#I think it’s because of how I displayed them so 🤷
camtot · 1 year
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Shop update tonight!
I’ll be updating my webshop at 6pm Sydney time tonight (Friday 23rd)! There’s a bunch of stuff! For the first 3 days it’ll be Aus shipping only and then I’ll be opening it internationally :)
The previews up now so go have a look if you’re interested 🌝
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hazelnut-u-out · 6 months
Ahoy! I’m here to talk about the scene in ‘Unmortricken’ again because it’s one of those that pops into my head at 3am.
Another thing I think really adds a layer of depth to C-137’s character and his dynamic with Prime in this scene are their facial expressions, body language, and how they pair with the dialogue choices.
Despite C-137’s lack of dialogue, there are three moments where his resolve breaks and he lets out animalistic shouts/surges in his attack.
1.) ‘I showed you infinity.’
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It makes me wonder what about this statement is special. Is infinity equivalent to nothing when you have access to it? Is ‘infinity’ an absurd understatement of what Prime introduced him to?
2.) ‘Raise echoes of my daughter?’
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I’m sure we get what this one’s about… Ouch. Reminds me of the Diane AI’s dialogue.
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3.) ‘Admit it. You would’ve been me.’
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I think this hit a little too close to home. I think C-137 likes to believe this isn’t true, but he’ll never know for sure. There’s no way to ‘prove’ him wrong. That’s probably what haunts him the most.
He very deliberately doesn’t tell Prime how much the death of his family destroyed him. This moment was about Prime knowing C-137 beat him. This moment was about Prime being afraid, not C-137’s grief or rage.
You can see his facial expression change each time Prime strikes a particular chord:
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Super subtle, but it’s there. You can see him get angry that Prime dared to mention Morty, but he holds back. He listens until it’s about Beth.
Hmm… Thematic much? Or just a cosmetic connection my mind mistakes for thematic? *ba dum tsss*
Prime laughed until the end, but there are moments you can see him flinch, bite back pain, or dissolve into desperate anger in spite of his giddy/amused mask.
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I feel like he even checks to see if Rick saw him wince here.
But… What’s Prime’s motivation if he’s talking to a ‘lesser Rick’? Why waste the energy on trying to hit a nerve or prod for a reaction if he doesn’t care at all?
He gets off on knowing there are infinite Ricks out to get him, and none of them can. He gets off on making them kill each other. Prime is a man of theatrics and grand display, but I don’t think that’s because he’s actually a nihilistic arrogant asshole. I think it’s because he feeds off of the reactions he elicits. He’s so fragile that he needs that acknowledgment of his power to feel powerful, and he needs to feel powerful to be whole.
At the end of the day, Prime has to confront that none of these Ricks are hunting him as much for their hatred of him as they are for their grief of Diane. She’s what they’ll remember. She still has control.
Take a look at the symbolism in his lair. He literally lives in Diane’s shadow.
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Somehow, Diane must have bruised his ego.
I’d wager that’s why he erased her. Now, for the big question: Was that because he’s a classic misogynistic abuser whose ego can’t handle a woman with agency, or was it because someone chose her over him?
I know which I’d prefer to see. 🤷
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smollucy · 4 months
My Feelings about the current news on the A:TLA live-action:
I feel like this about it: Not everything is going to be like how it was in the series. For example, how people were complaining about the characters, mostly Katara, Sokka, Zuko and Azula—do you really expect for them to have the same proportions as that of a cartoon? Okay, Katra's and Sokka's eyes aren't blue in the series. That only works for the cartoon because it displays a clear separation of the four nations... Because you can usually tell which nation someone came from based on their eye color. But this is a LIVE ACTION, are you really going to notice the eye color as you would in the cartoon? Or Katara's skin color. It's just the lighting...
(someone added the hair loopies and necklace lmao)
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Or Azula. She's 14 in the series but the makeup adds a few more years. In the L-A she looks 14...of course she's going to have rounder and softer features instead of sharper ones like she has in the series.
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But that's what I like about it... On the outside she seems sweet or even harmless but clearly as we have seen, this is not the case.
I can go on and on about the complaints but to the next part.
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The removal of Sokka's sexism or "iffy" parts is something I can agree with the masses on. Even if it lasted like, 3 episodes, it was a major part of his character development and it sucks that they wrote him out to be this serious, non-humorous character. In the official trailer though, I like how they portrayed him a little bit though. I wonder how they're going to introduce Sokka and Suki. I imagine it's gonna be pretty hard to do since they took that part away from him :(
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I mean, honestly? I'm okay with this. This is supposed to be a serious adaptation of ATLA, so it makes sense on why they would do this. In all honesty, nothing they do is ever going to satisfy us because we keep complaining... In my opinion, I still see great potential in the new adaptation and I don't think we should be quick to shut it down because of some changes. At this point, just watch the animated series ATLA. That's what I'm going to do 🤷
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isleofair · 6 months
❤️ 🥳 🦈
For your ask game :)
😍😍😍 Thank you so much for the ask!!! 💕💕💕
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
Oh my gosh, this might be the best question, but also the hardest. Let me think...
I have a couple that I really like but are objectively a little over the top 😅 But one I just keep appreciating in my head is this one from Stereoscopy (The Hero's Shoulders):
He found a door on the roof, and opened it without any issues, but just inside, when he was alone and out of sight, he had to take a moment to stop and take the helmet off.
The displays had gotten too blurry to see.
Keith wiped his eyes roughly, took a deep breath, and then shoved the helmet back onto his head before flying down the stairs, all sensors on high alert.
He had a job to do, and he would do it, even though he was a massive, hopeless, heartbroken idiot.
🥳 Why did you start writing fanfic?
I desperately wanted (needed) more FireSky fic, and sometimes, when you want a job done, you just have to do it yourself 🤷 (as a bonus, I got exactly the fic I wanted to read, because I wrote it for myself 😅)
🦈 Which character is the toughest to write?
It might be Nathan. I love writing her, but she's so different from me in so many ways, and the version of them I have in my head is sometimes a bit limited to how they are in The Rising and Season 2 (not a bad thing, since she was written in a much better way in those, but I do have to make a conscious effort not to flatten her characterization too much).
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goldenfox3 · 8 months
I already xeeted this on xitter but then I realized it'd be easier to compile and tag it for later ref here so 🤷 musing on Falcon and Stewart's relationship with their names and how others refer to them here:
Normally I'd say going from writing TKRB fic to writing FZ fic would be funny because of the many JP honorifics in TKRB and the lack of them in FZ (EN). But I feel some of that name choice conveying relationships in writing Falcon and Stewart because both use their surname. In the case of game Falcon he doesn't even have a proper canonical first name ("Douglas" being dubiously canon) and exclusively uses his surname. So allowing someone to know and call him by his given name is a huge display of trust+intimacy.
Rob is this to a lesser degree bc everyone knows his first name most just use his title or sometimes surname or a combination. But I still feel like people calling him Robert (or any diminutive) is also a show of intimacy if not on the extreme degree of Falcon's case. I like to use the names they refer to each other as as a way to show the development in their relationship (whether friendship or romance). I always have to double check when I swap points of view in fic with them because I'll often accidentally write Robert when switching from his to Falcon's POV and be like no they are not at that stage yet calm down...Falcon however is usually "Falcon" even in his own POV because that's how I think he conceptualises his own identity lol. It's only when he reveals his usually-disused first name to Rob that he begins to think of himself as that person as well again (can you tell I also have a complicated relationship with names lol).
Andy Falcon is even more of a complicated relationship with names bc of the many identities, which I often dig into in fics with him lol. It's fun to explore through writing how he refers to himself and how others refer to him as Andy/Bart/Falcon/etc. depending on the context, plus his different dynamic with anime Stewart re: being old friends and already having intimacy, imagining if they may already refer to each other by first name or if Andy tried to be proper when he was still a baby cadet despite Rob's efforts to be more familiar and it stuck all the way until they met again and/or got together.
As for anime (and game) Stewart, for both of them I think going by the surname is a point of pride because of the connection to his father. And of course the title is what he is, a doctor who worked hard to achieve that title. So allowing someone to call him Robert is a gesture like "I can just be me with you", just like Falcon allowing usage of his first name over "Captain" or "Falcon" is a signal that he doesn't have to put on a performance and can just be a self that may be "lesser" than the image he tries to project but is one that authentically, completely trusts the other.
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musiclover2732 · 2 years
so idk if i’m gonna be able to collect the new G3 Monster High dolls cuz that’s a lot of money and i need space to display them but here’s my list of the dolls we’ve seen leaked from top priority to least priority (i’m on mobile so unfortunately i can’t put this under a cut 😢)
Frankie Stein: i love the story of Frankenstein and i loved G1 Frankie but i felt like the design could have pulled more from the novel and the original Universal film. G3 Frankie delivers on that. the platform shoes are fangtastic and i love the nonbinary rep especially as someone who is nonbinary but often female presenting but masculine-leaning. they have an almost masc face compared to the “girl” dolls while still wearing cute blouses and skirts. and i think watzie is cuter than watzit 🤷
Draculaura: i’ve warmed up to her a lot since i was a kid since i went thru the character arc of liking pink again. this isn’t to say i didn’t like her since she was one of the few dolls i had two of (dead tired & ghouls rule drac, dead tired & dawn of the dance cleo, dead tired & dot dead gorgeous lagoona). i really love how she’s a modern ghoul who seems to take inspiration from goth/cottagecore tiktok which makes sense for an old teen vampire who wants to be trendy while still staying on brand for 1600 years. i also agree with many that she’s the best looking and best quality out of the leaks we’ve gotten.
Lagoona Pink: yeah she may not be blue anymore but i love this vibe for her and the pink is a lot less washed out (lol) than i was expecting. she looks like a tropical mermaid which is cute considering i heard she’s hispanic now! she was my fav as a kid and i lover her new design cuz it shows how you can be sport and feminine, but also not just all pink. i love that she comes with a swimsuit cuz that’s the closest thing we have to how Rainbow High dolls have a second outfit and she still has other cool accessories plus a wonky ass Neptuna that i love and would die for.
Cleo de Nile: the queen herself. love the blue hair, love the makeup (those lips with the gold!!), love her darker skin tone, love the molded mummy wraps and the inclusion of them more in her outfit than just an afterthought. her canopic jar is precious and somewhat disturbing (which is on brand for her lore) and her gyro has nostalgic vibes for me (regional thing for me personally). i wasn’t really vibing with her boots at first but now that i can see them more as mummy wraps they look so much better. also i appreciate that they replaced Hissette since she was a gift from Deuce and this Cleo isn’t dating him. it’s good attention to detail. and her new pet is very cute and better fitting for her character.
Clawdeen Wolf: i absolutely hated G1 Clawdeen because i always felt she was just a little too rude with her friends and very poorly dressed for a fashion designer. her clothes never really did it for me and even her Scaris doll (my fav outfit of hers from my fav movie about her) didn’t do much for me. this new ghoul however is checking all the boxes. she’s still confident and fierce but doesn’t tear others down to feel good but rather builds herself up. she has a much sportier style which makes sense for a werewolf. her whole outfit is something i would love to wear and the sneaker with the paw-print treads are exactly what a werewolf should wear. her molded tufts of fur are something that really bring in the werewolf look alongside her dog nose so she doesn’t just look like a person with wolf ears. obviously i am not a fan of the cheap ass hair especially after getting a Rainbow High doll (mattel what are y’all doing over there cutting corners on your main character) and the glasses still feel a little awkward to me cuz her ears are at the top of her head so they’re only holding onto sculpted fur (a simple solution would be if they were goggles or regular glasses with a strap).
Toralei Stripe: yes villain girl has a band. she was never my favorite and the probably poly hair doesn’t help but i do like her punk rock style and making her a singer is a really cool take after Boo York, Boo York: A Monsteriffic Musical. it makes sense that she’d be a good singer because of her copycat ability and she always had the punk rock look so it’s good to have a real reason for it this time. and Sweet Tooth is adorable. i’m into paleontology so having a saber tooth cat as a pet is awesome
overall i’m very happy about these new dolls. they’re very high quality for a play line doll. they come with a ton of accessories which are great for people who want to play with the dolls in fun and engaging ways rather than having a stand to display them plus they can stand on their own just fine. i would rather have tons of accessories to play around with, come up with scenarios and stories, and use in photography than a cheap piece of plastic to make them do something they already can that i could order for less online. i love the articulation in the dolls as i’m a huge fan and it’s kind of a must have for me since i enjoy realism and posing toys. it’s what drew me to the original line and made me dump barbie, plus mattel does it really well (their Indoraptor was my first buy from the Jurassic World line and their Jurassic Park Hammond Collection is on my radar). i also love the added articulation at the torso cuz that’s something many dolls lack. they also have the varying body types which makes much more sense for a character based doll line. hot take but i prefer these dolls over the originals and i’m glad i cleared those out and will be trying to add as many of these as possible to my collection!
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greatpain · 23 days
yejide: 🍀💡 maxime: 📚💖 guinevere: 🔪👖
MEMEPROMPT : oc emoji asks
[ 🍀 CLOVER - does YEJIDE believe in luck? are they lucky? ]
kind of? yejide doesn't believe in luck exactly, but they do believe that sometimes things happen for a reason, and that the best thing to do is to just let it happen. he wouldn't attribute the recent mercy things to bad or good luck, but rather just Things That Happened and it was out of their control. they do believe in karma more than they do luck, which is why he tries to do good always to have some of that returned to him, whether that be in the form of good luck or something else. at the end of it they're a math person and luck is just statistics dressed up all pretty so 🤷
[ 💡 LIGHTBULB - is YEJIDE a planner? do they write down every small detail or just wing it? ]
absolutely no planning in the yejide muyiwa household sorry! she prides herself on being a quick thinker, and quick thinkers can't think quickly if they're always relying on pre-planned things. she much prefers the chaos of just winging it and seeing what happens. yejide claims that their best ideas come from having not planned or thought about doing what they want at all. holidays + birthdays are exceptions to this as she wants to make sure that the person they are celebrating is enjoying their day to the fullest. for celebrations, she goes all out with planning months in advance.
[ 📚 BOOKS - how was MAXIME at school? what is their best subject? what is their worst subject? do they have a favourite subject? ]
i can't lie to you max was a supernerd :( he did incredibly well in studies, consistently ranking the highest in his class, and he only really fell off after the death of his parents, after which he struggled quite a bit. over all, his favorite subjects would be biology + chemistry in high school, & biomedical ethics in university. these were also his best subjects. his worst subject over all was anything to do with economics / finance / etc.
[ 💖 SPARKLING HEART - is MAXIME a subtle or a showy lover? ]
definitely more on the subtle side! he's very generous with his affections because he doesn't see the point in hiding them when life is so fleeting (mind you he got divorced for no fucking reason?) however he has a difficult time showing it, especially outside of the comfort of privacy. he's not excessively fond of public displays of affection. shows love through quality time + acts of service and in relationships will do a lot of acts of service as he likes to feel useful. he may not explicitly say he loves you but you will know, and that goes for both platonic and romantic dynamics.
[ 🔪 KNIFE - how does GUINEVERE react to injury / misfortune befalling their loved ones (significant other, family, friends)? do they put themselves at blame? ]
neve's first instinct is to blame herself, especially when she sees it happen, as it did with both her friend & brother. in her mother's case, she blames that on external forces (mercy) because she, in her eyes, had no direct involvement and no influence in changing what happened. neve becomes extremely investigative during these times and will often start isolating herself as she figures it's the best way to 'solve' the 'problem'. spoiler: it isn't.
[ 👖 JEANS - what is GUINEVERE'S go-to outfit? ]
her casual / every-day outfits blend style & comfort! she generally goes for some nice trouser pants and a solid color blouse or turtleneck that works with anything. they also prefer to dress it up sometimes with a statement jacket, coat, or jewelry.
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softmafia · 2 years
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𝐵𝑒𝓁𝒶𝓉𝑒𝒹 𝒱𝒶𝓁𝑒𝓃𝓉𝒾𝓃𝑒’𝓈 𝒟𝒶𝓎 𝒫𝑜𝓈𝓉
Warnings: fem y/n, nsfw, sex in a public area(not really public since its after hours but.... ??)
A/n: I’m sorry that this took so long to get out, I should’ve done this before or after v-day instead of at midnight buttttt 🤷
Hisoka examined the interior around him as the sounds of echoed footsteps filled his ears. The magician, Chrollo and the spiders had a mission that required them to steal a few marine life from an aquarium.. possibly to sell them on the black market, but Hisoka wasn’t too interested. Although he had to admit, the dark after-hour lighting of the aquarium was a beautiful sight to see. A dark blue color of light danced along the walls, floor, the pillars and even his own body.
It would be quite a peaceful place to hang out in if he wasn’t on a Troupe mission right now.
Although despite the amount of apathy he was putting out from his facial expression and body language; he was feeling quite.. empty. He couldn’t put his finger on his own emotions at times but a lingering feeling of sadness was making him subtly check his phone every once in a while. He would make a cycle of turning it on at his side, glancing at the screen from the corner of his eye, then feeling more upset at the lack of notifications.
It was none other than the day of Saint Valentine’s, but his little minx hadn’t given him a visit today, so the one thing he was hoping on now was at least a call or text. But no, there was nothing.
Well.. technically, it was the day after, since it had just hit midnight, which was yet another knife that stabbed through Hisoka’s cold heart.
Hisoka sighed quietly and checked his phone for the last time before giving up, putting it in his pocket.
He paused and watched as the spiders followed Chrollo like a pack of dogs, Hisoka couldn’t help but scoff to himself once they had walked out of hearing distance. He turned towards the tank display he had stopped in front of, the blue florescent light painted his skin as he stepped closer. The man watched intently with his hands on his hips, the great white shark was trailing pursuit on its prey.
In reality, sharks weren’t a danger unless provoked.. although Hisoka couldn’t help but find himself captivated as the aquatic beast inched closer and closer towards the terrified, cornered fish until-
Hisoka’s eyes suddenly snapped open, his heart began to pump with adrenaline in his chest as his fight or flight instincts shifted in gear. Two hands, dainty and small, slapped down on his shoulder from behind, making the hair on the back of his neck stand in shock. He gripped a card between his fingers and swiftly turned, scowled and pressing the card against the perpetrator’s neck.
A soft breath escaped his lips as he came face to face with the woman he had been yearning for.. “Dammit.” He swore under his breath, letting his arm hang to the side as he shook his head. Even though his expression had softened, he was still stern. “Be more careful, girl.” He frowned as he narrowed his eyes at the grinning woman, “I nearly killed you.”
Y/n sashayed towards him, arms waved gracefully to her side as she pushed their body’s closer; her soft torso was flush against his, “But ya didn’t~” she mused, “But even if you did.. the guilt would eat away at you eventually~”
Hisoka sighed, he couldn’t help but feel a little bit conflicted at her words because.. she was right. He would never admit such an absurdity but if he had accidentally killed the only woman who had let him in and gave him the attention he craved for, he didn’t think he could ever forgive himself. He didn’t want to think about what it was like, the festering guilt boiling inside of him and quite literally devouring him from the inside. Hisoka wanted to throw up.
“How did you know where I was~?” The magician changed the subject quickly.
“Mm.. Franklin told me~” the girl smiled at him and tilted her hip to the side, her hands innocently clasped behind herself.
Hisoka paused for a moment, stammering and looking off to the side before furrowing his brows at her, “You talked to him, but not me?” He hissed at her, you could practically taste the venom in his words. Y/n rolled her eyes and rose up on her tippy toes, “It’s not like I had a full blown sit down conversation with him.” She groaned, her arms crossed over her chest as she slouched, “He just happened to be the last troupie I texted. I just talked to him until he told me where you’d be.” She shrugged and stood straight up again, her back arched beautifully, curved in a way that sent chills down Hisoka’s body and right to his groin..
You have my number.. why didn’t you talk to me?! Hisoka exhaled out of his nose, he wanted to shout; but he kept his composure. Of course.. Y/n had worked with the spiders about once or twice in the past, but only for personal gain. He couldn’t blame the girl though, he was practically doing the same thing with extra steps.
“You look tense..~” She whispered and lifted her hands, placing them on his shoulders; much more gently this time. Hisoka couldn’t help but let out a pent up groan when she began to paw at his shoulders, rubbing them rhythmically as she looked at him with those hypnotizing puppy eyes. “Baby. You had my hopes up all day.” He frowned at her, but couldn’t control himself when his hands floated towards her hips, the card he was previously holding fell to the ground. Y/n pressed her lips together and looked to the side, “I know.. I’m sorry.” She looked around, before pulling away and grabbing his wrist, “Let me make it up to you!” She hummed and strode into a separate area of the building, probably a lounge room.
There was a perfect view of one of the other tanks, the blue hue lit up the room, just like the rest. But Hisoka’s eyes weren’t on the tank this time, they were glued to Y/n, the blue light hugged around her. She was the most beautiful sight he had ever seen.
He fell back as she pushed him onto one of the white couches, “Careful.. I’m not one of your teddy bears.” He laughed, but then he shifted into a low, sensual growl as he watched her start to undress. Y/n hummed as she peeled off her clothes one by one until she was dressed in nothing but bra and panties. She swiftly moved onto his lap, straddling one of his thighs as she worked on undoing his pants. Hisoka raised his brows as he watched her movements, she was so focused.. he smirked as one hand went to her hip again, his eyes shifted onto her body, examining it and appreciating her curves.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Hiski~” she giggled, pressing her finger against the slit of his cock, gently swirling it around as she sat up, looking down at him with a lustful yet loving glint in her eyes.
That nickname.. Hiski was so immature and cutesy but he felt so warm whenever she called out that name. Granted, it took him awhile to warm up to the pet name, at first he thought it was stupid like she was making a mockery out of him; but overtime he couldn’t help but think it was sort of adorable..
Y/n lowered herself onto his lap further, interlocking her hand with his free one as she pulled her panties to the side. “There you go, baby..” Hisoka whispered, low and sensual as he moved his other hand up her body, reaching her breast so he could pull her bra strap down, letting one of her tits pop out for his viewing. It made the magician smirk at how it happily popped out of its container to greet him, how it slightly pushed up against the area of her bra.
He slid his hand down to her hip again and helped her hover over his cock, “Relax for me, Y/n, baby..” he cooed at her, soft and quiet. Y/n whimpered and held onto his shoulder with her other hand, his tip poked inside of her, making her gasp softly. Hisoka chuckled at her reaction, and lowered her down until she was wrapped around his base. Both of them were letting out strained, lustrous breaths and noises, Y/n was trembling on his cock; she always struggled to take his length.. “My little Y/n.. so tight.” Hisoka grunted, screwing his eyes shut as Y/n began to lift her hips, up and down in a soft rhythm.
Y/n chewed on her bottom lip, a mangled whine left her lips as she began to pick up her pace, soft wet slaps echoed through the dark room as she brought herself down on him. Hisoka’s eyes narrowed, chuckling as he watched her fuck herself on his cock, so eager to have him in her walls.. despite the pain of the stretch, she wanted to push through until the pleasure began to rake at her body. Hisoka grunted and panted in tune with the movements of her hips, “Good.. good girl.” He whispered, his voice was gruff, his jaw was clenched with pure pleasure.
“Mmmhh~” Y/n mumbled as she chewed on a mouthful of his shirt, but he didn’t care, she could eat his shirt whole and he wouldn’t mind at all.. although he would be concerned if she actually did that, but not surprised.
Hisoka’s hips jerked up involuntarily, his body succumbed to his repressed, primal urges, he squeezed Y/n’s hand with one hand, and squeezed her hip with the other. Y/n’s gummy walls squeezed his cock, like a serpent, filling him with lust and sinful desires.. he growled sharply and dug his nails into her skin. Y/n’s mouth fell open, releasing his shirt as she let out a loud gasp, “Gggh-!” She twitched, and buried him deep inside of her, pushing her hips firmly against him as she came, her orgasm shook her to her core. The pressure had her eyes rolling back and trembling even more than she already was. Hisoka, lost in his own orgasmic daze, groaned out primally, his eyes rolled back into his head as well, he came into her. The rush of white, sticky liquid was all too familiar to her cunt.
They both panted heavily, catching themselves and holding each other tightly. “Mmh~” The woman giggled as a smile spread across her cheeks, “See? Told you I could make it up to you!” She poked at his nose and gave his large, rough hand a soft squeeze.
Hisoka leaned his head back on the seat and chuckled, “Ah.. not exactly the Valentine’s Day I planned out, dear..” he whispered and looked down at her, but then furrowed his brows when he heard faint footsteps. He held her hips and pulled her off of him to sit her down beside him. Y/n frowned when she heard the footsteps, a spider probably looking for their missing “member”, her cheek pressed against the couch as she pouted, figuring that the fun was over now.
“Oh, don’t be sad, baby.” Hisoka cooed, standing up and fastening his belt around his pants after zipping his trousers, “Go back to my apartment and rest, dear. Drop whatever you’re doing tomorrow because I’m taking you out to dinner~”
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jynzandtonic · 3 years
ugh Z I once again had to unfollow a blog I really liked bc they jumped on the “Adam should cheat and have an affair with Gaga it’s be so hot 🥵” train I feel like people put that into the universe every time he has a new female costar and I don’t get why people can’t just be respectful of the actual real AD and that he’s happily married with a son and keep those thots to his characters like I’m all for putting that in fics and having fics that involve infidelity but that can ruin people (child of divorce here brought on bc my dad cheated 🥴) and I just can’t wrap my head around wishing the real dude would cheat on his wife and do that to his fam
- sorry silly rant over I’m sure I’m just being triggered (also ik it’s usually people joking around but they ~really~ should still tw: infidelity tbh) but I’m just so tired of seeing people legit want that every time they think he has a hot costar and that him having a good working relationship/having respect for them is = to him wanting to fuck them or having had an affair like cmon just channel that into fics or thots where real people aren’t in the mix
Um... ex... excuse me?
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So, there are a few things I'm thinkin' about.
A big one is the way we can treat celebrities as public domain rather than actual people, and the lack of respect toward their autonomy/privacy that comes with it. I mean, yeah, it's always fun to indulge in some good ol' thirsting, and yeah, I'm sure I've said shit that'd make the dude blanch if he ever saw it haha. I'm not here to draw some grand line in the sand about what's okay and what's not, but I will say I personally think it's kinda weird when fans start shipping/fanonizing the real people (and please, pleaaase don't make me mention the absolute wackadoodles who support another certain real-person AD 'ship *shudders*). Like... he's a dude with a wife of nearly a decade and a son—both of whom he adores by all accounts. As far as I know, Gaga is in a relationship, too. Give 'em all some space to breathe, maybe?
The other thing is the (mostly heterosexual lolz) tendency to read any display of affection or chemistry between two people as ~UNDENIABLY ROMANTIC AND SEXUAL~. Just because people have fun and good rapport with each other doesn't mean they're absolutely frothing to fuck. Platonic intimacy is great. Platonic affection is great. Again, let people breathe?
Idk. Weird shit. I don't think it's inappropriate to acknowledge a bangin' hot pair of people (cause yeah, both AD and Gaga are mega-babes)... I just don't love the idea of anything that veers toward real-person shipping. 🤷 To each their own, I suppose.
I totally understand how this all could be triggering for you considering your history—I'm so glad you're able to establish personal boundaries and keep your own space safe by unfollowing peeps as needed.
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musiclover2732 · 1 year
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so idk if i’m gonna be able to collect the new G3 Monster High dolls cuz that’s a lot of money and i need space to display them but here’s my list of the dolls we’ve seen leaked from top priority to least priority (i’m on mobile so unfortunately i can’t put this under a cut 😢)
Frankie Stein: i love the story of Frankenstein and i loved G1 Frankie but i felt like the design could have pulled more from the novel and the original Universal film. G3 Frankie delivers on that. the platform shoes are fangtastic and i love the nonbinary rep especially as someone who is nonbinary but often female presenting but masculine-leaning. they have an almost masc face compared to the “girl” dolls while still wearing cute blouses and skirts. and i think watzie is cuter than watzit 🤷
Draculaura: i’ve warmed up to her a lot since i was a kid since i went thru the character arc of liking pink again. this isn’t to say i didn’t like her since she was one of the few dolls i had two of (dead tired & ghouls rule drac, dead tired & dawn of the dance cleo, dead tired & dot dead gorgeous lagoona). i really love how she’s a modern ghoul who seems to take inspiration from goth/cottagecore tiktok which makes sense for an old teen vampire who wants to be trendy while still staying on brand for 1600 years. i also agree with many that she’s the best looking and best quality out of the leaks we’ve gotten.
Lagoona Pink: yeah she may not be blue anymore but i love this vibe for her and the pink is a lot less washed out (lol) than i was expecting. she looks like a tropical mermaid which is cute considering i heard she’s hispanic now! she was my fav as a kid and i lover her new design cuz it shows how you can be sport and feminine, but also not just all pink. i love that she comes with a swimsuit cuz that’s the closest thing we have to how Rainbow High dolls have a second outfit and she still has other cool accessories plus a wonky ass Neptuna that i love and would die for.
Cleo de Nile: the queen herself. love the blue hair, love the makeup (those lips with the gold!!), love her darker skin tone, love the molded mummy wraps and the inclusion of them more in her outfit than just an afterthought. her canopic jar is precious and somewhat disturbing (which is on brand for her lore) and her gyro has nostalgic vibes for me (regional thing for me personally). i wasn’t really vibing with her boots at first but now that i can see them more as mummy wraps they look so much better. also i appreciate that they replaced Hissette since she was a gift from Deuce and this Cleo isn’t dating him. it’s good attention to detail. and her new pet is very cute and better fitting for her character.
Clawdeen Wolf: i absolutely hated G1 Clawdeen because i always felt she was just a little too rude with her friends and very poorly dressed for a fashion designer. her clothes never really did it for me and even her Scaris doll (my fav outfit of hers from my fav movie about her) didn’t do much for me. this new ghoul however is checking all the boxes. she’s still confident and fierce but doesn’t tear others down to feel good but rather builds herself up. she has a much sportier style which makes sense for a werewolf. her whole outfit is something i would love to wear and the sneaker with the paw-print treads are exactly what a werewolf should wear. her molded tufts of fur are something that really bring in the werewolf look alongside her dog nose so she doesn’t just look like a person with wolf ears. obviously i am not a fan of the cheap ass hair especially after getting a Rainbow High doll (mattel what are y’all doing over there cutting corners on your main character) and the glasses still feel a little awkward to me cuz her ears are at the top of her head so they’re only holding onto sculpted fur (a simple solution would be if they were goggles or regular glasses with a strap).
Toralei Stripe: yes villain girl has a band. she was never my favorite and the probably poly hair doesn’t help but i do like her punk rock style and making her a singer is a really cool take after Boo York, Boo York: A Monsteriffic Musical. it makes sense that she’d be a good singer because of her copycat ability and she always had the punk rock look so it’s good to have a real reason for it this time. and Sweet Tooth is adorable. i’m into paleontology so having a saber tooth cat as a pet is awesome
overall i’m very happy about these new dolls. they’re very high quality for a play line doll. they come with a ton of accessories which are great for people who want to play with the dolls in fun and engaging ways rather than having a stand to display them plus they can stand on their own just fine. i would rather have tons of accessories to play around with, come up with scenarios and stories, and use in photography than a cheap piece of plastic to make them do something they already can that i could order for less online. i love the articulation in the dolls as i’m a huge fan and it’s kind of a must have for me since i enjoy realism and posing toys. it’s what drew me to the original line and made me dump barbie, plus mattel does it really well (their Indoraptor was my first buy from the Jurassic World line and their Jurassic Park Hammond Collection is on my radar). i also love the added articulation at the torso cuz that’s something many dolls lack. they also have the varying body types which makes much more sense for a character based doll line. hot take but i prefer these dolls over the originals and i’m glad i cleared those out and will be trying to add as many of these as possible to my collection!
10 notes - Posted September 2, 2022
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15 notes - Posted February 10, 2022
would y’all consider a slime girl to be slimy?
16 notes - Posted October 19, 2022
My Prediction for Camp Cretaceous Season Five (season four spoilers ahead but also this is a joke)
Kenji is forced to choose between his father and his friends. Daniel is wealthy and might spend time on this island so theres a very large (oddly familiar) golf course there too. Kenji is a dramatic theater kid who also probably watched disney channel as a kid. i want him to perform Bet On It exactly as it appears in HSM. i want Kenj’s VA to sing it too (i don’t care how good/bad his voice is). i want this to be real and i want it to be the only musical moment in the franchise. Kenji going feral on a golf course while everyone just kinda waits around in awkward silence. universal, hire me.
18 notes - Posted February 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
21 notes - Posted November 18, 2022
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