#I want to use my f/os to cope but
lustshipping · 4 months
The fun thing about me is that I’m kinky and horny but I am extremely traumatized and fucked up about sex :)
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dolls-self-ships · 2 years
#hey guys I’m just gonna vent a bit#and it has a bit to do with self shipping so I’m gonna post it here#but lately I think I’ve just been like… idk so unmotivated to make content of my fos?#like don’t get me wrong I still love them all but#it used to be like so much fun and all consuming for me and like I would happily watch my f/os content over and over again#but lately it’s just been feeling … like.. not the same idk#like I’ll want to watch or see more pictures of hook but everytime I go to do it I’m like ‘but I’ve watched this 27 times already’#and I’m bored before I even click on it#and I feel so bad ??#like I’m falling out of love with self shipping or something#idk it’s hard to explain bc I still like.. do it and I still think about my f/so a lot#but since my ocd theme is very romantic/sexual orientation oriented it kind of like.. makes me romance and sex adverse sometimes#and rn I’ve been going through a really long period of that that makes me feel dissconnected from my f/os :(#it sucks bc it used to be a great source of a coping mechanism for me#but lately it’s just been different idk ;-;#I miss the days when I could just turn off my brain and obsess over my current blorbo and not worry about anything or anyone else#I love James so much but it’s like whenever I go to draw him and I doing something cute together halfway through I get unmotivated or I just#don’t get that same excitement feeling I used to#it might just be my new meds bc I know that they can kinda hinder romantic feelings and stuff#but man it sucks
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chillyneon · 4 months
I like that the ficto and selfship community has only continued to grow since ye olde days of internet.
I remember that fictosexual wasn't even a major term, so there wasn't much of a way to look for others. Hell I remember getting dogpiled a couple times for using the term because people assumed it was attention seeking. So I couldn't use the term and find any actual results for many years.
We all just kinda stood around thinking we were the only people like this, and maybe there's something severely wrong because no one else feels this way. Hell, even when asking my therapists they thought self shipping sounded like a wonderful thing for me and coping with trauma or stress. So being unable to find others like me was so frustrating because I just wanted to know I wasn't fuckin alone in my passion for fiction.
That was like, 20 years ago, the Internet has exploded since then. And now look, the community has grown so much, selfshipping is more common enough we can actually find content on a tag filled to the brim. We can fucking TALK about self shipping and being ficto and attracted to fictional characters. Hell, just able to say I'm fictosexual feels nicer than it did years back. Is everything perfect for us? No, people can still be douches and say mean things, but we have far more folks doing their best to spread the fun things about being ficto and self shipping.
It makes me smile that I can type in ficto or selfship and be witness to the gorgeous menagerie of people loving their F/Os or folks saying their fav things about self shipping. To see people going feral over their loves and gushing about every detail. Seeing folks finding themselves and exploring their ficto feelings, seeing people create things because they love their F/Os so goddamn much. It just makes me happy to see it. Things aren't perfect, but I'm glad we're all able to find that we're not alone.
You're not alone or weird for loving fictional characters, there's plenty more of us out there and you don't have to stop when you get older. It's not just a phase for many, it's how we are and how we love and you don't have to grow out of it. I'm in my goddamn 30s and the only thing that's changed about my selfshipping is I got even more F/Os to love from the past few decades.
It's just nice to be ficto knowing others are also out their loving and selfshipping with fictional favs. <333333
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synf3ll-moved · 11 months
unpopular opinion, apparently, but it is so rude and unnecessary to say that people who consider their F/Os important in their lives are stupid and need to get other hobbies.
recently, a poll went around that asked about whether or not having an F/O is considered cheating to an IRL partner. the poll in-and-of itself is completely fine and respectful, but some of a lot of the notes on it were very disrespectful.
(everyone in this post being used as examples has their usernames cropped out -- they do not deserve direct harrassment, please do not go seeking them out. i don't mean to single out these people specifically, i am only using their comments because i remembered them and feel they're good representations of a larger problem.)
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these comments come from a different post which was influenced by the poll i mentioned:
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(do i need to explain why calling this sort of mindset "insane" is inappropriate lol)
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it is not your place to tell someone where their F/O stands in their life. if, to them, a partners' attraction towards fictional characters feels inappropriate, it is their right to discuss it with their partner and work it out. if someone wants to avoid certain people because they believe their friends would be uncomfortable, it's not your job to tell them they can't do that.
maybe it's ridiculous to you. i can understand how that might be. but some of us have worse social difficulties than you -- personally, i don't have friends. i don't have family. of course my F/O is the most important person in my life; i don't have anyone but them. yes, it's fucking pathetic, but you are not my therapist. who do you think you are to tell people they need to get a life? don't you think i (and people like me) have been trying?
do you not remember that this is a coping skill for some people? obviously, escapism is not the best coping mechanism as it encourages disconnection with reality in vulnerable people, but there's far worse things to use as coping mechanisms. it's only a "not appropriate" coping mechanism when it is directly harming other people -- taking selfshipping seriously does not harm other people. (i guess one could argue it might harm the user, but we all know what the consequences might be and actively choose to continue, so we accept responsibility for whatever happens.)
all of this feels very anti-fictosexual and anti-aspec. sorry we'd rather be in fictional relationships than real ones? and i do agree that it's over-the-top to end relationships solely because of this, but again, it's not our place to decide that for other people.
and i'd argue it's borderline ableist to insist we need to drop fictional characters for real people. i've been trying in the best way i know how, but i still can't form relationships. maybe it's the autism, maybe it's the attachment disorder, but people just don't like me and i don't like them. i turned to fictional relationships because i was tired of putting everything into real relationships and getting nothing in return. it's less exhausting, caring for someone who isn't real, than caring for people who have the potential to care for you and still don't. it's easy for people to say stuff like this when they have IRL relationships to fall back on.
it is fine and okay for people to have different levels of importance in regards to their F/Os. some people are very casual about selfshipping, some are not. that's how it is with literally everything. not everything is important to everyone and that's fine and good, but you don't get to be an asshole to people who have different opinions about it.
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Basics ✨
💖 Call me Hope, Princess or Dazzler! 💖 she/her ✨cis aceflux omniromantic 💖 I am 30 years old! Minors please dni, thank you. 💖 I interact from my main, HopethePrincess! 💖 My Carrd has information about my f/os, both romantic and platonic! Feel free to browse. I'm not personally comfortable with sharing my romantic f/os, but as long as you don't chat with me about it I'm fine with you following! 💖 tl;dr version of this point, I'm not a proshipper as you probably define it, absolutely do not interact with me if you ship adults with minors or ship incest. Thank you. Basically, I cannot keep up with proship or anti labels anymore, because the definitions for these terms keep changing. I've seen takes like "shipping w/ a villain or criminal is proship" and "having platonic f/os who are underage is proship and pe/do behavior" so fuck it lol. I am just gonna lay out what I don't like in my dni, which is below the cut.
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❌ Minors! Literally anyone under 18 years old. I'm an adult and I don't want to talk to, be talked to, or be seen by minors ❌ Shippers I don't want to interact: incest shippers, minor and adult shippers (regardless of if you're aging characters up or down) Charlastor shippers, Radioapple shippers, Zemyx shippers, Xigdem shippers, thank you! ❌ Fatphobes, esp if you claim to be "concerned about fat people's health" ❌ Homophobes, biphobes, transphobes, aphobes, every kind of LGBTphobe get outta here
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❓ I do not send anons, I always send asks from my main and sign it as this blog! ❓ If you dislike something I like, please just block me, I promise I already know how much people hate Hazbin Hotel or FNAF or whatever else you hate lol ❓ I am diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. I use "problematic" media and have "problematic" ships to cope with it and express borderline thoughts and fantasies in a contained and fictitious manner. My therapist of nearly a decade has said and still says this is healthy behavior, so don't start with me. ❓ I will occasionally reblog smutty stuff. I always tag it as #nsfw and/or #nsft! I do have a nsfw blog now as well, feel free to ask for that if you are over 18! ❓ Occasionally there may be a bloody art or two, I tag every single variation of tw I can think of for these but I'm sorry if I miss the one you use!! Please let me know if you need something tagged.
blinkies were made on blinkiescafe!
dividers used on this post, and probably a shitload of my posts, are from animatedglittergraphics-n-more and cafekitsune!
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resident-cake-anon · 3 months
hi luna !! do u have any ideas/info abt golden petals in other aus, like modern aus? 🤔 id love to hear abt them!!
HIHI CLARA!! I HAVE SO MANY IDEAS <33 this ended up being a really long post im sorry.. im a professional yapper
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❦. i see them as being college kids w their academy selves
❦. catalina is always really pushing herself in her studies, maybe she would even be double majored so she ends up doing LONG study sessions in the library
❦. claude is there to check up on her though ofc, ryan put the idea in my head that he would come see her in the library between classes to give her food and a kiss and it rotates in my mind CONSTANTLY
❦. claude’s always posting cati on his socials, ppl are kind of sick of it but they’re too cute for them to say anything
❦. BUILD LEGO FLOWER SETS TOGETHER.. not a doubt in my mind that they do that as a sleepover activity while watching a movie they take an hour to decide on
❦. i see claude as being involved in a lot of clubs maybe a leader of one (my gut says chess) and catalina always makes time in her busy schedule to show up at their events to support him!!
❦. they go on dates to the closest boba shop, especially when cati needs a break from her study sessions
❦. catalina gets the same drink every time while claude always tries something new (he lets catalina have a sip hoping she can widen her palette) + he gets a snack that they can share
❦. catalina insists that she pays but claude always seems to trick her into letting him do it, she always feels guilty but claude doesn’t care, he has the money to spend
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❦. rapunzel and flynn fit these two SO much there’s a reason why i see the light is on the golden petals playlist
❦. catalina basically lives the rapunzel story in fe3h, basically locked away in the monastery unable to leave all that much and wanting to explore the world
❦. also rapunzel being born from a flower??? yea. iconic. and so catalina coded..
❦. the power to heal, all the flowers in her braid, her generally excitable nature, the overwhelming GUILT of leaving home idk so much lines up
❦. also flynn rider is literally the blueprint that defines all f/os i have/will have in the future.. i have a type and it is DEEP-SEATED in my love for flynn rider
❦. fake aliases, rouge-ish but charming personality, being seen as an outsider or weak as a child and turning to putting up fences as a defense mechanism??? sign me up apparently,,
❦. but most of all i think the way the two’s relationship develops in the movie is so perfect and reflects how golden petals would grow closer, learning to trust each other and eventually willing to sacrifice themselves for the other
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❦. i love alice in wonderland so much and golden petals fits into the story pretty well too!!
❦. catalina is so similar to alice aaa her imagining up a whole world like wonderland bc the rules and regulations of sophisticated society bore her is just so fitting
❦. in this au ofc alice wouldn’t be a child i could definitely see catalina in wonderland as her academy self bc she uses escapism as a coping mechanism sm
❦. also catalina and the scene of alice singing w the flowers… love it sm
❦. in wonderland, catalina would then meet claude as the cheshire cat!! i think he would be more helpful than the original cheshire cat but still mischievous in his own way
❦. i think he would often mess w the others they find along their travels in wonderland to get a laugh out of cati, pulling a prank on lorenz as the mad hatter always seems to do the trick
❦. at the end of their story, i believe catalina would be woken up by her classmate, khalid, ig she dozed off during class…
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❦. this au exists only bc im an actual sicko over sleeping beauty not bc i think their roles fit, this one is just for ME
❦. i actually made sleeping beauty au art before golden petals.. was called golden petals so the love runs deep
❦. bucket assigned the three good fairies to hilda, heather, and marianne and who am i to disagree!! it think they’re quite perfect actually hehe
❦. instead of them being aunts to briar rose they would more likely be like older cousins
❦. catalina as briar rose would definitely want to explore outside the woodcutter’s cottage and the forest and so meeting claude was sort of the perfect gateway!!
❦. claude as prince philip is so nice too.. i wholeheartedly believe that he would throw away his royal title to run away to be w this girl he met in the woods over someone he’s been betrothed to since birth.. it makes sense to me
❦. also white wyvern -> white horse that he bickers with.. love it
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arklayraven · 10 months
Followers with blank blogs and default icons will be blocked.
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;raven om calamity (for om and nb related posts that may include personal thoughts/analysis, negativity, spoilers, etc)
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Jay/Jayden/Jayce. 30, He/They. Pan, gray-ace, abro and genderfluid.
Welcome to my personal blog that is a chaotic mix of multi fandom posts, personal posts, f/os related stuff and more. Blog is also 18+ for sometimes mature themes, topics and content.
Personal posts can range from silly thoughts, to serious/dark topics. I will vent/rant here in times to cope with my stressful life.
I also sometimes write and draw. Which I'll share here in times or on my other side blogs on their respective sharing spaces. Those blogs btw can be found below in the side blogs section.
All likes and shares of my artworks/writings are greatly appreciated always btw! Thank you super much if you share them especially! 💜
Queerphobes, mspec-phobes, panphobes, fluidphobes, etc.
Current Series Interests:
Obey Me, Paradox Live, Devil May Cry, Twisted Wonderland, Resident Evil, Silent Hill, etc.
Side Blogs:
(Red ones are inactive or semi-active)
Obey Me! Writings: @/devildomjestersheep (just OM! related writings only)
18+ Obey Me! Writings: @/purgatoryjestersheep
A Date With Death Writings: @/grimreaperlilraven
14 Days With You: @/alluringweboflove
Twst Writings: @/twistedmischieftales (just Twst related writings only)
Sandman Writings: @/endlessdreamweaver (just Sandman related writings only)
Twst OC(s): @/dancingfrights (place to info dump and all about my Twst ocs)
Multi Fandom Writings: @/rubystarpoet (mainly character x reader stuff, imagines, incorrect quotes, etc.)
F/Os & Comfort Characters: @/darkjesterprince (my place for sharing F/O and Comfort Character positive/comfort posts)
Vent/Rant side blog: @/vampiricjester
For any generous support you want to send for the things I make/do and share here or on my other blogs. ☕💜
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Guidelines About My Art/Edits:
Please don't repost my works without credit/permission or use/edit my works without my knowledge/permission. Even if it doesn't show often, I put a lot of time and work into the things I make.
Thank you if you do understand this all and listen too.
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Silly Amazon wishlist for anyone interested.
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crypticcupid · 3 months
Serving Cringe Since Forever!!!
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F/O List---Other!F/O List---S/I Masterpost
General Info Below VVV
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Howdy, I'm Aqua/Cryptid/Whatever nickname you know me by! I'm a TransMasc. Queer to make it simple and use He/They/She pronouns. 21+ years of experience in being a creature of love. This is a side blog where I go nuts about fictional characters and post about how I want to bring them cool bugs to look at. Or make them dinner. Or hold them tenderly like a torn stuffed animal. Or to pull them into a closet so I can (REDACTED) (REDACTED) (Long Censor beep here). Feel free to stop in and look around. Point and laugh. Gawk, even. Just have fun with it bro. Of note: All of this is fiction, I do not believe this to be reality or some sort of pseudo reality. This blog is also to help me cope with my somewhat crippling mental illness. Also, this blog is meant to be 18+. Please no minors following I beg of you go elsewhere, like age appropriate. Everything nsfw/suggestive or whatever will be tagged as “Buttswing.emote”. (The chronically online furries know)
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Tag Directory:
.txt- Any post where I talk on it. Gusher.txt- Text about my ships or f/os. :) Gusher.png- Any of my art that I've made. <3 Buttswing.emote- NSFW Tag basically, usually accompanied with a "MDNI" tag. Memes- Yeah those are memes. Imagines- Imagines, what it says on the tin. (Ask/Tag/Reblog) Games- Self Explanatory ❤️(NAME)- Romanatic F/O 💛(NAME)- Familial/Friend F/O
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||MDNI Banner by @/cafekitsune Waves Banner by @/plum98||
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buhtercups · 4 months
My Fictional Romances / Relationships / Marriages
Last Updated 6/22/24 (June 22nd 2024)
Mentions of self shipping, fictional character love, details of some of the f/o relationships, and so on.
Disclaimer: My entire Tumblr page is mainly for entertainment purposes only. I am not out of touch with reality or insane. I use my vivid imagination, roleplay, and playing pretend as healthy coping mechanisms. And if you know me in RL, no you don't! XD
Disclaimer: I have met the image limit for a post. Any new or updated F/Os may or may not have an image of them.
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Userboxes by @selfshipuserbox
My F/Os List below the cut
My F/O Male Wifey
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Ollie Ramses (Dislyte) (I can share him and I ship him with both canon characters and ocs! Our relationship raised a few eyebrows at first, but people see how happy we are and eventually accepted us despite our age difference. I've told Ollie my darkest secrets and he will keep them safe. He accepts me for who I am and I accept him for who he is; something that is priceless for both of us. I made Ollie my male wifey when he was furious with me for falling in love with Magna Swing. He didn't talk to me for days. When he came back to talk with him, I assured him nothing changed between us and I would hold him in a special place in my heart now and always. I declared him my male wife at the suggestion of my online family and it stuck...)
My F/O Husbands / Husbandos
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Giles Christophe (Midnight Cinderella) (I normally don't share him; Giles is my first, official fictional husbando. It was just him and I from 2015-2019. He helped tutor me during University studies and Princess Studies. I can talk to him about anything, he is my lover, husband, and best friend. When I started falling for other fictional characters and when "Midnight Cinderella" was slowly starting to be discontinued, I kept him as a fond memory. But I was fooling myself, he never left my side. I thought he'd break up with me for falling for other fictional characters, but he wanted to stay because he loves me that much. I've had several, vivid dreams about Giles Christophe. Even after all of these years, our connection as f/o husband and wife is unparalleled. We are entirely devoted to our twin girls Lily and Rose (canon in the Ever After story) and although we have an open marriage now, our hearts still remain devoted to each other and we openly communicate constantly. Giles is also my advisor and confidant, much like Topaz and Fourth Prince Yin Zhen.)
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Mycroft Holmes (Guard Me Sherlock! version) (No sharing; I fell hard and fast for Mycroft in "Guard Me Sherlock!" When the game ended, I was as heartbroken as I was about "Midnight Cinderella". I still kept him close to my heart since he is British like my IRL husband Topaz. And I just knew he was special to me from the moment I saw him. We fell in love at first sight.)
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Magna Swing (Black Clover) (I can share him! Magna is my newest husband. I love and adore this fire mage with all of my heart. I trust him with my entire heart and he's also my best friend. I can talk to him about anything and everything. I've told Magna my darkest secrets and he accepted them, comforted me, and will never tell a soul. Our age gap, however, has also raised several eyebrows, but most people have accepted us so far... And I understand why others love and adore Magna too. I could never try to claim him all for myself when so, so many love him.)
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Yin Zhen / Fourth Prince (I normally don't share him. I mainly ship Fourth Prince from "Legend of the Phoenix" but I also romanced him in several others games...I headcanon that he and I had several children together in Legend of the Phoenix, including the future emperor, Hongli)
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Klaus Goldstein (Wizardess Heart) (I will tolerate sharing him; Klaus figured out really quickly I wasn't younger than him but that did not stop him from falling in love with me and wanting to satisfy my 'daddy' urges.)
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Dr. Julian Devorak (The Arcana) (I can share him! Julian refers to me as they/them since I preferred to be non-binary in his world. He calls me by my real name and by the name I use in the Arcana: Destiny.)
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Victor (Li Zeyan) (I normally don't share him. Even though I am not the long lost girl he was looking for, he fell in love with me because I desperately wanted to help him find her. Victor romances me as this character and as Fourth Prince Yin Zhen (I headcanon that they both are the same person))
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Shane (Stardew Valley) (I can share him! I never gave up on Shane from the moment we met I wanted to help him become the best version of himself.)
(image taken from Amazon.com)
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Dr. Jin (Harvest Moon) (I can share him; I first fell in love with Jin when I went into his world and went by a fake name, "Angela". After we got married and started having kids, I told him who I really was. He accepted me wholeheartedly and admitted he knew my name wasn't Angela all along he was waiting patiently for me to tell him the truth.)
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Allen Schezar (Vision of Escaflowne / Escaflowne) (I can share...) (It's complicated; I married him when I was very, very young when I was accidentally transported to his world of Gaea. When I figured out that we weren't a match, I left him and figured out a way to get back to my world. Years later, he came back to me in my world and begged me for another chance. So far, we are on and off. What keeps us together is our previous history but I debate on whether or not I should stay with him constantly...)
My F/O Husbandos Who I Have A Mysterious Bond With Or A Pact
Klaus Goldstein (Wizardess Heart) (I will tolerate sharing him)
Type of Bond: We are "Magic Buddies" (the equivalent of magical soulmates)
Magna Swing (Black Clover) (I can share him!)
Type of Bond: Whenever I think of Magna, I can "feel" him with me. It's one of the reasons he is my primary comfort character right now. I also know he is near me day and night. He's also my comfort character at work.
Ollie Ramses (Dislyte) (I can share him!)
Type of Bond: Ollie likes to appear to me randomly via images or otherwise. I know he's always thinking of me and I of him. And I also can "feel him" near me.
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Lucifer Morningstar (Obey Me!) (I can share!)
Type of Bond: Picture it: 2020. The pandemic is ongoing. I installed the game Obey Me! Totally disregarded it was a game about demons, I had a lot of fun. I ended up making pacts with all of the brothers (like everyone who played Obey Me! all the way through the first season). The pact I take most seriously is the one with the one I fell in love with, Lucifer Morningstar.
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Harleep (BG3) (I can share)
I pledged my body to him in BG3 so now I feel like this pledge bleeds into my everyday...?
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Rupert (Blood In Roses) (I can share)
He bit me and made my MC into a vampire...so we have a blood bond. We cannot part from each other even if we drift apart. We remain good friends (he couldn't accept I was poly; nor could he accept my romance with Humphrey)
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Humprhey (Blood In Roses) (I can share)
This wizard truly swept me off of my feet. He is so sweet and loving. We have a special bond because he saved my MC from becoming a vampire by letting me drink his blood. We also have a blood bond, as a result.
My Male F/O Partners (Have not declared them as husbands or husbandos, but we are in a relationship)
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Astarion (Baldur's Gate 3) (I can share and we are in an open relationship)
Our relationship is mostly friends with benefits, but we do have feelings for each other. We recently started adding sex to the equation (I never force him since he has a complicated relationship with sex). I love and care about him a lot, and I know he cares for me too. My online family member bought me an Astarion charm too which I love.
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Halsin (BG3) (He's poly in canon and in my "self shipping polycule! )- He's Daddy Halsin. No further elaboration needed. <3
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Merlock Holmes (Flint: The Time Detective) (I normally don't share)
Merlock won my heart as a younger lass. I know he's obsessed with Sara, but I was always convinced I could make him forget her (and I sort of did?). He went off and dated Biridi for a while and we lost contact...but now they've broken up and we got back together some time ago.
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Lucifer Morningstar (Obey Me!) (I can share him!)
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Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic) (We have a long on and off history, but we are currently on again)
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Arthur Conan Doyle (Ikemen Vampire) (We are in an open relationship. He has multiple partners and obviously I do also.)
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Peter Palette (Elmchanted Forest) (I've loved Peter for a long time but I never understood what my feelings were until recent years.)
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Marlin (Harvest Moon) (One of my first husbandos in the Harvest Moon world)
Fictional Women Who I Love Romantically
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Cecilia (Game of Sultans) (I've been married to her in Game of Sultans since 2018. I prefer to not share her, she is devoted to me but she doesn't mind sharing me and other male partners when the occasion calls for it (her current favorite male partner is Magna))
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Shadowheart (BG3 / Balder's Gate 3) (I can share her and she's such a complex character but I want to protect her and help her anyway that I can. I knew I would like her, but I didn't know I'd catch feelings! I share her with Magna Swing <3. Magna is her primary partner, and I love seeing them so happy together. Outside of the narrative, we are in a happy polycule)
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Lae'zel (BG3 / Balder's Gate 3) (We are doomed by the narrative of our story (so far! I am working to change that!), but I love her. Outside of the narrative, we are in a happy polycule with Shadowheart, Magna Swing, and others <3 I don't mind sharing Lae'zel, but Lae'zel is picky with her partners normally)
F/O's That I Am or Have Been Romantically Involved With, But Currently Not In An Active Relationship
Gale (Baldur's Gate 3) - Gale and I had a budding romance in my second playthrough, but my two women (Shadowheart and Lae'zel) demanded he leave when he revealed he had the orb in his chest that could explode. I didn't care enough about him to ask him to stay... In my third playthrough, I ended up romancing Astarion instead again. Ironically enough, Gale and I are supposed to be highly compatible but Gale has "given me his chances" so I've lost out.
Harleep (BG3) - In the narrative, Harleep and I did the deed and I pledged my body to him. Outside of the narrative, he's a fling I had...
Raphael (Baldur's Gate 3) - Our fling did not last long. He's fallen in love with my OC, Diana Foster. Much to the relief of my polycule, we are now just friends.
The Emperor (Baldur's Gate 3) - The Emperor and I had a brief fling in my first playthrough. He got into my mind when we had sex (or something like it) in Act 3. Something about the way he was sitting there shirtless really got me in the mood. And he came to me not long after Lae'zel broke up with me (she was ascended). I was vulnerable and we made love in the heat of the moment. Don't judge too harshly lmbo. Astarion talked sense into me and when I saw how quickly The Emperor joined the Netherbrain when I refused to give him the stones, I realized the truth. Outside of the narrative, The Emperor and I are attracted to each other but I can't trust him so...yep!!
Nobunaga Oda (Ikemen Sengoku) (Nobunaga can't accept that I am fictionally poly)
Toshimichi Okubo (Destined to Love) (Okubo likes me but doesn't want to share me)
Eduard the Ninja (I call him Eduardo like a genius) (Eduard accepts that I am poly but he can't commit to me because of it; He does love me though)
Zora (Black Clover) (I can share him!)
Makoto Nakagawa (Ninja Shadow) (he's an ex, since I chose Eduard)
Norton, Wizard of the North (Oz+) (We lost contact, but I still care about him)
Sirius Oswald (Ikemen Revolution) (Sirius can't accept that I have multiple partners)
Sasuke Sarutobi (Ninja Love) (Sasuke and I are on and off, but he was one of my first otome loves)
Ginnojo (Ayakashi Romance Reborn) (Ginnojo doesn't agree with my promiscuous nature and being poly. We have feelings for each other but...)
Leonardo da Vinci (Ikemen Vampire) (He was my first route but I fell harder for Arthur)
Rock Lee (Naruto) (Rock Lee doesn't want to share me so he had to let me go)
Yami Yugi (Yu Gi Oh) (He's my ex, and he went back to his own timeline)
Yuno Grinberryall (Black Clover) (He's my ex; I chose Magna over him and, needless to say, Yuno doesn't want to share)
Kogoro Katsura (Destined to Love) (He's my ex since I chose Okubo)
Gavin (MLQC) (The break up was sudden but Gavin wanted to find a relationship where he can be the solitary partner. I respected his choice but I miss him)
F/Os That I Want But They Wouldn't Feel The Same
Mycroft Holmes (BBC version) (Mycroft would not have time for a yank like me)
L Lawliet (Death Note) (L's heart belongs to Misa and to his work)
Orlando (The Nifilheim)
Legolas (LOTR)
Itachi (Naruto)
Ray (Magic Sword) (His heart belongs to the MC)
Nolan (Love Tangle) (Too much of an a-hole for us to get along)
Kirisato / Haru-akira (Destined to Love)
*Bonus: Fictional Men I Love Platonically*
Drew (Dislyte)
Long Mian (Dislyte)
Sherlock Holmes
John H. Watson
Prince Kyle Amure (I'll Save This Damned Family)
Yi Taewon (Hanyang Diaries)
Lee Hyun (Wild Eyes)
Seto Kaiba (Yu Gi Oh)
Elias Goldstein (Wizardess Heart)
Luca Orlem (Wizardess Heart)
Van Fanel (Vision of Escaflowne / Escaflowne)
Alyn Crawford (Midnight Cinderella)
Leo Crawford (Midnight Cinderella)
Robert Branche (Midnight Cinderella)
Sid (Lloyd Grandier) (Midnight Cinderella)
Bryon Wagner (Midnight Cinderella)
Nico Meier (Midnight Cinderella)
Yukiya Reizen (Wizardess Heart)
Joel Crawford (Wizardess Heart)
Mikah Hudson (Guard Me Sherlock)
George Lestrade (Guard Me Sherlock)
Heartman (Oz+)
Crowle (Oz+)
Captain Yami (Black Clover)
Asta (Black Clover)
Thistle (Elmchanted Forest)
Angel Dust (Hazbin Hotel)
Alastor (Hazbin Hotel)
*Bonus: Fictional Women Who I Love Platonically*
Mulan (Disney)
Camellia / Camellia Bale (Finding Camellia)
Tara Elias (I'll Save This Damned Family)
Portia Devorak (The Arcana)
Dami (Hanyang Diaries)
Eun Woo (Wild Eyes)
Charlie Morningstar (Hazbin Hotel)
Leora (Dislyte)
Elaine (Dislyte)
Brynn (Dislyte)
Hilda (Dislyte)
Laura Ramses (Dislyte)
Uday (Dislyte)
Asenath (Dislyte)
Misa (Death Note)
Noelle (Black Clover)
Vanessa (Black Clover)
Anthy Himemiya (Revolutionary Girl Utena)
Utena Tenjo (Revolutionary Girl Utena)
Juri Arisugawa (Revolutionary Girl Utena)
*Bonus: Fictional Character Crushes From Childhood*
Peter Palette (Elmchanted Forest)
Apollo Blue (The Jetsons Movie)
Aladdin (Disney)
Prince Adam (Beauty and the Beast)
Prince Philip (Sleeping Beauty)
12 notes · View notes
fenrir-wolf-of-gotham · 8 months
Ok so this post is gonna be kinda sad so scroll down if you’d rather not.
For me, a lonely nerd who feels like he’s never gonna find love, selfshipping is a coping mechanism I use to try and feel better and most of the time it works.
But sometimes I have one of those nights where I think about how my f/os Cass and Steph are happily together and loving each other and I’m just the odd one out watching them and wishing we could be together.
Like I know they love me but there’s a sort of tragedy how they have each other and I have no one.
I feel malformed. Like I was created in a way that nobody clicks with like they’re supposed to. The world is burning, capitalism has its boot on our necks, the magic and wonder in the world is being bled like a stuffed pig, and i don’t even have the consolation of being loved by someone.
I just want to have someone want me as much as I want them.
15 notes · View notes
The name's Fate!
Young Adult, he/it/she/they <3
I am a genderqueer polyamorous lesbian-
I have a taglist form if you're interested!
If you know me from my main, hi! Don't tell anyone please.
Dipping my toes into the self-ship community, might not post a whole lot. Not gonna share my main blog on here just yet. If you know me on my main/figure out my main (or any of my sides), please leave it over there. Fuck it. My main/fandom blog is @mb-blue-roses, and i interact from @arty-girl-asks. I'll probably focus more on my familial self-ships than my romantic ones, though I have some of both.
I don't mind people sharing f/os with me, romantic or platonic! (the only exception are my OCs, unless you ask permission first)
In fact, I love to interact w/ people who share my f/os! Whether it be in the same way or differently, we can share our love for them.
Nothing NSFW in the inbox though, I'm ace & don't want that. Also, proship DNI! Please don't call me "honey", it makes me deeply uncomfortable!
All original posts will be tagged #💛❤️💜 brought together by fate 💜❤️💛
All reblogs will be tagged as #💛❤️💜 fate's reblogs 💜❤️💛
I have a separate selfship blog dedicated to my ships from a game with more NSFW character designs, as I don't feel comfortable posting them on here (even though none of the characters with those designs are actually f/os)
If you want the link/blog name, send an ask (off-anon, so I can answer privately) or DM me!!
Note: I will NOT be giving the link to anyone under 18 years of age
Since I self-ship partially as a coping mechanism, I will probably post some more serious posts with them from time to time. I will make sure to tag all posts appropriately.
Tags I will use will be #serious post, #trigger tw (ex: #disordered eating tw), and sometimes (if I'm not sure exactly what tags to use) #ask to tag.
Self-insert info can be found here!
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Non-exhaustive list of some of my f/os (organized by relationship) (complete with pronouns - some are headcanon) under the cut!
Main F/Os
(i don't love them any more than any other f/os, i just think about them all the time)
- Phone Gal/Sunni (Five Nights at Freddy's) (❤️) (Wife)
Pronouns: she/he
Tag: 📞🌒 the voice on night watch | phone gal
Ship Name: Nighttime Loving
- Kai (Dark Parables) (🩵)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🌲📖 botanical warden | kai
Queerplatonic Ship Name: Botany and Baking
- Constantin D'Orsay (GreedFall) (Cousin)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🪙💰 the governor of new sérène | constantin d'orsay
- Bennett (Genshin Impact) (💜 - Youngest Brother)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🔥⚔️ a blazing adventure | bennett
- Lynette (Genshin Impact) (❤️💞 - with Hina) (Fiancée)
Pronouns: any, she/her preferred
Tag: 🫖🎩 you're my cup of tea | lynette
Ship Name: Aslynette
- Hina (Genshin Impact) (❤️💞 - with Lynette) (Fiancée)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🐶🏳️‍⚧️ canine general of watatsumi | hina
Ship Name: A Canine and her Leporine
(Lynette x Hina Name: Hinette)
Joint Ship Name: I want something just like this (also called Ashinette but more rarely)
❤️ ~ Romantic ~ ❤️
(💞 = Polyamorous Ship)
- Yasmina Taylor (Detectives United OC) (💞 - with Althena Rivera) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🔥👑 the scarlet princess | yasmina taylor
Ship Name: Yasline
- Althena Rivera (Detectives United OC) (💞 - with Yasmina Taylor) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: any
Tag: 🪪💅 a shifting form | althena rivera
Ship Name: Celthena
(Yasmina x Althena Name: Almina)
Joint Ship Name: spirit shapeshifter princess
- Gerda (Dark Parables) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 💛🪙 hair of gold heart of gold | gerda
Ship Name: 'cause i'm gonna make this place your home
- Síora (GreedFall) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🌿💐 mundeinhanem | síora
Ship Name: De Síora
- Cassandra De Rolo (TLoVM) (Wife)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 👸🩸 the ruler of whitestone | cassandra de rolo
Ship Name: Casseas
- Mellori (Wizard101) (💞 - with Layle Dusklaw) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: they/she
Tag: 🍃🪄 daughter of the raven | mellori
Ship Name: Viclori
- Layle Dusklaw (Wizard101 OC) (💞 - with Mellori) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/they
Tag: 💀🪦 angel in the graveyard | layle dusklaw
Ship Name: Layloria
(Mellori x Layle Name: Melle)
Joint Ship Name: Is how I need you / And how you needed me too
- Cassie 'Clip' Lipman (Fortnite: Save the World) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/fae
Tag: 🔩🔧 gunsmithing wonder | cassie 'clip' lipman
Ship Name: Rose Clippings
- Amber (Genshin Impact) (💞 - with Eula) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🐰🪽 outrider of mondstat | amber
Ship Name: Amlia
- Eula Lawrence (Genshin Impact) (💞 - with Amber) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/they
Tag: 🏔💫 social etiquette training | eula lawrence
Ship Name: Eulia
(Amber x Eula Name: Eulamber)
Joint Ship Name: Eulamlia
- Lumine (Genshin Impact) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/it
Tag: 🗺🌟 love across the stars | lumine
Ship Name: Aslumine
- Chevreuse (Genshin Impact) (💞 - with Chiori) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: they/she
Tag: 💥🍟 musket-wielding dame | chevreuse
Ship Name: Shot through the heart and you're to blame
- Chiori (Genshin Impact) (💞 - with Chevreuse) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🪡🧵 boutique angel | chiori
Ship Name: But I see your true colors shining through
(Chevreuse x Chiori Name: Cheviori)
Joint Ship Name: Muskets clothes and sweets
- La Signora (Genshin Impact) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🦋🔥 fair lady of flames | rosalyne/la signora
Ship Name: It's win or it's lose and i don't want to lose you
- Asta (Honkai: Star Rail) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🛰️🌠 every star is a miracle | asta
Ship Name: the stars will always remember us
- Charlie (Don't Starve) (Wife)
Pronouns: she/it
Tag: 🌹🪄 no damsel in distress don't need to save me | charlie
Ship Name: Lies the seed that with the sun's love in the spring becomes the rose
- Rory Williams (Doctor Who) (💞 - with Amy) (Partner)
Pronouns: he/she
Tag: ⚔️🩺 centurion nurse | rory williams
Ship Name: Jory
- Amy Pond (Doctor Who) (💞 - with Rory) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🌐💒 more important than the universe | amy pond
Ship Name: Jomy
(Rory x Amy Name: Roramy)
Joint Ship Name: the feather-pond-williams family
- Peppermint Vandelay (Hi-Fi Rush) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🍬📱 brains and beauty | peppermint vandelay
Ship Name: If only you saw what I can see you'll understand why I want you so desperately
- Lucille (A Monster in Paris) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🪽🎵 a musical angel | lucille
Ship Name: just a little kiss from you
- Breanna Casey (Leverage: Redemption)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 💻🏳️‍🌈 lesbian in stem | breanna casey
Ship Name: the maker and the baker
- Amira Rashid (Monster Prom) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🔥❤️‍🔥 burning in my heart | amira rashid
Ship Name: Highschool Sweethearts
- Sunny (Fortnite: Battle Royale) (💞 - with Stryder) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 👽🎸 we'll get out of here | sunny
Ship Name: Alien and her lover
- Stryder (Fortnite: Battle Royale) (💞 - with Sunny) (Partner)
Pronouns: she/he
Tag: ✌️💻 peace syndicate queen | stryder
Ship Name: Space Strider
(Sunny x Stryder Name: Sun Strider)
Joint Ship Name: Alien Sun Strider
- Holly (Monster Rancher) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🏡🦖 together raise monsters | holly
Ship Name: The Holly and The Ivy
- Gangle (The Amazing Digital Circus) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/they
Tag: 🎭🎀 take off your mask with me | gangle
Ship Name: Ribbon Rabbit
❣️ ~ Crushes ~ ❣️
(Characters I love but am too anxious/uncertain to officially add) (* = Comes from a media I already ship with)
Pronouns: it/she
Tag: ⚙️📓 (unless I decide to officially add it)
Pronouns: she/they
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🥊🏆 (unless I decide to officially add her)
Pronouns: she/her
Tashigi - polyam w/ below
Pronouns: she/her
Reiju - polyam w/ above
Pronouns: she/her
🐟🪖 - polyam w/ below
Pronouns: she/her
🦎⚗️ - polyam w/ above
Pronouns: she/her
💜 ~ Fankids ~ 💜
- Aspen and Luna (with Lynette)
- Varian (with Hina)
- Julius de Rolo (with Cassandra de Rolo)
- Dewy (with Amber)
🩵 ~ Queerplatonic ~ 🩵
- Elwin (OC - multiple versions - Dark Parables & Honkai: Star Rail)
Pronouns: they/them
Tag: TBA
Queerplatonic Ship Names: TBA (Dark Parables), A Brand New Memory (Honkai: Star Rail)
- Page Jimmy (Wizard101) (💛/🩵 - undecided) (putting him here until i fully decide)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: TBA
- Tighnari (Genshin Impact)
Pronouns: he/they/she
Tag: 🌳🍄 one with the forest | tighnari
Queerplatonic Ship Name: Aslari
- Oz (Monster Prom)
Pronouns: he/they
Tag: 🖤🌠 not afraid with you | oz
Queerplatonic Ship Name: Highschool Darlings
💜 ~ Familial ~ 💜
- Ollie (Poppy Playtime) (Son)
Pronouns: it/he
Tag: 📼🧸 beloved toy beloved boy | ollie
- Nicky Roth (Hello Neighbor) (Son)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🥽🏀 hello my son | nicky roth
- Tabby (HOUSE) (Daughter)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: TBA
- Melody (HOUSE) (Daughter)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: TBA
- Fran Bow (Fran Bow) (Daughter)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: TBA
- Dorian Brown (Mystery Trackers/Detectives United) (Father)
Pronouns: he/it
Tag: 🫥🕵‍♂️ the invisible detective | dorian brown
- Mortimer Brown (Mystery Trackers/Detectives United) (Uncle)
Pronouns: he/they/she
Tag: 🫥🥀 blue rose in bloom | mortimer brown
- James Blackthorne (Haunted Hotel/Detectives United) (Uncle)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 👻🏨 the man who talks to ghosts | james blackthorne
- Anna Gray (Grim Tales/Detectives United) (Aunt)
Pronouns: she/they
Tag: 🕰🪞 step into a memory | anna gray
- Dorian Gray (Grim Tales) (Uncle)
Pronouns: he/ae
Tag: 🖼🎨 painting of the self | dorian gray
Richard Gray (Grim Tales/Detectives United) (Grandfather)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 💀⌛️ a spirit tethered to earth | richard gray
- Alice Gray (Grim Tales) (Cousin)
Pronouns: she/he
Tag: ⌚️🏞 another time another place | alice gray
- Amber Edevane (Mystery Trackers) (Aunt)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🐶🕵‍♀️ full time detective part time dog mom | amber edevane
- Shade (Mystery Trackers/Detectives United) (Aunt)
Pronouns: she/it/they
Tag: 📜📞 limitless information | shade
- Jasmine Rivera (Detectives United OC) (Sibling-in-Law)
Pronouns: they/them
Tag: 🪪🫰 this mortal form | jasmine rivera
- Noah (Dark Parables) (Father-in-Law(ish))
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🪓🪵 woodcutting guide | noah
- Hansel (Dark Parables) (Unspecified Elder-in-Law)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🌕✨️ golden moon | hansel
- Red Riding Hood Sisters - Ruth, Jessica, & Briar Rose (Dark Parables) (Elder Sister Figures)
Pronouns: she/her (all)
Collective Sisters Tag: 🏕🐺 woodland family | red riding hood sisters
- Mev (GreedFall) (Sister-in-Law)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🪻🌟 sisters in battle | mev
- Petrus (GreedFall) (Uncle Figure)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🌟🌫 believer in enlightenment | petrus
- Percy De Rolo (TLoVM) (Brother-in-Law)
Pronouns: they/them
Tag: 🔫✴️ the gunsling king | percy de rolo
- Bat (Wizard101) (Brother-in-Law)
Pronouns: they/he
Tag: 🦇🌒 son of the spider | the bat
- Arthur Wethersfield (Wizard101) (Father)
Pronouns: he/they
Tag: 🎩☕️ well balanced guidance | arthur wethersfield
- Flint Anvilbreaker (Wizard101 OC) (Brother)
Pronouns: he/wiz
Tag: 🔮🐉 friend turned brother | flint anvilbreaker
- Megan Bluebreeze (Wizard101 OC) (Sister)
Pronouns: she/hir
Tag: 🪶🌩 maiden of the storm | megan bluebreeze
- Bentley Daysong (Wizard101) (Younger Brother)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🔥🪔 tender inferno | bentley daysong
- Sophie Dusklaw (Wizard101 OC) (Sister-in-Law)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🍾🧿 queen of three | sophie dusklaw
- Oliver Dusklaw (Wizard101 OC) (Brother-in-Law)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🪴💚 garden's heartbeat | oliver dusklaw
- Dennis (Fortnite: Save the World) (Brother)
Pronouns: he/she
Tag: 🍔🫡 hamburger helper | dennis
- Ray (Fortnite: Save the World) (Sister)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🔋📷 mission control | ray vinderman
- Sarah (Fortnite: Save the World) (Sister-in-Law)
Pronouns: she/they
Tag: [emojis TBA] sister's leap of faith | sarah
Dennis Jr. (Fortnite: Save the World) (Nephew)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag : 🧸🕗 time after time | dennis jr
Lok (Fortnite: Save the World) (Nephew)
Pronouns: he/they
Tag: 📨📲 learning ai | lok
- Bianca (Genshin Impact OC) (Younger Sister)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🍀🌑 a lucky adventure | bianca
- Kaeya Alberich (Genshin Impact) (Older Brother)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: ❄️🌨 frosty family | kaeya alberich
- Diluc Ragnvindr (Genshin Impact) (Oldest Brother)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🍷🌋 family keeps you warm | diluc ragnvindr
- Aether (Genshin Impact) (Brother-in-Law)
Pronouns: he/it
Tag: 🧭🌟 family across the stars | aether
- Jean Gunnhildr (Genshin Impact) (Older Sister)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🌬🏵 dandelion girl | jean gunnhildr
- Barbara Pegg (Genshin Impact) (Younger Sister)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🌊🎶 an idol's song | barbara pegg
- Chongyun (Genshin Impact) (Younger Brother)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🍧🧊 popsicle boy | chongyun
- Ga Ming (Genshin Impact) (Brother)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🦁🎇 lion guard | ga ming
- Kaedehara Kazuha (Genshin Impact) (Brother)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🍁☁️ one with which to wander | kaedehara kazuha
- Diona Kätzlein (Genshin Impact) (Daughter)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🐱🏹 the young hunter | diona kätzlein
- Chouji (Genshin Impact) (Son)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🦴⛏️ three thousand miles | chouji
- Sayu (Genshin Impact) (Daughter) (Daughter)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 😴🌱 the sleepiest ninja | sayu
- Beidou (Genshin Impact) (Mother)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: ⚓️♟️ my family lies over the ocean | beidou
- Ningguang (Genshin Impact) (Mother)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 💸♟️ rags to riches story | ningguang
- Zhongli (Genshin Impact) (Uncle)
Pronouns: he/it
Tag: ☄️⏳️ an unspoken contract | zhongli
- Lyney (Genshin Impact) (Brother-in-Law)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🔥🎩 master of the stage | lyney
- Freminet (Genshin Impact) (Brother-in-Law)
Pronouns: they/he
Tag: ⛲️🫧 life beneath the waves | freminet
- Arlecchino (Genshin Impact) (Mother-in-Law)
Pronouns: she/he, she preferred
Tag: 🏠✨️ home is where the hearth is | arlecchino
- Branch Master Cyrus (Genshin Impact) (Father)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🧭🌍 a branch of adventure | branch master cyrus
- Marjorie (Genshin Impact) (Sister)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 💵💎 with wind comes glory | marjorie
- Adventure Guild Dads (Genshin Impact) (Fathers) (catch-all)
Pronouns: he/him (all)
Tag: 🧭🫂 the adventure that is family | adventure guild dads
- March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail) (Sister)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 📸🌨 say cheese! | march 7th
- Dan Heng (Honkai: Star Rail) (Brother)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🕚🌬 gazing toward the future | dan heng
- Stelle (Honkai: Star Rail) (Sister)
Pronouns: ze/she
Tab: 🗑️🔗 birds of a feather | stelle
- Caelus (Honkai: Star Rail) (Brother)
Pronouns: it/they/he
Tag: 💠🔗 birds of a feather | caelus
- Himeko (Honkai: Star Rail) (Mother)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🌹💄 elegant rose of flame | himeko
- Welt Yang (Honkai: Star Rail) (Father)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🖋🎞 our dear elder | welt yang
- Pom-Pom (Honkai: Star Rail) (Undefined Familial)
Pronouns: any, they/them preferred
Tag: 🐇⭐️ our loyal conductor | pom-pom
Collective AEC Tag: 🌌🚅 a trailblazing family | astral express crew
- Arlan (Honkai: Star Rail) (Brother)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: ⚡🩹 lightning in the dark | arlan
- Misha (Honkai: Star Rail) (Little Brother)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🗝️🧳 reverie of the stars | misha
- Gallagher (Honkai: Star Rail) (Father)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: TBA
- The Cultist (Enter the Gungeon) (Child)
Pronouns: they/them)
Tag: TBA
- Alec Hardison (Leverage) (Brother-in-Law)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: TBA
- Trespasser Defector/Tav (Fortnite: Battle Royale) (Undefined but definitely familial)
Pronouns: he/she/they
Tag: 🌌🌏 space above and earth below | trespasser defector
- Wilson P. Higgsbury (Don't Starve) (Brother-ish)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🧪🥼 the gentleman scientist | wilson p higgsbury
💛 ~ Platonic ~ 💛
- Arthur Hastings (We Happy Few)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: TBA
- Gwyn (Dark Parables)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🏹🦅 his frosty highness | gwyn
- Pinocchio (Dark Parables)
Pronouns: he/they
Tag: 🤎🫶 be you wood or flesh | pinocchio
- Vasco (GreedFall)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🌊⚓️ sailing the mighty seas | vasco
- Kurt (GreedFall)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: ⚔️🛡 guarding my back | kurt
- Aphra (GreedFall)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 💣🔬 science & guns & bombs | aphra
- Fiona Mythsinger
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🧿🌏 forbidden mythos | fiona mythsinger
- Carpe Diem Society (Kestrel Blackstorm, Taylor Froghead, Declan Wyrmdust, Carson Spritethief, & Quinn Legendbreaker) (Wizard101)
Pronouns: she/her (K), she/they (T), he/him (D), he/they (C), & it/she (Q)
Collective Tag: 🫂☀️ seize the day | carpe diem society
- Dyvim Whitehart (Wizard101)
Pronouns: they/them
Tag: 🗡🐀 for bastion!! | dyvim whitehart
- A.C. (Fortnite: Save the World)
Pronouns: they/them
Tag: TBA
- Willow (Fortnite: Save the World)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: TBA
- Larry Butz (Ace Attorney)
Pronouns: he/they(/sometimes she)
Tag: 🖌🫀 a woman's kinda man | larry butz
- Paimon (Genshin Impact)
Pronouns: they/them
Tag: ✨️🥘 an otherworldly guide | paimon
- Sangonomiya Kokomi
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🪼🪸 together we are stronger | sangonomiya kokomi
- Razor (Genshin Impact)
Pronouns: they/them
Tag: TBA
- Fischl (Genshin Impact)
Pronouns: she/they
Tag: TBA
- Venti (Genshin Impact)
Pronouns: he/they/it
Tag: 🎼🕊 feathers on the wind | venti
- Mika Schmidt (Genshin Impact)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🏔🗺 icy reconnaissance | mika schmidt
- Lisa Minci (Genshin Impact)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 📖⚡️ lightning librarian | lisa minci
- Albedo (Genshin Impact)
Pronouns: Any, no preference
Tag: 🗻🖌 chalk amongst the snow | albedo
- Klee (Genshin Impact)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🧨🔥 explosive little spark | klee
- Sucrose (Genshin Impact)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🍬🧫 sweet shy scientist | sucrose
- Noelle (Genshin Impact)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🧹🛡 miss maid-knight | noelle
Collective KoF tag: 🪽🗡 let the wind lead | knights of favonius
- Xingqiu (Genshin Impact)
Pronouns: he/she
Tag: 📚🗡 bookworm swordsman | xingqiu
- Navia (Genshin Impact)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🌹💎 the spina's demoiselle | navia
- Tartaglia/Childe (Genshin Impact)
Pronouns: he/they
Tag: 🐋🛷 monoceros caeli | tartaglia
- Chai (Hi-Fi RUSH)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🎸🎧 the powers of rock and friendship | chai
- 808 (Hi-Fi RUSH)
Pronouns: any
Tag: 🐈‍⬛🤖 emotional support feline | 808
- Macaron (Hi-Fi RUSH)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: TBA
- Korsica (Hi-Fi RUSH)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: TBA
- Francœur (A Monster in Paris)
Pronouns: any
Tag: TBA
- Raoul (A Monster in Paris)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: TBA
- Emile (A Monster in Paris)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: TBA
- Maud (A Monster in Paris)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: TBA
- Parker (Leverage)
Pronouns: they/she
Tag: TBA
- Eliot Spencer (Leverage)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: TBA
- Sophie Devereaux (Leverage)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: TBA
- Harry Wilson (Leverage: Redemption)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: TBA
- Vicky Schmidt (Monster Prom)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🔩⚡️ frankenstein was the monster | vicky schmidt
- Brian Yu (Monster Prom)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🧟‍♂️🧠 undead friend | brian yu
- Vera Oberlin (Monster Prom)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: TBA
- Order Remnant/Ira (Fortnite: Battle Royale)
Pronouns: it/he/no pronouns
Tag: 🪖💭 remaining thread of imagination | order remnant
- SHADOW Enforcer/Shale (Fortnite: Battle Royale)
Pronouns: he/fae/they
Tag: 🕶🐈‍⬛ shadow in the light | shadow enforcer
- GHOST Enforcer/Gavin (Fortnite: Battle Royale)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: TBA
- Svenja (Fortnite: Battle Royale)
Pronouns: she/he
Tag: TBA
Joint Hench Quintet Tag: TBA
- The Survivors (Don't Starve Together) (Specifics TBA - there are 16 of them)
Pronouns: TBA
Collective Tag: TBA
🐾 ~ Pets ~ 🐾
- Simon (HOUSE)
Tag: TBA
- Chocolate Chip the Mist Wolf (Dark Parables)
Tag: TBA
- Peppy (Honkai: Star Rail)
Tag: 🐾🌟 space station puppy | peppy
I'm pretty sure I have more than that, I'll add them to the list as I post abt them
Fictional Enemies
(I'm tucking them down here, but just know that it's on sight)
- Prince d'Orsay (GreedFall) <- (Main Enemy)
- Royce (Genshin Impact) <- (Main Enemy)
- Draff (Genshin Impact)
- Albert (Genshin Impact)
- Yae Miko (Genshin Impact)
- Herta (Honkai: Star Rail)
- Blade (Honkai: Star Rail)
- Jax (The Amazing Digital Circus)
- Grandmother Raven (Wizard101) (it's on sight but she's also family to me - it's very complicated)
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starburst-selfship · 9 months
Might as well make post about this bc I wanna make a small apology about another post of mine now that its gotten feedback.
If you are uncomfortable sharing f/os, and you have a DNI in place for such a thing, I will not judge you for that, and I will respect that and your boundaries. You're not a bad person or something for doing that, and I'm sorry if that message was laced in my old post, as it was unintentional.
I made that post because I always felt like the concept bordered on people being too attached to their respective characters, and while I haven't exactly changed my mind about that, I do understand why it happens.
If you've gone through a traumatic moment in your life and use self shipping to cope, I'm very sorry. I didn't want to invalidate anyone's trauma at all, and I hope you find healing and get therapy. Thanks for reading.
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jacqsprince · 2 months
“𝙡𝙚𝙩’𝙨 𝙗𝙤𝙬𝙡 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙣𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙖𝙬𝙖𝙮”
hiii my name’s stu!!! i use he/him pronouns and i’m 17 (18 very very soon) i’m autistic and i use selfshipping as a coping mechanism. my f/os are jacques brunswick from the simpsons and hank scorpio also from the simpsons. i’m very active on instagram @/werebunniee if you want to follow me there too. i’m really new to this side of tumblr so i’d really appreciate any support through comments or reblogs i can get!
DNI proship/comship/whatever tf y’all call urselfs. general dni. vivziepop supporters. fujoshi / gay fetishists. people who share my f/os. byf i occasionally post more mature artwork but nothing explicit
if you want to know more about me here’s my carrd!!
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(tysm lucy for the last blinkie!!! :3)
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heartshapedskittles · 4 months
• I’m 99% sure im aroace but I’m unaware of the Details, that being said I have a lot of horny f/os. if you see my using the tag #suggestive, it’s not me being horny but more so me complaining about THEM being horny
• I sometimes say slurs i can reclaim both towards myself and my f/os: no I will not tag them
• I’m chronically ill, I complain about it sometimes. When I go through a medical bump I talk about it to cope
• I’m very violent in my affections towards my f/os. Sometimes it’s out of love, sometimes it’s straight up malice. It depends!
• My social anxiety extends into online spaces! If we’re mutuals I very much want to interact more I’m just very scared. The autism does Not help this as well
• If we share f/os I usually either just don’t follow back or ignore it, but sometimes I do block because the best way I can explain it is that it makes me feel like that one spider-man meme. If we’re close that’s a whole other story (don’t ask what that story is idk). It’s nothing personal I just get scared similarly to a deer seeing a car at 1 am. It also makes me feel like this image:
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• fandom terms confuse me so I’m just gonna say it straight up: do not follow if you ship incest or pedophilia even if you don’t condone or practice it irl. I’m just not comfy with it.
• I don’t think I need to say not to follow if you’re a homophobe or a queer exclusionist I have more than 1 sets of pronouns in my bio. Also racism, religious prejudice, ableism, etc etc. Peace and love on planet earth 🩵
• Do not follow if your main is primarily nsfw or if you post untagged nsfw, I may be an adult but that stuff makes me uncomfy!!!!!!!!!!
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arklayraven · 2 months
3, 12, 26, 29.
Thank you for the ask. 💜
3. 3 films you could watch for the rest of your life and not get bored of?
Nightmare Before Christmas, Resident Evil Damnation, Batman: Under the Red Hood
12. what’s some good advice you want to share?
Ain't good with this stuff I feel so yeah...But...Cling to what makes you happy and keeps ya going...Even if it's fiction, a character, or a harmless hobby/passion. Even if others might see it as nothing, pointless, silly, etc...
If it means lots to ya, makes ya happy and has great meaning to ya. Especially if it helps ya through the days and your life, especially during those dark times. Then that's all that matters in the end. Your happiness matters.
So cling to that and never let it go...but by some chance, you do lose it or it fades away(like love for a series/character/etc) naturally in time, or for other reasons...Look for another thing to make ya happy and keep ya going...Just don't stop seeking and clinging to things that keep ya living and help ya find a reason to smile and keep going...
(This especially goes for f/os, even if your mind screams at ya they aren't real and you're fucking alone and will never experience or feel real love/affection/etc. fuck that voice. if living in fantasy, with them, keeps ya going and makes ya happy. and it ain't harming anyone and stuff. then cling to those fictional loves of yours and let them shower you with the love, care and happiness you damn deserve...maybe i'm saying this more for myself but i'm sure someone might relate or need this too...)
26. fave colour and why?
Don't have just one but lately been very attached to purple...I don't recall exactly why but...I guess because of mystical reasons? I dunno...but it's pretty color and use it often now. lol
29. what do you do when you’re sad?
...Like to make me feel better?? Cope?? tbh not much helps i feel...once sadness(depression) hits, its like...being buried alive, or dragged down in the dark waters and I can't get out...So I just...ride it out...or wait it out until I finally am set free again from the suffering.
...If I do have the will to do something though in those rare times, than just feel so weak I can't move and crap...I try to watch some youtube videos of my favorite gamers or such...In hopes to get a good laugh from them. Laughter is the best medicine after all...that's what they say. Or play some video games...(speaking of which...want to buy RE2 remake that's on sale rn, might be a good distraction and pick me up but want to save money for future stuff too. lol hard to decide so still thinking about it)
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proship-selfship · 1 year
yo! thank you so much for having this blog.
so... I'm a selfshipper. I used to be openly proship in my selfship blog. then I started getting into blocklists and my anxiety kicked in and now I'm just openly anti harassment (since a few months).
but now antis interact with me and follow me!! and the worst part is that they're nice!
but they don't know I age my f/os up as I grow. like, is the concept of growing up with your comfort character foreign to them? and do they think that you can just flip a switch in your brain and stop selfshipping with a character when they've been a major coping mechanism for you??
almost all of my f/os are minors like me. I really fear all the harassment I'll eventually get when I turn 18 because I don't think I can just... drop them, after everything they've done for me. or turn the relationship into a platonic one, even.
this whole bullshit was what made me escape the anti side of Tumblr in the first place, so I'm kind of sad that my new blog, my "personally made safe space", so to speak, is becoming not so safe and not so "me" like my older one was.
but, then again, I have openly proship mutuals from my "braver" times, and they're the nicest people ever. I'm seriously considering going on a anti blocking spree, so that I can selfship with who I want the way I want and interact with my homies without fear of being harassed. I'll have to do it when I turn 18 anyway, soo...
sorry for the rant. thanks again for the blog. it's refreshing to see more proship selfshippers. I hope you have a really nice day!! ⊂(・▽・⊂)
I reckon you should go for it, block to your heart's content if it gives you peace of mind.
I agree with you on not being able to just ditch the f/os who've been a big help to you- I have one who's dealt with similar issues to mine, they're a minor in canon, but I'm not going to let go of them just because Antis told me to or shamed me into it. Ageing them up is fine, fiction is flexible like that. Do what makes you happy. ^_^
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