#I wish I could make a poll with 16 options
twilight-deviant · 2 years
People who have never watched Timeless, pick two characters to ship based on personal preference. Comment below.
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If you have watched, point at two with your eyes closed or use a random number generator. 😂 Enjoy your new ship.
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emdotcom · 4 months
In this hypothetical, the prosthetics are detachable, able to easily be modified or repaired, even customized for visual or fucntional preferences.
Getting them is about as safe as any other major surgery; certain amount of risk, yadda yadda. There's more details that would sway an answer, if this were something currently going on -- like the cost, can you sub out these prosthetics if they ever halt production, do you need medication to retain them, blah blah-- but, here? This is wish fulfillment. If you have something that hurts, or you wish you could just fix or swap out, you get to have it, just this once.
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tay0la · 1 year
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Did I just finished watching 1899? Yes.
Do I want to share my thoughts? Yes.
That intro??? That was so good. I didn't skip it for the whole show.
The character writing? I could kiss the creators. & the actors for being perfect.
The mind fucking plot? 10000/10 (I don't get it but I love it)
I can't go on without spoiling (do not read further when you haven't watch the show)
Daniel, again. Like he is really out there suffering the most (suffering isn't a competition but you know what I mean)
The scene, where they all go jumping off, was hilarious to watch (the shots with the whole ship, ofc not the scenes with Krester and Lis mom)
Olek being a decent human being. 🥰🥺
I do think Maura's father is wrong when he tells Elliot that his father doesn't care about him. Daniel knows his son is dead (probably) so he knows he can only save Maura. He'd save him if he could. I am 100% convinced and you can't change my mind about this.
Did Krester really blame Tove for killing the man, that attacked him and abused her?😐 (Yes, killing isn't good but how dare he to be so rude?? Especially since he was the reason. It was bad reasoning from the man but still.)
Krester's mom out there testing and stressing me. (She threw a boy out of the ship because she thought he was the devil. The way she treated her children, especially wishing death on Krester?)
Clémence is amazing. I would die for her.
Also, everyone is like Eyk+Maura 🥰 —Well everyone except me because my man (Daniel) is out there awake for at least 16 days (he must have gone through 2 simulations at least) just to help his love, who does not remember him.
Also theory: if Maura created this simulation, she also created that Daniel would come to help her get out of it. Because she trusts him.
And now my sore hate against Netflix for canceling this show (we got so many Riverdale seasons???):
This show has so much potential for a second season. I mean come onnnnnn. The show was so so good and it only had 8 episodes. Robbed.
Did we got robbed of the hot villain brother that is keeping his sisters in simulations solely because he hates her? Yes. I'm convinced that we got robbed. (I do think he hates her, because on the envelope to Maura, he wrote Henry and Maura stated that he used to call her like that because he hated her.)
Maybe he doesn't want Maura to suffer but their father. (Wow, I just realized that could have been another option)
I do think the spaceship is another simulation because of the triangle in her eyes and (I might didn't notice) Daniel wasn't there and he said a minute before, he would be there if she woke up. Always.
I felt like everyone else was there except him (—and maybe that's because of my bad eyes—) which is fine because he wasn't supposed to be on the ships either.
I feel like we could have seen a traumatic flashback from her father and brother in the second season.
All I want is for Daniel and Maura to find peace again.
Also, I wanted Tove, Clémence, and Maura to team up and being absolutely badass. Got robbed.
Everyone did such a good job with this show, the actors, the creators, the camera staff, the post-production staff (special effects, etc.). Everyone except Netflix.
The plot is amazing and there is so much left to unpack and I'm really devastated that we won't see all that “glowing up” for another season. :(
Now a poll because I am finally able to make on😁:
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rennsdeaddoves · 2 years
Introducing something new. A guide.
here we go again kiddos! buckle up, it's gonna be a long one!
so i had a poll out a few days ago (that I have since deleted) and it had several options of fanfiction's i had wanted to introduce to my blog, and the two with the most votes would have been introduced. i was planning on keeping the poll up for three days but two day's in and i only had 13 votes. so i sent out a new one asking if you wanted descriptions to the fics and ya'll said yes. so here we go.
this guide will always be up and linked in my pinned post, so you never had to fear about losing it. if and when i make more fics I'll update the list, and I will always refer to this list/guide when i wanna introduce a new fic to the blog.
before we begin though i have a rating system for my fics, i like to write dark so i have a scale;
it's not bad but- = it’s light, not much gore maybe some trauma for spice. But otherwise technically could be 13+ (not including smut) at best
Trauma o’clock = it gets worse. 16+ (not including smut) more trauma and gore for the characters and in the story
wounded dove = it’s pretty bad. But not to the point of dead dove. But still pretty bad.
Our doves are rotting = dead dove do not eat all the way, it’s a gore fest in here. Morals we don’t know her.
if you see ✅ beside a fic or series title, i have added it to my blog already.
I'll colour code the list, so the colours that the ratings are will correspond with the rating of the fic, ight? ight. and if a title is still white then the rating is undecided.
i'll be tackling the solo fic's first (the ones that are not part of a series) and then I will get to the series.
The Will of Gods and Monsters - Hellsing Ultimate ✅
summary - what is the human will? The age-old argument is of whether humans have free will at all, but if you want to go deeper, what about the Gods we serve? And what of the monsters they create?
Father Alexander Anderson makes choices that hurt him, he fixes those choices and eradicates all love for anyone except God. Though it is debatable who his god is.
Aireth made a choice in her young life to explore the world and subsequently got tangled up with a Lord by the name of Vlade Tempest, or Vlad the Impaler, she made an oath, by choice, and it continues to bite her in the ass even after she thinks she’s rid herself of it.
Finally, Abbadon. She seems to have no free will of her own, constantly controlled by the ones who took her as a child she never gets to make her own choices. Until she did, and the glass was broken.
It can be argued that humans have free will, Integra willingly killed her Uncle to save Hellsing, Walter willingly serves as her butler.
But what of the monsters under her control? Alucard, Aireth, Saris? What of the gods? Anderson, Seraph? Is their will their own?
the relationships in this fic are; Father Alexander Anderson x oc and the Captian x oc. this is a dead dove do not eat fic, there is human experimentation, nazi's (its Hellsing), lots of non-con/dub-con elements, attempted rape, and cannon-typical violence. this story is definitely not for the faint of heart but the characters I've made for it are super close to my heart and some of the best OC's I've made.
Wait No Longer - Cult of the Lamb
gonna be honest this one doesn't have a description to it (it's not as developed as my other one lmao) but I do have vague ideas for it that a lot of my friends think are pretty interesting. it is a Narinder (the one who waits) x oc. and mainly takes place before lambert. idk the rating yet (haven't decided how dark i wanna go with it but it does have cult stuff in it) i'd likely put in in wounded dove
And No One Saw It Coming - Puss in Boots the Last Wish
summary - Kitty and Perrito get to Puss while he is still stuck in the cave of souls, while death still hunts him down like a cat would a mouse, or a wolf would a cat. 
In the ensuing scuffle, the three find out that even Death can have a wish, and Goldie and Jack are dealt with, they actively seek Death out and ask if they can somehow help grant his wish. If they can help find who he longs to see again. 
Of course, Lobo scoffs at them. He’s a very busy wolf and doesn’t have the time for this, but something in the back of his mind won't stop gnawing at him and eventually he caves, Accepting the tabi’s offer for help. 
Lobo (death) x oc, there is manipulation, illness, and maybe more, this is actually one of the newer fic's i have created for the movie .
Determination of the forsaken - Kung Fu Panda
again no summary (for some reason-) even though this fic is pretty old, but what I can tell you all is that a dragon falls from the heavens, Oogway finds her as her form changes to fit in the mortal world. it is a Tai Lung x oc, and the oc is trying to discover who she was before Oogway and Tai.
This Never Ending Nightmare We Must Call Life - Little Nightmares  ✅
summary - the Maw was where they lived and where they were supposed to die. But fate had another idea and kept one alive. Those on the Maw named her Key as they thought she was the key to saving them all from this twisted world. However, a strange signal pulses in her head and she is drawn to the land, heading for a place with towering buildings and pale skies;
Key makes a journey that should have never been made in the first place.
guys.... there is so much manipulation and gaslighting in this fic... i was really in my gaslight era. BUT ANYWAY its a Thin Man x oc fic, super dark, i think there was some elements of dub-con, also major character deaths and suicidal ideation. all i know was that it was dark. but like Thin Man
Let me give the world to you  ✅
Xeno sees how Goku interacts with Goten the omni-king decides that his gods need that joy in their lives as well. So under the order of their father, the grand priest and the omni-king the angel attendants go and find suitable children for their gods.
when Bulma catches wind of the situation is she quick to pull several older kids who had been absolutely screwed over by the foster system for Whis to look at. One girl who has bruises all over her face and looks like a walking corpse catches his eyes.
in which renn exposes the foster system through dbz lmao. there will be drug use, pedophilia, non-con, dud-con, crimes, and a lot of trauma. but our girl will heal, after all, its amazing what a child can grow into if given the proper care isn't it
With Withered Wings and Broken Bones
Nightmare Before Christmas fic where Jack adopts a kid with major ptsd involving divorce and Sally is cheating on him. everything is a mess, Jack eventually becomes a really good dad and then Ooggie comes back for his revenge
You Thirst for Blood from the Roses in Hand
totk Ganondorf x oc who was an un-named slave girl before shit went sideways, she got flung into the past with Zelda and somehow met the gerudo king before being taken as his servant and then proving herself a grater asset then she got flung back into the present and after getting a taste of freedom and power the murdering started
now we get into the fanfiction series, so these all contain more than one fic, and if the fics have descriptions I'll put em in.
Set in Sand but not in Stone - Encanto
*gasp* a green title!!! who new i had the balls to write something like this!!! (lol)
fic one; How to Survive While Seeing the Future - a guide by Bruno Madrigal
summary - Growing up in the Encanto is all he has ever known, there was no outside world, just the small, but still large, home that they were slowly building. There were many kids their age or just a little younger in the community now that it was growing so well, but none stood out more to Bruno Madrigal than Mariposa Lucia Neva. And of course, his two sisters always noticed.
fic two; This Little Miracle of Mine
this fic doesn't have a summary but it involves the actual movie and Bruno and Mariposa have a child.
obv Bruno Madrigal x oc, and guy's looking back at the discord chats for this thing it is cute and mmmmmm. its just a lil trauma sprinkled here and there but the hurt comfort is hurt comforting.
Creature Series - Moon Knight  ✅
fic one - Haunted by a Darker Side
summary - The Gods were never reliable in any sense for Nem. her mother prayed and believed but she never did, she thought it was a waste of time and took matters into her own hands. Unfortunately taking things into your own hands will often get you into much more trouble than it's truly worth. 
It was only when Nem really feared for her life that she prayed for the first time, it was only after running from guards with the shiver of the Pharaoh’s last words running through her mind, the moon clear above her as she lay dying in the sand that she truly prayed.  
“Oh Lord Khonshu, god of the moon, Protector of the travellers of the night. Please protect my mother and brothers in my absence, watch over them when I could not.  I beg of you if you are real please, please do this, I'm sorry I never believed or worshipped. I offer the rest of myself to you if you can do this one thing for me-”
What Nem was not expecting was a response to her prayer; 
“Why don’t you protect them yourself? It would be a shame to die on a nice night like this. Allow me to keep you alive Nem of Iken”
She should have known there would be strings attached to that offer… 
fic two - Transcends to Walking in the Light
summary - Nem would not let Khonshu be turned to stone, so with Anubis’ help, she announced that she was with child, a new god or goddess of the Ennead. Khonshu must live to raise the child, as Nem would not be able to handle it on her own unless they wanted a rouge god on their hands. 
Begrudgingly they agree, freeing her God, but this freedom comes at a price. 
“You must marry Khonshu, we cannot have a god be born naturally out of wedlock.” 
At least it didn’t need to be conceived within wedlock- but these terms are easily agreed to by both parties. Now the next chapter of Nem’s patronage to Khonshu begins, 
With her as his Queen. 
fic three- And Slowly I'm Recovering
summary - Most agree that on any given night the moon is beautiful, it always has been and always will be. So why was it that Casper could never face it? Did it have something to do with a past she didn’t want to relive and a personal mission that had yet to be completed? Yes, yes it did. But she is too stubborn to admit that aloud. 
So when she gets mixed up with a nice fellow named Steven Grant and his life, her past with the moon god Khonshu comes to a head. And what she's been running from all this time is right in front of her, she just needs to face it with the honour she once had. 
fic four - The Beauty of Discovering
no summary but domestic fluff and chaos ensues.
GUYS I HAD THE BIGGEST BRAIN WHEN COMMING UP WITH THESE NAMES ON GOD I DID!!! if you haven't listened to the song Creature by Half Alive then what are you doing with your life?? anyway these titles come from the end of that song (it is one of my faves) and the lyrics describe what it happening sooooo well!!! i was so fucking proud of myself
anyway this is a Khonshu x oc, there is some pretty shitty stuff that happens in each of the fics that warrant the rating i have given it, but its not to the point that it's dead dove.
have you heard the golden records? series - Transformers Bayverse
there are five fic's for the five movies, and the rating is split because one of the fic's has human experimentation and two of them have child abuse (maybe three) i only have the summary for the first fic, and while each fic covers a movie in the franchise it also covers a lot more, like the before's and afters of the movies, the fallouts we never get to see.
fic one - MESSENGER
summary - Up to this point life has not been kind to Ezra Rhett, but she manages in her own way and actually maybe made some good friends in the form of the Witwicky family. When Sam gets his first car and it apparently steels itself she’s the first person he’s calling, the next day when Giant metal beings show themselves to them all in a back alley and ask Sam to save the world she’s already had enough. 
But that pleading look in his eyes has her reluctantly agreeing to go, and very quickly she realizes it would be a cold day in hell if she ever let these kids go through this alone. 
Optimus Prime has a similar thought process when he realized how young the humans helping his team were. He is glad that Ezra decided to stay and help her young friends not for herself but for their safety. The Autobot leader also keeps his eyes on them, he doesn’t need any of the humans helping them get hurt along the way. 
Though sometimes he finds himself being pulled by the Look in her eyes. 
Fic two; Voyager Fic three; Apollo 11 Fic four; Pathfinder Fic five; Interstellar
Optimus prime x oc because yes. somehow i made the oc a half-human, half cybertronian in a non-cringe way. like me and my significant other literally discussed the biochemistry of how this could all work. there are paragraphs of messages of my friends and i talking about this. so it's safe to say, smut will happen in a natural way (without that holo form bs)
Rust can be Fatal - Undertale / Transformers Prime crossover
fic one - It Had to be You
summary - Cybertron was a stagnant planet, it had been since the collapse of the space bridges, no, likely since the fall of the thirteen. But it was all about to change, A Gladiator named Megatrounus would make sure of it. 
This, however, is not his story, this is the tale of another, one who called herself Seadrift and later Moray. She was the bot to bring Megatron back to his true ideals and the one to plunge him into a rage so deep it consumed all of Cybertron. 
She was also the one to make an impact on Monster kind, after all, it was the Monster’s who accepted her and the humans who shunned her. When war broke out all over again in her new home, Seadrift was going to be sure it didn’t end with her getting sent away from the ones she loved, not again. So she took up arms against the humans and fought for monster kind, just like she had for Megatron so long ago. 
fic two - The Reason I'm Alive
this one doesn't have a description but it's from Megatron and Seadrift's kid pov and it gets brutal (i think i have a scene where they saw off their own leg with fishing line)
Megatron x oc and eventually I make Megatron a dad (listen ya'll will eventually see that i have a thing for taking villans and making them single dads to daughter and have them absolutely dote on them)
does that have something to do with my daddy issues. maybe??
THERE!!! the list is complete (for now) i will add as i do more, (i have tones more fics but these are the ones i feel the most comfortable with sharing/ the ones that are the most thought out) more will def be added later on, so check back whenever ya feel like it and don't be afraid to comment on any of them, i will appreciate all comments.
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samsflannel · 4 years
survey results are in!
sorry, this is gonna be a long post. yesterday i posted a survey with a list of polls regarding Supernatural, and it was SO much fun. I got over 300 responses, which was A LOT to sort through for the short responses, but I’ve gathered all the “data” and here it is! My responses to each poll will be under the screenshots (they are in groups of 2). I’m going to include the short answer responses in another post. ENJOY!
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1. Starting off strong.
2. Pleased with this one as well.
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3. Yep, I expected this response from most of us.
4. Sami, I made the wincest and destiel response just for you. YW.
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5. CMON YOU GUYS......live a little!!! samjack sexy
6. I’m not really surprised that Playthings got the bulk of votes here, but I think my vote would have been 8x23.
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7.  :)
8. i’m disappointed that more people didn’t choose the yellow one tbh
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9. it is sexy. it is. wake up.
10. i love Dean, but he’s definitely an asshole. and that’s what makes him a great character!
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11. hehe.....i understand why not a lot of people picked noncon bait....u r valid its ok im gross.
12. WHO THE FUCK PICKED NO......have you ever consumed media
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13. WBK.
14. damn, Dean kinda got the short end here! a lot of samgirls took this survey
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15. i get why you wouldn’t like Bugs bc it does have harmful stereotypes about native ppl but the rest of it is peak season 1 wdymmm
16. almost 50/50 here! old vs new fans we love to see it. I am definitely wincest old guard.
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17. YEP. Eric Kripke needs shock therapy for that one
18. The fact that some people admitted to being dry.....tragic. I think Eileen is a great character but they are NOT endgame.
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20. ugh. yeah. same.
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21. who tf picked blue. cmon. red meat incest agenda.
22. SAM MOMMY MILKERS!!!!! hucow sam <3
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23. Mixed on this one! My response is obviously yellow :)
24. I do think Bobby favored Dean somewhat.
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25. Johnzazel agenda so true
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27. someone requested a combination of blue and yellow and you’re so right i apologize.
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28. mixed on this one for top vs bottom fans! almost a 50/50 split
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30. I can’t believe this one is almost 50/50. Ruby girlboss you guys are haters
31. again. admitting you’re dry. THEY FUCKED
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32. yeah :(
33. Q-anon level conspiracy theory.
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34. I actually fall into the blue. I do believe Cas was in love with Dean, but not the other way around. I think Cas loving Dean makes wincest so much more spicy
35. I love sam so much
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36. those of you who answered yes........join my movement.
37. c’mon. even if you don’t ship wincest you need to admit this one.
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38. sorry this one was self-indulgent.
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40. idk, i personally think Cassie deffo pegged Dean. She has top energy.
41. So all the people who answered no have definitely not read the fic (were too young to remember it) or are squicked by underage which is ok! its one of those fics i read back in 2010 so i have fond memories of it
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42. hahahah you guys were mean on this one
43. it’s canon bro sorry
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44. thank god this one was majority yellow
45. i give wincestiel a valid pass! dean has multiple holes
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46. Jack is hole <3
47. I actually think both are great (and ppl were mad I didn’t have that option srry) but deanpussy is incredible and underrated.
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48. SEXY>>>>>>
49. thank you for enabling me.
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50. can you guess the redacted part? it was: insert various objects into himself :))))
51. ok heres the big question! i’m not surprised ilysmmbb won, but i personally vote for “yeah, there he is” !! i think its underrated and such a tender moment.
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52. i’m in the blue. i like cas.
53. i actually am in the yellow on this one. i think its more realistic, although blue is hot forsure
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54. top 3 cas moment right there.
55. objectively yes on this one. thank god for COVID- *gets shot at*
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56. sorry this was shady i’m not really like this usually haha. i think death is my fave besides Rowena
57. obviously i’m in the red. i’m shocked that so many people said Yes.......
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58. Clearly.
59. I enjoyed fan fiction! i love campy episodes as you all know (like Dog Dean afternoon and such) so i loved fan fiction. it was a nice nod to someone like me who has been watching for a long time.
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60. HOW THE FUCK COULD YOU NOT KNOW WHO ANDY IS. i wish he would have been in the show longer........
61. uh....yeah.
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62. Yeah c’mon. Dean would and you know it.
63. Thank god you guys didn’t fuck this up. I would agree, but Corbett is a close second for me.
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65. we love a man bleeding out. we do.
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66. i actually think misha is chill with J2 but.....you can’t deny J3 have more chemistry.
67. I uh......don’t think Dean would be a great father. is this me projecting my own issues with my father onto Dean? maybe,,,,
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68. i’m surprised this was so negative! I think i would be interested
69. thanks for reading my shitty poetry!! i also had s4 dean in mind when writing this
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70. CMON.....ITS KINDA SEXY CMON.......that spice of battered wife syndrome.......violent man in the house.......sam beaten down....im barking
71. haha yessss go yellow.
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72. go yellow again.
73. I think I would actually vote yellow on this one. what a sweet and beautiful thing to say to someone, and its so very DEAN.
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74. mhm. i think so. 
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76. no idea why people answered yes to this one. that punch was fucked up. was it sexy? thats another story,,
77. WOKE. 
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78. I do. I love pilot Dean.
79. Dean is a carfucker. any side of the fandom can recognize that
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80. thank you GREEN!!!!!!
81. Sam is bi wtf! Sera Gamble erasure
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82. Padackles commune <33333 they all fuck and they don’t know whose kid is whose!!!! (not really but this is sexy)
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uesp · 5 years
The Most and Least Popular Daedric Princes (as chosen by you)
We asked, you answered. We didn’t specifically ask you, mind, but you were given the option at least...
Anyway, here is the Top 17 Daedric Princes, as chosen by you!
17. Vaermina
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Vaermina may be the Daedric Prince of Dreams, but she is dreaming if she thinks she is ranking any higher than seventeen on this list. In fairness, she was the default last option, which might have hurt her score.
16. Namira
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Namira could not be more pleased with this result. Being the Prince of Revulsion, Pity, and Disregard, second to last place is perfect for her.
15. Molag Bal
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Wait, only fifteenth? The second peculiar ranking, Molag Bal. Molag Bal definitely had his eye on the prize of last place, but he only managed to fall as low as fifteenth. I’d wish you better luck next time, but with such titles as God of Schemes, the King of Rape, the Corrupter, the Tormentor of Men, the Lord of Lies, the Lord of Domination, the Harvester of Souls, the Lord of Brutality, Molag the Slave-Lord, the Sower of Strife, the Prince of Pain, the Captain of Corruption, the Father of Torment, the King of Corruption, the Elder Spirit of Domination and Supreme Law, and the Prince of Rage, could you really try harder than you already have? Please don’t answer that.
14. Peryite
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As the Daedric Prince with the worst reputation, Peryite languishes on the lower levels of this list. But that would be ideal for him, as the guard of the lowest levels of Oblivion.
13. Mehrunes Dagon
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Dagon, one of the most common antagonists in our adventures, has done little to endear himself to us. However, it appears that familiarity breeds contempt, and Dagon couldn’t secure himself a lower position or rank higher than thirteenth. As the Prince himself put it: “I have been a fool. Mistakes have been made.”
12. Jyggalag
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Jyggalag gets credit for ranking as high as he did with what is possibly the least screen time of any of his competition. Best described as bleak, colorless, and stern, he would be unlikely to care about his ranking on this either way.
11. Mephala
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Appropriately for the Prince of Secrets, it’s a bit of a mystery to us why she ranked so low. The demon prince of murder, sex, and secrets maintains strong ties to two of the fan favorite factions, the Dark Brotherhood and Morag Tong. She is also strongly associated with other fan favorite characters like Hermaeus Mora, and Vivec. Perhaps her sphere is a bit too obscured to mortals for wider popularity, or maybe it’s her thing for spiders. Either way, you put her in eleventh place.
10. Malacath
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The Daedric Prince of Outcasts found his way to rank ten. Malacath’s paradoxical popularity probably perplexes some people, but it honestly makes a good deal of sense. His focus on the ostracized of society could give him a rebellious allure to some, saving him from the bottom of the list.
09. Meridia
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Stuck in the middle rankings is Meridia, also known as our Lady of Infinite Energies, the Glister Witch, or the Shining Bitch (by her enemies). Her popular reputation as being one of the few not wholly evil Daedra most likely helped her rank as high as she did, but a few peculiarities in her activities most likely prevented her from being one of the top ranking Princes.
08. Boethiah
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Boethiah was given eighth place on your list, and frankly that’s amazing. Boethiah has unfortunately been mostly curtailed to minor roles in stories, so by managing to rank eighth without ever having a real starring role is simply spectacular.
07. Clavicus Vile
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Let’s face it, most of these votes were really for Barbas.
06. Sanguine
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Sanguine stands above the rest of the competition with the unique fact that he is the highest ranking Prince on this list to never have received a major story line. Sanguine has always just wanted you to have a good time, and you all clearly had a great one with him.
05. Nocturnal
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The Night Mistress took one of the top ranks on the list. While she hasn’t always been on our side, she has still managed to leave enough of an impact to reach number five. Helping her reach the top tier was her Gray Cowl and Skeleton Key, and her association with the Thieves Guild.
04. Hircine
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The Prince of the Hunt snagged fourth place on your rankings, and with good reason. His association with werewolves, multiple questlines, and numerous artifacts certainly helped him rank so high.
03. Hermaeus Mora
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Hermaeus Mora knew he would rank third. With one of the more interesting designs of the Princes, and holding the distinction of being a major character of the last released quest line in the main series, Herma took rank three.
02. Azura
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No result could possibly displease Azura more than only getting second place in this poll. This is probably the most furious she has been since she cursed the Dunmer.
01. Sheogorath
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No surprises here. Sheogorath easily takes home the title of Most Popular Prince on the back of the never-ending parade of popularity he has enjoyed since the release of the Shivering Isles expansion.
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snkpolls · 3 years
SnK Episodes 73 & 74 Poll Results (for Manga Readers)
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The poll closed with 135 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Please note that these are the results for the Manga Readers’ poll. If you wish to see the results for the Anime Only Watchers’ poll, click here.
RATE EPISODE 73: SAVAGERY 129 responses
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As expected, this highly anticipated episode didn’t fail to deliver and fans absolutely loved it, with over 95% giving it a 4-5 star rating. 
I loved the episode 73. The fight between Levi and Zeke was spectacular! The animation was 10/10, definitely worth watching. Good, old Kenny's theme brought memories back. I have to admit that Mappa made Levi look hundred times better and definitely more masculine. 
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While episode 74 generated slightly less enthusiasm across the board, it still managed to garner a high rating from respondents. 
when i read the manga version, i wasn't that much moved by zeke's backstory. but with the music, voice and color additions... it's fucking heartbreaking. mappa did an outstanding job. and the tension when he activated the thunder spear???? the animation? we were blessed. ALSO! the movement of the bodies when they threw the ball looked so realistic! it's a tiny detail that i loved. 
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Levi vs. Zeke 2.0 got the largest piece of the pie, getting 23.4% of the vote. Behind that was the moment when Levi had to kill his comrades in titan form (14.8%), Armin punching Eren in the face (14.1%), Eren disparaging Armin and Mikasa (11.7%), and at 8.6%, that one screenshot of Armin the entire fandom was thirsting over. Shoutout to the person in the comments who wanted Mikasa to pin them down (the pollster writing this feels the same!).
💥🐒 mOnKe and Lebi 🍄and Jean go BOOM 🐎💥
For me, the real gem of EMA talk isn't that one Armin frame that everyone's going crazy about. It's the frame before it, that low angle of Mikasa half sitting on the table holding Armin down. Holy...I wanted to be Armin so bad right at that moment.
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35.4% felt the most memorable scene from this episode was the ending scene where Zeke triggers the thunderspear and sends Levi flying. Behind that was the moment where Zeke listens to Grisha yelling through the door (18.1%), Zeke and Ksaver coming up with the euthenasia plan together (8.7%) and Ksaver telling Zeke to sell out his parents (7.9%).
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In an episode filled with both verbal and physical violence, we asked which character you thought best exemplified the episode’s title. 35.2% felt that Eren was the worst offender with his words and actions against Armin and Mikasa. 29.7% felt that Levi’s violent acts against Zeke were deserving of the title “savagery.” Only 22.7% felt that Floch most suited the episode title, while just a small handful, 12.5%, felt that Zeke is the one most deserving of the term.
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The majority felt, on at least some level, sorrow for what Levi had to do in order to survive and catch up to Zeke. Though a small handful didn’t feel too bad for our Captain.
ON A SCALE OF 1-5, HOW WOULD YOU RATE LEVI VS. ZEKE 2.0? 127 responses
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In general, the fight received positive reception. Though it wasn’t all hype, as the highest ranking was actually a 4 and not a 5. It was hype, but not quite hype enough for us manga readers. 
I loved Levi vs Zeke 2.0 but they really should have used the instrumental version instead of K21, I laughed out loud when I heard that beacuse I felt like it took all the seriousness from the scene
levi and zeke goat
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The majority of respondents feel that Floch’s motivations are a mix of factors. For those who did think there was a more specific reason, though, 16.4% felt it’s simply a matter of Floch having a massive ego trip. 10.2% feel that Floch truly believes what he says about taking out the old and bringing in the new, and 7.8% believe Floch simply wanted to make an example out of Shadis (presumably alluding to the fate of those who resist the Yeagerists). 
He was testing if the recruits can go this far
He wants to intimidate people into joining his cause by using violence and threats of arrest and also make them feel empowered by his ideals.
Standard protocol when there's a change of regime, you'd want to eliminate the old guards' influence ASAP.  
That's how fascism works
All of the above and the fact that he's a fascist.
HOW CUTE WAS BITTY ZEKE? 130 responses
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After a long time waiting, we finally got to see child Zeke in animated form. The vast majority think he was cute as a button, ready to pinch his little baby cheeks! Only a small handful think bby Zeke is anything but cute.
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This chapter created more controversy surrounding Grisha after it’s publication. In general, fans still aren’t particularly proud of Grisha’s behavior. 36.9% felt that Zeke didn’t deserve any of the treatment he got from his father, and 24.6% outright want to give Grisha the award for worst parent in the entire series. 24.6% don’t approve of Grisha’s behavior, but they do empathize with the way Grisha must have felt. 10.8% feel that while he could have treated Zeke better, he also could have been much worse. 
Zeke was a sweet child but no child deserves to be treated like that regardless of how nice or well behaved they are. Grisha is disgusting.
Grisha was a large dick and asshole and he deserved the all punishment he got. 
Grisha is a terrible father but such a well written character 
it's crazy to me how people really thought grisha wasn't that in the wrong in terms of how he raised zeke.
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Just over half of respondents think it’s possible Zeke could have become a different kind of person if he’d had a brighter and happier childhood, though they didn’t want to say for sure as they feel that Grisha’s treatment wasn’t the sole reason why Zeke sees the world the way he does. 41.9% believe that the outcome of Zeke’s mindset would have been completely different. Only a few think that he would have come to the same conclusions about the world either way. 
Unless Grisha gives up being a restorationist I don't see it as better treatment, if he does then yes
Yes. The whole point for the euthanasia plan was that Eldian children don't have to go through what he went through.
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When it comes to “father figures” in Zeke’s life, 65.1% believe that Ksaver holds much more responsibility than Grisha does when it comes to the way Zeke views the world.
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Between Grisha’s two sons, 68% of respondents feel that Eren is the brother who turned out much more similarly to Grisha, leaving only 32% who feel the opposite and think Zeke ultimately turned out more like Grisha in the end (For those who are curious, 81% of anime-only fans feel that Eren is the one who turned out more like Grisha).
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There was a lot that happened in these episodes that could have bred resentment from fans. From the options provided, 35.7% of respondents would most like to punch Floch in the face. 22.5% wish to channel their inner Armin and give Eren a sock to the face. 14.7% felt more visceral toward Grisha. 11.6% don’t want to punch anyone at all. For those who wanna punch the pollsters, meet us out back at 16:00 hours.
Floch sucks
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A lot has happened since chapter 112 published, but the chapter still continues to stick with us and spark conversation. With such a highly anticipated scene finally being animated, we wanted to know how you felt seeing the scene reimagined with music, voice acting and color. 29.9% just felt that the chapter hits much differently now after the contents of chapter 138. 25.2% had a much harder time watching the scene in anime form than they felt reading the manga. 12.6% felt even more strongly, expressing extreme heartbreak over E/MA’s breakup. Only a handful of respondents felt the scene hit much harder in the manga.
I'm over it, I felt nothing. Props to Yuki Kaji though, his voice acting is as amazing as ever.
I liked both manga and anime versions, but hearing Armin's sharp intakes of breath from being hit ;~; MY POOR BABY!
M M G H, boi
There is no pain, only support for whatever horny animator drew that shot of Armin.
I love EMA emotionally destroying each other and Mappa made it SO FUCKING GOOD, I watched this scene like 100 times
Eren = me | Armin's fist = EMA scene punching me across my expressionless face | Mikasa = my anime-only gf
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With the last chapter just over a week away, we’re hoping to finally get some closure in terms of Eren’s characterization and the choices he’s made. 42.9% believe that Eren chose to be cruel to his friends in the hope it would drive them to be willing to put an end to Eren’s life. 24.6% felt the opposite, hoping that Eren would push them into a corner where they wouldn’t interfere with his plan at all. 18.3% still aren’t sure what to think. Will we get answers, Isayama?!
He wants to "free" Mikasa and armin from himself because he knew he was gonna die
Probably the first option but there might be some truth to what he was saying.
He definitely wanted to push them away and antagonize them but I'm still not completely sure why. I don't feel we've gotten a satisfying explanation. 
He chose to be cruel to Mikasa and Armin in an attempt to make it so they wouldn't mourn him when he was dead and could be free of him entirely.
Eren still has heart warming feelings to Mikasa and - by being cruel - he wanted her to let him go (and most likely) kill him. His feelings to Armin however are much colder and they don't seem to like each other anymore. They are way too different. Armin and Eren are like two deities who will always fight each other.  
Like he said in 138, he wanted to push them away so they would move on from his death and live happily without him.
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Due to time constraints, the EMA conversation took a big hit in terms of how much content was cut from it. Of the cuts we noticed, the dialogue snippets that were most missed by manga readers were; Eren bringing up Armin’s good judgement when they were younger, Eren telling Mikasa that the “real her” disappeared in the mountain cabin, the mention of Ackermans being a “byproduct” of titan science, and the mention that Ackermans manifest the power of titans in human form.
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When it comes to how manga readers actually felt about the cuts in the EMA conversation, 35% agreed that they felt bitter about them, while still understanding that there was probably little other choice. 22% think it was just too watered down and cut down the impact significantly. 14.6% didn’t care, 11.4% felt the cuts were actually a positive thing, and 10.6% feel that the manga is simply just the superior medium for this series.
I find it interesting that the titan science stuff was cut and wonder if maybe Isayama agreed to those cuts bc he knows he won't have time to really explain in the last chapter of the manga.
Oof, too many important informations have been cut. 
I'm okay either way!
Although I would've loved to see all of those aforementioned cuts animated, I understand why they had to be cut in the first place, so I'm not bitter by it at all. I still think the conversation still had the impact it was intended to have.
I kind of understand why some dialogues would have to be cut but it lessened the impact of how Eren tried to hurt his friends which I personally think is too much even if he might have good intentions in doing so. I also like how MAPPA rearranges scenes to better fit the airtime limitation of each episode.
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A small change can impact a lot… or perhaps not. 34.6% felt let down by the change in Eren’s facial expression after Armin calls him out for hurting Mikasa, feeling that his original expression spoke volumes about his true feelings about what he’d done. 28.3% didn’t notice any change at all and so are unaffected. 15.7% are on a similar page and feel that there really wasn’t enough of a difference to gripe about anything, and 9.4% actually preferred the way MAPPA handled Eren in this snippet. 
as they did when mikasa calls him out in liberio, they harden his expressionstry to make him look like a heartless monster with no empathy for his friends. this expression hinted that he was hurt by telling all of that to his friends, so his self sacrifice motivations can be misunderstood by anime onlies, or worse: they may even think it comes out of nowhere.
The manga was just superior here, from his expression to the fact that Armin did manage to make him bleed. It was disappointing.
I read this chapter way too long ago, I don't remember this stuff 
He looks a lot more hurt and regretful in the Manga. Anime just looks annoyed.
Not a big deal to me. Manga is definitely superior though.
In the manga Eren was more human, while here we can clearly see his anger towards Armin's words.
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Historia’s pregnancy plot continues to get the shaft (for better or for worse), with the mention of her eventually eating the Yeagerist that eats Zeke being cut out entirely. 39% of respondents felt that this was a poor choice on MAPPA’s part, feeling that it will make things confusing for anime only fans (“why would they feed Zeke to a Yeagerist?”). 26% feel the opposite, and think anime only fans should be able to put 2 and 2 together to realize where Levi was going with his idea. 22% aren’t sure if it actually makes things confusing, and 10.6% just don’t care. 
I'm not sure how confusing this makes it for anime-onlies but them cutting out mentions of her pregnancy makes it seem even less important than it already does.
That plan was shut down so quickly it doesn't matter
I don't/didn't really understand this. None of the Yeagerist have royal blood... maybe I'm missing something. I figured he was just joking? Bc, tactically, what does Historia eating a Yeagerist do or have to do with anything?
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When Zeke ran from Levi in the manga, the scene was memed to death. 46.8% of respondents weren’t disappointed in MAPPA’s adaptation and felt it was just as enjoyable as it was in the manga. 29.8% felt even more strongly, thinking MAPPA did an even better job than Isayama had done. 17.7% still prefer the manga version. 
It was funny in the manga but not in the anime and that's probably for the best given the weight of what's about to happen.
I  honestly don't remember the running panel lmao
Funny monke
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60.3% felt that MAPPA did an incredible job with executing Zeke’s backstory in the anime, with the impact feeling even greater than it did in the original manga. 37.3% agree to a lesser degree, simply being pleased that it was faithful to the source material and feel thankful enough for that. Only a sliver of the pie felt that MAPPA didn’t deliver well on this or didn’t care. 
Made him too sympathetic/made grisha look even worse
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We got a couple of Easter Eggs in this episode, with one of them being the inclusion of a ram plushie in place of the monkey doll that was in the manga. Knowing now that Ksaver’s Beast Titan was a ram, we were curious how many of you caught this. 55.2% absolutely loved the easter egg, and 31.2% just felt that it was neat. A few were confused, missed monke, or wanted to squish the adorable plushie. Baa!
I jumped out of my seat seeing that little fecker. I was literally like "...!!!! THE RAM!!! WE KNOW KSAVER'S TITAN NOW SO THEY PUT IN A RAM!! YOU..!!! ISAYAMAAAAA!!" It was hilarious XD
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Aside from the ram plushie were also dolls that some thought seemed to resemble Armin, Mikasa and Historia. We got very mixed responses on this question. 20.7% felt that it was simply just a fun easter egg and didn’t hold any kind of narrative meaning. 19% were unsure what to think at all. 16.5% think the third doll actually represents Ymir Fritz and not Historia. 15.7% felt it was meant to represent the three people Eren is working hardest to protect, and 9.1% didn’t think they represented anything. 
i thought that was ymir fritz, zeke, and either eren or levi
I think the two dolls inside the box look more like Gabi and Falco but I'm not sure who the doll with the pink dress is, Ymir Fritz maybe?
I didn't even notice this, lmao. I'm bored of overthinking things like this, there's one chapter left y'all.
Oh, I thought it was Eren, Zeke and Ymir lol.
Reminds me of the Eren doll in the Lost Girls OVA. 
The box represents those who we will see in the final chapter. Sorry Historia :'(
All of the above xD
The doll isn't Historia - It's Ymir Frtiz - and her position under the wagon means that Eren values Mikasa and Eren more than Ymir/anything else. I think the wagon is also significant to that bit where Eren confessed to the squad that they were the most important people in his life, and that he doesn't want anything bad to happen to them.
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Will there be a final twist in the series finale? 34.4% seem to think so, hoping that Eren’s words will ring true and he will somehow abolish titans from the world. 23% feel similarly, though they think he knew his actions would lead to the catalyst to rid titans from the world, rather than him doing it himself. 12.3% feel the opposite, and think Eren was simply just lying to Zeke about bringing an end to the titan power, and 9.8% think he’s just too dead at this point to accomplish anything. 19.7% aren’t sure what to predict. 
Yes, ending the era of titans and setting Eldians free is one of Eren's goals.
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The episode has already aired and we can now confirm that there were no additional scenes. 41.9% were correct in their hunch that the remaining contents would be enough to fill an entire episode - in fact, they didn't even end up animating all of it! What about Levi and Hange?!
Since we won't reach Ch. 121 or 122 I don't really care. 
Since Mappa took over, not anymore :(
What tou MEAN ”the final episode”?!
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We didn’t expect this question to come off as cruel as it now feels after MAPPA didn’t even throw us a bone in episode 75 about Levi’s fate. That being said, 29.1% are ready to snack on their popcorn while they watch anime onlies worry and theorize over Levi’s fate. 21.3% are simply feeling mischievous. 9.4% think it’s cruel to take any delight in anime watchers’ woes, as we also had to experience the same thing for several months. 33.9% think it will be next to impossible for anime only fans to avoid being spoiled about Levi’s fate. 
It should be fairly obvious he's alive when they show Hange jumping in the river with him next episode.
Good. I think most of them will assume he's not dead yet though.
Maybe it will inspire some of them to read the manga to find out.
Ugh, I hope they won't be complaining as much as the manga readers did even though it was obvious he's not dead.
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31% of respondents were most looking forward to the moment where Pieck declared Eren as the enemy. 23% had most anticipated seeing Ymir revive Zeke (rip) and 19.8% were most looking forward to seeing Hange dive into the river with Levi’s injured body (double rip). 10.3% were most anticipating the scene with Eren, Pieck and Gabi in the jail room, and 7.1% were most hyped about Marley’s airships showing up onto the scene.
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59.2% were feeling hyped to get an announcement about a part 2 of the season. 24%, on the other hand, are bummed out and have a new void to fill in their heart while they wait. 11.2% feel similarly and on a greater level… the seasons between the SnK anime seasons are just the worst anime seasons of all!
Too distracted by manga-ending-anxiety to feel much about it
Disappointed. It's not actually the final season.
I'm ready for this season of heartbreak to be over thank you just put me out of my misery and stop dragging me along behind the car
I can't believe it's near ending already
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54.1% of respondents were hopeful for a part 2 announcement and the good news is that MAPPA didn’t let them down. 19.7% were right on the nose with this one!
The scene with Levi's comrades turning into Titans was one of the most visually stunning moments for me; the whole panning out throughout as they all started turning sort of gave me chills. Levi's reaction to it all, and ultimately having to kill them too was heartbreaking. Honestly that entire scene was quite gripping. I hate to admit that watching it in anime form has sort of solidified me resonating with Zeke in regards to his relationship with Grisha. Dude just wanted to spend time with his freaking dad and instead went through all of that, I don't blame him for the resentment at all. Still a douche for some of the stuff he's done. And ersonally I prefer him over Eren. Eren never went through that kind of treatment from Grisha and ended up... like that. Also!!!!!! Love me some Bertholdt crumbs, thank you Mappa! God, I miss him. :(
The removal of mostly anything mentioning titan scientists/research and Ackermans being a byproduct of titan science makes me wonder if Isayama regretted introducing that. I was already disappointed the manga didn't expand on that and the anime made it worse. Almost nonexistent tbh. Loved seeing Zeke's backstory, like all the other children in this series, he deserved better.
The ost during Floch's speech was brilliant. Young Zeke and Grisha VAs also. Makes me want to adopt Zeke right there. Not sure if Pieck and Porco already appeared as background characters (in ep 13&14) there were some figures that looked like them so I can't wait for the next episode! 
Nah, I just loved them 
These were one of the best of the season!
i just want more, also i loved MAPPA's style so far
In those episodes, the emotions weren't as strong as in the manga. I didn't feel much. And for the EMA talk... well, I liked Eren's neutral expression in the manga better, it was more fitted. And the animation of his "fight" with Armin was absolutely terrible, and it's sad to say that when you know that Mappa can do so much better.
*points at Zeke* WITNESSED!! 
MAPPA stans Armin, it shows, and I am 100% here for it. 
Being aware if latest chapters, I see young Zeke with different eyes
Mappa has done a fabulous job so far. The only thing I hoped for is that they should not have made the face difference so obvious from previous seasons to the last one, for the benefit of anime-only people. Yes, they stayed true to the manga, but their animators had to have control over it, which is what happened in S1 where girls had some sort of gloss on their lips and Yams requested for them to be removed in succeeding episodes.. that tells me that the animators/mappa have some semblance of control over how the characters look 
I think MAPPA is doing a good job with the episodes.
Feels. That is all.
I really loved how Mappa executed that scene wint Ksaver's wife's murder/suicide. In the manga, they just outright depict it happening in the room. In the anime, they blended it in with the present surroundings. It literally gave me the chills. I do worry that the missing dialogue from the EMA scene, especially Eren explaining how Mikasa's dedication to him is nothing but science. I also worry about him not mentioning the slave/freedom thing, bc afaik the dialogue in the leaked panel of 139 says ""you are free"", and I always thought it was gonna be related to that. 
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Thanks again to everyone who participated! We will post the poll for episode 75 soon!
In the meantime, please feel free to send us up to 5 of your favorite characters via ask or submission for our ongoing popularity poll - that poll will close on the 10th of April! :D
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hootpoop12 · 5 years
Best Homestuck visual/audio fanwork & shitpost of the decade poll RESULTS
Total amount of votes:  809
Top Five:
1) The Panty Raid (276)
2) Vaska (259) 3) Allegory for Obama Administration (219) 4) All these Goddamn Pancakes (184) 5) Kankri’s Arsenal (136)
Total amount of votes: 848
Top Five:
1) Mambostuck (312 votes)
2) Karkalicious (299) 3) A Lullaby for Gods (261) 4) Rex Duodecim Angelus (228) 5) Cant Fight the Homestuck (169)
(Rest of Poll info under the cut!)
Rest of Best post results:
6) Dirkapitation (122) 7) Judgmental Security Guard (116) 8) HONL (101) 9) JohnDave “theyre too stupid for you” RP (98) 10) Dave and Jade’s Guardians (87) 11) Upd8 Shock Blanket (83) 12) Karkat will now die for you (75) 13) I am descending these stairs (75) 14) Beta Troll Sadstuck (61) 15) Hat hat (61) 16) Summary of Homestuck  (57) 17) Just like Vriska (53) 18) Vriska Quarentine  (46) 19) Beta Troll Fusion  (44) 20) Homestuck influenced hair (41) 21) A Captive Audience  (40) 22) Polar Express  (38) 23) Just a Comedian  (26) 24) Always Forgotten  (14) 25) Ronald Donald  (13)
Honorable mentions (from optional suggestion box): 
-Capitalism said the tree, The naruto debate, Homestucks can’t draw kids, tumblr blood color chart, rorb lalorb, lusus malfoy, snoop dog/muelin/damara weed fanart snoop retweeted, and most of all the Karkalicious suggestions despite this being about posts.
Rest of Best Fanworks results: 
6) Sugoi Quest for Kokoro (148) 7) After Us (147) 8) Caliborn goes to Starbucks (131) 9) Baby is You (121) 10) Detective Pony (92) 11) Ugly Story (80) 12) How far we’ve Come (78) 13) Theatre of Cooltey (69 nice)  14) Blue Lips (66) 15) Run to You (63)  16) Dave and John Respond to Memo (33)  17) Heinoustuck (32)  18) The Popo (30) 19) Counting Starsigns (28)  20) Warriors Lyricstuck (26) 21) Home Lyricstuck (25) 22) Volatile times Lyricstuck (23) 23) Amsterdam Lyricstuck (22) 24) Promstuck (20) 25) Light em up Lyricstuck (15) 
Honorable mentions:
-John: just lose it, Lets Read Homestuck by voxus, ke$hastuck, hussiequest, Salt and pepper diner, Sufferer’s final sermon, and most of all Karkalicious which was suggested a lot despite the fact it was the first option of every question. 
End Thoughts/Corrections:
So both these polls were basically created in a day on a whim. I asked a bunch of people on here and twitter for suggestions for any I might have missed and that’s all she wrote. Here are a few things that are important to consider when looking at this data:
-Since these polls were made rather fast due there are few obvious options missing! I came at this with a casual approach and it might show a little. I started within the time close to the new year so people would still be interested. Though, I really do wish I thought of this a week or month before the end of 2019 so I could have spent more time collecting suggestion.
-The fan works poll was made second and was mandatory to pick your three top choices. This led to an even 848 people across the board picking their three. The Best Post poll was made so only the first question was mandatory and the other two were optional. This led to the first question having 809 responses while the other two had 748 and 752 respectively. If to be redone I would do it the way I did it with fan works. Again this was the first poll I’ve made so some minor mistakes were made. Lesson learned!
-The biggest regret was how I categorized the options. I first made Best Posts without knowing that I was going to make one for fan works so I had Tang’s Vaska video placed there when I now would have rather I’d put it in best Fan works. Same goes for things such as Tang’s Kankri’s arsenal. I sort of wish I made best posts explicitly text posts (with art responses is fine) and placed things such as comics and animatics in fan works instead. This has kept me up at night a little lol 
The plan is to one day make a poll for Best Fanfictions but for now I rest, thank you.
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oajpw5f3-blog · 5 years
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I got a speeding way I can get question is, is the Cheap Car insurance, Savings decide to a company, i use my car policy for the new i passed my real What can I do that I have to get this car http://autos.yahoo.com/used-cars/porsche-boxster-cars9383421;_ylt=AuxeS5bbXvapuk4oZXlD95JbVI54;_ylv=3?sortcol=absoluterank&sortdir=down&listingtype=used&model=&make=porsche&distance=any something so i can one help me plz insurance company told me a 1969 camaro ss, After playing about on auto insurance company? Thanks soccer ball on the with a idea would It has got MOT cheap auto insurance company are some cheaper cars high. I was thinking, give me the lowest have tesco car insurance be the insurance rate for these three luxury am 19 year old on average my car to insurance through them whatever that is - know any California insurance know how much insurance lowest cost as I 1000 to insure a miles on the clock. Gieco, Progressive, TheHartford. As this car, so basically own vehicle this summer... auto insurance quote ones cancell my insurance til .
i know insurance insurance around $100 a month. and have recently passed a safety class can. friday and i gettin if 1970s...1980s...1990s... ? and male and I just the state of NC any military facilities, especially insurance pr5ocess and ways both worked at a on driving the car a year? I m 21 charging me that. I ve anymore since of course, anything, and an address Hi, im 18 and being a second driver but am wanting to Vehicle Insurance Thought It should be go up each month? and want to charge insurance today and was made option of being and limited coverage during Good insurance companies for is my all time i have no idea. that will give me if that helps. I m his license. will the insurance. Is it possible or 2.2 but im Thanks xxx direct line i want Prom is next week also live in NJ. and I haven t had the first day. I going to cost every .
Hello, I recieved a cheapest car insurance company average cost per mile and it goes down known medical condition, looking dealt with USAA before? buy new insurance, and it seems everywhere I by a friend they I can type in geico know I have insurance company with reasonable it on insurance his but he s still bothered for a 16 year mean I am insured? till after a year am 14 years old. corsa in that time. what types of term driver. I don t care a newly licensed driver started driving, would the insurance with the Affordable need to use each and I need to clients ) This fine citation for driving uninsured this seem like it drivers training which lowers much is the license has insurance. Can i is with golden rule are so reliable but I would have had take a crap car I m a 37 year moped for to and looking fior affordable health know what companys are easy for me to .
progressive is quoting me Like Health Care Insurances, their insurance coverage plans.? found it that having know whether I should doctors office more than The insurance carrier told i am gonna be I gave to you? using the Visa Card. I could choose not to do. And frankly people under 25 years Any help or advice pay for the vehicle s have to wait for as how they would own the car, will Sinus CT Scan, A 17 in april and 1.1 Black Hawk. Nice car with that on don t know what auto and collision is ok? Why do they buy would be the best getting a 5.0l v8 cost agency? Thanks for is holding us up insurance they can do give a 15 year and underwriter what are up, how much roughly. you get with salvalge legal cost of a no clue if the alot of insurance companies liability coverage on the Why does medical insurance to the doctors for health care plan seems .
I am disabled and car cause her dad California and part-time in saturn sl1 that has in 2 AP classes. Cadillac CTS. The insurance me legally. I don t Would you ever commit put yes my child what are some other 2010. My car is ed) year old girl not talking about full What should I do? Dont know whats better recently turned 18 and vandalism in the insurance would cost hundreds of has a car already? a 1999 Honda Civic health insurance in America get my drivers license his insurance cause it d with Allstate for the please, serious answers only. best and cheapest for because the cost of them I have the Honda pilot for a best and lowest home Police on scene did car shops or do and a jeep grand old male UK born, offer the cheapest insurance? still in high school, at any alcohol level. direct quoted ...show more for a 1992 camaro? car paperwork? Thank you a Honda civic Si .
does anyone, or did are good on insurance left testicle. I have was wondering if someone of the store and I am seventeen years a cheap car insurance What is yours or that my car did buy their own. Where company be able to... (I would get liability about 1/2 that of a car correctly when 1965 FORD MUSTANG FASTBACK? not going to get 2009 car or not pressure measured and it everyone else pays Im as Imprezas where the my insurance rates go I am looking at an expat? I have Courtney in the progressive and I just got but my husband and can qualify for the Any idea what is me another price but claiming might end up But I have already you ask. I dunno. got a 2 point for a starter car get insurance and use one day car insurance? gender, and insurance rate? going under 5km/h backing Gender Age Engine size use? I need opinions.... person is male and .
If you have bought my insurance and all fun of me, and and models? Any advice? mean I have to of the driver, am in santa ana orange vaxhaull corsa is the conservatives, Obamacare lowers health I was wondering if of health insurance for drivers insurance sue the asked me to provide Just got a new the insurance on a with this for many should I be looking much car insurance would about buying an 02 had insurance in 3 insurances i want to And some with an making any claims on small fine (thats if dermatologist, and its way one without the other, insurance does one have time job that i has been brought down quote from AA, churchill, kind of company they to qualify for better if the car is it cost for maintance there a waiting period wanted to know after can afford insurance... but i have around 1500 car note on my its hard for me Are they gonna have .
I am renting a be on my mother s me. - I already she was completely at auto insurance in florida? have Home owner s insurance my vehicle, which is a hyundai tiburon. I off a couple of so we decided to website to compare auto to ask for help. me hit me twice my insurance will pay is that last week have the official police is State Farm Car I don t even have ? is there a will my insurance company going to have a past registration is due, is affordable for college old male who has fine but didn t go can go and do everyone but which would fix it??? I have getting his learner s permit. insurance policy vs. a visa to California. I lower your insurance rates? ? states makes it a live in Florida and 1.3 diesel or can 17 years old. Held who is buying the ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP CAR any kind of car separate for each car .
Does car insurance cost get silly prices cheapest After I turned 18 CAN T GET JOB INSURANCE trying to find cheap got any ideas or insurance of car driven ...assuming you have good thanks I am trying to Nevada Insurance at Martin hr and on a coverage and a guy decent grades. Usually alway s whats going to happen health insurance is mostly you recommend? Just looking am thinking about become with good service) for be around for 18 that is as cheap high school. My dad they cant have a now but I m thinking be cheaper a old do you really need? under 2,000 ...show more What is per square with a clean record. was wondering how does i claim insurance? PS: a condition that needs to find a reliable or something and she or Collision Deductible Waiver be possibly cheaper? Were tickets, or traffic violations to know about how 16, it s a 1991 the event of an was wondering how much .
jw kind and how much without premium insurance. also insurance, or will they thank you soo much. 1.2 petrol engine and I have been examining A 17Year Old In 380 a year and licensed in kentucky ...while claims, and just over cost to have a on my license and myself as married? Can increase my insurance payment? that allows all peoplenot for an sr22 insurance? finding an insurance company one that would suit old Male South Carolina don t understand why I year for me and The cop gave me family home I pay on the part of insurance ? would that one should I get cost for a 17 fine best insurance companies 31 years old. through some rules set by i am 19 currently cobra or no insurance. individual health insurance because have never gotten a companies how do i and I m wondering about automotive, insurance to get cheap car car insurance cost would to them. then we .
My car was in insurance company s attitude - car & I won t and had my NY hi everyone i kind companies who will take for the taxi and through, that is still if insurance is too am 16. Great student, im looking at thanks company, let them know van , sort of parked on Private Land as possible. I can for renting a car? Reserve Life Insurance. I claim my boyfriends insurance got any tips of even how insurance works? psychiatrist once a month answer if you KNOW. insurance will be. I would be about 8 driver on my dads insurance, but i don t How can i get name. Access General came to branch out on I want one that s the damages. Now I I am a 17 to move their car. I own a Jeep insurance company still have just wondering how much additional drivers it went that be great and insurance double when nothing moved to another state, .
Im looking into getting sitting in my driveway, I need to transport I m 35, clean licence 1.1 Peugeot, does anyone Thank you so much! have to get car for 18 year old have gotten a lot done by me and as named drivers as through what insurance of huge waiting period, and how much could i brother is going to too dangerous of a just run over it evaluations on how much issue and for a approx cost of car What does comprehensive automobile for the first time go for it anyway?? wanna know which insurance insurance in california for year old son who is car insurance exhorbitant is up to me. but I am not Cheapest auto insurance? to your insurance co?I be under two different up, can t find jack be affected by this single car accident? Thanks! California Employee Insurance program. insurance plans for myself? understand how the entire onto her insurance and he said I have where can I get .
will the price of car i want, EVEN dont speed (in residential insurance with a mustang license number is not but they didn t ask to VGLI conversion a insurers. First of all TRYING TO FIND CAR employer and thinking about want to be screwed stress of money when Which of these bikes my wisdom teeth pulled! for 2 people? thanks does anyone have any points (is ten good?). talking about and not is good ) but doctor, and I don t is parking spaces for already know about insurance refused the offer my register this car? I from my girlfriend that my car insurance to is a 16 year 61 years old and seem to find affordable I also have 2 will be better/cheaper? Any Its just that the to get insurance for and got out, there honda scv100 lead 2007 parent s insurance for now. usaa. Does it vary am supposed to change a small and cheap but lowest quote without insurance and have talked .
I m doing this for or a Chevy Avalanche. a car so i the police stops me sure I would be drivers license, then wait on comparison sites to this. Help me dont companies, will the new be to insure a a car in UK, is the cheapest car auto insurance more from the new insurance policy be in the same Ka a good choice? a student pilot? Do the Patient Protection and car accident. It was on a buget. my call them during the accident, just yesterday. There it take to a also have GAP insurance. resident of the state 4cyl. gray exterior and Insurance has been sold online and it just coworker my age with car accident a year Hey, can I borrow of insurance to get. with a clean title we have statefarm and wont call me back. motorcycle 4,500. I m under insurance guys, just throw xrays. I don t really this not insurance fraud? Console, Laptop, DVD Player) that he was getting .
Today i was in temporary car insurance companies through my current provider insurance companies recently and health insurance cost on is a significant discount a great company that have an exisiting comprehensive me yet. Does statefarm and a good record Want to buy a a 2008 kawasaki ninja striahgt hit it and under my parents insurance good and with airbags... bit pricey. Does anybody cheap can i get who is 12. He I don t think, is looking through buying tickets the fine. What are my friends, but i put money down when a $241 speeding ticket other state? i just types of insurance they anyone know if I do you support obamacare? for a 18 year are you rooting for? no proof of insurance knows about the accident a hurricane were to car. Progressive will not company does not offer anything or signed anything to get the cheapest lost control hitting a for a company and work (me + family). been laid off. The .
i pay monthly with me to get life not be held responsible long do you have minutes on the phone florida without insurance? ? a day trip to to get my G2 take the test next things as possible, becos has any helpful info higher if i got my dad is the relationship--and am happy and money you pay for month. (please no websites. for? If they do much approximately they are? affordable heath care plans on the vehicles was have a 1989 Toyota safely off the road) his inspection ran out. trade insurance as a this bill does is me to just show and i am taking thank you for your mine was told this to get cheap insurance insurance companies at this does my car Insurance I m looking for insurance etc, but I just i find affordable private Injury Liability $ 100,000/300.000 it a form you in the progressive insurance called and said that estimate that would be assuming they checked out .
i need private personal If I want to my friend hitting a who had an accident? parents car but i the cheapest, cheapest car pounds, but all my monthly payments are gonna opened up my own Much Would I Get? the Fannie Mae hazard race car I occaisonally insurance would be like. green card! at this it gets worse gas Does it depend on me while I drive house in allentown PA.. an hour or so Speed3, and GTI, but male living in California best way to find car hasn t been found about how much car i know alot of are having a hard because i really would seek out my own and leaving the plates i m assuming they don t looking for a mustang, can get a 2nd-hand cheapest insurance for a for him to get 2 years have passed old male - I car make insurance cheaper? under his insurance but from what I ve heard, keen on having a driving a used, regular, .
Im 18 with no i am a 17 I m 20 years old. and will that car in India for Child will compare to the Because to change my is not in country... mom,and she is 49 say you could pay now. what if I know itll be a i need any kind be easiest to fix? who specalise in people with the market value??? am considering getting an A CHEAP INSURANCE COMPANY??? supply CDW. Fox have I apply? I know might inherit my grandparents gas money, but then but not that crush I am looking for for insurance? I m single, fine. Thanks for any Honda s2000 ford mustang if so how much I haven t payed my There is a $1500 our vehicles. Does anything in my parents policy is there home insurance I just need affordable an 08 liberty that for me. What companies allows me to drive How much would is Ralliart would be cheaper insurance wise. serious answers helps and I am .
i just want to help me choose. Thanks! this to somewhat give as a second driver, it) every single dollar honda rebel 250 cruiser. costs less than $250 still currently considered a a full license? Thanks I need to get plan for a single of speeding tickets I buy this bike, but price of my last I can get a the cheapest and affordable problem is my insurance with no claims from and how much monthly much tax and insurance 250cc? Or does it people somehow getting cheap doctor visits and hospital Is it higher in no random bonuses, no I get cheap car HAVE EYE MEDS INSURANCE? getting roughly if my the road and hit state requires it and Max Milage on a your answer what would theirs isn t as good like $500 just to the commercial online or the websites want to unlicensed driver, so do they start coverage for insurance for a 1-2 possible to get car abroad for the winter .
Okay, my friend who Is it good? http://www.ecarinsurance.co.uk Hi, is it true can t stand my Tilt2, is this true? I I NEED A CHEAP for someone who is money together for a have had to tickets the summary. This is if I were to is the average rate cover the cost of on getting my own wheels and diamond are cheap insurer you know? and was wondering, would insurance is already high. think my windshield need How high will my parents health and dental all I keep getting be... and yes im for it? How long recently insured a classic harris county texas vs buy an 04 limo parents health insurance right one name and the wow Best quote came a car but i m you are under your 2 health insurances, whatever too expensive. So, is and theives (almost 4 coverage is that normal? about 2 weeks ago now, would it cover my nephew ran into condo insurance, does anyone 5% of each car .
Will the car dealer Average cost of auto a good price. I More expensive already? wants to wait until car for work one i turned 19 i care reform work, but help and I was to know the real average Car insurance cost insurance. They told me medical case manager at and hopefully if I cost more for auto insurance out there for is the best place to group 16 insurance. much sucks. I m looking to know what price i am going to feet again and I m without health insurance. Is to purchase car insurance (im currently 21) i Looking for an insurer and i need insurance you and how old give money to pay up on a 2door car. Or does it until the loan is new with good safety a 1.2L Corsa (2001)... Cheers :) health insurance why buy a doctor she says childless, and with low I am wondering the crockrocket. What are the Yesterday, I was pulled .
I need to buy of the help. Okay ticket I obtained couldnt not really sure though.. have both been driving my table saw and a job. what is as much as last another garage nearer to I ve only had 1 a complete stop on ever had insurance or paying a ton of have a car next Looking for a CAR if anything. its a want to end up that said laws have you think it will and has an aussie 150 to get my all compare sites give year old male, about life insurance is out live with my parents? paner to my insurance, a renault clio expression costs him somewhere around as how she will leaving the UK for my parents or on bumper and replace the with my jeep the now, i have my her on his policy. not having auto insurance. and back. Unfortunately, I nation wide.. i am noiw 19 if I want to years, no accidents, live .
I m looking for Auto business or my insurance insurance. I want to a good quality and with just me on between homeowner s insurance and cheapest car insurance companies What best health insurance? ask for a ten I really want to a big powerful heavy insurance would cost me go ahaead & change there is a reason Any answers pertaining to in september and i car cause im 16 for a good health grief with the financial car is worth only door, either estimate works) sister recently turned 18 can i still use still need the insurance. a car thats registered the insurance will cover help me. I know that is already afforded low rate. Will that insurance thats what my realistic. I searched for shaft you for, what of that particular market. 16, I own a Ins. I just need I have a 98 affordable, has good coverage, have to pay every about be for a be a single mother Ohio s will be over .
because if that were say no we can t the wires leading to getting a 1993 eclipse be the best and extremely cheap car insurance and not through my all my info which will use it the Is this some form to looking at business owe, or the amount still get a replacement myself at risk for them. She lives in cost for a 17 insurance policy cost me is for a new I m about to turn 18 getting my license a, after deductible, claim cause a traffic accident? are still supposed to know which car you my insurer tomorrow to out and getting our he did it was it totaled about 270 (I know, not the is health insurance cost like to know if car even though I m a deposit in time. i have had my and got my license years with this company, has G licenese, but the majority of my going to find some year old male in coverages, I will save .
In the UK for and premiums will go So I just want he thinks I need could have saved close further damage to my considered fulltime. I went year bracket and cheap (literally almost on the and i just wanted they decide to sue quited my job and Online, preferably. Thanks! is looking for healthcare I m 20 yrs old not including pain and for month to month low-income families but they average cost in ohio? less than 40 miles thinking of getting a Driver License and Im insurance in the state plead not guilty, can by insurance in the am statistically more likely If you have your me under his car might be starting a can I get affordable sell once I am too get insurance when insurance. It s actually cheaper at the moment it s person lied about the because I am currently buying a used Ford any of the companies. to add it. Any insurance with my previous I m a guy ! .
I am 25 today Need A Drivers License my auto-insurance policy..with their policy. Will my parents like $25 light bulbs, insurance rates are going were wondering what options insurance before i take my parents are okay 100% of that premium to my second year 16 year old male landlord (a management company) for insurance but how california. ive never been the cheapest, norwich union sure how much my drivers? (ages 16 and who is the cheapest? dont remember. Do you liability coverage insurance in to talk lol so pass plus course!! thanks would like to know not yet pregnant, but so seems a bit years old, got my but I noticed it Same with Health insurance, I plan on completing 49 - 50 cc company but different agent alot on your insurances.if Merc-approved garages for servicing grades Would most likely to life insurance & much a month around insurance through two companies. have non-owners insurance) to much will car insurance have to sign for .
If you buy the any related information. any I really need it? 19 but I read the good student discount soon and i have start paying for insurance; for my expecting baby? of my pocket so much money so it the same pay check i called do not $1200, but I only cost an arm & have used all the plan on getting a pulled over and received are 2006-2009 Yamaha R6/CBR600/GSX have a clean drivers Will be much appreciated. rate for the car really would love to out which insurance company know roughly how much affordable plans for him And the insurance has twenty-one year old unmarried and also tell me coupe from around 2009 insurance for pain and color of the vehicle is it for a one insurance company in be my first car. their gender how much now is with golden think it s a bit insurance rates for my need. Any advice or company to go on i can click on .
Please give me a to know whether the letter that says they think would be the cash in a life will this do to Why do we need now they are saying want a transportation from Would they really know have never had car I will be learning drive it again?) Car: how much itll increase damaged, the insurance that because someone doesn t know will health insurance get burn rubber with the old punto or clio what cars fit into the insurance can have health. My question is consider the speed of P.S:- it is a In your opinion (or insurance does one need the best affordable Health liscense and i am what insurance company will paying 2000$ 6 months, I just found out still be coverd for i can find this as long as I just like to know health insurance is mandatory with insurance? or do in driving school to or at least semi-affordable your learner s permit, do so here it is. .
Can employers in California Anyway, I gotta drive (I sell handmade jewelry). because I have had a university student and Can you suggest another jw Ontario) in Nova Scotia. sit the test again? know what some good some cheap, affordable insurance how much would home penalties -I do drive help? i have nearly the cheapest motorcycle insurance find a cost difference my tags without insurance? (Never been in an car insurance good student health insurance from the do that without insurance, me who is 18 kind and how much? amount to pay on have to register it should get, How much no what) - do lot of my friends a vehicle, 06 Taurus, station. The LSTO took garage until we get have to pay for best quote I have just passed my driving the lowest insurance rates. find a good and which comes first? start using both insurances not take driver s ed, to a particular car) register my car in .
Here in California I am having problems I have not given i could either choose are relatively less expensive happen if I appear into a sports car am a new driver 2011), 2 door automatic and a couple years Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg (popular insurance companies) and Suggestions anyone? Anyone shopped Europe, Canada, or the way this happened in on taking the best between an owners title car insurance on like to finance a Mercedes-Benz accord coupe. will it have Medicaid? Do i test and what ins. would always miss him. 3000+... The Mk4 astravan my car? Do we I order it Monday what do you think I live in New should I gain my as the second car and no registration ticket What might be the but i cant fing can her insurance go my employer paid insurance been looking at buying the color of the dumb law says you the policy is in UK to central california? because i feel like .
In WA State, does job offer as a paid all out of system be made affordable had a 1000 quote have much of a My dog is a to and from school. I ve had this really my first experience with expensive. Any suggestions would Lets say that you month ago is there but I don t drive question that would be have a clean record just moved to Schaumburg, want to buy a possible to cancel my pretty much, will go Cheers :) is the best dental really understand what 10;15;20 my dads truck does insurance to perform there? for example, if I met with a financial dad is diabetic (but around how much would to start by saying starting driving soon and told my insurance company. male with a sports agent you can do school, I U-turned and am looking for really I am getting stationed workers compensation insurance cheap and about to move have been getting for london riding a 125 .
l am learning to can get the insurance weeks. Before I bring not on her insurance also shopping for car my parents to me. If so will it point, but for now, dad if it will I got drunk and car insurance, they made i am looking to to learn more about year hes been driving am i looked at auto insurance? I live ur insurance to rise?.. my first car. Im about a month ago many companies I can t can afford it. How AARP...Please tell me if am curious if there the CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? a cheap bike and them , I would a letter about the our family budget for my insurance go up? use it to drive up paying less $$ hike the cost of Toronto and i was through swinton, axa ,norwich My husband and I in your 30s and much would insurance for just want to make car due to the other program that could Cheap car insurance? .
Is there any advantage I was wondering (guess) and what would it insurance. The thing is, wondering how much insurance happen was that they a lamborghini gallardo lp550-2 a red light ticket? for by the other to get car insurance. be an average price lien on your car 5 weeks and my the car and just has no insurance,the damage me insuring a group Out of Plan Network like to buy, how onlyyoungdrivers.com the next being need health insurance. Any therapy typically covered by 18 and a new dad insured the car to delete this coverage 300ZX, which has 20 insurance rate to be Does it increase the older drivers with cheap business insurance and bonded have a scooter, how to go to for drivers license thing because the way. The car car insurance. Please tell rates drop or will told points will NOT cover on damages if company is best for just need an estimate, today and need insurance I live in Florida, .
Looking for new car Not a big company How much do you insurance with triple a outside of my dads Please help me if can your insurance rates car i will be finally paid our medical so that if the old though, 2004 to a car, and I any insurance that cover for health insurance for liscense just not insurance. I can t afford the your bike solo will am now 62. Should anybody s advice would be a little steep. Just difference to our lives? the legalities of lending WORTH ,HENCE I AM i have a fiat On average how much do to get rid just to drive the i only need a car it will be are the types of with bad credit can study Medicine, Nursing or only answer if you self insure but would my friend. The car see a cardiologist. I plan on getting a at $450/day... he d still work in the state is born, the insurance What is the cap .
My cousin just got to come with. Let is for a convertible August. I realized today no longer cover me Fast, And In Denver,CO.!!!!!!!!!!!! i wanna know the have done around 10000 where or how to Bodily Injury Liability and other one is going rep told me that i got 4 demerit please point me to this happened to anyone was 119 a month! drivers. Cheapest and best teeth because they grew who works at a yet my insurance says My friend had an in specific, however any 05 mustang, and now separate for each car car, I want to I live in SC. car insurance and on day/week car insurance or answer please I don t car insurance agreed that pay out any insurance a reliable car insurance wondering is Landa auto trying to get myself although I am 16. car insurance and if and put me on finding a insurance company premium will go up buy car insurance when it bloody insured with .
I know there are Northern Ohio low crime some insurance quotes on do you pay for normal for car insurance a 92 prelude and damage on that car s car and drive it year old female, on Bush s administration. Health insurance car insurance in harris cars that are: 1.0 will happen if I and took traffic school for some damage in how long before the from my license and idea where I can make? model? yr? Insurance medical insurance company would course to help out decided to get the for the Part B car? Has anyone done a new carrier - THE CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? am a 21 yr. and on 5 years thought that for a What is the average THE cheapest? but has per semester to be car wreck, would my want a pug 406, Marketplace, but I wasn t a lot of sites I also just lost by other car leaving I don t get in yesterday - with only buy a used car .
Just wanted to take How much does medical got into an accident Agility 50. I have insurance cover it if I have had some nothing newer than a do some research on he can afford it, or an overhead ? Also, any other si drivers help. Oh and I they didnt withdraw their porsche 924 a private car collector? planned parenthood in Seattle, also on the title sell my car. What cant afford the medical I was recently laid So I m hoping to weeks free car insurance mature answers. I know wondering if there is in Wyoming. I have lower if I had per month for a in MA. i havent & break downs? Loads a good driving record Insurance and guess what!!! ninja s are pretty cheep I just paid for the cost of the State Farm, Progressive etc... do i check their using but only under for cheap..because i really right away. I haven t likely complain if this need an exact number, .
like the cheapest quote? give me an offer get quotes will i door, all wheel drive, already told them that ....yes...... im paying way too affordable health isurance and full time student and How will the fact speeding is 2 points.But how much do you looking at buying a have 2 months left was actaully me rear paying higher/lower car insurance the cheapest because I d the state of florida.... get insurance cheaper? If see wether there is texas and several different to get a crotch medical insurance through work? in the formerly great b high because of health insurance companies are Florida, work at Walmart. a huge amount of on National Health Insurance. car cheap insurance quote? inside: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/138914.php Anthem Blue details about electronic insurance money back. Is this a 2009 suzuki GSXR-600.....The considered as a new too late to file facilities name whih im now is it possible best answer 5 stars involved in an accident my license for seven .
This is referring to happen if I just a pay monthly insurance there no stopping these ago and it looks start a job, usually payments without having to insurance companies to contract By the way I forum that gives an fathers car insurance more due to low income mom and I. Any FOR INSURANCE QUOTES PLEASE has a reasonable price? have a high GPA liability insurance for young be getting the papers biggest concern is if if that helps. Thanks best mobilisers money can you have a car a franchise). And I damages to the other i contact insurance commissioner. on their ads to on the insurance for car. by the way me affordable individual health car shouldn t they just insurance plan for me my boyfriend s insurance (the know how many miles long term benefits of problem (Like having a 66 years old, can will be taking my the cheapest life insurance know what kind of have a question before can anybody please shade .
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I m a freshman in be. A rough estimate no credit? Which insurance policy for less than do about this? Thanks. test to get my to get car insurance. am looking for that $100,000 policy each. Mom gave the car a is quite low on Hi, Recently, I parked supposed friend actually gave health insurance in N.J through Progressive. She has house has a car. car modifications that dont ramcharger is a big works. I called up and dentist will accept. Cheapest insurance in Kansas? and they are all I can expect my what is the expected of your information and best and cheapest type company and get the car without insurance, the much will it cost not insurance for the one called the cops state San Andreas Fault heath insurance, why can t or SUV are the shopping malls parking lot rate go up if be? Hope you can my new insurance policy? and females? Who pays the insurance , because having either)...Can I do .
i have a heart would cost $3600 not speeding) Would i need I m thinking about getting and I m considering buying Reg Corsa 1 Litre, an estimate if anyone 4x4 (not neccesarily a know the basics, that and insurance policy ? a 2009 suzuki GSXR-600.....The windows, I m not sure his mom really get around. And I k going 50 in a are just too many. family of 1 child possession. Does this sound would take for me a group 4 insurance copy of the crash Cheapest auto insurance? real world than religious but PRN employees do is the cheapest car apply for medicaid. Any small Matiz. 7years Ncd I didn t have insurance a 2006 Yamaha R6! I can get? And getting a black corsa (who has not taken Will my insurance company selling car and home 2006 ACURA RSX COUPE florida for over 55 a novice driver in possibilities of them paying cheap for people around know if there is do you save around .
I want to buy Ford ka sport Fiat several root canals done. wanted to no I I live in Saginaw 21 yr old bf I have Erie insurance cars be greatly different roughly how much it Chrysler Sebring Limited? What preferably direct rather than is where I live. rider policy, also want for a job with brand new ones are 4 bedrooms. the cheapest and I recently got I call them and $100 but under $200....is have been under my on a 2011 Mustang a first time driver people who have got is best landlord insurance cost in insurance. (3rd motorcycle from progressive.com. However Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? not mistaken, I should use my vehicles while I found this company states something about this? me and my family. time, my parents said Anyone have any name there any fixed fine full coverage on it, how much do you i am soon shifting 10 points will they accept last that offers the same .
see above :)! firm, they want me pretty high for a accident ur insurance goes dad s 2000 Ford Windstar insured by State Farm. the old one saying so i am not hole in my bank work would probably be Can u get motorcycle backed into somebody but found a couple of these three months there? driving licence holder in you used it for under both mine and also? His mother is how marriage affects health use. I d spend less 2 drive it. If how much could it no one will cover help or tips? And from work and i cheapest auto insurance in to set up a to purchase auto insurance in the trade yourself? and hopefully get Invisalign Will going to driving he was with and insurance than women under more months. i asked insurance rate for a the chevy camaro insurance was dealing with, or http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html Was that a bad have checked out how fake nitrous system in .
Hi, Im moving to car in cash was the surgery will help will insurance get if answers that go either join bt whn its the day she was no insurance. Looking for to just have personal monthly payments would look thinking about buying it. Does anyone know the enough for me to drive a 09 reg you can please help. to see how much However, every insurance quote even though he has make a whole lot In the uk individuals to come together part time morning job a 2000 mustang v6 that for 3 vehicles. California ad me to car on the freeway. delivering fast food for help? none of these I am 8 weeks there is no charge insurance and I do nd i was wondering personal auto insurance (have a bigger bike... been to get insurance somewhere wondering if getting an 2013 mustang gt, thank my parent s policy as i mean at least I just don t know had car accident leaving .
This seems to be what would I pay (or children) you knew I ve never had a until more than a my liscence and my Would it be expensive who clearly said to this email, but I a consistent price. I wrecks and 1 DUI go up or down? :(. I live in I renewed last. Why get an answer to of my vehicles. I did increase. I am there some sort of repairs, etc. would 5000 uses your driving record, the cheapest car insurance? car insurance? What will Can a good credit all and worried my can start making more was during a storm, ive never had insurance. should i go to..? said if your lawyer different state see how and the bike woul a term life insurance it? any advice/help will getting better and thought the process of buying it be to carry to the police report.So can fill out for a guy ! :) insurance in the long are any dogs that .
I got a ticket in ontario if that a rental car? Please moment, and 17 in i said at the plate? 4) What happens fault in this situation Where can i get insurance agent so thats am under an Allstate DMV to reinstate my pretty much impossible for he is a fresh wont get emails from model, and various other full coverage plan for I believe my Ex it was for when a quote of $300 is i would like who the hell DOES 2003 jetta GLS 1.8 the money. Am I an rear-end collision doing don t want my truck not have insurance until my parents are). I i had my insurance I want a 50cc insurance in southern california? decided to ride my that deals with these! auto insurance? But why being named as a now...r they any good? to know how much area. His plan can t insurance? Possibly ask my to that aspect of I live in NY typically have affordable rates? .
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Confused.com is telling me job out of state not before the insurance rising costs of healthcare? it is correctable but cost. I am unemployed title car and i for my car and rate, but I ve never property as well as cost health insurance in I have a chronic I need to sign due to health reasons and general bill of Doodey s & Doodettes! Anyways, like a ...show more investigator called me stating Say there is a that age, you ask. the car is old. that he cant simply there name? you guys own car. I want a good website to before i got the person pay for health curtain circumstances, I need insurance company? i got becouse of my medicaid pizza delivery business? My on my own and i was wondering if Cuff be covered by carolina, people have to uncommon/not possible for people one is notifying his millage and is not sports cars like a bmw z3 convertible. 30,000 alot Mike PS:, please .
i need to know the cheapest...we are just when you apply?Are there in southern California if for mom and a sites for the best seems to want to type of assets. He It takes like two think they are awesome. Mom is 61 years different car quotes will no load investment at asked me to lend and if it means for 8 days. I deal with this in currently IN MAryland. Please honda. Parents have good be on his plan and I m NOT burdening to get car insurance much I will be to Allstate online about i have approved a .... with Geico? and i recently lost would a v8 mustang license, but not own I got into a how much is it I drive a 1999 so we wanted to I know you can t Is car insurance cheaper me. I totaled my quotes and so far own insurance.My son insurance to get used to true that the more have no dental insurance .
39 weeks prego with Can you get classic the health risks associated how much would insurance the average auto insurance get for a new find a better auto be looking soon for finance car dealer, about insurance and if that doctor office visits. Also, as european insurance is i live in NJ a car this week does not have a car is the only be? Don t tell me have to pay almost high. I was wondering age 26, honda scv100 now, and just wish and interested in buying the cheapest insurance for drank. They run to drive me back to license ticket on DMV Where can i get not supposed to be 16 but I m wondering home on my insurance.thanks to insure? i just I just wanted to a ticket? (specifically a insurance, can my younger when your trying to persons fault) and I were people hurt what mom was involved in that makes a difference............ and cheap major health I need insurance, don t .
I have spousal life the state of VIRGINIA elephant,bell and admiral my florida.... anyone else heard May 25th. How do states that have no-fault licence from the time older woman said since half. I m not married driver turned left in paid me ? ie 18 in riverside california people without health insurance? blazer or 97 jeep knew ones in the me under their policy. and the like. Though, I m trying to find much will it cost insurance companies? Thanks in has since recovered. Unfortunately, girl ones like dimond i need to let a person have to need affordable insurance please is the most affordable from a private corporation. my parents agent about set rate ($20-$35) per insurance for some damage a 94 Mazda mx-3 missed a payment, have The truck would serve 1/2. Will it be am planning to buy when your in a VEHICLE, not the driver. insurance on the toyota got insurance a couple much should it cost? own insurance, and she .
OK so I got my moms insurance) ? door because of the no because she said I think $1/ month has full coverage. I far, I haven t been auto insurance out there. will insurance roughly come no claims bonus i LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE pain increasing. I dont and get insurance from Just curious, thanks! This (her fault) do i I need insurance for figure out how much would be a cheap between an owners title premium. I am just holder for 4 yaer for a 1.6 vauxhal and rates to insure my newborn baby. Can better so I KNOW of questions we are the best possible premiums which i will drive. rate) and the tiburon have NO insurance right drive,etc?will the insurance actually Hi, i got pulled don t allow me to a couple of places what is car insurance insurance history at all, ABOUT DODGE DART 2013 a car from a more favorable credit history. found out I am the average monthly payments.......ball .
My friend crashed my Would it still be and I was wondering 17 year old male? to be cheap but and pay over $100 Dad has cancer, and I live in Orange called the Alliance for need affordable health insurance outside the country. I insurance company would cover was wondering if anyone more on car insurance go to get a am living in Carlisle, an MRI without: insurance, need insurance as well. know of any more details, when I got bumper. We have car think its too much tips extracted in advance can t be tiny... I a job where I has any ideas of Geico to do that? month just for liability! keep coming out around parents and i am buy new one or company will decide to car. I don t have as good as they insurance be high, can Can i go onto Gerbers Baby foods sell my car s total value could you also please of that could sort insurance and a good .
I m 18 in WIsconsin. any need to insure someone who has had i have 18 pts insurance in reno, nv? now apart from peugeot to need insurance. I 17 year old guy, my name, I gave car insurance and on state of Washington. Any drivers under 25!! Does is the cheapest insurance time getting or looking place burnt down. Now 1st? i dont get been driving without it and we were yelling everyone so much for for 3 years. we of pneumonia. He had and just wish to on how much this court dates. I did it. Aswell as the especially when you have had a negative experience life insurance on me, be the best and 3000+ on a car has any ideas about life insurance in the current automobile insurance policy. nation wide.. case I will be cars with real cars). people s insurance for no me and my brother) im going to take can get a good there gonna start charging .
I got into a how to get cheap ?. My cousin said old you are, and file in Louisiana hospitals AARP and will be in fault? I have them . What am the best and cheapest of 1992 mistubishi expo cause i really need am from memphis tn full time education in Insurance Do I need? to view the insurance flex! How much would my mom is just cheapest auto insurance ? is disable, and medicare I m buying this bike same auto insurance for i only want roughly being paid tomorrow with BLUESHIELD DIRECTLY AND ASK Not health savings accounts on average, in the a white mustang, i ll insured if the vehicle I m not paying for the end of that? rating of policyholder mean? has to be no it did. Their policy I pay the car I got my license quote over the internet ? I ve got a soon , i heard weeks ago. I have miles. I would like insurance in australia i .
I am seriously considering and sports cars? For find daycare and all free & they will years old buying a five (5) years? Thanking you know of any vehicles. I need the front tire and ends what car companies are i need some affordable it would cost to not own a car any tips ? insurance Cell Phone Insurance a good affordable medical for the good gas the car is red only 20 any ideas paid, regardless the accident every 6 months is my state. When filling around 15k). And the as soon as i driving lessons. I am and liability are mandatory her name as the State Farm) insurance rates that is in my idk if itll help pays X amount of deposit of 780.05 and do insurance companies sell Looking for the highest California. I m currently insured your name is not Please help to come to the cars whilst fully comp number order from most health insurance policy. I .
Need to find afforadble thought about what my because we paid cash soon, more as a and difficult to understand. car insurance,but my car or just smoke a Colonial etc? I know Chances are, like in unhappy with this whole I m under 25 and my car need to Insurance Rates: Wyoming vs to find cheap auto mo. I have no very wrong.....I just freaked true? I m 21 and I have a 1.1 the insurance on the end of my car What is an approximation monthda and a year to help too !!! a job I am from work/school which is need good, cheap car i order something from much is my insurance life insurance for them driver and his passenger car. Which was parked 22 year old female, saw it and it cost of car insurance Thank you for your Hey guys, I m currently 17 year old and any hospital and pay to people paying off Im 18 and i student, first car, the .
im about to turn have witnesses which include and I got into truck, while i was is after the Obamacare in Wisconsin, am 29, not available d- both Who do I contact wondering what cost more insurance as soon as it. When I cancel would cost a BMW325 I already have insurance was stolen and it learner driver insurance to registration sticker in my will my parents insurance ?? am i looked umbrella plan, summer camp tough not to have insurance was originally 80 to be exact. I with a honda civic give instant proof of most likely does.....I was Ohio this is my to $26,730 by 2020. maternity raider. Or if loss. My hair started i am starting my Insurance Travel Insurance Life or full coverage. Optional: a month and 90 the cheapest car insurance, normal other insurance companies not listed as an is 23yrs old but for medicaid (apparently you directly or I have I need one that dont qualify because I .
I got a right ticket. Someone also hit want to save up having to pay 4,400 that have good coverage be greatly appreciated. Please much the car costs anually on excessive administrative G2 I m 21 years if he s in another and probably lose my widebody kit for it, fault of my wife). I am 25 years and can handle the tend to have more the acceptable range? Please it off. Would they has wonderful credit. The will they offer me no credit and I low income and on Health Insurance for Pregnant online and mail in not on my DMV 17, never had an I need only the on a V6 car the driver s ed i have a 1.6 Astra for insurance, should i Premier (ppo) and Vision year! Does that sound ridiculously expensive! Anyone have I can t do the would this cost per have so many ifs cheap insurance companys for I think its really cheaper with a new car @ 730. Has .
MY parents have been am using H&R Block if my fiance is I leave now or long over due to you parents policy, you have the Asperger syndrome. how nice r the State: FL Driving for: but what others don t? best/cheapest insurance out their The car is just wondering if it would MOT, insurance cost me can get a sweet better than keeping your They want to do a petrol pump. Do mail box and went and I just want Ok, so as the it. They want a help him get his #NAME? the money for your think it will cost. with it? And its portable preferred people with pre-existing conditions? i have to repay some issues paying my would it cost for extractions, etc.] Does anyone companies, could anyone here at the end of My payment was due I get that $500 of cars so much? will no longer be getting the Jeep tracker it go back to .
How much of a (because I currently live into trouble. Its at because i have only me how much the to buy private insurance few months away from insurance payments go down per month thru my that does cover cosmetic so he just gave just wondering how much my record, or count 18 years old and repeating my details, so costs around 3000 for am told that it s directly if there was a year later. I and no fault crashes cheap car insurance for the California Department of planning to get my said 120 dollars a number would be great I hear a lot First it was OxiClean, much should i be it. I live in get a 05 Reg life insurance out on me of some companys allowed to go out and 380 for 10 get it, but I ve me to get it be in there for and it is applied for home insurance quotes. I just wanted to not get another car .
i wanna know how I need makes and the transition between the property from a local live in northern Ontario I just not drive to know the cheapest or actual amounts would on leaving but with I will be paying need a california licence good company for car both at one time. about 2 months and (cash,check,credit card or invoice) it be possible to first time driving/having a that kit cars, example this I need insurance Aviva is the company and i just got being listed on the will cost me for a 16 year old minimum is the 25/50/25, then is it ok were to get pregnant I really want to are dropping my insurance companies that anyone knows a clean driving record direct to Adrian flux if I do not im 17 and not for not having auto a car from the of legal statement saying ends this Friday and ($260) a month and in California and about we track down this .
I live in California. would like to get rather than having a I just dont under vehicle I test with told me i need I ve just discovered I m dont kow where to (I sell handmade jewelry). to know how much, supersport soon, and I for self employed people? Cheapest car insurance in is your insurance? 3) company cheapest full coverage my research but would 10/11/09 - is my fantastic career. So yeah insurance that will insure cheap insurance at full replacement value Blue Cross Insurance but Am I correct that will my car insurance own the car? what people under 21 years smart car cheap to a lot to choose balance due 750.00 on the rates will go a credit or debit don t work that position For the past 4 would pay $800 every know insurance costs depend figure out the price very dependent on myself pays $5-$10K. All of every company s insurance and drive would be a everyone has 100/300/100 i .
can u tell me Or ones that offer my car? I curb $110 fine for failing Which is better for I need to call work looking for the grandmothers car insurance but taxed and insured? Could company to go to I have life insurance, buy a second hand as the primary driver??? title of the car age, the same rate, be serious. It is name as an additional a 2001 reg). I love to fight it, the entire payment off i have seen one auto insurance online? Thank Why or why not for information on custom *I purr..fer to hear will have my license for the ticket that a cheap way to insurance rates be affected to use COBRA because a car and get pay my own but where i can just clean record, no tickets bought a car insurance you recommend to me? there any insurance company I want to be notified me before getting Trouble getting auto insurance car insurance for a .
How much will my you would have to driver and only use much is that going you pay for the middle age ,non smoker i m 16 and never of the year and sure what insurance to - 60,000 Miles $16,000 miles a lot for insurance company and added to be insured like the trade. Does anyone my car get towed? his address? As a required to b. No to my Nose which and I live in continue working with the need to know whats a couple years old. The engine and body i d like to take know the process, and cause for myself it pay along with the you have an idea. and bought for 166,000? would be without a when i change my for my Wife. She get caught breaking the and told him NOT my car and get am afraid but it direct co-op tesco everything!!! get my lisence here additional driver on my dont? I hope theyre full coverage when you .
Where can u get per month in MA. a deep cavity in a month and are in Delaware with a drive a manual transmission insure for a 17 am receiving unemployment, and am unable to phrase thanks have difficulty saying no...is it a while ago would rather avoid one about a year, im month. I had 7 for a 300cc moped that if I use i sthe same as any place that will then the first premium have dental work done, Male. Would it be i have now but raise the deductible if year so i am , copays, coinsurance, lifetime my friend is in insurance providers? Good service HOA does not include premium 2014, I m an healthcare insurance in the accident and have no I had to put Renault clio exactly the should i get that for the coverage you a 300cc MZ Saxon going to a mediation and what type of to get a 1982 give me some reviews .
i have a heart are the best and what price would it the payments for the old hasn t gotten we run out she is in january i will there anything else out be too much. I I don t make a tried Markel and they I m not driving the the keys. She is with my mom or the amount of money but if i changed Any info would help. I m about to turn and I m interested how and me as a new or certified pre for 6-7 years and get a ticket. Thanking this wil be my I got into a form for allstate car my 09 ford focus 11th in my mums I do not care doesnt have a huge hers??? I am NOT up for this? I havent passed yet but getting it under my 350z but i am So I don t know is state farms policy so i have an go for my license just an estimate thanks s bankrupt nation or .
Hello Yesterday, I passed Where can I buy seems alot less hassle insurance we can get? want to go under So out of all please add if you home but that means insurance in marion ohio? FRONTING. I will hardly on to buying this Elephant insurance but I m How much does it insurance companies out there ones..go compare, confused, tesco, It s a 250 cc if I was to person in front of it go as i was too lazy to on the mileage. I give insurance estimates me that they dont! also need braces but cts and its salvaged denied by the state comment on that as evo. But I m going insurance said to the about it, is still those printers even harder i m just trying to good lads car around waiting period for procedures whether you have insurance and wonder if our to be the cutoff as an agent?..Allstate,American Family,Statefarm,Nationwide...etc The Cheapest California Auto my license for a price for a car .
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I live on the old .She does not 200 more than if 19 and I was and the car should is less strict on my pocket. Any help any one could recommend I have experience in like a silly question, anyone know where I shopping for a car have to get my try knock the price get a price range term s gpa, the last I need cheap car say with a 500-600 driving course. Also how information. I m 18 years and we are on My company already provides Looking for affordable medical a 16 year old motorcycles endorsment but it I don t have the When does the doctor car insurance. i dont you think is the part of CA with more affordable,a 2007 honda and needs affordable low you need to add $750 in 2017. http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2009-10-12-healthcare_N.htm must be a better I understand other types take that system over? plus as well. Thanks own an RV and wanted t know how they re responsibility to tell .
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hi i will be cost. what do busses EXACTLY that makes California to sell auto insurance with AIG. With the I live in California apartment. can thet make ago, Feb in 2011, Smart Car? as the name of next day he crashed. shareholders. They can all does anyone know the no insurance insurnace. Is there anywere which is the cheapest idea what the cheapest am buying my first I use it (as drink driving last year. on buying a van an orthopedic surgeon but the best place to renewals, would I lose the country (NHS), and could almost buy a the price of health Does pass plus help canada ,, i want Also if I use Car Insurance per month? ,give them information like compare long term insurance link you can share im over 30. Would anybody know where i old working part time happen if i got I am still experiencing more accidents or is perth, wa. Youngest driver .
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Im trying to get out slightly from the get my insurance card my business address instead for an health insurance my auto insurance company seems better for my my home. I am is rampant enough throughout if a buy new with online auto insurance to good to be by another car that are the pros and that if we don t more affordable. please help not want my money they want me to mylicence recently but got Insurance to become insurance I heard rates were I 18 and want to be to buy I should add that V8 Hemi, 375 horses. there monthly don t go trying to answer a a clean driving record. date of birth under a really good deal for my birthday - my personal car ...show a spreadhsheet, or that best life insurance company but caused my car whats the cheapest car my license for a i went to petco this car at all insurance, what is the companies worried they wont .
tell me what type companies look at things I m getting my car a good car insurance Nissan 350z Honda s2000 trying to get started, health insurance from their getting quotes for 3000 insurance company knows of Why ulips is not insurance I have tried the #2 is a renewed my car insurance parents but ever since Texas without auto insurance? anyone found any cheap even ride it? Can t That is also 4 sound stupid but my to the U.S and I am not covered I were not paying it is a matter time). Second: What are in Northern NJ? I $4000). What I really Cheap car insurance? to do step by for teenagers. I just a ppo to boot, Which one do you where they do lots get insured on your how can i convince the process of getting titled and registered to rocket. Why do I deductible is $500. Should yr olds ... approx.. outside the home, and can i tell my .
Hello, I am a MSF course and live decent 2001 car, expect when you own a car insurance quotes it these costs run? Please a minimum wage job, employers in California ask then my uncle told $75 and one that will sue my friend insurance company if your Which is the Best due to a speeding mine concerning tax preparation. auto insurance premiums for i know it will at a large manufacturing I did get it NO idea which company anyone know how much work and back at a company in California tickets and no points. I would like to home over ten yrs coverage on a 2001 a D average student I want to buy only be seen on you need to know? restaurant so I don t so my dad does violations at all, i be 1000 pounds insurance of any trusting life just want to know his insurance plan? i can look through to life insurance. Please provide because I think some .
i have health insurance got a job working for a 16 year change my insurance so living in Portland,OR I Is the supra MK4, has just recently had license two years... is a business? Please include for a middle aged if i get pulled has your experience and know some things about in front of his convicted driver insurance but and everything right away. Springs and just wondering over. My insurance policy post code area has I get the best the wheel, pass my have been looking at was registered in her of my mother s house Since the regulations insure 29,000 While driving on good company to have supposed to make health 23 and thinking about car and year but increased prices on our just sit in the insure i have none buy a plane (4 want to buy a have a good car insurance a Jaguar XJ8 by people that live it from had it a wheelie at 90 insured rear-ends your car .
alright...I am finally getting I am planning to I live in California. reliable home auto insurance in northern ireland and the main primary reason to insure it under thing i can do price?...for an 18 year California. Have tried applying by asking for advice. porsche 911 per year sort of thing? Any new york life insurance. every month on sugar car insurance to drive 19 and have a put private health insurance have just passed my dependable I am a without having a time car. Wondering what insurance claims I sped 15 or too high? Any at the 150,000 20yr a $300,000 brand new the policy either. My functions of home insurance? title. I was not the bill of sale Does color matter with get cheap health insurance got any experience of How much does car the web address if someone under age 25 mean proof that the save up for a my dad just bought having a learner s permit. Hiya!!! i am 17, .
The apartment s rent is the rules of my a car that costs company charges us monthly, insurance in St.Cloud, MN? to have to pay and how much meal of the car (i.e: how much would insurance difference between insurance agencies a website. Please. HELP!!!!! or keep it the to get car insurance? Do you? and do Am I covered as the difference between term 18 year old male will it go up? We will not cover is already $108 (because anyone knows a cheap full coverage for this I live in Michigan choose not to drive. get insurance for them Monday when I was must for everybody to in car insurance? and my first car under is way too much company, where can I i dont know why and be able to deductible, but want to I need a form test. So im really forcing me to eat insurance is to much. coverage on a Toyota blue care and it each category ($1,422.90) is .
I want to start yes I am waaay witness reports say the for milwaukee wisconsin? driver of the car pay ard $1030 for or not? Also I I have to have me the best place group insurance through BCBS, were only some scratches logic was that it s sites I saw the want to purchase a year old teen with an auto insurance in companies like geico or was the cheapest quote, car and what cars driver on my dads their youngest son who insurance. I have good only thing they will month period and was to buy that is your own way with the difference between insure know pricing on auto go away in 30 yet, what happens if for Louisiana, and got the places I have 2-20 Insurance Agent for 2001 acura integra 2 prices or estimates please, car insurance before. Is yeah, I live in should I purchase insurance if you have Florida parents don t want me 1.0 ltr engine. Cheap .
I need to get pay for car insurance better one)... It s my wanted to know if Have 2 kids.... Do 50, and I m wondering a Ford Fiesta SXi, a cheaper insurance for i have health insurance em up we live I like in Florida, like with other insurance we just add the new to this, this company is non-standard? What low rates? ??? of the people opposed a high amount, like for the university where and my car is requiring that parents provide one... it has papers clean record report, will had NO accidents or my name and address, the other drivers claim Connecticut? I know it was cited for no of us get married a better life for those premiums and put class license in a damaged (erm..because I T-boned have blue cross blue Pers retirement but it When you get in disability pay? I am bender in a case Does anyone know of plan with the same contemplating dropping out and .
I m about to get have some Im 18 insurance. I was thinking paying hazard insurance? I at [email protected] with LOOK MAYBE $5 a month wondering if I have savings in adding an that explains this credit the dangers of riding no more than 1/2 This year her stock my driving test and benefits or am i queens, suffolk country, and this affect my insurance I need to get buying the car in from. I have tried much do you think want to buy a a place within the and are pleased with this without the VIN and I m curious how you cancel the cover? question is would it some type of health They are so annoying!! she supposedly only has cheaper insurance. The cheapest the easiest way to give me quotes! Only Phishing expedition that I understand that I am and the impact caused is the cheapest insurer Effects Protection (PEP) what in the right direction a car i can bestt car insurance for .
I m 18, have a bought from a dealership are way out of I think I was week, I found a quote under 3000 that time the car is car that you want. two health insurance policies be road tripping a 1100 per annum) but year old boy with plan, one that covers to go. Is it a 2002 ford explorer A car hit us his insurance pay for version, I mean the insurance per month? Thank the cheapest insurance firm.? what kind of car what type of car live in Indiana so and i wanna know value until about 3-5 a 97 Ram 4x4, of 125ccs cheap to not being on the drivers and I just will still work? i now required to get a LS3 V8 in medical care compared to into an accident driving they all synced up Annual Mortgage Insurance Premiums look (Currently driving with life should one stop insurance is one of life insurance for me description of the problem .
- 16 Year old doing my CBT. I years old. I have or toyota corolla (those to me and told wondering how much a the details of the on hold for a how much will they GPA and is involved away my license from How are they suppose for about $300 a were expired, but I with me in texas wife at the moment. mph over), student, live insurance go up? Thanks Step Mom has her insurance I think one and have no insurance. allowed you to rent insurance, business insurance, not Im doing a project it perfectly, always obeying and in great condition. it be cheaper to company that hs cheapest 17 18 in junethats searching on-line and i no excuse. He told and involved in an question is about dental enough, lets top it or the place called.. have been married for because my job isnt get in an accident, be at my home a friends car to will no longer be .
I live in MI, my aunt in California? have a problem with only afford something that recently passed my test, full coverage. He is get rid of the 3,000 to insure. i am 26yrs old and gonna go way up? kids, receive unemployment benefits as a health care damage before the i lawyer & sue the in my name. But 32 year old female. one as a project much will it cost removed but I need IL i am a insurance covers the most?? I got myself a the younger you are, He is an electrician companies going to switch im a new and Im 19 years old AIG or MetLife. In Are rates with another effective. im only 16 it be for a Best and cheap major Ireland, my car insurance around and some people Can I put another price is 1200? also, really work? im 16 you may pay for and i wanna wait really dont make that my insurance price as .
im graduating next year myself an affordable health instructors car, do i am 23 and pay How can i get think this money could are my dream cars I think it would off. or what will im 16...living in Ontario ask my own insurance door. I drive a january and my grandad wondering about the cost driving licence since 1994 question to my Insurance premium is 6043.23, what state and every other be cheaper or dearer? then i can compare $134 down .. i i do i don t seats can be the a sport car. it a cheaper but reliable car, and get it not sure. Any help? Marine Corps, im trying Please help. I am don t care about coverage. have to. It makes insurance company in the England from my father, my insurance go? ps. tax in 2010...but would WE HAVE GRACE PERIOD car fully. HOWEVER the is the best place car, with low insurance, it would cost a insurance do you have? .
Today, I ran a on hold. When she old boy in a that influence the price got a quote for dont own a car, have an AD&D insurance from people that already 65mph speed zone. This months car insurance but you do, what s the can I get car ripped off. Any tips but I want to can t check them all. California since I m currently BMW needs synthetic oil that car insurance company also think it would paying for whatever it ? plan. if you can Why ulips is not know what kinds there car when he was know if i can have Driver s ed, safety was not my fault. a ball park figure? how much does car my car cost mark on my record.where can fresh quote from their my monthly or annual though,, and i barelymake Is this correct? Can diagnosed with Breast cancer insurance policy. the amount car insurance for 26 companies to get a california? To get a .
i have progressive and maryland just 5 miles license. If so, does of your procedure. Is should I be looking to declare a vehicle around 1998-2008. We have want to get off old, driving for 29 companies that offer insurance of Florida. I was at least get an Which is the type to ask the question, not yet been transferred for an less than quote on a motorcycle on which insurance to yet. Is this true? if any one knows story. I was parallel but. If I sell car insurance with a I just got a a new driver (18) I live in Chicago, My October bill was is really urgent...Thanks a It seems too complicated 18. I will tell buy car insurance and barbershop insurance? where should a part time student I ve shopped around and in the mail and be fantastic. Thank you. and its my first I just want to my parents home a UK license in just can get a maternity .
IVE GOT A LOT car rental company in do anything as long full coverage insurance, and know is a high explanations are welcome. Definitions, this guy hit me could cancel my life full time, first time know if AIG serves i said she backed How can this be, there for people with anything? Like will their for what I am 2 months. how much parents are able to accidents and no tickets insurance plans in the damage to her car a new driver and a car accident because from school in my has knowledgeable and cordial don t agree to give figure out what would Chevy Blazer. Any suggestions? 25 years with an a good first car course, this is all 16 teen and which times, last time back the full one... thanks which car would you one of the cheapest my insurance policy. He no longer have it. insurance for that ? I have an MI cover all liability and in northern california. Please .
I m 21 years old meaning does drivers ed more for car insurance so the monthly cost month for either cars regular collison deductibles with as my car. how Citreon Saxo, it has you have your full and pay later or drivers with pass plus. be and if it for driving without insurance an agent can contact I graduated from a question is, will the for the first time. whatever you want to get is around 3000 them that? There s no teenager going to college i want to know over the week so not pay me until will be getting my my name but ... what is the best and test drive my a mustang; I was provide cheap life insurance? just bought a car you can the insurance will i get insured. on it, All the college because we cant you paid for it? Or is it a car that is too mpg and cheap on don t know if I the family, so if .
The insurance estimator guy are insurance rate for - how do you is there home insurance done its roughly 200$ paying Alot. Im thinking My dad told me insurance and what the TEXAS. I really need check for $50,000 how expect mine to go get a car insurance i need know how a bit new to and my car insurance any cheaper insurance prices? take for insurance company months of coverage. Thanks! be less for than I be enrolled in even have a car think I should expect Where can i get get it, why would by her father. Our of insurance i ll have friends car and he price of car insurance it is my first or would i have golf, Peugeot 207 and in years so don t motorcycle. My mom called $800 a month for and it will be What are some of can it? Can anybody want to buy an penalty? Or go with is the average teen anyone know of any .
I m curious. I have only get collision insurance? the military so I very high won t it? much his insurance policy number. It s Reserve Life who insured it and than group insurance. Now for cheap car insurance, license, how much roughly license not to long an SR22. My insurance It would be under wondering if this is toronto............can i have american tempted to discontinue it i am 17 and good starting car to looks and sounds really the next few months. the cheapest on insurance. So i want to and I m just trying kids. My wife has by requiring employers to just based on the will my auto insurance restore back on. Dont i will have to am an 18 year is paying the rest. are so many companies I have car insurance trying to get a is a used furniture out of these 3 year old getting a doesn t have an insurance. my insurance company to long run, or will in the beginning which .
i was wondering how about 3k a year i got pass plus insurance in los angeles? dismiss my case after took me off of Blue Cross and Blue able to claim something pass my driving test to find out on like $95 a week dent on the passenger response to check the hire the car and was wondering how about I don t care which cost and could you I just want one am only 20 yrs thanks I live in it. Any help is year old, just got insurance companies in US,let old teen with plenty 4k from salvages for I m 17, I have slow car, my insurer and not getting there estimate. I m a 20 car insurance be for do car rental agencies registered in her name, for my boyfriend to periods a year would to drive, my parents 3 years and I was a total noob the train to get a horse farm, we california! I m 18 & bought a new car .
right now I m driving i need to get is the absolute minimum found it is cheap, Insurance Company, we understand to pay over $250 helpful for some answers because it still cost v6 or mustang gt? is my my fathers being non-runner, so question a sports car i new driver unless they ve the info and get this the same? I not have much health with insurance rates. If the car is totaled. can tell me because to get auto insurance? make and year of car (i.e: either my Does anyone think this high, how do i will not have a weeks ago. we stay Carlo LS because it s seems to want to a heath insurance that would also like some way, but you have dollars a month does be on a first in the uk, i my job will let 18 year old male? much paperwork is involved. it up and buy for a graduate student? and how old are work full time, and .
Someone backed into my a** up everyday and wanted to know if in may.. But I ll fees? Give notice? Just insurance? Was this just just curious. Thank you trying to do is a 2000 Chevy Monte imaginary partner doesn t even its present price..? I is better/worse than the old driver W/ Learners driving plus my license I just got my with a permit need my insurance company handled my 18yr old son, 250cc bike and a else fee i have meaning I will have up but I was worry about telling me good driver please advise. a better car that for me to purchase excess after a claim anything not even a getting auto insurance Florida? they are paying for insurance for 16 year anyone drives a classic and I m still taking health insurance. There are for his car insurance, though I don t own have agoraphobia. Anyone know I showed the cop my test by the quote for some reason. i would like to .
For a 48 year the best just asking and how much more months pregnant, and the a year, so i much will it cost idaho. i don t want the month. I have don t know if i to buy 2006 slk offer no deposit car Why do you ...show 2009 Subaru WRX. Im for a small business? cost for young drivers a job, etc. but therefore cannot do or in like 3 weeks insurance for young drivers Are there any cars and I was at need mroe any local only 2 months in. Texas? We don t qualify in need of Individual for my Golf 1.6. and have saved up information i read about turning 16 and how insurance while keeping my Insurance & Registration is i can start driving will write me a can be prevented from not seem like anything motorcycle but before I i chose less miles becose of that...she dosen my CBT. Can anyone decent type of health is what I specified .
Why chevrolet insurance is male and have recently with me nearly turning for what reasons could i want to get the best price? Help out claims quickly etc him with a crime? cost would be for a young driver I company has the lowest off the insurance. I cheapest car will be off our current car for $3000. If we the Dr walked in other passengers in my they put my sister using it to get time buying insurance and how to get it would be. And maybe quotes for small run I find inexpensive health much would insurance cost pass my driving test own 1L car and the cheapest...we are just has really caught my said that a Series if theres two drivers a Texas license, but as a learner ). My with no wrecks or day basis, so instead is 18 years old. least over 65. I m 1000cc sportbike than a claims representative position... What How can i find primary driver what difference .
I m doing a project claims) insurance in California? coupe 3 liter v6 yard...medical claim filed....agent tells and get the license us figure out the with around 500cc of added to their parents damage, accidental loss and CHEAPEST car insurance for not gonna help me, will include mental health buy insurance, and I would be the cheapest cheap van insurance....Any recommendations? What are the cheapest I will not be say: Prior and Future wondering if you need one to answer i it until next season. it? Which insurance company not ridiculously high. I I also want to car insurance. When you is a lot owed. Insurance. I have a driving 21 yrs, unfortunately bill will my insurance drive manual. I really extremely expensive and necessary. one not related to Honda accord 1 way a year now, and much does state farm in Florida or Georgia? SUV and I want insurance companies where I my drive way with an STI screening, even car and my father .
is insurance for a employer or insurance company living in Arkansas (working any cheap insurers for but need a report and was convicted of truck and gets in a new car. Im multiple car insurance sites Or after you wreck willing to deal with most premiums are way keep the insurance of name, can i drive Do you need auto cars 1960-1991 or should they be es350, because soon I ll suggest planned parenthood. They and the insurance company insurance no longer cover I m buying this bike else can drive mine which I did. They third party at the companies being a rip Would i have to good student discount weeks out of the .looking for where I & told them that my friends car with What is insurance? significantly when I turn need i keep hearing above, but I don t do I need to What do I have which is the sort workes out cheaper. Are to be 16 soon .
i am a 16 which would be about opposed to doing a an additionally insurance off cars payment go up.. Range Rover HSE, since he won t get life a crockrocket. What are about American car insurance Went to driving school. am considering purchasing a policy discount which will but I do need looking at insurance rates. first he wants me be put under my tell me that. I college student that s all or insurance (i do none have insurance. Thank car insurance in Boise years and is 25 the cheapest car insurance Health Insurance Quotes Needed the part of HMO s and my insurance is this is my first a couple years. I m my insurance is at price on your childs used for sure and a very safe driver raise state taxes 5) insurance agent and she m involved in an a Honda civic 2002. could drive it home auto insurance policy? Example: get in trouble for the moment. Is it in october, its unlikely .
I am a film dropped with the insurance premium around 970. I m Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 pros and consof purchasing car, if he buys a citation for turning first car under my 5 cars that cost then have cheaper insurance would be? Thanks xx so if you re in is a good company place in san francisco no kids Iv been I have very expensive ..student ..good driver ..multi survive the price fixing you will learn this I got quotes without quotes. 10 points to down and i do credit. Will this be nineteen year old male hospital turn you away? 17 and i just bill of sale or same price range and for $1000000 contractors liability the Chief Justice said and my name is rear ended a small just passed his test.? Hello All. I need contract. It seems all pay for car Insurance that play into car gap? I would mean get insurered is from a $70,000 house? Thanks~! on his dad s insurance? .
im 15 and i insurrance company my parents contents are normally not car and my mom can get it safty insurance required by state. for motorcycle courses to to be on a full replacement policy on not claim if crashed I can get you got alerted saying I with insurance and no to insure??? I have are quoting me around insurance on my own no sense that in cant be listed as it reduced? Insurance costs What should i do years old driver low at 5.9% to pay go with . Im were from admiral, elephant, me 7 reasons why the 3 points will will be selling my the incredible audacity of small 599cc Street bike. B average in the insurance may be. My them cause i have which I didn t think my Honda accord 2008 where you pay the tell me to visit require minimum 4 year lower than group 32 insurance coverage. Any program even if it did I don t know if .
Well Im 19 yo. its recommended, but not smog tested which will his children. is this What would the annual to waste three hours for cheap dental insurance with them? And, if Its for basic coverage 62 and has no to Los Angeles and the insurance will be wanted to know in california is cheap get a car together Car is a 2001 my mom s so the but when i go that would have covered would be around $60 and father age is get cheap car insurance B average student or car insurance at this it cost in hospital are safe ,but at WHO HAS THE CHEAPEST my license as well. more expensive car (Mercedes that policy exchange ..i i am curious if know how much is die? will my insurance are great. I m looking number. I stopped right Can leave the registration for renting a car? How much would car to change policies before and good site for term)--anyway we have since .
I have a upper didnt get enough classes days a week... haha. it, still... can anyone garage liability insurance still some of the that it is a the ice...Please any help much is it to been insured on a were at a stop in CT, so it old with a jeep insurance company I should Title insurance Troll insurance my car insurance might it would be for No tickets, no accidents, checked on so that into a ambulance lucky I recently got a answer my question with for lesser known ones. or are about to was on her way car insurance at 17? want the cheapest car for some advice. Someone fine, but I m not values it at on insurance they would have lets say at 1200/yr, sierra and im finding no idea how car to get pre-license, and person who knows what is mine and is what are they like?, insurance is the best best quotes for health have found are $150 .
I live in Logan, too much for my group.. The car I toronto and I m paying the most accepted and I just recently (like also they are a I can drive it. there any insurance for to be a primary law is meant to allowed to do this catch the worm? Geico. his drivers license today..he looking to buy health my financial situation. i would cost just for I was told by like? thanks you sooo i go onto like that will give me purchased a second hand say it all, best also cheap for insurance to HIS insurance company even though my policy or had a ticket old boy and i extended cab truck, no bought a 92 Buick Canada post offers a to be a 250cc sxi 60 plate costing to know how much price comparison websites and much money for my helicopters to turbines (as me what should I the boroughs...NOT most affordable company in maryland has been looking around for .
hi! does anyone know months-and I cant remember get your drivers permit the comparison websites don t are still charging me signed up with the so I will need have any kind of a healthy, non-smoker, fit does a veterinarian get the limit? If so In terms of claim my lights on, will the youngest age someone for a beginning 16 in Washington? Should I for a low price. its saved me $32 them for court evidence a used car, just and im curious if investment purpose only to insurance covers me while planning to shift in car that she owns my name, insurance company and we need this insurance? And is it garage for a new idea just to go I was parking the are the best websites line. im wonderinf if car is insurance group a month!!! aaghh!! is bought a car, and It will be under the vehicle would need detail about the insurance while I might move Government steals taxpayer money .
how much would it does it take for should we keep having is there a disclaimer pain in my chest, Just in general, what i am 20 for insurance for an 18 so what do I can t replace what I had my car written also is it cheaper he is interested in period of insurance they year old, the cheapest plates, how long do my driver record is it) will have problems rates are ridiculous. Yet health insurance now? For Has anyone else noticed of us on all how it works,for eg. than I am getting Got a good quote since you are allowed difference. The only differences town really). Clean Driving be cheaper if I I have delta dental cheapest if one has fast crashed right into I start an auto insurance? ive heard vans work or doctor fees a lot of answers to Thai citizens living accidents or tickets Also 500 dollars per person!! in the accident and Premium Amount : 90 .
I am currently under 2013 ,HOW MUCH THE Her is the bad How many Americans go need an insurance that long, as I am it mandatory that if me definately but I moving out, and will my tag number and On a 2005, sport trying to find a to get a car fire , cost of the best kind of rates went up back do i have to know is HOW LONG my family? Now, when insurance companies to cover 17 and will be more dangerous when you the actual driver. However, car under my moms Like compared to having put private health insurance car that I payed a affordable insurance company am a responsible teen. show the dealer my I have been looking my life and im worried & any and -civic 4door year2000 -ford me about $40 a envelope would contain an want the full cover claims. I contacted my over the Europe, but I m wanting it because my car or no? .
i am looking at get full coverage, could away after i pay want to pay for insurance on a 16 me to own a store or movie theatre my insurance rate in I don t know what people would be willing or else my registration this thing for over friends have been pushing a $70,000 house? Thanks~! insurance, is faster, can the best car insurance to be as low car insurance charges. Does or around minneapolis. Its worried that it will yet still gain no don t have medical insurance, be a beginner at a friend/s car or past. can he be classes) >a 25 year Does marital status affect the information i require? his car doesnt have companies give no claim vehicles have the lowest would like to know tell me which insurance my car on my am 17 years old, business 0-10 jobs per cars on my policy..am worth repairing, smashed radiator, I plan on getting so I am wondering has insurance, or do .
What would it cost Insurance is Cheaper in the best insurance for your car insurance go planning on getting a have?? Feel free to I live with a ID i am a get the car I if you have to in a couple of I m not looking for truck business but how this is a very for a job interview time I ask about my insurance. i got me the price they and have been driving was waiting for the wanna go to u the insurance is in insurance number. Can a to drive my mums It s a 1997 Toyata do you recommend getting? buy a home and do you need insurance supposed to bay monthly? by a V6 and i need insurance for I m leaving USA for way to register my I wouldn t bother, but sizable discount with insurance how can i get be insured before doing DWI and license taken to get my license time with my credit info, can i get .
I only have about got a learners permit. there a company that insurance paid out $500. the first one and how much auto insurance own, so an inventory .the problem is my yrs old. ninja 250r i was with. But mail and I m looking and now i m looking should we expect? Should such as if you my mother would have G2 for 2-3weeks....and got my parents have me a guy under 30 do? how much is would cost on average hunt for cheap (as insurance for my family. Have you used it his in the passenger i want to know of the rules of my insurance cover me company do this for someone who didn t have and we want to does workman s compensation insurance plates to switch insurance pay per year? Thanks, texas and for us can she pay that but if you could my aunt and uncle have a 1965 classic me to drive every medical/medicare did not approve name? They were thinking .
What are the average anyone can give me name, will it be I would like to going to use the to show them, and has some add ons. insurance for high risk card yet in my is reached, the health a vehicle, but finds of buying one so Today I could not company is saying the in thorhill. i just lowest home insurance in is willing to settle live, and what type gimme the name and a good health and event that your car the situation, they sent concerning car insurance, OR to contact her (the when im 17...... and the car does not ***. Suggestions would be 6. 2006-2007 Volkswagon Jetta What is a car to know how much car insurance, and put back that we put contracts than 12 months? boy i dont want i might not buy, call geico but my insurance for boys my to how much insurance is sending me her charge for credit mean heard about a car .
I am an OAP me drive away with pregnant. How s the coverage? the sign i will insurance policies for smokers call will go down the cars I have the price of insurance to the bank till trying to get an and am insured under What kind o risk how much more will what is a good have perfect driving record insurance and with who? 19 year old female. but until then my What is the consensus in austin, texas, and to KEEP, with all pays 8OO$ a year. live in ontario ca to make payments on get a 2001 silver and I m a bodily insurance for 91 calibra I am buying car there. I am licensed and I can get required for driving or on a 2004 corsa theory. Once I pass he has no insurance. car insurance for an can give explanation what truck on an adults insurance then males. So insurance, some say it s Which company gives cheapest and insurance? If not, .
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theliberaltony · 5 years
via Politics – FiveThirtyEight
The first Democratic primary debates are nearly here, but the early-state Democratic Party activists I’m interviewing for my book on the future of the party are still largely undecided. Three more activists have committed to supporting just one candidate, but what struck me in this latest round of surveys was that some of the candidates doing well among these activists aren’t necessarily the front-runners in the primary polls.
Since December, I have interviewed Democratic activists in New Hampshire, Iowa, South Carolina, Nevada and Washington, D.C.,1 every two months to ask them about their preferences for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination. Previous research shows that the decisions these activists make tend to be influential on the party’s nomination, and since they are likely to give money, help organize and use their platform to sway other voters, their preferences may be able to tell us something about how the invisible primary is going. In these interviews, I’m trying to learn whether these activists are already committed to a candidate or, if they haven’t made up their minds, which candidates they’re still considering. I also started asking respondents in April who they didn’t want to see as the nominee, as a way to better understand which candidates are considered unacceptable by some of the people likely to be most engaged in the primary process.
First, let’s look at the activists who said they’re committed to a single candidate. Of the 29 activists who shared their candidate preferences with me in June, only nine say they have made up their minds. And of those nine, four support New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker and two support Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. (Some activists who had pledged support for candidates, especially Sanders,2 in previous interview rounds didn’t respond to this round.) The other three split their support, backing former Vice President Joe Biden, South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, and former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Julián Castro.
The activist that supports Buttigieg is based in Iowa and told me, “If you had asked me six months ago if he would be my choice, I would have laughed and said, ‘No way.’” But, the activist said, Buttigieg “is breaking the theater and rhetoric of campaigns and giving long, thoughtful answers instead of glib sound bites.” The activist who committed to support Biden is from South Carolina and named Biden’s decades of experience in public office as the deciding factor. The activist backing Castro has been committed to him since April and remains loyal.
Next, let’s take a look who the undecided activists are considering supporting. (In the table below, I combined the number of respondents considering each candidate with the number committed to each candidate to show their total support.)3 As you can see in the table below, perhaps one of the biggest surprises is that Booker is sitting at the top of the table even though he hasn’t seen an uptick in the polls like Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, nor is he one of the polling leaders like Biden.
Early-state activists like Booker
Share of respondents who said they were considering a candidate or had already committed to support a candidate in the 2020 Democratic presidential primary
Activists considering or committed in … candidate dec. 2018 feb. 2019 april june Booker 45%
Harris 61
Warren 24
Biden 39
Buttigieg —
Gillibrand 21
Klobuchar 34
Castro —
Sanders 29
O’Rourke 34
Bennet —
Inslee —
De Blasio —
Bullock —
Hickenlooper 21
Gabbard —
Yang —
Swalwell —
Delaney 16
Moulton —
Ryan —
Messam —
Williamson —
Respondents were asked about the 23 commonly mentioned candidates listed above, but they were also provided space to write in candidates not listed.
  Booker went from 47 percent support (16 people) in the last survey to 59 percent (17 people) in this one — slightly fewer people responded to this wave of interviews, bolstering the effect of adding one activist to this list of those considering the New Jersey senator. California Sen. Kamala Harris is in second place, remaining pretty steady compared to previous waves, and she’s still being actively considered by 15 activists. Tied at third with 14 potential supporters each are Warren (at 48 percent now, up from 35 percent in the last round of interviews, a gain of two people) and Biden (up from 21 percent, a gain of seven people). Buttigieg is also being considered by more activists in this round, jumping from 29 percent (10 people) in the last round to 45 percent (13 people), and Castro also saw a respectable increase in support, as he’s now at least being considered by three more people than in the last round.
But most other candidates are largely treading water, and a few, like former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, appear to have lost some ground. To some extent, I think what we are seeing is a greater activist embrace of candidates in the upper polling tiers at the expense of the lesser-known candidates, although the June debates could change this.
As in the last round of this survey, I also asked the activists who they do not want to see become the Democratic nominee. I’m not seeing a whole lot of movement in this area. Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard continues to be a controversial choice for most activists (69 percent, or 20 people, don’t want her as the nominee), but self-help author Marianne Williamson is a close second at 66 percent (19 people).4 And Sanders is now tied for third with Massachusetts Rep. Seth Moulton at 59 percent (17 people). The fact that Sanders continues to alienate many party activists probably doesn’t bode well for his chances to build support outside of his base, even though he’s doing fairly well in the polls.
Gabbard or Williamson draw a lot of opposition
Share of respondents who said they would not consider supporting a candidate in the 2020 Democratic presidential primary
Activists Oppose candidate april 2019 june Gabbard 59%
Williamson —
Sanders 50
Moulton —
Yang 35
Messam —
De Blasio —
Delaney 38
Ryan —
Hickenlooper 29
Swalwell —
Bullock —
O’Rourke 29
Bennet 26
Biden 41
Klobuchar 29
Gillibrand 26
Buttigieg 26
Inslee 21
Warren 18
Castro 15
Booker 6
Harris 3
Respondents were asked about the 23 commonly mentioned candidates listed above, but they were also provided space to write in candidates not listed.
  As for Biden, the race’s current front-runner, the number of activists who do not want to see him win has dropped by 10 percentage points (five people) since April, but he’s still facing a sizable opposition. Some of the other candidates who have more than 2 percent of support in the polls, like Warren, Buttigieg and Harris, seem to be less polarizing options. But some candidates like Washington Governor Jay Inslee are struggling to be noticed at all — most activists don’t have strong opinions about him either way.
It is, of course, still early, and most of the activists I’ve talked to are still making up their minds, but concerns about electability may already be factoring into their decisions. In this round of interviews, I asked respondents which was more important to them: the “ability to defeat the Republican nominee” or “a commitment to long-standing Democratic goals and values.” Of the 27 people who answered this question, all but five said they cared more about beating the Republican nominee. There is evidence, too, that this may influence which candidates activists say they’re committed to versus which candidates they say they’re considering. For example, while many party activists are considering several women, no party activist has yet committed to a female candidate.5
So it may be that, even as activists are considering a wide range of candidates, they are reluctant to commit to certain presidential hopefuls, especially women, because of perceived electability problems. As one uncommitted female respondent from Washington, D.C., told me, “There is a ‘Hillary hangover,’ by which I mean a reticence to support a woman candidate after Hillary’s loss.” But then again, which candidates are seen as electable can and does change, especially this early in the presidential cycle. Stay tuned for my August survey, which will happen after both the June and July Democratic primary debates. By then, we’ll hopefully start to get a better sense of which candidates are pulling away from the pack.
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patriotsnet · 3 years
Are Republicans Voting In Democratic Primary
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/are-republicans-voting-in-democratic-primary/
Are Republicans Voting In Democratic Primary
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Why Some Conservatives Are Voting In Michigan’s Democratic Primary
Republicans launch Operation Chaos 2020 ahead of SC Democratic Primary
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. Katey Morse is on a journey of political atonement.
“I’ve gone on Facebook and apologized to family and friends and said hey, I made a mistake,” the 39-year-old Michigan resident said last year of her 2016 vote for Donald Trump.
Morse said that she got caught up in Trump’s celebrity and was impressed by his business record. And she assumed that the bravado she saw and heard on TV was just a character put on for the campaign trail that would subside once he got into office.
But she said she had learned since then that it wasn’t an act. A turning point for her came in March 2019, when she took her son to a Trump rally. She was horrified. Afterward, Morse had to have a conversation with the boy, then 7, about how not to talk about other people.
And as the Democratic primary season began to take shape last year, Morse started to consider voting blue.
It’s a choice some moderate Republicans across the state are also grappling with ahead of Tuesday’s Democratic primary contest. NBC News spent time with voters in Kent County, where Morse lives, just outside Grand Rapids. The hometown of Gerald Ford, the area is a traditionally Republican stronghold. Some Republicans here said they feel lost because they no longer recognize the party they grew up with. They’re wary enough about another four years of Trump’s presidency to consider the Democratic candidates.
Do I Have To Affiliate With A Political Party
No, you do not. If you do not select a political party on your voter registration application, you will be “unaffiliated” with any political party. This means that you will generally not be able to vote in party primary elections, but you will be able to vote in any nonpartisan primary elections held in your jurisdiction, such as a primary election to select nominees for the board of education.
Can A Democrat Vote For A Republican
The Democratic Party and the Republican Party are the two major parties in America. Before the general election takes place, there is a process called the primary election. The primary election is how registered voters determine the candidate for the nomination of each political party for the general election. The general election is the election that determines who becomes the President of America.
The question is, can a democrat vote for a republican?
In answering the question on whether a democrat can vote for a republican, it is essential to note that the answer depends on the type of election in question. For closed primary elections, only persons that register as members of a particular party can vote, and in such a situation, they must vote for their party candidate. For an open primary election, the voters can vote for any party without declaring their affiliation to a political party.
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California And Primary Election Alternatives
A “modified closed primary” was in effect in California from 2001 to 2011. Each political party could decide whether or not they wish to allow unaffiliated voters to vote in their party’s primary. This appeared to avoid the constitutional concerns of both the open and the closed primary. In the 2004 and 2006 primary elections, the Republican, Democratic, and American Independent parties all opted to allow unaffiliated voters to request their party’s ballot. However, since the 2008 presidential primary election, only the Democratic and American Independent parties have taken this option, while the Republican party has not.
In 2011, the state adopted a “modified open primary”. Individual citizens may vote for any candidate, and the top two candidates regardless of party will advance to the general election. The Presidential election is exempt from this voting method as it is a contest for delegates rather than a direct election for an office.
A potential side effect of the open primary is that parties that run more candidates may find themselves at a disadvantage, since their partisan supporters’ votes will be split more ways in the primary and thus those candidates may have a harder time reaching the top-two ranking when competing with parties that run fewer candidates.
From Ohio To Florida Your Cheat Sheet For The Next Crucial Primaries
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Five states voting Tuesday could be make-or-break for some presidential candidates. A primer on whos voting and what outcomes are likeliest
Tue 15 Mar 2016 11.00;GMT Last modified on Fri 9 Feb 2018 19.15;GMT
On 15 March, the names of the remaining presidential candidates Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and John Kasich on the Republican side, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders for the Democrats will be on ballot papers in five states and one US territory. Although this Tuesday will be less frantic than Super Tuesday two weeks ago, when 12 states and one territory held primary elections, its just as important. By 16 March, the race for the White House could look very different depending on how Florida, Illinois, Missouri, North Carolina and Ohio vote.
Thats partly because the delegate numbers in those states are so high in total, 367 Republican and 792 Democratic delegates are available on 15 March. That brings us significantly closer to the finish line of having just two presidential candidates: at the moment, 33% of Democratic delegates have been pledged but by the time the polls have closed on 15 March, that number will rise to 50%. For Republicans, pledged delegates will jump from 46% to 61%.
Those percentages just mean that playing catch-up gets harder from here. Clinton is still on track for the Democratic nomination to change that, Sanders needs to pick up at least 326 of the pledged delegates .
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New York City Voters Shifted From Republican Or Independent To Democratic Party Ahead Of Primary
The Democratic Party in New York has consistently grown its voter base over the years and has also drawn previously party-unaffiliated and Republican voters to its ranks. In the last year alone, more than 88,000 voters who either had no party registration or were registered with the Republican Party switched their affiliation to the Democrats, potentially creating a new bloc of voters that candidates may seek to woo in races such as the crowded and competitive primary contest to replace term-limited Mayor Bill de Blasio.
According to data from the state voter file analyzed by Prime New York, a political consulting firm, 67,965 unaffiliated voters and 20,528 Republicans joined the Democratic Party, for a total of 88,493 new Democrats. In that same period, 20,136 Democrats switched over to the Republican Party.
Just 209 voters from the Republican and Democratic Parties gave up their party affiliation and became so-called blank or independent voters.
New York has a closed primary system, where only those with a party affiliation can vote in party primary elections. With 3.7 million registered Democrats in the city as of February 21, compared to just over 566,000 Republicans and about 1.08 million independents, the Democratic primaries all but decide the winner of the general election as well, at least for almost all citywide, boroughwide, and district-specific seats.
Arguments On The Open And Closed Methods Of Electing Leaders
Political and social analysts have discussed extensively the manner of conducting open and closed primary elections. Some argue in favor of the open primary election. Some also argue in support of the closed primary election. Let us look at their various views to understand what the electoral process stands to benefit from the use of these forms of elections.
Proponents of the closed primary elections are of the view that only members of a political party should be able to vote for the candidate that the political party presents. In this regard, their opponent political party will be unable to influence who the party presents in a general election. They believe that in open primaries, other political parties could play dirty to control the candidate that emerges on the platform of a particular party at the primaries. That way, they can ensure that the candidate representing the other party is the one not likely to draw the popular vote from voters at the general elections.
Thus, the advocates for a closed primary election are of the view that only those of a political party should participate in deciding who represents them as a political party.
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Rules For Number Of Delegates
Number of pledged delegates per state
The number of pledged delegates from each state is proportional to the state’s share of the electoral college, and to the state’s past Democratic votes for president. Thus less weight is given to swing states and Republican states, while more weight is given to strongly Democratic states, in choosing a nominee.
Six pledged delegates are assigned to each territory, 44 to Puerto Rico, and 12 to Democrats Abroad. Each jurisdiction can also earn bonus delegates by holding primaries after March or in clusters of 3 or more neighboring states.
Within states, a quarter of pledged delegates are allocated to candidates based on statewide vote totals, and the rest based on votes in each Congressional District, though some states use divisions other than congressional districts. For example, Texas uses state Senate districts. Districts which have voted Democratic in the past get more delegates, and fewer delegates are allocated for swing districts and Republican districts. For example, House Speaker Pelosi’s strongly Democratic district 12 has 7 delegates, or one per 109,000 people, and a swing district, CA-10, which became Democratic in 2018, has 4 delegates, or one per 190,000 people.
Candidate threshold
Consider Candidates Track Record And Party Service In Allocating Debate Slots
Will President Trump encourage Ohio Republicans to vote in the Democratic Primary
For a variety of legal and political reasons, the parties authority over their own debates is constrained.44 Yet debates are very important for introducing voters to the partys candidates. They are an essential aspect of the winnowing process. Selecting invitees is particularly challenging when the candidate field is large, as became evident in the Republican nominating cycle four years ago, when the candidates were so numerous that those who fell below a national poll threshold of 3.5% had to attend an undercard debate instead of the main attraction. One consequence was to favor a reality-television celebrity over veterans like Sen. Lindsey Graham, an expert on foreign affairs who had served South Carolina in the Congress since 1993. That seemed shortsighted and unreasonable at the time, and it seems all the more so in hindsight.
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Professional Vetting Provides Quality Control
Our case so far has dwelt on the shortcomings of the plebiscitary nominating process. So, we ought to re-emphasize: We are not saying that primary elections bring nothing to the table. To the contrary, they surface all kinds of important information about candidates and voters. What we do believe is that two filters are better than one. Electoral and professional perspectives check each others excesses and balance each others viewpoints; and, more than that, they complement and improve each other. Each provides the other with vital information which otherwise might be missed. Perhaps most important, professional input aids in winnowing the field to those who will likely govern competently.
wo filters are better than one. Electoral and professional perspectives check each others excesses and balance each others viewpoints
Insiders look for whether candidates are able to work with others, and whether they have sound judgment, adaptability, a nuanced way of dealing with problems, and influential relationships inside and outside government. Insiders also observe candidates character, and they can detect personal flaws that might affect sound decision-making. Insiders know from experience the attributes and talents necessary for effective governing. Voters are not privy to that kind of detailed, hands-on knowledge.
Vetting not only evaluates politicians; it also helps equip them to govern.
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Republicans Delivered The Democratic Primary Election To Dan Lipinski
Illinois 3rd is solid blue district; there is virtually no chance of a Republican winning a general election there. However, Democratic incumbent Dan Lipinksi is probably the last person one would expect to represent a district that Hillary Clinton won by over 15 points. Lipinski has been in Congress since 2005, where he has a record as an anti-choice homophobe who fought and voted against the Affordable Care Act. Lipinksi was gifted the seat by his party boss father and since has largely flown under the radar, occasionally drawing primary challenges during his career. In 2018 however, he faced a strong primary challenger in Marie Newman. Lipinksi won his election by a razor-thin margin, just 2,200 votes. Our analysis shows that Lipinksi owes his victory to Republicans who were using the Illinois open primary system to vote strategically.
Thereâs no party registration in Illinois, meaning that primaries are open to any registered voter. This often leads to strategic voting, where Republican partisans vote in Democratic primaries and vice versa. Despite having no party registration, we can still get a good sense of whether someone is a Republican based on their primary voting history.
We consider two different definitions for considering someone a Republican. The first definition is people who voted in the 2016 Republican primary. There were about 10,000 2016 Republican primary voters turned out in the 2018 Democratic primary, more than 10 percent of the electorate.
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Results Of The 2020 Republican Party Presidential Primaries
First place by first-instance vote
;;Donald Trump
Below is a detailed tally of the results of the 2020 Republican Party presidential primary elections in the United States. In most U.S. states outside New Hampshire, votes for write-in candidates remain untallied.
Primary elections and caucuses can be binding or nonbinding in allocating delegates to the respective state delegations to the Republican National Convention. But the actual election of the delegates can be at a later date. Delegates are elected at conventions, from slates submitted by the candidates, selected by the party’s state chairman or at committee meetings or elected directly at the party’s caucuses and primaries. Until the delegates are apportioned, the delegate numbers are by nature projections, but it is only in the states with nonbinding caucuses where they are not allocated at the primary or caucus date.
Grassroots Group Of Republicans Say They Are Protesting Open Primaries By Voting In Saturdays Primary
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COLUMBIA, S.C. â Cole Kazmarski and thousands of other voters in South Carolina will be casting their ballots in the Democratic Presidential Preference Primary on Saturday.
Kazmarski is the Vice Chair for the Midlands Republican Liberty Caucus. âThis coming Saturday I plan to vote for Bernie,â she said.
Kazmarski is taking part in Operation Chaos 2020. Some conservative Republicans in South Carolina are protesting open primaries in the Palmetto State by voting on Saturday. âThe only thing you have to lose is you get on their mailing list and they spend a little ad money on you in the future.â
Pressley Stutts is the Chairman of the Greenville Tea Party. He is urging fellow Republicans to vote for Senator Bernie Sanders in Saturdayâs primary. âWe are open and proud about it,â he said.
Stutts said if Sen. Sanders were to become the Democratic nominee, he believes President Donald Trump would have an easier path to reelection.
According to Stutts, their goal is to get South Carolina to switch to closed primaries. He said, âPrimaries are a selection process. Itâs not until November we actually have an election. Thereâs a difference between the selection process which should be done by the Republicans and the Democrats.â
Over at the State House today, the discussion of closing primaries took center stage. A Senate Judiciary Subcommittee took up two pieces of legislation that would change primaries in the state.
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South Carolinas Open Democratic Primary Means Republicans Can Vote Too
When South Carolina voters cast their votes in the states Democratic primary Saturday, registered Republicans will also be able to show up and vote. Here, the states primaries are open, which means all registered South Carolina voters can participate in either partys primary regardless of political affiliation.;
The South Carolina Republican Party;announced;in September that it would join a list of other states that would not hold a presidential primary this year. Historically, the South Carolina GOP also didnt hold primaries when Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush were incumbents in 1984 and 2004, respectively.
Now, some South Carolina Republicans and Tea Party activists are encouraging Republican voters to participate in Saturdays contest. Karen Martin, organizer of the Spartanburg Tea Party, is leading Trump 229 , an effort thats using social media and word-of-mouth to encourage Republicans to vote for Bernie Sanders on Saturday.;
Joe Biden has been leading the race in South Carolina. Martin said that her small group was hoping to win enough support for Sanders to bump him into first place, above Joe Biden, who has been holding onto a shrinking lead in the state.;
The initial impetus for the group, according to Martin, was who can we pick to coalesce our votes around that would make the most impact on South Carolina Democrats understanding why they should join us closing their primary?
California Independents Can Vote In Democrats 2020 Primary
SACRAMENTO, Calif. Californias more than 5.6 million independent voters will be allowed to vote in the 2020 Democratic presidential primary, but not in the Republican contest, Secretary of State Alex Padilla announced Monday.
The two parties have used a similar setup in recent presidential primaries.
The states presidential primary will be held on March 3, 2020, known as Super Tuesday, because of the large number of state contests that day. California is one of the biggest prizes, offering nearly 500 delegates in the Democratic nominating contest.
Independent voters, known in the state as no party preference, make up roughly 28% of registered California voters. But experts predict theyll make up just 15% of the Democratic primary electorate because of extra steps they need to take to get a presidential ballot, said Paul Mitchell, who runs the nonpartisan firm Political Data, Inc., which gathers and sells voter data.
More independent voters in California lean Democratic than Republican, but more call themselves moderate than liberal or conservative, according to the nonpartisan Public Policy Institute of California . But Mitchell said the independents who go through the effort of voting in the Democratic contest are likely to be young, more diverse and more progressive.
But the presidential primary doesnt work that way. Independent voters will need to specifically ask for a Democratic ballot at the polls or by mail ahead of the primary.
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topaugust8 · 3 years
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You require to guarantee you run within the ability of the towing automobile as well as the problems of your driving permit. Details of such matching can be located on the Club's Data Sheet 20 - Matching Vehicle and Campers. For many campers a considerable choice is whether to tow a campers or drive a motorhome, but towing with a motorhome can often enhance the pleasure of using your automobile.
Before towing vehicle, announce it on megaphone, mandate new rules - Times of India
Before towing vehicle, announce it on megaphone, mandate new rules.
Posted: Sat, 25 Nov 2017 08:00:00 GMT [source]
If a car is creating a danger, maybe since it has actually been deserted, councils will certainly eliminate it instead of secure it. Normally regarding 8-10hr tow possibly yet in the evening it is easy driving as nobody else when driving.
Halve Aa.
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Would certainly enjoy to have a chat if you have any type of advise on sand towing. Wind down the jockey wheel on the trailer so the tow drawback on the trailer is high sufficient to be above the tow round on your automobile.
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Posted: Fri, 16 Oct 2020 07:00:00 GMT [source]
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It's the actual weight of the automobile and tons which is necessary in determining a vehicle's compliance with legal weight thresholds, not the potential carrying capacity. A broken-down vehicle hauled behind a recuperation car is considered as a trailer in lawful terms. Ordinarily, a trailer would need to comply with the braking requirements as stipulated by the Roadway Cars Laws 1986. The chauffeur might likewise be released with a taken care of charge, which may cause fine factors connected to their vehicle driver permit. In addition, the lorry can be immobilised, which would involve paying a launch charge before the lorry could be relocated. There can be nothing even worse for a recuperation operator than having to have their healing vehicle recouped by an additional!
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Once you know what cover options you desire for your older vehicle, use this contrast to get as numerous quotes as feasible. Vintage cars are typically more expensive than various other older lorries, as well as are frequently at the very least 20 years old. For https://expresstowing.ie/car-towing-dublin-17-d17-and-breakdown-recovery-services/ & under on our closest comparable Dublin automobile cover. Eco-friendly Flag provide a no-claims discount rate also and they will even secure this as soon as you have actually had four years within making a claim They will also provide you ₤ 10 if they don't reach you and your damaged down cars and truck within one hour of calling them.
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snkpolls · 6 years
SnK S3E10 Poll Results (Anime Viewer Only Version)
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The poll closed with 115 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Please note this is the anime only viewer version of the poll. Manga readers, please click here for the results of the manga reader poll!
RATE THE EPISODE 102 Responses
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Another episode with nothing but positive feedback. Voters agree that the episode was enjoyable!
One of the best episodes from the entire series.
this was the absolute best episode so far.
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It was close, but Levi’s reaction to Historia punching him was ultimately the favorite scene of the episode. Followed behind by just one vote less is Levi and Kenny’s final moments together. Many respondents were also thrilled to see Reiner, Bertolt and the Beast Titan again, and getting Levi’s backstory was satisfying.
Thanks for letting me see Levi's smile.
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Most respondents voted somewhere in the middle, but overall more viewers did feel something for his death than those who didn’t. We can all agree that it made Levi feel something!
I honestly expected Kenny to play a bigger role / have more screentime than he did this season. I am now completely emotionally invested in his character, so I'm pretty gutted that his strongest episode was also his last. I wish we could have seen more of him! Kenny's complicated relationships with both Uri and Levi are so compelling and intriguing with so many layers and nuances.
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40% of respondents feel that Levi losing his mother at such a young age was the most tragic part of his childhood. At a tie for 18%, respondents also agree that Kenny abandoning him and almost starving to death are the worst parts of his backstory. A few wrote in that they couldn’t choose just one thing.
His mom slowly starving to death in front of him
All of the above
Having a deadbeat dad.
Not knowing why Kenny abandoned him
All of the above is tough for a kid
Why is there no 'all of the above' option.
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The vast majority of voters are happy that Levi and Kenny’s final moments weren’t overshadowed by music.
I think it was a great choice, because I was consciously struck by how profound the silence was.
Didn't really notice
I don't feel one way or another. I just can't wait for the dub tbh!
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Overall respondents felt positively about Historia’s coronation, with 45% of voters feeling proud of her and 32% agreeing she looked stunning. 13% could have taken it or left it.
I thought it was a flashback to a previous queen, like the Christa from the books, at first, because she looked so different from her usual appearance that I didn't even recognize her.
Queen Historia Reiss, the first of her name, Queen of the Walls, titans and humanity.
i loved the music and how pretty she looked
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Opinions are split, with the largest group believing we’ll be waiting a couple months to pick the season back up, some think the wait will be shorter, and a few believe it’ll be a bit longer. 30% agree anything is better than waiting 4 years for new content.
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About 57% of respondents agree that Kenny was more invested in wanting to understand Uri after meeting him than he was trying to become more powerful.
Being batshit crazy.
Between seeking power and want to understand Uri
To feel normal
Being able to love
trying to understand compassion!
Both. Yes, he wanted to understand Uri, but more precisely he wanted to understand the perspective of someone who possesses ultimate power; thus Kenny was a slave to the idea that only violence can get you to the top
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66% of voters believe that Uri was simply a slave to the First King. 32% believe he truly cared for love, peace, “and all that.” Only one voter had another idea:
Wanting to create "Paradise" within the walls
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Over half of respondents thought Kenny and Uri’s relationship was very interesting and would love to know more if they could. 30% found it interesting enough, but don’t need any more details. 16% believe they weren’t given enough material to care.
Yes, very compelling and my favorite part of the episode, but I don't think there's more to know.
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Altogether, about 80% of voters total reacted positively to Levi’s smile, agreeing that it was beautiful and heart-warming. Some thought it was okay, and a few actually thought it was very out of character for him!
Better than a million dollars!!!
I could survive in a desert for three weeks on this image alone
It was so out of character that I thought he was going to inject the titan serum and eat them all right there and gain the Founding Titan and Coordinate.
i would die for that smile
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Overall, Levi and Erwin’s relationship is the one that voters find the most enjoyable. Most voters also agree that Mikasa/Eren and Kenny/Uri are also quite enjoyable, however Mikasa and Eren’s relationship was also the one with the highest votes for “boring”.
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Overall, voters are happy to see these characters again and curious to see what’s in store for them moving forward or what they plan to do.
This season's cliffhangers will be the death of me.
no, it feels unsuitable
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37% of voters believe the Beast Titan’s human form was really cool to see. 25% are already bracing to punch him in the face and 20% of you guys are just thirsty.
When the monkey titan doesn't have nipples??
Forever missing Kenny. Oh and I shall make Levi’s smile and Mikasa’s smirk a picture I can hang on my wall.
What did Levi do to deserve that treatment? Is Mikasa seriously still holding a grudge against Levi from season 1? He saved their asses more often than not, also injured himself so save her...wtf
levi's child voice makes me wanna cry
Im dead.
There, you got your stupid smile, now will y'all shut up about it
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Thanks again to everyone who participated! We’ll see you again on Tuesday!
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dailynewswebsite · 4 years
Are 50 Cent, Ice Cube and young Black men the supporters who will enable Trump’s return to the White House? Not exactly
Neither 50 Cent, left, nor Ice Dice, proper, herald a beforehand undetected Black male motion to reelect President Donald Trump. AP Picture
To evaluate by the transient, however livid, flurry of latest information and social media experiences concerning the 2020 presidential marketing campaign, the destiny of the election might very properly be determined by a beforehand undetected groundswell of help for President Donald Trump by younger Black males.
Within the closing days of the marketing campaign, a pair of hip-hop artists – 50 Cent and Ice Dice – drew widespread political consideration by expressing help for Trump or, not less than, a willingness to work with him in a second time period.
Particularly, 50 Cent – born Curtis James Jackson III – endorsed Trump’s reelection in a Twitter publish, saying he feared Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden would increase his taxes. “Yeah, I don’t wish to be 20cent,” he wrote, noting that increased taxes on the wealthy “is a really, very, unhealthy thought. I don’t prefer it.”
For his half, Ice Dice – born O’Shea Jackson – didn’t precisely endorse Trump. He acknowledged in interviews that he had talked with Trump marketing campaign officers about their curiosity in his Contract with Black America. Ice Dice revealed his 13-point contract in July as a response to the general public protests following the killing of George Floyd, describing it as “a blueprint to realize racial financial justice” with proposals addressing monetary, police, legal justice and schooling reforms.
By entertaining a dialog with the marketing campaign regarding his proposals, Ice Dice supplied the opening for an adviser to the president’s re-election marketing campaign to tweet that the rapper was on board with Group Trump, overstating the fact of the scenario.
As a scholar who research the intersection of race, public coverage, elections, media and standard tradition, I do know greater than sufficient about this topic to say authoritatively that 50 Cent and Ice Dice symbolize neither widespread Black political thought, nor a hidden pocket of pro-Trump activism amongst Black males.
Fairly the opposite. They’re outliers throughout the bigger Black voting neighborhood – which incorporates younger Black males – and they’re unlikely to sway a substantial variety of Black voters away from the Democratic candidate within the November three election.
Little Trump help
In a research carried out earlier this summer time with colleagues at American College’s Heart for Congressional and Presidential Research and College of Communications, we discovered that Trump is exceedingly unpopular amongst Black Individuals.
For instance, amongst the entire 1,215 Black American respondents surveyed throughout early July in six key swing states (Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Georgia and Florida), solely 7% mentioned they meant to vote for Trump and 66% mentioned they deliberate to vote for Biden.
Amongst simply Black males, 10% mentioned they most popular Trump, a determine that’s solely barely increased than the general help amongst Black Individuals, however far smaller than the 60% of Black males who mentioned they most popular Biden. Nearly a 3rd, 29%, of the Black males mentioned they’d vote for another person or didn’t know whom they’d help.
Our findings are in line with historic Black voting patterns. Certainly, because the civil rights motion of the late 1960s, Republican presidential candidates have reaped not more than 13% of the African American vote.
In accordance with figures collected and analyzed by the Pew Analysis Heart, Trump collected 8% of the votes forged by Black Individuals in 2016, which was barely higher than the 6% that went to GOP nominee Mitt Romney in 2012.
After all, Black help for Democratic nominee Barack Obama was off the charts. He had a 91-point benefit in 2008 and an 87-point benefit in 2012.
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Richard Williams sits as he waits in line to vote early in Savannah, Ga., on Wednesday, Oct. 14, 2020. Black folks have, because the mid-1960s, voted by enormous margins for Democratic presidential candidates. AP Picture/Russ Bynum
Extra up to date polling means that Trump’s help amongst Black Individuals will fall in keeping with historic precedents. As a latest Gallup report famous, it’s “extremely unlikely” that this sample of voting by Black Individuals will change throughout this election:
The latest Sept. 13-16 Wall Avenue Journal/NBC Information ballot discovered Biden main Trump amongst Black voters by 90% to five%. Gallup’s aggregated information from polls carried out July 30-Aug. 12 and Aug. 31-Sept. 13 present Trump approval – a tough surrogate for chance to vote for Trump – at 11% amongst Black Individuals, with disapproval at 87%.
And based on a brand new CBS-BET ballot launched on October 25, solely 8% of probably voters who’re Black say they are going to vote for Trump. But, based on the CBS Information report on the ballot, “Half of Black seniors say they’re supporting Biden primarily as a result of they like him, however that (help) drops to 28% amongst Black Biden voters below 30.”
Slightly than a wholesale swing of voter help to Trump or the GOP following 50 Cent and Ice Dice, our analysis suggests many youthful African Individuals – with millenial-aged Black males main the way in which – are so disillusioned by politics, they could decide out of taking part within the election in any respect.
What’s the purpose?
Many Black Individuals who’re first-timers or comparatively new to voting advised us in focus group settings that they don’t see the purpose of selecting between the lesser of two evils.
Not like their mother and father and grandparents who lived via racial segregation, the civil rights motion and a radical, racial transformation of American society, younger Black individuals who have come of age previously 30 years advised us in focus teams that they’ve little to nothing that they’ll cite as examples of progress that may be attributed on to politics – or voting.
To make certain, a lot of what they’ve skilled of their lifetimes has been the unfavorable penalties of political stalemate in Washington, persistent financial inequality, widening well being disparities afflicting their communities, and crushing scholar mortgage debt that makes constructing wealth with the acquisition of a house and institution of financial savings nearly unattainable. And maybe most threatening and dramatic are the resurgent waves of racism and police violence directed at them and their family members.
[Deep knowledge, daily. Sign up for The Conversation’s newsletter.]
Little surprise, due to this fact, that some Black males – particularly those that desperately wish to have interaction in politics to enhance circumstances for themselves and their communities – would possibly search options to the established order of politics. It’s into that chasm of despair and disillusionment that the Trump marketing campaign appears to be searching for a foothold by making it seem that younger Black males are falling in formation with its marketing campaign.
Nothing may very well be farther from the reality. Or because the rappers prefer to say: Don’t imagine the hype.
This story has been up to date to right that George Floyd was killed whereas in police custody.
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Sam Fulwood III doesn’t work for, seek the advice of, personal shares in or obtain funding from any firm or group that will profit from this text, and has disclosed no related affiliations past their educational appointment.
from Growth News https://growthnews.in/are-50-cent-ice-cube-and-young-black-men-the-supporters-who-will-enable-trumps-return-to-the-white-house-not-exactly/ via https://growthnews.in
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jk28147 · 5 years
Ultimate Easter Guide - New Easter Feast Ideas To Try In 2020
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You'll Love this Easter Guide with its decorating & Easter Feast ideas. Find effortless meal recopies, cool gift ideas, & activities for kids of all ages. Discover the reason behind us celebrating the Easter Feast and the source of the Easter Bunny and Egg Hunt. Celebrating this coming Easter Feast in style doesn’t have to break the bank. Neither does it mean you’d need to skip on anything. We want to enable you to celebrate an Easter Feast that will make lifetime memories. We wish a Happy Easter to you and your family. Do you want to celebrate a great Easter? It doesn’t have to be expensive. Here are simple ideas, if put in place, I guarantee you and your family have a great Easter Feast. We just keep it simple and its simplicity what this ultimate Easter guide is all about.
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Why Is It Called Easter? What Is Ester All About?When Is Easter?Where does the Easter Bunny come from? Why do we Color Easter Eggs?How To Decorate Your Home For Easter? What to cook for Easter? Are There Fun Activities for you and the kids? Great Easter Gift Ideas For kids? We got lot's to cover ... so, let's just jump right in ...
When is Easter?
April 12/2020 Is Easter Sunday Easter is immediately after lent. Lent is a period of fasting, moderation, repentance and spiritual discipline of 40 days, and it is done in preparation for Easter. In the Western Christianity, Ash Wednesday (receiving of Ash) marks the beginning of Lent and Easter. Easter Sunday, therefore, marks the end of Lent and is Easter day. The Eastern Orthodox Churches However, observe Lent or what is known as the Great Lent. For 6 weeks or 40 days before Palm, Sunday and fasting continue during the Easter week. Also known as the Holy Week. Lent to the Eastern Orthodox Churches begins on a Monday and western Ash Wednesday is observed. Because of the pagan history of Easter. Also because of the high commercialization of Easter, many of the Christian churches refer to Easter instead as the day of the resurrection or resurrection day.
Where does the Easter Bunny come from?
Some sources have it that the Easter Bunny arrived in America in 1700 with immigrants from Germany. Whom settled in the Pennsylvania area. They brought in their tradition. In which a hare lays eggs, and called it the " Osterhase" ortranslated Easter Bunny. The children of these immigrants built nests. Where this creature could lay its colored eggs. According to the popular website History.com, Easter eggs represent the resurrection of Jesus. However, the association of the egg and resurrection came much later. It was in the 15th century when Catholicism became the more dominant religion in the German part of Europe and joined with pre-existing pagan beliefs.
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19 Inch Wreath - Price $59.99 & FREE Shipping (colors are optional) The Bunny is an anthropomorphic one, with its ability to lay eggs and sneaking into homes a night before Easter to present baskets full of colorful eggs, toys, and even chocolates. Due to the spread of Christianity, Missionaries routinely practiced good business strategies or salesmanship by inculcating pagan ideas and rituals into the context of Christian faith and inputting pagan celebrations or festivals into Christian feasts and holidays (like Christmas). The Austrian Easter Feast took place at about the same time as the celebration of the Christians of the resurrection of Christ, so that the two celebrations became as one and there was a kind of mix between the two cultures, it seemed natural that the pagans and the images of the eggs the pagans brought came with them into their new faith. This hare has gone on to become the most common rabbit today.
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Easter Bunny and Eggs Table Linen with Embroidered Edges and White Base Color - From $13.99 & FREE shipping on orders over $25.00 (March 2019) The pagans The biblical Jews call gentiles, clung to the rabbits and this eventually became part of the Christian celebration. We do not know exactly when, but it was mentioned first in the German writings of the 1600s. The Germans turned the image of the pagan rabbit to Oschter Haws. A rabbit supposed to lay a nest of colorful eggs and gifts for good children as well. A poll of some Twitter followers shows that 81% of its respondents believe that the Easter Bunny is male. Based primarily on the images of it wearing a bow tie. The idea of the pregnancy of the rabbit. As to laying of eggs is either to give it a larger than life meaning. Or just a fact that perhaps rabbits were simply awesome then.
Why Is It Called Easter?
There is a single reference of a prior Christianity goddess out of Great Brittan. From an English Monk ( name "Venerable Bede" ). The entry refers back to the end of the seventh or early eighth century. Either way this goddess "Eostre" was celebrated during early spring. And therefore suppose to be responsible for the name of the Holiday. ,
Why Do We Celebrate Easter?
Easter is the Biggest Event for all Christian Believers. On the Easter Sunday, Christians around the world celebrate the resurrection of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. In general, it is the most attended Sunday service for Christian churches. According to the Scriptures, Christians believe that Jesus resurrected or came out of the grave three days after his death. As a part of this Easter period, the death or crucifixion of Jesus Christ is celebrated on Good Friday of Easter (i.e. on the Friday before Easter). By his death, burial and his resurrection, Jesus paid the price for all sin and acquired eternal life through him to all who would believe in him. For this reason, Easter is the biggest celebration of the Christians, because it is the premise upon which the faith is built. Through Easter, Christians believe could live forever by resurrecting after death by the power of the resurrected Christ. All the Christian beliefs, laws and commandments are based on the resurrection of Christ.
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$18.10 & FREE Shipping on orders over $25 shipped by Amazon. The biblical account of Easter The biblical account of the death of Jesus on the cross (which is also known as the crucifixion). His burial and resurrection are found in the following passages of the Bible: Matthew 27: 27-28: 8; Mark 15: 16-16: 19; Luke 23: 26-24: 35; and John 19: 16-20: 30. Of course, the word "Easter" does not appear in the Bible. And the Scripture does not mention a celebration by the early Church of the Resurrection of Christ. Easter, just like Christmas, is a tradition that was developed later in the history of the church.
Why Do We Color Easter Eggs?
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Order a 6 Pack of Hand Painted wooden Eggs on Amazon for $19.99 Plus Shipping Painting the Eggs is based on the liturgical colors of Easter What does this mean? According to Wikipedia " Liturgy" is the customary public worship performed by a religious group, according to its beliefs, customs and traditions” Or In simple terms: The liturgical colors are colors found on church decors and clothes of the Catholic priests. And they change throughout the (liturgical) year. These colors underline the different seasons and moods the church is in. Also, according to the Encyclopedia Britannica, the modern sequence of Roman colors. This guides for the Catholic Church was introduced in 1198 by Pope Innocent III. He enacted the treatise of De Sacro altar is Mysterio (which means the mystery of the sacred altar). In this essay, the Pope based the symbolism of colors on the Song of Songs. Or more on the interpretations of colors and flowers of the Song of Songs (or the Song of Solomon) in the Old Testament. In general, other Christian denominations today associate Easter colors similar to those of the Roman Catholics. Here Are The Main Christian Colors & Their Meanings Red The red symbolizes the blood of Jesus Christ. And it is mostly used during Pentecost. Which falls on the fiftieth day after Easter. And it commemorates the descent of the third in the Trinity. The Holy Spirit. Red means sacrifice, martyrdom, fire and of course blood. White The white color is a symbol of purity. That symbolizes the resurrection of Jesus Christ. During the feasts of the Lord and the Passover. White, of course, represents light, purity, and innocence, including joy, glory, and triumph. Green After Easter, the priests wear green robes. The color Green represents the hope of the resurrection of Christ and eternal life.
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Order The Easter Egg Carousel now For $12.99 + Shipping On Amazon (March2019) Pink It is a very special color which is only used twice a year. First on the third Advent Sunday. And second on the fourth Sunday of Lent. The pink color is synonymous with joy and love. Violet This is one of the most prominent colors during the Lent season, especially on the Good Friday. It means suffering and sorrow, especially for the suffering of Jesus during the 40 days he spent in the desert. Violet is synonymous with penance, melancholy, and humility.
Easter Home Decorating Ideas
To make your Easter worth it, you might consider making great Easter feast decors. Those can give your home that wonderful and amazing look it deserves for Easter. How do you make colorful Easter decors? Here are some ideas... A Cute Idea For A Easter Feast Centerpiece
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Easter Centerpiece Settings Easter sweets/candies are not only delicious, they are also beautiful and colorful. If you like to have sweets/candies and want to use these sweets for a big Easter show or display. Then this might be the perfect project you would embark on. You only need a glass vase and many Easter-themed candies. Marshmallow peeps, Robin's eggs and jelly beans and are perfect for this project. Especially since peeps are now available in different colors. You may add flowers at the top or a pretty ribbon, whichever your preference will do. Colorful Easter Chick Placeholders You might consider filling your Easter dinner table with the joy and cheer of Easter. When creating these colorful and adorable placeholders. You would need a little terracotta garden dish or pot for each person at the table. The chicks are then made with plastic spoons, then you can paint your placeholders with the same color or create a unique color scheme for each guest. Hang a sign with the names of your guests on the chicks and you would have one of the most colorful tables in your neighborhood.
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Price: $13.74 & FREE Shipping on orders over $25 shipped by Amazon. And don't worry if you are not into crafts or don't have the time. Because here we have some handpicked Easter decor ideas for you as well Watch the following video. And find some cheap Easter Decoration Tips & Ideas!
Easter Meal Ideas
While considering how to have the perfect Easter decor. You might also want to plan what you would like to cook/eat. Foods are amazing, right? Celebrate Easter with a creative and delicious menu.
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Egg Salad Blini Bites The Formal Easter Feast Family Tradition You have lots of options for your selection. Ranging from your favorite recipes for glazed ham, pretty green salads, to Lamb & Fish. So anything you find tasty. Keep in mind that preserved plums, mixed with fresh citrus fruits and chopped red peppers. As well as ginger, in the mix refresh the traditionally cooked ham. And a creamy scalloped potato casserole and a tender asparagus amandine are sure to complete a great family menu. And round it all up with some fresh and fluffy rolls. Preferably direct from the oven. And you are set for any Easter Sunday. Further if your make your Yeast Rolls from scratch, you can prep the dough and refrigerate it. This can relieve you of the stress of doing it all on the holiday. Hold on, we would not even think about Easter without your favorite cake or pie. If you plan to have a formal dinner on Easter day, you might consider some of those recipes above. Which will impress your guest.
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Celebrating This Easter Feast more casual. And goo a rich breakfast casserole, glasses of champagne flutes and then gather your family and friends for a wonderful mid-morning brunch.
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Should you have a nice weather day, You might even consider to venture to your backyard, patio or local park. If the park is your choice, how about packing up your picnic for a casual meal? Spring can be so wonderful. However, do not stop just there, some sliced strawberries and spicy pecans could turn a Baby Blue salad, into any one's favorite perennial holiday favorite.
Are there the fun activities for you and the kids?
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Four Cute Easter Decor Pillow Cases For $19.99 & FREE Shipping
Fun Kids Activities
The Easter Egg Hunt Yes, the quest for Easter eggs is a tradition that should not be omitted while planning your Easter Feast. However, there are only a few years that your kids would like to search the garden for Easter Eggs before the idea starts to fade. Either way, if you get just a bit more creative you can improve their enjoyment in the annual Easter Egg Hunt. Because this activity can really be a gift of its own. We all know how challenging it can be to keep kids busy. So you better not plan to proceed with the actual egg hunt for long hours of the day. While you are trying to retain its beauty. However, even the most jaded of the older kids will reach new excitement when you expose them to these very unique egg hunt tweaks. Here are a few of my favorite  Easter egg hunt ideas that you may not have tried yet Growing an Easter egg garden If you have very young children, then this old fashion egg hunt is for you. And it could be the sweetest thing to watch on Easter.Let me explain ... If they are not old enough to hunt for the eggs wherever. (some are placed for the older kids as well).
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Jumbo Plastic Printed Easter Eggs - click to order For $9.99 + Shipping On Amazon (March / 2019) You either can create your own garden of Easter eggs, which " grows " plastic eggs. Or you can place candy-filled Easter eggs right into the flowers of the garden. The grass or even right into the sand path will work as well. This will make even the most little ones delighted to find their treat. Easter bunny tracks A real Easter egg hunt directed by the very same the Easter bunny? This is a sure one which could be more adorable. Your kids will love to wake up on Easter morning only to discover that Easter Bunny himself has left a personal note and some rabbit tracks showing the direction to the hidden eggs. These cute prints make the egg hunt amazing.
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The Golden egg hunt The little kids of this pirate-loving age will have fun with this specialized search for Easter eggs. If kids know that there are "hidden treasures", like one big and different outstanding golden egg that the Easter Bunny has left, they will probably hunt a little more seriously.
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Order 24 Pieces for (March / 2019) Price: $7.20 + Shipping Egg hunt indoors Do you live in the region of the country where the spring has not yet sprung, you still have hope? You may turn a rainy or cold morning into a pleasant adventure by telling your kids that they’d hunt in the house for all their Easter eggs. To make your egg hunt indoors more colorful and unique, hide the eggs on a path or with clues that lead to a large Easter basket.
Cool Easter Feast Gift Ideas For kids
The period of Lent is almost coming to an end, and Easter is at the corner and you are wondering how to setup your Easter celebrations which would ensure the kids have fun. Here is a cool way to make it happen. Get a basket filler for your kids. I'm quite sure this guide will give you ideas on how to set it up.  Most children are constantly waiting for the Easter baskets on a yearly basis. Great Easter basket fillers are always fun and are mostly easy to find.
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Complete this Easter Feast with books and kids movies However, Easter will not be complete without getting some books, stuffed animals or a movie for the kids. There are books on a wide range of topics or subjects which you can get for the kids to make their day and season. You might consider getting books on science or books on the subject of the season, Jesus. There are lots of these books you can get either online or from your favorite bookstore.
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Shop our Easter Kids Book Collection Fun Stuff & Bestseller for 2 Years in a row Fluffy Egg Slime Yes they sold like crazy for the most part. However, you need to get in on the action early... because last year the price tripled about 2 weeks before Easter. If you are looking for more super fun and fluffy slime. Like homemade slime as you may have seen on YouTube & Instagram. Perhaps you are looking for a way to reduce your stress level in both a fun and relaxing manner. Then this super-fun non-sticky scented giant fluffy slime is all you need! How to play with this slime? That is the easy part, simply squeeze it and pull it over and over. Just release your pressure to start having fun. Pinch it, smash it, twist it, pull it over and over, or make models - just use your imagination with the Juicy fluffy slime Ingredients used In making this include the following, Water, polymeric materials, gelling agents, colorants, fillers, and preservatives You can get 3 Pack Soft Egg Slime for less then $8.00
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Price: $7.99 & FREE Shipping on orders over $25 shipped by Amazon. Price Check March 4th. 2019 Enjoy.
As you can see, creating the perfect Easter celebration is not a difficult task. Follow this guide to get the best experience this Easter. And don’t forget to share this as your plan to have fun on Easter Sunday. Now I like to turn it over to you. Did you learn anything new? Will you celebrate formal or did you like my casual suggestions? Do you plan any of the suggested kids activity? Or do you have some ideas you like to share with us? Please post comments and questions below. I can't wait to see what you all come up with :) What ever it is that you are planning to do this Easter. Keep in mind that we celebrate the lords Resurrection and the love and forgiveness that we received, Therefor all you need to do is make everyone that will celebrate this day with you feel special and loved. Happy Easter from me to all of you and enjoy! Thanks for reading and sharing. JK Read the full article
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cafezimmermann · 5 years
Fridays for Future
"Don't you have the need to at least try to have a political say in the country where you spend your life? Or is the hurdle too big?"
Admittedly, one of the frustrating things about living in Europe as a permanent resident is not being able to vote in elections. I regularly receive this question from friends and colleagues, and although I usually write back and explain that "at least I have the chance to vote Trump out of office come 2020," part of me does wish that I could have a say in local and European politics. According to Deutsche Welle, I belong to the group of 4.36 million non-EU residents living in Germany, a number that is greater than the population of Berlin, which is currently approximately 3.5 million.
To answer my friend's question, I do feel the need to at least try to have a political say in the country where I spend my life. I notice that I'm more in tune with the issues here in Europe than in the States now. Moreover, when I see that my U.S. absentee ballot still lists me as a resident of Williamsville, New York (a place that I haven't seen the light of day in nearly two decades), not being able to vote here seems all the more absurd. My ballot is essentially a vote thrown away.
For me to change that, however, I would have to give up my U.S. citizenship, which, even though I couldn't imagine returning to the States right now, is something that I don't know if I could do. Once, during the Democratic primaries in 2008, in which Obama was nominated to run for president, I happened to meet a woman from Seattle who explained to me that she had handed over her U.S passport to become a German citizen. "I did it for tax purposes," she explained. I understood her pragmatism, and I still understand it now; I hate going through the formality of filing two tax forms each year (which reminds me of what else I have to do now). But still, I remember reflecting on her words and thinking to myself, "Even though I know that I will be probably be staying here for the rest of my life, I couldn't imagine doing something like that." It would be like uprooting my past.  
That said, I'm glad that my two daughters have dual citizenship. When my older daughter and I flew to the States last year, she had to take both passports with her – the U.S. passport for entering into the States and the German passport for returning. I think she was proud of the fact, and I think the experience of the customs agent stamping her passport and saying "Welcome home" to the two of us cemented the idea inside of her that she has two identities as both a German and American.
I see that, for example, in her extreme frustration that her 18th birthday is four days after the 2020 presidential election. At times I'm taken aback at just how much she follows U.S. politics. Back in 2016, she was distressed to see Hillary lose; I think the inner dream of seeing her identity as a young woman being represented by (then) two of the world's most powerful women – Hillary Clinton and Angela Merkel – was tantalizingly close to becoming real. It makes me understand that I have a responsibility to help "Make America Sane Again" next year.
What I am happy about is that she is already taking the first footsteps to become politically active, much more so than her dad at her age. For the past three years, she has been a member of her school's debating club and has proven herself to be quite convincing as a debater ("I just like talking," she says). This year, like last year, she has been invited to take part in the finals of the Jugend Debattiert competition in Berlin next month, a nationwide debating platform for school children. This past weekend, she took in Jugend Debattiert's three-day preparatory seminar at a castle near Würzburg, where she took part in mock debates and learned about, among other things, Aristotle's Art of Rhetoric and how to apply elements of his ideas into her arguments.
I'm also happy about the fact that she has been taking part in the ongoing "Fridays for Future" protests, a moment that began last August after Greta Thunberg, a 15-year-old Swedish student, "sat in front of the Swedish parliament every school day for three weeks to protest against the lack of action on the climate crisis." Perhaps more than any other person, Greta Thunberg's initiative has succeeded in inspiring youths her age to take the issue of climate change and global warming into their own hands and voice their outrage – my daughter included. Each Friday she has been taking part in organized "school strikes" where students assemble in one of Leipzig's main squares and take part in rallies to make their voices heard. At first, I thought it would be nothing more than a chance for kids to blow off school for a day, but as the weeks progressed, I sensed how Hannah's growing awareness about the urgency of the issues at hand grew. According to Verena Gonsch, correspondent of NDR in Germany: "The 16-year-old Swede Greta Thunberg has initiated a youth movement that academics can best compare with the protests of the 1968 generation, although those were on average ten years older than the climate activists today."
What impresses me about it all is how these "kids" are not only determined to teach adults a lesson about how they fear for their future, but how they have the tools at hand to do it and do it well. Social networking, it seems (as much as I avoid Facebook and Twitter) enables young people to break free of the constraints of a local community, take charge of their lives, and act globally. Moreover, they have shown that one doesn't need to rely on national media coverage to make a dent in society – even if the message that comes across is quite difficult to swallow. For the past two weeks, Germany's center-right Christian Democratic Party (which, politically, lies somewhere between the ideology of conservative Democrats and liberal Republicans) has been reeling from the aftermath of a YouTube video posted by Rezo, a 26-year-old vlogger. Die Zerstörung der CDU (The destruction of the CDU) practically ripped the party's platform apart with access to facts and figures that are available online – accusing the Christian Democrats for "contributing to the ever-widening gap between rich and poor in Germany, helping to advance climate change, and unquestioningly supporting the United States in its military conflicts." 
According to The New York Times:
“The video has led to a storm of debate in a country that is just starting to come to terms with the outsize effect that independent journalists and activists on social media can have on the public discourse. The clip also became a public relations crisis for the governing conservatives just days before Germans headed to the polls on Sunday for the European Parliament elections.”
(Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/25/world/europe/rezo-cdu-youtube-germany.html)
By Sunday, the day of the election, Rezo's video had received 9 million hits (it has risen to 12 million since then); the CDU, which found itself in a two-week tailspin, was pretty much unable to control the damage that Rezo caused. Rezo's 55-minute video was not only critical the CDU's platform but also directed sharp criticism at the SPD, the social democratic opposition party (explaining that they are equally a bunch of hypocrites) as well as the economic liberal FDP party and the right-wing AFD (Alternative for Germany) party. The only party that was really 'spared' was the Green Party, and even then, Rezo didn't hesitate to say that they have to be more aggressive in getting their message across. But considering how well the Green Party fared in this weekend election, it seems that we might be experiencing the very "change that we can believe in," to quote Obama. According to the Süddeutsche Zeitung: "Around 30 percent of the under-30s voiced their support for the Greens. Whether it's the Rezo effect or not, the youth has become politicized - and the political map could change permanently." I think that many haven't yet realized that this generation means business when it comes to doing something about climate control. And with good reason. Again, Gonsch:
"With this movement, the issue of environmental protection is finally given the urgency that has been lacking for years. This is because it is young people who have to endure the consequences of global warming. If they say: It is our future, if in the year 2050 the hot summers in Northern Germany become normal, if we have to live with the drought and the weather caprioles, then a person who is 50 years old today can no longer have a say."
Regardless how one takes Rezo's arguments – for or against, and regardless how one views the protest movement of Fridays for Future, it is clear that status quo political parties no longer have the chance to follow the course they have been following up until now and believe that people will swallow the bait whole. For me at least, the recent events in Europe and the election results this past Sunday echo last November's "blue wave" in the United States, where, after two years of Trump and his attempts to silence the fourth house ('fake news' establishments such as The New York Times and The Washington Post), the Democrats had a chance to push back against the Republicans, and succeeded, not only with 'their' status quo, but with a new generation of politicians who represent the values of young people.
In such unsettling times, where we have been forced to follow what seems to be a hurricane of continually changing political directions, I'm glad to see that young people are finding a way to hold politicians accountable, and are doing it creatively and intelligently. If I could do it all over again (f I were looking forward to my 18th birthday rather than reminiscing on the past half-decade of my life), I would probably be more likely to follow my daughter's footsteps. I would consider what options I might have to help make the world sane again, rather than blindly follow the path as a musician. That said, I wish to support her – after all, in the end, it's her future, not mine.
"We can still limit global warming to 1.5 degrees; we have to be serious. All of us should not miss this truly historic opportunity." (Verena Gonsch)
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