#I think it's just a minor sinus infection
beta-adjacent · 2 years
Brewing my tea for longer than the allotted time so I can absorb more of the healthy shit: >:D
It tastes like ass: >:(
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epigstolary · 2 years
Big Deal
TW: Medical treatment and discussion of health issues.
Look, I get that you think I need to lose weight. I’m not oblivious. I’ve seen the worried looks you think you’re hiding when I ask you to bring me a fourth portion, or when you have to tell me you couldn’t find the shirt I wanted in a 9xl. I get it. But I really do think you’re making way too big a deal out of it.
Especially when you’re the one who helped me get to this size. I remember a lot of messages from you, back when I was still under 300, about how big you were going to make me, how you didn’t have any limits, how you’d love to see me get immobile and have nothing to do but eat and get even fatter. You pushed more than your fair share of cookies and doughnuts down my throat while you were fondling my growing belly; and you were perfectly happy to explore the rolls and folds spreading over my lap while you were making sure I had chips and soda and plenty of empty calories within reach to grow them even more.
And I’m sure you’ll remember, you certainly didn’t seem to worry about me or my health during my early gains. Where were your objections to me picking up the gainer shake habit, lounging on the couch drinking a two liter of the stuff for an entire weekend? I definitely don’t recall any. In fact, all I remember is how horny you were to see me starting to struggle under my new weight, carrying around a paunch that was hanging lower down my bulging thighs by the day, hauling around a growing ass that was straining my jeans more and more as time went on. I think you even told me how sexy it was when I started getting red-faced doing minor chores around the house, how your chubby little piggy didn’t need to worry about getting out of breath — that all it meant was I’d been doing my job of eating and resting very well.
But I could tell you were getting worried once my hips and thighs were too wide, the fat covering them too thick and bulbous, to fit in the passenger side of your car anymore. Once it started to become genuinely hard to find any clothes I could literally fit into, let alone look good in. Suddenly, there was a lot less food around a lot more of the time, and a lot less talk about how wonderful I’d be as an immobile blob. Instead, you started talking about going on walks together — walks! As if you were actually interested in my fitness all of a sudden. And as if there’s any chance of me hauling these hundreds of pounds of blubber and cellulite, this belly hanging down to my knees and crowned with two plump tits, any further than the driveway. We both know I’m not walking anywhere — waddling, more like — unless there’s a buffet at the end of the trip. Someplace I can settle down on a couple chairs, pull down my elastic waistband to give my belly overhang some desperately needed relief, and have you bring me about ten plates of food so I’ll have the energy to haul all this thickness back to the car.
And yeah, I know what the doctor said. I need to exercise more and eat way less. “All the weight puts you at high risk. Heart attack and stroke is only a matter of time. Blah, blah, blah.” He’s been saying all that since I was 250 and he wanted me to get a gastric bypass to cure my sinus infection. You know these doctors are all fatphobic and won’t even think about anything else once someone’s the least bit overweight. You never hear him talking about how my bad cholesterol hasn’t gone up hardly at all since I broke 400, or how my blood sugar is still barely prediabetic, do you? Nah, he just can’t stand to see a fat person prove him wrong by not being on the verge of having a coronary. He’s probably disappointed that I’m still able to get around at this size, instead of stuck in a hospital bed getting lectured by someone like him about my poor choices every day.
What’s the matter, are you uncomfortable now that you have to deal with the reality of a partner who’s over 700 pounds? Now that you have to grasp my forearm flab and heave backward to help me get up any time I need to get out of bed or off the couch? Does it make you self-conscious that whenever I walk or move or stand, I can’t help but breathe in raspy heaves with the effort of maneuvering more bulk than most people could ever hope to carry? That I’m going to make us the center of attention wherever we go? That the same people judging me for going out in public with fat hanging out of the biggest clothes I can find are probably judging you too for allowing it to happen? If I can handle strangers staring at me and whispering to each other about how a person like me can “let themselves go” so badly, you can sure as hell suck it up and help me get around.
So skip the lectures, the hand-wringing, and the bullshit about being concerned about my health that’s probably in the back of your mind. This is what you signed up for. You wanted a fuckable lardpile of your very own to keep blowing up, and that’s exactly what you got. Sorry it’s not the consequence-free orgy that I guess you were expecting, but it takes a little work to maintain a body like mine. And anyway, deep down under whatever angst you have about our situation, I know you still want me ballooning over a half-ton. Splayed out in bed, arms and legs too swollen with fat to move, belly flowing out past my knees, anchored in place by a massive ass with nothing to do but gorge and try to keep myself entertained. You can’t help wanting it, can you? Whatever worries you may have about where things are going with me — I can see your eyes light up just at the thought of it.
Now, how about you clean up those McDonald’s wrappers, get me a refill of my Coke, and pop a couple of those frozen pizzas in the oven so I can get started on lunch. Sound good? And bring me a couple aspirin, too — I think I pulled the muscle in my shoulder again…
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fuckin-sick-bih · 1 year
I'm Your Rock, Baby. I won't back down.
Fandom: Stranger Things (honestly in my head I was thinking of Tattoo and Florist AU but it's kinky Eddie instead of kinky Steve this time? idk food for thought!) Summary: Steve's been sick and Eddie's been enjoying playing Caretaker. When Steve wakes up from a nap, they watch a movie together and cuddle. CW: cold sneezes, sneezing on partner's neck/shoulder, mention of nose blowing/wiping but really low mess fic for me! Word Count: 1,259 MINORS DNI Author Note: little drabble i did just writing in the tumblr text post thing bc for some reason writing in the tumblr text box makes it easier to write rn? idk, man, don't ask me how my brain works i just live with this traitorous electric meatball
Eddie swayed his hips to the beat of the song as he hand-washed the few items they had that weren't dishwasher safe in the sink, rings sitting on the counter beside him. His phone was softly spitting out one of his current favorites and he was mumbling along, trying to keep quiet so Steve could rest.
Poor Steve had been down for the count the last few days with a nasty cold that had left him utterly exhausted. He scrubbed at the pan he'd made breakfast this morning in as he mulled over the last few days of meds, tissues, sleeping, soup, meds, and more sleeping.
Of course, Eddie was over the moon at getting to take care of Steve. Anytime he got to take care of Steve was a win in his book. His boyfriend was like a walking poster child for hyper independence and Eddie secretly blamed the Harrington parents for that.
Pulling the drain and letting the sink water gurgle down into the abyss, Eddie sighed. He paused his music only to hear sniffling from back in the bedroom. Straining his ears, Eddie swore he heard a catch of breath just before-
"Don't stifle!" Eddie called out instantly, though his tone was fond as he dried his hands.
As he headed back to the bedroom, Eddie spoke again, "You want a sinus infection? That's how you get a sinus infection." He crossed his arms and admired the sight of Steve sitting up in bed with a tissue folded over his nose.
There was a light blush over Steve's face, skin still lightly tanned from summer. "Sorry. Habit. Snf! What were you doing out there? I thought you fell asleep with me?"
The quiet softness as well as how his voice seemed to grate against his throat, making Steve wince a little had Eddie moving over to the bed to sit with him. "Aw, I'm sorry. I woke up and started cleaning up a little is all. Thought I'd let you sleep as long as you could. Seemed like you needed it. How you feeling now, handsome?"
One of Eddie's hands was coming up to brush Steve's bangs back up out of his face, carding lovingly through his hair as well as pressing to his forehead. "Better than I was, honestly, but I th-hih-! ohh no... heh-ih!"
It was like Eddie's whole world was slowing down as he watched and felt Steve's expression crumple into a pre-sneeze show. His brows rose then collapsed into a pleading sort of pinch while his nostrils flared, mouth hovering open.
"E-ehhddieh-! EhX'TSHH! ID'SHuh! Hh...! ugh d'noh..." Steve collapsed forward, head jerking downward to sneeze towards their laps as his face flushed with color. He was scrambling for a tissue, but Eddie was already plucking and handing him several.
"Bless you, sweetheart, jeez." Eddie leaned forward to kiss Steve's forehead and then the top of his head. "You sure you're feeling better?" He teased, trying not to squirm as Steve blew his nose into the wad of tissues.
A little sniffle came from Steve as he finally pulled the tissues away from his face. "Uh-huh. Just think it's moved to my head. I'm all-" He gestured vaguely to his face and head with a pointed finger and sniffled again. "What's that word you use?"
Eddie made a strangled little sound and rested a hand on Steve's knee. "Stuffy?" He suggested helpfully, praying his boyfriend was searching for a more vanilla term.
"Sure. That." Steve replied with an amused little grin and Eddie knew right then and there that Steve was feeling better if he was getting one of those smiles.
Without warning, Eddie leaned in to press a soft kiss to Steve's lips before pulling back. "Brat." He took a moment to pretend to examine him, going so far as to thoughtfully tap his chin for dramatic effect. "You feel up to watching a movie on the couch with me?"
Steve looked amused at first, but he was quickly looking more and more distracted. "Yeah, I... I think I can manage- that..." His eyes went unfocused as he tried to respond to Eddie's question and Eddie knew pretty quickly what was going on as his eyes flicked to Steve's cherry-red, chapped nostrils that twitched and flared.
"Hiih... IXX'TShhuh!" Steve lurched forward towards their laps again with his powerful sneeze that had tears springing to his eyes. "Ugh, sorry. That might end up happening... more- heh...ihh-hh! ISSHHuh! God, sorry." 
. . .
Twenty minutes later found Steve curled up in Eddie's lap on the couch with Princess Bride playing on their television. Eddie was playing with Steve's hair as his head rested on his shoulder, legs sprawled over his lap.
They were both covered in a blanket and Steve had the box of tissues in his lap, one in his hand which he kept dabbing at his nose with. Eddie was doing his best to pay attention to the movie, but if he was being honest with himself he could quote the whole thing from start to finish just by where in the musical score they were.
So instead he doted softly on Steve who was sleepily watching the movie. Not much energy to do anything else as Eddie pressed soft kisses to his forehead, hair, eyebrows, and even the bridge of his nose once.
Though that had made Steve's eyes well with ticklish tears and his nostrils flared as his breath hitched softly, "E-Ehhddie, that's gonna... huh-! m-make me s-sneeze..."
"Oh, is it?" Eddie practically purred as he lifted a hand to gently tap the pad of his pointer finger against the side of Steve's nose. "Hadn't noticed."
"IHIshhiiew! IXt'Hue!" Steve exploded moments after the tap like that was all he needed to be set off. Eyes watering, bright red nose twitching and shining ever so slightly around the chapped rim. "Ugh, snf! you're a menace, Munson. Absolute snff! menace. Those good for you? Or should I nix the tissues and use you instead?"
A shudder ran through Eddie at Steve's words and he groaned, letting his head tip back. "That's playing dirty, Stevie, and you know it. You can't dirty talk me while you're sick and sneezy." Then came the soft feeling of plump lips traveling over his throat and the subtle brush of a damp nose tip against his Adam's apple.
Eddie would deny at all costs the noise that garnered from him.
It did get Steve to chuckle, though. "Like you tapping my nose isn't playing dirty. You made me sneeze. That- hhh... oh h-hang on... gonna- hihh..."
This time Eddie didn't get to watch Steve's build up, but he could feel it. Every stuttering inhale pressed up against him, the way his fingers curled against Eddie's shirt ever so slightly, and how Steve tucked into his shoulder with a final wavering. "Hihh-ih!" Before finally pressing his face into Eddie's neck and shoulder as he sneezed, "IHHxT'Shuh! Ohh- snf! shit, I forget what I was saying." He admitted, chuckling a little again as he pressed a tissue to his running nose.
Meanwhile, Eddie was getting his heart rate under control and running his fingertips lovingly along Steve's back up and down. "Bless you, pumpkin. Okay, I promise-" And Eddie made a little X over his heart with his free hand. "No more teasing my poor boyfriend's nose unless he asks or he's all better, deal?"
And then Steve gave him a wicked smile. One that only meant one thing. "I never said it was a bad thing, Eds."
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thegainingdesk · 2 years
An Acquired Taste
"No!" Bashir cried. "I'll get that! You're supposed to be resting." He picked up Rob's bag and carried it up the stairs to their shared flat.
"It was literally out-patient surgery. I don't even have any stitches. I'm fine, really," Rob insisted.
"No external stitches," Bashir pointed out. "You've got a weird internal suture thing going on up your nose." By now he'd gotten the door open and had placed Rob's bag down, hurrying back to help Rob with the last few steps.
Rob rolled his eyes. "I said I'm fine!"
"And you're sure you're fine to eat? And we don't have to keep an eye on anything? Make sure you sleep on a certain side?" Bashir asked frantically.
"No," Rob said, sighing slightly. "Because it was a minor, routine, non-invasive procedure."
Bashir tutted. "Well I don't like the sound of it one bit! Are you even sure it worked?" he asked.
Rob shrugged. "The main point was to stop me getting so many sinus infections all the time, so we won't know until I've gone a couple of months without my nose being completely full of snot." He thought for a moment and sniffed. "I think I can breathe better though," he offered. "But that might just be the local anaesthetic wearing off."
Bashir's eyes went wide. "You're feeling after-effects from the anaesthetic? Should I call the hospital? Or 999 do you think?" His phone was already in his hand.
"No!" Rob cried. "Put the phone down. I just meant that my nose feels weird because a couple of hours ago a doctor was rummaging about in it, which is to be entirely expected."
Bashir looked unsure, but nodded. "I'll start making dinner, you sit down," he said. "Is there anything you want?"
Rob shrugged. "You know there's not," he said matter-of-factly, and collapsed down onto the sofa, bringing a hand up to feel his slightly tender nose.
Bashir set about making some dinner. Rob wasn't even sure what he said he was making, being profoundly uninterested in food in any way beyond needing it to live. His septum and sinuses had had major structural issues his entire life, causing a constant stream of infections, trouble breathing, and an almost total lack of smell and taste. As a result, he gained very little pleasure from food and didn't particularly care what he ate, as long as it was healthy and gave him the nutrition he needed, leaving him with a body that was wiry and toned, contrasting with Bashir's rather more portly figure. The surgery he'd had today was intended to at least reduce the amount of infections he'd get, but he didn't have high hopes.
A little over an hour later, Bashir had set the table and called Rob through to the kitchen, where the two usually ate at a small table. The first thing Rob noticed was that he could actually smell something. He couldn't even describe it. Tangy, maybe? Could smells be warm?
"Everything okay?" Bashir asked, noticing that Rob was still stood in the doorway.
Rob shook his head. "Yeah, yeah, fine, I was just," he trailed off. "Nothing. It's nothing." He sat down to eat, and looked down to see a small portion of curry and rice. He picked up his fork and took a bite.
"What the fuck is that?" Rob dropped his fork and his eyebrows flew up.
"What do you mean?" Bashir asked, panicked. He quickly took a small bite of his own portion to test. "Nothing, as far as I can tell. Here," he leaned over to taste Rob's portion too. "I can't taste anything wrong with it? It's just my regular balti."
Rob could barely listen. He sat, staring at the plate of food in front of him. Hesitantly, he picked up his fork and took another bite. He closed his eyes and moaned as the food hit his tongue. He chewed slowly, savouring the flavour before swallowing. "I can taste it," he told Bashir eventually. "I can actually properly taste it."
"Oh my god!" Bashir cried. "So the surgery worked? You can tell a difference already?"
Rob didn't answer, instead frantically shoving forkful after forkful into his mouth, the entire time making sounds of pleasure, which Bashir had only previously heard in the bedroom. Rob finished his portion in a few short minutes, and took his finger to wipe his plate clean, licking the spicy sauces off his finger. "Has your food always tasted so good?" he asked Bashir. "Is there more?"
Bashir laughed, having not eaten any of his own dinner yet, instead simply staring in shock at Rob. "Glad my cooking's finally getting appreciated at last!" He pointed at a large pot on the stove. "Over there, there's loads left. Rice on the side."
Rob leapt up, filling his plate with a heaping mound of food. He sat down and once again cleaned his plate in a matter of minutes. He once again jumped up, but this time didn't bother filling his plate, and instead ate straight out of the pot of curry.
Five minutes later, he realised there was nothing left in the pot and he stood back, more than a little dazed. "I'm umm, I'm sorry, I don't know what…" Rob turned to look at Bashir. "I honestly didn't know that's what food could taste like. I'm sorry, there's none left."
Bashir laughed. "That's fine! I'm not hungry." He stood up and kissed Rob. "I'm just happy to see you eat properly." He kissed Rob again. "And I'm glad that we're not going to have even more bloody leftovers in the fridge."
Rob nodded. "Okay, yeah, okay." He placed a hand on his stomach and pressed, feeling how firm it was and how it pushed out slightly further than normal. "I guess I'm pretty full." He looked at Bashir excitedly. "What's for dinner tomorrow?"
Bashir walked in to find Rob laid flat on the bed, moaning softly with both hands cradling his stomach. "Oh my god, are you okay?" he cried, running over.
Rob whispered something.
"What? What do you need?" Bashir asked frantically.
"Ate too much," Rob said.
"Oh. Right. Okay." Bashir took a couple of deep breaths, happy that Rob would be fine. "How much did you eat?"
"Fridge," Rob replied simply, his voice strained. "Freezer."
"What?" Bashir asked.
"Leftovers," Rob said.
"You ate the leftovers? How many?"
"Everything," Rob gasped.
Bashir's eyes went wide. "That's impossible."
Bashir walked through to the kitchen, and sure enough, empty tupperware lined each surface. Looking in the fridge he found the shelves empty for the first time in years. He made his way back to the bedroom.
"Why did you eat all that?" Bashir asked.
Rob struggled to sit up and took a few deep breaths. "I thought I'd have some for lunch while you were out, and they all just tasted so good, and I ended up just eating and eating."
Bashir put his hand on Rob's stomach, and was surprised at how soft it felt, despite how distended and bloated it was. For the first time ever, a thin layer of fat had formed on Rob's torso - Bashir had never seen him put on any weight at all, and now he'd put on a small but noticeable amount in a matter of a couple of weeks.
"You okay?" Bashir asked.
"Could you rub it for me?" Rob asked. "It's so tight."
"Of course, babe," Bashir said, kneading the small firm mound. Rob sighed and his head fell back.
"That's good Bash. Don't stop, yeah?" Rob said quietly. Bashir looked down and saw Rob's penis straining against his trousers. Smiling wickedly, and not stopping his administrations to his boyfriend's new belly, he reached down with one hand and undid the trouser button, sliding down the zipper and fishing out his cock. Rob's breathing became deeper as Bashir slowly slid his hand up and down in time with rubbing Rob's belly.
After a while, Rob's breathing got faster, and his hips started gyrating. "I'm so full Bash," Rob moaned. "It hurts."
Bashir sped up his pumping and kneaded Rob's gut more deeply, until Rob's breath hitched and he let out a low moan as his cum arced into the air and splattered against the shallow dome of his belly.
Rob's breathing slowed for a few minutes until he started softly snoring and Bashir left him to digest his small feast.
Rob sat back and stretched, his stomach rounding out and pushing his shirt up a little. "That was absolutely amazing, I can't believe how many recipes you know."
Bashir laughed. "I mean, it was literally pesto pasta, it takes about 15 minutes to make, and most of that is waiting for the pasta to boil," he said. "I can't believe you've never had it before?"
Rob looked like his life had just been changed. "I mean, I've probably had it, but I didn't know what it [I]tasted[/I] like." He shook his head. "And the way you did it, like that stuff you put on top."
"Parmesan," Bashir said simply, picking up both their plates.
"Yeah, that. And the bread thing-"
"Garlic bread."
"And those leaves!"
"Oh my god, you're literally, like, a genius or something!" Rob exclaimed.
"None of that is revolutionary, but I'm glad you enjoyed it," Bashir said, loading the dishwasher. "I did sort of want some leftovers for lunch though," he said looking into the empty pot. "You had about four portions I think."
"Sorry," Rob said, shifting uncomfortably and unbuttoning his trousers. "It just tasted so good, you know? I can go out and get something for tomorrow."
"It's fine," Bashir said. "I'll just buy a sandwich or something. You'll be okay getting something?"
Rob nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah, there's this café nearby that does these sandwiches, and some of the fillings, oh my god Bash, we'll have to go one weekend."
Bashir listened as Rob enthusiastically listed basic sandwich fillings as if he was having a religious experience. Despite the minor annoyance of not having had leftovers since Rob's surgery, Bashir really was thrilled to see Rob so much happier. He was even enjoying cooking more, Rob's enjoyment of even the simplest foods turning making dinner into an act of love for them both.
"And Carrie was talking about this restaurant that I thought we could go to," Rob said, snapping Bashir out of his reverie.
"A restaurant, in the centre, I thought we could go," Rob repeated.
Bashir blinked. "You've never wanted to go to a restaurant. You think they're a waste of money," he pointed out.
Rob shifted in his seat. "I mean, I know I've said that before, but it sounds like there's some really great places we should try out," he said. "And we've got plenty of money. So, Carrie, right, was saying her and Louise went to this place where you create your own burger from the menu, with all the toppings and cheeses and sauces, and there's like fifty options, and, and, Terry was talking about this Spanish thing called tapas, right, where everything's these small portions so you can try out the entire menu-"
"I don't think people tend to get the entire menu," Bashir said.
"And people were talking about Japanese food! And Brazilian!" Rob's eyes were wide and he was licking his lips. "It all sounded so good, and I just feel like I've got so much to catch up on, you know?"
Bashir nodded. "Okay, okay, I'm just surprised. It sounds nice. I'll set up an eating out budget for the joint account, yeah?"
"Yeah, absolutely," Rob said, standing up and moving over to the fridge. "I'll put together a list of places we can go to and-"
"You've just eaten," Bashir said.
"What?" Rob said, standing in front of the open fridge with his hands full of food.
"You've just eaten," Bashir repeated. "Quite a lot. And you're eating again."
Rob looked down at the food in his hands, as if he was noticing it for the first time. "Oh, sorry, I umm." He blinked. "We were just talking about food and…" His face dropped a little. "Do you mind?"
Bashir smiled and walked over to kiss him on the cheek. "It's fine, just clean up after yourself, yeah?"
Rob grinned. "Great, yeah. Do you want to choose something for us to watch and I'll come through?"
"Why do we never have desserts?" Rob asked as he walked through the door. He had a large, half-eaten pastry in one hand, and a bag with the logo of a bakery Bashir recognised in his other.
"I uh, well I don't know. I don't think many people really have desserts at home," Bashir replied, a little surprised at Rob's abruptness. "Other than treats and stuff. And you were never really interested."
"That bakery on my way home," Rob began before taking an enormous bite of the pastry in his hand. "They were selling these all cheap," he continued, his mouth full and crumbs falling onto his shirt. "They said they were going stale or whatever, but they taste great! Here, have one." Rob put the bag down next to Bashir. He looked inside to see another a number of other pastries, as well as a number of paper wrappers.
"I'm okay thanks," Bashir said. "You've got crumbs all over yourself, by the way."
Rob looked down at himself, his cheeks pushing out with pastry. He swallowed, visibly slightly pained with the amount of food travelling down his gullet at once. "Oh right, thanks," he said and began unbuttoning his shirt to reveal the chubby, hairy gut he'd sprouted of late. Bashir was surprised to realise that Rob looked about the same size as himself. "I'm going to get in some pyjamas or something anyway, this shirt is so tight. Have we been washing them differently or something?"
Bashir shook his head. "Same as ever, you sure it's not one of your old ones?"
"Nah, we gave all of them to the charity shops didn't we?" He reached down unbutton his trousers. "Oh god that feels good." His belly surged forward, pushing the zipper down itself, revealing Rob's bulge pinned inside too tight underwear. "What's for dinner?" Rob asked, idly playing with his cock through his pants. "I've been starving all day."
Bashir shook his head. "I haven't really thought about it, to be honest. Is there anything you fancy?"
Rob's brow furrowed as he thought intensely. "You could maybe teach me how to make a lasagne? You said you'd show me last time we made it. If that's okay? I know it's a bit involved."
Bashir moved to the kitchen to check the fridge. "That's okay, I think we've got most things for it already. Are you happy to nip to the shops for some mince and some mozarella? And it takes a while to make, if you're hungry?" he called through the door.
Rob entered the kitchen wearing only pants and socks, his gut folding over the waistband and his thighs stretching the leg holes. A new pastry was already in his hand, and his cock was starting to get hard. As he walked, his gut jiggled slightly with each step. "That's fine, I can finish these pastries and put something on to go to the shops," he said, his voice once more muffled by pastry. "And I could get some dessert while I'm there, ice cream or something?"
Bashir gave a small hum. "That's umm…" He sighed. "Yeah, that's a good idea." He started pulling ingredients out of the fridge. He knew he should say something about Rob's new eating habits and increasing weight, but he also knew he wasn't exactly any slimmer himself, although it was an entirely new experience not being the only chubby one in the relationship anymore, and he knew how happy Rob was. He had to admit as well that they're sex life had gotten a lot better recently - Rob seemed to have so much more energy these days, and was so much more open to new experiences and to enjoying himself, that there weren't many nights they didn't end up enjoying each others' bodies. He'd let him carry on for a while more before saying anything, Bashir resolved.
A while later, Tom walked back into the kitchen carrying two large shopping bags. He was wearing a pair of sweatpants that looked painted onto his round thighs, and a once-oversized t-shirt that had become a recent staple of his casual wardrobe. Tom put down the bags and rummaged through them, pulling out a chocolate bar and quickly unwrapping it and putting it in his mouth.
"I thought you were only getting a few bits," Bashir said, turning away from the pan and looking at the two full bags.
"Oh, I just picked up some stuff," Rob said sheepishly. "I couldn't remember if we were running out of milk and ugh, you know, I ran out of those pastries so umm." He went red and tried to hurriedly out everything away. Bashir saw several tubs of ice cream and various sauces, wafers and toppings that could be put on top. By the time everything was away, Rob was on his third chocolate bar.
"That smells amazing," Rob said, rubbing his gut and walking over. "What have you done so far? What can I do to help?"
Bashir laughed. "I'm literally just frying onions and garlic. Why don't you break up that mince and add it, and then cut up those mushrooms I got out?"
"You're so lucky to only do a half day on Fridays," Bashir called as he entered the flat and collapsed down on the sofa. "I'm absolutely knackered, and I had to wait 45 minutes for a bus." He sniffed the air as he realised a rich scent was coming from the kitchen. He pulled himself back up and made his way into the kitchen.
"Hi babe!" Rob said cheerfully when he say Bashir, an apron draped over his large ball gut and a wooden spoon in his hand. He grinned, causing his chubby cheeks to round out even more and leant over to kiss Bashir.
"What's this?" Bashir asked. "You've never cooked in your life."
"That's not true!" Rob protested. "I've been helping you out loads since I've gotten my sense of taste, and I thought it would be nice to cook for you since you've had a long week."
Bashir pondered. He supposed that was true, Rob had started to take over some of the duties in the kitchen recently, and had gotten pretty good as well. "What are you making?" he asked.
"Well Yiannis - have you met Yiannis, from the office? - well, he was talking about moussaka, and I asked what it was like, and if he recommended any restaurants, but he said he'd never had good moussaka in this country, so he gave me his recipe, and I thought something like focaccia might go well with it, and…" Rob gestured around at the various pots bubbling around him, and piles of prepared ingredients waiting to be cooked.
"Moussaka? Rob that's… that's pretty involved," Bashir said. "And you're making focaccia from scratch?"
"Yeah, that's why I started early." Rob looked uneasy. "Do you not like it?"
"No, no, it's fine, it's lovely," Bashir reassured him. "I'm just surprised, you've never really been bothered about cooking before. Is there anything I can do to help?"
Rob shrugged. "I've been really enjoying it recently, I've got quite a few recipes I'd like to try out," he said. "You go sit down, I can sort all this. There's some wine over there. "
Rob emerged from the kitchen a few hours later, his apron having been taken off to reveal his tight t-shirt, the outline of his nipples visible on round, sloping breasts, and an indent where his cavernous belly button marked the apex of his jiggling gut. He proudly led Bashir through to the kitchen, presenting dinner with a flourish. Bashir noticed that Rob had piled food high on his own plate, doing away with the need to get up for seconds and thirds as he usually did.
"This all looks amazing!" Bashir said as he sat down. "Thank you so much baby."
Rob beamed. "I sort of wanted to do it to say thank you and sorry for how you used to cook everything."
Bashir frowned. "I didn't mind! You could barely cook, you couldn't tell if something was burnt, never mind if you'd seasoned it correctly."
"That surgery really did make a massive difference," Rob said.
"Yeah," Bashir said with a smile. "I did also mean because you're white though," he laughed.
"Oi!" Rob said, playfully batting him on his arm.
Rob walked into the living room wearing one of Bashir's t-shirts. The t-shirt had ridden up to reveal a wide crescent of soft, pale flesh, and looked like it was cutting in at the arms and neck. "Where are all your t-shirts?" he asked Bashir.
Bashir looked up, shocked and a little aroused by the sight in front of him. "That is one of my t-shirts," he pointed out.
"No," Rob insisted. "I mean your current ones. I can only find your old ones."
"That's one of my current t-shirts. I don't really have any old ones," Bashir explained. "I wore that one last weekend."
Rob looked down and played with the hem, which rode up a little higher, revealing his deep belly button. "No, because…" He looked up with a confused look. "What size are you?"
Bashir shrugged. "Extra-large, same as ever."
Rob shook his head. "You've put on some weight though," he said.
"Yeah," Bashir agreed. "Not that much though. I'm still wearing XLs. I've gone up a trouser size."
"Right, I uh… Right." Rob looked embarrassed. "It's just, you've always been…" He looked at Bashir and then down at himself, before pinching a wedge of fat at his side. "You've always been bigger than me, haven't you?"
Bashir winced. He was fairly sure that Rob had been the bigger of the two for almost a year now, and in fact knew that he'd recently bought a set of 3XL shirts, 2XLs having grown uncomfortable and more than a little revealing. "Well, you know, you've been getting really into your cooking and trying out new foods these past couple of years, you were bound to put on a little weight." While they'd never really addressed Rob's expansion directly, Bashir assumed he was enjoying it, their sex life only getting better as he put on weight, and had at least assumed that Rob had realised how big he was getting.
"Yeah, no, that's uhh, yeah," Rob stammered. He looked lost. "I mean I guess I knew that I was a bit bigger than… I just kind of thought that you… That I wasn't quite so much bigger, you know."
Bashir stood up and walked over to Rob, kissing him. "Hey, it's okay, I like my big guy," he shook Rob's gut and circled his nipple through his shirt. Bashir knew how sensitive Rob's body had become as it had grown, and hoped he could distract him. "What did you need a shirt for anyway?"
"Oh, umm, all of mine are in the wash, I thought I'd just borrow one of yours," he explained, his cheeks still flushed, but Bashir noticed that one of his hands had drifted to his crotch to squeeze his hardening cock.
"Well what about the one you were wearing earlier?" Bashir asked, as he ran a hand up under Rob's shirt to squeeze his large, hairy tit and play with his nipple more directly.
"It umm, it's covered in sauce, oh god, I needed to go get some ingredients for one of the dishes for that, oh, don't stop, don't stop, that online cooking class that I'm-" Rob could barely think straight as Bashir played with his nipple, Bashir's other hand trying to squeeze down into his waistline, and couldn't form words at all as Bashir bent down to take his nipple into his mouth.
Bashir looked up for a moment. "I'll go get them for you later," he said. He took Rob's nipple in his mouth again, stopping only when it became apparent how tight Rob's trousers were and that taking them off would require more concentration. "For now, let's go into the bedroom and I can show you how handsome I still think you are."
Rob nodded, his breath shallow and quick. His hands groped Bashir's body blindly, grabbing the soft fat on his boyfriend's body, wondering how much more was on his own.
Bashir excused himself from the table to check in on Rob. "Everything okay in here?" he asked.
"It's fine, it's fine, you go entertain. Just getting used to all the new appliances - I think this oven runs hotter than our old one," Rob insisted. He was wearing an old t-shirt to cook in, and would change into a shirt when he joined the dinner party, so the bottom of his gut stuck out of the bottom.
Bashir smiled, now very used to the sight, and scratched his own gut. He might have to upgrade his own wardrobe soon, he thought, his own shirt a little tight. He regretted telling Rob to get rid of all his old clothes as he'd grown out of them, but being the official taste tester for Rob's culinary experiments had caused his clothes to grow tighter than he'd like.
He left Rob to it, and returned to their guests in their new dining room. The move had been stressful, but worth it for extra space for entertaining, and their old kitchen had become far too small for Rob's increasingly elaborate feasts and for him to physically move around in.
A while later, Bashir helped Rob bring through all the dishes - they spanned a huge selection of countries and cuisines, Rob being unable to choose which he preferred the taste of. Several guests, in between their appreciation of the well-made food, commented on the sheer amount of it, asking whether they could finish all of it between them. Bashir quietly worried whether it would be enough for Rob's appetite.
Later on, once everyone had left, and the two of them were more than a little tipsy, Rob lay flat on his back on their bed, his gut rising like a hill in front of him. Bashir was sat next to him with what remained of the food from dinner, feeding it to Rob bite by bite, pausing only to rub his aching gut or to kiss him.
"You never told me Bash," Rob moaned, his lips coated in sauce.
"What didn't I tell you?" Bashir asked, as he pushed a piece of pork into Rob's mouth.
"Food," Rob sighed, his eyes lidded and his breath shallow. "What it tastes like. How good it all is." He stopped to chew the most recent parcel of food put into his mouth. "I didn't ever think it would taste so incredible. How addicting it would be."
Bashir leaned in and kissed Rob, tasting the mixture of food still on his lips. "Even though it's making you fat?" he teased. He grabbed Rob's gut and shook it, causing the larger man to moan and shift his hips.
"God I love it Bash," Rob said. "I didn't think I would but it's so hot. I can't do anything without feeling it all and it just makes me remember all of the incredible food I ate to get to this size." One of his arms strained around his gut, his fingers grasping for his cock. "Do you mind?" he asked.
Bashir shook his head. "Never," he said, and grabbed Rob's member for him. "It's my job to take care of you." He pushed the last piece of food in Rob's mouth. "So I'm going to feed you up with the tastiest foods I can find if that's what you want."
Rob's eyes rolled back into his head as Bashir moved his head down, his mouth closing on the head of Rob's penis. Bashir's fingers traced stretch-marks and pushed into Rob's soft pliable flesh, until Rob's entire body shook as he orgasmed.
Rob lay back, breathing heavily for a while, before shifting his body to look over at Bashir. "Is there any ice cream left?" he asked.
"Of course," Bashir said. "Anything for you."
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thisismysecondrodeo · 2 years
Idk if you're taking requests at the moment but the way you write for Ted is amazing and I'm stuck in bed feeling like death because I've got the most brutal sinus infection rn. I was hoping you might write something about Ted helping his partner feel better when they're sick or in pain. Be it joint pain, headache, cramps, flu whatever strikes your fancy. Thank you xx
AN: Omg this is the biggest compliment and I will always take requests when I think I can do them justice! Luckily I ADORE sickfic (and I’m sorry you feel awful!), hope this cheers you up and please forgive any typos!
Rating: Teen
Tags: Minor appearances of other Ted Lasso characters, Romance, Sickfic, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Gender Neutral!Reader
Fic masterlist
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It was Sunday morning which you knew was Ted’s absolute favorite time of day. You’d only been living together for a few weeks but you’d already grown accustomed to the sunlight streaming in through the windows and the sound of Ted’s “Easy Like Sunday Morning” playlist drifting in from the kitchen as he made pancakes or french toast or any other complicated breakfast recipe he’d saved during the week. 
But this Sunday morning wasn’t just any Sunday morning, as Ted had been reminding you all week. This Sunday, Ted had planned a full day of fun for the two of you. It had been in the works since the day you moved in. 
“I don’t want us shackin’ up to mean we stop lovin’ on each other,” Ted had explained when he laid out his plans over dinner at the Crown & Anchor. “I’ll block out the day and we’ll do some stuff we always planned on ‘round London-town!” 
You smiled at his enthusiasm, “We’ll never stop loving on each other just because we live together. In fact, I think we might be insufferable.” Ted laughed and brought the back of your hand up to his lips for a gentle kiss. 
And now that your jam-packed Sunday had been planned, tickets had been purchased, and dinner reservations made, you sat up in the warm, morning light of you and Ted’s shared bedroom…and you felt like garbage. 
You felt like more than garbage, actually. You were shivery, your eyes burned, and your head felt like someone was driving nails into it.
“Fuck,” you whispered, trying foolishly to rub sleep and sickness from your eyes. There was no way you were missing out on the day Ted had planned so thoughtfully. You’d just have to fake it. 
Ted must have heard you rustling because no sooner had you decided you’d just power through, Ted was tapping on the door and bringing you a cup of coffee. 
“Mornin’ sunshine!” Ted was still in his pajamas, hadn’t yet combed through his bed head and he looked soft and rumpled and perfect. You smiled and accepted the coffee, sipping quickly to hide the fact that you felt terrible. Ted sat near your feet, one hand resting lightly on your knee as he looked at you.
“So, I made cranberry orange muffins so we have some breakfast we can take with us on the road. I’m thinkin’ we can hop in the shower, and then…” Ted paused mid sentence and tilted his head at you, his gaze analytical. You went to take another sip of your coffee and realized at the same moment that he did that your hand was shaking. “Orrrr we could tuck you back into bed and have Sunday Funday another time.” 
“What?! No, why would we do that,” you sat the coffee aside and made to get out of bed, but Ted quickly put a hand over yours to keep you under the blanket. 
“Honey, are you going to look me in my eyes and tell me that you’re not sick? Because I can see it all over you.” 
You sighed, dropping your face in your hands. “I’m not THAT sick. I…don’t feel great. But you went through all that work for Sunday Funday, I can rally.” 
Ted smiled at you before standing up and walking around to his side of the bed, sliding under the covers. “Baby, I’d plan a million Sunday Fundays and lose money on it a million times before I let you do anythin’ but rest when you don’t feel well.”  Ted wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you back down into the bed and against his chest. “Now, tell me what’s hurtin’?”
You groaned and shut your eyes, relishing in your boyfriend’s warmth. “What doesn’t? I’m cold and hot at the same time, my head aches, my eyes burn. I just feel like shit.” 
Ted chuckled, not unkindly. “And you thought you were gonna rally? I love you so much that you thought ya should, but jeez baby.” Ted kissed the back of your neck. “You get some rest and I’ll go get you some para-whos-a-whatsit—”
“Paracetamol,” you laughed.
“Right, that. And some water and crackers, and we’ll hole up here and maybe watch some movies if you’re feelin’ up to it later.” 
Ted moved to get up, but you grabbed him quickly by the wrist. “Wait! Wait, don’t… don’t go just yet. I’m sorry to be clingy—”
“Hey, hey, look at me.” You rolled over, and looked at Ted who brushed his knuckles gently over your cheekbone. “You don’t owe me a single sorry for wantin’ me around when you’re not feelin’ well. I’ll take care of sick-you every day of the week as long as it means ya ain’t sick o’ me.” 
You smiled, tucking your face into his neck. “Never. I’ll never be sick of you, Ted.” 
You didn’t know how long you slept but when you woke up again, Ted was sitting next to you, reading a book and stroking a hand through your hair, and there was paracetamol and water on your nightstand. An extra blanket was thrown over your shoulders, and a cool towel was on your forehead. 
You sat up slowly and took your medicine, and Ted immediately sat his book down, tugging you gently into his lap and kissing your temple. 
“How ya feelin’ darlin’? Anything I can do for you?” 
“Oh, you’ve done plenty, my love. I’m definitely feeling better. Not good enough to make it to any of our plans, but maybe good enough to shower and move this sick day to the couch for a movie?”
Ted grinned. “Well alright! That’s definitely an improvement. I’ll go get it set up while you hop in the shower. I’m thinking popcorn and maybe a little soup for you? Get somethin’ on your stomach?” 
You were already heading into the bathroom but you turned quickly, a mischievous look in your eye. “I see your soup and raise you one of those cranberry orange muffins you made this morning.” 
“Are you trying to bargain out of your sick food?!” Ted laughed with faux offense and you grinned. 
“Are you going to tell me no?”
Ted shook his head with a smirk and kissed you briefly on the lips, “Never.”
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valssecretshit · 3 months
whats good in the HOOOOOD 😭 + He doesn't feel there's a need to whine or complain when he's already alone just with his fairy and nobody can do anything for him. He doesn't whine about his discomfort on purpose, but once the pain REALLY starts hitting him, lots of stifled "gyuuh-"s and "huhhf-"s escape him. if a very sudden pain hits him, he'll yelp "AIIIYA-!" so not really whining, more like just making a lot of pained sounds, and whimpering too probably. He really can't downplay anything, though. He's VERY bad at that. 🤒 + He catches a cold at least once every winter, so at least once or twice a year he'll catch one. Stomach viruses are also very possible for him, cus he'll just eat anything thats in front of him if it's at least edible and he's really hungry, even if its secretly poison, raw or just bad for him. I think colds and other minor illnesses in the Kokiri Forest aren't really dealt with the best, so they sprout into infections and bigger problems sometimes. I can imagine he deals with colds now as an adult the best he can, but he still is liable to catch a sinus infection right at the glimmering end of a head cold.
🌡 + His fevers can get worse pretty fast, but it's not hard to bring them down. He's in such hell though during them, you can see his bottom lip quivering as he just gets more and more upset with his body and what it's doing. There's no way you can miss it when you're looking right at him.
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beyondthetemples-ooc · 9 months
Post-root canal mouth pain advice?
Exactly what it says. Anyone have suggestions? 800mg ibuprofen and orajel aren't working. I'm allergic to Tylenol, Celebrex doesn't do a thing, and naproxen (the only medication that WORKS) gives me gastritis.
tl;dr got a root canal started last week, pain increased every day in the interim until it was agonizing to chew soft foods, like whole-body JOLTS when my teeth met even gently, and finished the root canal today. It's still hurting after 800mg of ibuprofen. Aching, stinging, throbbing, and my gums there taste like blood.
More specifics below the cut.
I've had a root canal before. I don't remember having any pain after the first one. And before that procedure, I had been in AGONY for WEEKS. I was relieved when it was over because it stopped hurting.
Not so today.
Then again, the first time I don't think they spent 5 hours in one day fucking with it. (I have a high anesthesia tolerance and I metabolize it really quickly, so we kept having to stop the Actual Procedure today to give me more anesthetic and wait for it to kick in.)
And I'm concerned my tooth may have been infected. He started the root canal last week, put a temporary cap on but I could still feel a Massive Hole in my Tooth, and after the local anesthesia wore off that day, it was just a vague ache. It noticeably increased every day, until I had to take 2 naproxen and 2 ibuprofen just to fall asleep.
Yesterday it was extremely tender and sensitive, and would hurt immensely even when I wasn't chewing or moving. I would be sitting at my desk doing data entry and suddenly it would jolt with pain. I don't grind my teeth. The pain shot up into my nearest sinus at times (it's a top tooth) and radiated across that entire quadrant of my teeth, third molar to incisors.
I told him about the intense constant pain and he didn't seem concerned.
The clamp he used on my tooth today also dug into my gums at the back of the tooth, and I feel like part of the pain is from that. He did adjust it a few times, but mostly just gave me anesthesia until I didn't feel it anymore.
Local anesthesia doesn't work very well on me. I was numb enough to not feel pain when he STARTED the procedure last week, but today it just would NOT go numb. Even with intrapulpar anesthesia. Even after 10 injections over the 5 hours I was there. (He used a kind without epinephrine.) I've been told infected teeth sometimes refuse to go numb.
Painkiller concerns: I'm allergic to Tylenol (hives). I have chronic gastritis problems, so taking a Veritable Shit Ton of NSAIDs isn't a good idea. Celebrex didn't do jack shit. Naproxen helps, but I can't take it for two days in a row without my stomach getting IMMENSELY messed up. Haven't tried aspirin because it never helps with MINOR pains, I can't imagine it'll touch this.
Orajel isn't even slightly numbing the tooth pain today, though it did make my lip and tongue numb. (When it did earlier this week, it only helped for about 10 minutes, anyways, and then I would be right back where I was beforehand.)
I'm genuinely out of ideas and desperate for a solution here. And maybe also advice because I feel like This Is Not Normal Post-Operative Pain. Especially because it didn't even HURT after the last one. Help? Please?
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authenticallymie · 9 months
Get a Neti pot and learn how to use it.
I’ve had one for years, it never seemed to work, but I never tossed it (although I almost did last week). I’ve had sinus pressure since NYE weekend and I felt sure it wasn’t a bacterial infection (I’ve had them before), but the pressure still wasn’t going away. I was going to go to urgent care tomorrow if I didn’t wake up feeling better, but I thought to see if I still had the Neti pot. I boiled some water and let it cool, and I did it twice with a full pot and a pack of saline. 30 minutes for almost complete relief, just going back and forth flushing each nostril. I still have a minor amount of pressure, so I’ll probably do it morning and night until it’s all gone.
Ive also stopped sitting with the heater blowing on me, which I think was the cause of the sinus issues to begin with. It’s very dry in my home in the winter. I brought my humidifier to the living room as well.
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ozma914 · 1 year
A Look Into My Nose, or: Probing a Patient's Proboscis Procedure
 I have this ongoing fantasy that whenever I have to recover from an illness or injury it will give me plenty of time to write, or at least read. I'm always behind on both, so it seems like the perfect opportunity.
Then there's reality.
I applied for three sick days for after my sinus surgery, which I thought was overkill. Added to my normal days off, that gave me five days after a minimally invasive, outpatient procedure that would straighten a thing up here and unclog another thing there. The result, hopefully, would be fewer sinus infections and headaches.
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Truth is, I was very close to being in a good mood, going in. Sure, we were at the hospital from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., but I slept through half of it. Emily had two books, a cell phone, and a charger cord.
I woke up feeling no pain, which is really not a good sign one way or another. But the surgeon told Emily that, while the passages to my upper sinuses would always be unusually narrow, they were now clear and I was a model patient. Sadly, he found neither the loose change nor the Matchbox car I thought may have been lost up there in childhood.
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It would have looked like this, only ickier.
It all went downhill from there.
For pain they put me on Norco, which made me think the Feds would burst in any moment, and I'd end up bleeding in a jail cell whether they hit me or not. Turns out the stuff's also called Vicodin, which isn't better, but gives you an idea of how much pain they expected. I have something of an addictive personality, so I decided to get off it as soon as humanly possible. Two days should do it.
Two days didn't do it. I was able to cut the dose in half from the maximum, then in half again, but my head and sinuses still throb as of when I'm pecking away at this, the next Thursday morning.
(I've been working on this column for three days. I keep falling asleep or just losing focus. London's got nothin' on my brain fog.)
So I looked up the exact term for my surgery, which no way am I well enough to type here, and researched the recovery time. How soon a patient could be expected to return to work was not a few days, but a week. It also said symptoms could continue for a month or two before all the aftereffects stop effecting. Until then: Dizziness, nausea, pain, minor bleeding, brain fog, confusion, dizziness--did I say confusion? But enough about my typical mornings.
Then we have the three times a day nasal saline irrigation.
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There's no way to make this procedure more fun, but there is a way to make it less fun: Have it produce a large amount of blood and clotting. You know, my stomach isn't quite ready for me to discuss that.
So ... I'm not sure where I was going with this. Basically I just wanted to check in and let everyone know that I really am feeling better, it's just that "better" can be relative. I'm a little frustrated that I'm a week behind in my Haunted Noble County writing, but we spent some time listening to audio books (Wayward Pines), which I can do reclined with my eyes closed. I predict that when we talk to the surgeon he'll say I'm well on my way to recovery. I'm going to check him for my spare change.
Also, I'll take a nap. Or two.
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Remember, when you don't buy one of our books ... I don't know, something happens
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
So the max are going to make statues out of you with what you're doing really to represent what you're doing that's what the shield does and you can't even figure it out for Christ Jesus sake
You handed them all stans stuff and we hate you you're f****** assholes and you're fired you're just going to leave get the f*** out
The minority morlock are coming in is 300,000 here now taking the jobs of these queers and the fagina shows pretending these Garth quite unsuccessfully. Now there's a whole bunch of them coming in it's like 300,000 here and 300,000 are coming in and you people are 1.2 million and they've got 300,000 more coming this afternoon and they're going to have to find places to live and there's a bunch of them and they're going to do it 70% of Charlotte county's jobs surprised about 300,000 people 100% would be like 450,000 and they're getting ready for that and they're also going into Florida and they will have 60% today
You spend enough time on you people this morning already but you're begging for it
You're threatening to cut off the minority morlock SSI SSDI and Medicare which is for those who are poor but working and other such support systems not only in the United States but globally they're invading DC and Florida New York City and other centers for government and commerce and you're doing it today to stop you and your progress to help Tommy f is it too you're wrong and we're going to help out my son is happy with it it gets along with them most of the time except for Garth lol. So tough job when someone has to do it. One of the black guy hey man...
There's a lot of them coming in they don't want to hear this kind of stuff there's a son says to Ben Arnold. Yeah his character is getting free Hera and just a notify you and thank you very much for the morning good morning she says it's the warning I'm thinking before damn it. I'm going to make sure it doesn't happen you don't need to be flying anywhere. He said why you're funny somewhere I don't want to hear any more of this crap and said the men have to align when did twin powers activate and he said I'm not doing that stupid s*** form of a 747 not 7:37. Then Arnold hears it back Daddy says and he says it's a good idea they want to see your skin and you need one make sure we're talking to you it says once every 10 years is pretty good. I could use a radiation as opposed to what I used to say. But seriously they want to see him walk through and they want to see his bones look like see if anything is wrong density that kind of stuff and they want to see how it's health is and it's one way to get a scan without going to the stupid hospital they have to stand at tube just wondering where to fly to think of Utah He's thinking of flight of Tampa for Comic-Con. It's getting a little lazy but they have commuter airplanes to go there you spend like 3 hours the airport here and 3 hours in Tampa. But seriously it's a good idea good x-ray him and we need to document and we actually have to get that done so and he knows doesn't want to go to the hospital and we don't want him there there's reasons to get x-rayed other than the airport and we have one from the courthouse when he went it's kind of mild but it does show exactly what it is brain and they're after it they say and we're going to kill them all and that's another reason to do it and it's one reason why they don't want it and John remillard is going to get blamed for the skin and it's very clear. It looks fine there's no damage actually looks pristine and it's decent sized and yeah it feels this whole head it looks like his helmet it's just so weird and he's got nothing extra or nothing left out he has a sinus infection and it came up a little but not much and it's always there and just brain activity seems to be normal we can kind of tell the electrical current a minor amount of activity because of the stress other than that is fine the rest of his body looks normal. And he wants to get on Mac Daddy's we want to get on this and he says he wants to and it's motivation and they have the deep skin tube you stand in and that's if they suspect something they've been planted on you or you have metal in you and need to know about all that stuff and our son looks kind of really beefy so he's laughing cuz it's usually have the assholes do it and they have to reset the thing it's not easy to scan and it comes out funny so I think they can capture him using it
Thor Freya
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Aug 18, 2023
This summer has been, in a few words, a disaster. Sinus infection to non weight-bearing ankle to a concussion to covid to a show that's not even written yet.
This was my first summer since... 2017 that I haven't had summer school. And I wanted just one summer to relax and actually do something, before my last summer where I intend to get a job (a real one, not like, a little gig). But instead I've spent most of my summer on my computer, prepping for a math test that I'm not even sure I'll be able to take before the school year starts. In 3 weeks.
Less than a month before school and things are already falling apart. Once again, I'm working on my production before we get back, and it's stressful. I've been doing props for the past two year and I've never even assisted on scenic. And yet here I am, making a fake gallery for a fake artist who's part of a fake movement. I don't know what the point of the story even is. (yes I do, censorship or whatever.) But the script isn't done, and yet the design has to be before we go back.
Going back to school is a nightmare that I don't want to face. I'm going to be in a class that looks to be just 2 other people (both of which I'm not sure I get along with, 1 of which I despise), and I've been made to drop out of one of the classes for my minor in order to make room for 3 credits of nothing.
Yesterday (it's currently 12:35a) and today are back to back to back to back meetings and doctor's visits, and there's no time to think in between. I'm moving a million miles a minute, and yet it seems like everyone else is going backwards.
While I try to sort out productions and missing Treasurers and sorting Bigs and Littles, I'm left with emails that have been unanswered for months because people are the worst.
I want to give them the benefit of the doubt, because I know I used to be bad at answering emails, but this is egregious. I understand a few days, or even weeks. But over two months have passed and I haven't heard back. "Maybe they're not checking their emails, it's summer." I emailed them a month before the school year ended. "Maybe they didn't get the email?" I sent 3. "Maybe they're busy?" Too busy? for months? I've done everything in my power to get a response. It hurts. I'm trying to make things better for them, but they're not making it easy. They're not even making it medium. They're making it so difficult.
Difficult to get things done, difficult to not drop out of school completely. I know it's a joke of sorts in my major, to drop out I mean. But between the non-responses from both students and faculty, and the lack of information to get anything done, I don't know if it's worth it.
Life would be so much easier if I didn't have to experience it.
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Chapter IX- Home Sweet Home
➵ 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 | dad!bucky barnes x mom!reader
➵ 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 | 3.6k
➵ 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 | eventual SMUT 18+ (minors DNI), lots and lots of fluff, language. series finale!!
დ 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | დ 𝐛𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | დ 𝐤𝐨-𝐟𝐢
The smell of roses mixed with cologne wafted through your home upon your entrance. Still in scrubs, you furrowed your eyebrows at the change of scenery. Your home was dimly lit, the occasional candle lighting up the area so you could see.
It was late, you’d gone through yet another long shift of dealing with children throwing tantrums because they had to get a shot, sinus infections, wailing newborns, and picky mothers. Your energy was running thin, now aware you had to now go home and deal with your own children.
Or, so you thought.
It’d been only a couple days since Bucky’s admission of his plans to propose. Elliot had come around, even asking your wedding plans if you had any. Honestly, you didn’t. You wanted to marry Bucky, there was no doubt about that. But the idea of planning a wedding, spending loads of money for one single occasion and inviting people you barely knew didn’t sit right with you. If you did do anything, it would be private- just you, Bucky, and the kids doing something special. Maybe you’d take some time off of work to go on a family vacation. You figured that in itself was perfect.
You’d already been thinking of Bucky as- and even going so far as calling him- your fiancé. Despite having no ring, no legitimate proposal, and knowing nothing as far as his desire to ask- he was still your husband-to-be, and you his wife-to-be.
“Buck?” you called, turning a corner to find him, Elliot, Rebecca, Willow, and Winnie. The kids were still dressed in what they’d worn to school that day, strikingly different to Bucky, who was dressed in a formal suit. Eyeing the excitement on the children’s faces, you smiled. “What’s going on?” you asked.
Winnie and Willow giggled lightly at your reaction, letting loose for half of a second before realizing they had to be calm and collected. They couldn’t help but be excited too, that their biggest dream was about to come true- they were becoming more than best friends. Now, they were going to be sisters.
Bucky took a few steps closer to you and took your hand. The look on his face told you exactly what he was about to do. It wasn’t that he was nervous or scared- he was the most sure he’d ever been in his life about this. Placing a single kiss onto your knuckles, he got down on one knee, your hand still in his.
Unable to hide the smile on your face, you let out a surprised laugh at the action.
“Hi,” he said, unable to think of anything else. He had an entire speech planned- but looking into your eyes, holding your hand, he almost forgot it entirely.
“Hi,” you responded, stroking his hand with your thumb to comfort him.
“My heart’s beating really fast,”
“So is mine.” you laughed.
“You look beautiful,”
“You’re just saying that,” you blushed.
“I’m down on one knee right now, why on earth would I lie to you?” You both laughed. Determined to make this perfect, Bucky started again, the memory of what he wanted to say coming back. “I used to think that I would just live my entire life alone. I welcomed it, even. My idea of love was so torn and it left me so bitter, I never imagined myself falling in love again. And then you came along,” he stopped briefly, knowing his emotions would get the better of him and he wouldn’t be able to continue. “You showed me the love a person deserves. You taught me to forgive, and you are such a wonderful mom. The last few months, I kept asking myself, what would I do without you? How was I ever able to live my life without you in it?” He turned to Elliot, waiting patiently as the twelve-year-old fumbled a little to get the velvet box out of his pocket. He seemed to be carrying all of Bucky’s nerves as well, one would think he was the one about to propose.
You wrapped your brain around what the ring could possibly look like. No doubt, you’d love it, but Bucky was the type to struggle with things like that. You were sure he must’ve asked the girls for help.
“Now I know you don’t want to have a wedding, and I know you already call me your fiance,” Bucky started, one movement away from opening the box. “So I tried to get you something even better.”
Bucky opened the small velvet box, and the sight confused you for a second.
It wasn’t a ring- it wasn’t even a piece of jewelry.
It was a key.
Taken back, you waited for an explanation. “Wha-”
Bucky stood up again, his face now inches away from yours. You usually loved the way he towered over you, but not even that could distract you from the fact that you didn’t have a new ring, or even an official fiance.
Bucky took out his cell phone, opening up a website with a house listing, of a house that had already been sold. One you’d passed by many times on date nights and drives to work, claiming that it was a fantasy home- a dream that was too big. When you first toyed with the idea of moving in with Bucky, you’d looked at the listing online.
“It’s just… perfect.”
“I wonder what the correlation between people with children and people who look at listings for homes they don’t need looks like.” Bucky chimed in, scoffing a little at his own joke, though you paid no attention to it.
“Look at it, James, it’s beautiful. I mean, imagine if we did all move in together-”
“It’s in a different county, we’d have to take the kids out of school-”
“Not Becca- magnet school, remember?”
“Regardless, honey, it’ll be too much of a hassle.”
“But it’s closer to work, it’s also in a great neighborhood, I even read about this community theater company I’m sure Bec would love, a local soccer league for Elliot. And the kids- sure they’ll be upset for a second, until they realize they all have their own rooms and bathrooms.”
Bucky stooped to your level, smiling at your begging eyes and pout. “You’re so cute, you know that?” He scooped your face into his hands, kissing you once.
“It’s just a pipe dream, isn’t it?” you asked.
“One day, we’ll find something great. Something that we can live in until we’re old and gray, where we’ll have our grandkids visit us someday and pass it on to Elliot when we decide to ditch the kids for retirement.”
Your face visibly changed at the image- growing old together, maybe even getting a dog or cat. “I love it. But I give you full consent to pass our non-existent, future forever home to Becca. I love Elliot, but he can be so filthy sometimes- it’d put all our hard work to shame.”
Bucky laughed. “Fine, it’ll go to Becca,” he kissed your forehead, “but right now, nothing’s set in stone yet. Remember that.”
Playfully rolling your eyes, you turned your chair around, “God, you’re supposed to support my dreams, not be the voice of reason.” Your tone was overly dramatic, making it known that you were only playing.
Before Bucky made his way back to your bed, he ruffled your hair and kissed your head once again. “Somebody’s gotta be, sweetheart.”
“I would go to the ends of the earth for you. When we were talking about growing old together, getting a real home together, I realized that a wedding would only be a celebration of our love. A temporary thing that would only last a day, and we have nothing but a memory. This is truly forever.”
“Bucky, I don’t know what to say-”
Bucky turned around to face Rebecca, who handed him yet another small, velvet box.
“Oh god,” you laughed at the action. Bucky was just full of surprises today.
He opened it, revealing a simple, classic diamond ring. “Will you marry me, and move in with me? Or move in with me then marry me, the order’s up to you-”
You cut him off with a kiss, then multiple kisses at once, agreements and happy tears replacing the usual silence between kisses. Winnie and Willow let loose, squealing together knowing that everything was falling into place.
Six Months Later
The springtime air, the warm sun coupled with the cooling breeze felt welcoming on your skin. Bucky kept glancing over at you, the leggings you chose to wear that morning- because everything else was packed up- was hugging your body in such a flattering way. Though he valued your beauty and knew that you found it in your heart to marry him, agreeing to spend the rest of your life with him and raise your children together- he had to admit, he was still a guy. Everytime he looked at you, he had to avoid staring for too long in case the kids- especially Elliot- noticed he was looking right at your ass. He had to keep it together, at least for a few more hours.
It was three celebrations wrapped up in one. The first: you finally moved into your dream home. The kids didn’t take moving as hard as you thought they would- as long as Winnie and Willow were together, they had no complaints, and as long as Elliot got to finish the soccer season at his old school, he was alright. Luckily, you didn’t make plans to move until the school year was finished, so he had no qualms. And Rebecca got to stay at her school, so there were zero complaints from her. In fact, all the kids loved the new house, probably more than you did.
The second: you and Bucky decided to get married just days ago. You pulled the kids out of school that Friday morning, and brought them with you to the courthouse, getting married in front of the only people that mattered: your children. They were ecstatic- more for being pulled out of school and getting a nice brunch later, but nonetheless, they were happy.
And third: Willow’s fifth birthday. You didn’t plan a huge party, but you did invite Pietro over to celebrate. He was a little more distanced than normal- it worried you, but you were relieved when he accepted the invitation and asked to bring someone.
“Oh, is that why you haven’t been coming around as much?”
Pietro sighed a little, “Yeah, I knew you were busy with moving, I didn’t want to stress you out-”
“Woah, ‘stress me out?’ Pietro, I’m relieved. In fact, I’m happy you found someone. But you’re insane if you think I’m not meeting her before the kids.”
He laughed, “Alright. How about coffee? Bring James.”
So, you met Crystal. And she was lovely- auburn hair, tall and slender- and thank god, your age. She understood the boundaries and why you wanted to meet her first without you having to say anything. You kind of wished Bucky and Pietro had a similar introduction, but you couldn’t help that Bucky attended nearly every Parent Day and met Willow before he even met you. But you could see it in Pietro’s face. The same look he used to have when he looked at you- it was back. The man was in love, there was no doubt about it. It felt almost therapeutic to see- you worried for so long he’d never find someone again, but here he was, with a new woman. And she was good. Kind. Just as whipped for him as he was to her.
Afterwards, you told both of them they were welcome to come to your new home, and that Crystal could meet your children. Clearly, she wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon. And though she had no children, there was an unspoken understanding she wouldn’t try to go past you in that area.
With both Pietro and Crystal coming, you only found it fair to invite Natasha as well. She was doing much better- still living with Yelena until she felt okay to be on her own, but still, she was better.
And there you were, celebrating your daughter’s fifth birthday with your new husband, your ex-husband and his girlfriend, and your husband’s ex-wife, along with your son and two stepdaughters. It was unconventional, sure, but after everything you’d all been through, it felt nice to just sit and talk- to forget the past and enjoy each other’s company. After all, you all did have a few things in common.
Everyone was at the table, about to dig into the meal you’d prepared when Bucky spoke, “Can I just say something before we start?”
What kind of trick did he have up his sleeve now? You were already married and living in your dream home, so unless you were somehow pregnant and he knew before you did, you couldn’t imagine what other surprise he’d try to pull. Bucky wasn’t normally the type to address the room like this- he was an introvert, a homebody at heart who kept to himself.
“This is… really nice.” he said, wrapping his arm around you, “I’m just- I’m so happy that we’re all here, you know?” he realized that what he was saying barely made any sense, “For Willow, I mean.”
You smiled. Looking down at your now five-year-old, she smiled too. “Yeah, for Willow.” He did have a point, you were sure that without any of the kids, none of you would be in this position right now. Your children were your world, and you were grateful for them every single day.
“I’m just a little sappy, I guess. I don’t really hang out with a lot of people, so it’s nice to call you all my friends. And it wouldn’t have been possible if it weren’t for these amazing kids,” he raised his glass of water- you clinked your drink against his and the rest of the adults followed.
“Dad, I’m hungry,” Winnie groaned, unable to sense the sentimental moment happening before her.
“Dad??” Bucky asked, surprised. No, Winnie couldn’t be making the change now, not when she was still only four years old. He was still ‘Daddy’ to her, and sometimes, when she was sleepy, he was still ‘Dada’.
“Eat up!” you said, distracting everyone and allowing the kids to finally eat. You brought a dumbfounded Bucky to the other room, away from everyone, running your fingers through his hair to calm him.
“She shouldn’t be calling me that yet,” he said, still in shock.
“Come on, she just wants to sound like Becca. You should eat, something tells me you have a long night ahead of you.” you said suggestively, hooking your arms around him, hands meeting behind his neck.
“Oh really?” he said, suddenly distracted, just like you hoped. A dopey smile appeared on his face at the idea of you teasing him so early in the evening.
“Mhm,” you said, kissing him deeply. His tongue snaked into your mouth.
“God, I can’t believe you’re my wife now,” he muttered, pulling away for a second at a thought, “Would you be ‘Dr. Barnes’ now, or still ‘Dr. Maximoff’? You don’t have to change it if you don’t want to, I mean, it’s your degree-”
“I’m still technically Dr. Maximoff, but if you want me to be Dr. Barnes-” you lowered your voice, knowing that just your tone was enough to turn him on, “Then I can be Dr. Barnes.”
“God, you’re insatiable,” he laughed, kissing you once again, “I can’t wait until tonight,”
You pulled away, knowing you’d been gone for too long, and if you weren’t careful, someone could spot the two of you like this. “Well, Sarge, you’re going to have to.”
Fuck, ‘Sarge’? It was going to be a long night.
You finished the story in nearly a whisper, keeping your voice low so Willow would stay asleep. She’d begged for you to read to her, and though you hadn’t read her to sleep in a long time, you couldn’t deny the birthday girl of her request.
Kissing her forehead and making sure she was snug, you got up carefully. After kissing her stuffed rabbit’s head as well, because Willow somehow knew when you didn’t, you made your way to your bedroom, where Bucky was waiting for you.
Clad in only a gray pair of boxers and his dog tags, he looked absolutely delectable. You resisted every urge you had to just jump on him and start going at it. No, you needed to be slow- methodical in your movements.
“Sarge,” you greeted, a smile creeping up on your face as you slowly made your way to the edge of the bed, where he was sitting.
“Dr. Barnes,” he said back, knowing the nicknames were silly and would likely only be used once, but it was too funny to not say. You finally met him, bringing your lips to his in a deep, passionate kiss. A kiss he’d been waiting to give you all night. He helped you undress, leaving the both of you in your underwear. “Fuck,” he muttered, squeezing your hand.
He helped you straddle him, your underwear barely able to hold your ass. The ass he’d been thinking about all day. Oh, you knew what you were doing. He slid your panties off, now the only layer separating your two centers being his boxers.
With a sigh of lust, he brought down his boxers and helped you sink onto him, moving you gently. Every inch and every angle felt like heaven for both of you- he couldn’t help but be reminded of your first time together. With his cock heavy inside of you, you moved yet again, the drag of it doing wonders.
Bucky sat up suddenly, realizing you still had your bra on. You helped him this time, unhooking it as you kept moving, too overcome with pleasure to stop even for a second. Your breasts now exposed, he brought his mouth to one nipple, supporting your back as he sucked on it and you kept riding him.
As you continued, his hands kept wandering your body, his grip firm as if you were going to disappear. His cock was heavy, long- hitting every mark and making you do everything in your power to not scream out in pleasure. It was overwhelming, so you slowed down, only for a second to catch your breath.
In that time, Bucky set you on your back. “This okay?” he asked, his voice low. He saw how good it was for you in the first position, he hoped that it’d still be good now. Unable to speak with his cock still inside you, you nodded. He pounded into you now, feeling the most intense, pleasurable thing you’d experienced in a long time. “God, look at you, so fucking beautiful. My wife,” he muttered in between kisses as he continued moving in and out of you.
Muttering ‘yes’ after ‘yes’, your walls tightened around him as you finished, reaching a high that felt so pleasant, so excruciatingly wonderful that all you could do was kiss him. He stilled, finishing as well, holding onto you. You didn’t want to go anywhere, you were perfectly content staying in this position, his cock still buried deep inside you.
You knew the night was far from over, that the both of you still badly wanted to continue- you just needed a few minutes before you could do so.
“I love you so much,” he said, his lips less than an inch away from yours. His breath was hot against your skin, and your skin nearly formed goosebumps at the feeling.
“I love you more,” you said back, connecting your lips once more.
“I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.” He said.
“I can’t wait til thirteen years from now, when all the kids will be out of the house and we can do this whenever we want and be as loud as we want,”
Bucky laughed, “Until then, I’ll be marking days where it’s just the two of us on my calendar.”
“Just don’t knock me up, then that’ll ruin everything,”
Bucky’s eyes got bigger at the idea, not realizing that was even an option. He liked the sound of it, you, big-bellied and carrying his child, this one bringing the two of you together even more. “Oh, don’t tempt me. Fuck, now you got me thinking about it.”
“Think about it even more- five kids, Bucky. Does that sound desirable to you?”
“With you, abso-fucking-lutely.” He said, causing both of you to laugh.
You smiled, noticing how his eyes still managed to be a bright shade of blue, even in the dim light of your bedroom. “Well, then I wouldn’t mind an extra five years,”
And just like that, Bucky had all the stamina in the world, quickly bringing you back up to the first seated position, causing you to let out a loud laugh at the action followed by a moan you had to soften by letting it out against his neck. “Say no more, doll.”
Bucky Barnes had been through a lot in life. He was overcome by the feeling of loneliness, never thinking he was worthy of having someone fall in love with him again. He used to admire from afar, never having the courage to do something about it.
Then you came along, and you rocked his world.
You taught him to love, you taught him to forgive. With you, his heart grew, because in his eyes, you were the only woman for him. The only one who would ever be able to unearth the man he once was, or rather, the man he wanted to be.
You were his forever, and he would hold onto you as tightly as he could.
taglist: @katzvelvet @melissad1974 @treatbuckywkisses @lcandothisallday @whatinthestyles @rebelliousburgeradvocate @prentisswrites @blue786sworld @lets—be-honest @stillthatbetch @seybox @danielle-leah1997 @buckybarnesbitch00000000 @glupolizam @livstilinski @5lutty5arah @whoreforbucky-barnes @multifandom-girlie @witchy-whore @jackiehollanderr @babebr @dearmasaddict @itsmeatballworld @bbgem329 @silentkiller2374 @stumbleonmywords @eclecticpatrolroadlawyer @bitchacho25 @dreamerglassesgirl @rosepetalsinwinter @winterwhore @shytypeaq @spadessaga @foundinthefridge84 @rebeccapineapple @rosadiazsprecinct @mrsstan21 @sweetwerewolfqueen @enchantedbarnes @sophiario @pineprincess @sebsgirl71479 @thorslittlewhore @pandaxnienke @buckysdollll @elbell20-blog @lexi-2003-love @wbyss
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ridragon · 5 years
There's a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the county I go to school in. I'm not worried or anything but part of me is hoping that people panic and the campus gets closed for a couple days.
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echos-newlegs · 3 years
hello! For Requests may I ask 18 for Crosshair and/or 24 for Tech? Thank you! (You can make it smutty if you want but whatever fits your narrative!)
Minor Wounds
Sure, sorry this is short. I am a bit tired and drowsy from a sinus infection! I promise the Tech one will be longer since I love writing for that sly dog 😎 but here's this for now!
Crosshair x reader: "It hurts here, too. Can I have a kiss here, too?"
Warnings: Canon cussing, kissing ig
Word count: 885
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You stood from your seat when you heard faint muffles and curses coming from the other room. Everyone else was asleep besides you. Or so you thought. You were up looking into a mission and fixing up some blasters that the boys had broken one way or another. 
"Kriffs sake," Crosshair grumbled as you got closer to the others room. Peeking inside with a raised brow. The rain on Kamino pittering on the windows gently. 
"Crosshair?" You spoke. 
He turned to look at the doorway. Frowning a bit. "What do you want?" 
You shrugged. Stepping in further when you saw some bandages thrown about on his bed. Which he tried to collect. 
"It hurts pretty bad, hm?" You asked, ignoring his question. 
He only nodded. Watching you as you sat next to him on the bed. 
"Here, let me help," you offered, reaching out for the bandages. 
He didn't protest in any way. Watching you as you wrapped up his arm. Then patch up his chest again. 
"Why didn't you go to the medical droids?" You asked. 
He shook his head, "they talk too much." 
You snickered at that. "They still hurt?" You asked again. To which he nodded once more. 
You leant forward. His eyes wander you curiously as you kiss over the gauze on his shoulder and chest. 
His heart was pounding in his chest. Eyes widening the slightest, though he kept a frown on his lips. 
"Better?" You cooed, raising a brow with a smirk. He glanced to the side, then smiled. Though it barely moved his lips enough for his eyes to show it. "Yeah." 
The two of you were quiet for a while. Until you sighed and stood from the bed. Fingers grazing his arm just a bit. "I should probably let you sleep." You commented. 
When you went to turn towards the door a surge of want and confidence ran through him. Reaching to grab your wrist. Staring up at you with pleading eyes as you turned back to face him. "You don't have to go." He said, darting his tongue out to wet his lips. "It  hurts here, too." He gently tapped a bruise on his cheek. Lips curling up into a small smirk. 
You blinked a couple times, then caught onto his words. A small smile curling at your lips. 
"Oh, it does?" 
He nodded in response. Watching as you turned back towards him. Stepping forward, then sitting back down next to him. 
"And what do you want me to do about it?" You teased. 
You knew what he wanted. He was getting daring. Thinking you'd kiss his cheek. You wouldn't be opposed, but you weren’t going to just give him a kiss, either. 
"What do you think?" He spoke a bit impatiently. 
You hummed, leaning forward a bit. Watching as he leant forward the slightest. "Some ice?" You joked. And he rolled his eyes. 
"Ointment?" You asked again, and he scoffed. 
You raised a brow, tilting your head. 
"I'm no Jedi, I can't read minds." 
He rolled his eyes, "I don't think they read minds." You shrugged. 
"So, what is it you want, then?" You asked, fluttering your eyelashes just a bit. 
"A kiss.." He mumbled under his breath. 
You heard him just fine. Your heart was racing just as fast as his, probably, but you weren’t playing easy. 
"What was that?" You questioned. 
He let out a groan, shutting his eyes with a frown. "You think I could have a kiss here, too?" He asked louder. Tapping his cheek again. Which you just smiled. 
You leant forward, lips pressing against the skin of his cheek. 
"Was that so hard to ask for?" You hummed. Leaning back.
He wasn't done. Not yet. Leaning forward to capture your lips with his own. Causing a small yelp to leave your lips at the contact. Eyes widening a bit. Then falling shut. 
Your arms reached out to lace around his neck. His hands reach for your waist to pull you over and onto his lap. Fingers dancing on the exposed skin. 
He pulled you as close as he could. Almost as if he were afraid you would disappear. Like you were a dream, and if he didn't hold on he'd wake up. 
When your lips parted he hummed out a whine. Both of you attempting to catch your breath as you stared back at one another. 
"Now it's all better." He cooed. 
A small giggle leaving your throat at the words. A smile even appeared on his lips at the noise you made. Something you rarely got to see, but were sure to cherish the moment. Especially since you caused the smile. 
He kissed your neck with a small hum. Pulling you down on the bed to lie down with him. 
"So I guess I'm sleeping here tonight?" You spoke. Fingers finding their way to his hair. Which made him sigh and Barry his face in your chest. 
"I take that as a yes?" You asked after a moment of silence. 
He only let out a groan. Kissing your collar bone and pulling you closer. Rolling on top of you a bit so you had no other choice but to stay put. "Sweet dreams," you hummed. A small "Goodnight, cyare." Leaving his lips as he fell asleep himself. 
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can-youimagine · 3 years
Love and Loss Part 5 (Aaron Hotchner x Reader)
Summary: You were in love with Aaron Hotchner, but life got in the way. What happens when years later, he comes back?
TW: Feminine Reader, reader being sick (sinus infection), very minor swearing
Word Count: 411
A/N: I know that these last couple chapters have been short, sue me
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Your phone won’t stop beeping. You swear you are going to through it out the window. However, Aaron’s picture makes you reconsider.
“What do you want?”
“You sound like hell.”
You roll your eyes. “I feel like it. I don’t want to sound rude-” he snorts “-but I would really like to get back to my nap, so why did you call?”
“Jack said he had a sub, just wanted to check in.”
Your heart melts. “Thank you, but it’s just a sinus infection. I’ll be over it in a day or two.”
“You sure?”
“I’m sure.”
He stays on the line for a moment before realizing he had nothing else to say. “I hope you feel better soon.”
“Me too.”
“I-uh-I’ll let you get back to your nap.”
The call awkwardly ends, like all of your calls have recently. You can tell he’s nervous about asking you, and if it weren’t for Penelope, there’s no way he would do it. You almost want to put him out of his misery, but you were having too much fun teasing him about it.
Joking about marrying him, complaining about being too old to enjoy being single and too young to be a cougar, fully giving in to your crush around him, were all more fun than just asking him out. Honestly, you’re a bit surprised he hasn’t broken yet.
That is your final thought as you drift back into sleep, your dreams filled with Aaron. You wake up what feels like days later, still thinking of Aaron.
You wake up what feels like days later. When you reach to check your phone for the time, you hear an all too familiar voice.
“God, you’re a heavy sleeper.”
You yelp in surprise. You had given Aaron a key not too long ago, effectively giving him a place to crash between cases when he didn’t have the energy to go home. “Aaron, what the hell are you doing here?”
“I doubt you’ve had a good meal today, so I brought you soup.”
You smile. “Thank you. I’ve been eating crackers all day.”
He shakes his head before helping you to the kitchen. “You’ve got to start taking better care of yourself.”
You point out the irony before saying, “Why would I do that when I have you?”
He blushes. You made Aaron “No Smile” Hotchner blush. “Eat your soup.”
You smile into the spoon. You are having way too much fun with this.
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sickficsforthesoul · 3 years
Do you have allergy hcs for the setters? Or shiratorizawa because I love them lol.
Hmmm... We'll go with Shiratorizawa because I don't have much content for them yet, sooo...
Ushijima: Not much in terms of pollen allergies (or else all that field work would kill him, lol), but he is somewhat allergic to pets. He still interacts with animals, but he'll take some Benadryl or something similar if his symptoms get too bad. This rarely ever happens, though, so only the other third years know about Ushiwaka's allergies.
Tendou: No pollen or pet allergies, but he's got some food problems. He's allergic to gluten and also has trouble with some dairy products. This is part of why he doesn't eat much, but his appetite is just small in general too. Gluten gives Tendou horrible stomach symptoms, but since he lives in Japan, he's lucky to have lots of gluten-free options because of rice's popularity in dishes.
Semi: Horrible, horrible pollen allergies. He gets super congested, and his ears and sinuses always feel full when the pollen count is bad. He gets lots of ear and sinus infections because of this. He also gets very sneezy and coughs a lot because of how congested he is. Semi carries lots of allergy medicine in his bag, ranging from moderate to strong. He takes moderate allergy medicine daily, but he keeps the strong medicine as a back up if his allergies get too bad. He also takes strong meds in the morning occasionally if he knows the pollen will be bad a head of time. He's had to sit out a few practices the past few years because of his allergies, and he hates it every time it happens. He always gets really embarrassed, but his team is never mad (except Washijou because he can be a bit of a jerk sometimes). They just want Semi to feel better.
Reon: He's got minor pollen allergies. They aren't normally a problem, but they kick his ass a little in autumn. He's still not sure exactly what it is, but some autumn plant really triggers his allergies like nothing else in the fall. He normally doesn't take allergy medication, but he has to take it in autumn if he wants to be functional at all.
Jin: Minor pet allergies. His family has a cat, so he takes some medicine every morning to keep his airways clear.
Hayato: Pretty severe spring allergies. He has to take lots of medicine to stay functional, so he's a little loopy for a while. Without his medicine, he's a sneezy, congested mess, so he always has emergency meds in his bag. Semi also carries some because of his allergies, so if worst comes to worst, Hayato can get some meds from Semi. Semi will share with him, but then Hayato will get lectured once he's taken them, so Hayato considers this a last resort.
Taichi: Dust and pollen problems. He gets watery eyes and sneezing, but it's not too awful, all things considered. He rarely takes medicine because he just doesn't care enough to bother. Taichi doesn't think his symptoms are all that bad, and he's more willing to deal with them than allergy medication side effects.
Shirabu: Pollen and pet dander make him cough. It's normally not so bad, but if he gets caught in a pollen or dust cloud, he'll cough for at least ten minutes just trying to clear his lungs. His main symptom is coughing, but his eyes can get watery too, and if the pollen count is extremely high, he might end up sneezing too. Takes low level allergy meds, but Semi will give him stronger stuff if he needs it. Shirabu is always grateful for this, but he'd rather die than tell Semi that.
Goshiki: Bad pet allergies, like throat swells (but never closes) bad. Goshiki often ignores his allergy because he loves animals, but he always pays for it later. Semi and Tendou keep a close eye on him around animals, and they both always have Benadryl if Goshiki has a bad reaction. Goshiki also carries Benadryl, but he's too forgetful to take it reliably, which is why Tendou and Semi have some too.
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