#I wish some partitions came in half size or you could shove them into the floor
fisherrprince · 7 months
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We are getting somewhere!!! I need to move some things around and add more essential furniture like a screen and table and counter but I am, out of gil
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taetaespeaches · 4 years
“You should call me daddy more often.”
taehyung x reader (or oc) genre: fluff word count: 3.1K
a/n: Ayyy it’s Tae time!!! We’re kicking off our two weeks of Tae with this little drabble showing Tae and Peaches before they crossed the lines of friendship. This takes place the night of, “It’s ok, baby, you don’t have to tell me how cool I was”, in which the whole bangtan gang do karaoke together. Peaches is realizing some feelings in this... anyways, I hope you all enjoy and thanks for reading! :)) 
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AS the group began exiting the karaoke room, Taehyung was behind you, holding your coat open for you as you stuck your arms into the sleeves.
“Why thank you, kind sir,” you appreciated after turning around to face him, reaching for the buttons on his own coat. As you did them up, you felt his gaze on your concentrated expression. “There,” you told him, smiling at him as you met his eyes, patting his chest as he flashed you a grin of his own.
Nodding to the door, you spun around, Taehyung’s hand finding your lower back as he guided you toward the exit. You were some of the last one’s out, following behind Namjoon and his girlfriend as the man hung on her making her support his large frame. What a scene, really.
Behind you, you heard mumbles from Yoongi’s girlfriend talking about you, making you smirk fondly.
“I mean, look at her bum,” she told her boyfriend.
“You really need to calm down,” Yoongi told the girl, Taehyung peering at you with an amused smile.
“Well, are you looking at it?” She asked, Yoongi scoffing as she giggled. Turning around, you shot her a wink, the girl dramatically clutching her heart. Taehyung chuckled lightly as he shook his head.
“Don’t encourage her,” Yoongi told you, the girl smacking his arm, Yoongi feigning pain with a dramatized, “ouch”.
Stepping out of the karaoke bar onto the street, you shivered at the cold air, a complete contrast from the warmth of the room you were all just occupying. Taehyung immediately noticed, swinging an arm around your shoulders as he tugged you against his body, bringing his other arm to wrap around you, holding you in a side hug. “Do you want to grab a bite to eat?” Taehyung asked you in a whisper, you nodding quickly.
“Pancakes?” You asked, Taehyung tucking his chin into his neck to smile at you.
“Wish me luck,” you heard Namjoon’s girlfriend say with a sigh, pulling both yours and your best friend’s attention to the couple as she helped the drunken man into the car they ordered. You all chuckled as you scanned the group of friends who were all preparing to go their separate ways.
When you and Taehyung excused yourselves to walk the few blocks to the 24-hour diner you often frequented during your late-night hangouts, Taehyung groaned at the comment from Yoongi’s girlfriend once again.
“Watch her as she walks away,” she told her boyfriend, the man scoffing again.
“You know, I have a nice bum too, Kid,” he complained to her with a whine.
“You wish your ass was as good as mine, Yoongles,” you called out, Taehyung giggling against the side of your head as he continued to hold you close, making it difficult to make your way down the street, though you weren’t complaining.
Half way down the block, Taehyung pulled away from you slightly, shooting an obvious glance to your backside. “Is it really that good?” He asked, you trying to hold back a smile and failing miserably. “I’ve never noticed,” he played ignorant, a stunning grin stretching across his face at his own joke.
“That’s offensive,” you shot back through your amused grin. “We’re best friends, how could you not notice how great my ass is?”
“Have you noticed mine?” He asked, you giving him a wide-eyed look.
“Of course, I have,” you told him, “there’s no missing all that cake.” The man fell into giggles as he looked down to his feet in embarrassment, you watching him fondly. God he’s cute.
Entering the restaurant, you sat yourselves in a booth near the corner next to the window. “Do you just want to share a plate?” Taehyung asked you as the waitress made her way over. Nodding at him, Taehyung gave you a single nod as the waitress appeared.
Taehyung handled the order as you watched him fondly, getting you a plate of pancakes to share, a juice for him, and a coffee for you.
“Tonight was fun,” Taehyung said as the waitress left, stretching his arms out across the back of the booth, looking a little too attractive for a late-night pancake run. Or maybe you just found him to be a little too attractive.
“It was,” you pouted. “We don’t get to hang out much all together like that.” Taehyung nodded as the waitress reappeared with the drinks, you both thanking her. “It was nice to have Jungkook and the wifey with too.”
“I really like her,” Taehyung said, taking a sip of his juice, his other arm still hanging over the back of the booth.
“Me too,” you agreed with a smile. “Oh, we decided to call you and Guk,” you paused, building the suspension, “ready for it?” you asked, Taehyung sighing. “The Nimrods,” you announced.
Taehyung’s eyes widened as a small smile graced his face. “The Nimrods?”
“Yeah, it’s fitting,” you shrugged, taking a sip of your coffee. “She came up with it, I just agreed,” you smirked.
He let out a low chuckle, watching as you lowered your mug to the table. “When did you two even decide this?”
“When you were rapping like your life depended on it,” you grinned. “The skill.”
“Shut up,” he smiled widely, his eyes turning to crescents as he flashed you his boxy grin.  
“I’m serious,” you defended, “I personally think Yoongi should write you a rap verse. I would love it,” you told him sincerely, though you wore a smirk.
“He keeps complaining that you haven’t stopped by his studio in a while,” Taehyung noted, your eyes widening.
“That little bitch acts like he doesn’t miss me,” you shook your head, Tae chuckling. “But no, rap king Taehyung,” you added. “The man you are today.”
Rolling his eyes, he shook his head. “What about you singing with your girlfriend?” He started, referring to your ‘I Kissed A Girl’ performance with Yoongi’s girlfriend.
“Do you think she would date me?” You asked with wide eyes, dramatizing your excitement, Taehyung chuckling. “I could take Yoongi, I think,” you nodded to yourself.
“Ok, anyway,” Taehyung interjected, you giggling. “Do you want me to get you a meeting with Bang PD? You could be a performer, darling,” he teased you, you shooting him a glare across the table.
“Taste this,” you suddenly told him, holding up your coffee.
“I don’t like coffee,” he whined, you giggling in response.
“I know, but I love your face after you taste it,” you teased him, the man sighing as he took the mug from you. Without a word, he lifted the cup to his lips, taking a small sip, his face immediately contorting in distaste.
Dropping your head onto your arm on the table, you laughed at him fondly, Taehyung quickly setting the coffee down and grabbing his juice to wash out the taste. “I don’t’ know how you drink that,” he complained making your laughter increase.
“I can’t believe you actually tasted it,” you giggled, lifting your head back up as you grabbed the mug and took a drink.
“You’re ridiculous,” he shook his head, though a small smile was fighting to appear on his annoyed expression.
“And you’re my very favorite person,” you cooed, watching as his lips finally curved up, his beam stunning as ever. Your laughter died down and you and Tae sat in comfortable silence for a few moments as the taste of the black coffee left his mouth.
A small breathy chuckle left his mouth, grabbing your interest as you stared at him intently. “Jimin said I looked jealous,” he admitted in embarrassment, your eyebrows raising. Jealous? “When you sang ‘I Kissed A Girl’.”
It took you a moment to comprehend the words and register he actually spoke them and you weren’t dreaming. “Were you?” You asked tentatively, a small smirk toying on your lips.
“Maybe,” he confessed, a smirk overtaking his mouth as you tried to calm the pounding of your heart. His gaze was playful but intense, showing off that infamous duality of his. It wasn’t unusual for Taehyung to fluster you, the man was beautiful and both fortunately and unfortunately, he knew it. But this moment felt a bit heavier than past flirtations.
Before you could respond, the waitress brought your pancakes, asking if you needed anything else before she left you and Tae to stare at each other, the plate of pastries covered in a thick slab of butter sitting between you. He was the first to move, reaching for the knife to spread the butter across the pancakes, you watching his strong and delicate hands hold the metal, causing you to bite your bottom lip. Did I just bite my lip? You thought to yourself. Down girl.
Tae poured syrup over the stack before presenting you with a fork, you taking it with a small smile. “Thank you,” you whispered, Taehyung nodding before he cut a large section of the three pancakes all at once, shoving them into his mouth.
You giggled at him, Taehyung trying not to smile as he struggled to chew the food. “Weak,” you commented, cutting off an even bigger portion and shoveling it into your own mouth, both you and Taehyung desperately holding in your laughter as you struggled to get the pancakes down.
“Jesus, Peaches,” Taehyung laughed after finally swallowing his massive bite, you covering your mouth as you finished chewing yours. The man took a more appropriately sized piece, eating like a normal mature adult as you just barely finished your mouthful, humming in approval making Tae chuckle.
“Oh,” you started, putting your fork down to take a drink of your coffee. “Speaking of Jimin,” you said, Taehyung pulling his eyebrows together in confusion. “Earlier,” you added, Tae’s mouth opening in a realizing oh. “Um, ‘Partition’?” Singing ‘Partition’ with Taehyung, or rather, mostly singing it to him was um, interesting.
There was no denying that you had a bit of a crush on your best friend. However, you were always unsure if he reciprocated those feelings in any way. You always found yourself to be quite fickle in relationships and Taehyung was not a person you were willing to lose due to your inability to give and receive love properly. Yes, he was gorgeous, yes, you adored every aspect of his personality, and yes, you had no doubt he would be the best partner anyone could be blessed with. But those were also the reasons you weren’t willing to cross a line with him. You’d never forgive yourself if you broke his heart, and you’d never be able to move on if you had him and lost him.
Your best friend let out a breath, a smile spreading across his face as he shook his head. “That was your friend too,” he noted, pointing out that Jimin’s girlfriend was as much to blame.
“Friend? She’s dead to me,” you joked, Taehyung giggling as he put more pancake into his mouth.
You watched as the man lost himself in thought for a moment. It wasn’t uncommon for him to space out every now and then as his mind wandered. It was something you loved about him, observing him fondly every time he did it around you. You simply ate another piece of the breakfast food as you waited for him to share his thought with you like he usually did.
When his eyes met yours, you raised your eyebrows. “Do you think we were meant to know each other?” He asked you, a smile immediately tugging at your lips at the question.
“You and I?” You clarified, Taehyung nodding as his tongue swiped out over his lips. He was anticipating your answer, which you found adorable. “Absolutely.”
“Yeah?” He asked, you humming. Tae smiled softly at you with a nod. “I think so too.”
“I don’t think I really believed in soulmates or fate before you,” you admitted, Tae’s expression softening immensely as he soaked in your words, sitting in their sentiment before responding. Neither of you were typically ones to share your feelings so openly, any conversations regarding these types of topics almost always occurring over text or through little letters and postcards you’d send each other.
“I don’t know why I even talked to you that day,” he chuckled lightly. “I just had to.”
“You asked me where I got my backpack,” you giggled, thinking back to the 17-year-old dude who approached you on the street that day, striking up a conversation over your bag and never allowing the conversation to end since then. “I don’t know, when I start thinking about all the things that had to line up just perfectly for us to meet that day, I can’t help but think it was at least sort of meant to be.”
“Knowing you now and being your friend for six years, I’m surprised you even kept talking to me,” he noted with a fond smile.
“Are you calling me standoffish?” You questioned him teasingly, the man chuckling as he waved you off, shaking his head. “I prefer the word aloof,” you added.
“Stop,” he giggled, “I just mean, well, you are a little aloof,” he agreed, reaching out to grab your hand off the table, holding it gently in his as you grinned. “But I mean you’re shy and quiet and you don’t really do strangers,” he explained, and though the words didn’t exactly sound like compliments, you knew he meant them to be. He was just as keen on your personality as you were his.
“Well, I talked to you because I just had to,” you mimicked his previous words. “You made me feel at ease, which was the first and only time I’d ever felt like that with someone I just met,” you admitted, Taehyung watching you thoughtfully. “I was still nervous, obviously,” you let out a small chuckle, “but I just felt like I knew you or something, I don’t know.”
“I felt the same way,” he told you softly. “And look at us now.” His expression carried such fondness and endearment, his mind surely sifting through the last six years of friendship like yours was. You’d been through a lot together, supporting each other every step of the way. It was almost hard to look back on without getting emotional, especially in the intimacy of the moment, Taehyung’s thumb gently soothing over your knuckles.
“I know, one day you’re asking for my number after knowing me for a total of fifteen minutes, and the next I’m calling you daddy in a song right in front of our closest friends,” you smirked. “The evolution.”
Taehyung let out his low chuckle at the comment, lowering his gaze to the tabletop as he hid his face, feeling flustered by the memory. You smiled fondly at the man, still amazed by how you of all people could cause such bashfulness from the Kim Taehyung. Then again, you were right by his side as he became the Kim Taehyung everyone knew him as now.
Lifting his gaze back to you, his boxy smile slowly transformed into a teasing smirk, your heart racing at the sight “You should call me daddy more often,” he told you, his voice low and thick, and you found yourself wetting your bottom lip before clamping your teeth over it lightly.
“I didn’t know you were into that kind of thing,” you started with a smirk of your own, Taehyung quirking an eyebrow at your lowered tone. “I took you more as a ‘sir’ kind of guy,” you teased him back, because as effected as you were by him in that moment, you always knew how to play right along.
The man scoffed at you as he grabbed his juice, taking a sip. This wasn’t the first time you’d teased each other in this way, pushing the limits, but one of you always pulled back. However, the tension had been building up all night, and despite your usual worries of hurting him and yourself, you had no intention of pulling back. Tae, on the other hand, did have a level enough head to do the backtracking for you both.
“Do you still have that date planned for tomorrow night?” And there it was, the pulling back. You had to wonder if the teasing and games were just that; entertainment. Maybe he was just joking around with his best friend and the friendlier feelings weren’t reciprocated by him. Why would he ask about your dating life in that exact moment?
His eyes were on you as you sighed, taking a sip of your coffee as you nodded. Lowering the mug, you audibly confirmed the date, looking into his eyes as you did so. “Yeah, we’re just getting dinner.” He broke eye contact at your confirmation, looking to the plate that only had about three more bites-worth on it. “She said she knows a place,” you mimicked the text the girl had sent you.
“Oh you hate that,” Tae commented, bringing another piece of food to his mouth, referring to the cliché expression. “You eat the rest,” he nodded to you, dropping your hand as he sat up straighter, returning his hands to his own side of the table.
You looked at your empty hand as you nodded. “Yeah, I do hate that,” you agreed, bringing your now empty hand to your lap as you reached for your fork with the other.  
“What happened with that guy from a couple weeks ago?” Taehyung asked, you suddenly feeling discomfort with the direction of the conversation. You talked to Tae about everything, but as you got older and your attraction to your best friend increased over time, you disliked talking about your dating life more and more.
“He was boring, I ended up ghosting him after the first date,” you told your best friend, plopping the second to last piece of pancake into your mouth.
Taehyung chuckled, watching you as you ate. “Everyone is boring in comparison to you,” he pointed out, echoing his common remark that no one would be able to keep up with you. Your mind is too interesting.
“You’re not,” you countered, pushing the plate and the final piece of food toward Tae. “And I’m not eating that,” you said stubbornly, Taehyung sighing. You always made him eat the last piece of food.
“That’s why we’re best friends, Peaches,” he reminded you, you nodding as you attempted to hide your disappointment by the term. Being best friends with Taehyung was your favorite thing to be. You just sometimes wondered what it would be like to be something more.
“Forever and always, my Dearest,” you replied, Taehyung smiling adorably at you.
“Definitely,” he agreed with a single nod, eating the last piece of food as you watched him fondly. Always fondly.
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jungkookienoona · 7 years
The Meme and His Tutor
Part 15: The Time Autocorrect Outed The Tutor
Co-written with @tragicshadows
Recommended Song: BOOM BOOM by Seventeen
|All Chapters|
When you have to deal with two little shits sometimes accidents happen.
Genre: Fluff, comedy
Pairing: Jungkook X Reader (Y/N)
Warnings: Swearing
Word Count:  2382
Length: 15/?
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The college library was almost empty making it easy to find a table. You noticed some of the computers along the wall occupied and a few heads ducked over notebooks near the back of the library where the desks with partitions were.
You opened your laptop and took out a past exam paper, prepared to make use of study leave and revise for your coming exam. But it seemed like the odds were against you when not half an hour in your phone lit up. It was a message from Chubs.
'So how have the past few days been now that you've finally accepted your feelings for Jungkook?'
'I'm still angry he brought the tickets without asking. Cocky little shit.'
'I don't think it was intentional cockiness.' She had added a few laughing emojis and you couldn't help but giggle. He was cocky. She just didn't know him quite like you did.
'You haven't seen the things I have.'
'Does that mean you've seen the Jungcock?'
Your eyes blew wide at that. She was being as blunt as ever.
'If by Jungcock you mean the cocky side of Jungkook then yes I have. Though there was one moment when he nearly started dancing Rainism thanks to the header image of your blog.'
Someone coughing drew your attention to the students in the library. Their little fit subsided and you went back to your paper while waiting for a reply. It came a second later.
'The header of him touching his dick almost made him dance to Rainism in front of you? That dance is sexy as fuck.'
'It's proof that he's a cocky little shit!'
In the distance, you heard a girl giggle and smiled. Someone was enjoying themselves.
'How is it proof?'
'He saw his dick and would've done the dance if I hadn't told him to sit down.'
'He nearly touched the Jungcock in front of you... he must like you.'
'Jungcock only sees me as a friend!'
'I see you're still in denial.' You were about to respond when a picture of Yoongi looking mildly pissed off made you burst out laughing. It was the exact same face he'd made when telling you and Jungkook to be quiet when watching the film...before you hurt his finger.
There was a shush and your head snapped to the librarian giving you the evils from behind the desk. You mouthed sorry and turned back to your phone. In the time you were looking away she had sent three more messages.
'I bet when you're next in Korea he'll give you the Jungcock to prove he likes you ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)'
The message after that was a picture of Jungkook from the tour you met him at, leather pant clinging to his legs like they were painted on with a certain part of his anatomy emphasised.
The final message read, 'Look at it! You’re gonna get lucky!'
You blushed deeply.
You heard a positively evil cackle come from the same direction as the giggle which caused you to chuckle.
Chubs replied with the John Cena "are you sure about that meme" followed by a gif of Jungkook jumping about in those leather pants.
'Oh really...?'
You narrowed your eyes. What was that supposed to mean? And then she sent another message.
''What surprised you was his size. He was bigger than you had anticipated, even when you had been in the club grinding against his obvious hard on.''
'I bet he's read it.' Was her short response and you couldn't help but groan, momentarily forgetting you were in public. Looking up from your phone you felt a pair of eyes on your face but when you glanced around the only person staring was the librarian. She pressed a finger to her lips and you ducked your head.
'If he's read it I am definitely deleting. My blog will cease to exist.'
'What?! Why?'
'Because it would be so embarrassing. I don't want Jungkook to know I've written about him in a sexual way. It's bad enough he read up to the part where he pulls down his trousers in BunBun!'
You bit your lip, brow furrowing as you tried to concentrate on revising. You needed at least a B to get your grade high enough to get into uni. Your phone buzzed.
'Jungkook is probably happy you've written about the Jungcock.'
'I tested him by calling him BunBun and he blushed. It's adorable but I can't help but wonder if he read more than that.'
You pressed a hand to your mouth, muffling your giggles.
'My smut is bad... it's also in the second person so if he did read it he'd be reading about fucking himself.'
You had to stifle yourself again due to the mental picture of two Jungkooks. One female and one with bunny ears. You picked up your pen when someone bursting out into laughter made you look up. A flash of brown hair could be seen behind one of the partitioned desks closest to you and you smiled to yourself. At least someone was enjoying their revision.
Your phone buzzed immediately.
'Omgg!! I actually laughed out loud. I'm going to get kicked out.'
'Kicked out of where? And by the looks I'm being given I'm at risk of being kicked out too. Maybe we should stop talking about the Jungcock...'
A couple of minutes later you got a response.
'I'm at my college library revising. As for talking about Jungcock:'
Another message quickly came through. It was a picture from either 2014 or early 2015 where Jungkook was grabbing his crotch on stage.
Not even your hand was enough to quieten the high pitched screech that came out of your mouth. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw two librarians stand from their desk. You quickly replied knowing one of them was coming for you.
Just as you pressed send, a woman cleared her throat beside you.
"I'm sorry but I'm going to have to ask you to leave."
You nodded and sheepishly apologised for all the noise you made. As you were waiting for your laptop to turn off you spotted a certain familiar face exiting the library. It was Chubs! She went to the same college as you? You mentally begged your laptop to shut down quicker since it was taking forever. When it finally did you shoved it and your other items into your bag and sent a quick message before leaving.
'I just saw you!'
In reception, you looked for her but there was only a group of boys huddled by the stairs. How did she leave so quick?
'You saw me? Where are you?'
'Reception.' You stood where you were waiting for her reply.
'Shit. I've been cornered by my tutor upstairs.'
'Shit. Next time we meet up you definitely have to talk to me about what you did in college. There will be no mention of the Jungcock.'
You begrudgingly left the building wishing you could've hung around to talk to Chubs but you knew you had to go home and get ready for work.
She replied just after you got home and presumably after her meeting.
'You know we'll always talk about the Jungcock. Have a good day at work trying not to think about it.'
A second later a picture came through. It was from Bangtan's performance at the Billboard studios and Jungkook was in white shorts that left not much to the imagination. She was evil.
A couple days later you were talking to Jungkook over KaKao about how his dance practice went as he had just finished but you still had a few hours until your scheduled lesson.
'It was really hard work Noona but I finally managed to teach Jin-hyung a complicated part of the choreo.'
It was followed an emoji of a character sighing. You laughed and shifted a bit on your sofa.
'That's really good! Well done on teaching him Jungcock!'
Not noticing your mistake, you almost jumped out of your skin when the Skype ringtone rang throughout the room. You squinted at your laptop on the coffee table where Jungkook's name was flashing. That's weird. Why would he call you when you were messaging each other?
You pressed accept and were about to ask the reason for the call when a smirking Jungkook beat you to speaking.
"Noona! You never told me you were a pervert!"
"I am not a pervert!"
"Then why did you call me 'Jungcock'"
You quickly unlocked your phone to check the message you had sent. Pink quickly dusted your cheeks when you saw he was correct and you realised what happened. Goddamn autocorrect. And damn Chubs too because that word wouldn't have been in your phone memory if it wasn't for her.
"Oh my god." You groaned, covering your face with your hands. "I'm going to kill Chubs. And I mean it this time."
Jungkook stopped chuckling. "Why would you kill Chubs?"
"No reason." You couldn't tell him about your conversations. No way. He was never to find out about all the pictures and gifs sent back and forth. Ever.
"Well if you have no reason to kill her then do you mind explaining why you called me that."
He looked smug and all you wanted to do was wipe that look off his face. But sadly you weren't there to do that just yet. It would have to wait until the week after next.
He had the decency to go from being smug to confused.
"Autocorrect? When your phone changes words?"
You nodded.
"But it only changes words to ones in the phone memory." You could almost see the cogs in his brain turning. "Have you been calling me Jungcock to Chubs?"
"She started it!"
You felt your nose scrunch up as you crossed your arms like a defensive child. Jungkook burst out laughing.
"S-so...both of y-y-you..." he took a deep breath before laughing even harder. "H-have been calling me Jung-c-cock?"
"I told you she started it! She's not innocent!"
You saw him wipe a tear from the corner of his eye because he had been laughing so hard.
"I guessed that already since my crotch is the header image of her archive for us. I'm just surprised that Noona calls me it too. Though..." He trailed off and muttered something to himself. Would he ever stop muttering?
"What was that?"
"Nothing Noona."
"You can't keep muttering to yourself and then not explain it!" You pouted.
"Sorry, Noona."
"So what did you say?"
"Don't you mean Jungcock?"
That little shit!
"Yah! As soon as I see you I'll make you regret all that muttering!"
He smirked, "I don't think so because I'll be making you regret calling me Jungcock."
Your stomach dropped at the thought of him concocting evil schemes to get back at you for a little mistake.
"Stop bringing it up! It was an accident!"
"An accident because you've been calling me that to your friends."
The things you would do to go back in time and notice your error.
"You don't seem that annoyed about it."
His smirk stayed firmly in place as he shrugged and ran a hand through his hair to mess it up just the way you liked.
"I like the fact Noona talks about me to her friends ‘cause it means you’re comfortable with our friendship."
There it was. That word. Friendship. You hated the fact that your feelings for the boy had grown and that they were one-sided, no matter how much Chubs insisted they were returned. But it was moments like this that reminded you that he only saw you as a friend. A lump had formed in your throat, causing you to stutter.
You forced a smile as you met his eye. His face had fallen and was looking at you with an unreadable expression.
"Noona? I-" he cut himself off by turning away and pulled his bottom lip between his teeth.
An awkward silence settled between the two of you and you hated it. It was your fault. You should've been happy with just being his friend, wanting more was just selfish.
Jungkook cleared his throat, "The song I've been working on has been accepted to be put in the new mini album. So tomorrow the members and I are going to the studio to record it since the mini album is set to be released in the next month or so."
Your face immediately brightened as something akin to pride put a smile on your face.
"That's great news! I'm really proud of you Kookie! I'm sure it sounds amazing now that it's finished."
He scratched his cheek, lips spreading to reveal his bunny smile. You ignored the ache in your chest.
"Thank you Noona. Maybe when you're here I can give you a secret sneak peak."
"No! No, when I first listen to it I want it to be on the album you worked so hard to get it on."
"Really? Are you sure?"
You gave him a thumbs up, "More than sure."
He nodded.
"I have enough liberties as your friend and tutor. I can't have anymore."
"I understand. It'll be better as a surprise anyway."
You heard Jimin shout for Jungkook in the distance.
"Ah, it sounds like I have to go now Noona. I'll see you again later today."
"See you later Kookie."
You gave each other a little wave and the call ended. Unlocking your phone you sent Chubs a message.
'You got me in trouble you little shit!'
A/N: Sorry it’s on the short side, we were busy.
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