#I switched phones and lost my data in both so rip to that
ellipsis-ultima · 1 year
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So I reinstalled Dash (cause I wanted to prepare for getting dragon hunter Lancelot, that design slaps) and uh
they apparantly bumped the token count to 1000.
I was able to handle 200, and I remember they did 500 tokens at some point too.
I still managed to get super silver, but holy shit this was definitely a slog.
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0 notes
Hans Off the Computer!
The human mind, when boiled down to its most fundamental building blocks, was simply a system of ON and OFF switches. In that sense, it is functionally identical to that of a computer’s mainframe. When putting both of those thoughts together, the idea that the human brain can be completely digitized and transferred through networks isn’t too far-fetched an idea.
At the very least, that was the thought of Hans Hopper, a freelance software engineer. Currently, he was working at a computer repair shop to get some extra money and to kill time between projects—including his own.
“It could be possible,” he voiced his dreams to his boss, Carl, as they took a look at some guy’s gaming PC. The components were state of the art, some not even out in the market yet. Just the graphic card and motherboard made Hans drool at the sight. Streamers get all the luck, he thought. The owner, some small-name star with a big ego, took poor care of his machine, leading to landing on Carl's shop.
“Y’know, Hopper,” Carl began as he cleaned some dust off of the PC’s parts, “I think if you put that head of yours outta the clouds and into reality with the rest o’ us, you’d really take off. Least you wouldn’t be stuck in this freelancing business and get a real job like some o’ your peers.”
“And be like those corporate suck-ups?” Hans snorted. “As if. I’m not gonna be another cog in the machine. Now being in a machine." He grinned, already fantasizing about the things he'd do if he could ditch his flawed, physical form for a future full of infinite potential inside of a network. "That's what I'm after."
“Least those corporate suck-ups can afford their own places,” Carl sighed. “You’re still living with roommates at, what, 30?”
“...27, actually.”
Grinning, Carl said, “And there’s my point. At your age, Hans, I--” he paused as his phone began to ring with an irritatingly catchy tune. “Aw, shit. Lost track of time.” Before Carl ducked to the back of the store and towards the hall that led to his home, he glanced back and said, “Can you wrap up here and close the store, Hans?”
“You got it, boss," Hans said, waving him off. "Take care." Carl left without an answer, and Hans found himself alone with a PC he could only dream of. "Well well," he said, digging into his pocket and pulling out a flash drive. "Looks like it's just you and me from now on. Let's see if what's under the hood's enough to get my program running."
While Carl had a point that Hans' dream was beyond the capacity of current human technology, the world of sci-fi and fantasy lacked such rules. "Just like that ol' title," he muttered to himself as he inserted the flash drive into a USB drive. "A machine can't act like a human mind, but it can calculate runes with no trouble. Sometimes when we can’t use tech to get somewhere, we gotta use shortcuts.”
This PC was his best chance to experiment on his little program to see if it worked. After checking to make sure the drives were all up to date and the whole thing was running smoothly, Hans executed his program. A few keystrokes later, a magic circle formed on the screen. “Let’s gooo—WOAH!”
Although Hans should have figured that the ritual wouldn’t be painless, having his physical form ripped apart and turned into data was nothing short of excruciating. Reforming himself later wouldn’t be any less unpleasant, but he could never turn down the chance to become data and revolutionize the field of… magic? Science? Magitek?
He witnessed his fingers slowly fade as if turning into dust and flow like a stream of water into the screen. As the entirety of his arms completely disappeared, sprites that resembled arms appeared on the screen. "L-Least it works?" Hans nervously said as more and more of his body faded away.
Eventually, Hans' ability to feel, taste, hear, and see waned as his body fully waxed into the computer. The sensation… was nothing. There were no nerves or sensors to feel with, but he could understand the data that his mind had access to. Overwhelming, yet the sensation felt like precious wine on his lips.
The network… Though small, Hans was amazed at how he could travel through the network of the shop—including Carl’s personal PC.
“No, no,” Hans realized he could hear. He saw Carl through the uncovered camera and heard him through a microphone that remained plugged in. For a tech-savvy guy, Carl was real lenient in terms of privacy. "C'mon, Elise, be reasonable here. We got a meeting with the divorce lawyer tomorrow. Can’t you have your little wine party another day?” Carl rolled his eyes as he pocketed his phone. “Fuckin’ bitch. Can’t give me a break.”
And now, as Carl sat down to work on his computer, Hans realized he could attempt the other upside of the ritual. With his mind now data, he could reach out and override the "data" that was another's consciousness.
“What the hell am I supposed to—MMGPHF!”
It wasn’t the most graceful exit, but Hans couldn’t deny the results. Black tendrils—an unnatural amalgamation of data and flesh flew from the screen and landed on Carl’s face, causing him to fly back a few inches. His body twitched and convulsed, back forming a C,  as Hans’ essence flowed into each of Carl’s orifices. Carl’s feet kicked at the ground, fingers gripping his chair’s armrests, as Hans’ essence attacked and invaded his brain.
“A-Ah, ahhh.” Carl helplessly moaned as Hans override any freedom and control over his body. After a few painful seconds with his back arched and his toes curling as the sensation of being overtaken overwhelmed him, Hans awoke in his boss’ body.
“Well, well,” said Hans, feeling his new arms. “Not exactly my first choice for a body, but not a bad test drive.” He stretched in the comfortable office chair, a gift from another customer. “Man, Carl, for an old guy you don’t feel half-bad.” Now realizing that he was alone, a mischievous thought crossed Hans’ mind. “Well, got some time to keep doing some more research on my little program. Maybe I can find a way to hack into other networks." Grinning to himself, he stood up and slowly stripped out of Carl's clothes. First, the shirt came off as the nipples hardened in the cool air, then the shoes were chucked to the side to allow his feet to breathe. The pants came off next, and finally, the underwear flew across the room as Hans embraced his newfound potential—and his borrowed pole.
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“Who knew old farts like you still had crazy stamina like this!” Hans cried out, furiously and desperately thrusting into his grip as he jacked off his boss’ body. “F-Fuck! Fuuuuuck!” Hans let out a roar as he came all over his boss’ keyboard. “W-Woah. Gonna have to clean that up later. Dunno where he keeps his tissues, but...” Hans paused and grinned once more. This wasn’t his body, so what the hell? He bent down and began to lick the keys clean, making sure to savor his boss’ taste with each slurp.
The next day, he sat in his boss' room, giving another client's laptop a check-up. It was a Sunday and so the shop was closed, but Hans' mind was far too wired to relax by simply lying around the place. No, tinkering around and keeping his hands busy was how he would wind down.
Although, Hans remained without any clothes. The feeling of the chair against his naked skin was intoxicating. Never in his life had Hans worked in the nude, but he might have to start doing it more often as he tried on new skins. For now, though, might as well enjoy Carl’s life for a few more hours before trying on someone new.
Hans’ roommates were certainly appealing prospects.
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fridayfirefly · 5 years
Lost and Found [Part Six]
Masterlist | Ao3
It took Damian almost a month to realize what was going on. In his defense, the app Tim programmed for the bracelet only alerted Damian when her blood pressure or heart rate got too low. It did not, however, alert Damian when the bracelet went offline.
It was two AM on a brisk October morning when Damian discovered this. He had just gotten back from patrol with Stephanie and Tim. Father hadn't gone, as he had a charity dinner to attend. It had been a good night for crime-fighting. Two robberies stopped with no bloodshed to either the criminals or the bats. Stephanie slipped upstairs as soon as they got back, but Damian and Tim lingered, Tim still working on a case, and Damian cleaning his gear. As soon as the last knife was sharpened and put away, Damian pulled his phone out and tried to open up his messaging app to see if Jon was still awake when his thumb slipped and pressed the wrong app by mistake. It was Tim's app, the one he programmed for Damian, named (rather un-creatively, in Damian's opinion) Bracelet Monitor. Curious to see how her vitals were doing, Damian waited for the screen to load. Except, once it did, nothing happened. 
"Drake?" Damian called out across the cave. "Something went wrong with that app you made."
"What do you mean?" Tim asked, already walking over. He plucked the phone out of Damian's hands and started rapidly tapping the screen. "This isn't good," Tim muttered.
"What do you mean 'not good'. You said it would alert me if there was a significant change in the vitals."
"It would alert you. The vitals aren't the problem. The bracelet is somehow offline." Tim grew more and more frustrated as he dug deeper into the app. "I just accessed the data records. It's been going offline sporadically for over a month, which should be impossible. The only way it should stop working is if it lost power, which it didn't do because it would have alerted me when it came back online. It's like it just stops existing, for anywhere from a few minutes to hours."
"Is she in trouble?" Damian questioned, already ready to get on a plane and fly to wherever she was in order to protect her.
"I'm not sure..." Tim's voice trailed off, only for him to brighten up a moment later. "The bracelet came back online. Her vitals are good, though her heart rate and blood pressure are both a little higher than her baseline. In fact, it seems like her heartrate always elevated right before the bracelet goes offline and right after it comes back online. This is just baffling." Tim handed Damian his phone, the vitals pulled up onto the screen. "Here's your phone back. I'll look into it more tomorrow."
"Wait." Tim was about to walk out of the cave when Damian stopped him. "Should we activate the GPS. See where she is so we can make sure that she's safe."
Tim looked hesitant. "Give me a few days Damian. Make that our last resort, because if your soulmate is anything like you, I don't want to be the one to explain to her that I enabled your stalking tendencies."
"I don't have stalking tendencies," grumbled Damian.
"Tell that to the heart rate monitor, blood pressure monitor, and GPS tracker embedded in the first gift you ever gave to her." Tim's voice wasn't necessarily condemning Damian, but he knew better than to push the matter with Tim.
Damian shook his head and followed Tim upstairs. Patience is a virtue, after all, Damian reminded himself. Someday I'll hold her in my arms and she'll be safe and sound and this will all be worth it.
A few days turned into a few months as Tim continually postponed his defeat. Both Damian and Tim could see that Tim wasn't making progress, and by the time January came around, both Damian and Tim were getting desperate. Damian, because his soulmate's bracelet was still going offline, unpredictably, but with increasing frequency. Tim, because he had never before had such a tech malfunction where he couldn't action find the source of the problem. 
One night, while Tim was working on the bracelet's programming in the Batcave, he simply turned away from the computer and said, "I give up."
Damian, who was in the middle of sparring Grayson, said without hesitation, "Than give me access to the GPS."
"Look, Damian, I know that when I first made it I offered you that option, but I don't think it's a good idea anymore."
"It's the only idea we have for guaranteeing her safety." Damian threw a punch and dodged to the left, barely missing a crack to the ribs by Graysons escrima sticks.
"Relationships are supposed to be built on trust, not one person invading the privacy of the other."
"I'm not breaking her trust, I'm trying to keep her safe. She could be abused or kidnapped or-" Damian blocked the punch Grayson threw but got his legs swept out from under him.
"Focus, Damian," Grayson scolded once Damian got up off the mat. "You can't let yourself get distracted in a real fight."
"I'm only distracted because Drake refuses to show me the location of my Soulmate. She might be in danger, and you refuse to do anything to help," Damian snapped.
"C'mon, walk with me." Grayson grabbed Damian by the arm and pulled him out of the Batcave.
"Let go of me, Grayson." Damian ripped his arm out of Grayson's grip, but still kept up with the older man as they walked through the Manor to the kitchen. Outside the snow was falling. It was one week until Christmas, and Damian mentally reminded himself to ask his Soulmate if she celebrated Christmas before he wrapped the gift. After all, it would be awkward to send it to her only to learn that she didn't really want it.
"So how are things with your Soulmate?" Grayson asked as he pulled out ingredients for hot cocoa. 
Damian gritted his teeth. "I've already told Tim. She is unsafe and I would like to rectify that by knowing her location."
"How will that help?"
"What do you mean?"
Grayson turned the stove on. "How will knowing her location help you protect her."
"It just will. If I can track her location I'll be able to make sure she isn't getting into trouble." It wasn't until Grayson turned around with a frown on his face that Damian realized the connotation of her words. "Not like that," he protested. "I don't want to control her. I just want to keep her safe."
"Damian, trust is vital in a relationship. You have to trust that she can keep herself safe."
"You might have a point," Damian conceded. He was still shocked by his earlier comment. He didn't want to be the controlling Soulmate. He wanted her to feel free, to feel independent. He didn't want to hurt her by keeping her safe.
"How often do you communicate with her?" Grayson stirred the cocoa in the pan.
"A couple of notes every day."
"And when you ask her how she's doing, what does she say?"
"She has her good days and her bad days, but overall she seems happy."
"If she says she's okay, I think you have to believe her. I think that's the only way you can make it work." Grayson poured the cocoa into cups. "Did you know that Bruce offered to find my Soulmate for me when he first adopted me."
Damian shook his head.
"I told him no, I wanted to find my Soulmate the natural way. And I did. I met Babs and we became friends even before we knew that we were Soulmates. And Lord knows I wanted to keep her safe after she got into fighting crime. But even though she got hurt, I don't regret the fact that she became Batgirl. Because she doesn't regret the fact that she became Batgirl. I trusted Babs to make her own decision, and no matter the consequences, trust is always the right decision."
"You're right," said Damian. "I haven't been treating my Soulmate very fairly."
Dick set the cocoa down in front of Damian. "Just remember that your Soulmate is her own person too. You have to give her her own choice, even if the choice she ends up making isn't what you wanted."
Damian took a sip, savoring the flavor. "It's good. Thank you, Grayson."
"No problem."
"...But Richard talked me out of it," Damian explained to Jon over video chat. He'd been talking to his best friend for over an hour, trying to explain the revelation that had come over him. "I can't believe I said that I wanted to 'keep her out of trouble'. Even hearing it now, I cringe over how controlling it sounds. I thought that everything I was saying was rational, but then it was like someone flipped a switch inside my brain and suddenly all my creepy stalker behavior no longer makes sense. I can't justify the bracelet anymore. Now it just feels like an invasion of her privacy.
"Can you turn the bracelet off? Have it just be a normal bracelet?" asked Jon
"I'm going to ask Timothy to deactivate everything tomorrow. When I meet her in person, I'll apologize for monitoring her without her consent. It wouldn't be fair to try and keep what I did a secret from her."
"That's good. I think you're making the right choice."
Damian wasn't sure what to say. "Thank you. I suppose."
"You're welcome, Damian. By the way, I don't know if Tim has told you yet, but Connor and I are spending half of Christmas break at Wayne Manor."
Damian perked up. "You are?"
"Yep. And while I know you're morally opposed to video games, I'm still bringing some and you're going to play them with me, whether you like it or not."
"Fine, but only if you come on patrol with me," Damian sighed dramatically.
"Of course. I can't wait!"
Jon's smile was contagious. Damian couldn't hold back the twitch of his lips. He was glad he had a best friend.
Taglist: @fanboy7794 @mikantsume @hetalia-lover-is-here @howtoshuckatlife @you-will-never-know-how-i-think @redscarlet95 @derpingrainbow  @friedchickening @melicmusicmagic @beautym3 @kunstner1 @shizukiryuu @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry @crazylittlemunchkin @black-streak @darkshadowguardian @mystery-5-5 @trubel43 @fandomfan315 @panickingme @vincentvangoose @mooshoon @drama-queen-supreme @kae690 @unabashedlyswimmingtimemachine @zoerayne2426 @littleredrobinhoodlum @lunar-wolf-warrior @dani-ari @sam-spectra @be-happy-every-day-please @xxmadamjinxx @interobanginyourmom @northernbluetongue @eliza-bich @romanoff-queen @scribblinggraveyard @dur55 @jeminiikrystal @sassakitty
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homesweetsewer · 5 years
Consolation Prize: Part 3 (Donatello x Fem Reader)
Hello! Part 3 is finally here (yay)! So glad I finally got some time this evening to work on this...its been killing me! I have one more part lined up to finish this one off and them I’m thinking of either doing an April-centric tie-in OR maybe a little Donnie x Reader intimate action OR maybe both if ya’ll are digging it. Let me know what you think :)
 Anywho, I’ll drop the links to the rest of this little saga below since quite a few of you have told me you appreciate having everything in one place.
Harmless: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
Radiant: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Consolation Prize: Part 1, Part 2
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Donatello rolled out of bed long before his alarm had ever gone off. Truthfully, He hadn’t really gone to sleep other than an intermittent light doze punctuated by dark nightmares in which you broke up with him over his unintentional neglect. Each time he’d been jolted back into an uneasy wakefulness, lying in his bed and staring at the ceiling as his conversation with Raph played over and over in his mind. Worry ate incessantly at him. Were things really so bad that he was actually at risk of losing you?
His stomach twisted in knots as he picked his way through the darkened lair towards the kitchen, his mind focused as he worked through different scenarios to earn your forgiveness. As if on autopilot, he set a pot of coffee to brew and reached for a box of strawberry pop tarts. He hummed to himself as he ripped open the foil package and released the pastries from their confines. Absently, he licked the frosting from first one and then the other before slipping them back into the pack and replacing the box before reaching for his favorite coffee cup and pouring himself a healthy dose of the freshly brewed, caffeinated beverage. 
Sipping the scalding liquid carefully, he finalized the details of his plan as he made his way toward his lab. The door swung silently open and his nimble fingers sought out the light switch with practiced familiarity, flicking it on and flooding the space with brightness before shouldering the door closed behind himself. He retreated to his chair, seating himself behind his desk, ignoring the various monitors that hummed and buzzed with incoming data and information, as well as the various half finished projects he had scattered about the room. He’d get to work later but right now he had a more important priority. The most important priority he now realized. 
He took another steadying drink of coffee before reaching for his phone. In his head, he ran over the words he’d say and hoped you were in a forgiving mood. He scrolled through his contacts which were admittedly few. He was a mutant turtle after all and, as such, his social circle was limited to put it mildly. He found your name easily and tapped on it, a whimsical smile tugged at his lips as he took a moment to admire the photo he’d saved to your contact information. It was a photo that his youngest brother had snapped, long before he’d had any inkling of his true feelings for you, and it remained one of his favorites. 
“Alright, fam,” Mikey had instructed, “squish together and smile!”
The two of you had already been seated closely together on the couch and you hadn’t hesitated to snuggle yourself into his side and wrap your arms around him. He’d pulled you closer, one arm around your shoulders and the other around your waist in a tight embrace. Neither of you had been looking at the camera. Instead, you’d been looking deeply into one another’s eyes, a faint blush on your faces as you both smiled timidly at each other. What had been so easily over looked then, what was so obvious to him now, was the absolute adoration he’d felt for you in that moment. It was written all over the tender expression he wore as he looked down at you and you...you were absolutely beautiful.
“How’s this?” You’d asked the question in an almost whisper, your eyes never leaving his. 
“Perfect,” Michelangelo had responded with a knowing grin before digitally immortalizing the moment forever.
A sigh of longing escaped Don’s lips as he brushed a finger gently over your image. He’d loved you even then, he now knew, but he wanted to make sure you knew it, too. Taking a deep breath to fortify his nerves, he pressed the call button and waited with a gut full of nervous anxiety as it began to ring.
“Hello?” A groggy voice answered on the fourth ring. “Donnie?”
“Good morning, love...” Donatello faltered slightly at hearing your sleepy tone. “I...I didn’t wake you did I?”
The soft sound of blankets shifting preceded your annoyed grunt. “It’s six o’clock in the morning...on a Saturday,” you emphasized.
Donnie cringed slightly into his shell. He’d been so eager to speak with you and clear the air that he hadn’t even considered your love of sleeping late on the weekends. Already things were not going as well as he’d hoped. “I’m...I’m sorry...”
You sighed, “Is everything alright? You never call this early.”
“Y-Yes,” he stuttered. “Everything is fine. I just...I just wanted to talk to you. And,” he took a deep breath, “and apologize for last night. I know it’s not an excuse but I got carried away with what I was doing and lost track of time.”
“Four hours,” you uttered, sounding more awake and emotional now. “I waited on you to finish for four hours and you never came out.”
“I know,” Donnie grimaced. The slight tremor that had replaced the tiredness in your voice shot a dagger straight through his heart. He hurt you, perhaps even worse that he’d originally believed. “I’m sorry. I-I didn’t mean...”
“You don’t have to explain,” your voice was thick with emotion as you spoke, cutting him off. All your insecurities rushing to the forefront of your mind as you continued, “I know I’m not April O’Neil.”
Donatello’s brain faltered at that. You couldn’t possibly think...? Could you? He shook his head vehemently despite the fact that you couldn’t see it. “No, no, no, no, no! It-it isn’t like that at all...” 
“It’s okay,” you sniffled. “I understand if you’d rather spend time with her. I’m just...just...second place. I always have been. I know that.”
Donnie’s mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water as he tried to wrap his head around what you were saying. You seriously believed he’d settled for you when things hadn’t panned out with April? That you were some sort of filler? His anxiety melted into anger. Not at you. Never at you. He was angry with himself. He’d made you feel this way. Even worse, he could hear the tell-tale hitch in your breathing that told him that he’d made you cry. 
“Sweetheart,” his voice cracked and his own eyes took on a glassy sheen. “Please, don’t cry.” He swallowed around the lump that had formed in his throat. “I don’t know what I’ve said or done to make you think like that, but it absolutely is not true. I wouldn’t trade the time I spend with you for anyone or anything in the world! You...you are my world! You’re amazing!”
“Right.” You sounded anything but convinced. “Just not amazing enough, I guess...not like her.”
“Listen to me, love,” Don exhaled a shaky breath. “I know that I got too wrapped up in the project we were working on to realize how it must have looked to you, but April is a friend. Just a friend. I admit, I may have been slightly infatuated with her at one point in time...”
You scoffed at his understatement, “slightly infatuated?”
“But,” the ninja continued, "in retrospect, all I really feel for her is close friendship and a sense of gratitude for all she’s done for my family...and myself,” he confessed. “If it weren’t for her and her relationship with Casey, I wouldn’t be so happy. I wouldn’t have you.”
“If things has worked out with her,” you argued, “you wouldn’t know the difference.”
Donnie stated with certainty, “It wouldn’t have ever worked out with her.”
His declaration gave you pause. “Why not?”
“Because,” Don smiled wistfully, his grip on his phone tightening, “she isn’t you. I’m right where I was meant to be. With you.”
Your breath hitched at his words and you felt like crying again. “Oh, Don...”
“I know I haven’t done a very good job lately of letting you know, but,” the turtle’s voice softened, “you’re the most incredible thing that’s ever happened to me. I can’t take back the last few weeks, but if,” he took a deep breath, “if you’ll let me, I’d like to make it up to you.”
“Donnie...” The sincerity in his voice helped to begin soothing your aching heart but your nerves felt ragged after your outburst of emotion. 
The ninja pleaded. “Give me a chance to make this right between us.”
You took in a ragged breath. “How?”
“Come over tonight,” he requested. “Nine o’clock. No brothers. No April or Casey. No projects or experiments. Just the two of us.”
Your feelings may have still been hurt, but you had to admit that the proposition sounded wonderful. Still, you hesitated. “I don’t know...”
“Please,” Donatello spoke the words softly into the receiver. “I love you.” He poured every ounce of emotion he could muster into those three simple words, his heart pounding in his chest. “Only you. Always. Let me show you how much.”
You snuffled, tears once again flowing freely. “l-I love you, too.”
Donnie let out a breath that he hadn’t even known he’d been holding. Relief flooded through his veins at hearing the words repeated back in your trembling voice. “You’ll never know how wonderful it feels every time you say that.”
“I think I have a pretty good idea,” you sniffed. 
Hopeful, he asked, “Will you please come over tonight? I need to see you. Nine o’clock?”
“Yeah,” you finally agreed. “Nine o’clock.”
Donnie bid you farewell but not before again telling you how much he loved you. As soon as you hung up, he was back up on his feet and moving. He had a lot to do and not much time to do it in. He grabbed his now cold cup of coffee and exited the lab, making a beeline for the kitchen. Just as he’d hoped, he found his brothers there, still half asleep and gathered around the table for breakfast.
“Guys,” he announced as he approached, “I need a huge favor...” 
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annettzambrano-blog · 5 years
Convert FLAC Audio Recordsdata To MP3 With Customized Metadata & Bitrate
A utility to transform a Flac library to MP3, Opus or Ogg Vorbis format. Upload the file from your computer or enter a URL to an internet file that you could be transformed. Now you can select the FLAC audio files that you need to convert. Just click the "Add" button at the right facet of the pop-up window. It's possible you'll view the added audio information in the left field. The WinAMP software is another popular instrument to use for converting FLAC information to MP3. This system and FLAC library assist plug-in are available to obtain and use totally free.
Edit, improve & trim your FLAC audio information. The only significant downside of the sort service is that it might cost somewhat extra time of converting if you wish to use its batch conversion operate. The whole process should be repeatedly connected to the Web. Change is the fastest audio converter software program we examined. To test the pace of each converter software program, we timed how lengthy it took to convert a 625MB WAV file to a 26MB MP3 file. I do know I'm not an audiophile, so a number of years in the past, I did need to find out my detectable quality threshold. I checked a song at some various levels of compression and located that I nonetheless may hear it sounding fairly thin and bad at 128k, but at 192k and above, they sounded good to me, so that is what I have been going with. Depends on what you may perceive. If you wish to burn your FLAC onto a CD and play in your CD player you should convert them into WAV format first. 2) Is there a greater means to do that? I'm planning on uploading theflac information to the server by way of http and triggering the script one way or flac2mp3 the other. Click on the drop-down menu to see the out there high quality decisions. You possibly can select a 320kbps possibility, a 256kbps one, or lower. FLAC files usually include prime quality. Thus a 320kbps possibility would be the greatest one. It is the finest MP3 converter on the net. Click on "Open Folder" button to locate the transformed FLAC information, and drag and drop the converted FLAC information to iTunes, then you can play FLAC in iTunes or sync FLAC to iPhone, iPod, iPad by way of iTunes. MP3 is an audio coding format for digital audio which uses a type of lossy data compression. It's a frequent audio format for shopper audio streaming or storage, in addition to a de facto normal of digital audio compression for www.goodreads.com the switch and playback of music on most digital audio gamers and computing devices. So FLAC gets a higher high quality than MP3, however will not be supported by many gamers like MP3. Step four. After these settings have been adjusted, go to File > Convert > Create the Apple Lossless Model. Choose the FLAC file that you simply need to convert. Choose output vacation spot to save lots of the converted MP3 information. And then convert flac to mp3 converter mac os x to MP3 on Mac by clicking the button in lower right corner. Second, nowadays, MP3 format is supported just about by media player. So many individuals are using the transportable devices that can play MP3 files including CD-walkmans, house stereos, DVD gamers, iPods, computer systems. After all. Audio in MP3 format is extremely compatible, in addition to, MP3 format itself is effectively-established in the marketplace. If you have FLAC music information, you'll be able to complete the conversion of FLAC to MP3, and you will enjoy your music on your MP3 participant. One other useful gizmo, if you use a Mac, is Rogue Amoeba's Fission This audio editor is my device of selection for trimming, becoming a member of, and editing audio files, and it additionally includes a conversion instrument that allows you to convert from nearly any audio format to AAC, MP3, Apple Lossless, FLAC, AIFF, and WAV. Whereas it isn't one of the best instrument for those who solely want to convert audio recordsdata, it's the best-to-use Mac app for enhancing these files. Monitor some folder to convert written in FLAC files to MP3 robotically. Convert audio files of any audio codecs to WAV, WMA, MP3, and so forth. to make your audio collection extra appropriate with various devices together with moveable media gamers and cell phones. Non-compulsory step: If it is advisable to discover further codecs and container options then click the Create a brand new profile" button current on the fitting of the profile selection dialog box. Also, I had ripped a bunch of CDs to WMA up to now. I just converted all of these to mp3, since I used to be hearing numerous dropouts, and I feel I read that this was an issue with wma format. Now shall be listening for any dropouts within the MP3s. I simply need to congratulate you for the MediaHuman Audio Converter. Number of choices for audio high quality, file extension sort and multiple cpu core alternative. And checkbox for adding to iTunes while changing. Genius. You saved me from hours of ready. Properly performed. FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec), WAV (Windows PCM), ALAC (Apple Lossless Audio Codec), WMA Lossless (Home windows Media Audio Lossless). Free Freemake Audio Converter converts FLAC to MP3 preserving the original high quality. Turn heavy FLAC files to MP3 quickly and easily and save house on your hard drive. Play and edit the converted music on any gadget together with iPhone and Android, and with any software program. HQ information are supported. By encoding audio recordsdata with FLAC, the standard is strictly the same as the unique audio file's high quality is. That is precisely not like the audio formats reminiscent of MP3 and WMA work. These audio codecs are referred to as "lossy" and that signifies that when the original audio is encoded into the lossy audio format, a number of the audio knowledge is lost ceaselessly and can't be brought back by any means. Hit the Convert button at the lower-right backside to begin converting FLAC to MP3 on Mac OS X. The time of the conversion primarily depends upon the dimensions of all imported FLAC information and the efficiency of your pc. 2Click "Output format" to pick out the converted file format, like MP3, WAV, AIFF, etc. Open All2MP3 for Mac after the installation. Next, you possibly can both drag and drop your FLAC recordsdata into the program window or use the Add" button. Freemore FLAC to MP3 Converter allows you to batch convert dozens of files in specified order with out ready for every conversion to complete. The batch conversion helps quite a bit when coping with a lot of enormous size recordsdata, saves your a lot time and provides you more convenience.
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readerwinterbarnes · 7 years
Bucky x Reader, OC’s, Avengers
Summary: The team meet the twins and Bucky makes connections to give Y/N the best wedding she deserves.
Word Count: 5,322
Warnings: Time skips, babies, a wedding, just a shit ton of fluff, and a little smutty extra ;)  
A/N: Bet you thought this was the last part huh? Don’t give your hopes up...this will be the last part, then the epilogue!! Plus they’re finally tying the knot!!! It took them only, what, 21 parts to get to this point. I LOVE reading your comments, they are what keeps me going! Don’t worry, I didn’t forget about this story either! :) Btw this will be Bucky’s POV
Here’s the previous part: Part 20
I left the room quietly, letting the twins sleep, while momma watched their chests rise with every breath. Y/N was exhausted from the ordeal, but we were both very happy. Not only did we have two very healthy babies, we finally had names chosen.  
We both decided we wanted ones that had meaning but was unique as well. I thought back to the time when I was in hiding from both Hydra and SHIELD in Romania for two years. There were so many beautiful names there, ones that you never heard here in the states. When I suggested some to Y/N, she was more than happy with the choices. The group all looked towards me as I entered the room, jumping to their feet to hear the news.
“Well? Don’t leave us hanging old man.” Clint was bouncing on his feet with excitement. Everyone else was just as excited, I couldn’t help but smile wetly at them.
“They’re all healthy, Darian Razeem and Sorina Mumina Barnes...are fuckin’ perfect. They’re more than perfect…” I didn’t bother to wipe away the tears, I was too ecstatic to care.
“What do their names mean, Buck? They don’t sound like ones you’d hear every day.” Steve asked curiously.
“Darian Razeem, means gift, lion’s roar.” I laugh softly, remembering when he came out kicking and screaming. “He was the loudest of the two. Sorina Mumina, Sun, lovely sweet girl. They’re uh...names I heard in...in Romania.” I rub the back of my neck nervously, knowing that wasn’t an easy time for Steve.
“They’re beautiful, Yasha,” Nat came up to me and kissed my forehead, “they have the best dad they could ever ask for.” I smiled at her, feeling blessed with the tiny bundles of life we were given.
Two weeks have passed and I was sitting in the nursery with the twins reading as they slept. Y/N talked with both Helen, Bruce, Tony and I about her decision about surgery. It wasn’t a difficult one to make and she trusted them with her life. So plans were set into motion to have her go through surgery to replace the device in her spine. She wanted to walk, run, and swim again. No longer having to rely on a chair to get her to places, but to actually use her own legs. They were more than happy to do this again for her. Y/N didn’t want me to worry and said it would be best if I just stayed with the twins, so that way my stress levels weren’t bad.
That was a few days ago though, now Y/N was laying in bed resting from having to start physical therapy again. But things were looking good, she can walk on her own again. Now, she just had to regain the strength she lost. That didn’t prevent her from doing stuff, however, she was very determined.
I looked up when I noticed someone standing in the doorway, I smiled as Y/N walked towards me wearing nothing but some boy shorts and one of my shirts that landed mid-thigh. I wrapped my arms around her as she straddled my lap, resting hers on my shoulders. Sliding my hands under the shirt wanting to feel her skin against my hands.
“You, baby doll are supposed to be resting. I don’t see this as resting.” I said sternly, but I couldn’t stay serious for long, for she was pouting.
“It’s hard to when you’re not there, my personal heater is gone. Can’t sleep when you’re not there to keep me warm.” I smiled at her, pulling her in for a soft kiss. Breathing out softly as Y/N tucked her face into the crook of my neck, her breaths matching mine.
“Let’s get to bed then love, the twins are dreaming and are out like a light.” I held her close to me, breathing her scent in. Burying my nose into her skin, feeling at peace.
“Mmm…” I chuckled at how she was already starting to doze off. Holding onto the back of her thighs I stood up. She locked her ankles together as we headed back to our room to sleep. I stripped down to my boxers and tucked Y/N into my side as we drifted off from a long day. Little did she know I had a huge surprise for her in the works and I couldn’t wait for that day to come.
Y/N was off doing her physical therapy again, this time working on her legs from what I was told. Darian and Sorina were busy playing with Clint and Natasha, more like Clint making faces, Nat smiling at his antics and the twins just laughing, while she recorded it on her phone. It was hard to believe that a month has already passed us by.
Y/N was getting stronger every day, the twins were growing and my nightmares lessened to only twice a week. However, there were still days where I needed to be watched carefully so I wouldn’t relapse or fall back on the urges the new serum created. But I was on the mend, with the help of Tony and Bruce. But what kept me going, was Y/N, she was always there for me and reminded me of how good our lives were now. So it made those days easier.
I was currently doing extra tests for Bruce and Tony to add more to their data. I wanted to know how far I to push myself in order for me to feel something. To know my limits and how far I had to go until I almost broke. I didn’t want to have to live through that nightmare ever again. Steve obviously didn’t approve of this, but thankfully kept his mouth shut about it and accompanied me anyways.
While the monitors took in my heart rate, oxygen levels and what the serum was doing, I was still running on the treadmill with weights attached to my waist. Steve standing off to the side watching as the numbers kept climbing higher.
“When are you going to ask her? You think it’s too soon?” I groan slightly as Dumm-E added another ten bounds to the weights already weighing me down, but I kept running.
“You mean, re-ask her?” I looked at Steve who only nodded. “‘Course I’m gonna re-ask her Stevie, it’s just,” I watched as the red number switched to mile 45, frowning at how I was yet to be tired. “Last time I asked her, she was ripped away from me, tortured and almost became a baby maker for that sick son of a bitch.”
“Sure it might be too soon, but I don’t want to miss my chance again. Am I terrified of a repeat? Hell yes, it’s not easy when you hear her scream out your name and watch as her life is being ripped apart right in front of you and then you wake up.” I could start to feel the strain and burn of my muscles, crying out for me to stop. The serum monitor spiking slightly from images of the past.
“I can’t go through that again Steve, I can’t.” Heading the warning signs, I slow down and signal to Tony that I’m done and need to get off. Steve helped get the weights off me, while Tony and Bruce gawk at the red 55-mile number with me hardly even breaking out a sweat. I tried not to think about it too much, didn’t need another reminder of what I was turned into.
“Right, okay...so that was very impressive.” Tony managed to say, still surprised, but he grew serious just as fast. “Still, I suggest you go be lazy for a few hours. Just ‘cause you got this new drug doesn’t mean your body doesn’t need time to rest up. No need to injure yourself.” With that, they left while Steve and I made our way towards the elevators in silence.
“When are you going to?” I looked at Steve who was casually leaning against the elevator wall as it brought him up to his floor.
“Soon, I just want it to be us when I do. No twinkling lights, fancy dinner, jazz music, just...just us.” For a minute I thought he wasn’t going to agree with me, but the smile on his face said otherwise.
“We’ll watch over the twins for the next couple days.” He gripped my shoulder, then stepped out the lift, “I’m happy for you Buck.” It was a nice feeling, to feel happy again. To feel that I was finally getting everything I ever wanted.
I moaned deeply as I felt firm, but gentle hands dig into the tense muscles of my back. After a quick shower, I only seemed to have enough energy to slip on a pair of boxers before I passed out on the bed. I took it as a good sign, for now, I had a better idea of where my limit would be around. I didn’t need to glance back to see who those skill full hands belonged to, for I already did. So I allowed myself to melt into the mattress and let her do her magic. Hissing when she worked out a knot on my left shoulder.
“Heard you ran 55 miles with a good 40 pound of weights on you…” Y/N spoke softly as she continued to work out the knot.
I breathed out as she pressed down on the tight spot. “Yeah...needed the...the push.” She stilled for a moment then moved again, sighing.
“Bucky, you don’t need to prove yourself to me,” before I could reply I felt Y/N shift so she was straddling my waist then stretching herself across my back. “You’ve done more than that already.” I felt my muscles flex as I felt her soft body rest on top of mine. I place my head back on my folded arms, feeling her breath on my neck, her steady heartbeat drumming through her chest, the faint sound of blood being pumped from her heart. Letting me know she was very much alive and healthy, one of the good things about the new serum. But it still didn’t mean that I had to like it, I didn’t feel like myself with it but knew I’d be dead without it
I was brought back by slim fingers brushing my hair away from my face, lips caressing my jaw before meeting mine ever slowly. I tilted my head back to give her better access, which she happily took. Carefully, I managed to roll onto my back resting my hands on the base of her spine, letting her take control of the kiss.
Tangling my hand in her hair, letting the metal digits of my free hand run along the skin of her spine, feeling the ever so soft hum of the machine the guys installed. I smirked at the shiver that followed as I dipped my sleek metal digits past the band of her yoga pants teasingly. Y/N kissed me softly, gently, humming against me, threading her own fingers through my hair. I felt myself melting into the sheets from her touch. But the need to breathe was strong, breathing heavy as we came up for air.
I looked up at her with hazy eyes, mesmerized at how beautiful she was like this. Relaxed, face flushed, lips plump and red, hair messed up and completely content. I knew this was the moment I was waiting for, time to make it into reality.
“Let’s get married,” Y/N stilled, watching me intently most likely to see if I was actually telling the truth, “tomorrow or the day after if we can.” She still hadn’t said anything or made any notion of moving, but I needed to tell her everything. That we’ve waited long enough for this. I sat up, holding onto her so she sat in my lap facing me, leaning against the headboard I held her face lovingly. Her eyes stayed on mine, wide with worry, delight, nervousness, and longing. I could feel her shift slightly and if I had to guess, she was rubbing her left hand where the gap was, where the ring would usually go.
“Y/N Y/L/N, doll, my love, my better half,” I sighed out heavily, giving her a tender smile before placing an angel kiss to her forehead, her eyes, cheeks, nose, then one on her lips. “You are the love of my life, the reason I breathe...and, and I don’t think we should push this off anymore.”
“You think...think we’re ready?” I ran my hands down her arms to her hands, kissing each knuckle leaving my eyes on hers. I placed them on my chest as I wrapped my arms protectively around her waist.
“I think we’ve been ready for a long time doll.” I squeezed her lightly, “I don’t want to wait any longer. We’ve been through hell time and time again and I don’t want it to leave us scared to the point where it takes away all the plans we made for each other.” I look right into her eyes sincerely wanting her to fully understand what I was saying.
“Y/N, I want to get married to you. I want to make a life with you, have more kids with you, start a new journey with you where it’s just us and the twins. I don’t want him to hold us back from anything. I won’t let him do that.” I could feel myself start to vibrate with rage just from thinking about it, but it quickly disappeared as Y/N ran her fingers through my hair, cupping the back of my head.
“James Buchanan Barnes, my protector, my Bucky…” her smile was genuine and full of happiness, “I would love to marry you, you can’t get rid of me that easily.” We both shared a laugh before she continued.
“Let’s get married soon, tomorrow, two days from now, I don’t care as long as I get to say ‘I do’ asap.” I grin widely at her, laughing as I attacked her with kisses as I pushed her onto her back. I felt like floating through the ceiling from the joy bursting from my chest, I was so excited to finally being able to marry my girl. I couldn’t wait to say those two words either, not to mention to finally consummate our life as husband and wife.
When we informed the others of the news everyone was ecstatic and divided up the jobs in wedding planning. From the decorations, music, food, and outfits, nothing was left behind. However there was one rule, the boys would help me with choosing my tux and the girls with Y/N’s dress and we weren’t allowed to see each other the day before the wedding. No. Complaining. Allowed.
I honestly thought that that rule was just plain stupid, but when Natasha, Wanda, and Pepper all gave me death glares I let it be. Thankfully it did leave us the day before that to spend the whole day with just us and the twins. Who seemed to understand what was going on, for they were full of energy and excitement.
We weren’t allowed into the common room for the others were finishing the details of the wedding and ordered us to rest or else. We didn’t mind the light threat, we were more than happy to spend time with just us four, with no stress about the wedding. Plus, it gave us an excuse to lounge in our pj’s without judgment. Not to mention, we wouldn’t be disturbed today either until tomorrow morning. Which was great, because I got to hold Y/N close, feel her pressed against me as we watched the twins roll around and “talk” with each other.
It was amazing to see how fast they were already growing, but they were healthy and strong. Despite them already having some of the super soldier serum as a part of their DNA. It was a quite a scare at first, mainly me standing behind Tony and Bruce making sure that they know that the twins won’t be affected much by it.
But we were assured that both Darian and Sorina were healthy and would be just fine. I was broken out of my thoughts when a pair of small hands began slapping my chest. I look down to see Sorina smiling up at me with bright eyes. I returned the greeting, lifting her up blowing raspberries on her chubby cheeks.
“Hey baby girl, how’d you get up here?” She laughed when my beard tickled her cheek, “Yes, that’s daddy’s beard...oh are you ticklish?” Squeals of laughter erupted from the room when I began to tickle her stomach. I looked over to see Y/N holding Darian who was also grinning widely. I reached out and grabbed Darian and rolled to the floor gently, placing them on their backs on top of their blanket. Alternating from kissing their button noses to tickling their tummies.
“Who’s the cutest? You both are! Micile mele îngeri, bucuriile mele, totul meu (my little angels, my joy, my life). Momma and dad love you very much.” I gave them a few more kisses before lifting them off the floor and sitting beside Y/N once again. The twins on our laps starting to doze off from all the action from today.
“They’re a joy aren’t they?” Y/N asked me as her head landed on my shoulder as we watched the two pairs of eyes slip closed.
Holding onto Sorina, I pulled Y/N closer to my side kissing her temple. “Yeah, that they are. Thank you for giving them to me, for making me a family.” Y/N leaned forward and pressed her lips against mine, but pulled away before it could go any further.
“You deserve everything Bucky and I’m glad I was able to give you something.” I kissed her nose before eventually we had to get the twins off to bed and head to bed ourselves, for tomorrow was going to be a busy day.
“Two more days and you’ll finally be mine,” I said to Y/N as she laid beside me, I could her feel smiling into my neck.
“Oh Bucky, I was always yours. Just this time, I get to say ‘I do’.” Tomorrow was going to be a long day, but worth it in the end.
Torture, bloody torture. It all started with the girls barging into our room the next morning ready to get the day started. But I just wanted a few more minutes alone with her before she was taken away from me.
“Buck, you know it’s bad luck to see the bride before the wedding!” Pepper stayed put at the foot of our bed, hands on her hips, glaring at me and my reluctance to release Y/N from my grasp.
“Yeah, and it’s also bad luck to push a deadly assassin to the edge when he’s already so close to jumping off,” I replied curtly through my teeth, just wanting them to go away. The atmosphere in the room grew tense as Pepper refused to back down. Until Nat placed a hand on her shoulder, I could feel her watching me intently understanding the signs.
“Pepper, why don’t we give them a few more minutes? Considering we did come in here unannounced.” Nat spoke softly, Pepper soon gave in.
“Alright, one more hour Mr. Barnes, then we’re coming back. You’re lucky I’m in a good mood.” She said with a light sigh, but I wanted them gone. The room was starting to close in fast, thankfully both Nat and Y/N seemed to notice.
“Don’t worry Pep, we still got the whole day still. Plus I don’t think the guys are ready yet anyway.” With that the three girls left the room, leaving us alone once again. I released a breath I didn’t even know I was holding, as I allowed myself to sink further into the mattress as I tried to grasp onto something, anything that would keep me grounded. So when a gentle hand broke me out of my trance, it felt as if I could breathe again. I could feel my body begin to relax, tension dissolving the more Y/N whispered to me.
“Hey, it’s okay, I’m not going anywhere babe. We got another hour to just snuggle and for me to steal some of your body heat.” Y/N slid down and curled against my chest, bringing the sheet over us so it covered us completely, shutting the rest of the world out.
Content, I pulled her into me, wanting to soak in everything about her. Her scent, touch, heartbeat, everything. Legs tangled together, bodies flush against one another, arms locked in an embrace that sent comfort, I let myself think about nothing except this moment.
“What happened back there? I could literally feel you trembling, you okay?” Y/N spoke softly, dry lips kissing my skin.
“I’m fine,” her hard look made me stop before I could even finish, daring me to finish the lie, “it’s just, I didn’t...I didn’t see…,” I rubbed my face harshly, slightly afraid that these past few months have been a dream just waiting to be shattered by the dark reality of how I still wasn’t free from my own monsters.
“What didn’t you see Bucky?” Y/N was now leaning over me, having managed to push me onto my back without my knowledge.
I looked into her eyes, ones that have always kept me afloat when I feel like drowning. “Them,” I licked my lips nervously as she waited for me to finish, “I didn’t see Pepper, Wanda or Natasha when they came in….I saw them. I saw them and, I couldn’t...I wanted,” Realization dawned on Y/N as it all began to click.
“They’re gone James, they’re gone and never coming back. No one’s going to hurt us anymore.” Meeting her halfway, we kissed softly, letting it grow heated not giving a fuck about who might be just outside the door. Taking her hips, I pulled her on top of me where she straddled my waist with her thighs that went on for days.. I felt her shudder at the touch of my fingers trailing up her smooth skin, pushing up the fabric of her shirt, running the palms of my hands across her back.
A growl rumbled from my chest as I took control of the situation, sucking her bottom lip between my teeth until it was red and swollen. Not having my fill of her taste, I made my way down her jaw, down her neck, finding that one...perfect...spot, that made her melt.
“Hmm--fuck, do-do that again,” not wanting her to wait, I grazed my teeth over the budding red mark forming on the juncture of her neck. Teasing the sensitive flesh, before digging my teeth into her skin, not hard enough to break, but for the mark to last for days. From the whines and the constant begging, she didn’t mind it one bit. In fact, it made her more aroused, which made the air around us thick with her sweet scent. Taking a hold of her hips, I began to grind against her, gasping as I felt her slick having already seep through her panties and soaking the fabric of my boxers.
“Mmmm, so wet for me doll. Marked by me, wanting me to fill you up, stretch you, lick you clean until you have nothing left to give me.” She shivered as I rolled her hips once more, “But that’s gonna have to wait, but for now I want you to make yourself cum from just this and only this,” I whispered in her ear as I slipped my hands past the fabric of her black panties, grabbing a hold of the soft mounds to meet my thrust. Causing her arms to go weak as her chest was flush with mine, hips grinding hesitantly.
“Let go Y/N, lose yourself to the feeling-- fuck,” I groaned deeply as she picked up the pace, using her position to her advantage as she attacked my neck with her teeth. Leaving her own marks behind, only for them to disappear soon after.
“Like that baby? You get me so wet for you James, how you fill me up, full of your cum.” She gave a sharp jerk of her hips as she brought her mouth down on one my nipples, causing me to finish right then and there.
“Y-Y/N, fuck-shit, doll you feel so good,” I let out a whine, letting her take over completely, to use me to gain her release. Which didn’t take long, for she bucked frantically as she climaxed, with me following shortly afterward. We laid there as we rode out our highs, waiting for our bodies to come down from cloud nine, goosebumps littered our skin from the cooling sweat. Enjoying the quietness of the room, the steady thump of our hearts beating in sync. That was until the others thought it would be a perfect time to come storming in, causing Sam to stop in his tracks when a knife missed his head by an inch.
“Uh, someone seems to be in a bad mood.” He replied slowly, giving up when he couldn’t pull the knife out of the wall. Y/N beat me to the punch when it was her turn to show her own frustration with the group. Glaring at Sam, she slipped off the bed taking me along with her.
“I still got ten more minutes with my hot as fuck fiance, then we’ll start on the day, but for now, I want to spend those ten minutes with him in the shower. If you don’t want to be scarred, I suggest you leave.” Shocked like the others, I let my fiance drag me to the bathroom where we did indeed get ready for the day. In more ways than one.
The day went by slow despite everyone rushing to finish the final details for the wedding, which was in just in a few hours. After our shower yesterday, Y/N was whisked away and I haven’t seen her since then, just words from the others that she was fine, safe and excited for today. But it didn’t help that I couldn’t see her.
Laura was more than willing to watch over Darian and Sorina, giving the kids to bond with hers. It felt weird not to be around them, I found myself missing their baby scent, feeling their steady beating hearts under my palm as I watched them sleep. For it gave me a sense of peace, knowing that they were alive and safe.
“What’s with the face Buck? You’re finally tying the knot.” Steve’s voice broke me out my thoughts as he stood in the doorway with a worried expression. I tried to smile at him, but it came off as weak, giving up I sat down resting my head in my hands.
“I know Steve, I am happy, it’s just...it’s not easy , not being able to hear her or see her.” I run my hands over my face tiredly, registering Steve sitting beside me. “I keep thinking that I’m still there and that sooner or later I’m going to have to wake up from this dream.” A firm hand gripped my shoulder, causing me to look over at my friend.
“But it’s not a dream Bucky, this here, right now? Is real, before you know it Y/N’s going to be walking down that aisle towards you to become your wife. She keeps you grounded you know, keeps you present. You’re not living a dream Buck, you’re living the real thing.” A soft knock had us standing up to see Nat walking in along with Tony.
“Before you ask, yes she’s fine and says the kiddos can’t wait to kiss their daddy. And despite what we think, we agreed she could come and talk to you, knowing that you’re getting worked up.” Tony replied with a smile on his face. Nat walked up to me, taking me by the hand and led me towards the door.
“Only slip your hand through, but you still can’t see her yet, that’s what she wants. But she’s on the other side waiting.” I nod numbly at Nat, opening the door slightly to slip a shaking hand past it. The gears and sensors in my palm whirred as a felt a soft, delicate hand grasp mine, sending calm waves my way.
“How are you holding up big guy?” I let my headland on the doorway, soaking in her floral perfume, letting her voice wash over me.
“Better, now that I can feel you.” I had to restrain myself from ripping the door off its hinges and pulling her into my arms, but I respected her wishes. I could feel the other's eyes on me, watching as I drew out a shuddered breath as I felt Y/N place a kiss against the cool metal of my palm.
“Just a few more minutes my Bucky, until I’ll become Mrs. Barnes. I’ll be the one wearing white.” With one last kiss on my hand, her hand slipped out of mine letting me know she was gone, except this time I was calm about it. For I knew that she wouldn’t be going anywhere.
“Ready to get married Frosty?” Tony said excitedly.
“More than ready.” And it was true, I was past the point of being ready.
A soft melody began to play as the guests stood up and faced the back, waiting for the bride to emerge. And it wasn’t anything I expected, she was absolutely breathtaking. The way the light reflected off the white fabric hugging her figure. To the smooth spans of the skin that showed underneath the delicate lace patterns. Everything about her looked breathtaking.
I watched as she made her way down the aisle towards me as if she was floating. I could hear whispers in the crowd, but I ignored them and focused on her and the excited gurgles of the twins who were sitting with Clint’s family. Before I knew it, Y/N was standing in front of me, ready to start her life with me as Mrs. Barnes. She handed off the bouquet of flowers off to Natasha letting me take her hands in mine as the ceremony started.
After the kind words of friends, the vows declaring our love for one another, there wasn’t a dry eye in the room. Even Steve looked like he was going to lose it from the way he was trying to keep himself in check. Before the declaration of our matrimony was finished, I had an armful of my now wife, Mrs. Y/N Barnes, in a bruising kiss. The guests were on their feet, cheering us on, wolf whistling when I dipped Y/N down. Not wanting to give anyone else a show, I stood back up bringing a flustered Y/N with me.
I held her face softly in my hands as I gazed at her, “I love you Mrs.,” kissing her forehead, “Y/N”, her nose, “Barnes.” Then lastly her lips once more.
“And I you Mr. Barnes,” she replied with a smile, “but now let’s get the reception started so we can go on our very secret, private honeymoon and finish what we started yesterday.” With all the burdens of the past muted, I felt more alive and free then I have in so long. So with a smile, open hand and a new story for us to start, I led my wife back down the aisle to start on that new story.
Y/N’s Ring  Y/N’s Dress   Bucky’s Ring   Bucky’s Suit   Venue
Boy: Darian Razeem Barnes                   Girl: Sorina Mumina Barnes
Darian = gift                                             Mumina = lovely, sweet girl
Razeem = Lions roar                                Sorina = sun
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