#whether via being family or shipping them
quibbs126 · 1 year
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So I talked about Frost Queen getting into the main story, and that a possible solution I could come up with being her just joining Dark Cacao in a story to recruit the dragons of his kingdom (assuming they do that), and my brain just kind of took that idea and started running with it, and it culminated in this
I personally like to read the text in a dramatic narrator voice
Also I don’t really know where the “Ice Cold Squad” bit came from, I just thought their names were too long and needed something else, and that’s what I did
Also my first time drawing Frost Queen. Her outfit wasn’t too bad, and I liked drawing her hair, but I did not like that crown. Also as to why Dark Cacao’s in that outfit and with no crown, well I thought since he’s going on a dragon recruiting trip, he probably wouldn’t bring his crown. And as for the outfit, well to be honest I just sort of started subconsciously drawing it. Also I thought “hey, Hollyberry’s got a different outfit than her normal one, give Dark Cacao one too (even though I just drew a pre-existing outfit)”, even though as I write this I realize that Dark Cacao’s outfit is a literal suit of armor and would probably be more suited for fighting than this one. The one excuse I can come up with for a new outfit is that the dragons’ domain is incredibly cold and he needs something better suited for it, as metal isn’t exactly going to keep him warm
But I mean honestly, maybe it’s because my brain has decided it’s interested in Frost Queen, and Dark Cacao is one of my hyperfixation characters, and/or it’s because I’ve recently seen quite a bit of content with Frost Queen and Dark Cacao, but I really want to see Frost Queen and Dark Cacao interact, and specifically the way I want them most to interact is just in a story where they have to work together, and it’s just them. I need to see how they interact, mostly because they both seem pretty similar in terms of personality, and that they both seem relatively antisocial and also dramatic. There’s some comedy potential with these two, along with dramatic potential
But yeah, enjoy them
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thedivineart · 1 year
Confirmation Signs To Determine Your Future Spouse
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wishing well, a fountain, throwing coin and wishing in fountain, unexpected meeting, receiving the most special gift from someone, a lost purse/wallet, climbing alone in mountain to reduce stress/ hangout, being alone without feeling lonely, a dog coming towards you, small home in forest, cross roads, being happy in other people relationship, going to building/institutions to fix legal documents, a friends to lovers trope, visioning your past life, a gallantry from someone, aiming financial achievement, lucky money wins, a nest eggs, flames, mutual feelings with someone, being flirt, co-worker, a new friend, ships, a little home/cottage, new house/places, moving to a new place, soulmate connection, meeting perfect person/ ideal lover, seeing lots of abiding love, wedding, wedding rings, hurt/painful feeling, hospital/doctor, unrequited love
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changing location whether it is for work or residency, when you heal from the past, starting a new, stork, a invitation for a event, gifts ( receive or give ), helpful advice from someone, receiving lots of good news, a clock/time, your hate and fear towards someone, a handshake, a journey ( travel ), birds, sharing ( partnership), food, restaurant/ fast-food places, notice of correspondence from important bills, writer/ journalist, financial loans/help, being at your lowest point such as feeling trapped/tired/staying at home/unhealthy situation, a friend betrayal, older than you, foreign, lawyer/authority, being attack, an enemy, invitation in weddings or engagements, church, cemetery, thinking negative/ having negative thoughts, a large body of water such as beaches, pools, fountains etc, night, cold weather/winter, locks, fishes, physical union with someone, a mending of broken friendship/ex love, party, clubs
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younger, foreign / leader, bad girl & boy image/personality, unexpected kiss, feeling lonely, a new lover/person, family oriented, lady and moody, soulmates connection, unexpected friendship with someone, horse/sagittarius, a good news coming, an artist/poet, student of arts, athletic body or an athlete, lack of focus in commitment, receive or give gifts, fountains, generous, wears uniform that symbolize their position at work, a friend, co-worker, a peer, taking time to heal the wounds of the past, in park, in forest, walking around and meeting someone new, having time alone, wandering in woods, in the big trees, travel, achievement, lucky breaks, successful moving up ( at work or something), the space, distance, someone is far away, delay, receiving love letters and bouquet of flowers, country side, simple life, money surrounds them, professional person, workaholic and less focus on love, a bank; good at handling finances, provides good advice in finance, a happy family, fire/burning, summer, evening, warm weather country, good judgement, social
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authority, can be foreign, arrogant, weddings, older, negative emotions, large body of water such as beaches, pool, fountains, lake, pond etc, night, cold weather/winter, a dog, a friend, a church, a purse, money, financially stable/ wealthy, office, jewelry box, a social butterfly, enjoy clubs and socializing, likes to be busy and active, wine, travel, trips via water, clouds, heavy rains, good partner, sensual, good at financial advice, an expensive wedding of a friend, children, financially secure, fixing cars, lily, workaholic, trying their best at difficult situation, lion, a Leo sign, quite, electric, jealous and possessive, like to give great advice, streets of gold
⋆ feel free to ask questions you didn't understand in this reading
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© thedivineart. do not plagiarize any of my work, translate or repost it on other social media platform.
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splonk-fox · 2 months
Tobecky is one of those ships where it's like, at first glance, you ask why people even see it as a viable pairing. It's not like Becky and Tobey are exactly shown getting along often, it's not the healthiest ship out there, as a matter of fact there are... certain episodes that make the pairing downright toxic (Looking at you Go Gadget Go).
Yet at the same time, I think that's what I like about the ship. In real life, relationships are never a straight path, they require effort from both sides and nine times out of ten there will be road blocks, times when partners do objectively questionable things, that's just how relationships are, and in a weird roundabout way, I feel like Tobecky is a good example of that. Sure Becky and Tobey fight a lot, they disagree about a lot of things and do things that upset each other, but they also understand one another on a fundamental level.
Seriously the parallels between these two is actually sort of surreal. They've both been lumped into this box of being one thing, said thing being expected of them. Becky is expected to do hero work as WordGirl, and Tobey, while nothing is forcing him to be evil, episodes like "Tobey Goes Good" show that when it comes to his mentality, doing bad things is the only way to get people's attention, to make people care about him.
They're both child prodigies who, in a lot of ways, are locked out of a lot of the things that other kids have. Both have families who could never really understand them. Becky for obvious reasons, and Tobey because, as made pretty clear through episodes the center around him, his mother doesn't tolerate his behavior and as far as we can tell, has never tried to understand why he does what he does, instead giving him corporeal punishment via ear pulling (which by the way, she does that to him even when he, to her knowledge, hasn't misbehaved, kinda fucked up if you ask me, coming from someone who had parents who used physical punishment as a way to reprimand their kids).
Another thing to point out when it comes to these two, is that they are both pretty arrogant, Tobey more apparently so than Becky, but Becky clearly takes pride in being WordGirl, and even beyond that there are times where she views her own opinions as above others, whether she realizes it or not. Obviously Tobey is called out on it more, but there are clear signs that Becky's status as a superhero has lead her to gaining a bit of an ego.
Really though, the big thing that I think draws people to this pairing is the rare moments where they aren't fighting, and are instead sitting down, talking, and it's when that happens that the two of them are actually able to get along, that they're able to understand each other, because in a lot of ways, they are the same, just on two different sides of the moral spectrum. I think this is best shown in "The Robot Problem" where the two of them are shown to legitimately be able to work together, Becky even saying that they make a good team.
So to summarize, the thing that makes Tobecky good, at least for me, is not that it's the safest ship, or that it doesn't have moments of toxicity, but rather in how it feels more realistic, more complex than your average pairing, the fact that when it comes down to it, Tobey and Becky understand each other, loathe as they are to admit it.
Alright, that's all. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
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hussyknee · 10 months
Just found out that the baby baked in an oven thing Zionists accused Hamas of doing is actually something Zionists themselves did during the Deir Yassin massacre of 1948. And the fetus cut out of the pregnant woman's womb is something that was done in the massacre of the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps by Lebanese militants in concert with Zionists. We already know that they rape women and children in detention. I think the only other huge fucking lie about Oct 7th was the beheaded babies, and I'm legitimately afraid of learning whether or not that was also just something Zionists themselves did at one point.
I mean it's not even improbable because this type of unfathomable cruelty is par for the course with genociders, that only happen when the dominant group has so much disproportionate power in the region that there is only mindless hatred and perfect impunity. (The Brits used to use native infants as crocodile bait.) The reports of IOF ripping babies from their mothers arms, shooting them dead, throwing them aside and dragging the mothers off in front of witnesses were numerous even before this. I've also heard reports of young parents being dragged off and abandoning their toddlers and infants on the roadsides (saw a video of it and I'm going to be haunted to my grave). So those premature babies being left to die of starvation at the hospital was shocking but only surprising because there were so many eyes on the situation due to the efforts of the aid workers and journalists. We thought that Western governments wouldn't pull this shit with the whole world watching. As it turned out, the only reason the last twenty-odd premature babies at Al Shifa Hospital survived was because the director of the place refused to leave them until they were safely shipped off to Egypt (unaccompanied, God knows if the parents will ever get them back. Egyptian governments refused to let the few critically injured people allowed safe passage by the US to go through without visas and passports so they died in the ambulances). Then the IOF kidnapped the director right afterwards. He's still missing.
The organ harvesting thing is also true btw. We've been talking about it ever since they made off with those dead bodies at Al Shifa Hospital. Whether they were going to use them to stage their own propaganda, harvest their organs and skin, or just did it to deprive their families of giving them a burial. Probably all three.
I'm so tired of you people refusing to pay any attention to the news streaming out of Gaza via their own citizen journalists and Al Jazeera and Quds News and families of activists and then accusing us of spreading conspiracy theories! "There's so much misinformation" just say you don't trust Palestinians to tell the truth about their own genocide with your whole chest. Say that your charges of antisemitism is about how much you fear Black people and Muslims. Say that you don't reblog calls for the Jewish community to interrogate their whiteness and their enmeshing with Zionism over the decades because you feel like "it's not your place" to amplify Black and brown people challenging whiteness. Say that you shut us down and police our language about Zionists because you're philosemites who believe Jews could never be as genocidal and bloodthirsty as every other group on the world given the same power. Say that you still don't think Zionists are "as bad as" Nazis because they haven't murdered enough people yet.
I'll take the Zionists cheering over the deaths of people we're mourning over all the hidden polite lethal racism you're hiding under your white liberal tongues. I can't take this death by a thousand cuts shit anymore. Seriously why are you scrolling past? You think we aren't talking about you?
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nobodysdaydreams · 3 months
📢 I just came up with the most devasting Wolf359 AU today and you're all gonna hear about it. 🚀
My brain really chose VIOLENCE coming up with this AU on father's day.
Here is the set up: the crew gets themselves into a stalemate with Cutter and Pryce that lasts a REALLY long time. The crew can't make it to Earth without getting blown up, but Cutter and Pryce can't get what they need from the crew without gambling too much. The stalemate lasts a long time. Like a REALLY long time, at least a decade. And this is when Cutter decides to play dirty. Well, dirtier than usual, even for him.
Basically, Cutter finds Anne (Doug's daughter), and very much appeals to her the same way he appealed to Miranda, through showing her support, promising her a way to help her disability and make her even "greater" and praising her potential and accomplishment in spite of the adversity she's suffered. He also connects with her via speeches about how his (Cutter's) father never saw the potential in him either. Cutter becomes a sort of mentor to Anne under the guise of "oh look this nice science man is tutoring deaf kids. What a philanthropist!". If we want to go really dark, Cutter has Kate and the rest of Anne's family killed in a terrible accident and adopts her, but he could also just be a mentor to Anne. Either way, she ends up trusting him, and seeing him as more of a father to her than Doug, and starts growing bitter about what Doug did to her and believes that he doesn't care about her at all (Anne thinks he never called, wrote home, or anything, and Cutter stages a whole thing where Anne finds some fake recording he made to make it sound like Doug never cared about her at all so that Cutter can come in and fake comfort her).
Anyway, flash forward through the decades long stalemate between Cutter and the Hephaestus crew, and now Anne's a college student who works for Goddard Futuristics (she's considered one of the higher ups/part of Cutter's inner circle). Like Miranda has her glow in the dark eyes and night vision, Anne has specially made hearing aids created by Goddard Futuristics that allow her to hear whisperers on the other side of the ship and very subtle sounds. Anne's relationship with Pryce and Cutter would be interesting. I can see Pryce being jealous of her (for obvious reasons not to mention that fact that she gets Cutter's attention), but I can also see Pryce finding common ground with her since they have similar backstories that Cutter can't relate to (though Pryce would deny it and whenever Cutter refers to Anne as their little girl, she rolls her eyes and say something along the lines of "for the last time, I'm not playing house with you, Marcus. She's a tool. Like the rest of them."). If Pryce did go with the common ground route, it would be interesting to see if they ever ended up ganging up on Cutter for any reason (I think they'd do this if they were both mad at Hera and Doug at the same time and insisted on making decisions based on this anger), and whether Cutter would find this alliance amusing and endearing or threatening.
But back to the story. So Anne works for Goddard Futuristics now, and the anger she has towards her father has led her to buy into Cutter's philosophy of survival of the strongest, immortality/new bodies, a better future, all of it (though obviously Cutter is lying to her about some stuff because...well he's Cutter, he lies to everyone). So Doug and the crew finally have a show down with their enemies after over a decade in space and who shows up to torture them but Anne. Doug doesn't even recognize her at first, because she's an adult now, but when he does, he's devasted. Anne doesn't believe he's sorry about what he did and insists that this is what she wants now and that Cutter has been a better father to her than Doug ever could be. The crew becomes very conflicted because while they were prepared to fight Cutter and Pryce, nobody wants to kill Anne because despite what she's done, she's Doug's daughter (which is what Cutter was counting on).
Anyway, flash even more forward to Anne discovering recordings that prove her father cares about her and that Cutter is a horrible person, and she eventually breaks down and flips sides. I don't think Pryce would be sad to see her go, and if she was, she'd either get over it, or get angry at Anne for her "betrayal". Cutter might also have more complicated feels by that point if Anne reminds him of Pryce, and I could see him trying to force her to stay. Also at one point, Anne's special hearing aids break, and that's when she discovers that Doug learned sign language for her, just in case he ever got the chance to see her again.
Anyway, feel free to lmk what you think!
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akimojo · 1 year
man it bothers me so much when people feel the need to reduce our perception of vanille and fang’s relationship as romantic to “just a headcanon” when there’s so much more to it than that 
obviously we’re all aware that they’ve never been confirmed as a canon couple, and NO we are NOT trying to devalue dion and terence’s relationship just because we don’t personally see them as the FIRST gay rep in final fantasy (every bit of representation matters ffs). when we talk about fanille being the “real” first gay couple we’re not trying to take away from the fact that ff FINALLY has confirmed queer rep, it’s just a half-joking way to point out that homoromantic SUBTEXT has been around in the franchise for longer than people think, and we believe fang and vanille are the most prominent example of that 
the reason why we see them as having a romantic relationship is because their actions can easily be interpreted as such solely from what we’ve seen in canon, without the need for headcanons or made-up scenarios to piece it together. square could’ve literally made them kiss at any moment in the games out of nowhere and we’d just be like “yeah, that seems about right” because the build-up is there
it’s not about whether the writers actually intended for them to be a couple. frankly, the fact that fang was originally going to be a man, but was changed into a woman just so their relationship wouldn’t be mistaken as romantic, says volumes about how difficult it must’ve been to try and write their bond WITHOUT romantic connotations. they had no problem making noel and yeul share a more sibling-like bond (you could see them as having romantic subtext as well, but nowhere near to the same extent, and with much less support from their canon interactions), and yet they struggled so much with fang and vanille that they had to take (heteronormative) measures in an attempt to stick to their original intentions? would a good writer not accept that that’s the natural direction of the relationship dynamic they themselves came up with? 
part of our reasons for thinking of fang and vanille as canon lesbians, even without confirmation from the creators, is essentially a big ol “fuck you” to heteronormativity.... but also, there’s nothing sisterly to us about clutching your homegirl’s hands, pulling them to her chest as you hug her from behind, and whispering in her ear about how not even death can take her from you, but i digress
using square enix’s description of them as having a sister-like bond to prove they’re not a couple rings hollow to a lot of us because homophobia and heteronormativity has muddled any potential queer rep in games for decades, even in this case where the writers themselves have essentially admitted that it was next to impossible for them to write their relationship without romantic undertones. whether that says more about their ability to write a platonic relationship than it does about fang and vanille is up to you, of course
it’s also worth pointing out some hypocrisy among the ff fanbase. take tifa and cloud, and aerith and cloud, for example. neither ship has been confirmed as canon in any of the games, but (despite the ship wars lmao) the vast majority of the fandom can agree that both of these relationships were written with romantic undertones, whether intentionally or not, and that viewing them as “canon” is perfectly valid because of that. and yet when we view fang and vanille as a couple it’s outrageous unless we specifically call it a headcanon and denounce any and all possibilities of it holding any weight in canon. i don’t want to make any accusations as for why, but it’s worth noting 
i also just want to clarify that the main theme of the final fantasy xiii trilogy IS family, and it makes perfect sense to see fang and vanille as sisters if you choose to interpret their relationship via more traditional family values, but it also includes found family (a group of people that are as close as family, but don’t adhere to conventional family roles and values, and usually consists of outcasts of some kind), which is not inherently romantic, but is also not strictly platonic, and is a trope that is especially important and relatable to the LGBTQ+ community, so of course we’re going to interpret these things in a different light compared to how people outside of the community would
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Modern AU Silm fic idea
So you know how if something is frozen, it's kinda preserved? And you know the elves who died in the Helcaraxë were... well... frozen?
So imagine, if you will, in modern times of Middle Earth, when the dwarves are no longer prevalent (maybe they live in the Middle Earth equivalent of El Dorado?) and the hobbits have gone elsewhere to do who knows what (they become forest cryptids in the Ered Luin AKA, the Middle Earth Appalachia), and humans have created modern technology.
As in RADAR, SONAR, all that jazz. And humans, who we all know are very curious by nature, go exploring the ocean.
Human scientists explore the northern oceans, where the Helcaraxë is/has been, and they find bodies in the ice; nonhuman, but bipedal and human ENOUGH bodies. Sure, their ears are pointed, their teeth are strange, and they have a different bone structure, but the likeness is uncanny.
After a while of simply observing, the scientists get the go-ahead from their respective governments (Gondor, if it's still there, maybe Rohan; all of those civilizations have forgotten the might of the Eldar, though) and they manage to carve one of the bodies out of the ice.
After bringing the body back to land and in a laboratory, they discover some things.
1. The body is female.
2. She has different DNA and tissues than the average human.
3. She is still living.
(They find this out when someone is trying to get a tissue sample but almost gets strangled in the process.)
She speaks an archaic language, one that no linguist can decipher. However, when she tries to communicate via writing, she writes in an ancient script similar to the letters and words found in some of Gondor's ancient artifacts---swords of olden kings, the runes on a stone crypt with a king and two (supposed) children beside him.
All the while, the news coverage is all over, and some people are panicking. Who is this woman who was found ALIVE in the ice? Why are her ears naturally pointed? How old is she? More importantly, what is she saying?
We, the readers, will know that this woman is one of the Eldar, and who is the last elf left in Middle Earth? After the sons of Elrond have sailed, after Legolas and Gimli headed West, and after Celeborn finally saw the shores of Alqualondë? Who is left?
Maglor sees these shocking images of a golden haired woman, obviously of the Vanyar, and recognizes her. That is Elenwë, the wife of Turgon and mother of Idril.
That is Maglor's kin.
And Maglor, who now works the most boring 9-to-5 teaching job in all of Eä, longs desperately for any kind of relative, whether they hate him or not.
So Maglor goes to the scientists, the elf that had evaded all suspicion of him being anything other than human, and wants to see his cousin. Of course, they ignore him; that is, until he shows them his ears and sings a haunting verse of the Noldolantë.
They let him inside and Elenwë sees him, speaking ancient Quenya.
"Where is my daughter, Makalaurë?" She demands. "Where is my husband?"
Maglor knows where Turgon and Idril are; they are in the Undying Lands, far, far away.
Maglor tells her, and Elenwë screams. Maglor, who has had hundreds of centuries to process his grief, tries to comfort her, but is dragged away by security. The scientists question him, and Maglor, who has not spoken of his family history in centuries, finally tells the story of burning ships, shining jewels, kidnapped twins, and the war that was supposed to end all wars.
Maglor, who is technically a citizen of whatever country this is, willingly allows himself to stay in the laboratory. He goes to Elenwë again, and after much screaming and weeping, tells her the story of a hidden city and a tortured son of Aredhel and all that followed.
Elenwë is distraught. Obviously. After, she knows that she needs to sail back to Valinor, Doomed or not. She WILL find her daughter and husband again, even if it means she has to cross the sea to do it.
After a few years, Elenwë is released to Maglor's care. She speaks the common tongue well, knows her history and geography, and, well, they can't keep a sentient being in a laboratory forever, now can they (A few want to. Maglor threads his voice with Song and they never speak of that idea again)?
Maglor returns to his job teaching at a university (he teaches linguistics and music theory) and helps Elenwë learn her way around the modern world.
"Yes, that picture is moving," Maglor explains. "No, it is not a palantír."
"I'm not stupid, Makalaurë," Elenwë hisses. She still has a shred of animosity in her heart for all the harm Maglor and his brothers had caused her family.
"And we don't list our genealogies when meeting new people," Maglor told her when Elenwë introduced herself to a bank teller and told them her lineage.
"I could tell by the look on his face, Makalaurë," Elenwë replied bitterly.
Elenwë always had the heater on, and Maglor could not blame her; millenia stuck in ice would make a person long for warmth.
One day, Elenwë points to the drawing on Maglor's mantle and asks, "Who is that?"
The ellon had lines on his forehead, just like her dear Turukano; she always said they were from dealing with Findekáno's oddity.
Maglor was hesitant. "That Itarillë's grandson, your great-grandson."
Elenwë is delighted to hear that her daughter found love in Beleriand, but there was something that Maglor did not tell her.
So he told her, of course; Elenwë always knew if he was lying. He told her about the fire-haired twins' death, the burning camp of refugees, and her grandson's children left at the hands of two kinslayers.
"And love grew between them," Maglor told her. "They were Elrond and Elros, and... I see them as my sons."
Elenwë wanted to be angry. Scream at her cousin for causing so much grief for her daughter's family, but she couldn't. Makalaurë was oathbound to find that silmaril, but he still sought to do good.
"He sailed with Galadriel, Artanis as you know her, a few Ages ago," Maglor said. "He was as kind as summer."
After a while, Elenwë got her own job, an apartment nearby. She gets a degree and finds a stable job. She lives by the coast, like Maglor, and feels the sea tug on her heart every time she hears the rushing waves.
Then, Elenwë buys a boat.
Elenwë buts a boat and asks Maglor to go with her.
"It has been millenia, Makalaurë," she says. "Will you not go to Valinor? Will you leave your family thinking you are dead?"
Maglor refuses. He thinks that he cannot leave Middle Earth. "I am Doomed, Elenwë, but do not let my choices prevent you from going. See your husband, your daughter, your grandchildren and so on. Do not dwell on the past as I have, Elenwë."
"You hypocrite of hypocrites!" Elenwë cries. "You tell me to go and see my child when you will not go and see yours?"
Maglor goes with her.
He takes his favorite pillow, his silver harp made by his father, Maedhros's copper circlet, Elros's wooden toy horse, and leaves behind a copy of the Noldolantë.
Elenwë and Maglor sail.
They think that they will aimlessly wander the Sundering Seas, but they are wrong. Eru smiles at them, and they see the banks of Tol Eressëa. The dock is long gone, but homes dot the sandy shores, still littered with pearls and white gems.
Maglor and Elenwë sail, and they are welcomed.
Maglor is welcomed by six brothers, all released from Námo's halls. He is welcomed by a guilty father, who begs for his son's forgiveness on his knees. He is welcomed by a grieving mother, who had never thought she would see her son again.
He is welcomed by a son that was not his, and a daughter-in-law that looks suspiciously like Galadriel.
Elenwë is welcomed by a husband who has grieved for millenia, who is guilty for not saving her. She is welcomed by her daughter, now grown, and a human man she calls her husband. She is welcomed by a woman with bird-like features, who is her granddaughter-in-law. She is welcomed by her great-grandson, whose picture sat on Makalaurë's mantle for all the time she'd been in Middle Earth.
Maglor returns to his family. He is not exiled, or Doomed to the Everlasting Darkness. He is called home for tea and to play games with his brothers. He is not a ghost story to tell children on rainy nights. He is not a warning to those provoked to anger. He is an elf; an elf who wanted to go home.
Elenwë returns to her family. She is not a casualty listed among the fallen of Helcaraxë. She is not a wife who was not named. Elenwë lives.
Elenwë lives, and she was not forgotten.
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TWST AU's - Feel Free to Ask About Them!
Legit have like 25 aus for TWST I'm not even joking and most of them are self indulgent and the list WILL grow sfhkldjfhksd
Coffeeshop AU (fleshes out Khan x Leona (this is a bad ship lmao they are NOT GOOD) and more sibling shenanigans between Vizzie and Leona)
Summer Camp AU (focuses around Sebek and Epel having been childhood crushes that reunite as camp counselours at a camp Viz and Leona run, there are Many Side Stories)
Pokemon AU (self-explanatory, I made teams up with my s/o and a bunch of bg)
Assassin AU (Students are all sleeper agents, operating under STYX as their test subjects basically, and they have no idea until one student's tech starts to malfunction.)
Prison AU (everyone has fucked up reasons for being in jail, they are All Prisoners, you'll notice in almost all my aus I have a shit ton of angst)
Circus AU (self explanatory, my LeoVil AU and Idikei AU)
Robot/MurderDrones AU in which Ortho's creation is the catalyst for STYX to make more androids for commercial and industrial use, and as they gain more intelligence Ortho would like to find a way to free his fellow bots from being pawns to the humans.
Rarepair AU literally put everyone's names in a wheel and just said Yep to every pair, very fun, have not fleshed this out at all lmao
Zombie Apocalypse AU pretty self explanatory except there are shit like blot zombies and varying degrees of those, Cheka grows into quite the little leader, I have not decided whether the ending is "happy" as in everything is resolved, or happy as in it's Actually Happy
Tattoo/Soulmate AU People with magic typically get into tattooing because they have the ability to make soulmate tattoos, but it varies depending on romantic, platonic/queerplatonic, familial feelings or other ones. Trey, Vil and Leona run a shop together, Deuce wants to join, Viz accidentally becomes his adoptive sister it's all fun and relatively low on the angst actually lmao
Monster AU hehe I've talked about this on this blog before, check out my pinned post!!
FNAF AU lmao this one has so much angst but you probably knew that already, inspired more by the pizzaplex/security breach than any other FNAF game, but a lot of the same type of lore
Coraline AU in which Viz gets to be Leona's big (half) sister for once. Falena is the eldest and treated with respect, everyone knows Viz isn't the king's biological daughter but they have to put up with her because the queen does, and Leona was the attempt between the king and queen to fix everything - it didn't work and he feels that. Ends up using an escape to another world to try and avoid that feeling, only to realize something much more sinister on the other side.
Biological Sister AU not super intuitive, seeing as above, Viz is Leona's half sister, but in this au she is also related him, just via the king this time. Don't ask me why I named it this, but it is what it is, she's taken in by the royal family early on and tries to bring it together. Idk it was a fun idea at the time.
Genderbent AU I wanted to explore Vizzie's trauma if she was around a bunch of other girls instead of guys and it goes Poorly but it's fun lmao
DnD AU b/c I've never played DnD and wanted to kinda learn so it's DnD inspired but the rules/roles aren't super strict but the worldbuilding is SO MUCH FUN (there are SO many dynamics all going on at the same time its GREAT)
Medieval Fantasy AU This is moreso my S/O's AU than it is mine but I wanted to talk about it because it also has a lot of fun worldbuilding in it that we did together (like the effects of OB and whatnot in this world)(also heavily inspired by DnD)
Arranged Marriage AU Viz and Riddle both have very overbearing, traditional moms and end up together against each others wills and have to unlearn their distaste for each other before they can start really working together to find ways to make each other happy
Greek God/Epic AU In which Viz takes on the Odyssey with Leona as her guide - he wants to prove himself worthy of the title of a God, and she will do anything to protect her people. It gets Complicated fast. (I actually have art I drew for this au lmao)
Poppy Playtime AU Really fucking depressing tbh, again, upon the perfection of Ortho's robotic aids (he never died, just severely incapacitated), all the other children that were used as test subjects were abandoned as half done projects and experiments that resembled toys
Dance AU I throw a bunch of the characters into dance. Vil, Riddle and Neige are on top but all three of them are having Gender Issues but in Big Denial about it.
Fairy AU My S/O also developed this one initially but I have a few different headcanons from them :D
Petsitter AU Cater is more of the focus in this one, he's recently left home, in between jobs and down on his luck and ends up calling in an old favour. He stays with Trey (and Che'nya) in their apartment and gets to know the people in the complex as he starts to heal <3
And then I have 4 other aus I might take to Ao3 just because it seems people can filter tags better on there and uh. They Need Tags lmaooo
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writterings · 11 months
Your post about South Park really does hit the nail right on the head for why the hell this show has a fandom that I've never seen anyone acknowledge, at least not on this fucking webbed site. Instead mosts stance is along the lines of "why are you shipping the racist children" which ignores. That they have INCREDIBLY strong characterization, to the point that even side characters personalities are able to be pinpointed with a lot of accuracy, enough for there to be subsets of fans for those guys even. The show is primarily about putting those fucking circle guys in situations and people who like to see them in situations are like. Man. I could totally come up with some situation for these guys to be in. And they don't even have to be weird and centrist about it like the creators. (Not to say plenty of fans don't still land there. If Cartman is included you really have to decide whether you declaw him and either answer gets dicey unless you get him. And some people really don't and it gets. Bad.) It feels a lot more generous seeing someone actually clock the appeal of the show for what it is rather than stopping at Matt and Treys wild ride of very very mixed messages and leaving it at that so thanks
no like literally i only started watching the show as a background noise type of deal after i finished family guy (in my "watching every adult cartoon" type of beat) and then just got. enthralled.
like i genuinely would not recommend the show to anyone who doesn't have the stomach for gross out humor, frustrating political takes, and even satire that often actually is progressive and even straight up anti-discrimination at times but can be packaged distastefully -- especially since i feel like the show can only be truly enjoyed if you watch the entire 26+ seasons and movies and play the games.
but like matt and trey are unfortunately VERY good writers so i totally understand why the show has a legit, functioning fandom with popular headcanons (shoutout to marjorine) and AUs. like oftentimes the fans are also just Putting The Circle Children Into Situations. or they're playing around with the Situations the Circle Children were already put into in the show, like expanding on tweek and craig's canonical relationship via fanart or exploring kenny's canonical trauma of being repeatedly killed and reincarnated as himself.
but yeah happy to provide my input on this when asked! glad you liked my take
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eriexplosion · 6 months
These will probably get broken pretty much immediately but. Last minute double feature predictions:
Identity Crisis
Tech comes back, but he's not Clone X. He's just back. They had to go get him and he's maybe injured, but he's alive. Seems too simple? Well. Continuation of that.
Hunter knew that he was alive, gathering intel on Eriadu. And didn't tell anyone, least of all Omega.
The reasons for this theory: 1. Hunter is the only one to have never directly brought up Tech, in our one shot of him with the goggles he doesn't actually look at them, he looks past them at Lula. (Extra tinhat moment too but there is a light positioned behind the goggles that make them look like they're on, implying Tech is alive.) 2. Hunter also is established in season two as calling Tech every time he falls and receiving the confirmation 'we are alive' - but Omega is conveniently unconscious for an undetermined period of time. Long enough for Hunter to have commed Tech. (Also as a 2.5 - we could even wrap Plan 00 into this, if Tech told him 'I am alive, plan 00' or something of that nature.) 3. Hunter has a SIGNIFICANT track record of withholding information. The first thing he does in this show is lie to Crosshair about being sure that the jedi kid fell to his death (lol) and he doesn't tell Omega about trying to send her with Cut and he doesn't tell Omega about Echo planning to leave with Rex and it's implied he might not be planning to tell Omega about her being force sensitive. 4. Reflects War Mantle when Tech was the one to make the decision to leave Hunter like he was told to.
Anyway Omega is Pissed. Hunter told her Tech didn't make it (technically true) and let her grieve, alone, in a cell for months. No he couldn't have predicted she would be taken, but that's what the results were.
The identity crisis is Omega wondering if she's even a real batcher if she's not being treated like one of the team that deserves to be told things? Something as important as WHETHER HER BROTHER WAS ALIVE?
Also Omega deserves to be mad okay she's been building up her Upset for seasons let her explode please.
They do at least manage to make it back to Pabu but she's still Pissed
Point of No Return
Of course they make it back in time for the Empire to invade Pabu because HEY REMEMBER THE THING VENTRESS TOLD Y'ALL VERY CLEARLY TO YOUR FACES?
Things Are Very Bad, Pabu's residents are being rounded up/several are killed
Shep and possibly Lyana are captured and arrested (I still think that shot in Juggernaut is of Wrecker carrying Shep)
Omega gives herself up hoping that it will mean saving Pabu and because APPARENTLY self sacrifice is what you DO in this FUCKING FAMILY
They do take Omega but they continue wrecking the place including blowing up the Marauder
They escape via an imperial ship after Hunter yeets several stormtroopers off of it.
Everything Is Very Bad.
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pianostrings · 4 months
Rebel Moon: The Scargiver Novelization!!
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Contains spoilers for Rebel Moon Part II: The Scargiver under the cut:
Opens with Noble being revived. Cassius is informed of a list of approved "bio-enhancements" that will change his "biology on a molecular level". Cassius ponders whether he has chosen the right person to throw his lot behind (spoiler alert: he has not).
Kora and Gunnar's sex scene is expanded on 😌
(This is also super nit-picky but the tense in the sex scene changes from past to present and it really bothers me haha)
Flashbacks to Kora's time at court. Word of Balisarius's butchery as a general reaches the king and the king chews him out with Kora present. Rather than punishing him, the King makes him a senator instead.
Balisarius invites Kora to his villa, which is apparently filled with only pictures of himself in various suits of armor in battle (this is so on brand, I’m crying). He calls her Kora, which I thought was odd, since she was re-named Arthelais? Not sure whether this is a typo or not.
Kora watches Balisarius perform his first speech as a senator. It's a passionate anti-immigration speech ❤️ goes over really well with everyone except the King and Queen. Kora is initially concerned about his use of wording: "darkness" from "the outer worlds" but then she thinks, hey it's cool! I'm not from one of those ugly places anymore.
In the palace gardens, Balisarius reveals he will be Regent Militarium one day and Kora will replace the princess. She is much concerned. She and Issa have a cute smiling moment, which is sweet, because I’m sure nothing bad will happen to her.
Something bad happens to her. Kora has no clue the assassination is taking place until everyone is being stabbed. Princess Issa gets a moment to sass Balisarius but Kora does, unfortunately, still shoot her.
THE KALI ARE EXPLAINED. At the core of every dreadnought, an ancient female humanoid is kept in a half-conscious state, bodies hardwired to the ship to drain them of their energy. They are fed the organic matter of conquered worlds, which is what is shovelled into the furnaces (not magical space coal).
Cassius recalls how Noble's first campaign out of the Academy was disastrous and that he would never have come back from it if he wasn’t from a military family from Moa.
LIVE REACTION FROM DEN as Kora and Gunnar take the walk of shame together. He is CRESTALLEN, friends. Tarak and Titus giggle like schoolboys at Kora and Gunnar's appearance (why was this not left in the film? Incredible team building stuff).
Tarak has the audacity to claim bundling grain is "women's work". Oh you precious royal boy. He has a love interest, Hervor, and she is a MILF. Good for them both.
Eljun is Nemesis's biggest fanboy as the kids argue over which of the rebels is the strongest. Eljun is confident in Nemesis. This is so sweet. I’m sure nothing bad will happen to her either!
Kora likes Gunnar more than any of the lovers she'd taken on other campaigns because he makes her laugh. Oh. 🥹
Aris speaks to Cassius via transmission. Aris quotes a concerning motivational line he attributes to Cassius: "every child screaming... every mother crying..." ⁉️ Cassius tells him that line originates from Balisarius, actually (of course it fucking does.)
In the background, Noble has clued on that Aris has betrayed them and wishes he killed him along with his sisters. They wait for information from the Hawkshaws.
At dinner, Milius and Hagen have a sweet moment where they talk about their own past, in a similar village.
The team have their backstories moment. There’s a tad more detail in Titus and Milius’s backstories
Noble has a flashback after his failed campaign, which is upseting because 1) Cassius wasn't with him and 2) his father, Dominic, is pissed. He is sent to the Vori, a gangster planet, where he remains as a guest, shadowing the warlord, Gregor. He passes a test where he kills a Motherworld noble and is given the tattoo near his eye. He also meets the twins for the first time. Deep lore here. Deep deep lore.
Tarak hooks up with Hervor the MILF. This r-rated cut is just going to be everyone going at eachother.
Jimmy kills the Hawkshaws, just as they're about to tell Cassius about Kora's dropship.
We get some backstory about the Hawkshaws. They are the Anuran species and their home planet is Anura. When the Imperium attacked their world, they put up a good fight and the Admiral in charge of the invasion offered an alliance, by offering their skills to the Imperium.
Kora gets to sass Noble a bit before the battle
R.I.P. Den. Gone too soon. Noble’s bio-enhancements come in handy during this fight.
There's so much swearing during the battle—Milius tells a soldier to 'fuck right off, motherfucker—it’s poetry and I really hope this is all in the R version.
The Kali speaks to Kora!!! It forgives her, like Issa, because it knows one day she will "wake [her] sisters and their wrath will be [the Kali's] vengeance. Yesss queens 👏🏼 it’s giving inter-galactic feminism
Kora kills the gunnery crew and redirects the turrets to the conning tower where Noble and Cassius are. Noble legs it for the elevator and abandons the crew. Cassius is right behind him but Noble 😮 shoots him in the face.
Nemesis gifts her daughter's pendant to Eljun as she dies. Her death is a "final act of love and comfort." 😢
Aris joins in the battle and kills a guard, avenging his family.
Kora blows up the engines and beheads Noble. No further resurrections for Ed Skrein, it appears.
Gunnar and Kora 🥹
"[Kora] looked back up to the burning fields of Veldt and the rising smoke. The cost of rebellion is always loss. The legacy is freedom and dignity."
The team assemble! Devra apologies to Kora for arriving late and says that her “brother was right” (assuming this is a throwback to Darrian wanting to take the rebellion more public)
A young Veldtian girl sings a ballad at the funeral pyre
The last scene is of Balisarius being dressed. We finally get the "I do love this part" line from the trailer. He is told of the destruction of The King's Gaze and surmises it was Kora's doing. Hundreds of thousands of Imperium soldiers chant his name as he prepares to hunt her down.
Additional Notes:
Ok more thoughts now I’ve had time to reflect on the text:
- I can see why this novelization release was pushed back. I don’t know what the deadline was like for the author but it felt very rushed and the writing is… not great… at times. The romance was, in particular, pretty cringe.
- Aris and Devra Bloodaxe felt very sidelined here. I thought Aris would at least have an unpacking his past moment with someone? Devra just turns up and we don’t learn anything about where she’s been or the Base One she returns to at the end of part 1? I also thought we might get more Darrian (or how the Bloodaxes operate) through Milius’s flashbacks.
- I don’t love the characterisation of any of the villains. Balisarius comes across cartoonishly evil and it’s hard to pinpoint any kind of affection Kora has for him in her flashbacks, other than maybe loyalty through self-preservation. Noble veers a little too close into bumbling idiot territory. Cassius’s POVis baffling and he spends way too much time worrying about Noble trying to challenge Balisarius, which doesn’t seem remotely believable
- I kind of thought Milius and Tarak were going to end up together? Or that they at least had some kind of friendship, but they seem to barely interact. In fact, it feels like we see the least of Milius out of the rebels
- Hagen and Kora should have had more moments TBH. Feel like she needed that positive comparative father figure
- The ending makes it sound like Kora is completely done with Veldt and she’s ready to move on now that there’s nothing there for her. I guess this works if the team are now off on a quest across the galaxy to save the princess but it also seems a bit… blunt
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zannolin · 4 months
loving the stranger things posting as someone going through a sudden random stranger things phase lol. i have a question: what makes byler an interesting dynamic for you? i'm not a big shipper person personally but i like to hear people's thoughts!
it's so funny i got here because i was suffering from cares too much disease about the karate kid and i needed something to distract me and then um. it did more than distract.
sidenote: coming back to say this got??? so long. so i'm sorry lol. i'm a chronic rambler.
i'll be honest i never actually shipped byler seriously until literally 2 months ago today. i sort of went "haha what if...?" back in 2022 mostly because my friend was into it and i really love mike as a character. oh mike wheeler the character that you are...i've loved him since 2016 lol and i loved him and will as a dynamic since i saw s2. i was so sold on their friendship, and then s3 and s4 were brutal for me to watch as someone who has grown apart from a lot of friends because of similar circumstances (moving, mostly, but also some relationships, and the inherent tragedy of growing up, and the fact that having a shitty family and being 15 can do a lot of damage to your relationships if you're not careful, etc) so like basically i then got More into them because i am obsessed with friendship estrangement plots. and i like both their characters. ("like" is such an understatement even in 2022 i was unhinged about michael wheeler)
frankly they're interesting to me as a ship for all the same reasons as they're interesting to me as a friendship: devotion, knowing someone better than you know yourself, the fear of loss, the fear of change, how easy vs how hard it is to grow up with someone, estrangement, feeling like you're a bad person and self-sabotaging, etc. the funny thing is i didn't even think will was gay or that there WAS (one-sided, anyway) byler until the literal van scene in s4 because i have that little faith in netflix lol, not to mention i used to be a mileven shipper. and then s3 happened which killed my interest in that and then s4 beat the dead horse from here to california. i realized for one thing mike being queer is really interesting to me and opens a lot of room for fun angles on his canonical character with comphet and internalized homophobia, etc, and it works very well with established canon. to me.
i'm honestlyyyy kind of surprised i got into it at all because besides the fact that i'm not a big shipper anymore, i'm RARELY a childhood friends to lovers fan because 1) it's often boring to me, i'm like but why do we need something Other than friendship?? (aro alert) and 2) i personally do not enjoy romance where it's like. you end up with the person you dated in high school? like it's jsut a me thing but i go aaaaaa when it's idk 12 year olds being like "i'm in love" no you're not you're twelve. i literally have DMs of me to my sister watching s4 where i was like michael why are you saying you loved eleven the day you met her, you were twelve and spent the entire season fucking obsessed with finding your best friend and kept dropping her the second she wasn't useful for that, like i love you but you were— what. (regardless of whether or not that bullshit turns out to be, you know, Actually canonically bullshit. that was my reaction lol). um i'm rambling sorry. anyway. they just happened to hit really good beats for me where it could go either way for me (platonic or romantic) and i wouldn't mind and i'm happy with both. but apparently my brain is like What If Romance when it comes to fic for them and i'm being a bit self-indulgent. i want will byers to have nice things and i want mike to not be stuck in the world's worst written relationship ever (to me).
actually the tl;dr is basically everything i like about mike as a character has to do with his plots concerning will, and everything i don't like about what they've been doing with him lately has to do with his relationship with el, so via potentially unintentional gay symbolism, the power of friendship estrangement plots + my love of friendship breakup/makeup scenarios, and my fascination with writing queer loneliness and mutual pining, AND that "good luck, babe" edit, i ended up here.
also finn wolfhard keeps making the most ridiculously intensely tender expressions during byler scenes and i'm a simple creature i see a man with big wet brown eyes and i go oh well mayyybe....
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oreichalkos · 2 months
until i make this fancy lmao
tldr king dardanos of atlantis has been around 10,000 years since the fall of his kingdom and has been dealing with the vengeful mother goddess also using his body as a meatpuppet because she is angry at humans for destroying the planet and her answer is yeet all of them ...
in the modern era he is known as dardanos eleazar, the young and charismatic CEO of paradius, a massive company based in greece- they're focused mainly on biomedical advancements (although they do have branches that do other things). aside from being possessed, he's a genius billionaire philanthropist and incredibly talented duelist- known in public for his chaos archetype deck (black luster/chaos emperor type), although under the mother goddess' command he is also the oracle and he's been devouring souls in her name.
oh, and also he can turn into a giant dragon, that's a thing.
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name: dardanos other names: dardanos eleazar. leviathan. mother goddess.
titles: king of atlantis, heir of king atlas. heir of poseidon. legendary dragon leviathan.
age: thirty two (+10,000) gender: male* (the mother goddess is female but she is also a separate entity possessing his body) species: deity date of birth: c. 8000 bce
education: tutored
residence: a gorgeous villa in greece (currently). atlantis (formerly).
occupation: ceo of paradius (currently). king of atlantis (formerly). duelist (occasionally)
parents: king ironhart of atlantis (father) . queen isri of atlantis (mother, deceased). siblings: none
significant other: iorei (wife, deceased) children: chrysanthe ‘chris’ (daughter)
notable bonds: legendary knights timaeus, critias, and hermos (tutors and rivals). the swordsmen rafael, varon, and amelda (adoptive sons, arguably replacements for the legendary knights in many ways) . the nameless pharaoh, seto kaiba, katsuya jonouchi (the chosen grand souls). yugi mutou (vessel of the nameless pharaoh and thus involved)
duel spirit: shockingly, he doesn't have one.
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height: 6'4 weight: ??
build: athletic , dardanos is not only a king, but a warrior who once trained with the legendary knights scars: reference
fashion: for some reason, if he isn’t wearing the king’s regalia, dardanos has a habit of … pastel suits which is… a questionable choice.
other notable traits: dardanos is regal, regardless of whether he’s in the ritual robes or in that admittedly ridiculous lavender suit. while naturally his eyes are golden, under the influence of the mother goddess, he has heterochromia, the right eye being teal. dardanos has many scars from the ages, the most notable ones being from the great war 10,000 years ago from injuries sustained from his own father’s axe
physiological condition: dardanos has no known physical health issues
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immortality: dardanos has been like 32 years old for ten thousand years. oof. he doesn’t age and if a combo attack by the three egyptian gods doesn’t kill him, i have no idea what will — although it seems that once the mother goddess was sustaining at least a good portion of his life, he does survive without it before consciously deciding to leave with his family to the spirit world. he also seems to literally be unable to die as in episode 178 he tells yugi and kaiba that in the battle of atlantis, his father challenged him and killed him, so uhhh, whatever deaths he suffers are naturally very temporary.
shapeshifting: although, this could be closer to illusions, since he is shown to have taken the form of gozaburo kaiba to orchestrate the tragedy in amelda’s life.
weather manipulation: dardanos in flashbacks flat out conjures lightning, he creates storms powerful enough to sink ships abd the method that would have destroyed the world was a huge global tidal wave. his temple is also surrounded by storms and in the middle of the ocean so that’s a thing.
telepathy: dardanos is shown to be able to communicate with others via telepathy, cause visions and command others through the mind, so that’s sorta terrifying yikes.
duel spirit manifestation: he’s capable of manifesting duel monster spirits much like something found in a shadow game, they cause real damage to things.
magic mastery: in general, his abilities are said to be able to rival the millennium items themselves. which means he’s really, really strong in that department. it is heavily implied that his magic can do things like change people’s forms, as he is noted to have transformed the legendary knights into dragons.
deity form: dardanos is also a legendary dragon (leviathan) on his own.
dueling skill: ok well canonically dardanos held his own in a battle against yami yuugi and seto kaiba. we all know what that means. seto kaiba is the second best duelist in the world and seto kaiba has his ass handed to him by some vengeful jerk who has lived for a good ten thousand years.
duelist spirit: "even a normal person like me can feel it" — honda hiroto, ep 177. dardanos, like other powerful duelists, radiates an incredible energy of determination, but the duelist’s spirit is sorta hard to explain as anything but sheer willpower and his is ridiculously extreme as he’ll stop at nothing to achieve his goals
soul manipulation: the signature ability given to him by the mother goddess, there’s no proof that he was able to manipulate souls prior to his own corruption, but he is responsible for a lot of the oreichalkos mess … most of it, since his swordsmen didn’t uhhh really do nearly as much damage … not that they didn’t do damage they did but dardanos is the worst.
mother goddess form: the leviathan body created from his own soul sacrificed in exchange for the souls of the three legendary duelists. this in itself implies his own soul is incredibly powerful, it also turns him into the mother goddess, a giant serpent capable of twisting her body around the city of atlantis at least three times and have length to spare. note, atlantis is an entire city and here is a reference of the mother goddess compared to the egyptian gods so uhhh.
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Intergalactic Floral Explorers AU: The Full Story Event 2: Part 1
- Alph wants to get on good terms with Louie after the incident. He knows a bit of the damage Lou has done to him and his crew mates and wants everyone to get along so one day he opts to travel with Louie around the Tropical Wilds, very very much to Brits dismay. 
- Al attempts to make small talk with Lou! …It does not go well. 
-Meanwhile Brit, Char and Oli are exploring the area. Brit is worried about Alphie being alone with Lou. Oli reassures Brit, telling her that Lou isn’t that bad as he seems. Brit doesn’t believe him, but nods anyway. Charlie adds that if anything occurs, they’ll be notified via their koppads!
- aaannndddd comedic cut to Alph and Louie getting into trouble. (i never decided whether the enemy will be either a returning one or an original one)
-it’s a mini boss fight! A and L working together as best they can to defeat the enemy, Vio (a winged pikmin) ending up sacrificing themselves by dealing the final blow
-(literally! by feeding it a bomb rock :’)
-Alph and Lou got minor injuries, but enough to alert the ship and the rest of the crew. Brit runs back to A and L, who have arrived at the landing site with the corpse and treasure(s) and starts fussing over Alph much to his annoyance. The day ends and the crew return to the ship for the night.
Event 2: Part 2
-Later that evening, Brit corners Lou and begins to question him. The ship overhears and scolds Brit for her aggression. Brit and the Ship begin to fight, Charlie interjects (more calmly than Brit but still stern) wanting answers from Louie too. Louie is quiet, avoiding eye contact. Alph tries to get any sort of opinion out but Brit ignores him. 
-She turns to Olimar, who was watching this whole thing go down and asks why he’s even ok with Louie still being here. Oli hesitates, which only fuels Brit’s belief that L shouldn’t be here. Long story short, B calls Louie a monster and that's when Olimar finally snaps. 
-He angrily (rightfully so) scolds the crew for this behavior and tells them to go to their respective rooms for a breather. The crew, shocked by Olimar's sudden anger, comply. Brit is slowly realizing what she's done because both Alph and Louie are gone. The ship quietly alerts that Louie is in the cargo hold, and Alph is in the Koppaites room. Olimar tells Brit to rethink her actions before he goes to the cargo.
((the following two conversations happen at the same time, but for simplicity i'll explain them separately))
-Olimar finds Louie sitting near the Drakes window, coincidently (and *coughs* intentionally) by the same window the end of the first Act ended all that time ago…
-he sits next to Lou, asking if he’s ok. After a bit of silence(O expected this) begins to talk about the stars outside. He points out several constellations and begins a bit of small talk about his family. After some more quiet Lou asks what Olimar's favorite constellation is, Olimar happily replies. 
-Olimar takes this as a sign to ask if Louie wants to talk about anything, like what happened earlier,(Lou shakes his head, muttering how he’s used to being yelled at) and he expresses that he would like to know more about Lou’s time with the wraith. 
-Lou becomes visibly uncomfortable, with an unreadable expression. Oli sighs, thinking that maybe he has to wait another day to get closure, but Louie pulls out his Koppad. 
-Olimar is surprised, but does not say a word as Lou begins to type a note. He patiently waits for sometime before Louie slowly hands him his koppad.
-We finally are able to read what happened before the crew reached the oak. Louie, after being left behind, has nowhere else to go. He is forced to hide in the oak. He is bitter after being left behind, and the Plasm uses his vulnerability to take over him while he was asleep. He claims he had no control over his actions, it was all the wraiths doing, using him to capture Olimar again. Lou also writes how he would sometimes hear the plasm…speak to him. 
-Well…obviously it's half the truth. Olimar knows its half the truth, for this still leaves so many more questions unanswered. Saving those questions for another day, he expresses his gratitude for Louie being able to confess, and Oli tells him he doesn’t blame Lou one bit for what occured with the Plasm. He then asks if Lou would like to type anything else. Lou takes back his koppad and shakes his head no. 
-Oli notes that Louie looks more relaxed now, and offers to cook something to eat before turning in for the night. Lou quietly jokes about olimar offering to cook, for last time he nearly set the Hocotate ship on fire. Olimar for a moment is stunned, before bursting out laughing. 
-the two can be heard heading to the kitchen as we cut to Charlie and The ship, who both heard them exit the room. (C and the ship were at the head of the Drake this whole time, leaving the others to sort out their feelings.)
-The ship semi jokes to Charlie if he has anything to vent about. Charlie pauses for a moment, glancing at his rubber duck floating around the Drake, before smiling and says something like, “The great hero Captain Charlie has no secrets to share!”. The ship looks at him funny before saying “WELL I CERTAINLY DO, FOR ONE-“ 
-Rusty continues rambling as Charlie walks to the Kop’s room
- Alph is laying on his sleeping bag when Brit finds him. Sitting on her own sleeping bag, an awkward silence follows before Brit apologizes to Alph. -She explains that, ever since he nearly died, she never forgave Lou for working alongside the Wraith. And how she has also never forgiven herself for not being able to save Alph in time. Brit never wanted A to get hurt ever again, so she became overprotective, which began to strain their friendship. 
-Alph, now with more understanding, forgives her but expresses that it wasn’t her nor Louie's fault. And that the dangers on the planet are sometimes uncontrollable. Bad things can happen, and sometimes they are not in your control and that's ok. 
-They hug, Brit promising to be nicer to Lou and stop being so overprotective of A. Alph is content, but out of the corner of his eye, he catches a glimpse of D looming in the distance. His stomach begins to hurt, which causes Brit to worry. Alph dismisses the pain since it's kind of normal for him, and Brit jokingly scolds herself for already going against her promise. 
-They both laugh and prepare to get some sleep as Charlie walks in, noting that they both seem to have sorted things out.
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Terrible Fic Ideas #26: LotR SI, but make it Imrahil's Wife
I have a terrible weakness for fic where the main character suddenly finds themself having to contend with and make their way in a brand new world, whether via time travel, portal, or reincarnation. The method of displacement varies with whatever is most popular in whatever fandom I'm in at the time. So, naturally, with my current LotR obsession I found myself wondering: if I was going to write a LotR SI how would I do it?
My answer was: replace the unnamed woman who became Prince Imrahil's wife as a young girl.
Just imagine it:
Rather than a true self-insert, I see this as more of modern girl in Middle Earth, with a middle-aged fan of Tolkien waking up in the 5-year old future princess' body following a wave of minor illness that passed through whatever city she was living in. Keyword here is fan: the SI has read The Hobbit, LotR, and The Silmarillion and seen the movies, but couldn't, say, draw the Feanorian family tree from memory or remember the exact timeline of pivotal events. The SI has enough knowledge to cause trouble, but not enough to realistically interfere in events.
As no background is given for Imrahil's wife, the SI doesn't immediately recognize that's whose body she has awakened in. Or, indeed what world, as life in a Gondorian city at the end of the Third Age bears heavy resemblance to life in most Medieval cities. It takes about a year for her to realize she awoke in 2966 TA in the near vicinity of Minas Tirith - and Barad-dûr.
All Elphriel, as I shall call her, knows at first is that she's the youngest child and only daughter of the Lord of Pelargir. Her mother is the younger sister of Steward Ecthelion II, and it's that relationship that allows Elphriel to pinpoint where and when she is.
As the niece of the steward, Elphriel is present at her cousin Denethor II's marriage to Imrahil's sister, Finduilas, in 2976 TA. At 21, Imrahil is not immediately smitten with 15-year-old Elphriel, but they strike up a friendship that has both sides of their family teasing them about an eventual marriage in the way of all male-female friendships.
Part of this is that Elphriel is mature and sensible compared to most Gondorian noblewomen her age. How could she not be, having once been a middle-aged modern woman? And though her original STEM background doesn't serve her all to well in a fantasy world at war, I imagine living in Gondor's primary port allows her to take a great interest in sailing, ship construction, and international trade without raising too many eyebrows - things the Prince of Dol Amroth would also be interested in. She introduces concepts of double entry bookkeeping and welding economic diplomacy against Gondor's southern neighbors.
Somewhat against her intentions, Elphriel becomes the Adam Smith or John Maynard Keynes of Middle Earth.
Also somewhat against her intentions, Elphriel ends up falling for Imrahil. Their relationship is a surprise to no one but themselves, and grows over five years (and many letters) from a fond acquaintanceship to deep friendship to love almost without them realizing it.
They marry c. 2986 TA. Elphir is born in 2987, Erchirion in 2990, Amrothos in 2994, and Lothírel in 2999.
Meanwhile, in the background, Boromir and Faramir are born in 2978 and 2983 respectively. Finduilas dies in 2988, sending Denethor into his slow tailspin into despair. Seeing her nephews left effectively parentless, Elphriel steps up.
It's difficult, as Dol Amroth is some distance from Minas Tirith and she has young children of her own, but Elphriel does her best to provide both boys with a positive parental figure and unconditional love.
Elphriel's presence does not change anything. LotR happens exactly as it does in canon. Boromir is still lost to the ring. Faramir still nearly dies trying to earn his father's love. But they were loved, and knew they were loved.
That being said, I've seen posts about how from the outside it looks like Gandalf was planning a coup against Denethor - not necessarily to replace him with the rightful king, but with Imrahil. I'd like to play into that, but with Elphriel whispering behind the scenes that Denethor is clearly losing it and how steps should be taken for his heir to replace him before he does something truly unforgivable. It's slow going and Boromir being sent to Rivendell derails some of it, but there's definitely an undercurrent of Denethor needs to be made to step down going into the Battle of Pelennor Fields.
Otherwise, post-LotR includes a lot of helping Arwen adapt to a mortal royal court and mortality, mothering all her children (and Faramir), and doting on her grandchildren (and any other child she comes across).
Bonuses include: 1) Elphriel having a maternal grandmother from either Umbar or Harad, and dealing with Gondorian racism as only a modern woman can; 2) no one ever knowing exactly why Elphriel is odd, but all parties agreeing that she is and loving her nonetheless; and 3) gratuitous use of quotes and phrases from modern pop culture wherever feasible, and those around Elphriel either not understanding her humor or else finding her the most amusing person they've ever met.
And that's it. All I really wanted from this plot bunny was someone to give Boromir and Faramir more parental love than they receive in canon, and this was the best way to go about it I could contrive. As always, feel free to adopt the bun, just link back if you ever do anything with it.
More Terrible Fic Ideas
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polyamships · 2 years
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This is the fifth of six posts to help expand on the prompts for anyone who needs a little more to go on than just one word. We hope these ideas help inspire people, but they are only a jumping-off point and there will of course be plenty more interpretations we didn’t think of!
March 21st - Treasure - This could be sappy with them treasuring their partners or having treasured memories of each other. Giving gifts that could be considered treasures; gemstones, precious metals, money or other valuable objects. Or they could plan a treasure hunt. They could also be pirates or adventurers searching for treasure, or archaeologists who happen to find treasures. They could be on a quest, finding treasures as loot and perhaps coming across a dragon's hoard. If they already possess treasures, this could be about their collection.
March 22nd - Bonding - Bonding could be via spending time together. Or finding an interest/belief in common. This might be your ship bonding, or metamors, or they could also be bonding with their kids, pets, or friends and family of their partners. For something different, it could be a magical/supernatural bond, like an empathic bond or a soulbond - maybe they're bonded to someone other than their partners. More literally it could be chemical, mechanical or physical bonding. Maybe they have a close bond working together or they're made to do team bonding exercises.
March 23rd - Forest - An atmospheric location perfect for fairytale or fantasy but also good for horror, or scifi if you want an alien forest. They could live there, as survivalists or witches or dryads or outlaws (Robin Hood AU anyone?). Do they go into the forest looking for someone or something? Or is there something creepy or mysterious lurking in the forest they're afraid of? Maybe they're a shapeshifter running wild there. They could work in a forest or go there for hiking, climbing, caving etc. Or perhaps your character 'can't see the forest for the trees'.
March 24th - Apart - Something could be keeping your ship apart physically, across distance (or time!), such as a long distance relationship or temporary travel. Maybe they're imprisoned or kidnapped. Or cursed, not able to touch or be in the same place. They could be kept apart by other people, rules, life circumstances, or conflict, whether literal or emotional. Has something driven them apart - a disagreement or a betrayal? Is a character apart from the rest of the ship who are already together, longing to have a place with them. Are they apart as in an exception, do they stand out above the rest or are they excluded from consideration? For whump, it could also relate to being in pieces or something blown apart.
March 25th - Unlikely - This could be unlikely friends/lovers where people (maybe even themselves) never expected they'd work well or have anything in common. Unlikely allies that could shift from enemies-to-lovers. Or unlikely events, things that probably won't happen or improbable events that did happen. Ideas or dreams or plans that are unlikely to work out, characters as the underdog going against the odds. It could also be unlikely-looking, not being what is expected based on appearances. Asking someone out, figuring they're unlikely to get a yes and being surprised when they do. Or does someone find something unlikely and suspect it's a lie.
The rest of the prompts can be found in the full prompts post here.
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