#I think it would be overwhelming for some people but tbh it's so what I want out of the genre
mercurie-and-me · 3 years
ok i finally got it to work and yjdjdjjff i'm just repeating myself at this point but all hail drag race españa! i'm so sad to see arantxa go because i'm just so in love with her personality, but it was probably the right decision. and killer finally won, yay! more than deserved imo
#i already saw this show slipping after last week's almost train wreck but i'm so glad it didn't#i agreed with most of the judging and i'm so happy for killer even though i would have been fine with pupi winning as well (or a double win)#i would have put dovima in the bottom bc i thought her character was so one note but tbh i didn't have a clue who any of the snatch game-#-people were so maybe she actually was as great as everyone said#but i was just bored and also i'm kind of over her runway like i didn't think any of her looks this week were particularly interesting#in general i thought it was a weird choice to combine the ball with the snatch game and not make it a design challenge?#kinda made the episode too long and overwhelming for me but oh well i hope we'll get another design challenge at some point#i didn't get their criticism of carmen AT ALL i think she did so great! she was hilarious and got so many laughs#and her outfits were amazing too she could literally put ANYTHING on and make it look like a million bucks#i will say i think this was one of the best snatch games i have ever seen? like most of them were very funny and aside from hugáceo there-#-was no one who was truly terrible#although i definitely get their criticism of arantxa and i have to admit it was her time to go but that was so sad! she was one of my faves#her running out of the werk room knocking stuff over at the end killed me lmao#n e ways i'm rambling again i guess what i want to say is: i'll riot if pupi doesn't win a challenge soon#and i'm ready for dovima to go like not only is she a racist she's also a bitch AND she's boring#rpdr#rupaul's drag race#drag race españa#drag race españa spoilers
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three-eyedraven · 5 years
Plz ignore I’m just kinda placing my thoughts somewhere
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actiniumwrites · 2 years
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synopsis: what i think their love languages are
characters: albedo, kaeya, beidou, ganyu, xiao, ayato, sara, itto, and kazuha (separately)
warnings: doesn’t have to be reader insert, but i do mention a gn! s/o ( in case you were unsure s/o = significant other)
note: these are honestly just opinions and were just for fun, i didn’t do extensive character research for this. that being said, i’m sorry if you disagree !
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albedo: gift giving
loves to make things in his lab and give them to you
if you’re really interested in his experiments, he’s really appreciative so he likes to give some of things he creates back to you only if it’s safe of course
he also just loves spoiling you, even if it’s something that he didn’t create but actually bought
kaeya: physical touch
it was between this one and words of affirmation, but i honestly think he teases too much to show his love through words
really loves to hold you or just have any sort of contact with you
loves to hold your hand and will always hug you when you get home or when he gets home
if you guys are talking to someone, he loves to keep a hand around your shoulders or on your waist
loves to let people know you’re his and he’s yours
beidou: words of affirmation
this was another tough one tbh
she loves hyping up her crew and making everyone feel confident and supported through her words and presence so i definitely feel she’d do the same for you
if you’re feeling down, she’ll give you a really good pep talk that’ll make you feel so good about yourself
loves to announce how much she loves you to her crew and all of liyue harbor, especially when she’s drunk
will never, ever forget to remind you how much she loves you
ganyu: acts of service
loves to do things for you
she never feels forced to do so, she just wants to help you
always offering her help too, even with the smallest of things
she’ll probably get insecure if you decline her offer
if you’re out, she’s always doing things for you and helping you out, even if you don’t know it
always wants to make sure you’re doing okay and will do whatever she can to make sure you aren’t overwhelmed, stressed, or sick
xiao: quality time
for xiao, getting to spend time with his s/o is so important to him
he loves nights up at the inn where it’s just you and him eating your favorite foods and watching the stars
you guys will go on adventures together and he loves every second of it, every second with you
really loves it when you pay attention to him, especially if he’s opening up about his past or things that are bothering him, or even just little things like stories he wants to tell you
ayato: physical touch and quality time
he doesn’t get much time off which is why he deeply appreciates any second he gets with you
while he loves hanging out with you, he wants to be able to hold you too
loves walking around the city and telling each other about your guys’ days, eating dinner together, doing paperwork together, literally just whatever he can get
kinda like kaeya, he’ll always have a hand on you whether it’s literally holding your hand or resting on your back
loves hugs, but only with you
i feel like he’s not a big hugger or person that would be into physical touch in general, but if it’s with his s/o, he’s all over it
holding you and spending time with you will literally melt his heart
kujou sara: gift giving
she’s not really good with things like words or emotions
but she does have interest in a lot of little trinkets and statues and such cough cough… irodori festival
if she goes to get something for herself or sends someone to get something for her, she always makes sure they get something for you too
will also just bring you things like little foods or drinks that you might like
always blushes and gets embarrassed (spoiler alert: it’s cause she’s scared you won’t like it)
itto: quality time
this man is all about fun and family
he loves to hangout with you all the time
will always offer to do something fun like swimming at the beach, play fighting, and don’t get me started on beetle fighting
if you beetle fight with itto, you will have his whole heart
also loves to take you to visit his grandma, it’s really important that you guys spend time together
he loves to talk to you as well and feels loved when you really listen to him and indulge in his jokes and stories
he also really loves just laying in grassy fields with you and watching the clouds while you snuggle up next to him
kazuha: words of affirmation
this man’s biggest skill is his words
will write you endless poems
he loves writing about your beauty, the things you like, his adoration for you, etc.
if you’re ever feeling down, he knows exactly what to say to make you feel better
never fails to verbally show his appreciation for/to you
will tell people off for you, no matter what, he’ll openly support and love you and make sure people know that him and beidou need to chill
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ko-eko-ev-go-ms · 3 years
Tfw you were finally gonna force yourself past your procrastination/Executive dysfunction to do thing & preplanned what you were gonna do & broke down day. Excelt then exactly when you are gonna do the productive things™️ suddenly you specifically can’t do the things you were gonna do or the other stuff you planned lol
#thoughts#oni talks#oni vents#this is also partially bc I needed to force myself to get through it & this is about like packing and stuff which tbh I still don’t know wtf#I’m doing at all and it’s terrifying and overwhelming at every turn and for multiple reasons hence why it took me so long to build energy#to even do some of the steps since for example it requires talking to my mom & lists & going through Shame stuff & lots of other things & ah#I was supposed to do more yesterday but I just did like a little bit of stuff & then died & didn’t even do the stuff I did correctly#also I mega fucked up yestedsy anyway coz I forgot some things & failed others & just oof#anyway today I was planning to go downstairs eat & game plan & finally force talk to my mom#partially bc once again my sisters coming over Monday to help#me out & ik she’d be mad if I let my executive functioning make me do nothing to prep for an entire week & like I gotta be responsible etc#anyway so I prepared my game plan for today except oh what do I hear people are here & at first I’m like oh it’s fine I’ll just wait a Livy#coz it was like a work person who I figured would be gone soon enough even tho I’m still salty bc I can’t eat actual food now coz yeah#I think they left except oof now my OTHER sister is here unannounced w/ her bf & I’m just like why bro like y’all didn’t even text me wtf#+ not like I can go downstairs for help either bc as I said I fucked up even the stuff I managed to do yesterday namely I managed to take#a bath/shower except 1. took too long 2. am still gross bc executive dysfunxykon sucks & at a certain point it was a time sink & I have time#to do so again tomorrow anyway it’s fine & I also ofc figured no ones gonna be here today it’s not like I need to be presentable for anyone#but oh apparently not bc my other sister is just downstairs laughing & I’m now stuck up here & I have no idea when they will be gone &#I can’t risk going downstairs to grab anything bc I look gross & they will be judgmental & also probably pull me into a convo tht will 100%#drain basically all the energy I barely have & also I wasn’t even planning to overwork myself today for once bc I was hoping that if I could#get a decent chunk done today I could then reasonably hangout with my friend who’s free today (they do have to study too tho) except now#that’s mega unlikely bc I’m probably gonna have to do extra stuff today to make up for starting late & then do extra tomorrow bc sunday#+ I can’t eat my real food aka leftovers bc it’s downstairs luckily I have my safe foods & snacks up here but once again not exactly a meal#& I’m also willing to bet my sisters gonna be salty @ me for not spending time with her bc she usually is & she recently texted me asking me#& I do nit have the energy™️ especially for that specific sister bc I’ve been Lowkey pissed at her & there’s no resolution to that but also#I have to text her back obv but idk if I can today bc she will ask me to come down but also like just aaaaahhhhhhh#part of me is like ooh yay I get to procrastinate more haha but another part of me is like no this feels gross & bad now bc it’s not like im#charging up energy to get myself to go do things it’s just I can’t actually do things but now I’m gonna invest energy into this & by the tim#I can finally do the things I’ll probably end up pissy bc of issues w/ task switching & also its times like these I remember OCD/Autism#& the salt you get when people get in the way of your routines/schedule/plans & I’m also remembering all the other stuff I have to do & im
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catcrumb · 2 years
How do you stay motivated to do dailies? I really admire your dedication to these funky fresh cats. I've tried doing my own dailies (drawing, writing etc), but always lose steam about a week in. Was there a point when it became second nature, and just fit really easily into your routine? Or is it always going to be a bit of an uphill battle?
my big rule is that it doesn't have to be "good." that was the first and still the most important rule. some days i have the willpower to get out my tablet! some days i have my mouse! and some days i just wiggle my finger in the shape of a cat on my laptop's trackpad, slap some random thought i had onto it, and hit that post button. doesn't have to be perfect. doesn't have to be a work of art. could look like complete shit. just has to be a cat.
like this guy? very low effort! i had a headache that evening after doing a bunch of things i needed to do, and was like "ah fuck i still gotta do today's catcrumb". this took me thirty seconds. but that was that day.
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something that has also helped me a lot is making my rule "one per day", not "once per day". after drawing the one i posted tonight, i drew two more doodles that are gonna be tomorrow's and the day after that's catcrumbs. so i don't have to draw for the next day and a half! the queue function is one of the big reasons i really enjoy tumblr as a platform. (the queue, tags as undervoice, tags for archival purposes, easy chronological and sortable archive/portfolio, and the anonymity. not to mention the vibes. also ive been here for over a decade and can't leave)
also, i use mspaint because it has a limited toolset, so it's just less overwhelming and not as daunting as the beefier art program i have for other art. if i had to open up clip studio paint every day....... i would not have lasted two years lmao.
and tbh the limited toolset has made me feel freer to try new things! like with color! when i was drawing mostly in Digital Art Programs and the edges of school papers i rarely ever got to coloring because i would spend so long on the lines. but with mspaint i draw with the pixel-pencil so it's easier to use the fill tool. this is one of my first little "landscapes" :) i drew it in february 2020. i still think about it a lot!
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(also, i've found that the landscapes, which i spend more time and effort on, get less of a response than the scribbly ones. which i'm not bothered by, because 1. it makes me feel less pressured to do the big labors of love 2. it makes me feel unashamed when i only have energy for a quick scribble 3. my loved ones adore my little landscapes, and that's more important to me than Number Goes Up. but also it's fun to see the number go up in response to my scribble. it's a win/win.)
and finally there's accountability. i have a very firm rule with myself that i draw for ME, and my followers are a side effect/bonus of me posting it publicly. i do not create for an audience. to quote:
The difference between an inner-directed process of discovery and a kind of outer-directed pseudo-creativity that in its pursuit of attention gets overwhelmed by desperation.
but that doesn't mean that attention doesn't matter to me. i would not have gotten as far as i did if i hadn't shown my art to my friends/mutuals and gotten very sweet responses from them. that was what made catcrumb happen: the people who i know, am close to, and whose kindness is personal to me. i adore and appreciate the kindness of strangers! but it has to come in second to the kindness of friends, because otherwise you will go crazy. i'm pretty lucky that i have the sort of homebody personality that has little interest in strangers, which helps my brain not get rotted by clout.
so i showed my art to my friends, i got encouragement, they thought i was funny, i kept going, because i liked amusing myself and my friends with my little drawings. and then the snowball went further down the hill, etc etc. nowadays my main motivator is that i told my mom about catcrumb and she would definitely say something if i didn't post. sometimes just knowing that someone would notice is enough.
i hope this is useful. i am a person with a couple of brain problems that have made me debilitatingly incapable of forming and maintaining habits my entire life, so i'm honestly shocked that ive managed to keep a daily habit going for two years! ive never managed anything like that before! maybe because it doesn't Matter. i don't do catcrumb for money - ive thought about a patreon, but i couldn't do it. my executive dysfunction is too powerful, and catcrumb has always been about being the teeniest task to execute.
and it makes me smile. i like drawing little cats sitting around smiling or yelling or holding an object. :~)
tl;dr keep the bar as close to the ground as you possibly can
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mulletmitsuya · 2 years
Dead people groupchat
Warnings: sano manjiro, swearing
Desc: um basically it's all the people Mikey lost and what they think of the current situation (spoilers until chapter 246)
Shinichiro: WHATS HE DOING NOW ?????
Izana: its kinda funny to watch tbh
Izana: but i guess he's going too far
Izana: and he knew me for 2 seconds idk why he said that to Kaku
Emma: Ken-chinless behaviour
Draken: do you think OG Toman's gonna win?
Draken: i'm pissing myself here
Baji: i think they need to let Angry go beast mode
Emma: i just think we need to accept the fact that some people are gonna be joining us soon
Emma: Takemitchy might literally die
Emma: and idk how my girl Hina will handle that 😭
Shinichiro: i trust this Takemitchy dude. hes been doing good so far right?
Izana: it's his fault Draken died tho
Draken: stfu no it's not
Draken: i'm at peace with my death, and tbh i wouldn't have it any other way. i entrusted my life to Takemitchy so he could save Mikey. he's gonna win
Izana: 😕
Baji: okok enough about Mikey
Baji: can we talk about Hakkai???
Baji: he's so fucking funng to me. every single time something comes out of his mouth i shit myself laughing
Shinichiro: he's such a simp lmao
Baji: 🤨
Baji: weren't you the biggest simp of your generation??
Baji: you would lock eyes with someone and fall in love with them
Shinichiro: i had attachment issues 🙁
Shinichiro: there's nothing wrong with wanting to be loved damn
Izana: please don't cry
Izana: we don't know what to do when you cry
Emma: just hug him, it calms him down
Draken: really??
Draken: i hugged him when he was crying and it just got louder and more intense
Shinichiro: i'm right here guys
Izana: idk what to do when people cry so i just watch them until they get uncomfortable and stop crying
Emma: :/
Emma: you did that to me when i was younger
Emma: but you weren't a psychopath back then so it wasn't as weird
Izana: sorry ig
Izana: although i never said it sorry for orchestrating your death and stuff
Shinichiro: ngl that shit had me heartbroken i wish you guys just gotten along
Shinichiro: i just wanted my little siblings to love each other
Emma: he's crying harder
Baji: Shinichiro stfu you're a grown adult
Shinichiro: i'm not crying
Draken: you're literally weeping
Shinichiro: it's just
Izana: no one asked
Shinichiro: Senju's gonna have to fight Wakasa and Benkei
Shinichiro: i can't fucking take this
Shinichiro: i'm overwhelmed rn
Shinichiro: WHERE'S OMI
Draken: i think Waka and Benkei are looking after Mikey
Draken: probably guilty or smth
Draken: i'm annoyed tho
Emma: at what
Draken: Hanma
Draken: i fucking hate that dude jesus fucking christ
Emma: he put me 6 feet under 😔
Baji: jack skeleton lookin ass slenderman bitch ass mf
Draken: i wish I'd killed him tbh
Draken: or Kisaki
Emma: can't believe a 13 year old took part in my murder 😭
Shinichiro: ...
Shinichiro: kids are nifty little fellas
Shinichiro: they come outta no where
Izana: don't try to justify getting killed by a 12 year old
Izana: that was embarrassing
Emma: yeah Shin you could have dogged why did you turn around so slowly💀
Shinichiro: y'all acting all cool by being mean to me and shit
Shinichiro: when you were deeply affected by my death😕
Shinichiro: you love me
Emma: you're still a pathetic old man 😁
Emma: ily <3
Draken: :/
Emma: he's my brother :(((
Emma: but i love you too Ken :)) <3
Draken: :)
Izana: disgusting
Izana: repulsive
Izana: revolting
Baji: stfu you never experienced love
Izana: 😐
Shinichiro: Keisuke🙁
Baji: sorry
Baji: change of subject
Baji: i think Haru might kill someone
Emma: oh definitely
Izana: no question about it
Shinichiro: c'mon guys give him a little credit he might change
Baji: Haru's fucked up, Takemitchy's gonna have to come up with another genius plan or smth :/
Emma: Senju'll save him
Emma: i wish I'd been friends with Senju
Emma: girlboss
Emma: i want her to beat Mikey's ass
Baji: remember that one time she girlbossed too close to the sun
Draken: while i was in Brahman i wanted to fight her but i didn't wanna live with the embarrassment
Emma: of losing to a girl?
Draken: of losing to someone who's 5 feet
Emma: i'm 4'9
Draken: Emma i was talking about fighting
Emma: :(
Draken: ily
Emma: :)
Shinichiro: ok guys we get it you're capable of being loved you can stop now
Emma: no bitches?? 🤔
Emma: i'm sorry
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dr4kenlvr · 2 years
shop till' u drop!
pairings: mikey sano, mitsuya takashi, baji keisuke, peh-yan x gn!reader
genre/wc: fluff (0.9k); 0.2k-ish each
request: Could you do hcs for peh Mikey mitsuya and baji with an S/O who really likes clothes shopping and makes them come with to give their opinions and to hold bags? (Sorta like senju and Takemichi’s little outing)
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mikey finds shopping fun! he loves to go to different stores with you so you can pick out what you like and don't
tbh this guy doesnt have that much money on him so don't expect him to pay for everything—he'll buy you something from like... the cheapest store and give u a kiss as payment for everything else
he promises to buy you food though, partially because he's gonna eat it as well LMAO
he's a little familiar with the stores and what kind of clothes they sell because he often goes with emma, BUT tbh he's 70% clueless and is just following you wherever you go
you make him hold your bags sometimes and he doesn't complain about it until his arms are sore the next day
"y/nnnn they hurt!"
what a moody baby tsk tsk
mikey LOVES LOVES LOVES to give his opinion on different looks and garments!
he always has something to say and is very supportive of your choices
"hmm i like the lilac one, i think it compliments the pants you chose more." or "those pants would look so good with that one shirt i bought you last week"
is always thinking of the best for you <3 cause he wants his baby to look the best duh !!
number 1 man to go shopping with right here: it don't matter you friends, dating, neighbours, strangers, i don't give a fuck cause mitsuya will always be there to tell you what's good and what to trash
you better listen too, he knows what he's doing
he has such useful advice that you're almost overwhelmed by his expertise in fashion
it isn't just a shopping spree for you but for him too, you are both holding bags upon bags and it's all just a really fun experience ^^
you guys love to suggest stores to one another, trying to go to as many as you can in the time you have left
sometimes luna and mana will tag along since there's no one else to take care of them but it's so cute— you guys look adorable to everyone passing by: holding hands with one another and two little girls <333
despite being picky, he is so so supportive too and he thinks you look ethereal in almost everything
"love, just get both. you look amazing in both of those hm?"
is always blown away when you step out of the changing room, he'll step up to smoothen the fabric as he turns you towards the mirror with a bright grin: "see? i told you, you're absolutely stunning."
you return that supportiveness 100%—hyping him up as he shows off a new sweatshirt or jacket
sigh, what can i say? he's just the best <3 11/10 shopping partner
this mf don't know shit about fashion
tbh he'll throw on a old dirty smelly t-shirt and last week's sweats and call it an #OOTD (LMFAOOO)
(mitsuya actually yelled at him once for doing that because he's "fucking disgusting man, wash your shit!"—baji was baffled btw)
despite that, he does enjoy going to the mall for another one of your clothing sprees :)))
is always amazed by how many people go to the mall???? like it's literally crowded every corner and he's gotta make sure he doesn't lose you
so he always has a hand (if it's free from holding bags) on your lower back (helpppp i want him)
offers you to hold all your bags, and refuses to let you hold any that are somewhat heavy
"—give it babe, you just worry about grabbing that shirt before some bitch snatches it."
his mom gave him some money and he spends it all on you or food and a new pair of sneakers that she's been bugging for him to get
you got to help him choose what colour and decided on maroon sneakers with black laces
he felt extra cool <3
"thanks babe, i can kick some dude's ass now!"
"not here, kei. later?"
"kay', gotcha'"
get ready to get turnt up because this is a mutual shopping spree too
you see the way peh dresses??? the guy knows what's up, he is ready to turn up in these stores and buy everything that remotely has a dragon design
i feel like his arms can't handle holding so many bags, so he'll ask if you can LMAO
"please? pretty please baby? i won't ask for anything else."
*sees a pair of jeans with bleached-washed dragon designs* "so—about not asking you for anything—"
you bought it for him <3 he was so happy
#1 hype man btw—he'll praise you like a god in anything you wear
oh and he'll fight someone for you too; if you and another person both grab for the last garment, peh is zooming next to you to wrestle it out of the other's hands
(ya'll got kicked out but it's okay cause you got the shoes LMAOOO)
peh likes to take photos of you and set it as his phone's background, and since you two go so often— his background changes like every week
i feel like he sticks to 2-5 stores every time (lmao me), but he's open to any places you think has some things he'd like!
to summarize, bring peh-yan next time you go shopping kay'?
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taglist: @dai-tsukki-desu @chuuae @kazuhoya @eriskaitto @gwynsapphire (send an ask or dm to be added!)
reblogs & comments are very appreciated! <3
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adoringhaikyuu · 3 years
you flinch during an argument with them
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characters: kageyama, kuroo, ushijima, (gn!reader)
request: i was wondering if you could do a reaction with kageyama, ushijima and kuroo “when their s/o flinches during an argument” but if that makes you uncomfortable in anyway please feel free to ignore this !!! • by anonymous
warnings: mentions/hints of abuse (bc of the flinching but nothing physical or abusive actually happens) + a hint of angst i suppose
notes: thank u for being so sweet w ur request !! don’t worry it’s ok but this may be an uncomfortable topic/idea for some people so pls keep that in mind if u read this !! <3
part one | part two
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let’s say this boy is stressed
he didn’t have a good practice today, he and hinata couldn’t get their quick attack right
and he couldn’t get his milk––
overall 0/10 would recommend 
so it was kinda guaranteed that he would be in a pissy mood 
so when you were walking home, telling him about your day and you kept asking him about his (awful) day that he very much did not want to talk about
because he was disappointed in himself tbh :/
and you kept pushing him because you knew it wasn’t good for him to hold everything in...
he kinda snapped, telling you to drop it
unfortunately you weren’t expecting his outburst or for the volume of his voice to triple
you stopped walking and flinched, shocked by literally everything that was happening rn
kageyama stopped walking as well, basically panting as he looked at you, eyes wide––in fear, honestly. he never yelled at you and he never wanted to. “i––uh––” he stuttered, blinking quickly at you, his cheeks flushed, pupils shaky.
you sighed, a bit hurt, but you knew he was probably stressed since he was always working himself too hard. “tobio...” he looked down in shame at your soft tone that he definitely did not deserve, in his mind. “i’m only trying to help, you know. you shouldn’t shut me out.”
he opened his mouth but quickly shut it, not knowing how to respond. but he lifted his head in shock when he felt you wrap your arms around him. 
“i’m guessing you had a bad day today?” you asked gently. he didn’t answer for a few seconds, but when you heard him take a shaky inhale, you raised your head to look at him, feeling your insides twist when you noticed the tears falling down his cheeks.
you took your arms away to wipe his cheeks but yelped when he quickly trapped your arms, pulling you into a crushing hug. “no!–i––i’m sorry. but please, don’t let go.” his voice was quiet, vulnerable.
“okay.” you wrapped your arms around him as best you could in your position and he visibly melted in your hold. “i’m here, okay?” he nodded, letting out a few quiet sobs. “i’m not going anywhere.” 
he held you tighter and closed his eyes, not even caring that you were still in public. “thank you.” 
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we know that kuroo is v laid back
which means when he’s mad, it’s not too bad
but that doesn’t mean you want to willingly get into an argument with him––
he doesn’t shout, but his voice is stern and loses it’s playful charm––and that’s almost scarier
now the argument wasn’t too intense, but you still didn’t like the way his stare had hardened, his stance tensed, his jaw clenched and his arms crossed together, almost like a barrier shutting you out
you were just getting very frustrated, you wanted to climb into his arms again but you two were already stressed out and all of this pent up energy was pouring out of you, fueling the fire
you felt very aware of your surrounding, on very high alert
and kuroo was just about done with this fight, just wanting to go to bed and put this behind you
so he sighed and raised his hand to pinch the bridge of his nose, about to end this when you flinched––
maybe the abrupt movement shocked you, you honestly weren’t sure
he immediately paused and you could see the fear and confusion register through his body as he watched you, his arms slowly falling to his sides. a harsh silence overcame the two of you for a moment. you didn’t...you didn’t think he was going to...did you? 
“babe––?” he stepped towards you slowly, not wanting to make a wrong move even though he was probably more frightened than you were.
honestly you weren’t scared at all, if anything just confused. you stared up at him, eyes wide, lips parted. “i...” you swallowed harshly. “i’m sorry i don’t...i don’t know why i did that.” you knew that he would never hit you, but you were just so strung up, too overwhelmed that you weren’t functioning properly.
kuroo held his hands out hesitantly, “is it...is it okay if i hold you?” 
you nodded, biting your lip nervously, your eyes tearing up slightly. “please.” he immediately wrapped you gently in his arms and squeezed you tight.
he kissed your head and stayed with his lips pressed against you for a few seconds before speaking up. “you...you know i would never––right?”
you tilted your head back to look at him, your hands gripping at the back of his shirt. “i know––i know tetsu.” 
he looked down at you with glassy eyes and gave you a small relieved smile. “okay.” he kissed your nose and leaned down to tuck his head in your shoulder, arms still wrapped around you. his voice was small as he mumbled into your sweater. “i’m so sorry kitten. this fight was stupid anyway. can we please go cuddle? just wanna hold you.” 
you nodded, smiling, relieved to be putting this behind you. “of course.” 
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ushijima didn’t like to say that you had arguments
he preferred to say that you had a few...frustrating or tense conversations every now and then that you always solved in the end, strengthening your bond and your relationship
but tbh they were very rare
well this was one of these rare moments...
let’s say you were having a tense conversation as he was cleaning up after practice, you walking behind him as he picked up stray balls
so he was already wound up and in need of a soothing shower which didn’t help the conversation at all
and he was honestly trying to end it as soon as possible
not because he didn’t respect you or what you had to say, but because he didn’t like arguing with you
but sometimes he just doesn’t exactly communicate things well
so when he turns abruptly and stares at you blankly, saying a simple but firm “enough.” 
you flinch and take a small step back
he just looked so intimidating and you honestly weren’t expecting him to stop walking that fast so that mostly surprised you too
ushijima stopped as well, the shock and confusion clear in the way his mouth dropped open and his eyes widened a fraction. his expressions weren’t exactly obvious, but to you, they were clear as day.
he paused for a few seconds, unsure of what to do. “i––i didn’t mean to frighten you. i’m sorry.” he swallowed and tentatively reached for your hand, after checking that you were okay with it. “i only meant that i don’t want continue this conversation like this. it’s only stressing us out and i don’t want you to feel that way. not because of me.” 
you bit your lip sheepishly as you looked up at his hand holding yours firmly, understanding and appreciating his reasoning. you looked up at him and gave him a small smile. “it’s okay, i understand. and you didn’t scare me toshi––”
he squeezed your hand and looked into your eyes deeply. “please don’t lie for my sake.”
you shook your head and stepped closer to him, taking his other hand as well. “i promise, toshi. i know i have no reason to be afraid of you.” 
he nodded once but you could tell it might take him a little while longer to really believe you. 
“let’s go home, okay? we can order some food and watch that new documentary you were waiting for.”
he nodded again, grateful and relieved. “please.” 
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bitchlessdino · 3 years
Partying in your Birthday Suit (M)
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Pairing: fem!reader X woozi
Genre: fluff, smut
Word count: 5k
BEWARE OF: dom!jihoon, virgin!reader, nip ring jihoon, kinda vanilla tbh, sweet jihoon, sex with hardly plot
Summary: You spend the last bit of money you made part-time just to be left alone on your birthday. No cake, no friends, no anything. But maybe you can at least get laid.
Author note: would you believe that I came up with this prompt from a tiktok I found on Jihoon's bday. This poor girl was legit ditched on her bday and I thought there'd be no way to make up for the night than to be fucking railed by a gorgeous individual such as Jihoon. It's what she deserves. I mean I'd happily take that over some assholes that ditched me on my bday. God, just fucking look at him. If he so much looks my way, I will faint. Enjoy guys! Happy birthday, Jihoon! WOOAHAE!
You really set yourself up for the worst possible thing to happen on your birthday. You actually planned an event, where you ended up almost paying for everything just for no one else to show up. In a decent size hotel room, every corner was decked out in decorations and you brought your own Bluetooth speaker from home to jam to. Now you were moping to dance music, having the never-ending wait of no one, in a dimly lit room all alone.
This was way worse than that one time on your 11th birthday where you were pants in front of the entirety of your classmates in the comfort of your backyard. At least then people cared enough to give you the time of day. At least people comforted you by saying things like, ‘it's okay,’ and, ‘it’s not your fault.’ At least you had someone there. What’s become of you now at 21?
Were you that unlikeable? What was so detestable about you that people couldn’t even bother to come to a nice hotel with food you were prepared to provide out of your own pocket?
You were really going through it.
Already downing a half bottle of cheap champagne, you could feel yourself overwhelmed with the sensation of abandonment. You would think in your twenties you’d have the time of your life like in the movies, making memories you’d remember even in your old age. How disappointing things turned out to be. Frankly, however, this was expected of you, building up anticipating you shouldn’t be.
You found yourself to be a predictable person, calculating every mood you made. You weren’t even crying since you knew not to be surprised despite your excitement.
So, this was what it's like to be left alone on your birthday.
It was as if it wasn’t just yesterday you saw their social media from the night before drinking and partying like it was the end of the fucking world. And now they were all calling in sick, lazy, and hungover. All kinds of excuses were made to give the result you had now.
You felt pathetic.
No one was coming. You were getting either last-minute messages rejecting the invitation you sent days ago or getting completely ghosted. You spent extra hours at your part-time waiting job, scrambling enough money to rent this luxury room all for nothing.
You realized how emotional you were when drunk and the only thing you could do when you’re emotional is throwing caution to the wind.
Evoked with rage burning in the deep pit of your stomach, you got up from your seat. Walking like you hadn’t been drinking alone for the past hour, you made your way to the restroom. You glared at yourself in the mirror. You reached up towards your face and touched up your makeup. Your fingertips smoothed over any creasing, deepened some faded hues, and parted your hair to your satisfaction,. overly fixated on your appearance.
You made it a point to go all out where you didn’t recognize the person in the mirror. Tonight, you traded your plain jane shirt and mom jeans for heels and a classic little black dress. Tonight’s look was also an expense you believed would be necessary and you were going to make that a reality.
With a knowing grin on your face, you whipped your jacket over your shoulder and made sure to grab your room key. The moment you stepped out of the door, there was no going back.
Your feet guided you towards the elevator, then out to the lobby, until you were finally stepped foot in the atmospheric presence of the hotel’s jazz bar, where you caught almost the attention of everyone present. Your body felt scorching as eyes followed your every move as if you were a gazelle amongst predators.
Normally this kind of situation would make you self-conscious, but when you had the power of liquid courage, it felt like you were walking on air and you’ve already lost all the shits to give. You made yourself comfortable on the barstool and ordered yourself the weekend special, immediately grabbing the bartender’s attention.
“One ‘Night In’ for the beautiful girl with the prettiest smile. Coming right up.” Like a private show, you watched as he made your drink in front of you as he made the drink effortlessly.
He finished up pouring it in a pretty decorative glass and passed it off to you. Him awaiting your judgment, you grasped the stem and put the drink up to your lips, the bittersweet tangy flavored vodka hit your tongue. You hummed in satisfaction. “Not bad.”
He grinned, sure of himself that he’s had you impressed. “I have to see more customers, but if your date isn’t here by the time I make it back, I’ll keep you company tonight. What do you say?”
The bartender wasn’t someone that was bad-looking, but he wasn’t someone that you’d usually go for either. He was on the slightly older side and there was nothing wrong with that, but screwing with the first person that gave you any kind of attention felt like settling and you wanted to see how your night would play out.
“We’ll see.”
He took his leave and you were once again alone, only a drink in your presence. You took another sip, savoring its taste, and felt a presence appear on the seat next to you as he spoke in the sweet voice of his. “I hope this seat wasn’t taken.”
You turned to the direction of his voice and met with a familiar face. His piercing eyes took you by surprise as your mind made images of when you last saw them. The person those eyes belonged to at the time was drowning in a bright yellow cap and gown in preparation for the last day before he graduated. His face was smiling that proud smile as you watched his cap get thrown up in the air along with a thousand others. You imagined the cheering, the sounds of relief and laughter, and of course, the exhilarating feeling in the air where all the upperclassmen before you had felt knowing that one stage in their lives was finally over.
You remembered how he looked at you. His eyes filled a tinge of remorse knowing he’d be unable to see the new friend he’s made, yet had this lingering hope that he’d somehow see you again. And how right he was.
“Oh my god, Jihoon?”
The man before you becomes stunned by the fact the name came out of your mouth after all these years. Almost like a foreign language, he was confused. You of course all this time had a life without him, how was it you recollected any memory with him. “You somehow remember me? Like actually?”
You erupted in giggles. Jihoon grinned, wasn’t sure if he’d ever get to hear you laugh like that again.
“You were literally the most talented person I knew. You made my freshman year. I looked forward to every AP Music Theory class because of you.”
His hand crept around his neck like a timid schoolboy, making you gush at the sight as it reminded you of every standing ovation at a showcase he performed. “Come on, Y/n. You’re exaggerating.”
“The legend remembers me! I’m honored. The year of being your lackey and page turner paid off.” You fanned your cheeks, feigning your swoons.
He shook his head with a light-hearted smile. “You were not this annoying the last I remember.”
“I’m a little loose tonight if I’m being honest. So excuse me for what I’m about to say next. You look fucking hot.”
It had been a few years from being a decade since you last saw him and to put it simply, the Jihoon in front of you would’ve definitely kicked high school Jihoon’s ass. Past Jihoon was a cute young man that everyone admired, no doubt, but present Jihoon was a whole goddamn meal.
His hair was styled as if it was professionally done, and his outfit tonight was impeccable, to say the least. Despite how simple it looked, the half-buttoned dress shirt revealed a peak of his defined chest; it was a daringly nice touch.
You have a low wolf whistle. “Well shit, Uji. If those choir girls could see you now. The fangirling would ever end.”
He rolled his eyes, his body gearing towards you. “What is wrong with you?”
You shrugged. “I call things how I see and Jihoon, you’re a fucking a smoke show.”
“Okay, you’re totally drunk. I’m getting you water.” He got the attention of the bartender and requested water your way.
“I’m not. In fact, my mind is clearest it has ever been. Clear enough to see that I’d jump you the moment I get the chance.”
Yeah, you were drunk.
“Moving on,” he force-fed the straw to your lips. You feel the cool of water hit your tongue and go down your throat, not breaking eye contact with the man guiding you.
“You clearly are out for a reason, your friends or boyfriend nearby?
You shook your head. “Nope, but I’ve got a room, all to myself!”
“Why did you get a room for yourself alone? That clearly doesn’t sound safe.” He prodded.
“Well, I wasn’t supposed to be alone.” You admitted glumly, a dumb smile still on your face. “No one wanted to come.”
His expression faltered, setting the drink aside. “What? You got ditched?”
You nodded lazily, your eyes glazing over the carpet flooring. “Pretty much. It's okay, at least got to see you. So, why are you here?”
“My friends paid for a private room here and I wanted to get something at the bar without them bombarding me with birthday shots.” He explained.
You sighed, jealousy filling your body as you emptied your glass. “Must be nice to have people on your birthday.”
“Listen, whatever guy, people, whoever, left you to be alone tonight is a dumbass. You’re young, funny, beautiful—“
“Beautiful?” You interrupted, ”do tell me more.”
It wasn’t every day the hottest son of a bitch you ever seen is calling you beautiful, yeah you want to hear what else he has to say.
“You stopped tracks tonight, Y/n. Whether you like it or not, everyone has their eyes on you right now.”
“Everyone including you?”
He stared back at you, almost as if he was holding his tongue, before letting out a sly grin. “Absolutely.”
You savored how his confirmation rolled off the tongue and out that cute mouth of his. His expression was playful, an eager grin that awaited every response you make so he can throw his own words right back at them. He was as smart-witted as you remembered, always knowing what to say when you purposefully annoyed him when he practiced for a recital.
“Should you be saying this stuff with your girlfriend a few meters away from us?” You voice spoke at a lower register.
“If you’re talking about Mingyu five feet away from us in a princess crown saying he’s the ‘King of Bacardi shots,’ then you are sorely mistaken. I don’t have a girlfriend.” He responded, taking a sip from the alcoholic drink you left unfinished.
You chucked, amused and satisfied by his answer, “An attractive guy like you, single? I find that hard to believe.”
He drew his build closer, shortening the distance between your faces. You could smell the alcohol on his breath as he got too close for comfort. Uncharacteristic of the boy you knew that subconsciously made an effort to avoid almost anything non-platonic with other students of the opposite sex.
“Hard to believe like a hot girl drinking alone, with a hotel room and no one to share it with?”
You felt saliva gulp down your throat as you got lost in his eyes. There’s something hypnotizing in the way his eyes were fixated on you. His hand raised, reaching over to briefly push back a loose strand of hair, chills running down your spine before he kept it back to himself.
“I can learn to share. I do have it for the night.” You verbally nudged. “If you’re up for it.”
“And ditch my friends?” He replied with a wide smile. “After all they’ve done for me?”
You matched his expression. “They’d understand. You’re the birthday boy. They wouldn’t get mad at you.”
He shrugged. “You’re not wrong.”
“Well, when you make up your mind, my room’s on the seventeenth floor of the west wing at the end hall to your left. Can't miss it.”
He nodded, watching as your hand subtly landed on his thigh, pushing yourself off your seat.
“You wouldn’t disappoint me, right Uji?”
Jihoon turned in his stool. His eyes leveled to yours, emitting a wet sensation from beneath your clothing. “Wouldn’t dream of it”
You were the first to go back to your hotel room. Jihoon lingered a little longer at the bar, saying he had something to do before meeting you back up here. You double-checked yourself in the mirror. Your heart was pounding like a drum, feeling the effects of the alcohol wearing off. You slapped some sense back in your system. This was no time to be nervous, you thought.
A few minutes from now, a very attractive man was gonna be at your door and hopefully fucking you stupid to the point you both forget it’s both your birthdays.
You needed to relax. Grabbing your phone, you changed the music in the speaker; a sex playlist. Seemed like the right time, right. And thank god you paid for premium.
You did breathing exercises, slowly breathing in and out, pretending this was a normal night for you, which was actually far from reality. With a knock on your door, you rushed to the peephole, anticipating the person who was on the other side. Your hand grasped the handle and let the visitor in.
“Hi.” You greeted, feeling your hands clam up.
“Hi.” He greeted back grinning, closing the door behind him, holding something behind his back.
You stared down at his cautious hands, shielded by his body. “What’s that?”
He brought the hidden gift up for display. “Dessert, my birthday cake. Thought you’d like some.”
“The whole cake?” You chuckled. “Wasn’t that for you and all your friends?”
“They’ll survive.” He placed it on the end table next to him as his surroundings caught his eyes. “Woah.”
Seeing the streamers, balloons, and a fat banner screaming ‘Happy birthday’ made him remember a crucial detail you both shared.
“Yep, I was celebrating my birthday too, funny enough. Kinda sad isn’t it?” Your body landed on the bed.
He took the space next to you, his body only an inch away from yours. “Well, at least you have cake. And now me.”
You let out a soft smile, feeling your heart settle seeing the sweet expression he had on his face. “I was actually really happy to see you. I did not expect that at all, and of all days on our birthday.”
“Yeah, life works funny. Five minutes ago, I was dealing with 12 grown idiots and nowhere with you, a person I really owe it to have a good birthday.”
You looked shyly down at your lap, fidgeting with your fingers. Warming up to his presence with every word he beautifully drew from his mouth. This was a given he was well-spoken. He was a story writer after all. His songs were filled with love and thought back in high school. Every stanza painted a clear picture, emotion, or reaction. His talent was indescribable, it’s why you admired him even until now.
“You seem to be sobering quite well. Wouldn’t look good on me if I kissed a drunk girl.” He joked.
“You followed me here didn’t you?” You nudged. “And who said I’d let you kiss me.”
His body leaned on his side against the bed. “You’re more obvious than you realize.”
You matched his posture, mirroring him, smiles on both your faces. You don’t respond and just stare back at him, remembering the details of his face, consciously comparing it to your memory. His eyes and face never changes, besides his jawline being more defined from the loss in baby fat. Your fingers had a mind of their own as they traced the bridge of his button nose, to the shape of his lips, and then finally to the line of his cheek. Your index hooked underneath his chin, followed by your thumb dragging over the vision of his bottom lip.
He grabbed your busy hand, bringing it up and away from his face. A taunting look stared back at you before he dropped down and met your lips, placing your caught hand by his side and his hand rested on the back of your neck. His kiss was soft yet dominating, the feeling of a man that knew what he wanted. You tried to match his pace, not wanting to fall behind, and began to enjoy how possessive he got when embraced you. Your body crept closer to his, as does his when your hip hits the cushion of his thighs. Your hand firmly gripped his hips, feeling the risen lining of his pants poke at you.
You smiled, as he climbed on top of you, now towering over you. You laid sprawled on the bed in between his legs, watching as he parted from your lips. His upper body raised up in the air and towered over you, reaching down for the buttons of his shirt and slowly unbuttoning them one by one. In what felt like slow motion, he began to reveal his broad, well-sculpted chest. He slipped out of the top, surprising you with a new piece of information you had to find out on your own.
“Are those nipple piercings?” The pieces of metal stared down at you as you looked back in awe.
“They were a dare, but so far I’ve had no complaints.”
Your busy hand was at it again when you raised it up to reach over and touch them. Your index played lightly over his erect bud and the metal around it. Jihoon grabbed your hand, fully embracing it with his palm, and pressed your hand firmly on his chest. Ensuring you with his guidance, he allowed you to roam down his body, moving from the cooling felt of his nipple piercings to his toned abdomen before halting at the lower end of his torso. You gulped, noticing a tent building up in his trousers, wondering if he had always been that big.
“You’re all shy now. What happened to the girl that said she would jump me at the next chance?”
“I, um,” you didn’t really know how to answer that.
You were overwhelmed, thinking about how that was going to be inside you and now you weren’t sure how to physically prepare before then. You looked up at Jihoon with genuine vulnerability in your eyes and his gaze began to soften. “Jihoon, this is actually my first time…I’m kind of nervous.”
With an adored look on his face, he brought you from bed, setting your back against the bed frame. “We don’t have to do anything if you want. It’s your birthday.”
“But I do want to do this with you. I just…” your hand landed on his smooth broad shoulders, unable to take your eyes off how beautiful his bare body looked, “Wow. Just look at you.”
He chuckled, “Well, yeah look at you.”
His hand grazed over your neckline, his digits teasing over the skin of your breasts and playfully tugging at the top hem, tempted to pull it down and see what color was hiding underneath. “You looked great tonight, but right now I’m wondering what you look like underneath this dress.”
“Then, maybe help me remove it.” You suggested faintly.
He obliged, pressing a kiss to your lips as his hand looked to find the zipper. Once he captured it between his fingers, he dragged it down and with half-opened eyes watching you slip your arms out of the straps and then the rest of your body pushing the rest of the dress down until it was off. Jihoon palmed over your bare skin, remembering every bump and texture, committing it to memory. The longer his hands lingered around your body, the harsher he kissed, the taste of your tongue taking over inside of his mouth feeling addictive like a drug.
“Why don’t you sit on my lap,” he suggested, allowing you the moment to catch your breath.
You nodded and observed how he took your position on the bed, waiting for you to get on top of him. One of your legs swung over to his side, trapping his body between your bent legs and your crotch rubbing roughly against his while you straddled him. “Like this?”
Your body moved in rhythm to his, feeling his bulge just pulsing every second underneath you. He roamed across your bare back, delicate kisses on your collar bone. You felt him gyrate beneath your touch and you involuntarily moaned. Your hands desperately cupped his face, staring down at him with a sense of weakness in your eyes as he stared back in bliss at the face you made and noises from your lips.
He then moved slower, but stronger, making sure his hips dug deeper in you. Your hands reached behind you, unclasping your undergarment, and dropped it down on the side of the bed. Jihoon was now faced to face with your bare chest, mouth-watering at the sight of your exposed pretty buds. He gripped one in hand, a thumb teasing over one as his mouth latched on the other breast. Your stomach churned as you grabbed handfuls of the sheets, never having felt this way before, almost in shock by how amazing Jihoon seemed to know your body better than you did.
His strong arm was firmly planted on one side of your hip as the other began to unbuckle and zip down his pants. You gave him enough space so he could pull the clothing to his knees and kick off the bed. You palmed over his bulge before looking at him cautiously. “Am I allowed to unwrap my last minute present?”
“I’d be disappointed if you didn’t.”
You pulled the fabric down and witnessed firsthand how bad Jihoon had it for you. You fingered over his veins and found it almost as pretty as Jihoon. Lost in the details of the new phenomenon, you almost forgot to ask.
“Do you have protection?”
He gave a reassuring smile and pulled something from under his pillow. The shiny piece of plastic glinting in the hotel lights. “Managed to grab one. Want to do the honors?”
You laughed, taking it and ripping the protective case before rolling it over his head and then down its shaft. You pushed your panties to the side and anticipated for the first time. You exhaled, making Jihoon cup the side of your face. “Tell me if you feel anything wrong.”
You smiled at how delicate his tone sounded. “Well, everything so far has felt right, but I will.”
“Okay.” He whispered.
You guided yourself on top of him and memorized the sensation of having it slide inside so easily due to your dampness, but it didn’t make it feel any less foreign. At first instinct, you realized how painful it was, how it was nothing like how it thought it’d be. Not like you were sure how sex was going to be like for the first time, but what exactly were you expecting?
Worried by your pause, Jihoon tilted his head up at you, “Are you okay?”
“Uh--, just some adjusting.” You began to stutter.
“It’s okay, we’ll take it slow.” He interlocked your fingers with his, bringing one of them and kissing the back of your hand.
His movements were comfortable and slow like he said it would be. Your arms, along with his, spread on either side of you. You followed him, feeling him pulse inside you. You got more comfortable the more he left kisses up your neck, reassuring you that nothing could go wrong. You were mesmerized at the sounds of his little sighs, followed by the interruptions by occasional grunts.
“Jihoon, go harder, please. I can take it.”
“Are you sure?”
He nodded and did as you asked, placing more pressure in his thrusts and you made sure you did as much work as he did. You put your body at work, grinding against his body, your eyes occasionally fluttering as he went deeper.
“You feel so good around me,” he admitted softly, landing another kiss on your hand. “I’m going crazy right now.”
Your hands rested on the back of his neck, feverishly kissing his lips. He returns your kiss, hoisting your body in the air as his knees pinned deep in the mattress. Your legs wrapped around his waist quickly. He pressed you firmly against him as he thrusted into you from that position, only his thighs used as leverage. You whimpered after every plunge, realizing how surprisingly strong he was wherever your hands found. From his broad back to brooding muscular arms, even his legs had the strength to hold your whole body up singlehandedly like that.
“Shit,” he exclaimed, he held you from the grip of your cheeks, fingers imprinted deep in your flesh.
“Y-you feel so g-good. Y-you’re so g-good at t-that,” you murmured against his lips.
Jihoon felt empowered. There was nothing like having a woman like you embracing him and expressing how she felt that made him more confident than he did at that moment. He himself didn’t have a long history with relationships, let alone sleep with every attractive person he saw. You, however, made him feel something for the first time in a long time.
He didn’t think it was love, not lust since his feelings towards you were more than a simple animalistic instinct.
It was likely due to the history you had with one another. The young girl he once knew that followed him around his pet was almost all the same, if not a better version of themselves, yet someone he found himself wanting to tend to like he did back in the day. However, instead of the previous ‘Did you eat today’ and ‘do you need help with matching this note,’ it's more along the lines of “Am I hurting you,’ and ‘Does this feel good?’ It was a major escalation if he was being honest.
All he knew was that his body would grow weak as his desire for you continues to grow every second you’re with him. He could only explain it as some deep-rooted connection, and for now, he was satisfied with that conclusion.
You feel your body land on the mattress, feeling his legs give out, but not ending his tempo. He took your legs and threw them both over his shoulder. Your hands trailed over his chest, once again enraptured by the aesthetic of the metal that complimented his gorgeous body. He pumped inside you with no hesitation at this point, blind at the pure ecstasy of your body swallowing him.
“I don’t know how much longer I can hold myself back.” Jihoon felt seconds away from releasing what he had inside, but you were no longer listening as you were drowning in your own orgasm.
Your voice explicitly echoed the room as Jihoon gave into his, his pace slowing to the depth of his breaths. You panted along with him, your body recovering from physical activity that your vision even started your vision blur. His body collapsed on top of you, pressing a kiss to your lips. You kissed back, exhausted but grateful. Jihoon tossed the condom in a nearby trash can and held you against his chest.
You felt his body heave up and down and found comfort in the rhythm of his breathing. Neither of you spoke, mutually giving yourselves the time to let your bodies rest. Jihoon closed his eyes smiling, he hadn’t felt that alive for he forgets how long. He bent to look at you, finding you softly asleep cheek to his chest. He stroked your hair and delicately wiped some of the smeared mascara and eyeliner stains on your face.
“Happy Birthday, Y/n.”
A beat later, he was surprised to hear your voice, “Happy Birthday, Jihoon.”
“You’re awake?”
He chuckled, wrapping arms more firmly around your sweaty body. “Look how pretty you are all tired.”
“I’m gonna be really disappointed if I wake up and find this as a dream I got from fainting due to alcohol poisoning.”
He pressed a kiss to your temple. “This isn’t a dream.”
“Then did you actually dick me down?”
“Vulgar way to say it but, yeah. I dicked you down.”
You have a relieved smile. “Cool. Fifteen-year-old me is gonna be so proud. She had the hugest crush on you.”
“And now? How does a twenty-one-year-old you feel about me?” He poked.
“She thinks that she wants to see you again. No matter what the circumstances. She also thinks she deserves a real date in payment for not contacting her all these years.”
Yeah, that hit him, an inkling of guilt he felt for not making plans to meet you all this time, thinking you’d enjoy your life without needing him to string along. He was older than you and you had more life to live so he thought it’d be natural for you both to drift apart. He knew better now. There’s no reason to let you go at this point.
“I’d be an asshole if I didn’t.”
You crawled over him to meet him face to face and kissed his nose. “Glad you’re aware…I missed you.”
“I missed you too.”
After you left to wait in your hotel room...
"So, how'd did that go?"
Jihoon probably had just the most sexually stimulating conversation he's ever had and now he was going to break out to his dear friends that planned out the entire night for him that he was going to follow after her.
"I'm going to her room and we're probably going to be sleeping together."
Okay, that was a lot easier than he thought it'd be.
"Damn," Mingyu interjected, "Hyung you work fast."
The boy was followed by cheers by the others, whistling, and just excessive noise.
"Yeah, well, that means I won't be joining you all the rest of the night and I'm taking the cake."
Jihoon reached for the box in the middle of the table and Seungkwan came to its defense.
"You're gonna ditch us and steal the cake for some ass?"
Jihoon leered over at the younger boy until SeungKwan quietly gave in and placed the box in the intimidating man's hands.
"Thank you. And don't pretend I'm stupid. I know there's another one in the deep depths of Mingyu's kitchen. Thank you. Love you!"
He headed in the direction of the lobby elevator but halted remembering something he was going to request before he left.
"Do any of you guys--" Jihoon caught the flying object in hand, brought to him via Seongcheol's back pocket.
"There you go, buddy. Happy birthday,"
He looked at the piece of plastic, then back at Seungcheol with a revolted but grateful expression. "Thanks, Cheol."
Jeonghan looked over at his same-aged friend with a cheeky expression. "Why did you bring a condom to a friend's event?"
Seongcheol in response throws a wink in his direction. "Someone was gonna be laid tonight and someone had to be prepared."
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muuurder · 2 years
I would love to hear the absolute hours of headcanons you have for Brahms.
Hi anon I don’t know who you are but I love you oh my god. Into my pocket you go. So I have so many, But we’ll start with like 10 lol. But please feel free to ask more. Y’all got no clue how much seratonin this is giving me lol.
Brahms’s favorite story is beauty and the beast. He relates to the beast and he’s an insane hopeless romantic.
He is actually a very clean dude. His entire room was incredibly tidy from what we seen, I think his hygiene dipped because 1) he lived in an old house that was noisy so you can only imagine the amount of noise taking a bath would take. Not to mention, finding the time since greta can’t leave. 2) Greta was there and his parents left him for literal months. He had a wash bin and couldn’t wash clothes. I can only imagine how gross he also felt.
I think, he actually would love a pet. I like to think he gets a maine coon cat who also helps detour the rat problem so the nanny doesn’t have to kill the rats (i like rats. Obviously can’t domestic feral rats, but they’re very smart and I don’t like rat or mice traps. A maine coon is big enough to scare em off until the house can be properly fixed.)
The maine coon is named king. I have a whole story you guys I’m not joking I just hoooooo.
Alot of people think brahms needs a motherly type as far as love interest but Imma be real honest, his type is fiesty. Someone who can buck him and keep him in place while respecting him and can also be sweet? ugh a queen if you will. He loved a multi-faceted bitch lol. 
I also think despite his parents being conservative, he would absolutely be open minded especially in regards to gender and sexuality. He doesn’t know enough and any one who came in clearly different, he’d be very intrigued. His sexuality? literally anyone who shows him any compassion. He’s a trauma gay im convinced. Pry it from me lol.
He is a music snob however  lol. Tragic for me, he hates metal music. He prefers classical and opera. Some modern music he likes. Particularly I can see him liking uh cigarettes after sex, and indie real well. possibly new wave? He’ll try anything but don’t get onto him when he scrunches his face when he hears something he dislikes. He’s blunt he’ll tell you it’s awful lol.
I think the first time he would go out in the sun would be overwhelming. His eyes have been adjusted to darkness, so clearly it would hurt and be overstimulating. You’d have to ween him into it.
The moment he can take a bath, try my ass he smells like fancy ass soap. We’re talking bergamot (idk how to spell it but its citrus), eucalyptis, He just smells really fresh alright. Like hugging him post bath is such a good time.
I think he can cook, but fuck he can’t bake for shit. He can do basic cooking but ask him to bake a cake or pancakes and somehow it turns to shit. It’s endless frustration. He will happily help you though. He’s a good kitchen helper. Or anything helper. He’s a bit of a golden retriever boy tbh. He wants to help you constantly. He opens doors, he helps carry groceries, like he wants to be helpful. 
I got way more so feel free to ask lol.
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9tzuyu · 2 years
middle ground
note: you don’t know how sorry i am that this is short :(
warnings: none other than the fact that this isn’t proofread </3
request: Hi! May I please request a Nat fic where r is lowkey touch averse. Nat sees they sometimes tense up when touched and asks about it and reader kinda off handedly explains that she's mostly fine with touch (etc hugs, cuddles, holding hands) but sometimes she just doesn't wanna be touched and whereas some find a hand on the back touches comforting then they dislike them and overall the not necessarily touches that are sometimes given when ppl pass. And Natasha actually listens and pulls back after that conversation and reader is like ??? because in the past family/partners have not respected the boundaries bc "cmon it's how I show love", and thinks mby Natasha is mad now, but Nat is very considerate and r is just relieved and thankful.. Idk if any of it makes sense, by now I'm just venting tbh. If you're not comfortable or don't have time/energy to write it then it's totally cool!! Thank you for your fics anyway, they all always make me feel better. Hope you're doing good!
🏷: @c-is-writing
. . .
it always started out the same with everyone, well, almost everyone. you'd befriend them, you'd get comfortable with each other, then they'd do small things like rest their hand on your shoulder or give a friendly pat on your leg.
you tried not to let it bother you, but sometimes it just became too much.
you'd already had to deal with wanda's need for affection earlier in the day and now natasha was sitting next to you, her arm slung on your shoulder. it was hard not to tense up every little move she made, and you hoped natasha wouldn't notice, but it was inevitable that she would.
"you alright?" she questioned, head tilting with her eyebrows furrowed.
you sighed. "i don't want to seem rude or anything, but i'm just not necessarily in the mood to be touched right now. would you mind moving your arm?"
“that’s okay," she whispered before adjusting herself. both her words and actions surprised you.
could she be mad?
a moment of silence later and it was still bothering you how calm she reacted to your request.
"are...are you upset?"
"what? no, not at all. why?" she asked, pausing the movie you were watching.
"well, you know. it's a lot of people's love language"
"but why would you asking me not to touch you make me upset?"
your fingers caught your attention and suddenly you weren't so sure of yourself. natasha cut that short though by placing her hand below your chin, cupping your face to bring your focus back to her.
you bit the inside of your cheek, emitting a nervous laugh. "people never seemed to care about my own comfort when it came to showing their love language. and it's fine i guess, you know. i'm okay with holding hands and cuddling, but only when i want to. but sometimes it's a little overwhelming? and i know i shouldn't be surprised because you're so considerate, always, all the time, about everything, i don't know... no one's ever been so considerate over something like this though." you finished awkwardly.
natasha softened, "i'm so sorry no one ever took into account about how you felt, but it does matter, to me especially. you matter to me. any time i ever do something, or if you just don't feel like being touched just let me know. your comfort will never be an inconvenience."
she gave your a quick kiss on the lips before pulling away. "want to finish our movie?"
you smiled, nothing but love showing in your eyes.
"of course."
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egg-on-the-run · 3 years
How about relationship headcanon’s and yes there’s cute stuff but what about realistic shizz? The good, the bad, the ugly. The stubbornness that with time one learns the art of compromise for.
I've only ever been in one relationship and tbh it was very like relaxed??? We never argued much so I hope this isn't super unrealistic.
Never tells you why he's upset. It's always a guessing game and the worst part is half the time he is not upset with you
He'll have an argument with Raphael and give everyone the silent treatment while he's huffing (and it is huffing) and you spend an hour trying to figure out what you did wrong
Leonardo's confrontational about things that Do Not Matter but avoids conversations about things that are actually important
Like yeah he'll tell you if some silly habit kind of annoys him but it takes a long time for him to confess that PDA makes him a little uneasy
That's another thing: PDA is a minimum with him. Yes he will put his arm around you, yes he will hold your hand. But please no kisses in front of his family he just doesn't vibe with it
He's very nervous about a lot of things, very nervous about going on dates, doing things with you for the first time. You do have to take things slow with him and it takes a while to perfect the art of reassuring him without making him feel patronised
His love language is acts of service and quality time.
Sometimes that quality time is napping because he's prone to overworking himself
Adores it when you take control of things. LOVES being babied and taken care of
Call him something like "sweetheart" and he becomes putty in your hands
His ideal date is he makes dinner, you buy dessert. You both do the dishes together and watch a movie afterwards 💙
Hahaha get ready to rumble.
King of arguments, fool of never being able to apologise
You will bicker about everything to the point where everyone is like 👀👀 but the second anyone else says something? You are both wildly protective of each other
"God you're such a prick" "Yeah screw you Raph" "Casey I swear to god if you ever say anything like that ever again I will kick you so hard in the dick you'll give yourself a blow job" "Raph you're s/o is scaring me" "Casey I'm going to put your head through the wall."
Raph likes to pretend arguments just Did Not Happen. He doesn't expect you to apologise either so at least you can't call him a hypocrite, but he just prefers moving past things. It's over now. Don't bring it up again.
And yes this does cause more conflict sometimes. But you cannot date Raph and not be stubborn. If you put your foot down firmly enough he will give in and do his best to talk about things. He doesn't necessarily like doing it, but you're both stubborn and both very much in love and he's always willing to try
Much more into PDA than Leo. Likes to hold you against him, leans on you, plays with your hair. He just constantly likes to be touching you in some way, even in front of everyone
You can pull the "because you love me" card at any time
"Can you make me some coffee?" "I'm in the middle of playing a game, why would I make you coffee?" "Because you love me."
He doesn't mind it as much as he pretends to
His love language is physical touch and acts of service: lots of cuddles, he holds all your stuff, walks you to and from work
His ideal date is just him trying to teach you how to fight
Lots and lots of gym dates, exploring sewer tunnels and the city together, him letting you win at wrestling ❤️
Leonardo's bad at confrontation sometimes, but Donnie? If you stabbed Donnie he wouldn't complain
Donnie is very insecure in his ability to please. So he works overtime and stresses himself out. If something is bothering him you will never find out because he would rather suffer in silence than even risk upsetting you by bringing it up
His thought process is something along the lines of he interrupts you once so he thinks he just shouldn't speak. He has not connected the dots but he's certainly jumped to conclusions
It takes a very very long time for an argument to actually happen because if you try to talk to Donnie about something he will just Immediately Agree With You, even if he doesn't
But when an argument does happen he says a lot of mean things to get under your skin and you will play the very same cards when things get heated
As time goes on you both get better at having discussions rather than arguments. But when a fight happens you can go days without speaking to each other
Very protective. Likes to know you're safe. Yes it's doting and sweet, but it's also a little annoying having text him "yes I'm still at work darling" every hour
Donnie is also an "actions speak louder than words" kind of guy. No saying sorry, but he makes you a little gift and slides it across the table. No words exchanged, but you know he's sorry for what he did
Mixed feelings about PDA. Sometimes he's more than happy to let you sit on his lap, other times if you try to hold his hand he flinches
Baby is a little touch starved. He gets overwhelmed very easily and shuts you out. Some days are better than others but again, he just doesn't tell you
His love language is gift giving and loves making you little trinkets and toys to put on your desk. But he adores receiving words of affirmation
His ideal date is both of you info dumping in your room while eating pizza. It's so simple, it's so easy. Usually whenever he starts to ramble he forgets a lot of his insecurities with touch and will let you hold him 💜
King of communication. He just does not like to argue, fighting upsets him and when you're angry with him he gets a little afraid
Even if you are very frustrated he takes you by the hand and sits you down. He has it down to a routine, there's no problem you can't solve together
It takes a good while for you to break down his walls. He puts up a very fun loving, easy going front to please everyone and even when you start dating it's difficult for him to be completely open
But when he shows you his deep emotions once he's very comfortable showing them to you again and again
Needs lots of reassurance, not with regards to relationships but with regards to himself. His brothers still treat him like the baby of the family, still make him feel stupid. You treat him like he's capable of whatever and he just bursts into tears because you have complete faith in him
You do, however, understand that his brothers treat him like the baby because sometimes he acts like it
He can be a little too high energy and sometimes you just need space and he doesn't understand that it's not his fault, you're just tired.
You have a code for when he's being too affectionate. He loves PDA to the full but it is overwhelming: a squeeze on his knee tells him to calm down a little
He's such a people pleaser that you have to make most of the decisions with everything. Where you want to eat, what you want to do, it would be nice if he took control a little more.
His love language is yes and. Jk jk he praises you 24/7, pet names, compliments, worships you. Loves physical touch as well obviously
His ideal date is something arty. He takes you to find a blank wall in the tunnels and you both just spray paint 🧡
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seollenda · 2 years
indulge you, indulge her (omega!reader x alpha!nayeon)
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[apologies for the awkward screenshots of requests as i take the last few asks from my old inbox LOL]
CW: g!p abo smut, kinda fluffy tbh
word count: ~1700
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it was hard to say who exactly had clearly neglected their suppressants that day.
crowded end of award show stages were already a bit overwhelming, but to be hit by the pheromones of some nearby alpha clearly approaching rut? you’d calculated that you would make it to your unsuppressed heat after awards activities. yet whoever had neglected to manage their own cycle threw out your careful planning in an instant.
you gritted your teeth on the drive back to the dorm, not daring to take off your sweats even as you felt the inevitable heating of your skin. nobody in the van seemed to have noticed yet. traffic made the commute unbearably long.
the first thing you did upon arriving home was rush into the bedroom to peel off your clothes. the cold air made you sigh, sending a full body shiver through you as you flopped onto your bed.
“y/n, we’re gonna order takeout, did you—whoa.” 
chaeyoung had barely stepped into your shared bedroom when she froze at what was likely a brick wall of your heat scent. the other omega raised her eyebrows.
“you were so sure it wouldn’t be for another few days.”
“an alpha on that stage was not being very considerate,” you muttered sourly. your roommate giggled. “would you shut the door? don’t wanna embarrass myself in front of the entire dorm.”
chaeng did so, but looked at you quizzically.
“you want me to ask an alpha? i know you were nervous about it but…” she trailed off, picking her words carefully. “i think there’s few people who you’d be able to trust better than our members. only if you want to, of course. i’ll keep them out if you want.”
you pulled a pillow over your face, groaning.
“is that yes or no?”
“sure. sure, why not.” you sighed. “even just to scent something for me...”
chaeng nodded, stepping out of the room. “gotcha.”
you lay there in your underwear, the cool satin of your pillowcase providing minor relief against your face. your mind wandered to places that you’d previously worked so hard to stay away from. who would chaeyoung send, anyway?
“hey, y/n?”
nayeon’s voice was soft and clear in the quiet of your room. your heartbeat immediately picked up.
“hi, unnie.” you found yourself suddenly shy. you could hear the eldest member shut the door and approach slowly, as if to not scare you away.
the bed dipped as she perched on the edge. a moment passed until you finally relented and uncovered your face. you opened your eyes to regard your visitor. 
she was pretty.
well, im nayeon had always been pretty. but something about her was heightened to you now, an inevitable attraction, maybe biological after all. the alpha was warm and vital and smelled so good. like musk and dark, thorny flowers.
her cheeks blushed now, probably with the extra onslaught of heat pheromones that released with the lifted pillow. you felt an additional jolt in your daze with the realization that she wanted you too.
but now she sat at a responsible distance, smiling gently, a sweet unnie for the moment.
“our y/n,” she murmured, patting your leg in a touch that sent reverberations through your bones. “can we make you comfortable?”
“yes,” you said without thinking. her toothy grin came across her face, crinkling her eyes into her mischievous smile. 
had you ever imagined what nayeon’s lips would feel like on yours?
well, they were about as soft as they’d always looked. and damn good at kissing.
maybe it was because you were on the front end of your heat, when your pheromones called more for nesting and security than the reproductive demands that later days would, but the alpha was surprisingly tender and sweet to you. she showered your flushed face with soft pecks, nosing your neck and inhaling your scent indulgently. despite your temperature, the sensation of her warm body was magnetic. you tugged lightly on her sweater until she pulled it over her head, giggling softly.
“you’re adorable,” she murmured affectionately, laughing again at your indignant hmph. 
“i ask you for help at my vulnerable moment and you laugh at me…” you trailed off your grousing as she pressed kisses down your jaw and the side of your neck. when she met the edge of your bralette you let out a fluttering sigh, carding your fingers through her hair and gently urging her further.
she obliged, pushing the band up so she could toy with a nipple between her lips. she reached up to hold the side of your face, hearing you whimper at her tongue against your skin. 
“unnie will take good care of you,” nayeon murmured against your skin, trailing her hand down to play with your unattended breast. every touch was like a flame dancing across your body, whatever reservations you’d harbored evaporating with each sigh she drew out of you.
she trailed kisses down your abdomen, pulling your underwear away from you with little difficulty. she lowered herself down between your legs, practically purring as she tasted you for the first time. the broad of her tongue dragging just barely against you made you gasp.
“you taste so good,” nayeon said indulgently, punctuating her statement with a deeper lap at you now. she pressed her tongue inside you, then dragged upward, catching your clit directly and causing a high whimper out of you.
she responded with more attention to your cunt, pressing deeper until you longed for something more than her tongue. when she turned to sucking on your clit directly, you properly moaned. nayeon hummed appreciatively against you.
“unnie,” you whispered again, trying to get her attention. you opened your eyes as she lifted her head. a mixture of saliva and your own slick shone on her lips and face. there was unconcealed want in her darkened eyes, a lust that was likely reflected in your own. her breathing was heavier than her exertion could justify, her tongue subconsciously darting to taste you on her lips.
“i need you. please.”
nayeon was beautiful undressed. she was rarely shy, but now standing before you like this she suddenly seemed a bit nervous. despite the growing need between your own legs, you admired her beauty alone first, the silhouette of her shoulders and chest backlit by your dimmed bedroom lights.
you reached for her until she climbed back into bed on top of you. her alphahood was hard against your thigh, but she only pressed a long, deep kiss on your lips. 
“i’ve wanted to do this for you for a while,” she confessed softly, breaking the kiss. you looped your forearms over her neck, playing lightly with her disheveled hair. her expression was wide eyed and earnest, and absolutely infatuated.
vague alarms rang in a more sensible mind of yours, but you couldn’t make yourself care. wasn’t part of the needs of an omega the affection of a proper mating? this was just to be expected of such an arrangement. 
“fuck me, nayeon-ah,” you whispered. she broke into the softest smile, dipping her cheek against yours shyly as she maneuvered herself against you and finally, gently pressed inside.
she wasn’t your first, but it had been a long time since you had a real alpha inside of you. she was hard, stretching you around her until she was flush against you. your pussy fluttered and settled until she felt like the most natural presence, a gentle warm fullness that quieted your desperate hunger for a moment.
she stayed inside you like this for a moment, letting you get your bearings, nuzzling below your ear until your scents mingled like the most lush perfume. when you finally began to grind your hips, she took the hint, starting to move so you could still yourself again.
her rhythm was gentle but steady, until her breaths aligned with yours. it felt like everything was subsumed into one synchronous breath together, in and out and in again.
“faster,” you whimpered. the bite of your heat was slowly setting in around the edges, setting new restlessness in your veins, demanding more.
your alpha delivered, her hands pulling your hips even closer against you as she sped her pace. she was deeper now, the head of her cock dragging deliciously against your inner walls with each thrust.
“oh...” she sighed your name, the shameless sound of your wetness and bodies meeting loud in the small bedroom.
you throbbed now, the gradual climax she had developed in you lifting into a peak that only reached higher and higher. nayeon seemed to be approaching hers as well, her speed faster and harder. the hint of an alpha possessiveness began to show now, her moans low and her rhythm more unforgiving. she chased her release as much as yours.
“nayeon-ah—“ you gasped, hands on her back as she leaned forward to press that much deeper inside. she cursed, overtaken and lost in you for this moment, pushing her knot inside you with a final thrust that had you crying out in surprise and brief pain.
the sensation of her emptying into you was what pushed you over the brink. you whimpered her name, for a moment your climaxes meeting each other in an  evolved tandem. you came until she had given you all of her herself, until you felt sated for the first time in months.
she lay on you, both of you breathless and lost in the sensation of a proper junction between an alpha and her omega.
nayeon was the first to speak after a moment.
“i shouldn’t have knotted you, i’m sorry.”
“no, i needed it,” you answered quickly, emphasizing your point by pressing her closer against you. the consequences were manageable, and you didn’t want to think about them for the time being. she hummed in satisfaction, scenting you again, brazen, carelessly.
im nayeon had never been shy about taking what was hers. why would you be any different?
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dreamingofaizawa · 3 years
Good Kitty
Shouta Aizawa x Chubby! Kitty Hybrid! Fem! Reader
***18+ Fic***
If you are under the age of 18, leave. Thank you.
Warnings: Kitty hybrid reader, smut, fingering, unprotected sex, praise kink (?), reader has insecurities, Shouta is soft and lowkey feral?, chubby kink (sorta), reader has a heat for the first time, barely implied virginity loss, a touch of dacryphilia
Word Count: 2.4 k
Author’s Note: This is inspired by @cupcake-rogue ’s fic Not Allowed on the Bed. I got permission to use it as inspo so here we are! Tbh the orignal had me feeling all sorts of feelings because, as a very subby sub that loves to please, I definitely have a praise kink and I WILL CRY if I’m called a bad girl. HOWEVER, Katsuki being the rough-around-the-edges guy he is wanting reader regardless of size made me very happy and warm and fuzzy. 
The premise with this is pretty much the same, except I made reader a kitty hybrid...and of course I wrote for Shouta, love of my life he is. I’m such a fucking simp. I’m not the biggest fan of the ending, but this has been sitting in my WIPs for too damn long and it’s decent enough for me to feel ok posting it.
Also, for reference, reader has black fur regardless of hair color. Reader could be blonde, but still have black ears and tail. That’s just the way I’ve chosen to write this for some reason, don’t ask me why, I’m weird like that. 
I think this is the first time I’ve written for a hybrid, so cut me a little slack.
Anywho, enjoy~
You can’t remember life outside the shelter. You’d grown up here, the caretakers said they’d found you on the street as a nearly newborn kitten and immediately scooped you up and brought you back here. That was a long time ago. Now you sit, waiting, your hopes for getting adopted diminishing with every passing day.
It’s unfortunate, but you still haven’t been adopted. It’s not that you’re bad, you always behave, you make sure you do. But you’ve overheard time and time again the people that gazed down at you and whispered about how you were too chunky, too big and too squishy for a kitty hybrid. And some even called you bad luck. The pitch black fur on your ears and tail warded off many.
Today was just the same as any other day. Wake up, get fed, wait in your room while potential owners pick and choose not you. Adults and children alike would take chunks out of their time to play with you, but they all left the shelter with another smaller cat. It was nearing bed time now, dinner just finished and the caretakers were about to start closing when the little bell on the front door jingled. Someone had just come in. You ignored it all the same.
Two pairs of footsteps began making their way past rooms, whoever it was that had entered smelled good, like coffee and tree bark. A smooth hum accompanied the caretaker’s voice, it made your ears twitch and tail sway gently. Still, you decided to just curl up in bed and try to sleep. The chance of him adopting you was slim, if it existed at all.
As you lay there your ears pick up their footsteps, the lazy set that dragged familiar, the nearly silent set less so. You listened as they came closer, never stopping as the man strode past each room and peered in the windows. You waited for them to pass right by your room, as they had been, but suddenly the footsteps halted. The caretaker spoke first.
“Y/n? You awake?” You let your eyes flutter open and sat up, tucking your legs under you and sitting up straight. They asked the man if he wanted to go in and see you, and he gave a simple nod. When he entered you finally looked up at him. The first thing you noticed were his eyes, tired and bloodshot with dark circles beneath them, a deep scar curved under his right eye. His long black hair fell around his shoulders, swaying lightly with every measured step he took toward you.
He stopped right in front of you, a large hand stretching out and you give it a small sniff before nudging your head into it, letting him pet your hair and scratch at the base of your ears. It felt nice to be getting attention like this. A small purr sounded in your chest, your tail gently swishing behind you.
“How long have you been here?” His voice is deep and calm, tired even, but it sounds so welcoming. It’s so soothing to your sensitive ears, like a warm blanket. You give a small hum before answering.
“A long time. I don’t remember anything outside this place.” At that he raised an eyebrow, turning to the caretaker with a questioning look.
“Most people look for...specific traits in the cat hybrids. Y/n here is well behaved, a perfect house kitty really,” you purred a bit at the praise, “But she’s a little larger than most. And her black fur wards off the more superstitious.” The man gives a curious hum before looking back down at you.
“Do you want to come home with me, kitty?” The question caught you a little off guard. Nobody really asked the hybrids if they wanted to go with them. You looked over to the caretaker, who nodded their head with a gentle smile, encouraging you to answer. All you could do was give a small nod, and soon you were in the car, on the way to your new home.
He’d told you to call him Shouta. He was nice, always quiet and never got mad. He never smiled, but you supposed that’s just the way he is. He gave you your own room, and always let you rub up on him when you wanted to, taking the opportunity to pet you. Occasionally you got the odd kiss on the forehead when you nuzzled into his neck. Those always made you purr. He never came seeking you out, which was good since there were times you really didn’t want to be touched. 
The longer you’re with him the closer you get, and you find yourself doing things you’d never thought to do before. Sometimes you found the floor more comfortable than the couch, and would kneel down and rub up on his leg, your tail wrapping around his ankle. There were times you’d see his fingers idly drumming on his lap, and you’d lay down and nibble on one with your little fang-like canines. He didn’t seem to mind that little oral fixation, and he always let you do whatever you wanted. All in all, life with Shouta is great.
But today you feel weird. You’d been cooped up in your room for the first hour or so of the weekend morning, not quite wanting to go out and make it known something was off. But it’s gotten abnormally hot, your face and chest especially warm, and between your legs as well. Your panties are beginning to feel damp, your thighs starting to feel humid and sticky. It’s a little uncomfortable. And your tummy is starting to boil, neediness beginning to cloud your mind. This never happened at the shelter.
Reluctantly, you step out of bed onto slightly wobbly legs and peek your head out of your door to see him sitting on the couch, a book in hand and a mug of coffee on the table. His hair is loose, his strong lean body relaxed as he read. The sight of him and his scent made the feeling worse, made your panties and thighs wetter, your chest beginning to heave with your panted breaths. 
“Sh-shouta…” Your voice came out shakier and quieter than you wanted it to, but he’d heard you regardless. He closed the book and peered over at your shaking form in the doorway.
“What is it kitty?” You nearly mewled at his voice, his heavenly smooth baritone sending a shiver down your spine through to the tip of your tail.
“Something’s wrong...I feel weird…” As you tell him about everything that’s happening to your body, he’s dragging his eyes over you, taking in every detail. Soon he’s on the phone with the doctor, you can’t quite comprehend his words, only catching snippets. ‘Help’ and ‘how long’, followed by agreeing hums. It was all jumbled after that, your mind refusing to focus as you leaned heavily on the doorframe, your quivering legs barely able to hold your body.
Shouta’s large hand came up and cupped your cheek, letting you nuzzle into his palm. When had he hung up the phone? He ordered you to sit on the bed, and you obliged, watching as he swept up his hair into a loose bun and strode over, tilting your chin to look up at him through half-lidded eyes. He’s so close, his scent overwhelming and making your brain fuzzy.
“You’re in heat, kitty.” Heat...where had you heard that before? Back at the shelter, maybe? It was all a distant, unfocused memory right now. Shouta leaned down and kissed you sweetly, lips melding with yours as you purred and mewled, your tail thrashing behind you. His hands tugged at your clothes until you were bare before him, every inch of you on display. 
“You’re such a pretty kitty, you know that? So beautiful. Lay down for me.” The praise made you purr, made a chill crawl up your spine and your tail flick wildly. You obeyed the command, laying flat in the middle of the bed and he slotted himself between your legs, plunging two fingers into your tight hole. He let out a groan, pumping and scicssoring his fingers to stretch you out. You were already a sloppy mess, loud squelches ringing through the room in between your loud, whiny mewls and panting. 
It felt so good, the heat in your belly burning and tightening until Shouta’s fingers curled up into a spot that made stars dance in your vision. The pressure in your belly snapped hard, your legs trembling as he kept fingering you through it. His fingers slowed when you whined about it being too much, too sensitive. But you still felt hot all over, now it was worse, you wanted something so bad but you didn’t know what.
He got up and undressed himself and you licked your lips at his naked body, scarred skin pulled taut over thick muscle. What stood between his legs had heat spreading like fire through your body. You’d never seen a naked man before. He was quick to return to you, slotting his hips between your thighs and guiding the thick head of his cock along your soaked folds. 
“Relax kitty. I’m gonna make you feel good.” You gave a small nod and then he was pushing his thick cock inside you, groaning at the way your pussy clamped down on him. Your tongue lolled out of your mouth as he slowly pushed and pumped his hips, cock dragging along your wet warm walls perfectly. Mewls slipped past your lips, high pitched whines and pants like music in Shouta’s ears. 
His hands wandered over your body, squishing and pulling at every piece of you he could get his calloused fingers on. It made you squirm beneath him, your own hands trying to push his away, but he wasn’t having any of it. He grabbed both your wrists and pinned them above your head in one strong hand, then went right back to groping your body with his free one.
“I can’t have you stopping me from touching you, kitty.” That’s all he said before focusing back on your body. He tugged at your belly, your sides, every place that was fatty and squishy. He’d never admit out loud how much he loved how soft you are. You’re perfect, plump and meaty, just more for him to touch, to look at, more to squeeze and pinch and pull.
He groaned out as you whined beneath him, tears beginning to clump in your lashes because he just kept squeezing, and he isn’t fucking you hard enough. Your orgasm built slowly with his languid pace, not nearly enough to get you to that peak and you were frustrated because you wanted relief but it wouldn’t come. Shouta picks up on your hips jerking and rolling, trying to get him to fucking move faster. He pulled his hips back and slammed back in, setting a brutal pace and making you whine high and long. 
Tears begin to fall from the sheer ecstasy of it, and he’s realizing how much he loves to see you cry from the pleasure he can give you. With a groan, he’s releasing your hands and wrapping his arms around your waist, burying his face into your breasts and biting and sucking at your skin as he pounds you into the mattress. He isn’t normally an impulsive man, wouldn’t let himself let go like this. But for you. For you he’d give in to his lust and ravage you like you need him to.
Your orgasm slams over your body like a tsunami, your muscles locking up and a loud yip ringing from your throat, pleasure making your whole body shake. Shouta let out a hiss, your nails digging into the muscles in his back furiously, but he wouldn’t stop for that. He never stuttered in his pace, just kept ramming his hips into yours, heavy balls slapping against your ass and lewd squelches coming from where your bodies are connected. 
You’re overstimulated, throat feeling raw and tears still falling down your heated cheeks as you thrash from another orgasm, this one just as powerful as the last and making your vision spot black. This time Shouta leans back, wrapping a hand around your throat and licking the salty trails away.
“Such a good little kitty for me, so good.” With a few more thrusts he’s spilling inside you, and you can feel the warmth spread in your belly as you lay there, boneless. He lays down on top of you, both of you sweaty and tired and he starts whispering sweet words into your twitching ears.
“So pretty. You’re so pretty, kitten.” 
“Such a good girl for me.”
“You’re all mine, kitty. So good, all for me.” Tears begin to spill from your eyes for a different reason. Up until now you’d lived your life believing nobody wanted you because there was something wrong with you. You never felt ugly, never really felt like there was something truly wrong with you, but you always felt...unwanted. Unloved. Unlovable. 
But Shouta makes you feel wanted, and loved, and pretty and all the things you always assumed you didn’t deserve. You’re his kitty now, and you’re such a good kitty for him too. He’s showering you with affection that you’d never known before and you’re shaking from all the overwhelming emotions. He can feel your body quivering, leans back to look at you and cups your face in his warm palm.
“What’s wrong, kitten? Why are you crying?” Your nose twitches as you sniffle, which he mildly notes is fucking adorable.
“Do you mean it? Am I a good kitty?” His eyebrows furrow and he rolls the both of you over so you’re on top of him. He’s peering into your big sad eyes as if reading your soul through them, trying to read the emotions you’re feeling, but it isn’t hard for him to figure out what’s racing through your mind. You nuzzle your nose into his neck and breathe in his scent, his hand coming up to pet your hair and ears.
“Of course, kitten. You’re such a good kitty.” The small reassurance makes you feel warm and happy, your tail flicking softly before curling around both your leg and Shouta’s, the end brushing his skin gently. You can’t help but want to stay with Shouta forever.
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kallikrein · 3 years
— in which bonten!rindou is afflicted about the idea of you finally leaving him.
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genre. angst.
contains. gn!reader, profanities, possible ooc and language errors.
word count. 1.9k.
note. i was feeling unsatisfied with my other angst, decided to try writing the same genre again and tbh i kinda like this one better. this idea was sparked by @uuden!
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You slammed the door behind you, leaving your embodied frustration alone inside his home and you breathed in deep to gather whatever distress that still lingered, except that your exhale didn’t carry it out. So you tried again for the second time and funnily enough, you felt worse, since it finally brought out the heated and bitter tears in your eyes, along with the spiteful emotion only Haitani Rindou could trigger out of you.
You didn’t know how long you stood outside his apartment, composing yourself and at the same time regretting your actions. But both of you knew you were the right one in this dispute, as you ironically always were, and Rindou once again carelessly bent some rules to make himself appear so. 
And you were disheartened every time he did that, how quick he was to brush your notions off as though you were one of his panic-stricken servants who would never try to defy him, when he had sworn to you that night that he will not treat you any less than his arrogant self.
It was a rainy evening and you were patching up Rindou again due to some bloody brawl, and your heart twinged when you saw the new beatings that were apparent on his face and more on the expanse of his torso, but you kept silent as usual and Rindou only watched you with silent eeriness. You tried to brush off the strangeness at first, until you saw how his eyes minutely shifted from having the utmost malice to a childlike vulnerability and your hand froze mid-way of cleaning his wounds. 
You were shocked, to say the least, to see a glimpse of the real Rindou. It was akin to a lost boy forcefully trapped in a young man’s body and the twinge that you felt seconds earlier became a painful throb. You wanted to appease him, erase that unsettling look in his eyes but you knew he wouldn’t let you, even more so he wouldn’t admit it to himself that he needs your concern which all the more crushed you. 
Distractedly, your hand that was at a standstill reached out to gently cup his bruised cheek as if it would clear his mistrusts of the world. And with how tender you were being with him, Rindou suddenly understood the meaning of ‘home’. You were always like this, so warm and welcoming, even for a wicked person like him. You also never seem to judge what he and his brother do, as compared to other people when they hear their name, always running the opposite of their direction, and to an even greater extent, you never call him out for the man that he was slowly but surely becoming.
He felt overwhelmed by the thoughts of you, even though you were already standing in front of him, and before he knew it, his arms were already wrapped around your body and his lips were roughly planted against your soft ones, groaning once he discovered how sweet you tasted. Rindou expected you to shove him away, seeing how he basically forced himself on you, but then again, you accepted him, as selfless as you always were, and it sent him into an overdrive of raw desire of how he wants to be called your safe haven too.
But he knew he wasn’t capable of giving your dedication back as intensely as you do though when you returned his kiss, with the same eagerness that he has, he realized he doesn’t care at all. He doesn’t care if he’s not good at relationships; he doesn’t care if he’ll come to you boorish at times, he will make up for it, knowing it’s you who he needs to say sorry for; and mostly, he doesn’t care what people will think of him when you’re together — you were his home — and he will never want to let this liberating feeling go. He will never want to let you go.
“You’re mine now,” he rasped against your lips to which you hurriedly nodded and he groaned again, seeing you so enthusiastic about it — about him. “You’re fucking mine now and I swear I’ll treat you the way you deserve to be treated.”
You balled your fists tighter upon remembering the memory and how truly mocking it was, that he doesn’t preach his sworn words to you now. It hurt you, just as bad when Bonten was first established and you knew Bonten from the very first glance that it was nothing like the usual gangs he and Ran joined in. You were honestly scared for the brothers. For him. But of course Rindou only saw its tempting advantages to their name, rather than your baseless worries. And so, for the first time in all your years of being together, you made a stand, to which Rindou took the highest offense, arguing what makes him being a Bonten executive so different from when he was a Roppongi King.
It started to go downhill from there. Your fights continued incessantly that it was almost as if he was personally handing you hateful reasons to walk away and out of his life, just so he could have some peace of mind. What’s worse was you were terribly considering it every passing day, for your own peace of mind as well. But you love him despite all that, and you really couldn’t see anyone in your future but Rindou — Bonten executive or not.
You didn’t realize you were crying, a bit loudly, outside his door and Rindou could hear every sniffle, every hiccup you let out. And each time you do, his own heart breaks as if he wasn’t the one who caused it. 
Fucking hell, when did it become to this?
When did he start ignoring your pleas and instead prioritize his own, selfish needs? He used to always put you first that even Ran quickly understood how important you were to him, and he never made a fuss about it when you called for him when it’s an emergency. When did he start getting annoyed, just by your presence alone, when it used to bring him serenity during his troubled nights? He used to have nightmares too, of the cries of the people he wronged, as bullshit as that sounded, but you were always there and ready to offer him solace. When did it go wrong so he could turn it all back and stop himself from being the absolute asshole who managed to shatter your delicate heart?
Rindou hates it when you cry and more so, if he was the reason behind it. It was as if he was suddenly the lowest form of life, who has no right to stain the carpet of your lashes with genuine tears he very well knew he didn’t deserve. He hates it too, when your voice shakes with emotion he didn’t want to decipher, keeping his tough persona even to you, when you already knew every detail that he himself didn’t even know he possessed. He hates seeing you mad at yourself, even when it should be at him, but you were just that selfless, how you were furthermore trying to change your ideals just so you could fully understand him and his twisted ones.
He hates it so much that he started to tear up. He hates breaking both of your hearts. He hates it.
Rindou rubbed a palm to his face and forcefully opened the door, only to see Ran standing outside with a masked expression, “They already left.”
And his heart, his cold and arrogant heart which was just cracking up a moment earlier, suddenly exploded into tiny particles that were the awful remnants of how he harshly dismissed your arguments earlier, together with the painful idea of you finally exiting his life. 
Rindou stepped outside his apartment to follow you, hell-bent to redeem himself and earn his worth back again, when a forceful arm pulled him back. He growled in an instant and threatened Ran to let go of him, until Ran spoke up again, “Leave them alone.”
“What the fuck do you mean leave them alone?” He demanded and this time, Ran looked at him with an indicative look in his eyes, silently conveying to him to leave you alone…for good.
“You’ve been a fucking ass to them, Rin.”
“Fuck, I know!” With that, he harshly drew back himself and rubbed his hands on his face again and he knew that anytime soon, he would break down into a puddle of tears too. “…Fuck, I know.”
“Let them be alone for now,” his brother proposed again and he grunted — out of habit, out of desperation, out of his fucking heartache — because he realized too,  how the both of you needed some space and distance to cool down after that explosive fight, and with how he has been treating you so far, he guessed it wouldn’t end well for him if he asked for forgiveness when he’s currently fueled with burning anger at himself. 
So he nodded, helplessly and with a bitter taste in his mouth, and Ran proceeded to tell him what the meeting with the rest of the Bonten will be later on that day, before leaving him alone to his thoughts and not without putting a word out for him that he should never play with people’s hearts, especially those who were reverently dedicated to him.
Rindou could only agree because in all those years of dating you, he has never had a problem with you, or rather you never caused him one. Whilst he, the ever troublemaker, ran off and brought chaos wherever he went and with a menacing smile on his face. But he didn’t hear you complain, didn’t hear you say something bad about him or his brother, didn’t see you look at him with disgust or hatred. Rindou only heard your silent assurance, your melodic laugh when he and Ran tease each other as if you weren’t spending time with Roppongi’s top delinquents, he only saw the genuine love you have for him in your eyes, the same eyes that looked at him with adoration and urgency when he first kissed you and claimed you as his — and that last thought punched him unexpectedly in the gut which made his knees weak and his lungs gasping for breath.
He was such a fucking asshole.
He remembered then and he remembered it clearly now. He cradled his head in both hands once more, the balls of his wrists put pressure onto the sockets of his eyes and he didn’t let go because the tears he was quietly making behind them were made out of pure shame.
How could he do that to you? How could he turn his back away from the person that was dearest to him, all for his nonsense glory? How could he inflict more pain on your heart when it’s already carrying the one that he already has? How could he be so impudent as to throw all your emotional hard work away, when he himself helped you build that wall of faith and trust? And he realized that now, how much of a strain he was in this relationship and it left him scared, utterly scared down to his core, that if you do decide to leave him this time, he would never endure the painful impact of its downfall and might as well end up as a broken man.
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taglist. @baji-san, @saturnmitsuya and @manjiroarchiviste.
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rebornologist · 2 years
Can I get some kinky nsfw hc for giotto, g, daemon and alaude.
They're so underrated.
omg..... not daemon spade I hate his guts
♡ Kinky 1st Gen Vongola HCs₊⁎⁺˳✧༚
NSFW under the break cuties! g/n partners in mind btw bc anyone and everyone deserves alaude time duh
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WARNINGS: exhibitionism, costumes, vouyerism, kink gear, bondage, dom/sub, pet names, costumes, threesomes?, also oral sex & I mention dissociation @ some pt girl idk
He's not that kinky tbh but has a big thing for praise and body worship
He would kiss every inch if your skin if you let him, whispering steamy phrases in between and even letting his hot tongue run over the smooth flesh just to tease little noises out of you
"You don't mind letting me hear that again... right, my sweet?"
He's also pretty tall and lives for how his lovers feel encased in his arms or hands, not quite the same way as a size kink but he's a soft dom and just loves being in control <3
If you have a thing for hands, he's right there :) Tenderly running one hand through his partner's hair and swiping loose strands out of their face as the other has a firm grip on the meat of their hips to guide them into his lap and grind against him
His kisses burn like fire, and locking eyes with him is probably so intense that it instantly gets the heat pooling between those plush thighs, rubbing ever so slightly against each other in desperation
.. and he notices; He notices everything, and doesn't like playing music or anything during sexy time because he revels in the quiet gasps and mewls, always knowing exactly where to press and prod to elicit such sweet sounds
Thoughts on exhibitionism? He's a rich man with a lot of fancy big and open, yet private? spaces; Catch him giving you that searing look whenever the two of you are alone regardless of where it is.. the pool, the car park, the balcony, the kitchen island.. it's free real estate :)
He likes teasing about it afterwards, especially when there are people around and it's just a normal day/event right by where some... intense moments were had previously
Then he'd sneak ya off into a storage closet somewhere and people have learned not to question where the don was when he disappeared for a good 20 minutes and came back standing just a little taller with a smile a little warmer
He lives to serve, so he's a service top at heart
Way into overstimulation and doesn't stop until his partner is a squirming mess under him, feeling hot tears pricking at their eyes from how overwhelming every touch and stroke is
"Oh... you can take another one, I know you can. Be good for me, my dear? Good..."
The way his voice drawls so sensually as he's instructing them what to do, how to be good so he might consider ending this sweet torture
Note: he doesn't, duh. Man is ruthless
BUT he does respect the safe word, and drops everything before his partner is even done saying it, in the case that they really were so overstimulated that they couldn't take another second
He insists that he's a pretty normal guy, but he has a secret costume fetish lol*
You throw on a bunny suit or a little nurse outfit and all the rules are out the window; He'd definitely fuck you into next week for that, all while teasing about how you dressed up just for him and just to get his attention
"You wanted my attention, right? Well.. you're getting it now, don't say it's too much for you to handle."
I also think he has fantasies about having threesomes with Giotto if he hasn't already because they're besties and that's what friends are for, right? He gets so hot under the collar thinking about how good his partner would look bent over, presenting their ass to Giotto while he caresses their cheek and firmly gathers their hair at the nape of their neck to guide their hot mouth onto his dick; Also the way that their moans would feel around him as Giotto fills them up..
*No school uniforms ya nasties, I don't condone sexualization of minors
Daemon Spade
He's so mean... and so freaky, if you haven't seen what he did to Mukuro's body, you don't know what kind of horrors this man could stomach... @ Daemon Spade dni w my blog pls + ty
Likes strapping his partners down to chairs with their arms bound behind their backs and legs spread open and restrained, perhaps even a blindfold or a gag as he sets up some toys to bring them to orgasm over and over until they're shaking and on the verge of tears;
He'd take the gag and blindfold off just to see the desperation in their eyes and to give them some heated kisses, upping the speed so that he feels how they twitch and writhe in response to the intensity
And he just likes to watch, maybe while stroking himself and saying the dirtiest things in that hushed voice...
"You think you've suffered enough? I don't think so... be a good pet for me, won't you?"
With his use of illusions, his partners can essentially live their wildest sexual fantasies all with Daemon, but sometimes they almost lose track of what's real and what isn't; He's careful at that point, he wants to use illusions to amplify the pleasure, but it's still a kind of playing with the mind and it can lead to dissociation if he overdoes it and exhausts them mentally
He's sensitive to their mental state and always backs off when he knows it's too much; He's terrified of actually hurting them and would never forgive himself
He's also super cheesy when he's not in the kinky dungeon mood, with candles and rose petals, and his touches and kisses are feather light and softer than ever, as if you're made of glass... his little treasure
How do you feel about restraints?
This man has no shame lol he's be on a business call with the others just languidly stroking himself in and out of his partner's mouth as they hold back their own moans and mewls, hands tied behind them (not the handcuffs asdhfsjd those are weapons?? don't do kink stuff w the same cuffs you do killing ppl stuff w duh)
And he has that same piercing blank stare as he's doing it too ??!?! It's the worst, it'll get your knees practically shaking how heavy his gaze is as the people on the other end of the call chit chat away about this plan and that plan
Once they all hang up, he roughly pulls out and sets the phone down before gripping his lover's hips and pushing them onto the nearest surface (a table, a bed, hell maybe even the kitchen counter ehe free real estate ! :) and swipes his fingers over their wet sex
"Naughty little one... so good for me, though.. are you ready for your reward, dove?"
He's always the one in control and refuses to give it up, loves pressing his partner down against any surface and taking them to pound town
And he's quiet, nothing but low, breathy groans, and the occasional pretty gasp if you're lucky; That makes it fun when he gets a call back for "one last thing, guys.." (talk about phone sex)
I don't think he's particularly kinky, but he's quite efficient and tends to have clothed sex, just unbuckling his belt and pushing his partner's undergarments to the side for access, just so he can fuck them silly over his desk before he gets back to his paperwork
His mistake was leaving the paperwork on the desk; The one time he was exceptionally mean was after the fact when he realized there was some drool and tears on the documents
Guess who's getting a little Alaude administered punishment? <33
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As a side note, this one probably includes some of the most graphic scenes I've ever written and I'M SO INSECURE ABOUT IT like even writing the d word made me feel like I need to go light some incense and pray for my spirit now ALSO This isn't proofread I don't proofread anything I write lolol hope u enjoyed anyway !!
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