#I still want this blog to be sfw 99.9% of the time
monstersofsilence · 1 year
Unwelcomed Guest
Warnings: Nudity mention (suggestive)
A troll panted heavily, climbing up the manmade stairs up the mountain from the village they came from. They had an urgent message to the dragon troll who is basically the sole protector of the mountain village though they didn't expect the climb to be as exhausting as this by how far up she loves. Even worse, naturally one would feel cold the higher you go but the top of mountain has a lava pool, as well as holding the few dragons, allegedly, on Alternia the lady safe keeps, feeling the heat the higher they go which they could imagine the lava pool must be quite large if it's getting hotter by getting close to the source.
After the treacherous hike, they finally made it to the top. Naturally, he bears witness the large lava pool that sits atop the mountain. "God... Where the hell is she?" They muttered to themselves, panting and sweating profusely from the immense heat radiating from the lava pool. "The locals said she would be up here... but why?!"
The troll kooked around but not seeing the woman, Galina Dracor, anywhere and is ready to give up. They didn't want to pass out from the heat and was about ready to leave but then started hearing bubbling sounds. They turned back around, seeing the surface of the lava pool bubbling and eventually a woman slowly emerges on the surface. This troll has seen lots of things but a woman, a naked one at that, emerging from lava was not one that they'd think they would see. Any being, let alone a troll, able to survive lava is unheard of and yet seeing this wonder made it a unique exception. "Holy cow... Like something off of a fairy tale."
The lady slowly walked up to the edge of the lava, touching solid ground as the bits of lava still on her slowly harden to molten rock. Obviously she is still naked but one thing that stood out is her missing right arm. Merely a nub but for the best since her prosthetic would melt if she were to submerge in lava since it is metal. She finally looked at the troll in front of her, surprised to see anyone brave enough to venture up the mountain. "Can I help you?" She asks, placing her left hand on her hip to await a response.
The troll was still awed by the immaculate beauty of someone coming out of lava that they eventually remembered that said lady is also is naked still. "O-Oh crap!" They quickly turned away and used their hand to cover their eyes. "I am so sorry, miss Dracor! I-I forgot that you were-"
"Why are you apologizing for? Never seen a naked woman before?" Galina asks as she chips off the molten rock from her body.
"Well, no I- I -I mean I have but... Well, you see-"
"Then stop whining. I'm nude. I'm not gonna hurt you." The dragon troll merely sighs heavily and walked towards her clothes. "Now, wait a moment while I put on some clothes then you can say what you came here for."
The troll stood there, still feeling embarrassed by this. They did take a glance at her, only seeing their back but notices something. She had bits of scales, like something from a dragon. Her spine is also close to a dragon, slightly jagged. It honestly intrigued him that the first thought came to mind seeing them. "You have... mutations. Like a dragon."
Galina paused from what she was doing as she heard this and then quickly puts on a tank top. "Yeah. What about it?" The dragon troll asks.
"Well... I mean...-"
"Go on." She quickly interrupted.
"Say it. Say that I shouldn't exist." Galina turned to look at them, eyes glowing brightly with her slitted pupils being prominent, smoke seeping from her nostrils.
"N-No! That's not what I really mean!" The troll quickly defended themselves. "It is... surprising. Most mutants try to hide a bit of themselves. But... you don't seem afraid to having me see them."
Galina kept her stern gaze at the stranger, eventually realizing she jumped to conclousions and slowly calmed herself down, the glowing of her eyes dimming and the smoke from her nostrils faded away. She grabbed her pants, putting them on. "Here's a rule of thumb for you, there are those capable of protecting themselves to not fear showing what they are. And there are those who will hide that part of them away for the safety of themselces and others around them. That's just the way this fucking cruel world works." Galina began to walk to them and pass them to go down the stairs. "Come on. My home is halfway down from here."
She walked down the staircase and the troll merely groaned in annoyance of having to walk back down. They prepare the worse and followed the dragon troll down the stairs
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abbacchiosbelt · 5 years
a big update + requests are OPEN [must read this post first, please] 🌻
hello everyone! since the poll results were positive, i have decided to make this a multi-fandom writing blog! it’s been on my mind for a long time and i truly believe it will help me get some of my spark back. thank you all as always for your patience.
what does this mean? am i leaving the jjba fandom? not at all! in fact, not much will be changing except for my tag system and what requests i allow! oh, and i did update the blog layout today! anyways... let me answer some questions you may have. ☻
what fandoms are you going to be writing for?
you can find the answer to that by following this link! in case tumblr decides to act up, i’ll also be putting the fandoms i’ll be writing for under the cut at the end of this post.
will there be less jjba content?
since this started out as a jjba blog, i don’t plan on ever dropping it from the lineup! i may limit characters in the future, but that’s not something i’m really thinking about right now.
what if i’m not interested in the other fandoms?
that’s perfectly fine, my friend! that’s what the tagging system will come in handy for. while i use it sometimes, any non-jjba writing will be tagged with ‘not jjba’ so you can add it to your blocklist if you need! as far as i’m aware it should not block my other tags, like ‘jjba headcanons,’ but if you’re seeing an interference please let me know and i’ll work on a new tag.
additionally, all fandoms will have their own tag so you can whitelist them, or whatever you’d like to do!
what about confession sessions? can we submit them for other fandoms?
at the moment, i am going to keep the confession session asks jjba only. i may change this in the future, but while things adjust, i’d like to leave it as jjba confessions only! thank you ♥
additionally... requests are open! they will be closing at 12 A.M. on november 20th. so, you have almost 24 hours to get a request in!
as per usual, please don’t flood the inbox and give others a chance to send in requests. if you sent me a request last round and i didn’t do it, keep in mind i still have quite a few that i want to do leftover from last time!
as i said, i still have a few batches of requests i’d like to do... but i’m really hoping to get some other stuff in this round! since 99.9% of y’all are here for the jjba, i won’t be too upset if it’s primarily that, lmao! don’t feel pressured, but if you’re interested... branch out!
finally... i’m going to be reposting some of my older fics and fics from other fandoms i have on AO3 on this account. if you’ve been a long time follower and see something you recognize, don’t worry, it’s just me adding it here since i’ll now be writing for multiple fandoms!
thanks if you read this long post, and i look forward to chatting & working on your requests as always! i appreciate all of you.
new fandoms + characters i’m writing for below the cut!
Mystic Messenger
Boku no Hero Academia
Keigo Takami - Hawks
Yagi Toshinori - All Might
Enji Todoroki - Endeavor
Shota Aizawa - Eraser Head
willing to do villain aus!
i do not write for any students. any request of that nature will be deleted.
Fire Emblem: Three Houses (post time-skip only)
Fire Emblem: Fates
Fire Emblem: Awakening
Hunter x Hunter
Kurapika (sfw only)
Kill la Kill (i don’t think anyone will ask… but you know… here it is anyways)
Uzu Sanageyama
Ira Gamagoori
Satsuki Kiryuin
Aikuro Mikisugi
Tsumugu Kinagase
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jtem · 4 years
I’ve held back a lot of criticism but, can you think of any website that deserved to tank more than Tumblr has?
I mean, they turned a social media site into an anti-social site. 
They grew to billions of dollars in value by positioning themselves as the opposite of Facebook. Where Facebook is all about controlling others, deciding what they can and cannot see, Tumblr gave you a website, an actual URL, an address on the World Wide Web. You didn’t control others, you controlled yourself! Even blocking people didn’t stop them from reading your posts or responding, it blocked you from seeing them!
“Eew! Eew!  They looked at what I posted on the World Wide Web! That was personal, what I posted on the World Wide Web, so everyone needs to report them for abuse!”
I’m not kidding. I’ve seen countless pleas from morons asking others to complain about someone who reblogged a post because... because... well, who really cares? The answer of course is the Tumblr staff, who sabatoged their own success & once bright futures by catering to this mindless bedwetters, rededicating the entire site to them.
At this point, these morons are “Protecting” the inane comments shitposters add below a reblog, because lord knows the world will end if they do not..
And what was that whole thing about the porn?  They encouraged it. For years.Then they nuked it all, went wild flagging & blocking even the lamest posts on SFW blogs! There were a few posts of mine that even I wasn’t allowed to see! That’s right, they blocked me from seeing a few of my posts AND THEN asked if I wanted to appeal their decision!
Cut the shit, people!
You threw away something like 99.9% of your value. For real. A  thousand times a million is a billion, you went from a peak of like $2 billion down to $2 million, which outside of a mental institution would tell anyone that they’re doing things wrong.
Quite the censorship. There are totalitarian states which haven’t practiced censorship with the vigor of Tumblr. I mean, I’ve lost track of how many reblogs or comments for which I never appear in the notes because... why? Who knows. Because your business still has a tiny fraction of it’s once impressive value left, and you want to see how long it’ll take you to close it down entirely?
You had a model that worked. You no longer have a model that works. STOP what you’re doing. You only have, what is it? Some 200 employees? How difficult could it be to round up the dickwads & fascists and fire them?
What are you waiting for? 
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rk800isalive · 5 years
Tumblr media
So this might be over kill but you know. If you still can’t find my rules. For what ever reason.... Here they are!! Under read more...
Again for my mutuals I’m really sorry about this. This isn’t directed to any of you.
Hey there dear! Here is all you need to know about this rper/ask blog!
updated: Aug 7,2019
 About the blog:
-I’ve wrote this a few times now on the blog but I am Semi-Selective and Mutuals only. I have a lot of anxiety or rping with to many people. I do open up to more people in time. Again, I rp for fun and as a stress release I don’t want to start making rping stressful.
-If I’m following you and you follow back. How do you know it’s me?? I send geckos and danger noodles. I’m very shy when first interacting so I send geckos on anon. It’s a way for me to 1) judge your muse and how they handle things. 2) It makes me feel better as a starter to say hello.
-This blog is a nsfw/sfw blog.
-I don’t rp with minors. I’m literally over 21+ I don’t feel personally comfortable with minors interacting or rping with me. Nothing against ya, I’m just not comfy with it. Other reasons are because I rp a lot of adult/dark themes and I don’t feel comfy with minors being around that.
-I’ll pretty much rp anything except anything NSFW with minors or anything NSFW with minor muses.
-I will unfollow if I feel like pretty wiggy about your blog. By this I mean, let’s say you post a canon call. Then you make a post complaining about people liking said canon call. I mean this like you do this a lot. I’m old and I don’t care and it comes off as wiggy to me.
-I do not accept or acknowledge hate to anyone of any kind on my blog, thank you. If I see it on my blog I’m going to delete it. This means I do not condone sending or receiving hate of any kind to others or myself.
-I also will add a side note to this because I can’t believe I have to do this. If I don’t accept of acknowledge hate that also means I will not send hate. I have not and will never do such actions.
-Muse =/= Mun. This means the Mun and Muse do not always share the same feeling or would act the same way. We are two different people.
-I do not rp with blogs that do not have at least an about and/or a rules page. I feel much more comfortable seeing those. I don’t care if your blog is fancy or if you have icons. Just these two things at least is important to me.
-I write to have fun! Rping is a hobby of mine and really helps destress me. Enjoy what you do and have fun with it! Don’t worry about replying right away, I’m chill with waiting.
-I don’t own any of the icons or art you see me use unless I have stated otherwise.
-Highly Selective to OC’s. I explain why further down in my rules.
Dos and Don’ts rules:
-Don’t take control of my character please.
-Please no GodMods.
-Do not guilt trip me into responding to you. I will block you.
-Also please be aware if you reblog rp with thislovelylady/ alannasroleplaymemes, or really any of this person’s blogs I will unfollow and block you. This is non-negotiable.
-Do not follow me if you follow any blogs connected to sinsofexcalibur/ giseinohana or really any of their blogs. If you do follow or interact with said person I will unfollow and block you. Nothing against you, I really don’t want to get into why this person makes me uncomfortable just understand this is one of my rules. This too is non-negotiable.
-Don’t guilt me for calling you senpai. I say it in an I think you’re cool and want to be friends. Again I’m old. I literally remember when yaoi paddles were a thing. Not that I ever had one, but man oh man, do I remember them.
-Don’t come at me with hating on ships. You can like or dislike what you want. I just don’t want to hear it.
-If I don’t answer your threads or starters either tumblr ate it or I haven’t had time to get to it.
-Feel free to remind me to reply. Life happens and I’m also just ADHD so my attention span is crap at times. Just don’t spam me about it.
-I do not start drama, I do not like getting into drama, and as such I ask you not to tag me in drama. I like living my life as drama free as possible.
-If you are a personal blog and you reblog my threads you are not apart of I will block you. It’s rude don’t do it.
-Do not reblog ooc posts outside of posts that can say you can reblog. Or are posts like followers forever. Just…. literally think about it. If it looks like you are unsure you can message me. Just use common sense.
-Do not ask me why I have not followed you yet. Like that’s some guilt trip bull. If I haven’t followed you yet, I either a) didn’t see the notification. b) Saw you followed checked out your blog and you don’t have a muse, or rule page and didn’t follow c) felt wiggy about your blog d) I just didn’t notice you followed and haven’t seen your blog yet.
-Just because I’m not following you doesn’t mean you can’t talk to me. I’m chill if you send anons.
-I always cut my posts. Please cut yours. It’s not too hard to do there are like a million tutorials showing how to do so. If you don’t trim your posts I’m most likely going to unfollow you. There really isn’t any excuse as to why you can’t trim your posts. On mobile there is a giant X you can press. This is true on desktop as well.
-Do not reblog my threads unless you are apart of them. If you do I will block you.
-I’m not an rp meme blog, if you are not a mutual please don’t reblog the memes. Reblog it from the sources.
-The only triggers I have is Sharks (Realistic Images or video of them) and IV Needles. I just ask that you please tag them. It’s cool if you forget it happens.  Mostly it’s the needle bit that is the worst trigger. I have other trigger they are just very rare and very hard to hit. I’ll let ya know if you ever hit them.
-If you need something tagged just let me know.
-I will tag things if you need it tagged. I’m also an idiot and forget sometimes. Just slap me with a friendly reminder message and I’ll tag it for ya. When I tag things I always forget to tag things with ‘tw’ at the end.  Example rather then writing ‘gore tw’ I write ‘gore’. Again, I do this mostly because I forget to put ‘tw’ at the end.
Shipping / writing:
-I’ll just slide this in here too. I ship chemistry, if I feel the two muses are getting along and you wanna ship them I’m down. I don’t ship with minors. If you wanna have a family bond connection with my muse, smack dat message button and hit me up. I’m down for chatting about it and plotting it out!
-I ship Connor/Hank personally but this doesn’t mean every Hank my muse meets will want to jump their bones. Again I can’t stress enough how I ship chemistry. I won’t ship with anyone right off the bat unless you talk to me ahead of time and want to plot something out.
-If your Hank only sees Connor as a son, I’m totally cool with that too. Again I do not ship anything unless you’ve messaged me before hand. I just like chemistry between muses first.
-I will ship hate pairings, crack pairings, and just because pairings.
-If you want to ship with my Connor, hit me up. Again this is normally after we’ve been rping for a while. I’m for the most part chill about shipping.
-I have my own NTP I’m chill with talking about them. I’m also over all a very chill but weenie of new peeps person. Again I’ve been around a while.
-If you have a ship you wanna try out with my Connor slap that message button and I’m more than happy to chat it out. We can come up with an idea. But again I prefer chemistry first over shipping.
-I love to plot things out. If you have an AU you would like to try out I’m totally open for it.
-If you see mistakes in my grammar and spelling I am sorry. I tend to type fast and sometimes aren’t able to catch all my mistakes. Please bare with me on that and I’ll most likely edit my posts. Or more commonly I’ll respond with like little to no sleep in me and don’t realize I messed up spelling or used the wrong words or grammar till like the next day or when I post my reply and reread it. Again I have insomnia… most days I’m up till like 3-4 am. Not even lying there. Some days I sleep for like… 14 hours. There is little to no in between.
-I can and will rp dark themes. I love rping angst or pretty much anything. That being said, just be aware of my fear of needles. I will rp sharks just because I can’t physically see them. Writing about that doesn’t bother me just anything to do with blood work just … yeah.
-I write rather large posts when I role play. Don’t feel intimidated because you don’t have to match my post size. It’s just my thing I do. I only ask that if I reply with let’s say a paragraph I wish for at least a paragraph back. This doesn’t apply if it’s a crack thread. Those are just up in the air and fun.
-If your muse is an OC, from a different fandom, or if he never met you in the game and your  beginning message/thread/starter is acting like he knows you right from the get go and he doesn’t I might not answer the ask or thread. Just because sometimes it makes me uncomfortable unless it just fits or you have messaged me ahead of time.
-I also love the idea of my Connor viewing any of the Rk series as family. If you don’t see it that way hit me up and I’m chill with it.
-If the post is long or nsfw based I put them under read more.
Just things I didn’t really know where else to put:
-I am SUPER shy online. In person I’m a loudmouth who isn’t afraid of anything. So it takes me a good long time to message people to rp.
-I am one whole weenie. If you get geckos/ danger noodles (snakes) in your anon box. -dabs- dat be me. Trying to get over being a weenie one gecko at a time. I don’t what it is I’m just very very shy online.
-I call new peeps who follow me senpais till I feel comfortable to be not nervous.
-If I follow you 99.9% I probably want to rp with you. I’m also a weenie so I’m probably intimidated to message you if you wanna thread or rp. I has the anxiety…
-I’ve been rping for 9+ years off tumblr, +6 on tumblr, and about +4 years on discord.
-I tend to update my blog a lot because I want my blog to be the best that it can be in my eyes. Your blog doesn’t have to be this detailed or fancy looking I just hold my blog to a stupid standard in my head.
-Mun is 21+ and pretty much only feels comfortable rping with 18+ muns.
-I have Major Depression, ADHD, PTSD, Anxiety, and DID. I do have a blog for my system they probably won’t interact on this blog.  Please be aware of this as there are days I just… struggle.
-I am always tired, if I’m not tired I’m hyper as fuck.
-I read the rules and about everyone’s blog I ever follow. I feel more comfortable and more likely to rp with you when I see the rules and about pages. I will read about the mun pages too. This allows me to get a peak into not only your muse but who you are.
-OCs I’m so sorry I’m a bit picky at times. If I can’t picture my muse interacting with them I sort of just… Don’t bother. It’s nothing against your oc. I promise you that. I am just a little picky after being burned a few times.
-I do not have a password system mostly because I would forget my own password. But if you are reading all this and got all the way here, thanks!!
-I’m just here to have fun. I want to rp as a way to help my own stress of life. If you like my Connor, great! Thank you for liking him! If you don’t, cool, you don’t have to. I like all sorts of ships. I don’t really care about gender mostly because I myself am pan but I just don’t care. If two characters mingle well and feelings start to arise I’m more likely to ship it. You don’t have to like the ship. It’s cool.
-I am 28. I’ve been rping for a stupid ass long time. I’ve seen shit in fandoms come and go. I don’t care about drama, I don’t want your drama, I’m just here to have some fun. Cool. That’s gonna come off as mean… Sorry.
-I have the right to follow and unfollow who I wish. I also have the right to rp with whom I wish and whom I don’t wish. ( Though if I am already following you, I’m 100% willing to rp with you.)
-It takes me a while to respond to things. Again I want to make this clear, I have a lot of mental illnesses that just make me struggle most of the time. I deal with heavy insomnia. Sometimes I’m lightning fast with threads other times it takes me a bit. Or tumblr just decided to fucking yeet my god damn drafts again. In which case hit me up on dms like if I haven’t gotten to the thread after like two weeks. Most likely tumblr fucking ate it.
If you finished reading and you would like to know more about the Mun and the muse here you are!
The mun just click here. My muse click here.
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