#I understand regé-jean’s need to leave
belloves · 6 months
omg we’re finally going to see the previous season’s main has a happy couple in the season
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tinyteacupz · 4 months
I genuinely do not understand those who are mad at Regé-Jean Page for not returning as his role on Bridgerton. Saying "oh he thinks he's too good to return." No? He had only signed up for ONE season. He has things he wants to do. "He quit too early, look where he is now!" He's still doing things? He's still getting paid? Like, fans racially abused that man when his casting came out, but now all of a sudden, when he leaves, they want him back? They are not entitled to his time. They need to be mad at those who are controlling the show for not recasting. period.
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kathonydaily · 2 years
I don’t understand why people don’t believe that Kanthony will have a subplot in S3. For me it’s so obvious that I’m start to be afraid that I will be disappointed if those people will have right.
But: 1) Simone left Sex Education, in which she was a secondary character, for what? Just for doing few scenes? I don’t think she is that fool!! 2) Simone and Johnny said that their characters are just at the beginning of their story, so… ! They said: “Speculations” but I don’t think, they know exactly what is going to happen to their characters! Maybe they don’t know the script yet but definitely they know how much time they will have and the story they will have. Daphne didn’t have a story during the S2 but for me it was because Rege-Jean left the show! And also because she lives far away from London! 3) The production and Netflix and Shonda they will NEVER waste the power of Johnatan Bailey! He is in the highest level of his career, everybody love him!!! It will be a really really awful choice to relegate him in just few scenes!!!
I agree, anon. Nicola said recently that she didn't read the actual s3 scripts yet, but she knows the general direction of Polin/Penelope since a while, and I think it was the same for Jonny and Simone. I think they told them what their future roles in the show were going to be, and that they will have a subplot in s3. The show is a different media than the books, and it will become more and more an ensemble show, because if you want to keep actors in it you need to give them something to do (also for me it was already an ensemble show in s1, there were a bunch of storyline that had nothing to do with the main one, like Anthony/Siena, Benedict and his passion for art, Penelope/Eloise, Colin/Marina, the Featherington being without money etc.). I also agree about Daphne, there is a line in s2 where she is basically saying that her and Simon still have obstacles to overcome even now that they are married, and I think we would have seen those obstacles on screen if Regé didn't leave the show. But he did, so the consquence was a reduced role for Daphne too, because there is just so much you can do with her alone.
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henricavyll · 3 years
some online french magazine (called "les eclaireuses") wrote an entire article yesterday about regé jean page not being in s2 but it was their april's fools prank and now i'm being told that the rollercoaster i went through yesterday when reading that article was actually legit??? i am MAD/SAD
It’s real not a prank unfortunately, It’s sad but understandable. Netflix has more offers for him knowing he’s their breakout star. Especially knowing Bridgerton’s books focus on a different sibling, S2 is Anthony, which leaves Simon with hardly any scenes. The smart move for Netflix was to get more projects for him to get him on our screens. I would think if there’s more seasons Regé would do guest appearances if there would be a scene needed from the books.
Be happy for him, there will be Regé content. We know Simon wasn’t in S2 much.. I’m happy because characters who leave reappear after time.  
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