#I wish I could draw lol
hannahmanderr · 1 year
DannyMay Day 26 - Art/Fic Switch Challenge
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I was originally gonna do something more ambitious, but I am Not An Artist so I gave up and made a transparent little blorbo instead lol
I like to headcanon you can see blob ghosts' cores through their skin and they kind of end up sliding around in the ghost like in one of those squishy jelly tubes
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Oh shit Husk. You're gonna have some weird pregnancy and intoxicated dreams I bet 😂
Husk: *having a helluva of a dream* “satisfied….on heavy metal~”
Note: This is why I wish I can draw! 😭basically imagine if Angel Dust was the girl and Husk is Kenny lol
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ronwestbreeze · 1 year
why does avatar sometimes remind me of lion king?? is it just me?
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dracoria-nebulae · 8 months
Sorry if this was mentioned in Abyssal Lights but do you have a compilation of the physical description of the reader in your fic?? Or maybe photo references if you can??? I keep on imagining them differently every time I lovingly reread your fic (this is more of a me thing tho lol, i promise it's not your writing!)
Hi hi! So, while bits of the siren's appearance is directly mentioned, it's not entirely set in stone. I'm sadly not an artist, else I'd make her reference myself! There's some room for interpretation in there for her. I do apologize for her description being slightly vague, it's a little harder for me too without a proper reference hehe. I would definitely advise checking out @caycanteven 's interpretation of the siren! I know I love looking at it heh.
I'll try and put it together here to a degree from what I've mentioned. The siren is huge, though I've not fully settled on a total length. Her torso/upper half alone is larger than the skeletons, even the taller ones. Her tail would be easily more than 3x the length of her upper half, probably even more due to being a deep sea eel species! Oh and her torso is mostly androgynous, only vaguely feminine heh. Her tail is shaped like an eel of course, however unlike actual eels she has a lot more variety of fins, most flowing and when healthy quite attractive. For a species like sirens, their appearance is important too for mating. She has more than one set of gills, some on her humanoid half and some on her tail due to the size of her body. Facially she is a lot flatter than a human. She has a slight nasal ridge with somewhat hidden nostrils. I'd almost think a lot like some Undyne fanart. Her mouth is unusually wide, it almost makes it look like she's smiling all the time and towards the ends there's bands of fibrous tissue that's more of her teal-y glow color, giving her a look almost like she's blushing. This is all part of her ability to open her mouth incredibly wide and eat things a lot larger than you'd expect. She has large eyes that have vertical pupils, with two sets of eyelids. One like normal and secondary clear ones. She doesn't usually blink or close her eyes unless sleeping so it gives her an eerie intensity and sort of innocence. She has no brows hah. Like a lot of mers or sirens, she has ear fins, helps her emote where her face lacks a lot of motion. There are the exit holes for her nostrils hidden behind her ear fins too! Since fish don't exactly use nostrils for anything other than smelling, they aren't connected to other parts of her internals. This is the more important one, where humans have hair, she has a 'hair' like growth of something between jellyfish lappets/tentacles and barbels. They are prehensile and work as sensory organs and more. (Though at the current time of the fic they are short and dirtied as she hasn't cared for them at all. Much like her fins.) Her scales when healthy are a black+purple so dark that it becomes iridescent, though right now they are closer to an ashy black/grey. Her body, fins, hair, face, are covered in markings that are capable of glowing a bright teal, having usually a blue-ish tint to them when not lit up. Patterns are up to interpretation but I imagine a mixture of stripes and spots. Her whole body is mostly scaled actually, even though eels typically aren't scaled hahaha.
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perrito and uli would be a really interesting mix. had the thought earlier and now it Will Not leave my brain
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joodeegemstone · 7 months
no wheat in modern au. jet is a lollipop bitch now.
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choccy-milky · 28 days
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scenes from my fic but make it ghibli 🌟
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kingfuc · 2 months
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haruminyuu · 1 month
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abilai · 10 days
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Fafa redraw for fafa day!!!! + face cuz that side quest ended up so pretty
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beemot · 9 months
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just wanted to draw happy gale 🥺🥺
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u3pxx · 4 months
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harriet is still the same height but instead she wears those disco platform shoes so she just towers over everything i think
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crocchompers · 4 months
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This is all I got for a while now lol
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anyways that's it! (I also found that drawing of Howdy holding Draft from that last post with Draft Julie)
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dreamsy990 · 1 month
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when i was a kid i fell in love with dandelions. when i told my parents, they said they were just weeds, not flowers at all. i was always upset on the dandelions behalf- why didnt people love them too? why were they a problem when they were just as pretty?
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vastwinterskies · 5 months
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She never got to see him in his little sailor outfit... (2021) progress video under the cut
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nonomives · 1 year
I love poppy sm, ive got so many doodle ideas for her man
Plus i like to think her and wally has some mother-son relationship but like in a funny way
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Here's some of em :DD
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