#I think I need to do Spranne.
mdhwrites · 1 year
Question on What TOH Episode is its 'True Colors'?
Someone in my Discord told me about someone with the hot take of Hollow Mind being more shocking and disturbing than True Colors which... Sure. I do know I've heard people want to take swings at True Colors with TOH episodes though and I'm kind of curious about the one people think is the TOH equivalent.
The two I can really think of are King's Tide or Hollow Mind, partially because both feel like season finales. Hell, this did make me wonder if Hollow Mind was meant to be the original S2 finale which would have meant making Luz's angst arc EVEN LONGER. Also potentially meant half a season to an entire season was meant to be spent between Hollow Mind and King's Tide and... Boy that's a thought that just continues to fuel me saying TOH wanted fives seasons, not three.
Not that I think either are anywhere near as good mind you, not that it should be shocking to anyone to hear that. Hollow Mind has the big twist villain reveal and wants to be resolving things like True Colors did by having stuff like the Grimmwalker reveal but the problem there is the lack of patience on TOH's side as it already told us Belos' secret in Elsewhere Elsewhen and the fact that no one who isn't a part of the fandom could never have even heard of a Grimmwalker before now. Not when its foreshadowing is a foreground element for five seconds during the S1 finale. Not only that but while so much wolrdbuilding in Amphibia explains things like the toads taking control through brute force but being bad at holding onto power, Hollow Mind is actively shooting TOH's worldbuilding in the head.
Then there's King's Tide which has the big clash of armies, actually facing the bad guy and losing, and resolution on... Really just the elements that were set up between King's Tide and Hollow Mind. There's no series long pay offs like with Spranne against the world leading to the transformation or the fact that Polly is a baby having the reveal of her legs. It also fails in its own setup because while yes, King being able to pull the Collector out makes logical sense, dramatically it should have still taken King's blood. Otherwise, the fact that they have spent half a season getting rid of Amity's glove is entirely pointless except for false stakes. It actively makes previous episodes worse because you understand how pointless they were, INCLUDING HOLLOW MIND since its main moment of pathos during the B plot is about making Luz not be able to go home, even though the fact that they need to use Titan's Blood for that is really stupid.
There's also just a lack of depth from both episodes. There's nothing nearly as good as Andrias' backstory clashing with logic so as to make him make his twin mistakes during the episode. There's no push and pull of Sasha's fantasies and her desire to keep what she wants intact versus the fact that she is in a lot of pain. No moment of utter tragedy like Marcy's reveal.
Is any of this horrifying? Not really because there's no giant, creepy monster but it hits a lot harder and is a lot more tragic than anything TOH ever threw out because the whole series has built up to these moments of tragedy. They're horrifying both in their inevitability and in how much you want them to have gone a different way. They're joyous because when moments of victory come up, they're using the strengths we understand with each of these characters to manage it, as well as exploiting emotional weaknesses.
Or, you know, you could gut your entire world's history and worldbuilding for the sake of trying to claim your villain is interesting. Or have Luz only win by having a glyph act in a way that we've never seen it act before nor makes any thematic sense with its limitations. Or, just to jab at the finale too because Titan Luz SHOULD be compared more with this transformation, not Amphibia's S3 powers, you can give Luz a powerup that symbolically means nothing and comes out of complete nowhere, instead of one that symbolizes in so many ways how connected to this world Anne is and the growth she has undergone to deserve this transformation.
And for anyone curious: YES, watching True Colors, and even being able to easily come up with a pitch ONLY for changing this one episode to make Amphibia have been a satisfying, two season series, does make me just more annoyed at the excuses I hear thrown around to try and say TOH is better than Amphibia or deserves more of a pass on its writing flaws even while people demonize parts of Amphibia's writing.
*sigh* I actually hadn't originally planned to go hard on the analysis in this but like I said yesterday, True Colors is living rent free in my brain now for just how amazing it is and I definitely also heard people trying to call Hollow Mind and King's Tide the True Colors of TOH and just... No. TOH doesn't have the writing quality or the patience to even have a True Colors. Not when an episode like True Colors only comes from someone who genuinely was ready to set all the dominos into place for a payoff that big and satisfying.
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vdragon57 · 1 year
Hi! I'm Dragon, She/Her pronouns please!
I am a minor!!!!! No NSFW here pretty pretty please. I occasionally post art, but I don't have a great camera, so I apologize for picture quality ahead of time 🤧 Profile picture by yours truly, and header (i think that's what it's called?) soon to come. (i'm working on it)
No hate on my blog please!
I'm trying to be more accepting of different kinds of people, but please be patient with me. I'm fairly new to the internet, and I don't know a lot of different people, so if I get something wrong, please politely correct me! I want to help people feel safe and accepted.
Ace Attorney- I haven't quite finished JFA yet so no spoilers! I ship NaruMitsu, Magshoe, and I'm ok with FranMaya, though I'm not quite sure what my stance on it is yet. MCYT- I watch Scott Smajor, Hermitcraft(mostly S6-8), Empires(S1-S2, but i prefer S1), Traffic Series(I'm so far behind- i still need to watch Secret Life 🥲), and I love the watcher stuff. I ship pretty much everything, but my earliest ships that hold a place in my heart are Desert Duo and Flower Husbands. I only ship characters, not CCs. Tangled the Series- I've seen all of it, and love Vat7K stuff. I ship Varigo and New Dream. Amphibia-I love this fandom. Spranne against the world! I lowkey ship Sashanarcy. Misc Cartoons- I've seen up to season six of Adventure Time, all of Steven Universe, all of The Owl House, all of Gravity Falls, I want to watch Avatar at some point, and I'm working on getting through all of Pokemon. (I've watched about half of the sun and moon series, and I'm to episode i think 21 of the indigo league) Glitch Productions- I've seen both Murder Drones and The Amazing Digital Circus, and though I love both, I prefer Murder Drones. I don't ship anyone hard-core in TADC, but I do like Ragapom and GanglexZooble. I ship Nuzi in MD, but I'm ok with Nuvi. I also love Thad. I tend to fandom hop pretty quickly but I think for now I'm gonna stick with my old fandoms. My brain's full enough from school without having to stuff the name and personality from every side character from every show imaginable 😓.
If you have any suggestions for stuff I should watch or read, please tell me! I'm looking for things to watch.
I'll also take drawing prompts if A) I figure where to find asks
B) I want to/am capable of it
Don't follow me if you have a generic profile pic, name, or have nothing on your blog. I will block you. I will also block any blog that makes me uncomfortable- don't take it personally, I'm just trying to protect my innocence a little bit. Don't be offended if i don't answer asks- i have a wee bit of anxiety and makes it hard to respond to internet strangers sometimes. i'll try to answer art asks tho ^^
My art tag is DragonDraws!
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tyrramint · 2 years
Ahhh. Well. Here we go again. Back to feeling very not-normal about the Amphibia finale.
I’m fine.
I’ll be on the floor feeling soulless if anyone needs me.
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r0siep0sey · 2 years
Family Always Finds Each Other//Amphibia Au
Since amphibia is over I really felt like making an Au because the ending was just so sad and I wanted to make an Au that takes place after the ending where Anne, Sasha, and Marcy find a way to return to amphibia
Part 1: Spranne Against The World
"Thanks for having my back Sprig" "Spranne against the world!" those words echoed in Anne's mind it had been 10 years since she said her goodbyes to the frogs who had took her in and cared for her as they would their own so much had happened since then but she never forgot them Anne felt a wave of sadness wash over her as she started to remember amphibia sure she had only known everyone there for less than a year but it felt like she had known them all her life and deep down she longed to go back to amphibia "Hey Anne? You doing alright?" Sasha's words snapped Anne out of her thoughts and she looked up from the table the three girls were seated at and realized Sasha and Marcy were both looking at her a bit concerned Anne quickly wiped away a few tears "Y-Yeah I was just thinking of...of amphibia....I really miss everyone there it's been so long since we left and I wonder how they're doing" She replied "I've been thinking of amphibia a lot too especially since it's the anniversary of the day we arrived there" Marcy said "It sucks we can't go back..." Sasha added Anne started to zone out again wishing the gems had lasted and wondering if there could've been another way to stop the core without sacrificing the only way to go back and forth from earth but then Anne got an idea she heard that Dr. Jan and Terri had been attempting to create some portals to different worlds and apparently the tests were surprisingly successful Anne immediately stood up "Guys! I know how we can get back to amphibia!"
"Wait you want us to help you get back to amphibia!?" Dr. Jan exclaimed in an excited but surprised tone "Yep! I think we're more than overdue for a visit is there any chance you could help us?" Anne asked "Hmm well since all of the tests we've done so far have worked out I don't see why we can't try to help you three visit your old friends" Terri replied
1 week later
"Welcome back Sprig! How was your journey?" Polly asked "It was amazing! There were so many cool creatures I've never seen before!" Sprig replied enthusiastically he and Ivy had gone on an adventure to explore an island that had never been explored by anyone until now suddenly a memory drifted into his mind it was of the first time he and Anne had met then he started to remember all of the adventures they had gone on "Spranne against the world!" Those four words started to echo in his mind "You thinking of Anne again?" Polly's question made him look up "Yeah...it feels like just yesterday she left amphibia for good...I can't believe how long it's been..." Sprig replied his head hanging low he held Anne's phone in his hands and started to flip through the photos on it his hands started to shake a bit and tears started to roll down his cheeks "it's not fair...she should be here...it doesn't feel right without her..." Sprig mumbled "I miss her too...we all do..." Polly replied hugging Sprig
"Ok there's no guarantee this will work but let's keep our fingers crossed" Terri said before flipping the lever on a machine a blue orb appeared in the middle of it and started to rapidly spin and expand Anne, Sasha, and Marcy watched in awe as the orb thined into a ring and showed a big green field a few large dragonflies flew by and out of sight "That's amphibia alright!" Anne said confidently and enthusiastically the three girls grabbed their backpacks that were filled with the supplies they'd need and stood shoulder to shoulder Anne took a deep breath before stepping through the portal Sasha and Marcy looked at each other for a moment before looking back at the portal and following Anne
Andrias was busy planting a few tree saplings and Grime had come to assist him for a bit since he didn't have much to do that day everything went as usual just another day "Anne slow down! Wait for us!" Grime suddenly looked up and looked across the field but he saw nothing "What's the matter?" Andrias asked "Nothing I just- thought I heard something" Grime replied then suddenly he heard the voice again but couldn't make out what was being said this time "I hear it too" Andrias said confused but curious just then a familiar figure appeared at the top of a hill a human with brown curly hair Grime almost thought he was seeing things but Andrias saw her too just then two other humans appeared next to her one with long black hair and the other with short blonde hair Grime and Andrias just stared in disbelief not knowing what to even say the three girls spotted them and soon after started running towards them Grime ran to meet them but Andrias was too shocked to move he barely could process what he was seeing "Grimesy!" Sasha shouted as she ran to Grime "Sasha!" Grime yelled while running towards the hill "Grimesyyy!" Sasha yelled back "Sashaaaa!" Grime shouted Sasha started running ahead of Anne and Marcy but before She was even halfway down the hill Marcy tripped and fell knocking Anne down and Anne knocked Sasha down and all three of them started tumbling down the hill until they landed on the ground one at a time a couple feet from Grime who stopped running when they started falling down the hill Marcy sat up almost immediately "I'm ok!" She said Grime helped Anne and Sasha up before meeting up with Andrias and they all shared a big group hug and caught up a little then soon started heading to wartwood
Sprig was sitting in the basement with Polly who was watching Sprig coloring in a drawing of Anne Sprig had hoped it would help him to feel better but all it really did was make him miss Anne even more "Sprig if this isn't helping we could always-" Polly stopped talking when she heard what sounded like cheering coming from outside curious she ran out of the basement to see what was going on Sprig stopped drawing and followed Polly but not nearly as quickly once he got outside he saw everyone in wartwood gathered around in a big circle he spotted Polly running to the center and followed her but once he actually made it to the middle of the crowd he stopped and stared in disbelief as Polly ran up to three humans who though looked very different were easily recognizable Sasha was busy talking to Grime Marcy was talking to Olivia, Yunan, and Andrias and Anne was greeting everyone from wartwood Sprig almost thought he was dreaming for a moment until he saw Polly run right up to Anne and hug her followed by Hop Pop Sprig felt like he was frozen he didn't know what to do or what to even say this was really happening Anne was finally here
Anne was busy greeting everyone while trying her best not to start crying uncontrollably Polly was so grown now she changed so much once Polly and Hop Pop had finally calmed down they sat next to Anne and started to tell her about everything that had happened but they stopped when they noticed Sprig in fact everyone did Anne looked up and her eyes immediately locked with Sprig's Anne felt frozen but only for a moment she stood up and slowly walked up to Sprig before kneeling down so she was closer to his height "Hey dude..." Anne said tears starting to roll down her face Sprig didn't move and his eyes stayed locked with Anne's but there was no missing the tears starting to streak down his face "Y-You're...you're h-here..." Sprig was barely able to speak "Yep I'm here bud...I'm-" Anne tried to reply but Sprig suddenly hugged her tighter than anyone had ever hugged her before Anne hugged Sprig she could barely see because of the amount of tears that were in her eyes after all this time they were finally back together after all this time she had finally found her way back they both sat there embracing each other "I-I can't b-believe you're really here..." Sprig choked out Anne hugged him tighter before speaking again "We're family Sprig and family always finds each other no matter what..."
End of Part 1
I hope you guys enjoyed this story I'm not sure how many parts I'll make I guess it depends on if people like it or not I don't really want to put effort into anything if no one reads it
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boobchuy · 3 years
i wonder a lot if anne thinks of herself as a bad friend. like... imagine urself in her shoes, after how she said she's finally happy to be herself, and then suddenly she's faced with three different kinds of betrayals. she sees her loved ones almost die and think they die and then they ACTUALLY die. that's a lot.
logically though, I think she knows she just has really bad luck in this department lmfao.
Still I don't think it's too far-fetched think that she blames herself if even a little bit for the shit storm that is her life rn
Back when her mom accused her of being irresponsible and being the cause of all this, I wonder if there was a single thought in her head that was thinking that it WASNT her fault?
Everytime she's said 'i don't know!' in this show is such a jarring moment for me to remember that holy shit, this kid is literally still 13. She genuinely doesn't fucking know what to do most of the time! how sad is it that she maybe thinks that things would be so much better if SHE wasn't the one doing all this?
She tries her hardest though. As seen by how much she really doesn't seem to want to drag in other people in with her 'problems', from Dr. Jan to her parents, this girl is gonna take on so much responsibility that she's gonna drown in all of it if it weren't for the people around her actually saying that hey... It's fine... We can handle it.. we want to help not bc we think you'll do bad nor do we pity but bc we actually Love and Care about u... And I just
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Her wanting to give sprig the bestest birthday he could possibly have was her subconsciously trying to prove both to her best friend and herself that she's still worth it for the people she cares about and the fact that she does all these things without considering the fact that people can literally just love her even WITHOUT any materialistic thing or stuff she can do is a much needed set of words she had to hear I think. Spranne against the world and all that jazz this is the best duo and the bestest friends I love them so fucking much
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witchbugs · 2 years
001: Amphibia
002: Sashannarcy
003: Hooty
(You can do as many as you want!)
Favorite character: tied between all of the calamity trio
Least Favorite character: ANDRIAS
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Sashannarcy, Marcanne, Sashanne, Sasharcy, Yulivia
Character I find most attractive: hmm Sasha
Character I would marry: idk
Character I would be best friends with: Marcy
a random thought: we need a prom episode
An unpopular opinion: idk i’m so bad at these
My Non-canon OTP: Sashannarcy
Most Badass Character: Anne with her Calamity powers. also Sasha
Most Epic Villain: Darcy
Pairing I am not a fan of: idk there aren’t many!
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): i think the writers did them pretty well!
Character I most identify with: Marcy
Character I wish I could be: it’d be fun to have Anne’s powers
When I started shipping them: before i even watched the show 😂
What makes me happy about them: EVERYTHING. ITS ALWAYS THEM
What makes me sad about them: EVERYTHING. The ANGST
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: idk!
Things I look for in fanfic: they are happy. they are not fighting or possessed or separated. they are, preferably, cuddling.
My wishlist: a prom episode, Anne and Sasha fighting Darcy She-Ra-chipped-Catra-scene style, an epilogue scene
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: any of the individual ships (Marcanne, Sashanne, Sasharcy) would be okay!
My happily ever after for them: it would be cool if they could go back and forth between amphibia and earth in some way so they can see their amphibia fams and each other regularly
How I feel about this character: i used to think he was a little annoying, but i do love him
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: “I’VE BEEN AROUND”
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Lilith!
My unpopular opinion about this character: idk lol
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: i still like my headcanon about the tube sweater
Favorite friendship for this character: Lilith!
My crossover ship: once i read a crack fic that was hooty/casita from encanto lmao
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I needed to comment on your fic, but I actually changed my mind. I wanted to send you an ask, instead. Idk it felt like a better option, like I could talk more directly to you.
Can I just ….. where do I begin.
“Ooo, this reminds me of that new game Pop Pop was teaching us," Marcy pipes up from where she's painting a little mermaid. "I believe Anne just played what's called an uno reverse card, Sashy. “ 
Lines like this are utter beauty in your fic, I love all of the light references that made me laugh. The banter between the characters, the life that was put in to just make them seem like real people … all of them spying on Belle during her first date?? Utter perfection, my heart was full with giggles. Watching all of your girls grow, and watching Belle grow in turn, was so special. I don’t know how else to put it. And the endless callbacks to the movie? 
When Belle was gushing about that book in the bookshop, I smiled. I knew that line by heart. I was not, however, expecting the turn that came next. My hand came to my mouth. I was not expecting a reunion here, but you did it perfectly.
The characters here are no longer amphibia’s. They’re yours. They breathe with life that YOU gave them, Lex. When we got ready to see that life come to a close … I quite literally had to rush to my bathroom and sit on the floor and read so that no one would notice the tears in my eyes. These characters hold so /much/ life in them! Belles wedding gown, yellow only because it was her mothers favorite color. “Save me a spot …” “Only the best for you.” Spranne against every world. The constellations in the sky.
Damn it, Lex. 
You made all of this, broke my heart and put it back together, out of a little frog show on Disney channel. Fun fact: you’ve surpassed Amphibia, in my opinion. Way surpassed it. Did you mean to? Was it an accident? Do you know your own talent? Do you know that the lore of this story will stay with me for years? I hope you do. I hope this message reminds you of how amazing you are as a writer. (I also lowkey hope it makes you cry, because I think we readers dEsErVe to turn the table a bit mwahahahahah but you didn’t hear that I’m whispering it under my breath)
Anyway. I don’t know what else to say - I mean this already got a little long but I can only wrap it up one way:
Thank you. Thanks for the journey <3
well, you did it. i'm crying on MY bathroom floor now 😭😭😭 /pos /nm
man, i just. god. i do not deserve even a fraction of this love, but i am very, very grateful for it. you have no idea what it means to me that such kind, talented, incredible people like you went on this wild ride with me to the end, i truly cannot put it into words. there is no way i would've gotten to this point without all of your support and encouragement. from the bottom of my heart: thank you, thank you, thank you.
it makes me so happy to know that you liked this story. at the end of the day, that's really the only goal i have--to make things that people will enjoy--and i am beyond thrilled that you enjoyed this fic. you have succeeded in your mission to make me sob, my friend. i could say thank you a thousand more times and it wouldn't be enough, so i'll just say it one more time instead:
thank you for taking this journey with me. until next time ❤️
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