#I think I might redo it honestly
cranberryculprit · 6 months
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Do you think a man like him has any remorse for what he's done behind those eyes? Let alone what he thinks is what should be done?
A man with those eyes like his? Tch, I don't think so.
Beep boop
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snzluv3r · 8 months
Would you be able to do a holdback wav? Or one where you announce?
thank you so much for the request!! i tried to hold back for as long as possible but it was So hard with how itchy i’ve been with my allergies lately. after about a minute it became impossible to hold back and i think all that building up i did made the sneezes that much harsher, because these were seriously some of the harshest sneezes i’ve ever recorded for a wav!
if you’re not into all the building up, i start sneezing around the 1:00 mark and continued (despite my best efforts, i swear) pretty steadily until the end
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spoiledskullz · 6 days
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Actually look at this comparison LOL
2020 versus 2024 💀💀💀💀
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cerbreus · 2 months
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Painting night at a friend's house!! :-) had a good time, and it was nice to finish something for a change!!!
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worrysomegus · 5 months
I've been learning marvelous designer and ghuehurheurhh
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rebeltarot · 8 months
Blog is under construction ♡♡
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apuff · 2 months
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hey. yesterday seems as though it never existed. do do do dududududud do
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humblemediagenius · 5 months
While I wait for my family to let me go visit my wife again, I remembered ss77 again. I need to revive them
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harleymonster · 6 months
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6+ years I left this unfinished because it was an irregular shaped and had barely any border space around it to frame it, and I was starting to think the stitching looked a bit rubbish. 4 hours work later and it's done. I would have preferred a dark green mount but I was working with what I already had at home and that was this lilac card.
I wove in the loose ends (the back was a mess, what was I doing as a beginner haha), cut the aperture in the card, then washed and ironed the piece. Even just the ironing made a massive difference in the appearance. There was just enough aida to lace the sides, couldn't do the top and bottom, and then lined it up in a different frame I already had, I preferred the look of the light wood.
This was my first cross stitch I designed and completed. Definitely need to take more pride in my work, feel like I would have finished it sooner if I did. The quote was something one of my uni lecturers said because he was annoyed with how much a group of alleged adults was causing him problems 😂
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steelnoms · 1 year
Maybe I should start posting the fat fuck stuff I've drawn on here too, it's not like there's anyone who sees my posts as it is
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local-magpie · 1 year
staring at this kaladin WIP like is this working. is this working or do i just think its working. i feel like im just copying other fanart despite only using clothing references. is this somehow too close to other work or is this a two cakes situation.
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ghoul-haunted · 2 years
everyday I think 'oh I wish I had another rome comic to post :(' and completely ignore the lovers and statues ancient rome comic I have. it's right there. I say, 'gosh it sure would be fun to have something relating to brutus and cassius again,' while looking directly at a comic that has brutus and cassius in it.
this post is sponsored by me, thinking 'aw I sure would like to post more ancient rome stuff like I used to,' while completely ignoring the rome stuff I have filed away.
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gamebunny-advance · 2 years
Gloomy Graveyard changed a lot more than I thought it would.
That said, let's go over my checklist to see how right/wrong I was:
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Hair/Tail Change: Kinda. It definitely changed, but not in the way I thought it would. It's still very sharp, but we did lose the ahoge, and it's still long and flowing, so I'm more right than wrong on this one.
Horns change: Yep. I wasn't expecting quad horns, but they're cool.
Slight palette swap: Kinda. Again, it did change, but not in the direction I thought it would: I thought it would be more purple, not more teal/cyan. The fur did technically get darker since it's a gradient from light to dark now, but I anticipated that with lighter clothing, so I can only give it a half-pass. I appreciate the new pops of color with the roses though.
Change the flower: Kinda. I did predict a color swapped rose, but it wasn't my first choice.
Change the brooch shape: Nope. It got removed entirely, but the cross motif was kept. Ya know, considering how the game "tries" to be non-secular, I'm surprised that all this cross imagery made it through not only the first design, but it is now more prominent in this second pass. That has some weird implications for the Goatlings lore, I'll just put it that way.
Remove chains: Nope. The chains were kept as a motif, they were just moved to the collar rather than wrapped around the legs.
Change the type of hat: Nope. We completely lost the hat.
"I don't see the outfit changing that much": It changed a lot more than I thought it would. We still technically have a lot of the same pieces: we still have a capelet, torn-up translucent fabric, frills, and it still has vaguely Victorian vibes. However, we lost the "gloves," the bouquet, the pants, and most surprisingly, we lost the shovel.
I really thought that no matter how the design changed, the goat would have still been a gravedigger. I mean, the whole theme around pairing Ribbon Mummy with Gloomy Graveyard was Undertaker vs. the Undead, right? But now we've got the Undead vs…. a Necrophiliac and/or Widower? I'm not against it necessarily, I'm sure it's supposed to have Corpse Bride vibes, but I still think that's a pretty bold move. I guess the graveyard motif was more important than the gravedigger part, and the original rose motif just lent itself to more romantic vibes. I dunno, I can only speculate on the thought process that got us here, but it really wasn't the direction I was expecting.
Total score: 3/8
I got a lot of guesses half right, but I basically got just as many totally wrong, so I got a failing score ;3;
Overall, I really like the new one! r00p always does great work for the site, and like most of their designs, this one is gorgeous, but it undeniably has different vibes from the original. Are they better vibes? Maybe. I dunno how to put this in a non-cringe way, but Groom really has that "gothic sad boi" energy that makes some people go wild. I am not some people, but I appreciate him nonetheless. He's filling a niche that we haven't really had since Melancholy Poet and Memento Mori, and I think a lot of people are really gonna vibe with him than not.
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sharklover69420 · 2 months
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medicinemane · 6 months
You know, I gotta say, I had some rosetta stone fall of the back of a truck near me, and while there's stuff I used to like about duolingo, vs it's current state this is way better
Might just have to see... what other languages I can find strewn around the ground to get my mitts on before the source dries up
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garoujo · 1 year
can we get an updated nail pic? :o
hewo nonnie !!! ive still got the nails i got done a few weeks ago 4 christmas .. my next appt isnt 4 like 2 weeks ;w; but these are the ones i have rn <3
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