#I thought about adding Steph but she's clear on that stance; she's not part of Bruce's family
I'd love to read more canon accurate fics regarding both Duke and Damian's relashionships with their families. The prevailing fanon consensus seems to be that of depicting Duke seamlessly integrating into the Batfamily, overlooking his commitment to his living parents and his intention to reunite with them. For Duke, identifying as a member of the Batfamily feels like forsaking his existing family ties. "It's only temporary" he tells Bruce in Batman and The Signal (2018), and means it. Similarly, Damian's allegiance leans more towards the Al Ghuls than it does the Waynes. It's a very complex overall situation wherein which he sometimes prioritizes his relationship with the Al Ghuls, and others his Wayne lineage.
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Awkward Encounters
Authors Note: At first, I was going to write this as the reader being in Tessa’s perspective but then I thought that it would be too much of a copyright. There may be some similarities to the story but I have written Tessa in as a separate party. Tessa is still with Noah in this. Also, I will be referencing parts from both the movie and the novels. In this particular fanfiction Tristan is a girl, like the movie.
Summary: You are a freshman at college and your life there started pretty normally. Your best friend is Tristan who is dating Steph who is roommates with Tessa. That was until you went to a party with Tristan and the girls. You had no idea that the mysterious British boy was going to intervene when you come face to face with the Bitch that is Molly.
Warning: Swearing
Pairing: Reader x Hardin Scott
Word Count: 4,423
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“Come on Tristan, I told you.” I moan. “I can’t go to another party; I am still recovering from the last one.” I cling to a cold compress, trying my best to shield my eyes from the light that is seeping in through the open door.
Tristan threw a pack of Ibuprofen onto my lap that she snooped around in my bag for. “If it’s that bad, take one of these and get your butt out of that bed.” I groan at the impact from the small box just for the effect. “Don’t be a baby and get up.”
I roll over on the bed to face the wall. “Can’t you just go with Steph?”
“No!” She abruptly spat out. “I want to go with you. Steph is bringing Tessa and I don’t want to show up alone.”
“But you will be with her when you’re there. What’s the point in me getting out of this lovely cocoon that I have made, just to walk you to the party?”
Tristan had her head bent over, pulling her hair into a high ponytail on the top of her head. “You know that what you just said was the whole point.” She sighed. “Everyone is going to stare at me when I walk in there all on my lonesome.”
I eyed the short revealing dress that she was pulling onto her petite and envious body. “You know everyone will be staring at you no matter what if you wear that.” I laugh. “Those legs are going to be the headliner for that party.”
Tristan winked at me and continued adding more accessories to her ever-growing ensemble. “That my dear naïve British friend is the goal of this outfit.” She dropped to her knees faster than I could pry open the antibiotic wrapper. Gripping onto my hand she pulled me away from my mission to rid the world of the swirling furniture before my very eyes. “Y/N, if you do not go, I will literally never talk to you ever again.”
I raised my eyebrow at the sight before me. “Is that a promise.” I bravely say.
“Y/N! Please!”
“Fine alright. Give me five minutes.” I surrender, using every ounce of strength that I had left to lift myself from my comfy nest. “But you owe me, big time.” Tristan’s arms were around my neck faster than I could respond. Her soft lips that I am sure Steph adores, pressed against my forehead.
“I love you so much Miss Y/L/N!” She squealed.
I let out a stiff laugh as I saunter off to the bathroom to sort whatever state I currently appeared to be in.
“You know, when you said that this was going to be a cool night for us both? When did I factor into the equation?” I scoff, lifting the red solo cup to my lips. The bitter taste made my stomach curl, but what was worse was not drinking around all these over-the-top drunk people.
Tristan was straddling Steph on the sofa by the side of me. These two did not understand the true definition of PDA and why some people may find it uncomfortable. Including myself.
I inch further down the sofa that was unsurprisingly very sticky. If I wasn’t feeling queasy when I turned up, I certainly felt it now. I try to distract myself from the fact that I had to peel my legs from the leather material just to cross them. The sound was very unflattering.
“Why are you in my seat?” I roll my eyes the minute I recognised the irritating voice that filled me with angst and hatred from across the room. Molly Samuels. Her whole presence just irritates me, and it appears that I am not the only one with this response. I gaze over to my left to see Tessa shaking her head at the general distaste she had for the girl. I lift my cup up to Tessa who shyly mimics. ‘To stuck up bitches, ay?’ I say to myself, quietly so that she couldn’t hear.
Molly pushed Zed Evans and his girlfriend for the night out of her shitty throne causing his date to land hard on her arse. I am sure it wasn’t the first time that Molly has done this to declare her ‘power’ to the whole room. “Who the fuck do you think you are?” The blonde cried as Zed attempted to pick her up from the floor which was soaked in alcohol.
“Does this brat literally think she can talk to me right now?” Molly scoffed, flicking her hair over her shoulder. Turning to her so-called friends for approval of her comment and actions.
“What did you just call me?” The poor young girl shook off Zed’s protective arm and stepped right in front of Molly’s nose. Probably not the best move, but I have always found that Molly needed taking down a peg or two.
“You heard me, loud and clear” She popped her tongue on the letter ‘l’ in loud. “A little slutty brat who thinks for a second that Zed will call her back after he fucks her tonight.” Molly’s teeth were snarling almost like a wild animal.
“At least I’m not a bitchy whore who thinks that everyone here is her friend.” There were a couple ‘ohs’ and ‘ahs’ almost as if we were at a panto and not a college party after Zed’s girl’s response.
The second Molly let the words register her hand was leaving that poor girl’s cheek, along with a bright red handprint in its place.
“What the fuck, Molly!” I heard the words clear as day, but I never in a million years imagined that they would come from my mouth. But there I was, standing right in front of Molly, shielding the young girl from another blast to the face.
I could hear people whispering behind my back. ‘What is she doing?’ ‘Is she stupid or something?’ ‘Does she not know what Molly is like?’ Despite being close friends with Tristan, I never would have expected her to step up to defend me, especially when Molly Samuels was involved. She stayed on Steph’s lap; eyes bugged open. Utterly frozen.
“Wow Y/N? Get involved in other people’s business much? Just because your life is too sad, you feel like you can insert yourself into other people’s.” I roll my eyes at her pathetic attempt to rattle me. “You’re just a sad little virgin that no body wants around. Tristan only invited you tonight for her own benefit. Just look around, you don’t fit in here.”
I stay silent. I may have only spoken up once tonight, but that was enough for me. Frat parties are my least favourite place to be. The only reason I came here tonight was for Tristan. I should have left the minute she started making out with the red-haired beauty.
“Cat got your tongue now, bitch.” Molly’s face was inches from mine and I choked on the strong aroma of alcohol on her breath. “Oh, wait I forgot, the girl doesn’t own a backbone.” There were a few stifled laughs here and there. Zed stayed silent, as did Tristan and Steph. None of them making the effort to stand up for me. “Let me guess. Tristan batted her big eyes at you and begged you to come tonight, didn’t she? Then ditched you the moment someone prettier came into the picture.”
I gulp back the bile that I knew had risen to the back of my throat. “Why don’t you go back to your dorm. Oh, better yet, get on a fucking plane and fly back to shitty England. We could only get lucky and hope the thing crashes with you inside it.”
“That’s enough Molly!” The voice behind me held a British twang similar to my own. A voice I had only heard about but never actually seen. The bad boy, Hardin Scott.
Hardin Scott was attractive. Since I got here, I knew he was the talk of the college. Everybody knew who he was and that he wasn’t good news. His white shirt displayed his various tattoos clearly through the thin and tight fabric. His black hair was pushed back to show his piercing eyes and anger set eyebrows. His eyes never left Molly who was stood behind me.
“Oh, Hardin you know I am only messing with the virgin.” She forces a small laugh. “It’s not like I can control the planes is it.” Her head tilts to the side as her gaze locks onto mine, only to intimidate. “I mean I wish I could.” She muttered so that only the people stood around her could hear.
“Do you ever know when to stop!” Hardin barks, not acknowledging me physically. “Do you ever think that you’re the one that people don’t want around?” He questions, moving slowly across the room. I hadn’t noticed but the volume of the once booming music had been lowered to a slight hum in the background.
Hardin was now stood right beside me glaring down at Molly who mimicked his stance. “Ding Ding. Come on guys let’s just drop it!” Nate calls over when he noticed their glares on each other were far from breaking.
Molly was the first to move. “You’re right Nate.” She coos. “Let’s play a game.” She scans the room of her so-called posy who all appeared to be done with her shit for the night. “It’s Friday night. We need to play a game. I will even let the little virgin here play along, too.”
I am very aware that all the eyes were now back on me.
This wasn’t something that I wanted to be a part of. It took me what felt like an eternity to move my feet across the room to where Tristan was sitting. “I am going to head back to the dorms.” I declare quietly to her, but I can tell that they are all listening.
“No please stay, it won’t be the same if you go.” Tristan reaches for my hand which I pull away.
I don’t know why I am letting Molly’s words sink in so much. Everybody who knows her knows that she is full of herself and couldn’t give a shit who she hurts.
“No, it’s late.” It was only nine. “And I have assignments that are due.” I lie, they are all finished. “I’ll see you back at the dorm.”
I start towards the door but I can hear Tristan calling after me to stay.
As I reach the front door to the frat house, I hear Molly’s voice loud and clear. “So, Hardin truth or dare?”
The walk back to the dorms was anything but peaceful. The cars were loud and honking at me as they passed. Classy.
I reach for my phone in my bag. I could do with tuning out the world for this half hour walk back in the dark. But my fingers only find a vibrant red lipstick that I couldn’t pull off in a million years.
I stop dead in my tracks. This was Steph’s bag; I grabbed the wrong one during my never-ending embarrassment.
I couldn’t go back, but I couldn’t go further either. Where was I supposed to go, Steph’s key wasn’t in here so it’s not like I could sleep in her room for the night. No cash, key or phone meant that I had no other choice. I had to suck it up and go back.
“Fuuuck!” I shout, not caring that I startled an elderly woman who was placing a rubbish bag in her bin just outside her front door.
“Not a very ladylike thing to say.” I hear a mocking chuckle behind me causing me to jump out of my skin.
When I turn around, I am greeted by the tall British bad boy covered in ink standing about 6 foot in front of me.
His head cocks to the side when I don’t answer him. “You don’t say much, do you?” My eyes scan over his attire, black ripped jeans, white top, and a jet-black leather jacket. “But you do stare a lot, don’t you?” That British chuckle makes it’s second appearance tonight.
“What do you want?” I blurt out, shaking my head at the fact that I was indeed caught staring at the boy.
He steps a little closer to me, closing the gap between us ever so slowly. I watch in amazement at how sexy he makes walking look. “You left this at the party.” I hadn’t realised that he had extended his hand to reveal a clutch bag. My clutch bag.
“Oh!” I speak. “Thanks.” I take the bag from him and prepare myself for the walk back.
“Don’t take any notice of Molly. She is a bitch.”
“Yep.” I chip in, turning to walk back towards the college dorm rooms.
I only get a few steps ahead when I feel a cold sensation wrap around my bare arm. Why the fuck didn’t I bring a coat? I gaze down at the hand that is pressed to my skin. “Where are you going?” He softly says. His tone and action were not at all forceful but something about him made me shiver with fear deep inside the pit of my stomach. I was warned about Hardin Scott. Tristan said that he wasn’t exactly good news around her group of friends. Acting with his fists before connecting his words, that’s what she said at least.
“H-Home.” I stutter, half from the interaction, half from how fucking cold it was. I straighten up. “I am going home.”
“Alone?” He jumps in straight away.
I don’t answer. I just look back at his hand around my arm.
“S-sorry.” He stutters, removing his hand from my arm. “It’s just it’s a long way back to the dorms and it is late.”
I shrug my shoulders at his declaration. “I know.” I simply say and start to walk again but I am blocked by the gorgeous boy standing in front of me. “Oh fuck, you’re not going to kill me, are you?”
“No of course not!” He blurts.
“Good! Now could you” I gesture to the fact that he is stood directly in my path. He catches on to my hint and steps aside.
“You’re not going to walk there alone, are you?” His voice sounding desperate.
I spin and mockingly look around for people, lifting my hand to shield my eyes as I continue my search. This provokes a choked sigh from Hardin. Once I am satisfied with my ‘search’ I say “yep” and continue to walk.
“But it is late.” He chimes in again walking backwards trying desperately not to break my gaze as I try desperately to avoid his. “And you’re alone.”
“Yes, we have established this.” I mock, glaring at the stoned pavement or sidewalk ahead of me.
Hardin reaches both hands out in front of himself creating a wall which stops me from taking another step. “What is your problem?”
I take a step back, alarmed at his outburst. “My problem. You’re the one who has continuously blocked my way for the past ten minutes.” I bark. I try to move around him but he doesn’t budge, copying my actions to stay ahead of me.
“I am trying to offer my services.” Hardin exclaimed but then scowled at his choice of words. I too have a hard time accepting the word ‘services.’ Just as I go to argue he opens his mouth. “Fuck that’s not what I meant to say.” His hands instantly dart to push his hair back out of his face. A nervous tick I assume. What did he have to be nervous about? He is the one stalking after college girls at half 9 at night.
“Look can we start over?” He offers shoving his hands into his jacket. My arms promptly raise to cover my bare arms where goosebumps have started to form. Why didn’t I bring a jacket? “Could I possibly walk you back to the dorms?” His eyes dropped to the ground to stare at a pebble that he toyed with his shoe. Was he anxious?
“Why?” I question fairly quickly.
“I just want to make sure that you get back safe!” His tone wasn’t very friendly. I cock my head to one side. “Sorry, that came out bad.” His tone softening. “I just didn’t like the way that Molly spoke to you earlier and I also hate the fact that you would be walking back in this sketchy neighbourhood alone.”
We walk all the way back to the dorms in silence. Hardin looked uncomfortable the entire time as if he were being forced to be here. I sure as hell did not make him.
I pull the key from my bag and slot it into the lock on the door. Pushing the door slightly open I stand with my arms still draped across my shivering body in the doorway. “Well, thanks for walking me back and bringing me my bag.”
Hardin didn’t budge. His eyes were locked on my body, traveling from my legs to my face. His face turned a shade of white when his eyes caught up to mine. “Fuck!” He announced.
“What!” I jump at his sudden change in demeaner.
“Your lips.” He gestures to my trembling lips that haven’t stopped shaking since I stepped outside of the frat house. “They are fucking blue!” Panic surges over him as he rakes his hands through his hair. “Why didn’t you say you were cold?” He started passing back and fourth in front of me.
“There wasn’t much you could do.” I counter. “My own stupid fault for not bringing a coat.”
I walk inside the room and grab a jacket and throw it on over my shaking body. Hardin enters after me and grabs my hand carefully. “Fuck lot that will do.” He picks up a towel and drags me back down the hallway.
I try to pull my arm back but it is no use. “Where the hell are you taking me?” I say a little too loud. Silently cursing myself if I may have woken up any of the other students living down this dorm.
“The showers now come on.” He tugs a little harder as his feet guide me towards the shared bathroom just a few floors down from my own.
As we reach the bathroom, Hardin throws the towel over the railing and reaches in to turn on the water. I couldn’t help but watch his every move. “Get in!” He cries. Gesturing to the box that was filling with tempting hot steam.
I hesitate. “Y/N, get in the fucking shower.” I jump, not at his tone. But at the fact that he used my name. How did he even know it? Oh right, he was at the party when Molly was insulting me. “If you don’t start undressing now, I will have to start doing it for you.”
I raise an eyebrow but decline his offer, stepping into the box and pulling the curtain across to shield my naked body.
Hardin was right, I needed that shower. I hadn’t realised how cold I had gotten from that walk home. I stood in that shower for what felt like half the evening.
I shut off the water and begin to pull the curtain slightly across so that I could reach for the towel that Hardin had placed on the rail when Hardin’s hand slips through holding the towel between his fingers.
“Thanks.” I mutter, draping it around my soaking body.
I step out to find that Hardin’s hair has dropped and started to stick to his forehead in places from the steam. His eyes dart up and down my body, quietly.
I am the first one to break the silence as we stand there in the shared bathroom. “So, I should um, probably get back to my room.”
I watch as Hardin lets my words break him from his still stance. “Yeah, um, after you.” He holds his arm out and follows me out of the bathroom. Something has shifted in Hardin. Tonight, I have seen him; angry, intimidating, shy, solemness and lost for words. It was a lot to take in during a short period of time.
I open the dorm door and step inside. When I hear the door shut, I jump and almost drop the towel. “Shit, sorry I didn’t mean for the door to shut so loudly.” He curses under his breath.
“It’s okay.” I mutter. I cling to the towel as I stare back at Hardin who hasn’t moved or made any effort to leave.
“Y/N?” Hardin’s voice softer than ever tonight, bringing my eyes to meet his. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“What do you mean?” My words coming out slowly. His head dropped to face the floor. Was he trying to count the flecks of glitter on the carpet from Tristan’s body butter or something?
“Why didn’t you say that you were cold?” I roll my eyes, this again. Crossing my arms over my stomach.
“Like I said, there wasn’t anything you could have-”
“I could have given you my jacket.” He interjects. Taking a step closer to me. His body was merely a foot away from mine.
“But then you would have been the one with the blue lips.” I counter. Tilting my head to the side in a modest challenging manner.
This stirred something within Hardin, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. I know that he isn’t used to a woman not agreeing with every word that comes out of his mouth.
I suddenly shake my head as I feel a slight chill spread up my back. I am still in my towel and now I am very much aware of that. Quickly I turn away from his locked-on gaze.
“Can I have some privacy please.” I mumble, not able to turn around to face him. “I need to, uh, get changed.” I add.
Hardin lets out a small grunt but eventually I do hear the click of my dorm-room door close. I don’t know why but I feel a shed of disappointment at the fact that he listened and actually left.
It takes my hands what feels like hours to release the tight grip that I held on to the towel. Allowing it to fall onto the floor.
“You know what-” I hear the click of the door and his voice fill my ears. I jump from my spot in the middle of the room. He doesn’t finish the sentence, instead Hardin slams the door behind him. “Fuck!” His eyes firm but glued on my body.
I quickly try to grab the towel up off the floor, but it is no use. Hardin instantly placed his foot over the soggy material. “Don’t.” He lets that one word fall from his lips as he slowly continues to decrease the distance between us.
“Hardin!” I shout. “Give-” I can’t finish my argument as I find his finger is placed over the top of my lips.
Hardin doesn’t speak, he just shakes his head. His soft hand moves from my lips and trails off to my cheek, holding me in place. My eyes locked onto his own, frozen in place. I watch as his eyes bounce from my own to my lips, seeking permission. His other hand snaked its way around and laid itself on the small of my back, pulling my naked body closer to his.
I was completely thrown off by the audacity of my body responding to his touch, bringing me to him. Everything happened in slow motion from the second we were back in my room. I knew that Hardin was trouble, everybody did. But no one actually prepares you for a moment like this. Where you are stood in front of a gorgeous guy whose whole attention you own. Did I say he was gorgeous?
I shake my head breaking the eye contact trance I was in. “Har-”
“You’re so beautiful.” He interrupts, breaking right through the barrier I was desperately trying to build. Correction, he shattered the wall to pieces and I find myself pushing my lips aggressively against his, hungry for the contact.
It takes him a second to return the haste in my actions within his own. Moving his lips to mimic the speed that I had set for him. It took no time at all for that jacket that he kept holding over me for not taking since we got back to the room to be thrown onto the floor, revealing the crisp white T-shirt underneath.
His hand wandered lower to lay slightly above my bare arse. While my hands slithered up underneath his shirt. Desperate to feel the skin underneath and to trace the ink that it held. The hand that rested on my cheek now held tightly to the back of my neck making it impossible to break the kiss, not that I wanted to.
I could stay like this forever, kissing Hardin has awoken something inside me that I didn’t even know existed. This overwhelming hunger for his contact. I tug a little on the hair on the back of his head which in response summoned a deep growl from Hardin that I didn’t think I was prepared to hear. Any sense of doubt that we should stop kissing left my mind the second I heard that sound.
“Y/N? You would not believe what you missed after-” Tristan stood in the open doorway, her mouth held open just as wide.
Fuck. I jump back from Hardin and scramble for the towel, concealing my naked form from my roommate. I look over to Hardin who didn’t look at all affected by the events in the last ten seconds.
“I can tell your busy so I will just, yeah.” Tristan steps back and shuts the door behind her.
I run into the closet and quickly throw on a set of underwear and a long-oversized shirt that came down to lie just beneath my arse. “I think it’s about time I start locking that door.” I joke as I step through the closet door.
My eyes roam the room for the handsome boy I was just making out with only to be greeted with an empty room. My shoulders fall, “I guess that’s goodbye.” I mumble, trying my best to hold myself together. Locking the door before falling onto my bed.
Part 2?
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Ink IV
Pairing: Logan Delos x Reader
Word Count: 6984
Rating: NSFW 
Author’s Note: Fuck it, I’m gonna write the hell out of this thing. It’s going to be at least two more parts after this. 
Summary: What happens when someone moves in on Logan in front of you? And what happens after you’ve made it back to land - and Logan’s place?
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Logan Delos:
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He kept talking, but you watched Logan’s eyes tracking your movement as you made your way closer to where he sat, his right arm outstretched along the arm of the couch, the left propped up on the back. He was sitting almost in the same position you’d been sitting in while he was gone, but instead of crossing his leg over his knee, Logan’s stance was wide, taking up as much of the couch as possible. Though no one moved to let you through, Logan said your name, cutting off the woman that had been speaking before sitting straight up, his fingers curling around the end of the couch arm. Interesting. 
 “Brought you a drink, Logan.” You held it up, speaking loudly enough to be overheard through the conversation going on around you. “Here.” You leaned forward to hand it to him, watching as he frowned slightly. “I’d sit, but someone -” The brunette smirked at you and you rolled your eyes but didn’t otherwise engage with her. You could feel the mood around you changing, everyone waiting to see what you’d do - to see what Logan would do, faced with either having to tell someone to move so that you could sit back down, meaning that he’d let someone else take your place, or simply using the other woman’s presence to alert you to the fact that your time with him for the evening had come to an end. But I’m going home with him, even though they don’t know that… “Bartender said that we’ll be back at the dock in under an hour.” You raised your own drink to your lips, taking a long sip. “I -”
 “You gonna sit?” Logan raised an eyebrow as he brought his legs together and leaned forward before he took the drink from your hand, his lips closing around the small straw and cheeks going hollow as he sucked. “Hmm?” Where, Logan? She’s not moving, and I… “Plenty of room right here.” You realized what he meant as he spoke and you inhaled sharply. He means on his lap. He wants me to… You didn’t give it a second thought before pushing through the remainder of the people and turning as you lowered yourself onto Logan again, this time while everyone watched. You knew that he could feel how quickly your heart was beating but without waiting for anyone to make a comment, Logan returned to the story he’d been telling, his legs opening again as you put your own between them, the bulk of your weight on one thigh as you wrapped an arm around his neck so that it wasn’t hanging uselessly between you. 
 Though you participated in the conversation as required, your mind was elsewhere, thinking about the way Logan was acting, the way he was presenting you to people as if you were a couple, the way he was using you as a prop. No, not a prop… an example. You finished your Coke, turning your head away from the conversation to see if there was a server to take the empty, and like clockwork, Dolores was next to you, reaching for the glass in your hands. You felt Logan stiffen beneath you, but he too held his empty drink out and the blonde Host took it from him and then disappeared quickly, both glasses held in one hand. At least they’re good for something. 
 The brunette - committed to her decision to sit next to Logan - kept engaging him in conversation, referring to the others that were gathered and to her blonde friend often as she spoke. Of course it had to be them. As the conversation continued, a few people wandered off, saying their goodbyes and heading down the stairs. There was no way for you to alert Logan that the woman was the one that had told you you were about to hit your expiration date, but the way that he was idly - but visibly - caressing your back hinted at the fact that he knew, and his next words confirmed it. “Hey, Nicole.” He spoke more loudly than he had been previously, clearing his throat. “Didn’t you tell me once that you had a couple of tattoos?” The brunette nodded, eyes darting to you before they returned to Logan. She was referring to herself? She’s the one he told? She shifted, her knee brushing Logan’s as she sat up, leaning toward him. 
 “I do.” She cocked her head to the side, smiling at Logan. “Want more, too, I think that -” Logan’s palm pressing against the center of your back, he interrupted her. 
 “Thought you did.” He sniffed, using the hand that had previously held the drink to gesture to you. “She can probably recommend an artist for you, I’m not sure if you’ve seen the -” Nicole’s eyes were on you, the sneer on her face barely concealed, but you kept your expression even, too surprised at the direction Logan had taken the conversation in to respond. “... the ink that she’s got, but…” 
 “Oh, I’ve seen it.” Nicole looked between you and Logan, swallowing. “Seen it up close.” He sucked in a breath at the girl’s tone - the thinly veiled annoyance basically confirming that she’d been the one to give you trouble earlier. “You want me to get mo-”
 “No.” Logan shifted beneath you again, free hand wrapping around your waist and holding you close. “I don’t give a shit what you do, Nicole,” Logan replied quietly, leaning in so that his chest was pressed against your back, his hand gripping the opposite shoulder. “But if you’re gonna get ‘em, you should get good one-”
 “Logan.” You finally spoke, turning your head toward the man, lips only a few inches from his cheek. “Stop, it’s not…” Worth it? Gonna do anything? Going to matter? You let your lips land against his cheek, the bottom one catching the very top of his beard. This isn’t worth it. I don’t want to flaunt him. I don’t want... “Not what I want, Logan.” You whispered the words into his ear, sitting up and turning your attention back to the other woman. “Nicole.” You smiled at her, though it was difficult. “I’d be more than happy to recommend my artist to you, if -” The brunette rolled her eyes, standing and turning away from the couch with a shake of her head. 
 “I’m all set. C’mon Steph, let’s go back downstairs and get our shoes.” Without saying goodbye, the two moved away from you, Nicole shaking her head even harder as she disappeared down the stairs. Did I overstep? Logan stayed silent as you looked around you, trying to gauge whether or not the other guests had seen and heard what happened, but it seemed as if no one was paying attention, and you were grateful. When Logan still didn’t speak, you moved to get off of his lap and settle onto the cushions for the final few minutes of the trip, but he didn’t let you go. When you turned toward him to question it, you were met with his eyes - bright and wide - and his lips, seeking yours. 
 The kiss was brief but full of apology, Logan using his mouth and hands to tell you what he likely didn’t have the words to express, and it was you that pushed him away, taking a deep breath and then laughing quietly, your forehead pressed against his. “Wanna keep my job, Logan. I can’t just make out with you in front of…” He kissed you again, teeth closing around your lip before he pulled away with a nod. “You’re not mad?” 
 “Mad?” You slid off of his lap and next to him, eyes scanning the light-dotted coastline before they went back to him, Logan waiting until you were looking before he continued. “I’m the furthest thing from mad right now.” He grinned at you, looking younger than he had in the entire time you’d known him. I don’t understand, but… “And when we get into that car?” He winked at you again, leaning in so that he could speak directly into your ear. “I’m gonna -”
 “Logan?” You heard her voice and then looked up, eyes landing on Juliet, who looked more put out than she had the last time you’d seen her. “Logan, I hate to…” She sighed, arms crossed. “There’s a problem with our car, and they can’t get another one to the dock for at least another hour, and William doesn’t want to…” She groaned, rubbing at her forehead. “Can we ride home with you? We’re on the way, and you can…” He didn’t even pause before he agreed, but you heard the disappointment in his voice, and it rivaled the way you felt. “Thank you, Lo, I wouldn’t ask normally, but I don’t want to wait, I just want to get home to Em as soon as possible and…” The woman’s voice faded as Logan stood, reaching back to grab your hand and pull you to your feet, defeat in his eyes. Oh, Logan. You followed Juliet down to the bottom level of the boat and joined the line of people waiting to pick up their shoes and gift bags, William joining you after a few minutes. 
 You and Logan were silent as you stood in the line, Logan’s body pressed up against yours from behind, Juliet and William ahead of you, talking quietly. You thanked the young man that handed you your shoes and bag, following the line of people as you disembarked and switching back into your sandals once you were on land. Logan took your hand again, linking his fingers with yours as you walked across the parking lot toward the valet waiting area, his grip growing tighter as you neared the car you’d exited hours earlier. 
 The driver was leaning against the door as you approached, greeting Logan by name, and as he explained what had happened, the man waved him off, assuring Logan that it was no problem. Pulling the door open, the driver gestured for you to get in and William immediately moved but was stopped by Logan. “We’ll sit in the back, William.” The blonde man froze, and though Logan’s tone wasn’t as hard as it had been the last time they’d spoken, you could tell he wasn’t happy. “You’re getting out first, it’s the logical choice.” He guided you into the car and you slid across the seat, welcoming the cool air and closing your eyes. Though it was barely 11 PM, you were tired, the alcohol and ocean air hitting you all at once, and you welcomed the feeling of Logan’s arms wrapping around you as he pulled you against his body, tucking his cheek against the side of your head as you took a deep breath. “Not how I wanted to end this night,” he murmured as you pulled out of the parking lot. “I had plans for us.” Logan took a deep breath. 
 “Now I get a nap, Delos.” You turned your head upward and kissed his chin, reaching up to scratch your fingers through the hair on his jaw as Juliet and William talked quietly in front of you. “You should take one too, the night’s nowhere near over.” Even in the dark, you saw his eyes flash, his lips twitching into a tiny smile. Gotcha, Logan. 
 Dropping off Juliet and William only added fifteen minutes to your drive, and you woke to Logan’s voice telling his sister goodnight, his arms still around you. You mumbled a goodbye as well, keeping your face pressed against Logan’s chest, but didn’t open your eyes. “Almost home.” He sighed, lips in your hair. “Almost in bed.” 
 “Your home, Logan.” You turned your body, feeling more of him against you, and cleared your throat. “Not m-”
 “Semantics.” He kissed the top of your head, laughing quietly. “You know what I mean.” You did, but at the same time, you were hesitant to read much into it when Logan said things like that, because you didn’t want to get your hopes up. What you had was nice, but you were very well aware of the fact that it was likely only semi-permanent - which made displays like the boat ride and all of the things he’d said to you hurt just a little more. Still half dozing, you felt Logan’s breaths lengthening along with yours as the car continued to move - but you knew that he was still awake, and that he likely hadn’t fallen asleep with William in the car. 
 It was after midnight when you finally pulled into Logan’s driveway, him sliding out of the car first and then holding a hand out to you, pulling you from the vehicle and against his chest in the night air. He waved goodbye to the driver, an arm around your waist as you stood in the driveway, darkness enveloping you again. “We gonna stand here all night, Logan?” You pulled away from him and stretched, raising both hands above your head. “I know it’s nice and quiet, but…”
 “How was tonight?” He looked worried, head cocked slightly to the side. “I know I said that no one would… and they did, but I hope you…” He shook his head. “Nicole’s a… I never even flirted with her, an’ she just assumed that…” He wrinkled his nose. 
 “Logan.” You stepped back next to him, lifting a hand to run your fingers through your hair. “I had fun.” You nodded. “A lot of fun. I’ve never been on a yacht before, it was… interesting to see all of those people outside of work.” You shrugged. “I’ll never be one of them, my job isn’t… but for the most part, everyone was nice, just like you said.” You’d gotten a few glances, sure, but you were used to that, and even Nicole’s comments had been relatively tame though pointed, but you were confident that publicly appearing at a Delos function with Logan hadn’t impacted your chances of keeping your position at the company. “There was this guy, though.” You raised an eyebrow, looking up at Logan. “Couldn’t keep his hands off of me, kept trying to kiss me in front of all of his colleagues -”
 “Employees, not colleagues,” Logan mumbled, pulling you against his chest. “And who’s this guy? He sounds like he’s got good taste in women.” His lips moved against your throat, beard gently moving against the skin there. “Not as good as you taste, though.” You felt your knees grow weak at his words, and even though you knew he’d likely used them on others before you, you couldn’t help letting them impact you. Logan was magnetic - and when he was with someone, he was focused on them like he was with you - nothing else mattered. “I need to get you inside.” He groaned against your skin, kisses becoming sloppier as his hands slid up from your waist to your back and side, fingers digging into the skin beneath them. “Made you a promise, and I gotta keep it.” 
 You pulled yourself from his arms - one of the most difficult things you’d done all day - and began walking toward the house. “You do, Logan.” You glanced over your shoulder at him, biting down on your lower lip. “Gotta take advantage of the next couple days, since you won’t be able to …”
 “I didn’t even think about that.” Logan’s eyes widened as he hurried after you, his fingernails slowly dragging up the center of your back. “I didn’t…” You knew that he hadn’t considered what your appointment meant, since Logan wasn’t used to having anyone regularly in his life or in his bed, but you were glad that you’d reminded him. “How long?” You were inside of his house, Logan locking the door behind him, and you heard his keys hit the table as he dropped them. Not even a second passed before you felt his other hand join the first, fingers spreading out so that his thumbs were rubbing against your spine. 
 “Couple weeks, Logan.” You leaned back into his touch, still standing in the entryway, tilting your head to the side. “Just until -”
 “You can cancel.” He lowered his head, lips finding the skin of your shoulder and latching on, hands working the muscles of your back. “Still time, still -”
 “Logan, I can’t, this is the only time that he’ll be back in town, and…” You paused, Logan turning his head inward, kissing his way toward your neck. “Logan.” You turned, your arms circling around his shoulders and his sliding down to your waist. Just because he can’t touch me doesn’t mean… “You’ll be fine, Logan,” you whispered before you kissed him, fingers combing through his hair. “You can always -”
 “Whatever you’re gonna say is wrong.” Logan shook his head, forehead pressed to yours. “That’s not what this is. You know that.” He pulled back, swallowing. “I can touch you in plenty of other places, by the way.” He raised an eyebrow as he stood up straight, gaze flicking toward the stairs. “I’m very adaptable.” He swallowed, his eyes moving down your face and to your chest while his fingers tugged on the strings that he’d tied hours earlier, loosening them. “Now, are you gonna let me get you out of this dress, or are we going to stand here in this hallway all goddamn night?” Shrugging, you removed your arms from around his neck, undoing the buttons on his shirt that you could reach before you pulled the bottom hem out from his pants, opening up the final few. 
 “I donno, Logan, what are we going to do? It’s your house.” He laughed, wrinkling his nose as he leaned down to you, mouth going to yours again - this time with deliberation. You couldn’t stop the quiet moan from leaving your lips as he kissed you, teeth grazing against your lower lip for a moment before his tongue slid over it and into your mouth. Every time Logan kissed you was like the first time all over again - the way it made you feel was almost more intoxicating than any alcohol you’d ever consumed. It’s dangerous, you told yourself again as Logan pulled you up the stairs, the strings of your dress wrapped around his hands to keep you close. He’s with me now, but… 
 “You know what they asked me? When you were gettin’ drinks or when you were in the bathroom?” He leaned in again once you’d made it to his bedroom, winding more of the material around his hands. “They asked me what it was like to be with someone like you… like… like you were any fuckin’ different than any of them just because you’ve got…” He looked angry - and after a few seconds, you realized it was on your behalf, that he’d been angry at the others on the boat for what they’d assumed about you. You put your hands on his chest, waiting, but shook your head.
 “Logan, I’m used to that, it’s fine, it…” You shook your head again, wanting to change the subject, to get the angry look out of his eyes. “I’m not the typical professional, Logan, I get it. You don’t have to -”
 “You know what I told ‘em?” He sniffed, leaning in and tracing the shell of your ear with his tongue, voice low when he spoke. “I told ‘em it was none of their goddamn business.” You inhaled sharply at that, but his next words caused you to rock on your feet, fingers curling against his skin. “Told ‘em if I had anything to say about it, none of them would ever find out.” What does that mean? Logan, you can’t… I … he… Speechless, you whispered Logan’s name, lowering your head, heart pounding in your chest. “Meant it, too.” You looked up at that, searching his dark eyes for truth - but you knew that you’d find it. Logan never lied - not to you, not to anyone. So that means… “I’m not good at this.” He kissed you quickly, pulling your hips against his. “I can close a business deal in two minutes or less, but this? Tellin’ someone what I … that I wanna be with them? Never done it before.” Logan sighed, and you felt as he let go of the strings, raising his hands to your neck and untying the top of your dress. “Never told anyone else that, but I told you three times tonight.” 
 He finished with the straps, pulling them forward and allowing them to slip through his fingers. “Must’ve meant it, Logan.” It was your turn to speak quietly, your eyes on his face as he watched the movement of his hands, palms flattening against the front of your shoulders before they moved down, the material of your dress moving with them. “God, Logan, you…” You let out a breath, fingers itching to touch him. “Logan, wait.” You realized what he’d said with a jolt, and rather than simply letting him brush it off again, you reached up, stopping the movement of his hands with yours. “Stop. Look at me.” 
 He did, and you could see that his brow was furrowed, worry in his eyes. You’d never told him to stop before, and you could only imagine what he was thinking at your request for him to do so after him saying what he had. “Yeah?” You took a breath. Now or never. He’s… you need to… 
 “I want to be with you too, Logan.” You nodded. “I just didn’t want to ruin this, you know? I didn’t know you…” You licked your lower lip, tongue poking into your cheek. “Thought we were just having fun, and I didn’t want it to end by me being like everyone else.” You shook your head, looking down. “I don’t want anyone else, Logan.” You swallowed, bringing your head back up to level. “Just you.” He looked surprised, but you saw relief in his eyes, too. 
 “Even though you don’t know everything?” You nodded, reaching up with a hand to stroke the side of his face with your thumb. “Even though I’m fucked up, and have…” You continued nodding. “You’d have to deal with people like you did tonight all the time, men and women, an’... I’ll probably have been with…” 
 “Logan.” You cut him off, pressing a finger to his lips. “I don’t care.” He sucked a breath in, eyes going wide. “We’ll deal with it.” He laughed, lips parting behind your finger and you pulled your hand away, settling it on his shoulder. “Whatever you want.” He watched you silently, and you looked back at him, confused. Why is he trying to… it’s like he… “Logan.” You took a half step back, shaking your head and dropping your arms to your sides. “Do you want me to say no? Do you want …”
 “I don’t know.” He swallowed, shaking his head. “It’s what I’d expect.” He winced, a hand moving to his hair, the other still against your chest. “Figured I’m good enough to fuck, but not…”
 “Logan.” You sighed, closing your eyes. “Let me get this straight.” You opened your eyes again, hoping he could see that you meant what you were about to say. “You think that after all of this - after the weeks I spent turning you down, the way we started all of this, the trip to the Mesa, the last few months, introducing me to… you think that you’d tell me that you want to be with me, and I’d turn you down because I didn’t want to deal with the… the bullshit?” He nodded, regarding you carefully. “Jesus, Logan, I wouldn’t have slept with you in the first place if I wasn’t…” You shook your head, taking in a shuddering breath. “You’ve shown me what you’re really like, and that’s…” He stopped you by stepping closer, removing the hand from your chest and moving it to your jaw, the other one joining it. 
 “Everyone’s the same.” He curled his lip, shaking his head back and forth a few times. “They think they wanna be around me because they want all the good parts - the parties and the money and the publicity - but as soon as they see the hard parts - hear all the shit people say about me and what I do, if I ask ‘em to support me in any way, it’s too much.” He paused, his eyes searching yours. “It’s easier when you don’t give a shit about any of ‘em, but it’d still be nice to… to know, you know? To know that if I needed someone, I’d … even Juliet’s too fuckin’ wrapped up in William now, and Jim’s a lost cause. I’ve had no one since my mom died, and I was eight.” 
 You hadn’t known that fact about Logan - how old he’d been when his mother had died, or that he’d felt alone for nearly 25 years, even though he’d been constantly surrounded by people, by wealth and excess - by opportunity. “People are fucking horrible, Logan.” You nodded at him, feeling his fingers tightening slightly against your neck, both thumbs swiping against your cheeks. “But I’m not going anywhere, not unless you want me to. You want me on your side? I’m here.” His eyes widened. “I was afraid to tell you before, because I know… you’re not someone that’s looking for a relat-”
 “I don’t know what I’m looking for.” He ducked his head, looking down. “This isn’t business, it’s my life, and it’s the one goddammn thing I’m not sure about, and -”
 “You don’t have to be sure.” You leaned in, kissing him on the cheek. “That’s how these things work, Logan. No one’s sure, not at the beginning, not at the end, not even when you’re right in the middle of it. That’s what… that’s what makes them great.” He lifted his head and you pressed your lips against his - quickly - his hands still at your throat. “It could end tomorrow, it could end in a year, it could last forever… we don’t know.” You laughed quietly, reaching up to run your fingers through his hair. “It’s a risk, but it’s… worth it.” At least it would be to me. “Logan, you… you’re not used to people being honest with you, are you?” 
 “No.” It was just a single word, but it was telling. “I’m honest all the damn time, and I don’t…” 
 “Then I’ll be honest with you, Logan.” You took a deep breath. “Really honest.” Here goes nothing. “I said no to you in the beginning because I didn’t just wanna be someone you slept with and then moved on from. I figured that that’d be it - I’d turn you down a couple times, and you’d lose interest, but you didn’t.” He was watching you quietly, giving you a chance to speak. “I don’t need someone to swoop in. I don’t need someone with status to ‘take care of me’, or to show me off, and that’s what I thought you wanted. Something new and … disposable.” He whispered the word ‘no’ under his breath again, but you continued. “But we went out that night and went to dinner, and you were… God, you were charming, Delos. But I still didn’t want to just be a throwaway for you, so I sent you home.” 
 “Why are you tellin’ me this?” His voice soft, Logan interrupted you. “It doesn’t-”
 “It does matter, though. Because I didn’t sleep that night. I couldn’t, because all I was thinking was ‘well, what if I missed my chance? What if that’s it?’ I went out with you and got to spend a few hours with you, and still turned you away at the end of the night. You could have gone anywhere, Logan. Been with anyone - and part of me thought that that’s what you did. You dropped me off and then went out and found someone else, and…” You hated admitting to him what you’d thought, because it wasn’t true anymore, but he needed to know. “And then you asked me out again, and I thought ‘well, maybe he wants to be friends, even if I won’t sleep with him,’ and that’s what happened. But … Logan, you know what you do to people. You know how…” You groaned quietly, thinking. “I couldn’t stop myself. And even after it happened the first time, that was true. How was I better than anyone else, taking what you gave me without thinking about what could happen? Just going along with it? What would happen to me when someone else caught your eye?” You pulled away, wanting to look him in the eye. “I looked up other people that you’d been linked to, Logan. None of them were like me. None. Not even the ones that weren’t socialites. And so what was I? An outlier? Something different? It scared me, a lot.” 
 “But -” You kissed him again, this time lingering, lips catching on his lower one. 
 “Let me finish.” You pulled away only slightly, wanting to be close to him as you said the last part and his hands loosened, dropping to your shoulders. “Every time you touch me, it’s like… I forget all of the reasons why I should be careful, why I shouldn’t let myself…” It was your turn to laugh. “... why I shouldn’t let myself care about you as much as I do. I know how it ends, Logan, or at least how it’s ended for everyone else before me, and I still… I still couldn’t stop myself, except when it came to one thing.” Here we go. “I was too scared to tell you that I feel something for you. For you. Something real, not just a physical thing, but… fuck.” This wasn’t supposed to happen, he was just going to take me to bed, not this. 
 “Do you know how many people that I’ve dated that I’ve introduced to Juliet?” You heard his voice catch. “None. Some of ‘em have met her, sure, but I’ve never taken them to her house, or had them over here when she was. I know you know her from work, but…” He leaned back in, lips hovering just a few centimeters above yours. “She had to like you, and not just as a Delos employee. Even though she’s still… she had to. It couldn’t just be me.” Your heart pounding, you waited. He introduced me to Juliet right after we… the first time, we… “Let’s go to bed.” He kissed you, air leaving his lips in a slow huff. “I need you.” You were nodding before he’d finished, the two of you making your way to the bed across the room. Logan’s hands worked to rid you of the dress you wore, leaving you standing in front of him in lace and nothing more. You watched as he pulled the shirt from his own shoulders and undid the button on his pants, the white material dropping to the ground before Logan stepped out of them, kicking them to the side. “We’re not done with this conversation, I promise you.” He was kissing you again, hands on your shoulders as his lips moved over your throat and up to your jaw. “But right now I just need to…” He bit down - body pressed against yours, and you sighed, whispering his name. “I need to show you.”  
 Logan guided you into the bed, easing you onto your stomach and climbing in behind you as you nestled against the blankets. You felt his weight settle against the backs of your thighs and then his hands were on you, starting near your waist and working their way up, Logan applying pressure to your skin as they moved. It was common for him to massage your back, his large hands strong and warm against you, and you knew that it was partially because he enjoyed touching you - and partially because he liked looking at you, his dark eyes drinking in the designs on your skin that he admired so much. Logan was thorough - using the heels and palms of his hands as well as his fingers, and by the time he’d reached your shoulders, using one hand to pull your hair out of the way before returning it to your skin, you knew that this wasn’t going to be a typical night with Logan. “That feels so good, Logan.” He laughed quietly, shifting his hands back down toward the center of your spine and dropping his lips against your skin, kissing his way across your shoulder blades. “You keep doing that, and you’re gonna put me right to sleep.” 
 Logan’s hands slid around and beneath your body, fingers curving around your breasts, and he sighed, teeth grazing your shoulder. “Nah.” He bit down, rolling his hips into yours with purpose. “You’re not goin’ to sleep yet.” He turned his head, speaking directly into your ear, the words sending a jolt through your entire body. “‘f that’s alright with you.” 
 Later, after you were exhausted - your chest rising and falling in uneven breaths - you laid with Logan’s lithe body stretched out next to yours on the bed. You had to hand it to him - he was a master at taking you right to the edge and then pulling you back, keeping you balanced on that line without letting you tumble over without him. It wasn’t that he denied you pleasure, instead it was that Logan hated feeling as though he hadn’t held up his end of things, despised the idea that you were even the slightest bit unsatisfied. That’s never been an issue. You smiled as you turned your head to look at the man, wetting your lower lip with your tongue before you swallowed, still tasting him and unable to keep the smile off your face. 
 After Logan’s declaration, he’d flattened his body atop yours, you turning your head so that you could kiss him, and then after a few seconds, he urged you to turn your body too, Logan rolling onto his side and you doing the same. He’d wrapped a leg around yours, pulling you closer into him, hands gripping your back as yours slid down toward his waist. It was different - the desire you felt coming off of him in waves, the urgency that was typically in his touch replaced with a slow deliberation that you didn’t have the ability to truly enjoy as each of your senses was overwhelmed by Logan one after the other. 
 He smelled like his cologne and the sea, the scents mingling together and intensifying as you buried your nose in his hair, Logan’s mouth on your chest. He felt warm and alive - real - in your arms, solid in a way that you’d never felt with him before. By the time he rolled onto his back, guiding you on top of him, your eyes were transfixed on his face, on the way that he watched you move, nails scratching down his chest as you rocked against him, two thin layers of material still between you. He said your name - the syllables catching in his throat as he moved his hands back up your body - the front this time, fingertips stroking over the thin skin of your stomach and then up higher, the long fingers of one hand closing gently around your throat, squeezing and causing your eyes to close, a quiet yelp of pleasure escaping your lips. 
 You pulled on the elastic of his waistband and Logan lifted his hips easily, even with you atop him, and as you exposed the skin beneath his waist, you moved off of him, his hand falling from your throat and landing on one of yours - still low on his abdomen, the other wrapped around him and stroking him smoothly, your rhythm easily found. Even as you knelt next to him, you couldn’t stop watching his eyes and the way they were heavy-lidded, pupils dilated as he watched you, fingers of your hands flexing together against his skin. As you lowered your mouth to take him between your lips, you kept watching him, closing your eyes only when he did and focusing entirely on what you were doing. Make it count. 
 You guessed that you only had a minute or two; when Logan was as keyed up as you knew he was that night, there was no way he’d let himself finish in your mouth, especially without even touching you first. So you concentrated on the way he tasted, on the way your hand slid against the skin you couldn’t take into your mouth, the way his fingers tangled in your hair, how low his voice was as he groaned out your name, what the coarse hair that decorated the skin at the base of him felt like as your nose and cheek brushed against it occasionally. Everything that happened was a reminder of the fact that you were in bed with Logan Delos - that he wanted to be there with you, that he trusted you enough to tell you the things that he had, to ask the things of you that he had.
 When he tugged on your hair to pull your head backwards, lips leaving him soundlessly, you brought your eyes back to his, waiting. “You gotta stop that and let me… fuck.” He curled his lip, breathing hard. “Take those off and get on top of me.” He let go of you and you straightened up, removing your hand from him and reaching down, pulling on your own elastic waistband, carefully lifting one leg at a time to finally remove the last piece of clothing you wore. “Fuck.” He hissed the word out, eyes opening fully. “You’re incredible.” 
 You smiled at Logan, leaning over to reach into the drawer of his side table and pull out a condom, which you handed to him. He had the package open and the rubber rolled over his length before you could even speak, but when you did - as you climbed back onto him, one knee on either side of his hips, you shrugged your shoulders, tossing your hair. “If you say so. Bet you tell all the … ohhh… other…” You stopped speaking as he guided himself into you, one hand on your hip to hold you steady, a tiny nod of his head as you lowered your body to meet his, not bothering to give yourself any time to adjust. He moved his other hand to your opposite hip, urging you to begin moving as he rocked his hips against you. What was I saying?
 You switched positions a few times, neither of you content to keep things simple, and by the time you both finished, you were on your back on the mattress beneath him, knees bent and hugging his sides as he thrust into you, your fingers twined together with his and held above your heads, pressed into the pillows beneath them. He rested his forehead against yours, hair slightly damp from sweat and groaned out your name as he came, his name leaving your lips in a sound that was barely louder than a whisper as a response since you were still coming down yourself, the feeling of Logan moving inside you prolonging your pleasure.
 Once both of you caught your breath, he pulled out of you with a soft grunt, rolling onto his back as your legs relaxed, and while you heard noises as he rustled next to you, disposing of the condom into the trash can beneath the table, you saw none of it. Your eyes had closed when he pulled away from you, and the darkness gave you the focus you needed to calm your racing heart - though you weren’t sure you wanted to. 
 Finally, you opened your eyes and watched him, his pale chest rising and falling in the moonlight, but you didn’t know what to say to him - or if you should say anything at all. We’ve talked enough tonight, right? This doesn’t… “I envy you, you know that, right?” Logan turned his head toward yours, one side of his mouth raised in a half smile. “You get to be… you don’t have an image to uphold.” He rolled back toward you, using one hand to grip your hip, pulling you to mirror the motion. “D’you know how bad I want to just be me? Wear what I wanna wear, look how I wanna look, and not get shit for it from the board or from my PR guy, or…” Logan sighed. “But I gotta be Logan Delos all the time, you know? Gotta be what they want me to be, be the face of the company, be… better than I have been in the past.” He took a deep breath. “And I get it, but I’m sick of it, so that’s why Tuesday…” You nodded at Logan, trying to understand fully but not knowing exactly what to ask. “I can’t have everything I want,” Logan said, moving closer to you on the bed and pausing as you pushed his hair away from his forehead, eyes on his. “I know that, but it’s a start.” He took a deep breath. “You’re a start.” You couldn’t help your surprised inhale of breath or the separation of your lips, but Logan just grinned at you - the smirk growing into a full smile quickly. “Got a problem with that?”
 Your heart was pounding as you watched him, but there was no hesitation in your answer. “Not at all, Logan.” 
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lostsoulwolf · 7 years
A Gig with A Skeleton
Here’s a little short story I made the night before based on an idea given to me by @thedragonlover, who is my irl best friend and who also helps to inspire me to get off my lazy ass to write when I feel down.
Thank you for the support, my dear! Don’t know what I’d do without you <3
“I-I don’t think I should do this, Steph. Really, I can’t.”
“Don’t be such a scaredy cat, Mikaela!” The young rabbit teased, jabbing the side of a very flustered wolf as they stood before the home of the famous (sometimes infamous) skeleton brothers of Snowdin.
Scowling at the obvious jab, the black furred monster found herself glancing at the doorbell anxiously. “Seriously, he’s looking for real talent. Not for someone who has no experience and can only sing when no one’s looking. Steph, I literally can’t do this!”
But it was too late.
A quick rap and the sound of heavy feet echoed in her pointed ears; she watched as her friend ran off with a shout of luck. Before she could even think to chase after her, the door opened to reveal a tall monster with a wide grin. “Oh! You must be here to audition! Sans will be so happy to see someone! You’re the first to show up!” he cheered, taking her shoulder and guiding her inside.
It took his firm grip to keep from tripping on the doorstep but Mikaela recovered as gracefully as she could, even wiping her pads off on the doormat just inside since their porch one was coated in snow. A quick glance around let her see the rather simple abode they called a home, not at all what the others guessed of the mysterious skeletons. They didn’t really have a history with the town but just sort of showed up one day, according to Steph’s mother who ran the inn just down the way. She recalled the story but never had the guts to talk to one of them about it. No one did.
Clearing her throat, finally finding her voice, the wolf scratched the back of her head. “S-Sorry to drop by. My friend thought it would be a good idea b-but I really think I should go. I mean--”
“You aren’t even going to give it a shot?”
The low baritone caught her off guard, yelping softly to find the shorter skeleton coming down the stairs with his hands casually shoved in his pockets. Permagrin as wide as ever, he approached and offered a handshake in greeting; oddly enough, no prank in sight.
Yes, this Sans was known for his jokes and practical pranks on most everyone. She, herself, had been lucky enough to avoid this but how was a mystery.
“Come on, throw me a bone here. Don’t leave me hanging.” he teased, brow bones wriggling in jest.
While the pun was insufferable, Mikaela took the extended palm with her own and gave it a firm squeeze. “I don’t think it’ll be anything but humerus to you but I’ll try, I guess…” she offered, earning a pleased snort from the male. His brother was less than enthused at the word play.
“Ugh! Honestly!” he shouted, storming off into the kitchen to let his brother have the pleasure of keeping the wolf company.
“Uh, did I do something?”
Waving off her concern, Sans shrugged. “Nah, he just doesn’t find jokes very punny, you know?”
Rolling her eyes, the canine followed his gesture and they headed back outside. With a turn to the left and the flick of a lock, they entered the spare shed beside the house where an acoustic guitar case, microphone, and stand were awaiting them.
“What do you play?”
His sudden question caught her wandering attention back onto him, glad that her dark fur shrouded any blush that heated her muzzle. “O-Oh, I don’t.” she amended, thinking that maybe saying what she did would have been a good start to this. “I sing, actually…”
It was then that she noticed how delicately he picked up the guitar, easily flicking the strap over his head to let it hang comfortably against his front and tuned it to his liking. “Singing, huh? Any favorites?”
She blinked. “Uh, well… I don’t really have a preference. I don’t really even sing around others but my friend has caught me once or twice and dragged me here.”
He stopped, pinpricks of light slanting over and making her feel small. “So, you didn’t come because you wanted to?”
“W-well, I wouldn’t say it like that--”
“I would.”
Mikaela hunched her shoulders, biting her lip. Shifting her stance proved to be more awkward than she imagined and nearly had her falling over, instead opting to scratch her forearm. “I do want to be here. It’s just…” A sigh. “I get nervous singing for others because I’m afraid of what they’ll think of me. I mean, my parents are part of the Royal Guard and I do what? Sing because it makes me feel good? Heh, what a joke.”
Sans studied her for a good two minutes, the silence deafening. Then, he too sighed. “I’m in the same boat, you know? My bro wants to do that and my lazy bones? Heh, I just wanna sit around and crack puns day and night.”
When he earned a look, he continued. “Everyone’s good at somethin’ and it doesn’t matter what others think of ya. Heck, it doesn’t matter what your parents do or anything. Just, do you. Get me?”
Blue eyes lowered from his form in thought, head turned as claws tapped against the hardwood floor of the shed. Then, with a flash of what he could only describe as determination in her eyes, she smiled.
“Alright, I’ll give it a shot.”
“Heh, that’s the spirit. Now that we’ve mutt-stered the courage, let’s get this show on the snow.”
A groan. “Are bad puns part of the gig?”
“Nah, just an added bonus~” he teased, strumming out a harmonious G chord. “Now, let’s hear those scales.”
Mikaela couldn’t believe this! Barely a day went by before she received a call from Sans to tell her that the spot was hers. While it was sad to hear that no one else even bothered to show up, she was thrilled yet terrified. Their first show together?
She knew most every monster in Snowdin since moving here on her own and just thinking about singing in front of them tied her stomach in knots. A glance to her partner only showed her his calm smile as they walked, carrying their equipment to the bar.
A blink. “Maybe a little… Why?”
“Because you haven’t stopped shaking since we left the house.” Sans mentioned, eyeing her hand for only a moment without changing stride. He used to perform to entertain his brother many times so he had plenty of trial-runs with an audience but just based on their practice, he knew it’d be off to a rocky start.
Mikaela tried hard to stave her nerves, swallowing to ease her words into existence. “This is my first time singing in public, you know… Actually, you’re the first person I ever willingly sang for. Not even my parents have heard me.” She nearly tripped at this admittance, running her paw through her fur to calm herself and play it off. “A-anyway, I just hope it won’t be too busy on a Thursday. It’s usually not, from what I remember, so maybe it won’t be so bad.”
Upon opening the door, she was proven wrong.
Nearly every booth was taken up by monsters of all kinds, ranging from the local dogs who acted as sentry for humans to the fang-lined flytrap who lived just north of the main street. Why in the world was it so packed?!
Ignoring how that thought alone was a pun, the wolf jolted when a hand touched hers and pulled it back to see Sans standing beside her. “Hey, lighten up, bucko. It’ll be fine. Grillbz just thought some music would drum up some business.” He bent his knees to avoid a whack to his head.
“Let’s just… get this over with.”
It took only ten minutes for the two of them to set up the mic stand, speaker, and stool for the show. They were a small gig and while Grillby didn’t seem to be actually paying them, he did offer to cover any kind of drinks they might need while performing.
Once the elemental left them to last moment prep before they began, allowing them access to his back room to warm up vocally, Mikaela sighed. “So, remind me again why we are doing this?” She cleared her throat, thinking that rephrasing might be in order. “Usually, when people are asked to perform, they’re paid but we’re not. What’s going on?”
“It’s simpler payment for something else.”
“Like his tab.”
Sans was the one to jump when Grillby came back, adjusting his glasses to appraise the two.
“He hasn’t paid in a long time so this was a better alternative.” Getting a nod from the wolf, he approached with a smile as he bent low towards her ear to keep the skeleton from overhearing. “After all, more business covers his tab.”
Then, she understood. It was make-up performances that kept their dynamic from sinking or turning nasty. Huh, the majesty of business at its finest.
Standing to his full height, his flames brushed back neatly and bowtie adjusted, the bartender merely patted Sans on the head before leaving them be again. Seemed like he had his fun.
A laugh came from Mikaela from the whole ordeal, for once finding comedy in the face of anxiety.
“What’s got you in stitches?”
“Just the idea of you drinking yourself into debt and the only way to pay it back is by performing for the guy.”
There was a pause before the male laughed as well, seeing the light as she did. “Heh, guess you’re right.” he agreed. Now that he thought about it, that was a strange little set up they had between them. But, he was glad that his new partner had finally loosened up enough to laugh. “Alright, it’s showtime. You ready to huff, puff, and blow them away~?”
Giving him a light shove, the canine rolled her eyes. “Only if you’re ready to knock ‘em dead, bonehead.” When she saw him color at the jab, she snickered and walked ahead of him. “Come on, numbskull. Try to keep up.”
On the inside, she was screaming for a way out.
Exiting the back room, her partner not far behind, the black-furred monster licked her lips in anxiety. The patrons were just talking among themselves and yet, she felt like all eyes were on her. Heart racing in her chest, she nearly turned to run but a hand to her shoulder kept her planted in place.
Blue eyes honed in on lit sockets and Sans’ permagrin kept her grounded. He gave a firm nod and took his seat on the stool, guitar now strapped to his shoulder. Fiddling with the tuning pegs, he found the right sound with a simple strum of the strings.
With a leg hitched up on the top rung of his stall, the skeleton let the waist of his instrument curve along his femur and plucked at the chords rhythmically. He really was adept at his craft, which was odd given how lazy she had heard him to be. But, maybe music was the perfect outlet for him.
They often say that if you’re good at something, it takes no effort other than practice to accomplish what you love; hence the saying “you never work a day in your life if you do what you enjoy.”
The young woman had always wanted that kind of life, to savor her job like her parents did, but never could seem to find her calling.
Maybe this was a step in the right direction.
She was snapped from her thoughts when Grillby came up next to her with a few song requests, the handwriting varying from option to option. “I had asked some of my regulars what they would want to hear. Most, if not all, are not in the jukebox so I hope you know some of them.” he explained.
While some were an enigma to her, there was one in particular that did suit her fancy though was a bit embarrassing to sing. “I’ll try my best. Thanks for the heads up.”
Once alone, Mikaela swallowed and showed Sans the list. “Know any of them?”
Eye sockets judged the paper before they paused at an item about midway down the list, pointing to it. “Just that one. Paps liked how sweet it sounded and had me play it for him since he was just a babybones.”
Of course, it was the one she liked as well. Figures…
“Well, I guess we have to do that one.”
“Why, you know it?”
She shrugged with a bite of her lip. “What can I say? I’m a hopeless romantic with an attitude that doesn’t match.” When he laughed, she pouted as her tail bristled. “Hey! Just… Just start it up.”
He obliged and before long, the entire bar went quiet as his nimble fingers strummed the chords effortlessly; his sockets closed and smile turning more gentle. Then, his teeth parted as he sang his first verse.
Mikaela watched as everyone was entranced by his performance, the low baritone warm and enticing to whomever it may be directed to. Though, she did almost miss her mark when he opened his eyes to cue their switch.
Swallowing her nerves, her higher pitch took over for a more intimate echo as the song took on a longing vibe rather than a solemn one. Her voice dipped low every so often to keep it unique but she didn’t stray too far from the source itself; staying in tune with his guitar riffs was rather easy to do so long as she focused on Sans instead of the crowd.
Any time her eyes drifted to the patrons, her heart would race and her hand would grip the mic tightly as she’d close her eyes in fear. Only until they’d get to a part of the chorus to harmonize would she reopen them again to gaze at her partner for stability. He’d offer a reassuring smile and she’d give a shaky one in return.
By the final chorus that lead into the ending chord, they had gotten to be so in-sync with one another that both had nearly forgotten they were in a busy restaurant. It was then that their finale came and the last note left their mouths did the cheers of the monsters jarr their gazes to look out over the sea of people.
Mikaela blinked owlishly, unsure of just how they got through that without so much as a single screw up but a playful hit to her shoulder got her to smile with a few murmurs of thanks. With her tail wagging, she looked to her partner.
Sans gave a mock bow to her with a smile, his teeth connected once more. “I’d say this place has gone to the dogs~” he teased, unrepentant grin as casual as always.
The joke didn’t go without a swat to his skull but it was more playful than anything else. “You suck, you know that? And I’m a wolf, thank you very much.”
“Oh, higher pedigree. My mistake.”
She worked her jaw but was foiled from making a comeback when Grillby approached, congratulating them on a wonderful performance. Though, his next words both elated and terrified her.
“So, what’s the next song?”
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