#I was initially going to say maybe you’d need to add in a more lighthearted character to balance the mood
quibbs126 · 1 year
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So I talked about Frost Queen getting into the main story, and that a possible solution I could come up with being her just joining Dark Cacao in a story to recruit the dragons of his kingdom (assuming they do that), and my brain just kind of took that idea and started running with it, and it culminated in this
I personally like to read the text in a dramatic narrator voice
Also I don’t really know where the “Ice Cold Squad” bit came from, I just thought their names were too long and needed something else, and that’s what I did
Also my first time drawing Frost Queen. Her outfit wasn’t too bad, and I liked drawing her hair, but I did not like that crown. Also as to why Dark Cacao’s in that outfit and with no crown, well I thought since he’s going on a dragon recruiting trip, he probably wouldn’t bring his crown. And as for the outfit, well to be honest I just sort of started subconsciously drawing it. Also I thought “hey, Hollyberry’s got a different outfit than her normal one, give Dark Cacao one too (even though I just drew a pre-existing outfit)”, even though as I write this I realize that Dark Cacao’s outfit is a literal suit of armor and would probably be more suited for fighting than this one. The one excuse I can come up with for a new outfit is that the dragons’ domain is incredibly cold and he needs something better suited for it, as metal isn’t exactly going to keep him warm
But I mean honestly, maybe it’s because my brain has decided it’s interested in Frost Queen, and Dark Cacao is one of my hyperfixation characters, and/or it’s because I’ve recently seen quite a bit of content with Frost Queen and Dark Cacao, but I really want to see Frost Queen and Dark Cacao interact, and specifically the way I want them most to interact is just in a story where they have to work together, and it’s just them. I need to see how they interact, mostly because they both seem pretty similar in terms of personality, and that they both seem relatively antisocial and also dramatic. There’s some comedy potential with these two, along with dramatic potential
But yeah, enjoy them
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johnslittlespoon · 5 months
sorry to do this to u in case u thought you’d finally escaped the spanking/ discipline related asks but now that there’s a brand new universe to brainrot about it in… it was bound to come up again 😅 ESPECIALLY. the biker au. gale being older, rough around the edges and more experienced? bucky living in his house and just. being Bucky. it needs to be explored.
KLSJDF i laughed omg don't be sorry, it's always fun to write about with a fresh take in a new au like you said! <3 and of courseee it would come up in the leaving!bikeriders au lol how could it not?
i had to write up my last post first to write this one because it adds important context as to how they'd go about this! and i think there are sooo many ways it could go, because everyone is so different in terms of how they process/cope with things.
john and gale both enjoy discipline for different reasons. for john, on the surface level, he likes to brat up and get put in his place, and gale manhandling him and being stern with him gets him all hot and worked up. on a deeper level (that he might not be aware of, but gale is), he likes being able to give up control in an environment where he knows he's fully safe, because it lets him get out of his head, following instructions and having gale do the thinking for him, etc.
on the surface level for gale, he likes to make john squirm and make pretty noises, and he likes to watch how easily he slips into obedience and apologies. on a deeper level, he likes that discipline is a way for them to both get restlessness out over smaller issues that don't really warrant a conversation, because it's usually more so caused by john being in a mood and acting up for attention. he also likes that he can give john a break from the way his mind is always goinggoinggoing, and that he can help him feel safe and loved while doing so.
but then we delve into what discipline looks like for them and i'm honestly torn because something like spanking can go either way for both of them. obviously john grows up in an unsupportive household with emotionally distant parents and a traditionalist dad who parents with anger and discipline– including spanking. because of this, i can see him reacting badly to gale spanking him, because it might take him back to that feeling of helplessness in a bad way.
he's fine with being reprimanded, and likes to mouth off and push gale until gale puts him in his place; all that stuff is fun to him. but the first time gale goes to spank him (in a lighthearted way), maybe john doesn't even expect to have a bad reaction to it until he does. maybe he goes rigid and grabs at gale's arm and says "stop" really firm and gale lets up immediately and checks in with him, and that's how they both discover that spanking is a hard no for john.
on the other hand, he might end up finding it's something that he does like when it's in a different context, because ofc there's the painplay aspect of it, and yk, his hot bf roughing him up. but there's also the fact that it might feel like he's taking his power back in the knowledge that he has control and can say the word and have gale stop at anytime, and that he knows gale's not actually mad at him when he's doing it. maybe it's something he's able to casually enjoy, or maybe it's something rare that takes a certain headspace to be in for either of them to initiate it, and requires lots of aftercare. it's really a toss up and i think if i write anything in relation to this in the fic, it'll kinda just develop as i go, in terms of how john would react to it.
on top of that, there's gale's rough upbringing with a dad who most definitely turned to drinking and fists, not traditional discipline. because of that, he might not even feel comfortable laying a hand on john in that way, even if john's enthusiastic about it and assures gale it's fine. he might be averse to any type of violence, whether that manifests in him avoiding physical confrontation when he can, or him not enjoying hitting even in kink, even knowing it's something john may enjoy. or those two things might be so separate in his mind that he doesn't take issue with it at all!
but even if physical discipline is out of the question, like you said, bucky is bucky lol. he's a lot, he likes to push, he likes to brat, he likes to watch gale's eyes darken and to hear his voice get low in warning when he's about ready to snap and put him in his place. gale needs some fun way to deal with that in the bedroom, and he can find lots of discipline alternatives that don't involve hitting, especially because discipline doesn't always have to equal punishment.
cockwarming to keep john's mouth busy until he's blissed out and pliant, orgasm denial and edging because "only good boys get to come" or "show me how sorry you are/beg and maybe i'll let you come", manhandling john to his knees and using his mouth until he's teary and flushed and ready to stop mouthing off, general rough sex to tire john out and fuck the brattiness out of him and get his own frustration out, overstimulation when john's been bratty for the purpose of getting gale to snap because "i thought this is what you wanted?" and "ask nicely enough and i might stop," etc etc. the possibilities are endless. :^)
but in the end everything comes down to talking things out and discovering what works and what doesn't, figuring out each other's boundaries, keeping things fun and lighthearted and having open communication (which is something both of them learn together.) <3
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rocorambles · 3 years
Surprise Interview
Pairing: Kenma x Reader
Genre/Warnings: NSFW, Yandere, Pseudo-Cest, Dub-Con/Non-Con, Verbal Humiliation, Manipulation
Summary: Kenma sees if you have what it takes to be Bouncing Ball’s newest employee.
A/N: This is for @sugawara-sweetheart ‘s Decadence Collab. So excited to be a part of this collab and to be able to indulge in such a delicious prompt and theme. Be sure to check out everyone else’s works! As always, thanks for beta-ing @sawamooora ~
There’s a familiar peace and a new nervousness about coming back home for the holidays. Mostly because home isn’t quite the same home it used to be. You can feel warmth blooming in your chest at the thought of seeing your mom, telling her about everything and everyone (as if your daily phone calls aren’t enough), and just lounging around while she fills you up with her cooking. But you can also feel a certain shyness as you approach the house, a building that still feels brand new and strange to you.
Your mother had gotten remarried during your earlier college years after your father’s passing and you were elated for her. If anyone deserves all the happiness in the world, it’s her. You had met Mr. Kozume quite a few times and you have no qualms with the man. He treats your mother like a queen and even though you playfully gag as they sweet talk and kiss in front of you, you wholeheartedly approve of their relationship.
However, what you aren’t quite as prepared for is having a new step-sibling.
You don’t know much about Kenma Kozume. Well, not much more than the rest of the world does.
Professional gamer. Successful stock trader. Popular YouTuber. Founder of his own corporation.
You know exactly who your new brother is, but other than seeing him a few times in person at family gatherings and exchanging polite greetings, there’s no real connection. Which is why your heart races as you nervously ring his doorbell, anxiety already making your leg twitch as you wait for the door to open.
Your mother and step-father are on a couple’s vacation and won’t be returning for a few days.
(“We just want some romantic time together before we have a full house again for the holidays. Plus this is a great chance to get to know your older brother better!” You hadn’t even been able to get a word of protest in before she had laughed and hung up on you, leaving you speechless and on your own as you hesitantly texted Kenma, letting him know what day to expect you.)
Kenma is quiet as ever as he nods in greeting, silently leading you to your guest room before quietly telling you to make yourself at home and leaving to do his own thing. You let out a huge sigh of relief as the door closes behind him.
There’s nothing wrong with Kenma. He’s smart and successful. Maybe a bit on the quiet side, but that only adds to his down to earth charm. You know your mother and step-father adore him and you can’t blame them. Yet, you can’t help but feel scrutinized, seen so clearly in a way that terrifies you when his feline eyes gaze at you. It takes everything in you not to immediately scurry away whenever you’re in viewing distance of him, desperate to hide all the flaws you imagine he’s noticing and calculating. Your step-father had mentioned how Kenma used to be the strategist of his high school volleyball team, and has always been able to evaluate and accurately break down situations and people. And you believe it.
You’re just grateful the house is large enough to avoid each other and that Kenma tends to reside mostly in his home office and bedroom.
But even the founder of a company needs a break from time to time. Kenma shuffles towards the gaming room, only to blink in surprise when he sees you already inside of it, happily smiling as Animal Crossing visuals and sounds fill the space.
He had known you owned a Nintendo Switch, a piece of information your mom had shared to break the ice a bit. And it’s really no surprise that this is your go-to game. But knowing and seeing are two different things and he can’t help but let his own lips twitch upwards at how calm and relaxed you are tending to your garden, decorating your home, choosing your outfit.
Kenma’s never been good with people, has never been the one to initiate a friendship. He knows he should have made more of an effort to be friendly and welcoming to you as your new older brother. There’s a slight pang of regret in his chest when he sees how at ease you are while you’re unaware of his presence. His eyes are as sharp as ever and he locks in on the way your body slightly stiffens, fingers nervously fidgeting when you finally notice his figure in the doorway, words already stuttering an apology for using his game room without explicitly asking.
You look like a scared mouse about to flee from the claws of a cat. And it pisses him off.
He hasn’t made the best efforts to bridge the gap between you, but for you to fear him? That seems a tad unnecessary, and more than a tad insulting. It’s more than enough to make the sadistic streak in him want to give you something to be scared about.
But he’s never been impulsive and he just quietly sits beside you on the floor, reassuring you it’s fine to play, smirking when you sneak little side glances his way as you continue collecting fruits.
“Kozume, do you want to play-”
“Just call me Kenma.”
Entranced eyes watch as you grow flustered at his words, mouth silently testing the weight of his given name in your mouth. For once, Kenma could care less about playing video games when a shaky timid “Kenma” slips past your soft lips.
“Kenma, do you want to play something together?”
You have no idea how badly he really does want to play together, but it’s a game you’re not ready for. So he calls upon any restraint he has to pluck your device from your hands and change the game to Mario Kart.
It’s amusing how easily you soften besides him, brow furrowing in concentration, eyes intently and eagerly following the screen, any anxiousness quickly forgotten as you get into the game. He greedily watches as you pout when you make a mistake, as your eyes light up every time you pass someone.
If he had known how easy it would be to make you warm up to him, he’d have done this sooner and he genuinely laughs when you whine and fake glare at him as he wins yet another round.
He asks about school. You ask about work. He tells you about his childhood. You share your own stories.
It’s a comfortable rhythmic back and forth and he’s afraid of ruining it, but a certain question nags at his mind, a question he knows may ruin the entire flow of the conversation.
“You’ll be graduating soon. Have you decided what you want to do after college?”
“Kenma not you too!!!”
His shoulders relax at how well you react to the question, smiling at the way you flop onto your back and groan about how mom and dad are already on your case about future plans.
“I’ve been applying to places, but who knows. Maybe I’ll just work for you at Bouncing Ball.”
There’s a playful lilt in your voice when you say it, a giggle and teasing smile accompanying the words. But there’s nothing funny about it to Kenma and your smile falters a bit when you see how tightly Kenma’s gripping his controller, the way his eyes pin you down.
“Kenma? It’s just a joke. I would never take advantage of-”
You try to get up from your reclined position, only to whimper in confusion when Kenma’s hand on your shoulder forces you back down. And suddenly you’re pinned down by more than just his stare as he moves to straddle you, knees on either side of your body, hands next to your head, his whole body caging yours.
It’s a lighthearted joke in the family that if all else fails, you could always work at Bouncing Ball. A joke your step-father and mother always dish out when the arguments get too tense as the three of you talk about your future. But it’s become less in jest for Kenma, especially after Kuroo sent him a scandalous picture of his newest secretary kneeling between his long legs, lips wrapped around his cock.
It wasn’t the first picture, nor was it the last incriminating photo the older businessman had sent him. Kenma merely rolled his eyes before deleting the image from his phone, wondering when Kuroo would grow bored and find a new toy to play with. But he freezes when he sees the following text message from his long-time friend.
“You’re the CEO of a company, Kenma. Wouldn’t it be nice to have someone convenient around? A pretty warm body? I bet that cute new step sister of yours would look really good under your desk. Doesn’t she graduate from college soon? If you don’t make a move, maybe I’ll snatch her up right from under your nose. I’m due for a change of secretary soon.”
There’s absolutely no reason for the hot anger that lances through him at Kuroo’s taunting words and he grimaces at playing right into his ex-captain’s hands, already hearing Kuroo’s braying laughter in his head if the older man saw just how much his words affected him.
But initial irritation aside, he lets himself really think, really imagine what a life with you at his beck and call would be like. And he likes what he sees. He doesn’t delete Kuroo’s photos as quickly as he used to, replacing the female faces with yours in his imagination as his hands slip under the hem of his boxers.
He knows it’s a longshot, knows there’s a high chance you’ll continue your lives as is, never destined to exchange more than a few polite greetings at family outings. But now...now hearing you voice the idea out loud yourself, hearing the way his first name sounds from your lips…
Maybe it’s not the silly pipe dream he had believed it to be.
“I’m in need of an assistant if you really do want to work at Bouncing Ball, but you’d need to prove why it would be worth hiring you.”
He almost laughs at how you perk up despite the precarious position you’re in, almost ready to launch into an elevator pitch of your qualifications flat on your back underneath him. You’re quite the multitasker already and he groans at the thought of having you cockwarm him while he tests out a new video game, making you answer all his calls stuffed full of him and desperately trying to hide the lustful tremble in your voice.
But he’s not here to listen to your carefully crafted speech. (Guess you really were practicing for job interviews like you said you were. What a good girl.) And he firmly presses his lips against yours to silence you, taking his time to immerse himself in the way your mouths mold against each other.
Your taste, your smell, your warmth. It’s all intoxicating and he slips his tongue inside your parted lips, subtly rutting his groin against your body. He can feel your body jostle as you lift your arms and he waits for the weight of your arms to lovingly wrap around his neck, only to be shocked when you weakly press against his shoulders until he finally relents and pulls back just enough to look down at you in irritated confusion.
“We- we shouldn’t be doing this.”
It’s not the words that have him clenching his fists, not even the way your palms still timidly press against him in a laughably weak show of defense.
It’s the fear in your eyes, the way you look at him like he’s some monster. It's the way he can almost palpably feel and hear your desire to be anywhere other than here, with anyone other than him, wishing to put as much space between the two of you as possible.
It’s your rejection.
It hurts to know that he isn’t enough just as he is, that he needs to resort to less...savory and straightforward ways to entrap you. But he’s not Hinata or Kuroo. He doesn’t have an electrifying personality or roguishly handsome features and charm to woo you. He only has his cunning and sharp tongue.
And he fully intends on maximizing his gifts.
“Of course, you don’t have to. You can just keep on applying and getting rejected by every company you speak to, if they even bother meeting with you after seeing your pathetic resume. Average college. Average grades. Average major. Tell me, how many interviews have you actually been reached out to for?”
He’s going out on a bit of a limb, but his suspicions are right and he cruelly smirks at the way tears bubble in your eyes at his words, no comeback or denial rolling off the tip of your tongue. He had a feeling you were struggling from the bits and pieces he’s picked up as your parents quietly talk and fret over you actually being able to find a job after graduation.
“Our parents are too nice to say anything about it, but you know they’re disappointed in you, right? Have you noticed how they always avoid talking about how school is going or asking you about how job hunting is going? How they only ask me how work is going? It’s because they know you’re just a loser whose life is going to amount to nothing.”
“That’s not true! They love me-”
“I’m not saying they don’t love you, but doesn’t that make it even worse? Making your loving and caring parents worry and stress over you when they should be preparing for retirement, an easy life? Instead of letting them finally enjoy a carefree life, you’ll be their freeloader daughter who uses up all their remaining funds. Is that what you want?”
You really are too easy and his lips curl in satisfaction at the way you frantically shake your head side to side, fat wet drops streaming down your face, adorable sniffles filling the air.
“If you become my assistant, I’ll compensate you well. You can live here with me, have your own room, a roof over your head, all the food and clothing you need and want. Think about how relieved and happy our parents will be seeing you provided for, seeing us getting along. Isn’t that what you want? For them to be happy?”
He knows how close you are to your mom, how important this idea of a perfect family is to you. He knows how insecurity and doubt about your own capabilities torment you. And he knows you’re hooked on his claws when your hands that are still pressed against his shoulders drop limply besides you, not even a hint of resistance left in you when he leans down once more to rest his forehead on yours, one hand cupping the side of your face.
“This is all you’re good for anyway. Working underneath me.”
If you notice his pun, you don’t acknowledge it, too busy wincing and squirming as he harshly nips and bites a trail from your lips to your neck as he pushes up the hem of your shirt until your chest is on full display for him. There’s something experimental, cold, meticulous about the way he gropes and fondles your breasts.Your face heats in humiliation at how he treats you like one of the many game consoles he’s reviewed for his audience.
But you don’t do anything about it, telling yourself that this is just his version of an interview as he pinches and prods at you, meanly twisting your nipples and chuckling at your yelp of pain. You obediently let him spread your legs apart, only letting out an agonized cry as he tests your flexibility, staring at him with a trembling lower lip as he sharply tells you to shut up while scrutinizing your panty-covered sex.
“You really are made for this, aren’t you?”
You whimper as he nudges the small wet spot on the thin fabric, clenching your eyes shut in denial at how hot and wound up your body feels from his touch, unable to hide your gasp as he pulls the layer aside and rubs your aroused clit.
There’s something so different about the way his fingers slowly sink into your wet pussy, almost lazily curling against your soft walls, his thumb never stopping its careful massage on the bundle of nerves at the apex of your thighs. So different from your own fingers desperately thrusting in and out of you. So different from the drunk partners you’ve hooked up with at college and their sloppy, rapid, frantic movements.
You can feel something large, something intimidating slowly rising from deep inside of you, a volcano about to erupt compared to the bright and fast to fade shooting stars you’re used to. You’re scared. Scared of the intoxicating feeling, of how easy it is to grow accustomed to Kenma’s presence, of how his cat-like eyes are all you can see and think of.
How can something feel so wrong and so right at the same time?
That’s the last coherent thought you have before your world goes blank, pleasure rocking through you as you soak the carpet and your step-brother’s hand with your juices. You’re moaning as Kenma continues to rock his fingers in and out of you, fingertips insistently massaging your clit and g-spot as you ride out your orgasm, body trembling and convulsing.
But even when the tremors slow, when pleasure becomes something sharper, more overwhelming, he doesn’t stop. You wail, begging him to stop, to let you rest, slumping in relief when he finally drags his hands away from you, carelessly wiping the mess you’ve made of his hand on your skin, covering you in your own essence.
Your heavy eyelids threaten to flutter shut as you let exhaustion wash over you, already dreading having to get up and wash yourself. But you’re shocked back to reality as something hard begins to nudge at your still fluttering entrance.
“Kenma! No! Too much-”
You break off into a sob as surprisingly strong hands dig into your hips, holding you still as he pushes and pushes until he’s fully settled inside of you, balls resting against your ass.
You’re still so tight, your quivering walls clamping around the intrusion, and he groans at the thought of being able to sink into this hole every day, multiple times, whenever he wants. His cock is already aching from holding off for so long, from watching your body and face contorted in pleasure. Kenma can feel his end quickly approaching as you scream and wail underneath him, eyes rolling back in your head, drool trickling from the corner of your mouth. You look absolutely obscene and he doesn’t think he’ll ever get enough of this side of you.
But despite the way his balls are tightening, despite the stutter in his hips, he’s determined to watch you fall apart once more, to see you shatter to pieces yet again. He grits his teeth, fingers reaching down to furiously rub at your already oversensitized clit, reveling in how your back arches, thighs shaking in overstimulation, and then you snap.
He wonders what his parents would think of their dear dumb daughter now, looking nothing like their silly angel, looking like a wanton used whore, incoherent garbled noises slipping past your lips as you twitch uncontrollably, your pussy milking him dry as he cums inside of you.
There’s only silence mixed with your pitiful whimpers as he slides out of you, grimacing at the sticky mess you’ve made of yourself and him. But that’s what your other hole is for and he orders you to suck him clean, admiring what a quick learner you are, eager to please as you noisily slurp and lick him clean, moaning at the taste of your combined fluids...
Maybe too eager and he shoves you off of him when you become too enthusiastic, his cock beginning to twitch in interest once more.
You look so lost, still sprawled out on the ground, staring up at him with wide imploring eyes as he pulls up his pants. So vulnerable and in need of guidance.
Good thing you have such a great boss to manage you.
“Not bad. Consider these next few days your internship and if all goes well, I’ll be more than happy to hire you as Bouncing Ball’s newest employee this summer. Now clean up this room and show me that my future assistant can do more than just be a slut.”
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gb-patch · 4 years
Ask Answers (February 22nd, 2021)
Hello! Here’s another collection of anon ask answers all put together in one big post.
This might be strange considering how upbeat yall are about the fandoms for your games in general, but is there any particular trope or ship you WOULDN'T want us writing/drawing/etc. in relation to your stuff? (IE, any canon you don't want us 'overwriting' or something like that?)
Of course we would want the fan content people make to not be racist, sexist, homophobic, bigoted, harmful, etc. But in terms of generally doing non-canon pairings or adding in headcanons or stuff, we really don’t mind that. People are welcome to have fun and explore their own ideas.
for the 1.2 Android update was it meant to download as a  separate app? I really want to keep my previous save files but they don't show up (also thank u for the updates I'm really excited to get back into the game!!)
We had to change the name of the file and unfortunately for some phones that meant it’s treated as a brand new game. I’m sorry your saves didn’t transfer over to the new version. You can try to look up your specific phone and see if there’s a way to access save files for games on your device and then transfer those saves over to the new build manually. It may or may not be possible.
I'm having some trouble figuring out how to get the update from Itichio without losing my save files? Is it the same game or a folder I can put in the properties? Sorry if this question is not worded well or if this isn't the avenue you'd want to take technical questions on
Are you using Android? If so, the above answer may apply to you. If you’re on PC or Mac, the save files will automatically still be included.
Hey. I really loved playing our life. It was a fun experience and I never thought I would like it this much. I do have a question, I am currently replaying the game and I am choosing choices I never chose at first. In step 2 during the road trip arc, I decided to ask Cove about what he liked to see on people. One of his response was anklets and black eyes. My MC have just happens to have black eyes. Do Cove say black eyes cuz my mc have it or it was just a coincidently programmed into the game?
He uses your eye color intentionally! If you changed your eye color he’d change what he said.
Will step 4 have 10 moments like steps 1-3? 
Step 4 is only an epilogue. It plays like the openings/endings of the earlier Steps where it’s a bunch of scenes all in a row, there aren’t any individual Moments.
hi! who was/were the artist(s) for our life? 
who is the artist for Our Life: Beginning and Always?
Main Sprite and CG Artist: Addrossi
Main Background Artist: Vui Huynh
Main Interface Artist: Winter Slice
Other artists who helped out can be seen in the credits of the game.
In the new ol, there are two main love interests... Would it be possible to pair them together or is that weird? 
You can’t stay single and pair them together. If we are going to add all the extra content to have a route where the two LIs get together, it’d be a full poly route where them and the MC were all dating. And that’s not a for sure option yet because it’d add a lot of extra complications. But either way, in OL the relationships all gotta be about the MC, haha.
In OL2, there will be extra LIs in form of DLCs? Like Dexter and Baxter. 
Maybe! We’ll see how it goes.
Since Cove will have 2 diff body types in s4, will the storyline and dialogs reflect this? Or all of it will be the same? Btw love the game and sorry for bad english. Hope this doesn't sound rude 😅 
Some descriptions and pieces of dialog will change, but it won’t impact the story really. And you don’t need to apologize! It’s all good.
Will you ever release the transparent sprites of the Our Life characters? 
Probably not, I’m afraid. They’ve got a lot of pieces and it’d just be kind of hard to deal with, aha.
Something I was curious about, what was your inspiration for making a game with so much customization?
Initially, the idea was just about having a romance where you actually grew up with the LI. But it was pretty stressful to try deciding how fast the relationship would progress with it taking place over such a long period of time and with no real storyline carrying it. People might not wanna play a game where the characters don’t get along as kids, but other people might not bother with a game where kids immediately liked each other. So the obvious answer came, just let the player pick themselves how it goes. From there we simply continued to add more flexibly with the MC due to the same thought process of wanting to make sure people were onboard with how their life was going.
What made you decide to change the artstyle for ol 2 so much? I of course respect all your decisions and will buy the shit out of everything related to ol 2, but i love the original style and i m honestly not a fan of the styles shown on patreon, despite me liking the painterly style in general. (I don t mind the style being changed, just that the examples shown so far all feel like there s something wrong with them.) 
We’ve always used different art styles for each of our projects. They all have distinct looks from each other. It’s just nice to do something new. I’m glad you really like how the first game looks, though. And those samples were only general concepts, rather than the exact options being decided between. We wanted to see reactions to different options. The art style we’re going with won’t be exactly like those, though I personally like all of them. I think players are gonna enjoy the style Our Life: Now & Forever when it’s revealed.
Hey! Is it ok to ask what gender ourlife2 protagonist will be and if we'll be given the same opportunity to customize an MC? Totally understand if you're keeping this under wraps for now if u don't wanna say! 
OL2 will have the same type of MC customization as OL1, but even more refined! So their gender will be up to you.
Hi! I happened upon Our Life on Steam by pure chance. It is such a great game, I am super excited about the DLC, and I just want you all to know that you are awesome! :D I have a question, and I'm sorry if it's been asked before. Do you have plans of making more games similar to Our Life, with customizable player character? The customizable player character was probably the one thing I personally have been desperate for in romance VNs. So glad there finally is one and would love to see more.
Thank you! And yep, we do have plans for more games like Our Life, most notably is another game in the franchise- Our Life: Now & Forever. We’ll also likely have other, non-OL, games with customizable MCs, though we may still have some games with set MCs in the future as well.
On the patreon dlc just curious but is it possible to play it without actually sleeping together/getting the nsfw content? I just want to spend more time with Cove 
Yeah, you can still choose not to go that far. Though the event is shorter if you pass on the 18+ stuff.
At the beginning of Step 2, did Cove end up accidentally falling asleep in your bed? Or did he fall asleep on the floor? 
He fell asleep sitting on the floor with his body/head leaning against the side of the bed.
This may seem like a weird question, but what exactly is the difference between "direct" and "relaxed" on the comfort scale?
Direct is blunter and more teasing, relaxed is lighthearted and goes with the flow.
can the MC have tattoos in step 3? 
Not in Step 3, but you can in Step 4.
how would Cove react if he visited somewhere like North Carolina in winter where it can get in the 20s(F) at night sometimes? 
He would be shocked and unprepared for what serious coldness is really like, haha. The poor beach baby would wanna go home.
Hello! I just joined the PATREON!! It’s amazing! I love your games! I have a question, approximately how much after will the nsfw be out? After or before the dlc 3 and step four? Sorry my English isn’t the best!❤️❤️❤️ 
Thanks so much! The NSFW DLC will be out after the Step 3 DLC but before Step 4. And you don’t need to apologize for that ^^.
This might be obvious but, will step 4 have dlcs? Also, where will the nsfw dlc happen? Won't bother me at all if it s in in our or his house but i do think it d be moderately funny 
Step 4 will have the Cove Wedding DLC and the Derek and Baxter romance DLCs each add a lot of new content to Step 4, though they’re also partially set in Step 2 and Step 3 respectively. The NSFW DLC happens in Cove’s room.
I keep wondering what would've happened if Mr. Holden met Lizzie first instead of the MC. I can't see that turning out well somehow lol. 
It wouldn’t have made a difference. He met the MC’s parents first and they told him about their two kids. He wanted the MC specifically to be Cove’s friend because the two were the same age.
Even though we have a way to go I'm really excited for OL 2! I was curious though, is the next main character going to be adopted again? I thought it was really clever to make the first main character adopted so when players are customizing,  they can make them look how ever they like without worrying about pesky genetics. Just wondering! 
The OL2 MC is not adopted. We wanted to go for a new dynamic. Instead their parents are their biological single mother who is partially customizable and an off-screen sperm donor father. So the mom will look generally like the MC and any other traits not from her can be assumed to come from whoever the father was.
—– —– —–
Thank you so much for all the asks ^^
FAQ   If you prefer to just see the main posts without all the asks/reblogs, feel free to follow our side account instead: GB Patch Updates Blog
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damn-stark · 4 years
Time changes
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Poe Dameron x stormtrooper!reader
Requested by anon “Can I request a Poe x stormtrooper! Reader? Like, Finn convinces reader to leave the First Order shortly after he did, and Poe is smitten with her when Finn introduces them to each other? -&”
A/N- again if you guys have other Poe requests, send em!!
Warning- small angst, fluff and characters pining against one another.
Time is meant to be endless. But as a stormtrooper there is no promise to live another day, hour or minute.
You’re just meant to live without time (unless when it benefits them), you’re just supposed to fight mindlessly, just live like puppets. Only used and aware when they use you.
Nobody wants to live that life. You don’t want to live that life, but you’re...meant to.
Just meant to work and work, fight and—
In a matter of seconds, at the sight of someone familiar you’d thought you would never see again, you lose your train of thought and stop before him completely baffled.
You blink and part your lips to say his number, but at the sight of two strangers next to him you blink again. Only being able to mutter in disbelief after hearing the familiar sound of a droids chirping coming from under a...trash bin? “FN-2187?!”
A smile slowly attempts to tug on your lips, but part of you is still in disbelief that you were seeing your friend.
“It’s uh Finn now actually.” He announces making you express a lighthearted scoff.
“What are you doing back? You’re supposed to be long gone, not back two days later.” You remark in a louder worried tone. “If they see you they’ll kill you.”
“They won’t see me, we—”
“We d-dont have time for this.” The older man that was with FN—with Finn interrupts.
Finn looks over his shoulder to the man and sighs. “Yeah you’re right.” Finn looks back at you and takes a step towards you. “Come with me.”
“Finn.” The girl behind him calls.
“T-talking and w-w-walking.” The man suggests.
Finn nods and grabs your shoulder to turn you around and take you with him as he continues with whatever it was he and his...friends were here for.
“What are you doing here, Finn?” You probe further, “who are they?”
“The girl is my friend Rose and the guy...well he’s Dj. A man who’s going to help us break into the room where the tracker is to stop them from tracking the resistance.”
“Oh,” you mouth, glancing down at the hidden droid. “The droid is yours?”
“A friends. The resistance fighter who I broke out.”
You hum and continue walking with him even if you are still worried about his intentions. “You better not get caught. You got out, I know you wouldn’t want to be back here.”
“I will.” Finn assures you, “but you’re coming with me. I wanted to bring you with me before, but I couldn’t, but now I can. Come with me. You can fight for the right side, have your own name and be free.”
“I—” you pause and sigh. There's nothing you would want more, but to leave, be something more than a puppet for the first order. But you have to wonder, what if they capture you and imprison you again? Get forced to be the same as you are now. Just another nameless soldier.
“What if they take me again?” You finally manage to say, blinking up to look at him.
“I won’t let that happen.” Finn assures you, “nobody will. I promise.” He offers you a small warm smile that you can’t help but mirror and feel assured. “So what do you say? Do you want to get out of here?”
Your smile pulls into a smirk and you nod. “I do.”
Finally. This was going to be your time to finally be free.
Okay perhaps leaving and moments after escaping the First Order didn’t go as smoothly as you’d initially thought (too much wishful thinking on your part) but you got out. You were free. No more strings.
Yet you had to wonder.
“Are you sure it’s okay for me to be here?” You ask Finn once you both finally manage to find a peaceful time after the chaos.
“I’m sure,” he assures you with a kind smile, “they took me in didn’t they?”
You suck air through your teeth and feign a cringed look. “Did they though?”
Finn shoots you a pointed glare and fakes his laugh. Just as he’s about to retort a voice interrupts his thoughts. “Hey.”
Both Finn and you turn to notice a man you had seen many times before. Finn’s friend you assume, but can’t be certain of since there was no downtime for introductions when you first arrived. There wasn’t even time to take everyone in, everything was a rush after you left.
But now that you did have the time, you took a good look at the resistance fighter, noticing he was in fact very handsome and even if from the outside he looked intimidating, his eyes told a different story. They were dark and warm. There was something instantaneously captivating about him.
You can’t help but smile as you greet him. “Hello.”
His eyes drift to you and he blinks repeatedly, letting his lips tug into a half smile and uttering the same words he had said before. Only this time his voice sounded softer. “Hi.”
An amused grin grows on your lips and you surpass the need to laugh at his reaction. Something Finn notices too.
“Poe this is one of my oldest and best friends from the order,” Finn pauses for a brief moment to look at you, smiling to himself as an idea comes to his mind. “Y/N.”
Your eyebrows furrow and you tilt your head to meet his gaze. “Really?”
Finn shrugs, “take it or leave it, I’m not choosing anything else.”
You groan, “fine, I’ll take it.”
Finn rolls his eyes and turns back to his friend. “Anyways as I was saying, y/n meet Poe. The resistance fighter that helped me escape. Without him I don’t know where I’d be.”
Poe scoffs and shakes his head. “You got to give yourself some credit. If it wasn’t for your bravery in helping me break out I wouldn’t be alive.”
Finn scoffs too and just shrugs nonchalantly, noticing Poe’s gaze fall on you again and deciding to make an excuse to apparently do something else for a quick moment. Leaving Poe and you alone.
“So,” Poe breaks the silence, “what did you do when you were part of the first order? Were you a pilot? Or a foot soldier just like Finn?”
You shake your head and find yourself unable to break your gaze away from his. “No, I was a mechanic.”
“Ah, you’re in luck then, I need some help, this ship is falling apart by the second. Could you help me?”
You offer a short nod and begin to follow him to where he needs you, ending up below the floor of the ship and instantly seeing a solution for his problem.
“Lucky I got you here, another second and maybe the ship would’ve stopped in the vacuum space.” Poe tells you smugly.
You scoff and shake your head as you hook a last wire in another input. “Don’t say that or I’ll believe your lies.”
Poe chuckles. “Hey, I only compliment people when I see true amazing skill.”
You climb back up to the floor and show him a smirk, “you’re feeding my ego, it’s a dangerous thing.”
Poe shrugs with a faint smirk on his lips, choosing to change the subject shortly thereafter. “You know how to fly?”
You shake your head and sit across from him, letting your legs dangle over the open gap. “I could pull apart any ship and rebuild it without a need for a blueprint, and maybe even with my eyes closed, but I cannot for the life of me fly a ship. I’ve never had the chance.”
Poe quirks a brow at your surprising answer. “Really? I thought you would? I thought you would know how to do everything considering you’re a stormtrooper.”
You chuckle and shake your head. “That’s the stereotype, but no. I can sorta shoot a blaster, might as well have been born with the damn thing,” you explain, “and shooting is the first thing they teach you, but after that you aren’t taught much else. You get dropped into a station and you’re stuck there.” You shrug, “I’d love to learn though, I’ve always liked the concept of flying in space, feeling the adrenaline that comes with flying.”
Poe grins at looks at you with a soft gaze. Having to blink and express a sigh before he replied to you. “Flying is great and fun if you know how it enjoy it and do it properly.”
You smirk and slightly tilt your head. “Well if you know a great pilot that could teach me, please let me know. I’d love to learn.”
Poe smirks and leans his body closer to you. “I might know one or two.”
As if it had been out of instinct you lean in too, having your gaze briefly fall to his lips before you force yourself to look back at his dark eyes and respond. “Is that so?”
He nods and hums, “Mhmm, for starters,” he remarks smugly, letting his eyes fall to your lips for a brief moment. “I can teach you. I’m a great pilot. It wouldn’t cost you anything either.”
You bite the inside of your cheek and bat your eyelashes. “Really? That’s hard to believe. I mean being a great pilot and all, aren’t you busy?”
Poe shrugs and his smug smile spreads wider, “well I’m making an exception. For a pretty face and a new friend.”
You quirk a brow and again look down at his lips as you lean in again. Smirking as you see Poe cockily lick his lips when he leans in too. Leaving only a couple inches left between the both of you.
“well in that case sign me up. Just let me know when.”
“I could now.” He offers.
You stroke your chin and hum as you pretend to be in deep thought. Answering only after you pull away and stand to your feet. “I can’t right now, I’m busy. The ship needs some fixing. But how about in a more private setting? I tend to learn quicker when it’s just a one on one lesson. Crowds,” you roll out slowly, “distract me.”
Poe scoffs at your actions and chooses to stand up as well, taking a step towards you and choosing to quickly add more in the same soft and low voice. “You name the time and day and it’s a date.”
“Well that depends on you,” you shrug, “when are you free?”
“I’m free tomorrow night, how does that sound?”
You walk forward and stop to look over your shoulder to shoot him a sweet smile. “Sounds like a date.”
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lockewrites · 5 years
His Fault in Her Scars
A follow up to “Sparring Match.”
Trevelyan x Hawke || SFW || 1634 words AO3 & FF
Garrett learns about the extensive scarring Corinne has from her initial run-in with Corypheus. (I totally stole the title from a movie/book I've never read.)
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“Shit,” Hawke breathed in sympathetic astonishment as he stood holding the pavilion’s flap open.
The glow of the setting sun mixed with the pale hue emitting from the healer’s hands and the lanterns set out on the various tables, one of which held Corinne’s sitting figure. Her back was to him, completely bare save for her breast band; the faint freckles splattered across her back and shoulders were interrupted by a few bruises from their earlier sparring, as well as a vast amount of pink and white scars, varying in size and depth. His eyes followed every welt, every divot, every mar, completely fixated on the image before him; that is, until the view was twisted and the owner’s voice spoke.
Corinne waved away the healer and swung her legs over to the opposite side of the table to face him. Her eyes ran down the length of him, looking for any indication that he was injured; she furrowed her brow when she found none
“What are you doing here?”
He closed his mouth, not realizing it had been partially agape, and after moving to allow the healer to leave, he took a few steps forward until he was just a short distance in front of her. The sunlight disappeared as the flap fluttered shut, leaving the two in the flickering light of the lanterns which reflected off her hazel eyes, illuminating the yellow undertones.
“I was looking for you actually,” he replied, forcing his tone to be lighthearted despite the pity he held for her. His signature smirk spread across his face with his words. “I figured you owed me a drink for nearly blowing me up today.”
A soft scoff vibrated in her throat as she pushed herself down from the table. “I nearly blew you up? You did just as much damage to me as I did to you.” She grabbed her shirt and began pulling one sleeve up her right arm. “Tell you what. I’ll buy you a drink if you buy me a drink,” she offered, matching his grin with one of her own. Her movements slowed as her right arm dressed the other; the smile fell and an involuntarily groan escaped from her.
Hawke reached out, but stopped, unsure of what to do or what was wrong. “And here I thought I only left you with a bruise or two,” he said, deflecting his worry with humor. “Do you need any help?”
“Ha, you don’t get credit for this,” she remarked, pointing to her right shoulder. “And no, I’ve got it. I just… I can do it.”
Her fingers rolled the hem of the shirt up to the collar and slowly lifted it up; a wince replaced her smile and in a poor attempt to hide her reaction from Hawke, she turned back around toward the table.
Even if he hadn’t noticed her pained expression, her struggled movements were obvious enough. He gently gripped her right elbow and held it in place while his free hand took hold of the wad of fabric between her hands. 
“I said I can do it,” she insisted but put forth no further effort to deny his help.
He chuckled and shook his head even though she couldn’t see it. 
“Why is it that all the women I know are so stubborn?”
After tugging the shirt a few times, she released her grip and allowed him to pull it down the length of her back, hiding the disfigured skin. His knuckles brushed against her spine, sending a shiver through her body and raising small bumps against his hand.
“Maybe you just bring out their very best.” Her left arm fell to her side, but the other remained in his grasp; carefully, he lowered it until it too was perpendicular to the ground. “Thanks,” she muttered grudgingly. 
“Now, was that so hard?” he teased, prodding her with his elbow.
With a harsh shove, she warned, “Keep being an ass and you’re not getting that drink.”
Hawke let out a laugh and wrapped an arm around her shoulder, “Alright, alright. I’ll keep on my best behavior just for you.”
“Well, aren’t you sweet."
She allowed him to lead her out of the healing tent and through the courtyard; a few lingering glances followed the pair into the tavern, whispering among themselves. The residents of Skyhold always seemed to cling onto the tiniest bit of gossip-worthy information they could, and if there was none to be found, they’d create it. Numerous rumors about her supposed interest shared between her and her companions and advisers had already run rampant through Cullen’s forces. Soon, she’d be hearing about the imagined romantic exploits she and Hawke shared after such a sexually-fueled sparring match. She scoffed inwardly and rolled her eyes before swinging the tavern door shut behind them.
They settled in at the bar and ordered ale for each other. The bard’s lute and voice carried over the conversations in the tavern; Corinne listened and tapped her fingers against the wooden counter in time with the music. She’d never understand why so many complained about Maryden; her songs were entertaining and her voice was captivating. 
“Here you go,” the dwarf behind the counter announced, dropping two mugs in front of them.
Corinne waved a quick thanks to the barkeep before taking a drawn out swig of her drink. She finished with a satisfied sigh and placed it back down, “I needed that.”
Hawke smiled into his mug before putting it next to hers, “So, Inquisitor-”
“You have no idea what I was going to say!” he laughed.
She shook her head, “Don’t call me ‘Inquisitor.’ Call me ‘Corinne,’ and try again.”
“Right. Sorry. So, Corinne,” he began, fixing his previous error, “You’ve done quite a number on your back and shoulder. Can I ask how?” Normally, he would’ve kept his curiosity quiet, but she hadn’t seemed embarrassed or concerned about covering up when he entered the healer’s tent. He regretted his words, however, when he noticed her tense up at the question. “You don’t have to-”
“No, it’s fine,” she assured. “It’s just… I don’t know. I try not to think about the injuries; I wasn’t exactly having that great of a time when it happened.” She had pushed them so far out of her mind, she never thought about them any longer; she didn’t even know what they looked like. Her healer offered a looking glass, but Corinne didn’t want to see; ignorance was bliss, right? “I’m guessing they look awful, otherwise, you wouldn’t have asked.”
He wished he could take back the question. He knew he shouldn’t have said anything, but wonder won over his sense of judgement; it always did. “Really, Corinne, I’m not going to die of curiosity if you don’t tell me.”
She raised a brow and looked over at him, “Are you sure? You’d end up asking Varric anyway.”
Her eyes remained on him, searching for the extent of his curiosity. A melancholic chuckle broke up her words before she continued. “After we closed the Breach, Haven was attacked by Corypheus, but I’m sure you already know that part."
Hawke nodded.
"Corypheus’s dragon threw me around a bit and tore through my armor," she explained, her tone nonchalant. "And, as if that wasn’t enough, I had to jump through the wooden base where a trebuchet had been and, with my armor being useless at this point, the wood added on to the damage already done by the dragon."
Taking a pause, Corinne downed another long swig of her drink, and Hawke simply blinked at her.
"And the shoulder’s gone to shit from landing on it over and over again during that fight.”
Her eyes remained fixated on the grain of the wood, and though her tone was light, the pain of every laceration, every fractured bone, every impact to her body pounded through her with each heartbeat. 
Throughout the story, Hawke watched her. The guilt he felt for the pain she endured was overwhelming; if he had truly defeated Corypheus, none of this would’ve happened. The temple wouldn’t have been destroyed, the Divine wouldn’t have been murdered, and Corinne wouldn’t have been thrust into the center of it all. He may have been the Champion of Kirkwall, but he never solved any of the city’s problems, he made them worse, just as he had for his siblings. Even now, his actions were causing issues.
“I’m… I’m so sorry,” he said, pulling her attention to him.
Her expression was one of confusion, and as much as he wanted to explain to her how it was all his fault, he didn’t want to put the thoughts in her mind. She already knew that he had faced and killed Corypheus, but she didn’t seem to blame him… not yet, at least.
“You didn’t deserve anything that’s happened to you.” In fact, if Cassandra had her way, he would’ve been Inquisitor and he would have the burden and responsibility of this war, not her. Just one more regret to add on to that list. “Fuck,” he muttered, more to himself than to her.
“What?” She was completely lost; whatever thoughts he’d been sifting through he kept to himself.
He held her eyes with his, fighting the urge to reach out and wrap his arms around her and apologize, over and over until the words repeated themselves. Maybe if he said them enough, they’d make her forget everything that’s turned her life to shit. 
“I’m sorry,” he repeated, pushing himself off the bar stool. “I… I have to go. Here.” He tossed a few coins on the counter before turning for the door. Only Varric could handle him prattling on about his guilt, and right now, that’s what he needed. He needed his best friend.
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Chapter 96: Unspoken Rule
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Man I thought it would be a lot longer before I did another of these, but as it turns out I fucking hate in between pages.  Y’know, those pages between the actual good and interesting shit?  Y’know the parts that are in between the fun parts, but you have to have them to actually move characters to the good parts? The parts that are boring and filler?  Yeah as an artist/writer I hate those too and it took me most of the week to come up with a page to make it not boring as sin.  Sadly this means, ANOTHER RANT!  And this time we are taking a look at Unspoken Rule. But before we do, I’d like to share with you the bit of panic that set in and what kind of pressure I had on me when trying to force an update.  For a second I thought that this rant was going to be about…
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And I was very, very, scared.
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Thankfully a friend notified me that I don’t know how to count, so we’re talking about this chapter instead!  Boy what a relief that was, I thought.  But it seemed a bit disappointing.  I hadn’t heard anything of this page, seems like it’ll be a short rant.  That won’t do.  So I figured, “hey if there’s not much to say.  Fuck it, we’ll do a double feature with the carnival…”
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Sadly, I have something to say.
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And we start with a good lighthearted joke.  Although, that expression in the first panel throws it off a bit.  The dialogue on the initial read says snark and sassy, but the face says honest concern, but then we show it is snarky.  So the face is just, confusing.  Not worth kicking up a fuss about, but definitely a headscratcher.
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Anyway, on to what’s actually happening.  Which is Mike is being nervous and back and forth about wanting to talk to Lucy and apologize.  And it’s so weird to me.  This is such a serious plot point, and major conflict in the story, yet this is played for laughs. And not even good laughs, just hollow jokes it feels almost tasteless.  But not as tasteless as this:
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Alright guys, see this?
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I am absolved of this being uncharacteristically brash and open.  If Taeshi can do that kind of rudeness, so can I.  Lucy is just so cold now, it feels bad.  Not out of character, not unrealistic, just…bad.
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But moving from that, we get into these two.   And…
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Awww…th-this is actually pretty sad. And engaging.
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But seriously, this a very nice scene. It’s kind of touching, and it’s a moment I wish we had more of.  
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It’s…actually very nice. The characters are finally airing their grievances, and we’re getting somewhere. I…I actually like th-
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IT’S IN THE PRINTED BOOK! Taeshi saw this, drew it, posted it, and got whatever feedback from it.  Then later came back, saw it, and edited a bunch of things for the book, and decided, “No that’s fine.  We’ll leave it there, that’s perfectly okay.”  And just left it there!  WHY?!  You had a good scene, an actual honest to god, good scene.  And you had to just make a dumb joke, and ruin the whole mood.  This is the sort of bad run and gun cheap gag sort of shtick that you’d expect to see from Volume 1!  Except, even Volume 1 knew when to take itself seriously, and maintain that serious tone!  I mean imagine if this happened in something like Zach’s talk with Lucy.
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Any good graces this scene had, in setting up these two working out their problems and moving in a nice direction is thrown out the window now, and for what?!  What’s the purpose?  Why would yo-
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Oh…Oh no…
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Please, have mercy! You already stabbed my back, please don’t stab me in the heart! Please, not like this!
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Aaaugh, no!  Not like this!  Poor Rachel!  It’s not fair I can’-
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I-is…Is that it?
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Are you kidding me?
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That’s it?  Two pages?  Really? That’s how you’re breaking it off?  This is how you’re going to stab me? Look, there’s like 3 more inches left in the knife, come on.  Push it deeper.  Twist it, I know you want to.  WHY ARE YOU HOLDING BACK? FUCKING WORK THIS SCENE AND MAKE ME CRY!  
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To fleshing her out, to be deep, thoughtful, caring, and supportive.  Rachel is my favorite character, and it’s not because she’s a slut it’s because she represented something in this comic that had been absent.  
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Natural character development.  That wasn’t brought on by some big event shaking their entire core, and changing them. In fact, one of the best things about Rachel is that despite how differently her character’s reception is from Volume 6 compared to Volume 1, her personality, her attitude, and her core is mostly unchanged.  
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She’s still slutty, she’s overweight, she’s silly.  But a big part of why I love her as a character, and why I think many others do as well, is because never does it seem to be a negative to her.  We don’t see her get upset, or self-conscious about her weight, or her sexual behavior, because she’s confident in herself and accepts herself. Not only that, but she’s shown to take charge, stand up and not be afraid to call out what she sees is wrong. And outside of her character…
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She was a role model for Paulo.  Unlike Jasmine whose relationship was more Paulo bending himself to fit her lifestyle, Rachel was a character who accepted and supported Paulo’s lifestyle, but at the same time helped steer him to do the right thing.  And in a comic where almost every fucking character is so intent on dancing around their issues and waiting until it blows up in their face, Rachel served as an example of someone who had it together.  A proactive person, who didn’t want to see these characters get worse.
I have ranted and gone off on a lot of decisions and actions that these characters have done, but not once did I ever scratch my head or think twice about something that Rachel did. Her character didn’t need a bunch of insight, and excuses about hormones or “they’re teenagers, lol!” to understand her.  She simply was who she was, and I respect that.
In short…
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Despite everything that my history with this comic gave me, the feelings I developed from all the bullshit that has happened in this story, despite all of that.  It was this one character, what she brought to the table, and what she did for the comic and its characters, that gave me something I thought I’d long lost, and never thought I’d ever regain.
She gave me hope in this comic.  That it would finally have its characters be proactive, regain its humor, and bring itself out of the slump it made for itself.  With this character, and the writing behind her, I believed Taeshi was finally on the right track, and was setting up something great that would grow the characters and build upon them naturally.
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But that’s not what we got. And the real bitch of it is, this could’ve been a real emotional moment. A well executed front-stab.  We knew it was coming, we saw the writing on the wall, but we still needed to face the music.  It was set up to be a wonderful tragedy, where both parties are well aware of the futility of their relationship.  They understand each other, and why it won’t work, but also don’t want to let go.  And I was going to make a comparison to Two Kinds, because they had a similar scenario with Trace’s wife and the whole idea of moving on is a recurring theme… But looking back I realized something.  I don’t need to bring a comparison to Two Kinds or someone else’s comic, and no I’m not even going to draw a comparison of what I would’ve done in this situation by drawing a comparison to False Idol’s future scene (although I was thinking about that).  No, we don’t need to look too far because you know what the real sad part about this is?
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We’ve had this conversation before.
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And just look at it. Look how heartbreaking this is.  This is how it should’ve been.  You see that Paulo understands what she’s saying, he knows what she means and how bittersweet their relationship is.  It is one of the best moments from the newer volumes, and their inevitable breakup should’ve been a turning point.  It should’ve marked a big life-changing moment for Paulo.  Where he is sad about how he’s making Rachel feel, but he’s unsure about his own feelings. Maybe Rachel makes the decision for him and breaks it off, and Paulo realizes how hurtful his behavior is, and that he can’t play games with people anymore, that it’s not fair.  It could be the moment Paulo turns a new leaf and becomes more mature, and in seeing that; Rachel can let go taking some solace in knowing that he is a better person now.
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But instead we got this…
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We’re not even halfway through this god damn chapter. Well where is it taking us now?
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Huh…and it seems that the writing is not going to change pace either, I wonder where this is going.
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Oh boy, everyone’s getting into teams!  And oh man, Lucy’s going up against Mike!  And boy is this contrived.  And what’s even worse, is that despite how much Taeshi has shunned Volume 1 and its stupid sense of humor, and how shoddy it was.  Volume 1 wasn’t THIS contrived, and when it was, it was pretty tongue in cheek about it.  In fact!
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This sounds like something Volume 1 would MAKE FUN OF.  But let’s give the benefit of the doubt maybe it’s not that bad.  It might have something going on, an-
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(It’s interesting, I think I have like 3 reaction pics of Sam trying to shoot herself, but this one just can not be matched.  And it’s not even meant for the rants.)
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You know what?  I’m not even gonna bother going over this part. No one will be seated during the harrowing “Will they won’t they” inconsequential dodgeball fight. Although I will say,
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Not gonna lie, that actually got a laugh out of me.  Good job. Anyway, Lucy catches the ball and wins the game who cares.  But then…
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First of all
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Look at those arms. Damn Lucy what happened?  You’re looking like two toothpicks in a marshmallow.   But more than that.  Did I read that right?
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Yeah!  It’s not like you stopped practicing Martial Arts!  Why would you?  It’s not like you had some serious physical trauma happen to stop you-
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But I’m just combing cotton here, this all just fluff.  There’s really only one thing left to talk about here.
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And I’ll be honest.
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Pretty good.
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This is honestly really well done.  There’s nothing I can say about this.  It’s a very serious moment, I can feel Taeshi reaching for my heartstrings but I…I’m okay with it.  This was the moment I wanted to see.  Finally these characters air out some of their grievances.  We get insight to how they feel, we are finally getting somewhere. It’s not nice, but it’s progress an-
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Fuck you too, Taeshi.
Three times.
Three fucking times in one chapter, that you set up something good.  Had a good thing going, and then decided to fuck it up at the end. That’s a new record.  Even when I expected nothing out of this chapter, you manage to let me down.  You astound me with how much you disappoint me.  If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were doing it to intentionally troll me. But I’m not that vain.  Fuck you Taeshi, I’ve said this before but always with the tone of hyperbole, and a bit of optimistic cynicism.  But this time I really mean it.  I have no more faith in you as a writer.  Whatever you come up with, however this ride ends.  I don’t think you will pull it off anymore.  I don’t think you have the competence to tie this up in a proper way.  At one point you could’ve.  At one point, I think you had it in you with the mindset, the creativity, and the emotional drive to tell a well-crafted story.  But not anymore, and I despise what you’ve become.    Let’s get this stupid chapter over with.
What’s next?  What are we doing huh?  What are we getting at?
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I see.  This is where we’re going huh? That’s what all this was for?
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I give it a 2/10.  Until next time, guys. 
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aspiestvmusings · 6 years
Hi,do you think scorpion was canceled just because of the ratings? Or was there something else we don’t know about?
You answer your question within your question. But let me get to the point after this long detour… (if you wish to read JUST the answer, scroll down to the very end… to get to the “answer”…)
Think about it. 
The show was moved into the Monday night comedy block…and yet it was originally supposed to be a drama with a comedy heart. It is also a “family show”, yet it was moved to the end of the Monday night line-up, airing at 10PM timeslot. The shows ratings and viewer numbers started to go down (as they do with almost every single network show as seasons go by)… And though we may never know what the Nielsen box owners think and what the regular/random tv viewers think about the show… we know that most online fans thought the shows writing suffered over the seasons, and that the hearty dramedy kinda fell into its own trap… choosing quantity over quality, choosing to go too far over the line. Becoming kinda ridiculous… even for a comic book superhero fun show. We know only what other vocal fans online think about the shows “progress” over the years. We do not know what most viewers think, but we know what many (online) fans do.  
Think about it. 
The official TV (spoiler) news & sites (and the network itself in their press releases) are referring to the shows lower-than-before ratings/viewer numbers and the fact that it just wasn’t working for them (on Monday nights…) and did not perform as well as they expected it to do. (writing an analysis on the possible reasons why that was so, and making suggestions what could have been done… by network, byt showrunners/writers to make it better… would take more time and energy than I choose to spend on this issue.) 
They did not choose alderman Sly’s tactic…and coming up with solutions that make everything better… (Sly is making West Altadenia better with his street-lights & anti-bullying programs). They chose to not give other options a try, and instead start from clean slate. Taking the risk with new shows -since key demo that they’re after is younger audience, who just weren’t engaging with the show - they essentially (to put it in very rough terms) chose to replace the oldies with fresh and young faces. The network is obviously trying to attract younger and newer audiences… and are using “new, fresh, “hip” shows as their tactical plan. Only time will tell is this works or not. (I’m not the type of customer, but who knows about the regular US viewer and their preferences… in mindless medium?) 
But obviously they did not care about the syndication deal/money enough to give it even a short 10-13 episode final season (remember: we’re at episode 94…or so…), so the show was only 6 or so episodes away from 100th episode,, and syndication deal. They also obviously did not want to move it to any other night either. It wasn’t working as part of the Monday night lineup, but they obviously couldn’t fit it into any other night either. In my personal opinion, which does not reflect anyone else, the show lost its way… it was still officially a drama, but it had become a comedy basically. And the kind that laughs at itself/its own jokes. It wasn’t the best of boths anymore, it was neither really… lately… not a comedy, not a drama, so harder to fit into any nights programme. 
If you’d ask me, I’d say that a show which has gotten lost…and so far off the tracks that it (its showrunners/writers) can’t find the original path anymore.. because they’re not even willing to… is (to quote Happy Quinn) not good. A show which has become so inconsistent, and which is trying to fit too much content into too little space (too many plotlines, and not enough time spent on any of them), is not on the favourites list… when making decisions what to keep and what to let go. A show which promotes itself as being about team of geniuses, who are a family and each others support system (THEM against the world), but which has such poor scientific quality… is not very believable. Even for a  show that’s supposed to be light and just-for-fun entertainment the content became “too silly”. 
Can’t relate to a genius, who is being (science) dumb. Can’t relate to a team of geniuses who instead of their initial goal to add new EQ layers to their IQ become unrecognizable and forgetting their hearts… whenever it’s needed for the plot. Can’t take seriously empathetic geniuses who have forgotten their own struggles, and who instead of adding EQ and becoming more empathetic towards each other/everyone just become meaner towards anyone different than them…and anyone, who is like them in the past. Can’t be interested in watching a show which promotes itself as one thing, but in it’s core is (read: has become) another thing :(  
ETA: This is sadly the fate of most network shows, cause networks & writers don’t know any other way to  “develop” these personal storylines. And over time quantity wins over quality - most shows suffer from trying to fit too many plots into the show & dropping old/ongoing plots when new “better” ideas come to mind and/or when they think something isn’t working (instead of finishing the “notworking” plot before moving to new one, it’s kinda left unfinished).Maybe the statistics are right, and this is what the average US TV-viewer wants. Maybe the supply meets the demand. Maybe I’m just having a hard time believing how not-smart oriented network tv is. 
A show that uses drama for only dramas sake. And not in the usual TV show style. But extra… A show that has it’s socially challenged characters bully each-other, and not get called out on it. A show that is so inconsistent, and so “aimless” that  it is unacceptable even if taking into account that it is a lighthearted fiction entertainment program on network TV. They all were past the level they were dragged back to… to empathize the IQ vs EQ main theme of the show. When there were other ways….. when it could’ve been done honouring their development. The back & fort became so inconsistent… it didn’t fit the low-EQ slow learning curve and 1 step forward/2 steps back style… it just became… weird.
If I was the person making decision I’d given the show another chance (but only if a deal with the showrunners was made that they’d up their game. And after everything I’d given then a short 13-episode final season (if there was no room for full season), and moved the show to a different night…. or maybe even to be aired during summer. But a final deal only if the show would present their plans for what’s next in detail, and there would be sure signs of improvement in quality of storytelling, and a clear path. 
But… I’m me, and I measure TV shows differently than networks do. I look for the quality of content, the writing and consistency. I do not care about adds, revenue, ratings, and viewer numbers. I’m a terrible business person. The networks are looking at different things than I do when making renewal/cancellation decisions. So their cancellation decision was reached by looking at other things… not the plotlines I consider the “deal breakers”
…and to get back to your question….
Think about it. 
IF there would be something else (besides the lowering ratings/viewer numbers and the other reasons started in official press news) that we don’t know about then how am I supposed to answer your question if I (because you & I are part of the “we” aka “fandom” that you are referring to in your ask) don’t know about any other possible reasons behind the decision to not renew the show. So… it is impossible for me to answer as I can’t tell you something that I don’t know (about), can I?
PS. THIS, JUST LIKE MOST SPOILER/TV QUESTIONS I GET, HAS BEEN ALREADY ANSWERED IN MY PRIOR POSTS. SEE: HERE (post + tags) As I always say… IF and when I have anything to say/add/comment on any TV related stuff, I will make my own post, and the answers are always found in my posts. And it’s not that I don’t want to answer, it’s just that I don’t have anything to say. All I’ve had to say, I’ve already expressed on this blog. 
And we can speculate as much as we want, and we can ever have ”inside info” (know more than the official statements say), but… we still can’t say anything, and can’t say anything for sure… And as I originally said… I do expect there to be some rumours.. as there always are after fan-fave show cancellations, but I won’t take part in commenting on those. At least that’s my position right now. But yes, it seems to me (based on what is known… that) there was more to the decision than just the thing mentioned in the press release. Maybe I am wrong, and the studio/network made the decision purely based on the things they mentioned, but everything points to those other (not mentioned) things also playing a part. But… those are only “need to know” and we, the fans don’t need to know (read: are not supposed to know about those other things)
PS. I do plan to write one more post… regarding the show and the series/season 4 finale. But I need time to really sit down and write the thoughts down. But in short… after I re-watched the finale (back-to-back with the Pilot)…  I actually think this was a quite fitting book-end ending. Sure…not the happy ending most expect. But it was still kinda “coming a full circle” ending. From the Walt/Janice opening scene in Pilot to the Walt/Paige end scene in Finale. To the introduction and forming of the team.. to the “dismantling” of the team.
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frostsong · 4 years
FADE (v.2)
meteor!wol/euphemie. slight au where euphemie is not the warrior of light, but rather a dragoon in the service of ishgard due to her family’s loss of land and title.
on saying goodbye and leaving some things left unsaid. 
“You have no idea how much I loathed this one.” His eyes are on her back but he can see her roll her eyes as she hoists something old and yellowed up from the chest.
 When she spreads it he can recognize the detailed etchings and intricate patterns of white lace, layered by some sort of heavier fabric that kept it from being completely transparent.  “To think it was here all this time...” He muses with a nod. While he’s no stranger to hearing thoughts that aren’t his own, to being in places he shouldn’t belong, Euphemie never once made him feel excluded. It seemed she had that effect on everyone, and in her sly jokes, dimpled smiles and gentle reassurances he felt needed, wanted. It was the least of what he could expect since being granted solace in Ishgard, but past the chilly initial reception he had proven himself worthy of a name within the city walls, while the rest of the realm was still tentative on claiming him once again as their Warrior of Light.
“It certainly wouldn’t have been my first pick even if I’d known what would happen beforehand,” She shrugged with the dress folded around her forearm, a slip of dusky rose sliding past her shoulders and onto her chest.
“I’m more practical than that.” She gives him a smile, bitter and sweet, like an exhale after remembering a bad memory, and he smiles back.
“...Can I ask you something?” She pivots a step closer, relaxing her arms with the edge of her faded lace dress hover right above her boots.
He nods.
“Your Echo. Have you...ever seen anything with me?” Euphemie stops after another slow step closer, with an expectant gaze that was more curious than anything else. When he looks down and hesitates, she retreats her stare off to the side, feeling a tinge of remorse for bringing back what might have been something less than flattering, even if it could’ve been a memory of her own.
“I mean--you don’t have to tell me exactly what it was you saw, but...” 
“I didn’t see anything.” A relief to them both, and her shoulders sag with a laugh that barely covers a sigh. She’s had more than enough of her own share of troubles, and the last thing he needs is another addition to the weight of the world he has on his shoulders. Euphemie was almost giddy at the idea that she was among the few who wouldn’t be a burden by memory--only by association. And that second part was to be remedied by him leaving the city in short time, leaving her to pick up the pieces with the rest of her countrymen, for both the past and the future.
“When you’re out there...good luck.” She nods, rolling the dress tighter between her arm and chest. He nods in return again, giving her a smile with less shine than her own, but just as warm--maybe he’s learned from the best. The best in Ishgard, anyway. Or so Hilda can attest.
“Thank you...for everything,” He adds, making her blink in quiet surprise.
“though Ser Alberic and Heustienne did much to help pave the way for my training, I woudn’t’ve gotten anywhere had you not been there--” His efforts at a compliment were always sparse, awkward. But endearing nonetheless, and an annoying tug at her heartstrings grows all the more aggravating as he continues.
“--I don’t think I would’ve stood a chance against Nidhogg without your aid.” The wyrm’s name makes her chuckle, a laugh too lighthearted for a fight that held such monumental implications had he not bested him.
“Aid? By helping you with learning how to land...”
She dares a few steps closer, stopping once she’s half an arm’s reach away.
“...or by telling you about Coalline.” Despite his growing embarrassment at how close she is he laughs, gentle and lost in a soft breath.
“Both. Though I think we can both agree on not letting Estinien know.” 
“That’s more on my end. You’re leaving, so you can tell whoever you want that the Azure Dragoon cried over a lost karakul.” She nudges him playfully in the shoulder with a wink, and he grins.
“I’ll keep that in mind.” 
“Don’t bother, I know you’re too nice for that.” She waves it off with one hand as she returns to the chest with the messily folded dress, placing it right back where she found it, right back where it belongs.
“What are you going to do with this place?” His hand rests on the entrance of the room she used to call her own, and though the place has seen better days with less dust and cobwebs, all of the city is due for reconstruction, rebuilding, renewal.
“I thought of having a word with the clergy--the good ones, mind you--and having it turned into an orphanage. Think of how happy they’ll be to have a home closer to the Jeweled Crozier!” She beams wide at the thought of the little ones she’d encountered, whose eyes shone like the light of ice sprites when she’d uncovered the candy within her gauntlets. 
“Odile said she would help too, and Hilda--since we’ve done our share of the good, the chances of those with the right ties to the right people willing to give us their aid must be higher than ever. Better to strike while the iron’s hot, as they say?” His smile is warm and wide as he nods in agreement. 
“And you’d better stop by when you visit. I can already feel that they’ll be talking for you months on end--years, even.” The lid of the chest shuts with her twisting the lock to a resounding click.
“You have my word.” 
Her steps feel heavier as she approaches him again, with him pivoting to the side lest she seeks to leave first. The old key rolls uncomfortably between her fingers as she faces him at the foot of the door, lips pressed and twisting in the search for the right words--or at least, the ones she won’t regret. It’s the final moment for a while they’ll have with one another, and they’ve both let too much slip past their fingers to allow for another regret.
Instead, her gaze creeps up the folds of his shirt, the tip of his chin, before settling on his still downcast gaze, and she realizes he’s in the same predicament as herself.
She meant to say his name, plain and simple, but it comes off as more of a question, a plea for attention.
“...Thank you. For everything.” Her chin bobs with the weight of each word, with the thud of her heart. 
He smiles, less wide than before with a more muted shine--but the warmth never diminishes, never fades. 
“And to you as well...Euphemie.” 
She leaves first simply because it’s easier than to watch him do it himself. 
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