#And of course LWJ Zhan-er!
I rant a lot about Wei Sect! AUs and The Wens Live! AUs and any other similar vibe AUs because I love the idea of Lan Wangji tripping and falling ass over teakettle into this loving and tight-knit community who have all just sort of adopted him and didn’t bother to tell him and then inevitably one of the Lan elders tries to get on his ass about the amount of time he’s spending there but LWJ only stopped by Cloud Recesses to pick up a book that he thinks Second Cousin would like and to check to see if the Lan physicians have had time to try out the extraction method Fourth Uncle invented to increase the potency of most medicines and he already has one foot out the door because if he isn’t back for his turn to watch a-Yuan Wen Qing will yell at him so the elders are left staring in affront at the empty space where Lan Wangji was a minute ago And that’s great and I love it but you know who I don’t give enough love in these AUs? Lan Xichen.  This man would thrive and delight among the Wen settlement. Are you kidding me? It takes him a little while to get over Wen Ning’s whole Being Dead thing but once he does his entire brain goes “it’s free didi.” He drinks Fourth Uncle under the table every night for a week straight before Wei Wuxian rats him out for his burn-the-alcohol-with-his-golden-core trick, and Fourth Uncle is so thrilled about being had so thoroughly he immediately starts plotting a counter-prank. Wen Popo refuses to answer to anything other than Wen Popo and she calls Xichen Huan-er and the first time it happens he has to go lie down about it and Lan Wangji finds his brother and pets his head and says “Yes, they do things like that, it’s quite alarming at first but really quite nice once you get used to it. Xiongzhang? Are you crying?” and Lan Xichen doesn’t say no because lying is forbidden but he does drag his brother into a hug the way he hasn’t dared since they were children and Lan Wangji just cuddles up and lets him the way he hasn’t since they were children and while they’re lying there having emotions all over each other a-Yuan toddles in looking for his Rich-gege and his Fancy-gege and he wastes no time in joining the cuddle puddle. 
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youhideastar · 9 months
Fit for Purpose Deleted Scenes VI: Wangxian
Today's deleted scenes from Fit for Purpose are all Wangxian, all the time, including their happy ever after! Other deleted scenes posts are linked in the masterpost. I hope you enjoy!
There aren’t very many deleted Wangxian scenes specifically, because the way I pared down this fic was to delete all the stuff that wasn’t Wangxian. 🤣 But when I was planning to cover the backstory in more detail, I did write this version of their first meeting:
The first time Wei Wuxian meets Lan Wangji, the Second Jade of Gusu Lan, they almost come to blows. Wei Wuxian can’t let a-Cheng and Jiejie—especially Jiejie, with her health—spend the night in the woods, and if Lan-er-gongzi were at all reasonable, he would just let them in… but no. Wei Wuxian tries reasoned argument. He tries indicating—delicately, of course—that he’d be very grateful if Lan-er-gongzi made an exception.
It’s like talking to a wall.
How can someone so beautiful be so obnoxious?
The second time they meet, after Wei Wuxian has flown all the way back to Caiyi for the invitation, they do come to blows.
I also enjoy this little snippet of teenage WWX not at all understanding his own attraction to LWJ:
It’s a little bit of an odd feeling, because Wei Wuxian has never tried to get someone to fuck him before. Alphas and omegas come to him. Not the other way around. And of course, he can’t ask – he can only offer, and tease, and provoke, and make absolutely sure that Lan Wangji knows Wei Wuxian is… available.
But he just can’t stop thinking about it. About how good he could make it for Lan Wangji. About what it would be like to take him to bed.
He can’t shake the feeling, despite how rigid and boring and pedantic Lan Wangji is, that sharing his bed would be fun. Lan Wangji is so fun to tease and banter with and prod for a reaction – wouldn’t that hold true in bed? That’s the conclusion Wei Wuxian comes to, anyway, when he thinks about it. Which is often.
Then there are a few snippets from the “present-day” timeline.
Sometimes, at the oddest times, he remembers Lan Zhan saying, What would Wei Ying do, if someone were in love with him?
It’s—he can’t even imagine. Obviously. Or—he can start to imagine, but of course, it never goes anywhere.
After all, if he’d been an omega (and he never thinks about why his mind always goes there and not if I’d been an alpha), then he’d never have come home with Jiang-shushu from Yiling. Meaning he’d have been mauled by dogs or starved to death or sold to a procurer and that would have been the end of it. He’d never even have met Lan Zhan.
That’s enough to shut up the Lan Zhan in his head. For a while, anyway.
We could all use a Lan Zhan in our heads, no?
This next conversation turned out not to be necessary, but a line from it became the “I do not want to be to Wei Ying what others have been” line that is, to me, the core of the present-day storyline.
Wei Wuxian works up his courage. “Lan Zhan, was it—bad? The time before?”
Lan Zhan looks quizzical.
“The… when I helped you out, you know.” Still no comprehension. “When you kissed me,” he tries, and yes, the light goes on.
“It was not bad,” Lan Zhan says swiftly. So that’s something, anyway.
“But did I do something wrong? To make you—not want it again?”
Lan Zhan shakes his head. He kisses Wei Wuxian’s forehead. “Wei Ying did nothing wrong,” he murmurs. Beat. “I understand that others have been interested in being… serviced. I am not.”
“Oh.” That still sounds like he didn’t like it. But maybe that’s for reasons that don’t have to do with Wei Wuxian.
Finally, this next bit is so cute and it killed me to cut it, but there just wasn’t a place for it. Just imagine that this scene takes place after the fic ends, okay? This is their happy ever after. ❤️
Lan Zhan smiles every time he comes in the door of the Jingshi and finds Wei Wuxian there.
Wei Wuxian asks him, one day. “Why are you smiling, ah?”
“Wei Ying is here.”
“That can’t be all,” Wei Wuxian says, rolling his eyes.
“For sixteen years. I walked through this door, and Wei Ying was not here.” Beat. “Now, he is.” Beat. “That is all.”
I hope you enjoyed! Tomorrow, the final batch of deleted scenes will be a grab bag of stuff that didn't fit any particular theme, featuring Jin Guangshan, Xue Yang, and WWX's feelings about his resurrection.
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stiltonbasket · 2 years
Hi Stilton! I was going through your fem!wwx au and absolutely loving it (as usual) but then it got me thinking - when and how did wwx realize she loves lwj back in this universe? Like, lwj seems to have done the usual thunderstrike moment, but with wwx we only know that she was somewhat mollified when he refused to leve her to fend for herself after her defection. How did her feelings develop? Thank you so much for this lovely au, hope you're doing great!
Over the course of Wei Wuxian’s decade-long engagement, most of her elders and sect siblings assumed that she and Lan Zhan would grow to be a love match by the time of their wedding.
The aunties in Lufeng began gifting her silk in blue and white after her thirteenth birthday, to match with the colors her intended husband wore; and by the summer she spent in the Cloud Recesses, there was hardly a soul in the jianghu who did not know that Jiang Fengmian’s adopted daughter was dearer to Lan Wangji than the daughter of his blood would ever be to Jin Zixuan.
Lan Zhan liked Wei Wuxian, in a way that most boys of nine and ten were not disposed to like little girls, and this in itself was regarded as proof that theirs would be a harmonious marriage.
In Wei Wuxian’s eyes, Lan Zhan’s strange liking was proof that he was lonely, and wise beyond his years in a way that little boys seldom were. After all, even Yu Zhenhong liked to play tricks on their er-shijie sometimes, and the less said about Jiang Cheng, the better.
All told, Wei Wuxian did not see her intended’s feelings as love until their third month in the Burial Mounds. The Wens were living quite comfortably there, since Lan Zhan’s brother sent plenty of money to cover their daily needs; but they could not think of leaving at the time, since Zewu-jun had not yet settled matters with the Jin.
On that fateful day, Wei Wuxian awoke in the Demon-slaughtering Cave with A-Yuan at her side, just as she usually did. It was nearly spring, so one wool blanket sufficed for both of them; and after she left her padded stone bed, she tried to wrap her half of the blanket around Yuan’er so that he could keep warm in her absence.
It was then that she noticed that the sheet and blankets were stained with blood, and that her dark robes were smudged with crimson between her hips and thighs.
Wei Wuxian pinches the bridge of her nose. She is past her twenty-second year, quite far from the child of fourteen who wept when her first monthly blood began the day before that summer’s Duanwu festival, but waking up to find her bed ruined is a great deal worse than being forced to forfeit a boating race against her shixiongdi. If she were still at Lotus Pier, she would simply have called for new sheets; but now, she will have to rinse the bedding in cold water herself, haul a tub of hot water to bathe in, and find a set of fresh clothes and bandages before she leaves the cave.
“Yuan’er, get up,” she whispers. “The blanket is dirty, baobao. Jiejie will find you a new one.”
A-Yuan sniffles into his pillow and opens his big eyes.
“Xian-jiejie, A-Yuan is warm here,” he protests. “Yuanyuan doesn’t want a new blanket.”
“I know, sweetheart, but Jiejie bled on this one. Be good and listen for just a minute, ah?”
Grumbling, A-Yuan rolls away from the soiled blanket and lets Wei Wuxian wrap him in a fresh one. She throws the bedding over her arm, and wraps her cloak around her waist to hide her stained skirts; and then, with a small bag of salt hanging at her belt, she heads out to the mouth of the stream to fill the wooden laundry tub.
Lan Zhan is kneeling at the water’s edge when she rounds the turn in the path, pulling up a pair of bottles that were submerged there to chill last night. He rises to greet Wei Wuxian as she approaches, giving her a respectful nod, and then his gaze drifts sideways to the bundle of fabric on her hip. 
“Why are you washing clothes?” he asks. “Today is Lin Xiang’s day to do the laundry. It is written up on the schedule outside the clinic.”
Wei Wuxian winces. Lan Zhan would pay mind to a thing like that, even when his name wasn’t on the schedule at all.
“I stained the sheets of my bed with blood, that’s all,” she mutters. “I can’t ask Lin Xiang to wash these things for me, can I? And anyway, bloodstained things have to be washed with salt and cold water. We use boiling water and lye for sweat and mud stains.”
Lan Zhan’s eyes go wide. He takes a step closer, looking her over for injuries, and then he looks at Wei Wuxian’s pale face and tries to take her pulse.
“Are you wounded?” he says anxiously. “You were walking stiffly when you came back from cleansing the unclaimed plain behind the mountain yesterday. Did something attack you?”
“I’m having my monthly courses, Lan Zhan,” Wei Wuxian sighs. “They haven’t been regular since before the war, so I never know when to prepare rags for my clothes and towels to protect my blankets. It’s bothersome, to be sure, but I’m not in any danger.”
He frowns at her. “And the bedding must be washed now?”
“En, or the stains will set. It’s best to wash the blood out before it dries.”
Lan Zhan holds out his arms. “Then give me your clothes. I will wash them and bring a tub of hot water for your bath, and then I will fetch your breakfast.”
Wei Wuxian tries to resist, but Lan Zhan refuses to listen to reason. Worse yet, he argues, reminding her that she used to drink tinctures to stop her bleeding because it made her tired, and insisting that she should rest first instead of washing clothes.
“You need rest and food to replenish your energy, and I can wash clothes well enough,” he says. “I will be gentle with them, and make sure to use cold water first, just as you said. You have my word.”
“I don’t think they are dirty,” Lan Zhan persists. “What cultivator of worth has never stained their clothes with blood? And even if I was unaccustomed to cleaning it, you are my—”
But here his breath stutters, as if he were suddenly uncertain of his words, and stares at the ground for a split second before meeting Wei Wuxian’s eyes again.
“You are my friend,” he says gently. “I can see that you are exhausted, and hungry, and perhaps in no small amount of pain, as well. I cannot lessen your suffering very much, but I would like to do what little I may, to help you.”
Thwarted, Wei Wuxian hands over her bundle of laundry and starts back towards the cave. For his part, Lan Zhan leaves her clothes soaking in the tub and goes off to draw her a bath; and after she bathes, he brings her a bowl of hot chicken porridge and a tray bearing a teapot and a plate of homemade snacks.
“I will take over your duties today,” Lan Zhan tells her, after he makes up a fire in the cave and sweeps all the dust out into the courtyard. “If you grow tired of resting, will you continue with A-Yuan’s figuring lessons? That will do more good than laboring in the field. Anyone can tend to the crops, but A-Yuan must learn to study somehow.”
This comes as news to Wei Wuxian. “You’ve been teaching him arithmetic?”
“Only a little. Wangji is incompetent, and has not yet found a way to teach A-Yuan his numbers without first teaching him how to read.”
Wei Wuxian’s heart twinges. She has never liked it when Lan Zhan blamed himself for anything—the morning he was beaten for drinking with her in Gusu had been unbearable for her, since she had to watch him receive his fifty strokes of the paddle without sharing the punishment with him—but this is a sweeter kind of ache, for it comes with the knowledge that her former betrothed was thinking about A-Yuan.
“All right, then,” she hears herself say. “I’ll spend today with A-Yuan, and you can take over my work in the produce field.”
In the end, she and A-Yuan spend the morning bundled up in a set of new quilts, practicing basic arithmetic with a tray of wet sand and a chopstick. Wei Wuxian writes the numbers down for him, and A-Yuan counts them out on his fingers before scribbling the answers on the tray.
Wei Wuxian’s mind is elsewhere, however. She finds herself thinking of Lan Zhan again, and puzzling over the fact that something between them has changed. Lan Zhan is as he always was—steadfast and valiant and almost foolishly kind, unaltered from his younger self save for his deepened wisdom—but Wei Wuxian’s feelings towards him are different, somehow.
I have always taken joy in his presence, she reflects, while A-Yuan tries to convince her that three and three put together yield a sum of three-and-thirty. But I never missed him when he was gone, not really. Now, it seems as if I think of him more than ever when he is there, and twice as often again when he is not.
Suddenly, Wei Wuxian realizes that she can no longer bear to be without him at all.
But sooner or later, Lan Xichen will send word of a new territory for the Wens, and Lan Zhan will go home to the Cloud Recesses and leave Wei Wuxian behind with A-Yuan. She might go to safety with the Dafan clan after that, or return to her old life at Lotus Pier: but there will be no marriage in her future, no boisterous wedding in Gusu, no bows to earth and heaven with Lan Zhan by her side.
There will be no wedding banquet to follow, no airy wedded home high up in the green-covered mountains—for Wei Wuxian rejected all of those dreams when she rejected Lan Zhan, and now their two lives have been forever sundered.
Who will Lan Zhan marry, when all this is over? wonders Wei Wuxian. Who will be lucky enough to have his companionship, now that I’ve thrown it away?
“Qian-gege only marries Xian-jiejie.”
Wei Wuxian blinks and looks down at the lump of blankets in her arms. “Ah?”
“Qian-gege only marries Xian-jie,” A-Yuan says again, snuggling closer to Wei Wuxian’s chest. “He told A-Yuan, but it’s secret.”
Her heart skips a beat.
“What secret?”
“Mn, secret! Only A-Yuan knows,” the child persists. “Gege chose a big name for A-Yuan, too! One for A-Yuan, and one for my baby didi.”
“Didi? But Yuan’er, you don’t have a brother.”
“My didi’s not born, but A-Yuan will have him someday,” A-Yuan pouts. “Gege says, if he’s very good and loves Xian-jiejie, maybe Jiejie will love him back, and then A-Yuan can have a baby brother.”
He gives her a shrewd look, squeezing his feathery little brows together like an owl’s, and pats Wei Wuxian’s clammy hand.
“A-Yuan told Gege that Jiejie already likes him,” he says gravely. “If Jiejie tells too, then we have a wedding, and A-Yuan gets a didi.”
Wei Wuxian bursts into tears. She stoops and kisses A-Yuan’s little face, holding him close until he squeals and begs to be put down; and then, with great, fat teardrops soaking into her gown, she sets A-Yuan down on the ground and tells him to find Lan Zhan.
“Tell A-Yuan that Xian-jiejie loves him too,” she croaks, pressing her lips to A-Yuan’s soft forehead. “I think I always have, but it took ten years for me to know it!”
“A-Yuan knows,” he murmurs, patting her cheeks with his chubby little hands. “But A-Yuan doesn’t have to tell Gege.”
He turns around and points to the mouth of the cave: or, more specifically, to the white-clad figure standing there on the threshold, too stunned to move a muscle as A-Yuan leaves Wei Ying’s embrace and toddles out to meet him.
“Qian-gege, you heard?” he pleads, plucking at the hems of Lan Zhan’s robes. “Jiejie loves Qian-gege, too.”
Wei Wuxian rises from her bed, trembling, and Lan Zhan takes a halting step towards her. They meet in the middle, grasping for each other’s hands, and stand together in dizzy silence for what seems like an eternity before Wei Wuxian’s intended presses his forehead against hers.
“My feelings have not changed,” he says thickly. “I love you, Wei Ying—I have always loved you—but if you would rather we continue our friendship as it is, then you need not—”
“No! No,” cries Wei Wuxian. “But Lan Zhan, you must know—my feelings haven’t changed, either! I felt this way when we were children, if you will believe it. But you weren’t mine, so I never let myself realize how much I wanted to be near you, and be with you.”
“You need not worry now,” Lan Zhan whispers, smiling through his tears. “I am yours, Wei Ying, in every way you could wish. I have long since been so.��
His cheek brushes hers, finding its way in spite of the dim lighting in the cave.
She takes his hand, laying the other on A-Yuan’s head, and rises to meet him in a salty-tasting kiss a dozen years in the making.
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llycaons · 7 months
selected excerpts from that pool AU that made me laugh
I don't really love how that art depicted lxc but writing him as a foolish, infatuated teenager who constantly puts his foot in his mouth is a new one. and we never really saw lxc in canon younger than his late teens/early 20s, at which point he was already the leader of the sect. so it was kind of fun to imagine. lxc and nmj here are the dramatic couple in the forefront and wx are the subtler one in the background, which is very different. usually wx takes up all the space and drama available lol
"You can share my lane," Mingjue says. "Really? You don't mind?" Mingjue shrugs. "It's a public pool." Frankly, it's not an inspiring sign, but Lan Huan still shoots Lan Zhan a secret thumbs up before clomping down the pool ladder.
Lan Zhan startles and checks to make sure Lan Huan isn't drowning. (He isn't, although not by much.)
Lan Zhan has half a mind to march over and explain aquatic safety to them. ("Wow, you're so familiar with the pool rules," the lifeguard would swoon. "Let's run away together!")
"Wei Ying. Nice to meet you.…are you auditing me right now?" "Auditing?" "Yeah. Like, get me distracted while my boss throws in a baby doll or something for me to save." Lan Zhan is horrified by the implication. He is loyal to Wei Ying in all respects!
in canon they butted heads a bit but in this one lwj sees wwx and literally speaks to him once and wwx immediately has his undying devotion, which doesn't hit as well as the journey they took in canon but it IS funny
Mian Mian is waiting behind him, readjusting one of her lamb hair clips,
mm is literally here to be A Woman lwj is suspected to harbor feelings for and she doesn't even get any lines, but it's cute that the author put in this little detail about her name and its relation to lambs. I don't think I've seen that too much
Part of Lan Zhan's lost hope. Wei Ying's far too lovely for Lan Zhan to just ask for his number. There'd need to be flowers, a helicopter ride, a big heart dug into the sand with "Would you marry me?" written in big letters. Lan Zhan doesn't have the money or connections to accomplish any of that, so he tells himself it's enough to have the chlorine smell permeating half his closet.
also i really love when authors capture lwj's teenage dramatics
That's where they still are, Mingjue rehydrating while Lan Huan looks two laps away from an ER visit. "Yes," Lan Zhan says. “That’s my brother.” "Does he know about the rec swim hours? That might be…uh, more his speed." At this point, Lan Zhan questions if pools in general are Lan Huan's speed. "He's aware.”
most of the comedy comes from lxc being absolutely shit at swimming, but it works for me. I love incompetence comedy. usually.
He must have people asking him out every week with his droplet-laced lashes
his what
He'll never leave here, never take his AP exams or graduate high school. The restroom is his home now.
what did I say about charmingly dramatic teenage lwj
Mingjue plays sax in an improv jazz group.
of course he does...sexiest most powerful instrument for the sexiest most powerful character
They're from rival schools...and school spirit must mean a lot to him. Why did Lan Zhan ever think this could work out?
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drwcn · 2 years
Is the Prince!LWJ x Spy!WWX on the list of wip fics? Because I'm really curious of what happens during/after WWX exile. Or really what actually happened for him to be caught.
Hi friend! Yes, I know people are waiting for this one T.T I just... haven't had the time or energy or inspiration. I really really want to just wrap this one up. Below is another "storyboard", following storyboard 11.
*mind the trigger warning for violence, non-explict dubcon and attempted noncon. I've indicated when and where the tw starts and ends* **also this is a VERY long post**
Masterlist is here
《Without Envy》 Storyboard 12
The problem with telling Xue Yang that he and Lan Wangji have done the dirty, is that, well, they didn't.
After that day at the royal hunt, it was known to all that Wei Wuxian became er-dianxia Hanguang-wang's official mianshou, approved and decreed by none other than the Emperor himself.
And of course, after they spent the evening relaxing in the hot springs surrounding the autumn palace, people naturally assumed they also spent the night together. And they did, technically, except they used the whole night lying face-to-face, staring into each other's eyes like two lovesick fools.
Of course Wei Wuxian was more than willing to get between the sheets in the more metaphoric sense, but Lan Wangji seemed to get it in his head that one day he can "make it right" and lay out ten miles of red silk to pave the road and welcome Wei Ying through the front gates of Hanguang-fu upon an eight-person-carry palanquin, and love him in his marriage bed as his lawful husband.
For instance, one night after dinner, LWJ took WWX out for a stroll through the night market. There were a couple of the manor's men following loosely behind for security, but they were all dressed in plain clothes and blended in with the citizens. LWJ and WWX stopped by a small stall selling trinkets. Chuckling, WWX picked up a little bunny trinket made out of twine. It was in truth an ugly bunny, and the way the twine curved made it look like the bunny had a tiny frown. Yet for some unfathomable reason, WWX loved the darn thing.
Knowing that LWJ was born in the year of the rabbit, WWX held up the ugly frowning little bunny to his prince and said, "Look, Er-gege, it's you!"
They were incognito, so surely calling Lan Wangji 'dianxia' would not do. Thinking they were just another young couple, the vendor responded with, "Ah yes, bunnies are very popular!"
Lan Wangji realized rather quickly that WWX was being a shit about him not letting WWX play that drinking game with those foolish drunk young people earlier down the street. Two can play at this game. Not acknowledging the bunny's ugliness, LWJ actually reached for his wallet and said to WWX with the vendor and everyone able to hear, "Since husband wants it, then I will buy it."
— LWJ's guards: O.o — WWX: "Lan..." He flushes red. — Once they walked away, WWX exclaimed, "You can't just go around saying stuff like that!" — "Oh? I did not realize I would offend Wei Ying-dianxia." Lan Wangji continued to play cool as he picked up a book off the table of a street vendor and began to browse half-heartedly. — "I- I didn't mean that - stop reading! It's just...it's not true and if the palace learns about it, I'll be in trouble for insubordination and acting above my station." — "Wei Ying," Lan Zhan frowned. — "I was a servant, Lan Zhan. A low born. Now I am your mianshou, but that's all I'll ever be."
WWX had no idea why he was so upset. He knew what he truly was, a viper in the grass, a killer and a liar. Wei Ying would warm LWJ's bed so Wei Wuxian could take his head.
WWX knew better than to hope; even if he didn't have a kill order on his hand, as Wei Chanze's son, he would have to climb over the shoulders of sons and daughters of dukes and marquis and ministers to get to Lan Zhan. Wei Wuxian was just Wei Changze's son...just a servant. Even if Lan Zhan had him, there was no obligation on his part to keep him, and even if he kept him, Wei Ying would just be another flower in the garden. The seat of wangfei or wangfu (prince or princess consort), and the future throne of fengjun would never be his.
But sometimes, WWX couldn't help himself. Sometimes, he ached with how much he wanted to be more than what he was, how much he wanted to have all of Lan Wangji. He knew that it was dangerous thinking, that he shouldn't want anything from Lan Wangji...not when it was all going to end in blood. (Or maybe, a part of him that sounded awfully like Xue Yang would whisper darkly, if you asked Wen Ruohan nicely enough, maybe he'd let you keep Lan Wangji after he took over Gusu.)
No. No, Lan Wangji would rather die.
Cutting into his thoughts, Lan Wangji picked up his hand. "Mianshou is what you are now. One day, you will be my husband."
"That's....sweet. But I'm not going to be your husband, Er-gege, never. What you want, what we want, is inconsequential."
Lan Wangji held him very tightly that night, but still he refused to breach that intimate boundary. So to this day Wei Wuxian remained virgo intacta... and that's a lil secret that Xue Yang doesn't need to know.
Now that Jiang Yanli was comfortably pregnant, Jiang-fu sent Jinzhu and Yinzhu to guard their miss like hawks, in case Jin Ziyan dared to try anything. Yu-furen also became much more nonchalant about Wei Wuxian hogging 100% of Lan Wangji's attention 100% of the time.
But the good times didn't last long. Monsoon season in the southern province led to unprecedented torrential downpour and subsequent flooding. Hanguang-wang was charged with leading the disaster relief taskforce on behalf of his imperial brother, and departed from the capital with Jiang Cheng as his second in command.
— XY *eating candy*: So he's gone. Aren't you worried? — WWX *eating peanuts*: Worried? Why? You don't srsly take for me a damsel - nay - concubine in distress? You think Suibian under my bed is just for show? C'mon A-Yang. Anyways, what's the next mission - — XY *dusting his hands*: Right, shifu sent words, bixia wants the defense plans for Yiling City. — WWX: …Yiling?
Yiling aside, unbeknownst to WWX, another problem was waiting for him. Jin Ziyan - without consulting his uncle Jin Guangshan - decided that with Lan Wangji gone, now was the best time to get rid of Wei Wuxian. As the deputy consort, he was in charge of all aspects of the princely manor in the prince's absence. *insert timely harem drama tropes*
First, Lan Jingyi fell sick, the cause of which was found to be tampering of his meals. Jin Ziyan loudly and conspicuously ordered thorough investigation of the crime, and well and behold, "evidence" was found which pointed to Wei Wuxian as the culprit.
Seeing that Jin Ziyan seemed to target him and him alone and did not go after Jiang Yanli, Wei Wuxian was rather nonchalant, even when Jin Ziyan ordered him to be sold off. The task was handled by Jin Ziyan's right hand man Su She, who'd held a torch for Lan Wangji since day one and had been endlessly jealous of Wei Ying. Officially, Wei Wuxian was sold off to a music house: "since you play the dizi so well". Gusu's laws were not like that of Qishan. Legal forms of nighttime entertainment included only dance or music houses. While individual prostitution in private was not illegal, brothels very much were, and as such all brothels operated underground. Wei Wuxian was brought to one of these illegal establishments, and the music house was bribed handsomely to tell Lan Wangji in the eventuality that he came knocking that "A-Xian ran off".
But Wei Wuxian was Qishan's best assassin. He was not afraid of the insignificant methods of a mere underground brothel. What were they gonna do? Beat him into submission? As if. He'd sooner slit their throats…even if he was bound and gagged and devoid of a weapon. That was a bit of an inconvenience he would admit, but nothing a little creative thinking couldn't resolve. But would that expose his hidden skills and identity if LWJ were to find out….?
Of course… Wei Wuxian may be good with a sword, but he was always a little naïve.
The brothel was an experienced one. WWX was imprisoned in a windowless underground room and fed a mysterious pill.
"Boy," the madam grabbed him by his hair. "You seem like the smart type, so your current situation must clear to you. Seven days, that's all the time you have left, so why don't you save yourself some suffering and fall in line."
Realizing the pill they forcibly made him swallow was a lethal aphrodisiac, WWX spat in the madam's face. This is not good… I only have seven days to submit or the poison would kill me…
The madam dabbed her face, nonplussed. "All the men act tough, but time will see how tough you are. One thing remains true, for those who have had the misfortune of ending up here, there's only two means of leaving: 1) horizontally, carried out under a white sheet, or 2) vertically, bought by a generous patron. Take your pick, my little friend and choose carefully."
Within an hour, the effect of the poison kicked in. In the pitch dark, there was nothing for Wei Wuxian to distract himself from the absolute hell that dawn upon him. It was s though a thousand ants were crawling on his skin, eating into his flesh. An inexplicable heat spread from his belly, like a fire burning and scorching everything within. Bound and unable to do much except fall sideways and curl into himself, Wei Wuxian gritted his teeth and refused to allow them to hear his suffering.
Everyday, he was fed two bowls of water and some broth - "don't let him dehydrate and die" - and asked if he would like to change his mind. Everyday, Wei Wuxian spat in the madam's face. However, as the endless hours dragged on, slowly Wei Wuxian was beginning to feel a sense of desperation.
Meanwhile, Jiang Yanli dispatched a messenger to tell Lan Wangji what had happened. The disaster zone was 4 days journey away, and it would take 8 days before Lan Wangji could return.
Madam visited Wei Wuxian on the first three days, but on Day 4, one of her henchmen came in her stead, and WWX managed to trick and distract the brothel strongman into leaving behind the ceramic bowl that they used to feed him water. He then dislocated his own wrist to wrangle free of his bounds, but kept it loosely around his wrist to maintain the illusion of captivity. He broke the ceramic bowl and began grinding it on the stone walls to sharpen it into a shiv. The effect of poison and starvation had siphoned most of his strength, so it was not until Day 6 that he managed to shape the shiv into something usable. On that day, he planned his attack for when the men came in to feed him water, but what he did not expect was the madam's plan. ****start of tw. Proceed with caution or skip to end of tw ****
Madam crossed her arm and shook her head in disbelief, "Well I'll be damned, he really is a little fighter. I didn't think he'd last this long. This one is excellent product; enticing enough for a prince, then surely would be worth a pretty penny for our patrons. It'd be a waste if he died. We're pushing too close to seven days. Let's move him up. San-gongzi from the Yao family loves a challenge and is always asking us if we have new products to break in."
WWX, seeing there are three strongmen instead of his usual one, realized it was now or never. As they made a grab for him, he sliced open one of their carotid and jugular in fell swoop. The blood sprayed, and he took advantage of the momentary chaos to duck out of reach and thrusted the shiv right up into the second one's liver. The third one was less agile than the first two but burlier. He made a grab for WWX around the middle, intending to dislodge his footing, and with no more energy left to struggle, WWX did the only thing he could - he jabbed the shiv over his shoulder, straight into the third man's eye. What he didn't see coming, was the heavy blow to the side of the head that sent him hard into the ground. In more types of pain than he had words to describe, WWX spat out the blood in his mouth and blinked up through blurry vision. Whether it was the hunger, or the poison, or the blow to the head, he could not differentiate, but he could no longer see clearly his attacker's face. It was only when she spoke, that he cursed himself for assuming the Madam would be an easy one. She knew martial arts, not nearly enough to hold a candle to him normally, but in his current state, she could kill him...Or worse, she'll make him live.
"Brat, I really did underestimate you." She grabbed his hair, eyes narrowing. "Who are you? You're not some dandy mianshou."
"Zhao-mama, what on earth is going on here?" A new voice joined them. WWX was starting to lose consciousness. His thoughts were no longer coherent even in his own mind, and the noises in his surrounding became increasingly muffled and distorted. No...no stay with it Wei Wuxian!!
"Ah, Yao-san-gongzi... but you see...wash him up...bring him to you...enjoy better..."
"Not too much...like it messy..."
Lan Zhan. WWX was vaguely aware that he may have been calling Lan Wangji's name. And then there was laughter.
"Lan Wangji?!... that stick in the mud... prince holier than god...'ll be fun..."
Wei Wuxian felt himself being moved, and there may have been wet cloths running over him. He faded in and out of consciousness, the pain and burning of the poison rendering him unable to do much more but writhe and groan. Then...hands were on him, stroking and touching and squeezing. He may have cried then, or fought, or cussed, he's not sure...he's not sure of anything but the burning pain along every inch of his skin. Make it stop, by god someone make it stop.
"Ah ah darling, that's it. You can scream if you like, scream for that Lan Wangji, but he's miles away and too busy being a dutiful righteous prince to think about his pretty little whore. And my, you do cry so prettily. You can pretend I'm your prince if you like. Give me a kiss, and I'll fuck you nicely."
You're not Lan Zhan, you're not - get away - get away from me, I'll kill you - I'll skin you alive.
***end of tw: attempted non-con***
Lan Wangji rode night and day and raced back into the capital on the dawn of Day 7, with Jiang Cheng hot on his tail.
The flooding had been stabilized and disaster relief was largely underway. Displaced refugees were resettled in temporary shelters and food distribution stations were established as well as infirmaries. Lan Wangji left the administrative tasks to his third in command, and promised to be back within a week. Technically, officials sent on out-of-capital duties were forbidden from returning before the completion of the duty or otherwise decreed by the Emperor. If courtiers knew Hanguang-wang and Jiang-xiao-jiangjun knowingly disobeyed the law...Lan Wangji may be reprimanded, but Jiang Cheng could lose his position entirely. Still, neither of them had time to worry about that now.
Everything came together at once. Jiang Yanli had used her resources to investigate the mishandling of Jingyi's food as well as Wei Wuxian's location. She determined that Wei Wuxian was indeed framed and had been sold to the most unimaginable of places.
Jiang Cheng kicked down the door of the brothel, hauling the madam by the scruff of her collar. Lan Wangji stormed through every single room until he came upon the most expensive and remote one. The third son of the Yao family just about shat himself when Lan Wangji's sword came for his throat.
WWX was in a terrible state, exposed, bruised, and feverish, but it did not appear as though Yao had had the chance to complete the deed. LWJ wrapped his cloak around WWX and scooped him up into his arms. "Jiang Wanyin, we're leaving." He said to Jiang Cheng who was off to the side kicking the shit out of Yao.
"My men have secured the brothel, no word will get out. Lan Wangji, the madam told me she fed him a poisonous aphrodisiac. It has no antidote. If he doesn't...today is the last day, or he would die!"
The royal physicians confirmed Jiang Cheng's account. Someone needed to help Wei Wuxian relief the poison or he would surely die. As it was, His fever was so dangerously high. He was already delirious and incoherent, unable to differentiate between friends or foe.
"Dianxia," the physician bowed. "Coitus and completion with another person is necessary to save Wei-mianshou's life. Given the extend of his symptoms, thrice may be sufficient, though he may require more." The doctor handed the prince a small bottle. "For you, dianxia, should you feel the need for supplementation."
Lan Wangji clutched the bottle with shaking fist. "I would have to...at least three times? But he won't even..." Wei Wuxian was too weak to thrash but he still writhed and cried out No - no - don't touch me - every time anyone laid hands on him, even Lan Wangji himself. He refused to believe Lan Zhan was who he said he was and had even struck the prince in the face when Lan Wangji went to wipe his brow with a cold cloth.
"If I may, dianxia. Wei-mianshou exhibits clear signs of delirium; for his safety and your own, perhaps a form of physical restraint -"
"I will not! " Lan Wangji snapped. "You've spoken enough, Liao-taiyi. You may leave us."
Jiang Yanli and Jiang Cheng were beside themselves with worry and extremely confused. "Dianxia, I know the situation is not ideal but this is A-Xian's life." Jiang Yanli began. "He is your mianshou and knows your heart; intimacy would not be out of the ordin..ary..."
Seeing the devastation and horror in Lan Wangji's eyes, Jiang Yanli understood. Her foster brother was still chaste, and this...this would be...
She had no words for it, so she merely said, "Dianxia, A-Xian would never blame you. " Jiang Yanli knew in her heart that Lan Wangji would do as the physicians instructed, anything to save Wei Ying's life, but she also knew that loving Wei Ying as he did, Lan Wangi would equate this 'rescue' to an act of violation.
Lan Wangji popped open the little bottle the physicians gave him and shook two small pills into the palm of his hand. He needed it, desperately. Just the thought of Wei Ying tied down, crying and terrified was enough to make Lan Wangji want to retch. He couldn't possibly sustain or even initiate any level of physiological excitement in himself to do what was needed.
Jiang Cheng, red in the face for more reasons than one, gritted out, "You - you take care of him. I'll go... take care of some other people." With that, he turned on his heels and headed towards vengeance.
Jiang Yanli squeezed her husband's arm. "Dianxia, I'll be outside. I... thank you. And I'm sorry. "
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silverflame2724 · 2 years
Continuation of the failed matchmaker WWX prompt.
JYL decides to return the favor and matchmake WWX and LWJ, she didn't count on WWXs sheer obliviousness or LWJs utter lack of communication skills and quickly enlists a quickly expanding circle of people to get WWX and LWJ together.
I got motivation from this fic by Mondengel.
Jiang Yanli would have said that she was really happy right now. Jin Zixuan finally started communicating with her and she was glad that her future husband was now willing to become friends - and maybe, later, lovers - with her. She had been worried at first for her future. As a woman in this society, her position depended on her husband’s love for her (or her position in the gentry) and that wasn’t going so well at first. But now, Jin Zixuan has opened up to her about his worries and fears and admitted that he took those out on her. 
Jiang Yanli forgave him, knowing about his family’s situation, but lectured him on her own family situation, which, embarrassingly, everyone knows about. Regardless, she was glad everything worked out.
The reason she was unhappy was because of her adorable A’ Xian.
You see, Jiang Yanli had long since recognized the ‘pulling pigtails’ attitude that A’ Xian had taken up with Second Master Lan and took it upon herself to enlighten Wei Wuxian about it.
Unfortunately, while he did recognize his feelings - thanks to Nie-gongzi’s *ahem* books - he did not think that Lan er-gongzi returned those feelings. Even if she pointed out how accommodating Lan er-gongzi was towards him, he would just be like ‘Oh, Lan Zhan is just kind that way.’ or ‘Lan Zhan is just learning to tolerate me now!’
Jiang Yanli had even gotten Zixuan, A’ Cheng, the Wen siblings, (Lan Xichen too!) and whoever else to gang up on Wei Wuxian, but his answer was the same. They eventually gave up after a week of futile convincing and moved onto Lan Wangji.
And while the young man was quite embarrassed at how transparent he was, he did seem to take their advice.
Only to fail miserably at communicating that.
He tried complimenting A’ Xian one day, only to fumble and panic when A’ Xian got closer, and then tell A’ Xian to ‘go away’ before fleeing. 
It was frustrating.
Lan Qiren wandered around the Cloud Recesses after class, having enjoyed imparting some more knowledge onto his students. He had been having a wonderful day so far. Wei Wuxian - that menace! he thought fondly - even paid attention, interested for once in the content he taught and was quiet. 
Everything had been going well, yet what was this scene he had just come upon?!
There, in the center of what seemed like a war meeting - due to the somberness of the air - was Jiang Yanli, Wen Qing, Wen Ning, Nie Huaisang, Jin Zixuan, Jiang Wanyin and a plethora of other students crowded around, faces serious.
“What haven’t we tried yet?”
Jiang Wanyin started, “We could set do--” 
“No.” He was shot down immediately.
“The....The spring book idea seemed to work out. We could trap them in the same room with a page open to a particularly illicit scene?” Someone suggested.
Lan Qiren was appalled. Just what on earth had he come across?
“We are not trying to get my brother defiled here!” Jiang Cheng slammed his fist down.
“Now, now, A’ Cheng.” Jiang Yanli shushed him. “We will consider this idea Li-gongzi, but only as a last resort.” Then she turned to the crowd, “Anyone else have any idea how we can get A’ Xian and Lan er-gongzi together?”
“I have an idea.” Nie Huaisang, who had been silently contemplating for a while, said. 
“What is it?” A chorus of voices asked.
“Hmm. I shouldn’t give too many details, but, Xichen-ge, is there a place in the Cloud Recesses we could get them isolated in. Outside, of course.”
Lan Qiren froze and scanned the crowd, finding his oldest nephew who was, for some reason, taking part in this meeting to get Wei Wuxian and Wangji together. What has the world come to?
“Yes, there is.” Lan Xichen gave the direction to the back mountains and Nie Huaisang smiled.
“That’ll be perfect. Now, everyone. If this doesn’t work out, we will reconvene tomorrow at the same time.”
Jiang Yanli nodded, tapping the table. Within moments, the chairs and tables were put away and everyone dispersed.
Lan Qiren was still frozen in place.
“What did Nie-xiong want?” Wei Wuxian grumbled. He wasn’t particularly happy these days, with Lan Zhan seeming to get agitated with him more often. This made him.....really sad, more than usual, at least, considering he had discovered his own feelings for Lan Zhan a few weeks ago.
There was rustling behind him and Wei Wuxian sighed, “You’re finally here, Nie-xi--huh? Lan Zhan?”
“Wei Ying?”
“What are you doing here?”
“Xiongzhang told me to meet him here.”
“Ah. Nie-xiong told me to meet him here. He’s a little late, though. I wonder--”
“Wei-xiong!!” Nie Huaisang panted. “I’m so sorry for being late! I had to--uwah! Wangji-xiong? I--whoa!” Nie Huaisang panicked seeing Lan Wangji and summarily tripped, pushing with surprising strength against Wei Wuxian’s back and sending him crashing forward.......onto Lan Zhan’s lips.
Wei Wuxian’s mind went blank.
Nie Huaisang grinned secretly while apologizing, “I’m so sorry! Wei-xiong, there was a rock and--h-hmm?”
Those two were kissing for a lot longer than Nie Huaisang had put them together. He peeked a look and was instantly greeted with the sight of Lan Wangji kissing the life out of Wei-xiong who......didn’t seem like he was breathing, actually.
“Oh my.” Lan Xichen had arrived, an amused look on his face. “Wangji, I never thought you’d get this far.”
Lan Wangji immediately broke apart from a now flaming red Wei Wuxian who couldn’t look anyone in the eye. In his hand was Lan Wangji’s ribbon, which had come off somewhere in between all the kissing.
“Wangji, have you at least told Wei-gongzi what this means to you?” Lan Xichen asked.
“Lan Zhan?”
Lan Wangji looked hesitant but then nodded. “I will, now.” He grasped Wei Wuxian’s hands. “Wei Ying, I....”
Nie Huaisang never got to hear what happened next as Lan Xichen dragged him out of there. But when they were joined by Jiang Yanli and later the other who made sure everyone stayed away from the clearing, Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian returned holding hands.
Unable to take it anymore, someone yelled, “YES! Finally, the pining ends!!”
Urgh. I think this could be better but I’m a little sleep-deprived atm.
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yea-baiyi · 2 years
Thanks for answering my ask....if you don't mind me asking (again), can I ask your top 5 favorite characters from MDZS? And your top 5 (or top 3) favorite moments from the novel or drama? Sorry if you've answered this question before....Thanks....
thank you for asking!!! i will never mind being asked to talk about my faves <3 i’m going to be SO annoying and specifically talk abt my fav characters from the untamed/cql, because i VASTLY prefer the drama’s characterisations of the main characters
top 5 characters from cql:
1. wei wuxian. like duh he’s my boy my soulmate my bestie my meowmeow. novel!wwx is exquisite but cql!wwx is so special to me??? he’s a mess of ego and insecurities and adhd and love…..the show would not have succeeded without cql!wwx’s earnestness and he makes it so special
2. lan wangji. hanguang jun, lan er gege. i relate heavily to wwx and so i am ALSO completely obsessed w him. i adore his arc in the show — the struggle to express himself, the moral conflict, the desperation to save the man he loves, the demons he battles in complete silence. i could write a novel about him alone
3. jiang cheng. LISTEN UP I AM A JIANG CHENG STAN. IM A JIANG CHENG DEFENDER. i’m firmly of the opinion that arguments about jiang cheng can be settled by “he’s a different person when written by the cql writers vs mxtx” and cql!jc is just my favourite. he’s just filled with so much love and nowhere to put it so it turns to rage. and he did good with jin ling. he did good
4. jin ling!!!! he is the glue that holds everyone together!!! that post about “jin lings uncle and jin ling’s uncle” is funny but that’s the point!! jin ling is the catalyst that connects the players in the story!!! he’s the blustery teenager who brings together all the traits of the people who made him. symbolically and LITERALLY uniting the family that was once broken.
5. jingyi. he’s just my funny funny boy………i love what he represents, whether it’s a sign of peacetime, of lan qiren softening, of lan wangji’s influence. he’s the spiritual successor to wwx in the juniors dynamic and every time he goes off im just like :’). because the world grew into a place where a child like that could speak freely, without fear. because he knows he is loved.
honourable mentions: sizhui, ouyang zizhen (i just love the juniors ok), ah qing, yu ziyuan, jin zixuan
(ok to stop this post from being a monster i’ll limit myself to top 3)
top 3 moments from cql:
1. “我不冤。” “if i could be killed by you, it would be worth it.” cmon. CMON?????? those of u who haven’t watched the show, you do not know how much unhinged romantic insanity you are missing out on. it’s insane to me that they invented this entire scene for the show. the rain dripping down wwx’s face like tears. lwj’s pristine appearance amidst the mud and the grey. the way he tips his head back to let the rain fall, but wwx never saw. im pulling my hair out
2. the conversation between wangxian when wwx wakes from his coma in ep 43. the tension. the fear. the tenderness. it’s so quiet. the way lan zhan’s hands rest heavily on the guqin strings, as if they would tremble if he lifted them. the way wwx seems so distant still. neither of them are breathing. it’s a new beginning.
3. the final scene between jiang cheng and wwx in guanyin temple. the way jiang cheng is quivering with anger and grief and love. the way wwx’s hands are so steady and gentle like the older brother he is. of course he gave away his golden core. that’s what he was always going to do. don’t mention it anymore, didi. no matter WHAT the last scene says, this won’t be the end of them.
i’m CUTTING MYSELF OFF HERE because i’m about to start crying. thank u for reading everybody
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kurowrites · 3 years
tatice Plot idea: wangxian modern AU: 5 times LWJ proposed when drunk and 1 time when he wasn't. Bonus point if it started with mutual pinning
Uuuuuuh. Let’s see if I actually make it to 5? Hahaha.
This is Part I.
I. The First Time
It wasn’t exactly news that Lan Zhan was a bad drunk. No, Wei Ying had known that intersting little fact ever since Lan Zhan had accidentally drank some mystery alcohol when they had been in the first year of university, and Lan Zhan had ended up behaving very badly, indeed. Lan Zhan might not remember much of that night, but Wei Ying surely did. 
So, Wei Ying had known that they were in for an interesting time as soon as Lan Zhan’s lips had touched the rim of the glass. What was new, though, was Lan Zhan, half curled up in Wei Ying’s lap, his arms tightly curled around Wei Yings waist, his face sloppily pressed into Wei Ying’s stomach. He was mumbling something, but Wei Ying had no idea what he was saying. He looked over at Nie Huaisang a little desperately, hoping at least for some sympathy, but the traitor only shrugged and took another sip from his own wine glass (who used wine glasses at a dorm party, really), apparently uncaring of Wei Ying’s current predicament. 
“I think it’s time to bring that one home,” Nie Huaisang said, the tone of his voice clearly implying that it wasn’t going to be him who was going to bring Lan Zhan home. 
“Fine,” Wei Ying huffed, sending Nie Huaisang a sharp glare. “Let’s see if I ever help you out again when you’re on the verge of failing your classes.”
He shuffled around to get his legs under him, and rose to his feet with the added weight of a drunken Lan Zhan hanging off him like a limpet. 
“Come on, big boy,” he said as he balanced them both precariously. “You gotta stand on your own feet, I’m not going to carry you out of here.”
“Mn,” Lan Zhan replied, and finally decided that standing was a thing that he was still capable of.
Wei Ying’s relief was short-lived. Lan Zhan only used the chance to cling to Wei Ying all the more tightly, and Wei Ying had to fight a blush when Lan Zhan stuck his face into the nape of Wei Ying’s neck. (He! Blushing! What a thought!) 
With a sigh, Wei Ying left Nie Huaisang behind (rude gestures were exchanged in the process). He shuffled towards the entrance, shouting at Jiang Cheng to go home on his own as he passed him by. 
He could technically return to the party after bringing Lan Zhan to his room, but he wasn’t feeling it. Not to mention that he didn’t think that leaving a drunk Lan Zhan on his own was a good idea. Not after he had experienced drunk Lan Zhan once already, anyway. 
So he dragged Lan Zhan to the elevator, and dragged him all the way back to his room. He was nice about it, too. He was nice enough to carefully fish out the room keys out of Lan Zhan’s jacket, and then, once they were in Lan Zhan’s room, he stripped off Lan Zhan’s jacket and shoes, and guided him to his bed. 
Lan Zhan flopped onto the bed like a sack of potatoes, but he forgot to let go of Wei Ying in the process, and so Wei Ying ended up being pulled down, falling face-first onto the soft covers of Lan Zhan’s bed next to Lan Zhan. 
Before he even had the chance to complain, Lan Zhan had already wrapped himself around him like an octopus. 
Wei Ying wriggled experimentally, but no dice; Lan Zhan did not seem to have any plans to let him go anytime soon. 
“Lan Zhan,” he whined. “I’m not your teddy bear.”
“Nn,” Lan Zhan disagreed. “Mine.”
Wei Ying gaped. 
“Lan Zhan,” he gasped. “What the hell?”
“Wei Ying should be mine,” Lan Zhan declared. And then, “Sleep.”
Lan Zhan promptly followed his own advice, falling asleep almost instantaneously, Wei Ying still stuck in his embrace. 
Wei Ying stared at Lan Zhan with a dumbstruck expression that probably looked ridiculous. If Wei Ying had had any plans of sleep soon, they certainly wouldn’t be happening while Lan Zhan was clinging to him. Wei Ying looked at Lan Zhan’s suddenly still, relaxed face, and tried to make sense of Lan Zhan’s words. 
He must have meant that Wei Ying should be his friend. Wei Ying had made a habit of bothering the hell out of Lan Zhan ever since he had first laid eyes on him, but it had taken them quite a long time to become proper friends that deserved that label. And even then, they had never even talked about it. About being friends. 
Yes, that must have been what Lan Zhan had meant! He was finally able to acknowledge them as friends. Which was really great. 
Wei Ying waited in the half-darkness of the room until he was absolutely sure that Lan Zhan was deeply asleep and relaxed, and then carefully extracted himself from Lan Zhan’s hold. 
He should go prepare some painkillers for Lan Zhan. If he was such a lightweight, it might be enough for him to get a horrible hangover, as well. And he had to look for the blanket and pillow that Lan Zhan usually got out for Wei Ying whenever he stayed the night. 
And maybe, he should also attempt to reduce his heart rate in the meantime, after being in such close proximity with Lan Zhan for such a long time. Looking at a handsome face like Lan Zhan’s always made Wei Ying feel a little woozy if he did it for too long. 
It was an extremely handsome face, after all. 
“Good night, er-gege,” he murmured over his shoulder, not quite daring to look back, and went off to look for those painkillers. 
When Wei Ying finally woke up the next morning, Lan Zhan was already awake. Clearly, he had kept himself busy by preparing a nice little breakfast for the two of them. 
“Mh, Lan Zhan,” Wei Ying murmured when he spotted the food on the little table in Lan Zhan’s room. “That smells so good. How are you feeling?”
“I do not remember us returning to my room yesterday,” Lan Zhan replied. “I have inconvenienced you. I apologise.”
And then he actually made a little bow. 
“Lan Zhan,” Wei Ying sighed, because Lan Zhan was never an inconvenience. If anything, it was the other way around. Wei Ying was the inconvenience. “I’m just glad you’re well. Don’t worry about remembering. It wasn’t that exciting, I just made sure that you returned to your room safe and sound.”
He tried not to feel any disappointment. It was better that Lan Zhan didn’t remember, honestly, because his behaviour yesterday would only embarrass him. 
There was absolutely no reason for doing that to Lan Zhan. 
So he reached for the food on the table, and opened his mouth to let out a stream of inconsequential chatter, and hoped that Lan Zhan couldn’t read the strange mood he was in. 
Of course Wei Ying was going to be Lan Zhan’s friend. Regardless of whether Lan Zhan himself remembered.
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jiangwanyinscatmom · 3 years
Hi! So first of all I want to clarify that I'm not in any way saying jc isn't a homophobe, because I mean, it's pretty obvious. However back when I read the mxtx interview I read her answer as 'wwx acted all of a sudden very different with lwj, to the point where it was jarring for jc who had not seen him act that way before.' I do not think jc understood at all wwx's affections towards lwj, and this did not think it was disgusting because he saw it as flirting. (1/2)
I find it weird that people use it as a 'proof' that jc is homophobic when it's not straightforwardly telling us it's homophobia, and also since you know, the novel is right there and tells us far more clearly that jc is, in fact, a homophobe. (2/2)
So, here, I agree the interview isn't a stated full explanation in itself and not to be used as evidence alone.
I think that at the time it was not fully homophobia on his part when he had first noticed Wei Wuxian's attention for Lan Wangji in Cloud Recesses. Jiang Cheng had never understood Wei Wuxian's penchant for wanting to be around Lan Wangji and I think that his surprise of Wei Wuxian flirting with a man (He himself talks about how he never thought it odd with Wei Wuxian flirting with women all the time) Lan Wangji was always the strange outlier for flirting. It steadily devolves into more overt homophobia as they get older.
Cloud Recesses when they're 15,
Wei WuXian replied, “Yeah, I also thought that he should be praised for having the courage to come see me. He was probably told by his uncle to come check if I was kneeling properly.”
Jiang Cheng instinctively felt a foreboding sensation, “Were you kneeling properly?”
Wei WuXian, “I was kneeling properly. After he was some distance away, I found a stick and started to dig in the dirt. The pile beside your foot. There’s an ant hole there that I went through tons of trouble to find. When he turned his head, he saw that my shoulders were shaking, and he definitely thought that I was crying. He even came back to ask me. You really should have seen his expression as he saw the ant hole.”
“…” Jiang Cheng spoke, “You should get lost and go back to Yunmeng as soon as possible! I don’t think that he wants to see you ever again.”
The part that sticks out here is the fact that Jiang Cheng feels any sense of foreboding at all for a silly situation that Lan Wangji had walked away from seeing Wei Wuxian was actually okay. It's the first seed of him continuing the line of thought that "He hates you". He is already feeling strange about Wei Wuxian's flirting and chooses to sort of project this hate into Lan Wangji for Wei Wuxian.
Lotus Pier summer after Cloud Recesses lessons:
I just thought of someone.”
Jiang Cheng, “Who?”
Wei WuXian, “Lan Zhan.”
Jiang Cheng, “Why would you think of him for no reason? Reminiscing what it felt like to copy sect rules?”
Wei WuXian spat out a seed, “It’s fun to think of him. You don’t even know—he’s just too amusing. I told him, ‘Your sect’s food is disgusting. I’d rather eat stir-fried watermelon peel than eat your food. If you have time, come have fun with us at Lotus Pier…'”
Before he even finished, Jiang Cheng slapped his watermelon off, “Are you mad? Inviting him to Lotus Pier—are you trying to torture yourself?”
Wei WuXian, “Why are you so upset? My watermelon almost flew away! I was just being polite. Of course he wouldn’t come. Have you ever heard of him go anywhere by himself to have fun?”
Jiang Cheng had on a stern expression, “Let’s make this clear. I don’t want him to come, anyhow. Don’t invite him.”
Wei WuXian, “I never knew you hated him so much?”
Jiang YanLi sat down between the two, “Who are you talking about? A friend you made in Gusu?”
Wei WuXian responded happily, “Yeah!”
Jiang Cheng, “What a shameless ‘friend’ you are. Go ask Lan WangJi and see if he wants you as one.”
Wei WuXian, “Fuck off. If he doesn’t want me, I’ll bother him to the point that he does.” He turned to Jiang YanLi, “Shijie, do you know Lan WangJi?”
Jiang YanLi, “I do. He’s that Lan-er-gongzi whom everyone describes as handsome and talented, isn’t he? Is he really that handsome?”
Wei WuXian, “He is!”
Jiang YanLi, “Compared to you?”
Wei WuXian thought about it for a moment, “Maybe just a bit more handsome than me.”
He formed a tiny bit of space between two fingers. Taking the plate away, Jiang YanLi smiled, “He must be truly very handsome, then. It’s a good thing you made a new friend. In the future, you two can visit each other in your free time.”
Hearing this, Jiang Cheng spat out his watermelon. Wei WuXian waved his hands, “Forget it, forget it. All that’s at his place is bad food and a whole lot of rules. I’m not going again.”
Jiang YanLi, “Then you can bring him here. This is a good opportunity. Why not invite your friend to come stay at Lotus Pier for sometime?”
Jiang Cheng, “Don’t listen to his nonsense, Jie. He’s super annoying in Gusu. Lan WangJi would never want to come home with him.”
Wei WuXian, “What do you mean!? He would.”
Jiang Cheng, “Wake up. Lan WangJi told you to get lost, didn’t you hear? You still remember that?”
Wei WuXian, “What do you know!? Even though he told me to get lost on the surface, I know for sure that he secretly wants to come play with me in Yunmeng—in fact, he would love to.”
Wei Wuxian is still in the belief that Lan Wangji does like him. Jiang Cheng of course isn't amused by Jiang Yanli's indulgence in Wei Wuxian's daydreams. Wei Wuxian continues to, well, essentially pine innocently about Lan Wangji, his fellow disciples even encourage it leading to... Jiang Cheng sulking even further over the fact that Wei Wuxian is in fact pining over another boy. He puts two and two together as Wei Wuxian is flirting with the girls on shore later on and he talks of the things he will do with Lan Wangji as he visits. He talked of training with Lan Wangji in the same way he invited the girls to watch him train.
Phoenix Mountain Hunt
Lan WangJi suddenly raised his hand, stopping a flower tossed over from behind him.
He looked back. Over at the side of the YunmengJiang Sect’s riding formation, which hadn’t departed yet, Jiang Cheng clicked his tongue impatiently, seated at the front. However, the person beside him sat on a horse with black, gleaming hair. His elbow was at the head of the horse as he looked to the side as though nothing happened, talking and laughing with two slender-bodied maidens.
Lan XiChen saw that Lan WangJi had drawn the reins and ceased to move forward, “WangJi, what happened?”
Lan WangJi, “Wei Ying.”
Wei WuXian finally turned around, face full of surprise, “What? HanGuang-Jun, did you call me? What’s up?”
Holding the flower, Lan WangJi seemed to be quite cold. His tone seemed cold as well, “Was it you?”
Wei WuXian immediately denied it, “No, it wasn’t.”
The maidens beside him spoke at once, “Don’t believe him. It was him!”
Wei WuXian, “How could you treat a good person like this? I’m getting angry!”
Giggling, the maidens pulled their reins and went to the formations of their own sects. Lan WangJi lowered the hand that he held the flower with and shook his head. Jiang Cheng spoke, “ZeWu-Jun, HanGuang-Jun, apologies. Don’t pay attention to him.”
Lan XiChen smiled, “That is fine. I will thank Young Master Wei’s kindness behind the flower in place of WangJi.”
When they slowly rode into the distance, carrying with them the clouds of petals and fragrance, Jiang Cheng glanced at the colourful sea of handkerchiefs waving on the watching towers before turning to Wei WuXian, “Why are you throwing out flowers along with the girls?”
Wei WuXian, “I think he looks nice. Can’t I throw a few as well?”
Jiang Cheng pointed his nose into the air, “How old are you? Who do you think you are, still playing tricks like that?”
Interestingly enough, this flower scene is similar to what had once occurred during the summer of Lotus Pier. This is after it had been established that Wei Wuxian thinks Lan Wangji now dislikes him morally. Yet he still reaches out to tease and flirt with him, leading Jiang Cheng to continue asking why well into their early 20's is Wei Wuxian still doing this. It was excusable when they were younger but now this is inexcusable and troublesome for someone who is supposed to be his righthand acting on whims still and flirting with a man of reputation. Jiang Cheng actively had encouraged the rift between Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji after the return from the Burial Mounds. He agreed very readily that Lan Wangji wanted to imprison Wei Wuxian instead of extending any help in regards to Wei Wuxian's volatile disposition that went on for years after this altercation, convincing himself and Wei Wuxian of Lan Wangji's supposed hate.
Wei WuXian was in such a state of distress that he couldn’t remember whether or not he called someone’s name at all. He only managed to pull himself together after Jiang Cheng commanded the dog to back away. After a moment of hesitation, he abruptly turned his head away. On the other side, Jiang Cheng left his seat. There was a whip attached beside his waist. With one hand on it, he bent down to look at Wei WuXian’s face. After a pause, he straightened up and asked, “Speaking of it, since when have you been so close to Lan WangJi?”
Wei WuXian immediately understood whose name he had unconsciously called out.
Jiang Cheng smiled menacingly, “It really is quite curious how far he went to protect you, back on Dafan Mountain.”
A moment later, he corrected himself, “No. You weren’t necessarily the one whom Lan WangJi was protecting. After all, the GusuLan Sect couldn’t have forgotten what you did with that loyal dog of yours. How could someone so celebrated for his righteousness tolerate the likes of you? Maybe he’s familiar with this body that you stole instead.”
His words were cruel and sinister. Every sentence seemed well-meaning on the surface, but was actually derogatory. Wei WuXian couldn’t bear hearing it any longer, “Watch your language.”
Thirteen years later his taunts have become more refined as he is well off into hating Lan Wangji himself now that Wei Wuxian had been dead. He taunts that Lan Wangji is more promiscuous than presented as well as using Wei Wuxian's old goodwill for Lan Wangji for him to go on the defense. Jiang Cheng however thinks using the fact these men are gay is only a tool, he does not believe they are as his disgust of Mo Xuanyu being gay does disgust him. His suspicions have turned into bigotry instead finally in the years that Wei Wuxian was gone.
When Jiang Cheng accused him, Wei WuXian couldn’t defend himself at all, but he just couldn’t bear it when those words were being directed at Lan WangJi.
Wei WuXian reprimanded, “Jiang Cheng, just listen to yourself. What are you saying? Is it appropriate? Don’t forget who you are. After all, you’re the leader of a sect. Insulting a renowned cultivator in front of Uncle Jiang and Madam Yu’s spirits—where is your discipline?”
His original intention was to remind Jiang Cheng to at least hold some respect for Lan WangJi. However, Jiang Cheng was always sensitive. From those words, he managed to make out the notion that he wasn’t fit to be a sect leader. Immediately, darkness crawled up his face, bearing an eerie similarity to how Madam Yu looked when she was angry. His voice was harsh, “Who is the one insulting my parents in front of their spirits?! Could you two please understand whose sect you’re in? I don’t care if you act so shamelessly outside, but don’t you dare fool around inside our ancestral hall, before my parents’ spirits! After all, they were the ones who brought you up—even I feel ashamed for you!”
Wei WuXian never expected such a huge blow to crash down on him. He was both shocked and furious, blurting, “Shut up!”
Jiang Cheng pointed outside, “Mess around outside however you want, whether under a tree or on a boat, hugging or otherwise! Get out of my sect, get away from anywhere my eyes can see!”
Hearing him mention ‘under a tree’, Wei WuXian felt his heart skip a beat—could Jiang Cheng have seen the moment where he crashed into Lan WangJi’s arms?
His guess was not wrong. Jiang Cheng did indeed go out to find Wei WuXian and Lan WangJi. He chased after them in the direction that the street vendors pointed at. A voice in his heart seemed to tell him which places Wei WuXian would definitely go. He caught up to them in just a while. Yet, he just so happened to see Wei WuXian and Lan WangJi enveloped in a tight embrace under a tree, unwilling to let go of each other even after so long.
Goosebumps immediately ran down Jiang Cheng’s body.
Although he’d made guesses at the relationship between Mo XuanYu and Lan WangJi before, they were only attacks trying to offend Wei WuXian, not that he really suspected anything. He’d never thought that Wei WuXian would have ambiguous ties with a man, because after all, when they grew up together, Wei WuXian had never expressed any such interest. He’d always loved good-looking girls with a passion. On the other hand, it was even more impossible for Lan WangJi. He was famous for his asceticism, seemingly interested in neither men nor women.
But hugging like that seemed intense no matter what. At least, they didn’t seem like normal friends or brothers. He immediately recalled that Wei WuXian had always stuck to Lan WangJi ever since he came back. Lan WangJi’s attitude towards him was also different from what it was before he was reborn. At once, he was almost certain that the two really were in that kind of relationship. He couldn’t turn around and leave, yet he didn’t want to say a single word to the two, so he continued to hide himself as he followed them. Every single look and movement that passed between them seemed different in his eyes. For a while, the shock, absurdity, and slight disgust that he felt combined to overpower his hatred. It was only after Wei WuXian brought Lan WangJi into the ancestral hall that the long-suppressed hatred was awakened again, devouring his courtesy and rationality.
Wei WuXian was holding something back, “Jiang WanYin, you… apologize right now.”
Jiang Cheng mocked, “Apologize? For what? For exposing your thing for each other?”
Wei WuXian raged, “HanGuang-Jun is only my friend—what do you think we are?! I warn you. Apologize right now—don’t make me beat you!”
Hearing this, Lan WangJi’s expression froze for an instant. Jiang Cheng laughed, “Well, then I’ve never seen “friends” like that before? You warn me? Warn me against what? If you two had the slightest trace of integrity left, you wouldn’t have come here and…”
Seeing the change in Lan WangJi’s expression, Wei WuXian thought he must have felt insulted by Jiang Cheng’s words. He was so angry that his entire body was shaking. He didn’t dare think about what Lan WangJi would think after being shamed like this.
Obviously in the penultimate scene Jiang Cheng himself is being "the unreliable narrator" that fans love to accuse Wei Wuxian of. He says he never expected this of the two, but all the years of his behavior shows that he had always gone out of his way to keep the two away from each other and had always been mildly homophobic when the two did express interest in the other however innocent it had been in their youth.
All of this is to say, when it comes to how MXTX worded that interview answer, I think it was meant as a careful nudge for those who had still tried to insist that Jiang Cheng didn't mean to be homophobic, actually wasn't homophobic and was just angry at any other actions of Wei Wuxian and lashing out about that etc, it was her telling people to simply pay attention to the underlying shadowing of Jiang Cheng and how he exasperated his own pre-existing biases that morphed into an uglier hate.
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robininthelabyrinth · 3 years
Hello! If this prompt is to your liking - something along the Ladyhawke plot? Basically, during the day LWJ is turned into an animal while WWX is human, and in the night returns to human but then WWX is turned into an animal :) Or, for simplicity’s sake, I‘d just like to see LWJ turned into a bunny XD attempting to communicate with WWX who is oblivious, as you’d expect. Thank you! Your writing is amazing and I’m so pleased to read it always.
The f‎irst thing Wei Wuxian was aware of in his new life, before he ever recalled his name or recovered his cultivation, was the feeling of safety and security that came from being held in the palms of two hands, strong but soft.
Wei Wuxian had been the last and smallest of a too-large litter, causing his mother to bare her teeth at him and chase him away no matter how pitifully he cried. By the laws of nature, he should have died, unloved, but even before he remembered his past deeds he was never one to be bound by those laws. He was lucky: the soft hands came for him then, lifting him high off the ground, letting him shiver against a warm breast and even faithfully feeding him milk from a hollow reed every time he was hungry.
After some time, the haze of infancy cleared from his eyes and, for the first time, the soft hands offered him a leaf instead of milk. It was a good leaf, too. Crunchy and firm, unmarred by any insect bites and still wet from the morning dew.
Wei Wuxian gnawed on it, quite content, and reached up with his left hindleg to lazily scratch at his long floppy ear. For a rabbit, this was the very definition‎ of paradise.
Not bad at all, he thought to himself, quite smug, and not for the first time considered himself rather lucky in comparison to his stronger brothers and sisters, who were probably being taught to forage even now. They might have a mother, but Wei Wuxian has a pair of soft hands framed by long, sweeping white sleeves, and he thought that he did quite well out the bargain.
With such thoughts, he was naturally reluctant to be left behind. He followed those hands on their daily rounds, hopping‎ down dabbled forest pathways made of stone and painstakingly climbing steps to sit in cold rooms that smelt of sandalwood while the soft hands plucked at the strings of a guqin. He wouldn't hold himself back, either: he would nuzzle a kneeling thigh or try to clamber onto the man's belly to sleep, and he was never rejected. Even when he couldn't keep up, he shamelessly cried until the hands came and gathered him up close, letting him rest his sable head against the stark white robes and listen to the comforting sound of a strong heartbeat.
All things considered, Wei Wuxian was quite pleased with his life, a state of affairs that lasted right up until the first time the hands wrapped up the guqin in a white cloth, drew an ice-pale sword from its sheath and took to the air, leaving Wei Wuxian behind, abandoned and bereft.
Obviously, this was absolutely intolerable.
Wei Wuxian settled himself down on the bed and began loudly crying. Other pairs of hands, smaller ones that sometimes brought treats, sought to comfort him‎, but he remained steadfast in his misery, lying prone on his side and weeping until he fell asleep and then waking up and starting all over again.
"He missed you a lot," the white-clad ‎child murmured anxiously to the soft hands when they return a few endless days later. "He wouldn't even eat - I even tried offering him some of the pickled cabbage he's always stealing from your table, but he wouldn't take it. Forgive me, Hanguang-Jun -"
Something about that voice echoed in his mind as familiar, but Wei Wuxian was distracted by picking himself up and throwing himself at his pair of soft hands at once, unable to hold a grudge and act indifferent the way he'd schemed he would, taking a mighty leap that did not even begin to trouble his pillar of stability though it did make the child giggle.
"I told you he missed you!"
The soft hands caressed Wei Wuxian quietly, then - as if familiar with the pain of separation, the torture of longing for what is not there - did not put him down. Instead, they brought close a dish of leaves and grasses for him to eat while still pressed up close to that broad chest, his ears full of that strong heartbeat that showed he was still alive, warmed by the bright golden core within.
Wei Wuxian, as always, forgot his woes, and was happy.
He was full, he was warm, tucked in safely into the collar of long white robes embroidered with clouds‎, and he could think of nothing at all that might disturb his joy.
That state of affairs lasted for about an hour, until another voice, also familiar but less so, said, "I am pleased that you have returned safely, Wangji."
Wei Wuxian opened his eyes, startled out of his planned nap.
Wangji? Lan Wangji - Lan-er-gongzi - Lan Zhan -
White robes, like mourning; clouds, to signify the main family; soft hands, a gentle voice, upright manner, the guqin -
His soft hands were Lan Wangji!
‎Wei Wuxian remembered, suddenly, all of his past life of toil and hardship - his carefree youth at Yunmeng, his brief time at the Cloud Recesses, his wide broad road turning narrow and dark -
He dismissed the latter part as unimportant.
"It seems your pet rabbit had also missed you," Lan Xichen, now recognizable, added, his voice slightly mischievous in a way that was familiar as well.
"En," Lan Wangji replied, calm as ever.
Wei Wuxian began cackling at once, little huffing rabbit sounds.
Who would think, he thought to himself gleefully as he raised up his head to take a look, that Lan Wangji, of all people, would break the rules of his sect to adopt ‎-
To adopt -
A rabbit.
A rabbit!
He was a rabbit! Wei Wuxian, Wei Ying, Yiling Patriarch, demonic cultivator -
He was the rabbit Lan Wangji had broken his sect's rules to adopt!
Wei Wuxian's head lolled back, stunned into a daze that did not abate even when Lan Wangji gently caressed his small head with his soft hands.
Of course Lan Wangji would adopt a demonic cultivator rabbit, he thought. That would just be his luck, breaking his precious rules for me of all people. But what did I do wrong to be reborn as an animal?
Well, actually, he'd done rather a few things wrong, come to think about it. And even if he was a rabbit, he'd had the best possible‎ life as one - he barely had to twitch his nose for a half dozen Lan disciples, not to mention the great Hanguang-jun himself, to scurry over to tend to his every need, so clearly the heavens weren’t intending on punishing him that badly.
Not to mention, he ‎seemed to still have his spiritual awareness - something of a new development, in fact, as he'd only noticed Lan Wangji's golden core for the first time today.
Of course, that didn't really matter. What use was spiritual awareness to a rabbit? All it meant was that he was now a yao, capable of cultivating and, if he turned evil, to be a target for a night hunt led by righteous cultivators.
He'd had quite enough of tha‎t in his last lifetime, thank you.
No, there was no benefit, except maybe the possibility of one day cultivating enough to form a beast core and transform into a human being -
"Are you sure you will head out again so soon?" Lan Xichen asked. "You are still barely recovered from your injuries; for you to go out alone could be dangerous -"
Wait, what? Lan Wangji? Injured? Alone?
Absolutely unacceptable!
Clearly Wei Wuxian was going to need to get on that yao cultivation business sooner rather than later. Someone needed to take care of Lan Wangji, if he wasn’t willing to do it himself – and why not him?
After all, Lan Wangji was his pet human.
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besanii · 3 years
For SM-maybe after ripping our hearts out, we get a cute shirt fluffy one? I’m thinking after their wedding, there’s a scene like the end of Pride and Prejudice 2005? “What terms of endearment am I allowed, then?” LWJ to WWX. Just a thought. Delighted with everything you write.
Shattered Mirrors 72
[ set after #62 ]
Night has fallen by the time Lan Wangji is able to remove himself from the celebrations and return to his rooms, leaving the remaining guests in his cousin’s capable hands. Lan Guoyan even manages to dissuade some of the rowdier attendees from trying to storm the bedchamber—protectiveness flares in his chest at the thought of them in such a private space, not to mention seeing Wei Wuxian in his wedding finery—something for which Lan Wangji is immensely grateful. He resolves to thank him properly later, once everything has settled, but for now he hastens his stride through the winding pathways to his bedchamber.
He is relieved to find the candles within still lit when he arrives, half-fearing that the uncharacteristic lateness of his arrival would mean Wei Wuxian had already retired to bed.
It is your wedding night, he reminds himself, heat rising to his ears. Of course he would wait.
From inside, he hears the sound of laughter and recognises Wei Wuxian; the other voice he presumes to be Mo Xuanyu, who scarcely leaves Wei Wuxian’s side except to run errands. The third voice, however, is somewhat unexpected. He waves down the servants at the door before they can announce his arrival, and crosses the threshold when they open the doors, surprising the occupants inside.
Lan Jingyi scrambles to his feet, pulling Mo Xuanyu along with him, both of them seated on the floor at Wei Wuxian’s feet. Wei Wuxian himself is sitting at the edge of the bed in his wedding finery, red veil still obscuring his features from view, his hands folded neatly on his lap as the two boys bow low.
“Jingyi, Mo Xuanyu.” They flinch and keep their heads bowed. “The wedding chamber is off-limits at this hour.”
“Wangye,” they chorus, wearing matching expressions of guilt. “Forgive our intrusion. We will leave at once.”
“Wangye, don’t tease,” Wei Wuxian chides, lifting a corner of the veil to peek out at them with a smile. “They were keeping me company while you were out entertaining your guests.”
“Our guests,” Lan Wangji corrects him. He shoots the boys another look. “You are all dismissed. Take the rest of the night off.”
“Yes, Wangye.” Lan Jingyi grabs Mo Xuanyu by the arm and all but drags him to the door. He smiles at them, all cheek and humour, as they pull them closed. “Best wishes to Wangye and Wangfei for a happy, prosperous union.”
Embarrassment burns at Lan Wangji’s neck and ears and he is almost tempted to march out after them to dole out punishment for their impertinence. It seems he has been too indulgent with Lan Jingyi lately for him to speak so out of place. He will need to correct that first thing tomorrow—
“Your concubine greets Hanguang-wangye.”
He turns at the sound of rustling to find Wei Wuxian has slipped from the bed, sinking to his knees with his head bowed, the perfect picture of a docile, obedient wife greeting her new husband. The thought stirs something deep in his chest, something heated and possessive; he takes a step forward, careful and measured, as if treading too quickly would scare Wei Wuxian away. He reaches for him, sliding his hands under his elbows to help him to his feet, draws him close until the veil brushes against his chin and he can feel the Wei Wuxian tremble in his arms.
“Wei Ying,” he murmurs. A soft, shaky sigh stirs the edges of the veil. “You do not need to bow to me.”
Hands turn over to grasp his forearms in return, the wide sleeves of the wedding robes falling back to reveal pale, slender wrists. The golden bangles, from the Empress herself as a wedding gift, almost dwarf them in their size.
“Wangye is too kind,” Wei Wuxian murmurs. “Your concubine is only observing the proper customs expected of a spouse of the Imperial Family.”
Lan Wangji sighs. “Wei Ying, do not tease.”
The trembling turns into shaking as Wei Wuxian breaks out into soft laughter. It breaks the tension that has settled over the room since Lan Wangji entered; the breath rushes from his lungs and he, too, chuckles. He runs his hands up along Wei Wuxian’s upper arms, admiring the silky smoothness of the fabric, the way it drapes just so—even through the many layers of fabric, he can feel the curve of his shoulders, the jut of his collarbone, the rush of his pulse; Wei Wuxian’s breath hitches when his fingers brush against the sensitive skin of his neck and he draws back a fraction, uncertain.
“Is something wrong?” A shake of the head. “Then…will you allow me to lift your veil?”
His breath had caught in his throat when he’d first laid eyes on Wei Wuxian this morning at Jing Manor; even with the long silk veil completely covering his head and face from view, there is no masking the slope of his shoulders, the grace of his movements, the way the layers and layers of red silk fall and drape over his frame. His skin is paler now than it had been in his youth, his body less toned and muscular, less sharp angles and more gentle curves, but the shape of his mouth, the way his grey eyes dance with starlight and mischief as the veil slips from his shoulders with a sigh—all of that is uniquely Wei Ying.
In the intervening years since they had last seen each other, he had often pictured in his dreams how Wei Wuxian would look if they had been able to marry. He would wear his hair in the intricate style of an Imperial spouse, with braids and gold pins holding it all together; his robes would be a darker red, almost crimson, the hems embroidered with the flowing clouds of the Gusu Lan Imperial Family in golden thread.
He would be so beautiful, Lan Wangji would think upon waking, when the yearning would tear at his chest until he choked with it.
He is breathtaking.
“Wangye? Hanguang-wangye? Lan Zhan?” Wei Wuxian lowers his eyes, obedient and demure, but his voice anything but as he murmurs: “Fujun?”
A pleased rumble sounds from his throat before Lan Wangji can stop it; Wei Wuxian laughs in delight as Lan Wangji flushes, mortified. Cool hands reach up to cup his face, tracing the line of his jaw and coming to rest against the burning skin on the back of his neck.
“Fujun,” Wei Wuxian repeats, rolling the new title on his tongue with relish. “Allow your concubine to serve you tonight.”
“Wei Ying.” Lan Wangji’s voice is pained. “You do not need to address yourself thus.”
“Oh?” The hands at his neck trail down to his chest. “Then how shall we address each other, Fujun? If I address my husband by name in public, they will think our manners lacking.”
Lan Wangji takes both hands in his and gives them a gentle squeeze.
“Wangye, in public,” he allows. He runs his thumbs along the back of his hands as he thinks. “My name, at home.”
“And Fujun?” Wei Wuxian asks, teasing. Lan Wangji growls.
“Only in private,” he says roughly; one hand shifts so it covers both of Wei Wuxian’s while the other wraps around his waist to draw him close. Wei Wuxian laughs again, breathless and giddy.
“Then you must do the same for me,” he counters, his eyes dark and face flushed. His tongue comes out to wet his lips, and Lan Wangji suddenly cannot look away. “Although I cannot promise to always address you correctly in private.”
“You may address me however you wish, in private,” Lan Wangji tells him, lowering his head to brush their noses together. A thrill runs through him when Wei Wuxian does not pull away.
“Oh?” The word dances over his lips. “So you would not mind if I call you Lan-er-gege, as before?” Lan Wangji shakes his head with a smile. “How about…Er-lang?”
Lan Wangji closes his eyes, his grip tightening around Wei Wuxian’s waist as he tries to calm his pounding heart. When he opens them again, Wei Wuxian’s eyes are half-lidded and dark. His throat suddenly feels as dry as sand. He clears his throat.
“That is allowed,” he says, voice hoarse. He brushes their lips together, feather-light. “You may call me however you wish…A-Ying.”
He closes the scant distance between them and brings their lips together.
fujun (夫君) - husband, more formal and old-fashioned (male version of furen 夫人)
er-lang (二郎) - previously used in Part #55, an affectionate address similar to er-gege, most often used between married couples
* WWX also refers to himself here as qieshen (妾身), which is an old-fashioned, humble form of address used by wives when speaking to their husbands; it translates to “this concubine”, but he is definitely the “wife” (main/legal spouse)
In general, married couples back then (especially those where the husband has a title) do not refer to each other by name in public (or even sometimes at home). They would refer to the other by their title or honorific when with other people (e.g. WWX would refer to LWJ as wangye when talking to others) or use a humble form of their relationship “title”, for lack of a better word (e.g. a husband would refer to their wife as neijian (内贱) - “humble wife”, nei literally meaning ‘interior, internal’ and thus referring to the wife as the one inside their home; jian meaning humble or lowly).
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vrishchikawrites · 3 years
I suck at writing dialogue.
Any advice, senpai?
Ok *rolls up sleeves* I have 10 tips!
1. Give characters individual vocal characteristics.
2. People don't write and speak in the same way.
3. Read the sentence in one breath.
4. Think about what the character would say and wouldn't say.
5. Characters interact differently with different people.
6. Use Dialogue to show what's happening and people's opinions on it.
7. Mind the dialogue tags.
8. Avoid cliche phrases.
9. Avoid saying obvious things.
10. People often don't respond logically or answer questions.
I've elaborated everything below and cut for length.
1. Give characters individual vocal characteristics.
LWJ has his famous 'mn' and I tend to use 'aiya' with WWX to showcase his casual manner of speaking. Nailing character voices at first is important to create natural dialogue. Clear vocal characteristics help readers identify one person from another, especially if you don't want to overuse identifiers like names or pronouns.
2. People don't write and speak in the same way.
People will sometimes skip articles, forego a few grammar rules, and will almost always shorten words and sentences wherever possible. Instead of saying, 'I'm hungry, I want to eat' most people will say, 'I'm hungry, want to eat' Remove all unnecessary words from the dialogue as much as possible, even if the character is considered talkative.
Use italics if you want to emphasize, ellipses to highlight pauses and indicate hesitation, dashes to also highlight sharper pauses. Use them instead of saying words to describe the situation.
3. Read the sentence in one breath.
When you finish writing the dialogue, read it out loud to see if you can say it in one breath. If not, add a pause or a full stop at appropriate places.
4. Think about what the character would say and wouldn't say.
LWJ speaks very efficiently. He always makes his point without speaking too many words. You wanna condense such a character's sentences as much as possible - without making him sound robotic because afaik, he doesn't sound stiff and robotic in Chinese (i may be wrong). WWX, on the other hand, is liberal with his speech but he's not verbose. To me, he doesn't say unnecessary words either, he just tends to elaborate more than LWJ does.
Before you create dialogue for any character, you'll need to understand what is characteristic and uncharacteristic for a person to say.
5. Characters interact differently with different people.
A person's tone will change based on who they're talking to. WWX will be more open and playful with LWJ, he'll take on a more mature edge when interacting with the juniors, he'll be distant and respectful with LXC, and distant but with an edge of sharpness with LQR.
Examples from the first chapter of Trapped and Patient
With WQ - "This is madness." He protests, "You're giving me too much credit!" With a stranger - Wei Wuxian taps on the table, smiling at the notes as the wine bottle is placed in front of him, "My friend, does that man come here often?"
With JYL - “Shijie! You know how restless I get,” His voice is cheerful, “What can I do here? I’m just sitting on my hands and languishing while everyone else is out there, preparing for war-”
With Sect Leader Yu - Wei Wuxian frowns, “Very well, I’d like to personally speak with them before I accept any sort of offer.”
With LXC - “I will tell you all, of course.” He assures and looks around, “I heard a few rumors and decided to offer my services to you and Chifeng-zun.”
With LWJ - "Lan Zhan! Lan er-gongzi!" He greets, elated, "I missed you!"
Everyone's tone changes based on who they're addressing and what kind of situation they are in.
6. Use Dialogue to show what's happening and people's opinions on it.
In T&P - Ch - 2 - WWX and LQR have a conversation and WWX says this:
He glances at Lan Qiren, “You have been in my position before, Elder Lan, was it a privilege?”
With it, WWX is able to explain his position in a way that is relatable to LQR, establish a connection with LQR, and lay the foundation for their relationship down the line.
LQR's response is an indication of acceptance and truce. It is also a conversation between adults instead of an elder and a teenager. If I played my cards right, I have showcased that LQR's perspective has shifted and WWX has grown enough and is cautious of his new position to take LQR seriously like he didn't before.
“Good. It is past time you live up to your potential, Wei Wuxian.”
Dialogue can establish the foundation of relationships better than paragraphs worth of description can and it does it in a way that is more personal.
7. Mind the dialogue tags.
He said, she said, etc, are sometimes necessary and sometimes they're not. If you can clearly identify the speaker, there's no need to add the tag. If the conversation is a rapid-fire exchange of words between two parties, you can forgo tags entirely.
He grins sheepishly, “I seek advice from you against his wishes, Zewu-jun. Forgive me for being a bit anxious.”
Lan Xichen waves his hand, “We’re both older brothers, are we not?
“Tell me about your new cultivation. It is remarkable.” There’s genuine interest in Lan Xichen's voice, “Where did you come up with the idea?”
“You’ll laugh,” Wei Wuxian says-
This dialogue uses the tag 'WWX says' only once and the rest of the conversation doesn't have it. Be conscious of the tags and where you use them.
8. Avoid cliche phrases.
Few things pull a reader away from a story than cliche phrases that people will rarely utter in their life. An exchange like this - "Why are you doing this?" - "Because I love you, damnit!" has become too common and isn't as effective as it used to be, especially when a character is confessing for the first time.
Best way to avoid cliche or cringy dialogue is to read the sentence out loud and consider whether it sounds natural.
9. Avoid saying obvious things.
If you've already written a paragraph on how eerily quiet a forest is, there's no need for a character to say - "It is quiet here isn't it?" Especially if the character is someone like WWX or LWJ, who are naturally observant. Don't let your character explain everything you have already described in text unless they need to explain it to someone.
10. People often don't respond logically or answer questions directly.
People tend to not answer questions directly. Even in serious conversations, they'll go about it a round-about way.
Wei Ying is silent for a while before he laughs softly, "Aiya, Lan Zhan, I already know what you wish to ask." Wangji waits patiently for permission and Wei Ying huffs and nods, "Yes, you may."
"What did you eat?"
Wei Ying picks up Wangji's hands and presses a gentle kiss on them, lacing their fingers together. He lingers for a moment before sighing, "My Hanguang-jun doesn't deserve to hear of such grim things."
Wangji curls his fingers because that might as be a confirmation. His heart breaks for his beloved and he closes his eyes, "Your husband wishes to know, Wei Ying."
"Mostly some small critters, Lan Zhan," he admits, "Sometimes I'd dig up roots of trees. They were softer and easier to consume. I managed to catch a few birds. Bugs, earthworms, maggots, crickets- they were plentiful.
WWX doesn't give a straightforward reply without LWJ coaxing things out of him. Characters lie, deflect, evade, blurt out excuses. LWJ consciously doesn't interrupt people but it is natural for people to interrupt each other's conversations too. Sometimes people will take a frustratingly long time to get to the point. You need to incorporate that.
"Hanguang-jun, surely you understand! Our village has faced draught ever since these children arrived and we finally know why! The Gods are displeased with us!"
Wangji looks at the children, feeling a stir of concern at their wan faces. They've already been beaten black and blue by angry villagers.
"I'll be taking the children," Wangji looks at his husband in surprise but doesn't voice any objections. It is rare for Wangji to deny his husband anything these days and Wei Ying's desires are often simple things, easy to fulfill with the greatest pleasure.
No one directly replies to the person who has spoken. That's also a common thing. Every question or comment doesn't need reciprocation to carry dialogue.
Of course, this is my amateur attempt. I would also recommend doing some online research. Hope this helps?
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gingersnapwolves · 4 years
today’s 3 AM notes:
okay but what if JGS de-legitimized JGY and threw him out of Lanling
okay, first of all, subconscious, calm down
I can easily see this happening just after Jin Ling is born. No more need for a backup heir (who he never really considered an heir anyway). Enough time has gone by post-Sunshot-campaign that it’s too late to argue the Jin sect taking a bunch of the spoils that they wouldn’t have been entitled to if a member of their sect hadn’t killed Wen Ruohan. Plus, if anyone (Madam Jin maybe?) notices the way that JGY looks when he’s told he can’t hold the baby, they’d have extremely valid reasons to fear for, well, exactly what JGY actually did in the canon.
Make up some bullshit charges and toss him out, exile him from Lanling, problem solved!
Everyone expects he’ll go to Cloud Recesses and cry to his er-ge but he doesn’t because that would be humiliating for him.
JGY: Fuck this whole place, I’mma burn it to the ground.
Shows up at the Burial Mounds like “what up, the Lanling Jin sucks, let’s take it out back and beat the shit out of it”
WWX: IDK man, I’m kind of trying to murder less, Wen Qing says murder is bad for my skin, and hey look, they even invited me to the baby’s one-month ceremony!
JGY: It is fucking adorable that you don’t realize that’s a trap.
WWX: But Lan Zhan sent the invitation and Lan Zhan would never.
JGY: Of course he would never, that’s exactly why they had him send the invitation after promising him they wouldn’t ambush you.
WWX: ..........oh it’s on now, fuck my complexion
meanwhile LXC is going quietly feral because WHERE’S HIS MAN
Jin Zixuan would like to know why his whole family sucks so bad
JGY: anyway let’s go
WWX: I thought it was a trap?
JGY: oh it’s totally a trap but we’re gonna walk right into it *quietly writing LXC one of those ‘just barely anonymous’ letters that he sent during Sunshot to have him tell LWJ about the ambush* leave your emotional support zombie here though
LWJ: *pops up at Qiongqi Way like a righteous jack-in-the-box* HEARD YOU WERE TALKIN SHIT
WWX: I have no idea what’s going on right now but you know what I’m okay with it
Anyway IDK what would happen exactly I just have a lot of feelings about WWX and JGY teaming up to take down JGS
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drwcn · 3 years
I loved your fem lwj take on things. How would thibgs go if WWX was the lady? Other than ppl assuming she stood up for the Wens bcs she jad feelings for WN ( and that Yuan was hers)
Heyyy friend, I think I’ve seen a couple of girl!wwx fics floating around in ao3 so i certainly won’t be the first :P.
Also I completely misread your ask initially, I thought you were asking me what I think would happen if A-Yuan was WWX’s kid, and I was like oh?? But then I realize wait... I can make it worse.  
Today, I decided that my mortal soul doesn’t matter, so here we go. Let’s see how accursed I can make this idea: 
It started with Jiang Cheng. Jiang Wanyin had set out for the Burial Mount with the explicit goal of throttling speaking with Wei Wuxian, but what greeted him at the entrance of the “Demon Subduing Palace” — more of a cave than anything really — was not his martial sister, but Wen Ning. Well, what had once been Wen Ning.
Black veins ran across his pale, ashen face, down his equally ashen neck , and into the major veins beneath his clavicles covered by the collars of his black threadbare robes. Lifeless eyes, white as his skin, stared into a void the living could not see. There were talismans littering his body, and Jiang Cheng knew that when he spoke to this fierce corpse, he was not speaking to the young Wen boy, but to his mistress who controlled him with her demonic cultivation. 
Wei Wuxian refused to face him. Refused him explanation. Refused him closure.
“Er-jie!” Jiang Cheng screamed into the stony expressionless face of Wen Qionglin. “If you continue to protect them, then I can’t protect you!!” 
There was no response. 
Suddenly, just as Jiang Cheng was about to kick and fight his way into the cave, Wen Ning thrusted out his right fist, and in his grasp was a piece of purple silk. Jiang Cheng unfolded the silk, vaguely recognizing that it had been cut from someone’s robe, and saw what was wrapped within was a slip of parchment.
割袍断义*, the paper read. Tell the world that I, Wei Wuxian, first disciple of Yunmeng Jiang has forever defected (Note: 割袍断义- to rip one's robe as a sign of repudiating a sworn brotherhood (idiom)).
With this, there was nothing left to say. Hurt and furious, Jiang Wanyin threw the piece of parchment onto the dirt ground, grinded his heel down on it, and left the Burial Mount without ever having drawn Sandu. 
Inside the cave, Wen Qing held Wei Wuxian’s hand. “Why won’t you just tell him? He’s your brother; he can help you, you can —” 
Wei Wuxian’s mile long stare seemed to be gazing at something — someone — very far away. Slowly, she placed her other palm over her belly, which horrifically was already starting to round out. “Nobody can help me now, Qing-jie.”
“I can,” said Wen Qing, blunt as ever. “I can make it go away, if you want.”
“No.” A droplet of tear escaped pass long lashes. “No.” 
It continued with Jiang Cheng.
On a snowy night, the first winter after Wei Wuxian escaped with the Wen remnants to the Burial Mount, Jiang Cheng was rudely awakened from his slumber by a less-than-stealthy intruder breaking and entering into his bed chamber.
Zidian whipped through the air, lighting the room with her eerie violet glow, before the intruder could think to take one more step. It was a man, judging from his silhouette colliding against the wall and the pained groan he made in response. The very next second, the tail of Zidian coiled tightly around his neck and dragged him across the floor towards beneath Jiang Cheng’s waiting foot. 
The Sect Master of Yunmeng Jiang summoned Sandu, ready to deliver the final strike, but just as his blade sailed towards the intruder’s chest, a pale arm jutted upwards, blocking Sandu’s descent and revealing a pale hand holding a … a... 
Even in the dark, Jiang Cheng immediately recognized the mahogany comb. 
“Jiang — ! Zongzhu —!” The man croaked out urgently, throat still stomped on by Jiang Cheng’s foot. It was - it was Wen Ning?!
Jiang Cheng looked him over. He was pale, yes, but his eyes appeared human. His hair was brushed and haphazardly done up in a farmer’s top knot. He was wearing farmer’s clothing too, probably more inconspicuous for travel than his Ghost General getup.  
“Jiang-zongzhu! P—please!!”
No, impossible. 
“Wei — Wei-guniang—”
Jiang Cheng lifted his foot and dragged Wen Ning up in a split second. “What’s wrong with Wei Wuxian?!”  Wen Ning coughed and shook his head desperately. “No time to explain. My sister asked me to fetch you. Please, you have to come! Wei-guniang’s life is in danger! If you won’t come, I’ll...I’ll have to go to Gusu, and I don’t know if - if -” 
Jiang Cheng followed Wen Ning. 
For speed, they travelled by sword, but even so, dawn was breaking by the time they arrived. The crowd of Burial Mount’s villagers huddling anxiously outside of the Demon Subduing Palace parted for them upon their arrival. Jiang Cheng took a moment to gather himself and square his shoulders. Whatever it was; he was ready.  
He was wrong. None of the dozens of scenario he had agonized over on the flight here could have prepared him for what awaited him inside. 
Wen Qing, pale and drenched in sweat, was near complete spiritual collapse, and without Wen Qing’s spiritual energy sustaining her, the single tenuous thread by which Wei Wuxian’s life hung on would have undoubtedly snapped under the toil and devastation her body had been put through. 
There was so much blood, so, so much blood everywhere, and amidst the blood, there was a baby. 
Jiang Cheng transfused his sister half of his total spiritual reserve over the course of a day, while an exhausted but unrelenting Wen Qing worked diligently under blood-soaked sheets. 
Then at dusk, when the storm finally passed, Jiang Cheng sat at the mouth of the cave with a tiny, perfect little human — a girl, a niece! —  in his arms and cursed Lan Wangji’s name. 
Wen Qing was extremely clear with them: 孩子要是留在这里,养不活。
If the newborn was left to be raised at the Burial Mount, she would not live. And so, because parting was inevitable from the start, Wei Wuxian adamantly refused to hold or nurse the child. Her child. 
I can’t. If I do, I won’t be able to let her go. Those dark eyes burned with more than just the delirium of her childbed fever. For once, Jiang Cheng could not find it in himself to argue.
Thus, he took his niece home and named her Jiang Yan 江曕. The name was not his doing. His foolish, misguided, stubborn sister had stroked her daughter’s soft, baby cheek and whispered it to her as a farewell gift. 
Yan - to be bathed in daylight. In the end, when given a choice, Wei Wuxian still opted for her child to walk on broad sunny road. 
It made Jiang Cheng wonder why, then, she would choose the dark twisted path for herself instead. 
It ended with Jiang Cheng. 
The truth was simple: Jiang Wanyin killed his shijie Wei Wuxian. He did. He meant to. 
He killed her. But that did not mean he wanted her dead. 
In one day, he had lost both of his sisters, leaving two orphans in their wake. Jiang Cheng could not ignore the cruel irony of their fate: one’s father murdered by his aunt, and other’s mother murdered by her uncle. 
This was the kind of tragedy fairytales were made of, and if there were anything left in him to shed tears over it, he would.  Standing amongst Nevernight’s carnage, he could not dredge up even a single drop of tear.  
Jiang Cheng didn’t know how he could return home to Lotus Pier to face that cherub face, always so happy, so sweet, so utterly untainted by the world. She had her mother’s smile. Yan'er was starting to learn how to speak. Her first words were da-da. 
Da-da. Die-die. Father. 
He was standing beside her father now. 
Lan Wangji. Devastated. Destroyed. …Deceived.
Jiang Cheng hated him so much, so fucking much that for one insane second, he thought about telling Lan Wangji the truth just to see what would happen. Maybe he would run Jiang Cheng through with his Bichen - that would be a relief now, wouldn’t it? - or maybe he would jump after Wei Wuxian. 
Truly, if he knew, he would. Jump, that is. Jiang Cheng was almost entirely sure. Oh the utter melodrama that would inspire indeed!  
But then... 
Wei Ying birthed you a daughter, a lovely, perfect, blessed little girl, and she carried that secret to her grave. I may be damned by my actions, but you, who have done nothing for her and taken everything, why should you deserve something as sacred as the truth?
Jiang Cheng turned away. 
He was acutely aware that one day Jiang Yan may very well be the literal death of him. After all — 杀母之仇不共戴天 — one cannot tolerate living under the same sky as the murderer of one’s mother. 
Be that as it may, he would raise Jiang Yan well, just as he promised. Unlike his sister, he would not break his word. Jiang Yan was of Lotus Pier, of Yunmeng, like her mother and grandfather before her. That for him, was enough. 
Jiang Cheng clutched Sandu and gripped Zidian. Whatever his fate, he already made peace with it, and the rest was inconsequential. 
One day, he may die, but today he lives, and so as long as he lives, Jiang Yan and all of Yunmeng Jiang will be protected . So as long as he lives, they will flourish. 
[...and in between]
On the streets of Yiling, Lan Wangji tilted his head inquisitively at Wei Wuxian and the little boy at her side and asked, “This child, he...” 
In response, Wei Wuxian patted her chest in a self-declarative kind of way and announced, “Oh this child, I birthed him!” 
He stared at her in shell-shocked silence, his mind racing with panicked thoughts of but that’s impossible — that was just once — even if — the boy is too old to be —
“怎么,蓝湛,不要我们娘儿俩了?” What, Lan Zhan, you don’t want the child and I?
“Wei— Wei Ying—” 
Then of course, she had laughed, and Lan Wangji thought no more of it. 
Just a joke. A silly joke. 
In time, he would come to realize his mistake. 
[A/N]: I’m not even a little bit sorry. 
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silverflame2724 · 3 years
Accidental Martial God WWX
That was exacty what I meant actually but I do have a few more povs if you want.
LQRs reaction to a demonic cultivator ascending, JGS and JGY reaction to the Yin Tiger Tally moving completely out of reach, WQ pondering the true requirements for ascension given WWX doesn't have a golden core yet ascended, WWX musing on Godhood and on his new followers both the good and the more disturbing worshipers.
Maybe LWJ protects the Wen Remnants because WWX asked him to in a dream and after he succeeds (13 years later) he ascends and is finally reunited with WWX.
Lan Qiren did not know what to think. Wei Wuxian, his most troublesome student, a demonic cultivator, had ascended. He’d ascended. How was that even possible? Were the Heavens blind? Why would they allow someone like Wei Wuxian to ascend?
From what Lan Qiren had thought, only those who are righteous and followed the correct path in life like the Lan clan’s founder, Lan An, would be worthy of ascending.
Either the qualifications for ascension were lower than he thought or Lan Qiren had been horribly mistaken about Wei Wuxian’s personality and motivations for using demonic cultivation. That last thought made Lan Qiren feel very uncomfortable.
He’d always been harsh on the boy and disregarded him, even - he ashamedly admitted - punishing him harsher and more frequently than others.
He’d thought he was in the right because of how Wei Wuxian was but…..
But if he was wrong then Lan Qiren owed him an apology.
Jin Guangshan wanted to scream out in frustration seeing Wei Wuxian ascend. That brat had the Stygian Tiger Seal on him - according to his spies - and now that he ascended, the Seal went with him.
He had had so many plans on bribing Wei Wuxian to his side or killing him when he refused - as well as stealing the Seal - and then taking over the cultivation world, lording over it as he was always meant to be.
Now those plans are ruined. He sighed. Hopefully that bastard son of his can finally prove his usefulness and give him countermeasures or he might retract his favor from him.
Jin Guangyao’s first thought upon seeing Wei Wuxian ascend was: Oh shit. I have to go make up new plans to help Father.
He knew his father wanted Wei Wuxian and the Seal and didn’t really care how he obtained both or either, just as long as no one traced it back to him. He sighed. This was going to be a big headache. But at least the plans on putting his father as Chief Cultivator were going smoothly. He could only imagine what his father would do to him if even this failed.
Wen Qing had still been in Yiling, making plans to relocate her family, when the news that Wei Wuxian had ascended had reached her.
Her first reaction was, That’s impossible.
Because it was, right? Wen Qing should know. She cut out his core, after all. But to think he was still able to ascend while he was a demonic cultivator made her wonder what the requirements were for ascending. Perhaps it’s an honest heart? Self-sacrificing tendencies? Or is it a sacrifice of some sorts? She paused. What if.....it was a trial? To test a person’s will? What Wei Wuxian had suffered was.....horrible. Could it have all been just a test from the Heavens?
If that was so, the Heavens really are cru--- 
“A’ Jie, we have to go! Some Jin were spotted nearby!”
Wen Qing gritted her teeth. Members of the branch families of Qishan, regardless of whether they were innocent or not, were captured and subsequently tortured to death by the Jin and sometimes the Nie. Because her family was all in Yiling, they were safe.......but only for now. They had to hurry and escape.
Wen Qing sent a quick prayer to Wei Wuxian, hoping for her family’s safety, and tucked the rest of her belongings in her qiankun pouch, remembering to wrap her arms in bandages to hide the needles she might need to paralyze any Jin that came close.
Wei Wuxian’s first thought when he landed in the Heavens was, What the fuck.
Then he looked around and looked taken aback and wary at the unfamiliar faces around him. Where the fuck am I?
“Hello.” A rather stoic-faced man greeted.
“Hello.” Wei Wuxian parroted back. The person in front of him didn’t seem to be a threat so he felt a little tension loosen from his shoulders. “Um, Xiansheng? I’m afraid I don’t know where I am?”
“You have just ascended.” The man replied, throwing Wei Wuxian aback.
“Are you pulling my leg?” Wei Wuxian asked. “How is that even possible! I don’t even have---” He swallowed. I don’t even have a core.
“I do not lie. Come, we are wasting time. We must get you washed up and dressed for the induction ceremony.” Seeing Wei Wuxian still frozen, the man sighed, signalled for some people to pick Wei Wuxian up and dragged the struggling man to some quarters.
After absentmindedly washing, drying and changing himself, Wei Wuxian noticed some differences in his body. He wasn’t....cold or hurting anymore. And - he touched his back - he could feel his back! After having his muscles and nerves shredded by Zidian, he didn’t think he’d ever be able to sense touch on his back or even move without pain! But now he can!
He heard the urging of some people and grumbled.
“You will become a god of demonic cultivation.” Was the first thing he heard when he stepped out of the room.
Wei Wuxian choked. “Excuse me?!”
“I said what I said. Now then, if you would please concentrate, you should be able to hear the prayers of the people below.”
Wei Wuxian felt like everything was moving a little too fast for him, but nevertheless complied. Immediately after, a flood of prayers hit him at full force.
“Wei Wuxian!” That was Jiang Cheng! “….Have some fun up there.”
“A’ Xian, do be well. Shijie isn’t there to take care of you so do be well.” Wei Wuxian refused to cry.
“Wei-Xiong! I hope there’s someone up there to supply you with you know what *winks*”
How does someone even wink in their prayers? Wei Wuxian thought amusedly.
“Wei Ying.” That was Lan Zhan. “Wei Ying, I will—be well.”
Ah, Lan Zhan. Always concise even in your thoughts.
Wei Wuxian was a little teary. As much as he was glad to not be a part of the cultivation world considering all the rumors, he did regret leaving behind those that cared for him.
That thought was much more cemented upon hearing…….
“Ah, Lord Wei, the pinnacle of evil, the role model of all demonic cultivators!” Wei Wuxian’s eye twitched. “Please hear my plea for more power! I need it, I need it to destroy everyone who harmed me!”
“Wei Wuxian, I wish to gain power over resentful energy so that I may tear my enemies limb by limb!
“Give me money! You’re a god, aren’t you? Be useful for once and give me some gold!”
“Tch. If I’m going to pray for anything, then it’ll have to be the Seal. You’re a god, now, right? So you have no need for the Seal. Just give it up.”
No matter the good or bad, Wei Wuxian heard the wishes and prayers of the people down below and while some were innocent enough, there were those that wished for death, destruction, tools for torture, power, money, women…….you name it.
It made Wei Wuxian feel a little disgusted with humanity. He cut off his focus from the bad and focused on the prayer he received from his friends and family.
“Wei Wuxian, I heard you became a god.” It was Wen Qing. He hadn’t heard her voice in a long time. “I know this might seem shameless of me after all I did to you, but please. Please guarantee the safety of my family. We’re being hunted down and—”
Her prayer was abruptly cut off, before coming back in full force with notes of desperation. Her family had been captured and taken to Qiongqi Path! Wei Wuxian panicked. He didn’t know how to escape from this place and try to go help her.
The…..person who was watching over him evidently knew what he was thinking about and merely stated that gods cannot interfere with the mortal realm. So he was stuck.
But that didn’t mean he was out of options.
It took a few days, but he managed to wheedle out how to help: via dreams. He merely needed to get into the mind of one of his followers and tell them to help. Much like those prophetic dreams Wei Wuxian had read about as a kid.
So he buckled down, thinking of the best candidate to help him.
Lan Wangji looked at the landscape around him and concluded that he was dreaming. Though, it was a little odd that he was aware that he was dreaming. Not that he hasn’t realized he was dreaming before - especially in those many fantasies he had of Wei Ying - but to be aware that this is a dream and to see nothing but a flat landscape was pretty out of the ordinary. 
Anyway, he digressed. What was going on?
“Uhh, Lan Zhan? Can you hear me?”
“W-Wei Ying?!” Lan Wangji couldn’t be blamed for stuttering. He wasn’t expecting this!
“Phew. Oh good, you can hear me. Anyway, Lan Zhan, I gotta be quick about this because I’m kinda sorta bending the rules here, but do you think you can go to Qiongqi Path and rescue Wen Qing and her family?”
“Huh? Just like that? Not even going to ask me for a reason, er-gege?”
Lan Wangji’s ears flushed red at the address. “If Wei Ying wants to save them, you must have a good reason. That’s enough for me.”
“Ah, Hanguang-Jun.” The title was spoken fondly. “Always so good. I’ll tell you anyway. Wen Qing and her family sheltered Jiang Cheng and I after Lotus Pier fell and even brought back Jiang-shushu and Yu-furen’s bodies! That’s a debt I cannot repay.”
“I understand. I will help.”
He couldn’t see Wei Ying, but could practically feel the amusement from him.
“Wei Ying.”
“Are......Are you well?”
“Of course I am. I’m actually feeling so much better than before.” Wei Ying grumbled, “I’m not even in pain anymore.”
“You were in pain?” Lan Wangji asked worriedly. “Wei Ying, why didn’t you say anything.”
“Lan Zhan, there was nothing you or anyone else could do to alleviate my pain. It doesn’t matter now. I’m okay.”
Lan Wangji was still worried and wanted to speak to him more, but---
“Ah! Looks like my time’s up!” Wei Ying exclaimed cheerfully as the dreamscape wavered. “See you, Lan Zhan!”
Lan Wangji nodded. “See you, Wei Ying.” I’ll catch up to you soon.
And 13 years later, Lan Wangji kept his promise.
I didn’t edit this so I’m hoping there’s not too many grammatical errors lol. 
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stufftippywrote · 4 years
5 People Who Interrupted LWJ&WWX, and 1 Who (Kind of) Didn’t
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22 from this list! Still open to prompts!
This is decidedly book continuity, and for about seven words Wei Wuxian does pay lip service to his dubcon kink, so if that's a squick for you, skip number 3.
1) Lan Sizhui
It was after curfew and Sizhui shouldn't have been wandering around the buildings at night. That's the explanation Wei Wuxian will go with, if he's called to account for this little misunderstanding. He doubts it will happen, though; Sizhui's far too kind-hearted to go running to the sect leader or Lan Qiren with evidence of what he's seen.
What happened was this: Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji had been researching various topics in the library pavillion as the sun went down, and lost track of time. Most notably, Lan Wangji had been exhaustively researching the curve of Wei Wuxian's neck, the jut of his collarbone, and Wei Wuxian was deep in study of the coolness of the floors contrasted with the heat of Lan Wangji's body on his. Lan Wangji had just been shifting his area of focus from neck to jaw to lips when there was a sudden noise by the door. He immediately moved off of Wei Wuxian and stood, but it was too late; Sizhui was already standing in the doorway, his face red.
"I was just -- locking up -- I'll just go -- since you're busy," he stammered, then very carefully pulled the door closed and disappeared.
Lan Wangji looked down at a still very horizontal Wei Wuxian. "We should go back."
"What?" Wei Wuxian whined. "We were in the middle of something."
"If Sizhui's locking up, it's time to go," Lan Wangji repeated, and Wei Wuxian grumpily got to his feet and obeyed.
They got back into it in the Jingshi, but it just wasn’t the same.
2) Lan Qiren
This time is on purpose. And probably justified.
It's very quiet at Cloud Recesses, which (occasionally) irks the hell out of Wei Wuxian. Still, he goes along with it, most of the time, if only because he doesn't want to get kicked out by certain angry uncles. But there are times when it's just plain impossible.
One of those times is when Lan Wangji is sucking on his earlobe, hands under his robes, teasingly brushing over certain places where Wei Wuxian is aching for a firmer touch. Wei Wuxian thinks he's going to go out of his mind with sensation. The only thing he can do is clutch at Lan Wangji's shoulders, try to encourage those too-patient hands, and moan "Lan er-gege, please, more" in a voice unrestrained by the foolish rules of the Lan Clan.
Lan Wangji stiffens at the name, then drowns Wei Wuxian in a kiss so fierce and deep that Wei Wuxian shouts against it, his whole body flooding with want.
A moment later, there are footsteps and a knock on the door.
Lan Wangji has very attuned senses. "It's Uncle," he says, and draws back.
"Uncle? What is your uncle doing here when we're busy!"
As if in answer, outside the doors, the barking voice of Lan Qiren: "Wangji, please remind your guest about the noise restrictions of the Cloud Recesses. Thank you." And that's it, he retreats.
Wei Wuxian laughs and tries to pull Lan Wangji back toward him, but Lan Wangji is still staring at the door, and he won't budge.
"Lan Zhan," he prods, poking at Lan Wangji's arm.
Lan Wangji remains unmoving.
"Lan er-gege." Wei Wuxian crawls toward him and slides a hand up his arm, grinning.
"We should be more careful," Lan Wangji says. His voice is devoid of the roughness that comes when he's being passionate.
"Oh, come on." Wei Wuxian sighs. "You're not in the mood anymore?"
Lan Wangji's ears turn pink. "It was my uncle," he says, as though that explains everything.
"Lan Zhaaaan." Wei Wuxian groans the name. "You said every day, remember?"
"Later," Lan Wangji says. "And quietly."
3) Nie Huaisang
The Discussion Conference that year is held in Qinghe, and while Lan Wangji doesn't tend to show up for these things, Nie Huaisang sends so many letters begging him to attend that he eventually relents. When they arrive, Clan Leader Nie is in a state, begging for their help in this matter and that. Won't they help him figure out how he's to handle a particularly picky sect leader who's unhappy with his room, and how can he avoid seating these two together when they hate each other Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji do their best to be of use, but the minute Nie Huaisang leaves them alone, they hurry down the corridor and out of the building for some much-needed fresh air.
They find themselves in a secluded courtyard, shaded by a pair of gnarled trees. Wei Wuxian collapses against one of the trees. "I didn't realize we'd end up planning half the conference."
"That was ... difficult," Lan Wangji agrees.
Wei Wuxian leans against the tree, folding his arms behind his head. "Well, at least we can have thirty seconds of quiet now ... what's that look for?"
Because Lan Wangji is looking at him with a dropped jaw and pink ears.
"This reminds me," he says, and then stops.
"Hmm?" Wei Wuxian tilts his head.
Lan Wangji takes a step toward him. "Baifeng Mountain," he says in a low voice.
"Baifen... oh." Wei Wuxian grins. "Is this what I looked like? Leaning against the tree?"
Lan Wangji's silence and the tint to the tips of his ears are the only confirmation he needs. His grin widens. "Do you want to try it again? No punching trees this time afterward, but I promise to close my eyes and..." It's the last thing he's able to get out before Lan Wangji is on him, pressing him against the tree and kissing him deeply.
Wei Wuxian grins into the kiss, wraps a hand around Lan Wangji's neck to haul him closer. "Yes, it was like this, wasn't it?" he murmurs when Lan Wangji breaks the kiss for air. "I was so alone and vulnerable in the forest, and you came and held me down and kissed me." Lan Wangji moves to silence him with another kiss, but Wei Wuxian wiggles away and whispers in his ear. "You could have done other things with me too ... I wouldn't resist... well, maybe I'd resist a *little*--" and that's as far as he gets. Lan Wangji thrusts a thigh between his legs and all Wei Wuxian can do is whimper as they kiss again, this time hotter and messier.
"Wei-xiong! Hanguang Jun!"
The voice sounds as if from far away. They aren't about to stop kissing for distant voices, not right now, when the heat is so delicious between them. But then there are footsteps, echoing down the corridor they came from, and Lan Wangji at least has enough presence of mind to step back.
Nie Huaisang appears at the entrance to the courtyard, breathing hard as though he's just run a mile. "Oh, thank goodness I've found you two! I need your help. Sect Leader Han is having an argument with Fan Xun over some business with a night hunt that I can't figure out, and it's making a scene! Please come help me settle them down!" And he grabs both Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji by the sleeve and pulls them, with uncharacteristic strength, down the corridor again.
To his credit, Nie Huaisang doesn't make any mention of what he saw or what they were doing. But they spend the remainder of the conference far, far from Baifeng Mountain.
4) Jin Ling
There's a peculiar sort of monster prowling the woods outside Lanling: a boar spirit, with tusks that can uproot a tree and a taste for travelers who go astray. From all accounts, it doesn't seem to be the smartest of beasts, so the best approach is to lead it into a trap. Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji set the trap meticulously, create a trail of meaty temptations to entice it in, and retreat behind a copse of trees to wait.
As they wait, Wei Wuxian's increasingly aware of Lan Wangji's heat and presence next to him. They're both still sweaty from the exertion of setting the trap. A bead of perspiration lingers at the base of Lan Wangji's neck, and Wei Wuxian is compelled to lift a finger and wipe it clean. Lan Wangji shudders, and his hands come forward automatically to grip Wei Wuxian's waist.
"So sensitive today," Wei Wuxian murmurs, and leans in to kiss the spot he'd touched. Lan Wangji's hands tighten on his waist.
All at once this routine night-hunt is instead a thrilling tryst in the midst of danger. Wei Wuxian pushes closer. Lan Wangji captures his lips with a soft sigh. They kiss long and lingering in the quiet woods, the moonlight filtering through the leaves to lay a silver sheen on white skin.
"You could lay me down right here," Wei Wuxian whispers against Lan Wangji's ear. "Have me in the middle of the woods, late at night."
"I'm considering it," Lan Wangji half-growls, and kisses him again.
The kiss tastes stronger than just "considering it." Wei Wuxian goes a little dizzy as Lan Wangji tips him back, as Lan Wangji's hands move to the small of his back, hot and firm. He murmurs encouragement, lets his body go limp so Lan Wangji can lower him down bit by bit onto the forest floor, being kissed into oblivion all the while...
"Oh my god, ewwwww."
They turn. Jin Ling is standing at the other side of the grove, his face twisted. "I mean, I knew it, everybody knows it, but I didn't think I'd ever have to *see* it."
"Jin Ling, what are you doing here?" There's a crisp annoyance in Wei Wuxian's tone as he gets back to his feet, Lan Wangji soundlessly doing the same behind him.
"I was looking for the boar beast, of course!" Jin Ling grips the sheath of his sword like he's ready for combat. "Are you the ones who set the trap? What am I talking about, of course you set the trap. Why aren't you watching it?"
Wei Wuxian can't help a crooked smile. "We figure it'll have something to say when it gets itself trapped," he says. "Are you here with your uncle?"
"No." Jin Ling puffs up proudly. "I don't need my uncle to go night-hunting."
"Good, good." Wei Wuxian moves toward him, smiling entreatingly. "How about we don't tell your uncle what you just saw, okay?"
Jin Ling shivers. "Like I could even say it out loud!"
"You're such a good kid." Wei Wuxian pats him on the shoulder. Jin Ling jerks away. "Isn't he a good kid, Lan Zhan?"
Before Lan Wangji can answer, there's a terrible roar from nearby in the forest. The boar has walked into the trap. Wei Wuxian shoots a plaintive look at Lan Wangji, but that's all he can do -- it's time to get back to business.
5) Jiang Cheng
At Lan Wangji's urging, Wei Wuxian sends Lotus Pier an "informational letter" letting Jiang Cheng know that the two of them plan on visiting Yunmeng for a week in the summer. "We will stay in a local inn," he writes, but when Jiang Cheng sends back a missive to Cloud Recesses, he says, "You might as well stay here." Wei Wuxian can practically *hear* the huff in his voice.
So Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji show up at Lotus Pier at summer's edge, when the flowering shrubs are in the height of their bloom, and an unsmiling Jiang Cheng gives them a cursory bow and leads them to two rooms in a far corner of the compound. "Of course I can't tell you what to do," he says, "but ... still." Not one of the three has any illusions about how many rooms will get used.
Jiang Cheng doesn't smile the whole time, but he at least invites the two of them to meals when they're home, and makes sure they have what they need. Wei Wuxian shrinks a little when he's around, not wanting to start anything that will disturb the fragile peace. But when he's not, Wei Wuxian cheerfully leads Lan Wangji down the outdoor walkways that zigzag toward the river's edge. At the far end is a small pavillion with a place to sit and look out over the water. It's sunset and the water is bright like flame, reflecting the orange bulb of the sun lowering itself behind the faraway trees.
"I used to see sunsets like this every day, all the time," Wei Wuxian says.
"Do you miss them?" Lan Wangji asks, glancing at him.
"No, it's not that I miss them, exactly. And Cloud Recesses is so nice, your thousands of rules notwithstanding, and there's lots of beautiful things up there." Wei Wuxian smiles. "But it's nice to come back and see this once in a while."
"We'll visit often, then." Lan Wangji speaks with sureness.
"I don't know how often Jiang Cheng will let us stay here," Wei Wuxian says, "but we can come to Yunmeng now and then. There are other places to see the sunset."
"But none quite like this one?"
"Exactly." Wei Wuxian sighs.
"We can talk to your brother."
"No, no, it's all right, leave him alone." Wei Wuxian leans on Lan Wangji's shoulder. "I'll just enjoy this now."
And so they sit together and watch the sun dip below the treeline, quietly, aware of the passage of each moment disappearing along with the daylight. When the sun is gone, Wei Wuxian lets out a little sigh. It's not that he's sad, so much. He's just feeling heavy with the knowledge that he might not see the sun from this vantage point for a very long time.
Lan Wangji squeezes his shoulder and lowers his head to brush a kiss against Wei Wuxian's hair. It's just a momentary thing, but somehow it fills Wei Wuxian with happiness. That's right -- it will never be the same as when he was a child, but when he was a child he didn't have *this*. He lifts his chin to face Lan Wangji, to say something, he doesn't know what, but Lan Wangji leans in and kisses him before he can.
Wei Wuxian's eyes flutter closed. He doesn't need a thing other than this, just a soft, lingering kiss like the last rays of sun on the water. He's content to feel the touch of Lan Wangji's lips, the gentle sureness of his hands. For once, he doesn't crave more.
The kiss ends. Wei Wuxian opens his eyes. "Lan Zhan," he says, his voice soft, "I really love you so much."
Lan Wangji's eyes widen, and there's a flash of steel in his gaze. He tugs on the back of Wei Wuxian's neck and pulls him into a very different kind of kiss.
This kiss has purpose, deepening quickly and sending flushes of heat through Wei Wuxian's body. He sits on Lan Wangji's lap, straddling his waist, and they kiss again. Lan Wangji's hands move feverishly on Wei Wuxian's skin, and Wei Wuxian gets the feeling he's about ten seconds away from laying him out on the wooden slats of the pavillion and having him right there. 
Wei Wuxian jumps to his feet. Lan Wangji turns. Jiang Cheng is standing on the walkway several feet from the pavillion, and his face is buried in his hands.
"Jiang Cheng...!" Wei Wuxian has no idea what to say.
"I came ... to tell you dinner ... but ... oh, god, my EYES!" And Jiang Cheng turns tail and runs all the way back toward the main buildings.
Lan Wangji looks back at Wei Wuxian. "Dinner?" he says, and there's a touch of amusement in his voice.
"Let's give him a few minutes to calm down first," Wei Wuxian says with a laugh. "Then, yes, dinner."
It's a very awkward dinner.
and 1) Wen Ning
They return to Cloud Recesses a few days later. As they return to the Jingshi, stepping through the gate into the small courtyard, Wei Wuxian snuggles against Lan Wangji's side, full of fondness and a surprising sense of delight at being back home after time away. Yunmeng was wonderful and full of memories, but this is his and Lan Wangji's space, their small palace in the mountains. Here, they can move without restraint; every stepping stone and blade of grass is familiar. It's like a vise on his heart has been loosened.
Lan Wangji looks down at him with gentle affection in his eyes. When Wei Wuxian darts upward to take a soft kiss from those lips, Lan Wangji winds his arms around him and holds him there. They kiss in the low light, shadows falling all around them, keeping them safe.
"We should continue this inside," Wei Wuxian whispers. Lan Wangji responds with a "Mn" and a nod. They turn toward the front stoop of the Jingshi.
Wei Wuxian jumps. Wen Ning is just outside the courtyard gate, fingers on the slats. He's smiling.
"Wen Ning, what the hell are you doing here? How did you get in?"
Wen Ning proudly holds up a jade token of passage. "A-Yuan gave it to me."
"Oh." Wei Wuxian heaves a sigh of resignation. "And? What did you come for?"
A corpse can't blush, but between Wen Ning's unsteady pose and the way he gazes at Wei Wuxian through upturned eyes, it's easy to see he's a little nervous. "I know that you and Hanguang-Jun have had trouble getting ... some time alone. So I thought I'd maybe wait outside this gate and keep people away for you. So you can ..." He looks away. "Sorry, maybe this is too much, I'll just go."
"Wait. Wen Ning."
Wei Wuxian is hit by a wave of affection. Wen Ning tries so hard, and he wants so badly to help. Wei Wuxian is a little concerned that he's taken up the habit of following them around again, but they can discuss that another day.
He walks up to the gate. "That would be very helpful, Wen Ning. Thank you." He shoots a look at Lan Wangji, who is carefully holding back a smile. "We'll just go inside, and you can keep watch until you don't feel like it anymore. Okay?"
"Yes!" Wen Ning nods vigorously. "You can count on me." He turns and assumes a pose outside the gate like he's guarding a castle.
Wei Wuxian wanders back to where Lan Wangji waits, biting back his own laughter. "You hear that, Lan Zhan?" he says. "No interruptions, guaranteed."
"It's a very kind offer," Lan Wangji says. "We should take advantage of it."
"I couldn't agree more." Wei Wuxian takes his hand. They step inside and shut the door against the outside world. Tonight, they won't stop for anything.
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