#I stopped watching anything they did solo and only sought out stuff they did with their friends
rubysparx · 7 months
When will spittake return from the war
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itsapeterthing · 3 years
The Ship || Peter Parker
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pairing: peter parker x avenger!reader
summary: you and your best friend and teammate, peter parker, go to a costume party only to discover that everyone believes that you and peter’s alternate super-hero identities are dating.
word count: 3.8k
warnings: brief mention of near death experience, fluff
masterlist || request
Peter Parker was your best friend, teammate and that was it- or that was at least what you two told yourselves. The two of you met after you were sought out by the Avengers once you had discovered that you had powers. Since then, the two of you had fought alongside each other and when off from school, spent your time staying and training with one another at the Avengers Compound.
The two of you spent most of your time with the other but you both told yourselves it was because you both had crazy lives and hectic schedules that matched up- not because you particularly enjoyed hanging out with each other- especially alone. 
Although you both spent your fair share of time alone together, tonight you and Peter had other plans. Putting aside vigilante justice for one night, you and your best friend had agreed to go to a costume party. Despite the fact that none other than Flash Thompson was hosting said party, you convinced Peter it would be good for both of you to get out and allow yourselves to be normal teenagers for just one night without the responsibilities of being young superheroes hanging over you.
“Wait- you’re being Han Solo?” You asked your best friend as you crossed the street to meet him where he was standing on the sidewalk in front of Flash’s house. “You didn’t tell me that! I dressed as Leia!”
When you reached Peter, you stopped and admired him dressed as Han Solo. He stood bathed in the light underneath the lamppost and as much as your brain hated for you to think it, you couldn’t help but admit to yourself that the costume looked... good. That he looked good. You never even thought about the idea of him dressing as Han but now that he was standing in front of you you couldn’t help yourself from staring a little bit longer than you were probably supposed to at the way the white shirt hung on his body underneath Han’s characteristic vest.
Peter did the same, admiring you in the famous white dress of Leia’s until Ned- who was dressed as Luke- nudged your shared best friend. “Dude.” He muttered to Peter.
“What? Oh!” He spoke finally shaking his head. “It- it’s fine, Y/n. People will just think we're dressed in a group costume.”
“They’ll think I’m your girlfriend. It’s whatever.” You told him nonchalantly before walking ahead of the two boys to enter the party. “It’s getting cold can we just go inside, please?”
As you continued to walk up the steps he was now the one stopped in his place, admittedly a little hurt by what you had said. He wondered why it would be such a bad thing if other people thought that the two of you were a couple... before he snapped himself out of it, reminding himself that you were his best friend. He didn’t like you like that and you definitely didn’t like him like that. What was he thinking?
Mindlessly, Peter and Ned followed you up the steps and into the party. Although Peter dressed up, he admittedly didn’t think that many others would, but to his surprise the house was packed with other kids from school dressed in costumes of their own.
“Penis Parker!” Peter and you heard an all too familiar voice shout. “Y//l/n! I’m surprised you guys actually came. Thought Parker said he was too busy for stuff like this?”
Just when you were about to answer in Peter’s place you heard a loud crash sound from the kitchen. As soon as the sound reached Flash’s ears he quickly raced to the kitchen without saying another word to either you. “Not the vase!” was the last thing you picked up before he left you, Ned and Peter’s point of view. 
“Well.... that was easy.” Peter said. “I’m going to go get something to drink. Do you want anything, Y/n?”
“Just a water is fine.” You smiled.
While Peter and Ned left to go find something to drink, you stood in your place, taking in the room around you. Around you was a large crowd of students your own age dressed in all sorts of fun costumes from the generic angel to who you assumed was a Taylor Swift.
Although you saw many different costumes- noting a few to point out to Peter when he got back- one in particular caught your eye immediately. Still standing in the spot Peter had left you in, you watched a girl across the living room from you stand there with a drink in her hand dressed in what you were sure was an all too familiar ensemble.
She was wearing a black jumpsuit with a matching black cloak tied across her shoulders. Both the jumpsuit and the cloak were adorned in haphazard details made of what you assumed was golden glitter glue. Completing her look was a matching black mask, covering her eyes.
You could recognize that ensemble anywhere. Although it was most certainly cheaper and made of latex and glitter glue, you knew it was attempting to replicate the ensemble you wore as your superhero alias “Sorceress”.
Neither you nor Peter had shared your identities with the world or your powers with your classmates. As far as everyone at your school knew besides Ned- you and Peter were normal high school students and Spider-Man and Sorceress were Avengers who saved humanity from multiple world-ending threats- there was no connection between you two and your secret super-human identities.
Although you knew you probably shouldn’t have, you couldn’t help yourself. Before you even realized what you were doing, your feet were already carrying you across the room to meet the girl dressed as... well... you.
When you stopped in front of her and her eyes met yours, you knew you couldn’t back down now. “Hi, sorry. I have to ask-“ You spoke, gesturing to her costume. “Are you- are you dressed as Sorceress? Like the Avenger?”
Taking another sip of her drink, the girl smiled back at you, nodding her head, her blond ponytail bouncing with it. “Yeah!” She told you. “That’s so cool that you noticed. I’m wearing it because my boyfriend wanted to do a couples costume.”
Just when your heart was filling with pride in knowing someone wanted to dress as you, you were taken back by her comment. Your outfit... a part of... a couple’s costume? You were sure you heard her wrong. You- and therefore your superhero alias Sorceress- were most definitely not a part of a couple.
“What do you mean couple’s costume?” You asked, quirking your eyebrow.
Before the girl in front of you could could answer you, however, you heard the shout of the name “Amber” from across the living room. You watched as the girl, Amber- you now realized her name was- jolted her head, stepping on her tip toes to scan over the sea of heads surrounding you.
“That’s him calling now!” She informed you.
You followed her line of sight and watched as her boyfriend emerged from the crowd... unmistakably dressed as... Spider-Man. Confirming your suspicions even further, you watched as Peter trailed behind him.
When the couple finally met, you and your best friend’s widened eyes met each other, knowing without a word that Peter had just had the same conversation with Amber’s boyfriend in the other room.
“Wait... this is your couple’s costume?” You asked, making sure you were understanding the situation properly but also not entirely sure if you wanted the answer.
Just as you asked, her boyfriend wrapped his arm around her waist as she rested her head on his shoulder and laid her hand on his chest, giggling.
You knew your best friend, Peter, well enough to know that he was looking at the sight in front of him with the same horror in his eyes as you were.
“Yeah!” Her boyfriend, clad in the Spider-Man outfit assured you. “We’ve been getting compliments all night!”
You could barely believe the sight in front of you. You and Peter were best friends and nothing more and your superhero aliases abided by that same rule. The two of you never confirmed a relationship to anyone or- to your knowledge- ever give anyone a reason to believe that Spider-Man and Sorceress- or more importantly- you and Peter- were ever anything more than best friends.
“But...” You began, being careful to not expose yourself and Peter. “Spider-Man and Sorceress aren’t dating.”
At that the couple in front of you both laughed as the boy dressed as Spider-Man replied, “You’re joking right? Do you even keep up with the news or anything?”
You and Peter simultaneously turned to look at each other before your attention was grabbed by none other than the host of the party- Flash Thompson- butting himself into the conversation.
“Woah, Spider-Man! Nice!” He complimented, shaking the boyfriend’s shoulder, then noticing his girlfriend laid over him. “Wait wait wait- she’s Sorceress? Dude! Best. couple’s costume. ever.”
“They’re not a couple!” Peter shouted suddenly besides you.
All five of you went silent after Peter’s outburst before Flash spoke up again, chuckling.
“Parker, I wouldn’t expect you to keep up with someone as awesome as Spider-Man.” Flash told him. “But Spider-Man and Sorceress are one hundred percent dating.”
As if on cue you and Peter glanced at each other once again, communicating your horror, confusion and embarrassment without words.
“They’ve never said they’re dating.” You told Flash finally, crossing your arms.
“They don’t have to!”
“Yeah!” Amber agreed, still draped over her boyfriend. The image of someone dressed as you all over someone dressed as Peter despite the fact that you two were only best friends and nothing more made made you feel almost embarrassed standing next to Peter. You just wanted to shrink into yourself. It was almost as if someone had exposed one of your deepest, darkest secrets to Peter that you couldn’t bare to have him know.
“What- what makes you think they’re together?” Peter asked, finally finding his voice once again.
Peter hoped that the dim lights in the room would mask and make it impossible for you to catch the blush that was spreading quickly over his cheeks and ears.
What you didn’t know about your best friend standing beside you, fiddling with his wristwatch while this scene played out in front of him was that he felt the exact same way. He wanted nothing more than to escape this situation without looking suspicious considering his fantasy was playing out in front of his own eyes. As much as he hated to admit it to himself and he told himself he would never admit it to you- he had laid awake at night thinking about standing with you the same way the couple in front of you were.
“Do you ever watch clips of them online or anything?” The unnamed boyfriend asked. “Where do I even start?”
Before anybody could even begin to answer, he nudged his girlfriend off of his shoulder and began counting off on his fingers.
“For starters they’re always together. Have you ever seen them fight and not be next to each other? Didn’t think so. Also, she’s always getting swung around by Spider-Man. She can basically fly, can’t she? Seems weird, right?”
Now you could feel yourself becoming flustered. Was there a door nearby that you could escape through? Maybe they wouldn’t notice. Maybe Peter wasn’t paying attention to what this guy just said.
“Also remember that story about how Sorceress was patrolling that parade on some rooftop and that guy came up behind her with a gun and before she even noticed Spider-Man- like- webshot the gun out of his hand? They said he was supposed to be like two blocks away! I’m just saying, for you to notice something like that from two blocks away, you have to be looking- like really watching her-“
“Okay!” Peter shouted.
Everyone’s attention then turned to Peter with their eyes wide. Even some of the chatter had died down around you and you could see people quickly glance and glare towards Peter before resuming their own conversations and antics.
“Listen man,” The guy told him. “I’m just saying they’re definitely together.”
Fiddling with the long, white sleeve of your dress it was your turn to speak up. “Maybe they’re just friends?” You suggested, shrugging.
With that the guy in front of you as well as Flash adamantly shook their heads.
“No way.” The guy concluded.
“Yeah,” Flash said. “You’re trying to tell me that Spider-Man would friend zone a hot, sorceress who he’s with all the time? Okay, Y/n. I knew Parker was dumb, but I expected more from you.”
Now you were seriously flustered and from Peter’s outburst earlier you could tell- even without his “Peter tingle”- that he was too.
“What if she doesn't want him?” Peter asked.
As soon as you whipped around to face your best friend, your brain still attempting to comprehend what he had just implied by his sentence, you heard the blare of police sirens making their way down the street.
“Shit.” Flash muttered.
After that, everything happened so fast. You and Peter joined the exodus of partygoers scrambling out of Flash Thompson’s front door before taking a cab to the Avengers Compound where the two of you would be staying for the night due to you having training the following morning. The car ride was mostly silent as both of you- unbeknownst to the other- continuously replayed the conversation with the couple and Flash in each of your heads.
Did you two really make yourselves out to be a couple? Were you guys a little too close for best friends?
You ran through your head all the things that the guy had mentioned. You and Peter were essentially attached at the hip and he was your partner on most missions but you figured it was just because you were best friends. You remembered the night where you almost would have died if it weren’t for Peter looking out for you. He told you it was a coincidence, but what if he really was looking out for you the whole time?
Then you thought of all the times you had saved Peter. Did you catch everything because you were observant of everything going on around you or because you were hellbent on protecting your favorite person?
Before you could dig even deeper into your thoughts, you felt the cab stop outside the limits of the Avengers Compound. You and Peter climbed out of the cab and made your way towards the entrance of the building almost without a word. You could usually live with the silence between yourself and Peter- it was peaceful. But now you could just hear yourself screaming in your own head to make the awkwardness stop.
“So...” You cut through the silence.
“Crazy night, huh?” You chuckled awkwardly, trying to diffuse the situation.
“Y- yeah...”
“You two are here-” You both looked up at the sound of none other than Tony Stark’s voice. He was standing in the doorway of the facility with a cup of coffee in his hand. He shifted his view from you and Peter to his watch. “Like... what? Twelve hours early? This isn’t a daycare.”
Peter was the first to speak.
“Mr. Stark? What are you doing here?”
“Scuffed up the suit a bit on our last little promo tour in Germany- figured I’d fix it up. I also- I don’t know- pay for the place.” He shrugged before using his free hand to gesture between the two of you and your Han Solo and Leia costumes. “What’s with the get up? Since when are you two together?”
“Why does every one think we’re dating?” You huffed in frustration.
Tony laughed.
“So you two know about the whole ‘Spider-Man and Sorceress’ thing I take it?” He asked, quirking his eyebrow and taking another sip of the coffee in his hand.
“Wait.” Peter said, piecing it together. “You knew about that?”
“Uhhhhh, yeah.” Tony said clearing his throat. “I created some of the highest performance equipment in the world... I think I can do a google search.”
“Why didn’t you tell us?” You asked him, practically yelling.
“Because you guys are what? Eighteen? I thought you for sure would have googled yourselves by now. Besides, what are you going to do about it now that you know? Hmm?” He paused, testing the both of you. “Tell everyone you’re not dating? You two are literally wearing a couples costume right now.”
“That wasn't our plan!” Both you and Peter shout in unison.
“Look at you two- finishing each other’s sentences.” He teased the two of you, swinging the door open to make his way back inside. He looked over his shoulder at the two of you one last time, calling. “Don’t stay out too long! The last thing I need is for you two to catch a cold. Imagine those headlines!”
When you heard the door click into place behind Mr. Stark, instead of following him inside you sat yourself on the steps. When you looked up to catch Peter still standing in his spot, staring at you, you gave him a small smile and pat the spot on the step besides you. You watched as Peter shot you a closed smile in return, slipping off the vest that had previously been around his chest before plopping himself down in the sport beside you with a sigh.
Without Tony there to break the tension, an awkward silence hung in the air around you, knowing that the other was thinking of the conversation from the party you had just briefly attended.
Without thinking, you rested your head on Peter’s shoulder.
You thought over the events of the past night. Did you like Peter? You would have normally told yourself that this wasn’t true but you couldn’t deny the way your heart jumped in your chest when you saw him standing under the lamppost dressed in costume or the way your heart ached for Peter to hold you the way Amber’s boyfriend was at the party. As admittedly awkward as it was to watch people pick apart your relationship right in front of you, a part of you knew that they were right.
Much to your surprise it was Peter who broke the silence first.
“Do we... do we like each other?” He asked you.
You didn’t move, only focusing your attention on the stars above you while your head rested on Peter’s shoulder.
You didn’t exactly know how to answer that question. In what was almost a movie like montage, all the memories you had of Peter rushed through your brain from the first time the two of you met to nightly patrols to where you were now, picking them apart and analyzing each of them. You recalled the times where he nearly died and how terrified you felt, knowing a piece of you would die with him. Any time Peter was in danger, your first thought had always been regret- not because you couldn’t save him- but because of all the things that would be left unsaid. You never understood that gaping whole you felt in your chest any time he was hurt, but now you did- you liked Peter. You had always loved him, but you now realized you loved him in a way you were almost afraid to admit.
“I think so.” You laughed.
Peter quickly pulled away, causing you to lose your balance as his shoulder shifted to no longer cushion your head.
“A- are you sure? Are you just saying that because of... of you know Flash and everyone?” You gazed at his face, watching as his eyes searched yours for a hint of truth. You could see the worry coated over his face. “If you don’t, it’s okay. It’s totally okay. Just... be honest. O-o okay?”
You smiled at him once again. This time while your eyes still met his underneath the stars and the glow of the warm light escaping from the front door, you reached out for one of his hands.
This wasn’t the first time the two of you held hands, but this time it felt different as you gently wrapped your hand around his.
“I’m not just saying it, Pete.” You promised him. “I think I’ve always had a little bit of a crush on you. I just- I don’t know- I guess I never admitted it to myself because I was too afraid to tell you.”
You sighed, your eyes straying from his to your intertwined hands in his lap.
“You’re Peter Parker. You spend the whole day being the smartest guy in the room and at night you save people from bad guys. Even Flash worships the ground Spider-Man walks on. Plus, you’re my best friend, Peter. I didn’t want to admit it to myself and then have to deal with it and risk losing you. Even right now I’m realizing you never said that you necessarily liked me. Even if you don’t just don’t stop being my best friend, Pete. I couldn’t take it. Please-”
As you reached the end of your speech and looked up, you immediately felt the soft touch of Peter’s lips connecting with yours for a light peck. As soon as you comprehended what was going on, his lips left yours, but his face stayed close to yours. Your eyes met and before he could say anything else, you reached your free hand up to cup Peter’s cheek, pulling him in for another kiss.
Both of your eyes fluttered shut and you could feel his hand squeeze yours as the two of you melted into the kiss. You could barely believe that you were kissing Peter- you’re sweet best friend, Peter- but as his lips met yours all you could do was ask yourself how you had gone this long without doing it.
When you finally pulled away, all either of you could do was smile.
“So.. you like me?”
Peter chuckled and he was so close, you could feel his warm breath against your skin still. “Y- yeah.”
“Good.” You smiled, leaning in once again, but before you could meet his lips, Peter’s eyes went wide as he pulled away.
Worried yourself that you had done something wrong, you squeezed Peter’s hand. “What's wrong?”
“I just realized- we forgot Ned.”
“Oh shit.”
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revisionaryhistory · 4 years
Three Days ~ 30
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Yep, me again. I wanted you to have his take on the night and weekend.
This was sex with feelings. The kind you want to hang onto and roll around in. No idea why I started talking. Everything felt so good, I guess I just wanted to tell her. I think both our words held more than one meaning. I can’t say that I was completely lost, but the part of me that feels like this . . . this joy being with a woman . . . has been lost for a while. I don’t for one second believe her saying she wants to make me feel good was all physical. Knowing another person wants to put forth effort for you is one of the best feelings in the world. Sometimes they are just words, but I knew Emma meant them. All she’d done, all we’d done, showed them to be true. Plus, I didn’t only hear them, I felt them. I felt how she cared about me. It’s heady stuff. More so because I want the same thing. I’m way to old not to realize how important all of this is.
Once I orgasmed, I wanted contact. I wanted to feel her body against mine. I pulled her down, telling her “Come here.” She laid on me, gently kissing my neck, and causing strong aftershocks that had me shudder and made me hungry. Not for more, but to not be done quite yet. I put fingers under her chin, lifting her where I could kiss her. My tongue sought hers and tangled us together again. Inside her a different way. A way that didn’t have to end. Because as good as the end was, it was still an end. At least for a little while.
I remembered what Emma had said last night on mom’s deck. Fuck, it was only last night? She’d said she liked the moments after when you took it in and it became part of you. That’s exactly what I was doing. Taking her in. . . and questioning my sanity. Again, remembering her words, she’d asked if it was crazy to think you were falling for someone after three days. I wonder where the insanity line is? Maybe it’s four days and I’m not all that crazy.
I pulled on my briefs and ran downstairs to get us something to drink while Emma turned down the bed. I hadn’t noticed before that there was a calendar on the fridge. Right at eye level. Written in the box for next Saturday was “VB Tourney”. Umm. I checked the door before I headed back upstairs. Emma had on a fitted tank top and boy shorts. She looked adorable and I smiled. Pity I’d be taking those off her sometime in the near future. I climbed in beside her, sitting beside her propped up on the pillows. Oh my god, these sheets. They’re thick and incredibly soft. Dumping my planned topic of conversation, I turned to her, “I feel like I should apologize.”
She did that cute confused puppy look, “Why?”
I ran my hand over the sheet covering us, “For the sheets on my bed last night.”
Emma looked bashful, head turned down with her eyes looking at me, “Really nice sheets are one of my guilty pleasures. I like them thick, but soft. There’s this one place I buy them from and they get softer the more you wash them. They don’t come in many colors. This vanilla is my favorite. It’s rich and almost lickable.”
Glad to know they’re only “almost” lickable. “They’re almost like silk.”
“Did you have red silk sheets like in the Careless Whisper video?”
My eyes popped open wider, “No, but I would have loved them.” I put my hand over my heart, “Is there a better sax solo in anything ever.” I started singing, “I’m never gonna dance again. Guilty feet have got no rhythm. Though it’s easy to pretend, I know you’re not a fool.” I closed my eyes and sighed, “Gives me goosebumps.” Before I could open my eyes I felt her lips on my cheek. I opened one eye, “What was that for?”
“Just you being you.”
I ran my fingers along her hair from her temple behind her ear then spread them out behind her head, guiding her back to me for a kiss. “I saw on your calendar downstairs a volleyball tournament next weekend. Watching or playing?”
“Playing. It’s a bar league. We’ve got practice every night this week.”
And now for the actual point. “Can I come?”
I liked how quick she answered.
“I’d like you there.” She hesitated, “It’ll be an all-day thing. Lots of drinking after.”
“I can do that.”  
Not that long ago on a Marvel set not that far away a group of men were talking about women and relationships. Only one of us had an issue with the needed behavior changes brought on by the Me Too Movement. It was hard to know where lines were and I’m sure I’ve kissed a cheek when I should have stood back. The consensus was communication was key. I argued it always has been. This led to how communication is more than just conversation and conversation wasn’t worth shit if it was filtered through what you thought you were supposed to say or not say. Which is in line with our conversation about being brave and vulnerable. When you said what you meant, what you felt, it made you vulnerable. Emma and I had many conversations and talked about many things. The one thing we hadn’t really talked about was the one thing we really should.
I sat up and turned to face her, noticing the flecks of gold in her eyes. I took one of her hands, dropping the eye contact to look at the size difference and how delicate her hand looked in mine. I had a thought that it was time to jump off a cliff, but quickly realized that was just a habit. There was no cliff here. Ah, that’s what my therapist meant by telling me I had some bad habits that were getting in my way.  I returned to looking in her eyes, “I don’t want this to be just some long weekend thing. You, me, us. I think we’ve started something and it’s good. I want to see what it could be, what we could be. What do you want?”
Emma was just looking at me.
"Did I just freak you out?"
I could see the soft pink of her tongue between her teeth as she started to smile. She reached out to stroke my cheek. "No, you didn't. I was thinking about what I want. All I can come up with is you."
Pretty sure my face showed how much I liked that answer. I leaned in to kiss her and she stopped me with a hand on my chest.
"I want to see where this goes too. I'd like to skip the part where we don't text or call for three days so the other doesn’t know they like them."
"I already know you like me. You told me."
"I did. I like that we say things. I want to keep doing that.”
"That's the hard part, isn't it? But, it hasn't been so hard. Which is one of the reasons why I want to see where it goes."
"Me too." Emma smiled, reaching out toward me. "Can I kiss you now?"
"You don't have to ask."
We made out for a while before cuddling up together. I kept her tucked under my arm and pulled up close. She laid her head on my chest with her arm over my stomach. I kissed her hair, “Tell me about volleyball." She introduced me to the team through stories and description. I bet I could match names to people. Three women and three men per team. From the stories I picked up they were all friends and the party after to celebrate or drown their sorrows was as fun as the game.
'I’m going to need a job."
"A job?"
She took a second, "You can be my water boy and sunscreen applier."
"Team beer fetcher."
"Even better." Pretty sure there is wait staff for everything, but applying sunscreen, which sounds more like fun than work.
"Your parents live here, so I don’t wait to assume anything. Will you be staying with them or me?"
I kissed her head, smiling as I did. "It's very nice that you asked, but I’m staying with you." I waved a hand in front of us. "We can take them to lunch or something."
Eventually we snuggled under the covers to sleep. When I woke up I was on my stomach with my arm thrown over her stomach. It took a lot of energy to pull her over where I could push up her top to lay my cheek against bare skin. My reward for my early morning energy expenditure was her running her fingers through my hair. Worth it.
"When's the alarm going off?"
Emma raised her head, "Fifteen minutes."
I placed an open-mouthed kiss right above her panties and ran my hand up her inner thigh, "I can work with that."
Emma turned off the alarm and less than a minute later I was spooned behind her, thrusting slow and steady into her warm body, and using my fingers to make sure she came. Our kisses were as lazy as the sex, until neither was.
Emma was somehow able to see and looked at the time with a groan, "We overshot the landing. I’ve got to get in the shower."
I wanted to join her, but that was either going to make us even later on I’d miss out on fun things I wanted to do. Like soap her body with my bare hands. Wash her hair. "I'll start coffee."
By the time Emma was out of the shower I’d put away last night's dishes, made the bed, and had a cup of coffee waiting for her. I handed it off with a kiss and headed into the shower. When I came out she was sitting at her vanity table, her hair still in a towel, putting on mascara. I threw on my clothes and headed downstairs to wait. Not that I didn't want to perch myself on the bed and watch, but I also wanted to see the finished result. I was curious to see my Emma as a first grade teacher. I used the time to check email. Nothing pressing except from my manager. Something about a photo shoot. I'd call her later. I heard footsteps on the stairs and turned to see Emma in light yellow capris, a white top, and sandals. It was her hair that left me dazed. Instead of long sleek curls it hung in beachy waves. The whole package was cute and her hair like this made her look younger. Like this she looked very much like I'd envision a first grade teacher. Just as beautiful, but different.
I hopped off the stool and took her in my arms. "You look like a first grade teacher. Cute and innocent."
Emma laughed, "Thank you?"
I moved back to kiss her, "Still beautiful. I love your hair." I shook my head, "So different. I don't want to stop looking at you."
"I like you looking at me."
The timbre of her voice was all too familiar and shot down my spine, "There's my girl." I kissed her again until she pushed me away.
"We've gotta go."
"Yeah." I leaned on the breakfast bar while she pulled the potato salad out and stuffed it in an insulated bag. "But I don't wanna." I stuck my bottom up out in a pout.
I got the result I wanted, Emma pulling it between her lips. "You'll be back in three days."
I rolled my eyes, "I think it's going to feel longer.”
She laid her hand on my cheek, the soft pressure that makes me a little dizzy. "I think so too."
The press of her lips and warmth of her tongue compounded the dizziness and I made a quiet sound of approval. We stood there looking at each other for several seconds before I took her hand, bringing it to my mouth. I kissed it before holding it against my lips to speak, "Let's go."
We were a little quieter on the short drive to the train station and once there we were even quieter. I didn't know how to say goodbye to someone that it shouldn’t be so hard to say good bye to. I guess she didn’t either.
Emma made a "humph" noise, "So this is when it gets awkward."
That made me burst out laughing, "Just get out of the damn vehicle."
She met me in front, wrapping her arms around my back and mine went around her shoulders. I wanted to hold her long enough for her perfume to cling to my shirt. When her grip loosened, I moved my hands to her face and kissed her, "I'll call you later."
She nodded, "Practice from seven to nine."
"Got it." I kissed her once more made myself let her go, and walked into the station.
Wow, what a fucking weekend.
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jonsastan · 5 years
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Jonsa: A Dream of Spring @jonsadreamofspring
Day 6:  Parallels / King and Queen / Memories Aka: Jonsa Homecoming King and Queen Au
If you looked up the term ‘golden child’ in the dictionary you would probably find a picture of Sansa Stark. She was a straight A student, she was considerate of others, she was responsible, she volunteered, and started the school’s composting initiative. She was clever and kind and beautiful. So it really didn’t surprise anyone when she was nominated for Homecoming Queen.
Jon Snow on the other hand wasn’t exactly your typical Homecoming King but he got nominated anyway. 
“It’s probably just some stupid underclassmen that think he has dreamy eyes.” Jeyne said as Sansa stood at her locker pulling out books for her next lesson. “He’s not going to win or anything.” Sansa made a non-committal sound. 
She didn’t really care who won Homecoming King. She didn’t really care if she won Homecoming Queen. It might look good on her applications to university, but it wasn’t like it was her only achievement at school. Jon was in some of her classes and was her brother’s best mate so they knew each other, but they weren’t really friends. Sansa seemed to be involved in every aspect of school life, volunteering, organising, studying, tutoring; but whenever she saw Jon he was either with Robb, Theon, or walking his dog. He wasn’t exactly typical Homecoming King stuff. 
“Did you see that you and Jon are in the lead for Homecoming King and Queen?” Robb asked, sitting on the bench next to where Sansa was cooking dinner. Both their parents were working tonight, so Sansa was on cooking duty and Robb on cleaning duty. Arya was on bedtime duty, which never ended well. She told scary stories and then Rickon couldn’t sleep unless he was curled up in Sansa’s bed. 
“Yeah I saw the poll.” She chopped carrots for a moment. “Did you nominate Jon?” She asked, trying to sound nonchalant. 
“Nope, I think it was Theon.” Robb stole a carrot slice from the chopping board. “As a joke. You know Jon, he’s the most awkward introvert in the whole North, so Theon probably thought it would be a laugh to nominate him.”
“That’s kinda mean.”
“That’s Theon.” Robb shrugged and stole another carrot. “I don’t think he realised how much Jon helps people behind the scenes, didn’t realise how popular Jon was, in a quiet kind of way.” Sansa stopped chopping and looked at her twin brother. 
“What do you mean?” 
“Well, he tutors underclassmen pretty much every afternoon-”
“He’s not at the tuition program.” Sansa objected, her head tilted slightly. 
“He doesn’t like the program, says it’s too focused on ‘improving grades and not actual understanding of the subject’.” Robb made air quotes. “He also helps out at the vet, you know Davos’ vet?” Sansa nodded. “And the animal shelter. He’ll bring extra lunch to school because some kids don’t have any.” Robb shrugged. “And he’s got pretty okay grades.” 
“I didn’t know.” Sansa muttered. 
“Jon doesn’t brag about it.” Robb hopped off the bench and walked over to the fridge, opening it and perusing the contents. “How long ‘til dinner’s ready?” 
“About 20 minutes.” Sansa replied, finishing chopping the carrots. 
Sansa petted Lady as she waited in the small room of the vet. Lady needed her shots and Sansa had organised to walk her around alone so her mum and dad could watch Rickon’s lacrosse game. Of course being a lacrosse game for the under 7’s it mostly ended up in one kid hitting the other with the stick. 
Sansa heard the gentle tap at the door and held onto Lady’s leash as the vet nurse entered, even though Lady would never bolt for the door, or jump on someone. She did begin to wag her tail excessively and that’s when Sansa realised it was Jon Snow who seemed to be reading over Lady’s history.
“Hello Lady.” He said, kneeling down and ruffling the dog’s ears. “Hi Sansa.” She couldn’t help but smile slightly at Jon’s priorities. Dogs first, then people.  
“Hey Jon, how are you?” 
“Not bad. Working here a lot. How are you?” He asked, taking the lead from her hand and moving Lady to the fancy table that lowered to the floor then rose to be right height for the vet.
“I’m okay. Trying to get my dress sorted for Homecoming.” 
“Oh right. That’s soon, yeah?” 
“Two weeks.” There was an awkward pause as Jon examined Lady’s teeth and made notes for Davos, the vet. “You have a date?” She asked for want of something to ask. 
“Nope, flying solo. You?” He chuckled before lowering his pen. “Of course you have a date.” He shook his head and smiled slightly. 
“Actually, I don’t. I was thinking about just tagging along with Robb, but he’s got an actual date.” She said feeling a little annoyed at the way he’d said the last comment.
“Yeah, he told me.” 
“He didn’t tell me who!” Sansa exclaimed feeling slightly betrayed by her brother. Probably thought I’d tease him.
“Football Fred or Lacrosse Fryd?” She asked. Jon turned to her. 
“Wynafryd Manderly.”  
“Lacrosse Fryd.” Sansa muttered, nodding her head. 
“She doesn’t play lacrosse.” 
“She’s Rickon’s coach. It’s why Robb has been attending the games with an almost religious fervor.” 
“What about football Fred?” 
“Robb’s been hanging out around the football team more often than usual and Fred Flint is fit.” 
“Makes sense.” Jon nodded and they lapsed into silence for a moment. “So do you maybe wanna go to Homecoming alone together?” He asked, running his hand through hair that was just long enough to tie into a half up style, avoiding looking at her. 
Sansa moved toward Jon and Lady, patting her dog. 
“Yeah. I’d like that.” She smiled at him. 
“What colour dress are you wearing to Homecoming?” Robb shouted making Sansa jump and her hand jerk causing a harsh black line across her, otherwise perfect, notes. 
“Pink!” She shouted back without much thought. It wasn’t until later, when she was getting ready for bed she wondered by Robb wanted to know. She crossed the hall and tapped on his door. 
“Oi! Why did you want to know what colour dress I’m wearing to Homecoming?” She lent against the doorframe, watching as Robb stuffed books into his school bag. 
“Theon, Jon, and I went to buy corsages and he asked me to stealthily find out your dress colour so he could match the corsage.”
“And shouting it at me is stealthy?” She raised a bemused eyebrow at him. He shrugged. 
“At least your corsage wont clash terribly with your dress.” She nodded in agreement before returning to her room. 
The was sweet of Jon.
Sansa check the contents of her tiny clutch purse for the fourth time in the space of about 5 minutes. 
Phone? Check. Money, just in case? Check. Lipstick? Check. Keys? No! Wait, Jon is driving, you don’t need keys.
She let out a sigh and glanced at the clock. Jon should be arriving any moment. She lifted a leg and examined her sparkly pink shoe, smiling. She liked these shoes, they were bright, and girly, and thoroughly impractical. 
“You look lovely.” She turned and saw Jon standing in the doorway, an awed smile on his face. He wore an all black suit with a pink pocket square, the shade matching her dress exactly. She smiled. 
“Not too shabby yourself.” He reached out a hand to help her stand and she took it, enjoying the warmth of his palm. 
“My dad let me borrow his car for the night so we don’t have to ride in my shit box.” He said, walking her down to the fancy black car. She knew Jon’s dad was rich, he’d have to be to attend Winterfell Prep, but she also knew Jon wasn’t close to him. 
“That was kind.” She offered, not wanting to spark anything negative. 
He opened the passenger door for her. “It was nice.”
“Your Homecoming King, Jon Snow and your Homecoming Queen, Sansa Stark will now take the floor!”  The over excited MC announced. 
It was corny, and old fashioned, but a part of Sansa loved the fact that the King and Queen would have a dance as the rest of the class joined in. 
Jon lead her to the middle of the floor. He placed a hand gently on her waist and there was a moment of complete stillness and Sansa was sure Jon could hear the beating of her heart. Then the music began and Jon guided her around the dance floor. 
“You dance surprisingly well.” She commented after a while, noticing Fryd wince slightly as Robb trod on her toes. 
“Thanks.” He smiled gently at her. 
The song ended and was followed by energetic music, more suited to groups than couples. 
“Would you like some punch?” Jon said into her ear, his lips brushing her earlobe. She nodded. He took her hand and led her over to the punch stand, procured two glasses, and gestured to a quiet little alcove not far from them. 
“So how does it feel to be royalty?” She asked, sipping the overly sugary drink. Jon chuckled. “A privilege I neither sought nor wanted. What about you, your grace?” He said with a small bow. Sansa laughed. 
“It’ll look good when I apply for uni I suppose.”
“You didn’t want to be queen?” He asked looking surprised.
“No, it wasn’t exactly the ambition of my high school career.” She shrugged. “But my mother did say I have the perfect shaped head for a tiara.” Jon laughed at this before taking a sip of his own drink. She noticed a droplet of punch clinging to his lip and had an impulse to kiss it off. 
Jon was sweeter than she’d realised, kinder too. He thought of others first and was considerate of those around him. And he looked great in a suit. 
“So do you think people understand our whole ‘going alone together’ thing?” She asked as a means of distracting herself from Jon’s lips. He looked at his shoes before answering her. 
“I kinda think the whole matching corsage and pocket square might have suggested friends going together, at least.”
“At least?” She asked, taking a half a step toward him. 
“Some people, maybe some people who are here with a really clever and funny and beautiful girl, people who have trouble talking with other people, people who think said girl has a really cute dog and a nice brother but not as nice as her, might think that this was a date.” He suggested, staring at his shoes again. Sansa half smiled.
“Would these people also happen to have stupid plastic crowns on their heads?” He looked at her and smiled. 
“Yeah.” She moved closer again, reaching her free hand out to tangle her fingers with his. 
“I kinda think it’s a date too.” She whispered.
And then Jon was kissing her or maybe she was kissing Jon. Either way it was only a matter of moments before Theon wolf whistled loudly at them.
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hellsbovnd-archive · 5 years
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LF RP — Rosemund Blackthorne
Rosemund Blackthorne, born Rosemund de Valieroix, is an Ishgardian Elezen of 34 summers. The head of a house regarded as low nobility, Rosemund quickly plunged his house into debt. Rumors circulated about the family after Rosemund's father was tried for heresy by being thrown from Witchdrop, and in an effort to maintain the House Valieroix's outward social status, he tried to appeal to his peers with lavish gifts, which of course they accepted without giving him what he sought in return. 
While the House's good name was cleared along with his father's post-mortem, Rosemund's faith in the church never recovered. Resolving that he could not stand by and watch a broken system prosper, Rosemund took up the sword of the Dark Knight in secret. Since then, he's wielded it to defend those who have no means to defend themselves—namely once-accused heretics and those of low social status, who despite Ishgard's various reforms, still face no shortage of discrimination from above.
Profession(s): Lesser Noble—As Rosemund is a lesser noble, head of House Valieroix (an honestly, quite pathetically small house that pledges its allegiance to the Haillenarte), he doesn’t really need to work. But he might be able to find a job for you, even if money is tight right now. Dark Knight—Fashioning himself a defender of the persecuted, he pays special attention to those accused of heresy. Now that the truth behind the Dragonsong War has been revealed, he does not believe that heretics deserve to suffer any more than they already have within Ishgard’s walls.   
Alignment: Chaotic Good. Loyal to the Eorzean Alliance. Dubiously loyal to the Holy See.
Professional Talents: Nobility—Rosemund’s upbringing afforded him many luxuries that others may not have been able to afford, such as schooling via a tutor. He also was trained in swordplay (including fencing) and chocobo-riding. But now, he uses a Zweihander exclusively. 
Current Residence: Private manor in The Pillars.
Likely Haunts: Ishgard and Coerthas—The Pillars, especially the Jeweled Crozier. Avoids the cathedral. Tailfeather—A man of surprisingly simple pleasures, Rosemund occasionally retreats to Tailfeather for “time to think” and has considered packing up and moving out there more than once. Eorzea at large—He doesn’t have many obligations and the continuing failure of the Blackthorne house after his father’s untimely death is something he can only barely bare to face. Have Zweihander and some okayish wine, will travel.
Hobbies: Wine sommelier, or so he claims. He’ll drink anything, but has a deep appreciation for fine wines, especially Ishgardian vintages. Botany—He honestly kind of has a black thumb and can barely take care of house plants, but he likes to keep them around and occasionally presses leaves and flowers to affix in journals later. 
Hi there! I’m Crow/Mid and I use they/them pronouns! I’m generally most active during NA Evenings and Late Nights. I play on Balmung, but I’m open to RP connections from across the Crystal datacenter.
You can find detailed information about my hopes and expectations for RP on my dossier, here. The quick and dirty version:
OOC Communication > All
I am a med/heavy lore-strict RPer. I prefer medium-to-low power levels in RP and character- and plot-driven scenes. I won’t RP with any player under the age of 18 but as long as you’re not making it weird/creepy, I don’t have a problem with underage characters.
I run an FC and an LS, so I can be pretty busy OOC because I have to run a lot of stuff related to that.
I do not RP on Discord, but I have always been smitten with Tumblr RP as a longform format, so if in-game RP is impossible for some reason, I’m happy to write starters.
In terms of things I’m looking for:
Casual acquaintances and friends!
Enemies, especially Temple Knights (since being a Dark Knight is probably not the most law-abiding profession...)
Ishgardians!! I love me a good political story, and the ins and outs of high society in Ishgard is <chef’s kiss>
Long-term plot-focused RP connections!
Recommendations for events to attend? (And company to drag me along since I hate flying solo.)
Discord and Linkshell communities!
Thanks for reading! If you’re interested in playing with me then please feel free to send me a message or make a note of it in the tags or comments on this post. My Discord is available for OOC arrangements and chatter upon request! If I’m slow please bear with me; I have a habit of getting absolutely swamped with stuff at more or less complete random, and my energy levels vary wildly from day to day and week to week.
tagging for visibility: @balmungrp @mooglemeet @ffxiv-crystal-rp @crystalxivrp @ffxiv-balmung-rp
1. House Valieroix
Rosemund refuses to use his surname, instead keeping the epithet Blackthorne from while his house was under suspicions of heresy. Many regard this as a symbolic gesture, but others regard it as silly and perhaps even a little immature. It’s difficult for a conversation about Rosemund to happen in any social circle without bringing up this quirk of his, though thus far his peers prefer to watch the rumor mill turn than ask him about it to his face. To be fair, if he were to dispel the mystery, that would probably be a lot less fun.
House Valieroix was never a terribly important house, though it aligned itself with House Haillenarte for political purposes, and generally did not get along well with associates of House Dzemael. Rosemund has speculated for a while that the “zealots” or more conservative members or associates of House Dzemael may have been behind his father’s charges of heresy, but he has no evidence to back up this claim. 
House Valieroix is also in deep debt because of Rosemund’s poor financial skills, and it’s likely that they will be bankrupted soon without intervention.
2. Chocobos
While not the biggest fan of chocobos there ever was, House Valieroix owned a few prized birds that Rosemund loved dearly when he was younger. Unfortunately, in recent years he’s had to sell off a number of the house’s possessions in order to pay down debts and hold onto properties that have been in the family for generations. Including the birds. The decision broke his heart and he misses them dearly.
In general, Rosemund is also a fan of chocobos. He just thinks they’re neat. And before the eternal winter fell over Coerthas, he’d occasionally play polo with his cousins and family friends in the Coerthan lowlands.
3. The Road to Hell
As a Dark Knight, Rosemund takes it upon himself to protect those who lack the means to protect themselves—including accused heretics. While the end of the Dragonsong War and the revelation of the truth behind it effectively decriminalized heresy, that didn’t stop those accused from suffering social consequences, or from the powerful coming up with new reasons to persecute the accused...
In general, despite decidedly lacking the funds to do so, Rosemund is at his core a charitable soul, and occasionally takes in those who have no place to spend the night, especially during the winter moons. Those who have stayed the night generally leave with shining reviews of his hospitality and willingness to accommodate, though also note that many of the less-often rooms in the manor are caked with a visible layer of dust and remark that the food “needs work.”
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taeken-my-heart · 6 years
Moirai - chapter 2
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Summary: On your 18th birthday a name appears on your wrist. The name of your soulmate. It’s a momentous day that everyone looks forward to, but you’ve always brushed aside; refusing to believe in a fickle mistress called destiny. But what happens when on the morning of your 18th birthday you wake to find the name of your mortal enemy? Jeon Jungkook.
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Soulmates au/ Enemies to lovers au. Angst, fluff, bickering, romance, eventual smut.
Word Count: 6024
*Side note: I put a read more option on all my stories so if it doesn’t show up, I’m sorry :( It’s the Tumblr app and there isn’t anything I can do about it. I hope it doesn’t ruin your experience!
*Side side note: I actually had most of this chapter written already so that’s why the update was so fast, don’t hold your breath for future updates being this quickly updated, haha. :P 
After school you walked with Lillian to her car, jumping into the passenger seat and flinging your bag by your feet. Because her family was wealthy, when Lillian had gotten her license she’d also been gifted a car. You’d been green with envy at the time, but since you still hadn’t even found the time to get your own license you didn’t see the point in being jealous over something you couldn’t even drive so you’d quickly gotten over it.
“It feels like I haven’t seen Lucas in forever.” You replied, looking over at your friend who was drumming the beat on the radio onto her steering wheel.
“You still have a crush on him?” Lillian teased, eyebrows wiggling.
You rolled your eyes. “I was 13. Cut me some slack here, I didn’t know any better.”
“Hey now, my brother is awesome.”
You laughed. “Yes, he is, that’s not what I meant. I guess I was just unintentionally into the whole crush on your best friend’s older brother thing. It’s a phase we all must go through.”
Lillian pouted, “Only you don’t have an older brother so I never got my phase!”
“Well, there’s always Ella. It’s never too late.” You smirked at Lillian’s scoff.
“Please, she couldn’t handle this.” Lillian sighed, waving at her body and grinning.
“That’s definitely true. She wouldn’t know what to do with you.” You chuckled.
As you drove the short distance to Lillian’s house you felt the butterflies begin to jump around in the pit of your belly. While it was true that you’d had a crush on her brother when you were 13, there was still this part of you that wasn’t quite over it. He’d been your first serious crush at a time when you were just barely beginning to navigate the teenage waters. At the ripe age of 15 he’d been a babe, a class a dime. You weren’t really sure how to behave after not seeing him for half a year. You didn’t have his number so of course you hadn’t kept in contact. Maybe he’d met Daisy by now, or maybe he’d just decided to date someone else; not everyone sought after their soulmate, after all.
It was fiction what those fairy tale books said, that when you met your soulmate your fate was sealed and you’d never be without them again. Though the numbers weren’t high, there were people who chose to be with someone other than their soulmate. This was of course particularly painful for the half of the pair that was left behind, but no one was bound by a cruel mistress named fate; everyone still had a choice.
You were apprehensive about what you’d find when you saw Lucas again. There had been a moment when you thought Lucas liked you too. You were almost 16 and Lucas was nearly 18 and there had been moments of whispered thoughts, soul bearing confessions about life and the future. Moments of stolen looks, stowed away in the janitor’s closet after hiding the school’s mascot at the bottom of the pool and waiting with baited breath as they sought the culprit. The way he’d looked at you, as though he saw something there, as though he had secrets to tell.
You never found out, though, as you’d been wrenched from the closet by your look out, Lillian, and you ran laughing to her car in dizzy excitement, peeling from the parking lot and to your freedom. The school never did find out who did it.
“So what movie are we watching, anyway?” You inquired, turning to inspect your best friend as she made a turn off the main road.
“To be decided,” she grinned, “but Lucas brought some new stuff that he bought at school so he might have some gold in there.”
“There better be actual gold or I’ll be thoroughly disappointed.” You smirked. Pulling into the drive way, you grabbed your bag from beside your feet and followed after Lillian as she stepped through the front door, announcing her arrival loudly into the foyer.
Not even 10 seconds after Lillian’s voice had died down Lucas came barreling from the kitchen, grabbing her in his arms and laughing at her squeal. You’d always been jealous of their relationship, they were close on a level that you and Ella never had been and you envied that. Not that you and your sister didn’t get along, you had all the normal arguments about stealing each other’s clothes and taking too long in the bathroom, but if you’d been away for a long time Ella certainly wouldn’t be rushing to you with a giant hug and lots of I missed you’s.
Suddenly Lucas was turning to you and you were struck again by how handsome he really was. His blonde hair styled into a messy quaff, strong, square jaw, bright green eyes, and a big smile trained directly on you.
“Y/N!” He crowed, swooping in to pull you into a bone crushing hug and you grinned, wrapping your arms around his waist. “Wow, have you gotten even prettier since the last time I saw you? I didn’t think it was possible.”
You blushed at his compliment, swatting at his chest and laughing, “Stop it, you’re embarrassing me in front of your sister.”
Lucas chuckled, arm wrapping around your shoulder. “Ah she’s used to this by now, she knows I love to tease her friends. Especially the cute ones.”
Lillian scoffed, rolling her eyes. “You’re so gross. If you’re so in love with her, why don’t you just ask her out already?”
“Maybe I will.” Lucas grinned and you found yourself blushing deeper. He’d always been a flirt, insisting he loved to watch you turn bright red, but college seemed to have honed those skills if your puddle like state was any indication.
“Alright, alright, alright.” You laughed, shoving him away from you. “Where are your movies?”
Lucas laughed, leading the both of you into the front room where he had a three ringed binder filled with movies laid out on the floor. “Geez, Luca, did you seriously buy all of these in the last few months?” Lillian gasped, dropping to her knees to flip through the book.
“Hey,” he said, holding his hands up, “you know I’m a movie buff, this shouldn’t be surprising to you. Besides, the last few pages are empty.”
“Oh, the last few pages, my bad.” Lillian teased. “So what are you in the mood for, Y/N?”
You dropped down next to her, looking through the pages and stopping here and there at something that peaked your interest. “Hmm, well, I’m always in the mood for a romance,” at the sound of Lucas gagging in the background, you laughed, “or a good old fashioned comedy. I’m pretty flexible. You guys choose and I’ll be happy with whatever.”
You made your way to the couch, curling into the corner and grabbing a blanket to spread over your legs. After choosing some new action movie that you’d never heard of, that was apparently out of this world, Lillian came to sit beside you until Lucas pouted and forced her to move to the other side so that he could sit in between the both of you, something about not wanting to be left out. You’d snorted, rolling your eyes and cuddling further into your blanket.
After the lights had been turned off and the movie had started the three of you quieted down to watch. As expected, Lillian fell asleep about 10 minutes into the movie and you smirked. She was so predictable. Movie nights and sleep overs always turned into a solo activity if it was just the two of you because she just couldn’t help it. The lights were off, she was comfortable; she was going to fall asleep.
The movie was just barely building up to the climax when suddenly you felt it. Fingers running up and down the side of your thigh. You tried not to jump at the contact, thinking perhaps it was an accidental graze, but as it continued you grew curious and over the edge of the blanket (which you’d pulled up to your eyes as the hero of the movie was about to pull off some incredible stunt) you glanced at Lucas.
He didn’t look at you at first, looking the picture of innocence as he stared straight ahead at the movie. You were tempted to shrug it off, maybe he thought he was stroking his own leg, but suddenly he turned to look at you, smirk etched deeply into his cheeks.
You felt like the air was being sucked from your lungs as you felt his fingers tap their way up to the top of your thigh, squeezing gently. Had you fallen asleep? Were you hallucinating? He leaned towards you, whispering, “Hey.”
“Hi.” You whispered back. You hoped you didn’t sound as breathless as you felt.
“I missed you while I was gone.”
You could barely hear his voice over the thrum of the music but your heart skipped out of your chest as you lapped up every word.
“You missed me?”
“Of course, you may be Lillian’s best friend, but we’re friends too, right?”
You nodded, head slightly dizzy. He hadn’t removed his hand from your lower thigh and you felt confused. Friends don’t rub each other’s thighs. When Lucas chuckled softly you realized you’d said that out loud and blushed.
“You’re right.” He said, leaning closer to whisper in your ear. “Can we go to the kitchen to talk for a minute?”
You followed like a robot, unsure of what to do or say but as soon as you were in the kitchen he closed the door behind you and sat at the kitchen counter. “Come sit with me.” He smiled up at you.
You sat across from him, fingers immediately lacing together to try and squeeze the nerves from your body. “How was school?”
He shrugged, “school was OK, nothing special. Trying to get the boring classes out of the way so I can enjoy the classes for my major.”
“That’s a good idea, I’ll have to remember that when I go to college next year.”
“Are we really going to talk about school?” Lucas asked, scratching the back of his neck and you chewed on your bottom lip. That was his one tell. When he was nervous about something, he would scratch the back of his neck. You’d known him for so many years, fawned over him to the point of near obsession and when you’d come back down from it all and tried to reign yourself in you became friends with him, learning to read his queues.
“We don’t need to talk about school.” You mumbled. You tapped your fingers lightly against the counter top, shoulders bunching together. “Did you find Daisy?”
Lucas looked at you, eyebrows furrowing together. “Why would you want to talk about her?”
You shrugged. “It just seems like we’re going into a conversation that maybe wouldn’t be good if you’d found her.”
“You know I don’t believe in the whole soulmate thing. It’s all so romanticized to trick us into marrying someone with some weird matching tattoo.”
“I’m not saying I like it either,” you defended, “I was just curious.”
Lucas sighed, rubbing at his chin, “No, I haven’t met her, but if I do I’ll just tell her that I’m interested in someone else.”
“You are?” You asked in surprise.
“Yeah, my little sisters best friend. She’s pretty cute, maybe you’ve seen her around?”
“Oh come on,” you laughed, “stop playing around.”
“I’m being totally serious.” At your look of confusion he continued, “Look, when I was in school all I could think about was you and how much I missed you. I started to forget the sound of your laugh and that’s when I realized how much I like you. I’m just telling you this because, I don’t know, I kind of hoped that maybe you’d give me a chance. I know it would be a little awkward since I will be going back and forth between school and home but I want to try…if you’re willing.”
He suddenly looked down at his hands and it occurred to you that you’d never actually seen him look so awkward before. He was always confident in what he had to say and who he was as a person and it made you feel oddly flattered that you were the one causing this change in him.
“Well,” you started softly, “it would be rather difficult being so far away from each other for so long,” and he conceded with a nod, “but I don’t see the harm in trying.”
Lucas’ head snapped up, grin peeled at the edges of his lips. “Seriously?”
“Did you really think I’d turn you down?” You smiled and Lucas chuckled bashfully.
“Kind of. I just figured you must have a lot of options at school, why would you want to date your best friend’s weird older brother?”
You stood, coming to stand in front of him, fingers running along the curve of his shirt collar. “You’ve never been weird. In fact, I may or may not have had a crush on you since I was 13 years old.”
“Really?” Lucas grinned, eyes wide with glee, “I seriously never would have guessed.”
“Well, you are kind of dense.” You teased and Lucas laughed, poking your side as punishment.
“Hey, be nice to your boyfriend.”
You blushed, chewing the inside of your cheek and looking down as your fingers continued to fiddle with his collar. “Wow, boyfriend. I never thought I’d hear that in relation to you.”
Lucas spread his hands along the expanse of your lower back, pulling you closer and smiling up at you. “It feels really nice to say.” He admitted. “But we should probably get back before the movie ends. You know how Lillian is, always waking up in the last few minutes.”
You smiled, nodding, and Lucas stood, lacing his fingers with yours and walking back to the darkened living room, cuddling under the covers and settling back into the nearly finished movie.
After Lillian woke up and the three of you hung out for the next hour she offered to drive you home and you made your way towards her car, waving at Lucas as he stood in the doorway and you fastened your seat belt, holding onto the strap across your shoulder.
“I have a confession to make.” You murmured, once you’d left the neighborhood and were back on the main road.
Lillian hummed as an affirmative for you to continue and you clutched your seat belt tighter in your hands. "Lucas may or may not have asked me to be his girlfriend.”
The look on Lillian’s face as she snapped her gaze in your direction would have been comical had she not been driving. As it was, she swerved slightly and you gasped, throwing your arm out to try and steady the wheel.
“What?!” She screeched and you weren’t really sure if that was meant to sound happy or angry.
You sighed, clutching back at your seat belt. “Do I really have to repeat myself?” You complained.
“Yes, you absolutely do!” She insisted, bobbing her head vigorously up and down.
“Lucas asked me to be his girlfriend.”
“And what did you say?”
“Uh, well, you see…”
“Y/N, what did you say?” Lillian insisted.
“I said yes.” You replied timidly. Lillian’s squeal of excitement wasn’t what you were expecting but it made your shoulders loosen never the less.
“Oh my gosh, my brother and my best friend! This is the best thing ever! When did this happen?”
“During the movie, after you fell asleep. He told me he liked me and asked if I’d give him a chance.”
“Which of course you agreed to, you have had a ridiculous crush on him for years, after all!”
“Not so ridiculous now, it turns out.” You blushed.
Lillian laughed giddily, reaching over to slap your knee in excitement and you quickly joined her with high pitched giggles of your own. She pulled up in front of your house, waving you off with a promise to gossip more tomorrow and you laughed, waving as she peeled away from the curb.
“You’re in a good mood.”
You jumped at the deep timber of an all too familiar voice and turned, sighing. “Yes, I am. Can I help you, Jungkook?”
The sun was setting behind your house and it gave Jungkook a slight halo, which was laughable. He stood there in a dark bomber jacket, black t-shirt and criminally tight light wash jeans with a rip in the knee. He honestly looked so handsome that you wanted to vomit just from having to think that.
Jungkook shrugged, “just thought I’d say hi.”
“Our parents aren’t around, you don’t have to pretend to be my friend.”
Jungkook rolled his eyes, shoving his hands into the back pockets of his jeans and looking up to the sky. “Don’t act like such a victim, Y/N. You act butt hurt when I don’t say hi to you but then when I do you’re all of a sudden better than me.”
“I never said I was better than you!” You cried.
“You don’t have to say it with your words, I can just see it on your face.”
You felt a little guilty because Jungkook did actually seem offended so you sighed and shrugged. “I’m sorry, OK?”
“I can tell that really came from your heart.” Jungkook rolled his eyes.
“Look, I am sorry, I really didn’t mean to come off that way. To be fair, though, you always make me feel like crap so it seems like a fair trade off.”
Jungkook snorted, “I had no idea you were one of those eye for eye types of people.”
“Well, you don’t really know me, Jungkook.” You muttered.
He nodded, lips pursed as he surveyed your frown. “Fair enough.”
You sighed, running your hand through your hair and looking off at the lights in your house. “Look, I’ve gotta go now. I’ll see you at the barbecue tomorrow.” You began to walk towards the house before noticing that Jungkook was walking right behind you. “That wasn’t really an invite.” You frowned.
“Lucky for me, I don’t need your permission.” He teased, “Besides, your mom wanted me to come over and help her move some furniture around since your dad’s at some work function or something.”
“OK.” You shrugged, walking through the front door, Jungkook following and closing the door behind himself.
“Jungkook!” Your mother beamed, coming from the kitchen, “thank you so much for coming over, honey. I really appreciate your help.”
“Of course, you know you’re like my second mom. I like helping you out.”
Your mom laughed, wrapping her arm around Jungkook’s waist and leading him to the living room. You walked slowly up the stairs as you listened to them chat while she directed him where to move things. You supposed it was really rather nice of him to come by and help, you were sure that he had better things to do; after all, he had a roaring social life and a beautiful girlfriend.
After slipping into a pair of shorts and a baggy hoodie you made your way back downstairs to grab a snack and you stood by the dining room door, watching as he brought in a table from the garage. During your barbecues you always inevitably made your way back inside to play games and it had just become a tradition at this point. It was easier to have tables and chairs set up for you the night before so that no one had to worry about it while eating.
Usually your dad was the one to move the furniture around, but since he wasn’t here Jungkook was the next best thing in your mother’s eyes; like a son she’d never had. She always insisted that you and your sister were like delicate little flowers and rarely let you help with any heavy lifting. Sometimes it actually annoyed you how little faith your mother put in your physical abilities and other times, like right now, you didn’t mind so much that you didn’t have to pick up the couch and move it. Chewing on the roll you’d grabbed from the kitchen, you watched as Jungkook moved to where your mother directed him, muscles cording in his back under his t-shirt as he dragged the couch to the back wall and moved the table into the center of the room.
You hated to admit that you liked the way he looked. He’d been a brat nearly all his life, but he was so handsome it made you ache a little. Why did mean people always get the best things?
“Hey mom?” You called suddenly and she looked over to you from her position by Jungkook, “I was wondering if I could invite my boyfriend over for the bbq tomorrow.”
Jungkook dropped the couch suddenly and you and your mother both jumped before she trained her vision back on you. “Boyfriend?” She asked in surprise.
“Yeah, Lucas actually asked me tonight.” You grinned and your mother squealed, running over to you and pulling you into a hug. She’d known about your crush on him almost as long as you’d had it and you’d always felt like she was silently rooting for the two of you, even after Daisy’s name appeared on his wrist.
“Oh my goodness, honey, of course. I am so excited for you! Also, what are you doing with that roll young lady?” She scolded and you grinned, shoving the rest into your mouth in one big bite, “those are for tomorrow!”
“It’s only one!” You mumbled around your mouth full and you could see Jungkook grimacing in the background as he returned his attention to the couch.
Just then the front door closed softly and you watched as Ella strolled into the room, backpack slung across one shoulder. “Oh!” She said in surprising, taking note of Jungkook finally pushing the sofa into place and she blushed. “I didn’t know you were here, Jungkook.”
You resisted the urge to roll your eyes. She was so obvious about her crush on him, you were surprised he hadn’t picked up on it by now. Jungkook smiled, rising to his full height and shoving his hands in his pockets. “Just helping out your mom a little bit.”
“That’s so nice of you!” She gushed and you sucked on your teeth noisily. It seemed as though you were the one feeling all the awkwardness that Ella seemed to ignore as she made her way into the center of the room, grabbing onto his bicep. The look of surprise on his face was so priceless you would have laughed if you weren’t also surprised yourself. Your sister had never been quite so forward. “Is there anything I can do to help? I’m sure you’d much rather be doing something other than moving around heavy furniture on your Friday night.”
You watched in amusement from the sides as Jungkook cleared his throat and turned to look for your mother. She’d retreated to the kitchen to hide the rest of the rolls (from you, presumably) and then let his eyes sweep over you. “Well, if the three of us grab some chairs from the garage we could probably make pretty good work of this.”
“Oh,” Ella remarked, turning to look at you, “I didn’t know you were there. Were you just sitting there watching and not helping?”
“I was eating!” You exclaimed and she frowned.
“As if that’s any better.” She scolded and you glared. “Poor Jungkook is over here working his butt off while you’re just sat there watching him. That’s, like, creepy or something.”
You scoffed, making your way towards her, “fine, let’s go.” You ushered Jungkook in front before sending another glare Ella’s way. “Your crush is showing.” You smirked and Ella blushed, pushing passed you and following Jungkook into the garage.
After the three of you had finished setting up the living room and you’d had to quietly survive Ella’s painful attempts at flirting, you’d sat down on the couch to send Lucas a text about tomorrow. He’d replied with a resounding yes and insisted that he would bring something to contribute despite your insistence that it really wasn’t necessary.
Your mother had asked Jungkook to stay for dinner and you watched as he helped her to set up the table. What a show off. Even Ella was contributing, which was laughable because normally she was somewhere complaining about letting her nail polish dry or something. Your mother asked you to help her finish making a salad so you stood, shoving your phone in your back pocket and going to wash your hands.
After dinner you sat back on the couch, watching in displeasure as Jungkook made his way to the same couch, sitting beside you with a loud sigh. “So a boyfriend, huh?” He asked, leaning towards you, “who’s the unlucky guy?”
You rolled your eyes, shoving him away from you as he laughed. “Bite me.” You muttered, careful to keep your volume low enough so that your mother wouldn’t hear.
“Come on,” Jungkook coaxed, “I’m curious. You said Lucas before; is that Lucas Olsson, Lillian’s brother?”
You sighed, shrugging, “maybe it is, maybe isn’t.”
“Doesn’t he have a soulmate?” He asked and you frowned, turning to look at him.
“We all have soulmates, Jungkook, doesn’t mean we all want to be with them.”
“Isn’t that fighting against fate or something?”
“What, you’re telling me you actually want to end up with your soulmate?” You questioned dubiously.
“Sure, why not? The universe always puts us with the person that would make us the most happy, seems like it knows what it’s doing. Why would I try and compete with that?”
“Wow, how sappy of you. You don’t think the universe messes up sometimes?” You questioned.
“I’ve never seen it before. I mean, yeah, sometimes we see something in a magazine or the newspaper or whatever that says two soulmates are getting a divorce due to irreconcilable differences, but honestly, the media lies all the time and we don’t actually know any of the people they’re talking about. Maybe they’re making it up.”
“You sound like a conspiracy theorist.” You groaned. “Doesn’t it weird you out at all that somebodies name, a person you’ve never met before, just appears on your wrist and you’re expected to just make a life with them because the universe dictated it that way?”
“Not really,” Jungkook shook his head, “I wanna be happy, she wants to be happy, it’s worth a shot, right? My dad was skeptical before he met my mother and now he’s deliriously happy so it kind of seems like it’s worth it.”
“Yeah, well, what if you end up with someone you hate, what then?”
“That’s so unlikely,” he scoffed, “the universe is not going to stick two people together who hate each other, that would make no sense. You’ve gotta trust the system.”
“Did you suddenly turn into a hippie?” You rolled your eyes. “Does that system know you stick your dick in every woman that breathes?”
Jungkook frowned, tapping his fingers against his leg in agitation, “you have so much anger for someone your size, where do you bottle that shit up? I really haven’t slept with as many people as you seem to think I have.”
“Sure,” you quipped, going to stand, “and the moon is purple.”
Ella quickly took your spot on the couch, drawing Jungkook’s attention away from you and you made your way back upstairs. You had too much homework to do and not enough energy to deal with his special brand of irritating, anyway. You needed to save your energy for tomorrow when he’d be here to annoy you all day.
Also, Lucas. You smiled at the idea, sitting down at your desk and pulling out your phone. You wondered if he’d try to kiss you tomorrow. He hadn’t tried tonight but that’s because his sister was there and everything was so fresh. You wondered if he was the type of guy to wait a few dates or go all in. You couldn’t wait to find out.
I hope you enjoy this update. There will be a bigger gap between this update and my next because I’m not close to finishing the next chapter so you can expect it at the end of this month or in early December. 
Let me know what you think!
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Copyright © 2018  by taeken-my-heart (Nora.) All rights reserved.
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mwelxn · 5 years
Last week, ex-Guns N' Roses guitar slinger IZZY STRADLIN' gave PAUL ELLIOTT exclusive details of exactly what went down with his shock departure from the former Most Dangerous Band in The World. In part two this week, Izzy previews his Stones-influenced upcoming debut solo LP 'Ju Ju Hounds', and reveals that yes, he DID almostjoin forces with this week's K!cover stars The Black Crowes!... By Paul Elliott Kerrang! Magazine - Sept. 1992 "...And that goes for all you punks in the press / That want to start shit by printin' lies / Instead of the things we said / That means you, Andy Secherat Hit Parader, Circus magazine, Mick Wall at Kerrang!, Bob Guccione Jr at Spin..." - 'Get In The Ring', Guns N' Roses Although Mick Wall no longer works for Kerrang!, Axl Rose's anger at the publication has not abated. Guns N' Roses' outspoken frontman routinely bitches about Kerrang! when the band play in London, Presumably, the root of the problem was a feature of Wall's on the Rock In Rio festival in which he accused GN'R of aloofness. Kerrang!gave Guns N' Roses their first British magazine cover in 1987, but Rose chooses to remember only one comment from one journalist. And that, it seems, is the bunker mentality behind the Guns N' Roses/Kerrang!/'Get In The Fucking Ring' feud. Former GN'R guitarist Izzy Stradlin' is equally bemused by it all. "I just write songs," he shrugs, grinning. "I honestly don't know what that was about or what was said. Axl was mad at Kerrang!, right? There were so many things that pissed him off..." It's said that Bob Guccione Jr, editor of US rock periodical Spin, was baited by Rose on 'Get In The Ring' simply because Spinprinted the contract which Guns N' Roses attempted to force on all journalists interviewing the band. The contract sought to censor the press. "I didn't even know about this contract," Izzy protests, "so when I heard Axl was mad about it, I was going, 'What?'! "If I were a journalist I'd probably just tell somebody to shove it up their ass too, cos I guess that'd be like somebody telling a musician how to write a song. "I wasn't aware that Mick Wall was one of the guys in that song. The only one I knew about was Guccione. I was sitting back in Indiana watching MTV and I saw that thing about Axl challenging him to go fight, and Bob said, 'Okay'. And I didn't hear anything else about it! "Axl's real critical of himself, and his anger seems to propel him in a lotta ways. That song 'Get In The Ring', I really love a lot of the lyrics just cos they're really aggressive. Axl played guitar on that track as well, that was the first time I saw him play electric guitar, and he did pretty well. I was digging it cos it was good punk energy. But with all the names at the end I was thinking, shit! I wouldn't have slagged people off on my record." - Izzy's Record, his first since quitting Guns N' Roses, is titled 'Ju Ju Hounds' and is as cool a rock 'n' roll record as anyone has made in the last 10 years. Like The Black Crows', Izzy's music is simple, intuitive, soulful. Both he and the Crowes have covered reggae standards, but where the latter play a lot of blues, Izzy's more of a punk. Axl calls 'Ju Ju Hounds' "Izzy's Keith Richards thing", which is as good a description as any. Izzy's LP has the same lazy charm as Keef's 'Talk Is Cheap'. "I read what Axl said," nods Izzy. "I think Keith Richards is great, but I don't think he has any songs that play as fast as 'Pressure Drop' (Izzy's souped-up cover of the Toots and The Maytals classic, also recorded by The Clash). I wish he would - It'd be great to hear him do that. "I called Keith last week; he was in the studio. I'm gonna try and hook up with him in New York sometime. There's a part of me that wants to take a tape of my record along and play it for him, and there's another part that's going, 'Fuck it, I'll just say hi and listen to his record'." Izzy's such a big Stones fan, there's still disbelief in his voice when he speaks of his friendship with Keef and fellow Stone Ron Wood, who guested on 'Ju Ju Hounds'. "We got together with Woody in LA. We did an old song of his called 'Take A Look At The Guy'." - A Stones CD plays as Izzy talks. The album is 'Black And Blue', one of the Stones' most laid back and most underrated works, featuring classic heartbreakers 'Fool To Cry' and 'Memory Motel'. plus the reggae number 'Cherry Oh Baby', covered by UB40. "I got into reggae partly through the Stones," says Izzy. "I guess it just bled over from stuff like 'Black And Blue' - it's killer. The thing I love about reggae is that it's not technical music where things are perfect; it's very freeform, just a groove. You can lay on a beach or a couch and just absorb it It slows down your heartbeat too, those drum beats and the slow pulse of the bass. It's like a tranquilizer. " 'Pressure Drop' is in this great movie called 'The Harder They Come', starring Jimmy Cliff as a ghetto kid who goes big time with guns; he shoots his way to the top. It's really cool. "There's an energy about 'Pressure Drop' that I love, the rock-steady rhythm. It's very loose, but at the same time it gets the point across." - Guesting on 'Pressure Drop' and on 'Can't Hear 'Em' (a reggae number of Stradlin's which features on the 'Pressure Drop' EP released this week, a month before the LP) is reggae star Mikey Dread, who worked with The Clash on their 'Sandinista' LP. Izzy met Mikey through bassist Jimmy 'Two Fingers' Ashhurst. "Jimmy saw Mikey play in Chicago and got hold of him the next morning. It turned out he was in the hotel right across the street from the studio we were using. We were just gonna do one song dub, but we ended up recording four songs with Mikey, for him. Jimmy and I played bass and guitar on them. Mikey did his rap thing on 'Can't Hear 'Em' and I think he sang some backups on 'Pressure Drop'. His guitar player did a reggae rhythm, real quiet, just a plunky, straight-through thing." Was Mikey surprised that a former member of GN'R loves and can play reggae? "I don't know but it was a trip working with those guys. Mikey had worked with The Clash before, so he must've been familiar with our style." So he didn't think that the way you speeded up 'Pressure Drop' was sacrilegious? Izzy smiles, "His first comment was, 'Y'know, man, this was a big hit in England'. I'm supposed to look him up when I get to New York. He's gonna take us to some place to get us some suits made - they do 'em overnight." - The whole of the 'Pressure Drop' EP has a raw feel evocative of Guns N' Roses' debut EP 'Live Like A Suicide'. 'Came Unglued' is as fast and lean as the obscure GN'R tune 'Shadow Of Your Love', while 'Been A Fix' has the hangdog vocals and fuck-off riff of late '70s Stones (it's also reminiscent of Aerosmith's 'I Wanna Know Why'). "Basically, I just wanted to get back to what really gets me off, just a basic rock 'n' roll band, a couple guitars, drums and bass. Simple. "The album's better, I would think, it's more mixed. The EP's just got three slammers on it, and a reggae song. The album's got a couple of acoustic songs, a coupla slammers, some basic rock tunes and one reggae song too. "The title of the LP came by accident in the studio. I was singing a backing track to something, and when I played it back it sounded like I said, 'Ju ju hound'. It doesn't mean much really." - Before Izzy began recording his album and EP, his name was linked with The Black Crowes, who at the time had not announced a replacement for Jeff Cease. So was he offered the gig? "I don't think so," Izzy shrugs. "When I left LA after I split from GN'R, I went on a road trip to New Orleans. From there I called my brother and he told me I'd got a fax from Rich in The Black Crowes. I had no idea their guitar player had split. "I stopped by Rich's home and he said, 'Maybe we should get together and write some songs'. I said, 'Let me take my stuff back to Indiana and get my house in order'. I love The Black Crowes, but because it was immediately after GN'R, I don't think I was ready to make any quick moves. I thought I'd just go and ride trials for a while. "I just wasn't interested in playing guitar at that time. I don't think I touched a guitar for about a month. I was getting off on riding, but, it got cold, Winter came, and I was sitting in a room with a guitar in the corner and it's like, 'C'mon, play me'! Once I started playing again I thought, this is the one thing that seems to make sense. "I started putting a band together in January. I was sitting in Indiana thinking, fuck, man, how do I find musicians? I couldn't just run an ad in the local trade paper. You wanna find somebody you can relate to, and the guys I got are all seasoned, proven. "I hooked up with Jimmy in LA. I'd known him for years, when he was in The Broken Homes. Once we'd got a drummer, Charlie Quintana, we'd recorded these basic tracks, so I asked Jimmy what Rick Richards from the Georgia Satellites was doing. Jimmy told me the Satellites broke up. This is how outta touch I am! "Rick's playing is so natural. I'll just throw out a coupla chords and he'll bounce stuff of it. He knows how to make it work." - Album and EP feature a number of guest musicians, including backing singers the Waters Sisters, who lift the chorus of 'Can't Hear 'Em' in much the same way that the I-Threes sweeten classic Bob Marley tracks like 'Could You Be Loved'. Barbara and Joy Richardson do likewise on The Black Crowes' 'The Southern Harmony And Musical Companion'. "The Water Sisters did 'Knockin' On Heaven's Door' for GN'R. Man, they can sing," Izzy adds with a smile, "but I can't see us going out on tour like that. I think we'll keep it real simple." Izzy's keeping everything simple these days. Guns N' Roses are no longer The Most Dangerous Band In The World, but they'll never be free of the controversy and all that bullshit. Stradlin' is, and he's happier for it. Simply, he's happy just to be back playing rock 'n' roll. It's all he ever wanted to do anyway.
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rkchaeryeong · 5 years
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MGA Season 5 ୨୧ Episode 5 ୨୧ Trios Dancing and rapping to Fire Truck with: @rknak and @rkpwj
After working with a friend last week, she was back to working with strangers. Though that didn't have to be bad, not at all, as long as they'd get along and work well. The worst possible scenarios were getting along so well, they'd get distracted more than practise, or not getting along at all and not getting anywhere either.
Luckily, there didn't seem to be any problems in her team – the girl seemed to pick a weird mood between two or three of the two teams up though. She wasn't sure if her intuition was right there, but then she didn't care too much about what was going on, as long as it didn't involve her and the team would work well and not be distracted every ten seconds.
Choosing a song somehow seemed to get more and more difficult with each round. They'd have to find and agree on something all three of them were both comfortable with and had the skills for. Finding out however, that they were all dancers, made Chaeryeong relax. At least they could finally put a focus on that.
A few choices were thrown around – some of which she really liked but were already taken – and they eventually settled on one of her suggestions. Fire Truck was energetic and loud. A good choice for a flashy stage to get attention, but also an obnoxious option when sharing a practise room. The other team's choice wasn't exactly quiet either though and she could only hope there would be no petty taking turns in turning the music louder than the other group. She had neither time nor nerve for childish stuff like that.
Eventually they managed to divide lines and all that, so they could properly get to practising. The dance was easily burned into her brain, she just needed to make her movements precise, to perfect every little detail. And of course she had to manage her rap well, which would prove much more difficult.
In an interesting “turn” of events, she started spending a good chunk of the time she wasn't practising with Suwoong from the other team. The both of them seemed to be a bit more chatty than the others and she thought they clicked well. It was nice to get a good distraction from the worries the show brought with it and he was fun to talk to. So fun that she felt like she knew his whole life story at the end of the week and she'd even talked quite a bit about herself. It made her realise even more than during the previous week that she needed to be around people and socialise more. So the trio teams and shared practise rooms were pretty much perfect for her.
She also enjoyed the time spent with her team, though she felt like it took a bit longer to properly connect with them. But the time they went shopping and had lunch was nice, and she felt closer to them.
Overall—even though she came early and stayed late almost every day—she had a good time preparing for this performance. Sure it was tough and took a lot out of her, plus she's never trained this much for anything before, but her years of experience were surely coming in handy. She knew her limits, how much she could push them without fainting or anything of the sort and knew when she should take a break. She also made a point of not sleeping over at the practise room, but going home every night, so she could properly rest and recharge at home.
She even forgot about the cameras a lot, only making sure to wave and bow every morning and night. Sometimes during beaks, she would position herself in front of one and went through expressions for the performance, featuring both serious and comedic attempts. Another time she talked to it (though that had felt a little weird, so she didn't repeat that), asking whether they were watching the team's practise well and if they saw the good progress they made.
The girl could hardly wait for their group to be called. She sat still, her eyes scanning the many groups before them, observing their every move and studying their expressions. They were all good, really good. On one hand that was bad – it would be easier to win this, if her opponents were weaker, but on the other hand that would be boring. She wanted a challenge.
One of the performances that really stood out to her was the group performing “Love Shot”. It was one of the options her group had considered as well, but the song was already taken. Yeji stood out to her the most. The dance was different from the original and she thought the other might have choreographed it herself. It was something she hadn't much skill in herself.
As the team before them stopped, she knew it was their turn every second now and it felt like electricity shot through her, all the way down to the tips of her fingers and toes. A smile tugged at her lips, but the girl did her best to suppress it. While strings seemed attached to her trying to pull her up to the stage, she wouldn't let herself feel too excited before the performance was over and until she knew for sure that they'd done well.
Get it lifted
They shouted together right at the beginning and she felt the excitement buzz through her veins again, a crooked smile finally pushing through. And she was glad to be starting first. She didn't want to wait any longer.
Fire truck What’re you looking at Mr. fireman on the floor Make a fire, I’ll cool the heat I’ll make this unhappy place even hotter When I hear the sirens, I feel
Chaeryeong moved smoothly, like she's never done anything else in her life. Her moves were exact, obviously practised again and again and again. Her rap, too, was being executed well. Her pronunciation precise, but not so that it was taking away from the flow. She'd often seen performers start off weakly from not being quite into the song yet, or whatever, hence Chaeryeong had practised the beginning extra hard. After all it carried much weight–if she messed up now, interest in the rest of the performance could be lowered, attention not undivided. If they couldn't keep interest up until the end, they shouldn't even consider being one of the top 3 performances and in the girls eyes, they should at least manage that. At the very, very least be in the top 5.
The performance passed, her dancing continuously exact and her rap, while definitely not perfect and much more difficult than the last, still surprising even herself. Her lower voice was surely a good asset in this case and she's learned a lot about rapping from the past weeks. She wasn't lucky that the progress showed, after all she'd worked hard for it, practising endless hours. It was earned.
Yeah be anywhere, everywhere Just call me Look at Look at how, just like playing with fire Bling, I’ll appear, Just Blink for me I’ll cool down your anger
With the gaze of someone who knows what they want and who's completely aware of their own skills, the girl flows through her second longer part, sliding over the floor confidently, oozing charisma. She'd practised this so often, sought out the best ways to appeal to judges and tv-audience. The girl knew what she was doing. Her body precisely placed for every step, while her rap could be improved, but her expression seemed to say “So what? I'll improve with every step I take, never stopping. You'll see.”
The big moves and slight cockiness were quite the opposite of her usual calm and collected behaviour, and as she rapped the part, she fittingly winked at the judges.
(Ey yea yea yea yea) Hands up if you feeling the vibe now (Ey yea yea yea yea) One step two steps go
She skipped left and right, light as a feather, making it look like the moves were almost spontaneous, even when she was leaving nothing to chance that she didn't have to.
After her rebellious child-years, she'd grown to control herself as she grew older, into her teen years, she learned how to behave in a way that would get her what she wanted without being obvious about it. She learned to study diligently, to put time and effort into what she had to, pushing through without letting herself falter. Now she was glad about it more than ever.
For the remainder of the song, she continued having a few solo lines here and there and many shared ones with the two others. She always knew where they were, even if they weren't directly in her vision. She found that important, to make sure they looked like a team. So they were dancing together, rather than each doing their own thing. And the girl kept in mind that during every part she wasn't centre, she had to keep her expression up and still give it her all, or else she'd be overlooked easily.
Once they left her burst of energy left her and she felt a little dizzy. She ignored it as best as she could and smiled at Suwoong, who's team would perform afterwards. Even though she might've overdone it a little, she knew this is what she wanted to do. As often as she could. The girl couldn't imagine not standing on stage again, practically craving it like water. And there wasn't even an audience outside the judges yet, but form the dancing competitions in her past, she knew how it felt to be cheered on. And while she was confident in her skills, she really hoped to make it to the next round.
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whimsicalworldofme · 6 years
The Undying Ember
So I’ve had this character kicking around in my brain since TFA, a young Jedi named Ava. She grew up an orphan in the Resistance with Poe and Ben and eventually trained under Luke to become a Jedi. There’s nothing wholly remarkable about her other than her Force sensitivity.  
In this particular story line I’ve created (set after the events of TLJ), Rey is trying to build up a new school of Padawans and has recruited Ava to go and retrieve Force sensitive children. But her mission goes tits up when she is captured by Kylo Ren and their interconnected past is dredged up, creating serious issues for them both. I saw a prompt about one character having kept a huge secret from another and this angsty stuff is what my brain churned out.
Please be gentle with me if you feel like commenting, this is strictly for my own enjoyment and I don’t write much fic. But I hope you’ll enjoy reading it.
Word count: 2432
No triggers that I can tell. Some serious angst though.
Images of a little boy with brown eyes, a long nose, and thick black hair flashed through their minds. He giggled and laughed, running through a field of tall yellow grass, wearing a crown of amber flowers on his head.
           “Mama!” He called out with delight and pointed to a formation of X-Wings coming in for a landing. “Baba’s home!”
           Not this, Ava tried to turn Kylo onto any other track in her mind. Anything but this.
The bond broke and Kylo staggered back, gasping for air. Ava gulped for breath herself, the strain of having to fight him out of her memories put far more of a toll on her body than she’d care to admit. When he lurched back beside her, towering over her, the snarl on his lips didn’t match the brokenness in those deep brown eyes.
           “You have a son?” He didn’t sound hurt or curious but accusatory, like she’d committed a heinous crime.
           “That’s none of your concern,” Ava said. She put up more defenses around her mind to keep him out of any and all thoughts about the boy.
           “With that pilot,” he sneered and she understood now why he took on the attitude that her child was an assault against him. “It was only a matter of time before he tried breeding more Rebel brats-”
           Ava smacked him so hard across the face that the sound of it reverberated across the room and left a red imprint of her hand on his cheek. Kylo threw her with the Force and she reached out to it herself just in time to prevent her from slamming into the wall. But Kylo was stronger and he lifted her off the ground, an invisible hand around her throat. She coughed and fought, trying to worm her way into his mind to get him to let her go but it didn’t work. Ben was gone. Kylo’s eyes burned with the same rage as the night at the temple when she’d refused to go with him to Snoke.
           “When I find the new rebel base I will personally see to it that your precious pilot and his son are annihilated like the scum they are.”
           “Your son,” Ava gasped against his hold. “Yours.”
           Those three words caught him off guard enough to give Ava some air as she dropped to the ground. Her knees and the heels of her hands hit the hard floor sending reverberating pain through her whole body. She rasped for breath and sputtered out cough after cough trying to fill her lungs.
           Kylo and Ben seemed to be at war with each other as Ava stayed there on the floor, watching the emotions roil across his face like a storm at sea. She didn’t say anything. She’d already said too much but if telling him the truth might save her son, then so be it. At least he wouldn’t be likely to try to kill the boy now.
           “Liar!” Kylo snarled and she was up in the air again.
           “Ben,” Ava clutched at her throat. “Look for yourself. See the truth.”
           The bond between their minds opened once more and Ava willed herself to relive the hardest moments of her life. Seventeen years old, meant to be training as a Jedi, suddenly feeling the presence of another life emanating from her own body. They weren’t supposed to have any form of attachments. Master Luke made them swear. The old Jedi forbade attachment altogether, but Master Luke said that they should just wait until they were done with their training to form any bonds that might distract them. That hadn’t stopped Ben and Ava from sneaking away from the temple when no one would notice they were gone. She wanted to tell Luke. He always made time for her and seemed to know what to do no matter what. But the next night Ben turned.
           The look on his face made her heart wrench even now, seeing it replayed in her thoughts. He’d begged her to join him, to become one of the Knights of Ren. He hadn’t known, couldn’t sense it yet. When she refused and cried and pleaded with him, his eyes flamed with rage and he pulled her little stone hut down on top of her. The panic enveloped her again and she hoped that right now Kylo felt every terrifying fear that she had that night. Heartache over the loss of her love, broken bones and bruises and cuts all over her body, and the terrifying thought that the baby hadn’t survived even though she somehow had. She opened her eyes and watched him. He’d loosened his hold on her and let her stand on the ground, but she was still held in place. There was something of Ben there, the boy who felt others pain too deeply, who wanted nothing more than to be reassured that he was loved despite the demons he struggled against. He was broken and confused.
           Ava turned her attention back to showing him exactly what had happened. How a group of rebels had come the site of the temple at Leia’s behest to check for survivors. How she was bloody and mangled when they dug her out of the rubble. She made sure he felt the loneliness and fear when the doctor told Leia about the baby. The General had known even before the doctor said anything and she knew whose it was too. Ava wanted Ben to feel that horrible ache she and his mother had shared as they wordlessly acknowledged that Ben was gone and they didn’t know what to do about his unborn child. She showed him the way people glared at her and gossiped about her, about how she should’ve seen how evil he truly was and that might’ve saved her from winding up in that position. And then there was the pain of the people who treated her as a pitiable urchin, clicking their tongues and shaking their heads as though she’d been stupid to fall for his advances. And Poe. Sweet, selfless Poe, who told everyone the baby was his even though no one believed it. It wasn’t remotely possible, but he’d made up a story about going to visit her at the temple and if anyone spoke ill of Ava or the baby he’d charge angrily to their defense. He’d gotten more than one black eye and official reprimand from his superiors.
           “Enough!” Kylo snapped and Ava shut down the bond between them.
           He said nothing and Ava didn’t bother trying to talk to him. What could she possibly say? She never wanted Kylo to know about her son. The less he knew the safer the child would be.
           “What’s his name?”
           “You don’t deserve to know that.” Ava didn’t care what he did to her. She wouldn’t tell him anything further.
           “I am his father!” Ben slammed his fist into the wall. “This is why you shut yourself off to the Force? To keep me from him!”
           “I’ll not have my son bent and twisted into a monster that he isn’t. I will not lose him to the dark side the way I lost his father.” Ava shouted and Ben stopped short. That painful, deep look of longing brimmed in his eyes and it made her heart hurt. “I’ve lost too much already.”
           She thought of Han who had been like a father to her, how he’d taken them out flying as little kids in the Falcon. And how he’d occasionally fall into old smuggling habits to bring them candies and toys from faraway planets. She thought of Leia who, despite not being able to spend much time away from her obligations to the Resistance, would always tell them stories about cities in the clouds or treehouse villages full of Ewoks whenever she had a chance. And Luke, always patient and loving, who delighted at their triumphs as they learned how to utilize their connection to the force. They were all gone now.
           “Kylo Ren took everyone I love from me,” she murmured. “Please don’t let him take my son too.”
           There was a pause. Ben took heavy breaths, a panic and confusion about him that Ava hadn’t seen since they were children. She knew he felt the conflict, could sense the light and the dark clawing at his heart. All control he’d had on her melted away and she felt herself able to breathe again. But there was no way of knowing what he might do next. Rey had been right about one thing, there was still good in him. She could feel it like the embers in a dying fire clinging to life, burning warm and soft. All it needed was the right fuel and Ben could be brought back. Ava didn’t want to be that fuel. She didn’t want her son to be either. If Ben Solo were to come back to life it would have to be of his own accord, his own choice. But it gave her hope.
           In a flurry Kylo grabbed her by the arm and started to drag her out of the room. She couldn’t exactly resist or fight him off. He was a foot taller and quite possibly twice her size. So she went along, unsure of where he meant to take her and if she would ever return.
           I have to find a way out. I have to find a way home.
           She refused to give up hope. Other members of the Resistance had been in worse binds than this.
           “Ready my ship,” Kylo barked an order that sent a couple of lower officers of the First Order scrambling. They were all terrified of him, Ava felt it very clearly. That sent a pang through her. As a kid, Ben had only wanted everyone to love him, his parents especially, but he always sought the approval and affection of his peers and mentors. He’d been so soft and kind. A little sassy, to be sure, but good.
           How did Snoke twist you so fully into something you’re not? She watched him wince as her thoughts reverberated in his brain. His hold on her arm tightened, his fingers digging painfully into her flesh. Next thing she knew, Ava was being shoved into the tiny space behind the pilot’s seat of Kylo’s tie fighter and they were screaming off the massive star destroyer to who knew where.
           “Where are you taking me?”
           She knew he wouldn’t reply but felt the need to ask just to keep her thoughts from completely spiraling out of control. Since talking would obviously do nothing, she decided to meditate. It didn’t take long before they landed expertly on a distant planet though Ava couldn’t quite get her bearings as to where it was in relation to the ship they’d left. It wasn’t a remarkable planet. Grassy and tranquil. There were some wild cattle looking creatures in the distance whose heads rose when Kylo marched her off the ship but they were too absorbed in their grazing to care about the two bipedal aliens in the distance.
           “Why did you bring me here?” Ava asked. It didn’t make sense. If he meant to kill her he could’ve just done it on the star destroyer. Something was amiss.  
           “You want your son safe?” He jerked her a little closer, leaning down to look her in the eye. “That’s why we’re here. You go around screaming about him on that Star Destroyer, Hux gets wind of him, he’ll be worse than dead.”
           Ava wasn’t sure she understood but something about that prick of a general struck a real, genuine fear into Ben. He had a reputation for conniving and murder but surely he feared the wrath of Kylo Ren? A son though, the right pressure, that could provide leverage. It clicked and Ava nodded to show she understood what he meant.
           “He’s what, twelve now? Is he like us?” Desperation filled his voice, his brown eyes softened as he searched her face for any sign of an answer.
           “I told you everything I’m willing to tell,” Ava insisted. A rush of wind hit them and she wrapped her arms around herself trying to stay warm. She wasn’t dressed for the chill. Her mission had been to a desert planet in search of a Force sensitive child Rey wanted to bring into her new academy. Ben took off his cowl and held it out to her, unsure of how she would react. There had been a time when they were younger that he’d wrap her up in his cloak if she caught a chill. Now they were distant, he was hesitant and she was fearful. She took the offered garment and wrapped it around her shoulders.
           “Thank you,” she mumbled.
           “I’m leaving you here,” he snapped, not wanting to seem interested in her gratitude. “Your rebel friends will no doubt come looking for you. I know Rey can sense you.”
           “I will not be bait for your trap,” Ava stood firm. She could cut herself off from the Force just as easily as before.
           “It’s not a trap,” Kylo grabbed her arm and drew her in again. She didn’t like it when he brought her closer, it made her woozy and sad. He still smelled the same and it made her heart race despite her every thought screaming that she hated him.
           “It’s a warning. Your only warning. Get your son and get far away from the Resistance, far away from the First Order. Find a planet on the outer rim and disappear.”
           He pushed her so forcefully away from him that she stumbled and fell to the ground. But he didn’t see. He’d already turned his back and with those long strides re-entered his tie fighter.
           “Ben!” Ava shouted as he shut the hatch. “Ben!” She didn’t know exactly what it was she wanted to say but suddenly she didn’t want him to go. She wanted him to come with her, wanted him to run far away. They could all go together. Of course, it was selfish. Realistically she knew she could never leave the Resistance like that, could never be that heartless. But for a brief and glimmering moment she thought of how things could have been.
           The Tie shot into the atmosphere and Ava knew that Kylo hadn’t given a single backwards glance as she called his true name. Wrapping the cowl tight around her shoulders she shut her eyes against the sting of tears.
           Luke. Your son’s name is Luke.
           The light grew a little warmer before Ben’s presence faded entirely from her reach.  
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