#I trained my writing skills in there.
musictooth · 1 month
Awhile back, I read this study about social support amongst Muay Thai fighters in Thailand which follows the person–environment fit model that presents five social needs: (1) acceptance and belonging, (2) appraisal and coping support, (3) behavioral and cognitive guidance (4) tangible and material assistance and (5) modeling. According to Suwankhonga et al. (who executed the study) when these needs are met, it helps the Muay Thai fighters to keep up their motivation to train and thrive within their chosen field of sport.
As my train of thought always chugs to Pete, his boxing career and life in general prior to his employment by the Main family, the study has given me so much to work with when I've been trying to piece together Pete's past. At this point I'm here just to gabble because what I really want to do (instead of writing something with coherent thought) is cup Pete's face with my hands and ask was he training camp boxer? I want to squeeze Pete's cheeks harder while interrogating him whether he got along with the fellow camp trainees, was he close with them, was he able to rely on them when needed? Did Pete feel like he was part of the group despite him being at the camp against his interest? I want to ask with a whisper how Pete felt when the other boys were showered with kam lung jai, phrasing alien to Pete's father. When Pete starts to squirm I want to shove him against the wall and continue questioning how he feels about the idea of him being physically strong, patient and calm person thanks to the career path his father chose for him; or how it feels to be invisible after years of being scrutinized by the other trainees, coach, camp manager, judges and spectators. And finally, when Pete breaks free from my hold and makes it to the exit I want to yell to his back:
Or did your father train you solo? Were you just his personal punching bag without any social support from outside?
When the door shuts I want to cry my last question with a hoarse voice:
Have you ever thought about how as a training camp boxer you could've had a coach who didn't hit you outside the ring, who would have encouraged you to continue with your studies, who could've been man enough to earn the title of father figure.
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hernymills · 24 days
oc idea: person whose profession is training cats to use the toilet. runs a small business breeding and selling these cats that aren't prestige breeds or w/e, and you can't get them as kittens they're near on a year old when you get them, but you don't have to change their litter they hop up and use the toilet like a human. they recommend you have a litterbox available as a backup in case someone leaves the lid down or door closed but yeah. some of the cats even flush a decent % of the time, they charge extra for those.
their wife started out as a general contractor type, started getting more into plumbing as she built an extension on the house that included a slightly unreasonable number of bathrooms/half-bath bc the kids kept bickering about having to share the bathroom with the cats, like being told to rush out of the way when they heard scratching on the door so they didn't "hinder the cats' training" by "hogging" the toilet. now she consults on similar renovations for home daycares that need extra facilities for potty training.
the big secret? none of these humans have any idea how to train these kittens to do this. the family cat figured it out by herself, and later when she had kittens she taught her babies to do it too. there is no human intervention in this learning process. the "cat trainer" mainly does like matchmaking and pr, the real trainer is mama cat. and she's getting up there in years. they don't even risk having her birth litters anymore, they bring her fosters to adopt and train. and when she's no longer up for that, the whole business will crumble like a house of cards.
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futuristichedge · 7 months
Fic so good u start imagining more fic for it
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pochapal · 7 months
girl who is getting a bad grade in phd (my personal development review is marked as "incomplete" after i didn't attend any skills training courses because if i ever didn't know something i needed to know i just opted to figure it out myself instead of admitting weakness and confessing to people in authority that there is even a single gap in my skillset [i also don't believe you actually need any training in how to write a novel and a thesis] {this is not hubris})
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knifekris · 1 month
every day i struggle to make choices
#i should invest into some kind of education but cant make up my mind#mostly because options suck#i cant do trades unless my body sucks less which is sad because id love to be an electrician#cant even think about getting a pilots license cuz im not passing the med cert#i think id rather die than be a med assistant actually#working clinics at all makes me nervous tbh but probably where im headed in the short term#surgical tech would be cool but i cant do a Real program while working full-time#which is what limits most of my choices#i need to find more paid training programs i guess#if i had to pick a miserable but fulfilling job id go into education itself#but the teaching profession has always been in a downward spiral esp as of late#i dont want healthcare because i hate seeing dysfunctional glorified murder machines grinding around and around endlessly#acute care sucks id rather be in an icu for function but then im depressed because our patients are always dying#it was better as a phleb but this hospital doesnt have phleb and like i said im nervous about clinics#but i need to fucking commit to outpatient phlebotomy i think :/#the most fun ive had at a job ever#i wish i had more widely applicable skills but i cant be an emt/para even just for the training#because half of it is unpaid and the other half you pay for#and again#a job NOTORIOUS for being exhausting dangerous and traumatizing#if i was 17 again and wasnt escaping the tar pit of my mother id go for an english degree and i wouldnt even regret it#thinking about school in terms of a job i have to have forever vs for the sake of learning is so different#id like to know everything. i wanna read and write forever. and do research and have real technical skills that help people#im still riding off of the high of getting 5 ccs off of an oncology patient who desperately needed a port#they were able to run like seven tests off of it#i had to use a couple ped tubes#she only had to get poked Once and barely noticed it bc the doc team came in and im so happy i made her admission that muvh easier#labs are so miserable#checking back on the blood and seeing all of the results came through made me more pleased than anything else in the world
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yyxandere · 11 months
Oh, I'm so happy you liked my images! I was wrote a few images (and Ryuji 👀):
Rikiya is such a sweet man for you! He can talk with you for hours on end about everything, always being the initiator, and even if you are silent, then do not be afraid, he is happy even if you look at him. Rikiya one hundred percent WILL ask his Aniki for advice on courting you and how to treat you as best as possible, writing down everything said in a notebook, he trusts him so much! He is always ready to rush to your aid, helping you in everything, especially when you need to walk through the streets at night, full of scoundrels at that time (and the opportunity to hold hands with you while looking at the shining lanterns of Kamurocho). Convulsive trembling of fingers, slight blushing and a soft smile - this is all Rikiya has on all your dates together. Most likely, with him the chance of being kidnapped by him is almost impossible, he is too afraid of harming you both physically and mentally, wanting only your well-being.
Ah, Ryuji Goda… Even with a quick sneak peek to his direction, all can already say that this is a formidable and powerful Yakuza, which has practically no equal. He loves to show you off as his main treasure, dressing you up in expensive outfits and jewelry, which he make you practically glued to his side with always grabbing your waist and is unlikely to give you permission to walk around alone. And woe to those who dare to flirt or talking with you… Those unfortunate people were often found unconscious in garbage containers, which gave other men a reason not to even look in your direction, fearing for their lives. If you mention it even teasingly, Ryuuji will annoyedly tell you to shut up, not wanting to admit until the last minute that he is jealous and trying hide blushing on his face. He allows contact only with his subordinates and his sister, from which the chance of escape is impossible. Ryuji is unlikely to lay a hand on you, but will deprive you of all privileges until you apologize and make up that for him. A dangerous, jealous and domineering lion that only you have his attention.
As you described, Majima is a chaotic and always unpredictable man who always surprises, even in a bad way. As he was doing with Kiryu, he loves to play cat and mouse with you, searching all over Kamurocho, jumping out to meet you from all corners, even from the sewers! In some cases, he can “play along” with you if you want, or at least pretend that you are both a normal couple, taking part in all sorts of activities. Bowling, billiards, golf and even baseball!? Oh dear, Majima will always approve of your choice if it means spending time with him!
Mmm, about Goromi… Goromi-chan loves her beloved y/n! Always insisting on spending time together: painting your nails, doing your makeup, doing your hair and taking care of your skin, this glamorous queen never misses an opportunity to highlight your beauty. Just imagine, she and you are sitting, chatting sweetly together, while she winks teasingly and flashes her colorful outfit, successfully captivating you with her charm. Just don't look at her cleavage, little naughty darling!
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Our sweet boy Rikiya, is such a sweetie for you, using his aniki's advice he would always act gentlemanly to you, he would carry your bags or walk with you so you would feel safe! He knows full well that his heart only belongs to you and you! His naïve persona makes him so delusional, he dreams of both of you having a domestic dream, maybe he's the one taking care of the kids and when you come back home, he will give you the biggest smile and kiss ever from a husband! He would talk about you for hours no end to his boss and Makio or even his aniki! They can see how in love he is and encourage him to go after you heck even everyone knows how he's so infuriated by you and oh dear if you ever recuperate his feelings he would be with you every single day, no matter how many months or years you two have been together, every time you kiss him, hug him, hold his hand and tell him how much you love him, he feels the same blossoming feelings he felt when he laid eyes on you! He's just a hopeless romantic when it comes to you! He would even change his style just for you! As you said anon, he won't kidnap you but he would guilt trip you into staying with him, he might be a local yakuza but his heart is pure of gold, and you will feel shitty if you decline such a sweet boy.
Aa Ryuji, Ryuji, the man who took my heart from the moment I saw him on my screen. Ryuji the Dragon of Kansai spoils you no matter what, if you just briefly mention it in a hush quiet tone 5 feet away from him, he would buy it. Ryuji may not look like it but he is very observant when it comes to you, just mention something on call like, you bought a bag of chips and you really like the flavor, then expect a whole package of those chips in your door an hour after that call… you never told Ryuji your address though…Anyways! Ryuji is prideful and he likes to boast that logic applies when it comes to you, he will go out in public, and people know how dangerous he is, by you on his side, he makes sure that his arms are around your waist every time, Ryuji isn't scared to show his beloved to anyone and everyone, may it be him kissing you in public or you sitting on his lap in meetings, he doesn't care, plus who even has the balls to tell him not to bring you? And of course, Ryuji is a man of fashion he may not look like it though, so whenever you guys go out he will always bring you to a designer store, and he will make you the most gorgeous woman/person with the diamond on your neck and the fancy clothes he gifs you, this is a way for him to show his love to you and also mark so whoever tries to shoot their shot to you and sees the diamond neckless you have, they must immediately that they have no chance. And I have to pray for the dude who tries to get near you with any kind of intentions, Ryuji doesn't mind killing him with his bare hands, it's in his nature as a Yakuza to kill, but he can't do that. So expect a small rumor of a dude who was found all bloodied up and passed out near a garbage bin where you live. Yes, escape is impossible when you are with Ryuji, his power as a patriarch gives him many men to guard you no matter what, and the only person you're going to meet is his sister, he wants you and Kaoru to have a good relationship. Ryuji has ties to the underground so even if you manage to escape and flee the country he will know where you live and drag you back to Japan but this time with no chance of escape.
The craze mind Majima, always follows you, he loves playing hide and seek when it comes to you, and he loves the expression you make whenever he surprises you when he comes out trashcan. Whenever you were out and you had some small business to attend to Majima would immediately steal you and go to his favorite baseball court or even go bowling. Don't worry about the small thing you gotta attend his minions already handled it. Majima is clingy and possessive, even if you guys aren't dating he's gonna put his arms around you and act like a couple, don't even try to talk to some one when he is watching (which is every second) because you're just putting that person on the line to get killed by Majima. Majima only wants your eyes to look at him only!!
Goromi is a bizarre woman indeed, she only wears flashy clothes so she can be the only person that her beloved (Y/N)-Chan will see in a room!! Like you said, Goromi will have such a fun time with her bestie, she would also be very touchy, like holding your hand, touching your shoulders, or heck even kissing her (Y/N)-Chan very boldly. She will listen to every problem you have and if she ever heard that someone was causing problems with you, then you wouldn't mind seeing your sweet beloved Goromi being rough with them, mh?
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rjalker · 6 months
lets see
“Regular dialogue”
::Fantasy dialogue.::
《Some more dialogue.》
«I don’t trust that wizard.»
‹Hello, central? Apparently a hello-girl is a telephone operator. That makes more sense.›
⠴How sweet. How sad.⠦
[Cool art though.]
{Squigly wiggly brackets.}
_Old fashioned computer dialogue..._
—apparently a lot of countries used to just do this. and there's just no closing quote.
/Fanfiction.net dialogue/
why don't we spell it dialog yet.
Please suggest any I missed. I want to make a list
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bereft-of-frogs · 7 months
it is kind of funny writing commentary in fics about the differences between Cal and Cere's fighting styles when Cal's fighting style is....technically dependent on how good of a gamer you are and I am a Bad gamer XD 'Cal over-relies on a few key practiced moves, while Cere is more fluid, natural' yeah because there was actual fight choreography involved in Cere's fight in Fallen Order, and not just me button-mashing and doing the same thing over and over in the hopes it actually works this time XD
like I think it works thematically and idk this paragraph might end up getting cut, but it is just kind of funny to be like, trying to reflect on canon and how to describe it and then having to be like 'well…that might be on me...'
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n1ghtwarden · 1 year
i imagine minth after defecting from lolth for the absolute (regardless if it wasn't her choice) had to deal with baenre assassins/scouts targeting her. it's unlikely house baenre, of all fucking people, would let one of its daughters just vanish with an entire retinue of men she's been leading with no repercussions.
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vyllaynark · 21 days
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i always end up defaulting to just a couple brushes and characters, but since i made this blog specifically for experimentation. here. a tree made with a bunch of Awez's incredible krita brush bundles. (seriously check them out)
does it make any sense? no! and i don't give a shit! because i'm the vyllayn here and i do what i want!!!!11!
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dreamissy · 6 months
I should be proud of myself for writing at all and not bash myself for struggling after a long time without writing!
I should be proud of myself for writing at all and not bash myself for struggling after a long time without writing!
I should be…
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goldeunoias · 6 months
people always ask me how am I able to write so fast and well when I do research and in my head I'm like it's because I spend hours writing fanfic for my little kpop boys ASDFASDF
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theramblingvoid · 1 year
It's missing Bag a Legend hours
#fallen london#apparently some parts of it don't make sense with greater lore or something idk but consider: i don't know the lore#all i know is it gave me Some Type Of Feeling when my character tried to hunt a monster based on curiosity alone#and found themself the only person who could even have a bare chance of undoing this...monster yes but also political figure#nightmare. near-god#a once in a thousand year chance and the way the writing gives you the full knowledge that you did not get there by skill#the nuns were training for much longer. april probably could have made the bomb herself#in fact it almost feels like the player's position in bag a legend relies on them NOT having the skill#less skill and knowledge than willingness. simultaneously disposable and essential#and for Hallowrove it was still a story about wanting to know#but it became more than just curiosity about a monster few had seen and instead shifted to#wanting to know whether this could be done. whether /they/ could do it. test the kind of power they'd been subject to#in one form or another for a lifetime#and see if it would actually give way. and if that giving way would actually turn out to MEAN something#and it did. the rulers are killable. the chain can be broken#and it didn't. the Bazaar still holds power. if anything more comfortably without their murderous colleague#but it made them uneasy. uneasy in the same way every person of London is every day#knowing that they're in the power of something so far above them in strength and so far from human as to see them as collectables#and for the player personally just. the sheer amount of time and effort you have to put into making that little tilt#the held breath feeling that this is a two sided hunt and you could die at any moment#the way it's such an ever present element all through the story that you are so far from the only or first person to try this#idk it just#aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa#bag a legend does things to me. i could write an essay#multiple probably#however i won't. because i don't know the Lore and people would so get on my ass for it jdhfjfjs#bag a legend spoilers#voidrambles
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porciaenjoyer · 1 year
is it time to think about my futile efforts to advance despite my beautiful class being cancelled again.
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royalbilliards · 2 years
I have so many thoughts abt Maruki it makes me feel fucking crazy but the one thing I’ll say is I do believe before the whole delusions of grandeur thing and aside from yoshizawa, he was a decently good therapist. Like yeah he’s a wet pathetic beast of a man obviously but I have so many thoughts about his therapy shit. Also literally all of the stuff he teaches joker saved my ass so many times. I love you futaba, you did not save me like he did with the sp regain holy shit
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actualhumancryptid · 2 years
When you watch too many Nancy Meyers films in a short period of time and you think: Oh I should write a lesbian romantic comedy, but like Nancy Meyers! (but not actually like Nancy Meyers because I am not a divorced or career-focussed hetero woman of wealth., But you know, with that whole wholesome Ted Lasso hope vibe).
And then you remember that you’re already writing a novel. And it’s a twisted story about a broken/massively manipulative family, where the protagonist is unreliable/has a negative arc.
Side project?
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