#and add Ivy and stuff
fisherrprince · 7 months
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We are getting somewhere!!! I need to move some things around and add more essential furniture like a screen and table and counter but I am, out of gil
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aevris · 2 years
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forever yours, nocturnal me
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wildflowercryptid · 11 months
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messed around some new brushes so here's a bunch of dg doodles, (feat. two of the characters from one of the fancase ideas i've been muddling over.)
— credit to @whisperingrockers for harrow's fantastic design once again!
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crabussy · 6 months
when did you first realise you hosted a system?
sometime in 2020 if I remember correctly? had been experiencing very obvious osdd symptoms for YEAAARS but had no idea what it was before meeting some friends who did. learned a bit about it and went okay interesting! and then a few months later went oh fuuuuck.
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miercolaes · 1 month
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❝  i  think  you'll  want  to  close  the  shop  for  what's  coming.  ❞  her  voice  cut  through  the  stillness  as  she  barely  stepped  inside  @lastimad's  bookshop,  the  door  lingering  ajar  behind  her.  it  was  as  if  fate,  ever  the  mischievous  force,  nudged  the  door  shut  only  moments  after  her  words  hung  in  the  air.  wednesday  moved  closer  to  ivanna,  woeful  gaze  locked  onto  them,  an  unsettling  gleam  of  despair  flickering  in  her  onyx  hues.  ❝  and  in  case  you're  wondering,  i'll  have  you  know  this  isn't  paranoia,  ❞  she  added,  her  tone  steady  yet  dripping  with  a  morbid  certainty.  if  it  were  paranoia,  wednesday  might  have  savored  it in her solitude.  but  instead,  she  found  herself  rushing  to  ivanna's  side,  urgency  in  her  steps.  ❝  this  is  about  living,  undeservingly  breathing  hunters.  ❞  the  kind  that  pursued  the  end  of  those  like  them.
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celeste444spacey · 2 months
Why be private and why celebrities chose to be private
thanks to kpop anon for the beautiful post rec
Hello loves, i know we are here and we are manifesting that fame and all that shit. The fame and noticeability is certain. Is the way you can handle it certain too?
We all know branding is so freaking important, not just as a person but as a celebrity??? You HIRE people for it. It's undeniable at this point that socials are practically key promoter of brand for famous people. But in the era of oversharing and overposting, even the most A-list of celebrities can quickly lose their allure. Plus, it's not cute if your whole life is on show just for everyone to know.
I will be the first to say (don't quote me), the statement "if it's not on social media, it didn't happen" is not true.
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Literally each and every thought of a person lately is somewhere on social media. And it's kind of bad. Cause like where's the mystery of an individual now??? And people are forgetting about digital footprint (god knows some of y'all need to remember it exists).
Simple. It's not anyone else's business.
Why the fuck would Beyonce want the world to know that she had eggs for breakfast? Or that Blue Ivy did something funny? It's not the public's business.
That adds to the allure of Beyonce as well. Why do you think she's the celebrity for celebrities??? Let me explain with the word
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That woman is not available to just anyone. She doesn't go to every party there is, isn't posting all the freaking time, not letting us know every move she makes; just the ones we need to know.
And that adds to her charm. Humans like unattainability. Mystery draws people in. Proof? Why do you get excited when someone is telling you a secret? Nobody else knows it, so you feel exclusive. The exclusivity makes you feel connected and stuff, and humans crave connection.
And where do you get that connection with Bey? Through her music. That's where relatability comes in. Her feelings, her raw emotions, her struggles and her vulnerability.
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Fans love relatable celebrities. But there should also be a line to that. Why? after a certain point, it's pretentious
Yes okay you binge watched that show and reacted the same way to the plot twists like other people. But you don't have to constantly remind us that you do embarassing things like normal people. YES WE GET IT YOU'RE HUMAN AND JUST LIKE US- wait but you're NOT JUST LIKE US!
At the end of the day you are still famous. You're wealthy and privileged to a certain extent. You're living a better life in many ways than the general population.
Do not confuse being humble with downplaying your pedestal.
Being humble is recognizing where you come from and being grounded and grateful for your oppurtunities and platform and still acknowledging your success. Not reminding your 11 million followers that you have chips everyday.
It's fucking alluring. that's why we love Alexa Demie. Do you know anything about her??? Exactly. And it's hot.
Don't make your life so available to people, it's exclusive xx
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i could make a part 2 or "spin off" of this post, it was so fun
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brucewaynehater101 · 2 months
idk why but I like the idea of a random wacky villain to show up in Gotham for a while, and pull schemes and stuff off. And after a full year, they somehow remember a convo between Tim and Jason about birthdays and Tim’s birthday, and are the only one to wish him happy birthday.
throw in them and possibly other rogues bring the final thing to make The Batfam realize how bad their relationship with Tim is, by knowing more about him then them.
Yes. Absolutely great, fantastic angst and possible hurt comfort.
However, this also creates the opportunity for Tim to be confused as fuck. He mentioned exactly one time on patrol when his birthday was. Only Jason was visibly around. This rogue wasn't even part of that conversation nor did Tim know they were eavesdropping.
Yet, for some inane reasons, they decided to throw Tim a birthday party? They invited all these other rogues too (who all have a soft spot for him)? They even got him gifts?
Like sure. Tim's done stuff for them on their respective birthdays or on holidays, but it's been more like maybe getting Ivy a plant, letting them go if they weren't causing too much harm, or giving advice/information as a "gift." Sometimes all he's done was wish them a happy birthday. What the hell?
Also, you could make this even more weird by inviting people outside of Gotham. Imagine Lady Shiva, Luthor, or even Ra's showing up. Tim would be going through 10 stages of confusion (this smaller Gotham rogue invited the leader of LoA and Ra's, for some fucking reason, accepted? He traveled all the way around the world to attend a birthday party?).
For extra humor, Tim is trying to wrap his head around why all these people (who are his enemies kind of) are celebrating him when a new person shows up (like Darkseid).
Ooh!!! You could also add an aspect where the JL hear about a meeting between all these dangerous entities, but they don't know where it's taking place. All they know is that so many top villains (and not so dangerous villains) in one place can't mean anything good. They're freaking the fuck out running around and trying to find the rumored meeting. Tim is the unfortunate witness to himself being the main character of the event.
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finelinevogue · 7 months
okay what about something with fiancerry about wedding planning? like putting stuff together/looking at inspo/etc ??
a/n - again… something small <3
word count - ~1k
wedding planning mahem
“I hate that colour.” You frowned at the potential colour of napkins.
“It’s beige. How is that not good?” Your fiancé, Harry, asked.
You were both sitting on the lounge floor, binders, folders, photos and bits of paper laid out everywhere in front of you. No space on the floor was untouched.
“It’s just.. bleh. I’m thinking sage green, to match the bridesmaids dresses.”
“Ooh that reminds me. Gem said her dress needs altering again.”
“Again?” You ran a stressed hand after your forehead and back over your head. “Anything else I should know?”
“Aunty Carole isn’t sitting on the same table as Uncle Graham, she said. Actually, she kind of threatened me to make sure it didn’t happen.” Harry gulped.
“Oh.. for fu– okay, okay.”
You take out a piece of paper from a binder and add these tasks to your never ending list. There were currently 67 tasks on your list to do and increasing in length too.
“And I should probably let you know that the cake decorator cancelled this morning saying the design was too complicated.”
Your eyes felt like they bugged out of their sockets. “Too complicated? Are you kidding me? It’s a bloody white cake with some green ivy on it.”
You groaned and collapsed on your back. You covered your eyes with the palms of your hands.
“C’mon, baby. It’ll all be okay.” Harry said, rustling with some paper.
You shook your head. You breathed out a deep breath, knowing what was coming next. Your shoulders and chest started to shake as you started to cry.
Your hands stayed over your eyes as the tears flowed down onto your cheeks.
Harry must have noticed, even though you weren’t being vocal about crying, because the next thing you knew he was on his way over to you.
“Woah, baby. Hey, hey. What’s up?” Harry pulled your hands away from your eyes and just let you cry without restraint. He stayed sat by your side, holding one of your hands with his.
“This is so shit.” You tried to talk through your sobs.
“What is? The wedding? The planning?”
“Everything!” You exclaimed, but Harry knew you didn’t mean it.
“Talk to me. What’s actually wrong?”
Harry pulled on your arms to sit you up. He sat with manspread legs and you sat in between them, sitting sideways to his body.
“I just.. I just wanted this wedding to be perfect. I needed it to be perfect and now everything’s falling apart left, right and centre.” You blew out a deep breath as you tried to calm your tears.
“Why does it need to be perfect? It’s not worth being perfect if you’re this upset, honey.” Harry explained, which you understood.
“For you.” You said softly.
“For me? Wha– baby…” Harry struggled to understand.
“You have done and still do so much for me, H. I just can’t even begin to explain just how much. This was supposed to be my way of showing you how much it all meant to me.. how much you loving me has meant to me.”
Harry pulled your chin so your face faced his. “Baby, hey. I know how much I mean to you. I see it everyday, from the little moments to the big. Like, this morning, you knew I wanted a green tea instead of a breakfast tea. I don’t know how you did, but you did. Or last week, I asked you if I could go out and see some friends and next thing I know you’ve organised a barbecue for me and them here. I-I don’t know how you could ever think that you don’t already show me how much you love me.”
“I know, I know. M’sorry.”
“It’s okay, lovie. It’s all going to work out, I promise.”
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georgeclarkesgf · 2 months
just like mummy | george clarke
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george is in the kitchen finishing the washing up, when he notices the ever-noisy house is now oddly silent. this is unusual considering your 6 year old twin daughters, willow and ivy, are home. knowing silence is more often than not an indicator of his girls being up to no good, george decides to see what they're up to.
he makes his way to the living room, expecting them to be playing with their toys, but to his surprise, they're not there. next, he checks their bedroom, again not finding them. he begins to panic a little before hearing a giggle from your shared bedroom.
quietly, george pushes open the door, wanting to see what they're doing. the second ivy spots her dad, the smile on her face is replaced with a worried expression, and she tries to hide what they're playing with behind her back. willow turns around at her sister's reaction, replicating ivy's expression when she realises george has found them. but it's obvious what they were doing, the sheer amount of makeup on willow's face a dead giveaway.
"ivy-mae what have you been doing to your sister?" george asks, his tone soft but stern.
she starts fiddling with her dress, not meeting his gaze, "we're playing dress up."
"we wanted to be pretty like mummy." willow adds, tears welling up in her eyes since she thinks george is mad at them.
his eyes soften and he sits down next to them, pulling them both into a hug. willow doesn't pull away from the hug, instead nuzzling her face into george's chest as she starts to cry. makeup definitely gets on his top, but he can't find it in him to care.
"darling, don't cry. i'm not mad," he strokes her cheek, wiping away a tear, "but you should've asked to use mummy's stuff okay? and you don't need makeup. you're the prettiest girls in the whole wide world."
grabbing some of your makeup wipes, george carries willow into the bathroom, setting her on the counter. he gently wipes her face until all the makeup is gone and kisses her cheek.
while george is taking off willow's makeup, ivy tidies away your makeup and puts the bag back where she found it. she runs over to the bathroom when george calls her name and she proudly tells him she's tidied up.
"thank you poppet. how about we go get into pyjamas and watch tv until mummy comes home?" george suggests, earning eager nods from his girls.
he takes both their hands, getting them ready for bed before leading them to the living room where 'minions' is still playing. they all get comfortable on the sofa, the blanket draped over the three of them and ivy and willow curl into his side. evidently playing dress up tires them out, and they soon fall asleep, george not far behind.
when you come home from dinner with grace, that's how you find them, all sleeping on the sofa. george is now stretched out, arms wrapped protectively around willow and ivy. you take a quick photo and walk over, placing a kiss on his lips, causing him to wake up.
"hey sleepyhead, were they a handful?" you nod to your sleeping daughters.
"nothing i couldn't handle." george responds.
willow stirs at the sound of voices, her fluttering eyes open, "mummy?"
"hi baby, you have fun with daddy?" you whisper, leaning down to brush a strand of hair from her face.
she hums in response, eyes struggling to stay open. george sits up, careful not to wake ivy, who was still fast asleep, and you give him another kiss as a silent thank you for looking after them tonight.
"we should probably get them to bed." you suggest.
george nods, letting you pick willow up first before he lifts ivy into his arms. willow wraps her arms around your neck, leaning her head on your shoulder as you make your way to the girl's bedroom.
once they're both tucked in, you place a kiss on their foreheads and turn on the nightlight. you pull the door to, making sure to leave a gap like you do every night. turning around, you wrap your arms around george's waist and rest your head against his chest, hugging him tight.
"george, why do you have makeup all over your top?" you quietly giggle, tilting your head up to look at him.
"they were playing dress up. said they wanted to be pretty just like mummy. i thought i got all the makeup off." george mumbles, rubbing your back.
"aww, i hope you told them they don't need it. that they're the most beautiful girls in the world." you say softly.
"of course i did."
"good. now can we please go to bed?"
a/n i can't stop thinking about girl dad george <333 i wasn't expecting to get so carried away with this but i did. anyway, hope you enjoyed it! i'm still working on requests but wanted to post something else for you guys while i work through them <3
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nexadarling · 1 month
Trigun Explicit Recs!
So it turns out there are too many good fics in this fandom and I maxed out the amount of links allowed in a single post (it's 100 btw) so I decided to split the E rated stuff from everything else, cause it makes sense to me.
I offer you my list of smut! Most of which will also give you so many emotions cause what is Vashwood with out self-loathing and biblical references. I tried to tag all the authors who have tumblrs, but if I missed someone pls tag them/let me know!
Any fic that features "+" after the word count is on-going/uncompleted. As they finish, I will add the final word count.
Check the tags yall!!!
(Non-explicit rec page)
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so i'll sing to the grave (put you back together) by desertblooms - 18k; Vashwood; E; Canon-verse; Wolfwood doesn't feel worthy to touch Vash, so Vash shows him that's not true
la petite mort by @babeyxiao-art and expertfool - 3k; Vashwood; E; Trimax; look this is just straight smut involving a gun. If you're not into that i would highly advise you do not read this. If you are tho..... it did something to my brain chemistry for sure
Trillium and Ivy by @shastafirecracker - 80k; Vashwood; E; Modern AU; Funeral Director Wolfwood; Garden Center Vash; Wolfwood works at a funeral home across from the garden center, and notices the cute co-owner; this one is a personal favorite it makes me feel insane if I think about it too long
you'll never get enough by tagteamme ( @phaltu) - 19k; Vashwood; E; Modern AU - Boxer/Gym; Wolfwood owns a gym that is under Nai's thumb, Vash is a regular at the gym and should be off limits; I have read this at least twice and it occasionally haunts my dreams
Within Us An Orchard by plumtoad - 13k; Vashwood; E; Vash is a sad plant boi, so Wolfwood cheers him up feat. fruit
Amarillo Sky by just_a_lil_shipmate - 15k; Vashwood; E; Cowboy/Angel AU; Vash makes Wolfwood realize maybe he's not better off alone
i’m here in search of your glory (there’s been a million before me) by @sascake - 22k; Vashwood; E; Post-Trimax fix it feat. Wolfwood's entire orphanage
Your Beauty Never, Ever Scared Me by Sacramental_Wine - 5k; Vashwood; E; Wolf shifter!Wolfwood (if you've ever seen Wolf's Rain it's like that); Vash helps an injured wolf, the next morning a man shows up at his door
if you were church (I’d get on my knees) by iokanaan - 18k; Vashwood; E; T4T; Actual Priest Wolfwood, feat. trimax Vashwood as guardian angels (I have no excuse for this one but it goes really hard)
someone to last your whole life by catchatter ( @needlab7) - 73k; Vashwood; E; Post-Trimax fix it, with deep attention to the realities of mourning and what it means to have mourned someone who is no longer dead; genuinely one of the most beautiful things I have ever read
to control against the pull by catchatter ( @needlab7) - 13k; Vashwood; E; A/B/O; "Wolfwood tries to help out the bro and gets consumed with The Longing"; It is my personal mission to make everyone read this. Please, even if you don't like omegaverse just give it a chance I am begging you
CAUSE OF DEATH (See instructions and examples) by neatrogenous ( @floofyfluff) - 39k; Vashwood; E; Post-Trimax fix it, but Vash runs faster than the Flash from every single Emotion he's ever had (body horror cw for the first chapter)
Gun Barrel Red Hot by varelsen ( @cloudstrifing) - 17k; Vashwood; E; plant heat plant heat plant heat plant hea-
Strange Powers by @tenshinokorin - 5k; Vashwood; E; they accidentally get high and fuck about it; I laughed my ass off reading this, pls, it's so good
when your stitch comes loose by @starkillling - 4k; Vashwood; E; Vashwood's relationship with Vash's wings
End Racism in the OTW | a kind heart to haunt by littleghost ( @ghostlandtoo) - 20k; Vashwood; E; Cowboy/Western AU; Wolfwood is an outlaw, Vash left that life a long time ago and doesn't want to get wrapped up in it again
you tear down my reason by halfdemonvash - 8k; Vashwood; E; .... trimaxVashwood/stampedeVashwood; yeah it's selfcest, i'm not sorry about it, it's so fucking good
Bind Your Faith in Scars and Tape by just_a_lil_shipmate - 8k; Vashwood; E; Modern AU - College; Vash pines after Wolfwood, and then properly falls for him when they're forced to spend time in the university greenhouse regularly; Meryl is my favorite
blood in the badlands by eviscerates - 34k; Vashwood; E; Vampire Vash/Vampire Hunter Wolfwood on NML; the Eye of Michael is a hunter group, Wolfwood is not supposed to have feelings for Vash
the sun is warm (i miss your smile) by mor (mornin) ( @bakubaji) - 12k; Vashwood; E; also Vamp Vash/Vamp Hunter Wolfwood but this time modern AU, and Wolfwood is independent instead of with EoM
you're a canary (i'm a coal mine) by PotatoButt ( @rubyredgh0st) - 32k; Vashwood; E; Modern AU; Zoo keeper Vash; Orphanage Worker Wolfwood; Wolfwood brings his kids to see the tomas show, but sometimes he comes alone to watch the cute handler; Brad is so protective here I love him actually
The Lighthouse by EloFromMars - 51k; Vashwood; E; Lighthouse guy Wolfwood; Eldritch Horror Vash; legitimate lovecraftian level eldritch horror but like.... Vash is still a baby girl and Wolfwood is still into it; honorary mention for Kuroneko
try my hardest (if you ask me to) by nbagenda - 15k; Vashwood; E; the team stays at Ship 3, and Wolfwood has Feelings about everything being so clean (and so much gay panic about Vash); this one uses he/they interchangeably for Vash which I really really love
water supply by outdoorcats - 9k; Vashwood; E; they get wine drunk and get like emotionally horny
perfect world by outdoorcats - 8k; Vashwood; E; sequel to above fic; less drunk but more (beautifully) emotional; "What if we ran away and got married" vibes
today, and all of the days by @pushclouds - 24k; Vashwood; E; Modern AU; Vash owns a donut shop, Wolfwood owns a smoke shop/bar; Vash doesn't realize they're definitely dating
My Body's Moving Into Retrograde by Sacramental_Wine - 3k; Vashwood; E; Wolfwood makes Vash want something for himself for once
dance in our catastrophe by @pushclouds - 28k; Vashwood; E; Post-Trimax fix it; Wolfwood and Vash are stuck in a safe house together, what could possibly go wrong?!; Wolfwood's inner monologue in this is so delightful and sad
welcome to the beautiful place by @pinklicour - 7k; Vashwood; E; Vash watches Wolfwood interact with a kid for too long and has Feelings about it, turns out Wolfwood feels the same
i think that we should go and get you out of here by molotovhappyhour - 39k; Vashwood; E; Exorcist Wolfwood AU; Wolfwood travels to July to help rid them of a haunting that's taken root there for years, Vash is, of course, at the center of it
I'd Get Rid of the Sun in Favor of the Moonshine by FlowerFed - 22k; Vashwood; E; Modern AU - Coffeeshop/Cafe; Milly asks Vash to vouch for her ex so he can get a job at the same cafe as him, Vash meets a handsome stranger at the beach; surely there is no connection between these events...
Trial and error by Anonymous - 10k; Vashwood; E; Vash has freaky plant parts and is pretty sure he can't orgasm, but he's happy to be with Wolfwood however he wants! Wolfwood is determined to prove Vash wrong; Literally cannot get enough of unconventional, incompatible plant stuff for Vash, so this was very fun
Saturdays at 6 p.m. by maginot - 42k; Vashwood; E; Modern AU; Vash reaches out to professional Dom Wolfwood to ask if he's taking on new subs. Wolfwood realizes he's fucked as soon as Vash walks through his front door; Okay yes this is kinky in the sense that it is an actual, structured BDSM relationship, but it's actually not the kinkiest thing on here??? It is absolutely delightfully spicy and sweet though. And watching Wolfwood fall apart about actually falling for Vash is so fucking GOOD; also vash's pain kink has me on the fucking floor dear god
when I picture you by @pinklicour - 5k; Vashwood; E; Modern AU - College; This is just a silly little fic about Vashwood hooking up, but Wolfwood's pining is so precious and I've reread the scene where they actually become a couple several times cause it makes me so happy
a tide of tender mercies by @gloriousporpoise - 23k; Vashwood; E; Wolfwood and Vash are on the run after July, chasing bounties; Wolfwood finds himself in a bad way without his serum and gets taken care of (ha, take that, WW!); I'm a sucker for Wolfwood pining hoplessly after Vash and this is just the perfect mix of pining and his snark
sugar rush by corvidcaper ( @not-miss-marple) - 42k; Vashwood; E; Modern AU; Vash owns a candy shop; Friends with benefits to lovers; Everyone knows their dating except the two of them, and goddamn does Wolfwood try to keep it casual; Spoiler, it is anything but casual lol
At the Top of the World by Insomniac_with_dreams - 35k; Vashwood; E; Cowboy AU; Wolfwood follows a help-wanted ad and finds himself at the Saverem ranch for the summer. He gets... more than he bargained for; God above please read this it's so beautiful and heartfelt and wonderful and they love each other so much fuck
four suns by Joelene - 31k; Vashwood; E; Trimax Vashwood and Tristamp Vashwood meet in the middle of the desert!!; This is genuinely very cute as well as hot, I reread this immediately after finishing it lol Trimax Vashwood being competitive and then getting lost in themselves is so precious; Wolfwood begging will always be my downfall; They all fuck, but they don't fuck each other. Like each version Vashwood stays together. They do all make out with their own alternative versions, so do with that what you will I guess
Strawberries & Cigarettes by Umbr_el_on - 71k; Vashwood; E; Modern AU - Tattoo shop/Flower shop; "No, seriously, Livio, it's just casual, it doesn't mean anything, stop"; several days later: *calls Livio crying about how much Vash makes him feel*; and that's it that's the fic; I like that they're both broken and fucked up here, and they make mistakes and piss each other off, but they continue to choose to try together. It just makes me really happy. They aren't perfect but they're perfect together
Daylily by @needlesknives (bakusboi) - 10k+; Vashwood; E; Modern AU - Tattoo shop; Vash comes to Wolfwood wanting to get his scarring covered with tattoos, Wolfwood realizes this project entails a lot more than he anticipated. In several ways
Ascension Day by farseersfool ( @birdadjacent) - 26k; Vashwood; E; Modern AU (but still Plant powers); Wolfwood is a hitman hired by Nai to protect Vash. Surely keeping his mark as close as physically possible is only the logical thing to do. Right? Right.
Holding My Breath by @nekotachis - 9k; Vashwood; E; Canon-verse; Vash tells Wolfwood he's never been on a date, so Wolfwood takes him on one. Feelings are definitely not had during said date
sun comin' up by amaiyo - 23k; Vashwood; E; Mermaid AU; Modern AU; Wolfwood is a priest assigned to a tiny island, and sometimes he stands on the pier at night to listen to the strange songs on the ocean wind
you'll leave me lonely at best by @procrastinating-bookworm - 3k; Vashwood; E; Post-Badlands Rumble; You know the fucking drill, it's time for some widow Wolfwood reunion sex; God I love the way this fandom explores the hell Wolfwood went through before Vash pops back up like "Jk guys, I'm not dead!"
Long Goodbyes by ChenamaReel - 17k; Vashwood; E; Trimax; After the Arc and before the orphanage, Vash and Wolfwood talk about the what-ifs of the future. With the knowledge of their respective missions, their normal flirting banter turns to something more real
song of solomon 4:7 by ellisisntreal - 68k; Vashwood; E; Modern AU; Trans Vash; A cute new neighbor moves in across from Wolfwood, one who he quickly realizes is the hottest DILF ever and exactly his type; listen. LISTEN! This is so good, Vash's kid is 13, so he's old enough to be funny and snarky, Vash and Wolfwood's banter is amazing, and scenes with all three of them (and eventually Livio) are actually so funny I was wheezing. Idk how you write dialog so real and hilarious, but I had a grand fucking time
I know I'm gonna die of this by @orcelito - 13k; Vashwood; E; T4T; Vash doesn't like to be touched during sex. He does, however, desperately want to fuck Wolfwood. Wolfwood shows him exactly how much he appreciates it; THE Strap Fic; the fact that this is part of a series based on Nothing But Thieves' song Impossible has me incredibly fucked up; Nico, darling, thank you for writing this, it was delightful
Nothing Left to Hide by GGumdrops - 7k; Vashwood; E; Wing fic wing fic wing fic; Vash is clearly uncomfortable but doesn't want to tell Wolfwood why. When he finally convinces Vash to show him, he preens his wings for him
geoplant medicinals by @avoidingavoidance - 11k; Vashwood; E; Tristamp; Wolfwood accidentally gets soooo fucking high. Vash joins him and they have some frankly awesome sex; Wolfwood spends this whole fic being sickeningly in love with his boyfriend and thinking about how pretty Vash is and I love it
with the same sweet shock of when Adam first came by feelingfoxylmao - 12k; Vashwood; E; Modern AU- BDSM Scene; Wolfwood fucks up at the BDSM club and Vash (consensually and pre-scripted) teaches him his lesson; Dom Vash, Sub Wolfwood, Vash makes Wolfwood bark, what more could I possibly say to make you want to read this??? It's wonderful; slight secondhand embarrassment warning for the beginning where Wolfwood fucks up, but it's worth getting through, trust me
like the holding of hands (like the breaking of glass) by @flowercitti - 10k; Vashwood; E; Tristamp; Vash wakes up after the sandsteamer and faces Wolfwood's full knowledge of his inhumanness; (spoilers WW still thinks Vash is beautiful)
Little Pieces of the Nothing that Fall by starkstateofmind - 5k; Vashwood; E; Tristamp; it rains and Vash manic pixie dream girls himself into bed with Wolfwood; i kinda stared at a wall for a little after reading this, it's really beautiful I might also be a manic pixie dream girl
Sing Pretty Melodies on the Motel Bed by @amphetamine-keen - 5k; Vashwood; E; Trimax vibes; Wolfwood convinces Vash to try a vaginal plug; this is just smut but I did read it at least twice. idk what that says about me, but it does say that it's a good fic
Wildflowers by @shastafirecracker - 103k; Vashwood; E; Dark Fantasy AU; cottagecore; Trans Wolfwood; Wolfwood is sent to kill the Beast Lord of the forest and gets far more than he bargained for; dear fucking God please read this holy shit I cannot overstate how good the world building is
in the woods somewhere by halfdemonvash - 42k; Vashwood; E; Fantasy AU; cottagecore; Vash finds Wolfwood injured in his forest and takes him to his home to nurse him back to health. Wolfwood... kinda really loves it. Even if he wasn't entirely there on accident
waking up in vegas by kae_karo - 17k; Vashwood; E; Modern AU; They wake up married to each other in Vegas after a night they barely remember. They try to track down the chapel they got married in, but kinda don't wanna undo it by the end of the day
laughter lines by @beesinspades - 21k; Vashwood; E; Modern AU; Ace Vash; Grey Ace Wolfwood; Knives sends Wolfwood to bring Vash back to him. Vash doesn't want to go. Wolfwood kind of doesn't want to make him; crying go read this i love it so much all of Bee's stuff brings me such joy
Pillow Talk by fantasy_stupid - 47k; Vashwood; E; Modern AU; Nai sends Wolfwood to secretly trail Vash and make sure he's safe while Nai is gone. Vash clocks him immediately and they try to make the best of it; bodyguard Wolfwood you have my heart and soul
Citronella by @canyondotcom - 58k; Vashwood; E; Modern AU; Vampire AU; Creature Vash; Woodworker Wolfwood; Wolfwood wakes up in the middle of the night to something--no, someone on his porch. Against his better judgement, he lets them in... Things get... Interesting; Uuggggghhhhh God this is so good I love creature Vash and the vampire lore is so unique and non-traditional I love it so much
take my breaking heart (and tear it all apart) by johnnyfucksup - 12k; Vashwood; E; Wolfwood tries not to let himself want. Enter Vash, who ruins those plans
just a holy fool by @avoidingavoidance - 19k; Vashwood; E; Tristamp; Wolfwood is so upset about how much of a soft spot he has for Vash and Vash somehow makes it worse all the time always; sure Wolfwood, we all believe that you're annoyed with Vash and not stupidly in love with him
A Step By Step Guide to Love and Peace, Written by Vash Saverem (Co-Authored by Friends, Family, and Nicholas D. Wolfwood) by calandos - 71k; Vashwood; E; Modern AU - Fleabag; Trans Vash; Priest Wolfwood; It's fucking.... it's a fleabag AU idk how much harder I call sell this I clicked immediately when I saw the tag; yeah, it has the confession scene; this made me want to cry. I may have actually cried; god I relate to Vash so much
Late Night Confessional by ValiantRose ( @sleepyartcryptid) - 12k; Vashwood; E; Modern AU I think?; Trans Wolfwood; Priest Wolfwood; Vash comes to confess his sins... the fic then earns it's place on the explicit rec list
giving in to your fever touch by honeyseeking - 46k; Vashwood; E; Trimax/98; Wolfwood finds Vash as Eriks and gives him three days to make up his mind; *violently shaking this fic* it's so full of emotions
I'm not a Psycho (I'm Just Trying to Get Laid) by @inkfishie - 34k; Vashwood; E; Tristamp; Various times Vash and Wolfwood have... encounters. Feat. Vash's emotions and awkwardness; this is so cuteeee
in love with my own sins by spicecandy ( @gaycowboyjesus) - 15k; Vashwood, Vash/Vash, Wolfwood/Wolfwood; E; Trimax VW meet Tristamp VW; listen the everything between everyone is so good but the romantic tension between Tristamp VW is so cute
Give Me Mercy No More. by hollyleighannee ( @wytchsbrew) - 14k; Vashwood; E; Modern AU; Bodyguard Wolfwood; During a sandstorm, Vash spends a special night with his secret boyfriend; OH MAN OH GOD WOW; first of all this Wolfwood... I gotta go sit down for a second, damn; the sex is hot, but the emotions are hotter Wolfwood is so careful to give Vash everything he wants and cares so much they are both so in love; Holly your fics give me so much joy, I'm so sorry for decimating your notifications
a softer world by Harubo ( @helloharubo) - 2k; Vashwood; E; Modern AU; Painter Vash; Doctor Wolfwood; Reincarnation vibes; Wolfwood has regular dreams of Vash where he's covered in scars and full of a deep, aching sadness. When he wakes up, he needs his husband to reassure him he's still in one piece
Where The Delicate Stops (Show Me) by @nexadarling - 10k; Vashwood; E; Trimax; Creature Vash; Predator/Prey; Wolfwood sets off Vash's competitive nature and gets chased through the woods. He likes it more than expected; shameless self-plug, I'm just real proud of this one
save a horse by ofxanadu - 37k+; Vashwood; E; Western AU; Trans Vash; Wolfwood saves Vash from getting mugged by the Badlands Gang and has a night so memorable he's hung up on it for almost a year when Vash shows up again; i cannot even put into words my thoughts on this fic I'm just making feral sounds about how much I love it
la vache! by @skittidyne - 28k+; Vashwood; E; Modern AU - Sex Work; Sex Worker Vash; Trans Vash; Wolfwood needs to learn French very quickly since he promised Livio he would. He finds his solution in Vash's... unique way of teaching (it might involve dildos); I'm rabid over the fact there are not more chapters of this
honeysuckle red by @beelzebby666 - 43k+; Vashwood; E; Modern AU; Line Cook Wolfwood (yes it's important shut up); A one night stand turns into Wolfwood spending so much time with Vash and his fucking garden (why does he like bees so much I love him????); Wolfwood just wants to be kept. He just wants to be kept!!!
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If you know me no you don't!
Come tell me your opinions about all of these my DMs are open I promise
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lunarfleur · 1 year
SO INSANE ABT UR 42 MILES STUFF ,,,,,,,,,, EVERYTIME I SEE U POSTED I RUN N I GIGGLE N I KICK MY FEET N I ROLL AROUND ON THE FLOOR HOLDING MY COMPUTER 2 MY CHEST LIUGFIUWGBGWFBQEG UVE OT ME GOING APE SHIT OVER HEREEEEEEEEEEEEEE n e way do u mind working on a gn reader x 42 miles aquarium date one shot ? n then afterwards they just hang out at some restaurant n reader asks miles 2 sit next 2 them at the booth n he does reluctantly [its like ,, their 3rd date hes NERVOUS] n then its just very sweet n silly all around :3 OKI THANK UUUUUUUUU
Young Love, How Beautiful ~ Earth 42! Miles Morales
Summary: If anyone asked you, you would tell the you had been dating Miles for a little over 3 months. If they asked him, he’d say that you’ve been together for 3 months, 2 weeks, and 2 days. He was just about the best thing you could ask for. He always had your best interest at heart.
Tagging: @juneberrie @sluggmuffin @hiyaitssans @ivys-graveyard @kombuuuu
A/N:This isn’t exactly what you asked for…oops…I couldn’t find a way to properly add in the restaurant so…sorry. This is an autistic reader if you squint hard enough. I couldn’t help myself.
This is x gender neutral reader!
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“Miles, look!”
You bounced excitedly at the sight of the Zebra shark that swam around in the tank. You squealed, grabbing onto his arm to point at it.
If anyone asked you, you would tell the you had been dating Miles for a little over 3 months. If they asked him, he’d say that you’ve been together for 3 months, 2 weeks, and 2 days. He was just about the best thing you could ask for. He always had your best interest at heart.
“I know, baby, I see it,” Miles chuckled awkwardly. He let you yank him around, the Aquarium flier in his hand. It was crinkled from how hard he was gripping it.
In his other arm was a very large, very soft, stuffed shark. You two had passed the gift shop on the way in and he watched the way it immediately caught your eye.
“You want that?” He had asked.
“No, no it’s okay.”
“Yeah, you’re right. It is.”
But Miles still shuffled awkwardly next to you. In the midst of your bouncing and squealing, you hadn’t been able to notice the multiple attempts he had made to hold your hand.
“Which one’s your favorite?” He asked, nodding at the glass.
You stared at sharks swimming around. There were ones on the floor, ones higher up. There were browns ones, gray ones. There were smaller ones, there were bigger ones. Truthfully, you couldn’t answer.
Sucking in a breath, Miles carefully put his arm around your shoulder. His fingers sat loosely against the hoodie you were wearing. His hoodie.
“What’s that one?” He asked, pointing.
“That’s a zebra shark,” you told him, leaning into his touch.
“And that one?”
“That’s a bamboo shark.”
He nodded along, humming into your ear. Cautiously, he pressed a kiss to your temple. You could feel the pounding of his heart from where you stood against him. Reaching your hand up to the one that rested above your shoulder, you linked fingers with him. Miles inhaled sharply.
“You okay?” You asked, looking up at him. Your noses were almost touching.
“Yeah,” he chuckled, “I’m chillin.”
“Are you really?”
“‘Course I am. I’m having fun, mama.”
You looked at him, raising an eyebrow.
“You’re sweating,” you noted.
“It hot in here.” You laughed, squeezing his hand and leading him forward. He followed.
The lighting changed once you walked into the next room. The lights were blue and purple. It was dark. Jellyfish floated in large tanks around the room.
You stopped suddenly, backing away from his hold. You grabbed his hand.
“What’s up?”
“Thank you for bringing me here,” you said, kissing him on the lips gentle. Miles looked at you, fighting off nervous giggles.
“Yeah, sure,” he shrugged, squeezing your hand and leading you forward. You laughed, pecking him on the cheek.
“Young love,” an old lady fawned from a few feet away. “How beautiful.”
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lakesbian · 8 months
here's every way wildbow accidentally made pre-meiosis "russel" thorburn transgender that i can remember. if you can think of any reasons i forgot please add on
his parents named his younger sister "ivy," as if the obvious grandmother-pandering name "rose" had already been used up. blake theorizes that they used a male version of "rose" for PMT, but this is nonsensical--there is no male form of the name rose, and everything he comes up with as a possible option (in other words, everything wildbow came up with as a possible option) is a major stretch. most don't sound even tangentially like the name "rose." it makes far more sense to assume that PMT was afab and had the deadname rose. (this also makes sense on a thematic level wrt how rose thorburn jr is supposed to be the Real heir that grandmother is forcing blake to die for, but that's getting besides the point)
rose has memories of being harassed over the inheritance by her female cousins, and the idea of these memories just being wholly pulled out of thin air when basically everything else involves memories either being split btwn blake and rose or erased altogether is weird
blake is friends with, like. a lot of gay people. textually runs in poor gay artist circles. the idea of them adopting this weirdly cool cis straight guy is funny but it makes a lot more sense if PMT was trans + gay and only got turned into a straight guy (and a straight girl) yesterday, due to the homophobia demon
PMT literally thinks "Besides, why devote any more attention to your son, when you could just start over?  Have that beautiful baby girl you wanted, right?" which is also like one of the only pieces of internal narration we get from PMT in the entire story. first girl they named rose ran away and did some shit with their gender so now they have a second girl they can't name rose but can still try to raise to go for the inheritance
in the same chapter as when pmt says that, callan is like ohhh you think youre going to worm your way in-, implied sentence ending being "-to the inheritance," which is, like. the family knows it's going To A Girl. so.
PMT was childhood friends with paige, who is The Gay Cousin. it is deeply sensible to imagine them bonding over this, regardless of whether or not PMT (or even paige) knew at the time
it is, like, fully possible for a cishet dude to get sick of living with his shitty toxic abusive family and abscond at the age of 17, but also homelessness is an extremely prevalent issue among transgender kids in abusive families. the narrative of a transmasc kid growing up in an abusive, catholic extended family where girls are pressured to compete for a very gendered inheritance + leaving at the age of 17 & finding a new home among a bunch of gay artists is Significantly more compelling than the cis dude alternative. it just is.
okay i think im running out of, like, logical errors that make sense only if pmt was trans prior to the Obliteration, so as for the thematic stuff. like i said, rose being the half grammy decided was supposed to be "real" and blake being the half that's supposed 2 die for her 2 exist, rose just being unhappy and disconnected by nature of existence while blake is the parts of pmt that escaped from the constraints of the family + found happiness, so on and so forth. "catholic grandmother literally obliterated her transmasc nonbinary grandchild by splitting them into two binary gendered halves & expecting that the man they could've been die to allow the acceptable woman--literally forced to dress in grandmother's clothes--live on and do as grandmother wished" is Everything, doing the same thing but to a cis man grandchild is significantly less compelling
Others who r very old/operating on what are explicitly stated to be oppressive and antiquated gender roles as per the book's themes about inherited/traditional forms of harm keep mistakenly calling blake she/her and rose lmao
??? probably some other thangs im forgetting
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ivykim · 3 months
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the five members bow slightly to the camera, “hello ENGENEs! today, we are playing another game.” jungwon starts off.
“since everyone enjoyed us playing the backrooms and there were a lot of positive reactions. we decided to bring in a new game!” jake continues.
“since noona is joining us today, would you like to introduce the game?”
she claps once, “everyone! today we are playing a game called ‘Letal Company’. ooooo, is everyone excited?”
“I’ve never heard of this game before.” sunghoon says. ivy gasps.
“you’ve never heard of the game? it took the whole world by storm. maybe not Korea? I don’t know but I watched a bunch of people play this on YouTube!”
“foreigners?” heeseung tilts his head. ivy hums.
“yup! anyways, usually the game only allows 4 players at a time but! I added a few mods into the game to make it more fun. just teensy tiny ones.”
“oh, I don’t think engenes know this. we’re playing at the dorms instead because noona said that PC cafes don’t have this game. she paid for each game on our own computers.” jake explains.
[IVY proving how rich she is. FLEX💪🏻]
ivy rolls her eyes playfully, “I just want you guys to enjoy the game without any troubles.”
“and we are thankful for that noona.” jungwon smiles. ivy pats the younger male.
“my favourite.”
jake gasps, “you have favourites in enhypen?”
“now, jaeyun-”
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[please note that IVY has no favourite in ENHYPEN she loves them all equally]
“okay! everyone in on their computers now?” ivy turns to look at each of the boys on the discord call.
“yup, but how do we join the game?”
“i’ll send you guys invites just click on it.”
the 4 boys wait for ivy patiently. that is until jake storms into ivy’s room and starts to mess with her.
“yah! sim jaeyun, back to your room! just wait.” he starts poking ivy. “wait!”
“jake hyung!” jungwon yells from his room.
“ouh? it’s working, it’s working!” heeseung says as he loads into the game.
jake runs back into his room to attempt to join the game. once everyone loads into the game, ivy clicks the number 1 on her keyboard. her character starts dancing.
“what? how do you do that?” sunghoon says.
“why is the astronaut a better dancer than us??” jungwon adds.
“noona!! teach us.”
“hit 1 on the keyboard.” ivy says and so the 4 boys listened. they all yelled in excitement.
“YOIIIIII.” jungwon yells.
“can we make it do fever?” heeseung asks.
“no, now. the premise of the game since i’ve watched multiple gameplays.” ivy breathes in. “number 1, our main objective is to go on planets and collect scrap. number 2, we have a quota to reach.” her character points to the quota. “we have 3 days to collect enough scrap and then by the 3rd day, we need to sell it to the company.”
“who is the company?” jake asks.
“mmm, let’s say it’s BELIFT. we are selling our resources to BELIFT. then they will give us money and then we can either buy stuff to improve ourselves or challenge and go to bigger places that are harder than the simple ones.”
“ooo great analogy.” heeseung compliments.
“thank you.”
“what if we don’t reach the quota?”
“we get booted off like we’re on I-LAND.” ivy explains brutally. the boys gasp.
“not I-LAND.”
“exactly so we have to meet our quota, boys. you ready?”
“umm, yes?”
“great.” ivy pulls the lever. it loads them into the game. the spaceship flies down onto the planet and they land. the aircraft door opens.
“welcome to the land so far it’s normal so you don’t have to worry about anything yet. however, if the planet is eclipsed, it’s best if you stay quiet or the dogs will be out to murder you.” ivy explains further. none of the boys moved just yet. “come on, follow me. click right click to scan where the entrance of the place is by the way.”
the boys followed her.
“oh, there is a bridge, will it break-” just as jungwon says so, the bridge breaks and falls.
“am i too heavy?” jake says. ivy laughs.
“nah, if there are too many people walking on the bridge then it breaks. it’s old. don’t worry, jake. you’re not heavy. you can try to go by the emergency exit if you’d like.”
“but noona, i’m scared.” jake says.
“okay, then climb up here. you can walk over there and then come over. me, sunghoon and heeseung will wait at the entrance.”
“what about me, noona?” jungwon yells.
“there is a stable bridge to your left! you can walk over there and then come over to us!” ivy yells back. she turns to the other two. “you two, if you’re brave enough you can go in. we don’t have much time since the time is going by now. if you see the clock above us, we have to be back on the ship by midnight.”
“can we leave early?”
“yup, just as long as we get back on the ship by midnight with scrap.”
“this game is complicated.”
“for your first time, yes but if you play it a bunch of times. nah. you two can go in together, i’ll wait for jake and jungwon.”
and so, heeseung and sunghoon head inside first. not even a second later, they came back out just as jungwon and jake finally made it to the entrance.
“hey, umm vivi you didn’t explain to the both of us that it was scary in there.” heeseung says.
“this game is baby compared to the backrooms. you two don’t have to be so scared. come on.” ivy enters the building and the boys followed in. their voices were slightly altered when they entered the building. like they were in an abandoned building (which they were).
“okay, so you guys wanna split up or stay together.”
“won’t we get murdered quicker if we don’t stick together?” jake says.
“not exactly. you get killed either ways.” ivy says. “how about this. jungwon, heeseung and jake can stick together. me and hoon can look around. we’ll meet at the entrance.”
“but noona, you know the game than us.” jake pouts.
“oh don’t worry, jungwon would probably find a way. which by the way, if you find a stop sign or any sign you can use it as a weapon to kill the monsters.” ivy smiles. “good luck! hoon, let’s go.” both ivy and sunghoon went to the right side of the building.
[ENHYPEN’s journey starts now]
ivy and sunghoon went down the stairs.
“i probably should’ve told them that we can’t hear them and they can’t hear us since we are far from each other.” ivy says. sunghoon’s character turns to ivy, he looks at the camera and deadpans.
“are you serious?”
“yeah, unless we have a walkie talkie but we need to buy that.”
they opened the door and spot a rubber ducky on the ground. “hoon, grab that. that’s scrap. how much is it? scan it.”
“the value is 40.”
“woah, that’s an expensive duck.”
“inflation.” sunghoon says simply. ivy snorts.
they heard a yippie from somewhere and sunghoon starts panicking.
“what? what’s that?”
“you met your first monster. it’s a hoarder bug. it normally doesn’t make that sound. i just put that mod to make it less scary.” ivy explains.
“so i can’t take their things?”
“nope. they’ll murder you so it’s best we ignore it and move on. unless you want to risk your life.”
“oh, no thank you.” sunghoon eyes the bug and starts dancing in front of it. “will they trade if i dance for them?”
“you can try.”
“do you speak KoHReAN.” sunghoon says in english while his character continues dancing. ivy laughs.
“i don’t think they do.” the bug continues to say ‘yippie!’. “oh, hoon. i see something huge that could give us big money!”
“what?” ivy points to the item in game.
“that. it’s an engine.”
“engene? we have to get it then. save our engene!”
“yes, save our engene.”
while ivy and hoon are saving engene. let’s see how jake, jungwon and heeseung are handling their experience.
[JAKE moves forward while covering his eyes shut]
“jake hyung, it’s not that scary. don’t worry.” jungwon says.
“mmm! it’s better than the backrooms.”
“okay…you better not be tricking me.” jake uncovers his eyes. just as he does so, they heard stomping.
“i think i might start cursing.” jake says.
heeseung notices something. scrap!
“yah yah, look. there is scrap over there! let’s grab it and then look for more.”
however none of them moved. both jake and heeseung looked over at jungwon expecting him to do it. “okay, fine. i’ll go there.” jungwon walks over and grabs the scrap. “guys, there is more over here! my inventory is full though. i need help.”
heeseung and jake went over to help. they collected the items.
“is that all?” they inspected the rooms and then they spot a monster, thumping and getting closer to them.
“what the hell is that.” jake says.
the monster turns to them and so their eyes widened. they quickly left and ran away. all three of them yelled out loud.
“NOONA!!!” jake yells.
back to ivy and sunghoon, their trip was decently peaceful. their inventories were almost full. then they hear a couple of footsteps. ivy knew which monster it was.
“hoon, let’s get out of here and meet up with the rest.”
“why? what’s wrong, noona?”
they came across a spider web. “that is what’s wrong.”
“no! it’s a spider and we don’t have any weapons! let’s go!!” ivy says. the pitter patter gets closer and so both ivy and sunghoon left quickly. they went back to the main entrance. jungwon, jake and heeseung made it to the entrance. their hearts raced quickly. just as they caught their breaths. a shadow dude comes into the space. jake yells and leaves the building. however, heeseung gets his neck snapped. jungwon’s jaw drops.
“HEESEUNG HYUNG!!” he was about to chase after the monster but ivy and sunghoon arrived.
“do not chase after that monster. he’ll kill you too!” ivy says. “grab heeseung’s stuff, we have to leave. where is jake?”
“outside.” they grabbed heeseung’s scrap and left the building. it was decently dark out, the sun was setting.
“we have to get back to the ship now.” ivy says. they made their way back to the ship.
[this felt like a thriller/horror movie]
they heard large stomping sounds.
“get in quickly.” ivy whispers. she enters the ship and drops her items. “everyone in?”
“yeah.” just as sunghoon says so, there was a growl.
“close the door.” ivy instructs. “the dogs are out.”
“DOGS??” jake says. there was a terrifying growl. ivy takes off the ship quickly. just as the dog was about to come in, jungwon shuts the door. “those were not dogs.”
“they are blind dogs so they react to sound. like i said before if we go on an eclipsed planet, the percentage will increase for monsters. that means those ‘dogs’ will have a higher percent to spawn on those planets.” ivy says.
“what was the loud stomping though?” sunghoon asks.
“giants. they’re just mainly blind but they can hear.”
“what about the thumping in the building…” jake nervously say.
“that monster spawned too??” ivy’s jaw drops. “okay, let’s debrief first. heeseung should come back since we’re safe and in the air now.”
[HEESEUNG spawns in]
“okay, tell me how your trip went and what happened to heeseung?”
“so basically, we heard some thumping but still went forward to grab some scrap. once we collected it, we saw what was making the noise.”
“the monster didn’t have any body. just a head and arms for legs. he also looks like a fish.” jake says.
“then we got scared and ran to the main entrance. once we arrived, we heard a weird scary sound like a growl and then a shadow man came up, jake hyung ran out but heeseung hyung got his neck snapped and the guy dragged his body.” jungwon explains.
“that’s the bracken by the way. he actually lurks behind you before attacking you. i think the editors can put up a video of it for ENGENEs while i show it to you guys.”
[IVY showed the video to the boys]
jake cowers in fear, “i don’t want to play anymore!”
“wait guys, drop your things. let’s see how much we made. then maybe we can just land and get a little more than leave quickly. I can show you the company where we sell everything.” ivy says.
“how do we drop things?”
“press G.”
the boys dropped their things. “okay, right click to scan and we should see the total up amount.”
“is 340 enough?”
“more than enough. our first time is only 130. we crushed it.”
“ooo that means we can just play around on the second day.”
which is what the five of them did. ivy types into the computer. “let me see the moons.”
ivy’s jaw drops. she looks at the camera. “editors can you bleep this when i curse?”
“why? why? what’s wrong?” heeseung asks.
“guys, we are absolutely f-”
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“oh? why?” jungwon tilts his head.
“it’s eclipsed.” the aircraft lands and they instantly hear growling. the door opens and ivy crouches in game. she shuts the door.
“everyone keep quiet or whisper. i can tell you there is no way we are going to get out of this ship. we are screwed.” the boys too had crouched in game. jungwon looks over to the lever and just holds ‘e’. he pulls the lever and of they went.
“i think it was best.”
“definitely a good choice.” sunghoon says.
“so the company?” jake says.
“okay, one second.” ivy goes on the computer and types ‘71-Gordion’ (the company).
“what do you do in the computer anyways?”
“you can watch people on the monitor and see where we are. disable turrets, know where the monsters are, open and close doors, buy stuff and also see which moon is eclipsed or not or has bad weather.”
“woah, so this computer is like the main thing huh.” jake says.
“yup. anyways, who wants to pull the lever? i already set us to the company.” sunghoon pulls the lever.
they arrived at the company, it was dark and mysterious. ominous too. it sent shivers down jake’s spine.
“i got goosebumps. i don’t like this.”
“well, we are here. grab our stuff. maybe we can save some stuff. just enough for our quota.”
“can we keep the duck?” sunghoon asks.
“sure. just leave it inside the storage closet.” ivy opens the closet and sunghoon places the duck inside. “okay, for this part. everyone please silently walk up to the mysterious door and place the things on the counter.”
“what happens if you make noise?” heeseung asks.
“a monster will snatch you and kill you.”
“so let’s keep quiet.”
each of them placed their items onto the counter. “who wants to press the bell?”
“jake hyung.” jungwon points to jake.
jake sighs and presses the bell. he quickly runs away. the door opens and a hook snatches their items away.
“ewww what was that! why was there a hook taking our things away??” jake says.
“that’s the company.”
the money pops up and it shows that they reached their quota.
“we now have money and a new quota just dropped!” ivy says. she points to the new number.
“301?? oh god.”
“mmm, i think we played this game for at least 3 hours now.”
“yeah, it’s quite fun right? time flies by really fast in this game.” ivy says.
“maybe we can ask sunoo, jay and ni-ki to join us since noona added the mod for more people.” jungwon says.
“i don’t think jay would like this game very much. it’s too scary for him. he didn’t even want to play the backrooms with us.” jake says.
“well, did you enjoy ‘Lethal Company’?” ivy asks.
“we did, it’s quite fun.”
ivy turns to the camera. “well, ENGENEs i hope you enjoyed me, jungwon, jake, sunghoon and heeseung playing the game! be sure to also check out when these four played the backrooms! really fun to watch them play it. i wanna play it too but they only allow 4 players.”
“noona, me, sunghoon and heeseung hyung can play together.” jake smirks.
“oh? it’s a deal then!” ivy smirks. “anyways, ENGENEs thank you for watching this video! oh and comment down below if i should convince jay, sunoo and ni-ki to play along with us. maybe i’ll find a way to convince them.”
all of them waved to the camera and the video ends.
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rokishimizu4 · 26 days
Harley (Fucken) Quinn’s girls’ night out!
(I love Harley to the moon and back! But I have a special chapter for her when my story comes out, that I refuse to spoil!)
When Selina called her to inform her that Wonder Woman would be joining them, which she then had inform Dinah and Ivy, she was both super excited and nervous. (Since she used to have a big lesbian crush on Wonder Woman)
It took less time for Selina and Diana to show up than it took for Harley to set out more booze and order another batch of junk food. But before she could say something stupid, Ivy stepped in and got everyone settled down
”Pardon the intrusion, but Cat Woman informed me of a party only for the females and I wished to invite myself to partake in the festivities.” Diana explains as she finishes dragging Selina into Harley, and sometimes Ivy’s when they weren’t arguing over Harley being a sometimes hero, and towards the beanbags.
”No problem girly! The more, the merrier!” Harley returns the joy, pleased with herself when she didn’t stutter like a school girl.
”Honestly, I was hoping that Diana would be joining us, Ollie was telling me about the strangest kidnapping attempt just a few days ago. I’m kind of disappointed that I missed it.” Dinah chuckles as she picks up her wine glass and takes a sip of the dark red liquid.
”Oh yeah! Something about an attempted poisoning and a drug dealer getting her shit rocked by a thing of goop!” Harley adds, as she seen the thing on the news and became interested when she learned that the woman was actually attempting to the sell the kids to some couple at the gala, at least according to theories from certain rouges.
”Yes, speaking of that incident, Diana has some questions for you darling.” Selina gets straight to the point as she pours herself a tall glass of red wine and drowns it, knowing that she might as well be tipsy for this.
Harley stuffs a thing of nachos in her mouth, before turning to Diana (who was also devouring a whole box of Meat lovers Pizza and drinking from a can of cheap beer, as if she hasn’t eaten anything all day) and giving a her a look.
”Excuse me, it has been quite a week of searching for any leads to the mysterious child of goop and the warriors that follow it. It also takes a lot of energy to contact the Olympians to seek guidance and wisdom.” She excuses herself as she takes the napkin offered to her, and wipes the grease and crumbs off of her lips and hands.
”I was hoping to seek your wisdom Dr. Quinzel, as a woman trained in the mind.”
Harley blinks, and blinks once more before she realizes that Wonder Woman, The Wonder Woman, was asking for her professional help as a psychiatrist. ‘This is the best night of my life.’
”Hold up, I got to get my professional glasses on! And my notebook!”
Cue Selina, Dinah, Ivy, and a slightly drunk Nora Fries, clinging to the sides of walls, furniture, and other objects to get out of Dr. Quinzel’s way (Not wanting to be ran over or be dragged into a therapy session.)
Ivy and Selina grab and moves the table of food closer to their side of the living room/Kitchen area, as soon as Harley comes back in with her glasses on, her blonde (with some reds and blues dyed in) tied up in a ponytail, comfy pjs on, and a huge notebook in hand.
”Sorry that we can’t do this in a more professional setting, but I know that these girls can keep a secret. Well as long as it doesn’t bring harm to Nora and Selina, or Ivy.”
”Yes, I believe that the women you surround yourself with are trustworthy friends, and the advice I seek might benefit them as well. As I believe it is best to get more opinions into the matter at hand.”
Diana then goes onto to explain the warning her mother gave her and what her and the JL have been experiencing for the past few months: From the strange message on a copper spider to Luther asking the JL for safety for himself and his personal staff.
Cue a mix of fierce determination, fear, and just WTF that sparks a realization in Harley’s PHD brain.
Cue her spending the rest of the night creating a timeline, including the information that Nora gave her in a private session (aka weird people asking about Dr. Fries experiments and his knowledge on Cryogenic technology, and how long someone could last inside a Cryotube), which she made sure to keep private.
It takes a few more rounds of drinks and food before the rest of the ladies pass out (from the alcohol or exhaustion, she didn’t question it) and for Harley to set up a private meeting with the Riddler and Scarecrow (both who were still in Gotham Asylum for….reasons).
Harley checks her notebook one more time, before she carefully puts into her bulletproof, lock breaking proof, explosion proof, safe and locks it up for tomorrow afternoon, before taking a double shot of straight vodka.
’Life was soooo much easier as a supervillain. But, being under John Doe’s thumb was a lot worse.’
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hannahssimblr · 14 days
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Mom clears her throat. “We’ve been discussing what’s next for you regarding your college expenses.”
And slowly, my blood drains. “Yeah?”
“And we think it’s best that we not contribute to your lifestyle any longer.”
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“You’ve shown a total lack of responsibility.” Dad declares. “Not just this summer, but overall. You’re spoiled, ungrateful, and completely unable to manage yourself. We’ve decided that it’s best that you learn how to be an adult the hard way.”
“The hard way?” What does that include? Single parenthood?
“You’ll pay your own fees, your own rent, bills and all other expenses.”
“The idea,” Mom says, “Is that you’ll learn to budget, save and manage your own money, without relying on us to cover your costs all the time. It’s clear we’ve been enabling you for too long.”
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“Enabling me?”
“Yes. You’ve become spoiled and ungrateful.”
“That’s ridiculous. I’m more than grateful.”
She rolls her eyes. 
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I scoff, “I’m grateful! Jesus! I’m grateful for the iPhone! Thank you, okay? I’ve always wanted one. I’m so happy. Now, do you want me to pay you back for that, too?”
“It’s a gift.”
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“Ill advised,” Dad adds. “If we had received the gas bill earlier, we wouldn’t have bought it. You can be sure of that.”
“Well, nice. Wonderful. Thank you.”
Mom shakes her head. “Don’t be like that.”
“I said thank you.”
“Don’t take us for fools. You don’t mean it. That’s the thing, and after everything we’ve done for you. We’ve fed you, given you a bed, bought your clothes and your school books-”
“Do you want to be paid back for those, too? Am I in debt for being born? That was your choice, not mine!”
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Her face goes dark red. “You think this was a choice for me?” 
“No! But it was your choice to have another, wasn’t it? And it was your choice to move me out of the home where I was happy.”
“You were happy because you were a child! Children don’t know any better.”
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“No, I was happy because Maureen cared for me, and would never ask me to pay her back for the… the baby formula, and the diapers and the yarn she used to knit my little tiny fucking sweaters, would she?”
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“That woman is not your mother!” She shrieks. “I am your mother.”
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“Then act like it!” I scream back, and my voice tears at my throat. “For once in your life, please! Instead of throwing your money at me and buying these expensive gifts, as though the car or the phone is going to parent me instead, and then you get angry with me for being spoiled. Who spoiled me? Huh? Who? I don’t want any of this stuff. I never did.”
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The piano lid slams shut, and I hear Ivy’s feet scurry up the stairs. 
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“Don’t be ridiculous.” Mom hisses. “There’s not a teenager in the country who wouldn’t want what you have.”
“You’re delusional if you think that.”
“I’m delusional?”
“Did you not hear me? Yeah, you are. And also-”
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“Enough!” Dad bellows. “Aside from having no respect for your parents-”
“Respect?” I scoff. “Respect is earned, not-”
“I said aside from that-”
“You can’t just shout me down! You have to let me speak!”
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“This is my house!” he roars with a ferocity that could make the windows shake in their frames. “I won’t be spoken to like this under my own roof. Neither I nor your mother, do you hear me?”
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I shut my mouth. 
“You will go to Berlin, as you insisted, and you will earn your own money and pay your own bills, like everybody else has to do. This is nonnegotiable. Do you understand me?”
I swallow hard. “But how am I supposed to do that?”
“We’ve done you enough favours until now. You’ll get by on the earnings from the Volkswagen for a while, and after that, well, you can just figure it out.”
“You expect me to get a job in a country where they don’t speak my first language, with no history of work?”
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Mom purses her lips. “It’s your fault you don’t have experience, not ours,” which is such an egregiously untrue statement to make that I would laugh if I didn’t know better. I don’t push the subject, or dare mention Ivy while she’s in the same house. Perhaps, if I was feeling braver, or stupider, I don’t know, I would mention that my only work experience is that of an au pair, a nanny, a childminder, but seeing as my father is still bursting with rage as steam rises rather theatrically from the integrated dishwasher next to him, it seems best to keep my mouth buttoned. 
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“You know, this is what estranges people from their parents.” I say. Their expressions do not change.
“You’ll get over it.” Mom says simply, and after fixing her hair, she checks her little gold watch. “I have to get back to work, so I’m going to go.”
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There’s more I could say. I could sneer as I asked her if Fergal was going to be there, if it’s really me that’s the problem in this household, or something else, something weird and rotten at the core of it, but I don’t. From a dining chair, she snatches her handbag, and marches into the hall, the click clack of her heeled shoes echoing all the way to the door. 
“Enjoy your phone,” she says before slamming it shut behind her.
Beginning // Prev // Next
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lynnbanks · 4 months
Jet lag and brunch
(Would like to add this before you read that y/n (ivy) has Pernicious anemia and you will probably more about it in later stories. I would also like to add I'm not completely sure what this is just wanted to get it out there if there are any mistakes let me know hope you enjoy)
Our first morning/afternoon back at the lake house and if we don't hurry we will be late to brunch with luke parents and jack
Luke is still pretty jet-lagged so he is struggling to get up. “ lukey it is time to get up,” I say while rubbing his bare back long forgotten where his shirt and pants were the second we got to our room at the lake house before crashing onto the bed taking me with him.
“Lay with me for a second please.” we don't have time but I indulge already having myself ready knowing he would likely brush his teeth put on anything he can find at the top of his unpacked suitcase with a hat and be out the door.
“ ok sleepy butt we have 20 minutes to be out the door so in five minutes you need to be up and getting ready” he dismissed me by pulling me into bed with him and onto his chest mumbling “You smell good baby” voice still deep and gravely from sleeping 10 hours straight “ hmm thank you” while I run my fingers through his unruly curls “you ready to eat” I ask in a whisper as to not disturb the calm air around us seeing as we haven’t had a lot of alone time in awhile with all the crazy schedules “mmh yes very ready” “ok then let’s get this show on the road.”
Jack meets us downstairs and we all loaded up into the car, Quinn won’t be in till next week and we will probably do a fancy dinner to celebrate all of us being together and all the boys have accomplished this year.
When we get to the restaurant we meet up with Jim and Ellen in the parking lot, before we go in give a hug to both me and Luke after not seeing us for a while, we walk in and the conversation starts flowing.
Luke has his hand running up and down my leg, with the occasional squeeze, we talk about what we want to eat and enjoy each other's company, our server comes and takes our order not without giving Jack a few long stares and some flirty giggles, while we wait for our food I scoot closer to Luke and lay my head on his shoulder while he wraps his arm around me and kisses my head
“ y/n when are you free next maybe we can go get our nails done for the start of summer” “ I am free Sunday I was also thinking of getting my hair cut and finding a new swimsuit along with the other things we will need for the house we could make a day of it” luke perks up “ you have infusions tomorrow baby you should probably take it slow; don't worry about the other stuff I've got the rest.”
Luke gave me a soft squeeze on the arm to let me know he was still there with me, and all I can think now as I look up at him and smile is I love him. The rest of lunch goes pretty well me and Ellen walk out arm and arm talking about the rest of the details for our “girls’ day”. Me and Ellen have always been very close so I am looking forward to it
when I get to my car Luke is holding the door open and before I get in he pulls me into his body and gives me a soft kiss on the lips his constant need to touch me has always been something I love about him my little luv bug; instead of pulling away fully I lay my head on his chest and look up at him “Hmm I love you” he smiled “ oh really well I am IN love with you so” I laugh “ stop being so competitive Warren”
Back at the house Luke and I decide a nap would be how we spend the rest of the afternoon, so we make our way to one of the larger hammocks we had put in last year for this exact reason.
As I lay with half of my body on top of Luke he plays with the fingers on the hand that isn't playing with his curls we talk about nothing and everything; conversation had always been so easy for us never seeming to get tired of what the other has to say.
“I have missed this with you,” Luke says softly almost like he is saying it to himself; still very tired from the time change and travel that comes with the job on top of all the physical parts of the game.
I just want to rap him up and keep him in my pocket “Well you are about to see a whole lot more of me so be prepared to get sick of me” I say with a slight chuckle “ I don't think I will ever get tired of you” he says with a smile in his voice “ glad to hear it warren”
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