#I wish i knew some good puns to add but meh
amalia-uwu ยท 1 year
Undertale by Toby Fox
Homesick by @ameb-stuff
Disclaimer: I don't own Undertale or Homesick. The rights go to the respective owners! This stroy is for entertainment purposes only!
Warnings โš ๏ธ : light angst, hurt /comfort
Dark clouds made their way over the city. The moonlight vanished behind them. The wind blew stronger.
Rain began falling gently on the land. As minutes passed the rain grew stronger. Rain didn't want to be alone so it brought some companions, lighting and thunder.
Papyrus had heard in the news that there will be a thunderstorm.
*C R A C Kย  A
B O O M*
Papyrus closed his eyes tightly and covered himself with his blanket. His bones rattled.. Truth to be told. He was never used to the thunderstorms.
But this was something only Sans knew. He closed his eyes and wept. He missed him.. So... Very much.
He enjoyed college, don't get him wrong! It's just that he wasn't prepared for this type of change... He felt like something had ended and he didn't like it. He closed his eyes for a while and a memory made it's appearance.
What memory? You may ask
He remembered... When he was younger.. In moments like this, he would run in his brother's room. That memory brought tears in his eyes...
Sans was sleeping in his bed wrapped in his warm blankets. Only to be awoken by a gentle tap on his face.
Opening his eyes he saw Papyrus hugging the stuffed toy car he had bought him long ago tightly in his arms.
He was crying. Sans got up alarmed
"What's wrong bro? Are you hurt?" he began checking him. No injury. Thank Heaven!
Before Papyrus could respond. The room was illuminated by a lighting accompanied by a loud thunder. The thunder was strong enough to shake the windows.
Papyrus jumped in Sans's, hugged him tightly, while shivering and rattling his bones.
*C R A C Kย  A
B O O M*
Then it clicked to Sans.
"So you are afraid of the thunders?"
Papyrus nodded "COULD I STAY WITH YOU? I AM SCARED..."
Sans hugged him protectively. "Sure thing bro but first how about we drink some milk and eat something?"
Papyrus nodded, still rattling his bones and hugging sans tightly. "heh okay! Come on"
He picked him up and wrapped him in a red scarf. Papyrus seemed to relax in his brother's embrace.
Sans soul shone a soft blue color sending soft comforting waves at his brother's soul.
*Ding* <You are safe!>
*Ding* <I will protect you!>
*Ding* < I love you papyrus!>
Sans set him on the table and prepared some toast, and milk with honey.
"Come on pap, here comes the airplane!" he said moving the toast in the air papyrus smiled and giggled. He opened his mouth and Sans fed him.
When done he lifted him in his arms and carried him upstairs. He read him a bedtime story and sung a soft lullaby for him little brother.
๐ŸŽถ My sweet sweet bro
You are more precious than gold
I love you
Look at the stars
So magnificent and vast
My little baby bones
When the night fades
A new day is in the way
For the Great Papyrus! ๐ŸŽถ
Papyrus calmed down at Sans soft voice.
"Don't worry papyrus, I will protect you! I won't let anyone hurt you! I'm here! I will always be here! No matter what! I love you! you know that right?"
Papyrus smiled and snuggled closer to Sans sternum "YES BROTHER I KNOW! I LOVE YOU TOO!" they hugged each other.
The storm grew stronger and stronger. There was total chaos.
Papyrus wasn't scared! He was in his brother's embrace after all. He felt safe.
*Flashback ends*
He sat on his bed and could not help but shed some tears of nostalgia. Those tears soon turned into a sobbing.
His face bathed in tears. He looked at his computer.
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Sans couldn't sleep. The storm outside reminded him of his brother.
When he was just a baby bones /a child, he would come to his room. Asking him if he could sleep with him, because the Strom scared him. Of course he always accepted.
He loved his brother so very much.. He missed him... He missed him a lot. At the very depth of his soul, he knew that heย had to let go.. He knew that Papyrus had his whole life ahead of him.ย  He just missed him so much...
Maybe they should work on a solution. Sans could visit him when their Program allowed them. Maybe the weekend. They could talk about it. Right?... RIGHT?!.... *sighs* right.. Who? Who was he kidding? Who on actual Earth was. he kidding? Heh..
Maybe they should work on a solution. Sans could visit him when their Program allowed them. Maybe the weekend. They could talk about it. Right?... RIGHT?!....
He shook his skull. He looked outside the window. Yes.. Still chaos.
He checked his computer...
Was there a possibility that Papyrus will be awake?
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Papyrus got up and checked his computer.
Sans was active..
What the.? Wasn't he sleeping?
He decided to send a message.
CoolSkeleton95: SANS? ARE YOU AWAKE?
Read โœ…
Sans is typing .....
Sans: yeah bro sup?"
Read โœ…
CoolSkeleton95 is typing.....
Read โœ…
Sans is typing....
Sans: ... give me a moment pap! i'll be right back!
Read โœ…
CoolSkeleton95 is typing...
CoolSkeleton95: OF COURSE BROTHER!
Read โœ…
Sans got up and gathered some things,
a book,
a blanket,
some stuffed toys
some of Papyrus's favorite snacks. - wait.. Papyrus wasn't even here.. Why does he have that? Could it be his hope that he will show up at any moment? The hope he was slowly loosing?
He shook his skull again.
When he had gathered what he needed he stood in the leaving room.
He closed his eyes and concentrated hard enough. His eyes glowed cyan and yellow. He magic filled the darkness in the room with a soft cyan color.
After a few seconds he disappeared from his room. Leaving in in total darkness.
Papyrus was waiting by the computer. Wrapped with his blanket over his head. Soon he saw a cyan color appearing out of nowhere. That color took the form of Sans.
"NYEH!" Papyrus fell back in his bed his googly eyes appeared.
"Heh.. Huff puff.. I'm here.." Sans wheezed collapsing on the floor. He should take better care of himself.
"BROTHER! ARE YOU ALLRIGHT?" he asked regaining his balance.
"yes! im just a little out of shape! im fine!" he said standing up.
"SANS? WH- HOW?" he asked perplexed.
"the thunderstorm.. i know you still have this fear. i thought it would be a good idea to come.. unless you don't want me here then i should go back"
"NO! STAY! PLEASE!" Papyrus said wrapping him in a hug.
Sans smiled. He hugged him and their souls illuminated the entire room.
They ate, then Sans read him a bedtime story. Just like the old times.
Papyrus hugged Sans closer to him and both fall asleep hugging each other. Their souls illuminated the room along with the lightings.
*Ding* <i missed you too bro! happy to see you! i love you papyrus! >
*Ding* << CONTENT, HAPPY , LOVE, AFFECTION, CALM, TRANQUILLITY, *positive emotions*>>
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The End! ๐Ÿ˜˜
Thank you for reading! ๐Ÿ’™
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