#I tried blocking the blog even but it wouldn’t let me hmph
skyward-floored · 10 months
I really wish you could opt out of the tumblr exclusive stuff I literally never have any interest in it
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cutegirlmayra · 4 years
Sonic Forces prompt: Amy offers herself in exchange for Sonic release, she "says" she'll give special info on their plans for Sonic's return but ultimately doesn't and believes with Sonic back the troops morale will improve. Sonic, however, is angry that his friends would let her do something like that and upon freeing her fears what Infinite did to her to "make her talk." Sonic isn't happy that Amy would give herself up like that and they have a talk that helps them both heal after the war.
I may slightly change your idea, slightly, but I think it’ll be more dramatic how Amy is taken instead of Sonic this way. I don’t think I can come up with much of a reason for Infinite taking her instead of Sonic when Sonic is quite literally passed out, so I made up my mind that ‘this’ way would be a bit more believable. (If this turns into an InfinitexAmy but ends on Sonamy, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. It... it’s a problem and I can’t stop it, lol)
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( @uhsecretaccount Please support the artist! I love this so much!!! So thank you for your kindness in making me a preview prompt image ;nwn; )
33:05 - Pajama Blogs - Prompt Requests (My Youtube, where I went over this prompt upon first ideas! :D)
It was mortifying. Seeing Sonic go down so fast, suddenly becoming still and lifeless...
Everyone froze on the battlefield, and after their bodies forced them to take a breath, Amy rushed in front of Sonic’s limp body.
Infinite slowly floated down, his tail slightly flicking in an elegant manner, but showing his frustration at her immediate interference.
“Hahaha..! And what do you suppose you can do... Your hero has failed you, your forces will end here... There’s nothing your patheic attempt at saving his life could possibly do for your forces...” He placed his hand up to his mask, gloating as he taunted her protective stance in front of Sonic’s laying form.
She frowned heavily, her hands shaking a moment on her raised hammer but quickly gripped it tighter to stop the fear creeping into her heart. “Sonic can’t loose!” She declared, confidently. “Not if we’re all standing beside him!”
Infinite took his other arm and wrapped it around himself, creating a place for his before mentioned raised hand’s elbow to rest on. “If he wakes up... none of you will be here... hahaha!”
His laughter caused Amy’s eyebrows to twitch down into an even fiercer glare.
Getting annoyed at her bravery, Infinite pivoted quickly in the air and threw his arms down, “Stubborn as your kind, I see!” he raised his arm slowly, “No matter... I’ll dispose of all this ‘false hope’ and end this war’s resistance once and for-”
“I’d like to see you try!” Amy took a confident step forward, but Eggman’s voice cut both of them off from their respective ‘duel’ of sorts.
“Infinite!” Eggman seemed to be giving the commands around here, and not Infinite. “I want him captured and alive!”
Infinite flicked his tail again, a bit more to show his growing anger, but turned to Amy. “The Doctor seems to be under the impression that he’s better off watching the world burn then burning with it... an unfortunate call, but he never said anything about preserving his friends lives...”
A red beam shot from his hands as Amy threw up her hammer and was blown back by it, but made sure she didn’t knock into Sonic.
She looked back at him, worried, before shaking her fears off again and standing boldly in front of Infinite. “I’ll go instead!” she cried out. “I can tell you valuable plans for the resistance-!”
“Like I would believe such a tale.” Infinite continued to fire off shots, trying to get her to leave the body to him, but she wouldn’t budge.
She was blasted time and time again by the contact of his beams against her hammer, but she continued to remain strong and deflect them away while not moving from where Sonic was.
She gritted her teeth, seeing he wasn’t going to buy into bluffs.
“No fear,” she began, which threw Infinite off as he pulled back his hand, growing even more furious at her courage. “Amy Rose is here!” she began to charge him, and growing afraid, he shot one red beam out from a few different cubes that appeared around him, firing all into the center of her hammer as she tried to push against it.
She grunted, showing the strain on her body as the laser beams continued to dig into her hammer and weaken her of her reserved power.
He laughed then, seeing her at a standstill. “Your useless attempt at saving his life will end in vain. It’s pointless to strive against a more powerful force than your own!”
“...Eggman... and even you don’t scare me.” She spoke through clenched teeth, but her feet were sliding as she tried to push against the combined red force of the beams.
Infinite’s eye twitched at her words.
“...You will be!” he threw back his resting hand and shot another powerful beam into the center, giving an extra force to the already overpowering might of the Phantom Ruby cubes.
She was forced back, but when she did so, Tails flew into the scene along with the others, leading a defensive wall just to stand as cover.
Knuckles and the others lead another ground team, trying to get people out of there.
Espio suddenly appeared, having gone invisible to get Amy, but she weakly opened her eyes and spoke in a haze, “No... Go... get... Sonic...”
“But-” Espio looked to see Sonic, his fingers finally twitched, showing he was alive... somewhat. “What about you?” He looked back at her and she breathed faintly. “We... need... him.” She spoke, trying to use the last of her strength to push Espio towards him, scooting his foot to Sonic’s direction. “He’ll... raise... morale.”
“That’s not your reason.” Espio knew her undying love for Sonic, but wouldn’t be so easily moved by it. “You’re acting like a fool, let me help you up-ah!” she batted away his reaching hands.
“GO!” she cried out, “Now!”
His eyes flinched at her declaration... his fist shook, “Sonic...” he ran towards him and turned invisible, laying on top of him to block out Infinite’s vision in seeing him, creating a blank space that looked like no one was there... “Forgive me...” He closed his eyes, feeling them shake. He knew Sonic wouldn’t let this go, and probably stage a hasty rescue for Amy... but letting Amy go... what was she planning?!
Infinite had no trouble squandering Tails’s force, flying over them and shooting out his beams before seeing Amy on the ground, panting and trying to get up on her knees, and Sonic no where to be found.
In his rage, he flew straight at her, gripping her throat and pulling her up into the air. “Where is he!?What have you done with him?!”
Amy struggled to place her hands on his own, gripping tightly against her airway. “G-given... the... r-resistance... a-a.... miracle... of... h-ho-hope.”
In his fury, he lifted his other hand to tear her face clean through, but Eggman flew up behind the flames.
“You lost him!?” He roared, but looked around, “Nevermind the girl! Wait-... Wait, wait, wait! Mind her, mind her!” He flew closer to them and sat up in his Eggmobile, shaking a hand in front of himself to visually show Infinite not to hurt her. “Take her with us to the moon! Sonic will always help a friend in need... wherever we take her... he’ll be sure to follow.” Eggman snickered, but then immediately turned to a frown as he flew over and smacked Infinite upside the head, “When that comes-! Don’t screw it up!” he flew off then, as though somewhat intimidated by Infinite as well, but not scared of him.
Infinite, feeling humiliated upon his total victory just a moment ago, lowered his raised hand but kept Amy by the throat.
He pulled her closer to the edge of his mask, “Our quarrel isn’t over... Amy.”
She kept trying to resist his grip, but he pressed just slightly more to make her choke out her words.
Espio heard her struggling, but knew if he moved even slightly, Sonic’s body would be revealed. ‘Forgive me..!’ he continued to think silently, letting Amy endure the torture.
But with a swift kick, Amy got out of his grasp, just before the final blow to knock her out.
“Hmph,” being shoved away, he dusted himself off, flexing the hand he used to strangle her momentarily with. “Persistent... all the signs of an animal on it’s last legs...”
Amy tried to regain her breathing,...
“I have no use for you... but since Eggman believes you can lure out Sonic... I suppose I can let you live... but you did say you had intel on the resistance. Might as well...” He walked slowly towards her, threatening an advance as he leaned down slightly to show he was ready to duke it out again. “Rip the knowledge right out of you..!”
His swift movements didn’t catch her off-guard like they did Sonic, and instead, their fight was met with blocks and swings, before she spun around and flipped back, shoving him away.
While he was still flying back, she used the opportunity to hit Espio and Sonic into the air, swinging them up as Tails and Knuckles immediately flew and glided up to grab them. They disappeared into the fray of the retreating army, but as Amy was staggering to try and keep herself upright, about to flee with them, Infinite gripped her from behind and threw a hand over her mouth so she couldn’t cry for help. Not that her throat had recovered much from his earlier, killing force.
He flew high into the air, keeping her locked in his arms before she bit his hand.
“Fine, except your fate!” he let her go but threw open a false reality, splitting her mind into believing she was being glitched apart and turning into static interference.
He watched with some amusement, before using the realm to also quickly transfer her to the moon’s prison.
Everything was black... and cold.
The metal beneath her only increased her discomfort as she began to slowly blink her eyes, and getting up... looking to see the design very much like Eggman’s handiwork.
Her hands were shackled by some strange technology that glowed light blue, and behind her, a lowered metal bed that hung just a little off the floor.
She sighed and felt her head ringing, not wanting to remember how she got here, but having the memories skate by quickly as she recollected herself.
“Hmph, Eggman is a fool to think this will cause any panic.”
That voice wasn’t familiar... and as she turned to see a huge, hulking red beast with horns in front of her cell, she held in her surprised gasp.
Her mouth opened as her eyes scanned but then shut quickly as he looked over to her, “What will you do with her?” his arms were folded, looking less than thrilled at the prospect of not being able to get his revenge right away. “I was told I could toss Sonic around like my own personal punching bag!” He tightened his fist, “Eggman will hear of my displeasure...”
Infinite’s voice suddenly entered the frame, and Amy felt her chest tighten as though his very voice could constrict her now like he had her throat.
“Leave the girl and whatever use she can be to me. I understand you’re aggravation, but don’t get in my way with your sap story...” He flicked a hand out, as though dismissing Zavok as Amy put together that he must have come to beat down on Sonic even more...
If he were here... hurt and disoriented, worried about his friends and going crazy at the small confinement... no, Sonic wouldn’t have succumbed to dread. He would have taken the beating till he could fight back... He would have remained hopeful that his team would come through. That they could make it and manage a short while without him.
Infinite walked up into the sight of the prison bars... almost like stalking her image a moment before pausing towards the door of her cell. “...What good is your failed bravery now?” he taunted, then tilted his head and gestured his hand out. “Your friends will do just fine without you, that much is true, dying was never hard for your kind anyway.”
‘My kind..?’ Amy wondered if that meant Infinite wasn’t one of them, but perhaps, half robot. She tried to open her mouth but her voice failed her, and she put her hands up to her mouth, realizing all that was coming out was air.
Infinite watched... seeing her frailty, and disregarding it to continue speaking. He looked away from her, “Your friends have been fighting but to no avail... Eggman will crush them soon... and when that happens, he’ll give the order to eliminate the last of them... you.” he looked back to her, “A worthless ant compared to Sonic... just a bigger, squishable ant than you.”
After telling her how much Eggman had taken over the world, even with Sonic still out among the resistance, he then added, “-And no one seems to be prioritizing you. You’re just another casualty to them.”
Amy remained poised, now seeing she couldn’t speak without resounding ridicule from Infinite, she just lowered her hands to her lap and sat properly, staring with a strong look back to him.
“...Even Sonic can’t save the world now.” He waited to see her despair set in... but her eyes simply declared, ‘He will,’.
Infinite’s eye widened and shook, before blinking to a calm and moving more towards her cell. “The last of your hope is about to be snuffed out before you can even see him again..!”
Her eyes blared a holy light of hope, as she let him fall into it’s sucking pull of knowing he was wrong. ‘And you’ll never see it coming...’.
He clashed his hand up against the cell, causing a loud sensation to echo through the whole of the moon’s structure, creating a vibrating force that should have rocked Amy to her core, at least made her flinch, but nothing... “You and the rest of your pathetic resistance is already doomed by my power and the power of the Phantom Ruby!!!”
Amy’s eyes remained constant in their resolve, their power never waning as they once again continued, ‘He’ll overwhelm you in the light of his hope, and you’ll be weak to resist it.’
Slashing the door open as it immediately unlocked for him, he charged into the cell and loomed over her. His body twitched at her still being able to hold her own, and immediately tried to beat out the ‘speak of life’ within her.
She wouldn’t just take a beating, and instead, fought bravely, even though her hands were restricted, summoned her hammer and kept on fighting.
Months had gone by where the routine was to pretend her voice never healed, watch as Infinite continued to try and break her spirit piece by piece with lies, but never fully give in to any of them. Once his patience ran thin, she would fight to stay alive under his brutal hate of her trust in Sonic and her friends.
“I AM NOT WEAK!” he grabbed her hammer which had tried to swing to his head, and threw her down to the ground.
Gripping the top of her head, he threw her against the metallic torture board, but didn’t bother to strap her up this time. “I know your voice should is healed!” his voice was like a shockwave, ringing through the metallic chamber and throughout the moon. He had personally excused Zavok back to the earth to fight Sonic, and though he journeyed there to fight as well, wouldn’t miss a single appointment to try and strip Amy of all she ever believed and held dear.
“You’re just too broken to use it!” he tried to gloat, but she could tell he was only trying to convince himself that she feared him, when it really wasn’t the case.
She pretended it hurt, when it didn’t, and stayed up against the metal board, tilted slightly to hold someone up to a the deadly lightning that would try and shock information out of her.
He paced behind her back, looking to her then away, as though feeling he had nothing left to throw at her, no plan remaining to extract her spirit and tear her core apart.
He wouldn’t admit how strong she was, he wouldn’t allow himself to think such a thing.
So he was convincing himself that he was still winning, and Amy just held her ground time and time again.
He finally moved up to her and slammed a hand against the board, the vibration hurting her hands as she moved away from it and felt herself bump up against him.
She was shocked he was so close, and turned to get ready for another rumble, but he grabbed her shoulder and turned her forcefully, shoving her back against the metallic board.
“Say something...” his voice sounded off, and she looked around, still pretending she couldn’t speak. His claws traced her shoulder down to her collarbone... then up to her throat that slowly began to enclose around her throat again.
She fought but he rammed his elbow into her the metallic board, keeping her in place beneath him, having her slightly lean to match the board’s angle with her back.
“...You still think someone’s going to save you... don’t you?” He lightly squeezed on her throat and she tried to hold back a sound of pain, but he kept his thumb pressing in different places, as though trying to force out a sound. “You don’t even bothering using your voice anymore... not that anything you say would change the truth!” he then threw her away from the metallic board and watch her catch herself before falling to the steel ground. “Even if they try..!” He pivoted to her, angling his head up to loom over her, possessively. “I would never let them have you... Not until I’ve sent you back... in pieces!” He threw back his hand but before he could strike, Amy already summoning her hammer and trying to get her feet under her more, a hook-shot wrapped expertly around his raised wrist, as Infinite was held back. “WHAT?!” he looked bewilderedly back at the wire, and followed it to it’s source...
“Nice shot, Rookie!” A familiar, cheery voice suddenly spun into the fray and spindashed into Infinite, shredded his quills into his Phantom Ruby as the cubes glitched into reality at being threatened.
“NOOO!!!” Infinite was released from the hookshot and pushed back as Sonic’s whirling blue ball of thunder spun in the air a moment before landing in front of Amy, uncurling to reveal her hero.
“Sonic!” she finally let the words out, as Infinite’s eye shook at her voice he hadn’t heard for months.
“The one and only!” Sonic adjusted his gloves, then tapped his foot behind him, as though getting ready for a rumble. “Sorry I’m a bit late, Amy! Zavok took forever to force an answer out of him, what’d I miss?”
“GRAAAH!!” Infinite swung a beam back at Sonic but he quickly dodged it, letting it follow him as he gave Rookie a command.
“Hey, buddy! Get Amy out of here and leave this to me!”
“Nooo!” Infinite turned his target to the red Rookie, but Amy got up and slammed a hammer into his stomach. “Ack..! Ahh... l-liar...” He staggered, and as he did so, tried to reach for her but she quickly gave him one last glare, keeping him up by her hammer, before speedily retreating with the Rookie.
Even at the last second, she wouldn’t speak to him.
He threw out his frustrations onto Sonic, who now that Amy and the Rookie were gone, really let Infinite have it.
From the Rookie, Amy learned how mad and obsessed Sonic was with bringing her back. Chewing out Espio before able to hear reason, he never stopped questioning Eggman and threatening his phantom forces about where she was these six months. He wouldn’t prioritize anything over getting her back, knowing full well she self-sacrificed and risked everything to keep him with the resistance.
“It should have been me!” Sonic kicked Infinite back, but on the second throw, was caught by Infinite’s hand and thrown back.
“Yes, it should have been.” He agreed, and continued to fight him.
“What did you want with Amy anyway!?” Sonic was relentless, and even though Infinite triggered the false dimension many times, Sonic still had plenty of power to keep coming at him.
“...Her voice.” Infinite muttered under his breath, before slashing Sonic to the side and watching him tumble as the gravity began to fail. Sonic was continually spinning horizontally in the air, but floating over to the ceiling’s corner, caught himself and shook his head, glaring back at Infinite and pushing off to dive towards him.
“I wanted her to bring you to me, and now she finally has.”
“Could have been sooner if your mask cracked a bit and you just said where she was in the first place!” their punches weren’t as powerful in zero gravity, but their combined anger meant they were pulling the other to stay within the fight, stay close and personal to keep punching out.
‘I wanted her to choke on her next word-’ Infinite recalled, ‘I wanted her to give up and fall to me like the rest of your insignificant forces! But she wouldn’t!’
Amy was safely delivered to Vector’s escape pod, and the Rookie patted her back, smiling and welcoming her back to earth... and the resistance.
Turning Super Sonic, Sonic also made it out before the moon exploded... and Infinite followed him suit.
Once back at the resistance, Amy could finally rest and get treated for her bruises, which were pretty bad on her throat, where he would target the most.
Eggman scolded Infinite but agreed that Amy was worthless and only there to really cause aggravation and be used as a ‘tool’ really to bargain with and then break their promises and/or deals. Now that she was back, Eggman ordered Infinite to ignore it, but Infinite couldn’t let it slide...
His fingers would twitch to be at her throat again...
With Sonic, hearing she had awaken from her medical rest, he bolted in to startle the nurses and doctors who were looking at her, and noticed her bandaged up with her dress slightly down from her chest to continue fixing up the white bandages.
He turned his head abruptly, but it wasn’t like he could see anything... it was just polite not to stare.
The female doctor who was patching her up smiled at his retreating look, and tied the last knot for Amy, patting her shoulders as Amy blushed and put her dress back up to connect the white collar around her sore neck again.
The male nurse also waved awkwardly to let Sonic know he could look again, and he did so.
“You okay?” He asked, rather quickly, and Amy just smiled weakly to him and closed her eyes.
“I am now that I’ve seen you flourishing!” she chimed, her voice as strong as ever, though not quite matching the patched-up look she had, physically.
“Hmph, Good.” Still angry, he folded his arms and turned his head away. “It would be hard to stay upset if you weren’t.”
“Upset?” Amy asked, curiously, as the rest of the crew eyed one another. Quickly feeling out the mood, they began to depart, letting the two have some privacy.
That same male nurse saw Tails wanting to come in and held up a finger to his lips, showing that he should stay quiet and not bother them right now.
Sonic tapped a foot, aggressively holding in all his words.
“...Sonic? Is everything alright?” Amy worriedly put a hand up to herself and then reached one out to Sonic, but he broke his folded arms and glared at her, with some hurt she didn’t recognize.
“I’ve thought for 6 months how I was gonna sternly call you out for your heroism, how you should have just let it slide and let him take me.” His voice was as though he was banishing her to get out of his presence, but she knew that wasn’t how he was meaning to come off... right?
“After a while, I thought maybe I should explain where I’m coming from, get you to understand how much pain you’ve brought me since you traded in your life for mine.” His voice got softer, but not by much. He leaned on the gurney and got closer to her face, his eyes still intense. “Because... it’s been the first time in my life... that I’ve ever felt genuinely worried for the future... where I couldn’t stop thinking about the ‘what ifs’ and every night, the same cursed dream of not waking up in time to save you... not being strong enough to not picture all the horrible things that Infinite and Zavok must have been doing to you to get information out on me and the others... the whole resistance was crying their eyes out for you and then letting them sting the next morning as they searched for signs of you.”
As he spoke, Amy felt her heart sinking and rising in turns. Like he was filling her heart with the floods of emotions that were quickly blocking and pushing Infinite’s hopeless attempts to sink her out, and letting her heart swiftly rise up to it’s proper position, instead of down by her stomach in dreaming hopes of grandeur that her friends were alright and well.
She saw the earth from above... but forced herself to never cry, never let Infinite get to her...
Sonic was confused by her silence, but seeing her throat, figured it may hurt to speak.
He looked away, his lips parting to show his clenched teeth and her eyes spotting also his scraping nails against the gurney’s covers...
“I honestly didn’t know, Amy...” He admitted, “... if you’d be there in my future or not.”
She gasped.
Never before had she ever assumed Sonic would give in to such thinking...
“But I couldn’t give up...” He closed his eyes, trying to remain unemotional. “I had to disregard my speech, and if I found you, just tell you how I really feel.”
He then turned seriously towards her, his eyes piecing into her heart that he had made soar up to her throat, bumping against the sides as though unable to move further as it was too big to squeeze through, but the emotional floods were pushing it up regardless.
She slightly leaned back, lost for words, instead of holding them back like before...
“Now... all I can say is... why?” he pleaded, “Why did you do it?” his eyes grew hopelessly soft as though unable to keep up the ‘tough guy’ persona. “Why didn’t you just... save yourself?”
It was love, it had to be. Amy couldn’t perceive this change of character without it being somewhere in his heart.
Six months... anger, to sorrow, to now seeking understanding...
She had put him through the works, and she wanted to heal and mend what she had broken in him.
Eggman and Infinite had succeeded in one thing... torturing this poor boy out of his mind with thoughts of her and her predicament.
Though Infinite had done the same to her, she never fell to his designs... And Sonic? He wouldn’t allow himself to fully surrender either, it wasn’t in his nature. However, for the first time, he was admitting how truly lost he was without knowing what had become of her.
“I had to do something, Sonic.” She admitted, raising her hand to put it gently by his cheek, seeing how truly weak he had become now that he was standing before her, and let his knees sink into the bedding of her gurney.
“But... why? I never asked you to sacrifice yourself for me!” he dipped his head, not willing to show her his distraught.
She smiled a little wider, happy to see he hadn’t forgotten what a big risk she had taken for his sake.
“To save you, Sonic,... Was to save the resistance.” she cupped his chin to lift it up so she could press her forehead to his own. “You never needed to ask me, Sonic... and you never should... I will always rush, headfirst, into whatever danger may present itself... if it means I can keep you in my life.”
Sonic’s arms twitched, as though wanting to embrace her.
Seeing him hold back so much, his expression being hidden by his pride, she took the initiative and wrapped herself lovingly around his waist, before flinching at the pain from her bruising.
Gripping her arm, he dug his forehead into her shoulder, still refusing to show her what was happening to him through his face.
“I’ll make Infinite pay for this..” he darkly declared, “I won’t let Eggman get away with this either...”
“I don’t ask for revenge, Sonic.” Amy held him closer, “I just wanted you to be okay.”
“Like I don’t feel the same way!?” Sonic finally blurted out, “Let me fight for you now that I have you back again! We all want too! We-!”
She put his hand up from her shoulder, traced it passed her collar bone which made go silent as he moved back to see what on earth she was doing, and then placed it to her throat.
“My voice isn’t hidden anymore,” she seemed to be symbolizing something, but he wasn’t sure what she was talking about. She looked up at him, giving him the same deadly look of bravery she had given Infinite, “I fight with you, and you... you, and everyone, will be my resisting voice.”
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idontworkforsega · 5 years
My queen! Your majesty! I have come here to ask of you a prompt! For I know no other who is better at the precious sonamy more than you! Please accept my humble request for a classic sonamy fluff! A jealous blue hedgie included is this prompt will be greatly appreciated!!
Jealous Classic Sonic!?!? Yes? All of that?! (Also, thank you, you’re so sweet >///wn///
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(Art is by @drawloverlala Or her DA->(https://www.deviantart.com/drawloverlala) who has given permission to let me use her art as a Preview Art Image for my prompts! Please support her as well!)
If you’d be okay with me using your art on my prompts, please send me a message letting me and @cutegirlmayra know!
PROMPTS ARE CLOSED. DON’T SEND ME ANY PROMPTS UNTIL THEY REOPEN! That will be when all the current prompts in my inbox are completed. Again, DO NOT SEND ME PROMPTS AT THIS TIME. (People are still sending them in, so please stop or the prompts will never re-open T-T)
*Also, this blog is for organizing my prompts for fanfiction. When prompts reopen, please submit prompt requests there. :)b
A jingle and a click, then there was music sounding through Classic Amy’s headphones.
She nodded her head, enjoying the classic rock that kept her heart upbeat as she stretched, getting ready to run.
She had been training for so long. All she wanted was to manage that loop-de-loop so she could keep up with Sonic.
One time, while pursuing her darling Sonic, he had raced through one. She saw him curl up and bolt off like a slingshot in a pinball game.
Her heart sank as she stopped rushing after him and skidded her feet against the moist and furtile ground of the earth, the grass bending to her force.
“Oh… Dear.” her face slowly recoiled in its joy as she faced the terrifying obstacle.
A full loop. No stops, just a drop if you slowed down…
A death fall.
The last time she had been through a loop-de-loop, she was being hauled off by a metal version of Sonic.
She took courage, stepping back with powerful stomps to work herself up to it. With a wiggle of her butt and straight up to her tail, she charged at it.
Needless to say, she flopped and her poor face was red with the trauma.
She didn’t even get to the curve…
So today, she was going to face up to her fear and overcome that death loop!
Her nostrils flared with bravery once again, her body honed for speed and balance, there was no way she would skid her face against its slick dirt coating this time!
Unbeknown to our little heroine, a certain Sonic The Hedgehog was sitting happily in the shadows of a few camouflaging trees. He had been passing by when he saw her in her workout clothes, her classy sweatband replacing her girly clothes that were now jazzy kinda workout colors and designs.
Immediately, he popped his popcorn–so to speak–, and set up camp.
He had heard the horrible PLOP from behind when she had first attempted the loop-de-loop. He had stopped in curiosity and flicked an ear back, racing over a ramp he had previously scaled to see what had happened.
It was a conflicting moment. He wanted to rush over and make sure she was okay, but he also didn’t want her seeing him laughing.
She had the saddest look on her face, and his snickering ended as he waited for her to call out to him in help.
Except she didn’t.
She surprised him by remaining silent, wiping her eyes and the bright dirt from her face, kissing her own booboos and glaring at the obstacle that had previously blocked her from following him the rest of the way.
He had stared almost mesmerized by the way she held her own. Where was the doting cry of help? The wimpy, whining high pitch voice? Was she really not going to cry out for him to coo and comfort her?
It’s not like he wanted too, but… he was prepared to do it, that’s all.
Now he felt a little confused, and seeing her prepare to take it on again today, he decided to watch from a distance and just ‘spot’ her, if she did end up getting hurt.
He flopped his hand and poured another shoveled amount of popcorn into his mouth, swishing it around to mush it up and watched as she took a runner’s stance on the ground.
Arching her butt up, she then took a deep breath and angled her body, looking up with pure determination as she raced up the loop-de-loop.
His eyes followed her, swallowing and reaching for his drink’s straw when his eyes fell flat to the ground again.
Another PLOP.
“Wah!” she cried out, making his eyelids lower a bit as he waited for her to cry out to him.
“Ow… Umph.” she rubbed her head, “…Maybe I gotta get a firmer footfall. Curl up on the ending?” she worked it out in her head, and again, Sonic’s grip on the drink tightened slightly.
She wasn’t aware of him.
Why would she call out for aid?
Why would she ask him for help?
He ‘Pfft’d and continued to flip through music CDs, deciding on a hit and letting it play.
When she tried again and PLOPPED, then he turned the music up louder.
“Offph! Darn, gotta go again… huh?” Her music was drowned out by another’s, and she looked over to excitedly see Sonic bobbing his head to his hard punk rock.
“Oh, Sonic! What are you doing here?” She dusted herself off and then held her hands together, the typical puppy-love he was used too seeing from her.
He put on shades and gave her his best ‘cool dude’s smile.
“Oh? Are you here to… to…” her eyes slightly shrunk in fright. “Watch me?”
He seemed to wave it off, suggesting that he was there to watch her really do it, if she did manage it.
A fear suddenly rose in Amy, and she held herself a moment. “O-oh…” she looked away, ‘Is he really going to sit there and watch me fail?’ she looked back at him, lowering her head.
He continued to bob his head to the music, making Amy think he was agreeing silently to that inner thought.
She puffed up her cheek, “Well, I won’t have it!” she told herself out loud. “That Sonic’ll respect me!” she huffed and turned her backside to him, her quill sticking out and shaking in rage as the rest of her head’s quills followed shortly after in her anger.
“Just watch me then! I’ll do it!” she stretched again, “I’ll make it over no matter what!”
He took off his shades again, hearing her from a distance. He smirked to himself. There was no way Amy Rose wouldn’t ask for her sweet hero’s help.
She’d fall again, this time on her butt, and beg for him to show her how, or just carry her through it.
She’d dote on him, but he’ll just have to live with it.
He sighed and shrugged, as though it was inevitable and he should just take it with patience.
However, as the day went on, Amy kept getting bruised up by all the falling…
Now Sonic was getting concerned.
His toe tapped in the air, his arms folded, and his tolerance going down…
He didn’t want to watch her fail… it wasn’t amusing seeing her hurt and then getting up to do it again.
That was just stupidity… right?
She rubbed her eye, on the verge of tears from that last fall, actually getting about decently high on the first stretch before rolling down it again. She looked behind the loop-de-loop, then moved to see the curve and attempted to curl up.
“…Well, she’s got the right idea.” Sonic didn’t like talking much, especially to others. But something about Amy not giving up… not reaching out for him… made him suddenly jealous of her unrelenting charisma.
She was so naturally likable.
He sunk further in his chair, the music turning to a Song that’s lyrics annoyed him even more.
‘She’s a well-oiled machine! Beauty queen of the world! She don’t need a man, she don’t want your hand, OW! She’s a star~ In her own right! She’s a star~ With just her own light! She’ll shine through the night, leaving you crying! Wishing! On her own beautiful face-! That somehow you could be apart of her space!”
He clicked it off, not liking it anymore.
But Amy turned around, “Hey! I liked that song!” her cute little voice sent a chill up his spine. Why was it cute!? When at all other times, it was usually so shrilly and out of place?
He turned it back on though, mumbling incoherent words as the song picked up again.
“Bright light shining, she’s a five-star, golden lottery. She has the courage to face her demons. She controls the ring, she’s the tiger working through the jungles to face the king! She’s the queen of her own galaxy! She don’t need no help, she’s the best! She’s got the whole world wishing on her-bright-staaarr!”
She did jumping jacks to the music, breathing in and out as she curled up, trying to speed in place but was getting dirt everywhere and wobbling too much in it.
Sonic’s anger mark was throbbing on his head, listening and watching her struggle without so much as giving him any attention at all.
“She’s the best! Don’t require the rest- she’s a star! Star, star-ar-arrr! She’s a well-oiled machine! Beauty Queen of the world! She don’t need a man, she don’t your hand, OW! -click-”
“Hey!” Amy uncurled, looking back to Sonic, “I said I was-!… huh?” she looked to see an empty chair.
“Sonic?” she turned to look around, before seeing he was right beside her on the other side, sizing up the loop-de-loop. “Wah! Oh… you scared me.” She touched her chest, breathing hard as his speedy appearance spooked her. “What’s wrong? Gonna show me how it’s done?”
He nodded.
“Hmph. Took you long enough. Why weren’t you helping me before? I just need some pointers, then I can do it!” She gripped her hands together, eager to learn and get through her latest struggles.
“Ah…” he turned to her, surprised again. She was waiting for… him?
Was he just being that selfish? Thinking he needed her to ask him over when he could have been right here helping her all along?
“I like to take on challenges, but it’s way more fun with a friend!”
There it was.
The cutest thing Sonic had ever seen.
A positive attitude.
He shook his head, smacking his cheek a moment as though to get his thoughts back to where they needed to be.
He was still jealous of her obvious moxie to do it herself, but he was also strangely attrac-… EHEM, impressed by her diligent resolve to get it done herself.
“You need more speed.”
“Well, that’s obvious. Coming from you.” she folded her arms, but he was again taken aback that she didn’t freak out at him talking.
It wasn’t like he socialized a lot… even Tails felt honored to hear his voice.
“Okay, Miss Rose, what else is so obvious?” His trademark attitude was showing again, as he placed the back of his wrist to his hips and leaned toward her. “Go on. If you already know what I’m about to say.”
Now her face shied away a little.
“Hehe…he… b-bu-but how do I do that?” she sweat-dropped, showing she really did want some advice.
He smiled, “That’s a little better.” He looked to the ground, “It just rained, right?”
“Yeah, why?”
“Well, your not getting proper footing so-”
“I KNEW IT!” she shrieked out, “I knew it was my footing!”
He waited, showing her his annoyance by just staring at her with a deadpan expression.
“…Heh…hehe… Teehee?” She knew he was a bit upset at being interrupted again, and with her being such a chatter-box, she acted cute about it and placed a finger to her mouth, looking away.
She was going to be silent now, eh?
“Anyway…” He rolled his eyes, “Try and curl up over by that patch of hill. If you run down it and curl, you should get a good start up. You could still fall a bit coming down, but that’s just because you aren’t as fast as me and Tails. Try and just get yourself to the other side, even if you fall doing so.”
“I’m not afraid to fall.” She said that strongly, standing bravely.
The song triggered in Sonic’s mind but he looked back to her to see her dirtied, banged up body and clothes again.
“…Yeah.” He looked worried, “I know.” he studied her eyes… “Just… Don’t uncurl this time. You’ll get pretty high up there.” He looked to the loop-de-loop.
For one of the first time’s since meeting Amy Rose, Sonic felt genuine concern for her safety.
“If you uncurl… you could get-”
“H-huh?! Crazy girl! I wasn’t done!” he saw her dart to the hill, and reached out for her. For some reason, this girl made him more animated than usual… “You’re not listening again! It’s dangerous! Just don’t uncurl!”
“I’m a star~ In my own right! I’m a star~”
“Crazy!” he called out to her, seeing her doing a little dance while she sang the previous song and got ready to sprint.
“With just my own light!”
“Stop!” he rushed to her side but she raced down while he moved up. “Don’t-!”
“I’ll shine through the night, leaving you crying! Wishinggggg-!” she curled up, gaining lots of speed.
“..No… No…” He shook his head, his heart beating fast. “Ammmmyyy!!!” It was a true cry of fright. Though he believed it was possible for her to do it, he was terrified she’d really get hurt if she fell that far, that hard, and that fast to the ground this time. He took off, curling up, and heading up the loop-de-loop after her.
She scaled the first roll. ‘On my own beautiful face, that somehow, you could be, apart of my spaaace~’
Time seemed to slow down, two blurry and balled colors flying up the loop-de-loop.
Through the spinning, Amy could feel herself start to fall, and Sonic saw her ball form leaning towards the other side.
‘Will she stay curled?’ his thoughts turned to joy as she hit the other side and rolled down, not breaking her curl.
He uncurled in his joy, reaching his arms out, “You did it!!!” he shouted in praise before smacking his head against the other side of the loop-de-loop. “Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow…” He smacked back and forth all the way down the ramp…
She uncurled safetly down at the bottom, “Yay! I did it!” she cheered as well, turning to see Sonic smack a few more times down before lifting up a ‘thumbs up’ to her.
“Hehe! Now I can catch up with you~” she flirted, poking his face that was buried in the ground. “You know… I thought about uncurling… just to make you catch me.”
He peered up, a slight glare in his eyes.
“But then I heard how loving your voice turned when you thought I didn’t hear you… I didn’t want to upset you, only play around… so I decided to really, truly land the ending. I was scared. I fibbed about not wanting your help… but I’m really glad you were here.”
His glare softened.
“I’ll always want you by my side, Sonic The Hedgehog! And now, I can always be beside yours!”
Under the earth, she didn’t see his kind smile.
He lifted up and shook the dirt off, now his bruises would match hers.
“Rascal.” he winked, playfully.
“Hehe~ Only for you~” she puckered up but he sped off. “Hey! You can’t hide in a loop-de-loop now, Sonic! Teehee~” and sped off after him.
The popcorn was tilted over, and the boombox stayed quietly posted next to the turned over chair…
(Jealous of Amy’s independence? Yes? No? Lol, I just wanted to make something new with the ‘jealousy’ theme XD I do it a lot, you know.)
Fanfiction Entry 602 (x)
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embidedbythesand · 6 years
who wanna read a whack fanfic boys
“used to be a shadow, now the shadows scream my name”
“he does not hold back, (not that he ever has) he screams and howls and 'roars' and cries until nothing comes up. his squishy hands that aren't his hands began to bleed from pulling at whatever it is holding him back; he tries with every ounce of strength in 'his' body to break free but to no avail. he has no strength. he doesn't even have himself.”
human!godzilla AU
((if you were around in the heyday of legendfromthedeep, you might (will most likely) notice some similarities (?), idk a lot of inspo was drawn from their blog so any and all credit goes to them, aaa))
((This is a sorta angsty crack fic that i’ve wanted to see in text for a while, don’t take it too seriously, may continue, may not you never know with me ahahahahha))
When he opens his eyes, he soon realizes his Earth will not let him move.
It doesn’t feel like his Earth, though. But it keeps him bound to something soft against his back with a firm “No.”, when he tries to yank his limbs free of his bindings.
He shakes his head in frustration and feels something slap his face, he lashes back and lets out a growl, but nothing is there. But glancing down at his floor he sees something dark, dark and thin and there were millions of them. And it moves with his head. It’s on his head. He persists and shakes his head with utter fury trying to pry them off. They would not budge.
With a grunt, he settles (or tries to). He looks around. No, no this is not his Earth. It’s small and closed in. Not wide and open and infinite like his Earth. But the air feels like the earth. Where is he, and how did he get here?
He looks to his right and sees the sky in a small square. He becomes even more so puzzled than he already is. Has Earth shrunk? He lets out a noise and is instantly taken back by the sound that emits from his mouth. Now that his attention is to it, he realizes it doesn’t feel like his mouth at all. Nothing feels like himself. Something just feels………off. He decides he doesn’t like off. No, not at all. Off is not good. He tries to let out his roar, but the noise he let out was not his roar (why should he be surprised.). He’s heard it before, but then it has been a small chorus below him. This one came out of his mouth. His off feeling grows and bellows in his chest, and he doesn’t like it.
When he looks down, a small squeal emits from his mouth. Puzzlement shifts into fear. He cannot even see himself.
This isn’t him. It makes no sense. He does not see his dark hard big self. Instead, he sees something light. Not as light as his sand, but light. Not rough like him either. He sees more ‘stringys’ coming out of it. Something even lighter is over the legs. He tries to move again, and to his utter amazement, whatever this thing is, moves. He realizes in horror: This is him.
Fear turns into utter terror. He does not hold back, (not that he ever has) he screams and howls and ‘roars’ and cries until nothing comes up. His squishy hands that aren’t actually his begin to bleed from pulling at whatever it is holding him back. He tries with every ounce of strength in ‘his’ body to break free but to no avail. He has no strength. He doesn’t even have himself.
He has always had himself. Nothing else. He doesn’t need anything else. He was strong. He was ocean. Big and furious and always crashing. He was sky. Big and widespread and always lurking. He was mountain. Big and hard and will never be down. Until now, that is. He is no longer any of those things. All of those things began with big. And he feels small. He is small. He is below. And most of all, he is afraid.
The last time he was afraid, was the last time he was small, and that was a long time ago. He doesn’t remember what he was afraid of, and until now he doesn’t remember a time where he had felt this way, he had blocked it out he’d supposed. It was unwanted things, unneeded; sent to an ocean of the graves of forgotten things, as dead as whatever he was afraid of. But now he remembers that he has felt this. And he hates it. He hates what he is, where he is, and why he is. He doesn’t even know what exactly it is he is hating, but aurgh, (fuck) does he hate.
Now he knows that feeling. He feels it all the time. He has felt it for the many leggeds, the three heads, too many more that he cannot think of just one. But he crushed his hates. He destroyed them. He cannot destroy this.
He feels ocean on his face, tiny oceans make their way to the stringys. He feels the ocean in his eyes. He lets out a jagged breath, and then a yell, and more breaths. His lower body feels wrong; he feels wet all over and his fire is gone but something comes out and he chokes. It splatters all over his chest and it’s slimy and smells purtrid. He groans in agony, and plops his head down on his ‘floor’.
Perhaps, this is what dead is. Is he dead? He does not feel dead. But this is not him, and he cannot fight so he must be. He is what dead is. He is dead. How is he dead, though? He doesn’t remember becoming dead; he does not remember anything. The last thing he remembers is his ocean around him, and then bubbles. Nothing after that.
He hears something. A ‘bum, bum, bum’. And high pitched noises. ‘Beep, beep, beep, beeeeeep.” The ends of this earth opens, and then closes. His breathing becomes heavy. Here he is, held back and something is coming. He snarls to warn it. “Stay away.” The “bums” become louder and clearer; his growls become even louder. A dark shadow spreads up his not-body, followed by something. It’s bigger than him. Or, at least higher than him. It stands on a floor that is not his floor and observes him. It looks like him, but not like him. It has the same flesh, and stringys, but fewer stringys. It has more stuff on him, and he’s holding something flat. It looks at the thing moves a smaller thing across it. What is it doing. He grunts in disgust, wanting to know what it is. This provokes it to look down at him again. It’s mouth curves, and lets out a, “Hmph.” Followed by something incoherent, (‘Hello, there. ….Never thought I’d be looking down at you.’) and more moving the objects in his hands, and mumblings.
Was it taunting him? He grunts again, prying it to tell him what it wants. “What have you done to me?”
He doesn’t say that though. He can’t. It looks over at where the opening was and lets out more noises. (‘Graham, bring some towels, please.’) He hears someone call back to it, (‘Yes, sir’) and it sounds different. Not as deep as this one. He growls in frustration, and it looks down at him again. Makes more noises. (‘Hush, you.’) He shakes his body with a wail. The thing says nothing. It doesn’t move, doesn’t even flinch. He doesn’t notice another walk in until it’s beside the other. He stops and observes this new….squish. It has longer stringys, pulled back by something, and shaped different. “Hmm??” The former glances at the latter, lets out more noises, and says something to it. (‘I believe he’s curious.’) It says something back to him. (’I think he’s scared.’) The two take something and smear it all over him, removing whatever (very) smelly substance he released. He doesn’t bother to struggle; whether because he’s in shock or in realization he’s in no position to pick a fight, he doesn’t know. He just stares. If looks could kill, the ‘squishes’ would be vaporized.
The one that walked in leaves with the item and the two continue to take the other in. He breaks the silence with more sounds. (‘You have much to learn, Gojira.’)
((to clarify a couple things, i wanted to write something so ridiculous as accurately as i could, from big g’s (little g’s?) pov, he wouldn’t know how to speak, or that he’s strapped to a bed in a small room in a research facility, or what hair is, or that he’s wearing pants, or dr serizawa writing notes on a clipboard. if u are still lost on anything feel free 2 message or somethin?? also any critiques or anything of the sort is welcomed too!; im very iffy on this piece aaaa ok im done now gbye))
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fictioninmyblood · 6 years
Protector of Her Heart
Chapter Four
Note: I am new to writing fanfic (this is my first one). I welcome constructive criticism as well as pointers and tips for bettering my blog. Thank you for reading :) Also, I am sorry I took so long to post this. Thank you for understanding.
Summary: Elinora is an empath’s version of Professor X, only a lot more powerful. She is an enhanced human with the ability to read the world’s emotions. Nick Fury has welcomed her into the fold, but with a fear of herself she has been quite reserved. A forced bonding night with the newly discovered Wakandan royalty brings her out of the shadows of fear and into the light of lust.
Warning: some language, implied smut, 18+
Ingcuka - white wolf
Ndiyazi ukuba uyothuka, kodwa nceda ungahambi. Andiyi kukulimaza. - I know you're scared, but please do not go. I will not hurt you.
umfana wam omncinane - my little warrior
Previous Chapter
Three days. Three fucking days! If he ever got his hands on her she was definitely going to get a spanking. This woman was driving him up a wall with her antics. For the first day he was beside himself with worry since he could not feel her emotions anymore. Whatever connection they had started to create was gone when he awoke. So he resorted to basically stalking her bedroom door, always checking up on her despite the lack of response when he knocked and the fact that she never came out of the damn room. On the second day, he felt relief at her being alive since Natasha had reassured him that she was just back to avoiding everybody. Now he was just purely frustrated and angry at her for denying him the one thing he craved.
T’Challa found M’Baku pacing in the kitchen with determined strides mumbling to himself.
“I must presume with the way you are still going about that she has not graced us with her presence yet.”
M’Baku stopped pacing momentarily to look at the king and grunt in acknowledgement.
“You know, I understand what you are going through maybe I can help.”
“I will figure this out on my own.”
“Suit yourself.”
James walked in catching the conversation, hesitating slightly in his decision.
“Listen, I probably shouldn’t tell you this since she would most likely see this as a betrayal of trust, but I think I know a way for you to get to her.”
M’Baku perked up at those words, giving James his undivided attention.
“I would greatly appreciate any opportunity to speak with her again.”
T’Challa butt in earning himself a glare that could melt the polar caps, “Are sure ingcuka?”
“Well, I kinda know what she is going through, she doesn’t see herself like we do. She thinks she is cursed and HE is the first person to reach her and really connect. I am not going to ignore that, especially since she needs the love and affection he is offering.”
“But you are probably the only one in your group she even talks to. You would give that up for this stranger?”
“T’Challa, if you do not cease your meddling I will crush you.”
“You can’t just force yourself on the girl, it needs to happen naturally. There is always another way, especially in the face of destroying what little she has in the way of relationships.”
“Is that your offer to put our lives and timetable on hold so that we can allow things to happen naturally?”
At T’Challa’s sigh of defeat, “I thought not.”
In light of his very valid points, James gave him the one secret she had yet to disclose with anyone else, “If you want to see her, tonight would be the best opportunity. For one she is a serious night owl so seeing her during the day is a rarity. And two, she loves the rain, there is a thunderstorm coming and she usually goes out in them.”
“How do you get her to tell you things like this?”
“Well, she didn’t exactly tell me. I have trouble sleeping sometimes too and I found her dancing out in the middle of a storm a couple of weeks ago. After some coercing, she explained that it helps her feel calm and herself. After yesterday’s formal introduction I started to suspect that the storms probably help block off the emotions of everybody although I haven’t verified this with her yet. And the dancing is a telltale of her letting go and just living in the moment.”
T’Challa folded his arms and stroking his beard in thought, “hmph, this girl gets more interesting the longer we stay.”
“She is one of the most interesting people I've ever known and I've come to love her like a sister in the short time she's been here. So since we're basically her family now, if you hurt her M’Baku, I will kill you slowly and in a tortuous way.”
“Do not worry, for I M’Baku, leader of the Jabari tribe, shall protect her with all that I am.”
T’Challa shook his head, “must you always be this dramatic?”
Nora had been antsy for the last few days. Avoiding everyone seemed so hard now that she had connected a little bit more. She now knew they weren't going to get hurt by her, unless she tried to intentionally, which brought about a fierce hunger for affection she was not entirely prepared for. M’Baku made it worse than it needed to be with his presence. He had basically taken up residence at her door whenever they came back after various meetings, press conferences, and whatever else they had going on. The man was resilient and seeing him asleep outside her door each night made it that much harder.
His constant persistence on top of the rising emotions of the world, especially in this country was really weighing on her. So when she woke up to the smell of rain in the air she breathed a sigh of relief and relished in the knowledge that she would soon be able to feel free from the burden of emotions people carelessly projected into the world.
Same as the previous nights, she walked out of her room to the sight of M’Baku sleeping in front of her door, or so she thought. She laid a blanket over him to stave off the cold seeping in from the floors and tiptoed around him in order to avoid confrontation. She went outside and walked into the rain relishing the cleansing feeling she got to experience each time, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Twirling around and down into criss-cross applesauce, she started her meditation process, breathing the cleansing air of the storm in and the negative emotions cluttering her spirit out.
M’Baku watched her actions from inside the house, the night sky providing cover in its darkness. Whatever she was doing opened her up to M’Baku for he felt what she did once again. Though the sight and feeling combined was something he had never witnessed before, he knew it was something to behold.
After Nora finished meditating she danced as if she was a child again. Not caring that she was soaked to the bone, she let herself go, crying through each movement over and over until she felt tired enough to go back inside and hopefully sleep.
She passed right by M’Baku not realizing that she was caught until he spoke up. “You will be needing this, you do not want to catch a sickness” he said as he held up a towel for her dry off. Startled, she jumped and just barely held back her scream. “Why are you sneaking up on me?!” Her heart was pounding so hard she wouldn’t have been surprised if he could hear it. “Well, when the love of my life avoids me like the plague, one must revert to hunting tactics. We need to talk Elinora.”
Looking down she mumbled, “I don’t wanna talk to you.” Taking his forefinger and thumb, he grasped her chin gently but firm, tilting her head up until she had no choice but to look him in the eye, “Ndiyazi ukuba uyothuka, ungashiyi. Andiyi kukulimaza..” Nora pulled away from him despite the incessant need to lean in, “I can’t do this, whatever it is, please just leave it alone.” She looked back up and the determination in M’Baku’s eyes both scared and thrilled her, he wasn't going to be giving up anytime soon.
Pulling away, she solidified her decision that they shouldn’t be together, but the big brute was obviously not letting this go and she was not having this conversation with him so she did the only thing she thought she could do in that moment, she ran. Probably not the smartest idea, but she was desperate to not have to deal with this situation. Stunned, it took M’Baku a second to process what was happening, but once he did, he thanked Hanuman for his training. Moving faster than should be possible for someone his size, he caught up in three strides grabbing her by the waist and throwing her over his shoulder. He continued on to his way as if he didn’t just lift her over his shoulder.
“You seem to have an affinity for fleeing and have yet to understand that I will not tolerate you running away from us.” Smacking his back in protest, Nora replied, “Put me down you big brute! Can’t you take a freaking hint! I don’t want to talk to you and I don’t want whatever this is!” M’Baku grunted and smacked her bottom in reply continuing the journey to his room. Stunned at the action and her body’s response Nora stopped her antics since moving at all caused her body to perk up even more and take notice of the power now underneath her.
“I thought we would have a civil conversation, but it seems you want to fight me and us every step of the way.” M’Baku walked into his room and locked the doors. “That is fine, I am just as stubborn and twice as resilient.” Walking to his drawer he pulled out a shirt and handcuffs. Catching the glint of metal made heat pool low in her belly.
M’Baku walked into his closet, closing that door as well before depositing Nora on unsteady legs.
“I am going to turn my back, you are going to strip and put this shirt on. I will not have you catching a cold.” She shivered at his demand. “See? You are already shivering.” Thankful for the scapegoat she said nothing to indicate it was him having an effect on her and not her drenched clothes. After he turned around she moved as quickly as possible, not risking him seeing her in all her naked glory.
Once she was done changing, M’Baku picked her up in the same manner not trusting the little minx after realizing her tendency to run. “I am too heavy for you to constantly be picking me up like this just let me walk.” He gave her another swat eliciting a low moan that did not go unnoticed, “I do no not know who told you such lies, but for me you are the equivalent of a feather.” Easing her onto the bed as gently as possible while trapping her underneath him he looked at her as if he was searching for the secrets of her soul. She looked away, not accustomed to such intense attention focused solely on her. Pushing her hair to the side M’Baku leaned down and whispered in her ear, “give me your hands umfana wam omncinane.” With him staring at her again, it seemed as if she no longer had control over her body because she followed his instruction without question, lost in his gaze.
M’Baku handcuffed her to the bed with her arms above her head. After she was secure he took one finger and traced her body starting from her fingertips, down her arms and sides, to her luscious thighs and finally her toes. Starting back up from her instep, he worked his way back up stopping a few centimeters from where she craved his touch most. Looking up and licking his lips, speaking in a voice deepened by lust and longing, “now that I have your undivided attention…”
Chapter Five
Tags: @skysynclair19 @biglipsandafropicks
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deanssexplorations · 6 years
Thank God for Plan C (Part 1)
Tuesday evenings are some of my favorites to go out. Of course I prefer weekends - I can stay out later, I can visit one of my favorite sex clubs. Saturday nights are truly the best. But I only get one or maybe two Saturday nights out a month, and since Tuesday nights are my weekly fencing lessons, it’s easy to play hooky every now and again and have a date with a lovely lady friend instead.
Last Tuesday I did just that, taking advantage of the chance to (finally) have a make-up date with Cora, a lovely, polyamorous woman whom I first met about four months ago, but with whom circumstances didn't allow to seal the deal. Our first date was actually super hot, even though no clothes came off. We just mashed up against the back of a movie theater and made out like teenagers, but that was it and we hadn’t been able to get together since.
That’s partly because she’s juggling like 10-12 regulars, two of which she’s in “I love you” status with, and one she’s living with. At least she's living with him nominally, meaning she sees him two or three nights a week.
My kind of girl.
Cora and I met at a bar in San Francisco, had a delightful drink, then ventured to the taqueria next door for margaritas and tacos. She is intelligent, charming, and absolutely adorable, and I was thoroughly enjoying my conversation with her. And looking forward to getting into her pants.
All that changed when she got an emergency text. One of her close friends was being admitted to the hospital with a kidney stone - ouch! - and the friend group was rallying to see who could drop everything to be with him. Unfortunately, the other contenders had children or firmer obligations that evening (the firmness of my obligation notwithstanding). She apologized, and was as bummed as I was, but I completely understood. Friends in need is real life, grownup shit, and I absolutely wanted her to be there for him. I told her I’d at least drive her to the hospital so we would get another ten or fifteen minutes to flirt and plan our next encounter.
Which is three weeks from Tuesday. Cora’s next open slot.
After dropping her off with a hug and a quick kiss, I considered my options. It was probably around 8:30 or 9:00. The night was still young. My friend Wendy lives in the City only a few blocks away. I didn’t know if she had anything on that evening and was tempted to send her a quick text, but then I recalled that this was the one week my friend Ellen was in town this month, and just the other day we lamenting our inability to find time to take advantage of it.
So I sent her a text, asking about her hot tub plans for tonight. She texted me back that she was just warming it up. Ellen considers her hot tub her happy place, and so far I’ve joined her for two or three sessions. Naked, of course.
Because every place is happier when you’re naked.
I didn’t tell Ellen that she was Plan B, only that I was in the City and happened to have the evening free up. She was free as well, and invited me to join her. I had been looking forward to finally fucking Cora, but a naked hot tub with Ellen was a pretty decent alternative.
I stopped for wine and showed up about a half hour later, bottle in hand. Ellen greeted me wearing a lovely blue and green sarong, with (obviously) nothing on underneath. She invited me in and poured wine for each of us, and we chatted  on her couch, the hot tub steaming outside.
After a while she stood up, poured our wine into plastic glasses (for the hot tub), and said “Come on, now you need to get naked.”
I love it when women say that.
So we went out to the tub, and I peeled off my clothes while she removed the lid. We climbed in, enjoying the rest of the wine along with some Vivaldi and 420.
Now, the story with Ellen is she and I haven’t had sex. We’ve talked about it quite a bit, but never had it. I met her through another (more adventurous) mutual friend who tried for a spontaneous threesome on our first meeting. But Ellen takes it slow, and even though she’s done plenty of non monogamous play in her life, she’s at a stage where she has to be in the right frame of mind, can’t be getting up early the next day, and all that.
As it turns out she did have a relatively early morning. After exiting the tub we kissed and cuddled on her couch for a while. Still naked. She did play with my cock a bit, which was nice. But she told me she had to bid me adieu. This didn’t really come as a surprise, although if I’m being perfectly honest I had sort of expected that that would be the night we would cross the threshold and actually have sex. But I knew the deal, and was happy simply to have had a lovely evening with her. So I got dressed, wished her a good night, and drove home.
Even so, I was sort of shaking my head at my lack of luck that evening. Two dates, both with established friends with benefits, either of whom would have been first-time sex. And somehow I managed to get away with little more than some cock fondling.
Regular readers won’t be surprised that my motor was running pretty hot at that point, so when I got home I headed up to my home office for a good masturbation session. It was around midnight by now.
At the risk of TMI (if that’s possible in this blog!), when I want to really masturbate, I like to pull out the stops. Which usually consists of getting completely naked, standing in front of my computer (I have a standing desk), and pulling up some fun porn. With my trusty lube in hand of course.
I was in just this position when I decided to check messages on my phone. There were a few from FWBs on Kik and WhatsApp. Nice. Then I swiped to Tinder.
On Tinder I saw that several women whom I’d matched in the past few days had responded to my notes. I noticed that the response from one of them, Kristy, had come in just a minute or two before.
Cool. She was probably still up. In my horny mood, standing naked with a full-on erection, I wouldn’t mind texting a lovely new woman.
Even better was the content of her note: “Please know the no hair thing makes me shiver. ;-) A bit of a fetish.”
Holy shit. This was in an initial, first-time-ever text to me.
So I messaged her back. “Yeah? I’m all about fetishes.”
Her response included the following: “Where r u? I had a girls night and am a lil drunk … so excuse me.”
I told her I just got back from hot tubbing with a friend and was a little stoned and drunk myself. She asked what I was looking for, and knowing that the answer to that question can be fraught with peril, I told her it was a long story, asking instead what she was looking for.
Her reply: “No commitment, fun casual awesome sex…that’s discrete…”
Aha. One thing I’ve learned is when it seems too good to be true, well, it is. Or almost always at least. She was probably a bot. Or a scammer. Sitting in Indonesia. I quickly put my expectations back in check, and responded “For real? Sounds like a bot.”
She proceeded to tell me she wasn't a bot, that she understood my skepticism, that she hasn’t had anyone to her place without meeting first in public, etc. I told her I am in an open marriage and she told me that was a buzzkill, so I quickly backfilled the rest of my story (we’ve been at it a long time, it’s all above board, we’re not sneaking around on or hurting each other). That seemed to bring her back to a place of interest.
After a bit more banter about open relationships she came back to “Funny, you just caught me at a super horny moment.” I told her I was in a horny mood too - although I refrained from telling her I was watching porn at my computer, naked with a full-on erection, and then I typed the most pivotal line of the exchange:
“I can go there.”
I meant I can go there psychically with you, and if you want to sext then great, let’s do it. After all, we'd already established that she doesn't have guys to her place and always meets in a public place first. But she interpreted it as I could come to her place. She replied that she was nervous that I’d show up and one or the other of us wouldn’t like what they see. Realizing where she was taking the conversation, I went with it, assuring her that I rarely left women dissatisfied and I doubted she would for me.
After a bit more back-and-forth she typed “how fast can you be here?”
She was only about a 15 minute drive, so after securing her address I quickly pulled on some pants, a shirt, and shoes, not bothering with socks or underwear. Grabbing my sex kit - condoms, cock ring, and lube, all in a handy Ziploc bag, I jumped in the car.
I was fully aware that all of this could still be a scam. That I could walk into someone’s apartment and get jumped by two big guys. But logic dictated that the chances of that seemed pretty remote, and I’ve always landed on my feet. In situations like this and others in life.
Beside, I like to think my motto is “fortune favors the bold."  If there was ever a moment to prove it out, this was it.
Leaving my wallet in the glove box of my car (just in case) I found her apartment and opened the door. We had already established that she was going to take a shower and would leave the door unlocked. True to her word, the doorknob turned and the door swung inward.
I took in a small, nicely kept apartment (she is going through a divorce), and was delighted when my gaze fell upon her. Kristy is medium height and build, with a crazy mop of curly blond hair, and a pink streak in the front. She was dressed in a slinky, silky, burgundy-colored robe that was barely long enough to cover her private parts and which accentuated her nipples as they poked into the fabric.
She met my gaze and gave me a smile. Which is when my heart melted.
This was no ordinary smile. It was a crazy, sexy, bedroom smile. It was a smile that said "I want to fuck you up and down and every which way until you’re pumped dry, and I’m going to enjoy every last moment of it.” It was mischievous and naughty and appreciative all at the same time.
It was a smile that every man lives for.
I was getting a very good feeling about the evening…
0 notes
beautifulcrocodile · 6 years
Blog 2
Oh hey i’m back at it again with the sadness! hmph, i’m starting to think no one is even reading these (which i don’t really care, if you are just reading this one you should probably read “Blog UNO part DOS” which will inform you a little bit about what i am writing... I will be informing you of my stalker and a few other things that link to that kind of. When I was 12 I craved friendship, I would join role playing groups on facebook, even joined a rp chat! that is where I met him, let’s call him... Jerry, so i don’t get anyone in trouble, Jerry was 21 years old, if i remember correctly, and obsessed with the Clandom. You could say it all started with “may I join your role play?” it went down hill from there. Jerry started messaging me, and sort of claimed me  as his “girlfriend” i was totally appalled, i blocked him, then got more messages from jerry from different accounts and i started to get scared, what if this guy had found me? what if this guy was a rapist? I ended up snapping on him, he went away for a few months and a girl who as younger than me, 10 maybe, messaged me, telling me she was Jerrys girlfriend, then two other girls messaged me calling me “Aunty” and referring to Jerry as their father. i tried warning them, but they didn’t listen, so I gave up. I ended up deleting my facebook profile and i made a new one, one with a different name, a different picture, different groups than Jerry, different everything. I named the account “Hazel” and i changed my main OC (Rest in peace Nightbreeze) and moved on. Around that time is when the man who i had been living with had grabbed my by my hair and dragged me across a yard full of broken sticks and twigs, which left scratched on my body, and he hit me, because i wouldn’t pick up a log that was too heavy for me to carry.  I know i’m being brief but this is the things i remember clearly, the next post will probably be actually sad... who knows... well i do.... and i know it’s probably going to make me cry talking about it, but i really need to get this stuff off my chest...
0 notes