#I wonder if I can fit something like this into Black Lanters
I rant a lot about Wei Sect! AUs and The Wens Live! AUs and any other similar vibe AUs because I love the idea of Lan Wangji tripping and falling ass over teakettle into this loving and tight-knit community who have all just sort of adopted him and didn’t bother to tell him and then inevitably one of the Lan elders tries to get on his ass about the amount of time he’s spending there but LWJ only stopped by Cloud Recesses to pick up a book that he thinks Second Cousin would like and to check to see if the Lan physicians have had time to try out the extraction method Fourth Uncle invented to increase the potency of most medicines and he already has one foot out the door because if he isn’t back for his turn to watch a-Yuan Wen Qing will yell at him so the elders are left staring in affront at the empty space where Lan Wangji was a minute ago And that’s great and I love it but you know who I don’t give enough love in these AUs? Lan Xichen.  This man would thrive and delight among the Wen settlement. Are you kidding me? It takes him a little while to get over Wen Ning’s whole Being Dead thing but once he does his entire brain goes “it’s free didi.” He drinks Fourth Uncle under the table every night for a week straight before Wei Wuxian rats him out for his burn-the-alcohol-with-his-golden-core trick, and Fourth Uncle is so thrilled about being had so thoroughly he immediately starts plotting a counter-prank. Wen Popo refuses to answer to anything other than Wen Popo and she calls Xichen Huan-er and the first time it happens he has to go lie down about it and Lan Wangji finds his brother and pets his head and says “Yes, they do things like that, it’s quite alarming at first but really quite nice once you get used to it. Xiongzhang? Are you crying?” and Lan Xichen doesn’t say no because lying is forbidden but he does drag his brother into a hug the way he hasn’t dared since they were children and Lan Wangji just cuddles up and lets him the way he hasn’t since they were children and while they’re lying there having emotions all over each other a-Yuan toddles in looking for his Rich-gege and his Fancy-gege and he wastes no time in joining the cuddle puddle. 
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Cinematic Comic Characters Ranked! (Year 2011) Part III
This year I think has the most characters ranked so far, and all from movies introducing brand new characters. X-Men franchise gets a reboot with X-Men: First Class; The MCU welcomes the additions of Thor and Captain America: The First Avenger; DC Comics introduces Green Lantern, and we also get The Adventures of Tintin, Cowboys & Aliens, The Green Hornet, and Priest. Here’s #40-21!
40. Erik Selvig (Thor)
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"Anyone who's ever going to find his way in this world, has to start by admitting he doesn't know."
Erik is a wise man of science who helps Jane work on her projects. Despite not believing Thor's story one bit when the god arrives to Earth, he still helps Jane rescue him and even leaves some words of advice to Thor that helps him understand what it means to be a king. He's a good guy so it sucks to see that by the post-credits scene, when he's talking to Nick Fury, he's been possessed by Loki himself.
39. Ivan Ivanovitch Sakharine (The Adventures of Tintin)
"Nothing I do is an accident!"
A villain on a quest for revenge in his great ancestor's name. Sakharine had every move and action planned out to find the lost treasure of the unicorn but didn't quite predict Tintin's involvement. Despite all his efforts, he's unable to complete his mission and loses to Haddock just like his ancestor did.
38. Benjamin Chudnofsky (The Green Hornet)
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"My gun has two barrels. That's not boring."
The big bad villain of the film, Chudnofsky is just a crime boss who is going through a mid-life crisis. Turns out that being scary means a lot more than just killing everyone who crosses you. He learned the younger generations want something a little more flashy. He tries but it's kinda like when a father tries to hang out with his teenage son at a party. It just doesn't work. However, he's still a violent being who takes out a lot of people but in all honesty, he can't be that impressive when he couldn't even kill Britt on his own. Sure, Britt had Kato, who managed to deliver the killing blow to the crime lord, but if he was as bad as wanted to be, he would've had no issues.
37. Lenore Case (The Green Hornet)
"If you even look at my ass again I'll sue you for sexual harassment."
Geez how did this girl even want to work as Britt's assistant after finding out what a complete douche he was? His attempts at flirty were so pervy you just couldn't help but feel bad for Case. Kato didn't really help either and if I were in her shoes I'd let the cops take them both down. But for some reason she helps them and decides to continue to help them keep the city safe by the end of the film.
36. Azazel (X-Men: First Class)
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"Damn it."
In my opinion, Azazel is Shaw's most dangerous assassin in the Hellfire Club. Not only can he teleport but he's also a master at wielding a long blade. The combination of the two really shows when he kills most of the government agents protecting the X-Men by himself. His combat skills are so impressive that he's able to take on Beast and Havok at the same time. He apparently can't take a punch though, as it only takes one from Beast to knock him out. When everything's said and done, Azazel joins Magneto's Brotherhood.
35. Thaal Sinestro (Green Lantern)
"Are you afraid?"
With his mentor dead, Sinestro seems to be the strongest member of the Corps alive, but he's faced with a lot. Even with his skill he can't seem to defeat Parralax, who keeps destroying planets with his powers of fear. Worse, he strongly feels like Hal isn't fit to be a Lantern so in an act of desperation turns to the Guardians to find another source of power to defeat his foe. The source is fear, the opposite force of willpower, the very essence of what it means to be a Green Lantern. Despite Hal proving willpower can overcome fear, at the end of the film, Sinestro still puts on the yellow ring, becoming the first member of the Yellow Lanter Corps.
34. Black Hat (Priest)
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"After all, if you're not committing sin then you're not having fun."
Black Hat used to be a priest who was taken down during an attack on a vampire hive that went wrong. Instead of killing him, the vampire queen feeds him her blood instead and turns him into the first vampire-human hybrid, containing the skills of a priest and power of a vampire. This makes him dangerous as he leads an overwhelming army of vampire to kidnap Lucy, Priest's daughter, and destroy towns full of humans. He also proved his power by killing three priests on his own as well as nearly taking out Priest towards the films climax. However, Priest had help in the form of Hicks and Priestess and was able to see Black Hat burn up in flames at the last second.
33. Laufey (Thor)
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"Go now, while I still allow it."
Man was this guy a huge let down. I truly thought Laufey was going to be the big bad villain of the movie, but turns out he was just another pawn in Loki's ultimate plan to rule Asgard. King of the Frost Giants, he's definitely not to be messed with, but he puts his faith in his son and when he goes to kill Odin in his sleep, Loki betrays him and blasts him to dust.
32. Hector Hammond (Green Lantern)
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"How wonderful that all it took for you to grow up was the end of the world."
I almost did want to feel bad for all the crap Hector seemed to be getting from his dad his entire life, but all of that went out the window when the first thing he does when he sees Carol is sniff her hair. The dude is weird, jealous, and entitled so of course he ends up getting possessed by Parralax and granted these psychic powers that comes with a disturbing physical appearance. He gets his revenge on his students, his dad, even Hal for a bit before the other male manages to trick him into wearing the ring. The ring doesn't recognize him and backfires on him and when Parralax shows up and sees him wearing the weapon of his sworn enemy? Yeah Hector died real quick after that.
31. Thomson and Thompson (The Adventures of Tintin)
"To be precise, you are under arrest!"
These two are pure comedy. Not only for how they exchanged words with each other, but because they were absolutely horrible at doing their jobs yet, oddly enough, seemed to be at the right place at the right time to help Tintin save the day. I mean the two were literally at the house of the kleptomaniac they were after and were arguing AGAIST him on how he wasn't their suspect. If that isn't what you call a pure comedic mess I don't know what is.
30. Britt Reid/The Green Hornet (The Green Hornet)
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"Everyone knows, you corner a hornet, you get stung."
I hated Britt. He's almost exactly like Bruce Wayne when it comes to being rich, having dead parents, and then deciding to become a superhero, but his arrogance, rudeness, and in-capabilities with mental and physical prowess proved this dude could never be on Batman's level. There was just so many times that he would screw everything up that you just wanted him to fail because it was frustrating to see someone as annoying as him save the day.
29. Parralax (Green Lantern)
"Once I have devoured your world I will have all the strength I need to defeat the Corps and destroy the Guardians."
A former Guardian, Parralax wanted to use the power of fear instead of willpower, making him an easy enemy of the Green Lantern Corps. After his first defeat, he returns stronger than ever, devouring planets through their inhabitant's fear. He nearly destroys Earth as well until Hal manages to fight him off, tricking him into being pulled in into the sun and burns away. His legacy in fear lives on though, once Sinestro slips on the yellow ring that is fused with his powers.
28. Woodrow Dolarhyde (Cowboys & Aliens)
"Get off my plains!"
At first Dolarhyde seemed like a huge asshole that let his son terrorize a town just because he was rich and that he was actually going to be an obstacle Jake would have to face during his war with the aliens, but the latter never happened. Dolarhyde was quick to band together with the others, only really showing disobedience when it came to working with the Native Americans which, granted, was only because they had just taken him prisoner. He proves to be a good shot during the final fight and even saves Jake's life at the last moment inside the ship. I would have preferred Percy dying instead of Colorado and then Dolarhyde officially adopting Colorado to be his son but instead he gives Percy exactly what he wants again but at least Percy kinda stopped being a dick.
27. Alex Summers/Havok (X-Men: First Class)
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Havok seemed to be the member shrouded in the most mystery when he first joined the group. He was very hesitant about being around everyone and they quickly knew why, his energy blasts are out of control. After the death of his good friend Darwin, he decides to focus on his destructive blasts but still can't manage to do it. Even though he mocks Hank to no end, the brilliant scientist helps create a device that helps him control the blasts. He holds his own when the X-Men go up against the Hellfire Club and he officially stays with Xavier after Magneto kills Shaw.
26. Carol Ferris (Green Lantern)
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"You don't think I would recognize you because I can't see your cheekbones?"
Carol Ferris is a strong fighter pilot, a smart businesswoman, and Hal Jordan's ex-girlfriend. While it's clear she still cares about him, she just can't take him seriously. She's even smart enough to realize the Green Lanter is Hal, but I mean she makes a good point on him not really having a big disguise. Her bravery matches her brain power too, when she saves Hal from death by blasting some missiles at Parralax and giving him the opportunity he needs to save the day.
25. Johann Schmidt/Red Skull (Captain America: The First Avenger)
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"Hail, HYDRA."
This guy takes having a God complex to a whole other level. He wants the world at his feet and in order to do so he needs power. So he creates HYDRA and joins Hitler and the German Nazis to find it. He becomes the infamours Red Skull when he tries to take the super soldier serum and his body rejects it. Even though he's really intimidating at times, he never really accomplishes anything. When his plan fails and Captain America defeats him, he grabs the tesseract and it seems to kill him with it's sheer power alone.
24. Ella Swenson (Cowboys & Aliens)
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"I won't be around for very long."
Yeah Ella's true identity as another alien being was definitely a plot twist I didn't see coming but after learning who she really is you really got to admire her selflessness. She literally lost her entire race of aliens like her yet still went out of her way to warn and later help the humans before they were wiped out as well. She manages to help rescue all the kidnapped humans from the alien's captivity but her real shining moment comes when she sacrifices herself to detonate a huge bomb that destroys the entire alien ship, killing every single one of them. We did see her come back to life earlier so who knows if she actually stays dead this time.
23. Moira MacTaggert (X-Men: First Class)
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"You're your own team now. You're X-Men."
Moira is a great CSI agent. As soon as she discovers that the Hellfire Club is full of mutants, she goes and finds herself an expert on one. She holds no prejudice like most humans in her era which is probably why Charles starts developing feelings for her. Despite being the only human on the team, she does her best to fight Shaw and even Magneto when he proves to be a huge threat, firing several bullets at him, one of which ends up paralyzing Charles from the waist down. Afterwards, for the safety of him and his students, her memory is wiped clean for when she's interrogated by the CSI.
22. Sif, Vostagg, Hogun, Fandral (Thor)
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"We must find Thor."
Sif and the Warriors Three are some of Asgard's greatest warriors and Thor's best friends. They're loyalty is shown all throughout the film when they travel with Thor to confront the Frost Giants and when they disobey Loki and travel to Earth to bring Thor back to Asgard after his banishment. They each have their own unique qualities and abilities that brings something good to the table, but it's only when they all work together that they really become a strong force of Asgardian warriors.
21. James 'Bucky' Barnes (Captain America: The First Avenger)
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"This isn't a back alley, Steve. It's war!"
Steve's best friend who's looked out for him his entire life before he joins the army. He reunites with Steve after he becomes Captain America and rescues him from a HYDRA facility. Bucky really becomes that sense of home for Steve, but I couldn't help but feel a little hint of jealousy in him? I mean I think he was so used to being the better man and then all of a sudden Steve is the face of the US army. Don't get me wrong, I think he cared about Steve one hundred percent but I think it was a hurt ego that made him try to rush that giant machine with Steve's shield before he gets blasted away and falls to his apparent death.
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