#I wanted to make some small doodles about my Japan trip but never got around to it whoops
simple-symphonia · 7 years
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Some recounts from my Japan trip!
The flight was delayed and we all got $8 vouchers as compensation .........$8 can buy 16 ice creams ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ
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em-neko · 3 years
how i think mc would’ve met + fallen in love with the bidders if she hadn’t been put up for auction.
oh and i added a song to go along with each scenario, enjoy!
a/n: the auctions don’t exist in this universe, so the bidders don’t know each other (assuming soryu, eisuke and luke didn’t stay in contact after high school). however, shuichi and hikaru are friends.
when mc worked at the tres spade, they’d often run into each other
she’d always catch his eye, but he wasn’t sure why
she was just like any other maid, after all
but to him, she seemed different somehow
one day, his curiosity got the best of him and he promoted her to the penthouse
at first, she was really shy and wouldn’t even look him in the eye
he’d try chatting her up (in his own way)
but she wouldn’t open up (understandably)
so one day, he asked her to make him coffee
their first conversation was about how eisuke liked his coffee
somehow, he managed to make her laugh
and slowly, she began warming up to him
since then, whenever she’d go up to the penthouse to clean, they’d end up just talking the entire time
mc got in trouble for it (and by trouble i mean, erika and tweedledee and tweedledum bullied her about it) but eisuke always defended her
if eisuke was too busy in his office to talk to her, he’d leave her a small present on the coffee table for her to find
things like jewelry, clothes, beauty products and sweets
in exchange, mc left notes and doodles for eisuke to find
once she even left a short comic that she’d written and illustrated for him to read
he saved them all
soon, their relationship turned flirty
eisuke would tease her constantly
sometimes, he’d jokingly pin mc down on the couch
or he’d give her little surprise kisses while she’d be cleaning
mc would always blush and get super flustered
in typical eisuke fashion, he’d play it off as a joke
but it was obvious he really liked her
soon, eisuke offered her to move into the penthouse
he blamed it on boredom and pulled them “it’s for work” card, but mc saw right through it
and she agreed
i genuinely don’t think they would’ve ever met if it weren’t for the auctions
however, i could see them potentially meeting in a bookstore
it was that cliche, looking over the shelf, eyes meeting type of thing
soryu didn’t pay any mind to her at first, but he’d remember her face
he found himself thinking about her a lot
she was scared of him at first, but she found him really attractive
so they’d both go to the bookstore every few days, hoping they run into one another
they wouldn’t speak to each other though
but that doesn’t mean the staff of the bookstore didn’t take notice of their occasional glances
they were kinda suspicious because mc and soryu would always be in the store at the same time
so one day, after closing, the staff reorganized the shelves so that the romance section (mc’s favorite section) would be right besides the crime novel section (soryu’s favorite section)
hoping they’d talk to each other
and it worked!
when mc and soryu returned to the bookstore the next day, they realized that things had been move around
and found themselves shoulder to shoulder
mc eventually gathered up the courage to ask him what he was reading
and he offered to buy her a book he liked
in exchange, she bought him a book she liked
every few days, they’d purchase books for each other, and talk about the last books
mc began to leave notes in soryu’s books
and he left notes in hers too
notes turned to letters
and soon, a phone number was left on the bottom of one of the letters
they met at a museum
ota was there to look for inspiration
while mc was just wardering around on her lunch break
ota caught mc’s eye immediately, he’s the angelic artist after all
but she didn’t want to bother him, nor did she have the courage to talk to him in the first place
so she just pretended like she didn’t see him
when the paparazzi and ota’s fangirls catch wind that he’s at the museum, they all swarmed the place
ota frantically tried to find a place for hide
and luckily for him, mc found a way to sneak into the security guard’s office
she ushered him in and told him to hide under the desk
while waiting for the chaos to cool down, they joked around and laughed together
ota told mc she looked like his old dog and called her koro as a joke
she rolled her eyes, before bursting out laughing
he started treating her like a dog (asking her to sit, give paw, jump etc.) and she played along
they both laughed together hysterically at the end
when the chaos cooled down, ota left his hiding spot
but, not before asking her if he can “take her on a walk sometime”
she’d bark happily
i made mc a whiling participant to ota’s shenanigans because a big reason why i didn’t like ota’s main story was because i felt so bad for mc
they met after baba had stolen a painting at an gallery, owned by a child predator
ayame was chasing him down the street
with no where to go, baba ran into a random building
(that happened to be mc’s apartment complexe)
he entered a random apartment on the second floor
(which also happened to be mc’s apartment)
and hid inside her bathtub
when mc got home and found him inside her bathtub, she freaked out (obviously)
she yelled at him and beat him with a broomstick
somehow baba managed to talk her out of calling the cops by explaining the situation to her
after she calmed down, they drank some tea together and chit chatted
mostly about their jobs
baba teased her a lot about being a maid, while she simply blushed, too shy to tease back
but she couldn’t hide the fact that she found good looking
minutes turned to hours
and the next morning, mc woke up in her own bed
turns out, baba had carried her to her bedroom after she’d fallen asleep while they were talking
and sat at the foot of her bed until the crack of dawn
just to make sure she didn’t have any nightmares after the scare he gave her
to thank her for “the unforgettable night” she gave him, he left her a note with his phone number on it
and at the bottom, it was written to call him if she ever needed help
and he’d be there
mc didn’t think she’d ever use it, after all she wasn’t stupid, she knew a womanizer when she saw one
but when she got invited to a party a few days later, she realized that she needed a date
and who better was to call than the flirty thief she’d just met?
they met on the bus
mc was on her way to meet a friend
while she was sitting on the bus, reading her book, mamoru came stumbling in
mc noted that he looked sleepy
when he came towards her, she made sure to move her back out of the way so he could sit down
mere seconds after the bus began moving again, mamoru fell asleep
on mc’s shoulder
mc didn’t want to wake him up and ask him to move because he seemed so exhausted
so she let him sleep on her
she didn’t mind too much, besides she was only getting off at the last stop
and she thought he was pretty cute, but she’d never admit that
but then, the last stop came
and mamoru was still sleeping on her shoulder
mc wondered if he’d missed his stop or if he was getting off on the last stop too
she gently nudged him, calling out to him to wake up
when he woke up, he realized he’d missed his stop and started freaking out
he blamed mc for not waking him up at his stop
mc retorted that she didn’t know which stop was his
and they walked off the bus bickering
they continued arguing on the street too
until mamoru realized how stupid he sounded and somewhat apologized
mc was understandably annoyed that this man had wasted her time and stomped away
but before she could get far enough away from him, he called out to her
he asked her if he could apologize to her with some dinner
he expected her to say no
but instead, she told him she’d only go if he took her to the best ramen place in town
and he agreed
like soryu, i can’t imagine them ever meeting if it wasn’t for mc being sold at the auctions
however, there is a possibility that they’d run into each other at the hotel
mc had just gotten transferred to the tres spade dubai
and luke had a meeting there with potential patient
while luke waited for the patient in the lobby, all of the female staff members were checking him out
of course, he is very handsome after all
mc didn’t pay too much mind, she admitted he was good looking, but this was the tres spade
handsome men came through those doors every day
so she simply walked by and continued her work
and luke and his patient eventually went to his suite
a few hours later, mc was asked to bring some refreshments to room 145
turns out, it was luke’s patient’s suite
she smiled politely at luke and his patient and placed the bottles of whiskey on the table in front of them
eyes wide like he was in a trance, he reached his fingertips towards her chest
panicked, mc was about to push his hands away and apologize, thinking he was reaching for her breast
but he wasn’t
instead, he began caressing her collarbones, while praising their beauty
mc and the patient stared at each other with big eyes, confused as to what to do
“uh.. dr foster, are you okay?”
mc was beginning to get flustered at how close luke was
so she gently placed her hands on his and pushed them off of her
she apologized and told him she had to go, and to call the front desk if he needed anything else
but before she could leave, luke called out to her
he asked her if she’d come to his clinic sometimes
he wanted to get x-ray’s of her collarbones
and as weirded out as mc was, she agreed
they met while shuichi was staying at the tres spade japan on a business trip
mc had just finished cleaning the third floor
so she stepped on the elevator to make her way to the twentieth floor, where she’d end her shift
shuichi was already inside
she bowed to him, greeting him politely
he simply nodded his head
after pressing her floor button, she stepped back and stood besides shuichi
they rode in silence
until the elevator suddenly came to a harsh stop
mc began freaking out
and shuichi got frustrated
he tried mc calming down in his own way
she got pissed at him
but hey, at least she wasn’t panicking anymore
shuichi clicked the help button and they waited
and waited
after a while, while they sat on the floor, mc apologized to shuichi for the inconvenience
he assured her that it wasn’t her fault
after a brief moment of silence, she asked him why he was staying at the tres spade
and they began talking about work
soon, the conversation turned political
mc was a unsure because of how stiff shuichi was
she thought he was annoyed at her
but he wasn’t
in fact, shuichi was impressed by how educated mc was on the subject
and he loved how casually she spoke about it too
once help finally arrived, he couldn’t help but feel sad that the conversation had to come to an end
he genuinely loved talking to her
she was laid back, but intelligent, a combination he found very attractive
so he asked her she’d be his date that night to his business dinner
and she said yes
they met at work, of course
hikaru was always super friendly towards mc
he’d always help her when he had free time
sometimes he’d buy her food at the cafeteria
or bring her coffee from the local coffee shop
soon, mc began developing a little crush on him
at least, that was until he lured her to into a secluded area at the hotel and threatened her with a knife
turns out, he was going after the wrong person
his target’s wife coincidentally had the same first and last name as mc
hence why hikaru confused them
he apologized
but now that she knew who he really was, he couldn’t just let her go
so he told the manager that they were dating and he wanted mc to move in with him
unfortunately for mc, the manager said yes
and they moved in together
at first, mc was (understandably) afraid of hikaru
but soon, she warmed up to him
in fact, she actually began liking his sassy attitude better than his good guy persona
and there was no denying he was into her too
they played house together
they cooked together, cleaned together, watched shows together, built ikea furniture together
hell, they even argued about which type of cheese to buy at the grocery store
when hikaru had nightmares, they’d cuddle and mc would listen to him talk about his demons all night
hikaru was terrified she’d leave him one day
but she never did
they met at an antique store
rhion was looking for a new unique trinket to add to his collection
while mc was simply aimlessly wandering around the shop
when their eyes suddenly met
it was love at first sight
however, they were both too shy to come up to each other
so they just creeped on each other until the store closed
when it was time to go home, rhion instantly regretted not talking to her
he was upset, there was his chance to not be alone anymore, yet he blew it
he felt like a coward
but the next day, rhion got a knock at the door
and it was mc!
turns out, he had dropped his id while paying for his things at the antique store
and mc was there to return it
he told her that he’d “found his alice”
and invited her in for some tea
they talked until the early hours of the morning
she spent the night
then the week
then the month
and that’s when rhion realized, she wasn’t leaving
and he didn’t complain one bit
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chuuguins · 4 years
spare facts about ur small town oc's ? 🤲
ahhh ok!!!! thank uuuuu!!!!
archie fairchild
comically clumsy. he’s injured himself more times than he can count, often in ridiculous ways. he always has a good laugh about it. he’s broken more bones than all of his friends.
all of his siblings are named after comic book characters as well! his sister is named pepper and his brother is named banner (his parents thought bruce was to dull as a name). the family has two cats named betty and veronica as well.
archie loves to draw, but he’s not very good at it. it’s just something he does for fun. it’s why he started doodling on people’s takeaway cups.
despite his parents (and his name) archie doesn’t read comic books. or watch riverdale. any jokes or references just go over his head.
a social butterfly! even if he doesn’t have plans that day, archie will walk around town or go to the beach and catch up with whoever he runs into. he likes to keep busy and have company.
developed a smoking habit due to his inability to say no to people. at high school parties he would accept cigarettes whenever they were offered and now it’s just a thing. rosa and pepper probably both tell him off for it.
his front tooth is chipped and he can’t remember how it happened.
ash kang
ash is a pretty skilled athlete, but he never had much interest in it. especially team sports. he hates team sports.
when it comes to tattoos, he has no impulse control. now that he’s back in town he is a regular customer at renegade ink. some of his tattoos don’t even make sense or are just plain ridiculous.
he absolutely loves music. it’s one of the few things that gets him genuinely excited and fired up. he is always going to gigs both in town and out of town.
may or may not have a different date for every day of the week.
a major smooth talker. very good with his words. ash was actually pressured into joining the debate team when he was still in school and made sure they never lost.
he kept almost no contact with his parents when he left town. just a couple of texts to let them know he was okay. his father is still very angry with him for this, while his mother just wants to move past it.
always looking for a fight. physical or otherwise.
bee hwang
has definitely rejected a boy and flat out told him it was because he isn’t as pretty as tamaki from ouran high school host club.
ever since she was fifteen, bee has been saving for her dream trip to japan. she used to put away part of her allowance and now she puts away part of her weekly paycheck from working at the arcade.
sailor moon and fruits basket are the shows that really got her into anime.
bee founded a town anime club in her second year of high school. they meet once or twice a week and host events such as cosplay contests, anime screenings and game nights.
she is a big vocaloid fan.
an avid dating sim player. huniepop is the game that helped her realise she was bi. she has one hundred percent cosplayed tiffany, kyu and momo but nobody had any idea who she was.
her style is definitely eccentric. she tries all sorts of different things and loves experimenting with fashion and makeup. of course her go to is j-fashion though. like...of course it is.
bee’s top five anime: fruists basket, ouran high school host club, madoka magica, clannad and anohana. but she struggles to choose honestly.
gracie lee
gracie has a tattoo of a black rose on her hip bone that she got without her parents knowledge or permission.
her best friend is named grace and the two of them used to deliberately confuse people by pretending they called them the wrong name. “rude! i’m not gracie, i’m GRACE!”
one day after a fight with her parents, gracie impulsively chopped her long hair to shoulder length. once she was done she burst into tears and called daniel in hysterics.
gracie loves taking pictures. she takes photos of everything because she never wants to forget the little things.
though she doesn’t really know what she wants to do with her life, she thinks she might be happiest if she did something with music. singing is the thing that makes her happiest.
she’s always playing with daniel’s hair.
she cannot resist pretty dresses, glittery things and mint choc chip ice cream.
wasn’t allowed to read harry potter as a child and her first ever true rebellion was reading the books behind her parents backs (LOOK I AM JUST PROJECTING WITH THIS ONE!)
her favourite character is ginny and the movie portrayal makes her incredibly angry. like she will rant for days.
isla cheong
definitely has a bit of a shopping addiction. she is always driving out of town to go shopping because living somewhere without a sephora upsets her.
she only got into kpop because of the dancing aspect. now she’s pretty into it but she’s not a fan of boy groups.
isla knows she’s pretty and uses it to her advantage. she definitely uses guys to get what she wants and casts them aside once she’s bored.
she’s pretty generous with her money because she knows she has a lot of it. loves treating her friends to food and surprise gifts. 
summer is her absolute favourite season. 
let her give you a makeover! she loves makeovers! she wants to be responsible for that full on movie transformation shit!
isla always begs to do her friends makeup for special occasions or dance performances.
when she first moved to crescent bay from new york she absolutely hated it (think confessions of a teenage drama queen) but she has grown really fond of it. she visits new york whenever she can though.
she is an incredibly picky eater and is very particular with her food. you might catch her eating cake at 3am though because she has a sweet tooth.
there are way more but my head is empty!!
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giyuu-no-tsuma · 4 years
Ummmgh, how about Father Day's Giyuu headcanons with his kids?(Let's say he has kids)
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PS: I named the kids in this, they’re my own Giyuu kiddos :3
*Giyuu is a happy father of three children. His oldest son is named in honor of his late chilhood friend, Sabito. His second child is a girl named Namiko and his last child is a nearly-one-year-old baby boy named Muramasa. The three kids are his whole life, he can spend with them all that he wanted, now that he had officially retired from the Demon Slaying job, give those demons are now story.
*When it comes to Father’s Day in Japan, the children and their mother are who wake first than Giyuu, to prepare him the traditional 父の日(Chichi no hi/Father’s Day) breakfast plate, in other words, Giyuu’s favorite breakfast meal. The mother tells the children to write down some wishes down on some paper, which she gets it for them and the ink brushes. The two older ones can doodle already and slightly write their names, but with the baby, the mother only dips one of his small fingers into the ink and guides him in writing.
*The gifts that they bought a month prior Father’s Day are brought out and the cards are pinned to them and they’re hidden somewhere.
*Usually is breakfast brought to bed, so the first thing Giyuu sees when he wakes up, is the three children cheering and hugging him, while he was is smiling and holding the tray with the meal. The sight of it, really puts Giyuu very, very happy, knowing has three amazing children and lovely wife that make him feel loved.
*Then what follows in the Japanese tradition of Father’s Day, they spend all day with Giyuu, doing family activities. Like a field trip, playing around, having a picnic, it’s Giyuu’s free day. He’s not allowed to cook or do any sort of job, such as cleaning, housing or cooking, it’s all (name) and the kids. Of course, the cooking is mostly (name), the children only help with minor things like setting the table or help clean up.
*At the end of the day, it’s time to show the presents. Both Sabito and Namiko fight over who shall give the present to their father. Giyuu gently stops the fight and decides that he’ll unwrap the two gifts all at once. So he does. He smiles softly when he sees what they got him, happily praising them that he’s loved their surprise. Lastly, he unwraps the baby’s gift and also praises him.
“Tou-san, what gift is better?”
*The two older kids would ask him, looking competitve at one another, Upon which Giyuu shakes his head with small smile and responds:
“I like every gift. But the best gifts are you four,”
*He embraces his family. Who are his best gift ever, not just in Father’s Day, his birthday, Christmas, all times of the year. And he would never change his life for nothing in the world.
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Click, Click
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Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4 , 5 , 6 , 7, 8 , 9 , 10 
Chapter Eleven:
“Now that midterms are over it’s about time you guys got a break! What extra credit do you want to do?” Your teacher asked the class pleasantly.
You were hardly even paying attention. You stayed sat in the back, quietly doodling stories in the back of your notebook.
When you kept to yourself, the easiest way to get your feelings outside of you was to write it down on a piece of a paper. You didn’t have to know what was wrong to be able to put words to how drained you were constantly feeling... It was like drinking a glass of water, and once you got to the bottom you realized it was only so refreshing because duh, there was ice in it.
By the time you had finished your drabble, your short story, your book you had finally realized what it was that made you need to write whatever you had written in the first place.
In moments like these, moments when you couldn’t look out the window without wondering what Jihoon was doing, what Jihoon had eaten today, how much Jihoon had slept the night before you needed to write more than ever.
Illustrating a character in completely different circumstances than you, with the same attitude, was the only thing that kept you sane in moments like these. And when that couldn’t help you ease the way you felt about Jihoon because these feelings had never been so overwhelming before you did other things.
You wrote songs, you drew pictures of him, painted things that made you think of him, you wrote poetry, and cried over karaoke.
It was all temporary.
You knew that the only real solution to your problem was hundreds of miles away.
“What if we did another busking project?” Someone in your class suggested. The other kids all began to mumble their excitement, and as such, they turned to you.
As you had barely been listening, your brain had to do a quick catch-up to figure out why everyone’s eyes were suddenly on you. You set your pencil down, your face reddening.
“Why is everyone looking at me?” You mumbled, but by the time you had spoken, you knew why.
The last time you guys had done this you had set pretty much everything up. You picked the venue, chose the songs, helped elect the parts among members. You went shopping for all the clothes, did all the advertising.
It had been a lot, but when you were passionate about something you were practically an unstoppable force.
No one spoke, just stared at you with wide eyes waiting for you to stop thinking over what they already knew you were thinking over. You sighed.
“You guys pick the songs and tell me who wants to be in it. I’ll arrange every event you want to do.”
And like that, the Infinity Idols were back in business. Name derived from the idea that no matter traveling from America to Korea, or even traveling all the way to infinity the group of exchange students would stick together through thick and thin.
Even though you clashed with some of the other students you were here with from time to time, you knew that this year or so that you spent in this country with these people would stick with you all for forever.
That’s why you had suggested the name.
You guys would remember these days forever.
The list was put together in only a short fifteen minutes.
You thought that was probably the fastest your class had ever agreed on anything.
You guys would do three big group dances, Boy with Luv by BTS, Fancy by Twice, and Save Me, Save You by WJSN. After that, three subunit dances, a smaller version of Cheer Up by Twice, a smaller version of Exo’s Growl, and Sistar’s Touch My Body. Then a number of solo dances for the best performing students in the group to be voted on at the end of the week. Then one more “surprise” group dance at the end. A performance of Mansae, with all 17 members of your exchange program.
All that sounded like to you was a lot of arrangements for you to figure out. A lot of trying to figure out who in the group needed to do what and be where.
Some of the less experienced members would certainly need assistance learning the dances. They couldn’t understand the videos so they had to be taught the dance... That meant you would have to learn multiple parts of all the dances you guys were doing if you were going to do this right...
And that was the best part about the temporary solutions. The rapid look for an escape for any painful feeling that was coursing through your veins at the moment.
Once you found something to throw yourself into, that was that.
You spent hours at a computer, writing down formations, figuring out who would be who. You spent even more hours in the dance room at your school, running verses and choruses and all the different parts you could cram into your brain, and then build into your routine as if you had been born doing these dance moves.
That meant practicing every day, two sometimes four hours. That was between your actual job and all of the promotional things you had to sort out.
Your teacher wanted you guys to have an internet following. People to get excited about your busking event. People who would be fans of the Infinity Idols.
That meant running three different types of social media, trying to keep everything updated constantly.
You had help with that aspect. Julia and Caitlin were more than willing to help get pictures and videos of all the students to post. They helped figure out the hashtags and decided when to post.
Likewise, they helped you solidify your ideas and even came up with their own for wardrobe and locations. They helped teach others dances and reminded you to eat and sleep...
Not that you did.
You couldn’t at this point. You were up early running dances, and studying. You were out all afternoon with work and school and you were up all night practicing and practicing and practicing.
Even worse when you did try to go to sleep, you couldn’t. All you could do was run choreography, try to remember if you had gotten all of your forms figured out, write more music, make your own choreography to songs that didn’t yet have any.
You could barely get a grip on yourself, on all this inspiration.
You weren’t a songwriter, or a choreographer, or an idol or even a dancer.
But then... If you weren’t all of those things what were you?
“Almost got it, Annie,” you said softly. “You’re just a little early on the arms though. It goes like-”
You sang the bridge part again, this time slowly, showing her each step up your foot, each sway of your hip, and each place you put your arms. Annie nodded, and did it again, this time getting the timing perfect.
You smiled.
“There we go! Keep practicing like that and Mina herself will be running around calling you a dancer. Take a five minute a break okay?” You said, patting her shoulder. She nodded and raced off to where the others were all “taking a break” on the sideline.
You chuckled to yourself.
As if you could really call it taking a break when Paige was around. She was the sweetest girl, always playing real bangers that made everyone dance through break just as hard as they normally would when actually practicing instead of resting.
You sat down and pulled out your phone, silently filming the other kids interacting with one another.
Another thing you loved about all of this, There weren’t many moments in this group of students where you could sneak away, For some reason, you all were too close for that. Despite only having been together for such a small amount of time, all the time you all spent together, learning a language, trying to fit in at this strange new country they tended to pay a lot of attention to you.
A courtesy friends back at home hardly extended to you.
You were used to being paid attention to only when it was convenient for the people you were with. Not constantly and all the time.
You had never had to hide your emotions so much around a group of people. Finding a moment alone during classes or practice was... Well, impossible.
Sometimes the way they looked at you reminded you of the way that Jihoon looked at you... Like he knew you too well.
You sighed.
Huh, Jihoon.
How long had it been since that night?
Almost a month now. Had to be. Even Alex was starting to do the dances like any idol would. Practicing together every day for an hour, and it was like second nature to fall into position.
You missed the thrill of possibly running into Jihoon on the street.
You missed seeing him look at you and smiling.
You missed hearing his laugh, seeing his eyes go wide, and his eyebrows go together when he thought you to be curious.
You set your phone down on the ground and looked across the room at the creaking open practice room door. In the doorway stood your teacher. The two of you made eye contact, so you got to your feet and headed over towards her.
Moment alone, now over.
“Alright, so final busking details are finally in order, all I have to do is confirm our location,” you said to her. Your teacher smiled.
“Speaking of... You know the Infinity Idols sure do have a strange amount of Japanese fans.”
Your teacher was right. It was the most uncanny thing. Out of all the demographics and the Japanese liked them the best online?
You cracked a curious smile at your teacher.
“We really do... But what does that...?”
Your teacher squealed and did a little jump where she was standing.
“Oh, I can’t keep it in anymore! We are doing the busking trip in Japan!”
Paige cut the music off and everyone in the room turned to your teacher. Caitlin was the first to speak.
“Wh... What?”
“We are going to Japan!” Your teacher exclaimed again. “I got it approved with all of your parents, the board and everything and we are going to Japan.”
You scoffed and dropped your phone.
“You’re kidding?”
“I would never kid about something like that,” your teacher replied seriously.
The day that you were supposed to come to Korea, you weren’t very excited.
You were, however, extremely stressed.
Worried you had left something.
Worried your parents would come and drag you out of the airport.
Worried that a number of things would happen that... Just... Didn’t.
But you couldn’t think about anything but those things.
Going to Japan, you weren’t stressed at all.
You left your headphones back at your temporary home. You nearly forgot your notebook with the dance arrangements, and you almost lost your phone on the way there.
But you weren’t stressed.
You were... Confident.
Going to Japan meant that you would see Jihoon...
“Let’s add another dance to the busking since we are going to be in Japan! Let’s do Seventeen’s new song, Happy Ending. I mean, can you even imagine? Aren’t they there right now?”
“Seventeen is in Osaka too... Aren’t they? We’ll be there at the same time as them!” 
“Osaka is a huge city, what are the odds...”
Caitlin and Julia looked at you, a knowing look spread across their faces.
You rolled your eyes and looked away, already starting the arrangements in your head.
Japan meant, last minute scheduling, completely on-schedule posts about the busking activity, extra hours trying to learn Soonyoung’s god-complicated choreography while you tried to get everything arranged right.
You stayed up late in the hotel fitness room at night, and you didn’t leave the hotel for the whole first week you were in Japan except for class activities and location scouting, except for once, late at night when you went to the store, hoping to god to find some Udon noodles.
“You really are in Osaka.”
You turned, frowning slightly, trying to place where you knew that voice. You couldn’t believe who was standing there when you finally figured it out.
“Soonyoung?” You asked with a laugh. He smiled, his eyes becoming rounder the more upturned his lips became.
“Y/n! I have heard rumors that I might run into you on the street, but never did I actually think it would happen.”
“Hey, I’m making my way through the group,” you responded with a laugh and a shrug. “What would I do if I wasn’t constantly running into you guys while trying to get food?”
“Udon noodles?” Soonyoung asked you, gesturing to a noodle machine dispenser not far from you two. You hummed.
“Read my mind.”
But even seeing Soonyoung didn’t make you stop thinking.
All you could think about was that dumb choreography.
Wave your right finger down, slide your right foot forward to the beat, turn and take center, reach up with your right hand, fall back. Bounce in place as you bring your arm down, move into the next position, arms out, then up, then pull and-
Soonyoung chuckled, which made your face redden a little.
“I can’t get the timing at the end,” you mumbled softly. “I don’t know why it’s not that hard.”
“Oh, is your busking group running the Happy Ending choreography?”
You hummed as you shoved some noodles into your mouth.
“Last minute addition to our lineup... How do you know about the busking?” You asked. Soonyoung slurped up his own noodles.
“Jihoon was telling us about it.”
You wanted to say that Jihoon shouldn’t really know much about the busking event, but you thought better of it. Jihoon had his ways of knowing things, it wasn’t really anything for you to judge.
“How is he? Sleeping? Eating?”
“Does he ever sleep?” Soonyoung responded with a roll of his eyes. “He’s too busy trying to come up with the next comeback.”
You sighed. You couldn’t really say you were surprised.
“At least tell me he’s eating,” you stated with a sigh.
“Maybe a little too much,” Soonyoung laughed. “What about you? What can I report to the boss?”
You rested your head on your hand as you chewed the noodles. Trying to figure out the best way to word what would come next.
“Well, this is all I’ve had today to eat and I’ve been averaging about three hours a night? I think?” You replied. Soonyoung made a face, so you smiled nervously.
“I can’t help it, I have a passion,” you replied. “I couldn’t sleep if I wanted to.”
“Peas in a pod you two are,” he said with a chuckle. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. “Smile for the picture.”
You threw up a peace sign and smiled through your exhaustion at the camera.
Click, click.
Soonyoung looked at the pictures silently for a moment and then nodded.
“Need help with the counts?” He asked you softly. You shook your head.
“Nah, counts just mess me up. I just need to watch it a few more times.”
Soonyoung nodded and gestured to his now empty bowl of noddles.
“Well, as good as it was to see you-”
“Tell Jihoon I say hi,” you finished for Soonyoung. He smiled at you again, that soft expression settling over his face again. “I’ll see you Soonyoung.” “And hopefully I you,” he replied. “Don’t worry, I’ll be telling Jihoon all about this encounter. Can’t believe we haven’t run into you sooner. You’ve been here all week right?”
“All week is accurate. I’ve been staying in actually. When I get like this... I do nothing but get stuff done.”
Soonyoung laughed and shot you a wave.
As you watched him wander out of the store and noticed a shop attendant giving you an odd look... Probably because of the Korean coming from someone who so obviously wasn’t Korean in the middle of Japan, you couldn’t help but think it was kind of nice to be in the same city as Seventeen again.
Even if you hadn’t seen him just yet.
Chapter Twelve
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ali-vasion · 8 years
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Crows Blood, AU Chapter 1.
Wakatsuki Yumi/Nishino Nanase
Rated R, its gunna get heavy dont like dont read bruh
How long had it been since the world fell to its knees? It seemed like ages from the last time the sun shined high in the sky. How many years had it been since the water that ran down the street gutters turned black with infected blood? No one could remember. No one bothered. There was no room for free thought in the new world. Only her and her control. Her will, and her mission. If you're not one of us, then you’ll be given a choice. Join us, or die.
All for the sake of the new world.
Weathered leather heels clacked against tiles in a rushed and panicked fashion, echoing faintly through the derelict school halls. Light beams shot through holes of newspaper, littering the windows in attempts to keep wandering eyes out. A lone girl choked and gasped for air, pushing her stamina and limits as her legs continued to carry her exhausted body to her only sanctuary. Her uniform was a mess of black and red blood, torn and rubbed raw in attempts to get any and all hazardous materials away. Her damp hair clung to her face with and mixture of sweat and rain from the outdoors, where she had tread too far. She wouldn't stop running, not until she knew without doubt she was safe from the monsters.
The gymnasium was that only safe haven, a place with only two ways in or out. But also a place with many hiding places she had made into a home. With haste, Nishino Nanase pressed her dirty, trembling, hands to the cold metal of the door, waiting until she heard a click. Locked. The poor girl could finally relax, her back collapsing against the door as she slid to the floor.
“Thank god…” You could almost hear a sense of pride and accomplishment from her sharp intake of air, her chest rising and collapsing as she attempted to regain her composure. Nishino Nanase had been hiding out in the school for almost two years now. Sneaking around, only going out in the day with tonkatsu sauce dripping from her nose to get supplies. The monsters that plagued the world no longer knew what she looked like, even if their hunt continued. As long as she kept her head down, she was safe. This was the type of life she had become more than comfortable with. A life alone, but as long as she wasn't a monster… Things were fine. Everyone was gone. She could only cling to the memories she once held dearly, before the world fell apart. Of her friends, her family, how things could have been if she had noticed.. stopped that girl before it was too late. Stopped everyone from getting on that bus. But now it was too late. Far too late.
Nanase let out a low grunt of discomfort, pulling herself to her feet, before making her way under the gym stage by shifting a board or two out of the way. Only when she was was concealed in the darkness shifting, she pushed the boards back into place, tight and secure.
Nishino Nanase was the last true human in Japan. The final girl that had not been caught and given the choice too. That much was for sure. Some would ask how, how it got to this? When did everyone change? What happened? How did she survive above everyone else? For that, we have to go to the beginning.
It was just another ordinary school day. Clouds in the sky, students hardly paying attention. Nothing peculiar or out of the ordinary. Nanase had been staring off out the window, observing a crow perched on a branch. A sight she quite enjoyed a lot. She always loved animals, often doodling them and visiting zoos. She wondered what if may even be like, to be a crow and fly away or do as you please. Never having to answer to anyone, be told where to go or what to be. In the end, She was lost in her own world on this normal typical day. That is until the teacher spoke in a clear voice.  
“Everyone, this is our new student, Wakatsuki Yumi.”
Her gaze lifted for just a moment. Yumi was about her height, almost sickeningly pale with dark under eyes. Her hair was a faded brown, almost eerily perfect as it fell below her shoulders. The girl had a flat expression, scanning the room with little to no interest in the students. That is until she met Nanase's gaze. If you looked close enough you could see the faintest hint of an unnerving smile. Dark intentions hidden behind apathetic eyes. Yet, Nanase… couldn't take her eyes off it. Like a morbid curiosity she didn't particularly want to pursue.
Only the sound of a loud, wet, crack against the window pulled her out of her entranced gaze. Students screeched and flew out of their seats as a crimson spot decorated the once pristine glass. The crow from earlier, now lay on the windowsill, twitching and clinging to life. Leaving behind a large, red splatter of blood covering a new hole in the glass. Nanase moved out of her seat as students poured into the area, looking on only in horror at the animal she admired just moments ago. Life was brief and unpredictable, even for animals.
Even into the later hours of the day, she couldn't shake that image in her mind. Eating lunch on the roof behind the venting system, alone as usual. Nanase stared into her convenience store bag, unsure if she even had the appetite to eat. Finicky between her choices of a katsu sandwich, yakisoba bread, and a simple box of milk, she didn’t realize the silent approach of the newly transferred girl in her class.
“May I?” Yumi’s low voice carried a soft undertone of hope that the girl next to her would welcome her, gesturing to the open space.
Nanase jolted in surprise, closing the bag. Her hand came to her chest before glanced up from the bag and choices she was engrossed in to meet the surprising voice. Her eyes widened slightly at just whom it was, feeling uneasy just being around someone that strange. “I-.. I suppose not? If you don't mind the quiet.” Hoping to avoid more conversation, Nanase fished the bread from the plastic bag. She carefully peeled the wrapper from the item, pulling her knees to her chest as she began eating.
Once again the low voice spoke up, careful not to provide more than needed. “You’re Nishino, right? Nishino Nanase?”
“Ah? Mhm.” Nanase gave a small nod to the other girl, inching away by shifting her hips to the side when she noticed the two were a bit close for comfort. “You're.. Wakatsuki Yumi, right? The American transfer?” All things already explained by the teacher, but it felt like a formality to ask.
But even still, the strange girl seemed to perk up in an instant, beaming as she clasped her hands around Nanase's forearm. “So you've noticed me! That's relieving to hear.. But I’m not American, I simply lived there. My father moved us here this year for work~” Yumi leaned into her for a moment before laying back against the metal vent. “I was sure that someone like you wouldn't take notice or want to be my friend.”
Nanase was taken aback to say the least, staring at her with a dumbfounded look. Someone like her? What on earth could that mean? Was she really that desperate for friends? She had never met someone so excited over being remembered. She opened her mouth to respond, but no words came out as she noticed the pool of black blood start to drip from Yumi’s nose, right into her lap.
“Wakatsuki-san-- you-- your nose..!” The droplets stained and continued to make streaks down her mouth and chin. Nanase fell back on her palms in shock of the sight. But Yumi, seemed to hardly notice of be bothered by it. In fact if Nanase hadn't pointed it out she wouldn't have noticed all together. “You should go to the nurse!!”
“Ah..” Yumi touched the blood, examining it. Like a thick tar, it stained her skin and ran between her fingers. Through the blood against her lips, Yumi grinned to herself. Nanase only stared on in horror. “Nishino-san.. could you take me to the infirmary?” Yumi didn't need to look at the girl to feel her already determined answer, or witness the concern. But not for her infliction, but for her as a person. Manipulation was needed. Shaking her amusement at the situation, her eyes became soft as she gave Nanase a terrified glance. “l'm not sure where it is, Im a bit scared.. help me?”
That flash of weakness right through Nanase's natural defences. Like a deflated balloon, she sighed and moved closer. “Im sure.. I could help walk you.” Nanase forced a smile as she looped an arm around the girl's shoulder to help her to her feet. “Here, a handkerchief.” With urgency, Nanase’s hands trembled as she retrieved a neatly folded cloth from her skirt pocket, holding it to the girl's nose. “You’re bleeding a lot, use this.”
Yumi took the cloth, wiping the mess from her features. There was a quiet moment as Yumi lifted her gaze to meet the girl supporting her. As if suddenly there was nothing to fear, her entire act switching to another character. Yumi lightly ghosted the back of her knuckles against the opposing girls cheek, her voice soft. “You’re sweet, thank you, I won't forget this..” Yumi dropped her hand as she straightened out slightly, her arm snaking around the girl's waist. Yumi’s fingers gently pressing against her side, just under her uniform. Nanase snapped her attention over to the hand. She couldn't pin-point the reason, or motive, but she did not enjoy the feeling particularly.
“Ah, uhuh... Follow me.” Nanase peeled herself out of the dangerous girls arms and started walking, filled with uneasy feelings. A distinct brand new feeling of discomfort filling her to the brim, growing worse the longer she stayed beside her injured classmate. Thankfully, It only took a few minutes to reach the nurse's office. For Nanase, it was one of her favorite places in the school. For as long as she could remember she wanted to go into the nursing field. Finding a sense of accomplishment in helping others and being able to use the skills she learned in everyday activities. Although this trip to the office wasn't a fond memory.
Honestly, looking back, it was the second warning sign she should have given more attention too.
“Damn machine, broken again.” The nurse on staff was known for doing what she did well, but even she was still human. Getting frustrated at the heart monitor that kept reading blank signs against the “sick” girl on the bed. “Brand new and it's already broken. Figures.” The woman groaned with a sigh, tucking her raven hair behind her ear. Nanase looked on from the doorway, just as confused. No explanation for the blood. No heartbeat. And yet Wakatsuki Yumi was sitting in the flesh, completely fine. Well, fine being the ‘healthy’ term. She was fixing her uniform and even appearing pleasant. None of it made sense. “I don't feel comfortable sending you to class, but I can't get a good reading. So go home, have your parents take you to the hospital. Alright?” The nurse put a caring hand on Yumi’s knee, looking her in the eye. Her voice was stern.
“Yes ma'am, thank you.” There was a significant increase to the girl as she flashed the warmest charismatic grin she could muster in response. Yumi then climbed off the bed and made her way out of the room, raising her hand to beckon the Nanase to follow. “Nishino-san.” The two’s eyes locked for just a moment and she knew there wasn't much say in the matter. Nanase meekly did as she was told, her head aimed at the floor.
“You're not going to the hospital, are you?”
Yumi laughed softly, looking back to the girl as she strode along. “Of course not.”
“But, the blood--”
“Don’t worry about it.” Her amused tone was heard in Nanase’s ear, echoing through the hallowed hall. “More importantly..” Nanase perked her head up, beginning her descent down the staircase she was led too. Yumi halted in her tracks, just as they hit the flat surface before the next flight of stairs. “Why are you afraid of me, Nishino-san?” Nanase’s heart stopped. She hadn’t noticed how quiet the school was until she looked around and noticed the two were completely alone. “It’s fine. I’m not upset. I’m.. almost flattered that you’re this intimidated by me, as I am.” Taking a step forward, Yumi cornered the clearly terrified girl against the opposite wall, her forearm comfortably resting above her head on the wall as she leaned closer to her. Casually, her other hand found its place, lifting Nanase’s chin with her thumb and index finger. “I really like you, Nanase.. You shouldn't be afraid of me.” Yumi turned into a predator, biting her the corner of her bottom lip, drinking in the image before her. Nanase looked like a deer in the headlights, flushed and almost trembling. Yumi’s eyes were quick to memorize every part of her victims features in that moment. How she would have loved to photograph it. “Stay still.” Yumi spoke in a commanding whisper, leaning in closer and closer..
“Nishino-san, Wakatsuki-san!!”
Yumi paused and glared over at the voice who dared to stop her. There stood a short girl, with long brown hair tucked behind her ear. A girl with a distinct mole set on her right cheek. She wore a displeased expression with a perfect uniform. Not a single hair out of place. That's how she was, at least, how she wanted people to perceive her. Reika was also a clutz. But no one was meant to know that.
“Sakurai-san..!“ Nanase felt the color drain from her face. The class representative was the last person she wanted seeing this sort of scene. Just being a part of it was bad enough, but rumors starting would spell the end.
Reika touched the sides of her glasses, adjusting them. “Class has started, personal matters can and should be handled in appropriate times.” Her eyes were cold. Even as she spoke, it was if it was just too Nanase. As if she couldn't see the More important problem. Only that Nanase wasn't in class. “You’re late. So go.” Tilting her head to the side, you could feel the venom in her words, looking at Nanase as if she had just put thumbtacks in her shoes.
“Ah, forgive us!” Nanase attempted to wrangle her way out of the hold, but to no avail. Her eyes flickered between the two girls in the room, heaving a heavy sigh. “.. Thank you for the warning. We’ll be on our way.” Reika simply rolled her eyes and continued her patrols.
Yumi smirked a bit and turned her attention back to the girl under her. She wasn't afraid anymore, boring. “That spoiled the mood..” Her thumb grazed over the object of her affections bottom lip as she spoke. Her thirsty eyes peering into her a final time. “See you, Nishino-san.” Pushing off the wall, Yumi turned her back to the girl, walking down the stairs to the entrance as if nothing had happened. She knew this would be enough to get the girl hooked.
“Wait!” Nanase stepped forward.
There it was. Yumi smirked to herself, glancing back over her shoulder. “Yes?”
Nanase gripped the ends of her skirt, almost running after her. “Where are you going?”
The lime was cast. “The nurse said I could leave early, so I’ll go wherever I like.” Yumi turned on her heel, extending her hand to the other. Now was time to reel the fish in. With that same charming smile, Yumi tilted her head to the right. “Come with me?”
The shadows on her face only seemed to darken after that. Nanase felt nothing but that intimidation she was pointed out to possess. That fear of the unknown, mixed with butterflies in the pit of her stomach. The warning signs screamed at her to run, get help. But her legs wouldn't budge. “N-No.” Nanase”s head shook from side to side, just before she ran off to class, the only place she would be safe right now. Every red flag went off the second Yumi was against her the first time. She didn't want to be alone with that again. Yumi’s expression only worsened, to that of disappointment and slight frustration. “Ah well, no matter. It’s a long semester.”
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ds4design · 8 years
A Solo Traveler’s Guide on How to Meet People While Traveling
Photo by Oskar Krawczyk via Unsplash.
Traveling alone has its perks: You get to do what you want, when you want, discover new and honest things about the world and yourself, and enjoy an uplifting, mindful traveling experience without someone else’s influences. But after a while, talking to yourself and eating another meal without being able to share funny thoughts and observations about the day with an another human get... awfully lonesome.
This post originally appeared on FY!S.
In late 2015, I embarked on a solo trip to Asia that lasted nine months. At first, the idea of going at it alone filled me with excitement and trepidation. No one could deny me from catching Pokémon at parks, seeing how many plates of kaiten sushi I can put away by myself, and going on day excursions on a whim. On the flip side, solo travel has its limitations. I couldn’t exactly eat what I wanted because the portions were too big, or I was too self-conscious about wandering into a family restaurant by myself. Or, I couldn’t go to certain places because I didn’t feel safe. It didn’t take long before I realized that many of my experiences while traveling, while fun solo, could be way more gratifying when they could be shared with a companion or two.
To combat the loneliness of solo travel, I simply started putting myself in (safe) situations that let me meet people while traveling. I’ve had the pleasure of meeting and hanging out with many, many friends–old and new–all over the world by using a variety of resources. Some I knew beforehand, but many more I met while I was on the road. I still talk to a lot of them on the reg. Here’s what I know.
To Meet People, You Need to Get Over Talking to Strangers
Before we get to the actual tactics of how to meet people while traveling, I recognize that your comfort level with talking to complete strangers is probably different from mine. Many of the things I’m about to discuss wouldn’t fly so easily if you’re shy, and that’s fine. Shyness is not a bad thing, but wanting to meet people while traveling is actually the perfect opportunity for you to build the courage to speak to more and more strangers.
My friends and I at Mt. Baldy in Southern California.
It’s scary, but take solace in the fact that if you go out on a limb and fall flat on your face, no one knew or cared about you to begin with, so what do you really have to lose?
If anything, you’d gain a little spunk. It’s easy to imagine all the ways that you’ll get burned, but if you reach out as a traveler, most people—locals or fellow travelers—reach right back as long as you’re genuine and transparent. And if they don’t, it’s not you who sucks anyway. Still, talking to strangers is one thing, but be okay with the fact that not every person you meet is going to be your Best Facebook Friend Forever.
You will be forced to talk to a lot of strangers. But the worst that can happen is you get ignored or encounter some rudeness, but that’s everyone, anywhere, and honestly, the person isn’t going to remember you in a couple of hours.
Five Ways to Make Conversations Easier
When it comes down to it, starting any conversation that doesn’t begin and die with “Wow, some weather today, huh?” is a skill. You wouldn’t know it when you meet me, but I am a pretty big introvert. I’ve bumbled through awkward encounters. I’ve often struggled to initiate or restart conversations. But I got better at it. I also made it a rule to have conversations that didn’t center around, “So what do you do?” as an extra challenge and also because I despised the question. In the end, I came up with a few things that you could do to let conversations flow more easily.
1. Actually Be a Tourist
There’s no shame in being a tourist. Embrace your rose-colored lenses and sense of uncertainty and wide-eyed wonder (but skip the douchey behavior, obviously)! Along the same vein, Nomadic Matt points out that you should try joining local tours and groups. “For example, take a small group tour from a local. While on the tour, ask all of the questions you want about local life and what it’s like to grow up in that region (without being annoying).”
People treat tourists differently, in a good way but also sometimes in a bad way. I’ve found that people are usually willing to answer questions if you seem lost and appear non-threatening. Henrik Jeppesen, one of few amazing travelers who’s visited every country in the world, told me that he’d go up to strangers with: “‘Hi, can you recommend anything to see or do here?’ Not only have I met great people this way, but have also been offered a place to stay on nights where I had nowhere to go.”
On the flip side, be wary of people who approach you aggressively and seem too Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood friendly. You never know, they really could be that nice, but I’d probably bail to be on the safer side.
There’s no use pretending you’re not a tourist or newbie. Be curious and ask questions as a way to spur easy conversation.
2. Offer to Take a Picture
If you want to meet other travelers, you can park your butt at a popular tourist spot. You can rest easy knowing that 75 percent of the people there are fellow travelers, 20 percent are locals trying to sell or peddle something, and 5 percent might be thieves or people that are up to no good. That wasn’t a very scientific breakdown, but you get the gist.
Oftentimes you’ll spot a solo traveler like yourself trying to take a selfie. If you’re up for it, offer to help the person take a picture. From there, you can ask if they’re also traveling alone and if they’d be okay with you buddying up for a couple hours or a day. This has worked really well for me.
3. Make Your Interests Known
On my travel backpack sit a PaRappa the Rapper, a Gudetama keychain, and anime stuff that I swap out every so often. They’re easy to spot and broadcast my interest in cute, geeky things. I did this intentionally for people who recognized these characters. I mean, anyone who’s played PaRappa or adores the silliness of Gudetama can’t be all bad. There were a surprising number of occasions, in fact, where people weren’t shy about coming up to me to point out my good tastes. More importantly, they did the hard part of approaching me, so at this point, we had something to talk about.
It doesn’t have to be keychains. Maybe it’s a book you’re reading, a notebook you like to scribble or doodle in, or a sticker on a water bottle. Some of your belongings can be so bizarre that they will spark someone’s interest, so having these things visible often make a great ice breaker.
On the other hand, you can be the one to point out what you like. People like compliments if you make it about them. Don’t just say, “I like your shoes.” You can say something like, “Your shoes look great on you. Where did you buy them?” And that opens up the opportunity to say something about how you’re not from around the area and could use some advice and yadda yadda.
As a traveler, you more than likely have things that can be great conversation starters. Keep them visible when you want to attract attention, but of course, be smart about where you do this.
4. Make a “Wrong” Assumption
Not too long ago, I sat at a coffee shop in London and noticed this dude next to me typing away on his new Macbook with TouchBar. I said jokingly, “You must have a ton of dongles in your bag.” (Hey, it was a reach.) He immediately pointed out that he didn’t, but opined that it was a frustrating design flaw and warned me to wait for the next iteration. This led us to talking about Apple, technology, and the best fish ‘n’ chips in London (it’s Bailey’s).
Okay, so I went out on a limb and I had to have been somewhat observant and updated on technology, but the point is, people normally don’t like to tell you squat if it feels like you’re interrogating them. They do, however, love to correct you when you’re wrong (don’t we all?). I learned this from speaking coach Sharí Alexander.
So if you want to talk to someone or continue a conversation but you’re not sure what to say, try making a simple, innocent assumption, as long as it’s not deeply personal. Don’t worry if you’re wrong because if you are, they’ll gladly correct you and reveal more information about them, which leads to more things to talk about.
Next time try making an innocent assumption (e.g., “This place is the hands-down the best ramen in the city.”). If you’re wrong, you still start a good conversation.
5. Have Little “Gifts” to Give
Wherever you go, you’ll find cheap trinkets and doodads at souvenir shops. I always make sure to pick up a couple of interesting ones that aren’t lame magnets, keychains, or anything heavy. For example, in Japan, I picked up a handful of shrine charms. If there’s nothing interesting like that, I’d settle for a bag of M&Ms or something sweet that can be shared.
These come in handy for when I meet cool people and want to help make someone’s day more awesome. As Peter Shank (whom I learned the M&M tip from via Sol Orwell) points out, M&Ms are cheap and a great way to bring a smile to someone’s face, which can make you smile. Smiles all around, folks, so everybody wins.
Small tokens and gifts tend to make interactions more pleasant.
I don’t always use these “tricks.” It’s important to let conversations unravel organically and avoid overthinking things too much. If your interaction has to fizzle out and neither of you feels like talking about the weather again, then for crying out loud, don’t force it.
Hostels Are an Easy Way to Meet Travelers, But They’re Not for Everyone
Staying at hostels is an obvious way to save on travel funds and meet other travelers. They’re fine for solo travelers…at least temporarily. I actually chose to avoid hostels myself, only choosing to stop at one or two in the last year or so. I avoid hostels for the following reasons:
People tend to be too young: I’m not a crotchety “get off my lawn” sort of person, but in my experience, the hostel crowd gets too wild for me. I’m not interested in partying it up anymore. It’s fine occasionally, but I’d much rather spend my days not hungover and useless.
Lack of privacy gets old fast: If the party crowd is your thing, there’s still the issue of privacy, of which you really have none. So take that into account.
You can’t get much work done: This is probably the biggest disadvantage for me. As a freelancing nomad, I get emails or work done at odd hours of the day sometimes, so if I had to work when coffee shops were closed it’d be really inconvenient to find a suitable place for focused work.
Hostels are fine for up to a week-long stay, but eventually, you might get tired of the lack of privacy and hanging out with other travelers. Other travelers are cool people to meet, but the real travel experiences come from meeting and befriending locals. And that’s why I much prefer to stay at Airbnbs.
Hostels are great for meeting travelers, but would be difficult if you’re a remote worker, not in the party mood, or want privacy.
Your Airbnb Host Is Your “In” to More Locals
I’ve written a huge guide on to how to use Airbnb and ensure you pick a suitable Airbnb for long-term stays anywhere in the world. It’s convenient for long-term travelers like myself, but I also make it a point to stay with a host who also lives on-site and is a local.
Most hosts are friendly toward travelers, some go above and beyond, and others still might charge you if you want them to show you around. You should note these in the description and check out the host’s personality and reviews before you book an Airbnb.
Usually, I try to bring a small gift for my host upon meeting him or her as a “thanks for having me” sort of gift (yes, even though I’m paying). I’ve found this to be extremely helpful with warming them up to me a bit more. I seem less like a weirdo traveler, and there’s a greater chance that they invite me to do things with them. I also ask plenty of questions about what they like to do and eat, so after a couple of days of knowing them, it’s easier to throw out an invitation to do or eat something they like. Eventually, this leads to meeting their friends, too. Plus, a lot of the time I get to meet the other Airbnb guests (if the host rents out multiple rooms).
I will note that not all my Airbnb host friendships have panned out the way I mentioned, but if the chemistry is right they are definitely a fantastic way to see, eat, and do local things, as well as meet other locals. Similar services like Couchsurfing and BeWelcome can also connect you with other local hosts.
I usually stay with Airbnb hosts who are locals and love to make friends with them to learn more about the city. Oftentimes, this leads to me meeting their friends and more locals.
Your Social Network Is Very Powerful, So Use It
I’m active on social media, so I usually let the Interwebs know where I am or traveling to. Before I go anywhere, I might tell Facebook where I’m headed and add, “Who’s a cool friend of yours that you think I should know?!” This results in a fair number of connections with friends of friends, who are often open to hanging out and sometimes becoming my own good friends.
Kanpai with my good friend, Justin!
Then there’s Twitter and Instagram. I’ve been lucky to have a healthy following that isn’t afraid to tweet back at me or message me on Facebook or Instagram to let me know what they think I should do or see. I appreciate these tips. There have even been instances where people reach out and ask to meet up. I’ve obliged with almost every request.
Of course, I’m always concerned the person is actually a psycho, so I make it a point to meet in public places during the daytime. So far they’ve all been wonderful people, but still gotta be smart and safe.
If you don’t have a following, that’s okay. You can use social media to follow your favorite people or search certain hashtags and reach out to other travelers. For example, on Instagram, any hashtag with the city’s name and something like #travel spits out tons of people also traveling. Comment or message them! This takes effort obviously, but remember, nothing good happens from taking no action.
Jodi Ettenberg, from food and travel site Legal Nomads, touches base with experts in her chosen field. “I find that meeting over your passion project or interest is the best way to do so,” she says. “For me, that’s food. I’ve taken to contacting fellow food-obsessed people who are locals or expats in the place I’m visiting. I ask them if they have meetups or events they can suggest for me to meet others with similar interests. While it’s also fun to meet people serendipitously, striking up a conversation at a restaurant or market, this way I get to not only make some new friends, but do so in an industry I’m passionate about.”
Use your social media to see if you can connect with friends of friends, or heck, even followers and people you admire.
Camp Out at Lounges, Bars, or Coffee Shops with Wi-Fi
All travelers have one thing in common: the need for Wi-Fi. If you head to a Starbucks, McDonald’s, a bar, or lounge that offers Wi-Fi, you’re almost certain to bump into other travelers there.
Seek Out Local Facebook Groups
I used to play a lot of ultimate Frisbee. On a whim in Tokyo one day, I decided to check on Google if there were any local Frisbee groups. There were, and they led me to a Facebook group that was active and had practice every Tuesdays and Sundays. They were about to have a pick-up game in two days. Here was my opportunity to enjoy something I loved doing anyway—in another country no less—and meet new people. I only had to make the trek to show up. I was hesitant at first because not knowing a single person was terrifying, but I’m glad I made the effort. They were very welcoming; I met new people and friends that I still talk to today.
Since this discovery, I’ve made it a point to figure out what I wanted to do at a certain destination and Google it. Be it “sumo wrestling tickets in Japan“, “learn archery lessons”, or “make panda rice balls in bento lunch boxes”, I made sure to search and then check Facebook groups for those interests within the city. More often than not, these groups have a combination of expats, fellow travelers, and English-speaking locals that you can message and meet.
Facebook groups are an awesome way to meet English-speaking locals and transplants.
Find People on a Number of “Meetup” Websites and Apps
Everyone immediately thinks of Tinder and Meetup.com, but there are actually a ton of websites that help connect you to other travelers and people who want to meet. Some are specific to countries, such as LEVART in Japan, but here are a handful that you can use anywhere:
Hacker Paradise: Hacker Paradise is a traveling community of digital nomads and other location-independent professionals. They go on multi-month trips, but you can tag along for as little as two weeks if you want to develop more professional relationships.
TravBuddy: TravBuddy combines the usefulness of TripAdvisor and Yelp, but is also a platform that lets you meet other travelers.
ePenPal: This app connects you with locals from all over the world and the best part is that it translates your messages for you (via Google Translate so it’s not perfect).
BonAppetour: This is like Airbnb but for dinner.
Badoo: Badoo seems to be a cross between Facebook for non-friends and a dating service. You get to meet with locals, even if you’re on a time crunch, but keep in mind that a lot of people use this to hook up. Depending on what you’re looking for, Badoo may or may not be for you.
You can also find local events on Facebook and Yelp to go to. The 21st century is amazing like that.
Above All, Keep Yourself Safe
Of course, you need to balance all of these things with safety. In particular, when you meet a stranger via any of these channels or even get into an Uber or Lyft, send a picture and profile of the person with someone you trust. If anything at all seems off about a situation or person, move on. Don’t feel bad about bailing.
As a solo female traveler, I try not to let my FOMO get the best of me if I feel really uncomfortable about a situation. Whenever I travel between places or go off on a new hike somewhere in the mountains, I tell my friends back home, my host, and whomever where I am and when I expect to be back.
It’s important to designate someone to take action after a certain number of days of not hearing from you, or you run the risk of that person “waiting and seeing.” Usually, I say something dire like, “If you don’t hear from me by this day, please call Liam Neeson and start looking for me.” I remember to check in so they don’t worry or call Liam for no reason. I wouldn’t want that happening.
It should be clear by now that you have so many tools at your disposal to meet people that the only things you really need are a desire and a moderate amount of effort. And even then, there are no guarantees, but it doesn’t hurt to try. Bottom-line, making friends and meeting different people are just like back home: you need to be proactive, keep an open mind, and emphasize safety!
The Solo Traveler’s Guide on How to Meet People While Traveling | FY!S
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