, but I never thought it would take off like this. It still surprises me, because I’ll go back and read it and notice mistakes, and can’t believe that so many people enjoyed the story as much as they all did. It’s amazing.
2. Let Me Hold You, Forever It was too much. To loud and too quiet and too, too much. He had to get out, to get away and just be somewhere different. He couldn’t - he couldn’t keep watching her like that, watching her lay there as she did. He needed a break. And he found it, with Peter Hale. Peter who was scarred skin and blank eyes. Peter who he sat with for hours a day, reading and ranting and just being with. Peter, who over four years he fell in love with. This one is here because it holds a special place in my heart. I think I will always love it, just a little bit. I put so much thought into it, planned the story out and had a past at writing it. I also just love how I evolved their relationship, made it into something solid and sweet and careful. GAH, this fic gives me feels!
1. Daddy's Night Stiles tries to remain optimistic the first time he goes to a club. He goes a town over, wears the best ‘clubbing’ clothes he can think of, and really, really tries to keep an open mind. When he finds out he stumbled upon ‘Daddy’s Night’ at the Forest, he thought his night was ruined. His night was not ruined. Only his underwear were. This one holds a special please in my heart as my first real go at writing smut. I had written a few orgasms here and there, but this was my first trying to write something, like, actively dirty. Also, I loved it! I love, love how it came out. This fic has helped me to become increasingly more comfortable writing sex, and it really helped me move forward as a writer and I love it for that.
Other Honourable Mentions
First one shot over 10k:  Across Your Skin, My Love - 12,169 words, whoa! Before then, I had never written a one-shot so long, and I felt so, so proud of myself!  Stiles knew he had a soulmate - had gotten his mark when he was fourteen like everyone else. He just - he just didn’t think he would meet the man for years to come. he knew the statics, knew that most people didn’t meet their bonded until their early-mid twenties. So he was really not been expecting to his name on the arm of his hot new English heater. He had to admit it turned out pretty amazing, though.
First real soulmate AU: It Is You - This was a prompt done for a very loyal commenter, and one I had a great time writing. I’m not huge into Soulmate AU’s - which is weird since I love reading them - but this was my first time really writing one! Their pack was strong. Peter wore his Alpha power beautifully, bringing together their ragtag pack and making it into some strong. They protected Beacon Hills fiercely, Stiles Guardian of the preserve. That's exactly what their doing when the Spark meets the soulmate he didn't know he still had.
WIPs I Adore:  I Built My Home, Inside Of You - This was my first time writing Thorki, and while I have yet to finish, I adored it! I want to come back to it all the time, and I have such large plans for this story, that I cannot wait to write writing. It is a pleasure to work on, and one I really, really hope I can work on again soon! (ignore spelling mistakes in the summary lol) It wasn't as though Loki hated his life. Because he didn't. He wax smart and he was a great dancer. He was rich as he was pretty and his parents didn't participate in any part of his life. Whatever. He had Ashley and yeah she was his cleaning lady but also the closest thing he had to family.Introduce Thor, Mr. I Am All Of Your Dreams In One Hot Package and Loki's carefully crafted routine comes raveling apart. It's for the better though or: the human au that's essentially all gross fluff.. like that's it. this fic is giant ice cream sundae with a very very smalls sprinkling of occasional angst.
Give Me Family - GAH, this thing. I have a huge, huge list of shit I want this story to have, Jesus. The plans I have are insane, and I am, so excited to write them all at some point, LOL! I just really, really enjoy this story! Stiles Stilinski watched his mother die while holding her restrained hand and watched her death bring what he had always thought to be a great man to his knees.He lost his mother to dementia and his father to Jack Daniels. Stiles is intimately aware of what being alone feels life. Admittedly Stiles was actually pretty sure neglect was a form of abuse. And well, abuse became pretty typical for Stiles. Whatever. He could handle it.Until, well, until he couldn't. Next thing he knows he's living in New York in the Avengers Tower and life is certainly a lot better when you have people who care about you. or; the fic where stiles life in beacon hills SUCKS, gerard is even more of an asSHOLe than in cannon, phil coulson is his uncle-turned-dad and stiles sort-of-maybe-kind-of-a-little becomes an avenger. mostly.
And of course, this WIP: With You, I Belong - I have been writing this fic for ages, and it just holds a very special place in my heart. I love it, I can’t wait to finish it. Despite Stiles doing all he can to help 'his' pack, they continue to toss him to the side. They undervalue and under appreciate him, and honestly, Stiles respects himself too much to let it continue. So he leaves. Well, technically he's kicked out - but still. But then the Alpha Pack shows up, and Deucalion is a constant presence by his side, and maybe, just maybe, they aren't all that evil after all.
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